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NeuroQuantology | October 2020 | Volume 18 | Issue 10 | Page 06-12 | doi: 10.14704/nq.2020.18.10.

Ilmira Gazizova et al / The First Positron Emission Tomography Study of the Brain of Patients with Glaucoma

The First Positron Emission Tomography Study of

the Brain of Patients with Glaucoma
Ilmira Gazizova1*, Darya Ryzhkova2, Svetlana Zainullin3, Andrey Bogdan4, Al-Maisam Rindzhibal5
Aim: To determine the location and pattern of changes in the rate of glucose metabolism in brain structures according
to positron emission tomography (PET) in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG). Methods: Nine
patients with initial, developed and advanced stages of glaucoma were examined. The control group consisted of
patients of a similar age group without signs of glaucoma. The PET study was performed on an Optima 560 PET / CT
scanner. 30-40 minutes before the start of the scan, the patient was given an intravenous radiopharmaceutical (RP)
using 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG). During the accumulation of the radiopharmaceutical, the patient was in a
room with dim light, with a low noise level and minimal motor activity. Results: When conducting PET with 18F-FDG,
a change in the rate of glucose metabolism (RGM) was recorded in the form of a decrease in RGM in the upper parietal
lobe, lower parietal lobe and precuneus (the inner part of the parietal cortex), as well as an increase in RGM of the
prefrontal cortex, sensorimotor cortex. Signs of a change in RGM in the posterior region of the lumbar cortex, in the
nuclei of the caudate nuclei and in the optic thalamus were also revealed. Similar data on changes in the rate of
glucose metabolism in brain neurons that we recorded in patients with POAG are usually recorded in patients with
other neurodegenerative diseases. Findings: Undoubtedly, the revealed changes in the rate of glucose metabolism in 6
the neurons of the brain of patients with POAG indicate the affinity of this nosology with other neurodegenerative
diseases and reveal the basis of disorders (visual, cognitive, autonomic) associated with changes in the central
nervous system in patients with POAG. Research in this direction needs to be continued.

Key Words: Positron Emission Tomography, PET, Glaucoma, Radiopharmaceutical, RFP, 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose,
18F-FDG, Parietal Cortex, Limbic System.
DOI Number: 10.14704/nq.2020.18.10.NQ20226 NeuroQuantology 2020; 18(10):06-12

Currently, primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) is the damage extends to all structures of the
considered a neurodegenerative disease conducting and central parts of the visual analyzer:
characterized by structural damage to the optic the optic nerve, the optic cross, the optic tracts, the
nerve and slowly progressive death of retinal lateral cranked bodies with the lateral cranked
ganglion cells [Avdeev R. et al., 2014, Gazizova I. et nuclei, visual radiance and the cerebral cortex
al., 2016, Gazizova I. et al., 2016, 2019]. In this case, [Gupta N. et al. 2006, 2008, Bizrah M. 2011].
Corresponding author: Ilmira Gazizova
Address: 1*Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Institute of Experimental Medicine, Akademika Pavlova St., Saint
Petersburg, Russia; 2Federal Government Budgetary Institution National Medical Research Center named after V.A. Almazov
of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Akkuratova St., Saint Petersburg, Russia; 3State-financed Health Institution of
the Republic of Bashkortostan Municipal Clinical Hospital, Koltsevaya St., Ufa, Russia; 4Federal Government Budgetary Science
Institution Institution of Humans Brain Bamed after N.P. Behtereva the Russian Academy of Sciences, Akademika Pavlova St.,
Saint Petersburg, Russia; 5Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Institute of Experimental Medicine, Akademika
Pavlova, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
1*E-mail: [email protected]
2E-mail: [email protected]
3E-mail: [email protected]
4E-mail: [email protected]
5E-mail: [email protected]

Relevant conflicts of interest/financial disclosures: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of
any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.
Received: 26 June 2020 Accepted: 17 September 2020

eISSN 1303-5150 www.neuroquantology.com

NeuroQuantology | October 2020 | Volume 18 | Issue 10 | Page 06-12 | doi: 10.14704/nq.2020.18.10.NQ20226
Ilmira Gazizova et al / The First Positron Emission Tomography Study of the Brain of Patients with Glaucoma

In 2016, in the United States, work was carried out Materials and Methods
to study the structure of the retina and activity of Nine patients with initial, developed and advanced
the visual cortex in glaucoma using optical stages of glaucoma were examined. The control
coherence tomography and multimodal magnetic group consisted of patients of a similar age group
resonance imaging (MRI), in which it was shown without signs of glaucoma. The exclusion criterion
that a decline in retinal thickness, optic atrophy and for this group of patients were also expressed
a decrease in activation of the visual cortex precede morphological changes according to MRI and PET.
a narrowing of the visual fields (Bogorodzki P. et al., The complex of ophthalmological examination
2014, Murphy MC et al., 2016, Nuzzi R. et al., 2018). included standard methods: tonometry,
At the same time, there is a turning point between biomicroscopy, gonioscopy, ophthalmoscopy,
the activity of the visual cortex and the function of computer static perimetry, optical coherence
the field of view, indicating that the progression of tomography. The diagnosis of POAG was verified
glaucoma is already taking place in the eye and using functional and morphometric research
brain before significant loss of vision can be methods. Patient characteristics are presented in
detected in patients using modern testing methods. Table 1.
One of the modern methods of neuroimaging is The PET study was performed on an Optima 560
positron emission tomography (PET). This PET / CT scanner. The duration of the study was 15
technology uses appropriate radiopharmaceuticals minutes. 30–40 minutes before the start of the
(RFPs) and pharmacokinetic models describing the scan, patients were given an intravenous
distribution and metabolism of the drug in the radiopharmaceutical, 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose
tissues, bloodstream and interstitial space. Method (18F-FDG) was used. During the accumulation of
allows non-invasive and quantitative assessment of the radiopharmaceutical, the patient was in a room
a number of physiological and biochemical with dim light, with a low noise level and minimal
processes. In clinical studies, the most common motor activity.
radiopharmaceutical is 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose
(18F-FDG), which is used to evaluate energy As noted above, 18F-FDG is the most common 7
metabolism. metabolic tracer in clinical practice. Semi-
quantitative analysis of PET consisted in assessing
The reason for the success of this drug is a high changes in the radiopharmaceutical metabolism in
level of its accumulation in pathological active various zones of interest. PET images were
(increased rate of glucose metabolism (RGM)) and transformed into a standard anatomical space
low - in atrophic (decreased RGM) focuses. 18F- adapted to the atlas of Talairach and Tournoux
FDG repeats the initial stage of glucose metabolism, (1988). The spatial normalization of images of each
the distribution of the drug in the brain reflects the patient and persons from the control group was
different glycolysis rates in the normal and carried out by creating a standard image (template)
dysfunctional regions. The intensity of its using affine rigid and nonlinear transformation
accumulation is proportional to the activity of (deformation or distortion of images for 3D
glycolysis, which reflects the rate of energy processing).
metabolism of cells.
Rigid affinity transformation was used to align
The gray matter of the brain is characterized by a images by standardizing their size and position.
physiologically high level of glucose consumption, The affinity transformation was carried out
the white matter of the brain normally accumulates according to 12 parameters (3 image
18F-FDG significantly weaker than the cerebral displacements, 3 spatial displacements, 3 rotations
cortex. along the x, y, z axes and 3 image resizes). Changes
in each voxel were evaluated in accordance with
Aim the general linear model. In POAG, comparisons
were also made between groups of patients and
To determine the location and pattern of changes in groups of control. The effect of total metabolism
the rate of glucose metabolism in brain structures was offset by normalizing the count in each voxel to
according to positron emission tomography in the total count in the brain using a proportional
patients with primary open-angle glaucoma. scale. In addition, PET and MRI data were combined
in three projections.

eISSN 1303-5150 www.neuroquantology.com

NeuroQuantology | October 2020 | Volume 18 | Issue 10 | Page 06-12 | doi: 10.14704/nq.2020.18.10.NQ20226
Ilmira Gazizova et al / The First Positron Emission Tomography Study of the Brain of Patients with Glaucoma
Table 1. Localization of the area of increase or decrease of RGM in the cerebral cortex in patients with POAG
Z score
Factor quantitative
Factor Factor Index of Localization of the
Average measure of the
Age MD RIM area interhemispheric area of increase or
thickness degree of decrease
(Years) OD/OS OD/OS asymmetry of the decrease of RGM in
RNFL in RGM (-) or an
(db) (mm2) optic thalamus the cerebral cortex
OD/OS (μm) increase in RGM
Right hemisphere
-4,5/- 0,98/1,0 The upper divisions of
71 60/75 1,8 (S>D) -2,82
4,8 7 the right parietal lobe
The upper parts of the
left parietal lobe
-1.1/- 0,91/0,9 Lower parietal lobe of
57 81/79 1,58 (D>S) -2,01
3,5 4 the left hemisphere
Areas of increase or
-0,31/- 1,26/0,9
75 117/74 2,85 (S>D) decrease in RGM have
3,0 1
not been established
Left hemisphere
- 2,14
-11,2/- 0,82/1,1 The upper divisions of
67 63/92 6,22 (D>S) -2
0,2 7 the right parietal lobe
The upper parts of the
- 3,32
left parietal lobe
Primary visual cortex
of the right 3,64 8
-0,2/- 1,11/0,7
63 73/58 3,98 (D>S) hemisphere
18,0 4
Primary visual cortex
of the left hemisphere
Right hemisphere
Left hemisphere
- 2,04
-5,6/- 0,99/0,8 The upper divisions of
71 71/89 3,54 (D>S) - 2,36
3,6 9 the right parietal lobe
The upper parts of the
- 2,14
left parietal lobe
Lower parietal lobe of
- 2,09
the left hemisphere
Areas of increase or
-3,3/- 0,76/0,8
69 78/75 6,96 (D>S) decrease in RGM have
2,6 7
not been established.
Primary visual cortex
of the right 3,42
68 1,01/1,2 71/95 12,1 (D>S) hemisphere
Primary visual cortex
of the left hemisphere
Right Frontal Cortex 2,01
Sensomotor cortex of
the left hemisphere
72 0,7/1,13 61/73 0,29 (D>S) Occipital lobe of the
1,1 2,31
right hemisphere
Occipital lobe of the
left hemisphere

eISSN 1303-5150 www.neuroquantology.com

NeuroQuantology | October 2020 | Volume 18 | Issue 10 | Page 06-12 | doi: 10.14704/nq.2020.18.10.NQ20226
Ilmira Gazizova et al / The First Positron Emission Tomography Study of the Brain of Patients with Glaucoma

Results structures of the limbic and striatal systems of the

brain in patients with POAG according to PET with
On a series of PET tomograms of the brain of
patients, combined with computed tomograms, all
Table 2. Changes in glucose metabolism in the structures of the limbic
parts of the brain are visualized. According to the and striatal systems in 9 patients with POAG
results of the visual analysis of PET in the control
Number of
group, a diffuse heterogeneous decrease in the Metabolic
Brain structure
lateral and medial cortex of the cerebral changes
Absolute %
hemispheres was determined, which corresponds RGM
to normal age-related changes. Orbitofrontal cortex 1 0,09
In the main group of patients with POAG, a change Posterior cingulate RGM
in RGM was recorded in the form of a decrease in 7 77,8
gyrus decrease
RGM in the upper parietal lobe, lower parietal lobe Anterior cingulate RGM
and peruneus (the inner part of the parietal cortex), 2 22,2
gyrus increase
as well as an increase in RGM of the prefrontal The heads of the RGM
cortex, sensorimotor cortex: 7 77,8
caudate nuclei decrease
1. The decrease in RGM in the projection of the RGM
precuneus on the right (Z score = 2.06) and Optic thalamus 8 88,9
the upper divisions of the parietal lobe of RGM
Lenticular nuclei 1 0,09
both hemispheres (Z score = 2.82 on the increase
right and 3.0 on the left).
2. The decrease in RGM in the projection of the Discussion
inferior parietal lobe on the left (Z score =
When conducting PET with 18F-FDG, a change in
RGM was recorded in the form of a decrease in
3. The decrease in RGM in the projection of the
RGM in the upper parts of the parietal lobe, lower
precuneus on the left (Z score = 2.14) and
parietal lobe and precuneus (the inner part of the 9
the upper divisions of the parietal lobe of
parietal cortex), as well as an increase in RGM of
both hemispheres (Z score = 2.0 on the right
the prefrontal cortex, sensorimotor cortex. There
and 3.32 on the left).
were also signs of changes in RGM in the posterior
4. Increased RGM in the projection of the
region of the lumbar cortex, in the nuclei of the
primary visual cortex of both hemispheres
caudate nuclei and in the optic thalamus (Fig. 1, 2).
(Z score = 3.64 on the right and 3.28 on the
Similar data on changes in the rate of glucose
metabolism in brain neurons that we recorded in
5. The decrease in RGM in the projection of the
patients with POAG are usually recorded in patients
precuneus of both hemispheres (Z score =
with other neurodegenerative diseases. We can
2.44 on the right and 2.04 on the left), the
also assume that the obtained PET / CT
upper parts of the parietal lobe of both
characteristics of the brain in patients with
hemispheres (Z score = 2.36 on the right and
glaucoma indicate an affinity of this nosology with
3.14 on the left) and the lower parietal lobe
other neurodegenerative diseases. On the other
on the left (Z score = 2.09).
hand, the localization of the areas of lowering of
6. Increased RGM in the projection of the
RGM in patients with glaucoma reveals the basis of
primary visual cortex of both hemispheres
disorders (cognitive, autonomic) associated with
(Z score = 3.42 on the right and 2.89 on the
changes in the central nervous system in patients
with POAG.
7. Increased RGM in the projection of the
From the point of view of continuing research in
prefrontal cortex on the right (Z score =
the study of the pathogenesis of POAG of the brain,
2.01), the sensorimotor cortex on the left (Z
PET / CT is a unique non-invasive method for
score = 2.28) and the occipital lobe of both
intravital determination of brain cell metabolism.
hemispheres (Z score = 2.31 on the right and
As an additional diagnostic criterion for the
2.28 on the left).
differential diagnosis of neurodegenerative
In 2 patients, areas of decrease and increase in RGM
diseases and POAG, it is possible to use the data of
were not established (Table 1).
PET / CT of the brain obtained and described by us.
Table 2 shows the characteristic changes in the

eISSN 1303-5150 www.neuroquantology.com

NeuroQuantology | October 2020 | Volume 18 | Issue 10 | Page 06-12 | doi: 10.14704/nq.2020.18.10.NQ20226
Ilmira Gazizova et al / The First Positron Emission Tomography Study of the Brain of Patients with Glaucoma


Fig. 1. PET FDG test Results

eISSN 1303-5150 www.neuroquantology.com

NeuroQuantology | October 2020 | Volume 18 | Issue 10 | Page 06-12 | doi: 10.14704/nq.2020.18.10.NQ20226
Ilmira Gazizova et al / The First Positron Emission Tomography Study of the Brain of Patients with Glaucoma


Fig. 2. PET FDG Test Results

The results obtained allow us to clarify the integrated approach to the treatment of patients
participation of various regions of the limbic and with POAG, as well as the ability to evaluate the
striatal systems (system of emotions) in patients effectiveness of the treatment.
with POAG. In addition, our data indicated that PET
with 18F-FDG makes it possible to objectify the Conclusion
choice of target structures for targeted effects,
Patients with POAG during brain PET with 18F-FDG
possibly together with specialists from related
showed signs of decreased RMG in the upper
specialties (neurologists, psychotherapists) for an
parietal lobe, lower parietal lobe and precuneus,

eISSN 1303-5150 www.neuroquantology.com

NeuroQuantology | October 2020 | Volume 18 | Issue 10 | Page 06-12 | doi: 10.14704/nq.2020.18.10.NQ20226
Ilmira Gazizova et al / The First Positron Emission Tomography Study of the Brain of Patients with Glaucoma

posterior lumbar cortex, in the heads of the caudate

nuclei and optic thalamus. Undoubtedly, the
revealed changes in the metabolism of the brain
neurons in patients with POAG indicate the affinity
of this nosology with other neurodegenerative
diseases and reveal the basis of disorders (visual,
cognitive, autonomic) associated with changes in
the central nervous system in patients with POAG.
Research in this direction needs to be continued.

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eISSN 1303-5150 www.neuroquantology.com

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