Contempt Petition
Contempt Petition
Contempt Petition
The Hon’ble Chief Justice of ___________ and His Lordships other companion Justices of the
High Court of Judicature for ___________ at ______.
That present Petition has been filed by the Petitioner under Article 215 of the Constitution of
India read with Section 11 and 12 of the Contempt of Courts Act, 1971, in the facts and
circumstances explained hereinafter. The Petitioner herein is aggrieved by the contumacious
conduct of the Respondents, specially their wilful disobedience of this Hon’ble Court’s Order
dated _______ in (petition in which you want to initiate contempt proceedings).
That this is a case where respondents, deliberately, with ulterior motives, have grossly violated
the order dated ________ passed by this Hon’ble Court in (petition in which you want to initiate
contempt proceedings) whereby this Hon’ble Court has disposed of the petitions with a direction
to the respondents:
“Write the order or the point of the order which has been violated by the respondents”. Certified
copy of the Order dated 24th July 2020 is hereby annexed as Annexure P-1.
Write down the facts explaining as to how the order has been violated by the respondents.
That from perusal of the above facts and circumstances, it is clear that the non compliance of
respondents with the Order dated _________ of this Hon’ble Court, amounts to motivated and
deliberate action to interfere in the due course of judicial proceedings before this Hon’ble Court
in (petition in which you want to initiate contempt proceedings) and obstruct and interfere with
the administration of justice.
That since, there has been wilful disobedience on the part of the respondents in compliance
with the Order of this Hon’ble Court in (petition in which you want to initiate contempt
proceedings) respondents are liable for contempt of the court and contempt proceedings should
be initiated against the respondent.
The petitioner herein has not filed any other petition in this Hon’ble Court, or before Supreme
Court or any other Court throughout the territory of India regarding the matter in dispute. The
petitioners have no better remedy available.
In view of the above mentioned facts it is respectfully submitted that this Hon’ble Court may be
pleased to:
a) Initiate contempt proceeding against the alleged contemnor for willfully and deliberately
disobeying the judgment dated _________ of this Hon’ble Court passed in the (petition in which
you want to initiate contempt proceedings).
b) Pass any other or further order/s as this Hon’ble Court may deem fit and proper in the facts
and circumstances of the case.