Compost Mulch No-Tillage Systems in Organic Vegetable Production

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Compost mulch no-tillage systems in organic vegetable production

Article in Acta Fytotechnica et Zootechnica · December 2015

DOI: 10.15414/


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1 author:

Zoltán Dezsény
Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture


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Acta fytotechn. zootechn., 18, 2015(Special Issue): 138-141
Short Communication


Compost mulch no-tillage systems in organic vegetable production

Zoltán Dezsény1, 2*

Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (ÖMKi), Budapest, Hungary


Szent István University, Gödöllő, Hungary


With growing agricultural demands from both conventional and organic systems comes the need for
sustainable practices to ensure long-term productivity. In Hungary small scale vegetable growers face
challenges in producing their crops due to the lack of effective weed control practices and viable
methods of sustainable soil fertility management based on local or regional soil amendment resources.
There is a demand for cultural practices that reduce hand labor requirements and black plastic
mulches whereas long-term productivity is held or increased. To identify effective alternative weed
control and soil fertility management options for the management of intensive organic vegetable
systems, our research focuses on the evaluation of compost and paper mulches, in conjunction with
reduced-tillage practices. In 2015 determinate tomato (cv. Roma) is grown in five different soil
treatments using yard waste compost (YWC) mulch and combination of YWC and paper mulch (PM)
plus bare ground control under intensive and reduced tillage variants to evaluate their effectiveness on
organic tomato marketable yield and weed suppression. Since most organic tomatoes at present are
grown on small acreage in Hungary, and are direct-marketed, the application of organic mulches can
be assumed financially feasible. Our results will show if the combination of organic mulching materials
together with reduced tillage may be a viable option for organic vegetable growers.
Keywords: alternative weed control, compost, compost mulch, paper mulch, organic, no tillage,
vegetable, tomato

1 Introduction
The objective of this publication is to review the effects of composted organic mulches, and
the combination of mulches and different tillage intensity systems as alternative weed control
methods and viable soil fertility management solutions. Practices for vegetable and fruit
production need to focus on decreasing synthetic inputs, sustainably managing disease and
weed control, reducing soil erosion, and maintaining soil structure while producing high-
quality fruit and profitable yields (Grassbaugh et al. 2004). Although research on the benefit
and use of mulches is extensive, little is known about how to optimize their application in
organically managed system (Law et al. 2006).
1.1 Weed control
Production losses from weed competition are among the most important crop management
concerns for organic growers, and the ability to control weeds is considered a major limiting
factor for farmers wishing to transition to organic production systems (Bond and Gandy
2001). Organic vegetable production relies heavily on intensive tillage to reduce weeds and
to create a fine seedbed for planting or seeding. This intensive tillage has been shown to be
detrimental to long term soil quality, and often leads to contamination of the environment
through on-site and offsite losses of organic matter, nutrients and sediments (Magdoff and
van Es, 2000). It also reduces soil microbial activity, destructs soil structure, while increasing
emission of greenhouse gases, and the potential for nitrate leaching to groundwater
(Jackson et al. 2003). Reduced tillage systems are spreading practice especially on the
American continent, largely as a result of growing concerns about soil quality, costs of tillage

Correspondence: Zoltán Dezsény, Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (ÖMKi), H-1033 Budapest, Miklos
square 1. Hungary, [email protected]

© Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources
Acta fytotechn. zootechn., 18, 2015(Special Issue): 138-141
Zoltán Dezsény: Compost mulch no-tillage systems in organic vegetable production

operations, fossil fuel and labor use, and environmental resources. On the other hand,
decreased intensity of tillage may cause serious problems for growers because of increased
weed pressure.
1.2 Organic mulches
Application of organic mulches is an alternative method to suppress weeds through blocking
light and prevent weed establishment without mechanical or manual weeding (Brault et al.
2002) and can be as effective as herbicides in suppressing weeds (Ozores-Hampton, 1998).
Organic mulches such as straw, wood chips or compost can conserve soil moisture, reduce
soil erosion and may also have advantages of low-cost, with no removal requirement
compared to black polyethylene mulch, commonly used among organic growers (Ozores-
Hampton 1998; Feldman et al. 2000). These mulches have also been shown to improve soil
quality and stimulate soil microbial communities due to the addition of organic matter.
Possible disadvantages of organic mulches include nutrient tie-up and lowering, if soil
temperatures decrease to sub-optimum level (Schonbeck and Evanylo, 1998). Also, organic
mulch alone is not always sufficient to control perennial weeds, and may even pose a risk of
weed infection, especially if its material of origin contained weed propagules, and was not
fully hot composted (Merfield, 2002). Straw and hay mulches improve soil properties
degradation and are used widely. However, they keep soil cooler which can delay early
season growth. Surface-applied yard waste compost (YWC) substantially increases
underlying soil nutrient levels (Feldman et al., 2010) and also increases yields (Gallaher and
McSorley, 1994), whereas it does not have a cooling effect on the soil due to its dark colour.
Composting is a biological decomposition process in which microorganisms convert organic
materials into relatively stable humus like material. During decomposition, microorganisms
assimilate complex organic substances and release inorganic nutrients. An adequate
composting process should kill pathogens and stabilize organic carbon before the material is
applied as mulch. The end-product of the composting process is optimal as soil amendment
and mulch as well. YWC is easily accessible in many regions in Hungary where there are
composting operations next to landfills.
1.3 Paper mulch
Paper mulches may offer another viable solution for weed control without the problem of
disposal of plastic mulches, since they decompose fully after use (Radics and Bognár, 2004;
Merfield 2002). Paper mulch as soil cover for special agricultural use is even produced and
used in commercial scale in some countries and is a permissible product for weed control in
organic farming certification systems (Harrington and Bedford, 2004). Its main disadvantage
is rapid degradation; it tends to tear from the edges, may be lifted by wind and degrades too
quickly, resulting in ahigh weed population on the field where applied. No scientific study
analyzed an integrated approach where paper mulch and compost mulch is applied at the
same time, on the same bed. According our hypothesis if paper mulch is covered by weed
seed free compost and vegetable seedlings are transplanted into this mulch layer, the
advantages of both mulch types may be utilized. Paper mulch effectively suppresses weed
emergence during the first several weeks after transplanting, and the weed-free compost
serves as optimal media for transplants. If drip irrigation applied, the sodden paper mulch will
be penetrable for the growing roots of the vegetable plant, so it can reach the soil under the
paper mulch ensuring its continuous development.

2 Material and Methods

Five tillage and organic mulch treatments (Table 1) in four replications are compared in
a randomized complete block design in frame of a small scale organic vegetable production
system. Treatments are compared regarding their weed control efficacy, effect on soil
properties and influence on yields. YWC, PM and CM are applied by hand.
Each plot comprises of a 15 m long and 1,2 m wide bed that was prepared on a clay loam
Luvisoil at the MagosVölgy Organic Farm, Terény, Hungary. In late April 2015 each plot was

© Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources
Acta fytotechn. zootechn., 18, 2015(Special Issue): 138-141
Zoltán Dezsény: Compost mulch no-tillage systems in organic vegetable production

planted with tomato seedlings (cv. Roma), using three rows of plants 40 cm apart and with
40 cm spacing within the rows. Weed infestation will be measured using 1 x 1 m quadrates in
four replications and four times per plot, assessed by counting number of weeds and
coverage of plants. Height and development of tomato plants in different phonological
phases after transplanting will be measured as well, as total plant biomass (dry weight) after
the harvest season. Crop yields will be measured throughout the harvesting season several
times according to the fruit ripening from 20 selected plants from the middle row of the beds.
The YWC purchased from the Zöld-Híd Nonprofit Ltd. Company’s Nógrádmarcal Facility will
be analyzed for dry matter, organic matter, C, N, P, K and pH, and minerals before
application using standard procedures.

Table 1 Treatment specification

Tratment no. Tillage Mulch applied N source (kg ha)

Treatment 1 conventional none pelleted chicken manure (CM)
Treatment 2 conventional none YWC (120) + CM (30)
Treatment 3 conventional yard waste compost YWC (120) + CM (30)
Treatment 4 reduced tillage yard waste compost YWC (120) + CM (30)
Treatment 5 reduced tillage yard waste compost YWC (120) + CM (30)

3 Results
Preliminary results for weed infestation and yield will be available in November 2015 and will
be published.

4 Conclusions
In literature no relevant scientific data has been found on mixed application of paper mulch
and compost mulch on small scale, intensively managed organic vegetable production
systems. According to the data available, and based on some practical (unstudied) examples
of successful vegetable operations in California (US), it is assumed that a combined system
of compost mulch and paper mulch methods may be competitive in terms if weed control and
tomato yields, compared with conventionally tilled uncovered systems. First results of the
study will be presented at ICOAS 2015.

5 Acknowledgements
Many thanks for the Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture for funding the work
and for Dr. Dóra Drexler for the proofreading and useful suggestions.

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© Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources
Acta fytotechn. zootechn., 18, 2015(Special Issue): 138-141
Zoltán Dezsény: Compost mulch no-tillage systems in organic vegetable production

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© Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources

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