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VOL. 5
ENERGY Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13 1
ISSUE 13 www.seda.gov.my
2 Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13
Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13 1
C h a i r m a n ’ s

his past year has been a busy yet exciting for SEDA Malaysia. The date
1st September 2021 was the most significant one for SEDA Malaysia as it
marked the Authority’s first decade of operations as a statutory body under
the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (KeTSA) with the task to develop
the sustainable energy (SE) industry in Malaysia.

As we continue to celebrate this momentous milestone, this During the tabling of the Twelfth Malaysia Plan (RMK-12)
edition of Sustainable Energy Malaysia (SEM) Magazine will recently, the Government has reaffirmed its commitment
showcase the Authority’s achievements over the past decade, to reduce the country’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
and its contributions to the SE industry, the Rakyat, and intensity of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 45% by the
Malaysia. year 2030 relative to 2005 levels. It was also announced
that carbon pricing and a carbon tax would be introduced
The magazine will also highlight several key programmes to support this vision, as well as a Comprehensive National
and initiatives deployed throughout the year such as the Energy Policy to provide long-term strategic direction to
SEDA SEED Student Ambassadors 2021 programme and the support national aspiration of reducing its carbon emissions
Sustainable Energy Awareness Poster and to net-zero. To further accelerate the country's SE industry
Short Video Challenge. The objective of growth, the contribution of solar, biomass and biogas in its
these programmes was to create greater installed capacity mix is targeted to increase to 31%.
awareness and participation by the
general public on the importance I am also pleased to share that our Net Energy Metering (NEM)
of sustainable energy for future programme has been well-received once again. The third
generations of Malaysia. edition, NEM 3.0, launched earlier this year has generated
positive results as 4,523 applications with total capacity of
In the spirit of knowledge sharing, we 284.91MW have been approved across the three initiatives
have invited His Excellency Chainarong as of November 2021. Further, KeTSA’s decision to release
Keratiyutwong, Ambassador of an additional 300MW of solar quota under NEM NOVA will
Thailand to Malaysia, to share indeed attract more participants to apply for the programme,
his valuable insights on which will be available via SEDA Malaysia’s eNEM system
the development of starting from 15th November 2021. The additional quota is
sustainable energy in expected to benefit up to 300 commercial and industrial
Thailand. Thank you for customers and create new business opportunities for over 100
your contribution, Your local solar players. Further, it will create an estimated value of
Excellency. RM1.2 billion and provide 3,600 job opportunities, contributing
greatly towards Malaysia’s post-COVID-19 pandemic recovery.
As we close the final
chapter of 2021, SEDA In view of things to come in 2022, SEDA Malaysia will continue
Malaysia looks forward playing its role as the leading agency in spearheading the
to what awaits us in Malaysia’s SE agenda, and to help achieve the country’s
the coming new year. ambition in becoming a net-zero nation by 2050.
One notable highlight
is the much-anticipated Lastly, on behalf of the Authority Members, management and
International Sustainable staff at SEDA Malaysia, I would like to express my sincerest
Energy Summit (ISES), gratitude to all stakeholders and readers of SEM magazine for
which has become the key your continuous support over the decade. Happy New Year,
knowledge and networking and see you in the year 2022.
platform for the SE industry
and investors. The 5th ISES
2022 is expected to take place
in the Q3 of next year, so be
sure to mark your calendar!
SEDA Malaysia

2 Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13

Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13 3
C o n t e n t s
Volume 5 Issue 13

6 16
Leading the nation towards sustainable

Discovering SE potential at Expo 2020 Dubai 14

Boosting the RE sector with solar 16


Economic spillover from biogas sector 20
Raising biomass energy venture's attraction
via Feed-in Tariff
The Sustainable Energy Development Authority
(SEDA) Malaysia is a statutory body formed under
the Sustainable Energy Development Authority Act
2011 [Act 726]. The key role of SEDA is to administer
and manage the implementation of the feed-in tariff
mechanism which is mandated under the Renewable
Energy Act 2011 [Act 725].

4 Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13

Supported by Published by

ISSN 2590-4000
VOL. 5
ISSUE 13 www.seda.gov.my

Dato’ Hamzah Bin Hussin

Mohammad Nazri Bin Mizayauddin
Ts Steve Anthony Lojuntin
Roslan Ali @ Hassan

Arnis Abdul Rashid
Edzwan Suwaji
Syeikh Mohd Iqbal Mohd Yusof
Siti Aisyah Nabilah Suwardi


28 42
[email protected]
+6 019 774 6932
[email protected]
+6 019 546 8676

SEDA Publication No:

SEM Volume 5 Issue 13
Tri-annual Publications

© All rights reserved. Reproduction of all or

any part of this publication via electronic,
mechanical, recording or other medium is
strictly prohibited without written consent
from SEDA Malaysia.
Riding on hydro energy potential 28
Conceptualised, produced
and published for
NEM 3.0 shines brighter light on solar
32 Sustainable Energy
Development Authority
(SEDA) Malaysia
Ambition to action: The Kingdom of Thailand
gears up towards ‘Carbon Neutrality’
36 Hijau Setiajaya Sdn Bhd
L-07-01, Level 7, Block L
Solaris Mont Kiara
The voices of Malaysia’s future generations 42 No. 2, Jalan Solaris Mont Kiara
50480, Kuala Lumpur
Tel.: +603 6200 0638
Email: [email protected]
Calendar of events 48 Website: www.hijaumediagroup.com

Printed by:
Mercprint Sdn Bhd
No.18 & 20, Jalan Pbs 14/13,
Kawasan Perindustrian Bukit Serdang,
43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor.

Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13 5


ver the past decade, we have seen strong
efforts by the Malaysian Government
in accelerating the country’s energy
transition towards sustainable energy. With the

enactment of National Renewable Energy Policy
and Action Plan (NREPAP) in 2010, it has set clear
target on renewable energy pathway for Malaysia
solar pv
up to horizon years of 2050. Several initiatives
including Feed-in Tariff (FiT), Large Scale Solar
(LSS) auction exercises and Net Energy Metering
(NEM) have been in placed to support this target,
a translation on the Government’s commitment
towards addressing the climate change needs.
This is more evident when Malaysia became one
of the signatories of the Paris Agreement at the
21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) to the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC) on 12th December 2015, which
entered into force on 4th November 2016.

Under the Paris Agreement, Malaysia’s Nationally Determined

Contribution (NDC) is to reduce the country’s greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions intensity of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
by 45% by the year 2030 relative to 2005 levels. Most recently,
the Government reaffirmed its commitment and has pledged
to achieve Net Zero Carbon Emissions (NZCE) earliest by 2050.

Be that as it may, it is a challenging feat for any growing

economy to satisfy rising energy demands and achieve energy
sustainability at the same time. Malaysia’s journey towards
sustainable energy has been a rewarding albeit a long one,
more so with the establishment of Sustainable Energy
Development Authority (SEDA) Malaysia as the leading
agency in spearheading the country’s sustainable energy (SE)
agenda since 2011.

6 Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13

Historically, Malaysia has been a fossil fuel exporter of crude
oil and natural gas (in both piped and liquefied) since 1975.
It should be noted that while Malaysia thrived on abundant
fossil resources, there are projections indicating that the
country’s crude oil and natural gas reserves will be exhausted
by 2051 and 2061, respectively.

Further, just like most Southeast Asian countries, Malaysia

relies heavily on petroleum, natural gas and coal for primary
and secondary energy consumption. Coal, being the cheapest
primary energy source, is still used extensively across the
country (and around the world) even though it contributes to
global warming. The fact that Malaysia is not a coal-producing
country also meant that we are highly dependent on imported

small hydro resources to meet our growing energy needs. The Government
had also spent billions of dollars on rising oil imports and
energy subsidies in an effort to improve living standards and
maintain electricity and gasoline at affordable prices to the

These areas of concern, coupled with rising distress on

global warming and the urgent need to protect Mother
Earth served as a wake up call for Malaysia to re-evaluate
the way we generate and consume energy, and the need for
an implementing agency to ensure that the nation stays on
track towards a clean energy future. With the current policy
development within the electricity supply industry, the
Government has committed for low-carbon energy system
prior to setting further direction in supporting the NZCE

A coal power plant.

Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13 7

Malaysia’s energy transition from fossil fuel to sustainable
energy began with the Fifth Fuel Policy initiated under the
Eight Malaysia Plan (2001- 2005), which identified renewable
energy (RE) resources as the fifth fuel to be included into the
national energy mix. The policy served as a launching pad for
Malaysia’s SE agenda as it pushed for optimizing the use of RE
resources as a way to achieve maximum reduction of carbon
emissions in the atmosphere.

With the Fifth Fuel Policy in placed, the Government began

rolling out several RE-related programmes over the next few
years such as the Small Renewable Energy Power Programme
(SREP); the Biogen Full-Scale Model Demonstration Project
(Biogen FSM); the Malaysia Building Integrated Photovoltaic
Project (MBIPV); and the Centre for Education and Training in
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CETREE).
On 2nd April 2010, the then Cabinet approved the National
Renewable Energy Policy and Action Plan (NREPAP) to
overcome the main barriers to renewable energy deployment around the world due to its effectiveness and efficiency. By
in Malaysia: market failure, policies inconsistencies, mixed guaranteeing access to the grid and setting a favourable price
signals to investors, as well as the lack of a robust and long per unit of energy generated, it ensures that RE becomes a
term sustainable growth. viable long-term investment for companies, industries and
even individuals.
From NREPAP came the Renewable Energy Act 2011 [Act 725],
which provides for the establishment and implementation of The RE Fund was also established under Section 23 of the
the Feed-in Tarff (FiT) mechanism to accelerate the generation RE Act 2011, whereby costs of the system are transferred onto
of renewable energy from solar photovoltaic, biogas, biomass electricity consumers who are required to pay an additional
and small hydropower, and to provide for related matters. The surcharge on top of their electricity bills collected by the
FiT mechanism enables the Distribution Licensees (DLs) to distribution licensees and deposited into the fund. Domestic
buy RE from Feed-in Approval Holders (FiAHs) for a duration electricity customers who consume less than 300 kWh/month
between 10 to 21 years and at the FiT rates set out in the will be exempted from contributing to the RE Fund.
Schedule of the RE Act 2011.
In the same year, SEDA Malaysia was established as a statutory
The FiT mechanism has become the most widely used body mandated under the Sustainable Energy Development
policy instrument to promote renewable energy deployment Authority Act 2011 [Act 726] and has been entrusted with a
key role to administer and manage the implementation of the
FiT mechanism. The Authority operates under the five thrusts
under NREPAP, which are:

• To increase RE contribution in the national power

generation mix;
• To facilitate the growth of the RE industry;
• To ensure reasonable RE generation costs;
• To conserve the environment for future generations; and
• To enhance awareness on the role and importance of RE.

1. Mistral Engineering Sdn. Bhd. 4.0MW biogas plant.

2. One of the trainings conducted by SEDA Malaysia that contributes to the
human capital development in the SE industry.
3. The aerial view of the solar PV system installed on the rooftop of “The
Walkway” linking both the National Cancer Institute and Hospital Putrajaya
under Phase 2 of GLBE project.

8 Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13

The first quota of FiT
Malaysia’s sustainable energy landscape has grown was released via an
exponentially over the past decade. More SE initiatives and e-FiT online system
programmes have been established and deployed by SEDA
Malaysia, their benefits reaped by the industry, the country
on 1st December 2011
and the Rakyat. at 12:01am with a total
of 505MW quotas
.: FEED-IN TARIFF (FiT) offered from the point
In the early years of its implementation, the Feed-in Tariff (FiT)
of launch until the first
scheme caters to four RE sectors – solar, biomass, biogas and half of 2014.
small hydro. The first quota of FiT was released via an e-FiT
online system on 1st December 2011 at 12:01am with a total
of 505MW quotas offered from the point of launch until the
first half of 2014. The allocation of quota made was 190MW for
year 2011/2012 and 2013, and 125MW for 1H 2014, respectively.
The allocation of quota by sector is as shown in Table 1:

Table 1: FiT Quota 2011 - 2014

Biogas Small Solar PV Solar PV
Biogas Biomass - Solid
Year Sewage Hydro < 1MW > 1MW Total (MW)


2011/2012 20 10 60 20 30 10 40 190

2013 20 10 50 30 30 10 40 190

H1 2014 10 5 25 15 45 5 20 125

from 1st to 15th June 2021, 24 companies have successfully

submitted their bids for various capacities from the total quota
Between 2011 and 2014, SEDA Malaysia has received 25 of 31.805MW. The projects that received the offered quota are
Feed-in Approval (FiA) applications, of which 13 applications expected to achieve commercial operations by second half
were accepted for a combined capacity of 131.8MW. From of 2024. As of November 2021, 60 biogas projects have been
year 2012 to 2016, the biomass sector recorded the highest commissioning with a combined capacity of 119.74MW with
volume in terms of energy generation from RE projects that another 95.58MW in construction.
have achieved commercial operations; the total combined
energy generation throughout the five-year was 974.40GWh. Small Hydro
During the e-bidding exercise held in June 2021, a total quota
of 30MW from 187.805MW was allocated for biomass sector. Small hydro power (SHP) project developers were previously
As of November 2021, a total capacity of 70.65MW of biomass incentivised via the Small Renewable Energy Power (SREP)
plants have been commissioned throughout Malaysia with that was implemented between 2001 to 2010. When the FiT
another 70MW in construction. scheme came into force, the small hydro sector was allocated
with 30MW for 2011/2012 and 2013, and 45MW for 1H 2014.
SEDA Malaysia received nine SHP Feed-in Approval (FiA)
applications for the 2011-2014 quota; six were approved but
A total of 60MW quotas were allocated to the biogas sector only four were accepted with a combined capacity of 11.70MW.
between 2011 and 2014. Until December 2016, a total of In the first five years of implementation, 3,825 SHP FiA
6,855 FiT projects with a total capacity of 420.94MW had applications have been approved with a combined capacity
achieved commercial operations, of which 30.89MW was of 232.0434MW. As of November 2021, a combined capacity of
from the biogas sector. As of end-2017, a total of cumulative 83.8MW has started commissioning with another 505.68MW
30 biogas projects have achieved commercial operations with in construction.
installed capacity of 55.83MW. In the fourth e-bidding held

Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13 9

c) Net Offset Virtual Aggregation (NOVA) – open
Solar PV
to commercial, industrial, agriculture and mining
SEDA Malaysia has seen strong uptake of quotas offered establishments whereby the excess energy generated from
under the FiT scheme by the solar PV sector. At the end of their solar PV system can be exported to the national grid
2012, the total capacity of FiT applications for solar sector was to offset their electricity bills based on the Average System
51.45MW from 479 applications. A year later, the Authority Marginal Price (SMP), or distributed to up to three wholly-
noted the total installed capacity applications shot up by 82% owned subsidiary companies.
to 162.88MW.
On 22nd October 2021, the Ministry of Energy and Natural
Due to the overwhelming response received from the solar Resources (KeTSA) announced that the Government has
PV sector, a new community category was added to FiT’s allocated an additional 300MW quota under the NOVA,
solar PV application in 2014. SEDA Malaysia continued to which can be applied through SEDA Malaysia’s eNEM system
see encouraging uptake of quotas allocated for solar PV starting from 15th November 2021. The additional NOVA quota
over the next two years. By 2016, the total installed capacity is expected to benefit over 300 commercial and industrial
applications for solar PV has increased to 90.27MW. As of customers, create new business opportunities for over 100
November 2021, 10,270 solar PV projects have commissioned local solar players, generate an estimated investment value
for FiT with a combined capacity of 387.03MW. of RM1.2 billion and provide 3,600 job opportunities for the
SEDA Malaysia has also seen more applications for its PV
The Net Energy Metering (NEM) mechanism was launched on Industry Directories. To date, there are 195 Registered PV
1st November 2016 following the strong uptake of FiT quotas Service Providers (RPVSPs) and 211 Registered Solar PV
offered to the solar PV sector. Despite a low uptake rate of Investors (RPVIs).
only 27.8MW installed capacity by the end 2018, a revision in
the programme’s mechanism (relaunched as NEM 2.0) saw .: ENERGY EFFICIENCY
renewed interest as the response received for year 2019 alone
was astounding; 1,252 applications representing 102.41MW of While the deployment of Feed-in Tariff (FiT) scheme and Net
the total capacity were approved in that year alone, bringing Energy Metering (NEM) programme have become the catalyst
the cumulative approved capacity of NEM to 130.21MW. This to Malaysia’s energy transition towards SE, more must be done
translated to an increase of nearly 3.68 times the total capacity to boost the country’s SE growth. The supply and demand for
approved from 2016 to 2018. The 500MW quota allocated for SE must be balanced and therefore, it requires the involvement
NEM 2.0 was fully taken up ahead of its closing date that was of the entire population including both private and public
set at the end of 2020. sectors, and the Rakyat. To put this concept into action, SEDA
Malaysia is entrusted to implement energy efficiency (EE)
The NEM 3.0 programme was launched on 29th December 2020 projects and programmes mandated and authorised by the
with a fresh 500MW quota, which will be carried out in phases Government.
from 1st February 2021 until 31st December 2023. NEM 3.0 is
categorised into three programmes: Government Lead By Example

a) NEM Rakyat – open to residential users who have installed Among the first projects undertaken by SEDA Malaysia is the
solar PV panels on the rooftop of their homes whereby they Government Lead By Example (GLBE) to promote the practice
can enjoy an offset rate of “one-to-one” from the prevailing in efficient use of energy in Government-owned buildings,
gazetted tariff for a period of 10 years. The programme is which include ministries, department agencies, universities and
expected to between about 10,000 to 25,000 TNB domestic hospitals. In 2011, SEDA Malaysia has identified 105 buildings
account holders / households in Peninsular Malaysia. as intensive electricity users under the Efficient Management
of Electrical Energy Regulations 2008 (EMEER 2008). By
b) NEM Government Ministries and Entities (GoMEn) – open end of 2012, 93 buildings have selected for the programme
to government premises with installed solar PV system of which 48 had successfully achieved the 3% electricity
where they can enjoy similar offset rate of “one-to-one” savings target, which translated to 122 million kWh saving
under commercial tariff for a period of 10 years. About 100 and a reduction of 83,000 tonnes of CO2 emission. Further,
government buildings in Peninsular Malaysia are expected 12 ministry buildings in Putrajaya had successfully achieved
a reduction of RM6 million in their monthly electricity bill; 10.4% savings in electricity consumption or 11 million kWh and
and a reduction of 7,800 tonnes of CO2 emission. In 2015, SEDA
Malaysia has completed its GLBE-GCPV Systems Installation
at selected 25 Government-buildings in Putrajaya. An energy
audit for four buildings under KeTSA has been carried in 2021.

10 Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13

have been claimed, which translated to more than RM20
Sustainable Low Carbon Building Facilitation
millions in savings.
and Assessment (LCB GreenPASS)
In 2016, SEDA Malaysia’s has introduced the Sustainable .: HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT
Low Carbon Building Facilitation and Assessment (LCB
GreenPASS), which is a voluntary and industry-driven Since the year 2012, SEDA Malaysia has collaborated with
programme targeted at building owners, developers, local various agencies, higher learning institutions and research
authorities, private sector, Government, and any EE building institutes in an effort to raise the level of competency within
projects (new or retrofit). The programme focuses on actual the RE industry, and to further promote the EE culture among
energy consumption and reduction in buildings, thus making Government agencies, Malaysian companies and consumers.
an accurate reflection of the emissions and reduction For instance, SEDA Malaysia has organised numerous EE-
contributed to the environment. As of November 2021, SEDA related and low carbon building facilitation programmes;
Malaysia has received 135 applications for GreenPASS, which advisory, training and capacity building programmes as
translated to 1,218.8GWh in savings, and a reduction of well as awareness promotional programmes. Authority has
84,173 tonnes of CO2 emission. The Authority also recorded that also published various training modules related to Grid-
five buildings have been awarded the Low Carbon Building Connected Photovoltaic (GCPV) Design Systems, EE and
(LCB) 1-Diamond rating under GreenPASS, 67 buildings Energy Management in 2013. Between 2011 and 2019, RE-
awarded LCB 2-Diamond rating, nine buildings awarded LCB related training programmes under SEDA Malaysia have
3-Diamond rating, and two awarded the 4-Diamond rating. attracted 2,312 participants. Meanwhile, EE-related training
programmes have attracted a total of 2,770 participants
Energy Audit Conditional Grant (EACG) between 2016 and 2021.

The Energy Audit Conditional Grant (EACG) under the Eleventh 1st September 2021 was a momentous landmark for SEDA
Malaysia Plan was part of the Government strategy to create Malaysia as it reached the first decade of operations. Over
awareness on energy management and the importance of the past decade, the Authority had played a crucial role
having energy audit, and subsequently help commercial as the implementing agency overseeing the FiT and NEM
building owners to reduce their electricity consumption. programmes, and it intends to play its part the fullest in
Given the positive response by the public throughout its supporting the Government’s efforts to further nurture the
implementation from 2016 to 2020, and its impact to the development of the nation’s SE industry.
country’s overall SE agenda, EACG is continued under the
Twelfth Malaysia Plan 2021 – 2025 (RMK-12). RM86.73 million
has been allocated for EACG under RMK-12.

Sustainability Achieved Via Energy Efficiency (SAVE)

The SAVE programme was first deployed on 7th July 2011 with
the objectives to stimulate the sale of 5-star energy efficient-
rated home appliances while promoting a culture of efficiency
energy use among business entities and the Rakyat. Under
SAVE 1.0, a total of 165,000 rebate vouchers were offered
for the purchase of 5-star energy efficient-rated refrigerators
and air-conditioners, from which 164,648 vouchers or 99.78%
have been claimed. The programme also offered rebate to
businesses that have completed the replacement of existing
inefficient chillers to new efficient ones. For this, SEDA Malaysia
received 52 applications with 61,980RT (Refrigeration Tonnes)
or 86.06% of the allocated capacity.

Additionally, the Government has announced a new edition of

SAVE programme during the Budget 2021 with an allocation
of RM30 million. The updated programme, SAVE 2.0, offers
an e-rebate of RM200 for the purchase of 4-star and 5-star
energy efficient-rated refrigerators and air-conditions from
selected retailers or e-commerce platforms. The programme 1. Balloting event for Solar PV application for the non-individuals on
once again received overwhelming response from the Rakyat 18th June 2014.
2. EACG Training Session 6/2018 held on 9th and 10th October 2018 by
and as of November 2021, 114,955 out of 150,000 e-rebates SEDA Malaysia.

Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13 11

Over the past decade, SEDA Malaysia has
become a leading agency in championing the
country’s sustainable energy transition. The
Authority strives to continue playing a crucial
role in spearheading RE development in the

Malaysia, and to continuously support the
Government in achieving SE aspirations.

The National RE
2025 2035

31 40

Cumulative 21.64
% % investment
(MYR bn)

Malaysia's Nationally Determined
Contribution (NDC) for Greenhouse
(# of Jobs)
Gas (GHG) Emissions SEDA Malaysia strives to further contribute to the national

GDP, by attracting potential investment and providing
more employment through FiT and NEM, as well as other

2005 initiatives and programmes mandated and authorised by

the Government.

0.096 kgCO / MYR

emission intensity of GDP


reduced 0.053 kgCO / MYR
emission intensity of GDP
RE Training EE Training
Programmes Programmes

2,312 2,770
no. of participants no. of participants
from 2011 - 2019 from 2016 - 2021

SEDA Malaysia has conducted various RE and EE training

programmes to raise the competency levels within the SE industry.

12 Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13

323MW 120MW 58MW 84MW 13MW
Capacity of FiT projects
currently in operations

596.71MW Solar PV Biogas Biomass Hydro WTE

0.35MW 91.20MW 48MW 506MW 23MW

Committed capacity
FiT projects

667.32MW Solar PV Biogas Biomass Hydro WTE

Estimated job creations

based on the quota 1,410 423 566 938 142

Total RE capacity approved under FiT scheme as of November 2021.

No. of Registered No. of Registered

PV PV Service
Investors Providers

LCB GreenPass SAVE 2.0 Programme

1,218.8 84,173
in savings
tonnes CO2 emissions
has been reduced
39,164 22.26
tonnes CO2

applications reduction saving on
approved for every year electricity bills

LCB GreenPASS programme’s performance as of November 2021. Based on estimated projection.

Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13 13

he Expo 2020 Dubai is much-anticipated World Expo hosted
by Dubai in the United Arab Emirates from 1st October 2021 to
31st March 2022, after nearly a year of postponement due to the
COVID-19 pandemic, participated by 192 countries and 10 organisations.

Malaysia Pavilion, also known as the Rainforest Canopy, is located in the Sustainability District
and it is considered as the only net-zero carbon structure at the Expo. Themed ‘Energising
Sustainability’, the Pavilion is a testament to Malaysia’s strong commitment to balance socio-
economic progress with environmental concerns to ensure a secure and sustainable future.
This is showcased through 26 weekly thematic trade and business programmes covering
10 key industries. SEDA Malaysia was appointed as the Lead Consultant for the Green
Technology Application for the Development of Low Carbon (GTALCC) programme. During the
5th Week: Low Carbon Cities, SEDA Malaysia was the joint secretariat alongside the Ministry
of Environment and Water (KASA) to promote National Policy - National Low Carbon Cities
Masterplan among other activities and involvements.

Representatives from SEDA Malaysia had participated in the networking and low carbon city
technical visit sessions, which took place between 1st and 6th November 2021. The delegates
were involved in numerous activities including seminars and forums, business matching and
stakeholder engagements, technical visits, engaged in talks for potential collaboration with
various organisations, and a guided tour around the Expo 2020 Dubai.

The Climate Change Conversation (CCC) on Global
Sustainable Cities, and Seminar on Accelerating Low Carbon
Cities Towards a Sustainable Future by GTALCC
SEDA Malaysia had organised two seminars on low carbon
cities, covering aspects of sustainable energy (SE). Other key
highlights include an introduction of SEDA Malaysia and its
role in the implementation of SE initiatives in Malaysia and
globally; to promote the National Low Carbon Cities Masterplan
developed by the Authority; a preliminary discussion with
the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) on implementing a low
carbon building programme at the city council; and, to call on
government agencies and local authorities to be more involved
in low carbon citites initiatives.

1. The seminar organised by SEDA Malaysia on low carbon cities.

2. SEDA Malaysia delegates with YBhg. Datuk Seri Hj. Mahadi bin Che Ngah, Mayor of Kuala Lumpur.
3. Part of the SEDA Malaysia entourage went to the Sustainable City in Dubai for a technical visit.
4. Mr. Mohammad Nazri Mizayauddin, Chief Strategic Officer of SEDA Malaysia with Dr. Sgouris, the Director of
Research Development.
5. Low Carbon Cities Appreciation Dinner co-hosted by SEDA Malaysia.
6. 192 countries and 10 organisations are participating in Expo 2020 Dubai, which is on-going from 1st October 2021
to 31st March 2022.

14 Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13

2-3 NOVEMBER 2021
Business Matching and Pocket Talks
Over the two days, SEDA Malaysia had attended a business
matching event hosted by MIDA and MATRADE, as well as
several Pocket Talks. These programmes aimed at seeking
potential implementation and collaboration between private
companies and local authorities as well as providing a platform
for knowledge-sharing exercise between local authorities
and the participants on matters related to low carbon cities,
particularly on aspects of SE.

Technical Visits to The Sustainable City, Dubai, and Dubai
Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) Research and
Development Centre
SEDA Malaysia had the opportunity to explore The Sustainable
City, the first net-zero energy development in Dubai. During the
technical visit, the delegates were able to learn more on the
implementation of the project as well as exchanging thoughts
and general knowledge with the developer and local authorities.

The objective of the visit to the Dubai Electricity and Water

Authority (DEWA) Research and Development Centre was 4

to explore potential collaboration between SEDA Malaysia

and DEWA. The visit was a success as DEWA has agreed
to collaborate with SEDA Malaysia. Programmes expected
to be covered under the collaboration include conducting
site-practical trainings; sharing of facilities for research and
performance testing on solar-related products; co-organising
knowledge transfer sessions on SE including hydrogen
technology; co-hosting an international training programme
on SE including dispatch of experts between the two agencies;
and, to further develop and update existing training modules
under SEDA Malaysia.

4 NOVEMBER 2021 4-6 NOVEMBER 2021

Low Carbon Cities Appreciation Dinner Official visits to pavilions at Expo 2020 Dubai
SEDA Malaysia also co-hosted the Low Carbon Cities In addition to Malaysia’s Pavilion, SEDA Malaysia had visited
Appreciation Dinner, which was held as a form of gratitude numerous pavilions at the Expo 2020 Dubai. These include
shown to the Ministry, the Malaysian Consulate in the UAE, Thailand Pavilion; Slovak Pavilion; Slovenia Pavilion; Austria
local authorities, and various companies for their involvement in Pavilion; Sweden Pavilion; Mobility Pavilion; Sustainability
the low carbon cities initiatives as well as a chance for business Pavilion, and others. SEDA Malaysia had also participated in
networking on a global scale. bilateral meetings at the New Zealand Pavilion and Canada

5 6

Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13 15

the RE sector
with solar
thriving renewable energy (RE) sector is a good indicator of how
serious is a country in its attempt to address the concerns of
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the main contributor to global
climate change.

A designated official agency for RE is crucial for the sector to continue growing as well as
compiling the necessary official data to track the industry’s developments and progress.

In the case of Malaysia, there is the Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA)
Malaysia. Statistics compiled by SEDA Malaysia are important as proof that Malaysia is doing
what it claims.

Kompleks Hijau Solar in Melaka, one of the most

resource-efficient solar farms in the world.

16 Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13

Before SEDA Malaysia was set up via the Renewable Energy Gading Kencana noted that
Act 2011, the Malaysian Energy Centre was the body dealing prior to the setting up of
with RE and Energy Efficiency (EE). With the setting up of SEDA SEDA Malaysia, training of
Malaysia, the industry is more regulated with the standards staff in the solar PV field is
for solar PV systems having been established. SEDA Malaysia very expensive, as they have
Dato' Ir Guntor Tobeng,
became the one-centre reference for the RE industry players. to be sent abroad for their Founder and Managing Director
required courses and exams. of Gading Kencana Sdn. Bhd.
The standards also ensure that quality systems are delivered
to the users, and this is very important for the growth of the It noted that SEDA Malaysia has established the needed
industry. To monitor the growth and achievements of the RE training syllabus and standards, and training centres such as
sector, one regulatory agency is crucial. Selangor Human Resource Development Centre, Construction
Industry Development Board, Universiti Kuala Lumpur were
SEDA Malaysia also establishes training syllabus for solar PV commissioned to carry out the training. This has greatly
designers and installers. Only Certified Designers and Installers reduced the costs of training.
are allowed to do the job. This ensures that only qualified
persons can do the job and not just anyone who claims that When SEDA Malaysia was set up in 2011, and subsequently,
they are qualified. the roll out of the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) scheme, Gading Kencana
was actively bidding for quotas, and has successfully installed
One local company that has prospered with the presence solar PV rooftop systems for its clients.
of SEDA Malaysia is Gading Kencana Sdn. Bhd., one of the
leading players of Malaysia’s solar PV sector. In 2012, SEDA Malaysia called for bids for small-scale solar
farms with each solar farm licence issued at the maximum
capacity of 5MW. Gading Kencana won two licences, one
for 5MW and the other 3MW. This solar farm that was built in
Ayer Keroh, Melaka was commissioned in 2014.

Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13 17


In the year 2016, the Energy Commission (ST) called for bids From solar garden lights, the company moved on to solar
for the first batch of Large Scale Solar farms (LSS1). Gading streetlights. It promoted the idea to the Public Works
Kencana won the bid and its second solar farm of 30MW in Department and Local Councils, whereby it was cheaper and
Bidor, Perak was commissioned in 2018. faster to light up accident-prone and dangerous junctions and
stretches of road where no grid supply were available.
Gading Kencana started its business retailing solar powered
garden lights as early as the year 2000. From solar garden With the building of the Malaysian Energy Centre’s
lights, the company moved on to solar powered street headquarters LEO building (now known as the Malaysian
lightings. It soon acquired the knowledge and skills through Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation, MGTC) in
the training of staff in Germany to enable them to design and Bangi, the SURIA 1000 was also introduced where subsidized
construct Stand-alone (off-grid) Solar PV systems. The solar solar PV systems were installed by individuals and businesses.
PV systems were installed at Orang Asal villages and remote
settlements and schools in Sabah and Sarawak. At that time, the training of personnel for solar PV were only
found in countries like Germany and Australia. Gading Kencana
Additionally, Gading Kencana has participated in the Suria has dedicated a significant operating budget to send its staff
1000 programme and the biggest rooftop solar PV system for solar PV systems design and installation training.
that the company installed was for the Tesco building in Kulim,
Kedah. This project was followed up by the 564kW rooftop SIGNATURE PROJECTS
system for Bosch factory in Bayan Lepas, Pulau Pinang.

Gading Kencana has two signature projects, namely the

Gading Kencana has initiated the solar PV industry by
SURIAku and the Wakaf Solar Masjid.
retailing solar garden lights manufactured in Malaysia but
sold to overseas market as very little is known about solar PV
The SURIAku was the pilot project for a later larger scale
technology. At that time when people mention “solar”, it is
MySURIA. SURIAKu was a special allocation by SEDA Malaysia
fully equated with solar water heater.
to install 4KWp solar PV systems at the houses of 20 poor
families in the district of Arau, Perlis under the Feed-in Tariff
The company had, at its own expense, promoted the
(FiT) scheme.
technology through trade exhibitions and mass media

18 Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13

Gading Kencana started its
business retailing solar powered
garden lights as early as the year
2000. From solar garden lights,
the company moved on to solar
powered street lightings. It soon
acquired the knowledge and
skills through the training of staff
in Germany to enable them to
design and construct Stand-alone
(off-grid) Solar PV systems. The
solar PV systems were installed
at Orang Asal villages and remote
settlements and schools in Sabah
and Sarawak.

The families from then on have regular income compared

to their meagre and irregular income. The programme was
initiated in 2012 as a joint effort by Gading Kencana and the
Northern Corridor Economic Region (NCER). The programme
was completed in 2014. The project won the National Energy
Awards and ASEAN Energy Awards in the First Runner-up

Wakaf Solar Masjid was a joint effort by the office of the
Member of Parliament of Johor Bahru and Gading Kencana.
About 25 mosques and suraus were fitted with solar roof top
PV systems of varying capacities under the Feed-in Tariff (FiT)
scheme. This project ensures that the prayer houses have
a regular income to maintain their premises instead of the
irregular contributions from their congregation.

The company noted that solar PV electric vehicle (EV) charging

stations are expected to be the next wave in the solar PV
domain. In addition, the generation and self-consumption of
solar power for factories, data centres and other users who
wish to reduce their energy bills are also having potential in
Malaysia. 5

This could open doors for mini/community grids, said Gading

1. Gading Kencana 8MW Solar Farm, sprawling 17.17 acres in Melaka.
2. Visitors are given a guided tour around Gading Kencana's solar farm.
3. Gading Kencana LSS Farm at Bidor, Perak.
4. Gading Kencana participating in a trade exhibition.
5. Dato' Ir Guntor Tobeng at one of the solar farms under
Gading Kencana Sdn. Bhd.

Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13 19

from biogas
ince its inception in 2011, the Sustainable Energy
Development Authority (SEDA) Malaysia has contributed From the FiT quotas,
enormously in promoting and developing the growth of
sustainable energy in the form of Renewable Energy (RE) and the Concord Group has
energy efficiency (EE) in Malaysia. managed to establish
several biogas plants
The RE Act 2011 established the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) mechanism, an essential
policy framework that accelerated RE growth in the last decade and this in Pahang, Johor and
was solely implemented by SEDA Malaysia. The FiT has been a catalyst in Terengganu for the
enhancing Malaysia's RE agenda towards the target of 31% RE contribution
in the national energy mix by 2025. Prior to FiT, the biogas industry exhibited
benefits of Malaysians
sparse growth, mainly for compliance with Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) and the nation’s
regulations at palm oil mill owners’ expense. sustainable energy (SE)
The Concord Group, one of the main players of Malaysia’s biogas industry, has initiatives.
done well from the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) quotas it secured from SEDA Malaysia.
From the FiT quotas, the Concord Group has managed to establish several
biogas plants in Pahang, Johor and Terengganu for the benefit of Malaysians
and the nation’s sustainable energy (SE) initiatives.

20 Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13

A project under FiT, a Biogas Plant at Kemaman Mill of
TDM Plantation Sdn. Bhd. Terengganu, Malaysia.

At present, the Concord Group’s biogas plants and locations Breakdown of total job opportunities created by the Concord
are: Group as of October 2021 at its sites and HQ are:

• Lepar Hilir Biogas Plant, Pahang (commissioned in • Operation Team: 66

December 2018); • Project Team: 14
• Keratong 2 Biogas Plant, Pahang (commissioned in • Management & administrative staff (KL HQ): 16
February 2019); • Interns (all locations): 20
• Lok Heng Biogas Plant, Johor (commissioned in June
2019); The Concord Group even offers career progression. For
• Adela Biogas Plant, Johor (commissioned in June 2019); example, since the start of operations in 2019, 17 personnel
• Kemaman Biogas Plant, Terengganu (expected initial from the operation team have been promoted and/or
operation date (IOD) December 2021); transferred to other sites. The transfer to other sites and states
• Sungai Tong Biogas Plant, Terengganu (expected IOD provides exposure for their career progression and personal
December 2021); and development.
• Ulu Keratong Biogas Plant, Pahang 9 (expected IOD
August 2022). In addition, the Concord Group supports upskilling via training
with certified bodies and sponsorship of further education for
Through its activities, the Concord Group has successfully all staff. Examples of trainings attended are:
created jobs in rural areas e.g. FELDA estates and Kuala
Lumpur (HQ). Around 90% of operation site staff are recruited • Certified Chargeman Competency training by the Energy
from the local plantation communities, who previously were Commission and Tenaga Nasional Berhad;
doing odd jobs in the vicinity but later hired as Concord Group • Occupational Safety & Health by the National Institute of
staff, upon training and job exposure. Occupational Safety and Health; and
• Operation & Maintenance of Biogas Power Plant by SEDA

Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13 21

Interns from local universities are regularly taken in for periods
of three to seven months, and are also given the opportunity
to visit the Concord Group’s biogas plants for a hands-on
learning experience.

For the local SMEs, those from within the local community
are given sub-contract works for certain work scopes, which
contributes continuous local economic activity. This is done
during construction and operation of a project. Some SMEs that
are beneficiaries of the Concord Group’s activities in the biogas
sector are Dyna Power Electrical Engineering & Supply,
Asri Teguh Enterprise, Setia Bumi Hijau Sdn. Bhd.,
MDF Jaya Enterprise and JNZ Permata Engineering.

The Concord Group’s presence works out to be a blessing in

disguise for local farmers as its operations yield anaerobic
digester sludge that is suitable for use as liquid bio-fertilizer
for cash crops or oil palm. The sludge is rich in nutrients and up
to 40 cubic metres (fertilizer value equivalent to RM2,000) is
obtained per day per site, with a total quantity of approximately
150 cubic metres per day for the four operational sites. This
form of fertilizer is given complimentary to local farmers.

In addition, a greenhouse in Adela biogas plant is set up,

utilising anaerobic digester sludge as fertiliser for vegetables
and harvested by the staff at the site. The produce is given to
surrounding communities or families of staff.

In human capital development, the Concord Group

continuously engages with local universities e.g. University of
Nottingham, Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Universiti Malaysia
Pahang, and Universiti Tuanku Abdul Rahman to organise The Concord Group is also undertaking R&D on decanter cake
workshops/webinars to promote knowledge of the RE industry (residue from an oil palm extraction process) from the palm
and potential career opportunities. It is collaborating with oil mill to increase biogas production. The Concord Group has
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) to develop a course on also successfully undertaken R&D on the cooling process of
RE. Agreement with UMT is being developed for a period of POME in the mixing tank that preserves the microbes in the
five years starting 2022 for: digester from deteriorating.

• Developing a course on RE and waste management, To promote RE awareness among the surrounding
ultimately to be endorsed by Malaysia Board of communities, the Concord Group is planning an annual
Technologists and the Department of Environment; outreach programme for youths (aged 10 to 17 years old) of
• Organising mutual knowledge transfer programmes; rural communities during school semester break to increase
• Internships for UMT students; awareness on the career prospects in the biogas/renewable
• Industrial attachments for UMT staff; industry. Each session will comprise 10 participants at each
• Under- or postgraduate placements in UMT for Concord site, namely Adela, Keratong 2, Lepar Hilir and Lok Heng.
Group's staff; and
• Joint R&D on waste treatment technology. To increase safety for road users (staff and settlers) at night,
the Concord Group has installed a solar lighting system for
As part of R&D, the Concord Group has developed its own common roads around its plants at Lepar Hilir and Lok Heng.
in-house biogas hydrogen sulphide (H2S) scrubber based on
experience gained from constructing and operating the plants. To summarize, the biogas industry is one of the main
It is one of the homegrown biogas scrubbers in Malaysia and components of Malaysia’s sustainable energy sector. It brings
developed by a team of Malaysian engineers. a host of economic spillover effects to the environment, the
community and the country while contributing to the nation’s
aspiration to achieve 31% RE in the national energy mix by

22 Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13

1 2

Being one of the pioneer project developers in Malaysia,

Concord Group has benefitted from the FiT scheme carried out
by SEDA Malaysia, attributed to its well-defined framework,
which is accessible and business feasible. The framework
remains tried-and-true for the past decade, which has
attracted more project developers and financial institutions to The Concord Group is also
venture into the biogas industry in Malaysia. undertaking R&D on decanter
cake (residue from an oil palm
The Concord Group has won numerous industry awards
extraction process) from the
over the years. For instance, the Concord FGV Lepar Hilir
Biogas Plant and the Concord FGV Adela Biogas Plant were
palm oil mill to increase biogas
recognised as the winner for Category 2: Renewable Energy - production. The Group has also
On-Grid (National Grid) at the National Energy Awards (NEA) successfully undertaken R&D on
2020 and NEA 2021, respectively. The Concord FGV Lepar Hilir the cooling process of POME in
Biogas Plant was also awarded 2nd Runner-up place for the
Renewable Energy: On-Grid (National Grid) category at the
the mixing tank that preserves
ASEAN Energy Awards 2020. the microbes in the digester from
“On the occasion of the 10th anniversary, we would like to
extend our congratulations to SEDA Malaysia and to thank
them for spearheading the RE and biogas growth in Malaysia, 1. Biogas Plant at PKS4 of PT Dharma Satya Nusantara, Muara Wahau,
Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia.
which has been a great benefit to us. We wish SEDA Malaysia
2. Concord FGV Lepar Hilir Biogas Plant in Pahang was recognised as
greater success in the years ahead in their endeavour to the winner of National Energy Awards (NEA) 2020 under the category
implement more RE initiatives as one of the key drivers for "Renewable Energy - On Grid (National Grid)".
3. Concord FGV Adela Biogas Plant, Johor.
climate change agenda in Malaysia and the region,” said the 4. Concord Scrubber at Kemaman Biogas Plant.
Concord Group.

Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13 23


rior to the establishment of the Sustainable Energy
Development Authority (SEDA) Malaysia, there was the
Small Renewable Energy Power Programme (SREP) to
woo industry players into the renewable energy (RE) sector.
During the pre-SEDA Malaysia period, industry engagement
was not robust and there was a lack of investment catalysts.
Investors were offered a rate, which is competitive in the long
run and hence, the return of investment (ROI) was not appealing
at that time.

24 Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13

A 7MW biomass plant at Tenaga Sulpom Sdn. Bhd.,
Dengkil, Selangor.

Financing institutions were not keen to finance the With the collaborations from the various stakeholders,
development of biomass power plants due to the lack of the opportunity to invest in the FiT scheme became more
investment attractiveness and low ROI. Thus, the biomass attractive. Furthermore, the Green Technology Financing
power plant project did not capture the attention of Scheme (GTFS) helps in many ways to subsidize funding
industry players, and most of the biomass wastes are used from the financing institution, which makes such RE
for other purposes. an enticing venture. In addition, CGC offers corporate
guarantees for RE investment that enhance the benefit of
Previously established policy was renewed by The RE projects. MIDA came up with the option of a pioneer
Renewable Energy Act 2011, which witnessed the status programme to any institutional investor who invests
establishment of SEDA Malaysia as an implementing in the RE industry to promote and build up more activity in
agency to manage and administer all RE Feed-in Tariff the industry to create more investment and employment
(FiT) related matters. opportunities.

The introduction of FiT overcame the various limitations All the above catalysts are built during the policy changes,
of SREP and catalysed a rapid growth of RE. It lowers the and many saw the opportunity to invest with attractive ROI
investment risk with the insistence that RE developers and investment in the RE industry taken off easily. On the back
will have access to the electricity grid network and gain of this new bullish background, Tenaga Sulpom Sdn. Bhd.
long-term power supply contracts with the power utility came into the picture to develop a biomass power plant
company. A higher and profitable margin among the new headed by Mr. HS Yap, Director of TSSB and the team.
FiT tariffs has also raised stakeholders’ interests.
Tenaga Sulpom Sdn. Bhd. is a developer in the RE industry
With the inception of SEDA Malaysia, strategic policy and currently operates an integrated 7MW biomass power
changes are made to steer the RE industry with various plant under SEDA Malaysia’s FiT scheme. Its pioneer
stakeholders involved in the process. These included team members are actively engaged in various projects
Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB), Energy Commission (ST), and work closely with various stakeholders to develop
Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change the RE industry into a sizeable market in Malaysia.
Corporation (MGTC), Credit Guarantee Corporation They also advise and work together with government
Malaysia Berhad, Malaysian Investment Development agencies to steer ideas in industry innovation while
Authority (MIDA) and financial institutions. supporting government and private development in the
RE operation.

Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13 25

1 2

Project Lead Mr. CC Lim said, “We experience renewed interest Tenaga Sulpom has been operating the biomass power plant
in the biomass sector after the policy changes as many for the past five years. At the same time, it builds a strong team
institutions are looking to venture into the industry. Primarily, of technical know-how key personnel in the organisation. The
we projected the project investment would be reasonably team employ local employees and we train them to operate
workable and the risk is considerably manageable. With the the plant. RE development plays an important role in growing
options of financing assistance from the government-related RE investment and helps human capital development as if
agencies, the biomass project was able to be explored with more RE projects will be implemented, more employment and
various financial setup in the market, thus various factors expertise are needed in this area.
such as interconnection facility, geographical location and
technology efficiency can be overcome,” Other than biomass, the team also collaborates with private
companies in the development of solar and biogas power
“So, with these reasonable investment criteria from the project plants. Their group’s subsidiary Biogas Sulpom Sdn. Bhd.
evaluation options to convert biomass wastes from the mill has a 2.4MW biogas plant next to the palm oil mill that utilizes
into electricity, it also does help the palm oil milling industry POME waste as fuel. Up to date, the biogas power plant has
to solve the handling of biomass wastes as this usually incur been operating at its optimum capacity to convert available
additional cost to the miller. Besides, with the investment of POME waste from palm oil mill into electricity.
RE biomass power plant from the same palm oil mill operator,
it will increase additional revenue to the cash flow and help Furthermore, the team are planning to develop an integrated
in cost reduction. Therefore, the overall incentives developed solar electricity generation for their facility consumption that
during the policy changes effectively changes the outlook of is in the planning prototype. They will continue to derive more
the industry and investors are keener to explore such project”. ideas and projects that suit their business model in the coming
years and prioritize significantly on environmental concerns.

26 Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13


Tenaga Sulpom has been

operating the biomass
power plant for the past
five years. At the same
time, it builds a strong
team of technical know-
how key personnel in the

The team also actively provides support on the initiatives

developed by SEDA Malaysia on various occasions and events
such as:

• Roundtable Discussion – Advancing the biomass power

generation sector in Malaysia
• Stakeholder Discussion – FiT progress
• Biomass Forum in Nanning, China
• Inaugural Town Hall Session RE Industry
• Sustainable Committee Discussion

All initiatives and programmes implemented by SEDA

Malaysia have been instrumental in the development of SE
in the country. They are the strategic solutions for RE industry
players need to grow their business, and subsequently attract
new investments.

1. Biogas production facility.

2. A worker overseeing plant operation at Tenaga Sulpom's biomass plant.
3. Biomass fuel for energy production.
4. Control room facility for biomass energy production plant. 5
5. Overall outlook of biomass power plant.

Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13 27

Amcorp Perting 6.6MW Mini-Hydro Power Plant, Pahang.

ydroelectric power is the oldest renewable energy (RE)
source in the country and Malaysia had been tapping
the energy-generating potential of hydro to produce
electricity since the pre-Independence era. In 1900, the Sempam
Hydroelectric Power Station in Raub, built by the Raub Australian
Gold Mining Company, became the first power station in Malaysia.

To encourage the private sector to grow the small hydropower generation business,
Malaysia had introduced the Small Renewable Energy Power Programme (SREP).
It was the premier policy mechanism implemented by the Malaysian Government
to promote small-scale renewable electricity in Malaysia from 2001 to 2010.

Riding on
hydro energy potential

28 Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13


The SREP was an initiative launched by the Government
(through the then Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and
Water), which aimed to achieve the Government’s strategy
to intensify the development of RE source as the fifth
fuel resource. The SREP’s primary focus is to facilitate the
expeditious implementation of grid-connected renewable
energy resource-based small power plants.

Amcorp Power Sdn. Bhd. (Amcorp) started its pioneer RE

project in the SREP scheme where Tenaga Nasional Berhad
(TNB) would purchase the RE generated at a fixed tariff
of RM0.167/kWh for a concession period of 21 year. Then
in 2011, SREP migrated to the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) scheme
with the formation of Sustainable Energy Development 3
Authority (SEDA) Malaysia, which saw the tariff increased to
RM0.24/kWh. This had accelerated the growth of small hydro
power sector in Malaysia. To date, there are about 53 hydro
plants with a combined capacity of 589MW that have been
awarded under SEDA Malaysia's FiT scheme.

With the transition from SREP to FiT scheme resulting in the

increased tariff, Amcorp had undertook a few RE expansion
including upgrading its 4MW mini hydro power plant in
Bentong, Pahang by an additional 2MW to 6.6MW and a
20MW mini hydro power plant in Raub, Pahang.

Amcorp is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Amcorp Properties

Berhad (Amprop) which is a privately owned company
incorporated and domiciled in Malaysia. Amcorp’s pioneer
1. Amcorp Liang 20MW Mini-Hydro Power Plant, Raub, Pahang.
RE project was in 2009 and had accumulated a RE installed 2. Upper Power House Francis Turbine at Amcorp Liang 20MW Mini-Hydro
capacity of 36MW in small hydropower and solar power plants. Power Plant, Raub, Pahang.
3. A discussion with SEDA Malaysia's staff in progress during Lower Liang IOD
on 28th September 2018.

Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13 29



Amcorp Perting 6.6MW Mini-Hydro Power


In December 2009, Amcorp successfully commissioned one

of the first mini-hydro power plants in the country under
the SREP initiated by the Malaysian Government. Amcorp
is the developer and operator of the 4MW RE power plant
located in Perting River, Pahang, Malaysia. It has a 21-year
concession agreement to supply electricity to TNB.

The 4MW Sungai Perting Mini Hydro Power Station was
selected as winner for the “On-Grid” category at the ASEAN
Energy Awards 2012, Silver Award of Merit for Category 4
- RE at the Engineering Award 2013 and Merit Award for
Category 2 - National Grid at the National Energy Awards
(NEA) 2019. In April 2015, the 4MW hydro power plant was
successfully upgraded to 6.6MW.

Amcorp Liang 20MW Mini-Hydro Power Plant

Amcorp Liang 20MW Mini-Hydro Power Plant is located

in Raub, in the state of Pahang, Malaysia. This project is
segregated into two schemes at Sungai Liang, Raub where
10MW hydro power plant is located upstream or Upper
Scheme and another 10MW hydro power plant is located
downstream of the river or Lower Scheme with a combined
generation estimated at 85GWh a year.

The 20MW Sungai Liang Mini Hydro Power Station was

selected as winner in the “On-Grid” category in the ASEAN
Energy Awards 2020 and first runner up in “On-Grid
(National Grid)” category in the National Energy Awards

1. Amcorp noted that the small hydro sector has grown exponentially since the implementation of FiT scheme under SEDA Malaysia.
2. Power Intake at Amcorp Perting 6.6MW Mini Hydro Power Plant.
3. Amcorp's Sungai Perting Mini Hydro Power Station has received numerous recognitions including the Engineering Award 2012 and NEA 2019.
4. Through FiT, Amcorp has undertaken a few RE expansion including upgrading its 4MW mini hydro power plant to 6.6MW, and a 20MW mini hydro plant in Raub,

30 Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13

Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13 31
olar, as a renewable energy (RE) resource, has great
potential in Malaysia. Given our prime location close to
the Equatorial line as well as the hot and humid climate we
are blessed with all year round, it is only logical in the business
sense, that we continue to nurture the solar photovoltaic (PV)
industry as one of the RE resources in the country.
Malaysia’s solar PV industry has shown strong growth in recent
years, even more so with the implementation of the Net Energy
Metering (NEM) 3.0 programme. NEM 3.0 was launched on
29th December 2020 following the overwhelming response received
from the previous version of the programme, and to provide more
opportunities for building owners to install a solar PV system on the
rooftop of their premises to save on their monthly electricity bill.

The NEM 3.0 programme offers a fresh 500MW quota and it will
be carried out in phases starting from 1st February 2021 until
31st December 2023. While the previous NEM 2.0 was divided into
four categories: Residential, Commercial, Industrial and Agriculture,
NEM 3.0 is categorised into three programmes:

NEM 3.0

32 Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13
The NEM 3.0 programme The promotion for the NEM 3.0 started as early as
31st January 2021 through social media posting to build up on
offers a fresh 500MW quota the programme’s official launch in February. The post, which
and it will be carried out in was posted on SEDA Malaysia’s Facebook, did well whereby it
received 87 likes and 39 shares, with 4,451 reach.
phases starting from
1st February 2021 until In addition to social media postings, various promotions via
31st December 2023. TV Interviews, Magazine, Online Ads, and Newspaper were
also carried out to further promote NEM 3.0 and to ensure the
Government’s green energy agenda is delivered to the public.

More promotions are in the pipeline, including radio ads and

appointing local celebrity influencer as NEM 3.0 ambassador
to spread more awareness about the programme.
• NEM Rakyat is applicable for residential users who have
installed a solar PV system on the rooftop of their homes The strong promotion efforts by SEDA Malaysia, coupled with
whereby they can enjoy an offset rate of “one-to-one” from the success of the previous NEM programme, kickstarted
the prevailing gazetted tariff for a period of 10 years, after NEM 3.0 to an encouraging result. As of November 2021,
which they will practice the concept of self-consumption. 4,523 applications with total capacity of 284.91MW have
Each applicant is entitled to a maximum capacity of 4kWac been approved across the three initiatives. NOVA received
for Single Phase power supply units and 10kWac for Three an astounding response as 1,522 applications were approved
Phase power supply units. About 10,000 to 25,000 TNB representing total capacity of 249.058MW from the 300MW
domestic account holders or households in Peninsular quota allocated. Meanwhile, 2,904 applications representing
Malaysia are expected to benefit from this programme. total capacity of 19.981MW were approved for NEM Rakyat
while 97 applications representing total capacity of 15.872MW
• NEM Government Ministries and Entities (GoMEn) is were approved for NEM GoMEN. Overall, 284.91MW of total
applicable for government premises with installed solar capacity has been approved for NEM 3.0.
PV systems. This programme offers similar offset rate of
“one-to-one” under commercial tariff for a period of 10
years, after which they will practice the concept of self-
consumption. Each applicant is entitled to a maximum
capacity of 1MWac. About 100 government buildings in
Peninsular Malaysia are expected to enjoy a reduction in
electricity bills amounting to RM6 million a month.

• Net Offset Virtual Aggregation (NOVA) is applicable

for commercial, industrial, agriculture and mining
establishments, whereby the excess energy generated
from their solar PV system can be exported to the national
grid to offset their electricity bills based on the Average
System Marginal Price (SMP), or distributed to the wholly-
owned subsidiary companies (up to three companies).
Each applicant is entitled to a maximum capacity of
1MWac (Nett offset) and 5MWac (Nett offset and Virtual

The social media posting promoting the

additional 300MW quota for NOVA

Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13 33

Lean Lee Trading Company Sdn. Bhd. 675.3kWp NEM
Social Impression Rooftop Project installed by Plus Solar Systems Sdn. Bhd.
As of 15th September 2021
TV Impression
As of 30th November 2021
Total Circulation

Magazine 324k
As of 30th November 2021 Total Readership

Online Ads Impression
As of 30th November 2021 1.0m
Total Circulation

Newspaper 29k
As of 30th November 2021 Total Readership

Radio Ads listenership
As of 31st December 2021
2.1m SEDA Malaysia also saw an increase of Registered PV Service
Providers (RPVSP) and Registered Solar PV Investor (RPVI) in
On 22nd October 2021, the Ministry of Energy and Natural its PV Industry Directories. Currently, there are 195 RPVSPs
Resources (KeTSA) announced that the Government and 211 RPVIs in the country.
has allocated an additional 300MW quota under the
NOVA programme, which can be applied through SEDA The NEM 3.0 also carries the Behind-the-Meter (BTM)
Malaysia’s eNEM system starting from 15th November 2021. schemes introduced in the previous version of the programme,
The additional NOVA quota is expected to benefit over which are:
300 commercial and industrial customers, while creating
new business opportunities for over 100 local solar players. • Solar Leasing whereby eligible customers will pay a fixed
The decision made by the Government will not only increase amount monthly in return for the use of the solar PV solar
solar capacity within the national grid system, but also system and the system will be owned by them after the
contributes towards Malaysia’s post-COVID-19 pandemic leasing period ends;
recovery by generating an estimated investment value of
RM1.2 billion and providing 3,600 job opportunities for the • Solar Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) whereby eligible
Rakyat. customers will pay based on per kWh for energy generated
from the solar PV system; and,

• Supply Agreement for Renewable Energy (SARE), which

On 22nd October 2021, the Ministry is a tripartite agreement between an investor and/or
asset owner, a billing agent (TNB) and the customer.
of Energy and Natural Resources Through SARE, eligible customers from the commercial
(KeTSA) announced that the and industrial sectors can enjoy zero upfront cost when
installing a solar PV system at their premises, immediate
Government has allocated an electricity cost savings as well as zero maintenance work
additional 300MW quota under including monitoring and repairing during contract period.
the NOVA programme.

34 Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13

The NEM programme was first introduced on approved in 2019, bringing the cumulative approved capacity
1st November 2016 with SEDA Malaysia as the implementing of NEM to 130.21MW. The response for NEM 2.0 that year
agency. NEM is designed to complement the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) alone saw an increase of nearly 3.68 times the total capacity
scheme to encourage the deployment of renewable energy approved from 2016 to 2018. This has led to a sharp increase
(RE) as outlined in the Eleventh Malaysia Plan 2016-2020. in the installed capacity from 103.22MW in 2019 to 295.85MW
The concept of NEM is that energy produced from the solar PV in September 2020. The 500MW quota allocated for NEM 2.0
installation will be consumed first by the building owners, and was fully subscribed way ahead of its closing date, which was
any excess will be exported to the Distribution Licensees at end of 2020.
the prevailing displaced cost rate as prescribed by the Energy
Commission (EC). Solar has the biggest advantage to grow to even greater
heights as the main RE resource in Malaysia. The country’s
The first NEM programme performed fairly throughout its urban landscape will continue to change as we prosper;
deployment from 2016 until 2018. Be that as it may, a new new buildings are erected everyday and thus, there will be
version of the programme was launched on 1st January 2019. more potential sites for solar PV installations. The progress
Taking into account the hiccups faced during the first-ever made so far is just the beginning. SEDA Malaysia believes
NEM, NEM 2.0 saw a change in the programme’s mechanism that government agencies, businesses and the Rakyat should
whereby the surplus solar-generated energy can now be partake in NEM as the rewarding programme is packaged to
exported back to the grid on a one-on-one offset basis. deliver a greener future for all, and subsequently everyone can
Supporting services like the NEM Calculator, RPVSP and play an active role in realising the country’s sustainable energy
RPVI Directories were also introduced to further promote agenda.
NEM 2.0. Additionally, SEDA Malaysia had carried out
numerous promotional and awareness campaigns to increase
uptake of the quota allocated for the programme.

The revision on the programme’s mechanism as well as the

promotional efforts by SEDA Malaysia have indeed paid off
as more NEM applications began pouring in. There were 1,252
applications representing 102.41MW of the total capacity

Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13 35


By Royal Thai Embassy, Kuala Lumpur
All photos courtesy of Ministry of Energy, Thailand

nergy security has long been a top priority for the
Kingdom of Thailand. Over the past four decades,
Thailand relied heavily on imported fuels to meet
more than half of its energy demand. It reached a record
high of 90% dependence in the 1970s before the discovery
and extraction of indigenous oil and natural gas resources,
while expenditure on energy imports peaked 21% of the
country’s GDP in 2008 attributed to the oil and price surge1.
These statistics have decreased significantly in recent His Excellency Chainarong Keratiyutwong,
years as Thailand began diversifying its energy mix while Ambassador of Thailand to Malaysia.
maximising the use of domestic energy resources, especially
Present-day Thailand has been recognised as a frontrunner gas reserves, Thailand has been focusing on RE as means
in ASEAN in promoting alternative energy development via to increase its electricity generation capacity, in addition to
government policies and investment incentives. Thailand’s power plant construction and power purchases from IPPs.
current renewable energy (RE) installed capacity is around
11 gigawatts (GW), approximately 22% of the total installed Keratiyutwong mentioned that in 2019, the National
capacity (49GW), which is generated by Electricity Generating Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)
Authority of Thailand (EGAT), independent power producers of Thailand and the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) have
(IPPs), small power producers (SPPs), very small power signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to support
producers (VSPPs), and imports. higher utilization of bioenergy, human resource capacity
development, and efforts in the establishment of an ASEAN
In a recent interview, His Excellency Chainarong Keratiyutwong, Bioenergy Research and Development (R&D) Network Centre
Ambassador of Thailand to Malaysia explained that due to the in the region.
continuing growth in energy demand and depleting natural

1. IRENA (2017), Renewable Energy Outlook: Thailand, International Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi.

36 Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13

The Thai Ambassador then shared that he looks forward to “Thailand has an ambition of becoming a ‘carbon neutrality’
the early commencement of the Lao PDR-Thailand-Malaysia- country by the year of 2050, as recently announced by the
Singapore Power Integration Project (LTMS-PIP) in 2022. Thai Government at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change
This will follow the first Lao PDR-Thailand-Malaysia (LTM)- Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, Scotland,” said Keratiyutwong
PIP, which was implemented in January 2018 and seen as a before adding that “by forecast, Thailand’s carbon emissions
pathfinder to complement existing efforts towards realizing would reach its peak in 2030 before sliding down towards the
the ASEAN Power Grid (APG) and the ASEAN Economic country’s intended zero-carbon goal.”
Community (AEC), by creating opportunities for electricity
trading beyond neighbouring borders. The Thai Ambassador then provided insights on the Alternative
Energy Development Plan 2018 (2018-2037), revised and
“LTMS-PIP will contribute greatly towards energy security by approved by the National Energy Policy Council in January
strengthening the power integration network and enhancing 2019, which outlines Thailand’s future energy strategy as well
the economic prosperity of the region. The project is also as reflecting on the country’s continuous efforts and progress
expected to help identify and resolve issues affecting cross- in the adoption of RE.
border electricity trading in ASEAN,” Keratiyutwong elaborated.
“Under the AEDP 2018 (2018-2037), Thailand targets to
Aside from LTMS-PIP, Keratiyutwong noted there is potential increase the proportion of RE (including solar, wind, biomass,
cooperation between Thailand and Malaysia, particularly in biofuel, hydro, and waste-to-energy) from the current 16%
the production of biofuel from palm oil that is abundant and of to 30% of total final energy consumption in the forms of
which industries have long been established in both countries. electricity, heat and biofuels by 2037,” said Keratiyutwong.

Figure 1: Thailand’s Performance on Alternative Energy Policy (October 2017 – August 2021)

Target Year 2018 2019 2020 2021 unit Alternative Energy
2037 (Oct 2017 - (Oct 2018 - (Oct 2019 - (Oct 2020 -
Sep 2018) Sep 2019) Sep 2020) Aug 2021)
29,411 10,783.00 11,840.83 11,969.26 12,320.99 MW
7,298 2,824 3,194 2,903 2,895 ktoe
5.75 3.39 3.71 3.65 4.38 % Percentage of Final Energy Consumption
12,139 2,715.21 2,982.43 2,979.30 2,982.28 MW 1. Solar Energy3/
2,725 - - - - MW 2. Solar Powered Buoys
5,790 3,266.98 3,400.24 3,501.18 3,763.77 MW 3. Biomass3/
2,989 927.82 1,506.82 1,506.73 1,546.32 MW 4. Wind Energy
1,565 500.15 528.92 547.26 569.79 MW 5. Biogas4/
900 273.40 314.67 324.44 348.48 MW 6. MSW
75 - - - - MW 7. Industrial Waste
308 187.72 187.79 190.39 190.39 MW 8. Small Hydro Power5/
2,920 2,911.41 2,919.66 2,919.66 2,919.66 MW 9. Large Hydro Power6/
10. Other Alternative Energy (Geothermal
- 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 MW
26,901 7,712 8,719 6,717 4,827 ktoe Heat
21.20 9.26 10.14 8.45 7.30 % Percentage of Final Energy Consumption
100 9.98 10.11 10.57 9.92 ktoe 1. Solar Energy7/
23,000 6,958 7,961 5,903 4,067 ktoe 2. Biomass
1,283 634 634 687 630 ktoe 3. Biogas
495 110 114 116 120 ktoe 4. MSW
2,023 - - - - ktoe 5. Bio Methane
4,085 2,085 2,287 2,377 2,039 ktoe Biofuels
3.22 2.50 2.66 2.99 3.08 % Percentage of Final Energy Consumption
million litre/ 1. Ethanol
7.50 4.10 4.41 4.10 3.78
million litre/ 2. Biodiesel
8.00 4.20 4.66 5.11 4.82
million litre/ 3 Pyrolysis oil
0.53 - - - -
38,284 12,621 14,200 11,997 9,761 Alternative Energy Consumption (ktoe)
126,867 83,327 86,026 79,519 66,098 Final Energy Consumption (ktoe)
30 15.15 16.51 15.09 14.77 Percentage of Alternative Energy Consumption (%)
Sources : EGAT, MEA, PEA, ERC, DEDE, and DOEB
Notes : 1/ Including off grid power generation. 5/ Including hydro power plants ≤ 12 MW & hydro power plant using the water downstream.
2/ Including on grid power generation with capacity ≤ 1 MW & ≥ 1 MW. 6/ The existing installed capacity.
3/ Including the community power plants. 7/ Based on M2 installed from solar collector.
4/ Including waste water / waste dumping and energy crops.

As of 31st August 2021

Source: Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency

Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13 37

He also revealed that during the first quarter of 2021, Thailand’s In terms of solar, Keratiyutwong explained: “The Thai
proportion of RE accounts for 20.95% or approximately Government realizes the high potential of solar energy as the
4,115ktoe of final energy consumption, as illustrated in Figure country’s main source of electricity and heat, and it aims to
2 and Figure 3 below. generate 12,139MW of electricity and 100ktoe of heat from solar
energy by 2037. To achieve this target, the Government has
Figure 2: Thailand's final energy consumption during Q1 2021 introduced measures to purchase solar-generated electricity
from numerous sources such as the general households
(excess solar), academic institutions and hospitals (rooftop
solar), in addition to that generated by Electricity Generating
Authority of Thailand – EGAT (solar floating)”.

Thailand also has total installed capacity of 3,110.05MW in

hydropower, of which 2,919.66MW are from large hydropower
plants and 190.39MW from small hydropower plants. “We
have 127 hydropower projects with combined total installed
capacity of 67.55MW. These include 23 small hydropower
plant projects (61.71MW), and 104 very small hydropower
plant projects (5.84MW) located at the village and community
areas and national parks, which are operated by DEDE,” said

For seamless operation, in addition to addressing delay and

inaccuracy issues in reporting the electricity generation and
Source: Department of Alternative Energy Development
and Efficiency, July 2021 distribution, which have been communicated via paper and
phone calls, DEDE is currently planning to bring new system
and technology such as Distributed Control System (DCS) and
Figure 3: Thailand's share of RE in final energy consumption
during Q1 2021 Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) to compile,
report and share data among its centres all over the country.

The development of biofuel in Thailand started as early as

1985 with the goal to reduce the country’s reliance on imported
crude oil and to promote more sustainable, locally produced
energy. Through studies conducted to determine the potential
of biofuel, it is discovered that ethanol produced from molasses,
sugar cane bagasse and cassava pulp, and biodiesel – E10(91),
E10(95), E20, E85, B10 and B20 – produced from palm oil are
the most promising sources to generate biofuel.

“To date, Thailand has succeeded in increasing its generation

of biofuel blended with gasoline at a maximum level of 85% (by
volume) for gasoline engines, and about 20% (by volume) for
diesel engines,” said Keratiyutwong.

Source: Department of Alternative Energy Development

and Efficiency, July 2021

According to Keratiyutwong, the Department of Alternative

Energy Development and Efficiency (DEDE) under Thailand’s
Ministry of Energy is responsible for the promotion of
renewable and alternative energy, energy conservation, as
well as spearheading the implementation of the AEDP 2018
(2018-2037). Since its inception, DEDE and its partners have
undertaken various initiatives that greatly contributed towards In an effort adjust its biofuel development strategy, the Ministry of Energy of
Thailand has launched a campaign to encourage car users to switch to E20
the growth of RE in Thailand. biofuel

38 Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13

“In terms of production capacity, we are currently able to
produce 5.97 million litres of ethanol and 8.53 million litres
of biodiesel daily, from 26 and 13 factories, respectively. It is
expected that with this progress, the production of ethanol
and biodiesel will reach their respective target of 7.50 and 8.00
million litres daily by 2037 as outlined in the AEDP 2018.”

With regard to biomass, Keratiyutwong highlighted that from
2015 to 2018, DEDE has provided financial and technical
support for 10 selected community enterprises in the North
East of Thailand to establish pioneer Distributed Green
Generation (DGG) stations that will generate biomass from
chopped wood. “Within the first six months of operations, the
participating community enterprises and suppliers of materials
have managed to earn on average THB806,476 and THB1,344
monthly, respectively,” he said.

Keratiyutwong also shared two notable achievements in

2018, the first being the launch of Thailand’s first peer-to-
peer (P2P) solar-generated electricity trading pilot project
using a blockchain platform through a partnership between
Power Ledge (Australian blockchain company), BCPG (a Thai 2

RE business) and EGAT. This blockchain platform is intended

1. From October 2020 to August 2021, Thailand has generated 1,546.32MW of
to minimise transfer costs as excess RE is sold directly within wind energy.
the community (without state utilities) while providing real- 2. The Thai Government has carried out numerous pilot projects involving
community participation in power generation.
time power supply. Later that year, the Asian Development
Bank (ADB) has invested in Thailand’s first green bonds worth
US$155 million, issued by B. Grimm, one of Thailand’s leading “As a result, the Ministry of Energy is now faced with the
private power producers, which will provide financial support challenge of adjusting its biofuel development strategy
for RE projects in the country. according to the current circumstances in order to attain the
specified goals. The solutions considered to address this
When commenting on the challenges brought on by COVID-19, challenge include the use of price mechanism as an incentive
the Thai Ambassador shared that the pandemic had greatly for biofuel users, increasing biofuel blend ratio, discontinuing
impacted the country’s overall domestic consumption. the use of E10 biofuel with an octane rating of 91 while
maintaining the use of E10 biofuel with an octane rating of 95
“The Bank of Thailand’s economic report for the first quarter of as an encouragement for car users to switch to E20 biofuel
2021 indicated a drastic decline in the final energy consumption instead,” he elaborated.
across all economic sectors. These include agriculture (-10.5%),
industry (-11.4%), residential sources (-13.6%), commercial “The pandemic also triggered other issues such as a delay in
sources (-8.1%), and transport (-13.4%), as compared to those of the manufacturing of RE-generating equipment and machinery
the preceding year (y-o-y),” said Keratiyutwong. like solar panels and inverters due to disrupted supply chain
and closure of factories. Fortunately, the Thai Government’s
It should be noted that Thailand’s industrial sector accounts for initiatives in RE development, namely the Community Power
41.3% of the final energy consumption, followed by transport Plant for Local Economy Programme can be sustained despite
(36.2%), housing and accommodation (11.7%), businesses (7.8%) the pandemic,” added Keratiyutwong.
and agriculture (3%) sectors.
Moving forward, Thailand’s energy industry is now leading
Despite the slight drop in the overall domestic consumption, towards “prosumers” where the electricity users can be
following disruptions in domestic travels and transport of goods, consumers, producers and sellers of electricity, and other
Keratiyutwong said the level of biofuel consumption remained energy sources at the same time.
relatively constant. The average consumption of ethanol stood
at 3.95 million litres/day while biodiesel stood at 5.07 million “This is in line with the Ministry of Energy’s “Energy for All”
litres/day in the first quarter of 2021, reflecting a small decline scheme under the Power Development Plan (PDP) (2018
from the first quarter of 2020 (3.66% and 0.78%, respectively). Revision 1) and AEDP 2018 (2018-2037). The scheme’s ultimate
goal is to generate additional income and employment for
the local communities, especially those in the remote areas,

Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13 39

Keratiyutwong reiterated that a
government plays a crucial role
in the society’s transition to RE,
especially in regard to continuously
raise awareness, provide
favourable policies and incentives
in support of RE development
and investment by the public and
Thailand has been recognised as a frontrunner in ASEAN in promoting
alternative energy development via government policies and investment private entities alike.

which consequently help boost the growth of Community “The BCG Model applies a whole-of-society approach
Power Plant for Local Economy Programme in Thailand,” said and aims to adopt advanced technologies and innovations
Keratiyutwong. throughout the supply chains to boost the country’s
competitiveness while enhancing resource efficiency,
In March 2021, the Thai Government has announced the transforming waste into wealth, reintegrating biodiversity, and
guidelines and related regulations for the pilot projects carried mitigating environmental impacts.”
out throughout the year, with an emphasis on community
participation in power generation and the return of benefits to Apart from the pandemic, the Thai Ambassador believes
the community itself. Keratiyutwong elaborated that “one of that the increasingly severe consequences of climate change
the criteria is that the power generators/sellers of these pilot and its impacts across the globe called for greener and more
projects must be in a form of a joint venture, whereby 90% of resilient societies, and ways of doing business.
shares will be owned by VSPP (very small power producer) while
the remaining 10% belongs to either community enterprises or “To this end, the role of RE is becoming increasingly paramount
network of the community enterprises. Proof of the contract as the world’s population grows, and hence energy demand
farming as a guarantee of fuel purchase price is also mandatory.” and consumption will continue to rise. We should urge
everyone to be onboard and work together in reducing our
In preparation of energy transition, the Thai Government carbon footprint to stop global warming,” said Keratiyutwong.
through the Ministry of Energy has established the 4D and 1E
policies to help boost the country’s economic recovery, which Keratiyutwong reiterated that a government plays a crucial
are: role in the society’s transition to RE, especially in regard to
continuously raise awareness, provide favourable policies and
• Digitalisation by developing smart grid, energy storage incentives in support of RE development and investment by
and building stability for community power plants and the public and private entities alike.
large power plants;
• Decarbonization by promoting RE - generation and “In addition, regional and global cooperation including public-
consumption - of solar energy, biomass, and et cetera; private-partnership (PPP) in the sharing of best practices,
• Decentralisation by supporting power distribution via the know-how and advanced technologies will significantly help
grid and outside of the grid as well as building electricity facilitate this transition.”
balance across the country;
• Deregulation by promoting energy related start-ups,
revising regulations related to Energy Conservation and
Promotion Fund to support local communities’ energy
businesses; and,
• Electrification by expanding the electric vehicle network
and electric vehicles (EV).

“The Thai Government has now adopted the Bio-Circular-

Green (BCG) Economy Model as part of the national agenda
to ‘build-back-better’ and greener Thailand towards a more
sustainable and inclusive future,” said Keratiyutwong.

In recent years, Thailand has been diversifying its energy mix while maximising
the use of domestic energy resources, especially renewables.

40 Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13



The National PV Monitoring & Performance Database via the PV Monitoring System (PVMS) is an initiative to monitor
selected grid-connected solar PV systems for performance and reliability. This programme is funded by Akaun
Amanah Industri Bekalan Elektrik (AAIBE) or the Malaysian Electricity Supply Industries Trust Account (MESITA).

For a start, 148 grid-connected solar PV systems (up to 1MW capacity) throughout Malaysia are being monitored on a
real-time basis. Both data and system performance analyses are available upon subscription. The Database will
become the reference for designing national energy policies and programmes in the future.


What’s included?


Energy Generation DATA PERFORMANCE Daily Irradiation
Global Irradiance, Performance Ratio,
Ambient Temperature, Reference Yield,
Wind Speed, Wind Specific Yield &
Direction & PV Module Final Yield

Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13 41
ccording to the United Nations estimates, as of
December 2021, the current world population is 7.9
billion. And from this statistic, about 1.8 billion or
22.78% are young people between the ages of 10 to 24 years
old – the largest generation of youth in history – some of
whom have made a strong presence in the fight against
climate change.

Greta Thunberg, Sophia Kianni, Lesein Mutunkei, Xiuhtezcatl Martinez,

Hanna Herbst, Jackson Hinkle, and John Paul Jose, are some of the
outspoken youth activists of today. These outstanding youths have been
actively involved in advocating for climate action by leading numerous
projects that promotes sustainability within their respective communities,
finding greener energy solutions, among other efforts, which contribute to
the global efforts in reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and provide
better protection for the environment.

Realising the impact of youth in advocating for sustainable energy and

climate action, SEDA Malaysia has initiated several programmes to
educate today’s youth on the importance of sustainable energy for future
generations of Malaysia.

The programmes are aligned with one of the tasks mandated to SEDA
Malaysia under the five strategic thrusts of NREPAP; to develop an action
plan to create greater acceptance and participation by the general public and
private sector towards the sustainable energy programmes administered by
the Authority.

What better way to instil sustainable practices and environmental

responsibility than from young?

42 Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13


The SEDA SEED programme is continued in year 2021 with the

SEDA SEED PROGRAMME 2021 aim to reach out to more students on the importance of SE,
STUDENT AMBASSADORS grooming and empowering them to advocate SE within their
schools, communities and public.
The Sustainable Energy E-Leaning Development (SEDA
SEED) was introduced in 2020 as a dedicated online For this year’s edition of SEDA SEED, SEDA Malaysia has
Sustainable Energy (SE) educational digital programme with appointed 24 students from 12 secondary schools from Central
a combination of educational video series, quizzes, mini RE Region Kuala Lumpur, Putrajaya, Cyberjaya and Selangor as
seminars with students as Speakers and tutorial sessions SEDA SEED Student Ambassadors. These SEDA SEED Student
on RE projects. SEDA SEED programme was organized by Ambassadors will represent SEDA Malaysia and create greater
SEDA Malaysia, in association with Malaysian Association of awareness on SE in their schools and among the peers.
Creativity & Innovation (MACRI) and STEM 4 All Makerspace
Malaysia. The participating schools are:

For the year 2020, SEDA Malaysia has combined both SEDA • SMK Raja Mahadi Klang.
SEED 2020 activities together with the National Science Week • SMK (P) Taman Petaling.
(NSW) activities with the objectives: • SMK Seri Bukit Bintang Utara.
• SMK Alam Megah 2.
• To create greater awareness of the importance of SE • Sekolah Agama Menengah Bandar Baru Salak Tinggi.
among the younger generation and public; • SMK Convent Peel Road.
• To engage teachers and parents in promoting SE initiatives • SMK USJ4.
and help inspire students to create Science, Technology, • SMK Bandar Sg. Buloh.
Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) Projects during the • SMK Pulau Indah.
COVID-19 pandemic period; and • Sekolah Berasrama Penuh Integrasi Gombak (INTEGOMB).
• To collaborate with relevant NGOs and small enterprises • SM Sains Alam Shah.
involved in providing STEM educational programmes. • Sekolah Integrasi Seri Puteri.

1. The first place winner of the first assignment for the SEDA SEED Student
Ambassador programme - SMK (P) Taman Petaling.

Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13 43

1 2

The programme will be carried out from end of August until were tasked to create a poster for digital media content with
31st December 2021, during which the SEDA SEED Student the theme ‘Sustainable Energy is The Way Forward for Our
Ambassadors are tasked to: School’. Each of the 12 participating schools submitted an
artwork where they were required to present and explain the
• Participate in webinars, quizzes, and workshops to posters to the panel of judges.
understand the importance of SE and the role of SEDA
Malaysia. SMK (P) Taman Petaling won first place with their design,
• Participate in monthly online meetings and sharing followed by SMK Alam Megah 2, and SMK Pulau Indah, Port
sessions by SEDA Malaysia officials and SE experts. Klang.
• Promote awareness of SE within the school & public by
getting more students involved. The SEDA SEED Ambassadors will have to complete a total
• Promote SEDA Malaysia’s SE awareness initiatives via their of three assignments before the programme concludes in
own social media platforms. December 2021. These are:
• Present a report on their learning outcome and role as
SEDA SEED Student Ambassador. Assignment I : Create digital media contents;
• Develop a proposal for SE programmes or projects for their
respective schools. Assignment II : Create a social media campaign; and

In addition to receiving a Certificate of Appointment as SEDA Assignment III : Propose an idea for Sustainable Energy
SEED Student Ambassadors, the selected students also Project for their school.
stand a chance to win numerous prizes for their contributions
including a cash prize for best proposal for Sustainable Energy The SEDA SEED Student Ambassadors serves as a pilot
Project for their school. The cash prize will then be used to programme under SEDA Malaysia’s corporate social
develop the proposed SE project. responsibility (CSR) activities for 2021. The programme will
be reviewed and further enhanced for potential nationwide
The first assignment for the SEDA SEED Student Ambassadors implementation in year 2022.
was held from 1st to 14th October 2021. The Ambassadors

1. Second Place -SMK Alam Megah 2.

2. Third Place - SMK Pulau Indah, Port Klang.

44 Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13

The Sustainable Energy Awareness Poster and Short Video
THE SUSTAINABLE ENERGY AWARENESS Challenge marked the second collaboration between SEDA
POSTER AND SHORT VIDEO CHALLENGE Malaysia and MMU. The Authority had previously collaborated
with the university in one of its activities during the National
The Sustainable Energy Awareness Poster and Short Video Science Week 2020, which attracted over 24,297 participants
Challenge is a collaboration programme between SEDA via physical and virtual presences. The activity had proven
Malaysia and Multimedia University (MMU), which was to convey the message, especially to the youth, on the
launched on 18th September 2021 in conjunction with the importance of science and technology in everyday life, which
Authority’s 10th anniversary celebration. The programme significantly impacts environmental sustainability and society.
aims to increase the awareness of SE amongst the young
generation and the public while providing a platform for
participants to channel their creativity in delivering the
intended messages.

Chairman of SEDA Malaysia YB. Tuan Lukanisman Awang

Sauni in his opening remark stated: “I hope this session will
help to spark interest among young participants who will be
our future leaders to venture in the area of sustainable energy.”

The programme also included four online workshops

conducted on 25th and 26th September 2021 to provide
additional know-how on poster-making and video production.
In-depth information on sustainable energy was also shared
by SEDA Malaysia’s representatives during the workshops to
increase the participants’ awareness and understanding of SE.

The Sustainable Energy Awareness Poster and Short Video

Challenge garnered overwhelming responses as it received
nearly 300 entries across three categories – primary school,
high school, and higher education institution. The submissions
were filtered through two rounds of judging, the first by the
technical trainers involved in the online workshops and the
second by industry experts and experts from MMU’s Faculty
of Creative Multimedia. 60 winners are selected to win cash
prizes sponsored by SEDA Malaysia.

The participants also had the opportunity to compete in the

Popularity Awards by uploading their entries on various social
media platforms with the hashtags #sedamalaysia,
#mmumalaysia, and #sedammuchallenge2021 to
gain as many ‘LIKE’ and ‘SHARE’ as possible while
creating awareness on the importance of SE.

Another special category, Most Entries Awards, is

also offered for the primary school, high school
and higher education institution with the most

The posters submitted by the participants

with the theme Sustainable Energy:
1. The second place winners from the
Secondary School category - Lau Ying
Xin and Ong Wei Ji.
2. The consolation prize winner from
the Secondary School category - Lee
Chian Ye and Natalie Chan Xi Qing.
3. The winners of the Popularity Awards
for Secondary School category -
Athirah Muhlis. 2 3

Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13 45



46 Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13




Renewable Energy
Energy Efficiency

Organised by: In association with:






Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13 47

C a l e n d a r One of SEDA Malaysia’s roles is to implement measures to promote public participation and
to improve public awareness on matters relating to sustainable energy [Section 15(i) of SEDA
Act 2011]. In this regard, SEDA Malaysia endeavours to develop and implement strategic
of Events communication programmes to reach our stakeholders.

The primary objective of such programmes is to raise greater acceptance and participation
by the general public as well as the private sector in the sustainable energy initiatives
administered by SEDA Malaysia.

In addition to the awareness programmes, the initiatives include stakeholders’ engagements

via seminars/workshops, open days, exhibitions, and collaboration with NGO partners as well
as international liaisons.

19 & 23 SEPTEMBER 2021

Tautan Kasih CSR: Rumah Kebajikan Ray
of Hope & Pusat Kebajikan Pertubuhan 11 OCTOBER 2021
Thangam Illam Tautan Kasih CSR: Pusat Jagaan Orang
The CSR activity is part of the Authority’s efforts to help ease
Tua Noble Care Malaysia
the burden faced by the welfare homes in times of COVID-19
Authority Member YBrs. Puan Usha Nandhini Jayaram led the
pandemic. Authority Member YBrs. Puan Usha Nandhini Jayaram
distribution of daily essential items and food to Pusat Jagaan
helped distribute dried food items, reading materials and
Orang Tua Noble Care Malaysia, Ampang.
stationaries, including furniture donated to the homes.

The visit was one of the programmes held by SEDA Malaysia in

conjunction with the Authority’s 10th anniversary celebration.
25-26 SEPTEMBER 2021
The Sustainable Energy Awareness Poster
& Short Video Challenge Online Workshop
The Sustainable Energy Awareness Poster and Short Video
Challenge Online Workshop took place over the weekend where
participants learned the know-how of poster and video making
as well as exposure on Sustainable Energy topics by SEDA
Malaysia representatives. 6 OCTOBER 2021
An engagement
session with the
US embassy
SEDA Malaysia, represented by the Chief Strategic Officer (CSO)
Mr. Mohammad Nazri Mizayauddin and the Strategic Planning
and Communications division, had the opportunity to exchange
ideas on the sustainable energy initiatives and other topics with
Mr. Sean Brennan, Economic Officer (Energy Portfolio) and the
US embassy team.

48 Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13

Calendar of Events

28-29 OCTOBER 2021

Site visits by CEO of SEDA Malaysia
SEDA Malaysia CEO YBhg. Dato' Hamzah Bin Hussin paid
a special visit to GLT Eco Sdn. Bhd. biogas power plant and
Majunaka Eco Energy Sdn. Bhd. biomass power plant in
Kedah. Dato’ Hamzah also visited the NUR Power Sdn. Bhd.,
Kulim Hi-Tech.
12 OCTOBER 2021
A Dialogue on Technology: Save Energy,
Save the Environment
The dialogue brought together SEDA Malaysia’s officers to
discuss on NEM 3.0 and SAVE 2.0 programmes.

13 OCTOBER 2021
Bowling competition by SEDA Malaysia
Sports Club (SEDAxtive)
Warga SEDA stayed active and fit by participating in a bowling
competition organised by SEDA Malaysia Sports (SEDAxtive).
16 teams competed in the competition, which was held in
conjunction with the National Sports Day 2021. The event
concluded with the presentation of prizes by SEDA Malaysia
CEO YBhg. Dato’ Hamzah Bin Hussin.

15 OCTOBER 2021
Donation distribution to PPV SMK
Gunung Rapat and Klinik Kesihatan
Simpang Pulai
Authority Member YBhg. Datuk Hang Tuah Bin Din @ Mohamed
Din helped distribute furniture and food items donated to PPV
SMK Gunung Rapat and Klinik Kesihatan Simpang Pulai.

20 OCTOBER 2021
The Sustainable Energy and
Entrepreneurship Webinar
Mr. Ibrahim Ariffin, SEDA Malaysia Director
of Strategic Planning (Energy Analyst),
explored the topic of sustainable energy
and the opportunities within the industry
for entrepreneurs. The webinar, jointly
organised by SEDA Malaysia and Young
Professional Bureau, concluded with a
Q&A session.

SustainableEnergy Malaysia||Volume
EnergyMalaysia Volume55Issue
13 49
Calendar of Events

1 NOVEMBER 2021 24-26 NOVEMBER 2021

A courtesy visit from Pahang Skills SEDA Malaysia Team Building 2021,
Development Centre Pangkor Island, Perak
SEDA Malaysia received a courtesy visit from the Pahang Skills SEDA Malaysia Team Building 2021 was held for 3 days and 2
Development Centre led by Executive Director Lt. Col. (CD) Mohd nights with the objective to further instil the core value of SEDA
Yusri bin Mohd Nor. The visit was to discuss on a collaboration Malaysia and to strengthen the bond amongst Warga SEDA.
opportunity in technology and human capital development, as
well as the establishment of the Renewable Energy Centre of

Research and study visit to Dubai
Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA)
Research and Development Centre
SEDA Malaysia had the privilege to visit the Dubai Research
Development and Innovation Centre. Led by Mr. Mohammad 23 NOVEMBER 2021
Nazri Mizayauddin, CSO of SEDA Malaysia, the delegates were
welcomed by Dr. Sgouris, the Director of DEWA Research and
The official launch of GET programme
Development Centre. It is an opportunity for the team to explore
KeTSA Minister YB. Datuk Seri Takiyuddin Hassan officiated
the activities around the R&D centre, exchange ideas, and learn
the launching of the Green Electricity Tariff (GET) programme,
more about future aspiration of sustainable energy in Dubai.
which allows consumers to obtain electricity from RE sources.
The ceremony was held at Hilton Hotel, KL, and was attended
by YBhg. Datuk Zurinah Pawanteh, Secretary General of KeTSA,
YBrs. Puan Noor Afifah Abdul Razak, Deputy Secretary General
(Energy) of KeTSA, YBrs. Mr. Abdul Razib Dawood, CEO of the
Energy Commission, YBhg. Dato’ Hamzah Bin Hussin, CEO
of SEDA Malaysia, and YBhg. Datuk Megat Jalaluddin Megat
Hassan, CRO of TNB.

At the event, SEDA Malaysia also pledged its participation in

the GET programme to support green energy development and
the country's aspiration to achieve the target of zero net GHG

10 NOVEMBER 2021
Guest speaker at Environmental
Management Webinar 2021
SEDA Malaysia was invited to give a talk on Green Building and
Sustainable Energy Low Carbon Building by MRT Corp Sdn. Bhd.
during their Environmental Management Webinar 2021. The
Authority was represented by Ts. Steve Anthony Lojuntin,
Director of Technical Development & Facilitation (TECH) Division.

50 Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13

Calendar of Events

2, 16, 30 NOVEMBER & 8 DECEMBER 2021

2 DECEMBER 2021 MPIA Solar Roadshow 2021
SEDA Malaysia Blood Donation SEDA Malaysia had participated as an exhibitor and speaker at
Programme 2021 the recent MPIA Solar Roadshow 2021, which was held Melaka,
Pahang, Johor, and Pulau Pinang. During the Roadshow, the
The programme was organised by the SEDA Malaysia’s Authority gave a brief talk on NEM 3.0 programme and current
Occupational Safety, Health and Energy Management Committee updates related to SE, in addition to promoting its latest
(JKKPPT) and the National Blood Centre (PDN). PBPTL member programmes at the exhibition booth.
YBhg. Datin Setia Nik Roslini Raja Ismail and SEDA Malaysia CEO
YBhg. Dato’ Hamzah Bin Hussin were also present to support
the programme, which was held at Level G Foyer, Galeria PjH,
Putrajaya. The public also had the opportunity to visit the SEDA
Malaysia's exhibition site to learn more about the programmes
under the Authority.

Energy Management and Audit in
buildings training programme with MBPJ
SEDA Malaysia served as a speaker and facilitator for the second
series of the Energy Management and Audit Training in Buildings
under the Energy Management Programme, the Implementation
of Malaysian Standards (MS) 1525 and Low Carbon Buildings
with Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) (2020-2023), which was The launch of UOB U-Energy Programme
carried out at MBPJ Headquarters and MBPJ Tower.
SEDA Malaysia CSO Mr. Mohammad Nazri Mizayauddin
MBPJ staff had the opportunity to operate the Energy Audit delivered a keynote address during the launching of U-Energy
equipment used for measuring readings of lighting, humidity, Programme by UOB. The programme is the first integrated
temperature and carbon dioxide in office spaces to identify the financing platform in Asia to drive the development and adoption
actual readings and make comparisons against the readings of energy efficiency projects for buildings and homes.
recommended in the MS 1525.

SustainableEnergy Malaysia||Volume
EnergyMalaysia Volume55Issue
13 51
Calendar of Events

16 DECEMBER 2021
The SEDA Malaysia Food Basket Project
SEDA Malaysia successfully
distributed food baskets and cash
donations to 334 families affected
by the COVID-19 pandemic. The
project is part of the Authority’s CSR
programme, which has been carried
out together with Warga SEDA since
August 2021.

100-Day 'Aspirasi Keluarga Malaysia'
KeTSA Minister YB. Datuk Seri Takiyuddin Hassan visited the
KeTSA's booth at the 100-Day 'Aspirasi Keluarga Malaysia'
exhibition that took place from 9th to 12th December 2021 at the
KL Convention Centre, KLCC. The Minister was accompanied by
YBrs. Puan Noor Afifah Abdul Razak, Deputy Secretary-General
(Energy) of KeTSA, YBrs. Mr. Abdul Razib Dawood, CEO of the
Energy Commission, and YBhg. Dato' Hamzah Bin Hussin, CEO
of SEDA Malaysia.
15 DECEMBER 2021
SEDA Malaysia also promoted SE programmes such as NEM 3.0 CEO and Warga SEDA monthly gathering
and SAVE 2.0 alongside other agencies under KeTSA.
YBhg. Dato’ Hamzah Bin Hussin had a monthly meeting with
Warga SEDA to discuss various topics that include a year-end
reflection as we approach the final days of 2021, and upcoming
activities planned for 2022.

13 DECEMBER 2021
LPKtn Visit to SEDA Malaysia
SEDA Malaysia received a visit from the Kuantan Port Authority 14 DECEMBER 2021
(LPKtn) led by YBhg. Dato' Asmawi Bin Nordin, Senior Manager of The launch of Energy Transition Week
LPKtn Operations and Regulation. LPKtn was warmly welcomed
by Mr. Mohammad Nazri Mizayauddin, CSO of SEDA Malaysia. YBrs. Puan Noor Afifah Abdul Razak, Deputy Secretary-General
(Energy) of KeTSA officiated the Energy Transition Week, which
The purpose of the visit was to discuss LPKtn’s plans in adopting was organised by TNB Distribution Network (DN) from 14th to
SE programmes to reduce carbon emissions in line with the 16th December 2021. The event aimed to address Malaysia’s
Green Port Policy. 2050 net-zero emissions target through guided gallery walk,
webinars and panel discussions.

Energy Commission CEO YBrs. Mr. Abdul Razib Dawood, SEDA

Malaysia CEO YBhg. Dato' Hamzah Bin Hussin, and TNB DN Chief
Distribution Network Officer YBrs. Mr. Wan Nazmy Wan Mahmood
were also present during the ceremony.

52 Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13

Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13 53
FUTUREof sustainable energy

Season’s greetingS and happy new year

54 Sustainable Energy Malaysia | Volume 5 Issue 13

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