ASM2 Template
ASM2 Template
ASM2 Template
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This research is experimenting the Utilization of Knowledge Management and Business Resilience
Strategy. Which further support the existing hypothesis of past studies, as well as accpet the each
other’s; this study employs a quantitative research approach since, under the circumstances, the
more surveys conducted, the more objective the conclusions will be. The research is taken part in
several Vietnamese Small and Microentrepreneurs business. A conclusion that can be drawn from
the study’s findings is that the COVID-19 pandemic had effects that had never been seen in
previous crises, small and micro-entrepreneurs business are trying to recover in Post-COVID-19
Economy. With R square = 0.797 and cronbach’s alpha = 0.938, the result show that the research
model is really realiable and can be applied to many other ogranizations. It is recommended that
other firms reduce costs and create an alternative resource management plan in order to deal with
and improvise through unanticipated major catastrophes.
Key words: Knowledge Management, Business Resilience, Microentrepreneurs, COVID-19
Thank you to everyone who took the time to fill out this survey. Working people are both
practicing. I received the survey results I expected thanks to them.
Report title: Business Recovery due to the impacts of COVID-19 global pandemic
Table of Contents
1: Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 4
2: Literature Review ........................................................................................................................ 4
2.1: Knowledge Management (KM) ........................................................................................... 4
2.2: Business resilience ............................................................................................................... 5
2.3: Research model .................................................................................................................... 5
3: Methodology ............................................................................................................................... 6
3.1: Approach .............................................................................................................................. 6
3.2: Sample and Sampling method .............................................................................................. 7
3.2.1: Sampling Strategy ......................................................................................................... 7
3.2.2: Sampling description ..................................................................................................... 7
3.2.3: Research Instrument ...................................................................................................... 8
3.2.4: Descriptive stastistics .................................................................................................. 10
4: Results ....................................................................................................................................... 11
4.1: A variance inflation factor (VIF) ....................................................................................... 11
4.2: R square .............................................................................................................................. 12
4.3: F square .............................................................................................................................. 12
4.4: Outer loading ...................................................................................................................... 12
4.5: Reliability ........................................................................................................................... 13
4.6: Average Variance Extracted (AVE) ................................................................................... 15
4.7: Model Fit ............................................................................................................................ 15
5: Discussion ................................................................................................................................. 15
5.1: State the main results of the researcher .............................................................................. 15
5.2: Reflect on the effectiveness of research methods .............................................................. 16
5.3: Recommendations for future research ............................................................................... 16
6: Conclusion................................................................................................................................. 16
References ..................................................................................................................................... 16
Appendices .................................................................................................................................... 17
1: Introduction
Past studies shown that there are numerous of significant events which affected the business
organization badly in both external and internal way. For example, the covid-19 pandemic had a
significant negative impact on business operations, so firms plan to recovery their business through
factors; using the human capital and self-efficacy theories. Corporate reputation, an intangible
asset, also has a major impact on corporate group cooperative behavior because, on the other hand,
the tangible factors, such as knowledge management. Therefore, organization must adapt the
situation and propose alternative way to resilient the business. The knowledge management plays
one of the most important factors that may firm to adapt and overcome this global crisis.
Existing studies provided many information about how small and micro entrepreneurs company
with the pandemic. Many of the research papers propose inside and outside factors of the
organization that may direct the business into resilience. Chaturvedi & Singh (2021), proposed
that knowledge management, on the one hand, is an organized process of acquiring, sharing,
storing and the utilization of knowledge to achieve the predetermined goals of the organization.
Moreover, knowledge management is very essential in hospitality business due to the constant
changes in technology, culture and global economic policies. There are four factors that affect the
resilience of enterprises: the factors of capital resilience, cultural resilience, relationship resilience
and the factor of strategic resilience. The research project of Ozigbo (2015) has been done in
several hospitality industries in Nigerian. This research paper will fill the gaps of the existing
studies by implementing the research in small and micro-entrepreneurs businesses in Vietnam.
This study will fulfill the research question of how knowledge management, affects the business
resilience. This is because small and micro entrepreneurs company in Vietnam are also affected
the Covid-19 pandemic badly in many ways (finance, cultural, relationship, and strategic).
Furthermore, the existing researchers of knowledge management has never been in Vietnam.
Therefore, it is worth exploring the resilience of small and micro-entrepreneurs organization in
2: Literature Review
2.1: Knowledge Management (KM)
The term “Knowledge Management” (KM) refers to a human capital in this study refers to skills,
knowledge and the abilities of micro entrepreneurs and their employees in the hospitality industry.
Microentrepreneurs owners may boost their restaurants’ capacity for resilience in the post COVID-
19 workplace by utilizing the knowledge of their staff. According to the human capital theory,
microentrepreneurs should view their workers or subordinates as their most valuable resources if
they want to increase the resilience of their companies in the post COVID-19 workplace. The self-
efficacy theory, on the other hand, asserts that a person (a microentrepreneur) believes they can
accomplish their goals regardless of the environmental turbulences. Knowledge acquisition is the
process of encouraging subordinates to contribute to or make suggestions during meetings in order
to generate new knowledge or ideas. The method of preserving knowledge that was created during
working hours or meetings is known as knowledge storage. Knowledge sharing describes the
processes by which accumulated and archived knowledge is distributed among organization
members for appropriate application in functional domains. Application of shared information in
areas where it is needed is known as knowledge utilization.
2.2: Business resilience
Martinelli et al. (2018) defined that a system’s resilience is its capacity to absord discruptive
changes as well as to recognize and seize opportunities. Another definition is that resilience is a
method for connecting a group of abilities
Business resilience is the capacity to respond swiftly to risks and disturbances while preserving
essential business activities and protecting personnel, assets, and the reputation of the company
(Ashford, 2022). Company resilience management is crucial to ongoing operations in the face of
constantly shifting IT, cyber threat, and regulatory environments (Ashford, 2022).
According to the aforementioned, the resilience of hospitality companies depends on a team effort
from the staff, managers, board of directors, housekeepers, front desk agents, and other
stakeholders. All facets of the hospitality industry, including transit, lodging (hotel), restaurants,
lounges, and entertainment, require business resilience. In light of the above, this research
modified the capital resilience, cultural resilience, relationship resilience, and strategic resilience
measures of business resilience developed by Chen, Xie, and Liu. The ability of micro-
entrepreneurs to carry on regularly and recapitalize in the face of environmental disruptions is
known as capital resilience. The friendly relationships that exist between micro-entrepreneurs and
their employees serve as their competitive edge and are referred to as relationship resilience.
Micro-entrepreneurs and their staff share a definition of cultural fortitude that sets them apart from
other business owners. On the other hand, strategic resilience describes micro-entrepreneurs’
capacity to uphold a strategy consistency in identifying unfavorable elements in the business
2.3: Research model
Research question: Is knowledge management affecting business recovery in micro-
entrepreneurs in the post COVID-19 economy?
H1: Knowledge Management (IV1) positively related to Business Resilience (D1)
3: Methodology
3.1: Approach
One of the reasons the author chose the deduction approach for this study is that deduction begins
with the author developing a theory on a topic of interest (business resilience). The author the
narrows that down to more specific hypotheses (knowledge management and business resilience)
that the author can test. The author will then narrow it further as he or she collects observations
(data) to address hypotheses. This eventually leads to the ability to test hypotheses with concrete
data, resulting in a confirmation (or rejection) of the original theories. This approach is consistent
with the author’s research. One of the reasons the author did not use the induction approach for
research is that it is more open-ended and exploratory, especially at the start. The induction
approach was not chosen because it does not deal with hypotheses in any way. In induction,
researchers take a “bottomup” approach, with conclusion based on premises (Burney & Mahmoud,
Quantitative research is based on deduction (Sekaran & Bougie, 2010) and employs a wide range
of quantitative analysis techniques, from providing simple descriptions of variables to establishing
statistical relationships between variables using complex statistical models (Sauders, Lewis and
Thornhill, 2009). As a result, the quantitative research method is used in this report. Quantitative
research necessitates case-study designs which the emphasis is on describing, explaining, and
predicting phenomena, using probabilistic sampling, and relying on larger sample sizes than
conventional designs, research quantifies the relationships between various variables by
employing specific methods and techniques. For instance, in quantitative research involving two
variables (cooperation and environmental responsibility), the researcher’s goal is to investigate the
relationship between the independent variable (the two variables mentioned above). And the
dependent variable. Population business resilience (Hopkins, 2000). As a result, it is clear that this
method is completely consistent with the author’s researcher.
Qualitative research, on the other hand, employs inductive reasoning (Sekaran & Bougie, 2010)
and seeks to gain a comprehensive understanding of human behavior and why it occurs (Cooper
& Schindler, 2006). Because of the specialized nature of qualitative research, it employs case study
designs with non-prohability sampling methods and smaller sample sizes general and objective, a
lerage sample collection is required. Furthermore, because qualitative research relies on small
samples to gain insights into specific scenarios, the data may be skewed and do not accurately
represent the entire community. Data analysis is frequently required to be thoroughly examined or
performed manually, making the use of qualitative research time-consuming (Neuman, 2005).
Those are reason why the author did not choose this method for this research.
3.2: Sample and Sampling method
3.2.1: Sampling Strategy
The Convenience sampling method is used in this paper. Convenience sampling involves selecting
a sample of units or people who are most conveniently available (Zikmund, 2000). Convenience
samples are based on data chosen by its providers or observers – information from people who
choose to tell their stories to NGOs or reporters, love affairs
3.2.2: Sampling description
Count of
Gender gender Percentage
Male 45 45.5%
Female 54 54.5%
Grand total 99 100.0%
Table 1: Gender of survey participants
From the table above, it can be seen that the proportion of men (54.5%) participating in this survey
is higher than that of women (45.5%). The higher male to female ratio may not really bode well
for this study because men are likely to participate in business surveys than women.
Counter of
Position in business position Percentage
Director, Deputy Director 5 11.1%
Head of Department, Deputy Head of Department 7 15.6%
Staff 24 53.3%
Others 9 20.0%
Grand total 45 100.0%
Table 3: The position in the business of the survey participants
The table 3 illustrates that 53.3% of survey respondents position in Business. The second is the
Others (20%). The others are other positions in the company such as other parts: Marketing,
personnel. It can be seen that it is suitable to be a good representative of the study.
Knowledge 6. Does your business create a positive KU1
Utilization environment for employees to use and
apply their utilization knowledge?
7. Do your employees confidently use the
knowledge utilization that your
company? KU2
Capital 8. Do you think your business’s finances CR1 (tapchinganhang, 2022)
Resilience have really recovered from the covid-
19 pandemic?
Relationship 12. Has your business built a harmonious RR1 (Anh, 2022)
Resilience and stable labor relationship with
employees after the covid-19
(Anh, 2022)
13. After the epidemic, has your business RR2
restored relationships with partners?
Table 4: Questionnaires
Scale of reflection:
Knowledge Management & Business Resilience: strongly disagree to strongly agree
4: Results
4.1: A variance inflation factor (VIF)
KA 2.475
KS 3.224
KSH 2.806
KU 3.488
4.2: R square
R-squared (R2) is a statistical measure that represents the proportion of the variance for a
dependent variable that’s explained by an independent variable or variables in a regression model
high R-squared, between 0.7 and 1 is good.
R-square R-square adjusted
Alpha 0.797 0.788
Table 6: R-square
Based on the results of R square, it can be seen that R-square = 0.797 is good
4.3: F square
KA 0.122
KS 0.111
KSH 0.019
KU 0.19
Table 7: F-square
Based on the results of F square, it can be seen that:
f Square < 0.02: very small or no impact
0.15 ≤ f Square < 0.35: medium impact
4.4: Outer loading
CR1 0.83
CR2 0.852
CRE1 0.84
CRE2 0.873
KA1 0.937
KA2 0.949
KS1 0.874
KS2 0.913
KU1 0.945
KU2 0.932
RR1 0.891
RR2 0.845
SR 0.84
4.5: Reliability
0 -0.412 0.257 0.738 0.168 0.202
1 -0.947 -0.76 -0.973 -0.872 -0.953
2 0.263 -0.28 -0.414 0.168 0.251
3 -0.421 -0.76 0.179 0.168 -0.351
4 -0.261 0.257 0.179 -0.872 -0.953
5 0.574 0.257 0.772 0.168 0.202
6 0.263 0.257 0.179 0.168 0.202
7 0.614 0.795 0.772 0.168 0.202
8 1.474 1.275 1.331 1.209 1.357
9 0.773 0.257 0.179 0.168 0.202
10 0.415 0.737 0.772 0.168 -0.351
11 0.62 0.257 -0.414 0.168 0.804
12 1.474 1.275 1.331 1.209 1.357
13 -0.603 0.257 0.179 -1.913 -2.108
14 0.263 0.257 0.179 0.168 0.202
15 0.263 0.257 0.179 0.168 0.202
16 -0.25 0.257 0.179 0.168 -0.953
17 -0.251 -0.222 0.146 0.168 0.202
18 -0.947 -0.76 -0.973 -0.872 -0.953
19 0.267 -0.28 0.738 1.209 1.357
20 -0.947 -0.76 -0.973 -0.872 -0.953
21 1.113 1.275 1.331 1.209 1.357
22 0.421 0.737 -0.973 -0.872 0.202
23 -3.044 -2.795 -3.278 -2.954 -3.263
24 0.087 0.257 -0.94 1.209 -0.351
25 1.151 -0.222 0.179 0.168 0.202
26 -0.675 0.199 -1.007 0.168 -0.904
27 0.757 0.199 1.331 1.209 1.357
28 0.433 0.257 -0.414 0.168 0.202
29 -0.094 0.737 0.179 0.168 -0.351
30 -2.157 -2.795 -2.126 -1.913 -2.108
31 -2.157 -1.777 -2.126 -1.913 -1.506
32 1.474 1.275 1.331 1.209 1.357
33 0.025 0.737 -0.381 1.209 -0.351
34 0.263 0.257 0.738 0.168 0.202
35 0.421 0.257 0.179 0.168 0.202
36 0.614 1.275 1.331 1.209 0.202
37 -0.28 0.257 0.179 0.168 0.202
38 -0.947 -0.76 -0.973 -0.872 -0.953
39 0.263 0.257 -0.414 0.168 -0.953
40 1.474 1.275 1.331 1.209 1.357
41 0.263 -0.76 1.331 1.209 1.357
42 -0.697 -1.836 0.179 0.168 0.202
43 -0.422 -0.28 -1.007 0.168 -0.351
44 -3.367 -2.795 -1.599 -2.954 -3.263
45 -0.047 0.795 0.738 -0.872 0.202
46 0.46 0.795 -0.414 1.209 0.755
47 -0.947 -1.777 -0.973 -0.872 -0.953
48 0.263 -1.777 1.331 0.168 0.202
49 1.474 0.795 1.331 1.209 1.357
50 0.263 0.257 0.179 -0.872 0.202
51 0.263 0.257 0.179 0.168 0.202
52 0.976 0.257 0.179 0.168 0.202
53 -0.059 0.257 0.738 -0.872 0.202
54 -1.614 -0.76 -0.973 -0.872 -0.953
55 0.631 0.737 0.738 1.209 0.804
56 0.106 0.257 1.331 0.168 1.357
57 -2.157 -1.777 -2.126 -1.913 -2.108
58 1.474 1.275 1.331 0.168 1.357
59 -0.776 0.737 -0.414 0.168 0.202
60 -2.333 -1.777 -2.126 -1.913 -2.108
61 0.263 -0.222 -0.414 0.168 0.202
62 -0.059 0.257 0.179 0.168 0.202
63 0.756 -0.28 0.738 0.168 -0.351
64 -1.934 -0.28 -1.007 0.168 -1.604
65 -0.39 -0.818 -1.599 -1.913 0.202
66 1.474 1.275 1.331 1.209 1.357
67 0.479 0.257 0.179 0.168 0.755
68 -0.11 0.257 0.179 -1.913 0.202
69 0.077 -0.28 0.179 0.168 0.202
70 0.959 0.737 0.738 0.168 1.357
71 -0.88 0.257 0.179 0.168 0.202
72 0.263 0.257 0.179 0.168 0.202
73 0.1 -0.818 0.179 0.168 0.202
74 0.263 0.257 0.179 0.168 0.202
75 -1.057 -0.28 -0.94 0.168 -0.4
76 1.474 1.275 1.331 1.209 1.357
77 -0.094 0.257 0.179 0.168 0.202
78 1.129 1.275 1.331 1.209 0.804
79 -2.48 -2.795 -2.718 -2.954 -0.953
80 -0.392 0.257 -0.414 0.168 -1.555
81 0.1 0.257 -0.414 0.168 0.202
82 0.27 0.737 -0.973 0.168 -0.4
83 0.263 0.257 -0.381 0.168 0.202
84 -0.366 1.275 -0.447 1.209 1.357
85 -0.71 -0.28 0.179 0.168 -0.953
86 0.087 -1.777 -0.381 1.209 -0.4
87 0.263 0.257 0.179 0.168 0.202
88 -0.607 -1.239 0.146 0.168 0.202
89 0.263 -0.222 -0.973 0.168 -0.351
90 0.598 0.257 0.179 0.168 0.202
91 0.263 0.257 0.179 0.168 0.202
92 -0.59 0.199 -0.414 -0.872 -0.4
93 0.263 0.257 0.179 0.168 0.202
94 0.564 0.737 0.772 -0.872 0.251
95 0.274 -2.257 -1.533 -1.913 -1.506
96 1.474 1.275 1.331 1.209 1.357
97 1.156 1.275 1.331 1.209 1.357
98 1.474 1.275 1.331 1.209 1.357
5: Discussion
5.1: State the main results of the researcher
Based in the author’s findings in this study, H1 is accepted, i.e., that businesses that collaborate
with other businesses will enable them to recover better, based on the author's findings in this
study. The survey respondents' organizations agree with the study's predictions in that they feel
that their partnerships are beneficial to their ability to conduct business. Bengtsson and Kock
(2000) even see cooperation as a strategy with substantial potential for growth in the business
sector. In many instances, cooperation becomes the only chance for a company to survive and
expand sustainably due to the environment’s rising complexity.
According to the research paper by Cygler, Sroka, Solesvik, and Debkowsks on “Benefits and
Drawbacks of Collaboration: the role of Scope and Durability in Collaborative Relationships”
(2018). According to the research paper by Cygler, Sroka, Solesvik, and Debkowsks on “Benefits
and Drawbacks of Collaboration: the role of Scope and Durability in Collaborative Relationships”
(2018). The analysis by the aforementioned author's findings demonstrates how cooperation's
duration, repetition, and evaluation of its advantages all have a beneficial effect on an enterprise's
ability to grow. As a result, it is evident that cooperation has a positive impact.
5.2: Reflect on the effectiveness of research methods
The research has used the quantitative research method successfully. However, there are limitation
of this method throughout the research. Firstly, this method only provides several scales of the
participants’ satisfaction or acceptation (strongly disagree to strongly agree). Thus, this cannot
fully cover all the participants’ perspective toward their organizations. Secondly, the survey is
only participated by people whose demographic have many factors are in common (education
level, gender and position in business), this may create the survey not be diverse.
5.3: Recommendations for future research
This research project aims to demonstrate the relationship between collaboration, knowledge
management, and organizational resilience. One could expect that many decision-makers will have
to take this developing tendency into consideration if they are to help a corporation attain growth
sustainability given the expanding role of collaboration in all facets of business cooperation.
(Cygler et al, 2018). The author used a convenient sampling method by questionnaire to collect
results through an online survey using Google Forms. The Likert scale (from strongly disagree –
strongly agree) is used to assess the resilience of enterprises through two variables of knowledge
management and business resilience. Early findings suggest that partnering with other businesses
helps business grow, helping firms develop resilience. The theory emphasizes the importance of
an independent knowledge management and business resilience. Beside using quantitative
method, researchers can try using qualitative method in order to gain deeper insight of participant’
perspective, and encourage and expand the discussion.
6: Conclusion
This study focuses on analyzing the relationship between knowledge management and business
resilience. After data collection by surveying 100 people, the analyzes and data were used with
SmartPLS4. The final result of that project is knowledge management has a significant impact on
business resilience. With R square = 0.797 and Cronbach’s alpha = 0.938, the result show that the
research model is really reliable and can be applied to many other organizations.
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Dấu thời Họ và tên của Tên doanh Giới tính Trình độ học Vị trí của bạn trong
gian bạn? nghiệp của bạn? của bạn? vấn của bạn? doanh nghiệp?
19:14:13 Vũ Bá Khang VINGROUP Nam Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Nguyễn Trần
19:15:35 Thảo Vy Greenwich Nữ Đại học Nhân viên
19:16:15 Bùi Hà Phương Fpt Nữ Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Nguyễn Văn
19:17:34 Thắng Fpt Nam Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Công ty CP tập
19:18:55 Nguyễn Hà My đoàn Masan Nữ Đại học Nhân viên
19:27:16 Mạc Tiền Lạng Giang 1 Nữ Trên đại học Khác
14/04/2023 Công ty CP may
19:28:05 Hà Thị Huệ mặc Nữ Dưới đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Tập đoàn Giám đốc, Phó giám
19:29:33 Nguyễn Huyền Herbalife Nữ Trên đại học đốc
14/04/2023 Nguyễn Trung Quỹ Vì Tầm Vóc
19:30:34 Việt Việt Nam Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Công ty cổ phần
19:31:28 Mai Ly Vinpearl Nữ Trên đại học Khác
14/04/2023 Công ty cổ phần
19:33:23 Cam Cam Vinpearl Nam Dưới đại học Khác
19:34:36 Dương Linh Greenwich Nữ Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Nguyễn Xuân Công ty CP Tập
19:39:49 Hùng đoàn Masan Nam Đại học Nhân viên
19:42:04 Lê Văn Thủy Không có Nam Đại học Khác
14/04/2023 Nguyễn Xuân
19:42:54 Bách Không có Nam Dưới đại học Khác
14/04/2023 Đặng Lương
19:45:02 Tuấn Mạnh ACB Nam Đại học Nhân viên
19:49:20 Ngọc Anh Greenwich Nữ Đại học Nhân viên
Công ty CP đầu
14/04/2023 tư thế giới di
19:54:19 Mai Anh động Nữ Đại học Khác
19:55:23 Hà Thu Trang Abc Nữ Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Nguyễn Thùy
19:56:21 Dương Greenwich Nữ Đại học Khác
14/04/2023 Đào Phương
19:56:42 Thảo ABCD Nữ Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Công ty TNHH
19:57:08 Trần Văn Đức TPEC Việt Nam Nam Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Hoàng Văn Công ty CP Trưởng phòng, phó
19:58:14 Trung Bishome Nam Đại học trưởng phòng
14/04/2023 Công ty cổ phần
19:59:42 Hà Thu Trang may VN Nữ Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Nguyễn Thị
20:00:34 Phương Thảo ABC Nữ Đại học Nhân viên
Công ty thương
14/04/2023 mại và dịch vụ Giám đốc, Phó giám
20:00:51 Vũ Thành Công 9573 Nam Đại học đốc
14/04/2023 Trưởng phòng, phó
20:01:16 An Abc Nữ Đại học trưởng phòng
14/04/2023 công ty trách Giám đốc, Phó giám
20:04:58 Tạ Duy Hải nhiệm mtv Nam Đại học đốc
14/04/2023 Vương Khánh
20:05:04 Thành FPT Softwere Nam Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Nguyễn Anh
20:05:46 Thơ Greenwich Nữ Đại học Khác
20:07:40 vinh vinfast Nam Đại học Khác
14/04/2023 Nguyễn Thị
20:20:10 Khánh Linh Sinh viên Nữ Dưới đại học Khác
14/04/2023 Chu Thị Thuỳ
20:20:49 Linh Fpt Nữ Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Nguyễn Minh
20:22:36 Thư Tự do Nữ Đại học Khác
14/04/2023 Nguyễn Thanh
20:24:12 Mai Bami bread Nữ Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Nguyễn Thanh
20:25:53 Thúy Béo 98 Nữ Đại học Khác
14/04/2023 Nguyễn Hoàng Bệnh viện thẩm Trưởng phòng, phó
20:26:55 Bảo Hân mỹ thu cúc Nữ Đại học trưởng phòng
14/04/2023 Vũ Thị Thu
20:34:08 Hương Không có Nữ Đại học Khác
14/04/2023 Nguyễn ngọc
20:34:27 sơn Sơn man Nam Đại học Khác
14/04/2023 Trưởng phòng, phó
20:34:45 Dũng VinLand Nam Đại học trưởng phòng
14/04/2023 Hà Thị Thu
20:35:30 Hồng Winlife Nữ Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Lê thị huyền
20:37:26 trang Thế giới di động Nữ Đại học Nhân viên
20:37:46 Hồ Phương Anh Đại học Nữ Đại học Khác
20:40:19 Võ Minh Nhật Bayer Nam Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Vũ Ngọc Mỹ
20:40:29 Anh ELAS Nữ Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Nguyễn Thị
20:41:43 Minh Trang Sendo Nữ Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Giám đốc, Phó giám
20:48:16 Ngô thu hà Milk Nữ Đại học đốc
14/04/2023 Nguyễn giang
20:49:44 nam Cty PSA Nam Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Nguyễn Đức
20:50:48 Bảo Arcadyan Nam Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Trịnh Thị Hồng TNHH 1 thành
20:51:56 Hạnh viên hh Nữ Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Nguyễn Minh
20:54:20 Huế Không Nữ Đại học Khác
20:58:02 Pham mai linh Học sinh Nữ Đại học Khác
21:00:43 Thanh Thúy ĐH Thương Mại Nữ Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Công ty TNHH
21:01:08 Đỗ Hồng Yến Sophi Nữ Đại học Nhân viên
21:03:26 Lê Tuấn Anh Không có Nam Đại học Khác
21:04:45 Tạ Kim Chi Kim Chi Nữ Đại học Khác
14/04/2023 Trương Đình Công ty TNHH
21:09:59 Tiến Nam Tiến Nam Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Lương Khánh Giám đốc, Phó giám
21:14:22 Linh Ll Nữ Đại học đốc
14/04/2023 Nguyễn Phạm
21:16:07 Dũng Anh Đại học FPT Nam Trên đại học Nhân viên
21:17:46 Hoàng Thu Hằng Top leather Nữ Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Phan Đình
21:21:43 Thắng THpT Giáp Hải Nam Dưới đại học Khác
14/04/2023 Thpt lạng giang
21:27:11 Nguyễn việt đức số 1 Nam Dưới đại học Khác
14/04/2023 Nguyễn Hoàng Hanoi
21:29:37 Long Connection Nam Đại học Nhân viên
21:31:07 Lê Thảo FSoft Nữ Đại học Khác
14/04/2023 Trưởng phòng, phó
21:33:54 Nhung Duck Jan21st Nữ Đại học trưởng phòng
14/04/2023 Nguyễn Linh Trường Đại học
21:34:15 Chi Ngoại Ngữ Nữ Đại học Khác
14/04/2023 Nguyễn Thảo
21:38:54 Linh Sinh viên Nữ Đại học Khác
14/04/2023 Lưu Quang
21:40:49 Nghĩa Yogame Studio Nam Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Giám đốc, Phó giám
21:48:32 Vũ Anh Hiển Maiciao beauty Nam Đại học đốc
14/04/2023 Nguyễn Thị
21:50:24 Tuyến Samsung Nữ Dưới đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Nguyễn Thuỳ
21:53:51 Linh Social media Nữ Đại học Nhân viên
21:55:36 Thế Anh VNPost Nam Đại học Nhân viên
21:56:27 Trần Minh Khải K có Nam Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Cty TNHH một
21:56:33 Nguyễn Thị Nụ thành viên DTH Nữ Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 nguyễn văn
21:58:47 thắng công ty LCH Nam Đại học Nhân viên
22:03:32 Lê Hà Linh caliandra Nữ Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Huỳnh Ngọc Công nghiệp
22:03:32 Thạch thực phẩm ABR Nam Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Lê Thị Phương
22:10:40 Anh Không có Nữ Đại học Khác
Công ty CP đào
14/04/2023 Đào Ngọc tạo đánh thức Giám đốc, Phó giám
22:16:54 Cường tiềm năng Việt Nam Đại học đốc
14/04/2023 Nguyễn Thị Mỹ Kinh tế kĩ thuật Giám đốc, Phó giám
22:18:56 Linh công nghiệp Nữ Dưới đại học đốc
22:21:04 Tạ Hạnh doanh nghiệp Nữ Đại học Nhân viên
22:24:39 Lê Ngọc Dũng Dream100++ Nam Dưới đại học Khác
14/04/2023 Pham Tran Anh
22:26:41 Nguyen Herogame Nam Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 NGUYỄN VĂN THÀNH Trưởng phòng, phó
22:27:46 HIẾU HOÀNG Nam Đại học trưởng phòng
14/04/2023 VPBank
22:28:35 Hoàng Thế Việt Securities Nam Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Phạm Doãn
22:30:46 Tuyên GEN Nam Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Nguyễn Thành Tân Hoàng Minh Trưởng phòng, phó
22:32:04 Trung group Nam Đại học trưởng phòng
14/04/2023 Nguyễn Đình
22:33:28 Nghĩa Grap Nam Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Trưởng phòng, phó
22:44:56 Đỗ Anh Dũng Tân Hoàng Minh Nam Đại học trưởng phòng
22:46:23 Phú Lê Sun Group Nam Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Nguyễn Thu
22:48:13 Hiền Kelvin Store Nữ Đại học Khác
22:49:41 Bùi Thái Tuấn BTT Company Nam Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Nguyễn Phương
22:50:15 Anh NỘI THẤT Nữ Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Nguyễn Thị Vân
22:52:01 Nhi Winmart Nữ Đại học Nhân viên
14/04/2023 Phạm Hồng Giám đốc, Phó giám
22:59:14 Hạnh The Frog Nữ Trên đại học đốc
14/04/2023 Hoàng Quang Trưởng phòng, phó
23:11:17 Hiếu Lý thuận HvT Nam Đại học trưởng phòng
14/04/2023 VietNam Trưởng phòng, phó
23:13:18 Đỗ Văn Nguyên toyodenso Nam Trên đại học trưởng phòng
14/04/2023 Giám đốc, Phó giám
23:18:29 Phạm Thanh Mai Shopee Nữ Đại học đốc
14/04/2023 Giám đốc, Phó giám
23:20:20 Cao Thanh Hải Nasa Nam Trên đại học đốc
14/04/2023 VietNam Trưởng phòng, phó
23:22:12 Đỗ Văn Nguyên toyodenso Nam Trên đại học trưởng phòng
15/04/2023 Giám đốc, Phó giám
4:13:01 Phạm Thanh Mai Shopee Nữ Đại học đốc
15/04/2023 Giám đốc, Phó giám
4:38:30 Cao Thanh Hải Nasa Nam Trên đại học đốc