The Effects of Copper (Cu) and Cadmium (CD) in Chlamydomonas Sp.
The Effects of Copper (Cu) and Cadmium (CD) in Chlamydomonas Sp.
The Effects of Copper (Cu) and Cadmium (CD) in Chlamydomonas Sp.
Abstract Heavy metal pollutant such as Cu and Cd may affects the life of
aquatic organisms such as Chlamydomonas sp. A study aims to understand
the effects of Cu and Cd present in the water toward the growth of
Chlamydomonas sp, a study has been conducted on March – May 2019.
The toxicity of the heavy metals toward the growth of Chlamydomonas sp
was tested following the standard methods of Asean-Canada Cooperative
Program on Marine Science Phase-II (ACCPMS-II). Results shown that
IC50-96 hours of Cu and Cd on the growth of Chlamydomonas sp. was
0.6 mgL-1, and 24.92 mgL-1 respectively. Data obtained proved that the
presence of Cu and Cd in the water inhibit the growth of Chlamydomonas
sp, and Cu is more toxic than Cd. The Cu toxicity was 42 times greater than
that of Cd. The NOEC values for Cu was < 1 mgL-1 , while that of Cd was
18 mgL-1. LOEC value was 1 mgL-1 for Cu, and 32 mgL-1 for Cd.
1. Introduction
As a primary producer, phytoplankton plays a vital role and affect both the nutrient
cycles of marine ecosystems, freshwater and other aquatic ecosystems [1]. This organism
also responds to pollutants and control the concentration of pollutants in aquatic ecosystems,
as well as removing the pollutant from the water. Chlamydomonas sp. is a species of
phytoplankton that affected by the presence of pollutant in the water, including heavy metal
pollutant.Heavy metals accumulate in the sediment and it may distribute to the water body
due to environmental factors, such as wind, waves, currents and weather [2]. Heavy metals
that enter the aquatic environment originated from various sources, namely natural source
such as anthropogenic activities and industrial waste [3] and it is toxic for algae.
Copper (Cu) in the water commonly originated from industries, pesticides, antifouling
paint, fungicides, and mining waste dumps [4]. While Copper (Cu) actually is an essential
component of enzyme condensation such as oxidase enzymes and electron transport chains
(such as plastocyanin) in plant [5], however at high concentrations or long exposure may
inhibit the photosynthesis and negatively affect the metabolism [6]. Cd is non-essential, toxic
in certain concentration and it may harm the organism [7]. As a major producer of the trophic
environment on the organism, phytoplankton that accumulate heavy metals from the
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The 8th International and National Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 430 (2020) 012033 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/430/1/012033
surrounding water may is transfer that metal to the higher trophic level organisms. So far,
there are several experiments on the effects of Cu and Cd toward the growth of
phytoplankton such as Porphyridium sp.[8], Nannochloris sp.[9]. In this study,
Chlamydomonas sp. was used to test the toxicity of Cu and Cd in order to determine the
pollutant concentration that negatively affects the growth and survival of the phytoplankton
and compare which heavy metals are more toxic [10].
2. Method
The research was done in Marine Chemistry Laboratories And Ecotoxicology,
Research Center for Oceanography, Indonesian Institute of Science, Jakarta Utara. Research
on heavy metal toxicity test toward Chlamydomonas sp. based on the logarithmic/exponential
phase. In this study growth curve and Definitive Test were observed. The curve was used to
identify the exponential phases of Chlamydomonas sp. The IC50 value was obtained as a
basis for determining the heavy metal concentration use in definitive test. The definitive test
was done to understand the value of IC50, and obtaining the NOEC and LOEC values of Cu
and Cd for Chlamydomonas sp [11].
The CuCl2 and CdCl2 solution used in definitive test were 1000 ppm for stock
solution. The solution was then dilluted into 1000 mL with 1; 1.8; 3.2; 5.6; 10 mgL-1 Cu
concentration and 18; 32; 56; 100; 180 mgL-1 Cd concentration, 3 replication. Water quality
parameters measured were pH, DO, salinity and temperature [11].
Data Analysis
The percentage of inhibition or stimulation of phytoplankton growth were measured
based on the number of cells in each treatment (T) and it is compared to the average of cells
number in control (C), based on this equation:
− −
% = 100% % = 100%
The result of definitive test was calculated using ICPIN 2.0 program for IC50 [13] and
analyzed with ANOVA and Dunnet Test that has already installed in TOXSTAT 3.2 program
for NOEC and LOEC value [14].
The 8th International and National Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 430 (2020) 012033 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/430/1/012033
actively engaged cell division, it means that the number of phytoplankton increase [15]. The
exponential phase is marked by rapid growth, constant metabolic activity and constant
velocity. The growth of microalgae is depend on the food supply available[16].
In normal condition, the microalgae cultured should reach at least 1x106 cells/mL
within 4-7 days after the inoculation[11]. If the microalgae species that do not achieve that
density, that type of microalgae could not be used for toxicity test (96-h growth test). In this
research, 4-7 days after the inoculation Chlamydomonas sp. reached 367.95 x 104 cells/mL
or 3.68 x 106 cells/mL (Fig.1) and it means that this species can be used for toxicity test. In
this study Chlamydomonas sp. can be used for testing Cu and Cd toxicity test within 4 days
after inoculation.
Density cell (104) cell/ml
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17
Hari ke - 1 14,4 51,9 76,3 368 463 528 727 776 715 723 719 709 661 580 552 538
Definitive Test
The Definitive Test was assumed to be valid if the number of cells in control achieve ≥
2 x 105 cells/mL within 96 h [11]. In this study Chlamydomonas sp. can be used for
definitive test as it reached 2.49 x 105 cell/mL within 96-h in the control of Cu and Cd
solution. The results of definitive test are presented in Fig 2.
% Inhibition
% Inhibition
25 80 25 100
20 20 15,92 80
15 15 60
40 8,92
10 4,16 3,92 4,42 3,33 2,58 10 4,58 40
5 20 5 2,16 1,16 20
0 0 0 0
The 8th International and National Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 430 (2020) 012033 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/430/1/012033
After being exposured in Cu for 96 hours, there was decrease in the density of
Chlamydomonas sp.. However, there was increase in inhibition percentage in each treatment
and these values were higher than that of the control. In the 3.2 mgL-1 Cu, phytoplankton cell
increase , indicating that copper might be served as essential component for growth. In low
concentration, copper is not toxic but will actually hamper the cell growth by becoming a cofactor
for various growth enzymes. Copper is a component of plastocyanin in the electron transport
chain in photosynthetic reactions [17]. At concentration 5.6 mgL-1 to 10 mgL-1, there was a
constant decrease in density, it means that the toxic effects of copper affects the
Chlamydomonas sp growth. The IC50 of Cu was 0.6 mgL-1 after 96 h of exposure in control.
Copper (Cu) causes disruption in phytoplankton cell wall, by reducing the K+ ions
concentration in the cell and disrupt electron transport[18]. The excess of Cu2+ will accumulate
on the cell wall, absorbed into the cell and affect the enzyme by binding to the sulfhydryl group (-
SH). The enzyme was disrupted and affects the reproductive ability.
In Cd control treatment, the cell density was 24.92 x 104 cell/mL. Inhibition percentage
rise as Cd concentration increase, 36.12% at 18 mgL-1 to 95.42% at 180 mgL-1. The IC50 of Cd
was 24.92 mgL-1 after 96 h of exposure in control. Exposure of cadmium to phytoplankton at
high concentration will reduce metabolism and reduce thiol side of protein [19]. Result of
previous study on 18 µgL-1 at Chaetoceros gracilis[18]; 0,18 mgL-1 at Nitzschia sp. [24] and
0,032 mgL-1 at Porphyridium sp. [8] shown that cadmium toxicity affects phytoplankton
Based on the IC50 value, Cu toxicity on the growth of Chlamydomonas sp. was higher
than that of the Cd, it was 0.6 mgL-1 and 24.92 mgL-1 respectively. The NOEC of Cu to the
growth of Chlamydomonas sp. in this study was < 1 mgL-1, and LOEC was 1 mgL-1. While for
Cd, the value of NOEC was 18 mgL-1 and the LOEC was 32 mgL-1. This value indicate that the
maximum concentration of Cu and Cd present in the waters which have no negative effect on
growth of Chlamydomonas sp. was < 0.1 mgL-1 for Cu and 18 mgL-1 for Cd. While the minimum
concentration of Cu that hamper the growth of Chlamydomonas sp. was 1 mgL-1, and that of
the Cd was 32 mgL-1. The IC50 value presented in Table 1.indicates that the toxicity of Cu is 42
times higher than Cd toward Chlamydomonas sp.. Table 4 and 5 shown the comparison of
NOEC and LOEC values of Chlamydomonas sp. and the NOEC and LOEC values of other
Table 1. IC50-96 hours, LOEC 96 hours and NOEC 96 hours heavy metals Cu and Cd on the
growth of Chlamydomonas sp.
Heavy Metal Standard Value in ppm (mgL-1) Value in ppb (µgL-1)
The 8th International and National Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 430 (2020) 012033 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/430/1/012033
presented in Table 3. Data on water quality parameters indicate that the water in
Chlamydomonas sp. culture is fulfill the minimum requirement for phytoplankton test.
Table 2. Recommended Conditions for Phytoplankton Growth Toxicity Test
No. Parameter Test Condition
1. Test Type Static
2. Temperature 27 ± 1°C
3. Photoperiod Continuous
4. Light Quality Laboratorium Light Condition
5. Light Intensity 400 ± 40-foot candle
6. Test flask size Erlenmeyer 250 mL
7. Test solution volume 100 mL
8. Age of stock phytoplankton culture 4-7 hari
9. Initial cell density 104 sel/mL
10. Replicate 3
11. Shaking Period Twice daily by hand
12. Nutrient Walne’s non EDTA media
13. Dissolution Factor 0.5
14. Test Duration 96 h
15. Effect measured Growth (cell counts)
16. End Point IC50 , NOEC and LOEC
17. Validity of Test Mean control density of 2 x 105 cells/mL
The 8th International and National Seminar on Fisheries and Marine Science IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 430 (2020) 012033 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/430/1/012033
4. Conclusion
The growth of Chlamydomonas sp. was hampered by the presence of Cu and Cd.
The IC50-96 hours of Cu is 0.6004 mgL-1, NOEC of < 1 mgL-1 and LOEC 1 mgL-1. While
the IC50-96 hours of Cd was 24.92 mgL-1, NOEC of 18 mgL-1 and LOEC of 32 mgL-1. The
toxicity of Cu is 42 times higher than that of Cd in hampering Chlamydomonas sp. growth.
5. Acknowledgments
The author would like to thank Dr. Dwi Hindarti, M.Sc as the supervisor during the
author's research and Mr. Hardi as a technician of the Marine Chemistry and Ecotoxicology
Laboratory, Research Center for Oceanography Research at LIPI, who has helped the writer
complete this research.
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