Tone 01 Choreo Notes

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01. WARMUP 1
02. WARMUP 2
11. CORE
12. CORE
13. CORE
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01. WARMUP 1
I want my participants to feel upbeat and connected to
the music and the excitement of this inaugural release

Music Sequence/Exercise CTS REPS

0:00 Intro / 2x8 Stand, feet under hips 16
0:12 V1 / Please 4x8 Circle Arms wide to O/H and down 16 2x
0:28 PC / Side 5x8 A Side Squat L&R. Hands to thighs 8 5x
0:46 C / Song 4x8 A1 Side Squat L&R. Arms down and O/H 8 4x

1:02 Instr / Song 4x8 B 3-Step Run L&R. RA 8 4x

1:17 Ref / _ We can make 4x8 B1 3-Step Run & Jump Squat Combo L&R 2x
3-Step Run L. RA 4
Jump feet to Wide Squat. Stack hands in 2
Jump feet together, Double Bounce. Fists 2
by hips
to R 8
Option: 3-Step Walk, Side Squat
1:32 V2 / Song 9x8 C Slow Walking Burpee 16 4½x
Option: Squat Calf Raise. Arms F then
2:06 C / Song 4x8 D Firefly L&R 8 4x
Option: Firefly on knees
2:22 Ref / _ We can make 4x8 E Mountain Climber L&R 2 16x
Option: Slow Mountain Climber
2:37 Br / Song 2x8 Jump feet to Wide Squat and stand up 4
Reset for next move 12
2:45 Br / _ Ooooh 2x8 F Back-Stepping Lunge L&R. HOH 8 2x
2:52 Br / _ Ooooh 4x8 F1 Back-Stepping Lunge L&R. Sweep arms B 8 4x
and O/H
3:08 Br / (Quiet) ½x8 Hold 4
3:09 C / Song 4x8 G Double Pulse Side Lunge L&R. Hands 8 4x
stacked to thigh
3:24 Instr / Song 8x8 G1 Single Side Lunge L&R. Sweeping 4 16x
outstretched arms
Option: Hands stacked to thigh
3:55 V3 / Song 4x8 H Slow Skater L&R. Skater Arms 8 4x
4:10 PC / Side 5x8 H1 Skater L&R. Open arms wide 4 10x
4:29 C / Song 4x8 B 3-Step Run L&R. RA 8 4x
4:45 _ We can make 4x8 B1 3-Step Run & Jump Squat Combo L&R 16 2x
Option: 3-Step Walk, Side Squat

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01. FINAL SONG 5:02 mins


• Shoulders over hands
LAYER 1 • Knee to chest
• Feet under hips • Brace abs
• Squat to the side • Right, left, right, left
• Hands on thighs • Hips low and straight back
• Step out and together, other side and together Option: Fast Mountain Climber
• Knees are pressing out and butt stays above knee Option: Slow down, back foot taps floor
• Chest is proud
• Let's advance it, hands come down and up
• This is going to warm us up
• Keep chest lifted
• Alternate lunge
• Right foot, left foot
LAYER 1 • Long step back, drop knee, rise, step in; other leg
• One, two, hold, change • Long step back and wide
• Step, step, hold, step, step, hold • Arms lower, lift
• Soft landing and hips are square • Front knee presses out in line and tracking
Option: Step to the side over middle toes, front thigh parallel to floor
Option: Leap to the side
LAYER 1 • Side lunge, pulse, pulse
• Add Jump Squat • Knee bends and is pushed out in line with
• Squat, jump back middle toes
• Jump back, double bounce • Static leg straightens
• Butt back aboves knees as you squat • Straight back and braced abs
• Feet hip-width apart, toes turned out tracking • Add arms and single tap
over middle toes • Top arm reaches high, bottom arm reaches low
• Hands stacked in front • Chest is lifted
• Fists by hips Option: Hands remain on bent leg
Option: Squat to the side
SLOW WALKING BURPEE • Body warming, spine mobilizing


• Squat, hands down, walk back, in, in, squat and rise
• Brace abs and long back LAYER 1
• Step feet back to Plank position • Step wide to the side, dragging your feet on the
• Feet together, legs straight floor, bending the knee close to 45 degrees
• Hips shoulder height or slightly lower • Tip from the hips
• Return same way • Chest is lifted
• Step feet outside the hands to Squat • Use the arms side to side for propulsion
• Lift chest, lift arms
Option: Stay and single-time Squat, no Burpee
Option: Lift the heels in the Squat Calf Raise

• Hands under shoulders
• Knee to elbow, change
• Brace abs
Option: Remain on knees

• Press firmly through the floor
• Feel the conditioning

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01. FINAL SONG 5:02 mins
This song has a light, positive feel to engage
participants for the workout ahead. The aim of the
Warmup is to introduce many of the movements that
are in the workout to come. It is the ideal time to
introduce levels of intensity to ensure everyone in the
class is confident that they have a choice to work out
their way.

Simplicity and clarity with Layer 1 coaching is your

focus: naming the exercise, and using body-part and
direction cues so the class can follow successfully.
Practice your pre-cues to transition from one
movement to the next and prepare for seamless

All 9 exercises have levels to coach. Role-modeling the

levels in addition to verbally coaching levels sets your
class up for success. This is also a great opportunity to
coach the benefits of the Warmup: warming, preparing
and mobilizing the body. Allow your body to shine
as you create a connection to you, the music and the

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02. WARMUP 2
I want to ensure my participants understand this is
a progression of warming the body to get the most
benefit from the entire cardio block.

Music Sequence/Exercise CTS REPS

0:00 Intro / 2x8 Stand, feet under hips 16
0:07 Instr / 6x8 A Side Squat L&R. Hands to thighs 8 6x
0:30 Instr / (Finger click) 4x8 A1 Side Squat L&R. Hands to thighs, reach 8 4x
0:46 C / _ See your soul 4x8 A2 Low Propulsion Side Squat L&R. Reach 8 4x
towards floor, reach O/H
Option: No propulsion
1:01 Instr / (Steel drum) 4x8 A3 Propulsion Side Squat L&R. Touch floor, 8 4x
reach O/H
Option: No propulsion
1:16 Instr / (Beat) 4x8 B 3-Step Run L&R. RA 8 4x
1:32 Instr / (Heavy beat) 4x8 B1 3-Step Run & Jump Squat Combo L&R 2x
3-Step Run L. RA 4
Jump feet to Wide Squat. Hands stacked in 2
Jump feet together, Double Bounce. Fists 2
by hips
to R 8
Option: 3-Step Walk, Side Squat
1:47 Instr / (Quiet) 2x8 A Side Squat L&R. Hands to thighs 8 2x
1:55 Instr / (Quiet) 2x8 A1 Side Squat L&R. Hands to thighs, reach 8 2x
2:03 C / _ See your soul 4x8 A2 Low Propulsion Side Squat L&R. Reach 8 4x
towards floor, reach O/H
No propulsion
2:18 Instr / (Steel drum) 4x8 A3 Propulsion Side Squat L&R. Touch floor, 8 4x
reach O/H
Option: No propulsion
2:33 Instr / (Beat) 4x8 B 3-Step Run L&R. RA 8 4x
2:49 Instr / (Heavy beat) 8x8 B2 3-Step Run & Burpee Combo L&R 4x
3-Step Run L. RA 4
Fast Burpee 4
to R 8
Option: 3-Step Run & Jump Squat
Option: 3-Step Walk, Side Squat
3:19 Instr / (Quiet beat) 4x8 A3 Propulsion Side Squat L&R. Touch floor, 8 4x
reach O/H
Option: No propulsion
3:35 Instr / (Quiet beat) 4x8 A2 Low Propulsion Side Squat L&R. Reach 8 4x
towards floor, reach O/H
Option: No propulsion
3:50 Outro / (Finger click) 4x8 A1 Side Squat L&R. Hands to thighs, reach 8 4x

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02. TREASURED SOUL 4:08 mins


• Squat, hands to floor under shoulders, arms straight
LAYER 1 • Jump feet back to Plank position
• Squat, right, center, left, center • Jump in, feet outside hips, rise and run
• Butt goes back and down, knees in line with • Brace core and straight back
toes Option: Side Squat, no Burpee
• Keep chest lifted
• Arms reach up and to the thighs LAYER 2
• Arms reach up and down to the floor • More intensity, bigger range
• Squat and explode
LAYER 2 • Reverse the pyramid, from the high to toning it
• Working hard through all options down
• Your workout, your way
LAYER 1 • Clear Layer 1 cues
• Add hop to the side • Layer 2 with focus on the 'hows'
• Reach down, hop over
• Freeze, leap, freeze, leap This track starts with the Side Squat, with progressions
• Chest lifted to boost intensity, whilst ensuring lower levels are
• Add intensity by freezing the Squat and propelling coached and physically role-modeled. The key to
across ensuring everyone feels successful is to coach levels
Options: No propulsion or Leap early on in the first sequence. Repeating the sequence
again allows participants to build confidence in the
Option: Hands remain on thighs and reach up
LAYER 2 Layer 2 cues focus on increasing the heart rate
• Sit back and down like you're sitting into a chair using the power of legs to jump to the side in the
• Use the power of the legs to drive upward Side Squat; increasing the ROM of the arm-lines
• Use the momentum of the arms to lift higher with muscular intensity and precision and increasing
• Squat and explode distance in the 3-Step Run.
3-STEP RUN & JUMP SQUAT/BURPEE COMBO Everyone should feel included and challenged by your
coaching. By coaching the benefits of the progression
3-STEP RUN of heart rate, we propel everyone into the workout.
The benefits of warmth, heat and feeling the intensity
LAYER 1 in the legs set the tone for the workout ahead.
• 1, 2, 3, step, step hold
• Bend your knee on the landing and absorb the
• Hips square to the front
• Run or walk to the side
Option: Step to the side
Option: Leap to the side

• More intensity, bigger range, or lighter, shorter
• Working hard through all options


• Hold and squat, down, jump, jump
• Squat down, jump, jump back or step and squat
• Butt back above knees as you squat
• Feet outside hip-width, toes turned out
• Knees out and tracking over middle toes
• Keep knees soft
Option: Squat to the side

• Working hard through all options

LES MILLS TONE 1 © Les Mills International Ltd 2018

I want my participants to understand clearly how to
execute the Propulsion Firefly and Squat Jump safely
and effectively.

Music Sequence/Exercise CTS REPS

0:00 Intro / Here 4x8 Set up Firefly, facing front 32
0:15 Rep / Here 4x8 A Firefly L&R 8 4x
Option: On knees
0:30 Bup / Here 4x8 A1 Propulsion Firefly L&R 8 4x
Option: No propulsion
0:46 Instr 4x8 A1 High Propulsion Firefly L&R 8 4x
Option: No propulsion
1:01 C / _ Momentum 4x8 B Mountain Climber L&R 2 16x
Option: On knees
1:16 Ref / Here 2x8 Jump feet to Wide Squat and stand up 8
Slow Double Pulse Squat 8
1:24 Ref / Here 2x8 C Slow Double Pulse Squat. Stacked hands 8 2x
then open down to sides
1:31 Rep / Here 4x8 C1 Double Pulse Squat. Hands stack then 4 8x
open down to sides
Options: Calf Raise or Jump
1:47 Bup / Here 4x8 C2 Double Pulse Squat Jump 4 6x
Transition to floor on last 8cts
Options: Calf Raise or Jump
2:02 Instr / 4x8 A1 High Propulsion Firefly L&R 8 4x
Option: No propulsion
2:17 C / _ Momentum 4x8 B Mountain Climber L&R 2 14x
Jump feet to Wide Squat and stand up on
last 4cts
Option: On knees
2:32 Outro / Here 4x8 C2 Double Pulse Squat Jump 4 8x
Options: Calf Raise or Jump

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03. MOMENTUM 2:49 mins
LAYER 1 • Squat, hold, Squat and rise
• Come to the floor • Pulse, down and up
• Feet outside hip-width
• Hands under shoulders
• Brace abs • Knees out and tracking over middle toes
• Right knee, left knee • Butt sits down and back to just above knee
• Pull hips back, propel forward line
• Knee moves; body stays still • Chest lifted, hips square to front
• Arms straight and forward of shoulders, hands
Option: Remain on knees stacked then open down to the sides
• Lift the heels and Calf Raise or Jump
PROPULSION FIREFLY • Soft knees to land
Option: Raise heels or jump
• Add Jump Option: Heels remain down
• Jump forward, jump back
• Pull hips back, firefly forward LAYER 2
• Always land with bent knees
• Knee moves; jump forward, jump back
• Brace abs tighter to move stronger
• Core braced tightly, back straight
Option: Jump higher COACHING TIPS
Featured are 3 moves that progress through the
LAYER 2 choreography and are repeated, building intensity with
• Drive hands into floor each level. Your job is to role-model (say and do) first
• Push from floor and break the movement with clear Layer 1 setup, then how to dial the intensity up or
the strong arms down early on. This allows participants to choose the
• Feel the conditioning level that best suits them.

MOUNTAIN CLIMBER The track starts with the Propulsion Firefly, creating an
incredible training stimulus for upper body and core
LAYER 1 conditioning, as well as staying in the cardio workout.
Layer 2 cues that include the push off from the legs;
• Shoulders over hands
the absorption of the propulsion by catching the move
• One knee to chest, switch knees
with shoulders strong and the core switched on, allow
• Back straight, hips low, abs braced, participants to move safely. We then add a familiar
shoulders away from ears move with the Mountain Climbers with a choice to go
Option: Fast Mountain Climber fast to amp up the heart rate. It's essential to coach
Options: Knee to chest, back foot taps floor or slow shoulders back and down, with strong abdominals
Mountain Climber braced tightly for stability and control. As a non-impact
move, this is ideal for a boost in cardio conditioning.
• Fast on our legs The Double Pulse Squat with Calf Raise develops
• Drive hands into floor strength in the legs and glutes whilst training control.
• Stabilize your core by bracing abs This move progresses to a jump with an optional
Burpee at the end of the sequence. Ensure to coach
the knees are soft and out towards the middle toes
when jumping, to safely absorb the impact. Whatever
level your participants take is a step further to getting
fitter and stronger. Encourage your class to challenge
themselves whatever level they choose.

LES MILLS TONE 1 © Les Mills International Ltd 2018

I want my participants to feel uplifted and successful in
the new Ballet-inspired moves through my clear Layer
1 coaching.

Music Sequence/Exercise CTS REPS

0:00 C / I don’t need 2x8 Stand, heels together, toes open 16
0:09 C / I don’t need 2x8 A 4x Side Toe Tap L&R. HOH 16
0:18 Instr / (Beat) 4x8 A1 4x Side Leg Raise w. Pointed Toes L&R. 16 2x
0:35 Ref / _ Sweet sweet love 4x8 A2 4x Side Leg Raise w. Pointed Toes L&R. 16 2x
Arms reach O/H
0:52 Br / (Quiet) ½x8 Hold. HOH 4
0:55 C / I don’t need 4x8 B Ballet Squat. HOH 4x
Squat down, lift heels 4
Heels down, straighten legs 4
1:12 C / I don’t need 4x8 B1 Ballet Squat w. Heel Lift. HOH 4x
Squat down, lift heels 4
Heels down, straighten legs 2
Heel lift 2
1:29 Br / (Quiet) 1x8 Hold, HOH 4
Jump Squat 4
1:34 Instr / (Synth) 3½x8 C Jump Squat 7x
Jump to Wide Squat. HOH 2
Jump heels together, toes out. HOH 2

Dance Option: Plié Jump Squat, Slow

Jump feet hip-width apart onto toes. HOH 2
Jump heels down and together into Plié. 2
1:49 Instr / (Beat) 2x8 C Jump Squat 4 4x

Dance Option: Plié & Jump Squat Combo.

Stand in First Position 1
Plié 1
Plié Jump Squat Fast 2
1:58 Instr / (Beat) 2x8 C Jump Squat 4 4x

Dance Option: Explosive Plié & Jump

Squat Combo. HOH
Stand in First Position 1
Plié 1
Jump up and shoot feet out wide 1
Land in Plié 1
2:07 Rep / I don’t need 4½x8 D Side Toe Tap & Heel Lift Combo L&R. 4½x
Side Toe Tap L 1
L foot in, heels together 1
Lift heels, lower heels 2
to R 4

Dance Option: Toe Tap & Plié Jump Squat 8

Combo L&R

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04. RICH BOY 3:03 mins
Music Sequence/Exercise CTS REPS
2:26 Instr / (Synth) 7½x8 D1 Side Leg Raise & Jump Squat Combo 7½x
Side Leg Raise R 1
Bring R foot down and heels together 1
Jump Squat 2
to L 4

Dance Option: Side Leg Raise and 8

Explosive Plié Jump Squat Combo R&L.

LES MILLS TONE 1 © Les Mills International Ltd 2018

04. RICH BOY 3:03 mins
LAYER 1 • Heels down, bend knees out
• Jump feet to hip-width apart, onto toes, heels lift
• Heels together, toes turned out
• Jump in, heels together in Plié
• 4 Toe Taps to the side, change sides
• Stand up
• Tuck tail bone under • Up, down, out and in, up, down, out and land
• Lift the chest • Repeat
• Brace abs • Jump out, lift legs to the side
• Squeeze butt Options: Feet remain on floor or on toes with heels
• Hands on hips lifted


• Lift leg to the side • One Leg Tap, one Squat Jump, heels down
• Hands on hips • Jump Squat, heels down
• Arms lift to a high 'V' • Jump in, heels down
• Draw shoulders down away from ears • Lift the leg to the side 45 degrees
• Soft knees to land
LAYER 2 • Hands on hips
• Squeeze butt and pull thigh muscles up and • Hips square to front and abs braced
tight Option: Foot remains on floor in Tap and Jump
• Create gorgeous posture, stand really tall Squat, heels down


• Whatever you choose, it's fabulous toning for our
• Dance is all about fun and feeling super energized
• Heels remain together
• Hands on hips COACHING TIPS
• Squat, bend knees, lift heels and rise Upbeat and free is the musical feel so match your voice
• Drive knees outward and as you rise, heels and attitude to create a positive, uplifted shift for your
down participants. Practicing this track multiple times before
• Tail bone tucked under you teach will allow your muscles to develop memory
• Lift chest for a new movement pattern.
• Squeeze butt as you rise
Option: Add Heel Lift on the rise Listen in closely to the Masterclass, script your cues
and as you practice, be very specific in body-part and
direction. Telling your body what to do will tell your
participants what to do. Pre-cueing is essential for the
• Body upright and pull thigh muscles up thigh multiple combinations and stay focused on Layer 1
bone until everyone is moving well. Layer 2 cues that focus
• Keep the turnout and squeeze glutes on muscular feel and posture will give participants vital
information on how to move well and get the most out
JUMP SQUAT of the moves.

LAYER 1 Reminding them throughout the track to stand tall and

• From heels together, jump out, jump in lifted are perfect reminders for maintaining excellent
• Jump out, bend knees, heels down posture. Layer 2 muscular feel cues for the Ballet Squat
• Jump in, heels together with toes down with Heel Lift include driving the knees outwards and
back; driving the heels into the floor or a lift of the
• Hands on hips
heels to strengthen the calves. When you move in the
• Hips square to front and abs braced
Jump Squat, whether the heels land, lift, or you jump,
• Soft knees to land you boost the heart rate in an energized, fun manner.
Option: Feet remain on floor

• Jump in, pull heels together
• Jump out, turn toes out slightly

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I want to ensure the setup of the room and moves are
simple, making it clear so everyone can follow easily.

Music Sequence/Exercise CTS REPS

0:00 Intro / 8x8 Split the class in half. Set up that each side 64
will be doing different exercises.
0:25 V1 / _ Replace the poison 2x8 A Step Touch L&R. Skater Arms 4 4x
0:31 PC / _ Maybe we’ll meet 2x8 A1 Low Skater L&R. Skater Arms 4 4x
0:38 PC / _ Maybe we’re better 2x8 A2 Med Skater L&R. Skater Arms 4 4x
0:44 C / Maybe we’ll meet 4x8 A3 High Skater L&R. High Skater Arms 4 8x
Option: Low Skater
0:57 Instr / 4x8 A4 Team A – Sprints to center and back 32
Team B – 8x Skater L&R
1:10 Instr / 4x8 A4 Team A – 8x Skater L&R 32
Team B – Sprints to center and back
1:23 V2 / _ I can’t imagine 4x8 Break and Back-Stepping Lunge 32
1:35 V3 / _ I love you 4x8 B Back-Stepping Lunge L&R. HOH 8 4x
1:48 PC / _ Maybe we’ll meet 8x8 B1 Double Plyo Lunge L&R. Sweep arms 8 8x
down by sides then O/H
Option: Back-Stepping Lunge
2:14 Instr / 4x8 B2 Team A – Sprints 32
Team B – 4x Double Plyo Lunge L&R
2:27 Instr / 4x8 B2 Team A – 4x Double Plyo Lunge L&R 32
Team B – Sprints
2:40 Br / (Quiet) 4x8 Double Pulse Squat 32
2:53 V4 / _ I still hang 2x8 C Double Pulse Squat. Stacked hands then 8 2x
open down to sides
2:59 V5 / _ I wish we 4x8 C1 Slow Walking Burpee 16 2x
3:12 PC / _ Maybe we’ll meet 4x8 C2 Burpee with Jump 8 4x
Option: No Jump
Option: Slow Walking Burpee
3:24 C / Maybe we’ll meet 4x8 C3 Fast Burpee with Jump. (Off the beat) 32
3:37 Instr / 4x8 C4 Team A – Sprints 32
Team B – Fast Burpee with Jump
3:50 Instr / 4x8 C4 Team A – Fast Burpee with Jump 32
Team B – Sprints
4:03 V6 / _ I can’t imagine 4x8 Break and Tuck Jump & 7x Heel Lift 32
4:16 V7 / _ I love you 4x8 D Tuck Jump & 7x Heel Lift Combo. Double 16 2x
Punch F then 7x Double Punch O/H
Option: Straight Jump & 7x Heel Lift
4:28 PC / _ Maybe we’ll meet 8x8 D1 Tuck Jump & 3x Heel Lift Combo. Double 8 8x
Punch F, then 3x Double Punch O/H
Option: Straight Jump & 3x Heel Lift
4:54 Instr / 4x8 D2 Team A – Sprints 32
Team B – 4x Tuck Jump & 3x Heel Lift
5:07 Instr / 4x8 D2 Team A – 4x Tuck Jump & 3x Heel Lift 32
Team B – Sprints
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05. ANOTHER LIFE 5:25 mins


• Side step, side, side • Squat, hands to floor under shoulders, arms straight
• Slide foot next to the other • Step feet back to Plank position
• You can go high and jump • Step feet in, outside the hands to Squat and lift
• Higher with the arms and Side Jump chest
• Tap other foot next to supporting foot, knee bent • Brace abs and long spine
• Tip forward from hips (no more than Option: Stay and Double Pulse Squat, no Burpee
45 degrees)
• Chest lifted, shoulders back and away from LAYER 2
ears • Abs braced for stronger stability
• One arm forward at shoulder height, the other to
the side and back FAST BURPEE WITH JUMP
Option: Keep foot off the floor
Option: Jump to the side • Squat, hands to floor under shoulders, arms straight
Option: Jump higher and arms higher • Jump feet back to Plank position
• Jump feet in, outside the hands, to squat and lift
• Add Jump
LAYER 1 • Brace core, neck long and back straight
• Run, jog or walk. Touch down and go back
• Brace your belly and keep your back long and
Option: No Jump, stay and Double Pulse Squat, no


• As fast as you can to lift the heart rate
• Drive upward
• Step back, drop knee, rise, step in; other leg
• Feet hip-distance apart
• Front knee in line with toes
• Long step back, knee bent to 90 degrees, return to
• 1 Tuck Jump, 7 Lifts
start position
• 1 Tuck Jump, 3 Lifts
• Abs braced, chest lifted, shoulders away from • Jump up
ears, hands on hips • Knees wide and high
• Hands on hips • Take tuck away and don't jump
• Arms push straight and forward at shoulder height
DOUBLE PLYO LUNGE • Abs braced, chest lifted
Options: Feet under hips, lift and lower heels or
small straight jump up
• Add Plyo Jump
• Drive off both legs up and push upwards
• Arms pull down low and then push up high on the LAYER 2
Jump • As many jumps as you can


• Drive upward What a phenomenal track for a cardiovascular boost
and to enhance connection with your class. Having a
DOUBLE PULSE SQUAT solid game plan on how you will organize your class
is key to everyone moving and feeling successful.
Visualize your room, and even better, practice in your
group exercise room prior to launch for confident, clear
• Feet outside hip-width
setup. Practice all levels of the exercises, moving with
• Double Pulse down and up
athletic execution, to ensure you are a strong, physical
• Knees out and tracking over middle toes role model.
• Butt back and down
• Chest lifted, hips square to front The Tuck Jump may not be for everyone, though this
• Arms straight and forward of shoulders, hands is an exciting move featured in TONE 1. Athletes will
stacked then open down to the sides be 'jazzed' about it and many participants will try it and
feel empowered by the new challenge. The use of a
LAYER 2 clear, confident and driving voice will set the tone for
• Strong legs, strong body real motivation and teamwork.

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I want my participants to understand how to create
stability in their core in order to enable them to move
effectively in their hips and glutes.

Music Sequence/Exercise CTS REPS

0:12 Intro / 2x8 Set up Back Tap with band, 16
stand on band, feet hip-width apart. Cross
handles, HOH
0:18 Instr / 20x8 A 4x Back Tap L&R. HOH 32 5x
1:11 Instr / (Heavy beat) 10x8 B 4x Side Step L&R. HOH 32 2½x
1:38 C / Love me 12x8 B1 4x Side Step R&L. Lift arms F 32 3x
2:09 Instr / (Drums) 4x8 C Quick Pulse Squat. HOH 2 12x
Set up for next move on last 8cts
2:20 Instr / 24x8 D 8x Pulse Rear Leg Lift L&R. HOH 32 6x
3:24 Outro / (Fade) 2x8 Recover; step off band 16

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06. TUSK 3:31 mins
What a phenomenal piece of music, combining
BACK TAP strong hip and gluteal work, with the added bonus
of upper body integration! Our base of support in
LAYER 1 all movements in life are our core and strong hips,
gluteals and legs. Telling your participants that their
• One handle in each hand, step into middle of
focus is stability reminds them on what cues they
band hip-distance apart, cross handles with
should listen for.
hands to hip or to thighs
• Weight onto left leg Bracing the abs, maintaining hips level, driving from
• Move right leg back, then to the side, 4, 3, 2, 1, active glutes and from the hip joint only, are cues to
change legs educate them about how to move from the hips safely
• Keep the tension between the feet and effectively. Adding the why cues of protecting
• Abs braced lower back and firing the entirety of the glutes for
• Hips square to front rock solid, strong muscles is intelligent coaching. The
Option: No band addition of the arms moving forward of the body will
place demand on the core stabilizers so ensure cues
around the shoulders back and down, chest lifted and
strong core brace are included. Intensity is affected
• Keep pressing the standing knee out; it will keep
by the tension of the band so remind participants the
you engaging your side glutes
focus is not height of the movement but muscular feel
• This gives us shape and knee safety
and control.
• Attempt maintaining hips level
Lastly, when the Pulses hit, scan the entire room to
determine if instability and momentum are kicking
in. This is probable so bring back coaching on the
LAYER 1 hows and whys of bracing hard and strong for solid
• Walk to the side, 4, 3, 2, 1, switch directions execution. Coaching the room with encouragement
• Chest is proud and shoulders are down and control will move participants in the right direction.
• Keep upper body still
• Push handles forward
• Stand up tall
Option:Push the band further away
Options: No band or hands remain on hips

• Body as still as possible, strong and stable
• Stabilize the leg by squeezing glutes; stabilize
upper body by squeezing shoulder blades together
• Lift up tall; to work harder, lift the handles higher
• Pull the shoulders down the back strongly


• Squat pulse
• Pulse down and up fast
• Knees out and tracking over middle toes
• Butt sits down and back to just above knee
• Chest lifted, hips square to front
• Hands on hips


• Transfer weight to one leg, pulse 8 times, change
• Keep the tension on, pull the feet apart
• Hips square to front
• Heels on a 45-degree angle towards the back of the

• Keep pressing knee out slightly, keeping it bent,
activating the glutes and isolating the glute medius
• Toning and shaping strong glutes

LES MILLS TONE 1 © Les Mills International Ltd 2018

I want my participants to feel the integration of their
shoulder girdle and back muscles, enabled by my
Layer 2 coaching.

Music Sequence/Exercise CTS REPS

0:00 Intro / 4x8 Set up Circular Shoulder Combo, feet hip- 32
width apart, plates O/H
Option: band, stand on band, elbows bent
at 90º, at shoulder height
Option: No band
0:14 V1 / Can you even see 12x8 A Circular Shoulder Combo 3x
Arms to high 'V', palms up 4
Rotate and lower, palms down 4
Tip F from hips 4
Lower plates towards each other 4
Reverse Circular Shoulder Combo 16
Option: With band
0:55 _ Tonight ½x8 Hold. Arms O/H 4
0:57 V2 / Look at the sky 16x8 A1 Fast Circular Shoulder Combo w. Row & 4x
Pull Down
Arms to high 'V', palms up 2
Rotate and lower, palms down 2
Tip F from hips 2
Lower plates towards each other 2
Single Arm Row L&R 8
Reverse Circular Shoulder Combo 8
Single Pull Down L&R 8
1:51 C / Tonight ½x8 Step L leg B to Lunge. Arms down, palms F 4
Option: Band under R foot
1:53 Rep / _ Do you believe 8x8 B Weighted Lunge R. Arms down, palms F 8 8x
2:20 C / _ Oh oh 4x8 B1 Triple Pulse Lunge R w. Rear Leg Lift. 8 4x
Plates to chest, open down to sides, palms
2:34 C / Tonight 8x8 B2 Triple Pulse Lunge R w. Propulsion Leg 8 8x
Lift. Plates to chest, open down to sides,
palms F
3:01 Br / (Quiet) ½x8 Step R leg B to Lunge 4
3:03 Rep / _ Do you believe 8x8 B Weighted Lunge L. Arms down, palms F 8 8x
3:31 C / _ Oh oh 4x8 B1 Triple Pulse Lunge L w. Rear Leg Lift. 8 4x
Plates to chest then open down to sides,
palms F
3:44 C / Tonight 8x8 B2 Triple Pulse Lunge L w. Propulsion Leg 8 8x
Lift. Plates to chest, open down to sides,
palms F

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07. WALK ON WATER 4:16 mins
• Squeeze shoulder blades together to lift
CIRCULAR SHOULDER COMBO WITH PLATES OR • Keep handles forward of face so you can see them
BAND at all times


• Feet outside hips, slight knee bend
• Lift plates, open arms and plates wide
• Rotate down, tip forward from the hips
• Bring the plates together and down
• Lift the plates, rotate them, lift body and arms
• Squeeze shoulder blades together to lift
• Lower plates together
• Reverse order
• Lift plates to the side, lift body
• Arms and plates return wide to 90 degrees
• Plates and arms return high, forward of
shoulders; plates face in
• Brace abs to support the lower back
• Plates/elbows finish just under shoulder height
• Keep plates forward of face so you can see them at
all times WITH PLATES

• Feet hip-width apart
• Lift plates, open arms and plates wide
• Bring the plates together and down
• Add 2 single rows
• Row the elbow back and change
• Double time
• Out, up and pull the arms down one at a time
• Shoulder blades squeeze together
• Brace abs to support lower back

• No rotation through the torso, keep the isolation in
the shoulders
• Your body is changing, every rep


• Both feet in the band, feet hip-width apart
• Elbows lift forward of shoulders at 90 degrees
• Band on the inside of arms and knuckles face up
• Arms open at 90 degrees, just under the shoulders
• Extend the arms out to the side
• Rotate palms, facing down
• Tip forward from the hips
• Lower handles together
• Reverse order
• Extend band to the side, lift body
• Elbows return wide to 90 degrees
• Brace abs to support the lower back
Option: No band

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07. WALK ON WATER 4:16 mins

• Both feet in the band, feet hip-width apart • Long step back,
• Elbows lift forward of shoulders at 90 degrees lunge and rise
• Open band and arms to 90 degrees then wide • Palms face in
apart, palms down • Back knee drop to 90
• Tip forward from the hips degrees, front knee
• Band together presses out in line
• Row the band behind, change arms with middle foot
• Opposite, lift the band wide, lift the body, • Band and arms wide
rotate to 90-degree angle with the lunge down
• Return by side on
• Elbows return forward to 90 degrees and open
lunge up
twice at same angle

• Shoulder blades squeeze together
• Reverse Circular Shoulder Combo to top Options: No band or keep foot on floor
• Brace abs to support lower back
Option: No band LIFT


• Triple Pulse Lunge
• Plates to chest
• 3, 2, 1 and lift
• Arms wide
• Back leg lifts behind and straight
• Add Jump
• Abs braced, chest lifted, shoulders away
from ears
• Knee presses out in line and tracking over
middle toes, front thigh parallel to floor
• Squeeze shoulder blades together
Option: No band
WITH PLATES • Use glutes and postural muscles as you lift
• Land softly after the jump
LAYER 1 • Press the plates straight down
• Long step back, lunge and rise
• Drop back knee to 90
degrees, front knee
presses out in line
with middle foot
• Arms down, plates face
the front and squeeze
shoulder blades
• Lift the chest

• Squeeze the back of
the arms to activate the

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07. WALK ON WATER 4:16 mins

• Triple Pulse Lunge
• 3, 2, 1 and lift
• Elbows forward of shoulders at 90 degrees on pulse
• Back leg lifts behind and straight arms, knuckles up
• Feet hip-distance apart, band under one foot
• Abs braced, chest lifted, shoulders away
from ears
Option: No band

• Eye gaze to floor to help you balance
• Engage your lower lats

First, each of the 3 moves – the Circular Shoulder
Combo, Circular Shoulder Combo with Row and
Shoulder Press, and Weighted Lunge – must be
coached in Layer 1 with precision and clarity to ensure
targets are clear.

Layer 2 cues focusing on stability and control will assist

participants in muscular feel and intensity. Including
Layer 2 cues of a strong squeeze between the shoulder
blades, pulling the back muscles down for stability and
bracing the core super strongly will provide a rock-solid
foundation to move the arms with control and strength
in the two shoulder combinations.

Cue the use of the back of the arms, activated when

the plates pull back, in the Weighted Lunge series.
Also, important is strong activation of the glutes
and thighs, and a soft landing once the Leg Lift and
Propulsion Leg Lift are added. These cues provide a
phenomenal platform for participants' safe movement
quality. Finally, ensure you are confident in coaching
the use of the weights and bands if you are offering
both options in your class.

LES MILLS TONE 1 © Les Mills International Ltd 2018

I want my participants to feel how the weighted or
resisted Side Lunge can improve posture.

Music Sequence/Exercise CTS REPS

0:00 Intro / 4x8 Set up Slow Weighted Side Lunge, with 32
Option: Band behind back, hold handles
Options: No plates or band, feet wide,
toes out slightly
0:11 V1 / Love me 8x8 A Slow Weighted Side Lunge R&L. 16 4x
Sweeping outstretched arms
Options: No plates or band
0:33 C / _ If you love me 8x8 B Slow Weighted Rear Leg Lift & Pulse 4x
Lunge Combo R. Facing R
Lift L leg. Double Reach O/H, palms down 8
Step L leg down to Lunge. Lower plates
down by sides, palms F 8
Band F to O/H
Options: No plates or band
0:55 Rep / Do 8x8 B1 Fast Weighted Rear Leg Lift & Pulse 8x
Lunge Combo R. Facing R
Lift L leg. Double Reach O/H, palms down 4
Step L leg down to Lunge. Lower plates 4
down by sides, palms F
Option: Lift R heel on Leg Lift
Options: No plates or band
1:17 Rep / Do 4x8 C Facing R, Pulse Rear Leg Lift L. Double 2 16x
Reach O/H, palms down
Option: Arms down by sides
1:28 V2 / Feeling 8x8 B Slow Weighted Rear Leg Lift & Pulse 16 4x
Lunge Combo L. Facing L
Options: No plates or band
1:50 C / _ If you love me 8x8 B1 Fast Weighted Rear Leg Lift & Pulse 8 8x
Lunge Combo L. Facing L
Options: No plates or band
2:12 Br / Do 4x8 C Facing L, Pulse Rear Leg Lift R. Double 2 16x
Reach O/H, palms down
Options: No plates or band
2:23 Br / Holla holla 4x8 A Slow Weighted Side Lunge R&L. 16 2x
Sweeping outstretched arms
Options: No plates or band
2:34 C / _ If you love me 16x8 A1 Weighted Side Lunge Combo 8x
Weighted Side Lunge R&L. Sweeping 8
outstretched arms
4x Fast Weighted Side Lunge R&L. 8
Single Arm Row R&L
Options: No plates or band

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08. SAY YOU DO 3:22 mins
• Squeeze the butt tightly to stabilize leg
SLOW WEIGHTED SIDE LUNGE • Take time to move with the music
• Postural pull down, shoulders away from ears
WITH PLATES • Feel expansive and strong

• Step out, feet wide, toes out
• Side lunge, right knee bends, left knee
• Hinge from hips with a long spine
• Brace abs strongly
• Turn from center of chest
• Weight plate to 45 degrees
• Knees press out slightly
• Posture is upright


• Half the band
• Lift arms over head, forward of shoulders; knuckles
• Band in line with eyes
• Arms back down towards belly
Option: Maintain back toes on the floor


• Maintain tension on the band
• Band wide and bring it behind and high on your
upper back
• Turn from center of chest
• Rear arm directly behind you, arms remain wide
• One leg fully straight

• Tension remains on the band




• Turn body to the side
• Back leg lifts
• Land in a Lunge
• Arms over head, land with knees bent at 90
• Weight plates in line with eyes
• Quicker, lift and land
• Squeeze the glutes
• Hold the leg up and pulse
• Bend supporting leg
Option: Lift the heel
Option: Maintain back toes on the floor
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08. SAY YOU DO 3:22 mins
The music lightens and so can you and your class with
WITH PLATES an uplifted, energized coaching style. When the music
lifts, you can match it with a positive, yet strong feel.
LAYER 1 The innovation is the use of the plates in the Weighted
• Side lunge, add rhythm Side Lunge and the Weighted Rear Leg Lift & Pulse
• Single, single slow, 4 fast Lunges Lunge Combo. Layer 1 clarity begins with the delivery
• 1, 2, 4, 3, 2, 1 of clear body-part and direction cues for targets with
• Weight plate towards your ankle the plates and/or band. When practicing in front of the
• Turn from center of chest mirror, coach the cues out loud, so when you teach the
• Hinge from hips moves in class, your participants will feel successful.
• One knee bent and tracking over middle toes
• Static leg straightens The track starts with Side Lunges, stimulating the
postural muscles of the back and maintaining a lifted
• Abs braced, chest lifted
chest for a great posture. Turning from the center of
• Plates out at 45 degrees
the chest, ensure the movement originates from the
• Front arm down at 45 degrees
obliques. If you're using a band, coach continued
tension on the band to create awareness in the back to
lift the chest. The use of plates will require even more
• Posture is upright
abdominal control cueing.

The Weighted Side Lunge is integration at its finest

with expansive postural training, core control, leg
strength and heart rate lift. There is also the bonus of
added levels with the Heel Lift and the Pulses to once
again target the gluteals. Coach the benefits! Using
lots of smiles and positivity in this track will keep the
class engaged and connected.


• Band wide and bring it behind you, high on your
upper back
• Turn from center of chest
• Hinge from hips
• Arms remain wide
• Knee bent and aligned over middle toes
• One leg fully straight
• Tension remains on the band
• Abs braced, chest lifted

LES MILLS TONE 1 © Les Mills International Ltd 2018

I want my participants to feel released, empowered
and challenged with the Throwing Fists.

Music Sequence/Exercise CTS REPS

0:00 Intro / 4x8 Set up Double Pulse Lunge. Legs wide, 32
toes out
0:13 V1 / Box 8x8 A Double Pulse Side Lunge L&R. Stacked 8 8x
hands to thigh
0:38 Ref / Dust 6x8 A1 Double Pulse Side Lunge L&R. Reach L 8 6x
hand towards floor then R
0:57 PC / Steal 6x8 A2 Propulsion Double Pulse Side Lunge L&R. 8 6x
Reach L hand towards floor then R
Options: No propulsion and/or hands
stacked to thigh
1:17 C / Dust 12x8 A3 Side Lunge & Throwing Fist Combo 12x
Side Lunge L&R. Reach L hand to floor then 4
Throwing Fist L, R, L, R 4
Option: Throwing Fist off beat on last
1:55 PC / _ Like the wind 4x8 B Ginga L&R. Guard up 8 4x
2:08 PC / _ If you try 4x8 B1 Ginga, increased range L&R. Guard up 8 4x
2:20 C / Dust 8x8 A3 Side Lunge & Throwing Fist Combo 8 8x
2:46 Br / Queen of hearts 4x8 C Slow Throwing Fist L&R 4 8x
2:59 Br / Queen of hearts 4x8 C1 Fast Throwing Fist L&R 2 16x
3:12 C / Dust 8x8 A3 Side Lunge & Throwing Fist Combo 8 8x
3:37 Instr / 4x8 C Slow Throwing Fist L&R 4 8x

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09. INTO DUST 3:57 mins

• Hands to thigh, lunge, switch and switch
• Press knee out
• Keep chest lifted
• Knees are tracking over toes
• Pulse, pulse, pulse
• Drop the opposite arm
• When you drop, keep the chest lifted and proud
• Add a Jump
Option: Hands remain on bent leg


• Step to the side, tap behind, double tap
• That's depth
• Weight change, jump, tap, jump
• Static leg straightens
• Jump in between to add intensity
• Chest is lifted
• Hand just rests on thigh, the work is in your legs
• Glide across floor
• For more depth, squat, lunge, squat, lunge



• 2 Side Lunges, 4 Throwing Fists
• Lunge 1,2; throwing fist 4, 3, 2, 1
• Hold, throwing fist 4, 3, 2, 1
• One leg to the side, one bent
• Feet outside shoulder-width
• Bring shoulders forward
• Arms punch forward at shoulder height
• Fists forward
• Rotate from your torso
• Faster punches
Options: Remain with 4 punches or no Propulsion

• Shoulders forward and throw your fists forward
• Static leg straightens
• Hand just rests on thigh; the work is in your legs
• Feel the roll through the core; feel the obliques

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09. INTO DUST 3:57 mins
This is a smooth building, musical piece which will lure
your class into working hard through the cardio peaks.
The propulsion opportunity in the Side Lunges creates
a peak in heart rate and the quick Throwing Fists
encourage a real freedom of movement. The simplicity
of the moves enables participants to transition from
"think" mode to "feel" mode and effective Layer 1
cues assist this shift.

Layer 2 cues that coach to use the legs to propel

upwards in the SIde Lunges but then ground the
feet and legs in the punches will boost intensity. The
Throwing Fists can be intensified with cues such as roll
through the shoulders; use your back and obliques;
use the groundedness of the lower body to punch and
let go. There is plenty of opportunity to use silence,
allowing the music to drive the workout and hooking
participants into the whole experience of this track.

LES MILLS TONE 1 © Les Mills International Ltd 2018

I want my participants to feel amazing and challenge
their cardiovascular fitness through each of the
featured moves coupled with running, jogging or
power walking.

Music Sequence/Exercise CTS REPS

0:00 Intro / 32x8 Set up concept of track. 256
Squat Jump Combo and Mountain
1:31 C / Lights 8x8 A Circle Run, clockwise 64
Stop class.
Squat Jump Combo on last 8cts
Option: Circle Walk
1:53 C / Bust 8x8 B Squat Jump Combo 8x
Wide Squat. Double Reach toward floor 2
Jump up to R side. Double Reach O/H 2
to R 4
Option: Side-Stepping Squat L&R
2:15 C / Lights 8x8 A Circle Run, clockwise 64
Stop class.
Mountain Climber on last 8cts
2:37 C / Bust 8x8 C Mountain Climber L&R 2 32x
Transition to standing on last 8cts
2:59 Instr / 8x8 A Circle Run, clockwise 64
3:21 V1 / _ I’m in a foreign 8x8 Bring class to a stop, keep jogging OTS 64
Recovery and
Burpee & Throwing Fist
3:43 C / Lights 8x8 A1 Circle Run, anticlockwise 64
4:05 C / Bust 8x8 D Burpee 8 8x
Option: No Jump, Squat Pulse
Option: Walking Burpee
4:27 Instr / 8x8 A1 Circle Run, anticlockwise 64
4:49 C / Lights 8x8 E Throwing Fist L&R 2 32x
5:11 C / Bust 8x8 A1 Circle Run, anticlockwise 64
5:34 Instr / 8x8 D Burpee 8 8x
5:55 Outro / Lives 8x8 A1 Circle Run, anticlockwise 64

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10. WINGS 6:22 mins
TECHNIQUE & COACHING • Feel the breath, feel the cardio


• Run, Jog or March in a full circle

• Make it feel good, at your pace
• Feel your feet on the floor, heel-ball-toe
• Chest is upright, feel the air filling your lungs


• Squat, jump, squat, jump
• Feet apart
• Land with soft knees to absorb the squat

• Push the floor away as you jump
• How high can you reach?


• Fast punches
• Rotate from center of chest
• Feet outside shoulder-width
• Arms punch straight forward at shoulder height
• Fists forward

• Fast and furious
• As hard as you can
• Shoulders over hands
• One knee to chest, switch knees
• Brace abs, hips low
Option: Fast Mountain Climber
Option: Knee to chest, back foot taps floor

• Fast on your legs
• Squeeze your abs
• Feel the breath, feel the experience
• Drive hands into floor



• Down, back, forward, jump This track is experimental – an interactive track with
• Squat, hands to floor a focus on feeling free, both internally and through
• Jump feet back, jump back in the energy in the room created by your coaching
• Brace abs and motivation. The music is super uplifting and
• Step feet outside the hands to squat participants have seen all the moves.
• Lift chest, lift arms Coaching freedom, soaking up the music, feeling the
• Jump up energy and celebrating their bodies is therefore an
Option: Lift the heels in the Squat incredible way to approach this track. Your participants'
happy hormones are sure to rise from the culmination
Options: Stay and Squat or Throwing Fist, no Burpee of your coaching style, attitude, the music and
simplicity of choreography. Enjoy every bit of teaching
LAYER 2 this track.
• Feel the movement
• Almost like you're flying
LES MILLS TONE 1 © Les Mills International Ltd 2018
11. CORE
This song has been replaced in the music playlist with Resign To The Fact. No Church In The Wild will
match the Masterclass video. Please use Resign To The Fact when teaching this release.

I want my participants to experience both an
integrated and isolated upper body and core workout
through controlled and strong movement quality.

Music Sequence/Exercise CTS REPS

0:00 Intro / 2x8 Set up Pushup, on knees 16
0:10 PC / _ Human beings 4x8 A Pushup, on knees 4 8x
0:31 C / Alive 9x8 A1 Pushup 4 17x
Option: On toes
Transition to knees, pick up plates or band,
arms O/H, palms facing in on last 4cts
1:17 PC / _ Human beings 9x8 B Kneeling Overhead Fly 8 9x
2:04 Br / Fire 1x8 C Horse Stance 8
Scorpion Pulse
2:09 Br / Love 4x8 D Scorpion Pulse L x4 8 2x
to R 8
Firefly, Scorpion Press Combo on last
2:29 V1 / _ On her 10x8 E Firefly & Scorpion Press Combo L&R 5x
Firefly L 2
Scorpion Press L 2
Tricep Press in Scorpion position L 2
Lower L knee to Horse Stance 2
to R 8
Option: No Tricep Press; push back to
Childs Pose
Option: On toes
Transition to knees and pick up plates or
band. Arms at sides on last 2cts 2
Option: Band under knees, cross handles
in front
3:21 PC / _ Human beings 6x8 F Bentover Kneeling Side Fly 8 6x
3:52 Rep / Wild 3x8 F1 Bentover Kneeling Pulse Side Fly 2 12x
4:08 Outro / (Instr) 2x8 Release plates or band 16

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11. RESIGN TO THE FACT 4:22 mins

• Come down to the floor on all fours
LAYER 1 • Knees under hips
• Knees down to floor or on toes • Hands under shoulders
• Hands wider than shoulders • Lift a bent knee, toes to ceiling
• Knee in line with hip
• Brace abs, hips low
• Pulse Lift 4 times, switch sides
• Chest stays just above elbow height
• Press down and up • Squeeze the butt, brace abs
• Elbows soft as you push up
• Eye gaze forward of hands LAYER 2
• Strong core to support lower back • Keep abs braced tightly, keeping lower back
• Shoulders over wrists
• Leg lifts up and behind and pulse, change legs
• Arms come up, plates face in • Knee at butt level and squeeze your butt
• Lower plates and rise • Keep abs braced and lower back supported
• Lower the plates to shoulder level • Combo: Firefly, Scorpion, Tricep Pushup
• Plates face in, elbows remain soft and in front of • Knee toward elbow, toe pointed, elbows lower
body the whole time down
• Knees down to floor, hip-width apart Option: On toes
• Arms high over shoulders, plates face in Option: Hips move back instead of Tricep Pushup
• Arms come wide to the side, plates up
• Chest lifted and abs braced LAYER 2
• Shoulder blades squeeze down together • Elbows stay close to the body as you press
• Palms face inwards
• Keep elbows soft


• Band singled and arms in a wide 'V', forward of

• Pull band wide to chest

• Feel the shoulder blades squeeze together to lift
your posture

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11. RESIGN TO THE FACT 4:22 mins
Once the music starts, your participants will know a
LAYER 1 challenge is ahead. This track has a strong musical feel
with a variety of integrated and isolated moves. It's all
WITH PLATES about stability and solid control. The 26 Pushups are a
highlight and, over time, your participants will be able
• Side raise, tap forward and rise to get stronger in their upper body, coming in and out
• Hinge from hips of levels. Your job is to role-model all levels and coach
• As you go down, hips go back them through the Pushups.
• Core engaged
• Plate moves wide and remain under the shoulders Be clear about the differences in how to use the plates
• Shoulder blades squeeze down together versus the band in the Kneeling Overhead Fly. The
• As you down, hips go back stability comes through the abdominals being braced
• Stay and pulse to the end for core control and a strong pinch between the
shoulder blades to lift the chest and strengthen the
upper back.

The Firefly & Scorpion Press Combo provides a great

opportunity to train the trunk stabilizers, the posterior
chain, the shoulders, chest and triceps. Levels are
choreographed to meet the needs of everyone.
The challenge of being on the toes or decreasing
the intensity by removing the Tricep Pushup means
everyone gets what they need. Frequently remind
participants to squeeze the glutes, tighten the abs
and draw the shoulders back strongly because this
reinforces stability and control.
As instructors, physically training your body to execute
all levels is something to strive for. When you become
• Knees down to floor, hip-width apart
a physical role model, you become a real inspiration to
• Band under knees and handles crossed
your class.
• Hinge from hips
• As you go down, hips go back
• Core engaged
• Band moves wide just under the shoulders
• Shoulder blades squeeze down together
• Arms down in wide 'V', forward of shoulders;
knuckles out
• Pull band wide on hip hinge
• Return to start position on lift
• Stay and pulse to the end

• Squeeze shoulder blades together even more

LES MILLS TONE 1 © Les Mills International Ltd 2018

12. CORE
I want my participants to feel successful executing the
integrated core exercises for the level that suits them

Music Sequence/Exercise CTS REPS

0:00 Intro / 4x8 Set up Side Hover on L elbow 32
0:18 V1 / _ Down 4x8 A Side Hover L. R arm vertical 32
Option: R toes on floor
0:36 V2 / _ East side 4x8 A1 Rotating Side Hover L. Thread R arm 4 4x
under L, then R arm vertical 4
Option: R toes on floor
0:55 C / _ I like the way 4x8 A2 Side Hover w. Leg Curl L 8x
Leg Curl L 2
Extend L leg 2
Option: Side Hover with Leg Lift
Extend R arm O/H on last 2cts
1:13 Instr / 4½x8 A3 Side Hover Oblique Crunch L 4 8x
Option: Hip on floor
Option: Toes on floor
Set up Side Hover, on R elbow 4

1:34 V3 / _ He’s got class 4x8 A Side Hover R. L arm vertical 32

1:52 V4 / _ Rolling with 4x8 A1 Rotating Side Hover R. Thread L arm 4 4x

under R, L arm vertical 4
2:10 C / _ I like the way 4x8 A2 Side Hover w. Leg Curl R 4 8x
Extend L arm O/H on last 2cts
2:29 Instr / 4x8 A3 Side Hover Oblique Crunch R 4 8x
2:47 Rep / _ Hey 2x8 Set up Hip Bridge 16
2:56 Outro / _ Hey 10x8 B Hip Bridge Pulse 2 40x

LES MILLS TONE 1 © Les Mills International Ltd 2018

12. NO DIGGITY 3:45 mins
This is a funky, sassy song to hit the core. The
SIDE HOVER innovation of the Rotating Plank with the Leg Curl
is sure to be a hit. Our obliques are key in rotational
LAYER 1 movements in sports and activities of daily living. For
• Lay on your side, face front strong execution, safely set up the move with clear
• Knee, hip and elbow aligned Layer 1 cues, ensuring the elbow is directly under the
• Elbow directly under shoulder shoulder, the shoulders are drawn back and down, the
• Raise hips and raise your arm belly is braced tightly, hips squared to the front and
• Body squared to the front the body is in one long line. The body should move
as one unit, moving into a long, straight Hover with
• Butt squeezed, abs braced
the hips and shoulders level and square. Dialing down
the intensity includes the knees and rotating elbow/
forearm on the floor in the Hover. Dialing up the
• Squeeze your butt to keep your hips forward
intensity is to allow the rotating forearm and elbow to
hover off the floor as well as knees off the floor. The
challenge is there for everyone to move the body as
• Roll down slowly, knee to floor and roll up again Ensure you role model and coach all levels with clarity.
• Elbow on the floor for more support The addition of the Leg Curl requires stability and
• Back is long and straight control. Coach shoulder girdle pulled back and abs
• Body square, abs braced braced tightly as the heel moves toward the butt. This
is where single hamstring work and glute strength
LAYER 2 begin to activate for the benefit of the posterior chain.
• Roll the body as one unit Let participants know these benefits of integrated
• Power in your whole body core training. Two options to decrease the challenge
– the top leg can extend to the floor with toe taps or
LEG CURL participants can simply lift the leg up and down. Both
choices may feel more comfortable for some.
• Stay in Side Plank Finishing the track with the Hip Bridge Pulse releases
• Heel to butt, extend again abdominals while adding heat and strength to the
• Extend the leg back out to parallel back and butt, completing a well rounded and multi
• Open body up directly to front dimensional core workout. No matter what level they
• Body square to the front choose, the core will be worked and participants may
Option: Maintain leg straight and lift the leg up and just love the way they work it.

• Feel the contraction on the front and the back of
the leg
• Working your glutes, obliques and thighs


• Extend and crunch
• Bring elbow to knee
• Squeeze ribs to hip
Option: Maintain leg straight and lift the leg up and

• Can you feel the dynamite in your core?


• Roll onto back
• Feet hip-width apart, heels under knees
• Lift the hips
• Butt squeezed
• Pulse lift

LES MILLS TONE 1 © Les Mills International Ltd 2018

13. CORE
I want my participants to enjoy the feeling of release
with subtle stretches while continuing to condition the

Music Sequence/Exercise CTS REPS

0:00 V1 / I see you walking 8x8 Set up Seated Forward Fold, facing L side 64
0:30 PC / Know 2x8 Lie supine, hold inside of feet 16
0:37 PC / Know 2x8 A Hamstring/Adductor Stretch. Extend legs 16

0:45 C / I only 4x8 B Cross Crawl R&L. 4 8x

Option: Toe Tap
1:00 Rep / Oh o-oh 4x8 B1 Cross Crawl R&L. Extend opposite arm 4 7x
across body
Option: Toe Tap
1:13 V2 / Come on 10x8 C C-Crunch & Extension Combo 2½x
C-Crunch 8
Extend legs and arms vertical 8
Extend arms O/H and legs to 45º 8
Bend knees, feet on floor, arms O/H 8
Option: Knees bent
1:50 C / I only 8x8 D Drop Leg Extension R&L 8 8x
Option: Knees bent and Leg Extension
Option: Toe Tap L&R
2:20 Br / Time 2x8 E Set up Hip Flexor Stretch, facing L side 16
2:28 Br / Let you go 2x8 E1 Hip Flexor Stretch L with Twist R. L hand 16
to floor, R arm O/H
2:35 QC / I only 2x8 E Hip Flexor Stretch R, facing L side 16
2:43 QC / How can I 2x8 E1 Hip Flexor Stretch R with Twist L. R hand 16
to floor, L arm O/H
2:51 Rep / Oh o-oh 7x8 Transition to standing 4
Quad Stretch R 23
Quad Stretch L 23
Option: Dancers Pose
(No music) Feet together, arms wide to O/H
Lower arms wide and down

LES MILLS TONE 1 © Les Mills International Ltd 2018

13. LOSE MY MIND 3:20 mins


• Stand up
LAYER 1 • Hold knee to floor in line with hip
• Turn to the side • Hold onto ankle
• Lift chest, hinge forward from the hips and forward • Squeeze the glutes
Option: Knees bent This Core track entices your participants with
releasing moves both at the onset and finish of
CROSS CRAWL the track. The feel is smooth at the start and when
the music builds it's evident that challenging work
LAYER 1 is ahead. The Cross Crawl is always a smart way
• Knees at 90 degrees and cross crawl to train the inner and outer units. The C-Crunch &
• Twist side to side Extension and the Drop Leg Extension zone into
• Chest to opposite knee, change deep core training, building heat and strength
• Extend the opposite arm to opposite leg deep in the rectus abdominis. The contrast
• Turn from the center of chest between these moves – slow in the C-Crunch
• Extend opposite leg out Extension and quick movement in the Leg Drop
• Extend the arm past opposite thigh
– provides a smart training stimulus for firing up
Option: Toes tap to the floor, knees bent at the muscles in a variety of ways, which ultimately
90 degrees develops core strength more effectively. The track
is short and after clear Layer 1 setup, ensure your
Layer 2 coaching includes where to feel strong
through each of the core moves to so the intensity
• Crunch super slow, hands and feet come high is experienced by all. Enjoy!
• Pull them apart and down
• Bend the knees to 90 degrees or touch the floor
• Ribs to hips
• Arms and legs go high
• Brace abs to support the lower back
• Extend arms and legs to 45 degrees
• Knees return to 90 degrees, arms over head and
• Repeat
Option: Toes tap to the floor, knees bent at
90 degrees


• Upper body down
• Palms up
• Front leg drops, down and up, change legs
• Rear leg drops
• One leg straight, one leg bent at 90 degrees
• Brace abs to keep lower back to the floor

• Lower back pressed to the floor to catch the
movement with strong abs


• Grab legs and roll up
• Front leg forward, back knee down
• Lunge twist
• Hip forward
• Lift the chest, turn from the shoulder, reach arm

LES MILLS TONE 1 © Les Mills International Ltd 2018

SHE SAID 3:44 mins
I want my participants to feel how the weighted or
resisted Side Lunge can improve posture.

Music Sequence/Exercise CTS REPS

0:03 C / She said 4x8 Set up Slow Weighted Side Lunge, with 32
Option: Band behind back, hold handles
Options: No plates or band, feet wide,
toes out slightly
0:14 C / So he went 6x8 A Slow Weighted Side Lunge R&L. 16 3x
Sweeping outstretched arms
Options: No plates or band
0:32 V1 / It started up 10x8 B Slow Weighted Rear Leg Lift & Pulse 5x
Lunge Combo R. Facing R
Lift L leg. Double Reach O/H, palms down 8
Step L leg down to Lunge. Lower plates
down by sides, palms F 8
Band F to O/H
Options: No plates or band
1:01 C / She said 8x8 B1 Fast Weighted Rear Leg Lift & Pulse 8x
Lunge Combo R. Facing R
Lift L leg. Double Reach O/H, palms down 4
Step L leg down to Lunge. Lower plates 4
down by sides, palms F
Option: Lift R heel on Leg Lift
Options: No plates or band
1:24 V2 / Actin' like he 4x8 C Facing R, Pulse Rear Leg Lift L. Double 2 16x
doesn't care Reach O/H, palms down
Option: Arms down by sides
1:36 V2 / Nothin' like a drink 6x8 B Slow Weighted Rear Leg Lift & Pulse 16 3x
or two Lunge Combo L. Facing L
Options: No plates or band
1:53 C / Oh she said 8x8 B1 Fast Weighted Rear Leg Lift & Pulse 8 8x
Lunge Combo L. Facing L
Options: No plates or band
2:17 Instr / 4x8 C Facing L, Pulse Rear Leg Lift R. Double 2 16x
Reach O/H, palms down
Options: No plates or band
2:28 Quiet C / She said 8x8 A Slow Weighted Side Lunge R&L. 16 4x
Sweeping outstretched arms
Options: No plates or band
2:52 C / She said 16x8 A1 Weighted Side Lunge Combo 8x
Weighted Side Lunge R&L. Sweeping 8
outstretched arms
4x Fast Weighted Side Lunge R&L. 8
Single Arm Row R&L
Options: No plates or band

LES MILLS TONE 1 © Les Mills International Ltd 2018

Please note: The music playlist has been updated with Resign To The Fact. This song will not match the
Masterclass video. Please use Resign To The Fact when teaching this release.

I want my participants to experience both an
integrated and isolated upper body and core workout
through controlled and strong movement quality.

Music Sequence/Exercise CTS REPS

0:00 Intro / 2x8 Set up Pushup, on knees 16
0:10 C / _ From the beginning 4x8 A Pushup, on knees 4 8x
0:31 V1 / _ Cotton on to the 9x8 A1 Pushup 4 17x
fact Option: On toes
Transition to knees, pick up plates or band,
arms O/H, palms facing in on last 4cts
1:17 C / _ From the beginning 9x8 B Kneeling Overhead Fly 8 9x
2:04 Instr / 1x8 C Horse Stance 8
Scorpion Pulse
2:09 Instr / 4x8 D Scorpion Pulse L x4 8 2x
to R 8
Firefly, Scorpion Press Combo on last
2:29 V2 / _ Revolution 10x8 E Firefly & Scorpion Press Combo L&R 5x
Firefly L 2
Scorpion Press L 2
Tricep Press in Scorpion position L 2
Lower L knee to Horse Stance 2
to R 8
Option: No Tricep Press; push back to
Childs Pose
Option: On toes
Transition to knees and pick up plates or
band. Arms at sides on last 2cts 2
Option: Band under knees, cross handles
in front
3:21 C / _ From the beginning 6x8 F Bentover Kneeling Side Fly 8 6x
3:52 Instr / 3x8 F1 Bentover Kneeling Pulse Side Fly 2 12x
4:08 Outro / (Instr) 2x8 Release plates or band 16

LES MILLS TONE 1 © Les Mills International Ltd 2018

Final Song (Diplo & Jauz Remix) (3:07) Wings (Nu:Logic Remix) (6:22)
MØ Birdy
1 2016 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited. Under license
from Sony Music Commercial Music Group, a division of Sony 10 2013 Jasmine Van Den Bogaerde under exclusive licence to
Warner Brother Music UK Limited.
Music Entertainment. Written by: van den Bogaerde, Tedder
Written by: Ørsted, Emenike, Bao

Final Song (Diplo & Jauz Remix) (1:55)

MØ Resign To The Fact (4:22)
2016 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited. Under license
from Sony Music Commercial Music Group, a division of Sony 11 Five Eyes
2018 Black Lotus.
Music Entertainment. Written by: Langeveld, van de Geer, Hansen
Written by: Ørsted, Emenike, Bao

Treasured Soul (4:08) No Diggity (3:45)

Michael Calfan Campsite Dream
2 2015 Spinnin Records BV under exclusive license to Warner
Music UK Limited.
12 2016 Epic Amsterdam, a division of Sony Music
Entertainment Netherlands B.V.
Written by: Calfan Written by: Stewart, Vick, Walters, Withers, Riley, Hannibal

Momentum (2:49) Lose My Mind (3:20)

Dean Lewis
3 Don Diablo
2017 HEXXAGON / Spinnin' Records BV. 13 Courtesy of the Universal Music Group.
Written by: Unknown Written by: Loaney, Castle

Rich Boy (3:03) She Said (3:44)

Galantis ALT Sundara Karma
2016 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited. Under license
2017 Atlantic Recording Corporation for the United States
and WEA International Inc. for the world outside of the United
States. A Warner Music Group Company.
8 from Sony Music Commercial Music Group, a division of Sony
Music Entertainment.
Written by: Karlsson, Koitzsch, Walcher, Eklow, Hunter, Written by: Pollock, Fitton
Jonback, Poole

Another Life (Yellow Claw Remix)

5 Afrojack & David Guetta
Courtesy of the Universal Music Group.
Written by: Dean, Wall, Guetta, Ben

Another Life (Yellow Claw Remix)

Afrojack & David Guetta
Courtesy of the Universal Music Group.
Written by: Dean, Wall, Guetta, Ben

Tusk (3:31)
6 Hell Toupée
2018 Les Mills Music Licensing Ltd.
Written by: Buckingham

Walk On Water (4:16)

7 Thirty Seconds to Mars
Courtesy of the Universal Music Group.
Written by: Leto

Say You Do (3:22)

Sigala feat. Imani & DJ Fresh
2016 Ministry of Sound Recording Ltd., under exclusive
8 license to Astrx Music, a division of Ministry of Sound Australia
Ptd Ltd.
Written by: Fielder, Astasio, Pebworth, Foster, Williams, Stein,
Shave, Carey, Dupri, Seal

Into Dust (3:57)

9 Paris Blohm feat. Elle Vee
2017 Lowly Palace.
Written by: Blohm, Vinarsky

LES MILLS TONE 1 © Les Mills International Ltd 2018

Tone Creative Team
Choreography & Music – Diana Archer Mills
Chief Creative Officer – Dr. Jackie Mills
Creative Director – Kylie Gates
Program Coach – Kylie Gates
Program Planner – Courtney Watt
Technical Consultant – Andrew Newmarch

Diana Archer Mills (New Zealand) is co-Program
Welcome to the first release of LES MILLS TONE.
How exciting! The moment is finally here - a new
Creative Director for BODYPUMP, BODYCOMBAT,
program just for you! It’s all about playing with training
BODYJAM and RPM. She is based in Auckland.
concepts, following trends and trying out new things!
We kickstart the workout with the Warmup tracks, Final
Song and Treasured Soul to get everyone warm and Mark Nu’u-Steele (New Zealand) is an International
primed for the workout. There are lots of awesome Presenter for LES MILLS TONE and the BODYSTEP
Cardio tracks for you to choose from with different Program Director. He is a former international and
training focuses that mix with cardio; Momentum national aerobics competitor, based in Auckland.
to get you fit fast as you work through Burpees and
Squats, Rich Boy for your Dance inspired cardio and Tito Benjamim Correia (Portugal) is a LES MILLS
Into Dust to throw some fists to name just 3 of the 5 TONE, BODYBALANCE/BODYFLOW, BODYJAM and
Cardio tracks to chose from. In the Strength and Core LES MILLS GRIT Series Trainer. He is also an Instructor
tracks, we introduce small plates to add resistance to for BODYCOMBAT, BODYPUMP, CXWORX and BORN
the workout as well as using band work, depending TO MOVE.
on the needs of your participants. Get familiar with
both plates and bands so you can teach both. We have Tori Willard (UK) is a LES MILLS TONE,
the fab tunes of Tusk, Walk On Water and No Diggity BODYBALANCE/BODYFLOW and CXWORX Trainer.
which will become class favourites!

Remember: LES MILLS TONE is all about options and

choice, giving you the choice and the freedom to mix
and match so you can create a unique class for your
participants; you can tailor-make a class to the people
in front of you. That is what LES MILLS TONE is all
about! The only thing we ask is that when mixing and
matching, you must always remember to replace like
for like (cardio for cardio) and be mindful of creating
contrast in track movements and music. But other than
that, have fun and play around! Les Mills loves that you
are absolutely on board with us for LES MILLS TONE
and excited about this new workout.

Tone Creative Team

LES MILLS TONE 1 © Les Mills International Ltd 2018

Warmup block Warmup block
Cardio block Cardio block
Strength block Strength block
Core/Stretch block Cardio block
Core/Strength block
Aim for approximately 42 minutes of total
music time for both formats.

For a single peak format, your class will have 4 blocks;

the Warmup block – 2 tracks, the Cardio block –
choose 3-4 tracks, and the Strength and Core block
– choose 5 tracks. This makes up 10-11 tracks, but
add extra tracks if needed to reach approximately 42

For a double peak format, your class will have 5 blocks.

These are the Warmup block – 2 tracks, the Cardio
block – choose 3 tracks, Strength block – choose 2
tracks and then your second Cardio block – choose 2
tracks. Finish it all off with Core/Stretch – choose 1-2
tracks. This all makes up 10-11 tracks, but add extra
tracks if needed to make up to around 42 minutes.

To create the 30-minute format of LES MILLS TONE,

you have the freedom to choose your tracks as long
as they fit the time. Just make sure you have a good
balance of training and choose the tracks that best suit
your class.

It's all about options and choice! You have the freedom
to mix and match tracks to enable you to create a
unique class for your participants. This allows you to
tailor the class to the people in front of you. This is
what LES MILLS TONE is all about! The only thing we
ask is that when mixing and matching the 45-minute
formats, you always remember to replace like for like.
For example, make sure you replace a cardio track with
another cardio track or a strength track with another
strength track. Be mindful of creating contrast in the
movements and music. Have fun and play around with

The les mills global family is made up of 17,500 fitness clubs, 130,000 instructors and millions of participants
from 100 countries around the globe.
Separated by geography, religion, race, color and creed, we are united in our love of movement, music and the
pursuit of healthy living, both for ourselves and our planet.
At les mills we believe in the dignity of each individual within our community and strive to respect the rights and
freedoms of all.
In our choice of role models, music and movements we understand that different people and societies have
different standards for dress, popular culture and dance.
We also know that what is considered appropriate in some contexts can be seen as inappropriate
in others.
As a company that leads group fitness experiences for millions of people every day, we walk a fine line between
delivering cutting-edge, innovative products and ensuring that accepted norms are upheld and respected.
Choosing, licensing and matching choreography to the right music is a huge challenge! We screen the music
we use and try to avoid language and references that may cause offense. If we can, sometimes there will be an
alternative track (at the bottom of the track list) for you to use instead.
We embrace open communication with our global family so differences of opinion can be expressed, and
compromises reached.
Above all, we are passionate about delivering life-changing fitness experiences, every time, everywhere.
Tell us what you think of this release.

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