September 2023
Chapter I
Background of the Study
Electricity is used in many ways such as lighting, cooling, heating and it isuse to power or drive
electrical equipment and machines. Electricity helps tofacilitate economic development and it is a well-
known fact that electricity isessential to everyday life, without it life will be boring both at home and at
thework place. Electricity passes more easily through some materials than others.Some substances such
as metals generally offer very low resistance to the flowof electric current and such materials are called
“conductors.” Another conductor
which is usually overlooked is the surface or subsurface of the earth. Whileinsulator materials offer high
resistance to the flow of electric current among theexamples are rubber, dry wood, plastic and clothing
(Bakshi, and Bakshi, 2009).
Despite the important of electricity in day to day life, Electricity is often referred to as a “silent killer”
because it cannot be tasted, seen, heard, or smelled. It is essentially invisible. It is a destroyer of
properties if not handle withrespect. Electricity is invisible in nature and it is long recognized as a
serioushazard at residential, commercial areas, institutions of learning and other places.Cadick, Capelli-
Schellpferffer and Neitzel (2006) said that in the late 1800s,hotels had to place signs assuring their guests
that electricity is harmless, but bylate 1900s, signs had to be hung to remind people that electricity is a
hazard.MacKinnon, (2010) said that the presence of electricity is increasing in modernlive and we ought to
know that more electricity usage means more potentialelectrical hazards.
Thus, the researchers are motivated to study the effect of hazards and
risks in EIM students’ performance in SPJ international technology Institute (INC)
The main purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the hazards and risks in the students’
performance. The study considers the students
personal information such as their name, gender, and age.
The researcher limits the study to 50 EIM students only here in SPJ international technology Institute
(INC). year 2013-2023. Each of the students isgiven a questionnaire to answer. The respondents are
selected from students in EIM to prevent bias and get objective perception
Thus, this is considered that this study would contribute useful information to mitigate the problem
of students in performing installation.
Definition of terms
is the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their short or long-term educational
as a state of being certain either that a hypothesis or prediction is correct or that a chosen course of action
is the best or most effective.
operated by electricity and providing electricity
is a tradesperson specializing in electrical wiring of building,stationary machines, and related equipment
are an agent which has the potential to cause harm to a vulnerable
a ceremony in which someone is put in an official or important job
and something that’s is put together and made ready for use
maintaining a electrical tools
in terms of student achievement using a variety of measure, bothstatus and growth related
is a risk to a person of death, shock or. Other injury caused directly orindirectly by electricity
Theoretical framework
High Reliability Theory (1984) by Karl E. Weick and Kathleen M. Sutcliffe: High Reliability Theory suggests
that certain organizations, despite operating in high-risk environments, are able to maintain consistently
safe operations. This theory focuses on the characteristics and practices of such organizations,
emphasizing the importance of preoccupation with failure, reluctance to simplify interpretations,
sensitivity to operations, commitment to resilience, and deference to expertise.
Socio-Technical Systems Theory (1976) by Fred Emery and Eric Trist: Socio-Technical Systems Theory
emphasizes the interaction between social and technical elements within an organization. It suggests that
hazards and risks in electrical installation and maintenance arise from the complex interplay between the
social aspects (e.g., organizational structure, work practices, communication) and the technical aspects
(e.g., equipment, procedures, technology) of the system. This theory underscores the need for a holistic
understanding and management of both social and technical dimensions to enhance safety.
Normal Accident Theory (1984) by Charles Perrow: Normal Accident Theory proposes that accidents in
complex systems, such as electrical installations, are inevitable due to inherent system complexities and
interactions. Perrow suggests that accidents are not caused by isolated failures or individual errors but are
the result of the system's inherent complexity and the potential for unexpected interactions and failures.
This theory highlights the importance of acknowledging the likelihood of accidents and prioritizing
resilience and redundancy to minimize their consequences.
Chapter II
Review Related Literature
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, between 1992 and 2006,an average of 283
employees died per year from contact with electric current.This downward trend (See page 18) is due, in
major part, to 30 years of highlyprotective OSHA regulation in the area of electrical installation, based on
theNEC and NFPA 70E standards. The final standard carries forward most of theexisting requirements for
electrical installations, with the new and revisedrequirements intended as fine tuning, introducing new
technology along withother improvements in safety. By complying with the final standard, employerswill
prevent unsafe electrical conditions from occurring. While the number ofdeaths and injuries associated
with electrical hazards has declined, contact withelectric current still poses a significant risk to employees
in the workplace, asevidenced by the numbers of deaths and serious injuries still occurring due tocontact
with electric current
This final rule will help further reduce the number ofdeaths and injuries associated with electrical
hazards by providing additionalrequirements for installation safety and by recognizing alternative means
of compliance.Each year many employees suffer electric shocks while using portableelectric tools and
The nature of the injuries ranges from minor burnsto electrocution. Electric shocks produced by
alternating currents (ac) at powerline frequency passing through the body of an average adult from hand
to foot for1 second can cause various effects, starting from a condition of being barelyperceptible at 1 mill
ampere to loss of voluntary muscular control for currentsfrom 9 to 25 mill amperes. The passage of still
higher currents, from 75 millamperes to 4 amperes, can produce ventricular fibrillation of the heart;
and,finally, immediate cardiac arrest at over 4 amperes. These injuries occur whenemployees contact
electrically energized parts.
Typically, the frame of a toolbecomes accidentally energized because of an electrical fault (known as
aground fault) that provides a conductive path to the tool casing. For instance, witha grounded electric
supply system, when the employee contacts the tool casing,the fault current takes a path through the
employee to an electrically groundedobject. The amount of current that flows through an employee
depends, primarily,upon the resistance of the fault path within the tool, the resistance of the paththrough
the employee's body, and the resistance of the paths, both line side andground side, from the employee
back to the electric power supply. Moisture in theatmosphere can contribute to the electrical fault by
enhancing both theconductive path within the tool and the external ground path back to the
electricpower supply. Dry skin can have a resistance range of anywhere from about 500to 500,000 ohms
and wet skin can have a resistance range of about 200 to20,000, depending on several factors, such as the
physical characteristics and mass of the employee. More current will flow if the employee is perspiring
orbecomes wet because of environmental conditions. If the current is high enough,the employee will
suffer a ground-fault electrocution. (
Sunderland Place, NWWashington, November 14, 2006).
People can never be too young to start learning to use electricity safely.He makes an estimation that
53,000 electrical fires occur in homes each year.Most of these can be avoided by taking simple safety
precautions. Electricity is apowerful and versatile energy but can be dangerous if it is not used
properly.Most of the accidents that occur are due either to carelessness or to a lack ofawareness of some
basic rules that should be observed when using electricity(Networks, n.d). The use of electricity is
something taken for granted, but using itsafely is very important. By understanding how electricity works
and where it isfound, we can each do our part in preventing electrical dangers no matter wherewe are
(MacKinnon, 2010). Hazard can be defined as any potential or actualthreat to the wellbeing of people,
equipment, machinery or environment. Hazardcan also be seen as something that can be identified as
measured of potentialsource of danger such as naked electricity wires, electricity gadgets which arenot
switched off, unsafe acts, unprotected installation, over load socket outlet andmany others (Cadick,
Capelli-Schellpferffer and Neitzel 2006). The electric shockmay likely occur when the body becomes part of
an electric circuit and there arethree ways or path that may lead to electric shocks such as:
A person may havecontact with both conductors in a circuit; A person may provide a way betweenan
ungrounded conductor and the ground.; A person may provide a way between the ground and a
conducting material that is in contact with an ungroundedconductor. Taylor, Easter and Hegney (2004)
observed that, the degree of shockan individual may receive is dependent on several factors, including
skinresistance. Skin resistance is greatly reduced when the skin is wet or moist, andso the degree of shock
will be greater. Other factors include the: The amount ofcurrent that is conducted through the body; the
path of the current through thebody; the duration of time a person is subjected to the current and status
of theindividual. The effect of electric shocks ranges from stop of the heart or thebreathing muscles, or
both, burns, bleeding, neurological damage and ventricularfibrillation. Electricity always follows the
shortest circuit path of least resistance. Ifa human body creates a path to follow, electricity will flow to the
ground orcomplete a circuit through the body.
Electricity plays important role to mankind and national development, it isusually referred to as bad
master when used wrongly. Electricity is no respecterof persons; it will injure or kill a custodian, manager,
rich, poor, president, oroffice worker just as fast as it will injure or kill an electrician. The is no record
ofelectric hazards causality by gender that is to say if male do become victim ofelectrical hazards such
shock, electrocution and other hazards than there femalecounterpart in their household? It is also not
certain who among the male andfemale are more educated on electrical hazards and safety but
observationsshows many female do not want to touch electrical equipment and appliances.
Although electrical accident has been causing serious looses such as economicand social, for instance
injuries, losses of lives and valuable properties among electrical energy users. It is quite unfortunate that
this electricity which isessential to lives constitute a major hazard to man and property. Whenever
youwork with power tools or on electrical circuits there is a risk, especially electricshock. Anyone can be
exposed to these hazards at home or at work.
Electricitycan be dangerous and should be approached with caution; any forms of energy,when not
properly controlled or harnessed can result in serious danger to thosewho use it (Kolak, 2007). In view of
the relevance of electricity to man, effortshould be made to educate everyone on the use of electricity to
meet humanneeds because electrical hazard pose a significant risk of death and injuries toindividuals.
Therefore, attention to safety is the necessary first step in anyenvironmental set up. More than
onethird of electrical fatalities, death andinjuries, losses of valuable properties are due to electricity
(OSHA, 2009). According to Jarnick (2008) fires that occur in the home, market, offices andother places as
a result of electricity are initiated as a result of improper andcareless use of electrical equipment and
improper protection of installation. Dueto the danger electricity poses to the existence of biological lives,
efforts aremade to assess the level of electrical hazards and safety measures awarenessamong electricity
This research focuses on the safety risks associated with new and existing building projects in Hong
Kong. The study compares safety risks among new and de-stressed (DSR) projects, providing insights for
builders, policymakers, and safety personnel. The research uses an evidence-based practice approach to
narrow the gap between practice and academia in construction safety research. It found that the
generation gap and prolonged working hours lead to accidents, particularly on new building sites due to
tower crane failure. The lack of funding for safety is the most important factor linked to safety risks on
sites. Crane safety is also a significant concern in the construction industry, with estimates suggesting that
cranes are involved in up to one-third of all construction and maintenance fatalities. The study
recommends improved crane injury prevention and future research. The research also examines the
adaptation and defense of transport infrastructures against climate change effects, examining three main
challenges: air temperature variability and extremization, water bombs, and sea level rise.
The construction industry faces high rates of injuries and fatalities due to its complex, dynamic
nature. Cranes are a significant component of construction operations and are involved in up to one-third
of all construction and maintenance fatalities. Safety and health professionals need adequate training and
knowledge on available crane safety devices and procedures. This paper reviews available information on
crane-related injuries, safety devices, and commonly used procedures. Recommendations for improved
crane injury prevention and future crane safety research are given. Climate change and transport
infrastructures are also discussed, with strategies adopted to prevent damages, protect structures, and
monitor current conditions. The analysis shows that climate change will increase its impact on transport
infrastructures, exposing people to unacceptable risks.
Climate change and transport infrastructures are crucial for the survival of people and goods, and
their resilience is essential against increasing natural disasters and hazards. This work presents various
technologies adopted worldwide to adapt and defend transport infrastructures against climate change
effects. Three main challenges examined are air temperature variability, water bombs, and sea level rise.
The strategies adopted to counter climate change's effects on transport infrastructures focus on
preventing damages, protecting structures, and monitoring current conditions. The ongoing climate
change will increase its impact on transport infrastructures, exposing people to unacceptable risks.
Prevention and protection measures should be adopted more frequently for collective safety. Site safety is
a critical factor affecting the sustainability of skyscrapers and decoration, repair, and maintenance
projects. This research compares safety risks among new and existing skyscraper constructions, providing
insights for builders, policymakers, and safety personnel. The generation gap and prolonged working hours
lead to accidents, with tower crane failure being the most common cause.
Construction is a high-hazard industry with numerous potential hazards for workers. Companies are
working to protect their employees from fatalities and injuries. With the advent of Virtual and Augmented
Reality (VR/AR), there has been a trend to use immersive VR/AR applications to create safer environments,
build risk-preventive knowledge, and conduct training. This paper reviews and synthesizes research
evidence for VR/AR prototypes, products, and related training and evaluation paradigms. It provides a
generic taxonomy of VR/AR technology characteristics, application domains, safety scenarios, and
evaluation methods. The paper also discusses technical features and types that could be implemented in
construction safety enhancement, as well as significant application domains and trends in VR/AR-CS
research. The paper aims to assist researchers and industrial practitioners in appreciating the research and
practice frontier of VR/AR-CS and soliciting the latest VR/AR applications.
Electric accidents in the production, transmission, and distribution of electric energy are often fatal.
A review of the literature reveals a downward trend in fatal electric accidents worldwide. However,
compiling international statistics was challenging due to differences in accident data definition, mandatory
practices, lack of suitable data, accident insurance systems, and lack of correlation between technical,
financial, and medical aspects. The design for construction safety concept, which considers construction
site safety in project design, has gained momentum globally to improve worker safety. A study found that
42% of fatalities were linked to the concept, suggesting the US construction industry should implement
this concept as a standard practice to reduce overall project risks.
The design for construction safety concept, which considers site safety in project design, has gained
momentum globally to improve worker safety. However, barriers in the US construction industry prevent
its implementation. A study reviewed 234 fatality investigation reports and found that 42% of fatalities
were linked to the concept. The study suggests that the US construction industry should adopt the
concept as a standard practice to reduce overall project risks.
Electric accidents in the production, transmission, and distribution of electric energy are often fatal.
A review of the literature reveals a downward trend in fatal electric accidents worldwide. However,
compiling international statistics was challenging due to differences in accident data definition, mandatory
practices, lack of suitable data, accident insurance systems, and lack of correlation between technical,
financial, and medical aspects. The design for construction safety concept, which considers construction
site safety in project design, has gained momentum globally to improve worker safety. A study found that
42% of fatalities were linked to the concept, suggesting the US construction industry should implement
this concept as a standard practice to reduce overall project risks.
The objective of this work is to determine and study, analyze and elaborate, classify and categorize
the main risk analysis and risk-assessment methods and techniques by reviewing the scientific literature.
The paper consists of two parts: a) the investigation, presentation and elaboration of the main risk-
assessment methodologies and b) the statistical analysis, classification, and comparative study of the
corresponding scientific papers published by six representative scientific journals of Elsevier B.V. covering
the decade 2000–2009. The scientific …
The objective of this work is to determine and study, analyze and elaborate, classify and categorize
the main risk analysis and risk-assessment methods and techniques by reviewing the scientific literature.
The paper consists of two parts: a) the investigation, presentation and elaboration of the main risk-
assessment methodologies and b) the statistical analysis, classification, and comparative study of the
corresponding scientific papers published by six representative scientific journals of Elsevier B.V. covering
the decade 2000–2009. The scientific …
Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), a kingdom-of-the-art technology for superimposing
information onto the real world, have recently started to have an effect on our everyday lives. In addition,
AR and VR have shown a great contribution to advanced construction management in recent years.
However, a comprehensive critical review of AR and VR technologies in construction management is
absent in the literature. This study provides a comprehensive review of a summary of using potential
opportunities of AR and VR to solve a variety of construction management issues effectively and
efficiently. This study found that AR is successfully used in construction project scheduling, progress
tracking, worker training, safety management, time and cost management, and quality and defects
management. VR is effectively used as a visualization tool, worker training technology, safety management
tool, and quality and defects management tool. In addition, AR and VR are used for developing a network
that allows the possibility of having conferences with those who are geographically far off from each other
or the construction site. This study could help to explore the potential fields of using AR and VR
technologies in the construction industry effectively as advance time-and cost-saving profitable tools.
chapter III
This chapter provides the research methodology of the study. This willdescribe the subject of the study,
specifically, the research locale, researchdesign, respondent of the study (that includes the sample and
samplingprocedure) research instruments, general procedure (research procedure anddata collection
procedure) and the descriptive of how the data will be analyzed.
Research Design
As it has been indicated earlier, the main purpose of this research is toknow the main purpose of this
research is to know the hazards and risks in (EIM)Electrical Installation and Maintenance students in
Kidapawan City National HighSchool. So, to attain the intended objectives, descriptive design is chosen as
theresearch questions contain quantitative nature
.On top of this, it is believed that mixed methods provide better informationto understand a
particular phenomenon under investigation than a single method,as the failure of one method could be
compensated by the other.Since the present study is intendent to respond to research questions
ofquantitative and qualitative research, data collection and analysis techniquesfrom both methodologies
will be implemented. Hence, descriptive researchdesign is chosen as it enables the researcher to describe
the current situation ofthe study area.
4. Distribution of Questionnaires.
Self-base assessment questionnaires aregiven to the selected 50 grade 11-12 EIM students who know the
hazards and
risks in the students’ performance.
5. Receiving Questionnaires.
The answered questionnaires will be collectedand checked whether the respondents have misunderstood
the questions.
6. Gathering of Data.
The information will be arranged in major and minorcategories, such thoughts were labeled, identified,
recognized numerically andthematically with respect to the original respondents. This will be tailed based
onthe data provided by the respondents and analyzed basis of the result of thestudy.
7. Interpretation of Questionnaires.
With the students who are present duringthe interpretation of questionnaires in this manner. The
respondents are informedwhether the researcher have misinterpreted the details.
Research Instruments
Modified survey questionnaires will be used in conducting the researchstudy. The questionnaires
composed of 10 items which the respondents willidentify the frequency of the use of Facebook through
the scale of 1 as stronglydisagree and 5 as strongly agree.
Data Analysis
According to Moore and McCabe (2005) this is the type of researchwhereby data gathered is categorized
in themes, so as to be able to becomparable. A main advantage of content analysis is that it helps in
datacollected being reduced and simplified while at the same time producing resultsthat may measure
using quantitative techniques.