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EcoStruxure Building Operation - WebStation Operating Guide

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EcoStruxure Building Operation

Operating Guide
December 2021
EcoStruxure Building Operation
Operating Guide
December 2021
Copyright © 2021 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved.
The Schneider Electric brand and any registered trademarks of Schneider Electric Industries SAS referred to in this guide are the sole property of
Schneider Electric SA and its subsidiaries. They may not be used for any purpose without the owner's permission, given in writing. This guide and its
content are protected, within the meaning of the French intellectual property code (Code de la propriété intellectuelle français, referred to hereafter as
"the Code"), under the laws of copyright covering texts, drawings and models, as well as by trademark law. You agree not to reproduce, other than for
your own personal, non-commercial use as defined in the Code, all or part of this guide on any medium whatsoever without Schneider Electric's
permission, given in writing. You also agree not to establish any hypertext links to this guide or its content. Schneider Electric does not grant any right or
license for the personal and non-commercial use of the guide or its content, except for a non-exclusive license to consult it on an "as is" basis, at your
own risk. All other rights are reserved.
Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

1 About This Guide ........................................................ 19
1.1 Purpose of This Guide ............................................................... 21
1.2 How This Guide is Organized ..................................................... 22
1.3 Safety Information ...................................................................... 23
1.3.1 Important Information ............................................................... 23
1.3.2 Cybersecurity Safety Notice ..................................................... 24

2 Additional Information ................................................. 25

2.1 Where to Find Additional Information ......................................... 27

3 Start, Enter, and Exit WebStation ............................... 31
3.1 WebStation Overview ................................................................ 33
3.1.1 Basic Functions ....................................................................... 33
3.1.2 How Alarms Work .................................................................... 33
3.1.3 Watch Pane in WebStation ..................................................... 33
3.1.4 How Events Work .................................................................... 33
3.1.5 How Trend Logs Work ............................................................. 33
3.1.6 How Schedules Work ............................................................... 33
3.1.7 How Graphics Work ................................................................. 34
3.1.8 Documents .............................................................................. 34
3.1.9 WebStation and WorkStation Differences ................................ 34
3.1.10 Dashboards ............................................................................. 34
3.2 Log on to WorkStation or WebStation ........................................ 35
3.2.1 Log on to WorkStation .............................................................. 35
3.2.2 Log on to WebStation ............................................................... 35
3.3 Logging On to WebStation ......................................................... 36
3.4 Logging Off WebStation ............................................................. 37
3.5 Changing Your Password .......................................................... 38
3.6 WebStation and WorkStation Differences .................................. 39

4 Basic Functions .......................................................... 45

4.1 Basic Functions ......................................................................... 47

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4.1.1 Log on to WorkStation or WebStation ...................................... 47
4.1.2 Regional Settings and Theme Settings .................................... 47
4.1.3 Workspace ............................................................................... 47
4.1.4 Search, Sort, and Filter ............................................................ 47
4.1.5 Modify Values .......................................................................... 47
4.1.6 Help in WebStation ................................................................. 47
4.1.7 Security Configuration in WebStation ...................................... 48
4.1.8 Disable Unnecessary Animations ............................................ 48
4.2 Workspaces ............................................................................... 49
4.2.1 Panels ...................................................................................... 49
4.2.2 Favorite Pages ......................................................................... 49
4.2.3 External Contents .................................................................... 49
4.3 Opening an Object in a New Window ......................................... 50
4.4 Search, Sort, and Filter ............................................................. 51
4.4.1 Search in WebStation .............................................................. 51
4.4.2 Sort Objects ............................................................................. 51
4.4.3 Filter Objects ............................................................................ 51
4.5 Sorting Objects .......................................................................... 52
4.6 Filtering Objects ......................................................................... 53
4.7 Removing Filtering of Objects .................................................... 54
4.8 Switching Workspaces in WebStation ........................................ 55
4.9 Regional Settings and Theme Settings ..................................... 56
4.9.1 Regional Settings ..................................................................... 56
4.9.2 Theme Settings ........................................................................ 56
4.9.3 Default System Settings and User Settings ............................. 56
4.10 Regional Settings ...................................................................... 57
4.10.1 Language ................................................................................. 57
4.10.2 Measurement Settings ............................................................. 57
4.10.3 Date, Time, and Number Format ............................................. 58
4.10.4 Decimals .................................................................................. 58
4.10.5 Relative Time ........................................................................... 58
4.11 Theme Settings .......................................................................... 59
4.11.1 Dark Mode ............................................................................... 59
4.11.2 Size Mode ................................................................................ 59
4.11.3 Accent Color ............................................................................ 59
4.12 Changing the User Regional Settings ........................................ 60
4.13 Changing the Default System Regional Settings ....................... 61
4.14 Changing the User Theme Settings ........................................... 62
4.15 Changing the Default System Theme Settings .......................... 63
4.16 Panels ....................................................................................... 64
4.17 Favorite Pages .......................................................................... 65
4.18 Adding a Favorite Page in WebStation ...................................... 66
4.19 Removing a Favorite Page in WebStation ................................. 67
4.20 Renaming a Favorite Page in WebStation ................................ 68
4.21 Security Configuration in WebStation ........................................ 69
4.22 Configuring Security in WebStation using WebStation .............. 70

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5 Basic Functions User Interface ................................... 71
5.1 Building Operation WebStation Window .................................... 73
5.2 List View ..................................................................................... 75
5.3 System Tree Pane ..................................................................... 76
5.4 Settings Menu – Workspace Tab ............................................... 77
5.5 Settings Menu – Options Tab ..................................................... 78
5.6 User Settings – Regional Settings Dialog Box ........................... 80
5.7 User Settings – Theme Settings Tab ......................................... 81
5.8 Default System Settings – Regional Settings Dialog Box ........... 82
5.9 Default System Settings – Theme Settings Tab ......................... 84
5.10 System Security Settings – Dialog Box ...................................... 85
5.11 Change Password Dialog Box ................................................... 87
5.12 View Menu ................................................................................. 88
5.13 Context Menu ............................................................................. 89

6 Modifying Values ........................................................ 91

6.1 Modify Values ........................................................................... 93
6.1.1 Forced Values .......................................................................... 93
6.1.2 Add and Change Units and Prefix ............................................ 93
6.2 Changing a Value in a Graphic .................................................. 94
6.3 Forced Values ............................................................................ 95
6.4 Forcing a Value .......................................................................... 96
6.5 Releasing a Forced Value .......................................................... 97
6.6 Adding or Changing a Unit and Prefix for a Value in
WebStation ................................................................................ 98
6.7 Select Unit Dialog Box ............................................................... 99

7 Search ...................................................................... 101

7.1 Search in WebStation .............................................................. 103
7.2 Searching in WebStation ......................................................... 104
7.3 Searching Using a Saved Search ............................................ 105
7.4 Exporting a Search to Excel ..................................................... 106
7.5 Multi-editing in Search .............................................................. 107

8 Search User Interface ............................................... 109

8.1 Search Toolbar ........................................................................ 111
8.2 Search List Workspace ............................................................ 112
8.3 Search List Toolbar .................................................................. 113

9 Watch Pane .............................................................. 115

9.1 Watch Pane in WebStation ...................................................... 117
9.2 Adding a Property to the Watch Pane in WebStation ............... 118
9.3 Adding a Property to the Watch Pane from the Properties Dialog
Box .......................................................................................... 119
9.4 Removing a Property from the Watch Pane in WebStation ...... 120
9.5 Saving the Watch Pane in WebStation .................................... 121

10 Watch Pane User Interface ....................................... 123

10.1 Watch Pane – WebStation ....................................................... 125

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11 Help Functions .......................................................... 127
11.1 Help in WebStation .................................................................. 129
11.2 Opening Help .......................................................................... 130

12 User Management .................................................... 131

12.1 Create and Administer User Accounts in WebStation ............. 133
12.2 Creating a User Account .......................................................... 134
12.3 Forcing Users to Change Their Passwords .............................. 135
12.4 Disabling a User Account ......................................................... 136
12.5 Deleting a User Account .......................................................... 137

13 User Management User Interface ............................. 139

13.1 Add and Edit User Dialog Box ................................................. 141

14 Alarms ....................................................................... 143

14.1 How Alarms Work .................................................................... 145
14.1.1 Alarm Acknowledgements .................................................... 145
14.1.2 Alarm Assignments ............................................................... 145
14.1.3 Alarm Attachments ................................................................. 145
14.1.4 User Actions ........................................................................... 145
14.1.5 Hide and Disable ................................................................... 146
14.1.6 Alarm State-change Logging ................................................. 146
14.1.7 Alarm and Event Details ........................................................ 146
14.1.8 Temporary User Filters .......................................................... 146
14.1.9 Favorites ................................................................................ 146
14.2 Alarm Acknowledgements ....................................................... 147
14.3 Acknowledging an Alarm in WebStation .................................. 148
14.4 Mass Acknowledging Alarms in WebStation ............................ 149
14.5 Alarm Assignments .................................................................. 150
14.5.1 Manual Assignments .............................................................. 151
14.5.2 Automatic Assignments ......................................................... 151
14.6 Assigning an Alarm .................................................................. 152
14.7 Self-Assigning an Alarm in WebStation .................................... 153
14.8 Rejecting an Alarm Assignment in WebStation ........................ 154
14.9 Accepting an Alarm Assignment in WebStation ....................... 155
14.10 Releasing an Alarm Assignment in WebStation ....................... 156
14.11 Alarm Attachments ................................................................... 157
14.12 Opening an Alarm Attachment in WebStation .......................... 158
14.13 Alarm and Event Details .......................................................... 159
14.13.1 Alarm and Event Details in WorkStation ................................ 159
14.13.2 Alarm and Event Details in WebStation ................................. 159
14.14 Viewing the Alarm Details ....................................................... 161
14.15 Temporary User Filters ............................................................ 162
14.16 Editing a User Filter in WebStation .......................................... 163
14.17 Sorting Alarms and Events in WebStation ............................... 164
14.18 Selecting Fields in the Alarm View and Event View in
WebStation .............................................................................. 165
14.19 Favorites .................................................................................. 166

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14.20 Applying a Favorite in WebStation ........................................... 168
14.21 Adding a Favorite in WebStation .............................................. 169
14.22 Renaming a Favorite in WebStation ......................................... 170
14.23 Deleting a Favorite in WebStation ............................................ 171

15 Alarm User Actions .................................................. 173

15.1 User Actions ............................................................................ 175
15.1.1 Alarm Comments ................................................................... 175
15.1.2 Cause Notes .......................................................................... 175
15.1.3 Action Notes ........................................................................... 175
15.1.4 Checklists .............................................................................. 175
15.2 Alarm Comments ..................................................................... 176
15.3 Adding a Comment to an Alarm in WebStation ........................ 177
15.4 Cause Notes ............................................................................ 178
15.5 Adding a Cause Note to an Alarm in WebStation ..................... 179
15.6 Action Notes ............................................................................. 180
15.7 Adding an Action Note to an Alarm in WebStation ................... 181
15.8 Checklists ................................................................................ 182
15.9 Adding a Check Mark to a Checklist in WebStation ................. 183

16 Alarms User Interface ............................................... 185

16.1 Alarms Pane and Alarm View .................................................. 187
16.2 Alarm Toolbar .......................................................................... 188
16.3 Filter Toolbar ............................................................................ 189
16.4 Sort Dialog Box ........................................................................ 190
16.5 Select Fields Dialog Box .......................................................... 191
16.6 Alarm Details Dialog Box ......................................................... 192
16.7 Assign to User or Group Dialog Box ......................................... 193
16.8 Comment Dialog Box .............................................................. 194
16.9 Notes Dialog Box – Cause Notes Tab ...................................... 195
16.10 Notes Dialog Box – Action Notes Tab ...................................... 196

17 Hide and Disable Alarms .......................................... 197

17.1 Hide and Disable ...................................................................... 199
17.1.1 Hide and Show Alarms ........................................................... 199
17.1.2 Disable and Enable Alarms .................................................... 199
17.1.3 Rechecking Alarms ................................................................ 199
17.2 Hide and Show Alarms ............................................................. 200
17.3 Hiding an Alarm in WebStation ................................................ 201
17.4 Showing a Hidden Alarm in WebStation .................................. 202
17.5 Disable and Enable Alarms ...................................................... 203
17.6 Disabling an Alarm in WebStation ............................................ 204
17.7 Enabling an Alarm in WebStation ............................................. 205
17.8 Rechecking an Alarm in WebStation ........................................ 206

18 Events ....................................................................... 207

18.1 How Events Work ................................................................... 209
18.1.1 Events Pane and Event View Customization ......................... 209

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18.1.2 Event Filter Conditions ........................................................... 210
18.1.3 Favorites ................................................................................ 210
18.1.4 Archive Overview ................................................................... 210
18.2 Viewing the Events for a Specific Object .................................. 211
18.3 Viewing the Event Details ........................................................ 212

19 Events User Interface ............................................... 213

19.1 Events Pane and Event View ................................................... 215
19.2 Event Pane and Event View Toolbar ........................................ 216
19.3 Event Details Dialog Box .......................................................... 217

20 Trends ...................................................................... 219

20.1 How Trend Logs Work ............................................................. 221
20.1.1 Trend Charts .......................................................................... 222
20.1.2 Trend Log Lists in WorkStation .............................................. 222
20.1.3 Trend Log Lists in WebStation ............................................... 222
20.1.4 Trend Logs in WebStation ...................................................... 222
20.2 How Trend Charts Work .......................................................... 223
20.2.1 Trend Chart Navigation in WorkStation .................................. 223
20.2.2 Trend Chart Navigation in WebStation ................................... 223
20.2.3 Trend Chart Series in WorkStation ........................................ 224
20.2.4 Trend Chart Series in WebStation ......................................... 224
20.2.5 Trend Chart Axes in WebStation ............................................ 224
20.3 Opening a Trend Chart ............................................................ 225
20.4 Creating a Trend Chart from a Trend Log ................................ 226
20.5 Trend Charts ............................................................................ 227
20.5.1 Trend Chart Series ................................................................. 233
20.5.2 Trend Chart Axes in WorkStation ........................................... 233
20.5.3 Trend Chart Axes in WebStation ............................................ 233
20.5.4 Real-Time Plotting ................................................................. 233
20.5.5 Time Zone Modes in a Trend Chart ....................................... 234
20.5.6 Calculation Methods .............................................................. 234
20.5.7 Period Timestamps in Trend Charts and Trend Log Lists ...... 234
20.5.8 Temporary Trend Charts ........................................................ 234
20.5.9 Multi Trend Log Lists .............................................................. 234
20.5.10 Floating Point Values NaN, INF, and –INF ............................. 234

21 Trend Chart Navigation ............................................. 237

21.1 Trend Chart Navigation in WebStation ..................................... 239
21.2 Zooming In an Area of a Trend Chart ...................................... 240
21.3 Zooming In and Out of a Trend Chart ...................................... 241
21.4 Zoom to Fit ............................................................................... 242
21.5 Displaying Specific Time Spans of a Trend Chart in
WebStation .............................................................................. 243

22 Trend Chart Series ................................................... 245

22.1 Trend Chart Series in WebStation ............................................ 247
22.2 Adding a Trend Chart Series to a Trend Chart in WebStation .. 248
22.3 Changing the Line Weight of a Trend Chart Series .................. 249

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22.4 Changing the Color of a Trend Chart Series ............................ 250
22.5 Changing the Presentation Type of a Trend Chart Series ........ 251
22.6 Showing Markers in a Trend Log Series .................................. 252
22.7 Show Tooltips for All Series in a Trend Chart ........................... 253
22.8 Showing Tooltip for the Closest Item ........................................ 254
22.9 Automatically Updating Values in a Trend Chart Series ........... 255
22.10 Removing a Trend Chart Series ............................................... 256
22.11 Saving Current Trend Chart Settings ....................................... 257

23 Trend Log Lists ........................................................ 259

23.1 Trend Log Lists in WebStation ................................................. 261
23.2 Creating a Trend Log List in WebStation .................................. 262
23.3 Opening a Trend Log List ......................................................... 263
23.4 Showing Trend Chart Series as a List ...................................... 264
23.5 Exporting a Trend Log List to Excel .......................................... 265
23.6 Exporting a Trend Log List to XML ........................................... 266
23.7 Viewing Meter Changes in a Trend Log List ............................. 267
23.8 Viewing Events in a Trend Log List .......................................... 268
23.9 Adding a Record to a Trend Log List ........................................ 269
23.10 Editing a Trend Log Record .................................................... 270
23.11 Creating a Multi Trend Log List in WebStation ......................... 271

24 Trend Chart Axes ...................................................... 273

24.1 Trend Chart Axes in WebStation .............................................. 275
24.2 Configuring the X-axis with a Relative Time Span ................... 277
24.3 Configuring the X-axis with an Absolute Time Span ................ 278
24.4 Manually Configuring the Y-Axis Scale .................................... 279
24.5 Automatically Configuring the Y-axis Scale .............................. 280
24.6 Showing Trend Chart Grid Lines .............................................. 281

25 Trend Logs ................................................................ 283

25.1 How Trend Logs Work in WebStation ...................................... 285
25.2 Creating a Trend Log from a Value .......................................... 286
25.3 Starting and Stopping a Trend Log ......................................... 287

26 Trends User Interface ............................................... 289

26.1 Context Menu – Trend Charts Submenu .................................. 291
26.2 Context Menu – Create Trend Item Submenu .......................... 292
26.3 Context Menu – Trend Logs Menu Submenu ........................... 293
26.4 Trend Chart View .................................................................... 294
26.5 Trend Log List View ................................................................. 295
26.6 Trend Log List Toolbar in WebStation ...................................... 296
26.7 Trend Chart Toolbar in WebStation .......................................... 297
26.8 Trend Chart Settings Dialog Box – X Axis Tab ......................... 300
26.9 Trend Chart Settings Dialog Box – Left Axis Tab ..................... 302
26.10 Trend Chart Settings Dialog Box – Right Axis Tab ................... 304
26.11 Trend Chart Settings Dialog Box – Series Tab ......................... 306

27 Schedules ................................................................. 309

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27.1 How Schedules Work ............................................................... 311
27.1.1 Schedule Editor in WorkStation ............................................. 312
27.1.2 Schedule Editor in WebStation .............................................. 313
27.1.3 Schedule Colors in WorkStation ............................................ 313
27.1.4 Schedule Colors in WebStation ............................................. 313
27.1.5 Schedule Navigation in WorkStation ...................................... 313
27.1.6 Schedule Navigation in WebStation ....................................... 313
27.1.7 Schedule Events .................................................................... 314
27.1.8 Calendars in WorkStation ...................................................... 314
27.1.9 Calendars in WebStation ....................................................... 314
27.1.10 Schedules Types ................................................................... 314
27.1.11 Xenta Schedules in WebStation ............................................. 314
27.1.12 Multi Schedule Viewer in WebStation .................................... 314
27.2 Schedule Editor in WebStation ................................................ 315
27.3 Schedule Colors in WebStation ............................................... 316
27.3.1 Colors in the Schedule Editor ................................................. 316
27.4 Viewing a Schedule ................................................................. 317
27.5 Schedule Events ...................................................................... 318
27.5.1 Weekly Events in WorkStation ............................................... 318
27.5.2 Weekly Events in WebStation ................................................ 318
27.5.3 Exception Events in WorkStation ........................................... 318
27.5.4 Exception Events in WebStation ............................................ 319
27.5.5 Priorities ................................................................................. 319
27.5.6 Time Zones ............................................................................ 319
27.6 Weekly Events in WebStation ................................................. 320
27.7 Editing the Start Time and End Time for a Schedule Event ...... 321
27.8 Adding a Weekly Event ............................................................ 322
27.9 Editing a Weekly Event ............................................................ 323
27.10 Deleting a Schedule Event ....................................................... 324
27.11 Schedule Types ...................................................................... 325
27.11.1 Analog Schedules .................................................................. 325
27.11.2 Digital Schedules ................................................................... 325
27.11.3 Multistate Schedules .............................................................. 325
27.12 Analog Schedules .................................................................... 326
27.13 Editing the Value for an Event in an Analog Schedule ............. 327
27.14 Digital Schedules ..................................................................... 328
27.15 Editing the Status for an Event in a Digital Schedule ............... 329
27.16 Multistate Schedules ................................................................ 330
27.17 Editing the State for an Event in a Multistate Schedule ............ 331
27.18 Multi Schedule Viewer .............................................................. 332
27.19 Creating a Multi Schedule Viewer ............................................ 333
27.20 Adding a Schedule to a Multi Schedule Viewer ........................ 334
27.21 Removing a Schedule from a Multi Schedule Viewer ............... 335
27.22 Adding the Same Event to Multiple Schedules ......................... 336
27.23 Assigning a Value on Click ....................................................... 337
27.24 Opening a Schedule from a Multi Schedule Viewer ................. 338

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28 Schedules Exception Events .................................... 339
28.1 Exception Events in WebStation .............................................. 341
28.1.1 Date Exception Events ........................................................... 341
28.1.2 Date Range Exception Events ............................................... 341
28.1.3 Calculated Exception Events ................................................. 342
28.1.4 Calendar Exception Events .................................................... 342
28.2 Creating a Weekly Event or Exception Event using Drag and Drop
................................................................................................. 343
28.3 Adding a Single Date Exception Event .................................... 344
28.4 Editing a Single Date Exception Event ..................................... 345
28.5 Adding a Date Range Exception Event .................................... 346
28.6 Editing a Date Range Exception Event .................................... 347
28.7 Adding a Calculated Exception Event ...................................... 348
28.8 Editing a Calculated Exception Event ...................................... 349
28.9 Adding a Calendar Exception Event ......................................... 350
28.10 Editing a Calendar Exception Event ........................................ 351

29 Schedules User Interface .......................................... 353

29.1 Schedule Workspace ............................................................... 355
29.2 Schedule Workspace Toolbar .................................................. 356
29.3 Schedule Settings Dialog Box .................................................. 357
29.4 Schedule Event Properties Dialog Box – Weekly View ............ 358
29.5 Schedule Event Properties Dialog Box – Single Date Exception
View ......................................................................................... 359
29.6 Schedule Event Properties Dialog Box – Date Range Exception
View ......................................................................................... 361
29.7 Schedule Event Properties Dialog Box – Calculated Exception
View ......................................................................................... 363
29.8 Schedule Event Properties Dialog Box – Calendar Reference
View ......................................................................................... 365
29.9 Multi Schedule Viewer Workspace ........................................... 367
29.10 Multi Schedule Viewer Toolbar ................................................ 368

30 Schedules Calendars ................................................ 369

30.1 Calendars in WebStation ......................................................... 371
30.1.1 Calendar Editor Overview ...................................................... 371
30.1.2 Calendar Events .................................................................... 372
30.2 Calendar Editor Overview ........................................................ 373
30.3 Calendar Events ..................................................................... 374
30.4 Adding a Date to a Calendar .................................................... 375
30.5 Removing a Calendar Event .................................................... 376

31 Schedule Calendar User Interface ............................ 377

31.1 Calendar Workspace ............................................................... 379

32 Xenta Time Schedules ............................................. 381

32.1 Xenta Schedules in WebStation ............................................... 383
32.2 Adding a Weekly Event to a Xenta Schedule in WebStation .... 384

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32.3 Adding an Exception Event to a Xenta Schedule in
WebStation .............................................................................. 385
32.4 Editing or Deleting a Weekly Event in a Xenta Schedule in
WebStation .............................................................................. 386
32.5 Editing or Deleting an Exception Event in a Xenta Schedule in
WebStation .............................................................................. 387

33 Xenta Schedule User Interface ................................. 389

33.1 Xenta Schedule Editor ............................................................. 391
33.2 Xenta Central Schedule Editor ................................................. 392

34 Graphics ................................................................... 393

34.1 How Graphics Work ................................................................. 395
34.2 Changing a Value in a Graphic ................................................ 396
34.3 Zooming and Scrolling in a Graphic in WebStation .................. 397
34.4 Resetting Zoom in a Graphic in WebStation ............................ 398

35 Graphics User Interface ............................................ 399

35.1 Graphics View .......................................................................... 401

36 Documents ................................................................ 403

36.1 How Documents Work ............................................................ 405
36.2 Opening a Document ............................................................... 406

37 Dashboards .............................................................. 407

37.1 How Dashboards Work ............................................................ 411
37.1.1 Types of Dashboards ............................................................. 411
37.1.2 Dashboard Widgets ............................................................... 411
37.1.3 Slideshows ............................................................................ 411
37.1.4 Dashboards in WorkStation ................................................... 411
37.2 Dashboards in WorkStation ..................................................... 412
37.3 Dashboard Widgets ................................................................. 413
37.3.1 Clone Widgets and Rebind Widget References ..................... 413
37.3.2 Empty Space .......................................................................... 413
37.3.3 Alarm Count .......................................................................... 413
37.3.4 Alarm Pareto Chart ................................................................ 413
37.3.5 Alarm Pie .............................................................................. 414
37.3.6 Alarm Sankey Chart ............................................................... 414
37.3.7 Event Pareto Chart ................................................................ 414
37.3.8 Event Pie ............................................................................... 414
37.3.9 Event Rate Chart ................................................................... 414
37.3.10 Event Sankey Chart ............................................................... 414
37.3.11 Heat Map ............................................................................... 414
37.3.12 Log Gauge ............................................................................. 415
37.3.13 Log Pie ................................................................................... 415
37.3.14 Log Value ............................................................................... 415
37.3.15 Period Chart ........................................................................... 415
37.3.16 Period over Period Chart ........................................................ 415
37.3.17 Point Gauge ........................................................................... 415

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37.3.18 Point Pie ................................................................................. 415
37.3.19 Point Value ............................................................................. 416
37.3.20 XY Plot ................................................................................... 416
37.3.21 Browse ................................................................................... 416
37.3.22 Graphics ................................................................................ 416
37.3.23 Hyperlinks .............................................................................. 416
37.4 Clone Widgets and Rebind Widget References ....................... 417
37.5 Alarm Count ............................................................................ 418
37.6 Alarm Pareto Chart ................................................................. 419
37.7 Alarm Pie ................................................................................ 420
37.8 Alarm Sankey Chart ................................................................. 421
37.9 Event Pareto Chart .................................................................. 422
37.10 Event Pie .................................................................................. 423
37.11 Event Rate Chart ..................................................................... 424
37.12 Event Sankey Chart ................................................................. 425
37.13 Heat Map ................................................................................. 426
37.14 Log Gauge ............................................................................... 427
37.15 Log Pie ..................................................................................... 428
37.16 Log Value ................................................................................. 429
37.17 Period Chart ............................................................................. 430
37.18 Period over Period Chart .......................................................... 431
37.19 Point Gauge ............................................................................. 432
37.20 Point Pie ................................................................................... 433
37.21 Point Value ............................................................................... 434
37.22 XY Plot ..................................................................................... 435
37.23 Graphics in Dashboards ........................................................... 436
37.24 Creating a Dashboard .............................................................. 437
37.25 Configuring a Dashboard ......................................................... 438
37.26 Rebinding Widgets References ............................................... 439
37.27 Adding a Widget to a Dashboard ............................................. 440
37.28 Cloning a Dashboard Widget ................................................... 441
37.29 Configuring an Alarm Count ..................................................... 442
37.30 Configuring an Alarm Pareto Chart .......................................... 443
37.31 Configuring an Alarm Pie ......................................................... 444
37.32 Configuring an Alarm Sankey Chart ......................................... 445
37.33 Configuring an Event Pareto Chart .......................................... 446
37.34 Configuring an Event Pie ......................................................... 447
37.35 Configuring an Event Rate Chart ............................................. 448
37.36 Configuring an Event Sankey Chart ........................................ 449
37.37 Configuring a Heat Map ........................................................... 450
37.38 Configuring a Log Gauge ......................................................... 451
37.39 Configuring a Log Pie ............................................................... 452
37.40 Configuring a Log Value ........................................................... 453
37.41 Configuring a Period Chart ....................................................... 454
37.42 Configuring a Period over Period Chart ................................... 455
37.43 Configuring a Point Gauge ....................................................... 456
37.44 Configuring a Point Pie ............................................................ 457

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37.45 Configuring a Point Value ........................................................ 458
37.46 Configuring a XY Plot ............................................................... 459
37.47 Adding a Hyperlink to a Dashboard .......................................... 461
37.48 Adding a Graphic to a Dashboard ............................................ 462
37.49 Slideshow ................................................................................ 463
37.50 Creating a Slideshow ............................................................... 464
37.51 Allowing a User to Access Personal Favorites ......................... 465
37.52 Allowing a User to Access Personal Dashboards .................... 466

38 Dashboard User Interface ......................................... 467

38.1 Dashboard System Tree Icons ................................................. 469
38.2 Edit Properties Dialog Box ....................................................... 470
38.3 Dashboard Properties – Basic Tab .......................................... 471
38.4 Dashboard Properties – Layout Tab ........................................ 472
38.5 Select Dashboard Widgets Dialog Box .................................... 473
38.6 Slideshow Properties Dialog Box ............................................ 475
38.7 Dashboard Toolbar .................................................................. 476
38.8 Dashboard Widgets Toolbar .................................................... 477
38.9 Widget Dialog Box – Layout Tab .............................................. 478
38.10 Rebinding Widget References Dialog Box ............................... 479
38.11 Alarm Count Dialog Box ........................................................... 480
38.12 Alarm Pareto Chart Dialog Box ................................................ 481
38.13 Alarm Pie Dialog Box ............................................................... 483
38.14 Alarm Sankey Chart Dialog Box ............................................... 485
38.15 Event Pareto Chart Dialog Box ................................................ 487
38.16 Event Pie Dialog Box ............................................................... 489
38.17 Event Rate Chart Dialog Box ................................................... 491
38.18 Event Sankey Chart Dialog Box ............................................... 493
38.19 Heat Map Properties Dialog Box .............................................. 495
38.20 Log Gauge Properties Dialog Box ............................................ 497
38.21 Log Pie Properties Dialog Box ................................................. 499
38.22 Log Value Properties Dialog Box ............................................. 501
38.23 Period Chart Properties Dialog Box ......................................... 503
38.24 Period over Period Chart Properties – Dialog Box ................... 505
38.25 Point Gauge Properties Dialog Box .......................................... 507
38.26 Point Pie Properties Dialog Box ............................................... 509
38.27 Point Value Properties Dialog Box ........................................... 511
38.28 XY Plot Properties Dialog Box ................................................. 512

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021


The Introduction part contains information on the purpose of

this guide, how this guide is organized, where to find more
information, and information on safety.
1 About This Guide

Purpose of This Guide
How This Guide is Organized
Safety Information
1 About This Guide
1.1 Purpose of This Guide

1.1 Purpose of This Guide

This guide provides information about WebStation, such as viewing and
managing alarms, schedules, and reports. This information is intended to help
you understand WebStation so you can perform common tasks using this Web-
based user interface.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

1 About This Guide
1.2 How This Guide is Organized

1.2 How This Guide is Organized

This EcoStruxure Building Guide is divided into the following parts:

The Introduction part contains information on the purpose of this guide, how this
guide is organized, where to find more information, and information on safety.

The Reference part contains conceptual information, procedures, user interface
descriptions and troubleshooting information. If you want more information, see
WebHelp or the other EcoStruxure Building guides.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

1 About This Guide
1.3 Safety Information

1.3 Safety Information

Read this information carefully and look at the equipment to become
familiar with the device before trying to install, operate, service or maintain

1.3.1 Important Information

The following special messages may appear throughout this bulletin or on the
equipment to warn of potential hazards or to call attention to information that
clarifies or simplifies a procedure.

The addition of either symbol to a “Danger” or “Warning” safety label

indicates that an electrical hazard exists which will result in personal
injury if the instructions are not followed.

This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you to potential personal
injury hazards. Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid
possible injury or death.

DANGER indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in
death or serious injury.

WARNING indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result
in death or serious injury.

CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result
in minor or moderate injury.

NOTICE is used to address practices not related to physical injury.

Please Note
Electrical equipment should be installed, operated, serviced, and maintained only
by qualified personnel. No responsibility is assumed by Schneider Electric for any
consequences arising out of the use of this material.
A qualified person is one who has skills and knowledge related to the
construction, installation, and operation of electrical equipment and has received
safety training to recognize and avoid the hazards involved.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

1 About This Guide
1.3 Safety Information

1.3.2 Cybersecurity Safety Notice

• Change default passwords at first use to help prevent unauthorized access to
device settings, controls, and information.
• Change passwords regularly to help prevent unauthorized access to device
settings, controls, and information.
• Do not share accounts. Each user must have their own account.
• When creating user and display names, it is important to avoid using personal
information, and to consider regional privacy policies. Display names will
appear in event logs to identify who performed operations on the device.
• It is recommended that log files be encrypted before transmission to help with
security and privacy.
• Disable unused ports, services, and default accounts to help minimize
pathways for malicious attackers.
• Place networked devices behind multiple layers of cyber defenses (such as
firewalls, network segmentation, and network intrusion detection and
• Use the recommended cybersecurity safety measures (for example, least
privilege, separation of duties) to help prevent unauthorized exposure, loss,
modification of data and logs, or interruption of services.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in loss of data, unauthorized
system access, or equipment damage.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

2 Additional Information

Where to Find Additional Information
2 Additional Information
2.1 Where to Find Additional Information

2.1 Where to Find Additional Information

All the technical EcoStruxure BMS information is available online, on WebHelp.
WebHelp is a web-based help system for the EcoStruxure Building Operation
software and SpaceLogic devices, the software and hardware that powers the
EcoStruxure BMS.
By pressing F1 or clicking a Help button in the EcoStruxure Building Operation
software your web browser opens WebHelp with the latest, up-to-date, technical

Figure: Help in EcoStruxure Building Operation software

Some EcoStruxure Building Operation software products give you context-

sensitive help by opening a WebHelp page that explains the view or dialog box
you have in focus. Some programs open up an overview page. From these
pages, you can follow the links to get more detailed information.
WebHelp contains all the technical information that is in the guides, specification
sheets, and installation sheets.

The WebHelp site

One of the advantages with WebHelp is that you can reach Help without having
the EcoStruxure Building Operation software installed on your computer. By
entering the URL address help.sbo.schneider-electric.com you can access
WebHelp from any computer, smartphone, or tablet connected to the internet.

Finding information
The easiest way to find information on WebHelp is to search for it.

Figure: Home page search

All technical information is gathered in one place, so you do not need to know
which guide, specification sheet, or installation sheet the information is in.

Filtering the information

To narrow down the search results, you can use these filters:
• Product
• Functionality
• Information type

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

2 Additional Information
2.1 Where to Find Additional Information

Figure: Search filters

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021


The Reference part contains conceptual information,

procedures, user interface descriptions and troubleshooting
information. If you want more information, see WebHelp or
the other EcoStruxure Building guides.
3 Start, Enter, and Exit

WebStation Overview
Log on to WorkStation or WebStation
Logging On to WebStation
Logging Off WebStation
Changing Your Password
WebStation and WorkStation Differences
3 Start, Enter, and Exit WebStation
3.1 WebStation Overview

3.1 WebStation Overview

WebStation is your web-based interface to your EcoStruxure BMS. You use
WebStation to perform work on a daily basis in the EcoStruxure BMS.

3.1.1 Basic Functions

WebStation has a many functions that help you work efficiently. You can search
for and organize objects, and you can get help using the online help.
For more information, see section 4.1 “Basic Functions ” on page 47.

3.1.2 How Alarms Work

You are notified by alarms when some important event occurs. For example, if
the temperature is too low or too high in a building, if a window is open, or if
something is broken, such as a fan. The system administrator sets up the alarms
and decides to whom the alarm is sent.
For more information, see section 14.1 “How Alarms Work” on page 145.

3.1.3 Watch Pane in WebStation

You can drag objects to the Watch pane to monitor their live values.
For more information, see section 9.1 “Watch Pane in WebStation” on page 117.

3.1.4 How Events Work

All system events, as well as information and circumstances, are recorded in the
Event log. These event records can be viewed in the Events pane or in an Event
For more information, see section 18.1 “How Events Work ” on page 209.

3.1.5 How Trend Logs Work

You use trend logs to record values, such as a sensor. A trend log can also log
consumptions, such as energy consumption or water consumption.
For more information, see section 20.1 “How Trend Logs Work” on page 221.

3.1.6 How Schedules Work

Schedules are used to schedule the operation of part of the building
management system, such as a fan, a door, or a setpoint. Using a schedule, a
fan can be set to operate between 08:00 and 17:00 every workday.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

3 Start, Enter, and Exit WebStation
3.1 WebStation Overview

For more information, see section 27.1 “How Schedules Work” on page 311.

3.1.7 How Graphics Work

You use graphics to display building overviews, display values from sensors, or
change setpoints. A graphic can also contain links to trend charts, trend log lists,
Internet sites, or views in WorkStation and WebStation.
For more information, see section 34.1 “How Graphics Work” on page 395.

3.1.8 Documents
You can open documents stored on an EcoStruxure BMS server using the
default program associated with the file type. For example, a txt-file opens
Notepad and a ppt-file opens PowerPoint.
For more information, see section 36.1 “How Documents Work ” on page 405.

3.1.9 WebStation and WorkStation Differences

There are a number of differences in functionality between WebStation and
For more information, see section 3.6 “WebStation and WorkStation Differences”
on page 39.

3.1.10 Dashboards
Dashboards are a way to get a graphical overview of values and logs in your
For more information, see section 37.1 “How Dashboards Work” on page 411.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

3 Start, Enter, and Exit WebStation
3.2 Log on to WorkStation or WebStation

3.2 Log on to WorkStation or WebStation

You log on to WorkStation or WebStation to securely access the EcoStruxure
Building Operation functions.

3.2.1 Log on to WorkStation

You log on to WorkStation with your current Windows credentials, as another
Windows user, or as an EcoStruxure Building Operation user. Your system
administrator decides which type of user you log on as.
To log on to WorkStation using an EcoStruxure Building Operation account, you
need to know the following account information:
• User name
• Password
• Domain
• EcoStruxure BMS server
To log on to WorkStation using a Windows account, you need to know the
EcoStruxure BMS server.
The account information for both the EcoStruxure Building Operation account
and the Windows account is provided by the system administrator.
IMPORTANT: Ensure that you have a working and available WorkStation
license. A working license is required to log on to WorkStation. For more
information, see the Licenses topic on WebHelp.

Remember me on this computer

For a faster log on in Workstation, use the Remember me feature to automatically
fill in your user name, password, domain and server. Both Building Operation
users and Windows users can use the Remember me feature.

Add a display name of the server address

When you log on to a new server, its IP address is added to the server list. You
can add a display name of the server address to make it easier to find your server
in the list.

3.2.2 Log on to WebStation

To log on to WebStation, you need to know the following account information:
• User name
• Password
• Domain
• EcoStruxure BMS server
The account information for your account is provided by the system

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

3 Start, Enter, and Exit WebStation
3.3 Logging On to WebStation

3.3 Logging On to WebStation

You log on to WebStation to access the EcoStruxure Building Operation
For more information, see section 3.2 “Log on to WorkStation or WebStation” on
page 35.

To log on to WebStation
1. In the EcoStruxure Building Operation WebStation window, in the User
name box, type your user name.
2. In the Password box, type your password.
3. In the Domain box, type a domain name.
4. Click Log on.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

3 Start, Enter, and Exit WebStation
3.4 Logging Off WebStation

3.4 Logging Off WebStation

You log off WebStation so that unauthorized personnel cannot tamper with your
For more information, see section 3.2 “Log on to WorkStation or WebStation” on
page 35.

To log off WebStation

1. In WebStation, on the Settings menu, click Options and then click Log off.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

3 Start, Enter, and Exit WebStation
3.5 Changing Your Password

3.5 Changing Your Password

You change your EcoStruxure Building Operation user password on a regular
basis to keep your information secure.
For more information, see section 3.2 “Log on to WorkStation or WebStation” on
page 35.

To change your password

1. In WebStation, on the Settings menu, click Options and then click Change
2. In the Change password dialog box, in the Old password box, type your
old password.
3. In the New password box, type your new password.
4. In the Confirm password box, type your new password again.
5. Click OK.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

3 Start, Enter, and Exit WebStation
3.6 WebStation and WorkStation Differences

3.6 WebStation and WorkStation

There are a number of differences in functionality between WebStation and

Table: WebStation and WorkStation Differences

Features WorkStation WorkStation Prob WebStation


Navigate, search, Yes Yes Yes

filter, and view

Create and edit Yes Yes -



View dashboards - - Yes

Create and edit Yesc Yesc Yes

public dashboards

Create and edit - - Yes


View slide shows - - Yes

Create and edit slide Yes Yes Yes


Develop custom - Yes -



Graphical - - Yesd

Textual Yesd Yesd Yesd



View alarms Yes Yes Yes

Manage alarms Yes Yes Yes

Edit alarms Yes Yes Yese

Create alarms Yes Yes -

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

3 Start, Enter, and Exit WebStation
3.6 WebStation and WorkStation Differences

Features WorkStation WorkStation Prob WebStation

Support for flashing Yes Yes Yes

and audible alarms

Create and edit Yes Yes Yes

alarm filters

View events Yes Yes Yes


View priority array Yes Yes Yes

Edit priority array Yes Yes Yes

Create devices Yes Yes -

(includes device

Manage BACnet Yes Yes -

backup and restore


View graphics Yes Yes Yes

Create and edit - Yes -


View graphics that - - Yes

use client API

Create graphics that - Yes -

use client API

Trend Logs and

Extended Trend

View trend logs Yes Yes Yes

Edit trend logs Yes Yes Yesf

Create trend logs Yes Yes Yes

View multi trend log Yes Yes Yes


Create and edit multi Yes Yes Yes

trend log lists

Export multi trend Yesg Yesg Yesh

log lists

View extended trend Yes Yes Yes


Edit extended trend Yes Yes Yesf


WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

3 Start, Enter, and Exit WebStation
3.6 WebStation and WorkStation Differences

Features WorkStation WorkStation Prob WebStation

Create extended Yes Yes -

trend logs


Create devices Yes Yes -

(includes device

Manage devices Yes Yes -

View Network Yes Yes Yes

Variables (NVs) and
Parameters (CPs)

Edit NVs and CPs Yes Yes Yes


Create devices Yes Yes -

Manage devices Yes Yes -

View values Yes Yes Yes

Edit values Yes Yes Yes

Point Values

View values Yes Yes Yes

Edit values (for Yes Yes Yes

example, change a


Create and edit - Yes -


View Function Block Yes Yes -

program in Graphics


Create and edit Yes Yes -


Schedules and

View schedules and Yes Yes Yes


04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

3 Start, Enter, and Exit WebStation
3.6 WebStation and WorkStation Differences

Features WorkStation WorkStation Prob WebStation

Edit schedules and Yes Yes Yesi


Create schedules Yes Yes -

and calendars

Create multi- Yes Yes -

schedule views

Edit and manage - - Yes

schedules in multi-
schedule view

Users and User


Create and edit Yes Yes Yesj


Create and edit user Yes Yes Yesj

group membership

Create and edit user Yes Yes -


Create and edit Yes Yes -


User Experience

View customized Yes Yes Yes


View customized Yes Yes Yes

navigation panes

Log on as Windows Yes Yes Yes

Active Directory user

Log on using SAML - - Yes

2.0 authentication

Automatic guest Yes Yes Yes

account log on

Password Yes Yes Yes


View saved Yes Yes Yes


Create saved Yes Yes -


Edit saved searches Yes Yes Yes

Simple and Yes Yes Yes

advanced searches

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

3 Start, Enter, and Exit WebStation
3.6 WebStation and WorkStation Differences

Features WorkStation WorkStation Prob WebStation

Kiosk mode - - Yes

Bookmark views - - Yes

(web page URLs)

Bookmark favorite - - Yes


Support for Yes Yes Yes


Support for Yes Yesk Yes


Ability to change Yes Yes Yes

language on the
client side

Use personal layout Yes Yes Yes

and filter favorites

Create and edit Yes Yes Yes

personal layout and
filter favorites

Support for Dark - - Yes


Support custom - - Yes

accent color


Configure and edit Yes Yes -

I/O points, field
buses, and
communication ports

Create and edit Yes Yes -

logical structure

Create and edit Yes Yes -

views, panels,
workspaces, and
navigation panes

View and configure Yes Yes Yes

Watch pane

Administer backup Yes Yes -

and restore of

Manage archiving Yes Yes -

a) WorkStation software without Graphics Editor, Script Editor, and Function Block Editor.
b) WorkStation software including Graphics Editor, Script Editor, and Function Block Editor.
c) Non-visual editing only.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

3 Start, Enter, and Exit WebStation
3.6 WebStation and WorkStation Differences

d) Requires add-on license

e) Can edit alarm ranges, text, delay times, shunt variables, assignments, and deadband.
f) Can only change parameters, for example, interval time.
g) Export to XML, CSV, and XLSX supported.
h) Export to XML and XLSX supported.
i) Can edit only existing schedules and calendars.
j) Cannot assign permissions.
k) Excluding Graphics Editor, Script Editor, and Function Block Editor.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

4 Basic Functions

Basic Functions
Opening an Object in a New Window
Search, Sort, and Filter
Sorting Objects
Filtering Objects
Removing Filtering of Objects
Switching Workspaces in WebStation
Regional Settings and Theme Settings
Regional Settings
Theme Settings
Changing the User Regional Settings
Changing the Default System Regional Settings
Changing the User Theme Settings
Changing the Default System Theme Settings
Favorite Pages
Adding a Favorite Page in WebStation
Removing a Favorite Page in WebStation
Renaming a Favorite Page in WebStation
Security Configuration in WebStation
4 Configuring Security in WebStation using WebStation
4 Basic Functions
4.1 Basic Functions

4.1 Basic Functions

WebStation has a many functions that help you work efficiently. You can search
for and organize objects, and you can get help using the online help.

4.1.1 Log on to WorkStation or WebStation

You log on to WorkStation or WebStation to securely access the EcoStruxure
Building Operation functions.
For more information, see section 3.2 “Log on to WorkStation or WebStation” on
page 35.

4.1.2 Regional Settings and Theme Settings

You can change regional settings and use different themes to adapt WebStation
to your region and your screen.
For more information, see section 4.9 “Regional Settings and Theme Settings ”
on page 56.

4.1.3 Workspace
The workspace in WorkStation and WebStation is the area where you perform all
tasks at your site, such as acknowledging alarms and viewing trend logs.
For more information, see section 4.2 “Workspaces” on page 49.

4.1.4 Search, Sort, and Filter

WebStation has features to help you in your daily work. For example, you can
search for, sort, and filter objects.
For more information, see section 4.4 “Search, Sort, and Filter ” on page 51.

4.1.5 Modify Values

You can change and force values using a graphic or the Properties pane. Using
the Watch pane, you can dynamically monitor a value.
For more information, see section 6.1 “Modify Values ” on page 93.

4.1.6 Help in WebStation

The EcoStruxure BMS Help provides you with information on how to handle and
understand the system.
For more information, see section 11.1 “Help in WebStation” on page 129.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

4 Basic Functions
4.1 Basic Functions

4.1.7 Security Configuration in WebStation

For security reasons, the default configuration for WebStation is, for example, not
to allow external content to be embedded.
For more information, see section 4.21 “Security Configuration in WebStation” on
page 69.

4.1.8 Disable Unnecessary Animations

WebStation supports disabling of unnecessary animations. The disabling can
only be done in the operation system. To disable unnecessary animations, refer
to your operation system. The disabling of unnecessary animations does not
affect animated graphics, such as TGML graphics in WebStation.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

4 Basic Functions
4.2 Workspaces

4.2 Workspaces
The workspace in WorkStation and WebStation is the area where you perform all
tasks at your site, such as acknowledging alarms and viewing trend logs.
The workspace is made up of different components, such as panes, lists, and
views. These components can be configured in a number of different ways. You
can hide or display components and create and save your own workspace. You
can also reset the workspace layout to the default layout for the user group your
user account belongs to.
WebStation uses cookies to remember your workspace when you log off. When
you log on again, you get the workspace you used when you logged off. If you
clear your web browser, you will regain the default workspace.
Some objects have specific views in WorkStation and WebStation:
• Alarms
• Documents
• Graphics (TGML)
• Events
• Trend Charts
• Trend Log Lists
• Schedules
• Calendars
• Watch
When you open an object that does not have a specific view, the Properties
dialog box for that object is displayed.

4.2.1 Panels
Panels are a way to create workspaces that display two or more components in
the EcoStruxure Building Operation software, for example graphics, trend charts,
trend list and alarm views.
For more information, see section 4.16 “Panels ” on page 64.

4.2.2 Favorite Pages

You can add pages that you often visit as favorite pages. This makes the favorite
pages more accessible.
For more information, see section 4.17 “Favorite Pages ” on page 65.

4.2.3 External Contents

External contents, such as web pages, cannot be opened inside WebStation for
security reasons.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

4 Basic Functions
4.3 Opening an Object in a New Window

4.3 Opening an Object in a New Window

You open an object in a new window to be able to display more objects at the
same time or to get a better view.
For more information, see section 4.2 “Workspaces” on page 49.

To open an object in a new window

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane or List view, right-click the object
you want to open in a new window.
2. Click Open in new window.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

4 Basic Functions
4.4 Search, Sort, and Filter

4.4 Search, Sort, and Filter

WebStation has features to help you in your daily work. For example, you can
search for, sort, and filter objects.

4.4.1 Search in WebStation

Use Search to find and view objects in the EcoStruxure Building Operation
For more information, see section 7.1 “Search in WebStation” on page 103.

4.4.2 Sort Objects

You can sort objects by name, type, and description in the List view in
For more information, see section 4.5 “Sorting Objects” on page 52.

4.4.3 Filter Objects

You can use filter in WebStation to limit the number of objects displayed in the
List view.
For more information, see section 4.6 “Filtering Objects” on page 53.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

4 Basic Functions
4.5 Sorting Objects

4.5 Sorting Objects

You sort objects to get a better overview.
For more information, see section 4.4 “Search, Sort, and Filter ” on page 51.

To sort objects
1. In WebStation, in the List view, click the Sort menu.
2. Click the category you want to sort on.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

4 Basic Functions
4.6 Filtering Objects

4.6 Filtering Objects

You filter objects in the List view when you want to limit the number of displayed
For more information, see section 4.4 “Search, Sort, and Filter ” on page 51.

To filter objects
1. In WebStation, in the List view, click the magnifier.
2. In the Filter on name box, type what you want to filter on.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

4 Basic Functions
4.7 Removing Filtering of Objects

4.7 Removing Filtering of Objects

Remove the filter when you want to display all objects.
For more information, see the Filter Objects topic on WebHelp.

To remove filter of objects

1. In WebStation, in the List view, click the magnifier.
2. Remove the character in the filter box.
All objects are displayed in the list.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

4 Basic Functions
4.8 Switching Workspaces in WebStation

4.8 Switching Workspaces in WebStation

You switch workspaces when you want to use another workspace, such as one
with predefined functionality.
For more information, see section 4.2 “Workspaces” on page 49.

To switch workspaces in WebStation

1. Click the Settings menu.
2. Click on the workspace you want to use.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

4 Basic Functions
4.9 Regional Settings and Theme Settings

4.9 Regional Settings and Theme Settings

You can change regional settings and use different themes to adapt WebStation
to your region and your screen.

4.9.1 Regional Settings

You can adapt WebStation to your own region regarding units and language.
For more information, see section 4.10 “Regional Settings ” on page 57.

4.9.2 Theme Settings

You can select several themes on how WebStation is presented.
For more information, see section 4.11 “Theme Settings” on page 59.

4.9.3 Default System Settings and User Settings

The regional settings and theme settings can be configured on two levels: default
system level and user level.
Default system settings are used to make an overall configuration of the system
so that all users that have not made any configuration themselves gets the
default user setting.
The default system settings might be affected by the lead and shadow
mechanism. For more information, see the Lead and Shadow Relationship topic
on WebHelp.
User setting is used if the user is not satisfied with the default system setting.
Users can configure their own regional settings and theme settings that override
the default system settings. The user settings are stored on the users account.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

4 Basic Functions
4.10 Regional Settings

4.10 Regional Settings

You can adapt WebStation to your own region regarding units and language.

4.10.1 Language
You can display WebStation in another language. The language pack for that
language must be installed on the EcoStruxure BMS server that you use.
The change of language affects all users of WebStation that connect to the same
EcoStruxure BMS server.
For more information, see the Adding a Language in WebStation topic on

4.10.2 Measurement Settings

You can select between three different measurement settings in WebStation:
• As configured in object: The unit that is configured in the EcoStruxure BMS
server is used for the object.
• Auto: United States Customer Units is used if WebStation’s locale (date,
time and number format) or the web browser language is configured to
English US/en-US. All other configurations of WebStation or the web
browser displays metric.
• International System of Units (metric): WebStation displays all units in the
International System of Units, such as Celcius and meter.
• United States Customary Units: WebStation displays all units in United
States Customary Units, such as Farenheit and feet.
IMPORTANT: The only exception is that values in the Alarm View and
Event View are displayed as configured in the EcoStruxure BMS server.
When you change the measurement settings in WebStation, you affect the
display of units in WebStation only. The measurement settings configured in the
EcoStruxure BMS server are not affected. For example, your automation server
is located in the USA and uses the United States Customary Units and you
change the measurement settings in WebStation to International System of
Units. Other users that connect to the same automation server, with WebStation
or WorkStation, see the United States Customary Units.
All float values are truncated when converted. Typical float values in EcoStruxure
BMS are analog values, such as temperature. Integer values are rounded when
converted. Typical integer values in EcoStruxure BMS are multistate values.
The measurement setting follows the standard for how units are converted. Units
can also be converted in the server using the unit converter. This conversion
affects the conversion in WebStation. For example, if the unit conversion in the
EcoStruxure BMS server is set to convert Celsius to Kelvin, Kelvin is displayed in
WebStation even when you use the measurement setting for United States
Customary Units.
For more information, see section 4.13 “Changing the Default System Regional
Settings” on page 61.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

4 Basic Functions
4.10 Regional Settings

4.10.3 Date, Time, and Number Format

You can change date, time, and number format so that it suits your needs. The
date, time and number format are not dependent on the language setting. For
example, it is possible to use English as language but Arabic as date, time, and
number format.

4.10.4 Decimals
You can select how many decimals you want to display.

4.10.5 Relative Time

You can present dates in a relative way (today, yesterday) or as calendar dates
(dates presented as a specific date in number format):
• Auto: Use the default WebStation configuration (Enable).
• Enable: Enable relative time.
• Disable: Disable relative time.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

4 Basic Functions
4.11 Theme Settings

4.11 Theme Settings

You can select several themes themes that control how WebStation is presented.

4.11.1 Dark Mode

You can configure WebStation to use dark mode:
• Auto: Use the same configuration as in the web browser and operation
system. If the web browser and operating system are configured to use dark
mode, WebStation will be running in dark mode.
• Enable: Enable dark mode regardless of the configuration in the web
browser or operating system.
• Disable: Disable dark mode regardless of the configuration in the web
browser or operating system.

4.11.2 Size Mode

Size mode adjust fonts and icons to the size of your screen:
• Auto: Adapts icons and font size to the screen size.
• Small: Use small icons and fonts.
• Large: Use large icons and fonts.

4.11.3 Accent Color

Accent Color is the color used in the top toolbar in WebStation. This color can be
Accent color can only be configured on default system level.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

4 Basic Functions
4.12 Changing the User Regional Settings

4.12 Changing the User Regional Settings

You change the user regional settings in WebStation so that it fits your region.
For more information, see section 4.10 “Regional Settings ” on page 57.

To change the user regional settings

1. In WebStation, on the Settings menu, click Options.
2. Click Change user settings.
3. Click Regional Settings.
4. In the Language list, select the language.
5. In the Date, time and number format list, select the date, time and number
6. In the System of measurement list, select the system of measurement.
7. In the Decimal list, select the number of decimals.
8. In the Relative Time list, select if you want to use relative time.
9. Click OK.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

4 Basic Functions
4.13 Changing the Default System Regional Settings

4.13 Changing the Default System Regional

You change the default system regional settings in WebStation so that it fits your
For more information, see section 4.10 “Regional Settings ” on page 57.
NOTE: The default system regional settings might be controlled by a lead
object. For more information, see the Lead and Shadow Relationship topic
on WebHelp.

To change the default system regional settings

1. In WebStation, on the Settings menu, click Options.
2. Click Change default system regional settings.
3. Click Regional Settings.
4. In the Language list, select the language you want to use.
5. In the Date, time and number format list, select the date, time and number
6. In the System of measurement list, select the system of measurement you
want to use.
7. In the Decimal list, select the number of decimals you want to use.
8. In the Relative Time list, select if you want to use relative time.
9. Click OK.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

4 Basic Functions
4.14 Changing the User Theme Settings

4.14 Changing the User Theme Settings

You change the user theme settings so that it fits your screen.
For more information, see section 4.11 “Theme Settings” on page 59.

To change the user theme settings

1. In WebStation, on the Settings menu, click Options.
2. Click Change user settings.
3. Click Theme Settings.
4. In the Dark Mode list, select if you want to use dark mode.
5. In the Size Mode list, select the size of icons and fonts.
6. Click OK.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

4 Basic Functions
4.15 Changing the Default System Theme Settings

4.15 Changing the Default System Theme

You change the user theme settings so that it suits your needs.
For more information, see section 4.11 “Theme Settings” on page 59.
NOTE: The default system theme settings might be controlled by a lead
object. For more information, see the Lead and Shadow Relationship topic
on WebHelp.

To changing the default system theme settings

1. In WebStation, on the Settings menu, click Options.
2. Click Change default system settings.
3. Click Theme Settings.
4. In the Dark Mode list, select if you want to use dark mode.
5. In the Size Mode list, select the size of icons and fonts.
6. In the Accent color box, select the accent color.
7. Click OK.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

4 Basic Functions
4.16 Panels

4.16 Panels
Panels are a way to create workspaces that display two or more components in
the EcoStruxure Building Operation software, for example graphics, trend charts,
trend list and alarm views.
Panels are normally created by the engineer or the site administrator. The main
advantage with panels is that a lot of components can be reached very easily at
the same time. A panel can also be adapted for a specific type of user. For
example a user responsible of a specific part of a site may have a panel that
displays an alarm view with relevant alarms and trend logs that measures the
energy consumptions for that part of the site.

Figure: A panel containing a graphic (left) and a trend log list (right)

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

4 Basic Functions
4.17 Favorite Pages

4.17 Favorite Pages

You can add pages that you often visit as favorite pages. This makes the favorite
pages more accessible.
You can add and remove favorite pages at any time.
When you add a new favorite page, the favorite page always gets the name of
the object. But you can rename the favorite page. Renaming the favorite page
does not affect the name of the object.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

4 Basic Functions
4.18 Adding a Favorite Page in WebStation

4.18 Adding a Favorite Page in WebStation

You add pages as favorites to access them quickly.
For more information, see section 4.17 “Favorite Pages ” on page 65.

To add a favorite page in WebStation

1. Browse to the page you want to add as favorite page.
2. In the View menu, click Add current page.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

4 Basic Functions
4.19 Removing a Favorite Page in WebStation

4.19 Removing a Favorite Page in

You remove unwanted favorite pages.
For more information, see section 4.17 “Favorite Pages ” on page 65.

To remove a favorite page in WebStation

1. In the View menu, point to the favorite page and then click Edit.
2. Click Remove.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

4 Basic Functions
4.20 Renaming a Favorite Page in WebStation

4.20 Renaming a Favorite Page in

You rename a favorite page to better suit your needs.
For more information, see section 4.17 “Favorite Pages ” on page 65.

To rename a favorite page in WebStation

1. In the View menu, point to the favorite page and then click Edit.
2. Rename the favorite page.
3. Click Save.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

4 Basic Functions
4.21 Security Configuration in WebStation

4.21 Security Configuration in WebStation

For security reasons, the default configuration for WebStation is, for example, not
to allow external content to be embedded.
The default configuration can be changed in the Security Settings in WorkStation
or in the System Security tab in the Options menu.

Enable external websites to be embedded into WebStation

You can enable external websites to be displayed in WebStation. By selecting
this option any website can be embedded.

Lists external websites sites that are allowed be embedded into

You can make a whitelist of websites that are allowed to be embedded in
WebStation. An empty whitelist allows no sites to be embedded. The whitelist is
used together with the HtmlPage object if you only want a small selection of
WebSites be embedded and not open for all as the "Enable external websites to
be embedded into WebStation" option.
When you upgrade a system to version 1.9 or later, any embedded non-
WebStation contents open in a new tab or window in our web browser. A link to a
report, hyperlink, or document in a workspace in WebStation opens the contents
in a new tab.

Enable WebStation to be embedded in another website

You can enable WebStation to be embedded in other sites.

Website to allow access to WebStation when embedded

Address of the site that embeds WebStation.

Enable WebStation to use unsafe string evaluated JavaScript

Enable the graphic viewer in WebStation to use unsafe string evaluated
JavaScript methods like ‘eval’.

To increase security, you can enforce WebStation to only use HTTPS. This is
done using HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS).

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

4 Basic Functions
4.22 Configuring Security in WebStation using WebStation

4.22 Configuring Security in WebStation

using WebStation
You can configure the security for WebStation using WebStation.
For more information, see section 4.21 “Security Configuration in WebStation” on
page 69.

To configure security in WebStation using WebStation

1. In WebStation, on the Settings menu, click Options.
2. Click Security Settings.
3. Configure the security settings.
4. Click OK.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

5 Basic Functions User

Building Operation WebStation Window
List View
System Tree Pane
Settings Menu – Workspace Tab
Settings Menu – Options Tab
User Settings – Regional Settings Dialog Box
User Settings – Theme Settings Tab
Default System Settings – Regional Settings Dialog Box
Default System Settings – Theme Settings Tab
System Security Settings – Dialog Box
Change Password Dialog Box
View Menu
Context Menu
5 Basic Functions User Interface
5.1 Building Operation WebStation Window

5.1 Building Operation WebStation Window

Use the Building Operation WebStation window to log on to WebStation.

Figure: Building Operation WebStation Widow

Table: Building Operation WebStation Widow

Component Description

User name Type the user name.

Password Type the password.

Domain Type the name of the domain you want to

log on to. If you do not enter a domain, you
log on to the EcoStruxure BMS server local
domain. For more information, see the
Domains topic on WebHelp.

Log on Click to log on to WebStation.

Log on as guest Click to log on as guest. This button is only

available if a guest account is configured.
For more information, see the Guest User
Account topic on WebHelp.

Log on with SSO Click to log on with SSO. This button is only
available if a SSO is available using
Federated Authentication. For more
information, see the Federated
Authentication topic on WebHelp.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

5 Basic Functions User Interface
5.1 Building Operation WebStation Window

Component Description

Click here to learn more about Building Click to open the WebHelp home page. For
Operation more information, see the WebHelp
Overview topic on WebHelp.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

5 Basic Functions User Interface
5.2 List View

5.2 List View

You can use the List View in WebStation to navigate the system.
Using the sort menu, you can sort objects in the List View. You can also filter the
objects in the List view.

Figure: The List View in WebStation

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

5 Basic Functions User Interface
5.3 System Tree Pane

5.3 System Tree Pane

The System Tree pane in WebStation displays the tree structure of the system,
depending upon user rights or configuration. In the System Tree pane, you can
view objects, open folders, or open object, such as trend charts and schedules.

Figure: System Tree pane in WebStation

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

5 Basic Functions User Interface
5.4 Settings Menu – Workspace Tab

5.4 Settings Menu – Workspace Tab

Use the Workspace tab to select workspace, access help, or log off.

Figure: Workspace tab

Table: Workspace tab

Command Description

Workspaces Click to select a workspace. For more

information, see section 4.2 “Workspaces”
on page 49.

Web Help home Click to open Web help.

Log off Click to log off.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

5 Basic Functions User Interface
5.5 Settings Menu – Options Tab

5.5 Settings Menu – Options Tab

Use the Settings menu to select workspace, change password, change regional
settings, add or remove languages, or log off.

Figure: Settings menu

Table: Settings Menu

Command Description

Change password Click to open the Change password dialog

box where you change your password. For
more information, see section 5.11
“Change Password Dialog Box” on page

User settings Click to open the user settings Regional

Settings and Theme Settings menus.
For more information, see section 5.6 “User
Settings – Regional Settings Dialog Box”
on page 80.
For more information, see section 5.7 “User
Settings – Theme Settings Tab” on page

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

5 Basic Functions User Interface
5.5 Settings Menu – Options Tab

Command Description

Default system settings Click to open the default system Regional

Settings and Theme Settings menus.
For more information, see section 5.8
“Default System Settings – Regional
Settings Dialog Box” on page 82.
For more information, see section 5.9
“Default System Settings – Theme Settings
Tab” on page 84.

System security settings Click to open the System security

settings menu.

Add or remove language Click to open the Add or remove

language dialog box where you add or
remove languages. For more information,
see the Add or Remove Languages Dialog
Box topic on WebHelp.

Preview features Click to open the Preview features menu.

Device configuration Click to open Automation Server Device

Configuration Page. For more
information, see the Automation Server
Device Configuration in WebStation topic
on WebHelp.

About WebStation Click to view the version of WebStation you

are using.

Log off Click to log off.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

5 Basic Functions User Interface
5.6 User Settings – Regional Settings Dialog Box

5.6 User Settings – Regional Settings

Dialog Box
Use the Regional Settings dialog box to adapt WebStation to your region.

Figure: Regional settings dialog box

Table: Regional Settings Dialog Box

Component Description

Language Select the language you want to use. For

more information, see section 4.10
“Regional Settings ” on page 57.

Date, time and number format Select the date, time, and number format
you want to use. For more information, see
section 4.10 “Regional Settings ” on page

System of Measurement Select the measurement system you want

to use. For more information, see section
4.10 “Regional Settings ” on page 57.

Decimals Select the number of decimals. For more

information, see section 4.10 “Regional
Settings ” on page 57.

Relative time Select if you want to use relative time . For

more information, see section 4.10
“Regional Settings ” on page 57.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

5 Basic Functions User Interface
5.7 User Settings – Theme Settings Tab

5.7 User Settings – Theme Settings Tab

Use the Theme Settings tab to use dark mode and adjust size on icons and

Figure: Theme settings tab

Table: Theme Settings Tab

Component Description

Dark Mode Select if you want to use dark mode. For

more information, see section 4.11 “Theme
Settings” on page 59.

Size Mode Select the size of icons and fonts. For more
information, see section 4.11 “Theme
Settings” on page 59.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

5 Basic Functions User Interface
5.8 Default System Settings – Regional Settings Dialog Box

5.8 Default System Settings – Regional

Settings Dialog Box
Use the Regional Settings dialog box to adapt WebStation to your region.

Figure: Regional settings dialog box

Table: Regional Settings Dialog Box

Component Description

Go to lead object Click to go to the lead object. For more

information, see the Lead and Shadow
Relationship topic on WebHelp.

System of Measurement Select the measurement system you want

to use. For more information, see section
4.10 “Regional Settings ” on page 57.

Language Select the language you want to use. For

more information, see section 4.10
“Regional Settings ” on page 57.

Date, time and number format Select the date, time, and number format
you want to use. For more information, see
section 4.10 “Regional Settings ” on page

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

5 Basic Functions User Interface
5.8 Default System Settings – Regional Settings Dialog Box

Component Description

Decimals Select the number of decimals. For more

information, see section 4.10 “Regional
Settings ” on page 57.

Relative time Select if you want to use relative time . For

more information, see section 4.10
“Regional Settings ” on page 57.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

5 Basic Functions User Interface
5.9 Default System Settings – Theme Settings Tab

5.9 Default System Settings – Theme

Settings Tab
Use the Theme Settings tab to use dark mode and adjust size on icons and

Figure: Theme settings tab

Table: Theme Settings Tab

Component Description

Go to lead object The settings are controlled by a lead object.

Click Go to lead object to configure the
default system settings. For more
information, see the Lead and Shadow
Relationship topic on WebHelp.

Dark Mode Select if you want to use dark mode. For

more information, see section 4.11 “Theme
Settings” on page 59.

Size Mode Select the size of icons and fonts. For more
information, see section 4.11 “Theme
Settings” on page 59.

Accent Color Select accent colot for the top toolbar. For
more information, see section 4.11 “Theme
Settings” on page 59.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

5 Basic Functions User Interface
5.10 System Security Settings – Dialog Box

5.10 System Security Settings – Dialog Box

Use the System security settings dialog box to to increase the security.

Figure: System security settings dialog box

Table: System Security Settings Dialog Box

Component Description

Enable external content in WebStation Select if you want external content to be

embedded in WebStation. For more
information, see section 4.21 “Security
Configuration in WebStation” on page 69.

External content security policy You can make a whitelist of websites that
whitelist are allowed to be embedded in
WebStation. An empty whitelist allows no
sites to be embedded. The whitelist is used
together with the HtmlPage object if you
only want a small selection of WebSites be
embedded and not open for all as the
"Enable external websites to be embedded
into WebStation" option.

Enable WebStation to be embedded in Select if you want WebStation to be

another site embedded in another web site. For more
information, see section 4.21 “Security
Configuration in WebStation” on page 69.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

5 Basic Functions User Interface
5.10 System Security Settings – Dialog Box

Component Description

Origin to allow access to WebStation Address of the site that embeds

when embedded WebStation. For more information, see
section 4.21 “Security Configuration in
WebStation” on page 69.

Enable WebStation to use unsafe Select if you have graphics written in older
JavaScript versions of EBO that cannot be displayed
in 3.0 or later. For more information, see
the Cannot Open Graphics in WebStation
topic on WebHelp.

Enable HSTS pre-load list Select to enable HSTS pre-load list. For
more information, see section 4.21
“Security Configuration in WebStation” on
page 69.

HSTS pre-load list max-age Enter the time the HST pre-load list is valid.
For more information, see section 4.21
“Security Configuration in WebStation” on
page 69.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

5 Basic Functions User Interface
5.11 Change Password Dialog Box

5.11 Change Password Dialog Box

Use the Change Password dialog box to change your password.

Figure: Change Password dialog box

Table: Change Password Dialog Box

Component Description

Old password Type your old password.

New password Type your new password. For more

information, see the Password Policy topic
on WebHelp.

Confirm password Type your new password again.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

5 Basic Functions User Interface
5.12 View Menu

5.12 View Menu

Use the View menu to open the Workspaces submenu and to display the System
Tree pane, the Alarms pane, and the Events pane.

Figure: View menu

Table: View Menu

Command Description

System tree Select to display the System tree pane for

the selected EcoStruxure BMS server. For
more information, see section 5.3 “System
Tree Pane” on page 76.

Alarms Select to display the Alarms pane.

Events Select to display the Events pane.

Watch Select to display the Watch pane. For more

information, see section 9.1 “Watch Pane in
WebStation” on page 117.

Favorite pages Click to access your favorite pages. For

more information, see section 4.17
“Favorite Pages ” on page 65.

+ Add current page Click to make the current page a favorite

page. For more information, see section
4.17 “Favorite Pages ” on page 65.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

5 Basic Functions User Interface
5.13 Context Menu

5.13 Context Menu

Use the Context menu to open objects in a new window, to open trend charts,
trend log lists, and trend logs, to view reports, to open the properties for the
selected object, to add a new user, and to delete objects.

Figure: Context menu

Table: Context Menu

Command Description

Open in new window Click to open the selected object in a new


Open in new tab Click to open the selected object in a new


Open chart Click to open the selected trend chart.

Open list Click to open the selected trend log as a

trend log list.

Create trend item Click to open the Create trend item menu.
For more information, see section 26.2
“Context Menu – Create Trend Item
Submenu” on page 292.

Trend chart menu Click to open the Open chart submenu.

For more information, see section 26.1
“Context Menu – Trend Charts Submenu”
on page 291.

Start log Click to start the selected trend log.

Stop log Click to stop the selected trend log.

Create Dashboard Click to create a Dashboard object.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

5 Basic Functions User Interface
5.13 Context Menu

Command Description

Create Slideshow Click to open a Slideshow object.

Zoning Click to administrate zoning.

View events Click to view the events for the selected


Properties Opens the Properties dialog box for the

selected object.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

6 Modifying Values

Modify Values
Changing a Value in a Graphic
Forced Values
Forcing a Value
Releasing a Forced Value
Adding or Changing a Unit and Prefix for a Value in
Select Unit Dialog Box
6 Modifying Values
6.1 Modify Values

6.1 Modify Values

You can change and force values using a graphic or the Properties pane. Using
the Watch pane, you can dynamically monitor a value.

6.1.1 Forced Values

When you force a value, all input from the system is overridden. For example, a
schedule is set to start a fan at 09:00 but you want it to start at 08:00. In this case,
you can force the fan to start at 08:00.
For more information, see section 6.3 “Forced Values” on page 95.

6.1.2 Add and Change Units and Prefix

You can add or change units and prefixes on values using WebStation.
For more information, see section 6.6 “Adding or Changing a Unit and Prefix for a
Value in WebStation” on page 98.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

6 Modifying Values
6.2 Changing a Value in a Graphic

6.2 Changing a Value in a Graphic

You change a value in a graphic when you want a different value.
For more information, see section 34.1 “How Graphics Work” on page 395.

To change a value in a graphic

1. In WorkStation or WebStation, click the graphic with the value you want to
2. Click the value you want to change.
3. In the Edit properties dialog box, enter the new value.
4. Click OK.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

6 Modifying Values
6.3 Forced Values

6.3 Forced Values

When you force a value, all input from the system is overridden. For example, a
schedule is set to start a fan at 09:00 but you want it to start at 08:00. In this case,
you can force the fan to start at 08:00.
You can manually release a forced value at any time or you can automate the
release, using a Timed Force utility object to specify the duration or end time of
the force. For more information, see the Timed Force Objects topic on WebHelp.
When you release a forced value, the value returns to its normal status.
In WorkStation, you can view the unforced value, which is the real value from the
system, at any time. For more information, see the Viewing an Unforced Value
topic on WebHelp.

Indication in WorkStation
A forced value is indicated by orange color in the properties dialog boxes. In in
the Watch pane, a forced value is indicated by a pointing hand .
In the List View and Search View, a forced value is indicated by the text [Forced]
in the 'Value' column.
In WorkStation, you can view the unforced value, which is the real value from the
system, at any time. For more information, see the Viewing an Unforced Value
topic on WebHelp.

Indication in WebStation
A forced value is indicated by orange color and a pointing hand in the List view.

Indication in Function Block Graphics Viewer

A forced value is indicated by orange color in Function Block Graphics Viewer.
For more information, see the Forced Value Indication in Function Block
Graphics Viewer topic on WebHelp.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

6 Modifying Values
6.4 Forcing a Value

6.4 Forcing a Value

You force a value when you want to override a value, such as a value from a
For more information, see section 6.3 “Forced Values” on page 95.

To force a value
1. In WebStation, click the value you want to force.
2. In the value row, click Force.
3. Click Save.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

6 Modifying Values
6.5 Releasing a Forced Value

6.5 Releasing a Forced Value

You release a forced value to return it to its normal status.
For more information, see section 6.3 “Forced Values” on page 95.

To release a forced value

1. In WebStation, click the value you want to release.
2. In the value row, click Unforce.
3. Click Save.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

6 Modifying Values
6.6 Adding or Changing a Unit and Prefix for a Value in WebStation

6.6 Adding or Changing a Unit and Prefix for

a Value in WebStation
You define and change the unit and its prefix for a value to ensure that the value
is correct calculated.
For more information, see section 9.1 “Watch Pane in WebStation” on page 117.

To add or change a unit and prefix for a Value in WebStation

1. In WebStation, open the properties dialog box for the object with the value
you want to change unit and prefix on.

2. Click the Context menu button for the value.

3. Click Configure unit.
4. Select the unit and prefix.
5. Click OK.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

6 Modifying Values
6.7 Select Unit Dialog Box

6.7 Select Unit Dialog Box

Use the Select unit dialog box to define the unit and prefix of a value.

Figure: Select unit dialog box

Table: Select Unit Dialog Box

Component Description

Quick filter Type the name of the category or unit you

are searching for. For more information,
see the Quick Filter topic on WebHelp.

Units Select the category and unit of the value.

For more information, see the Units topic
on WebHelp.

Prefix Select the prefix of the unit

Selected unit Displays the defined unit with prefix.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

7 Search

Search in WebStation
Searching in WebStation
Searching Using a Saved Search
Exporting a Search to Excel
Multi-editing in Search
7 Search
7.1 Search in WebStation

7.1 Search in WebStation

Use Search to find and view objects in the EcoStruxure Building Operation

Different Searches
There are two different ways to search in WebStation:
• The Search function searches for all object names and property names in
the system.
• A saved search is a predefined search that searches specific criteria in a
specific part of the system. Saved searches are created in WorkStation and
the search criteria cannot be changed in WebStation.
Search is case insensitive, which means that Search does not distinguish
between uppercase and lowercase letters. A search for "Fan" results with hits for
both "fan" and "Fan".

Use wildcards to substitute characters or combinations of characters in a search.
Search supports two main wildcards:
• Asterisk (*) represents any combination of characters including white space.
• Question mark (?) represents any single character.
For example, you want to find all objects and properties containing the word
“Temperature”. You start the search with an asterisk so that the search includes
all hits on objects like “Outside Air Temperature” where the asterisk represents
the words before "Temperature", in this case “Outside Air”. You also have to end
the search text with an asterisk to include objects like “Temperature Alarm”
where the asterisk represents the word after "Temperature", in this case “Alarm”.

Local or Global Searches

You can search in your whole EcoStruxure BMS or only in a folder, device, or
• To search your whole system, select the top server and then perform the
search. You can also click the Search whole server button in the list.
• To search a specific folder, select the folder and then perform the search.
TIP: When you perform a search, you cannot leave the Search box empty.
To perform a search, you have to enter something in the Search box.

Export a search
You can export a search result as an Excel file.

Multi-edit in the search list view

You can multi-edit several objects in the search result list at the same time. This
saves a lot of time compared to editing the objects one by one.
For more information, see section 7.5 “Multi-editing in Search” on page 107.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

7 Search
7.2 Searching in WebStation

7.2 Searching in WebStation

You use the Search function to find objects in EcoStruxure Building Operation
For more information, see section 7.1 “Search in WebStation” on page 103.

To search in WebStation
1. In WebStation, in the System tree, select the folder, server, or device you
want to search in.
2. Click the magnifier.
3. In the Search box, type the text you want to search for.
4. Press Enter.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

7 Search
7.3 Searching Using a Saved Search

7.3 Searching Using a Saved Search

You use a saved search to find predefined objects in the database.
For more information, see section 7.1 “Search in WebStation” on page 103.

To search using a saved search

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, select the saved search you want
to use.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

7 Search
7.4 Exporting a Search to Excel

7.4 Exporting a Search to Excel

You can export a search result as an Excel file.
For more information, see section 7.1 “Search in WebStation” on page 103.

To export a search to Excel

1. In WebStation, in the System tree, select the folder, server, or device you
want to search in.
2. Click the magnifier.
3. In the Search box, type the text you want to search for.
4. Press Enter.

5. Í the toolbar, click the Export to Excel button .

6. Save the Excel file.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

7 Search
7.5 Multi-editing in Search

7.5 Multi-editing in Search

You multi-edit objects in the search result list to save time.
For more information, see section 7.1 “Search in WebStation” on page 103.

To multi-edit in search
1. In WebStation perform a search.
2. In the Search result list, on the Search result toolbar, click the Select items

button .
3. Select the objects you want to edit.

TIP: Click the Select all button to select all objects in the search
result list.

4. Click the Edit button .

5. In the Properties dialog box, make the edits.
6. Click OK.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

8 Search User Interface

Search Toolbar
Search List Workspace
Search List Toolbar
8 Search User Interface
8.1 Search Toolbar

8.1 Search Toolbar

Use the Search toolbar to perform a search on all objects in EcoStruxure
Building Operation software.

Figure: Search toolbar

Table: Search Toolbar

Button Description

[Magnifier] Click to open the Search box. For more

information, see section 7.1 “Search in
WebStation” on page 103.

[Search box] Enter something to search for. For more

information, see section 7.1 “Search in
WebStation” on page 103.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

8 Search User Interface
8.2 Search List Workspace

8.2 Search List Workspace

Use the Search list workspace to view the result of a search and for multi-editing
objects in the search result list.

Figure: Search list workspace

Table: Search List Workspace

Number Description

Search List Toolbar

Use the list toolbar to sort the search result,
select objects you want to multi-edit or use
quick filter to filter the objects.

Search result list view

Displays the result of a search.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

8 Search User Interface
8.3 Search List Toolbar

8.3 Search List Toolbar

Use the search list toolbar to select, edit and export objects in a search.

Table: Search List Toolbar

Button Description

Export to Excel
Click to export the search result to Excel.

Select items
Click to select objects in the search result

Select all
Click to select all objects in the search
result list.

Deselect all
Click to deselect all objects in the search
result list.

Edit selected
Click to open a properties dialog box to
multi-edit the selected objects.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

9 Watch Pane

introduction to this topic

Watch Pane in WebStation
Adding a Property to the Watch Pane in WebStation
Adding a Property to the Watch Pane from the Properties
Dialog Box
Removing a Property from the Watch Pane in WebStation
Saving the Watch Pane in WebStation
9 Watch Pane
9.1 Watch Pane in WebStation

9.1 Watch Pane in WebStation

You add objects to the Watch pane to monitor their live values.
For example, you can monitor the impact of a change you are about to make in
your system. Property changes are immediately displayed in the Watch pane.
You can save the Watch pane with all its objects and properties so that you can
use it again the next time you log on to WebStation.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

9 Watch Pane
9.2 Adding a Property to the Watch Pane in WebStation

9.2 Adding a Property to the Watch Pane in

You can monitor a property by adding it to the Watch pane.
For more information, see section 9.1 “Watch Pane in WebStation” on page 117.

To add a property to the Watch Pane

1. In WebStation, in the Watch pane toolbar, click Add.
2. Select the property.
3. Click OK.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

9 Watch Pane
9.3 Adding a Property to the Watch Pane from the Properties Dialog Box

9.3 Adding a Property to the Watch Pane

from the Properties Dialog Box
You can add a property to the Watch pane using the properties dialog box in
For more information, see section 9.1 “Watch Pane in WebStation” on page 117.

To add a property to the Watch pane from the properties dialog

1. In WebStation, open the properties dialog box with the property you want to

2. Click the Context menu button for the property you want to add.
3. Click Add to Watch.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

9 Watch Pane
9.4 Removing a Property from the Watch Pane in WebStation

9.4 Removing a Property from the Watch

Pane in WebStation
You remove properties that you do not want to monitor from the Watch pane.
For more information, see section 9.1 “Watch Pane in WebStation” on page 117.

To remove a property from the Watch Pane in WebStation

1. In WebStation, in the Watch pane, click X to the right of the property.

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9 Watch Pane
9.5 Saving the Watch Pane in WebStation

9.5 Saving the Watch Pane in WebStation

You can save the Watch pane with its properties if you want to monitor the same
properties later.
For more information, see section 9.1 “Watch Pane in WebStation” on page 117.

To save the Watch Pane in WebStation

1. In WebStation, in the Watch pane toolbar, click Save.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

10 Watch Pane User Interface

Watch Pane – WebStation
10 Watch Pane User Interface
10.1 Watch Pane – WebStation

10.1 Watch Pane – WebStation

Use the Watch pane to monitor or change properties.

Figure: Watch pane

Table: Watch Pane

Number Description

Watch pane toolbar

Use the toolbar to add properties to the
Watch pane and to save the Watch pane.

Watch list
Use the list to view and edit properties.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

11 Help Functions

Help in WebStation
Opening Help
11 Help Functions
11.1 Help in WebStation

11.1 Help in WebStation

The EcoStruxure BMS Help provides you with information on how to handle and
understand the system.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

11 Help Functions
11.2 Opening Help

11.2 Opening Help

You use Help to find information about EcoStruxure Building Operation software.
For more information, see section 11.1 “Help in WebStation” on page 129.

To open help
1. In WebStation, in the Settings menu, click Workspaces and then click Help.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

12 User Management

Create and Administer User Accounts in WebStation
Creating a User Account
Forcing Users to Change Their Passwords
Disabling a User Account
Deleting a User Account
12 User Management
12.1 Create and Administer User Accounts in WebStation

12.1 Create and Administer User Accounts in

Using WebStation, you can create and administer user accounts.
You can also add a new user account to an already existing user group in the
system. You can force users to change their password the next time they log on.
Unused accounts can be disabled and saved for further use or they can be
deleted from the system.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

12 User Management
12.2 Creating a User Account

12.2 Creating a User Account

You create a user account when you want a person to have access to the
EcoStruxure BMS.
For more information, see section 12.1 “Create and Administer User Accounts in
WebStation ” on page 133.

To create a user account

1. In WebStation, click System.
2. In the System pane, click Domains.
3. In the Domains pane, click the domain where you want to create the user.
4. Click Users.
5. In the Users pane, click Add.
6. In the User name box, type the user name.
7. In the Password box, type the password.
8. In the First name box, type the first name.
9. In the Middle name box, type the middle name.
10. In the Last name box, type the last name.
11. In the Home email box, type the home email address.
12. In the Work email box, type the work email address.
13. In the Disable field, select True to disable the account.
14. In the Force password change field, select True to force the user to
change the password the next time the user logs on.
15. In the Expiration box, enter the expiration date for the user account.
16. In the Language list, select the language.
17. In the Date, time and number format list, select the date, time and number
18. In the System of measurement list, select the system of measurement.
19. In the Member of box, select which user groups you want the user to be a
member of.
20. Click Save.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

12 User Management
12.3 Forcing Users to Change Their Passwords

12.3 Forcing Users to Change Their

You force users to change their passwords to strengthen the security in the
For more information, see section 12.1 “Create and Administer User Accounts in
WebStation ” on page 133.

To force users to change their passwords

1. In WebStation, click System.
2. In the System pane, click Domains.
3. In the Domains pane, click the domain where the user is located.
4. Click Users.
5. In the Users pane, click the user.
6. In the Force password change box, select True.
7. Click Save.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

12 User Management
12.4 Disabling a User Account

12.4 Disabling a User Account

You disable a user account so the user account cannot be used.
For more information, see section 12.1 “Create and Administer User Accounts in
WebStation ” on page 133.

To disable a user account

1. In WebStation, click System.
2. In the System pane, click Domains.
3. In the Domains pane, click the domain where the user is located.
4. Click Users.
5. In the Users pane, click the user.
6. In the Disable box, select True.
7. Click Save.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

12 User Management
12.5 Deleting a User Account

12.5 Deleting a User Account

You delete a user account that is no longer in use.
For more information, see section 12.1 “Create and Administer User Accounts in
WebStation ” on page 133.

To delete a user account

1. In WebStation, click System.
2. In the System pane, click Domains.
3. In the Domains pane, click the domain where the user is located.
4. Click Users.
5. In the Users pane, click the user.
6. On the Users pane, click Remove.
7. Click Save.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

13 User Management User

Add and Edit User Dialog Box
13 User Management User Interface
13.1 Add and Edit User Dialog Box

13.1 Add and Edit User Dialog Box

Use the Add and Edit User dialog box to add and edit a user in WebStation.

Figure: Add and Edit User dialog box

Table: Add and Edit User Dialog Box

Component Description

User name Type the user name.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

13 User Management User Interface
13.1 Add and Edit User Dialog Box

Component Description

Password Type the user’s password. For more

information, see the Password Policy topic
on WebHelp.

First name Type the user’s first name.

Middle name Type the user’s middle name.

Last name Type the user’s last name.

Home email address Type the users home email address.

Work email address Type the user’s work email address.

Disable Select True to disable the user account.

Force password change Select True to force the user to change the
password at next log on.

Expires on Select a date when the user account


Language Select the user’s language. For more

information, see section 4.10 “Regional
Settings ” on page 57.

Date, time and number format Select the user’s date, time and number
format. For more information, see section
4.10 “Regional Settings ” on page 57.

System of measurement Select the user’s system of measurement.

For more information, see section 4.10
“Regional Settings ” on page 57.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

14 Alarms

How Alarms Work
Alarm Acknowledgements
Acknowledging an Alarm in WebStation
Mass Acknowledging Alarms in WebStation
Alarm Assignments
Assigning an Alarm
Self-Assigning an Alarm in WebStation
Rejecting an Alarm Assignment in WebStation
Accepting an Alarm Assignment in WebStation
Releasing an Alarm Assignment in WebStation
Alarm Attachments
Opening an Alarm Attachment in WebStation
Alarm and Event Details
Viewing the Alarm Details
Temporary User Filters
Editing a User Filter in WebStation
Sorting Alarms and Events in WebStation
Selecting Fields in the Alarm View and Event View in
Applying a Favorite in WebStation
14 Adding a Favorite in WebStation
Renaming a Favorite in WebStation
Deleting a Favorite in WebStation
14 Alarms
14.1 How Alarms Work

14.1 How Alarms Work

You are notified by alarms when some important event occurs. For example, if
the temperature is too low or too high in a building, if a window is open, or if
something is broken, such as a fan. The system administrator sets up the alarms
and decides to whom the alarm is sent.
When an alarm is triggered, the alarm is displayed in a list together with
information about the alarm and its current status. In the list, you can manage the
alarms, for example, acknowledge, accept, and comment alarms. In addition, you
can sort, hide, and disable alarms in the list. You can also open a detail view to
get information on all properties of an alarm.

14.1.1 Alarm Acknowledgements

When you acknowledge an alarm, you let other users know that you have seen
the alarm. Acknowledging an alarm does not necessarily mean that you are
responsible for solving the cause of the alarm.
For more information, see section 14.2 “Alarm Acknowledgements ” on page 147.

14.1.2 Alarm Assignments

A triggered alarm can be manually or automatically assigned to a specific user or
user group that seems to be most suited to correct the problem.
For more information, see section 14.5 “Alarm Assignments” on page 150.

14.1.3 Alarm Attachments

You can add attachments to alarm objects, except System Information alarms.
An attachment is a link pointing to an object in the system. When an alarm that
has an attachment is triggered, a paperclip icon is displayed in the Alarms pane
and Alarm Views. It is also possible to configure the attachment to display when
the alarm is going from Normal to Alarm state.
For more information, see section 14.11 “Alarm Attachments” on page 157.

14.1.4 User Actions

User actions are used to ease the understanding of what triggered the alarms
and what to do to solve the cause of the alarm. User action can be mandatory or
optional depending on how the system is set up.
For more information, see section 15.1 “User Actions” on page 175.

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14 Alarms
14.1 How Alarms Work

14.1.5 Hide and Disable

You can hide or disable alarms to decrease the number of alarms that are
presented in the Alarms pane or Alarm View. This is particularly useful when you
have many active alarms at the same time.
For more information, see section 17.1 “Hide and Disable” on page 199.

14.1.6 Alarm State-change Logging

Every time an alarm changes its state, such as from alarm state to reset state, an
event is written in the event log and shown in the Events pane in WorkStation.
You can disable state-change logging if you are only interested in the current
alarm status. For example, you want to present the current alarm status in a
graphic and do not care about the event history.
For more information, see the Alarm State-Change Logging topic on WebHelp.

14.1.7 Alarm and Event Details

To quickly get all the details of a specific alarm or event in WorkStation, or an
alarm in WebStation, you can use a Detail view. The Detail view always displays
all properties that can be added and displayed in the Alarms pane, Events pane,
Alarm View or Event View.
For more information, see section 14.13 “Alarm and Event Details” on page 159.

14.1.8 Temporary User Filters

You change the Alarms pane or Alarm View filter conditions to narrow what is
displayed in the Alarms pane or Alarm View.
For more information, see section 14.15 “Temporary User Filters” on page 162.

14.1.9 Favorites
When you make layout or filter changes to the Alarms pane or an Alarm View,
you can save the changes as a favorite. The purpose of the favorite is to quickly
and temporarily change the Standard layout and narrow what is displayed in the
Alarms pane or Alarm View by applying the favorite filter conditions.
For more information, see section 14.19 “Favorites” on page 166.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

14 Alarms
14.2 Alarm Acknowledgements

14.2 Alarm Acknowledgements

When you acknowledge an alarm, you let other users know that you have seen
the alarm. Acknowledging an alarm does not necessarily mean that you are
responsible for solving the cause of the alarm.
When you acknowledge an alarm the color of the alarm in the Alarms pane
changes. In WebStation the alarm symbol also changes.
An acknowledged alarm does not disappear from the Alarms pane list.
You can acknowledge one alarm or many alarms at the same time.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

14 Alarms
14.3 Acknowledging an Alarm in WebStation

14.3 Acknowledging an Alarm in WebStation

You acknowledge an alarm to let other users know that you have seen the alarm.
For more information, see section 14.2 “Alarm Acknowledgements ” on page 147.

To acknowledge an alarm in WebStation

1. In the Alarms pane, click the alarm.
2. In the Alarm Details dialog box, click Acknowledge.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

14 Alarms
14.4 Mass Acknowledging Alarms in WebStation

14.4 Mass Acknowledging Alarms in

To save time, you can mass acknowledge many alarms in the alarm list at the
same time.
For more information, see section 14.2 “Alarm Acknowledgements ” on page 147.
TIP: When you click the Acknowledge button, all alarms that are reset but
not acknowledged are automatically selected.

To mass acknowledge alarms in WebStation

1. In the Alarm list, click the Acknowledge button .

2. Select the alarms you want to acknowledge.

• Click the Select all button to select all alarms in the list.

• Click the Deselect all button to deselect all alarms.

• Ctrl-click to select each of the alarms you want to acknowledge.
3. Click OK in the blue acknowledge bar.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

14 Alarms
14.5 Alarm Assignments

14.5 Alarm Assignments

A triggered alarm can be manually or automatically assigned to a specific user or
user group that seems to be most suited to correct the problem.
An assigned alarm indicates for other users that someone is working with the
problem that caused the alarm. The name of the user that is assigned to the
alarm together with the assignment status is displayed in the Alarms pane in
WorkStation or WebStation, and in the Events pane in WorkStation.
If an alarm is assigned to you, you can either accept the assignment request or
reject it. Rejecting the assignment request means setting the assignment alarm
back to unassigned. If you accept the assignment but realize that you are not the
right person to correct the problem, you can release the assignment or assign the
alarm to another user. If nobody has assigned an alarm, you can do a self-
assign. When self-assigning, the status of the assignment is changed from
unassigned to accepted with your name.
You can assign an alarm to a user independent of the current assignment state.

Figure: Assignment schedule triggered by an alarm

Table: Assign Statuses

Status Description

Unassigned Nobody is assigned to the alarm.

Assigned An assignment request is sent to a user or

user group.

Accepted The assigned user or user-group has

accepted the assignment request.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

14 Alarms
14.5 Alarm Assignments

14.5.1 Manual Assignments

You or your supervisor can manually send an assignment request to the user or
user group that seems most suitable to correct the problem that triggered the
alarm. When manually sending an assignment request, you can define the time
the user has to respond to the request. If the user does not respond to the
assignment within the time limit, the request is automatically rejected and the
assign status changes back to unassigned.

14.5.2 Automatic Assignments

A triggered alarm can be automatically assigned to a specific user or user group
that is most suited to correct the problem. An assigned alarm indicates to other
users that someone is working with the problem that caused the alarm. The name
of the user that is assigned to the alarm and the assignment status are displayed
in the Alarms pane, Events pane, Alarm Views and Event Views.
For more information, see the Automatic Assignments topic on WebHelp.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

14 Alarms
14.6 Assigning an Alarm

14.6 Assigning an Alarm

You assign an alarm to another user and define the time the user has to respond
before the alarm is automatically rejected.
For more information, see section 14.5 “Alarm Assignments” on page 150.

To assign an alarm
1. In the Alarms pane, click the alarm.
2. In the Alarm Details dialog box, click Assign.
3. In the Assign dialog box, select the Enable automatic rejection to and
then type the amount of time you want the alarm to be rejected after.
4. Select the user or group you want to assign the alarm to.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

14 Alarms
14.7 Self-Assigning an Alarm in WebStation

14.7 Self-Assigning an Alarm in WebStation

You self-assign an alarm if you feel that you are the person most suited to correct
the cause of the alarm.
For more information, see section 14.5 “Alarm Assignments” on page 150.

To self-assign an alarm in WebStation

1. In the Alarms pane, click the alarm.
2. In the Alarm Details dialog box, click Assign to me.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

14 Alarms
14.8 Rejecting an Alarm Assignment in WebStation

14.8 Rejecting an Alarm Assignment in

You reject an alarm if you feel that you are not the person most suited to correct
the cause of the alarm.
For more information, see section 14.5 “Alarm Assignments” on page 150.

To reject an alarm assignment in WebStation

1. In the Alarms pane, click the alarm.
2. In the Alarm Details dialog box, click Reject.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

14 Alarms
14.9 Accepting an Alarm Assignment in WebStation

14.9 Accepting an Alarm Assignment in

You accept an alarm that is assigned to you if you feel that you are the person
most suited to take care of the alarm.
For more information, see section 14.5 “Alarm Assignments” on page 150.

To accept an alarm assignment in WebStation

1. In the Alarms pane, click the alarm.
2. In the Alarm Details dialog box, click Accept.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

14 Alarms
14.10 Releasing an Alarm Assignment in WebStation

14.10 Releasing an Alarm Assignment in

You release an alarm that you have assigned to yourself so someone else can
assign or self-assign it.
For more information, see section 14.5 “Alarm Assignments” on page 150.

To release an alarm assignment in WebStation

1. In the Alarms pane, click the alarm.
2. In the Alarm Details dialog box, click Release.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

14 Alarms
14.11 Alarm Attachments

14.11 Alarm Attachments

You can add attachments to alarm objects, except System Information alarms.
An attachment is a link pointing to an object in the system. When an alarm that
has an attachment is triggered, a paperclip icon is displayed in the Alarms pane
and Alarm Views. It is also possible to configure the attachment to display when
the alarm is going from Normal to Alarm state.
An attachment can be: a voice message, a report, a trend chart, a schedule, a
Microsoft Word file, a PDF file, a video recording, or a pop-up window that
contains information regarding the alarm.
You can add the same attachment or set of attachments to multiple alarms in a
single operation. You can also delete the attachments that belong to multiple
alarms in a single operation. If you add an attachment that already has been
attached to an alarm, the later attachment is added as a duplicate.
You can open attachments provided that the program or editor associated with
the attachment is locally installed on your computer. For example, if the
attachment is a PDF file, you can open the file if Adobe Reader or a similar
program is installed on your computer.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

14 Alarms
14.12 Opening an Alarm Attachment in WebStation

14.12 Opening an Alarm Attachment in

You open an alarm attachment to get more detailed information about what
triggered the alarm.
For more information, see section 14.11 “Alarm Attachments” on page 157.

To open an alarm attachment in WebStation

1. In the Alarms pane, click the alarm.
2. In the Alarm Details box, click the attachment.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

14 Alarms
14.13 Alarm and Event Details

14.13 Alarm and Event Details

To quickly get all the details of a specific alarm or event in WorkStation, or an
alarm in WebStation, you can use a Detail view. The Detail view always displays
all properties that can be added and displayed in the Alarms pane, Events pane,
Alarm View or Event View.

14.13.1 Alarm and Event Details in WorkStation

In WorkStation, you use the Detail view to display all the properties and their
values for the selected alarm or event.
Use the Quick filter to limit the number of properties listed in the view.

Figure: The Alarm Detail view (to the right) in WorkStation

14.13.2 Alarm and Event Details in WebStation

In WebStation, you use the Detail view to display all the properties and their
values for the selected alarm or event.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

14 Alarms
14.13 Alarm and Event Details

Figure: The Details dialog box in WebStation

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

14 Alarms
14.14 Viewing the Alarm Details

14.14 Viewing the Alarm Details

You use the Alarm Details dialog box when you want fast access to all the details
of an alarm.
For more information, see section 14.13 “Alarm and Event Details” on page 159.

To view the alarm details

1. In WebStation, in the Alarm View, click the alarm.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

14 Alarms
14.15 Temporary User Filters

14.15 Temporary User Filters

You change the filter conditions to narrow what is displayed in the Alarms pane,
Events pane, Alarm View, or Event View.
When you do not need to reuse the changes made to the filter conditions, you
temporarily change the user filter. In this case, the changes are no longer
available when you close the pane or View or log off.
If you want to save the changes made to the filter conditions, you can save the
user filter as a favorite before closing the pane or View and before logging off. For
more information, see section 14.19 “Favorites” on page 166.

Sorting and using fields in WebStation

You can add or remove information fields in the Alarm View and Event View in
WebStation. The fields in WebStation display alarm and event information. For
example, if you want to see the last comment of the alarms and who
acknowledged the alarms you can add the field Last comments and
Acknowledge by.
You can sort alarms and events in the Alarm View and Event View in
WebStation. The sorting can be done ascending or descending. You don’t have
to add the field that you sort on. For example, you can sort the alarms by priority
without adding the priority field.
The sorting and adding of fields can be saved as a Favorite in WebStation. For
more information, see section 14.19 “Favorites” on page 166.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

14 Alarms
14.16 Editing a User Filter in WebStation

14.16 Editing a User Filter in WebStation

You edit the user filter to temporarily display a different set of alarms in the Alarm
View or events in the Event View for the logged-on session.

To edit a user filter in WebStation

1. In WebStation, in the Alarm View or Event View, click the Filter button

2. In the Filter toolbar, click the Add filter button to add filter conditions.
3. In the Add filter dialog box, select the properties you want to filter on.
4. Add the conditions.
5. Click OK.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

14 Alarms
14.17 Sorting Alarms and Events in WebStation

14.17 Sorting Alarms and Events in

You sort on alarms and events to get a better overview in the Alarms View or
Events View.
For more information, see section 14.15 “Temporary User Filters” on page 162.

To sort alarms and events in WebStation

1. In WebStation, in the Alarm View or Event View, click the Filter button

2. In the Filter toolbar, click Sort.

3. Select the properties you want to sort on.
4. Select if you want to sort ascending or decending.
TIP: You can change the order of the rows to sort on by dragging and
dropping the columns.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

14 Alarms
14.18 Selecting Fields in the Alarm View and Event View in WebStation

14.18 Selecting Fields in the Alarm View and

Event View in WebStation
You select fields in the Alarm view or Event view to display information regarding
alarms and events.
For more information, see section 14.15 “Temporary User Filters” on page 162.

To select fields in the Alarm View and Event View in

1. In WebStation, in the Alarm View or Event View, click the Filter button

2. In the Filter toolbar, click Fields.
3. In the Select fields dialog box, select the fields you want to display.
4. Click OK.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

14 Alarms
14.19 Favorites

14.19 Favorites
When you make layout or filter changes to certain panes and views, you can
save the changes as a favorite. The purpose of the favorite is to quickly and
temporarily change the Standard layout and narrow what is displayed in the pane
or view by applying the favorite filter conditions.

Layout and filters in WorkStation

Layout and filter changes can be saved as favorites for the following views and
panes in WorkStation:
• Alarms pane
• Alarm Views
• Events pane
• Event Views
• List Views
• Search
Layout changes can be saved as favorites for folder or container objects
displayed in the List View.

Filters in WebStation
Filter changes can be saved as favorites for the following views and panes in
• Alarms pane
• Alarm Views
• Events pane
• Event Views
If you create a favorite in WorkStation that contains both layout and filter edits,
only the filter edits are available in WebStation. Filters for List view and Search
are not supported by WebStation and cannot be used in WebStation.
IMPORTANT: You have to be logged on to the domain controller of the
domain where you want to make the filter or layout changes to be able to
access the Favorites feature.
A favorite is saved for the logged on user account and is available from any
computer in the EcoStruxure BMS.
When you apply a favorite, the layout and content of the pane or View changes
according to the favorite layout and filter conditions. A favorite cannot display
information the logged on user account does not have permissions to see. When
you apply a favorite, you do not alter the pane or View for anyone else who is
currently logged on using the same user account.
You can rename an existing favorite or edit the layout and filter conditions of an
applied favorite and save it under the existing name or a new name. You can also
delete a favorite. When you delete a favorite, you do not alter the pane or View
for anyone else who is currently logged on using the same user account.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

14 Alarms
14.19 Favorites

Favorites in Alarm Views and Event Views support relative paths for the Source
property. You can reuse Alarm Views and Event Views containing favorites and
have the Source paths in the favorites dynamically change when you paste a
copy, make a duplicate, import, or move the Alarm View or Event View. For
example, in a relative path: '../../*' where '../' represents a folder or other container
object and '*' represents anything below the folder or container object.
You can return to the Standard layout and filter at any time. When you log off and
log back on, the pane or View returns to the Standard layout and filter.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

14 Alarms
14.20 Applying a Favorite in WebStation

14.20 Applying a Favorite in WebStation

You apply a favorite to get a better overview of alarms and events.
For more information, see section 14.19 “Favorites” on page 166.

To apply a Favorite in WebStation

1. In the Alarm toolbar or Event toolbar, click View settings.
2. In the list, click the Favorite you want to apply.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

14 Alarms
14.21 Adding a Favorite in WebStation

14.21 Adding a Favorite in WebStation

You add a favorite to save a layout and filter change that you have made to an
Alarms pane, Events pane, Alarm View, Event View, or List View.
For more information, see section 14.19 “Favorites” on page 166.

To add a favorite in WebStation

1. In the Alarm toolbar or Event toolbar, click the View settings list, then click
Save as.
2. In the Enter name box, enter a name.
3. Click OK.
The current layout and user filter are saved as a favorite and are displayed on the
Favorites menu.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

14 Alarms
14.22 Renaming a Favorite in WebStation

14.22 Renaming a Favorite in WebStation

You rename a favorite to make it easier to find the predefined a layout and filter
conditions for the Alarms pane, Events pane, Alarm View or Event View.
For more information, see section 14.19 “Favorites” on page 166.

To rename a favorite in WebStation

1. In the Alarm toolbar or Event toolbar, in the View settings list, point to the
favorite you want to rename.

2. Click the Edit button .

3. In the Enter name dialog box, enter a new name.
4. Click OK.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

14 Alarms
14.23 Deleting a Favorite in WebStation

14.23 Deleting a Favorite in WebStation

You delete a favorite that you do not use.
For more information, see section 14.19 “Favorites” on page 166.

To delete a favorite in WebStation

1. In the Alarm toolbar or Event toolbar, in the View settings list, point to the
favorite you want to delete.

2. Click the Edit button .

3. Click Delete object.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

15 Alarm User Actions

User Actions
Alarm Comments
Adding a Comment to an Alarm in WebStation
Cause Notes
Adding a Cause Note to an Alarm in WebStation
Action Notes
Adding an Action Note to an Alarm in WebStation
Adding a Check Mark to a Checklist in WebStation
15 Alarm User Actions
15.1 User Actions

15.1 User Actions

User actions are used to ease the understanding of what triggered the alarms
and what to do to solve the cause of the alarm. User action can be mandatory or
optional depending on how the system is set up.

15.1.1 Alarm Comments

You can add a comment to an alarm that can be helpful the next time the same
alarm is triggered.
For more information, see section 15.2 “Alarm Comments” on page 176.

15.1.2 Cause Notes

A cause note is a predefined note that contains information on what triggered the
alarm. This information can be helpful the next time the same alarm is triggered.
For more information, see section 15.4 “Cause Notes” on page 178.

15.1.3 Action Notes

An action note is a predefined note that contains information on what you have
done to solve the problem that triggered the alarm.
For more information, see section 15.6 “Action Notes” on page 180.

15.1.4 Checklists
Checklists are predefined lists with steps you take to correct the cause of the
For more information, see section 15.8 “Checklists” on page 182.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

15 Alarm User Actions
15.2 Alarm Comments

15.2 Alarm Comments

You can add a comment to an alarm that can be helpful the next time the same
alarm is triggered.
Other people can read your comment in WorkStation or WebStation. You can
add a comment to an alarm that is assigned to yourself or to someone else.
Your comment is marked with your user name and the time you made the
In some cases, adding a comment to an alarm is optional. In other cases, you are
required to add a comment when you acknowledge the alarm.
You add a comment using WorkStation or WebStation. You can view a comment
added to an alarm in WorkStation and WebStation.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

15 Alarm User Actions
15.3 Adding a Comment to an Alarm in WebStation

15.3 Adding a Comment to an Alarm in

You add a comment to an alarm to help others understand the problem that
caused the alarm or how the alarm was solved.
For more information, see section 15.2 “Alarm Comments” on page 176.

To add a comment to an alarm in WebStation

1. In the Alarms pane, click the alarm.
2. In the Alarm Details dialog box, click Comments
3. In the Add Comment dialog box, type the comment.
4. Click Send.
5. Click Close.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

15 Alarm User Actions
15.4 Cause Notes

15.4 Cause Notes

A cause note is a predefined note that contains information on what triggered the
alarm. This information can be helpful the next time the same alarm is triggered.
In some cases, adding a cause note is optional. In other cases, you are required
to add a cause note when you acknowledge the alarm.
You add a cause note using WorkStation or WebStation. You can view a cause
note added to an alarm in WorkStation or Webstation.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

15 Alarm User Actions
15.5 Adding a Cause Note to an Alarm in WebStation

15.5 Adding a Cause Note to an Alarm in

You add a cause note to an alarm to let others know what caused the alarm.
For more information, see section 15.4 “Cause Notes” on page 178.

To add a cause note to an alarm in WebStation

1. In the Alarms pane, click the alarm.
2. In the Alarm Details dialog box, click Notes.
3. In the Notes dialog box, click Cause Notes.
4. Click Add.
5. Select the cause note.
6. Click OK.
7. Click Close.
The cause note is added to the alarm.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

15 Alarm User Actions
15.6 Action Notes

15.6 Action Notes

An action note is a predefined note that contains information on what you have
done to solve the problem that triggered the alarm.
You can add an action note to an alarm. In some cases, adding an action note to
an alarm is optional. In other cases, you are required to enter an action note
when you acknowledge the alarm.
You add an action note using WorkStation or WebStation. You can view an
action note added to an alarm in WorkStation or WebStation.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

15 Alarm User Actions
15.7 Adding an Action Note to an Alarm in WebStation

15.7 Adding an Action Note to an Alarm in

You add an action note to an alarm to let others know what you have done to
correct the problem that caused the alarm.
For more information, see section 15.6 “Action Notes” on page 180.

To add an action note to an alarm in WebStation

1. In the Alarms pane, click the alarm.
2. In the Alarm Details dialog box, click Notes.
3. In the Notes dialog box, click Action notes.
4. Click Add.
5. Select the action note.
6. Click OK.
7. Click Close.
The action note is added to the alarm.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

15 Alarm User Actions
15.8 Checklists

15.8 Checklists
Checklists are predefined lists with steps you take to correct the cause of the
In some cases, adding a check mark to a checklist in an alarm is optional. In
other cases, you are forced to add a check mark when you acknowledge the
You add a check mark to a checklist using WorkStation or WebStation. You can
view the check marks added to a checklist in WorkStation and WebStation.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

15 Alarm User Actions
15.9 Adding a Check Mark to a Checklist in WebStation

15.9 Adding a Check Mark to a Checklist in

You add a check mark to a checklist to show which steps you have completed to
solve the cause of the alarm.
For more information, see section 15.8 “Checklists” on page 182.

To add a check mark to a checklist in WebStation

1. In the Alarms pane, click the alarm.
2. In the Alarm Details dialog box, click Show checklist.
3. Select the steps you have completed.
4. Click OK.
The steps in the checklist are added to the alarm.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

16 Alarms User Interface

Alarms Pane and Alarm View
Alarm Toolbar
Filter Toolbar
Sort Dialog Box
Select Fields Dialog Box
Alarm Details Dialog Box
Assign to User or Group Dialog Box
Comment Dialog Box
Notes Dialog Box – Cause Notes Tab
Notes Dialog Box – Action Notes Tab
16 Alarms User Interface
16.1 Alarms Pane and Alarm View

16.1 Alarms Pane and Alarm View

Use the Alarms pane and Alarm View to survey and manage alarms.

Figure: Alarms pane and alarms view

Table: Alarms Pane and Alarm View

Number Description

Use the Alarm toolbar to show and hide

disabled or hidden alarms.

Use the list get an overview of the different


Use the Alarm details dialog box to get

more details of the selected alarm. For
more information, see section 16.6 “Alarm
Details Dialog Box” on page 192.

Use the User action bar to aknowledge,

comment, add notes, and assign alarms.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

16 Alarms User Interface
16.2 Alarm Toolbar

16.2 Alarm Toolbar

Use the Alarm toolbar to handle alarms in WebStation.

Table: Alarm Toolbar

Button Description

View settings
Select an alarm filter in the list. For more
information, see section 14.19 “Favorites”
on page 166.

Show hidden alarms

Click to show hidden alarms. For more
information, see section 17.1 “Hide and
Disable” on page 199.
A yellow circle displays the number of
hidden alarms in the alarm list.

Show disable alarms

Click to show disable alarms. For more
information, see section 17.1 “Hide and
Disable” on page 199.
A yellow circle displays the number of
disabled alarms in the alarm list.

Click to filter alarms. For more information,
see section 14.15 “Temporary User Filters”
on page 162.

Click to acknowledge an alarm. When
Acknowledge is active you can also mass
acknowledge a number of alarms at the
same time. For more information, see
section 14.4 “Mass Acknowledging Alarms
in WebStation” on page 149.

Select all
Click to select all alarms in the alarm list.
For more information, see section 14.4
“Mass Acknowledging Alarms in
WebStation” on page 149.

Deselect all
Click to deselect all alarms in the alarm list.
For more information, see section 14.4
“Mass Acknowledging Alarms in
WebStation” on page 149.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

16 Alarms User Interface
16.3 Filter Toolbar

16.3 Filter Toolbar

Use the Filter Toolbar submenu to filter alarms or events, sort alarms and
events, and to display information fields for alarms and events.

Table: Filter Toolbar

Button Description

Add filter
Click to filter alarms or events.

Click to sort alarms or events.

Click to display information fields.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

16 Alarms User Interface
16.4 Sort Dialog Box

16.4 Sort Dialog Box

Use the Sort to sort alarms and events in the Alarm View and Event View in

Figure: Sort dialog box

Table: Sort Dialog Box

Component Description

Quick Filter
Enter something to filter on. For more
information, see the Quick Filter topic on

Add all
Click to sort on all content.

Add selected
Click to sort on the selected content.

Remove selected
Click to remove the selected content from
the sorting function.

Remove all
Click to remove all content from the sorting

Click to sort the selected content ascending
or descending.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

16 Alarms User Interface
16.5 Select Fields Dialog Box

16.5 Select Fields Dialog Box

Use the Select fields dialog box to add and remove information fields in the
Alarm view and Event pane in WebStation.

Figure: Select fields dialog box

Table: Select Fields Dialog Box

Component Description

Quick Filter
Enter something to filter on. For more
information, see the Quick Filter topic on

Add all
Click to add all fields.

Add selected
Click to add the selected fields.

Remove selected
Click to remove the selected fields.

Remove all
Click to remove all fields.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

16 Alarms User Interface
16.6 Alarm Details Dialog Box

16.6 Alarm Details Dialog Box

Use the Alarm Details dialog box to get an overview of the properties of an

Figure: Alarm Details dialog box

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

16 Alarms User Interface
16.7 Assign to User or Group Dialog Box

16.7 Assign to User or Group Dialog Box

Use the Assign to user or group dialog box to assign an alarm to a user or a
user group.

Figure: Assign to user or group dialog box

Table: Assign to User or Group Dialog Box

Component Description

Choose who to assign to Select the user or user group you want to
assign the alarm to. For more information,
see section 14.5 “Alarm Assignments” on
page 150.

Enable automatic rejection Select to automatically reject the alarm

after a predefined time.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

16 Alarms User Interface
16.8 Comment Dialog Box

16.8 Comment Dialog Box

Use the Comment dialog box to add and view comments to an alarm.

Figure: Comment dialog box

Table: Comment Dialog Box

Component Description

[Add comment] Add a comment to the alarm.

Click to save a comment.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

16 Alarms User Interface
16.9 Notes Dialog Box – Cause Notes Tab

16.9 Notes Dialog Box – Cause Notes Tab

Use the Cause Notes Tab tab to add and view cause notes.

Figure: Cause notes tab

Table: Cause Notes Tab

Component Description

Add Click Add to add a new cause note.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

16 Alarms User Interface
16.10 Notes Dialog Box – Action Notes Tab

16.10 Notes Dialog Box – Action Notes Tab

Use the Action notes tab to add and view action notes.

Figure: Action notes tab

Table: Action Notes Tab

Component Description

Add Click Add to add a new action note.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

17 Hide and Disable Alarms

Hide and Disable
Hide and Show Alarms
Hiding an Alarm in WebStation
Showing a Hidden Alarm in WebStation
Disable and Enable Alarms
Disabling an Alarm in WebStation
Enabling an Alarm in WebStation
Rechecking an Alarm in WebStation
17 Hide and Disable Alarms
17.1 Hide and Disable

17.1 Hide and Disable

You can hide or disable alarms to decrease the number of alarms that are
presented in the Alarms pane or Alarm View. This is particularly useful when you
have many active alarms at the same time.
Hidden and disabled alarms can be displayed and enabled again at any time.

17.1.1 Hide and Show Alarms

In the Alarms pane or Alarm View, you can hide alarms to decrease the number
of alarms and sort out alarms from the list.
For more information, see section 17.2 “Hide and Show Alarms” on page 200.

17.1.2 Disable and Enable Alarms

In the Alarms pane or Alarm View, you can disable an alarm. For example, you
can disable an alarm if you need to do maintenance that you know will trigger the
For more information, see section 17.5 “Disable and Enable Alarms” on page

17.1.3 Rechecking Alarms

In the Alarms pane or Alarm View, you recheck alarms to refresh the information.
For more information, see the Rechecking Alarms topic on WebHelp.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

17 Hide and Disable Alarms
17.2 Hide and Show Alarms

17.2 Hide and Show Alarms

In the Alarms pane or Alarm View, you can hide alarms to decrease the number
of alarms and sort out alarms from the list.
A hidden alarm is still active and changes its state as shown alarms. The only
difference is that a hidden alarm that goes back to normal state is still visible in
the Alarms pane, if hidden alarms are shown.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

17 Hide and Disable Alarms
17.3 Hiding an Alarm in WebStation

17.3 Hiding an Alarm in WebStation

You hide an alarm in the Alarms pane or Alarm View to decrease the number of
alarms shown in the Alarms list. All alarms, regardless of their status, can be
For more information, see section 17.2 “Hide and Show Alarms” on page 200.

To hide an alarm in WebStation

1. In the Alarms pane, click the alarm.
2. In the Alarm Details dialog box, click Hide alarm.
The alarm is now hidden in the Alarms pane or Alarm View.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

17 Hide and Disable Alarms
17.4 Showing a Hidden Alarm in WebStation

17.4 Showing a Hidden Alarm in WebStation

You show hidden alarms when you want display the alarms in the Alarms pane or
Alarm View.
For more information, see section 17.2 “Hide and Show Alarms” on page 200.

To show a hidden alarm in WebStation

1. In the Alarms pane, click the alarm.
2. In the Alarm Details dialog box, click Show alarm.
The alarm is displayed in the Alarms pane or Alarm View when it is in an alarm

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

17 Hide and Disable Alarms
17.5 Disable and Enable Alarms

17.5 Disable and Enable Alarms

In the Alarms pane or Alarm View, you can disable an alarm. For example, you
can disable an alarm if you need to do maintenance that you know will trigger the
Disabled alarms automatically disappear from the Alarms pane or Alarm View.
You can view disabled alarms to get information about the cause for disabling the
alarm and the name of the user account that disabled the alarm.
• To disable an alarm that is in normal state, it is recommended that you
use a connected shunt variable.
You enable disabled alarms so they once again change state according to the
variables the alarms monitor.
If you enable an alarm that has been disabled by a user (Disable cause = User),
the alarm goes to Normal state for re-evaluation. If you enable an alarm that has
been disabled by the System or a shunt variable, the alarm stays disabled.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

17 Hide and Disable Alarms
17.6 Disabling an Alarm in WebStation

17.6 Disabling an Alarm in WebStation

You disable an alarm so it does not change state according to the variables the
alarm monitors.
For more information, see section 17.5 “Disable and Enable Alarms” on page

To disable an alarm in WebStation

1. In the Alarms pane, click the alarm.
2. In the Alarm Details dialog box, click Disable alarm.
The alarm is disabled.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

17 Hide and Disable Alarms
17.7 Enabling an Alarm in WebStation

17.7 Enabling an Alarm in WebStation

You enable alarms so they change state according to the variables the alarm
For more information, see section 17.5 “Disable and Enable Alarms” on page

To enable an alarm in WebStation

1. In the Alarms pane, click the alarm.
2. In the Alarm Details box, click Enable alarm.
If you enable an alarm that has been disabled by a user (Disable cause = User),
the alarm goes to Normal state for re-evaluation. If you enable an alarm that has
been disabled by the System or a shunt variable, the alarm stays disabled.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

17 Hide and Disable Alarms
17.8 Rechecking an Alarm in WebStation

17.8 Rechecking an Alarm in WebStation

You recheck alarms to refresh the information in the Alarms pane.
For more information, see section 14.1 “How Alarms Work” on page 145.

To recheck an alarm in WebStation

1. In the Alarms pane, click the alarm.
2. In the Alarm Details box, click Recheck.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

18 Events

How Events Work
Viewing the Events for a Specific Object
Viewing the Event Details
18 Events
18.1 How Events Work

18.1 How Events Work

All system events, as well as information and circumstances, are recorded in the
Event log. These event records can be viewed in the Events pane or in an Event
Events can tell you when someone logged on or off the EcoStruxure BMS, when
a setpoint was changed, if a notification was written to a file, if an email
notification was sent or not and when an object was created. For example,
Events can tell you when a trend log or an alarm was created, and by whom. The
event log also records when automation servers were online or offline and when
the software was upgraded. The event log is useful for tracking down all
information in your system.
To limit the events displayed in the WorkStation Events pane, you can use the
time interval filter or a number of other filters. An indicator tells you the number of
displayed events.
You can create and use more than one Event View. Each Event View and the
Events pane can be customized with an event filter to only show the information
you are interested in.
You can view all events that have been generated from one object in the system.
In WorkStation, you can also view all events for a branch. A branch can be, for
example, a folder or a network including all contents.
When you view Events in this branch, the events are based on the path of the
branch. This means that there is no complete list of historical events for objects
that have been moved into the branch. Historical events are also lost if the
container has been moved or renamed. Events for objects that has been
removed or deleted from the container are displayed.
In the Events view, you can also open a detailed view to inspect all properties for
a selected event.
For scheduled events, changes are encoded:
• Monday: WS00001
• Tuesday: WS00002
• Wednesday: WS00003
• Thursday: WS00004
• Friday: WS00005
• Saturday: WS00006
• Sunday: WS00007

18.1.1 Events Pane and Event View Customization

You can style certain events to bring out those that are of more interest than
other events listed in the Events pane and Event Views. To style a specific event,
you first have to create a condition that is associated with the events you want to
style. An event can be styled with a unique background color, font, and font color.
For more information, see the Events Pane and Event View Customization topic
on WebHelp.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

18 Events
18.1 How Events Work

18.1.2 Event Filter Conditions

Event filter conditions are used to set up the conditions for the events you want to
be displayed in the Events pane or an Event View.
For more information, see the Event Filter Conditions topic on WebHelp.

18.1.3 Favorites
When you make layout or filter changes to certain panes and views, you can
save the changes as a favorite. The purpose of the favorite is to quickly and
temporarily change the Standard layout and narrow what is displayed in the pane
or view by applying the favorite filter conditions.
For more information, see section 14.19 “Favorites” on page 166.

18.1.4 Archive Overview

Archiving is the process of preserving historical data, which is comprised of
selected events and extended trend logs. For example, some facilities are
required to maintain archives to comply with government regulations. Another
example is in secure facilities where they must maintain records of who logged in
or who changed setpoints. Archiving is not a backup function because archive
data cannot be imported back into the system.
For more information, see the Archiving Overview topic on WebHelp.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

18 Events
18.2 Viewing the Events for a Specific Object

18.2 Viewing the Events for a Specific Object

You view the events of an object when you want to track that object's history in
the EcoStruxure BMS.
For more information, see section 18.1 “How Events Work ” on page 209.

To view the events for a specific object

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, right-click the object.
2. Click View events.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

18 Events
18.3 Viewing the Event Details

18.3 Viewing the Event Details

You use the Event details dialog box when you want fast access to all the details
of an event.

To view the event details

1. In WebStation, in the Events View, click the event.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

19 Events User Interface

Events Pane and Event View
Event Pane and Event View Toolbar
Event Details Dialog Box
19 Events User Interface
19.1 Events Pane and Event View

19.1 Events Pane and Event View

Use the Events pane and Event View to survey and manage events.

Figure: Events pane and events view

Table: Events Pane and Events View

Number Description

Events toolbar
Use the Events toolbar to organize the
events. For more information, see section
19.2 “Event Pane and Event View Toolbar”
on page 216.

Events list
Use the list to get an overview of the
different events.

Events details
Use the Events detail dialog box to get
more details of the selected event. For
more information, see section 19.3 “Event
Details Dialog Box” on page 217.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

19 Events User Interface
19.2 Event Pane and Event View Toolbar

19.2 Event Pane and Event View Toolbar

Use the Event pane and Events View toolbar to display events.

Table: Event Pane and Event View Toolbar

Button Description

View settings
Select an event filter in the list.

Click to filter events.

Click to display the last hour's event.

Click to display thelast day's event.

Click to display the last week's event.

Click to display the last years's event.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

19 Events User Interface
19.3 Event Details Dialog Box

19.3 Event Details Dialog Box

Use the Event Details dialog box to get an overview of the properties of an
event. The dialog box displays the names and values of the properties in two

Figure: Event Details dialog box

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

20 Trends

How Trend Logs Work
How Trend Charts Work
Opening a Trend Chart
Creating a Trend Chart from a Trend Log
Trend Charts
20 Trends
20.1 How Trend Logs Work

20.1 How Trend Logs Work

You use trend logs to record values, such as a sensor. A trend log can also log
consumptions, such as energy consumption or water consumption.
You can view a trend log as a trend log list or as a trend chart.

Figure: A trend list (upper left) and a trend chart (bottom right) in WorkStation

You can copy trend data between EcoStruxure Building Operation databases by
exporting trend log data from a trend log list to an .XML file and then importing
the trend log data from the .XML file to a trend log.
The .XML file contains a time stamp, value, and comment for each record. The
file also contains the locale setting that you can edit in the .XML file.

Figure: Trend log list exported to an .XML file

For more information, see the Importing Log Data to a Trend Log topic on

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20 Trends
20.1 How Trend Logs Work

20.1.1 Trend Charts

Trend charts are a way to graphically present trend logs. A trend chart can
contain one or more trend logs that are represented in the trend chart by lines or
For more information, see section 20.2 “How Trend Charts Work” on page 223.

20.1.2 Trend Log Lists in WorkStation

A trend log list displays all values in the trend log in a list.
For more information, see the Trend Log Lists in WorkStation topic on WebHelp.

20.1.3 Trend Log Lists in WebStation

A trend log list displays all values in the trend log in a list.
For more information, see section 23.1 “Trend Log Lists in WebStation” on page

20.1.4 Trend Logs in WebStation

A trend log is a collection of time-stamp values. In WebStation, you can create a
trend log from a value.
For more information, see section 25.1 “How Trend Logs Work in WebStation” on
page 285.

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20 Trends
20.2 How Trend Charts Work

20.2 How Trend Charts Work

Trend charts are a way to graphically present trend logs. A trend chart can
contain one or more trend logs that are represented in the trend chart by lines or
You can also add and remove trend logs from a trend chart. This makes it easy to
compare different trend logs, for example the energy consumption compared to
the average temperature.

Figure: Trend chart in WorkStation

20.2.1 Trend Chart Navigation in WorkStation

The trend chart contains a lot of tools for easy navigation in the chart. You can
scroll or use the predefined settings to focus on the time span you want to see.
For more information, see the Trend Chart Navigation in WorkStation topic on

20.2.2 Trend Chart Navigation in WebStation

The trend chart contains a lot of tools for easy navigation in the chart. You can
scroll or use the predefined settings to focus on the time span you want to see.
For more information, see section 21.1 “Trend Chart Navigation in WebStation”
on page 239.

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20 Trends
20.2 How Trend Charts Work

20.2.3 Trend Chart Series in WorkStation

You can display the trend logs as trend log series in a trend chart in a number of
ways. For example, you can change the color and weight of the trend log line, or
display markers at the time where the trend log value was sampled.
For more information, see the Trend Chart Series in WorkStation topic on

20.2.4 Trend Chart Series in WebStation

You can display the trend logs as trend log series in a trend chart in a number of
ways. For example, you can change the color and weight of the trend log line, or
display markers at the time where the trend log value was sampled.
For more information, see section 22.1 “Trend Chart Series in WebStation” on
page 247.

20.2.5 Trend Chart Axes in WebStation

A trend chart displays the records of a trend log or an extended trend log as a
For more information, see section 20.5 “ Trend Charts” on page 227.

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20 Trends
20.3 Opening a Trend Chart

20.3 Opening a Trend Chart

You open a trend chart to see a graphical presentation of a trend log.
For more information, see section 20.2 “How Trend Charts Work” on page 223.

To open a trend chart

1. In WorkStation or WebStation, in the System tree pane, click the trend
chart you want to open.
The trend chart is now opened.

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20 Trends
20.4 Creating a Trend Chart from a Trend Log

20.4 Creating a Trend Chart from a Trend

You create a trend chart when you want to get a graphical presentation of an
object's changes.
For more information, see section 20.2 “How Trend Charts Work” on page 223.

To create a trend chart from a trend log

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, right-click the trend log you want
to present in a chart.
2. Click Create trend item.
3. Click Trend chart.
4. Click Save.
5. In the Save - Trend Chart dialog box, in the Enter a new name box, type
the name.
6. In the Path box, enter the location.
7. Click OK.

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20 Trends
20.5 Trend Charts

20.5 Trend Charts

A trend chart displays the records of a trend log or an extended trend log as a
A trend chart series that presents a trend log is automatically updated with the
latest records, if Live update in WorkStation or Automatic scroll in WebStation
is activated. A trend chart series that presents records from a field controller trend
log needs to be refreshed manually.
There is no upper limitation of how many trend logs a trend chart can present.
However, the performance decreases as the number of displayed trend logs
increase. The records of the trend log can be processed by a calculation method
before they are presented in the trend chart. The calculation function supports
negative consumption values, which can be used to handle cases where you
need to subtract consumption for, for example, energy produced on site.

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20 Trends
20.5 Trend Charts

Figure: Trend chart, schematic

When a trend chart presents records live from an extended trend log, the latest
records of the connected trend log are frequently transferred to the extended
trend log. This decreases the delay that can occur when the extended trend log
has to wait for the transfer threshold to be reached before new records from the
trend log are transferred. With this method, the trend chart presents the latest

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20 Trends
20.5 Trend Charts

Figure: An extended trend log, that presents in an opened live trend chart, frequently
transfers the latest records from the trend log to the extended trend log.

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20 Trends
20.5 Trend Charts

If two extended trend logs are connected between the trend log and the trend
chart, the transfer that occurs when a trend chart presents records live only
transfers the records from the nearest extended trend log. The transfer threshold
rate between the trend log and the first connected trend log remains unaffected.

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20 Trends
20.5 Trend Charts

Figure: Latest trend log record that does not present the same short latency in a live trend
chart when two extended trend logs are connected in a series between the trend log and
trend chart.

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20 Trends
20.5 Trend Charts

When waiting for a new record, the trend chart draws a dotted line from the last
recorded value and forward. When a new value is recorded, the dotted line
between the last and the new record is replaced by a solid series of lines.

Figure: If no value is recorded, the trend chart draws a dotted line.

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20 Trends
20.5 Trend Charts

Dynamic Trend Chart Title

Trend charts support relative property references for the trend chart title. You can
reuse the trend chart and have the trend chart title dynamically changed
depending on where you paste a copy, make a duplicate, import, or move the
trend chart. The Chart title property of the trend chart is the first part of the trend
chart title and the Description property of the trend chart is the last part of the
trend chart title. For example, in a relative property reference: '../../NAME' where
'../' represents a folder or container object.
If the Chart title property is empty or contains an unresolved reference, the trend
chart object name is the first part of the trend chart title.
The trend chart title is visible in trend chart printouts.

20.5.1 Trend Chart Series

In a trend chart, a series can be presented as a line, discrete line, digital, or bars.
In a trend chart, series can be presented in different colors and with different line
In WorkStation, in a multi trend log list, series are presented as text and can be
exported to .XML or .CSV.
For more information, see the Trend Series topic on WebHelp.

20.5.2 Trend Chart Axes in WorkStation

The x-axis of the trend chart represents time. The time span of the axis can be
set with a fixed start and end time or with an end time relative to the present time.
The axis can be quick-scaled to show the last hour, last day, last month, or last
For more information, see the Trend Chart Axes topic on WebHelp.

20.5.3 Trend Chart Axes in WebStation

The x-axis of the trend chart represents time. The time span of the axis can be
set with a fixed start and end time or with an end time relative to the present time.
The axis can be quick-scaled to show the last hour, last day, last month, or last
For more information, see section 24.1 “Trend Chart Axes in WebStation” on
page 275.

20.5.4 Real-Time Plotting

The real-time plot is a variable displayed directly in the trend chart. The real-time
plot is an instant reflection of the variable, so the history of the real-time plot is
lost when the trend chart is closed. However, the history is not lost for I/O points
that have implicit logs where approximately 500 records of history are displayed.
For more information, see the Real-Time Plotting topic on WebHelp.

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20 Trends
20.5 Trend Charts

20.5.5 Time Zone Modes in a Trend Chart

In a trend chart, you can present the records of a trend log in different time zones:
local time or a predefined time zone.
For more information, see the Time Zone Modes in a Trend Chart topic on

20.5.6 Calculation Methods

Use a calculation method to process the records of the trend log before
presenting them in a trend log list or a trend chart. The original records in the
trend log are not affected by the calculation method. The calculation method is
applied to the trend log records grouped by a specific time interval.
For more information, see the Calculation Methods topic on WebHelp.

20.5.7 Period Timestamps in Trend Charts and

Trend Log Lists
When a calculated value for a period is presented, the middle of the period is
used as the timestamp.
The calculated value for the period 8:00-9:00 is stamped 8:30. If there is a value
at 9:01, the next period is 9:00-10:00, which is stamped as 9:30. The full period
may not have passed yet, but the value can be presented even if parts of the
period are in the future.

20.5.8 Temporary Trend Charts

To display a trend log without creating a new trend log list or trend chart, the
trend log can be displayed in a temporary list or chart.
For more information, see the Temporary Trend Charts topic on WebHelp.

20.5.9 Multi Trend Log Lists

You can view a trend chart in a multi trend log list to be able to export it and print
it. The trend chart series settings and calculation are retained in the multi trend
log list.
For more information, see the Multi Trend Log Lists topic on WebHelp.

20.5.10 Floating Point Values NaN, INF, and –INF

In the EcoStruxure Building Operation software, the floating point values “Not a
Number”, positive infinity, or negative infinity may be displayed in the Basic
property tab, in a trend log list, or a trend chart.

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20 Trends
20.5 Trend Charts

For more information, see the Floating Point Values NaN, INF, and –INF topic on

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21 Trend Chart Navigation

Trend Chart Navigation in WebStation
Zooming In an Area of a Trend Chart
Zooming In and Out of a Trend Chart
Zoom to Fit
Displaying Specific Time Spans of a Trend Chart in
21 Trend Chart Navigation
21.1 Trend Chart Navigation in WebStation

21.1 Trend Chart Navigation in WebStation

The trend chart contains a lot of tools for easy navigation in the chart. You can
scroll or use the predefined settings to focus on the time span you want to see.
You can zoom in or out on the x-axis, the y-axis, or both axes, or zoom in a
specific area of the trend chart. Use the zoom to fit function to automatically
adjust the trend chart x-axis and y-axis according to the range of the series

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21 Trend Chart Navigation
21.2 Zooming In an Area of a Trend Chart

21.2 Zooming In an Area of a Trend Chart

You zoom in to enlarge a specific area of the trend chart to make the reading
For more information, see section 21.1 “Trend Chart Navigation in WebStation”
on page 239.

To zoom in an area of a trend chart

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, select the trend chart you want to

2. Click the Zoom tool button .

3. In the trend chart, select the area you want to enlarge.
4. To zoom out, right-click in the chart.

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21 Trend Chart Navigation
21.3 Zooming In and Out of a Trend Chart

21.3 Zooming In and Out of a Trend Chart

You zoom in a trend chart to make the reading easier.
For more information, see section 21.1 “Trend Chart Navigation in WebStation”
on page 239.

To zoom in and out of a trend chart

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, select the trend chart.
2. Zoom in and out:
• Right-click in the chart to zoom out.
• Use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out.

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21 Trend Chart Navigation
21.4 Zoom to Fit

21.4 Zoom to Fit

You use the zoom to fit function to resize the trend logs to fit in the browser
For more information, see section 21.1 “Trend Chart Navigation in WebStation”
on page 239.

To zoom to fit
1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, select the trend chart.

2. Click the Zoom to fit button .

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21 Trend Chart Navigation
21.5 Displaying Specific Time Spans of a Trend Chart in WebStation

21.5 Displaying Specific Time Spans of a

Trend Chart in WebStation
You change the time spans of the trend chart to display one hour or one year.
For more information, see section 20.2 “How Trend Charts Work” on page 223.

To display specific time spans of a trend chart in WebStation

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, select the trend chart you want to
2. On the Trend Chart toolbar, click the time span you want to display:

• Click the Hour button .

• Click the Day button .

• Click the Week button .

• Click the Month button .

• Click the Year button .

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22 Trend Chart Series

Trend Chart Series in WebStation
Adding a Trend Chart Series to a Trend Chart in WebStation
Changing the Line Weight of a Trend Chart Series
Changing the Color of a Trend Chart Series
Changing the Presentation Type of a Trend Chart Series
Showing Markers in a Trend Log Series
Show Tooltips for All Series in a Trend Chart
Showing Tooltip for the Closest Item
Automatically Updating Values in a Trend Chart Series
Removing a Trend Chart Series
Saving Current Trend Chart Settings
22 Trend Chart Series
22.1 Trend Chart Series in WebStation

22.1 Trend Chart Series in WebStation

You can display the trend logs as trend log series in a trend chart in a number of
ways. For example, you can change the color and weight of the trend log line, or
display markers at the time where the trend log value was sampled.
These settings can be saved so that the trend chart is displayed in the same way
anytime you open it.

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22 Trend Chart Series
22.2 Adding a Trend Chart Series to a Trend Chart in WebStation

22.2 Adding a Trend Chart Series to a Trend

Chart in WebStation
You add a trend log series to a trend chart to compare trend data from different
logs or variables.
For more information, see section 22.1 “Trend Chart Series in WebStation” on
page 247.

To add a trend chart series to a trend chart in WebStation

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, select the trend chart you want to
add a trend log series to.

2. On the Trend Chart toolbar, click the Add button .

3. In the Select object dialog box, enter the series you want to add.
4. Click OK.
5. Click Save.

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22 Trend Chart Series
22.3 Changing the Line Weight of a Trend Chart Series

22.3 Changing the Line Weight of a Trend

Chart Series
You change the line weight of a trend chart series to make it easier to
differentiate the series.
For more information, see section 20.2 “How Trend Charts Work” on page 223.

To change the line weight of a trend chart series

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, select the trend chart you want to

2. On the Trend Chart toolbar, click the Settings button .

3. In the Settings dialog box, select the series you want to change the line
weight on.
4. In the Weight box, type a line weight or click (+) or (-) to increase or
decrease the weight of the series.
5. Click OK.
6. Click Save.
The line weight of the series is now changed.

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22 Trend Chart Series
22.4 Changing the Color of a Trend Chart Series

22.4 Changing the Color of a Trend Chart

You change the color of a trend chart series to make reading easier.
For more information, see section 20.2 “How Trend Charts Work” on page 223.

To change the color of a trend chart series

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, select the trend chart you want to

2. On the Trend Chart toolbar, click the Settings button .

3. In the Settings dialog box, select the series you want to change the color
4. In the Color box, select a predefined color or click Other to customize a
5. Click OK.
6. Click Save.
The color of the series is now changed.

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22 Trend Chart Series
22.5 Changing the Presentation Type of a Trend Chart Series

22.5 Changing the Presentation Type of a

Trend Chart Series
You change the presentation type of a trend chart series to adapt the appearance
to your needs.
For more information, see section 20.2 “How Trend Charts Work” on page 223.

To change the presentation type of a trend chart series

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, select the trend chart you want to

2. On the Trend Chart toolbar, click the Settings button .

3. In the Settings dialog box, select the series you want to display in another
presentation type.
4. In the Series presentation box, select a presentation type.
5. Click OK.
6. Click Save.
The presentation type for the data series is now edited.

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22 Trend Chart Series
22.6 Showing Markers in a Trend Log Series

22.6 Showing Markers in a Trend Log Series

You show trend log series with markers for each record to make reading easier.
NOTE: This feature is only applicable to lines and discrete lines.
For more information, see section 20.2 “How Trend Charts Work” on page 223.

To show markers in a trend log series

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, select the trend chart.

2. On the Trend Chart toolbar, click the Settings button .

3. In the Settings dialog box, select the series you want to display with
4. In the Show markers box, select True.
5. Click OK.
6. Click Save.
The series is now presented with markers.

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22 Trend Chart Series
22.7 Show Tooltips for All Series in a Trend Chart

22.7 Show Tooltips for All Series in a Trend

You show tooltips for all series when you want to compare values between trend
chart series at a specific time.
For more information, see section 20.2 “How Trend Charts Work” on page 223.

To show tooltips for all series in a trend chart

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, select the trend chart you want to

2. Click the Show tooltips for all series button .

The values for every series at this specific time are now shown. Repeat the
procedure to deactivate the function.

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22 Trend Chart Series
22.8 Showing Tooltip for the Closest Item

22.8 Showing Tooltip for the Closest Item

Use the Magnetic function to view the value closest to the pointer.
For more information, see section 22.1 “Trend Chart Series in WebStation” on
page 247.

To show tooltip for the closest item

1. In WebStation, in the System tree pane, select the trend chart.

2. Click the Show tooltip for the closest item button .

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22 Trend Chart Series
22.9 Automatically Updating Values in a Trend Chart Series

22.9 Automatically Updating Values in a

Trend Chart Series
You automatically update values in a trend chart series so that you always see
the latest value.
For more information, see section 22.1 “Trend Chart Series in WebStation” on
page 247.

To automatically update values in a trend chart series

1. In WebStation, in the System tree pane, select the trend chart you want to
automatically update.

2. Click the Automatic scroll button .

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22 Trend Chart Series
22.10 Removing a Trend Chart Series

22.10 Removing a Trend Chart Series

You remove unused series from the trend chart.
For more information, see section 20.2 “How Trend Charts Work” on page 223.

To remove a trend chart series

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, select the trend chart.
2. In the bottom left of the trend chart, click on the trend series.
3. Click the trash can after the trend series you want to remove.
4. Click Save.
The selected series is now removed from the trend chart.

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22 Trend Chart Series
22.11 Saving Current Trend Chart Settings

22.11 Saving Current Trend Chart Settings

You save the trend chart settings if you want the trend chart to be displayed the
same way the next time you open it.
For more information, see section 20.2 “How Trend Charts Work” on page 223.

To save current trend chart settings

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, open the trend chart.

2. On the Trend Chart toolbar, click the Settings button .

3. Change the settings to fit your preferences.
4. On the Trend Chart toolbar, click Save.

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23 Trend Log Lists

Trend Log Lists in WebStation
Creating a Trend Log List in WebStation
Opening a Trend Log List
Showing Trend Chart Series as a List
Exporting a Trend Log List to Excel
Exporting a Trend Log List to XML
Viewing Meter Changes in a Trend Log List
Viewing Events in a Trend Log List
Adding a Record to a Trend Log List
Editing a Trend Log Record
Creating a Multi Trend Log List in WebStation
23 Trend Log Lists
23.1 Trend Log Lists in WebStation

23.1 Trend Log Lists in WebStation

A trend log list displays all values in the trend log in a list.
In the trend log list, you can perform the following tasks:
• View all the values and their time stamp.
• Add and edit records, for example if you knew that some records might be
wrong or are missing.
• Export values as an Excel file.
• Export values as an xml file.
• View meter log changes.
• View events.
• Change the settings.

Figure: A Trend log list in WebStation

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23 Trend Log Lists
23.2 Creating a Trend Log List in WebStation

23.2 Creating a Trend Log List in WebStation

You create a trend log list to display values from a trend log in a list.
For more information, see section 23.1 “Trend Log Lists in WebStation” on page

To create a trend log list in WebStation

1. In WebStation, right-click the trend log.
2. Click Create trend item and then click Trend list.
3. Click Save.
4. In the Save - Trend Log List dialog box, in the Enter a new name box, type
the name.
5. In the Path box, enter the location.
6. Click OK.

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23 Trend Log Lists
23.3 Opening a Trend Log List

23.3 Opening a Trend Log List

You open the trend log list for viewing.
For more information, see section 20.1 “How Trend Logs Work” on page 221.

To open a trend log list

1. In WorkStation or WebStation, in the System tree pane, select the trend log
list you want to open.
The trend log list is now open.

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23 Trend Log Lists
23.4 Showing Trend Chart Series as a List

23.4 Showing Trend Chart Series as a List

You show trend log series as a list when you want to compare all values at the
same time.
For more information, see section 23.1 “Trend Log Lists in WebStation” on page

To show trend chart series as a list

1. In WebStation, in the System tree pane, select the trend chart you want to
show as a list.

2. On the Trend Chart toolbar, click the Show as list button .

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23 Trend Log Lists
23.5 Exporting a Trend Log List to Excel

23.5 Exporting a Trend Log List to Excel

You export a trend log list to Excel so that the list can be sent, viewed, and
analyzed in Excel.
For more information, see section 23.1 “Trend Log Lists in WebStation” on page

To export a trend log list to Excel

1. In WebStation, select the trend log list.

2. On the Trend Log List toolbar, click the Export to Excel button .

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23 Trend Log Lists
23.6 Exporting a Trend Log List to XML

23.6 Exporting a Trend Log List to XML

You export a trend log list to xml so that the list can be sent, viewed, and
analyzed using an XML editor.
For more information, see section 23.1 “Trend Log Lists in WebStation” on page

To export a trend log list to XML

1. In WebStation, select the trend log list.

2. On the Trend Log List toolbar, click the Export to XML button .

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23 Trend Log Lists
23.7 Viewing Meter Changes in a Trend Log List

23.7 Viewing Meter Changes in a Trend Log

You view, through a trend log list, all meter change events that are registered by
the meter trend log.
For more information, see section 23.1 “Trend Log Lists in WebStation” on page

To view meter changes in a trend log list

1. In WebStation, select the trend log list.

2. On the Trend Log List toolbar, click Show meter change button .

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23 Trend Log Lists
23.8 Viewing Events in a Trend Log List

23.8 Viewing Events in a Trend Log List

You view events to get information on different trend log events.
For more information, see section 23.1 “Trend Log Lists in WebStation” on page

To view events in a trend log list

1. In WebStation, select the trend log list.

2. On the Trend Log List toolbar, click Show events button .

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23 Trend Log Lists
23.9 Adding a Record to a Trend Log List

23.9 Adding a Record to a Trend Log List

You manually add trend log records if a log record has been missed and you
want to complete the list.
For more information, see section 23.1 “Trend Log Lists in WebStation” on page

To add a record to a trend log list

1. In WebStation, select the trend log list.
2. On the Trend Log List toolbar, click Add record.
3. Enter timestamp, value, and comment.
4. Click Add.

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23 Trend Log Lists
23.10 Editing a Trend Log Record

23.10 Editing a Trend Log Record

You manually edit a trend log records if it has a faulty value.
For more information, see section 23.1 “Trend Log Lists in WebStation” on page

To edit a trend log record

1. In WebStation, select the trend log list.
2. In the Trend Log List view, right-click the record and click Edit.
3. Edit the value.
4. Add a comment.
5. Click Edit.

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23 Trend Log Lists
23.11 Creating a Multi Trend Log List in WebStation

23.11 Creating a Multi Trend Log List in

You create a multi trend log list to display values from multiple trend logs in one
list so that you can compare the values.
For more information, see section 23.1 “Trend Log Lists in WebStation” on page

To create a multi trend log list in WebStation

1. In WebStation, right-click the trend log.
2. Click Create trend item and then click Multi trend list.
3. Click Save.
4. Type a name for the Multi trend log list.
5. Click OK.

6. On the Trend log list toolbar, click the Settings button .

7. Click Settings.
8. Click Add.
9. Browse to, and select, the trend log lists you want to compare.
10. Click Select.
11. Click Edit button to configure the trend log list.
12. Click OK.

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24 Trend Chart Axes

Trend Chart Axes in WebStation
Configuring the X-axis with a Relative Time Span
Configuring the X-axis with an Absolute Time Span
Manually Configuring the Y-Axis Scale
Automatically Configuring the Y-axis Scale
Showing Trend Chart Grid Lines
24 Trend Chart Axes
24.1 Trend Chart Axes in WebStation

24.1 Trend Chart Axes in WebStation

The x-axis of the trend chart represents time. The time span of the axis can be
set with a fixed start and end time or with an end time relative to the present time.
The axis can be quick-scaled to show the last hour, last day, last month, or last

Figure: Absolute time span and relative time span, schematic

The y-axis refers to the measurement unit that the variable represents. The scale
of the y-axis can be set manually or by auto scale. You can configure the trend
chart to present series on one y-axis or two y-axes, one to the left and one to the
right. Use two y-axes to present series with different ranges in the same trend

Figure: One y-axis and two y-axes, schematic

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24 Trend Chart Axes
24.1 Trend Chart Axes in WebStation

To make reading easier, grid lines can be shown in the trend chart. Grid lines can
be shown in both the x- and y-direction, independent of each other.

Figure: Grid lines, schematic

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24 Trend Chart Axes
24.2 Configuring the X-axis with a Relative Time Span

24.2 Configuring the X-axis with a Relative

Time Span
You configure the trend chart time span of the X-axis relative to the series current
end point time to automatically adapt the trend chart to display the current time
and the latest records within the specific time span.
For more information, see section 24.1 “Trend Chart Axes in WebStation” on
page 275.

To configure the X-axis with a relative time span

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, select the trend chart you want to

2. On the Trend Chart toolbar, click the Settings button .

3. In the Settings dialog box, click the X axis tab.
4. In the Time mode box, select Relative (to current time).
5. In the Time span box, enter the time span.
6. Click OK.
7. Click Save.
The X-axis is now configured with a time span relative to current time.

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24 Trend Chart Axes
24.3 Configuring the X-axis with an Absolute Time Span

24.3 Configuring the X-axis with an Absolute

Time Span
You configure the time span of a trend chart X-axis to display the records that are
recorded within a specific period of time.
For more information, see section 24.1 “Trend Chart Axes in WebStation” on
page 275.

To configure the X-axis with an absolute time span

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, select the trend chart you want to

2. On the Trend Chart toolbar, click the Settings button .

3. In the Settings dialog box, click the X axis tab.
4. In the Time mode box, select Absolute (start and end time).
5. In the Start time box, type the X-axis leftmost date and time.
6. Click OK.
7. Click Save.
The X-axis is now configured with an absolute time span.

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24 Trend Chart Axes
24.4 Manually Configuring the Y-Axis Scale

24.4 Manually Configuring the Y-Axis Scale

You manually configure the trend chart Y-axis to have a fixed scale. The trend
chart has two Y-axes, one to the left and one to the right. You can use this
procedure to scale both axes.
For more information, see section 24.1 “Trend Chart Axes in WebStation” on
page 275.

To manually configure the Y-axis scale

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, select the trend chart you want to

2. On the Trend Chart toolbar, click the Settings button .

3. In the Settings dialog box, click the Left axis tab.
4. In the Auto scale left Y-axis box, select False.
5. In the Left Y-axis minimum and Left Y-axis maximum boxes, type the
minimum and maximum value of the left axis.
6. Click the Right axis tab.
7. In the Auto scale right Y-axis box, select False.
8. In the Right Y-axis minimum and Right Y-axis maximum boxes, type the
minimum and maximum value of the right axis.
9. Click OK.
10. Click Save.

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24 Trend Chart Axes
24.5 Automatically Configuring the Y-axis Scale

24.5 Automatically Configuring the Y-axis

You configure the trend chart to automatically scale the Y-axis. The trend chart
has two Y-axis, one to the left and one to the right. You can use this procedure to
scale both axis.
For more information, see section 24.1 “Trend Chart Axes in WebStation” on
page 275.

To automatically configure the Y-axis scale

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, select the trend chart you want to

2. On the Trend Chart toolbar, click the Settings button .

3. In the Settings dialog box, click the Left axis tab.
4. In the the Auto scale left Y-axis box, select True.
5. Click the Right axis tab.
6. In the Auto scale right Y-axis box, select True.
7. Click OK.
8. Click Save.

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24 Trend Chart Axes
24.6 Showing Trend Chart Grid Lines

24.6 Showing Trend Chart Grid Lines

You show the trend chart grid lines on the x-axis and the y-axis to make the chart
easier to read.
For more information, see section 24.1 “Trend Chart Axes in WebStation” on
page 275.

To show trend chart grid lines

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, select the trend chart you want to

2. On the Trend Chart toolbar, click the Settings button .

3. In the Settings dialog box, click the X axis tab.
4. In the Show gridlines for X-axis box, select True.
5. Click the Left axis tab.
6. In the Show gridlines for left Y-axis box, select True.
7. Click the Right axis tab.
8. In the Show gridlines for right Y-axis box, select True.
9. Click OK.
10. Click Save.
Grid lines are now shown in the trend chart.

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25 Trend Logs

How Trend Logs Work in WebStation
Creating a Trend Log from a Value
Starting and Stopping a Trend Log
25 Trend Logs
25.1 How Trend Logs Work in WebStation

25.1 How Trend Logs Work in WebStation

A trend log is a collection of time-stamp values. In WebStation, you can create a
trend log from a value.
The trend logs you create in WebStation are interval trend logs that collect a
value with a one minute interval. For example, you create a trend log that records
a temperature every minute. You cannot change the interval in WebStation.

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25 Trend Logs
25.2 Creating a Trend Log from a Value

25.2 Creating a Trend Log from a Value

You create a log when you want to track changes of an object.
For more information, see the Interval Trend Logs topic on WebHelp.

To create a trend log from a value

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, right-click the value you want to
2. Click Create trend item and then click Trend Log.
3. In the Name field, enter a name for the trend log.
4. In the Path field, enter the location of the trend log.
5. In the Object type field, select the type of trend log.
6. In the Select unit list, select the unit you want to use.
7. Click OK.

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25 Trend Logs
25.3 Starting and Stopping a Trend Log

25.3 Starting and Stopping a Trend Log

You can start or stop any trend log using WebStation.
For more information, see section 25.1 “How Trend Logs Work in WebStation” on
page 285.

To start and stop a trend log

1. In WebStation, right-click the trend log.
2. Click Start log or Stop log.
The trend log status, stopped or started is visible in the List view. For more
information, see section 5.2 “List View” on page 75.

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26 Trends User Interface

Context Menu – Trend Charts Submenu
Context Menu – Create Trend Item Submenu
Context Menu – Trend Logs Menu Submenu
Trend Chart View
Trend Log List View
Trend Log List Toolbar in WebStation
Trend Chart Toolbar in WebStation
Trend Chart Settings Dialog Box – X Axis Tab
Trend Chart Settings Dialog Box – Left Axis Tab
Trend Chart Settings Dialog Box – Right Axis Tab
Trend Chart Settings Dialog Box – Series Tab
26 Trends User Interface
26.1 Context Menu – Trend Charts Submenu

26.1 Context Menu – Trend Charts Submenu

Use the Trend charts submenu to open a chart with the selected object.

Figure: Trend charts submenu

Table: Trend Charts Submenu

Command Description

Trend charts Click to to open a chart with the selected


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26 Trends User Interface
26.2 Context Menu – Create Trend Item Submenu

26.2 Context Menu – Create Trend Item

Use the Create Trend Item submenu to open and create a new trend log or trend

Figure: Open trend log submenu

Table: Open Trend Log Submenu

Command Description

Trend chart Click to open and create a new trend chart

of the selected object.

Trend list Click to open and create a trend log list of

the selected object.

Multi trend list Click to open and create a multi trend log
list of the selected object.

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26 Trends User Interface
26.3 Context Menu – Trend Logs Menu Submenu

26.3 Context Menu – Trend Logs Menu

Use the Open list submenu to open a trend logs based on the selected object.

Figure: Open list submenu

Table: Open List Submenu

Command Description

Trend logs menu Click to open one of the trend logs based
on the selected object.

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26 Trends User Interface
26.4 Trend Chart View

26.4 Trend Chart View

Use the Trend Chart view in WebStation to graphically display trend log records
and events.

Figure: Trend chart view in WebStation

Table: Trend Chart View in WebStation

Number Description

Trend chart toolbar

Use the trend chart toolbar to adjust the
visible trend chart area. For more
information, see section 26.7 “Trend Chart
Toolbar in WebStation” on page 297.

Trend chart area

Use the trend chart area to view the trend
logs. For more information, see section
20.5 “ Trend Charts” on page 227.

Trend chart representation

Use the trend chart series representation to
hide or display trend chart series.

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26 Trends User Interface
26.5 Trend Log List View

26.5 Trend Log List View

Use the Trend Log List view to get a list of all records in a trend log.

Figure: Trend log list view

Table: Trend Log List View

Number Description

Displays the timestamp for the recorded
values in the trend log list. For more
information, see section 23.1 “Trend Log
Lists in WebStation” on page 261.

Trend Log List Toolbar

Displays the Trend Log List toolbar. For
more information, see section 26.6 “Trend
Log List Toolbar in WebStation” on page

Displays the recorded value. For more
information, see section 23.1 “Trend Log
Lists in WebStation” on page 261.

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26 Trends User Interface
26.6 Trend Log List Toolbar in WebStation

26.6 Trend Log List Toolbar in WebStation

Use the Trend Log List toolbar to manage the trend log list.

Table: Trend Log List Toolbar in WebStation

Button Description

Click to save the settings you have made.

Export to Excel
Click to export the trend log list to Excel.

Export to XML
Click to export the trend log list as an xml

Click to open the Settings dialog box.

Show meter changes

Click to view meter changes.

Show events
Click to show events.

Add records
Click to add a record to the trend log list.

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26 Trends User Interface
26.7 Trend Chart Toolbar in WebStation

26.7 Trend Chart Toolbar in WebStation

Use the Trend Chart toolbar to manage the trend chart and its series.

Table: Trend Chart Toolbar in WebStation

Button Description

Click to save the settings you have
changed in the trend chart. For more
information, see section 22.11 “Saving
Current Trend Chart Settings” on page 257.

Zoom to fit
Click to resize the trend logs to fit in the
browser window. For more information, see
section 21.4 “Zoom to Fit” on page 242.

Zoom tool
Click to zoom in the trend log area. For
more information, see section 21.2
“Zooming In an Area of a Trend Chart ” on
page 240.

Pan tool
Click to drag the chart area upwards or

Click to set the scale of the x-axis to one
hour. For more information, see section
21.5 “Displaying Specific Time Spans of a
Trend Chart in WebStation” on page 243.

Click to set the scale of the x-axis to one
day. For more information, see section 21.5
“Displaying Specific Time Spans of a Trend
Chart in WebStation” on page 243.

Click to set the scale of the x axis to one
week. For more information, see section
21.5 “Displaying Specific Time Spans of a
Trend Chart in WebStation” on page 243.

Click to set the scale of the x-axis to one
month. For more information, see section
21.5 “Displaying Specific Time Spans of a
Trend Chart in WebStation” on page 243.

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26 Trends User Interface
26.7 Trend Chart Toolbar in WebStation

Button Description

Click to set the scale of the x-axis to one
year. For more information, see section
21.5 “Displaying Specific Time Spans of a
Trend Chart in WebStation” on page 243.

Go to date
Click to open a calendar to navigate to a
specific date.

Click to open the Settings dialog box for
the trend chart where you can configure the
trend chart axis, series, and calculations.
For more information, see section 26.8
“Trend Chart Settings Dialog Box – X Axis
Tab” on page 300.
For more information, see section 26.9
“Trend Chart Settings Dialog Box – Left
Axis Tab” on page 302.
For more information, see section 26.11
“Trend Chart Settings Dialog Box – Series
Tab” on page 306.

Automatic scroll
Click to automatically receive the latest
value. For more information, see section
22.9 “Automatically Updating Values in a
Trend Chart Series” on page 255.

Show tooltip for the closest item

Click to view the value closest to the
pointer. For more information, see section
22.8 “Showing Tooltip for the Closest Item”
on page 254.

Show tooltips for all series

Click to view all tooltips for all series when
you want to compare values between trend
chart series at a specific time. For more
information, see section 22.7 “Show
Tooltips for All Series in a Trend Chart” on
page 253.

Show as list
Click to show the trend series in the trend
chart as lists. For more information, see
section 23.4 “Showing Trend Chart Series
as a List” on page 264.

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26 Trends User Interface
26.7 Trend Chart Toolbar in WebStation

Button Description

Click to add a new series to the trend chart.
For more information, see section 22.2
“Adding a Trend Chart Series to a Trend
Chart in WebStation” on page 248.

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26 Trends User Interface
26.8 Trend Chart Settings Dialog Box – X Axis Tab

26.8 Trend Chart Settings Dialog Box – X

Axis Tab
Use the Axis tab in WebStation to change the x-axis settings of a trend chart.

Figure: X-axis tab

Table: X-Axis Tab

Component Description

Time mode Select the time mode of the x-axis.

Start time Enter the absolute start time when Time

mode is configured to Absolute. This time
is the leftmost point of the x-axis. For more
information, see section 24.3 “Configuring
the X-axis with an Absolute Time Span” on
page 278.

Time span Type the relative time span of the x-axis

when Time mode is set to Relative. The
rightmost point of the x axis is the current
time. For more information, see section
24.2 “Configuring the X-axis with a Relative
Time Span” on page 277.

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26 Trends User Interface
26.8 Trend Chart Settings Dialog Box – X Axis Tab

Component Description

Show gridlines for X-axis Select True to show gridlines originating

from the x axis scale. For more information,
see section 24.6 “Showing Trend Chart
Grid Lines” on page 281.

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26 Trends User Interface
26.9 Trend Chart Settings Dialog Box – Left Axis Tab

26.9 Trend Chart Settings Dialog Box – Left

Axis Tab
Use the Left axis tab in WebStation to change the settings for the left axis of a
trend chart.

Figure: Left axis tab

Table: Left Axis Tab

Component Description

Show gridlines for left Y-axis Select True to show grid lines originating
from the left y-axis scale. For more
information, see section 24.6 “Showing
Trend Chart Grid Lines” on page 281.

Left scale Select if you want to display the axis linear

or logarithmic.

Auto scale left Y-axis Select True to activate auto scale. The
scale of the left Y-axis automatically adapts
to the displayed series. For more
information, see section 24.5
“Automatically Configuring the Y-axis
Scale” on page 280.
Clear to deactivate auto scale. Manually
scale the left axis by typing values in the
Left Y-axis minimum and Left Y-axis
maximum boxes.

Left Y-axis minimum Type the minimum value of the left y-axis.
For more information, see section 24.4
“Manually Configuring the Y-Axis Scale” on
page 279.

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26 Trends User Interface
26.9 Trend Chart Settings Dialog Box – Left Axis Tab

Component Description

Left Y-axis maximum Type the maximum value of the left y-axis.
For more information, see section 24.4
“Manually Configuring the Y-Axis Scale” on
page 279.

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26 Trends User Interface
26.10 Trend Chart Settings Dialog Box – Right Axis Tab

26.10 Trend Chart Settings Dialog Box – Right

Axis Tab
Use the Right axis tab in WebStation to change the settings for the right axis of a
trend chart.

Figure: Right axis tab

Table: Right Axis Tab

Component Description

Show gridlines for right Y-axis Select True to show grid lines originating
from the right y-axis scale. For more
information, see section 24.6 “Showing
Trend Chart Grid Lines” on page 281.

Right scale Select if you want to display the axis linear

or logarithmic.

Auto scale right Y-axis Select True to activate auto scale. The
scale of the right axis automatically adapts
to the displayed series. For more
information, see section 24.5
“Automatically Configuring the Y-axis
Scale” on page 280.
Clear to deactivate auto scale. Manually
scale the left axis by typing values in the
Right Y-axis minimum and Right Y-axis
maximum boxes

Right Y-axis minimum Type the minimum value of the right y-axis.
For more information, see section 24.4
“Manually Configuring the Y-Axis Scale” on
page 279.

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26 Trends User Interface
26.10 Trend Chart Settings Dialog Box – Right Axis Tab

Component Description

Right Y-axis maximum Type the maximum value of the right y-axis.
For more information, see section 24.4
“Manually Configuring the Y-Axis Scale” on
page 279.

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26 Trends User Interface
26.11 Trend Chart Settings Dialog Box – Series Tab

26.11 Trend Chart Settings Dialog Box –

Series Tab
Use the Series tab to change the settings and attach a calculation method to a
trend chart series.

Figure: Series tab

Table: Series Tab

Component Description

Color Select a color for the series. For more

information, see section 22.4 “Changing
the Color of a Trend Chart Series” on page

Series presentation Select a presentation type for the series.

The series can be presented with a line, a
discrete line, digital, or bars. For more
information, see the Trend Series topic on

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26 Trends User Interface
26.11 Trend Chart Settings Dialog Box – Series Tab

Component Description

Y-axis Select to display the y-axis to the left or to

the right.

Weight Select the weight of the series.

Show markers Select True to show a marker for each

record. The marker can only be shown for
lines and discrete lines, not for digital and

Show events Select True to show events.

Calculation method Select the calculation method to calculate

the recorded values before displaying the
series in the trend chart. For more
information, see the Calculation Methods
topic on WebHelp.

Delta over period Select to apply a period to the delta

calculation method. For more information,
see the Calculation Methods topic on

Period Select the time span for which the

calculation method is to be executed.

Custom period When Custom period is selected, enter a

custom time span for which the calculation
method is to be executed.

Custom period alignment When Custom period alignment is

selected, enter the time when you want the
custom period to start.

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27 Schedules

How Schedules Work
Schedule Editor in WebStation
Schedule Colors in WebStation
Viewing a Schedule
Schedule Events
Weekly Events in WebStation
Editing the Start Time and End Time for a Schedule Event
Adding a Weekly Event
Editing a Weekly Event
Deleting a Schedule Event
Schedule Types
Analog Schedules
Editing the Value for an Event in an Analog Schedule
Digital Schedules
Editing the Status for an Event in a Digital Schedule
Multistate Schedules
Editing the State for an Event in a Multistate Schedule
Multi Schedule Viewer
Creating a Multi Schedule Viewer
Adding a Schedule to a Multi Schedule Viewer
Removing a Schedule from a Multi Schedule Viewer
27 Adding the Same Event to Multiple Schedules
Assigning a Value on Click
Opening a Schedule from a Multi Schedule Viewer
27 Schedules
27.1 How Schedules Work

27.1 How Schedules Work

Schedules are used to schedule the operation of part of the building
management system, such as a fan, a door, or a setpoint. Using a schedule, a
fan can be set to operate between 08:00 and 17:00 every workday.
Schedules can be overridden by different types of exceptions. For example, if
you want to shut the fan down the last Friday in every month due to maintenance,
you can use a calculated exception. The exception is added to the schedule and
turns off the fan the last Friday in every month.
If you want to shut down the fan during the summer vacation, you can use a
Calendar exception. In this case, you use an already created calendar that
defines the summer vacation. This calendar is added to the schedule as an
exception and the fan will be shut down during all days of the summer vacation
defined by the calendar.

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27 Schedules
27.1 How Schedules Work

27.1.1 Schedule Editor in WorkStation

Figure: Schedule editor calendar exceptions

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27 Schedules
27.1 How Schedules Work

The Basic view of the Schedule Editor serves as a workspace to plan and design
a schedule. You use this editor to create, manage, and display weekly scheduled
events and exception events.
For more information, see the Basic View of the Schedule Editor topic on

27.1.2 Schedule Editor in WebStation

The Schedule Editor serves as a workspace to plan and design a schedule. You
use this editor to create, manage, and display weekly scheduled events and
exception events.
For more information, see section 27.2 “Schedule Editor in WebStation” on page

27.1.3 Schedule Colors in WorkStation

A schedule has a color code so you can identify weekly events and exception
events at a glance. This color code can assist you when you are modifying your
schedule or trying to troubleshoot any problems.
For more information, see the Schedule Colors in WorkStation topic on WebHelp.

27.1.4 Schedule Colors in WebStation

A schedule has a color code so you can identify weekly events and exception
events at a glance. This color code can assist you when you are modifying your
schedule or trying to troubleshoot any problems.
For more information, see section 27.3 “Schedule Colors in WebStation” on page

27.1.5 Schedule Navigation in WorkStation

You can navigate in a schedule day-by-day, month-by-month, or year-by-year.
For more information, see the Schedule Navigation in WorkStation topic on

27.1.6 Schedule Navigation in WebStation

You can navigate in a schedule day-by-day, month-by-month, or year-by-year.
For more information, see section 29.2 “Schedule Workspace Toolbar” on page

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27 Schedules
27.1 How Schedules Work

27.1.7 Schedule Events

Scheduled events are used to control different types of devices, for example
lights, fans or doors.
For more information, see section 27.5 “Schedule Events” on page 318.

27.1.8 Calendars in WorkStation

A calendar is a list of dates. The calendar provides the schedule with the dates
when the exception events shall occur. To save time, you can reference a single
calendar rather than entering several exception events in a schedule.
For more information, see the Calendars in WorkStation topic on WebHelp.

27.1.9 Calendars in WebStation

A calendar is a list of dates. The calendar provides the schedule with the dates
when the exception events shall occur. To save time, you can reference a single
calendar rather than entering several exception events in a schedule.
For more information, see section 30.1 “Calendars in WebStation” on page 371.

27.1.10 Schedules Types

You can create three types of schedules: Digital, Multistate, or Analog. You
create a digital schedule if the schedule needs to control a device with two output
states, such as On or Off. You create a multistate schedule if the schedule needs
to control a device that has output states based on multiple states, such as low,
medium, or high. You create an analog schedule if the schedule controls a device
that gauges the output in real numbers.
For more information, see section 27.11 “Schedule Types ” on page 325.

27.1.11 Xenta Schedules in WebStation

Xenta Time Schedules and Xenta Central Time Schedules can be edited in
WebStation. You can add, edit and delete weekly and exception events. You can
assign and unassign lead Xenta central schedules. The Xenta Time Schedules
and Xenta Central Time Schedules must be created using WorkStation.
For more information, see section 32.1 “Xenta Schedules in WebStation” on page

27.1.12 Multi Schedule Viewer in WebStation

You can create a Multi schedule viewer in WebStation to edit and view a number
of schedules at the same time.
For more information, see section 27.18 “Multi Schedule Viewer” on page 332.

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27 Schedules
27.2 Schedule Editor in WebStation

27.2 Schedule Editor in WebStation

The Schedule Editor serves as a workspace to plan and design a schedule. You
use this editor to create, manage, and display weekly scheduled events and
exception events.

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27 Schedules
27.3 Schedule Colors in WebStation

27.3 Schedule Colors in WebStation

A schedule has a color code so you can identify weekly events and exception
events at a glance. This color code can assist you when you are modifying your
schedule or trying to troubleshoot any problems.

27.3.1 Colors in the Schedule Editor

In the Schedule Editor, weekly events and exception events are presented in
different colors so you can easily identify the type of events at a glance.

Table: Schedule Editor Color Code

Color Description

Green Weekly events

Blue Exception events

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27 Schedules
27.4 Viewing a Schedule

27.4 Viewing a Schedule

You view a schedule to add, remove, or edit events.
For more information, see section 27.2 “Schedule Editor in WebStation” on page

To view a schedule
1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, select the schedule you want to
The schedule is displayed in the Schedule workspace.

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27 Schedules
27.5 Schedule Events

27.5 Schedule Events

A schedule has two types of events: weekly events and exception
events. Weekly events occur every week at specified times. Exception
events occur when the schedule deviates from the weekly schedule, such as
during holidays. Exception events override the weekly events when there is an
For each schedule except Xenta schedules, you can set a default value. The
default value goes into effect after the exception events and weekly events are
complete or relinquish control. For example, the weekly event for a fan ends at
17:00. The fan ran at a value of 3 (high) throughout the event. There are no
scheduled events after the weekly event. Because you have assigned 0 as the
default value, the fan adjusts to the default value and turns to 0 (off). The value
remains at 0 until the next scheduled event.
Events occur in the following order of precedence:
• Exception events
• Weekly events
• Default value
Xenta schedules do not have any default values.
The weekly event for a fan is set to '08:00 - 17:00'. An exception event is set to
'17:00 - 20:00' for a specific date. The exception event overrides the weekly event
so that the fan only runs from 17:00 to 20:00 on the specified date.
Xenta schedule events occur in the following order of precedence:
• Exception events
• Weekly events

27.5.1 Weekly Events in WorkStation

A weekly event occurs every week for an extended period of time on a regular
basis. You can schedule more than one weekly event for each day of the week.
For more information, see the Weekly Events in WorkStation topic on WebHelp.

27.5.2 Weekly Events in WebStation

A weekly event occurs every week for an extended period of time on a regular
basis. You can schedule more than one weekly event for each day of the week.
For more information, see section 27.6 “Weekly Events in WebStation ” on page

27.5.3 Exception Events in WorkStation

An exception event occurs instead of the scheduled weekly events for a single
date, date range, calculated date, or calendar reference.

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27 Schedules
27.5 Schedule Events

For more information, see the Exception Events in WorkStation topic on


27.5.4 Exception Events in WebStation

An exception event occurs instead of the scheduled weekly events for a single
date, date range, calculated date, or calendar reference.
For more information, see section 28.1 “Exception Events in WebStation” on
page 341.

27.5.5 Priorities
Priority is a number that corresponds to a preassigned level of importance. When
used in schedules, priority numbers range from one to sixteen. One is the most
important or highest priority and sixteen is the lowest priority.
For more information, see the Priorities topic on WebHelp.

27.5.6 Time Zones

When you create a schedule, the time zone of the EcoStruxure BMS server that
contains the schedule determines the execution of the events. If the schedule is
copied to an EcoStruxure BMS server in a different time zone, the specified dates
and times relate to the new time zone.
For more information, see the Time Zones topic on WebHelp.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

27 Schedules
27.6 Weekly Events in WebStation

27.6 Weekly Events in WebStation

A weekly event occurs every week for an extended period of time on a regular
basis. You can schedule more than one weekly event for each day of the week.

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27 Schedules
27.7 Editing the Start Time and End Time for a Schedule Event

27.7 Editing the Start Time and End Time for

a Schedule Event
You edit the start time and end time for a schedule event when the condition
changes. You can edit the start time for weekly events and single date exception
For more information, see section 27.6 “Weekly Events in WebStation ” on page

To edit the start time and end time for a schedule event
1. In WebStation, in the System tree pane, select the schedule with the event
you want to edit.
2. In the Schedule workspace, click the schedule event you want to edit.
3. In properties dialog box, in the At box, enter the start time.
4. In the Until box, enter the end time.
5. Click OK.
6. Click Save.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

27 Schedules
27.8 Adding a Weekly Event

27.8 Adding a Weekly Event

You add weekly events to a schedule to determine when the event is to regularly
occur. Weekly events always occur regularly unless overridden by an exception
For more information, see section 27.6 “Weekly Events in WebStation ” on page

To add a weekly event

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, select the schedule you want to
add the weekly event to.
2. In the Schedule toolbar, click Add weekly event, and select the week day.
3. In the Weekday dialog enter the start time and the end time or select All
4. In the Value box, enter the value.
5. Click OK.
6. Click Save.

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27 Schedules
27.9 Editing a Weekly Event

27.9 Editing a Weekly Event

You edit a weekly event to change the information about a weekly event on a
single day.
For more information, see section 27.6 “Weekly Events in WebStation ” on page

To edit a weekly event

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, select the schedule you want to
2. In the Schedule workspace, navigate to the event you want to edit.
3. In the Schedule workspace, select the weekly event weekly event you want
to edit.
4. In the Schedule event properties dialog box, edit the properties.
5. Click OK.
6. Click Save.

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27 Schedules
27.10 Deleting a Schedule Event

27.10 Deleting a Schedule Event

You delete a schedule event when you do not want to use it anymore.
For more information, see section 27.5 “Schedule Events” on page 318.

Deleting a schedule event

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, select the schedule with the event
you want to delete.
2. In the Schedule workspace, select the schedule event you want to delete.
3. In the Schedules events properties dialog box, click Delete event.
4. Click Save.
The schedule event is deleted from the schedule.

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27 Schedules
27.11 Schedule Types

27.11 Schedule Types

You can create three types of schedules: Digital, Multistate, or Analog. You
create a digital schedule if the schedule needs to control a device with two output
states, such as On or Off. You create a multistate schedule if the schedule needs
to control a device that has output states based on multiple states, such as low,
medium, or high. You create an analog schedule if the schedule controls a device
that gauges the output in real numbers.
You create schedules using WorkStation.

27.11.1 Analog Schedules

An analog schedule controls a device that gauges the output in real numbers.
The real numbers include positive or negative numbers, fractions, and decimal
For more information, see section 27.12 “Analog Schedules” on page 326.

27.11.2 Digital Schedules

A digital schedule controls a device that has an on output state and an off output
For more information, see section 27.14 “Digital Schedules” on page 328.

27.11.3 Multistate Schedules

A multistate schedule controls a device that has output states based on integers
or positive whole numbers including zero.
For more information, see section 27.16 “Multistate Schedules” on page 330.

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27 Schedules
27.12 Analog Schedules

27.12 Analog Schedules

An analog schedule controls a device that gauges the output in real numbers.
The real numbers include positive or negative numbers, fractions, and decimal
For example, you can create an analog schedule to regulate a thermostat
setpoint in an office area. To control the temperature from 08:00 to 17:00, you
can set the value to 22 °C (72 °F) when the schedule is active and 16 °C (62 °F)
when the schedule is inactive.

Figure: Analog Schedule

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27 Schedules
27.13 Editing the Value for an Event in an Analog Schedule

27.13 Editing the Value for an Event in an

Analog Schedule
You change the value for an event in an analog schedule to control the output
state of an analog device at specified times.
For more information, see section 27.12 “Analog Schedules” on page 326.

To edit the value for an event in an analog schedule

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, select the schedule with the event
you want to edit.
2. In the Schedule workspace, navigate to, and then select the schedule event
you want to edit.
3. In the Schedule event properties dialog box, in the Value box, enter the
new value
4. Click OK.
5. Click Save.

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27 Schedules
27.14 Digital Schedules

27.14 Digital Schedules

A digital schedule controls a device that has an on output state and an off output
For example, you can create a digital weekly schedule that is bound to a digital
output, such as a light switch. To turn on the lights Monday through Friday from
08:00 to 17:00, you can set the value to On when the schedule is active and Off
when the schedule is inactive.

Figure: Digital Schedule

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27 Schedules
27.15 Editing the Status for an Event in a Digital Schedule

27.15 Editing the Status for an Event in a

Digital Schedule
You change the status for an event in a digital schedule to control the output state
of a digital device at specified times.
For more information, see section 27.14 “Digital Schedules” on page 328.

To edit the status for an event in a digital schedule

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, select the schedule with the event
you want to edit.
2. In the Schedule workspace, navigate to, and then select the schedule event
you want to edit.
3. In the Schedule event properties dialog box, edit the value.
4. Click OK.
5. Click Save.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

27 Schedules
27.16 Multistate Schedules

27.16 Multistate Schedules

A multistate schedule controls a device that has output states based on integers
or positive whole numbers including zero.
For example, you can create a multistate weekly schedule that is bound to a
multistate value to control an air handler unit in an office building. To regulate the
air circulation Monday through Friday from 08:00 to 17:00, you can set the value
to 2 (occupied) when the schedule is active and 1 (unoccupied) when the
schedule is inactive.

Figure: Multistate Schedule

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27 Schedules
27.17 Editing the State for an Event in a Multistate Schedule

27.17 Editing the State for an Event in a

Multistate Schedule
You change the state for an event in a multistate schedule to control the output
state of a device with multistate output at specified times. Integers or positive
whole numbers, including zero, represent the states.
For more information, see section 27.16 “Multistate Schedules” on page 330.

To edit the state for an event in a multistate schedule

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, select the schedule with the event
you want to edit.
2. In the Schedule workspace, navigate to, and then select the schedule event
you want to edit.
3. In the Schedule event properties dialog box, in the Value box, enter the
new value.
4. Click OK.
5. Click Save.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

27 Schedules
27.18 Multi Schedule Viewer

27.18 Multi Schedule Viewer

You can create a Multi schedule viewer in WebStation to edit and view a number
of schedules at the same time.
A Multi schedule viewer is useful for example if you want to add at the same
events on several schedules at the same time. You can select the schedules you
want to add the events on.
A Multi schedule viewer also gives you an overview of the attached schedules.

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27 Schedules
27.19 Creating a Multi Schedule Viewer

27.19 Creating a Multi Schedule Viewer

You create a Multi schedule viewer to view and edit several schedules at the
same time.
For more information, see section 27.18 “Multi Schedule Viewer” on page 332.

To create a Multi schedule viewer

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, right-click a schedule you want to
include in the Multi schedule viewer and click Create Multi schedule
2. In the Name field, type a name.
3. In the Path field, enter the location of the Multi schedule viewer.
4. Click Add to add more schedules to the Multi schedule viewer.
5. In the Select object dialog box, do one of the following:
• Click Browse to browse the system to find the schedules you want to
• Click Object matching type, to get a list of all schedules in the system
that can be added.
6. Select the schedules you want to add.
7. Click Select.
8. Click OK.
TIP: You can also add new schedules to the Multi schedule viewer by
clicking the Add button in the Multi schedule viewer toolbar. For more
information, see section 27.20 “Adding a Schedule to a Multi Schedule
Viewer” on page 334.

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27 Schedules
27.20 Adding a Schedule to a Multi Schedule Viewer

27.20 Adding a Schedule to a Multi Schedule

You add schedules to a Multi schedule viewer to get an overview and be able to
edit several events from the same Multi schedule viewer.
For more information, see section 27.18 “Multi Schedule Viewer” on page 332.

To add a schedule to a multi schedule viewer

1. In WebStation, click the Multi schedule viewer.

2. In the Multi Schedule Viewer toolbar, click the Add button .

3. In the Select object dialog box, do one of the following:
• Click Browse to browse the system to find the the schedules you want
to add.
• Click Object matching type, to get a list of all schedules in the system
that can be added.
4. Select the schedules you want to add.
5. Click Select.
6. Click Save.

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27 Schedules
27.21 Removing a Schedule from a Multi Schedule Viewer

27.21 Removing a Schedule from a Multi

Schedule Viewer
You remove unused schedules from a Multi schedule viewer.
For more information, see section 27.18 “Multi Schedule Viewer” on page 332.

To remove a schedule from a Multi schedule viewer

1. In WebStation, click the Multi schedule viewer.
2. Select the schedule you want to remove.

3. Click the Remove selected schedule button .

4. Click Save.

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27 Schedules
27.22 Adding the Same Event to Multiple Schedules

27.22 Adding the Same Event to Multiple

You add the same event on multiple schedules in the Multi schedule viewer to
save time.
For more information, see section 27.18 “Multi Schedule Viewer” on page 332.

To add the same event to multiple schedules

1. In WebStation, in the Multi schedule view, select the schedules that you
want to add the event on.
2. Drag over the schedule to add the event on the schedule.
3. Click Save.

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27 Schedules
27.23 Assigning a Value on Click

27.23 Assigning a Value on Click

You assign a value on click so that you can give an event a value with one click in
the Multi schedule viewer.
For more information, see section 27.18 “Multi Schedule Viewer” on page 332.

To assigning a value on click

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, click the Multi schedule viewer.

2. In the Multi schedule viewer workspace, click the Settings button .

3. Click Assign on click.
4. In the Multi schedule value toolbar, enter the values you want to give the
5. Click on the events that you want to give the values.

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27 Schedules
27.24 Opening a Schedule from a Multi Schedule Viewer

27.24 Opening a Schedule from a Multi

Schedule Viewer
You can open a schedule from a Multi schedule viewer if you want to edit the
For more information, see section 27.18 “Multi Schedule Viewer” on page 332.

To open a schedule from a Multi Schedule Viewer

1. In WebStation, click the Multi schedule viewer.
2. In the Multi schedule viewer, right-click the name of the schedule you want
to edit and click Open schedule.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

28 Schedules Exception Events

Exception Events in WebStation
Creating a Weekly Event or Exception Event using Drag and
Adding a Single Date Exception Event
Editing a Single Date Exception Event
Adding a Date Range Exception Event
Editing a Date Range Exception Event
Adding a Calculated Exception Event
Editing a Calculated Exception Event
Adding a Calendar Exception Event
Editing a Calendar Exception Event
28 Schedules Exception Events
28.1 Exception Events in WebStation

28.1 Exception Events in WebStation

An exception event occurs instead of the scheduled weekly events for a single
date, date range, calculated date, or calendar reference.
For example, you create an exception event in March for an intense aerobics
class in the gym to open an air vent to 100 % from 06:30 to 17:00 every
Wednesday in March. This exception event takes precedence over the regularly
scheduled weekly Wednesday events.
When scheduling exception events, you can use four exception types to provide
flexibility and control in your schedule.

28.1.1 Date Exception Events

A single date exception event can occur on a single day, or you can use the
options for the event to occur on more than one day. The options such as Any
year and Any day provide flexibility. To schedule a single date event to take
place every year on October 31, you select the following single date options:
• Year: Any year
• Month: October
• Day of month: 31
• Day of week: Any day

28.1.2 Date Range Exception Events

A date range exception event is an event that lasts over a period of time. In
addition to a specific day of month, you can select Odd, Even, or Any month,
and Any day or Last day, to provide the flexibility to a date range. For example,
to schedule an exception event to occur annually from the last day of March to
the last day of April, select the following options for the start and end dates:

Start Date
• Start year: Any year
• Start month: March
• Day of month: Last day
• Day of week: Any day

End Date
• Year: Any year
• Month: April
• Day of month: Last day
• Day of week: Any day

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

28 Schedules Exception Events
28.1 Exception Events in WebStation

28.1.3 Calculated Exception Events

A calculated date is an exception event that recurs. Other than a specific month
and week, you can select Any month and Any week or Last week, to provide
flexibility to a calculated date. For example, to schedule the Monday of the first
week of every month for an exception event, select the following options:
• Month: Any month
• Week of month: First week
• Day of week: Monday

28.1.4 Calendar Exception Events

A calendar reference allows you to apply an exception event for all dates
specified in the calendar. For example, to schedule exception events for all
holidays on a calendar, you select the calendar you want to reference and the
schedule will follow the holidays created in the calendar.

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28 Schedules Exception Events
28.2 Creating a Weekly Event or Exception Event using Drag and Drop

28.2 Creating a Weekly Event or Exception

Event using Drag and Drop
You can create events for a single day using drag and drop in the schedule view.
For more information, see section 28.1 “Exception Events in WebStation” on
page 341.

To create a weekly event or an exception event using drag and

1. In WebStation, in the System tree pane, select the schedule.
2. On the Schedule workspace toolbar, toggle Drag exception event / Drag
weekly event to the event you want to create.
3. Add the event by drag and drop to the Schedule workspace.
4. Click Save.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

28 Schedules Exception Events
28.3 Adding a Single Date Exception Event

28.3 Adding a Single Date Exception Event

You create a single date exception event to make an exception for a specific day
in the schedule, such as December 10.
For more information, see section 28.1 “Exception Events in WebStation” on
page 341.

To add a single date exception event

1. In WebStation, in the System tree pane, select the schedule you want to
add the single date exception event to.
2. In the Schedule workspace toolbar, click Add exception.
3. In the Schedule event properties dialog box, click All day to have the
exception event on all day.
4. In the Value box, enter the value.
5. In the At box, enter the start time for the exception event.
6. In the Until box, enter the end time for the exception event.
7. In the Exception name box, type a name for the exception event.
8. In the Exception priority box, enter the priority for the exception event.
9. Under Date, in the Exception type box, select Single date.
10. In the Year box, select the year for the exception event.
11. In the Month list, select the month for the exception event.
12. In the Day of month box, select the day of the month for the single date.
13. In the Day of week box, select a day of the week for the single date.
14. Click OK.
15. Click Save.

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28 Schedules Exception Events
28.4 Editing a Single Date Exception Event

28.4 Editing a Single Date Exception Event

You edit a single date exception event to change the information about an
exception event.
For more information, see section 28.1 “Exception Events in WebStation” on
page 341.

To edit a single date exception event

1. In WebStation, in the System tree pane, select the schedule you want to
2. In the Schedule workspace, navigate to the event you want to edit.
3. Select the single date exception event you want to edit.
4. In the Schedule event properties dialog box, edit the properties.
5. Click OK.
6. Click Save.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

28 Schedules Exception Events
28.5 Adding a Date Range Exception Event

28.5 Adding a Date Range Exception Event

You create a date range exception event to schedule a date range event that
takes precedence over a scheduled weekly event.
For more information, see section 28.1 “Exception Events in WebStation” on
page 341.

To add a date range exception event

1. In WebStation, in the System tree pane, select the schedule you want to
add the date range exception event to.
2. Select Add exception.
3. In the Schedule event properties dialog box, click All day to have the
exception event on all day.
4. In the Value box, enter the value for the exception event.
5. In the At box, enter the start time for the exception event.
6. In the Until box, enter the end time for the exception event.
7. In the Exception name box, type a name for the exception event.
8. In the Exception priority box, enter the priority for the exception event.
9. Under Date, in the Exception type box, select Date range.
10. Enter the year, month, week, and day you want the exception event to start.
11. Enter the year, month, week, and day you want the exception event to end.
12. Click OK.
13. Click Save.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

28 Schedules Exception Events
28.6 Editing a Date Range Exception Event

28.6 Editing a Date Range Exception Event

You edit a date range exception event to change the information about an
exception event.
For more information, see section 28.1 “Exception Events in WebStation” on
page 341.

To edit a date range exception event

1. In WebStation, in the System tree pane, select the schedule you want to
2. In the Schedule workspace, navigate to the event you want to edit.
3. Click the date range exception event you want to edit.
4. In the Schedule event properties dialog box, edit the properties.
5. Click OK.
6. Click Save.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

28 Schedules Exception Events
28.7 Adding a Calculated Exception Event

28.7 Adding a Calculated Exception Event

You create a calculated exception to schedule a recurring event that takes
precedence over a scheduled weekly event.
For more information, see section 28.1 “Exception Events in WebStation” on
page 341.

To add a calculated exception event

1. In WebStation, in the System tree pane, select the schedule you want to
add the calculated exception event to.
2. Select Add exception.
3. In the Schedule event properties dialog box, click All day to have the
exception event on all day.
4. In the Value box, enter the value.
5. In the At box, enter the start time for the exception event.
6. In the Until box, enter the end time for the exception event.
7. In the Exception name box, type a name for the exception event.
8. In the Exception priority box, enter the priority for the exception event.
9. Under Date, in the Exception type box, select Calculated.
10. In the Month box, select the month.
11. In the Week of month box, select the week.
12. In the Day of week box, select the day.
13. Click OK.
14. Click Save.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

28 Schedules Exception Events
28.8 Editing a Calculated Exception Event

28.8 Editing a Calculated Exception Event

You edit a calculated exception event to change the information about an
exception event.
For more information, see section 28.1 “Exception Events in WebStation” on
page 341.

To edit a calculated exception event

1. In WebStation, in the System tree pane, select the schedule you want to
2. In the Schedule workspace, navigate to the event you want to edit.
3. Click the calculated exception event you want to edit.
4. In the Schedule event properties dialog box, edit the properties.
5. Click OK.
6. Click Save.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

28 Schedules Exception Events
28.9 Adding a Calendar Exception Event

28.9 Adding a Calendar Exception Event

You add a calendar to the schedule to make an exception event for all dates
specified in the calendar.
For more information, see section 28.1 “Exception Events in WebStation” on
page 341.

To add a calendar exception event

1. In WebStation, in the System tree pane, select the schedule you want to
add the calendar exception event to.
2. Click Add exception.
3. In the Schedule event properties dialog box, click All day if the exception
event is to be on all day.
4. In the Schedule workspace toolbar, enter the value.
5. In the At box, enter the start time for the exception event.
6. In the Until box, enter the end time for the exception event.
7. In the Exception name box, type a name for the exception event.
8. In the Exception priority box, enter the priority for the exception event.
9. Under Date, in the Exception type list, select Calendar.
10. In the Value box, enter a calendar.
11. Click OK.
12. Click Save.
• You cannot specify different times and values for each of the different
dates. All dates specified in the calendar must have the same times and
values assigned to them.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

28 Schedules Exception Events
28.10 Editing a Calendar Exception Event

28.10 Editing a Calendar Exception Event

You edit a calendar exception event to change the information about an
exception event.
For more information, see section 28.1 “Exception Events in WebStation” on
page 341.

To edit a calendar exception event

1. In WebStation, in the System tree pane, select the schedule you want to
2. In the Schedule workspace, navigate to the event you want to edit.
3. Click the calender exception event you want to edit.
4. In the Schedule event properties dialog box, edit the properties.
5. Click OK.
6. Click Save.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

29 Schedules User Interface

Schedule Workspace
Schedule Workspace Toolbar
Schedule Settings Dialog Box
Schedule Event Properties Dialog Box – Weekly View
Schedule Event Properties Dialog Box – Single Date
Exception View
Schedule Event Properties Dialog Box – Date Range
Exception View
Schedule Event Properties Dialog Box – Calculated
Exception View
Schedule Event Properties Dialog Box – Calendar
Reference View
Multi Schedule Viewer Workspace
Multi Schedule Viewer Toolbar
29 Schedules User Interface
29.1 Schedule Workspace

29.1 Schedule Workspace

Use the Schedule workspace to navigate, add, remove, or edit events.

Figure: Schedule workspace

Table: Schedule Workspace

Component Description

Month calendar
View the calender by month.

Schedule Toolbar
Use the toolbar to add, edit, and save
events in the schedule. For more
information, see section 29.2 “Schedule
Workspace Toolbar” on page 356.

Date calendar
View the calender by dates.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

29 Schedules User Interface
29.2 Schedule Workspace Toolbar

29.2 Schedule Workspace Toolbar

You use the Schedule Workspace Toolbar to edit the selected schedule.

Table: Schedule Workspace Toolbar

Component Description

Add exception Click to add an exception event to the


Add weekly event Click to add a weekly event to the


Today Click to go to the current date.

Click to configure the schedules settings.

For more information, see section 29.3
“Schedule Settings Dialog Box” on page

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

29 Schedules User Interface
29.3 Schedule Settings Dialog Box

29.3 Schedule Settings Dialog Box

Use the Schedule Settings dialog box to edit the configuration settings for the
selected schedule.

Figure: Schedule settings dialog box

Table: Schedule Settings Dialog Box

Component Description

Remove past events Select True to remove events that have

already occurred from the selected

Lead object Click to select a lead schedule if you want

the selected schedule to be a shadow
schedule. For more information, see the
Lead and Shadow Relationship topic on

Default value Enter a default value for the selected


Description Type a description for the selected


04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

29 Schedules User Interface
29.4 Schedule Event Properties Dialog Box – Weekly View

29.4 Schedule Event Properties Dialog Box –

Weekly View
Use the Weekly View in the Schedule Event Properties dialog box to create a
new weekly event for an existing schedule.

Figure: Schedule event properties dialog box – Weekly view

Table: Schedule Event Properties Dialog Box – Weekly View

Component Description

All Day Select to create an all day event.

Value Enter a value for the exception event.

At Enter the start time for the exception event.

Until Enter the end time for the exception event.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

29 Schedules User Interface
29.5 Schedule Event Properties Dialog Box – Single Date Exception View

29.5 Schedule Event Properties Dialog Box –

Single Date Exception View
Use the Single Date Exception View in the Schedule Event Properties dialog
box to schedule a single date exception.

Figure: Schedule event properties dialog box – Single date exception view

Table: Schedule Event Properties Dialog Box – Single date Exception View
Component Description

All Day Select to create an all day event.

Value Enter a value for the exception event.

At Enter the start time for the exception event.

Until Enter the end time for the exception event.

Exception name Type a name for the event.

Exception priority Select a priority number between 1 (highest

priority) and 16 (lowest priority).

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

29 Schedules User Interface
29.5 Schedule Event Properties Dialog Box – Single Date Exception View

Component Description

Event type Select Single date.

Year Enter the year for the single date event.

Month Enter the month for the single date event.

Day of month Enter the day of month for the single date

Day of week Enter the day of week for the single date

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

29 Schedules User Interface
29.6 Schedule Event Properties Dialog Box – Date Range Exception View

29.6 Schedule Event Properties Dialog Box –

Date Range Exception View
Use the Date Range Exception View in the Schedule Event Properties dialog
box to schedule a date range exception.

Figure: Schedule event properties dialog box – Date range exception view

Table: Schedule Event Properties Dialog Box – Date Range Exception View
Component Description

All Day Select to create an all day event.

Value Enter a value for the exception event.

At Enter the start time for the exception event.

Until Enter the end time for the exception event.

Exception name Type a name for the event.

Exception priority Select a priority number between 1 (highest

priority) and 16 (lowest priority).

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

29 Schedules User Interface
29.6 Schedule Event Properties Dialog Box – Date Range Exception View

Component Description

Event type Select Date range.

Start year Enter the year when you want the date
range to start.

Start month Enter the month when you want the date
range to start.

Day of month Enter the day of month when you want the
date range to start.

Day of week Enter the day of week when you want the
date range to start.

Year Enter the year when you want the date

range to end.

Month Enter the month when you want the date

range to end.

Day of month Enter the day of month when you want the
date range to end.

Day of week Enter the day of week when you want the
date range to end.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

29 Schedules User Interface
29.7 Schedule Event Properties Dialog Box – Calculated Exception View

29.7 Schedule Event Properties Dialog Box –

Calculated Exception View
Use the Calculated Exception View in the Schedule Event Properties dialog
box to schedule recurring exceptions.

Figure: Schedule event properties dialog box – Calculated exception view

Table: Schedule Event Properties Dialog Box – Calculated Exception View

Component Description

All Day Select to create an all day event.

Value Enter a value for the exception event.

At Enter the start time for the exception event.

Until Enter the end time for the exception event.

Exception name Type a name for the event.

Exception priority Select a priority number between 1 (highest

priority) and 16 (lowest priority).

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

29 Schedules User Interface
29.7 Schedule Event Properties Dialog Box – Calculated Exception View

Component Description

Event type Select Calculated.

Month Enter the month when the calculated

exception event occurs.

Day of month Enter the day of month when the calculated

exception event occurs.

Day of week Enter the day of week when the calculated

exception event occurs.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

29 Schedules User Interface
29.8 Schedule Event Properties Dialog Box – Calendar Reference View

29.8 Schedule Event Properties Dialog Box –

Calendar Reference View
Use the Calendar Reference View in the Schedule Event Properties dialog
box to reference a calendar to apply to your schedule.

Figure: Schedule event properties dialog box – Calendar reference view

Table: Schedule Event Properties Dialog Box – Calendar Reference View

Component Description

All Day Select to create an all day event.

Value Enter a value for the exception event.

At Enter the start time for the exception event.

Until Enter the end time for the exception event.

Exception name Type a name for the event.

Exception priority Select a priority number between 1 (highest

priority) and 16 (lowest priority).

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

29 Schedules User Interface
29.8 Schedule Event Properties Dialog Box – Calendar Reference View

Component Description

Event type Select Calendar.

Value Enter the calendar you want to use.

Open calendar Click to open the selected calendar for

viewing or editing.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

29 Schedules User Interface
29.9 Multi Schedule Viewer Workspace

29.9 Multi Schedule Viewer Workspace

Use the Multi schedule viewer workspace to get an overview over the schedules
and to add and edit events to the schedules.

Figure: Multi schedule viewer workspace

Table: Multi Schedule Viewer Workspace

Number Description

Multi Schedule Viewer Toolbar

Use the Multi schedule viewer toolbar to
add schedules to the Multi schedule viewer,
select and deselect schedules, navigate
and assign values.

Multi Schedule Value Toolbar

Use the Multi schedule value toolbar to
assign a value on click so that you can give
an event a value with one click.

Schedule View Editor

Use the Schedule View editor to add, edit
or delete exception events.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

29 Schedules User Interface
29.10 Multi Schedule Viewer Toolbar

29.10 Multi Schedule Viewer Toolbar

Use the Multi Schedule Viewer toolbar to select, add and remove schedules.

Table: Multi Schedule Viewer Toolbar

Button Description

Add schedules
Click to add a schedule to the Multi
schedule viewer.

Remove selected schedules

Click to remove the selected schedule from
the Multi schedule viewer.

Go to date Click to open the calendar to go to a

specific date.

Select all
Click to select all schedules in the Multi
schedule viewer.

Deselect all
Click to deselect all schedules in the Multi
schedule viewer.

Drag exception event/Drag weekly event

Click to change between adding exception
events and weekly events.

Click to open the Multi schedule value

Assign on click Click to assign a value on click so that you

can give an event a value with one click.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

30 Schedules Calendars

Calendars in WebStation
Calendar Editor Overview
Calendar Events
Adding a Date to a Calendar
Removing a Calendar Event
30 Schedules Calendars
30.1 Calendars in WebStation

30.1 Calendars in WebStation

A calendar is a list of dates. The calendar provides the schedule with the dates
when the exception events shall occur. To save time, you can reference a single
calendar rather than entering several exception events in a schedule.

Figure: Exception events in a calendar

Many schedules can make a reference to the calendar. You can define the group
of dates once rather than over and over again in multiple schedules, a potentially
tedious task if your building control system contains many schedules.

30.1.1 Calendar Editor Overview

You use the Calendar Editor to specify dates of exception events in a calendar.
You can add and remove single dates. By using a calendar, you specify all the
exception events only one time, rather than in each schedule. The calendar is
then referenced to each of the schedules and all exception dates are
automatically designated in the schedules.
For more information, see section 30.2 “Calendar Editor Overview” on page 373.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

30 Schedules Calendars
30.1 Calendars in WebStation

30.1.2 Calendar Events

You specify a single date in a calendar. A date is an entry that occurs once in the
• Date: a specific date
For more information, see section 30.3 “Calendar Events ” on page 374.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

30 Schedules Calendars
30.2 Calendar Editor Overview

30.2 Calendar Editor Overview

You use the Calendar Editor to specify dates of exception events in a calendar.
You can add and remove single dates. By using a calendar, you specify all the
exception events only one time, rather than in each schedule. The calendar is
then referenced to each of the schedules and all exception dates are
automatically designated in the schedules.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

30 Schedules Calendars
30.3 Calendar Events

30.3 Calendar Events

You specify a single date in a calendar. A date is an entry that occurs once in the
• Date: a specific date
A single date within a calendar is an entry that occurs once.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

30 Schedules Calendars
30.4 Adding a Date to a Calendar

30.4 Adding a Date to a Calendar

You add a date to a calendar to specify an exception date for a specific day.
For more information, see section 30.3 “Calendar Events ” on page 374.

To add a date to a calendar

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, select the calendar you want to
add the exception to.
2. Click on the date where you want to create the event.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

30 Schedules Calendars
30.5 Removing a Calendar Event

30.5 Removing a Calendar Event

You remove a calendar event event from a calendar when you do not use it.
For more information, see section 30.3 “Calendar Events ” on page 374.

To remove a calendar event

1. In WebStation, in the System tree pane, select the calendar event you want
to remove.
2. Click the calendar event.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

31 Schedule Calendar User

Calendar Workspace
31 Schedule Calendar User Interface
31.1 Calendar Workspace

31.1 Calendar Workspace

Use the Calendar workspace to navigate, add, or remove exception events.

Figure: Calendar workspace

Table: Calendar Workspace

Component Description

Use the Calendar toolbar to add or remove


Calendar workspace where you view and

edit events.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

32 Xenta Time Schedules

introduction to this topic

Xenta Schedules in WebStation
Adding a Weekly Event to a Xenta Schedule in WebStation
Adding an Exception Event to a Xenta Schedule in
Editing or Deleting a Weekly Event in a Xenta Schedule in
Editing or Deleting an Exception Event in a Xenta Schedule
in WebStation
32 Xenta Time Schedules
32.1 Xenta Schedules in WebStation

32.1 Xenta Schedules in WebStation

Xenta Time Schedules and Xenta Central Time Schedules can be edited in
WebStation. You can add, edit and delete weekly and exception events. The
Xenta Time Schedules and Xenta Central Time Schedules must be created using
For more information, see section 27.1 “How Schedules Work” on page 311.
Xenta Central schedules are used to group Xenta 280/300/401 LonWorks device
schedules created in the TSCH block in Menta Editor. When you use a Central
schedule, you can change settings on whole Xenta schedule groups from a
central place.
For more information, see the Xenta Central Schedules topic on WebHelp.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

32 Xenta Time Schedules
32.2 Adding a Weekly Event to a Xenta Schedule in WebStation

32.2 Adding a Weekly Event to a Xenta

Schedule in WebStation
You add weekly events to a Xenta schedule to determine when the event is to
regularly occur. Weekly events always occur regularly unless overridden by an
exception event.
For more information, see section 32.1 “Xenta Schedules in WebStation” on page
IMPORTANT: You cannot add, edit, or delete schedule events in a Xenta
Schedule when a Xenta Central schedule has been assigned to it.
The number of events a Xenta Central schedule can have is determined by
the Menta application.

To add a weekly event to a Xenta Schedule in WebStation

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, select the schedule to which you
want to add the weekly event.
2. In the Xenta Schedule editor, click Add.
3. In the Interval type column, select Interval or On all day.
4. If you select Interval, select the start time and the end time.
5. Select the weekdays the weekly event is to be in service.
6. Click Save.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

32 Xenta Time Schedules
32.3 Adding an Exception Event to a Xenta Schedule in WebStation

32.3 Adding an Exception Event to a Xenta

Schedule in WebStation
You add an exception event to configure an exception that is to apply instead of a
scheduled weekly event for a single date, date range, or a time pair.
For more information, see section 32.1 “Xenta Schedules in WebStation” on page
IMPORTANT: You cannot add, edit, or delete schedule events in a Xenta
Schedule when a Xenta Central schedule has been assigned to it.
The number of events a Xenta Central schedule can have is determined by
the Menta application.
IMPORTANT: An added exception event overrides any weekly events for all
of the selected days.

To add an exception event to a Xenta Schedule in WebStation

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, select the schedule to which you
want to add the exception event.
2. In the Xenta Schedule editor, click Add.
3. In the Interval type column, select Interval, On all day, or Off all day.
4. If you select Interval in the Interval type column, enter the start time and
end time for the interval.
5. Select the weekdays the exception event is to be in service.
6. Click Save.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

32 Xenta Time Schedules
32.4 Editing or Deleting a Weekly Event in a Xenta Schedule in WebStation

32.4 Editing or Deleting a Weekly Event in a

Xenta Schedule in WebStation
You edit a weekly event to change the time range, start and stop time, or
weekdays of the weekly event.
For more information, see section 32.1 “Xenta Schedules in WebStation” on page
IMPORTANT: You cannot add, edit, or delete schedule events in a Xenta
Schedule when a Xenta Central schedule has been assigned to it.
The number of events a Xenta Central schedule can have is determined by
the Menta application.

To edit or delete a weekly event in a Xenta schedule in

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, select the schedule containing the
weekly event you want to edit.
2. In the Interval type column, edit Interval or On all day.
3. If you select Interval, edit the start time and the end time.
4. Edit the weekdays the weekly event is to be in service.
5. Click Save.
To delete a weekly event, click the trash can.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

32 Xenta Time Schedules
32.5 Editing or Deleting an Exception Event in a Xenta Schedule in WebStation

32.5 Editing or Deleting an Exception Event

in a Xenta Schedule in WebStation
You edit an exception event to change the time range, start and stop date, start
and stop time, or weekdays of an exception event.
For more information, see section 32.1 “Xenta Schedules in WebStation” on page
IMPORTANT: You cannot add, edit, or delete schedule events in a Xenta
Schedule when a Xenta Central schedule has been assigned to it.
The number of events a Xenta Central schedule can have is determined by
the Menta application.

To edit or delete an exception event in a Xenta schedule in

1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, select the schedule containing the
exception event you want to edit.
2. In the Interval type column, edit Interval, On all day or Off all day.
3. Edit the dates.
4. Click Save.
To delete an exception event, click the trash can.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

33 Xenta Schedule User

Xenta Schedule Editor
Xenta Central Schedule Editor
33 Xenta Schedule User Interface
33.1 Xenta Schedule Editor

33.1 Xenta Schedule Editor

Use the Xenta Schedule Editor to view or edit Xenta schedules.

Figure: Xenta Schedule Editor

Table: Xenta Schedule Editor

Property Description

Interval type Select the interval type.

Start time Select the start time for the weekly event if
Interval is selected.

End time Select the end time for the weekly event if
Interval is selected.

(Select weekday) Select the weekdays the weekly event is to

be in service.

Click to delete a weekly event.

Interval type Select the interval type.

Start date Select the start date for the exception event

Start time Select the start time for the exception


End date Select the end date for the exception event

End time Select the end time for the exception event.

(Select weekday) Select the weekdays the exception event is

to be in service.

Click to delete an exception event.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

33 Xenta Schedule User Interface
33.2 Xenta Central Schedule Editor

33.2 Xenta Central Schedule Editor

Use the Xenta Central Schedule Editor to add, view, or edit Xenta central

Figure: Xenta Central Schedule Editor

Table: Xenta Central Schedule Editor

Property Description

Add Click to add a new weekly event.

Interval type Select the interval type.

Start time Select the start time for the weekly event if
Interval is selected.

End time Select the end time for the weekly event if
Interval is selected.

(Select weekday) Select the weekdays the weekly event is to

be in service.

Click to delete a weekly event.

Interval type Select the interval type.

Start date Select the start date for the exception event

Start time Select the start time for the exception


End date Select the end date for the exception event

End time Select the end time for the exception event.

(Select weekday) Select the weekdays the exception event is

to be in service.

Click to delete an exception event.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

34 Graphics

How Graphics Work
Changing a Value in a Graphic
Zooming and Scrolling in a Graphic in WebStation
Resetting Zoom in a Graphic in WebStation
34 Graphics
34.1 How Graphics Work

34.1 How Graphics Work

You use graphics to display building overviews, display values from sensors, or
change setpoints. A graphic can also contain links to trend charts, trend log lists,
Internet sites, or views in WorkStation and WebStation.
A graphic that contain links to documents, such as Microsoft Word or Adobe
PDF, can be opened in WorkStation and WebStation. The associated programs,
in this case Microsoft Word or Adobe Reader, has to be installed on the computer
running WorkStation or WebStation.

Figure: A Graphic with links and interactive components like gauges in WorkStation

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

34 Graphics
34.2 Changing a Value in a Graphic

34.2 Changing a Value in a Graphic

You change a value in a graphic when you want a different value.
For more information, see section 34.1 “How Graphics Work” on page 395.

To change a value in a graphic

1. In WorkStation or WebStation, click the graphic with the value you want to
2. Click the value you want to change.
3. In the Edit properties dialog box, enter the new value.
4. Click OK.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

34 Graphics
34.3 Zooming and Scrolling in a Graphic in WebStation

34.3 Zooming and Scrolling in a Graphic in

Zoom and scroll in a graphic to make viewing easier.
For more information, see section 34.1 “How Graphics Work” on page 395.

To zoom and scroll in a graphic in WebStation

1. Use the mouse scroll button to zoom in and out of a graphic.
2. Click in the graphic to move the graphic.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

34 Graphics
34.4 Resetting Zoom in a Graphic in WebStation

34.4 Resetting Zoom in a Graphic in

You restore the graphic to its original size after you increased or decreased the
size of the graphic.
For more information, see section 34.1 “How Graphics Work” on page 395.

To reset zoom in a graphic in WebStation

1. Right-click in the graphic and click Reset zoom.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

35 Graphics User Interface

Graphics View
35 Graphics User Interface
35.1 Graphics View

35.1 Graphics View

Use the Graphics View to see a graphic representation of a site or a unit, to
change values, or to navigate to other graphics or components

Figure: Graphics view

Table: Graphics View

Number Description

The graphic area displays the graphic. For
more information, see section 34.1 “How
Graphics Work” on page 395.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

36 Documents

How Documents Work
Opening a Document
36 Documents
36.1 How Documents Work

36.1 How Documents Work

You can open documents stored on an EcoStruxure BMS server using the
default program associated with the file type. For example, a txt-file opens
Notepad and a ppt-file opens PowerPoint.
You can edit the documents and then save them again using WorkStation. You
cannot edit and save documents using WebStation.
IMPORTANT: When you log off or are automatically logged off, any
unsaved changes in the document are not saved in the database. Make sure
that you save changes in open documents frequently.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

36 Documents
36.2 Opening a Document

36.2 Opening a Document

You open a document to view its content or to edit the information.
For more information, see section 36.1 “How Documents Work ” on page 405.

Opening a document
1. In WebStation, in the System Tree pane, click the document you want to

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

37 Dashboards

How Dashboards Work
Dashboards in WorkStation
Dashboard Widgets
Clone Widgets and Rebind Widget References
Alarm Count
Alarm Pareto Chart
Alarm Pie
Alarm Sankey Chart
Event Pareto Chart
Event Pie
Event Rate Chart
Event Sankey Chart
Heat Map
Log Gauge
Log Pie
Log Value
Period Chart
Period over Period Chart
Point Gauge
Point Pie
Point Value
37 XY Plot
Graphics in Dashboards
Creating a Dashboard
Configuring a Dashboard
Rebinding Widgets References
Adding a Widget to a Dashboard
Cloning a Dashboard Widget
Configuring an Alarm Count
Configuring an Alarm Pareto Chart
Configuring an Alarm Pie
Configuring an Alarm Sankey Chart
Configuring an Event Pareto Chart
Configuring an Event Pie
Configuring an Event Rate Chart
Configuring an Event Sankey Chart
Configuring a Heat Map
Configuring a Log Gauge
Configuring a Log Pie
Configuring a Log Value
Configuring a Period Chart
Configuring a Period over Period Chart
Configuring a Point Gauge
Configuring a Point Pie
Configuring a Point Value
Configuring a XY Plot
Adding a Hyperlink to a Dashboard
Adding a Graphic to a Dashboard
Creating a Slideshow
37 Allowing a User to Access Personal Favorites
Allowing a User to Access Personal Dashboards
37 Dashboards
37.1 How Dashboards Work

37.1 How Dashboards Work

Dashboards are a way to get a graphical overview of values and logs in your
You create dashboards to get an overview of how buildings perform, such as
energy consumption monitoring, alarm statistics, and environmental summaries.
You can view live and historical data.
Dashboards are created in WebStation and can only be accessed through
WebStation. You configure the dashboard to your needs by adding dashboards

37.1.1 Types of Dashboards

There are two types of dashboards, public or personal.

Public dashboards
Public dashboard can be created by any user that has access to the folder where
the dashboards are located. Any user that has access to the folder can view the

Personal dashboards
Personal dashboards are saved on the user level and can only be accessed by
the user that created them. To be able to create personal dashboards, the user
must be a member of a that allows members to create dashboards.
For more information, see section 37.52 “Allowing a User to Access Personal
Dashboards” on page 466.
Personal dashboards require a license.

37.1.2 Dashboard Widgets

Dashboard widgets are small applications in a dashboard. Dashboard widgets
are the main components in a dashboard and present graphical information from
your system.
For more information, see section 37.3 “Dashboard Widgets” on page 413.

37.1.3 Slideshows
Slideshows switch the display of several different dashboards or other
components. You can configure the interval between the dashboards and

37.1.4 Dashboards in WorkStation

Dashboard cannot be accessed using WorkStation. However, the dashboard
objects are visible in the System Tree in WorkStation.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

37 Dashboards
37.2 Dashboards in WorkStation

37.2 Dashboards in WorkStation

Dashboard cannot be accessed using WorkStation. However, the dashboard
objects are visible in the System Tree in WorkStation.
Dashboard components can be created in WorkStation but it is not
recommended to work with dashboards in WorkStation because the result cannot
be viewed in WorkStation.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

37 Dashboards
37.3 Dashboard Widgets

37.3 Dashboard Widgets

Dashboard widgets are small applications in a dashboard. Dashboard widgets
are the main components in a dashboard and present graphical information from
your system.
You can create one or many dashboard widgets in a dashboard. Dashboard
widgets can only be created in a dashboard in WebStation.

Ready to use
All dashboard widgets are ready to use. The only thing you must do is add the
trend log, variable, alarm, or event you want to display in the dashboard widget.
All dashboard widgets have default setting for color and different layout
components, but you can also configure them to suit your needs. For example,
you can add captions to the widget itself or the x- and y-axis in diagram, you can
use different colors for different values or value ranges in a gauge.

37.3.1 Clone Widgets and Rebind Widget

You can clone widgets and rebind widgets references.
For more information, see section 37.4 “Clone Widgets and Rebind Widget
References” on page 417.

37.3.2 Empty Space

Empty space is not a dashboard widget but a way to create empty spaces
between dashboard widgets. Empty spaces are used when you do the layout of a

37.3.3 Alarm Count

An alarm count displays the number of alarms from the EcoStruxure Building
Operation system.
For more information, see section 37.5 “Alarm Count ” on page 418.

37.3.4 Alarm Pareto Chart

An alarm Pareto chart is a graphical representation of alarms represented by
bars but also by a cumulative line. An alarm pareto chart gives you a quick
overview of the most common causes of alarms.
For more information, see section 37.6 “Alarm Pareto Chart ” on page 419.

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37 Dashboards
37.3 Dashboard Widgets

37.3.5 Alarm Pie

An alarm pie chart is a circular graphic divided into slices to illustrate proportions
of alarms.
For more information, see section 37.7 “Alarm Pie ” on page 420.

37.3.6 Alarm Sankey Chart

An alarm Sankey chart is used to graphically present a Sankey chart of the
alarms in the EcoStruxure Building Operation system.
For more information, see section 37.8 “Alarm Sankey Chart” on page 421.

37.3.7 Event Pareto Chart

An event Pareto chart is a graphical representation where the events are
represented by bars but also by a cumulative line. An event pareto chart gives
you a quick overview of the most common events.
For more information, see section 37.9 “Event Pareto Chart” on page 422.

37.3.8 Event Pie

An event pie chart is a circular graphic divided into slices to illustrate proportions
of events.
For more information, see section 37.10 “Event Pie” on page 423.

37.3.9 Event Rate Chart

An event rate chart is a graphical representation of event rates represented by
For more information, see section 37.11 “Event Rate Chart” on page 424.

37.3.10 Event Sankey Chart

An events Sankey chart is used to graphically present a Sankey chart of the
events in the EcoStruxure Building Operation system.
For more information, see section 37.12 “Event Sankey Chart” on page 425.

37.3.11 Heat Map

A heat map is a graphical representation of data where the values contained in a
matrix are represented as colors.
For more information, see section 37.13 “Heat Map” on page 426.

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37 Dashboards
37.3 Dashboard Widgets

37.3.12 Log Gauge

A log gauge displays trend log values in a gauge.
For more information, see section 37.14 “Log Gauge” on page 427.

37.3.13 Log Pie

A log pie chart is a circular graphic divided into slices to illustrate proportions of
trend logs.
For more information, see section 37.15 “Log Pie” on page 428.

37.3.14 Log Value

A log value displays one or many trend log values as numerical values.
For more information, see section 37.16 “Log Value” on page 429.

37.3.15 Period Chart

A period chart is used to compare trend logs over different time periods.
For more information, see section 37.17 “Period Chart” on page 430.

37.3.16 Period over Period Chart

A period chart is used to compare trend logs over different time periods.
For more information, see section 37.18 “Period over Period Chart” on page 431.

37.3.17 Point Gauge

A point gauge is used to graphically display a current value in a gauge.
For more information, see section 37.19 “Point Gauge” on page 432.

37.3.18 Point Pie

A point pie chart is a circular graphic divided into slices to illustrate proportion of
For more information, see section 37.20 “Point Pie” on page 433.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

37 Dashboards
37.3 Dashboard Widgets

37.3.19 Point Value

A point value is used to display the present value of one or many variables as a
numerical value.
For more information, see section 37.21 “Point Value” on page 434.

37.3.20 XY Plot
A XY plot, also called a scatter plot, is used to display values for two trend logs.
For more information, see section 37.22 “XY Plot” on page 435.

37.3.21 Browse
Use Browse to navigate to a graphic or a hyperlink that you want to add to a

37.3.22 Graphics
Graphics can be added to a dashboard.
For more information, see section 37.23 “Graphics in Dashboards” on page 436.

37.3.23 Hyperlinks
Hyperlinks can also be added to a dashboard. To be able to display the content
of the hyperlink, you must enable external content to be embedded in
For more information, see the Configuring Security in WebStation using
WorkStation topic on WebHelp.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

37 Dashboards
37.4 Clone Widgets and Rebind Widget References

37.4 Clone Widgets and Rebind Widget

You can clone widgets and rebind widgets references.

Cloning widgets
You can clone existing widgets. This is an efficient way to create widgets with
similar configuration. The cloned widget can be edited. This makes it possible to
make identical widgets that display different variables.
For more information, see section 37.28 “Cloning a Dashboard Widget” on page

You can rebind references using Rebind widget references. The reference
source must be of the same type and have the same name as the target. You can
rebind several widgets at the same time if the target references are of the same
name and same type.
For example, you have created widgets for a room called Room A. The widgets
refer to an analog value in the folder Room A, called “Temp”. You have an
identical room called Room B. The folder Room B also contains an analog value
called “Temp”. If you want to use the same configuration of the widgets in Room
A on Room B, you clone the widgets for Room A and then you use Rebind widget
references to rebind the cloned widgets to the analog value “Temp” in the folder
Room B.
For more information, see section 37.26 “Rebinding Widgets References ” on
page 439.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

37 Dashboards
37.5 Alarm Count

37.5 Alarm Count

An alarm count displays the number of alarms from the EcoStruxure Building
Operation system.
You can apply a filter to select the alarms based on the alarm fields.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

37 Dashboards
37.6 Alarm Pareto Chart

37.6 Alarm Pareto Chart

An alarm Pareto chart is a graphical representation of alarms represented by
bars but also by a cumulative line. An alarm pareto chart gives you a quick
overview of the most common causes of alarms.
You can define how many bars you want to display in the chart.
By clicking on a bar in the alarm Pareto chart you can view a list of alarms for that
particular bar.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

37 Dashboards
37.7 Alarm Pie

37.7 Alarm Pie

An alarm pie chart is a circular graphic divided into slices to illustrate proportions
of alarms.
You can decide the alarms column you want to display. You can also apply a filter
to select the alarms based on the alarm fields.
By clicking on a slice, you can view a list of alarms for that particular slice.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

37 Dashboards
37.8 Alarm Sankey Chart

37.8 Alarm Sankey Chart

An alarm Sankey chart is used to graphically present a Sankey chart of the
alarms in the EcoStruxure Building Operation system.
You can select the alarms column you want to display. You can also apply a filter
to select the alarms based on the alarm fields.
By clicking on a flow in the chart you can view a list of alarm details for that
particular alarm.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

37 Dashboards
37.9 Event Pareto Chart

37.9 Event Pareto Chart

An event Pareto chart is a graphical representation where the events are
represented by bars but also by a cumulative line. An event pareto chart gives
you a quick overview of the most common events.
You can define how many bars you want to display in the chart.
By clicking on a bar in the event Pareto chart you can view a list of events.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

37 Dashboards
37.10 Event Pie

37.10 Event Pie

An event pie chart is a circular graphic divided into slices to illustrate proportions
of events.
You can select the event column you want to display. You can also apply a filter
to select the event based on the event fields.
By clicking on a slice, you can view a list of events for that particular slice.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

37 Dashboards
37.11 Event Rate Chart

37.11 Event Rate Chart

An event rate chart is a graphical representation of event rates represented by
You can select the event column you want to display. You can also apply a filter
to select the events based on the event fields.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

37 Dashboards
37.12 Event Sankey Chart

37.12 Event Sankey Chart

An events Sankey chart is used to graphically present a Sankey chart of the
events in the EcoStruxure Building Operation system.
You can select the event column you want to display. You can also apply a filter
to select the event based on the event fields.
By clicking on a flow in the chart you can view a list of event details for that
particular event.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

37 Dashboards
37.13 Heat Map

37.13 Heat Map

A heat map is a graphical representation of data where the values contained in a
matrix are represented as colors.
Heat map is typically used to present a trend log. A Heat map can be used to
display any information, for example temperature, water consumption, or energy
The color and scale of the blocks in the Heat map can be changed to fit its
content. For example, cooling can be displayed in various blue shades and
heating in various yellow and red shades.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

37 Dashboards
37.14 Log Gauge

37.14 Log Gauge

A log gauge displays trend log values in a gauge.
Using the guides, you can configure the scale of the gauge to display different
colors in different ranges on the scale.
You can use two methods to display the value in the gauge a needle or an
indication scale inside the gauge.
For example, you want a log gauge that displays log values between 0 and 30.
Values under 10 are too low and will be marked blue. Values between 10 and 20
are ok and will be marked green. Values between 20 and 30 are too high and will
be marked red. You want a needle to indicate the value on the gauge scale.
Configure the scale for the gauge using the min value 0 and the max value 30.
Add three Guides in the Guide field. Configure them as follows:
• Value = 10 and color blue. This makes the value range 0 to 10 blue in the
• Value = 20 and color green. This makes the value range 11 to 20 green in
the gauge.
• Value = 30 and color red. This makes the value range 21 to 30 red in the
You can make the indicator color black and use the needle to display the value.
If you set the indicator color to black but forget to set Use needle to true you get a
black indicator inside the gauge that displays the value.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

37 Dashboards
37.15 Log Pie

37.15 Log Pie

A log pie chart is a circular graphic divided into slices to illustrate proportions of
trend logs.
The Log pie can contain one or many logs. The colors and calculation method of
every log can be changed.

Pie Center
The pie center can be used to display the following values:
• None: Does not display any pie chart center.
• Average: Displays the average value for all logs added to the pie chart.
• Total: Displays the sum of all logs added to the pie chart.
• Min: Displays the value of the log with the lowest value.
• Max: Displays the value of the log with the highest value.

Numerical values
You can get a numerical display of all values in the log pie using the Display
Values feature.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

37 Dashboards
37.16 Log Value

37.16 Log Value

A log value displays one or many trend log values as numerical values.
The colors and calculation method of every log can be changed.
You can configure the color so that different values and value ranges are
displayed in different colors. You can also add icons in front of the value to make
the values easier to read.
For example, you want to create a log value that displays two logs, one called
Cooling and one called Heating. The values in cooling between 0 and 10 will be
displayed in dark blue and the values from 10 to 15 will be displayed in light blue.
The values in Heating between 15 and 20 will be displayed in light red and the
values from 15 to 30 will be displayed in dark red.
First start by adding the two logs Cooling and Heating to the gauge.
Edit the log Cooling. Add two guides in the Guide field and configure them as
• Value = 10 and the color dark blue. This makes the color range for all values
up to 10 dark blue.
• Value = 15 and the color light blue. This makes the color range for all values
over 15 light blue.
Edit the variable Heating:
• Value = 20 and the color light red. This makes the color range for all values
up to 20 light red.
• Value = 30 and the color dark red. This makes the color range for all values
over 20 dark red.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

37 Dashboards
37.17 Period Chart

37.17 Period Chart

A period chart is used to compare trend logs over different time periods.
The trend logs in the chart can be displayed as bar, area, curve, and line. You
can change the colors of the trend logs, the calculation method, and the color.
You can also change the minimum and maximum value on the Y-axis and the
period that is displayed in the chart.
The values of the trend chart can be calculated. For more information, see the
Calculation Methods topic on WebHelp.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

37 Dashboards
37.18 Period over Period Chart

37.18 Period over Period Chart

A period chart is used to compare trend logs over different time periods.
The trend logs in the period of period chart can be displayed as bar, area, curve,
and line. You can change the colors of the trend logs, the calculation method,
and the color. You can also change the minimum and maximum value on the Y-
axis and the period that is displayed in the chart.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

37 Dashboards
37.19 Point Gauge

37.19 Point Gauge

A point gauge is used to graphically display a current value in a gauge.
Using the guides, you can configure the scale of the gauge to display different
colors in different ranges on the scale.
You can use two methods to display the value in the gauge: a needle or an
indication scale inside the gauge.
For example, you want a log gauge that displays log values between 0 and 30.
Values between 10 and 20 are ok and will be marked green. Values between 20
and 30 are too high and will be marked red. You want a needle to indicate the
value on the gauge scale.
You want the log gauge to present values between 0 and 30.
Configure the scale for the gauge using the min value 0 and the max value 30.
Add three Guides in the Guide field and configure them as follows:
• Value = 10 and color blue. This makes the value range 0 to 10 blue in the
• Value = 20 and color green. This makes the value range 11 to 20 green in
the gauge.
• Value = 30 and color red. This makes the value range 21 to 30 red in the
You can make the indicator color black and use the needle to display the value.
If you do not select Use needle you get a black indicator inside the gauge that
displays the value.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

37 Dashboards
37.20 Point Pie

37.20 Point Pie

A point pie chart is a circular graphic divided into slices to illustrate proportion of
The point pie can contain one or many variables. The colors and calculation
method of every variable can be changed.

Pie center
The pie center can be configured as follows:
• None: Does not display any pie center.
• Average: Displays the average value for all variables in the pie.
• Total: Displays the sum of all variables in the pie.
• Min: Displays the value of the variable with the lowest value in the pie chart
• Max: Displays the value of the variable with the highest value in the pie chart

Numerical values
You can get a numerical display of all values in the log pie using the Display
Values feature.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

37 Dashboards
37.21 Point Value

37.21 Point Value

A point value is used to display the present value of one or many variables as a
numerical value.
The colors and calculation method of every log can be changed.
You can configure the color so that different values and value ranges are
displayed in different color. You can also add icons in front of the value to make
the values easier to read.
For example, you want to create a point value that displays two variables, one
called Cooling and one called Heating. The values in cooling between 0 and 10
will be displayed in dark blue and the values from 10 to 15 will be displayed in
light blue. The values in Heating between 15 and 20 will be displayed in light red
and the values in from 15 to 30 will be displayed in red.
First start by adding the two variables Cooling and Heating.
Edit the variable Cooling. Add two guides in the Guide field and configure them
as follows:
• Value = 10 and the color dark blue. This makes the color range for all values
up to 10 dark blue.
• Value = 15 and the color light blue. This makes the color range for all values
over 15 light blue.
Edit the variable Heating.
• Value = 20 and the color light red. This makes the color range for all values
up to 20 light red.
• Value = 30 and the color dark red. This makes the color range for all values
over 20 dark red.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

37 Dashboards
37.22 XY Plot

37.22 XY Plot
A XY plot, also called a scatter plot, is used to display values for two trend logs.
The values are displayed as points, each having the value of one variable
determining the position on the Y-axis and the value of the other variable
determining the position on the X-axis.
You can display the values in the XY plot in four different ways:
• Scatter: the values are represented by point in the diagram.
• Contour: the values are represented by a contour map in the diagram.
• Linear regression line: the values are represented by a straight line that
describes how a response variable changes as an explanatory variable
• Polynomial regression curve: the values are represented by a curve that
describes how a response variable changes as an explanatory variable
You can change the color of the line, points, and contour map. You can also use
grids to make the plot easier to read.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

37 Dashboards
37.23 Graphics in Dashboards

37.23 Graphics in Dashboards

Graphics can be added to a dashboard.
When you add a graphic to a dashboard, the graphic keeps all of its functions.
For example, links in the graphics to other objects work and values in the
graphics can be changed and forced.
The graphics that are already in the Select Dashboard Widgets dialog box are
custom types. They are visible in the Custom Types Library in WorkStation.
When you add a graphic already in the Select Dashboard Widgets dialog box the
graphic is an instance of the custom type.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

37 Dashboards
37.24 Creating a Dashboard

37.24 Creating a Dashboard

You create a dashboard to get an overview of parts of your system.
For more information, see section 37.1 “How Dashboards Work” on page 411.

To create a dashboard
1. In WebStation, right-click the folder where you want to create the
2. Click Create Dashboard.
3. In the Dashboard Properties dialog box, in the Name field, type a name for
the dashboard.
4. Click OK.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

37 Dashboards
37.25 Configuring a Dashboard

37.25 Configuring a Dashboard

You configure a dashboard by adding widgets and arranging the layout.
For more information, see section 37.1 “How Dashboards Work” on page 411.

To configure a dashboard
1. In WebStation, right-click the dashboard.
2. Click Edit dashboard.

3. In the Dashboards Widgets toolbar, click the Settings button .

4. In the Dashboard Properties dialog box, type a caption for the dashboard.
5. In the Background color box, select a background color.
6. In the Background image box, select a background image.
7. In the Opacity box, select the opacity on the widgets.
8. Click OK.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

37 Dashboards
37.26 Rebinding Widgets References

37.26 Rebinding Widgets References

You can rebind multiple widget references at the same time.
For more information, see section 37.4 “Clone Widgets and Rebind Widget
References” on page 417.

To rebind widgets references

1. Right-click the dashboard and click Edit dashboard.

2. On the Dashboard toolbar, click the Select items button .

3. Select the widget you want to rebind by selecting the check box in the

4. Click the Rebind widget reference button .

5. In the Target field, click the Browse button.
6. Browse to the folder where the new target is located.
7. Click Select.
8. Click OK.
9. Click Save.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

37 Dashboards
37.27 Adding a Widget to a Dashboard

37.27 Adding a Widget to a Dashboard

You add widgets to a dashboard so that you easily get information from various
parts of system.
For more information, see section 37.1 “How Dashboards Work” on page 411.

To add a widget to a dashboard

1. In WebStation, right-click the dashboard.
2. Click Edit dashboard.
3. In the Dashboard tool menu, click Add.
4. In the Select dashboard widgets dialog box, select the widgets you want
to add.
5. Click OK.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

37 Dashboards
37.28 Cloning a Dashboard Widget

37.28 Cloning a Dashboard Widget

You can clone already existing widgets.
For more information, see section 37.3 “Dashboard Widgets” on page 413.

To clone a dashboard widget

1. Right-click the dashboard and click Edit dashboard.

2. On the Dashboard toolbar, click the Select items button .

3. Select the widget you want to clone by selecting the check box in the widget.

4. Click the Clone selected items button .

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

37 Dashboards
37.29 Configuring an Alarm Count

37.29 Configuring an Alarm Count

You configure an alarm count to get a graphical representation of alarms.
For more information, see section 37.5 “Alarm Count ” on page 418.

To configure an alarm count

1. Right-click the dashboard and click Edit dashboard.

2. Click Configure or click the Settings button .

3. In the Alarm Count dialog box, click the Add filter button if you want
to apply a filter on the alarms.
4. In the Period box, select a period.
5. In the Caption box, type a caption.
6. In the Caption link box, enter a link to an object that is relevant for the
alarm count.
7. In the Show period box, select True to display the period as a legend.
8. Click OK.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

37 Dashboards
37.30 Configuring an Alarm Pareto Chart

37.30 Configuring an Alarm Pareto Chart

You configure an alarm pareto chart to get a graphical representation of alarms
represented by bars but also by a cumulative line.
For more information, see section 37.6 “Alarm Pareto Chart ” on page 419.

To configure an alarm pareto chart

1. Right-click the dashboard and click Edit dashboard.

2. Click Configure or click the Settings button .

3. In the Alarm Pareto Chart Properties dialog box, in the Column box,
select the column you want to display in the chart.

4. Click the Add filter button if you want to apply a filter on the alarms.
5. In the Max number of bars add the maximum number of bars you want to
display in the chart.
6. In the Caption box, type a caption.
7. In the Caption link box, enter a link to an object that is relevant for the heat
8. In the Show Legend box, select True to display the name and color of the
alarms in the chart.
9. I the Bar color box, select a color for the bars.
10. In Y-axis minimum box, enter the minimum value of the left y-axis.
11. In Y-axis maximum box, enter the maximum value of the left y-axis.
12. It the Decimals box, select the number of decimals you want to display.
13. Click OK.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

37 Dashboards
37.31 Configuring an Alarm Pie

37.31 Configuring an Alarm Pie

You configure an alarm pie chart to get a circular graphic divided into slices to
illustrate proportions of alarms.
For more information, see section 37.7 “Alarm Pie ” on page 420.

To configure an alarm pie

1. Right-click the dashboard and click Edit dashboard.

2. Click Configure or click the Settings button .

3. In the Alarm pie properties dialog box, in the Column box, enter the alarm
column you want to display.

4. Click the Add filter button if you want to apply a filter on the alarms.
5. In the Max number of slices box, enter the maximum number of slices you
want to display in the pie.
6. In the Caption box, type a caption.
7. In the Caption link box, enter a link to an object that is relevant alarm pie.
8. In the Pie center select a pie center.
9. In the Show Legend box, select True to display legends in the alarm pie.
10. In the Show Percentage box, select True to display the values in
11. In the Display Values box, select True to display the numerical values.
12. Click OK.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

37 Dashboards
37.32 Configuring an Alarm Sankey Chart

37.32 Configuring an Alarm Sankey Chart

You configure a Sankey chart to get a graphically representation of the alarms.
For more information, see section 37.8 “Alarm Sankey Chart” on page 421.

To configure an alarm Sankey chart

1. Right-click the dashboard and click Edit dashboard.

2. Click Configure or click the Settings button .

3. In the Alarm Sankey chart dialog box, in the Column box, enter the
columns you want to display in the pie chart.

4. Click the Add filter button if you want to apply a filter on the alarms.
5. In the Max number of nodes box, enter the number of nodes you want to
6. In the Caption box, type a caption.
7. In the Caption link box, enter a link to an object that is relevant for the
8. In the Show Legend box, select True to display legends in the chart.
9. In the Decimals box, select the number of decimals to display.
10. Click OK.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

37 Dashboards
37.33 Configuring an Event Pareto Chart

37.33 Configuring an Event Pareto Chart

You configure an event pareto chart to get a graphical representation of events
represented by bars but also by a cumulative line.
For more information, see section 37.9 “Event Pareto Chart” on page 422.

To configure an event pareto chart

1. Right-click the dashboard and click Edit dashboard.

2. Click Configure or click the Settings button .

3. In the Event pareto chart properties dialog box, in the Column box, select
the column you want to display in the chart.

4. Click the Add filter button if you want to apply a filter on the events.
5. In the Period box, select a period.
6. In the Max number of bars box, select the maximum number of bars you
want to display in the chart.
7. In the Caption box, type a caption.
8. In the Caption link box, enter a link to an object that is relevant for the
9. In the Show Legend box, select True to display legends in the chart.
10. In the Bar color field, select a color.
11. In Y-axis minimum box, enter the minimum value of the y-axis.
12. In the Show Period box, select True to display the period as a legend.
13. In Y-axis maximum box, enter the maximum value of the y-axis.
14. It the Decimals box, select the number of decimals you want to display.
15. Click OK.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

37 Dashboards
37.34 Configuring an Event Pie

37.34 Configuring an Event Pie

You configure an event pie chart to get a circular graphic divided into slices to
illustrate proportions of events.
For more information, see section 37.10 “Event Pie” on page 423.

To configure an event pie

1. Right-click the dashboard and click Edit dashboard.

2. Click Configure or click the Settings button .

3. In the Alarm Pie properties dialog box, in the Column box, enter the events
you want to display.

4. Click the Add filter button if you want to apply a filter on the alarms.
5. In the Max number of slices box, enter the maximum number of slices you
want to display in the pie.
6. In the Calculation method box, select a calculation method.
7. In the Caption box, type a caption.
8. In the Caption link box, enter a link to an object that is relevant for the pie
9. In the Pie center select a pie center.
10. In the Show Legend box, select True to display legends in the event pie.
11. In the Show Percentage box, select True to display the values in
12. In the Show Period box, select True to display the period as a legend.
13. In the Display Values box, select True to display the numerical values.
14. Click OK.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

37 Dashboards
37.35 Configuring an Event Rate Chart

37.35 Configuring an Event Rate Chart

You configure an event rate chart to get a graphical representation of event rates
represented by bars.
For more information, see section 37.11 “Event Rate Chart” on page 424.

To configure an event rate chart

1. Right-click the dashboard and click Edit dashboard.

2. Click Configure or click the Settings button .

3. In the Event rate chart properties dialog box, in the Column box, select the
column you want to display in the chart.

4. Click the Add filter button if you want to apply a filter on the events.
5. In the Period box, select a period.
6. In the Caption box, type a caption.
7. In the Caption link box, enter a link to an object that is relevant for the
8. In the Show Legend box, select True to display legends in the chart.
9. In the Bar color field, select a color.
10. In Y-axis minimum box, enter the minimum value of the y-axis.
11. In the Show Period box, select True to display the period as a legend.
12. In Y-axis maximum box, enter the maximum value of the y-axis.
13. It the Decimals box, select the number of decimals you want to display.
14. Click OK.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

37 Dashboards
37.36 Configuring an Event Sankey Chart

37.36 Configuring an Event Sankey Chart

You configure an events Sankey chart to get graphically representation of events
in a a Sankey chart.
For more information, see section 37.12 “Event Sankey Chart” on page 425.

To configure an event sankey chart

1. Right-click the dashboard and click Edit dashboard.

2. Click Configure or click the Settings button .

3. In the Alarm sankey chart dialog box, in the Colums box, enter the
columns you want to display in the chart.

4. Click the Add filter button if you want to apply a filter on the events.
5. In the Period box, select a period.
6. In the Max number of nodes box, select the number of nodes you want to
7. In the Caption box, type a caption.
8. In the Caption link box, enter a link to an object that is relevant for the
9. In the Show Legend box, select True to display the name and color of the
events in the chart.
10. In the Show period box, select True to display legends in the chart.
11. In the Decimals box, select the number of decimals to display.
12. Click OK.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

37 Dashboards
37.37 Configuring a Heat Map

37.37 Configuring a Heat Map

You configure a heat map to get a graphical representation of data where the
individual values contained in a matrix are represented as colors.
For more information, see section 37.13 “Heat Map” on page 426.

To configure a heat map

1. Click Configure or click the Settings button .

2. In the Heat Map Properties dialog box, in the Display trend log box, enter
the trend log you want to display as a heat map.
3. In the Period box, select a period.
4. In the Calculation method box, select a calculation method.
5. In the Caption box, type a caption.
6. In the Caption link box, enter a link to an object that is relevant for the heat
7. In the Show Legend box, select True to display the name and color of the
trend log in the heat map.
8. Click Add to add a guide to define the colors for different values and value
9. In the Value box, select a value for the guide.
10. In the Color box, select a color for the value or value range.
11. In the Decimal box, select the number of decimals to display.
12. Click OK.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

37 Dashboards
37.38 Configuring a Log Gauge

37.38 Configuring a Log Gauge

You configure a log gauge to display a trend log in a gauge.
For more information, see section 37.14 “Log Gauge” on page 427.

To configure a log gauge

1. Click Configure or click the Settings button .

2. In the Log Gauge Properties dialog box, in the Display trend log box,
enter the trend log you want to display as a log gauge.
3. In the Period box, select a period.
4. In the Calculation method box, select a calculation method.
5. In the Caption box, type a caption.
6. In the Caption Link box, enter a link to an object that is relevant for the log
7. In the Min box, enter the lowest value of the gauge.
8. In the Max box, enter the highest value of the gauge.
9. Click Add to add a guide to define the colors for different values and value
10. In the Value box, enter a value for the guide.
11. In the Color box, enter a color for the value or value range.
12. In the Description box, enter a description for the guide.
13. In the Indicator color box, enter the indicator color for the needle or the
indicator in the gauge.
14. In the Decimal box, select the number of decimals to dispaly.
15. In the Show Period box, select True to display the period as a legend.
16. In the Use needle box, select True to use a needle as indicator in the
gauge. If no needle is selected the gauge displays the value as an indicator
17. Click OK.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

37 Dashboards
37.39 Configuring a Log Pie

37.39 Configuring a Log Pie

You configure a log pie to get a graphical presentation of trend logs in a pie chart.
For more information, see section 37.15 “Log Pie” on page 428.

To configure a log pie

1. Click Configure or click the Settings button .

2. Click Add.
3. Select the trend logs and click Select.
4. In the Calculation method box, select a calculation method.
5. In the Color box, select a color for the trend log.
6. In the Period box, select a period.
7. In the Caption box, type a caption.
8. In the Caption Link box, enter a link to an object that is relevant for the log
9. In the Pie Center, select a pie center.
10. In the Show Legend box, select True to display the name and color of the
trend log in the log pie.
11. In the Show Percentage box, select True to display the values in
12. In the Show Period box, select True to display the period as a legend.
13. In the Display Values box, select True to display the numerical values.
14. Click OK.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

37 Dashboards
37.40 Configuring a Log Value

37.40 Configuring a Log Value

You configure a log value to display one or many trend log values as numerical
For more information, see section 37.16 “Log Value” on page 429.

To configure a log value

1. Click Configure or click the Settings button .

2. Click Add.
3. Select the trend logs and click Select.
4. In the Icon box, select an icon to be displayed in front of the value.
5. In the Calculation method box, select a calculation method.

6. To change the default color, click the Edit button .

7. In the Log Guide Series Properties dialog box, scroll down to Guides.
8. In the Color box, enter a color for the trend log.
9. Click OK.
10. In the Period box, select a period.
11. In the Caption box, type a caption.
12. In the Caption Link box, enter a link to an object that is relevant for the log
13. Select True to show the period in the widget.
14. Click OK.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

37 Dashboards
37.41 Configuring a Period Chart

37.41 Configuring a Period Chart

You configure a period chart to display trend logs in a chart.
For more information, see section 37.17 “Period Chart” on page 430.

To configure a Period chart

1. Click Configure or click the Settings button .

2. Click Add.
3. Select the trend logs and click Select.
4. In the Chart type box, select a type for the trend log.
5. In the Calculation method box, select a calculation method for the trend
6. In the Color box, enter a color for the trend log.
7. Select the position of the Y-axis.
8. In the Missing data list, select how to handle missing data in the chart.
9. In the Period box, select a period.
10. In the Caption box, type a caption.
11. In the Caption Link box, enter a link to an object that is relevant for the
period chart.
12. In the Show Legend box, select True to display the name and color of the
trend log in the period chart.
13. In the Show Period box, select True to display the period as a legend.
14. In the Stack series, select True to stack the series bars.
15. In Y-axis minimum box, enter the minimum value of the left y-axis.
16. In Y-axis maximum box, enter the maximum value of the left y-axis.
17. It the Decimals box, select the number of decimals you want to display.
18. Click OK.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

37 Dashboards
37.42 Configuring a Period over Period Chart

37.42 Configuring a Period over Period Chart

You configure a period over period chart so that you can compare trend logs over
different time periods.
For more information, see section 37.3 “Dashboard Widgets” on page 413.

To configure a period over period chart

1. Click Configure or click the Settings button .

2. Click Add.
3. Select the trend logs and click Select.
4. In the Chart type box, select how the trend log is displayed.
5. In the Calculation method box, select a calculation method for the trend
6. In the Color box, enter a color for the trend log.
7. Select the position of the Y-axis.
8. I the Missing data list, select how to handle missing data in the chart.
9. In the Period box, select a period.
10. In the Caption box, type a caption.
11. In the Caption Link box, enter a link to an object that is relevant for the
period over period chart.
12. In the Show Legend box, select True to display the name and color of the
trend log in the period over period chart.
13. In the Show Period box, select True to display the period as a legend.
14. In the Stack series, select True to stack the series bars.
15. In Y-axis minimum box, enter the minimum value of the left y-axis.
16. In Y-axis maximum box, enter the maximum value of the left y-axis.
17. In the Decimal box, select the number of decimals.
18. Click OK.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

37 Dashboards
37.43 Configuring a Point Gauge

37.43 Configuring a Point Gauge

You configure a point gauge to display the present value of a point in a gauge.
For more information, see section 37.19 “Point Gauge” on page 432.

To configure a point gauge

1. Click Configure or click the Settings button .

2. In the Display point box, enter the variable you want to display in the point
3. In the Caption box, type a caption.
4. In the Caption Link box, enter a link to an object that is relevant for the
point gauge.
5. In the Min box, enter the lowest value for the gauge.
6. In the Max box, enter the highest value for the gauge.
7. Click Add to add a guide to define the colors for different values and value
8. In the Value box, enter a value for the guide.
9. In the Color box, enter a color for the value or value range.
10. In the Use needle box, select True to use a needle as indicator in the
gauge. If no needle is selected the gauge displays the value as an indicator
11. In the Indicator color field, enter the indicator color for the needle or the
indicator in the gauge.
12. In the Decimal box, select the number of decimals to display.
13. Click OK.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

37 Dashboards
37.44 Configuring a Point Pie

37.44 Configuring a Point Pie

You configure a point pie to get a graphical presentation of the values in points in
a pie chart.
For more information, see section 37.20 “Point Pie” on page 433.

To configure a point pie

1. Click Configure or click the Settings button .

2. Click Add to add a variable.
3. In the Display variable box, enter the variable you want to display in the
point pie.
4. In the Color box, enter a color for the variable.
5. In the Caption box, type a caption.
6. In the Caption Link box, enter a link to an object that is relevant for the
point pie.
7. In the Pie Center, select a pie center.
8. In the Show Legend box, select True to display the name and color of the
value in the point pie.
9. In the Show Percentage box, select True to display the values in
10. In the Display Values box, select True to display the numerical values of
the variables in the point pie.
11. Click OK.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

37 Dashboards
37.45 Configuring a Point Value

37.45 Configuring a Point Value

You configure a point value to display the present value of a point as a numerical
For more information, see section 37.3 “Dashboard Widgets” on page 413.

To configure and edit a point value

1. Click Configure or click the Settings button .

2. Click Add to add a variable.
3. In the Display variable box, enter the variable you want to display.
4. In the Icon box, select an icon to be displayed in front of the variable.

5. To change the default color, click the Edit button .

6. In the Point Guide Series Properties dialog box, scroll down to Guides.
7. Click Add.
8. In the Value box, enter a value.
9. In the Color box, enter a color for the trend log.
10. Click OK.
11. In the Caption box, type a caption.
12. In the Caption link box, enter a link to an object that is relevant for the point
13. Click OK.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

37 Dashboards
37.46 Configuring a XY Plot

37.46 Configuring a XY Plot

You configure a XY plot to display correlation between trend logs.
For more information, see section 37.22 “XY Plot” on page 435.

To configure a XY plot

1. Click Configure or click the Settings button .

2. In the X-Axis Log box, enter the log you want to display on the X-axis.
3. In the X-Axis Calculation box, select the calculation method for the X-Axis.
4. In the Y-Axis Log box, enter the log you want to display on the Y-axis.
5. In the Y-Axis Calculation box, select the calculation method for the Y-Axis.
6. In the Period box, select a period.
7. In the Calculation period box, select a calculation period.
8. Select Scatter to display all values as individual points in the diagram.
9. Select Contour to display a contour map of the correlation of values.
10. Select Gridlines to display gridlines in the diagram.
11. Select Linear Regression Line to display the values as a linear regression
12. Select Polynominal Regression Curve to display the values as a
polynomial regression line.
13. In the Caption box, type a caption.
14. In the Caption link box, enter a link to an object that is relevant for the point
15. In the Show Period box, select True to display the period as a legend.
16. In the X-Axis Caption box, enter a caption for the X-axis.
17. In the Y-Axis Caption box, enter a caption for the Y-axis.
18. In the Point color box, enter the color for the points in the diagram.
19. In the Inner Contour Color box, enter the inner color for a contour map in
the diagram.
20. In the Outer Contour Color box enter the outer color for a contour map in
the diagram.
21. In the Line Color box, enter the color for a linear regression line in the
22. In the X-axis minimum box, enter the minimum value of the x-axis.
23. In the X-axis maximum box, enter the maxium value of the left x-axis.
24. In the Y-axis minimum box, enter the minimum value of the y-axis.
Continued on next page

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

37 Dashboards
37.46 Configuring a XY Plot

25. In the Y-axis maximum box, enter the maximum value of the y-axis.
26. In the Decimal box, select the number of decimals to display.
27. Click OK.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

37 Dashboards
37.47 Adding a Hyperlink to a Dashboard

37.47 Adding a Hyperlink to a Dashboard

You add hyperlinks to your dashboard for ease of access.
For more information, see section 37.1 “How Dashboards Work” on page 411.

To add a hyperlink to a dashboard

1. In WebStation, right-click the dashboard.
2. Click Edit Dashboard.
3. Click Add.
4. In the Select dashboard widgets dialog box, click Browse and select the
5. Click OK.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

37 Dashboards
37.48 Adding a Graphic to a Dashboard

37.48 Adding a Graphic to a Dashboard

You add graphics to a dashboard to enhance the overview.
For more information, see section 37.23 “Graphics in Dashboards” on page 436.

To adding a graphic to a dashboard

1. In WebStation, right-click the dashboard.
2. Click Edit Dashboard.
3. Click Add and do one of the following:
• Select a graphic in the Select dashboard widgets dialog box.
• Click Browse and select a graphic.
4. Click OK.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

37 Dashboards
37.49 Slideshow

37.49 Slideshow
Slideshows switch the display of several different dashboards or other
components. You can configure the interval between the dashboards and

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

37 Dashboards
37.50 Creating a Slideshow

37.50 Creating a Slideshow

You create a slideshow to automatically switch the display of different
For more information, see section 37.49 “Slideshow” on page 463.

To create a slideshow
1. In WebStation, right-click the folder where you want to create the slideshow.
2. Click Create Slideshow.
3. In the Create object - slideshow dialog, in the Name box type a name for
the slideshow.
4. Click OK.
5. Click Configure.
6. In the Speed(s) row, enter the interval between dashboards.
7. Click Add.
8. In the Select - Initial path dialog box, select a dashboard.
9. Click OK.
10. Repeat step 7 to 9 to add more dashboards to the slideshow.
11. Click OK.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

37 Dashboards
37.51 Allowing a User to Access Personal Favorites

37.51 Allowing a User to Access Personal

You allow the members of a group to access personal favorites so that they can
create a personal overview of their system. The setting for this is done at the
group level.
For more information, see section 12.1 “Create and Administer User Accounts in
WebStation ” on page 133.

To allowing a user to access Personal Favorites

1. In WebStation, click System.
2. In the System pane, click Domains.
3. In the Domains pane, click Groups.
4. Click the group.
5. Select Allow members to access Personal Favorites.
6. Click Save.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

37 Dashboards
37.52 Allowing a User to Access Personal Dashboards

37.52 Allowing a User to Access Personal

You allow the members of a group to access personal dashboards so that they
can create a personal overview of their system. The setting for this is done at the
group level.
For more information, see section 12.1 “Create and Administer User Accounts in
WebStation ” on page 133.

To allow a user to access Personal Dashboards

1. In WebStation, click System.
2. In the System pane, click Domains.
3. In the Domains pane, click Groups.
4. Click the group.
5. Select Allow members to access Personal Dashboards.
6. Click Save.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

38 Dashboard User Interface

Dashboard System Tree Icons
Edit Properties Dialog Box
Dashboard Properties – Basic Tab
Dashboard Properties – Layout Tab
Select Dashboard Widgets Dialog Box
Slideshow Properties Dialog Box
Dashboard Toolbar
Dashboard Widgets Toolbar
Widget Dialog Box – Layout Tab
Rebinding Widget References Dialog Box
Alarm Count Dialog Box
Alarm Pareto Chart Dialog Box
Alarm Pie Dialog Box
Alarm Sankey Chart Dialog Box
Event Pareto Chart Dialog Box
Event Pie Dialog Box
Event Rate Chart Dialog Box
Event Sankey Chart Dialog Box
Heat Map Properties Dialog Box
Log Gauge Properties Dialog Box
Log Pie Properties Dialog Box
38 Log Value Properties Dialog Box
Period Chart Properties Dialog Box
Period over Period Chart Properties – Dialog Box
Point Gauge Properties Dialog Box
Point Pie Properties Dialog Box
Point Value Properties Dialog Box
XY Plot Properties Dialog Box
38 Dashboard User Interface
38.1 Dashboard System Tree Icons

38.1 Dashboard System Tree Icons

This table describes the Dashboard System Tree icons in WorkStation.

Table: Dashboard System Tree Icons in WorkStation

Icon Description

Indicates a dashboard.
For more information, see section 37.1
“How Dashboards Work” on page 411.

Indicates a slideshow.
For more information, see section 37.49
“Slideshow” on page 463.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.2 Edit Properties Dialog Box

38.2 Edit Properties Dialog Box

Use the Edit properties dialog box to edit the properties of objects connected to
a graphic. The properties displayed in the Edit properties dialog box depend on
the properties of the connected object.

Figure: Edit properties dialog box

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.3 Dashboard Properties – Basic Tab

38.3 Dashboard Properties – Basic Tab

Use the Dashboard Properties dialog box to configure a dashboard.

Figure: Dashboard Properties – Basic tab

Table: Dashboard Properties – Basic Tab

Component Description

Caption Type a caption for the dashboard.

Background color Enter a background color.

Opacity Select the opacity on the widgets.

Background image Select a background image.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.4 Dashboard Properties – Layout Tab

38.4 Dashboard Properties – Layout Tab

Use the Dashboard Properties Layout tab to configure the layout of a

Figure: Dashboard Properties – Layout tab

Table: Dashboard Properties – Layout Tab

Component Description

Maximum column count Enter the maximum number of columns you

want to display in the dashboard.

Minimum column size Enter the minimum width of columns in


Margin Enter the height of the margin between the

widget and the dashboard.

Gap Enter the gap margin the widgets in the


WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.5 Select Dashboard Widgets Dialog Box

38.5 Select Dashboard Widgets Dialog Box

Use the Select Dashboard Widgets dialog box to add widgets, graphics, and
hyperlinks to a dashboard.

Figure: Select dashboard widgets dialog box

Table: Select Dashboard Widgets Dialog Box

Component Description

Quick filter Enter a word or a character to filter on. For

more information, see the Quick Filter topic
on WebHelp.

Widgets Click on the widget you want to add to the


Browse Click to browse to add a hyperlink or a

graphic to the dashboard. For more
information, see section 37.23 “Graphics in
Dashboards” on page 436.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.5 Select Dashboard Widgets Dialog Box

Component Description

Graphics Click to add a custom type graphic to the

dashboard. For more information, see
section 37.23 “Graphics in Dashboards” on
page 436.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.6 Slideshow Properties Dialog Box

38.6 Slideshow Properties Dialog Box

Use the Slideshow Properties dialog box to configure the dashboards you want
to display in the slideshow.

Figure: Slideshow Properties dialog box

Table: Slideshow Properties Dialog Box

Component Description

Speed Type the amount of time you want each

dashboard to display.

Add Click to add a dashboard to the slideshow.

Initial path Click to select a dashboard.

Order Enter the order in which the dashboard is

displayed in the slideshow.

Show toolbar Select if you want to show the toolbar.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.7 Dashboard Toolbar

38.7 Dashboard Toolbar

Use the Dashboard toolbar to configure the dashboard and resize, clone, rebind
and remove widgets from a dashboard.

Table: Dashboard Toolbar

Button Description

Click to save changes in a dashboard.

Click to open the Select dashboard
widget dialog box to add widgets to the

Click to open the properties dialog box for
the dashboard.

Select items
Click to open the Dashboard toolbar to
select, deselect, clone, remove or rebind a

Select all
Click to select all widgets in in the

Deselect all
Click to deselect alla widgets in the

Clone selected item

Click to clone the selected widget(s).

Remove selected item(s)

Click to remove the selected widget(s).

Rebind widget reference

Click to rebind a widget reference.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.8 Dashboard Widgets Toolbar

38.8 Dashboard Widgets Toolbar

Use the Dashboard Widgets toolbar to configure, resize, change priority, and
remove widgets from a Dashboard.

Table: Dashboard Widgets Toolbar

Button Description

Click move the widget backwards in the

Click to move the widget forward in the

Row and Column Span

Click to edit how many rows and columns a
widget will get in the dashboard.

Click to open settings to edit a dashboard

Click to delete a dashboard widget.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.9 Widget Dialog Box – Layout Tab

38.9 Widget Dialog Box – Layout Tab

Use the Layout tab to define how many columns and row a widget span.

Figure: Layout tab

Table: Layout Tab

Component Description

Column span Enter the widget’s column span.

Row span Enter the widget’s row span.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.10 Rebinding Widget References Dialog Box

38.10 Rebinding Widget References Dialog

Use the Rebinding widgets references dialog box to rebind widget references.

Figure: Rebind widget references dialog box

Table: Rebind Widget References Dialog Box

Component Description

Source The source reference in the widget.

Target The target reference folder you want to

rebind to.

References Display the target references available for


04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.11 Alarm Count Dialog Box

38.11 Alarm Count Dialog Box

Use the Alarm Count dialog box to to configure and edit an alarm count.

Figure: Alarm Count dialog box

Table: Alarm Pie Dialog Box

Component Description

Filter Select the filter you want to apply.

Period Select the period you want to display.

Caption Type a caption for the widget.

Caption Link Select to make a link to an object that is

relevant to the values that are displayed in
the widget.

Show period Select to display the period as a legend.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.12 Alarm Pareto Chart Dialog Box

38.12 Alarm Pareto Chart Dialog Box

Use the Alarm Pareto Chart dialog box to configure and edit an alarm Pareto

Figure: Alarm Pareto Chart - dialog box

Table: Alarm Pareto Chart Dialog Box

Component Description

Column Select the column(s) you want to display in

the widget.

Filter Select the filter you want to apply.

Max number of bars Enter the number of bars you want to

display in the chart.

Caption Type a caption for the widget.

Caption Link Select to make a link to an object that is

relevant to the values that are displayed in
the widget.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.12 Alarm Pareto Chart Dialog Box

Component Description

Show Legend Click True to display the name and color of

the trend log in the widget.

Show Period Select to display the period as a legend.

Bar color Select the color you want to use on the


Y-axis minimum Enter the Y-axis minimum.

Y-axis maximum Enter the Y-axis maximum.

Y-axis Select the position of the y-axis.

Decimals Select the number of decimals you want to


WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.13 Alarm Pie Dialog Box

38.13 Alarm Pie Dialog Box

Use the Alarm Pie dialog box to configure and edit an alarm pie.

Figure: Alarm pie dialog box

Table: Alarm Pie Dialog Box

Component Description

Column Select the column(s) you want to display in

the widget.

Filter Select the filter you want to apply.

Max number of slices Select the number of slices you want to

display in the pie chart.

Color Select the color for the trend log.

Period Select the period you want to display.

Caption Type a caption for the widget.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.13 Alarm Pie Dialog Box

Component Description

Caption Link Select to make a link to an object that is

relevant to the values that are displayed in
the widget.

Pie Center Select how you want to display the pie

For more information, see section 37.15
“Log Pie” on page 428.

Show Legend Click True to display the name and color of

the trend log in the widget.

Show Percentage Select to display the values in percentage.

Display Value Select to display the alarm states as

legends in the slices.

Decimals Select the number of decimals you want to


WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.14 Alarm Sankey Chart Dialog Box

38.14 Alarm Sankey Chart Dialog Box

Use the Alarm Sankey Chart dialog box to configure and edit an alarm Sankey

Figure: Alarm Sankey Chart dialog box

Table: Alarm Sankey Chart Dialog Box

Component Description

Column Select the column(s) you want to display in

the widget.

Filter Select the filter you want to apply.

Max number of nodes Enter the number of bars you want to

display in the chart.

Caption Type a caption for the widget.

Caption Link Select to make a link to an object that is

relevant to the values that are displayed in
the widget.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.14 Alarm Sankey Chart Dialog Box

Component Description

Show Legend Click True to display the name and color of

the trend log in the widget.

Decimals Select the number of decimals you want to


WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.15 Event Pareto Chart Dialog Box

38.15 Event Pareto Chart Dialog Box

Use the Event Pareto Chart dialog box to configure and edit an event Pareto

Figure: Event Pareto Chart dialog box

Table: Event Pareto Chart Dialog Box

Component Description

Column Select the column(s) you want to display in

the widget.

Filter Select the filter you want to apply.

Period Select the period you want to display.

Max number of bars Enter the number of bars you want to

display in the chart.

Caption Type a caption for the widget.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.15 Event Pareto Chart Dialog Box

Component Description

Caption Link Select to make a link to an object that is

relevant to the values that are displayed in
the widget.

Show Legend Click True to display the name and color of

the trend log in the widget.

Bar color Select the color you want to use on the


Y-axis minimum Enter the Y-axis minimum.

Show period Select to display the period as a legend.

Y-axis maximum Enter the Y-axis maximum.

Decimals Select the number of decimals you want to


WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.16 Event Pie Dialog Box

38.16 Event Pie Dialog Box

Use the Event Pie dialog box to configure and edit an event pie.

Figure: Event pie dialog box

Table: Event Pie Dialog Box

Component Description

Column Select the column(s) you want to display in

the widget.

Filter Select the filter you want to apply.

Max number of slices Select the number of slices you want to

display in the pie chart.

Period Select the period you want to display.

Caption Type a caption for the widget.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.16 Event Pie Dialog Box

Component Description

Caption Link Select to make a link to an object that is

relevant to the values that are displayed in
the widget.

Pie Center Select how you want to display the pie

For more information, see section 37.15
“Log Pie” on page 428.

Show Legend Click True to display the name and color of

the trend log in the widget.

Show Percentage Select to display the values in percentage.

Show period Select to display the period as a legend.

Display Value Select to display the events as legends in

the slices.

Decimals Select the number of decimals you want to


WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.17 Event Rate Chart Dialog Box

38.17 Event Rate Chart Dialog Box

Use the Event Rate Chart dialog box to configure and edit an event rate chart.

Figure: Event rate chart dialog box

Table: Event Rate Chart Dialog Box

Component Description

Column Select the column(s) you want to display in

the widget.

Filter Select the filter you want to apply.

Period Select the period you want to display.

Caption Type a caption for the widget.

Caption Link Select to make a link to an object that is

relevant to the values that are displayed in
the widget.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.17 Event Rate Chart Dialog Box

Component Description

Show Legend Click True to display the name and color of

the trend log in the widget.

Bar color Select the color you want to use on the


Y-axis minimum Enter the Y-axis minimum.

Show period Select to display the period as a legend.

Y-axis maximum Enter the Y-axis maximum.

Decimals Select the number of decimals you want to


WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.18 Event Sankey Chart Dialog Box

38.18 Event Sankey Chart Dialog Box

Use the Event Sankey Chart dialog box to configure and edit an event Sankey

Figure: Event Sankey chart dialog box

Table: Event Sankey Chart Dialog Box

Component Description

Column Select the column(s) you want to display in

the widget.

Filter Select the filter you want to apply.

Period Select the period you want to display.

Max number of nodes Select the number of nodes that you want
to display in the chart.

Caption Type a caption for the widget.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.18 Event Sankey Chart Dialog Box

Component Description

Caption Link Select to make a link to an object that is

relevant to the values that are displayed in
the widget.

Show Legend Click True to display the name and color of

the trend log in the widget.

Decimals Select the number of decimals you want to


WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.19 Heat Map Properties Dialog Box

38.19 Heat Map Properties Dialog Box

Use the Heat Map Properties dialog box to configure and edit a heat map.

Figure: Heat map properties dialog box

Table: Heat Map Properties Dialog Box

Component Description

Display trend log Enter the trend log you want to display.

Period Select the period you want to display.

Calculation method Select the calculation method for the trend

log. For more information, see the
Calculation Methods topic on WebHelp.

Caption Type a caption for the widget.

Caption Link Select to make a link to an object that is

relevant to the values that are displayed in
the widget.

Show legend Click True to display the name and color of

the trend log in the widget.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.19 Heat Map Properties Dialog Box

Component Description

Guides Use the guides to define the colors for

different values and value ranges.
For more information, see section 37.13
“Heat Map” on page 426.

Add Click to add a guide to define the colors for

different values and value ranges.
For more information, see section 37.13
“Heat Map” on page 426.

Value Select a value for the guide in the widget.

Color Select a color for the value for the guide in

the widget.

Decimals Select the number of decimals you want to


WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.20 Log Gauge Properties Dialog Box

38.20 Log Gauge Properties Dialog Box

Use the Log Gauge Properties dialog box to configure and edit a log gauge.

Figure: Log Gauge properties – dialog box

Table: Log Gauge Properties – Dialog Box

Component Description

Display trend log Enter the trend log you want to display.

Period Select the period you want to display.

Calculation method Select the calculation method for the trend

log. For more information, see the
Calculation Methods topic on WebHelp.

Caption Type a caption for the widget.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.20 Log Gauge Properties Dialog Box

Component Description

Caption Link Select to make a link to an object that is

relevant to the values that are displayed in
the widget.

Min Enter the minimum value for the gauge.

Max Enter the maximum value for the gauge.

Guides Use the guides to define the colors for

different values and value ranges.
For more information, see section 37.14
“Log Gauge” on page 427.

Add Click to add a guide to define the colors for

different values and value ranges.
For more information, see section 37.14
“Log Gauge” on page 427.

Value Select a value for the guide in the widget.

Color Select a color for the value for the guide in

the widget.

Description Type a description.

Indicator color Select the indicator color for the needle or

the indicator in the gauge.
For more information, see section 37.14
“Log Gauge” on page 427.

Decimals Select the number of decimals you want to


Show Period Select to display the period as a legend.

Use needle Select True to use a needle as indicator in

the gauge. If no needle is selected the
gauge displays the value as an indicator

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.21 Log Pie Properties Dialog Box

38.21 Log Pie Properties Dialog Box

Use the Log Pie Properties dialog box to configure and edit a log pie.

Figure: Log pie properties dialog box

Table: Log Pie Properties Dialog Box

Component Description

Add Click to add a trend log.

Display trend log Enter the trend log you want to display.

Calculation method Select the calculation method for the trend

log. For more information, see the
Calculation Methods topic on WebHelp.

Color Select the color for the trend log.

Period Select the period you want to display.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.21 Log Pie Properties Dialog Box

Component Description

Caption Type a caption for the widget.

Caption Link Select to make a link to an object that is

relevant to the values that are displayed in
the widget.

Pie Center Select how you want to display the pie

For more information, see section 37.15
“Log Pie” on page 428.

Show Legend Click True to display the name and color of

the trend log in the widget.

Show Percentage Select to display the values in percentage.

Show Period Select to display the period as a legend.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.22 Log Value Properties Dialog Box

38.22 Log Value Properties Dialog Box

Use the Log Value Properties dialog box to configure and edit a log value.

Figure: Log value properties dialog box

Table: Log Value Properties Dialog Box

Component Description

Add Click to add a trend log.

Display trend log Enter the trend log you want to display.

Icon Select an icon to be displayed in front of the


Calculation method Select the calculation method for the trend

log. For more information, see the
Calculation Methods topic on WebHelp.

Period Select the period you want to display.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.22 Log Value Properties Dialog Box

Component Description

Caption Type a caption for the widget.

Caption Link Select to make a link to an object that is

relevant to the values that are displayed in
the widget.

Show Period Select to display the period as a legend.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.23 Period Chart Properties Dialog Box

38.23 Period Chart Properties Dialog Box

Use the Period Chart Properties dialog box to configure and edit a period chart.

Figure: Period chart properties dialog box

Table: Period Chart Properties Dialog Box

Component Description

Add Click to add a trend log.

Display trend log Enter the trend log you want to display.

Chart type Select the type of chart you want to display.

Calculation method Select the calculation method for the trend

log. For more information, see the
Calculation Methods topic on WebHelp.

Color Select the color you want to use for the

trend log.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.23 Period Chart Properties Dialog Box

Component Description

Y-axis Select the position of the y-axis.

Missing data Select how to display missing data.

Period Select the period you want to display.

Caption Type a caption for the widget.

Caption Link Select to make a link to an object that is

relevant to the values that are displayed in
the widget.

Show Legend Click True to display the name and color of

the trend log in the widget.

Show Period Select to display the period as a legend.

Stack series Select to stack the series.

Y-axis minimum Enter the Y-axis minimum.

Y-axis maximum Enter the Y-axis maximum.

Decimals Select the number of decimals you want to


WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.24 Period over Period Chart Properties – Dialog Box

38.24 Period over Period Chart Properties –

Dialog Box
Use the Period over Period Chart Properties dialog box to configure and edit a
period over period chart.

Figure: Period over period chart properties dialog box

Table: Period over Period Chart Properties Dialog Box

Component Description

Add Click to add a trend log.

Display trend log Enter the trend log you want to display.

Chart type Select the type of chart you want to display.

Calculation method Select the calculation method for the trend

log. For more information, see the
Calculation Methods topic on WebHelp.

Color Select the color you want to use for the

trend log.

Y-axis Select the position of the y-axis.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.24 Period over Period Chart Properties – Dialog Box

Component Description

Missing data Select how to display missing data.

Period Select the period you want to display.

Caption Type a caption for the widget.

Caption Link Select to make a link to an object that is

relevant to the values that are displayed in
the widget.

Show Legend Click True to display the name and color of

the trend log in the widget.

Show Period Select to display the period as a legend.

Stack series Select to stack the series.

Y-axis minimum Enter the Y-axis minimum.

Y-axis maximum Enter the Y-axis maximum.

Decimals Select the number of decimals you want to


WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.25 Point Gauge Properties Dialog Box

38.25 Point Gauge Properties Dialog Box

Use the Point Gauge properties dialog box to configure and edit a point gauge.

Figure: Point Gauge properties dialog box

Table: Point Gauge Properties Dialog Box

Component Description

Display point Enter the variable you want to display.

Caption Type a caption for the widget.

Caption Link Select to make a link to an object that is

relevant to the values that are displayed in
the widget.

Min Enter the minimum value for the gauge.

Max Enter the maximum value for the gauge.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.25 Point Gauge Properties Dialog Box

Component Description

Guides Use the guides to define the colors for

different values and value ranges.

Add Click to add a point.

Value Select a value for the guide in the widget.

Color Select a color for the value for the guide in

the widget.

Use needle Select True to use a needle as indicator in

the gauge. If no needle is selected the
gauge displays the value as an indicator

Indicator color Select the indicator color for the needle or

the indicator in the gauge.

Decimals Select the number of decimals you want to


WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.26 Point Pie Properties Dialog Box

38.26 Point Pie Properties Dialog Box

Use the Point pie properties dialog box to to configure and edit a a point pie.

Figure: Point pie properties dialog box

Table: Point Pie Properties Dialog Box

Component Description

Add Click to add a point.

Display variable Enter the variable you want to display.

Color Select the color for the variable.

Caption Type a caption for the widget.

Caption Link Select to make a link to an object that is

relevant to the values that are displayed in
the widget.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.26 Point Pie Properties Dialog Box

Component Description

Pie Center Select how you want to display the pie

For more information, see section 37.20
“Point Pie” on page 433.

Show Legend Click True to display the name and color of

the trend log in the widget.

Show Percentages Select to display the values in percentage.

Display Values Select to to display the numerical values.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.27 Point Value Properties Dialog Box

38.27 Point Value Properties Dialog Box

Use the Point Value Properties dialog box configure and edit a point value.

Figure: Point value properties dialog box

Table: Point Value Properties Dialog Box

Component Description

Add Click to add a point.

Display variable Enter the variable you want to display.

Icon Select an icon to be displayed in front of the


Caption Type a caption for the widget.

Caption Link Select to make a link to an object that is

relevant to the values that are displayed in
the widget.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.28 XY Plot Properties Dialog Box

38.28 XY Plot Properties Dialog Box

Use the XY Plot Properties dialog box to configure and edit a XY plot.

Figure: XY plot properties dialog box

Table: XY Plot Properties Dialog Box

Component Description

X-Axis Log Enter log you want to display on the x-axis.

X-Axis Calculation method Select the calculation method for the X-


Y-Axis Log Enter the log you want to display on the y-


Y-Axis Calculation method Select the calculation method for the Y-


Period Select the period you want to display.

WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.28 XY Plot Properties Dialog Box

Component Description

Calculated Period Select the time span for which the

calculation method is to be executed.

Scatter Select to display all values as individual

points in the diagram. For more
information, see section 37.22 “XY Plot” on
page 435.

Contour Select to display a contour map of the

correlation of values. For more information,
see section 37.22 “XY Plot” on page 435.

Gridlines Select to display gridlines in the diagram.

Linear Regression Line Select to display a linear regression line.

For more information, see section 37.22
“XY Plot” on page 435.

Polynomial Regression Curve Select to display a polynomial regression

line. For more information, see section
37.22 “XY Plot” on page 435.

Caption Type a caption for the widget.

Caption Link Select to make a link to an object that is

relevant to the values that are displayed in
the widget.

Show Period Select to display the period as a legend.

X-Axis Caption Enter a caption for the X-axis.

Y-Axis Caption Enter a caption for the Y-axis.

Point Color Select the color for the points in the

diagram. For more information, see section
37.22 “XY Plot” on page 435.

Inner Contour Color Select the inner color for a contour map in
the diagram. For more information, see
section 37.22 “XY Plot” on page 435.

Outer Contour Color Select the outer color for a contour map in
the diagram. For more information, see
section 37.22 “XY Plot” on page 435.

Line Color Select the color for a linear regression line

in the diagram. For more information, see
section 37.22 “XY Plot” on page 435.

X-Axis Minimum Select the X-axis minimum.

X-Axis Maximum Select the X-axis maximum.

Y-Axis Minimum Select the Y-axis minimum.

Y-Axis Maximum Select the Y-axis maximum.

04-40009-01-en, December 2021 WebStation

38 Dashboard User Interface
38.28 XY Plot Properties Dialog Box

Component Description

Decimals Select the number of decimals you want to


WebStation 04-40009-01-en, December 2021

Schneider Electric

© 2021 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved.

December 2021

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