Basic Optical Communications Concepts: (Value Added Course)
Basic Optical Communications Concepts: (Value Added Course)
Basic Optical Communications Concepts: (Value Added Course)
3 Transmitters
4 Receivers
5 Optical Amplifiers
6 Other Equipments
7 Conclusions
Once the transmitter convert electrical signals to light signals, then it will be directed to receiver
through optical fiber
[1] A book "Fiber-Optic Communication Technology" by Djafar K Mynbaev and Lowell L. Scheiner.
[2] Shen, M., Furniss, D., Tang, Z., Barny, E., Sojka, L., Sujecki, S.,Seddon, "Modeling of resonantly
pumped mid-infrared pr 3+-doped chalcogenide fiber amplifier with different pumping schemes", Vol.
26, No. ( 2018) OPTICS EXPRESS 23641