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IDz Workbench Module 1 - Product and Eclipse Overview

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IBM Software Group

IBM Developer for z Systems – for ISPF Developers

Module 1 – IDz Terms, Concepts and Navigation

Jon Sayles, IBM - [email protected]

Last Revision Date: July 2021

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The IDz Workbench Curriculum
▪ Module 1 – IDz Terms, Concepts and Navigation
▪ Module 2 – Editing Your COBOL Programs
▪ Module 3 – Analyzing COBOL Programs
▪ Module 4 – Remote Systems – Connect, Navigate and Search
▪ Module 5 – Remote Systems – Dataset Access and Organization
▪ Module 6 – Remote Systems – ISPF 3.x, Batch Jobs and Job Management
▪ Module 7 – MVS Subprojects – Organizing PDS Members and SCM Checkout
▪ Module 8 - The Data Tools – SQL Code/Test and DB2 Table Access
▪ Module 9 - Debugging z/OS COBOL Applications
Optional Modules
▪ IDz/Endevor Integration Through CARMA
▪ zUnit – Unit Test
▪ Code Coverage – Test quality feature
▪ Code Review – Application quality feature
▪ Menu Manager – Integrate ISPF REXX Execs and CLISTs
▪ Web Services – SOA development

"Smart people learn from experience - Very smart people learn from other people's experience."
Course Assumptions
1. You know ISPF and have used it for at least two years, doing
production work on z/OS with COBOL, PL/I or Assembler
Note that all of the workshops in this course are in COBOL – although
files exist that are Assembler and other languages for you to experiment
with – as time permits

2. You have:
No experience with Eclipse or IDz
Some experience with PC tools
▪ You have used MS-Windows applications for at least one year
IDz installed and running on your workstation at version 8.0 or later

▪ Note that all ISPF discussion/examples and screen captures

assume IBM-installed ISPF product defaults – not any 3rd party
or custom Dialog Manager applications you may have installed
on your mainframe

Product Names and Releases
There are three separately named products:
1. RDz  Released 2009
▪ RDz’s predecessor solutions (WSED/WSAD) went G.A. in 2003
2. IDz  Released 2016
▪ Same client & server software
▪ With functional updates to IDz v9.5
3. ADFz  Released 2016
▪ Same client & server software as IDz
▪ Also contains Problem Determination Tools:
– Debug Tool, File Manager
– Fault Analyzer and Application Performance Analyzer

You can use RDz v9.5 or IDz v14 or ADFz in this course. But the
instructor will be demonstrating with the latest release from IBM -
and the client menus you see may be slightly different.
Installing the Education Workspace – Needed for the hands-on labs/workshops
1. Download the Education Workspace:
 Contact: [email protected] for the URL

2. Unzip the workspace to your PC

 Here I’m unzipping directly on the c:\ root drive
 Note that many zip products create a folder named
the same as the zipped file

3. When the unzip completes, use Windows to find the education_workspace folder
that contains the .metadata subfolder  Remember this directory/location

When you launch ADFz/IDz you will be prompted for a Workspace location.
Browse to your folder: education_workspace – the parent folder of .metada
Launch IDz and Browse to the education_workspace
▪ From your desktop or the Windows launch IDz
▪ When you are prompted, Browse… to find your education_workspace (prev. slide)

Browse to the parent folder

of the .metadata folder ➔ C:\education_workspace

Eclipse, IDz and the Custom Workspace
When IDz opens it should look like this screen capture. Of particular importance is the
IDz Tech Portal folder, which contains lab exercise files and other enablement files

If you’ve used Eclipse products before you’ll recognize a

lot of the tooling in this IDE. That’s because IDz/ADFz/RDz
are all based on the framework from eclipse.org

Ensuring that the
If when you open IDz you see this Welcome Screen instead of the IDz Perspective shown on the
previous slide: 1. Either the custom workspace didn’t unzip correctly or 2. You selected the wrong
folder when you launched the product.
1. In either case, close IDz.
2. Using Windows/Explorer, search for the .metadata folder
3. Re-launch IDz, pointing to the folder directly above .metadata – see slide #6

If you see this

Welcome screen–
you will need to
follow the steps
above to do the
hands-on labs in
this course

UNIT IDz for ISPF Developers

▪ The IDz Workbench and – Terms and Concepts
▪ IDz & Eclipse – IDE Navigation

Topic objectives
After completing this topic, you should be able to:
Describe the essential IDz terms and vocabulary – as they relate back to ISPF:
▪ View
▪ Perspective
▪ Menus
– Context menu
– Toolbar menus
Work with Views:
▪ Define "view"
▪ Maximize/Minimize/Open/Close/Resize different workbench views
Work with Perspectives:
▪ Define "perspective"
▪ Switch perspectives
▪ Reset (to their installation defaults)
Work with a graphical mouse
Access the help system

What is IBM Developer for System z (What is IDz)?
A modern z/OS IDE that breaks the barriers of green-screen technology
▪ Runs on Windows, Linux, or Mac
▪ Integration with TSO/ISPF Application Development tools

IDz interacts with z/OS resources through a host-installed listener

… and interacts through JDBC drivers to data sources

MVS Resources
IDz Listener
IDz Client Software Started Task • z/OS Datasets
JDBC • CICS Region
• IMS Region
RACF/ACF-2/Top Secret
Data Resources
• DB2 Data Objects
• IMS Databases

IDz also interacts with data sources (DB2

tables/views, IMS database segments)
through efficient JDBC access 14
IDz Across the Modern SDLC
z/OS Application
Maintenance and
Production Support

SOA/Web Services
Enterprise Remote and Local Search
API Integration Application Analysis IDz Static Analysis Tooling
Continuous Integration Modernization

Parallel/Agile Lifecycle

IBM Debugger & Unit Test Build/Test

Code Coverage
File Manager/Fault Analyzer DevOps Design IDz Graphical Modeling Tools
DB2/SQL and IMS/DLI Tools
Batch Job Management Pipeline

Language Sensitive Editors
Construction COBOL, PL/I, JCL, SQL,
Assembler, REXX/CLIST,
Access to your shop’s BMS,MFS Graphical Editors
custom ISPF Tools is Code Review
available from within IDz 15
What’s in it for me?
Work Made Easier
 Graphical analytics – reveal program semantics
 Instead of learning through laborious line-by-line code examination
 Hyper-linked access to locations within a file – simplifies navigation
▪ Single click workflow - instead of: TypeType:F2/F9/TypeType:F7/F8/F7/TypeTypeTypeType:F2/F9 workflow
 Generated of SOA and API application components
▪ Instead of complex manual development projects and tasks
 Superfluous tasks simplified or reduced
▪ Auto-commenting code, SPUFI/SQL code-test eliminated, GUI-bookmarking, Content-Assist, multiple file
organization methods and dozens of other features reduce or eliminate mundane repetitive workflow
 Manual tasks turned into “Declarative Development”
▪ Graphical BMS/MFS map development/maintenance
▪ DB2 Stored Procedures generated through wizards

▪ Career future-proofing
 None of the z/OS software vendors are investing in green-screen tooling – but they’re all
investing heavily in Eclipse-based solutions
▪ IDz is IBM’s Eclipse-based IDE
 Unless you’re planning to retire in the next 6 months you will likely run into projects that
require Eclipse skills & experience
 Which you will obtain by learning/using IDz – Start now … Learn IDz and get a
jump on tomorrow’s Eclipse assignments, projects and tools
Learning IDz
To become productive using IDz:
1. Get good at using a mouse for code development 
product navigation window manipulation and selection actions
2. Familiarize yourself with the IDz Workbench terms, concepts
& organization; Menus, Views, Perspectives, Toolbars
▪ Understand the differences between 3270-technology & IDz’s Eclipse
development patterns, terms, concepts, features, facilities
▪ Translate your existing development techniques to use IDz and learn some
new ones

▪ Learning the product requires exactly one thing: Practice

▪ Hands-on Workshops and Lab assignments
▪ And using IDz with your production z/OS work

“Hear and you forget; See and you remember; Do and you understand”
Confucius, circa 500 BC

How to take this class
1. Attend class:
- Ask questions 2. Do the exercises Application
- Follow the product workflow in Labs.pdf:
3. Apply the
- Identify the terms, concepts - Iterate thru the workflow
& vocabulary - and relate the and practice the tool navigation techniques to your
IDz tools/techniques to ISPF (build eclipse muscle memory) App-Dev projects:
- Discover the productivity - Commit the U.I. and product - Master the product workflow
features layout to memory & navigation
- Explore features both covered - Gain more productivity and
and not covered during class speed over time, and use the
features to improve application
If while you are taking this class your find that you do not have the time to complete the
workshops between sessions:
 Do what you can to follow the instructor's demo during class - and ask questions
 Show up 15 minutes early to each session - ask questions, listen to others' questions
 At the end of each session we will take 15 minutes to cover additional productivity topics

FWIW - You can re-take any module in this course during a scheduled Entry Level training class
z/OS Development with 3270-Data Stream Tools
▪ 3270-based tools consist entirely of:
 Typing 
 Familiarity with ISPF:
▪ Panels/Dialogs
▪ Commands

Do you know who the U.S. president was when ISPF was first released?

z/OS Development - with IDz
▪ Using IDz the development paradigm changes to:
 Using a Graphical/Windowed IDE (Eclipse)
 Cutting-edge tools – that scale to the complexity of modern z/OS development
tasks & standards

An IDz Debug session

- Monitored expressions
- Dynamic data update
- Breakpoints
- Access to source tools
- Program analysis
- Flow diagram
- Navigation
- Real-time access to
Edit and Browse:
- DB2 table values
- IMS Database values
- VSAM files
- QSAM files
 Terms and Concepts: “Workspace”

▪ When you launch IDz from your desktop it prompts you for a "workspace"
A "workspace" is the highest-level folder on your workstation that contains:
1. Development environment meta-data:  ISPF Option 0
– Workbench “state” – how things looked when you last closed IDz
– Your development preferences and settings
– Your z/OS connection information and other “side files” (Property Groups, etc.)

2. Files that are in Local z/OS Projects:  Datasets stored on your PC

– Specific to this class: Workshop/Labs files & code


C:\education_workspace C:\education_workspace


 Terms and Concepts: Menus & Toolbars
In IDz you often use menus and menu shortcuts called Toolbars

Menu ➔
Toolbar ➔

 A Toolbar is simply a Windows shortcut to useful IDz menu actions. Toolbars can
be customized to suit the functionality you access regularly
 Terms and Concepts: “Context Menu”
You will frequently access the “Context Menu” by: 1. Selecting something then
2. Pressing the Right-Mouse button

Right-mouse or "Context"
Speedy access to the available actions
specific to the selected element:
▪ Delete
▪ Search
▪ Move
▪ Copy
▪ Rename
▪ …
 Terms and Concepts: “View”
The workbench
is organized as a
collection of
tabbed resize- ASAMDRV.cbl
able windows
called z/OS
“Views” Projects Remote
View Systems
Views display
information or
provide access to
IDz functionality
specific to the
View title (tab):
- Remote Systems
- Local projects
- Syntax errors
- Program Outline
- Dataset editors
- Analysis tools Outline View
- Debug Monitors
- DB2 Tables All the Views that you see above are
- SQL statement
organized into a “Perspective”
- etc.

 Terms and Concepts: “Perspective”
A Perspective is a named collection of Views organized around a development task:
z/OS project work, Debugging programs, Writing/Testing Java, Writing/Testing SQL, etc.

z/OS Projects Perspective –

Tools for z/OS project work:
▪ Access to datasets and Jobs
▪ Editors
▪ Syntax Checking and Compiling source
▪ Search
▪ Etc.

A “Perspective” is like a TSO/ISPF Selection Panel –

…25 an organized collection of ISPF Dialogs
 Terms and Concepts: Summary
ISPF ➔ ADFz/IDz “workbench”
▪ Your z/OS application development tools
▪ Primary Option Menu ➔ IDz IDE
ISPF Option 0 ➔ Workspace
▪ Configuration entries
▪ Connections to your host system
▪ Customize-able Preferences (colors, fonts, tools, etc.)
An ISPF Dialog/panel ➔ View
▪ Edit/Browse a file
▪ Search results
▪ Accessing Datasets
▪ DB2 Tools – like DB2I on ISPF
An ISPF Selection Panel ➔ Perspective
▪ Dataset Utilities (=3)

Mouse-style GUI z/OS Development – for Veteran ISPF Developers
You will use Windows/GUI development techniques with IDz:

 Type statements using the Editor and use Hot Keys to perform certain functions.
 Navigate through wizards, through your source files and do other development
activities with your mouse – and you will make liberal use of the Context Menu

If you’re new to mouse development, consider the following:

Left-mouse button
Right-mouse button
Select some thing
- Click – to set focus to or to select a field Opens the “Context menu”
- Select a file in the Editor - From a program in the Editor Area
Scroll-bar manipulation - Open a Declaration or Copybook
- Syntax Check
Double-click a file to open it in the Editor - Rename/factor
- Copy/Paste/Move/Delete code
Open a Workbench menu (at the top)

Select (Left-mouse), hold, drag and drop a resource

– used primarily for: Scrolling wheel
- Opening Split-Screen views in the editor
- Dragging and dropping files Used to scroll up/down inside source files
- CICS/BMS and IMS/MFS screen painting - Fast and convenient

The location of your source code
▪ In the first few modules of this course you will learn Local
how to navigate the Workbench, and how to Files
analyze and edit COBOL source programs Datasets

▪ The program source you work on with IDz could reside

Your PC – in a "Local Workstation Project"
Your mainframe – in libraries or managed by your SCM
It does not matter where your source code is source
stored. IDz features, functions and techniques
will work the same way

▪ Eventually you will work exclusively with program source that

resides on your mainframe – unless you are using Git
▪ However, in this class you will start using Workshop source code
that resides in the education_workspace
▪ And you should (as much as possible) apply the IDz tools and
techniques to your production deliverables.
Terms and Concepts – Local Workstation Project
With IDz – and in this class you will work with a variety of COBOL resources: programs, copybooks, compile
listings, executables, data files and so forth. In this first module of IDz class you will store, organize and manage
the workshop resources in "Local Workstation Projects“. In subsequent modules you'll copy all of the files we'll
use to your mainframe. And when you work with your production source you'll be accessing files exclusively on
your mainframe – primarily through your SCM integrated with IDz.

 Local Workstation Project resources are organized into

- A .project - folders & sub-folders - individual files
- Note that the files will have an extension which is used by the IDz editor tools
Local Workstation

Folders ➔

Files ➔

Navigating within a File

Up-down slider bar

Using your mouse:
1. Move the slider bars:
▪ Up and down
Left-right slider bar
▪ Right and left
2. Left-click the “up and down” scrolling arrows:
▪ To scroll one line at a time through the source file
3. Click your mouse inside the source:
▪ Use your Mouse Wheel to scroll 3 lines at a time
IDz scrolling techniques are similar to – but more flexible than PF7/PF8/etc.
Resize and Close Views
You might wish to see more program source at-a-glance.
There are many ways to do this, but the easiest way is to Resize the Views:
- Move your mouse-cursor over the right-hand border of the editor window
It will turn into an East-West facing pointer 

- When this happens:

- Left-click, and holding the left-mouse button down, drag to the right or left and
resize the view

You can also select the bottom window border. Left-click and hold + drag to make the
window's height larger

Close the editor by

Closing a View ➔ clicking the Red X

▪ Note that if you’ve made any changes to a file in the editor, you will be
prompted to save

IDz view resizing is similar to but much more flexible than setting emulation screen
resolution/size (24X80, 32X80, etc.)
Maximize and Restore Views
It's often useful to maximize and
restore views for various
development tasks.

▪ Steps:
To maximize a view:
▪ Double-click in the middle of
the view tab
▪ You can also click the
Maximize icon in the top-right
hand corner of the view

To restore all views:

▪ Double-click (again) in the
middle of the tab 

▪ Or click the Restore icon on the
far right of the Editor

Reset your Perspective
When you're first getting used to new software, it's easy to do things inadvertently –
like close views, or resize them – making the views too small or too big
To restore your workbench to the last-saved state access the Window menu and
Reset your perspective:

Steps (do the following):

 Close a few of the views
 Resize the editor or some other view
 Now:
1. Left-click the Window menu RDz v9.5
2. Click:
– Reset Perspective…
– At the prompt, click OK

 Note that if you are using IDz, there’s a submenu

you’ll use to Reset your Perspective

IDz v14.x
Work With Multiple Source Files - Split Screen
Using multiple Views you can begin to see the value of IDz’s GUI tech:
1. Double-click a program – to load it into the editor
2. Double-click another program – to load it into the editor
3. Double-click the View tab of one of the programs to Maximize the Editor View
With both programs open in maximized view:
4. Left-click.Hold.And drag the left mouse button to the right. You see a “Hand
Cursor” and your Editor view will split vertically

When you have

multiple programs
open in Maximized
mode, you will need
to Click the Restore
icon – or double-click
the thin white frame
strip at the top of the
Maximized view to
restore the Views 34
Drag a View outside the Workbench
You will often want to drag an IDz View completely outside of the Workbench – in order
to make the best use of the graphical functionality
1. Restore Down IDz ➔

2. Select the tab and drag the View outside of the Workbench

3. Maximize IDz
4. When you’re
finished, click:
Reset Perspective

Outline View – Program Understanding and Navigation
Basically, a hyper-linked SXREF of variables, paragraphs and sections, you can use the
Outline view to navigate – as well as understand the layout of your code.

The Outline view

is one of the
easiest way to
move around
within the
Procedure Division
of a COBOL
program 36
Options –
Using IDz In Your Production Work
Veteran mainframe developers have the option of
utilizing Host Connection Emulator – part of IDz as
their primary IDE, and accessing IDz’s advanced
productivity tooling during the salient portions of the
 Analyze
 Test/Debug
 DB2 Tooling Host Connection
Etc. Emulator

Eclipse and Advanced Advanced

Improved Screen COBOL Static Source Editing Test & Debug DB2 Tools
Real Estate Analysis Tools Tools

Host Connection Emulation (HCE)
Once you’ve connected to a mainframe, from Remote Systems:
Right-click over any option and select: Host Connection Emulator
Select your mainframe application; TSO, IMS, CICS, etc.
Login – as per normal
1. From Remote Systems

2. Right-click over a menu action and

select Host Connection Emulator
Host Connection Emulation – 3270 Emulation Keys
Once you’re logged into TSO you can use your standard ISPF Dialog software
There is an icon on the bottom of the emulator to Show/Hide 3270 Keys

Toggle 3270 Keys

Host Connection Emulation + IDz Advanced Tools
You can keep one or more emulations sessions going – while using IDz’s
advanced functionality for: Program Analysis, Debugging, SQL/DB2 Coding,
Software Quality, etc.

Section Summary
What have you done so far?
1. Launched IDz and closed the Welcome tabs to access the z/OS Projects perspective
2. Created a new project – populated with example COBOL programs
3. Opened a program into the "COBOL editor"
4. Navigated up & down, right & left using
1. The scroll bars
2. The single-line-at-a-time arrows
5. Resized your editor window by dragging the window frame, making it:
1. Wider (width)
2. Deeper (height)
6. Maximized views and Restored them back to normal size in the
7. Reset your z/OS Projects perspective to the IDz default
8. Opened views that might have been closed accidentally
9. Multiple program views, editing two programs at once
10. Split-screen - Editing in both screens on the same program
11. Outline view – For program navigation
12. Hover and Ctrl+Click Hyperlinks
13. Why IDz?
Split-Screen in a Single Source File: Ctrl+2
▪ It's even more common to view the same program in split screen
In ISPF you split screen and load the same program into Browse or View mode (=1)
In IDz it's simple to work in independent edit sessions on the same file – Press: Ctrl+2

Edit session 1 Edit session 2

Split-Screen Q&A
Q. What about F9 …or… is there a a hot-key combination I can use to swap
between split screens?
A. Most of the time you'll just click your mouse into the "other" split screen to set
focus, however you can press:
Alt+Shift+Right-arrow key to swap from the left screen to the right – and
Alt+Shift+Left-arrow key to swap from the right screen to the left

Q. Remind me again – how do I close Split-Screens?

A. If you're editing the same program, click the red-X in the top right hand corner
If you're editing two different programs close the view tab

Q. Can I split screens horizontally?

A. Yes – here's how:
Splitting one program's source horizontally:
1. Press Ctrl+2 to split the source view
2. Right-click inside the program and from the Context Menu
select: Horizontal split

Open Declaration (F3)
▪ You've already seen the Hover feature,
where you can view a variable's declaration
by simply hovering your mouse over the
▪ But what if you are interested actually
modifying the variable? That would require
you to navigate to the variable's declaration.
▪ IDz provides an immediate navigation
technique known as "Open Declaration"
▪ To use this technique:
Click your mouse in the variable name
▪ Press F3 …or…
▪ Right-click and select Open Declaration
▪ Considerations:
This technique works in COBOL and PL/I
You can open a variable or paragraph
If the declaration is in a copybook, IDz
will open the copybook (providing your
SYSLIB Property Group value is correctly set)
Back to/Forward to Arrows – File Navigation
IDz "remembers" your position in a source file during an edit session, and
allows you to return Back to – some previous line you were on - then
reposition Forward to the line you were editing before you clicked Back to
Back to Forward to

▪ Back to toolbar icon

Returns you to your previous position in a source file
▪ Forward to toolbar icon
Once you click "Back to" – and return to a previous position in a source file,
Forward to will re-position your cursor "forward" to the line you most recently
were on when you clicked Back to

▪ Considerations:
Back to and Forward to are particularly useful when used in conjunction with
Open Declaration (F3)
The Back to/Forward to lists span source files – meaning that if the last thing you
did was in a different source you are currently editing, IDz will:
▪ Open that source file in the editor
▪ Reposition your cursor to the line you were editing

Hyper-links in your source code
▪ From within a program - use the Outline view to navigate into the PROCEDURE DIVISION

▪ Press and hold down the Ctrl Key

▪ Mouse-over some variables - or Paragraph names ... note how they turn into hyper-links

▪ Left-click on a hyper-linked identifier.

 Yep - Left-click takes you to the field/paragraph/section's declaration

 Yep - even if that declaration is inside a copybook

▪ Return to your place in the PROCEDURE DIVISION using the back arrow on the toolbar at the
top of the Workbench

How is this different than Right-click Context/Menu - or F3? It's not. But it can be one-click
easier - in that you don't have to hit F3 for the look-up on each field - or use the context menu,
just keep holding the Ctrl key down ... scroll ... click.

Hyper-links – continued
By holding down the Ctrl key when you hover over a variable or paragraph
name, IDz hyper-links the reference to its declaration - allowing you to Left-
Click and go directly to the declaration (variable or paragraph/section)
- Less typing
- Less mouse manipulation
- More productivity

Show In > Program Control Flow View – Static Analysis Tools
If you are maintaining
a program that
either, you didn't
code, or you
coded it so long
ago you no longer
understand its
you'll like the
Program Control
Flow view ➔

From the Context Menu

 Show in
 Program Control Flow

▪ Click a paragraph or
section name and the
editor will synchronize
with the graphical view
of the program

▪ Giving you:
- Top-down view
- Bottom-up (code) view

Program Control Flow – Paragraph/Section Navigation Features
▪ Besides seeing the
entire Procedure
Division, options exist
to re-draw the diagram
showing program logic:
 From the selected
 And backward from the
beginning of the
Procedure Division

Shows paragraphs/sections from the

starting point forward in your program

Answers the question “How did I get here?”

– starting from the beginning of the PROCEDURE DIVISION

Program Control Flow – Additional Features
Text search for paragraph/section names ➔

Size/Resize the graphics in the View

Save the graphic View to disk
▪ Search ➔

▪ Zoom to fit ➔

▪ Save graphic
diagram to disk ➔

Drag the Program Control Flow View outside of the Workbench
Dragging the View to
the right of the

You can drag the view to the left, right, above or below the current workbench to detach the view

Dragging the View below the Workbench

Manipulating Views for a Superior Development U.I.
▪ With ISPF you have been used to seeing a 3270-style system of dialogs
▪ IDz Views can be much more flexible
▪ Besides enlarging/shrinking views by dragging the view frame, you can:
 Move views around – within the workbench
 Close views (temporarily) – to maximize access to specific tools
 Detach views – for better use of screen real estate
▪ When you want to return to the default views & tooling from the Window menu, select:
Reset Perspective…

Views Part 2
You can drag
any view - and
drop it next to
any other view
in your open

1. Click and hold the View Tab you want

to drag
 Your cursor becomes a "hand icon"
2. Drag next to the tab in another view
 A small vertical bar will appear as
your cursor moves close to the view
3. Drop

Optional Topics and Workshops For This Section
▪ If you have time, and are comfortable with the material just
covered, feel free to read through the Optional Topic slides –
and/or try out the techniques shown using IDz and the sample

▪ The development techniques covered in these slides can make

your standard z/OS Maintenance, Production Support and
Development tasks much easier, and make you more

▪ So at some point – perhaps after class consider returning to

these optional topics to build out your IDz skills.

▪ Also – if you have access to IDz installed on your mainframe

and time permits, please try out the techniques shown using
your own application source.

Optional Topics - Bookmarks, Task Lists, Source Compare, History
▪ The next few slides cover:
Additional IDz Views
▪ Bookmarks
▪ Task List
▪ Remote Error List
Additional IDz technical features and facilities
▪ Annotating your programs with Bookmarks and Task Lists
▪ Comparing source files
▪ Comparing your source files against historical versions – and returning your source to a
prior version without typing

▪ These IDz features can be useful in many practical usage scenarios

▪ If you have time, please:

Read the slides
Try the workshops

▪ If you are taking this course with an instructor, be sure to ask for help if you
get stuck
Open (Show) View
IDz has a lot of functionality – all of it accessed through views. And even though you're
not going to learn about every available view, you should know how to open a
specific view:

Do the following:
 Close the Remote Systems view

 Close the Properties view

▪ Reopen (Show) a view:

1. Left-click the Window menu
2. Click:
▪ Show View >
Remote Systems

Repeat the above steps to

re-open the Properties view
Optional Topic - File Compare – Source Programs – 1 of 3
It's often necessary to compare two different releases of the same program
source. IDz makes this easy…
Select two source files:
Select the different .CBL files – note that they could be in the same or in a
different project
▪ Hold the Ctrl key to click (select) more than one file
Right-click – select:
▪ Compare With >
▪ Each Other

▪ These files can be in the same or in different
libraries - on the same or different LPARs
▪ You can compare files between column
 From Window > Preferences
 LPEX Editor > Compare
 Specify: Column Restricted Search
…or… Start and End boundaries
▪ If you're comparing two files on the mainframe and you've set
▪ Preferences->Remote Systems->File Cache->Clear on shutdown,
then there would be no local history after a shutdown.
Optional Topic - File Compare – Source Programs – 2 of 3
▪ Results are displayed in side-by-side windows (Maximized for best viewing). Notes:
 Lines changed and new lines from either source file shown in different shades
 Can click on the right-hand column border to navigate – and/or use the toolbar ➔

 The COBOL Structure Compare portion of this

screen isolates and shows individual source deltas

Optional Topic – File Compare - 3 of 3 (Explanation of Toolbar Functionality)

▪ Besides being
able edit in either
side of the File
Compare window
(and save
changes) the
toolbar provides
the following
actions ➔

▪ Note that Non-

changes refer
specifically to
changes made
between two
versions of the
same source file in
a repository
(SCM) – like RTC,
Endevor, etc.

Organizing Work-Items: Bookmarks
Bookmarks provide three functions:
1. Bookmarks are tags that allow you to quickly
navigate to specific lines in a file
2. Bookmarks also allow you to annotate source, like
Work-Items or electronic sticky pad notes
3. And by double-clicking a Bookmark from the
Bookmarks View you open the associated file
To create a Bookmark:
Double-click, or Right click
 (From inside an edit session)
over the left-hand border, next to the line you want
the Bookmark on
- Select: Add Bookmark…
- (optionally) Overtype the name of the Bookmark
- Click OK A small vertical book icon appears in the border ➔
▪ To clear a Bookmark:
 Right-click over an existing Bookmark
 Select Remove Bookmark

▪ To see and use your Bookmarks:

From the Windows Menu
▪ Select Show View Three Bookmarks
➔ Bookmarks One has a custom annotation
Additional assignment organization features – Tasks
▪ What's a Task?
 Tasks are Bookmarks that let you capture additional information. Besides tagging lines they
allow you to:
▪ Set a task priority
▪ Specify whether a task has been completed
▪ Enable as follows (from an edit session)
 Right click in the left-hand border, next to the line you want the Task on
- Select: Add Task…

- (optionally) Overtype or add text in the Task Description

- Select a task Priority
- Check if the task is complete

See Slide Notes 62

The Task View
▪ To see your Tasks in the Tasks View
 Open the Windows Menu
 Select Show View > Other > (type ) tasks

▪ From this View you can:

- Navigate to specific Tasks
- Check/un-Check Task completion SORT

- Sort your Tasks

- Select and work with multiple Tasks

Select two or more Tasks

 Context Menu options

Concept – Preference Filters Filter ➔

You can use the filtering areas of many IDz tools to

streamline access to target features
From Window > Preferences type the following into the
filter area and press  Enter
▪ editor
▪ sql
… note the effect these filters have on the Preferences shown

From Window > Show view > Other…

type the following into the filter area and
press  Enter
▪ rem
▪ ta
▪ cics
▪ z/

Prompt for Workspace on Startup

▪ When you launch IDz for the first time you will be
prompted for a Workspace

▪ But – if you checked the box labelled “Use this as the default and do not ask again” that’s the
last time you’ll be prompted 

If you want the prompts back; From the Window menu, Preferences ➔ navigate to
General > Startup and Shutdown > Workspaces.
Check the box: Prompt for workspace on startup

Optional Topic – Named Marks
▪ Another way of supporting ISPF Labels is through the use of Named Marks
▪ This allows you to:
 Set various named marks throughout your source code
 Navigate back to the named marks
with minimal effort
(like ISPF labels but easier)

▪ Marks are a two step process:

From the editor:
 Select a line in which to set a Mark
 From the Edit menu
▪ Name a Mark…
– Mark > Name a Mark…
– Find Other > Find Mark

▪ Mark names are case-sensitive

▪ Note that Marks do not:

 Persist after you've closed your
editing session
 Become part of your source code
Optional Topic – Turn off Unreachable Code Warnings (IDz v14.1.6 & Later)
▪ IDz can detect Unreachable ("dead") code. Before IDz v14.1.6 Unreachable Code
functionality was part of the base menu actions from inside of code edit.
▪ But starting in v14.1.6 IBM moved the feature to Preferences - and left warnings on
by default.

▪ To turn off/on the warnings:

 Window ➔ Preferences
 COBOL ➔ Real Time Syntax Check

Customizing the number of “Most recently opened files”

▪ It’s often useful to be able to access a file that you just

opened – because:
 You’re not done working
 You thought you were done (but you’re really not)
▪ IDz provides a “most recently opened files” list –
accessible from the File menu at the top of the Workbench
▪ The default number of files to show is: 4
▪ To raise/lower that number:
 From Window > Preferences
 General > Editors
▪ Change the: Size of recently opened files list
 Click Apply then Okay
▪ Note that this list can be used to open both local and
Remote (MVS) files
Partial List of IDz Feature/Function
IDz for z/OS Development, Enterprise
Maintenance and Production Application Support Modernization
• SCM functional integration Access Datasets/Source Files • Source and PDS Search CICS
• PDS Support • QSAM Data File Search
• Migrate/Recall Support • Windows/Distributed metaphor • Browse Load Module Web Services
• Local and Remote file support • Edit/Browse/View • Search Load Library
• Tooling support in single or across multiple LPARs • “Favorites” – “Most recently used” • Use of Regular Expressions
• Deployment manifest
• Stub modules
Source Navigation
• Windows (Standard) Navigation
Program Analysis Windows Screen Real Estate
• Size-able, dock-able views
• Test and Deploy WSDL
• • Use Cases:
ISPF PF-keys + extensible Hot-keys • Multi-window development
• Program Logic tools • Bottom Up, Top Down
Outline View • Source Filters
• • Meet in the middle
Hover • Control Flow Analysis • Collapse/Expand paragraphs/sections
• Open Declaration / Arrow keys • Data Flow Analysis • Clone editors
• Open copybooks • Where used/Where Referenced IMS Soap
Editing Data Sources
IMS Web 2.0
ISPF and IDz Source Editing Source Development • QSAM File Editor Generate:
• PF-Keys
• DB2 Table Editor • XML/WSDL
• Hexedit Languages • IMS Segment Editor • COBOL/PLI converters
• Prefix Area Commands • COBOL, PL/I, Assembler, Java, C/C++ • VSAM File Editing with File Manager • Manifest files
• Command Line Commands • JCL, CLIST, REXX, SQL • Integration with File-Aid Plug-ins
• Colorized statement support • BMS/MFS Use Cases:
• Local History • WSDL, HTML, XML Test and Debug • Bottom Up, Top down
• PC Source editing functionality • 4GLs supported through pre-processing • Integration with PD Tools/Debug Tool • Meet in the middle
• Java/Eclipse style editors for: COBOL, PL/I JCL - Report Writer, IDMS/DB, Telon, etc. • Integration with Xpeditor and CA-Intertest
• Code refactoring
• Wizard-driven DB2 Stored Procedure generation Syntax Check and Build Content Assist CICS
• Comment/Un-comment multiple lines • Real-time validation • COBOL, PL/I, Assembler Service Flows
• Access to 3270 Emulation within Eclipse • Local and Remote Syntax Checking • SQL: Embedded, Interactive, Graphical
• All development options “preference-enabled” • Integration with z/OS Build Process • CICS statements • 3270 "screen scraping"
• Aggregate transactions
• Automate processes
Submitting/Managing Jobs Dataset Management Code Quality • Expose as web services

• Submit and Locate Job • Code Review/Baselines

• Job Organization options (Filters)
• Allocate/ Rename/Delete
Copy Files • Source Format Java for z/OS
• Create GDG Model • File Compare
• Show JCL • Within an LPAR • Code/Test/Deploy
• Create VSAM Dataset • Automated Unit Test
• Cancel/Purge/Change job class or priority • Across LPARs • J2EE Tooling
• Remote z/OS Search • Identify unused code/variables
• XDC Functionality • LPAR ➔ PC • JZOS Integration
• Compress

Source Control Management: Extensibility and Integration with z/OS REXX/CLIST/3rd Party ISPF Tooling:
• IBM: Team Concert, SCLM, ClearCase • Menu Manager - HATS/RCP
• CA: Endevor, Panvalet, Librarian, • Java/Eclipse Plug-in Integration
• Serena: Changeman, Homegrown SCMs • Host Emulator included
• Git • Jenkins/Gira
• Subversion • Sonar
69 IDz ➔ TSO/ISPF Integration
IDz as a "GUI File Transfer" Tool
▪ When IDz is installed and working in your shop, Local
you can drag & drop source datasets and files between: Files
 PC and mainframe Datasets

 Mainframe and PC
 Mainframe and mainframe (from one LPAR to another)
 PC and PC
▪ Note that by "your PC" we mean "any networked drive"

Steps (assuming the IDz mainframe components have been successfully installed Source
and configured on your host system): Files
Connect to a mainframe (see next section for how to)
From your PC drag & drop files to a mainframe source library
(see next section for how to)
From the mainframe:
▪ Open a library
▪ Select a few PDS members
▪ Drag & Drop them to one of your IDzClass folders
▪ Select an entire PDS (library)
▪ Drag & Drop the library to the IDzClass folder
– What happened?

Working With Copybooks – 1 of 2
Most of your programs contain copybook or Include
files. To open them using IDz:
1. Double-click to select a copybook name:
2. Right-Click
3. Select: Open Copy Member

Working With Copybooks – 2 of 2
You can make
good use of
IDz's multiple
using this

Precisely how
IDz locates
copybooks is
a topic that
will be
covered in
the course
"IDz Workbench
– Using Remote

The actual
feature is Recall that using
called a Version 9 you will
Property drag multiple
Group windows outside of
the IDz Workbench
Open a Program From a Static CALL Statement – 1 of 2
You can do the following (When your "Property Groups" are setup correctly):
 Select a CALL statement:
 Right-click on the program name
 Select: Open, View or Browse Program <"program name">

Open a Program From a CALL Statement – 2 of 2
The same thing holds true for opening:
 A dynamically called program – when a variable in Working Storage has a
hard-coded VALUE clause with the program name
 A program referenced in CICS XCTL and LINK commands

Optimizing your use of Full Screen editing – 1 of 2
▪ After you get comfortable with the Eclipse tooling, you may wish to stay in Full Screen (Maximized) edit mode
as much as possible in order to take advantage of the significantly larger edit and browse presentation.

▪ However – while in Full Screen you will (very quickly) want to gain access to other IDz functionality:
 Open other programs
 Access Views (Outline, Properties, etc.)

Optimizing your use of Full Screen editing – 2 of 2

Minimized Views
▪ This is no problem – because all of the Views you can access in “normal” workbench mode,
are available as minimized icons on the extreme left and right-hand toolbar areas

Right-hand toolbar

Left-hand toolbar

▪ By clicking an icon you activate
the View

▪ To minimize the View click

anywhere in the (maximized)
source files

▪ You can hover your mouse over the

minimized icons to find determine the
View that the icon represents
F1 on a COBOL Keyword – Language Reference Manual Context Sensitive Help
If you are new to COBOL try setting context in a COBOL keyword and hitting F1

Note that this feature also

works for PL/I and Assembler
However, if Data Studio is
part of your installation this
feature may not work 77
Terms and Concepts: “Properties” – IDz
▪ In IDz the Properties of a program, JCL file, batch job, connection, etc. have
properties that are consistently accessed from the Right-mouse (Context)

Right-mouse "Context" menu
access to Properties

The Properties of anything you’ve

selected (left-clicked on) is
pervasive in a Properties View

So what’s a View?

Concept – Right-Mouse (Context Menu) as "What's available help"

▪ As you begin your work with IDz, you may

wonder how to do something, where to
find an option, etc.

 By pressing the Right-mouse

button, IDz will show you
in the context of what's selected –

what functionality or operations

Context Menu are available
options available
when you've
selected a PDS

Advanced Topic – File Compare (Setting Defaults to ignore Columns 1-6 and 73-80)
▪ The preferences for the Compare Editor are under Window > Preferences > COBOL > Compare/Patch.

 They include a link to change the initial

setting of the Ignore Whitespace action:

▪ These preferences
control the
settings when a
new compare
editor is opened.

▪ Each can be
toggled on and off
for the individual
compare sessions
using either the
context menu or
toolbar button.
Opening Local (MS-Windows) PC Files From IDz
From Remote Systems


You can Double-Click an MS-Windows

PowerPoint, Excel Spreadsheet, Word-doc,
etc. and it will open in IDz

The IDz Product Help and Documentation
▪ IDz has a rich and easy-to-use help system,
A global encyclopedia of topics (Help Contents)
List of hot-keys (Key Assist…)
List of web resources
Links to product and help
update processes
About (shows installed
version and release levels
along with information on
eclipse plug-ins)

IDz Context-Sensitive Help
▪ Any time you are presented with a wizard that contains a question mark in the bottom left-hand
corner you can click it, and learn about the topic that is "in context"

The Product Help – Tips & Techniques
▪ From: Help > Welcome – access recorded scripts
for learning specific technical topics

z/OS Access With IDz - a deeper dive
 When you are connected to your LPAR, you interact with the IDz server-
side listener using Context Menu actions in Remote Systems Explorer
 The IDz listener interacts with:
 Your security package JES
 Your MVS Resources Resources
 MVS Datasets
 JES (Batch Jobs and Spool files)
IDz interacts with z/OS resources through a host-installed listener
File Manager
… and interacts through JDBC drivers to data sources Fault Analyzer
Program Analyzer
IDz Listener
Started Task MVS Resources
z/OS Datasets + access to:
PD Tools • TSO
• CICS and IMS Test Regions
• Endevor
Unix • SCLM
System Security/Authorization • Changeman
Services RACF/ACF-2/Top Secret • Panvalet/Librarian/Alchemist
Advanced Topic – Getting to other views from Maximize
▪ In Maximized (full-screen edit) mode, all of the cool and
useful IDz views are available as miniaturized icons in the
Mouse over the icons – to determine what view they represent
Click the icon – and the view "pops-up"
▪ You can use the view while it's visible
Click back in the source –
to return to full-screen edit mode
and "hide" (minimize) the view

▪ Note that the placement

(location) of the minimized
view icons in the sidebars can
change from release to release

Optional Topic/Workshop – Hyperlinked Program Documentation
The Ctrl key turns anything into a
legitimate hyperlink – including: internet
URLS, and files stored on a networked
drive. Think; Program documentation
process models, etc.

Optional Topic – Getting Product Help (and other assistance)
▪ From the IDz Tech Portal try out various options – by pressing Ctrl+Spacebar
 Web based links

 mailto: link

 Note that the file:/// links are

filespec dependent

Summary – IDz Workbench Terms & Concepts and Navigation
Use Cases IDz Editing Tool Considerations
Open a program for edit or Browse Load the file into the editor from your SCM Browse is only available if you open a file
Double-click on the file to open it from either your PDS or z/OS Projects. from z/OS
To browse a file, from the mainframe, Right-click on the file and Browse
Re-open views closed by mistake Use Window > Reset Perspective Could also use Window > Show View

Scroll within the file Windows scrolling, PgUp/PgDn, Mouse scroll wheel In the next section you'll learn how to
setup PF8/PF7
Navigate to a variable's declaration Select the variable. Press F3 – or use the Context Menu Note that if the variable is in a copybook
Property Groups must be setup

Navigate back to where you Use the Back arrow on the toolbar
previously were in your source
Navigate throughout the Use the Outline view
Discover (understand) your Use Program Control Flow (Context Menu > Show In > Program Can un-dock these diagrams for better
program's business logic Control Flow). Could also use the Perform Hierarchy tool use of screen "real estate"
Work with multiple programs/files – Open multiple programs or files (JCL and COBOL, COBOL program +
displaying them side-by-side Copybooks, etc.). Drag and drop the editing tab to the right
Split-screen on a single program, Press Ctrl+2 to split screen. Click the X in the top right-hand corner to Can also split horizontally, which works
enabling source edit on either split return to a single editing view well for editing data files
Understand data flow and the effect Use Occurrences in Compilation Unit (Select a variable, and from the
of various statements on a variable Context Menu > Show In > Occurrences in Compilation Unit)
Check your syntax Watch for the small-yellow triangles in the left-hand border (Real Time Can also use Local Syntax Check, which
Syntax Validation). is covered in Optional Topics
Create annotations (reminders – in a Utilize Bookmarks or Tasks. Bookmarks are created by double-clicking There are Tasks and Bookmark views –
file, like ISPF labels) in the left-hand margin of the Editor. also covered in Optional Topics
Open a called program's source file Double-click to select the variable (dynamic call) or literal (static call) and Property Groups must be setup for this to
from within the calling program select Open, View or Browse Program work
Open a copybook within a program Double-click to select the variable (dynamic call) or literal (static call) and Property Groups must be setup for this to
select Open, View or Browse Copy Member work
Return a source file to previously From the Context Menu select: Replace With > Local History Optional Topics covers Local History
saved state (outside of your SCM)
Compare two files for source Select both filenames and from the Context
89 Menu select: Optional Topics covers file Compare
Optional Topic - Terms and Concepts: “Properties” – ISPF
▪ The term “Properties” sounds very new-age. There’s nothing like this on the
mainframe, right?
 Think again. There are
▪ Dataset “Properties”

▪ PDS Member “Properties”

Section Review
What have you done so far?
 Learned a few of IDz's Workbench terms and concepts – and how they contrast and
compare with ISPF – including:
▪ Workspace, Perspective, View, Menu, Editor
 Understood the role of your mouse (both left or "selection" button, and the right or
"context-menu" button in doing IDz development
 Launched IDz and closed the Welcome tabs to access the z/OS Projects perspective
 Created a new project – populated with example COBOL programs
 Opened a program into the "COBOL editor"
 Navigated up & down, right & left using Scroll bars
 Resized your editor window
 Maximized views and Restored them back to normal size
 Reset your z/OS Projects perspective to the IDz default
 Opened views that might have been closed accidentally
 Worked in Split-screen mode
 Learned a few other IDz editing techniques, utilizing:
▪ Outline view
▪ Back to/Forward to
▪ Bookmarks
▪ Task list
▪ Local History
▪ Remote Error List
▪ File Compare

Backup Slides

Eclipse UI "Freezes"
If your machine is underpowered (less than 8 Gigs RAM, etc.) or if you've got lots of memory-
hungry apps open, you might experience a lengthy UI (Eclipse) freeze.
▪ Turn on UI Responsiveness Monitoring - which will write debug information to an "Error Log" file -
which should be sent to your IDz
Rollout Administrator - or I/T team

If this happens often change the Autosave

option in Preferences:

Emulation Architecture
3270 Data Stream products
▪ Integration with TSO/ISPF Application Development tools

3270-Emulation interacts with z/OS resources through a host-based listener

… accessing ISPF Panels to accomplish work

MVS Resources
3270 Emulation Product Started Task • z/OS Datasets
• CICS Region
• IMS Region
RACF/ACF-2/Top Secret


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