FS 1 Learning Ep 14
FS 1 Learning Ep 14
FS 1 Learning Ep 14
Designs, selects and utilize This teacher designs, selects and uses appropriate
appropriate assessment assessment tools for, as, and of learning.
strategies and tools
Provides safe, secure, fair This teacher arranges the classroom to provide safe,
physical and psychological secure psychological environment that supports and
learning environment that encourages learning.
supports learning
Serves beyond the call of This teacher does task and works even beyond the
duty official time when needed.
So, it is not easy to become a professional teacher. The demand is great. A
qualified professional teacher then is like a HERO.
Now you are ready to identify if the enumerated characteristics are found among
the teachers are going to observe. you are going to observe.
There are two observation activities in this Episode. Activity 1 will identify the
Personal Characteristics of the Teacher and Activity 2 will identify the Professional
Competencies of the Teacher.
Dear Ma’am/Sir:
I am a future teacher and I would like to know the characteristics of a
professional teacher. I will be very glad if you could answer the survey form about your
co-teacher ___________________________________.
I will keep in confidence your identity, however, please allow me to use the data
in my lesson. This is a requirement in our course, Field Study.
BEED Student
Name and Signature of the Teacher Informant (Peer)
Name and Signature of the Supervisor Informant (Head)
Your Name and Signature (Pre-Service Student)
ANALYZE (page 212)
Did you learn from your observation and interview on teacher’s
professional competences?
2. If all the teachers teaching today posses the professional characteristics and
competencies as the teacher/teachers observed then learners will be
________________________________________ _________________
Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date