SSLD 2 Floor Finishes
SSLD 2 Floor Finishes
SSLD 2 Floor Finishes
We are grateful to the following individuals and Paul Hetherington, Alumasc Interiors Ltd
organisations that have contributed to the Richard Parker, AMEC Design and project services
production of this guidance: Andrew Williams, BRE
Bill Healy, Build Offsite
Ian Morris, Atkins
Richard Ogden, Build Offsite
Rita Singh, Construction Products Association
Mike Entwisle, Buro Happold
Stephen Taylor, HSE
Rita Singh, Construction Products Association
Mark Cleverly, EC Harris
Michael Ankers,
Construction Products Association
We are also grateful to the following members Bea Etayo, Fulcrum Consulting
of the Standard Specifications, Layouts and Peter Blunt, Mtech Group
Dimensions (SSLD) Forum who have helped Martin Goss, Mtech Group
shape the broad approach to standardisation David Mackness, SCAPE System Build Ltd
in this and other guidance documents in Martin Lipson, 4Ps
this series: Mairi Johnson, CABE
Richard Saxon, CBE
Mukund Patel, DfES (SSLD Forum Chair) Peter Woolliscroft, OGC
Alan Jones, DfES (SSLD Policy Lead) Richard Brindley, RIBA
Ian Morris, Atkins (SSLD Project Manager) Vic Ebdon, Devon County Council
Beech Williamson, Partnerships for Schools Don Bryson, DBS Consultancy
Stephen Reffitt, Atkins Kevin Kendall, Nottinghamshire County Council
Mark Cleverly, EC Harris Sui Te Wu, Southwark Borough Council
Paul Foster, EC Harris
Michál Cohen, Walters and Cohen, Architects
Karen Rogers, Walters and Cohen, Architects
Christian Held, Penoyre and Prasad Architects
Sunand Prasad, Penoyre and Prasad Architects
Linton Ross, Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects
Peter Clegg, Feilden Clegg Bradley Architects
3614_SSLD_floors_AW 17/4/07 09:51 Page 1
1 Introduction 2 3 Performance specifications
Who this guidance is for 2 and materials 13
How the guidance should be used 2 Performance specifications 16
Background to Standard Specifications, Example materials 16
Layouts and Dimensions (SSLD) 4 Floor type allocation: Table 1 17
Performance criteria for
2 Key performance requirements 6 types A to E: Table 2 17
Flooring properties 6 TYPE A – General flooring 22
Disability issues 12 TYPE B – Light practical flooring 24
Installation 13 TYPE C – Heavy practical flooring 26
Maintenance 14 TYPE D – Wet area flooring 28
Furniture 14 TYPE E – Hall flooring 30
Cost comment 15 Entrances 32
Capital costs 15
Whole-life costs 15 4 References 34
Enhanced specifications in
heavy traffic areas 15
Impact on capital costs for
specifying a 10 year minimum
life span for BSF 15
For the purposes of this guide the
following applies:
Static electricity
Where electronic equipment is present, the
floor may need anti–static properties to avoid
the build up of static charge. There is a general
level of conductivity required for normal traffic
areas (to avoid people getting a shock when
they have walked across the room and touch
any metal object) and a higher level for areas
where there are electrostatic sensitive devices.
All floors need cleaning but the importance
of hygiene in kitchens, food technology,
dining, toilets and shower areas is
particularly important.
Heat Resistance
Some floors should be particularly resistant to
heat. For example:
Similarly, changes in floor colour can help to Responsibilities for delivery, offloading, storage
identify different spaces and differing functions and handling should be defined.
within spaces. All installation should be in accordance
A well-designed floor pattern can help people with relevant manufacturer’s instructions.
orientate themselves by providing a sense of The designer should carry out a CDM risk
scale and perspective. assessment of the installation methods as
Confusing floor images and highly reflective part of the overall risk review.
surfaces should be avoided.
The specifier should identify the requirements
Further guidance on disability can be
for the sub-floor – in terms of its moisture
obtained from the Centre for Accessible
content, strength, hardness, level and
Environments4, the Building Regulations
smoothness – to ensure that it is suitable to
Part M and BS 8300.
receive the proposed finish.
Fixing Maintenance
Fixing, bedding and jointing of materials A floor’s longevity, appearance, safety
should be adequate to ensure and maintain and hygiene depend on the correct
the requirements for stability and structural maintenance regime.
resistance under normal loading conditions.
• The flooring manufacturer’s written
There should be no detrimental reactions from recommendations should be followed
contact between the floorings, their fixings, in all cases
beddings or adjoining materials.
• Cleaning materials should be included in the
Protection designer’s risk assessment for the project
To avoid damage, the provision and type • Cleaning and maintenance regimes should
of floor protection should be specified be incorporated in the Health and Safety
for work both during and after installation, file, which should be made available at
up to handover. building handover
Standards Furniture
Refer to the following standards for guidance Furniture and equipment chosen will influence
on installation: the selection of flooring material. They should
all be considered together early in the design
• Resilients, BS 8203
process to ensure that they are compatible.
• Concrete/Resins, BS 8204
Indentation from chairs for example can be
• Textiles, BS 5325
avoided by choosing suitable leg detail to
• Ceramics, BS 5385. spread the load.
All these codes have substantial text on
consultation during design and statements Key issues are the indentation and marking
on the responsibilities of the different parties or scratching of the finish; and the choice of
involved and later maintenance. The philosophy furniture and floor to minimise this damage,
of the codes is for issues to be resolved early both initially and over the life of the school.
in the process so that action can be identified
in sufficient time to avoid costly remedial
site work.
5 Further information on option appraisal is available in Finding the Right Solution at:
docbank/index.cfm?id=4730. A whole-life cost model, including a discounting procedure, is available at:
Room type Floor type Notes on suffixes (see relevant floor type table)
• Suffix 1 denotes a sub-type with an increased
Cleaners’ store B1.2
slip resistance requirement.
Kitchen staff and stores B1.2.4 • Suffix 2 denotes a sub-type with an increased
Server room B chemical resistance requirement.
• Suffix 3 denotes a sub-type with an increased
Dining area B3.4.6
durability requirement.
Serveries B1.3.4.6
• Suffix 4 denotes a sub-type with a high
Kiln room C hygiene requirement.
5. Slip resistance See page 9. The floor is required to maintain the specified slip
(Ramp Test) resistance over its required life.
7. Water resistance All floors should withstand a reasonable degree of spillage and
dampness from footwear etc. However, the floors specified to be
water resistant allow frequent spillage or wetting without damage,
staining or absorption. Requirements for resilients are covered in
BS EN 661 1995 and BS EN 662 1995.
11. Under-floor heating Where required, flooring types should be suitable to withstand the
effects of under-floor heating up to a temperature of 27˚C. BS 8203
has requirements for resilients. The advice on comfort in CP 1018
should be followed. BS EN 14041 should also be referred to. The
Contract Flooring Association has published a Code of Practice for
under-floor heating.
12. Chemical resistance If chemicals are used in the space, the flooring must be resistant
to it. General guidance is given but the specific risk assessment
should identify chemicals applicable for a specific project.
Manufacturers should then be consulted for appropriate flooring
solutions. If a particular chemical is of concern, a floor covering’s
resistance to it can be determined using BS EN 423. This standard
is also applicable for resistance to staining for resilient coverings.
7 Water resistance No
12 Chemical resistance No
13 Heat resistance No
13 Heat resistance No
6 Slip Resistance Value (SRV) and roughness Minimum SRV 36 – but see notes below
5. Slip resistance (Ramp Test) R10 or R11 (not relevant for showers –
see note 2 below.)
6. Slip Resistance Value (SRV) Minimum SRV 36 – but see note below
7. Water resistance E: No
E6: Yes
Damage, soiling and slips can be caused by dirt, An external canopy is helpful in reducing
grit and water entering the building on shoes wetness immediately outside the door.
and clothing. The entrance area should include
three zones: The orientation and a sheltering design for the
entrance will also reduce wind-blown rain, sleet
• an external zone with a slip resistant surface and snow entering the area. Guidance on
• an intermediate zone including a rigid materials is given in BS 7953.
entrance flooring system with built-in The entrance flooring should extend up to the
scraper action threshold and there should be no strips of
• an inner zone with textile entrance unprotected floor between matting and
flooring system threshold.
• CIRIA Document C652 (2006), Safer surfaces to • Contract Flooring Association
walk on • The Carpet Foundation
• HSE Information Sheet, Preventing slips and
trips in the education sector • National Institute of Carpet and Floor Layers
• HSE Information Sheet, Preventing slips and
trips in kitchens and food service • The British Coatings Federation
• HSE Information Sheet, Slips and trips, the
importance of floor cleaning • The British Plastics Federation
• HSE Information Sheet, The assessment of • The Centre for Accessible Environments
pedestrian slip risk
• Building Research Establishment, The Green • British Board of Agrement
Guide to Specification
• Cleaning timber floors, BS 8201:1987 and • The Tile Association
BS CP 209
• The Stone Federation
• Cleaning flexible sheet floors, BS 6263
Part 2 1982
ISBN: 978-1-84478-924-5