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Environ Monit Assess (2020) 192:806


Using sediment fingerprinting to identify erosion hotspots

in a sub-catchment of Lake Kivu, Rwanda

Providence Akayezu & Laban Musinguzi & Vianny Natugonza & Richard Ogutu-Ohwayo &
Ken Mwathe & Christopher Dutton & Marc Manyifika

Received: 16 August 2019 / Accepted: 22 November 2020

# Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020

Abstract Sedimentation of water bodies affects water contribution of each geologic group and sub-catchment
quality and biotic communities of aquatic ecosystems. to the suspended sediments in the river. Erosion hotspots
Understanding the causes and origin of sediments is crucial were classified based on the underlying land use and their
for planning watershed management activities and contribution to the suspended sediments. The resulting
safeguarding aquatic biodiversity and critical ecosystem erosion hotspot map shows that about 70.9% of the Sebeya
services. Rwanda, as a hilly country, experiences increased Catchment area contributes at least 50% of sediment load
sedimentation due to unsustainable land use practices in in the river and currently experiences unsustainable land
upstream catchment areas which negatively affects irriga- use and land cover. The erosion hotspots identified and
tion, fishing and hydropower generation. We used a sed- culpable factors should be used to guide best land use
iment fingerprinting technique to determine sources of practices, prioritizing the areas with high contribution to
sedimentation and identifying hotspots of soil erosion in the river sedimentation in Sebeya Catchment.
Sebeya River Catchment (area of 357 km2), a sub-
catchment of Lake Kivu located in Northwest Rwanda. Keywords Sebeya River . Erosion hotspots . Sediment
Five soil samples were collected from each of the six fingerprinting . Rwanda
geological classes, and 34 suspended sediment samples
were taken within key locations of the hydrological net-
work in the catchment. X-Ray Spectrometry was used to Introduction
determine the geochemical composition of suspended sed-
iments and soil. A multi-step statistical procedure with a Sedimentation is a challenge facing freshwater systems,
Bayesian mixing model was used to determine the with undesirable implications for aquatic ecosystem and

P. Akayezu (*) C. Dutton

BirdLife International, Kigali Project Office, P.O. Box 2527, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Yale
Kigali, Rwanda University, New Haven, CT 06511, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
M. Manyifika
L. Musinguzi : V. Natugonza : R. Ogutu-Ohwayo Rwanda Water and Forestry Authority (RWFA), P.O. Box 7445,
National Fisheries Resources Research Institute (NaFIRRI), Kigali, Rwanda
P.O. Box 343, Jinja, Uganda

K. Mwathe
BirdLife International, Africa Partnership Secretariat,
P.O. Box 3502, 00100 GPO, Westlands, Nairobi, Kenya
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human health. Sedimentation reduces water quality Sebeya Catchment in Rwanda, a sub-catchment of Lake
through enrichment with excessive nutrients and silta- Kivu which is one of the African Great Lakes shared by
tion, with negative impacts on key parameters such as Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
transparency, turbidity and dissolved solids (Tundu The technique links suspended sediments in a water
et al. 2018). The compromise to water quality also body to their origin within the catchment to identify
affects biodiversity and ecosystem services supported erosion hotspots to be prioritized for conservation
by the water resources (Scholes et al. 2018). Sediments (Dutton et al. 2013; Collins et al. 2017). Such an ap-
can be sources of other substances such as heavy metals proach has been widely used to guide interventions for
that are contaminants of aquatic life and humans preventing excess sediment discharge in reservoirs
(Iwasaki et al. 2009; Omar et al. 2013). These chal- (Nosrati et al. 2018) and rivers (Dutton et al. 2019). In
lenges underscore the importance of controlling the current study, sediment fingerprinting is applied to
sedimentation. determine the potential erosion hotspots in the Sebeya
Sediments in water bodies are derived from catch- River Catchment of North Western Rwanda, East Afri-
ments mainly through erosion of topsoil (Slattery and ca. The results constitute a continuous monitoring of
Burt 1997). The rate of erosion, and therefore the rate of water quality in Rwanda (RNRA 2015) and provide
sedimentation depends on rainfall intensity (Mohamadi baseline data for planning catchment restoration, con-
and Kavian 2015; Riebe et al. 2015; Haifang et al. 2015) sidering priority areas and existing initiatives on land
and human activities such as uncontrolled agriculture rehabilitation and climate change adaptation and, can be
and destruction of land cover (Kiragu 2009; Li et al. applied on other African Great Lakes.
2012). These conditions are common over much of the
African Great Lakes region. The total annual rainfall in
the East African region is predicted to increase by 15– Materials and methods
20% by the end of the twenty-first century, resulting into
a 50% increase in runoff for some areas by 2060 Study area
(Seimon et al. 2012). Land conversion in the region is
also predicted to increase (Borrelli et al. 2017; Scholes Sebeya Catchment is located in North Western Rwanda
et al. 2018), indicating that sedimentation, if not con- and is shared between four districts (Fig. 1). The catch-
trolled, will increasingly threaten water resources. Some ment has an area of approximately 357.3 km2 and is part
areas in East Africa will be more affected than others. of the larger catchment of Lake Kivu. The main river in
Rwanda, referred to as ‘the land of a thousand hills’, the catchment is Sebeya which empties into Lake Kivu,
is among areas that are exposed to higher risk of erosion. at the border between Rwanda and the Democratic
Erosion in the country is worsened by unsustainable Republic of Congo (DRC).
land use practices and absence of vegetation cover on Geological formation and soil types in the Sebeya
the steep slopes (Ministry of Disaster Management and River Catchment are fragile, making it susceptible to
Refugee Affairs [MIDIMAR] 2013; Rwanda Environ- heavy erosion (Ministry of Environment [MoE] 2018).
ment Management Authority [REMA] 2015). Approx- Elevation in the catchment is high, ranging from 1462 to
imately 34 to 47% of the country experiences soil loss 2902 m above sea level. The soils are weathered lava
ranging from 50 to 100 t/ha/year, due to erosion (Min- soils from volcanic material with high infiltration rates.
istry of Agriculture and Animal Resources [MINAGRI] The dominant geological units in the Sebeya Catchment
2012). On steep slopes with high annual rainfall and are the Butare complex (Bu) and volcanic rocks of Vi-
little vegetation cover, most of this soil lost from agri- runga Mountains (B) formations (see Online Resource 1).
culture is transported into rivers where the high sedi- The latter comprise a complex network of caves and a
ment load increases concerns of water pollution (Rwan- thin layer of soil susceptible to runoff if not properly
da Natural Resources Authority [RNRA] 2015). managed. The soil classes are predominantly Nitosol,
Because sediment in water bodies originates from Acricol, Alisol and Lixisol, which are pockets of
their catchments, effective response interventions Ferralsols, Cambisol and Andosols (RNRA 2015;
should target major sediment sources (hotspots) in the Online Resource 1). In addition to the above susceptibil-
catchment. Using a ‘sediment fingerprinting technique’, ity factors, poor land use within the catchment and the
we determined the origin of suspended sediments in increasing human population accelerate erosion. The
Environ Monit Assess (2020) 192:806 Page 3 of 15 806

Fig. 1 Location of Sebeya Catchment within the larger catchment of Lake Kivu in North Western Rwanda

population density is high in the urban areas and along chemical composition of suspended sediments in rivers
the shores of Lake Kivu (> 1000 inhabitants/km2) and with the composition of elements of soils that form
low in the rural and rugged terrain of the catchment (260– various geological types in a given catchment (Collins
600 inhabitants/km2) (Water For Growth Rwanda et al. 2017; Pulley and Collins 2018). This technique
[W4GR] 2018). Land use is dominated by farmland pinpoints erosion hotspots through linking the river’s
(87.1%) with the rest being forest (10.7%) and built-up suspended sediments to their source within the catch-
area (1.8%) (W4GR 2018). The erosion rates are much ment. As a result, 14 sub-catchments and one corridor
higher during rainy seasons (MIDIMAR 2013). Sedi- (Sebeya outlet) were monitored, and sediment data were
mentation within the river is of concern as it contaminates collected in every sub-catchment in downstream and
water for domestic use, interrupts hydropower generation upstream areas (Table 1). Using a water bottle, water
and irrigation and deteriorates water quality with conse- was collected at 4–5 m from the confluence of the main
quences for aquatic biodiversity (W4GR 2018). river and its tributary. The water was then measured
with a graduated cylinder and 200 ml was filtered
Sediment and soil data collection through a filter membrane (nylon polyamide, pore size =
0.45 μm and diameter 0.47 mm). The filter membrane
Soil and suspended sediment samples were collected at containing the sediments was stored in a sterile 47-mm
selected points, representing the hydrological network petri-dish. Suspended sediment samples were also taken
as well as the corresponding geological units in the at the outlet of Sebeya River.
catchment (described on Online Resource 2). Such an In each geological unit, five composite soil samples
approach constitutes the ‘sediment fingerprinting’ tech- were collected based on different land uses. At each
nique that involves a statistical comparison of the location, a small amount of a soil sample was collected
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Table 1 The total number of sub-catchments in Sebeya River Laboratory analysis of soil and sediment samples

Sampling sub- Downstream sub- Upstream sub-catchment The soil and sediment samples were analysed using
catchment catchment the X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry (XRF) to gen-
erate the chemical composition of each sample. The
1. Nyangirimbiri Pfunda N/A
analysis was done at the Rwanda Standards Board
2. Nyaburaro Pfunda N/A
following their standard procedures outlined in
3. Rwankuba Pfunda N/A
NQTLD/MTLU/NDT/SOP-1 (see a sample test
4. Yungwe Karambo N/A report shared on Online Resource 3). The XRF test
5. Nyanzo Bihongoro N/A method analysed different metal elements, from So-
6. Pfunda Sebeya corridor Rwankuba dium (Na) to Uranium (U). In this analysis, a portable
Nyaburaro XRF NITON XL3t spectrometer was used. Each soil
Nyangirimbiri and sediment sample was first dehumidified by oven
7. Karambo Sebeya corridor Yungwe drying (at 105o C) for approximately 2 hours until it
8. Bihongoro Sebeya corridor Nyanzo keeps constant mass. Samples were then crushed and
9. Kagera Sebeya corridor N/A milled to very small particle size (less than 0.1 mm) in
10. Kadobogo* Sebeya corridor N/A order to homogenize the sample. A subsample was
11. Mubuga Sebeya corridor N/A then taken and hydraulically pressed into a compact
12. Bitenga Sebeya corridor N/A flat cylinder pellet and subjected to X-Ray Spectrom-
13. Gatare Sebeya corridor N/A etry (Rwanda Standards Board [RSB] 2020). The test
14. Bikeneko Sebeya corridor N/A result of the analysed element was expressed in per-
15. Sebeya Catchment outlet All other sampling centage or in ppm with the average of at least three
corridor sub-catchments repeated measurements.
*The sub-catchment was not included in the mixing model, be-
cause only one sediment sampling was conducted there Model development and statistical analyses
A total of 14 sub-catchments correspond to the affluent of Sebeya
River where sediment samples were collected, and a corridor A multi-step statistical technique and a Bayesian mixing
constitutes the outlet. The sampling sub-catchments comprise of model were used to determine the major sources of
rivers that feed into others in the downstream sub-catchment and
the upstream sub-catchment. The sub-catchments also contain suspended sediments. Soils were used to characterize
rivers that are affluent in the downstream sub-catchment or Sebeya all the potential sources, and suspended sediment sam-
corridor (e.g. Rwankuba, Nyaburaro and Nyangirimbiri Rivers are ples were utilized as the mixed sample to be unmixed by
affluent of Pfunda River) the mixing model. The Sebeya Catchment was initially
conceptualized into 14 sub-catchments and one corridor
at a depth of 20 cm, and all the five points (north, in development of the model (Fig. 2). This allowed the
south, east, west and centre) were placed around a use of the suspended sediment samples as potential
circle of a 10-m radius. A non-metal object was used sources to determine the contribution of each sub-
for digging and collecting the sample to avoid risks catchment to the downstream suspended sediments.
of sample contamination and interference with One sub-catchment ‘Kadobogo’ was later removed
metals. The subsamples at each location were then from the analysis because sediments were collected
mixed to form a composite sample. Soil samples there only once. All statistical analyses were done in R
were stored in Ziploc plastic bags. In total, 30 soil software (R Core Team 2016). Most of the modelling
and 34 sediment samples were collected during three procedures are described in Stock et al. (2018), with our
different periods:October 16–November 3, 2017; specific methodology described below. Models were
January 15–26, 2018; and February 12–22, 2018 run independently for each possible combination of
(Fig. 2). The soil was collected only once at each geologic sources. Models were also run for each com-
selected point to characterize the underlying geo- bination of sub-catchments present that could be used as
chemical composition of each geologic type. potential sources.
Suspended sediment samples were collected at each Kruskal-Wallis H test was first used to identify
site during the three sampling periods. tracers that showed significant differences between
Environ Monit Assess (2020) 192:806 Page 5 of 15 806

Fig. 2 The conceptualization of Sebeya River Catchment into sub- in the mixing model. These sub-catchments show the hydrological
catchments. The catchment was initially subdivided into one corridor connectivity, which is of prime importance for sediment fingerprinting
and 14 sub-catchments, but because of only one sediment sampling analysis. This connection guides the distribution and amount of
conducted for the ‘Kadobogo sub-catchment’, it could not be included sediment load in the river, depending on the upstream contribution
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source types (kruskal.test function) (Kruskal and Wallis discarded (burn-in). A uninformative prior distribution
1952). A default p value of 0.05 was used to determine was specified in the models. The mixing model assumes
significance. For several of the models, the default p that the contribution of the sources adds up to 100%.
value did not provide enough tracers for use in the The means of all potential sources within the model may
mixing model. Therefore, the p value was adjusted up however not necessarily add up to exactly 100% due to
to 0.05 increments until a minimum of three tracers were the different distributions for each source.
identified that could be used in the mixing model. The There are many potential sources of uncertainty with
identification and use of tracers using higher p values using mixing models with sediment data over a large
from the Kruskal-Wallis test were ultimately reflected in catchment. Differences in organic matter and particle
the greater 95% confidence interval output by the size within samples can differentially affect the concen-
Bayesian mixing model. A stepwise discriminant func- tration of geochemical elements. A number of different
tion analysis based on the minimization of Wilks’ lamb- correction factors have been used in the past to normal-
da was then used to determine which tracers were capa- ize concentration data between different samples. We
ble of discriminating between source types have not used any correction factor because of the
(greedy.wilks function in the kla R package and the difficulty of applying a general correction factor across
lda function in the MASS package). A jack-knifed dis- several different samples and elements (Pulley et al.
criminant function analysis was also used to assess the 2015).
discriminatory power of the tracers through a cross-
validation procedure (lda function in the MASS pack- Understanding the model results
age). With the jack-knifed procedure, the discriminant
function analysis is run multiple times, leaving a differ- The interpretation of the statistical results was based on
ent sample out each time. The procedure then provides a the catchment conceptualization in order to track sedi-
value of the success in the reclassification of the source mentation from upstream to downstream with control of
samples that is often more conservative than a discrim- source location. Sources of sediment usually vary with
inant function analysis utilizing all source samples time due to several reasons; therefore, the analysis was
(Bordcard et al. 2011). Parameters identified as useful done at sub-catchment level on each individual set of
by the Kruskal-Wallis H test and verified with the samples as well as over the pool of samples across the
discriminant function analysis were then examined to three sampling periods. The results yielded the propor-
ensure that the tracer values exhibited by the down- tion of sediment arising from each geological type with-
stream samples were within the range of values present- in each sub-catchment and are presented in graphical
ed by the upstream samples. formats.
A mixing model with Bayesian inference (MixSIAR) Box plots were utilized to show the modelling results
was used to determine the likely sources of sediments. for each individual suspended sediment sample and
The MixSIAR mixing model was originally developed composite sample for the all the sampling periods. The
for inferring diet composition from stable isotope anal- box plots indicate the likely geological sources of sed-
ysis of consumers and sources (Stock et al. 2018). iments over the sampling period. These plots provide
MixSIAR allows for all sources of uncertainty to be suspended sediment sources in the river at the time when
propagated through the model. The model is fit via a the sample was taken. The range of each sample in the
Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) routine. The box plot represents the 95% confidence intervals, and
MCMC routine was run through a user specified num- the dot for each source represents the most likely value
ber of iterations and attempts to determine plausible for that source (mean). The variation in the source of
values, or the proportion of each source in a sample, sediment per sample indicates changes in sediment
given the data input into the model. This information sources over time in a sub-catchment, due to differences
was then used to create the confidence intervals of the in rainfall or human activities. In addition, there is
model sources. It is advisable to discard the first set of another plotted box plot which indicates the composite
values determined in the MCMC as these may not result. Note that the composite is not the average of all
represent a true convergence of the posterior distribu- the sampling periods; it is obtained by pooling together
tion. This is referred to as ‘burn-in’. The model was run the analytical results of all the samples across the sam-
for 500,000 iterations with the first 50,000 iterations pling events.
Environ Monit Assess (2020) 192:806 Page 7 of 15 806

Erosion hotspot map Results

Building on the results from the mixing model, and Geological contribution to sediment loading
sample locations, we produced an erosion hotspot map in the catchment
which shows priority areas to consider for land restora-
tion interventions. The prioritization process starts from The mixing model of the geological types within the
upstream sub-catchments to downstream, allowing the entire Sebeya Catchment found that the Ho geological
identification of sediment sources right at the very be- type contributes most of the suspended sediments
ginning of the river drainage. The initial prioritization (Fig. 3). The second highest amount of sediments were
was as follows: level 1, geological types that contributed coming from either the Bu, B, granites indifférenciés or
40% or more sediment; level 2, 20–40%; and level 3, Nw geological types. The model found with high cer-
10–20%. Geological types contributing less than 10% tainty that the Uw/Cr geological class does not contrib-
were considered having a negligible contribution and ute much to suspended sediments at the catchment
were assignedlevel 0. As a river flows and joins other outlet.
tributaries downstream, each tributary comes in with its
own sediment load. Furthermore, as a river flows, some Sub-catchment contribution to sediment loading
sediment settles out in slow flowing zones, such as river in the catchment
bends, wetlands or flow obstructions, while new sedi-
ment comes in. Hence, the sediment composition chang- The mixing model using all the potential sub-
es in space and time downstream. It is possible that a catchments had more difficulty in identifying the major
sediment source that may have been a major contributor sources of suspended sediments. However, the
in an upstream catchment is no longer as dominant Nyangirimbiri and Karambo appeared to be the larger
downstream. To account for this dynamic change in sources of suspended sediments. Bitenga, Nyaburaro,
sediment composition downstream, a further prioritiza- Bikeneko, Gatare and Bihongoro sub-catchments come
tion strategy was taken as follows: in second place in contributing to sediment discharge in
Sebeya Catchment. The model showed less contribution
a) Level 1: assigned to a geological type that retains its from Yungwe, Nyanzo and Rwankuba sub-catchments
dominance in sediment contribution downstream, (Fig. 4).
as seen from the sediment composition results at a
downstream point on the river Erosion hotspots
b) Level 2: geological types that were level 1 in an
upstream catchment but decrease in contribution An erosion hotspot map showing priority areas (levels
level downstream 1–3) contributing to erosion was generated for Sebeya
c) Level 3: geological types that were level 2 in an Catchment (Fig. 5). At this stage, the areas with negli-
upstream catchment and decrease to level 3 or less gible contribution (level 0) were assigned their land use
d) Level 0: was assigned to geological classes with categories (e.g. forest, agriculture). Figure 5 delineates
negligible contribution to the river sedimentation the small administrative boundaries (cells) covering
each erosion priority site. Field verification of the land
This process was repeated for results from each uses within each level of priority site indicated that
downstream sampling point, until the requisite region generally, level 1 included mining sites and agricultural
was covered. It is important to note that areas other lands without erosion control measures while level 0
than identified as levels 1–3 also may contribute to comprised natural forest (e.g. Gishwati National Park)
sedimentation, because of the reduction of vegetation and planted forest (e.g. large plots with Alnus spp.).
cover. However, areas categorized in levels 1–3 con- After the ground-truthing of the erosion hotspots (Fig.
tribute anywhere between 50% and above of the total 5), the areas with negligible contribution were assigned
sediment. In this paper, level 1 is referred to as high level 0, and a new map was produced showing four
contribution, level 2 as medium, level 3 as low and levels of erosion hotspots (Fig. 6). Levels 1–3 constitute
level 0 as very low contribution to the sedimentation ‘priority sites’ for land restoration and cover 70.9% of
of Sebeya River. the total catchment area (Table 2). Level 1 is referred to
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Fig. 3 Mixing model source

proportions for all geologic types
in the Sebeya Catchment. Dots
represent the mean. Coloured
boxes represent the 95%
confidence intervals. Sebeya 1, 2
and 3 indicates the first, second
and third sampling period

as ‘high contribution’, level 2 ‘medium contribution’, uses to the sediment load in Sebeya Catchment
level 3 ‘low contribution’ and level 0 ‘very low contri- (Table 3). However, forest, irrigation and built-up areas
bution’ to sediment load in the catchment. have low contribution to sedimentation, with less than
The area covered by different erosion hotspots per 2% area in the priority sites (levels 1–3). The farming
district in the Sebeya Catchment is presented in Table 2. land consists of rain fed agriculture; the open land
The districts of Rutsiro and Ngororero are likely to have includes the former Gishwati forest area that was con-
the highest to medium contribution to the sedimentation verted to grazing (dense grasslands) but there are some
of Sebeya River, while Nyabihu and Rubavu take the remnant forest patches.
low to very low contribution. This ranking considers the
district area in the catchment. The districts with high
contribution are generally characterized by high average Discussion
elevation range (see the map on Online Resource 4). For
instance, Rubavu district with average low elevation Geological and sub-catchment contribution
falls under sites with low to very low contribution to to sedimentation levels
sedimentation, while Rutsiro district with the high aver-
age elevation comes on the first rank with high to Five geological classes (Ho, Bu, Nw, B and granites
medium contribution. Comparisons of the areas covered indifférenciés) had a higher contribution to erosion in
by erosion hotspot categories and land use/land cover Sebeya Catchment than Uw/Cr geology. The geological
type showed that 48.6% and 20.9% of agriculture and units represent the parent material which determines soil
open land respectively are found in levels 1–3 of erosion erodibility and sediment transport in river basins
hotspots, and hence they form major contributing land (Feiznia and Nosrati 2007). Previous applications of
Environ Monit Assess (2020) 192:806 Page 9 of 15 806

parent material as an indicator of erosion risk in Rwanda Fig. 5 Map showing the potential erosion hotspots in Sebeyab
showed that schists had high erosion risk while the Catchment. The hotspots contribute at different levels to the sed-
imentation of the river. At this stage, level 0 areas were attributed
quartzite have no erosion risk (MoE 2018). Due to
their land use and land cover categories. The existing data (loca-
limited available information linking geology to erosion tions) of mining sites are overlaid, since these are reputed to
and runoff in catchments of Rwanda, our discussion contribute to land degradation in the Sebeya landscapes. The
focuses on the roles of sub-catchments, land use/land administrative boundaries corresponding to each of the erosion
hotspots are also shown, allowing a smooth collaboration with
cover and topography. Geology is indirectly considered
local government when on-the-ground interventions for land pro-
as it determines land use and topography for any land- tection are planned
scape (Brion et al. 2011; Riebe et al. 2015).
The Bu geology covers a large area in the catchment, The mixing model results showed differences in
with most farming activities taking place there, while the sediment sources per sub-catchment but with great
Ho geology is mostly open land (see Online Resource 5). uncertainty. Since the effect of particle size was con-
Each of the five top contributing geologies hosts several sidered during sediment data collection and laborato-
mining sites (see Online Resource 6). Where farming ry analysis (Smith and Blake 2014), possible reasons
and mining are practiced without controlling the move- for this uncertainty include the small number of sam-
ment of soil, land degradation and river sedimentation pling periods (three) conducted (Cerdà 2002; Dutton
are enhanced (Maloney and Weller 2011). By the 2050s, et al. 2013) or the lack of discrimination power be-
the rainfall is predicted to increase up to 20% (Republic tween the elements tested within the different geolog-
of Rwanda [RoR] 2011), and this will affect the soil loss ic types. The model results could have been improved
due to erosion, causing further degradation to river by conducting at least five sampling periods for sed-
catchments in Rwanda (RNRA 2015). iment data and analysing samples for more elements,

Fig. 4 Mixing model source

proportions for all sub-
catchments in the Sebeya Catch-
ment. Dots represent the mean.
Here, only 13 sub-catchments
were considered, excluding
Kadobogo sub-catchment where
only one sampling was conduct-
ed. Coloured boxes represent the
95% confidence intervals. Sebeya
1, 2 and 3 indicates the first, sec-
ond and third sampling period
(campaign). The sub-catchment
“Nyaburaro” was misspelt in the
used database here, the name is
not “Nyahuraro”
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Environ Monit Assess (2020) 192:806 Page 11 of 15 806

Fig. 6 Erosion hotspots per sub-catchment in Sebeya Catchment. assigned their respective land use and land cover types. Level 0
Areas not delineated into sub-catchments are part of the Sebeya is not a ‘priority site’ for land rehabilitation, but it still consists of
corridor. Note that level 0 was created based on the previous map landscapes with minimal contribution to erosion; hence, they
(Fig. 5) where these areas with ‘negligible contribution’ were constitute an ‘erosion hotspot’ as well
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Table 2 The area in square kilometre (km2) covered by different erosion hotspots per district composing Sebeya Catchment

District Area in Sebeya Area level 1 (km2) Area level 2 (km2) Area level 3 (km2) Area level 0 (km2)
Catchment (km2)

Ngororero 37.083 22.943 4.625 0.621 8.866

Rutsiro 135.812 59.435 48.339 0.898 27.057
Rubavu 146.247 34.374 15.768 49.959 45.669
Nyabihu 38.108 10.117 3.241 3.144 21.571
Total 357.25 126.869 71.973 54.622 103.163
Level 1–3 sites cover an area of 253.4 km , and they constitute priority sites for land rehabilitation

including minor and trace elements that may be more Erosion hotspots in Sebeya catchment
characteristic of different geologic types within the
catchment. The sub-catchments of Nyangirimbiri, The erosion hotspots within levels 1–3 corresponded to
Karambo, Bitenga, Nyaburaro, Bikeneko, Gatare geological types contributing more than 50% of the total
and Bihongoro contributed more to the sediment load sediment load in the Sebeya River Catchment. Level 0
compared to other sub-catchments (e.g. Pfunda, was attributed to the landscapes with negligible contri-
Nyanzo and Yungwe) in the larger Sebeya River bution to the rates of sedimentation, with existing land
system. Pfunda is the largest sub-catchment of Sebeya protection measures and natural or planted forest. Levels
with water crossing agricultural lands and some for- 1–3 constitute priority areas for land rehabilitation to
ests, including the Gishwati natural forest. Tea plan- reduce the amount of soil loss. Within the priority levels
tations that generally retain sediments and protect the 1–3, additional focus should be given to mining sites
soil from erosion form a considerable part of agricul- and agricultural lands on steep slopes that do not utilize
tural land in Pfunda (Ministry of Land, Environment, any erosion control techniques. There are current ongoing
Forests, Water and Mines [MINITERE] 2007). interventions by governmental and non-governmental
More than half of Nyangirimbiri, Karambo, organizations for land protection in Sebeya Catchment,
Bitenga, Nyaburaro and Kagera sub-catchments is but additional support is warranted. Good land steward-
agricultural land, while more than half of Bihongoro, ship practices should also be promoted with the local
Gatare and Bikeneko sub-catchment area is open communities.
land (see Online Resource 7). Agricultural and open Many of the erosion hotspots are within the steep
lands are likely to promote higher rates of soil losses slopes of North Western Rwanda which are prone to
and river sedimentation than natural forests landslides and flooding (MIDIMAR 2015). On these
(Maloney and Weller 2011). Furthermore, the high slopes, soil material is washed into the rivers, causing
slope and the presence of unregulated mining activ- sedimentation. The soil loss on these slopes is likely to
ities also contribute to the higher rates of water be enhanced by slope steepness, rainfall intensity and
runoff and sedimentation during heavy rainfall sea- little to no vegetation cover (REMA 2015). Major areas
sons (Riebe et al. 2015). of intervention to reduce erosion and sedimentation

Table 3 Area covered by erosion

hotspots in each category of land LULC Total area Area level 1 Area level 2 Area level 3 Area level 0
use/land cover (LULC). The ag- (km2) (km2) (km2) (km2) (km2)
riculture, irrigation and open land
are considered ‘farmlands’ Agriculture 223.249 58.211 62.275 53.292 48.455
Irrigation 5.532 0.246 0.459 0.025 4.799
Built-up 6.495 0.064 0.231 0.473 5.695
Forest 38.517 1.658 1.214 0.247 35.176
Open land 83.458 66.574 7.727 0.556 8.418
Environ Monit Assess (2020) 192:806 Page 13 of 15 806

could include increasing vegetation cover on land and farming without soil erosion control were found to
the conservation of riparian zones. For example, herba- contribute much, while the forested and protected
ceous buffer strips have been efficient in reducing the slopes contributed less to the river sedimentation.
sediment discharge and river siltation in Ethiopia It is also important to note that generally, landscapes
(Alemu et al. 2017), while riparian zones play a key role that were part of high elevation ranges contributed
in water purification (González et al. 2017). These in- more to river sedimentation compared to those that
terventions should be preceded with environmental ed- were part of the low elevation zones. There is a need
ucation to encourage behavioural change of local com- to focus land management interventions at the root
munities and the formulation or enforcement of support- causes of erosion and sedimentation in the catch-
ive policies. ment and in most affected areas. Particularly, our
The mining sector in Rwanda contributes to the study avails the erosion hotspots map for Sebeya
national economy and job creation. However, this Catchment (shared as a georeferenced raster map
sector is dominated by small-scale miners with no on Online Resource 8). Overall, our model results
capacity for managing mining waste and sites. This demonstrated the reality on the ground, but its ac-
results in environmental degradation and river pol- curacy could be improved with more sediment sam-
lution through the washing of sediments directly pling and the use of additional minor and trace
into the river (Cole and Hogarth 2011). It is im- elements as source tracers. Further studies should
portant to consider the effect of mining on river explore the impacts of sediment loading in Lake
pollution as it increases the risk of contamination Kivu at the outlet of Sebeya River Catchment and
through leaching of heavy metals such as Copper, possibly consider focused sampling at the mining,
Zinc, Aluminium, Manganese, Arsenic, Iron, Nick- farming and forest sites to enable a direct compari-
el, Mercury and Lead, among others (Copaja et al. son of their contributions to suspended sediment
2012). Unfortunately, like other developing coun- loads in the catchment.
tries, it has been a challenge to resolve issues
surrounding unregulated mining in Rwanda due to Supplementary Information The online version contains sup-
plementary material available at https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-
the large financial costs needed to enact change,
including advanced engineering techniques and
change of community behaviour. Cole and
Hogarth (2011) proposed several potential interven- Acknowledgements The authors are thankful to the anonymous
tions including (1) investing in water treatment reviewer who provided constructive remarks and comments that
facilities at mining and processing sites, (2) creat- improved the manuscript. We would like to express our deep
gratitude to the Rwanda Water and Forestry Authority (RWFA)
ing water pollution control dams, (3) reusing con- for sharing the GIS shapefiles on Sebeya Catchment and advising
taminated water and (4) putting in place strategies on the sampling design. We extend our special thanks to the local
for implementing best practices for water resource governments and communities in the targeted districts for their
protection in mining. collaboration and permission to undertake the sampling campaign.
Much thanks to the two field assistants Thaulin Dushimiyimana
and Josine Tuyishime for being passionate about the tough field-
work in rugged terrain. We appreciate the efforts by the Rwanda
Conclusion Standards Board (RSB) for the laboratory analysis of soil and
sediment samples and delivering results on time and in the desired
Using a sediment fingerprinting technique, we iden-
tified erosion hotspots in Sebeya Catchment that is
Funding This work was supported by the Nature Conservancy
part of the Lake Kivu Catchment in North Western (grant # F103871-BirdLife_010718) and the John D. and Cather-
Rwanda. The procedure is important for finding out ine T. MacArthur Foundation through its fund to ‘Building climate
which land use practices play a major role in pollut- change resilience for local communities in the Lake Kivu and
Rusizi River Basins’ project (grant # G-1609-151208).
ing the river and propose actions to improve the
river quality. In addition, the culpable sub-catch-
Compliance with ethical standards
ments, elevation ranges and geologies were de-
duced, forming a basis for taking measures to miti- Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no con-
gate erosion. The areas with active mining, the flict of interest.
806 Page 14 of 15 Environ Monit Assess (2020) 192:806

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