Legal History in India 1770 1950
Legal History in India 1770 1950
Legal History in India 1770 1950
Week- 15 Revision
This session will introduce you to the academic study of legal history and
set the tone and the focus of this course. It will broadly cover questions
such as why study legal history? What do we mean by legal history? Why
not let bygones be bygones and forget them? What relevance does it hold
to inspect legal institutions of the past and dissect it thoroughly? What are
the sources of legal history? What are the qualities of a good legal
historian? Who makes legal history?
In the 16th century, Queen Elizabeth I granted charter to the London East
India company to ‘trade in to and from the East Indies, in the countries
and parts of Asia and Africa …’. In this week we will discuss the growth of
East India company and the role of various charters.
The Regulating act of 1773 had very little success in introducing important
changes in the legal system in India. but Lord Cornwallis initiated a series
of judicial reforms in 1787. Most of the changes undertaken by Lord
Cornwallis we followed up with other significant reforms by his successors
as well.
The Charter of 1726 created Mayor’s Court for each of the Presidency
towns in India and established a bridge between the English and Indian
legal systems. This session will examine the functioning of the mayor's
courts and reforms initiated by Chief Justice Impey and Warren Hastings.
- Lakshmi Subramanyam, History of India, 1707-1857 (Blackswan,
2019) chap 3
Week 6: Legislature
In this week, we will discuss the history of legislation from 1772 to 1861,
legislatures of India under the Crown, charter act 1833 and its
The Privy Council during the last few centuries has not only laid down the
law, but also coordinated the concepts of rights and obligations
throughout the dominions and colonies in the British Commonwealth.
this session will examine the role and functions exercised by the Privy
Council and the federal courts. students may also read a few judgments of
the Privy Council to understand its functioning and adjudicative process.
The week we will examine the years between 1947 and 1950 in India.
During the during this week, the focus will be on the history and evolution
of the legal profession before independence and post-independence.
- Gandhi
Week 14: Revision