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Brownie Rflxsycmod

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sc Was prepared to help. you make good pictures right from the start, and consequently. - ment from photography. There are snany Kodak publications an vari your resulis with this DE your interests in piewire Service Division DAK. COMPANY 14, New York Bika? Winches, offered by hort with the BROWNIE REFLEX SYNCHRO MODEL You will enjoy every pic ture-taking moment that you spend with your Brownie Reflex Synchro Madel, because it combines Simplicity of operation with excellent performance. ‘This manual gives you quickly and simply the ese scntialsof camera operatioa, Read it carefully, What film to use Loading the camera Snapshots Photoflash Close-ups Photofloods. Time Exposures Suggestions for botter pictures Removing the film PAGE n 4 19 20 24 We Easy to Operate To take ony picture all you do is: 1] heck the distonee, keeping in mind dat any thing five feet from the camera and beyond is photographed sharply. D Set the time lever in one of two postions: ST" for Instantaneous Exposures (Snapshots) of “B" for Time Exposures. Press the exposure bulton. A. Time lever B + Exposure button € + View finder D - Film winding knob It has @ reflex finder in which you sce your sub= ject in actual picture size, resulting in excellent pic- tures right from the start because you knaw just what cach picture will include before you take it, It takes flath pictures with the aid of a Bros Flasholder. With this attachment you can take pic- tures any time—day or night—indsors or out— win ter of summer. ‘The Flasholder is put on in a matier of seconds and the flash is set all hy the shutter, thus making flash pictures simple w take. You merely press the exposure bution the same as when taking nnon-flash pictures, It takes color pictures as well as blac! Brownie Flashelder for Brownie Reflex Synchro Model What fil to use SIZE Use Kodak Film No. 127. The negative size is 194 x 15g inches. 6 TYPE ‘To obtain best reailts, follow the recommendations, below and sclect the type of film best suited to the pictures you plan to make. © For outdoor pictures in sunlight or for pictures with Photoflash Lamps use: Kodak Verichrome Film, 12 exposures, V127; or, Kodak Plus-X Pan- chromatic Film, 12 exposures, PX127, ® For indoor snapshots with Photoflood Lamps usc only: Kedak Super-XX Panchromatic Film, 12 exposures, NX127, Nove: Kodak Super-XX Film is not recom mended for use in bright sunlight with d © For pictures in full color use Keslucslor Film, 9 exposures, C127, Exposed outdoors in Bright sunlight only, this film yields color negatives from which Kodacolor prints can be ordered through Kodak Gealers 7 Do not break the seal-on the roll of film before the roll Fate f 2 8 been placed in the Film 4 Holder as there is danger of the film unwinding ane bee coming fogged, cS g r F E—Slotted pin end Tur the batch A on the back of the camera F—Flata pin ond to “OPEN” and pull the Fam Houpen B outof the hatiom of the camera. J. The Emty Spool € in the Faux Hor ex, above Put tho roll of film in the side D of the Put the Wixpixe Kor, is to be used as the take-up Howvor with the Suorrep Pix Exp of the film spool on which the exposed film will be wound. spool in the bottom hole, LOAD CAMERA IN SUBDUED LIGHT— NEVER IN STRONG, DIRECT LIGHT 8 9 4, Brook the seal on the roll of fl. Pull the ex of the paper across the opening in the back of the Fuse Houprr and thread it through thelongersiit in the take-up spool as far as # eill go» Make certain that the Wack side of the papor ig toward the fnufde of the Furst Homer. Tarn: the Wis Koa and hind the ead of the paper sceurely to the takesup spool; two or three turns are suffi« © cient Be sure that the paper is sarled straight on the ahewp spool. 5 Replace the Film Halder and wen the Leroi on the back of the camera to “LOCK.” Turn the Winding Knob until » small hand appears in the red window on the back of ehe camera, Continue turning the WrsoIss Kwon slowly until the figure 1 is centered in. the wins dow. You are now ready for your first pieture eocee] Load the film i direct sunlight or steo 10 subdued light—never i ee » Sanaa Sot tha Time Lever on the front of the camera at the letter “1.” 2. Look in the red window on the back of the eam ra to make certain you have advanced the film. 3 Check the dittaneo, remembering 10 keep at Teast 5 feet fram the subject be sc the Brownie Rees is fixed focus camera ane! only objects 5 feet and beyond photograph sharply. CAUTION: Although a close-up subject appears sharp in the finder, do not make pictures of subjects closer than § fect unless you use a Kedak Close-Up Atachment No, 13, (See Page 19.) ory Outdoor snapshots can be made any time from one hour alter sunrise until one hour before sinset. For Dest results, the subject should be in bright sunlightor ‘open shade with unobstrsicled cleat sky overhead With th cum behind your backor over yous souldes the finder the wary you want it $i Lohr, Held ie camera steady, and st mens the Bs PME: Brrox until ivelicks. If no clilele end) the BMF « bras not been released and noVeRpaniee has BEG soc. Any movement of the camaaigliing x Pie blurs the picture, therefore, JotdpaMe Mneatl as Mess the Exposure Button. Agvadce the film 10 the next exponen by MEAD. Wixeixc Knox and yoyMMitemnenely for the TENE BIEN Get into the Ey Mahia Pictares at night, either indoors or ont, ean be made with the aid of a Brownie Flasholder and SM Photo- lah Lamps. Each lamp yields a single flash which, lasts 1/200th of a second. Because the flash is over so quickly, itis fast cnough to eatels a child at play Lead the camara wi PlusX Panchr 4 th Kodak Verichrome or Kodak Film. Attach the Brownie Flasholder by sliding the forked end Aof the bracket under the small metal knob on. the side of the camera; them push the bracket down until the hole in the other end of the bracker fits over the serew B on the top of the camera. Plug the end © of the rubber Flasholder cable into the socket on the The cable must be connected astrated or it will interfere front of the came from underneath a swith the camera lens. Install the Battorios by lifting cither one of the metal clips on the back of the Flasholder battery casc and remov- ingihe bnekcover. Place wo pen-sizcd pocket Gashlight batteries. in the case so that their heads paint in opposite directions as illuswated. Replace the back cover on the hattery case and make sare beth metal clips snap into position. Sat the Time Lever at the Ieticr “1.” 10 the reflector sock Insert an SM lamp d give the lamp a slight turn clackwise to lock it in position Check the lamp-to-subject distance according to the table and locate the subject in the finder. Press the Exposure Button until it clicks, ‘This will open the shutter and lasb the farm. Remove the used famp by turning the rOR Kxon D on the back of the reflector socket EXPOSURES WITH SM FLASH LAMPS © CAMERA HAND-HELD « (Set the Time Lever af the letter ) Lamp to Subject Distance — From 3* feet to 12 feet rom 6 feet to 15 feet From 8 fect to 20 feet “The Koidck Close-Up Attachment No, 13 must be used ct dtances less than 5 feet Note: The above distonces ore for interiors with i colored walls and ceilings. For outdoor picivres keep subjects at the nearer distances Caution Under certain condifons, the loryps may crock fof shatter when Aosked. It i therefore recommended thot @ protective iranspareat plastic screen be vied over the front of the refiector. Do not fs ‘explotive atmosphere without sofety equipment, The No, 5 Photoflash Lamp Although No. 5 Lamps it the receptacle they ave not recommended for use with this eamera, The Broscnic Reflex Synchro Madel, was designed for use with the SM Photoflash Lamp. If, however, a No. 5 Lamp is used, set the Tie, Laven at the letter “BY, place the camera on a ‘pod or other firm support and photograph only still subjocts, The lamp-to-subject distances for the No. 5 lamp are given in the following table. EXPOSURES WITH NO. 5 FLASH LAMPS 2 CAMERA ON A TRIPOD » (Set the Time Lever at efter “B"") FILM | Lomp to Subject Distance Verichrome: | From 6 feet. to 15 feat Plus-X Super-XX | From 7 feet to 18 feet | Fram 9 feet to 25 feet WITH THE KODAK CLOSE-UP ATTACHMENT No. 13 The Brownie Reflex is a fixee-facus camera so that ‘only subjects 5 feet from the camera and beyond are photographed sharply. For pictures closer than 5 feet, such as head and shoulder portraits, or closc-ups of flowers andl similar subjects, obtain a Kodak Close Up Attachment No, 13. ‘The attachment snaps over the camera Hens and the subjects must then be Beaoeen S ond 414 feet from the camer, Photoflecd Preturee Indoor snapshots éan be ehacle by using Photoflood Lamps which give a steady light of great brilliamee, Lamps—Obtain one No. 1 and one No. 2 Photoftoad Lamp and suitable reflectors from your photographic dealer, The No. 2 lamp gives twiee the Hight of the Na. 1 lamp. Photoflood Lamps fit all regular sackets. Film—For snapshots with Photofloods, useonly Kodak Super-XX Film. Cavrion: Do not touch the lamps or allow them to be in contact with anything while they are in use because they become ery hot. SNAPSHOTS with Photofloods up Set the Time Lever at the letter Place a lamp at cach side of the subject as shown in the d Both lamps must be 534 feet rami ect) eceae de No. 2 lamp should B be from 2 40 4 fect higher than the No. 1 lamp. The subject should be near a lights colored background. iT 20 Hold the camera at least 5 feet from the pect. ‘Compose the picture in the finder; be suie the lamps are not ineluded. Press the Exposure Button just as you would w take a snapshot outdoors. 21 When the light is not bright cnough for a snapshot, and Photollash Janaps are not available, you ean still get the picture by making a time exposure ‘ar a time exposure, the camera must always be placed ona tripod or some other firm support—not held in the hands or the picture will be blurred. Set the Tae Lever at the eter “B.” in as far ag it will go Press the Exrosuse: Bur and hold it there; the shutter will remain open untit ‘you release it. Exterior Views ot Night Suiking scenes with unusual lighting effeets like she one on the opposite page are posible at night, This example required a 5-minute exposu Interior Pictures by Artificial Light “The use of existing home lighting in preference to daylight in most instances provides more even illumination. Set the camera fairly high on a tripod or other solid support. When only ordinary electric: lamps 22 supply the illumination, rooms with subelued Light ill require a time exposure of about 30 scconds wi Kodak Super-X! make an exposure of about 8 seconds, Film. For brightly lighted rooms, For unusual lighting conditions (very su sing), a series of three exposures should be made, ‘one at 8 seconds, one at 30 seconds, and one at 2 min- tutes; one of these should produce a good negative, Ie Kodak Verichrome or Plus-X Film is used, the above exposures should be doubled. Indoor Portraits Near a Window Use SupersXX Film and a reflector (a tablecloth over a chair will do). Make am exposure of about one serum Suggestions for Takcug Better Pretares Make them interesting —They should tell a story at a glance. To help achieve natural unposed ffects, give your subjects something to do, Check the background—Look beyond the subject and exolude unintcresting andl distracting objects. Be sure (he background serves increly as a setting for che picture. a Low-angle shots are pleasing and many unusual and interesting effects ean be obtained in this way. Re- member the sky makes good background Moving subjects ca Ject’s pathof travel i 26 in be photographed if the sub- joward or away from the camera, eee the Fil wen the Winpixe Kon until the protective paper not only passes the red window but is drawn up to the filzn spool 2—Turn the Lavon on the back of the camera to “OPEN” and remove the Film Holder. Do not allow |) the film to-unwind from the spool or it will be foxged.. 3—Push the roll of film up agstinst che spring until the lower end of the film speol is out of the bation holes then lift out the roll of film. Ton: After removing the roll of film, do not twist it fight on the spool or you patch the film, 4—Fold under fasten it with the ¢ endl of the protective paper and ticker 5—Move the empty spool to the Wixprxc Kwon side of the Fil Holder with the slotted pin end of the spool in the bottom hole and engaged with the Wrsp- | ina Kop crasspiece. The camera is now ready to be reloaded. Replace the Film Holder and turn the Larcat on the back of the camera to “LOCK.”

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