Gender and The Social Institutions (Gender and Family)
Gender and The Social Institutions (Gender and Family)
Gender and The Social Institutions (Gender and Family)
These social institutions consist of a group of people
who have come together for a common purpose. These
institutions are a part of the social order of society and
they govern behavior and expectations of individuals.
Thus, the persons are banded together for common
purposes having rights, privileges, liabilities, goals, or
objectives distinct and independent from those of
individual members.
Social institutions have been created by man from
social relationships in society to meet such basic
needs as stability, law and order and clearly defined
roles of authority and decision making.
Gender in the family
Research indicates that while women’s health deteriorates through marriage, men’s improves,
Married women are even poorer than single women and lone parents (mainly women) are
poorer still,
Women are still subjected to an increased rate of domestic violence through marriage despite
recent legislation
Gender Stereotypes in the Family
Manipulation Canalization
Appellation Activity Exposure
Boys and girls are treated
and handled differently.
Children’s attention is focused
on gender-appropriate objects.
Verbal Appellation:
Words used to boys and girls to
tell them what they are and
what are expected of them.
Activity Exposure:
Children are exposed to gender-
appropriate tasks.
Gender Inequality (structure) in the Family
Each family has its own ways of deciding who has the
power and authority within the family unit, and which
rights, privileges, obligations, and roles are assigned to each
family member.
In most families parents are expected to be the leaders or
executives (descriptive role) of the family; children are
expected to follow the leadership of their parents. As chil-
dren in the middle years grow older, they will ask for, and
certainly should be allowed, more autonomy, and their
opinions should be considered when decisions are made
Gender Inequality (structure) in the Family