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MAINT[NANCE OF ROADS AND BRIDGES (SCAl5) 1500 - Maintenance of Traffic Signs and Road Markings



1501.1 Description

This work shall consist of the maintenance of traffic signs including,

cleaning, repairing and replacing components of signs, restoring signs to correct
orientation/position and improving the visibility of signs.

1501.2 Materials

Unless otherwise specified all materials used shall meet the requirements
specified in Sub section 811.2

1501.3 Work Requirements

(a) Cleaning road signs

The sign face and reverse side shall be washed using clean water, light
detergent and cloth. Care shall be taken to avoid scratching the surface of the sign
face. After washing out the dirt, all traces of the detergent shall be removed with a
cloth or soft bristle brush and rinsed in clean water. Signs contaminated with
bitumen or oil shall be cleaned using an approved solvent that will not affect the
material of the sign face and/ or its finish.

(b) Repainting or painting components of a sign assembly

(i) General

Surface areas to be repainted shall be cleaned free of rust, dirt and other
extraneous matter. Painting shall be done during dry weather and on dry surfaces
using soft brushes or rollers. Precautions shall be taken to see that any area which
should not receive a coat of paint applied to the surrounding areas is 110t
contaminated with such paint.

Stenci Is shall be used for painting letters and standard symbols.

A retro-reflective sign face shall not be touched up with paint

(i i) Repainting Metal Surface

Surface to be repainted shall be initially cleaned of any old paint using an

approved solvent and any traces of the solvent shall be removed from the sign face.
Painting and finishing work of the sign face shall be carried out according to Sub
section 81 1.3(g) and 811.3(h).

(iii) Repainting concrete surfaces

The surface to be repainted shall be cleaned of dust, soil and other

extraneous matter by washing thoroughly with water. One coat of emulsion or
enamel paint of approved manufacture shall be applied according to the

SECOND EDITION, Jl1NE 2009 Institute for Construction Training and Development (lCTAD)
MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND BRIDGES (SCA/5) 1500 - Maintenance of Traffic Signs and Road Markings

(e) Replacing sign assembly

The sign assembly shall be removed. The new sign assembly shall be erected
according to Sub section 811.3(i) (a) or (b) , which ever is applicable.

(f) Improving visibility of signs

Vegetation or other objects which obstruct the view of a sign- to approaching

vehicles shall be removed so that the sign is visible to approaching vehicles or
pedestrians from the further most point where it could be clearly seen and

1501.3/1 Tests and standards of acceptance

The materials shall be tested in accordance with these Specifications and shall
meet the prescribed criteria. The work shall conform to these Specifications and shall
meet the prescribed standard of acceptance.

1501.4 Measurement & Payment

(a) Measurement

- Cleaning of surface of traffic signs shall be measured in Sq.m.

Repainting or painting of traffic signs shall be measured in Sq.m.

Correction of sign assembly for alignment, orientation etc., shall be

measured by the number.

Replacing of screws, nuts, bolts etc., shall be measured in kilograms.

Replacing mounting post or posts shall be measured by the number.

Replacing sign plates shall be measured by the number.

Repairing deformed 1 bent sign plate shall be measured by the number

Replacing sign assembly shall be measured by the number.

Improving visibility of sign shall be measured by the number.

(b) Payment

Payment shall be based on the Contract unit rate for items which shall
include full compensation for providing all materials, labour, tools equipments and
other incidentals necessary to complete the work to the Specifications.

SECOND EDITION, JllNE 2009 Institute for Construction Training and Development (ICTAD)
MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND I\RIDGES (SCA/5) 1500 - Maintenance of Traffic Signs and Road Markings

The pay items and pay units shall be as follows:

Pay Item Description Pay Unit

1501 (1) Cleaning of surfaces of traffic signs Sq.m

1501 (2) Repainting or painting of traffic signs,

(state materials) Sq.m

1501(3) Correcting sign assembles for alignment,

orientations, etc. (state type of sign) Number

1501 (4) Replacing screws, nuts, bolts etc.

(State size and type of material) Kilograms

1501 (5) Replacing mounting post or posts

(state type) Number

1501(6) Replacing sign plates (state type) Number

150 I (7) Replacing sign assembly Number

1501(8) Repairing deformed / bent sign plate Number

(State type)

1501(9) Improving visibility of signs Number

Refer Sub section 106.6 regarding sub divisions of pay items.


1502.1 Description

This work shall consist of the replacing/repairing or road markings including

reflecting road studs (hereinafter referred to as studs) on road surfaces, periodically
and as and when required, in accordance with these Specifications.

1502.2 Materials

Materials used for replacing road markings and studs shall be the materials
specified for road markings and studs according to the Specifications 810.2. Any
other material which may have to be used shall be from an approved manufacturer
and recommended by the manufacturer for the type of work and shall be approved by
the Engineer.

1502.3 Construction Requirements

All existing road markings, which are required to be replaced or removed,

shall be removed from the road surface carefully without causing damage to the road
surface by wire brushing or by other approved means without leaving any traces,
unless the new road markings completely overlaps the old road markings. Any
chemical agent used for the work shall not be injurious to the road and all traces of
such a material shall be removed from the road surface after the aforesaid work has

SECOND EDITION, JllNE 2009 Institute for Construction Training and Development (ICT AD)
MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND BRIDGES (SCA/S) 1500- Maintenance of Traffic Signs and Road Markings

been completed. Any road marking or stud which replaces an existing marking or stud
shall be applied or installed on the road surface thereafter according to Sub section
810.3. Any recess or hole in the road which has resulted from the removal of any
stud where a replacement of stud will not be installed shall be made good in a manner
as approved by the Engineer. Any defective stud shall be replaced in full except in
the case of reflective lenses where the design/manufacture permits replacement of a
reflective lens or lenses in a stud provided the other components of the stud are in
acceptable condition.

1502.3/1 Tests and standards of acceptance

The materials shall be tested in accordance with these Specifications and shall
meet the prescribed criteria. The work shall conform to these Specifications and shall
meet the prescribed standard of acceptance.

1502.4 Measurement & Payment

(a) Measurement.

Road markings removed shall be measured by the area in Sq.m. Road

markings in road paint and road markings in thermoplastic material shall be measured
separately. Road markings applied shall be measured according to Sub section 810.4

Removal of damaged road studs and making good the surface shall be
measured by the number.

The removal and replacement of studs shall be measured in accordance to the

following categories:-

(i) Where a replacement stud is installed at the same position.

(i i) Where a replacement stud is not installed at the same position,

studs installed shall be measured by the number.

(b) Payment

The work measured as provided above, shall be paid for at the Contract unit
price per unit of measurement for each of the items listed.

The payment shall be full compensation for providing and placing or

installing the materials including all labour, equipment, tools and incidentals
necessary to complete the work.

SECOND EDITION, JllNE 2009 Institute for Construction Training and Development (ICT AD)
MAINTENANCE OF ROADS ANI) BRIDGES (SCA/S) 1500 - Maintenance of Traffic Signs and Road Markings

The Pay Items and Pay Units shall be as follows:-

Pay Items Description Pay Unit

1502 (I) Rernovalof existing road markings Sq.m

1502 (2) Replacement of road marking (state materials) Sq.m

1502(3) Removal of damaged road studs and making good

the surface. Number

1502(4) Replacement of damaged road studs

(state whether in same place or elsewhere) Number

Refer Sub section 106.6 regarding sub divisions of pay items.


1503.1 Description

This work shall consist of the maintenance of traffic light signal system in
an operational condition in order to provide a reliable traffic light signal system
during the required time periods with the provision of flashing amber system during
periods other than the required periods of time.

1503.2 Material

Unless otherwise specified all materials used shall meet the requirements
specified in Sub section 813.4(a).

1503.3 Work requirements

(a) Cleaning traffic light signal heads, poles, controllers etc.

All sides of the entire traffic light signal heads, poles, controllers, etc shall
be washed using clean water, light detergent and cloth.

(b) Repainting or painting components of traffic light signal heads, poles,

controllers etc.

This work shall be carried out In accordance with Sub section 1501.3(b) (i)
and as directed by the Engineer.

(c) Correcting badly oriented/tilted traffic light signal heads.

This work shall be carried out in accordance with Sub section 150 1.3(c) and
as directed by the Engineer.

SECOND EDITION, JUNE 2009 Institute for Construction Training and Development (K'T AD)
MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND BRIVGES (SCA/S) ISOO- Maintenance of Traffic Signs and Road Markings

(d) Replacing components of tr-affic light signal assembly.

(i) General

Damage caused to any component of a traffic light signal assembly due to

the Contractor not having taken due care whilst replacing any component, it shall be
made good by replacement of the component or repairing or restoring it to meet the
requirements of Sub section 813.4(a) and with the approval of the Engineer at the
Contractor's expense. Any material rejected for reuse shall be disposed of, as
directed by the Engineer. .

(ii) Replacing screws, bolts and nuts

Precautions shall be taken to avoid damage to any screws, nuts and bolts
during replacement.

(iii) Replacing mounting pole

The traffic Iight signal head pole or poles requtrlng replacement shall be
dismantled from the traffic signal head assembly taking due care to avoid damage to
the signal head and the electrical wiring system or any other component of the head
assernb ly. In installing the new pole or poles or the re -erection of the assembly, the
requirements of the appropriate Sub sections of Section 813.9(a) shall be met.

(iv) Replacing the traffic light signal head

All safety precautions shall be taken as this work is carried out with
electrical lines. Care shall be taken when replacing the head, the electrical/electronic
work to ensure that all necessary requirements shall be satisfied in order to provide
the service as per the previous system or the system approved by the Engineer to
guarantee the expected service. The requirements of the replacements shall be
according to the design and or as directed by the Engineer.

(e) Improving brightness of the traffic light signal

If the brightness of the traffic light signal is not within the required ranges,
the bulb or light emitting diode (LED) shall be checked against the expected lumen
output, specified in the Sub section 813.9 and shall be corrected by replacement with
a new bulb or LED, if found necessary. In addition the inside electrical/electronic
circuits shall be checked and corrected or replaced, if necessary.

(f) Push buttons

The push buttons at the pedestrian crossing (Pelican crossing) to be checked

frequently at least once a week in order to provide the guaranteed service to the
pedestrians. If the push buttons are not effective, immediate action shall be taken to
correct or replace the switch component.

(g) Timing

The time set for the traffic light signal system shall be adjusted at least once
every six months or whenever it is necessary according to the traffic data, in order to
provide an effective and efficient service to the road users.

SECOND EDITION, JllNE 2009 Institute for Construction Training and Development (ICT AD)
MAINTENANCE: OF ROADS AND BRIDGE:S (SCA/5) 1500 - Maintenance of Traffic Signs and Road Markings

(h) Flashing amber traffic light signal system

The flashing amber traffic light signal shall be made available to avoid any
hazardous situations during the repair/ correction works where the closure of total
traffic light signal system is required and during periods of low traffic at night and
during ear ly morning.

1503.3/1 Tests and standards of acceptance

The materials shall be tested in accordance with these Specifications and shall
meet the prescribed criteria. The work shall conform to these Specifications and shall
meet the prescribed standard of acceptance.

1503.4 Measurement & Payment

(a) Measurement

(i) Cleaning of surface of traffic signal system shall be measured in Sq.m

(i i) Repainting or Painting of traffic light signal system, poles, controllers, etc

shall be in Sq.m.

(iii) Correcting badly oriented/tilted traffic light signal heads, etc shall be
measured by the number.

(iv) Replacing components of traffic light signal assembly shall be measured by

the number.

(v) Replacing screws, bolts and nuts shall be measured by the number. .

(vi) Replacing mounting poles shall be measured by the number.

(vii) Replacing traffic light signal heads shall be measured by the number.

(v i ii) General maintenance for items other than those given above and for push
buttons, timing and flashing amber traffic light signal system, etc shall be measured
by the number of months.

(b) Payment

Payment shall be based on the Contract unit rates for items which shall
include full compensation for providing all materials, labour, tools, equipments and
other incidental necessary to complete the work to the Specifications.

SECOND EDITION, JUNE 2009 Institute for Construction Training and Development (ICT AD)
MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND BRIDGES (SCAlS) ISOO- Maintenance of Traffic Signs and Road Markings

The pay items and pay units shall be as follows:

Pay Item Description Pay Unit

1503(1) Cleaning of surface of traffic signal system. Sq.m

i503(2) Repainting or painting of traffic light signal system, Sq.rn

poles, contro.l lers, etc.

1503(3) Correcting badly oriented/tilted traffic light signal Number

heads, etc.

1503(4) Replacing components of traffic light signal assembly Number

1503(5) Replacing screws, bolts and nuts Number

(State sizes and type of material)

1503(6) Replacing mounting poles Number

1503(7) Replacing traffic light signal heads Number

1503(8) General maintenance for items other than those Months

given above and for push buttons, timing and
flashing amber traffic light signal system, etc.

SECOND EDITION, JUNE 2009 Institute for Construction Training and Development (lCT AD)
MAINTENANCE OF ROADS AND BRIDGES (SCAlS) 1500 - Maintenance of Traffic Signs and Road Markings

SECOND EDITION, JUNE 2009 Institute for Construction Training and Development (ICTAD)

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