Drager Babytherm 8004 8010 Error List
Drager Babytherm 8004 8010 Error List
Drager Babytherm 8004 8010 Error List
Error List
Acc The GoldCap capacitor on the Check the WT Power PCB as follows:
WT Power PCB or the
Repair Instructions: "Checking the WT
charging circuit of the
Power PCB"
GoldCap capacitor on the
WT Power PCB is defective. DragerService Mode: "Mode d07: Displaying
the GoldCap Voltage"
01 The supply voltage on the Check the WT Sensor PCB using the
WT Sensor PCB is not DragerService Mode: "Mode dIO: Displaying
available. The micro-controller WT Sensor PCB Voltage".
of the WT Controller PCB
Replace the WT Sensor PCB, see Repair
cannot read the +5V supply
Instructions: "Replacing the WT Sensor PCB"
voltage and the reference
voltage. The DC/DC converter
for the 5V supply voltage on the
WT Sensor PCB is defective.
The +5V supply voltage is
outside tolerance (tolerance
range: 2 V to 7 V).
A supply voltage on the Check the WT Power PCB using the Repair
WT Power PCB is not Instructions: "Checking the WT Power PCB".
Replace the WT Power PCB, see Repair
Instructions: "Replacing the WT Power PCB".
The cable connection from the • Fix or replace the cable connection.
skin-temperature sensor to the
WT Sensor PCB is defective.
05 The skin temperature analog Check the WT Sensor PCB using the
switch 1 on the DragerService Mode: "Mode d 16: Displaying
WT Sensor PCB is defective. the Skin Temperature Channel 1 and the
The micro-controller of the Reference Value".
WT Controller PCB has
Replace the WT Sensor PCB, see Repair
detected a signal although the
Instructions: "Replacing the WT Sensor PCB"
measuring signal and the
reference signal of the skin- Check the following cable connections:
temperature channel 1 are
switched off. WT Sensor PCB to control unit
06 The skin temperature analog • Check the WT Sensor PCB using the
switch 2 on the DragerService Mode: "Mode d 17: Displaying
WT Sensor PCB is defective. the Skin Temperature Channel 2 and the
The micro-controller of the Reference Value".
WT Controller PCB has
• Replace the WT Sensor PCB, see Repair
detected a signal although the
Instructions: "Replacing the WT Sensor PCB".
measuring signal and the
reference signal of the skin- • Check the following cable connections:
temperature channel 2 are
switched off. - WT Sensor PCB to control unit
10 The EPROM (D2) on the • Check the WT Controller PCB using the
WT Controller PCB or the Repair Instructions: "Checking the
WT Controller PCB is WT Controller PCB".
defective. The error has been
• Replace EPROM (D2) on the
detected during the self-test.
WT Controller PCB: "General Information
About the WT Controller PCB"
11 The EPROM (D2) on the • Check the WT Controller PCB using the
WT Controller PCB or the Repair Instructions: "Checking the
WT Controller PCB is WT Controller PCB".
defective. A checksum error
• Replace EPROM (D2) on the
has been detected during
WT Controller PCB: "General Information
About the WT Controller PCB".
18 Analog error. Several analog • Check the WT Sensor PCB using the
inputs of the A/D converter on DragerService Mode: tests d03 through d 10,
the WT Sensor PCB have a d16 and d17.
short-circuit fault.
• Replace the WT Sensor PCB, see Repair
Instructions: "Replacing the WT Sensor PCB".
24 The reference voltage of the • Check the WT Controller PCB using the
A/D test channel on the DragerService Mode: "Mode d08: Displaying
WT Controller PCB is outside the Analog-to-Digital Converter Test Channel".
• Replace the WT Controller PCB, see Repair
Instructions: "Replacing the WT Controller
26 The power supply to the Check the LED voltage on the WT Power PCB
5V LED or the analog switch on in the DragerService Mode: "Mode d09:
the WT Power PCB is faulty. Displaying the LED Voltage".
The A/D converter channel • Replace the WT Controller PCB, see Repair
"VIN7" on the Instructions: "Replacing the WT Controller
WT Controller PCB is PCB".
30 The safety relay (K301) or the Check the safety relay (K301) as follows:
feedback signal of the
• DragerService Mode: Select "Mode d13:
WT Power PCB is faulty.
Testing the Solid State Relay of the Mattress
Heater (Babytherm 8010)" and switch safety
relay on; to do so, press the Check key.
31 The mattress heater cannot be Check the safety relay (K301) as follows:
switched off. The safety relay
• DragerService Mode: Select "Mode d13:
(K301), the Triac control, the
Testing the Solid State Relay of the Mattress
Triac, or the feedback signal of
Heater (Babytherm 8010)" and switch safety
the WT Power PCB is faulty.
relay on; to do so, press the Check key.
The mattress heater feedback • Check the WT Controller PCB using the
signal on the Repair Instructions: "Checking the
WT Controller PCB is faulty. WT Controller PCB".
The fuse(F11)on the • Replace the fuse (F11) on the WT Power PCB,
WT Power PCB is defective. see Repair Instructions: "Checking the WT
Power PCB".
The mattress heater is not • Checking the mattress heater, see error
connected. number ""70"".
The safety relay (K301), the Check the safety relay (K301) as follows:
Triac control, the Triac, or the
• DragerService Mode: Select "Mode d13:
feedback signal of the mattress
Testing the Solid State Relay of the Mattress
heater on the WT Power PCB
Heater (Babytherm 8010)" and switch safety
is faulty.
relay on.
33 The safety relay (K4) of the Check the safety relay (K4) as follows:
mattress heater or the
• Open the control unit, see Repair Instructions:
feedback signal of the
"Opening the Control Unit".
WT Relay PCB is faulty.
• DragerService Mode: Select "Mode d18:
Testing the Solid State Relay of the Radiant
Heater" and switch safety relay on.
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34 The radiant heater cannot be Check the safety relay (K4) as follows:
switched off. The safety relay
• Open the control unit, see Repair Instructions:
(K4) of the radiant heater, the
"Opening the Control Unit".
Triac control, the Triac, the
feedback signal of the radiant • DragerService Mode: Select "Mode d18:
heater, or the WT Relay PCB is Testing the Solid State Relay of the Radiant
faulty. Heater" and switch safety relay on.
The radiant heater feedback • Replace the WT Controller PCB, see Repair
signal on the Instructions: "Replacing the WT Controller
o WT Controller PCB is faulty. PCB".
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The fuse (FI) on the • Check the fuse (FI), which located on the rear
WT Relay PCB is defective. panel of the control unit, and replace it, if
The safety relay (K4), the Triac Check the safety relay (K4) as follows:
control, the Triac, the feedback
signal of the radiant heater, or * °Pen the contro1 unit’ see RePair Instructions:
the WT Relay PCB is faulty. "Opening the Control Unit".
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Text display is faulty. • Check the text display using the DragerService
Mode "Mode c08: Adjusting the Contrast of the
Text Display".
41 Software error (text is too long) • Inform the "pediatrics department" MT-DS-TS.
53 The service jumper on the • Place service jumper in the correct position (pin
WT Controller PCB is in the 2-3), see the following figure,
wrong position.
54 The "worklight" key is stuck or • Check key in the DragerService Mode: "Mode
defective. c05: Testing the Keyboard".
55 The "nightlight" key is stuck or • Check key in the DragerService Mode: "Mode
defective. c05: Testing the Keyboard".
56 The "phototherapy" key is stuck • Check key in the DragerService Mode: "Mode
or defective. c05: Testing the Keyboard".
57 The "Check" key is stuck or • Check key in the DragerService Mode: "Mode
defective. c05: Testing the Keyboard".
58 The "alarm stop" key is stuck or Check key in the DragerService Mode: "Mode
defective. c05: Testing the Keyboard".
59 The "plus temp, mattress • Check key in the DragerService Mode: "Mode
heater" key is stuck or c05: Testing the Keyboard".
• Replace the membrane keypad, if necessary.
60 The "minus temp, mattress • Check key in the DragerService Mode: "Mode
heater" key is stuck or c05: Testing the Keyboard".
• Replace the membrane keypad, if necessary.
61 The "plus skin temperature" key • Check key in the DragerService Mode: "Mode
is stuck or defective. c05: Testing the Keyboard".
62 The "minus skin temperature" • Check key in the DragerService Mode: "Mode
key is stuck or defective. c05: Testing the Keyboard".
63 The "plus radiant heater" key is • Check key in the DragerService Mode: "Mode
stuck or defective. c05: Testing the Keyboard".
64 The "minus radiant heater" key • Check key in the DragerService Mode: "Mode
is stuck or defective. c05: Testing the Keyboard".
65 The "skin/man selection" key is • Check key in the DragerService Mode: "Mode
stuck or defective. c05: Testing the Keyboard".
66 The "OK" key is stuck or • Check key in the DragerService Mode: "Mode
defective. c05: Testing the Keyboard".
67 The "radiant heater on" key is • Check key in the DragerService Mode: "Mode
stuck or defective. c05: Testing the Keyboard".
68 - not applicable -
69 - not applicable -
The fuse "F11" (24 VAC) is • Check fuse "F11if necessary, replace fuse on
defective. WT Power PCB.
The WT Power PCB, the cable • If the control and feedback signal of the
connection to the mattress mattress heater is not present in the
heater, or hat mattress heater is DragerService Mode, check the mattress
defective. heater using the Repair Instructions: "Checking
the Mattress Control Using Uniboard 40
(Babytherm 8010)", if necessary, replace the
WT Power PCB, see Repair Instructions
"Replacing the WT Power PCB".
The fuse "FI" is defective. • Check the fuse "FI", which is located on the
rear panel of the control unit, and replace it, if
The WT Relay PCB or the Check the safety relay (K4) as follows:
cable connection to the radiant
• Open the control unit, see Repair Instructions:
heater is defective.
"Opening the Control Unit".
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GBR6132300FL1.fm 10.09.99
GBR6132300FL1.fm 10.09.99
- One half of the mattress • Check the WT Power PCB using the Repair
heater is defective. Instructions: "Checking the WT Power PCB".
The mattress heater control of • Check the WT Power PCB using the
the WT Power PCB is faulty. DragerService Mode:
Short-circuit fault in skin • Check skin temperature sensor and replace it,
temperature sensor 2 or the if necessary.
cable connection from the skin
temperature sensors to the
WT Sensor PCB is defective.