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U p date o n C an i n e I d i opa thi c

P u l m o n a r y F i b ro s i s i n Wes t
H i g h l a n d W h i t e Ter r i e r s
Henna P. Laurila, DVM, PhD*, Minna M. Rajamäki, DVM, PhD

 Dog  Interstitial lung disease  Idiopathic interstitial pneumonia
 Arterial blood gas analysis  HRCT  Bronchoalveolar lavage  Biomarker

 Canine idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (CIPF) is a chronic, progressive, interstitial lung dis-
ease of unknown etiology affecting mainly middle-aged and old West Highland white
 Typical findings are cough, exercise intolerance, Velcro crackles, abdominal breathing
pattern, and hypoxemia.
 Diagnosis is often requires either high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) or histo-
pathology of the lung tissue, which is seldom performed on live dogs.
 CIPF shares several clinical findings with human idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, but in
HRCT and histopathology, CIPF has features of human idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis as
well as nonspecific interstitial pneumonia.
 No curative treatment exists, and clinical treatment trials are lacking in dogs. Symptomatic
treatment with corticosteroids and theophylline may alleviate clinical signs.


Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a devastating interstitial lung disease (ILD) with
no known cure. It is chronic, is inevitably progressive, and leads to death. IPF is recog-
nized in humans and in their animal companions, cats and dogs.1–3 The term, canine
IPF (CIPF), is used to separate the human and canine diseases.
CIPF affects mainly the West Highland white terrier (WHWT). Corcoran and col-
leagues3 published the first case series describing the clinical features of this disease
in WHWTs. More reports of CIPF in a WHWT and other dog breeds were described
around the same time.4–6 CIPF was found to carry striking similarities to human IPF.
The key feature of both diseases is the abnormal accumulation of collagen in the

Discipline of Small Animal Internal Medicine, Department of Equine and Small Animal Medi-
cine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki, PO Box 57 (Viikintie 49), Helsinki
00014, Finland
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected]

Vet Clin Small Anim 50 (2020) 431–446

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cvsm.2019.11.004 vetsmall.theclinics.com
0195-5616/20/ª 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under
the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
432 Laurila & Rajamäki

lung parenchyma for no known reason.7,8 This hampers gas exchange causing cough,
exercise intolerance, and, finally, respiratory failure. In humans, IPF diagnosis signifies
a worse prognosis than most cancers. During the past 2 decades, CIPF has been the
subject of several studies.9 The possibility that dogs could serve as a spontaneous an-
imal model for human IPF has increased interest in CIPF.
Currently, CIPF is the best-described ILD affecting dogs. Studies on CIPF have
focused on detailed clinicopathologic findings, histopathologic features, concomitant
pulmonary hypertension (PH), high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) findings,
and outcome and prognostic factors.8,10–18 Potential blood and bronchoalveolar
lavage fluid (BALF) biomarkers of CIPF have been targeted, namely procollagen
type III amino-terminal propeptide (PIIINP), endothelin-1 (ET-1), serotonin, vascular
endothelial growth factor, serum Krebs von den Lungen-6, and matrix metalloprotei-
nases (MMPs).9,19–22 New insight has been brought to the pathogenesis and etiology
by investigating surfactant protein C, BALF proteome, transforming growth factor ß
(TGF-ß) signaling pathway, gene expression profiles, chemokine concentrations, res-
piratory microbiota, presence of reflux aspiration, association with herpesvirus infec-
tion, and potential fungal etiology and by surveying the environment and care of
WHWTs with and without CIPF.9,22–31
The potential role of dogs in modeling of human respiratory disease has been
considered in meetings and reviews of comparative medicine.32,33 The correlation be-
tween CIPF and human IPF is only partially understood at present. Even though CIPF
is not identical to human IPF, as a disease model, it is likely superior to models of
induced fibrosis in the mouse used today.33 Several aspects of the disease remain,
however, unanswered. The incidence and prevalence of CIPF are not known. A better
understanding of the etiology and pathogenesis could help find new therapeutic
agents. Finally, the role of genetics in this disorder is still poorly understood but is un-
der active research.


CIPF and IPF belong to a heterogenous group of ILDs, which consist of several nonin-
fectious and nonmalignant pulmonary diseases with overlapping clinicopathologic and
radiographic features. A majority of the ILDs have an unknown etiology. More than 200
ILDs are recognized in humans, but many fewer are reported in dogs.34 Because diag-
nosing ILD requires a thorough clinical work-up, histopathologic examination of lung tis-
sue, and a multidisciplinary approach, it is likely that cases are undiagnosed.34 A
classification scheme modified from human medicine was proposed for canine and fe-
line ILDs recently. It divides ILDs into (1) idiopathic interstitial pneumonias (IIPs), (2) ILDs
of known cause, and (3) miscellaneous ILDs.34 CIPF belongs to IIPs. In humans, the IIPs
are a group of non-neoplastic disorders that result from damage to the lung parenchyma
with varying patterns of inflammation and fibrosis.35 Canine and feline IIPs are further
classified into sporadic and familial fibrotic ILD, nonspecific interstitial pneumonia
(NSIP) and lymphocytic interstitial pneumonitis, acute interstitial pneumonia, crypto-
genic organizing pneumonia, and other IIPs.34 CIPF in WHWTs is a familial fibrotic
ILD. For the details of the proposed classification and the description of the other IIPs
and ILDs affecting dogs and cats, readers are referred to reviews.34,36
CIPF is not the only term that has been used to describe this disease affecting
WHWTs. Other names include IPF, chronic IPF, canine pulmonary fibrosis, chronic
pulmonary disease in WHWTs, and ILD in WHWTs.3,6,10,13,15,23 By CIPF, the authors
refer to a chronic, progressive, familial fibrotic ILD of unknown cause, limited to the
lungs, and occurring mainly in older WHWTs.
Canine Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis 433


CIPF is characterized histopathologically by 2 different patterns of interstitial fibrosis.

All affected dogs have diffuse and mature uniform fibrosis of the alveolar wall.8,10 This
varies from mild to moderate in severity and is distributed throughout the lung (Fig. 1A,
B).8 Most affected WHWTs also have multifocal areas of more severe, more cellular,
and less mature fibrosis.3,8,23 These areas of fibrosis occur with pronounced alveolar
epithelial and luminal changes, interstitial smooth muscle hyperplasia, proliferating
myofibroblasts, and occasional honeycombing (Fig. 1C, D).8 Fibrosis appears accen-
tuated either adjacent to the bronchioli or under the pleura. Only mild to moderate
interstitial lymphoplasmacytic inflammation is present.8
When compared with human diseases, CIPF in WHWTs shares features of both hu-
man usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP), the histopathologic pattern of human IPF, and

Fig. 1. Histopathologic features of CIPF in WHWTs. (A) Lung histology of a healthy WHWT
(hematoxylin-eosin [HE]); bar, 200 mm. (Inset) Vessel of a healthy WHWT (Masson trichrome).
(B) Mild diffuse mature interstitial fibrosis (HE); bar 200 mm. (Inset) Perivascular concentric
fibrosis (Masson trichrome). (C) Focus of accentuated disease with severe interstitial fibrosis
and type II pneumocyte hyperplasia (HE); bar, 200 mm. (D) Subpleural area of honeycombing
and severe interstitial fibrosis (HE); bar, 1 mm. (Inset) Cystic fibrotic airspace within areas of
honeycombing (Masson trichrome). (From Laurila HP. Canine idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis -
clinical disease, biomarkers and histopathological features. [PhD]. Helsinki, Finland: Univer-
sity of Helsinki; 2015: 3-76; with permission.)
434 Laurila & Rajamäki

NSIP. The diffuse, mature fibrosis closely resembles the fibrosis pattern of NSIP
whereas the accentuation areas are more characteristic of human UIP.8 Fibroblast
foci are a hallmark of human UIP and indicate active, ongoing fibrosis.1,7 Although
not organized in such foci, myofibroblasts likely also participate in fibrogenesis in
Whether there are differences in the histopathologic picture between CIPF, the fa-
milial fibrotic ILD affecting WHWTs, and a sporadic fibrotic ILD affecting other dog
breeds remains to be investigated.


As the word idiopathic implies, the etiology of CIPF and IPF is unknown and pathologic
processes are incompletely understood. The early idea of IPF as an inflammatory dis-
ease has been negated by recent research and the current hypothesis focuses on a
repetitive insult to distal lung parenchyma followed by an aberrant wound healing pro-
cess.7 The injured alveolar epithelium seems to be the key player in the fibrotic lung
response. Increased epithelial cell death, abnormal re-epithelialization, pneumocyte
type II hyperplasia, and activation of alveolar epithelial cells participate in creating a
profibrotic microenvironment.7 The abnormally activated alveolar epithelial cells
secrete growth factors, such as TGF-ß, cytokines, and other chemotactic mediators,
inducing fibroblast proliferation, migration, and recruitment of fibroblast progenitor
cells. After epithelial injury, the coagulation cascade is activated, which in turn has pro-
fibrotic effects. Exposure to different stimuli, including TGF-ß and wound clotting,
transforms epithelial cells into fibroblasts in a process called epithelial mesenchymal
cell transition. In humans, fibroblasts form small clusters, the so-called fibroblast foci,
and differentiate to myofibroblasts.7 The reasons why they organize into such foci are
unknown. In WHWTs with CIPF, myofibroblasts appear scattered in the interstitium.8
The final result is an abnormal accumulation of fibroblasts and myofibroblasts and
exaggerated production of collagen and other extracellular matrix components, lead-
ing to architectural distortion characteristic of IPF lung.
The trigger for this fibrosis cascade is not known. In human IPF, research has
revealed several potential epidemiologic risk factors that might contribute to the
epithelial injury and apoptosis, such as cigarette smoking, exposure to environmental
and occupational agents, gastroesophageal reflux leading to microaspiration, and
chronic viral infections, in particular, herpesviruses.7,37 In dogs, no association be-
tween CIPF and herpesvirus infection was found in a recent study.30 Considering
the histopathologic aspect of CIPF, the proximity of the fibrosis accentuation areas
to bronchioli could indicate that an inhaled etiologic factor is involved in the pathogen-
esis of CIPF.8 An epidemiologic survey for owners of WHWTs with CIPF revealed that
living in an old house, lack of ventilation system, and frequent grooming in dedicated
grooming facilities were associated with increased risk for CIPF.9 Määttä and col-
leagues31 detected bile acids in BALF of WHWTs with CIPF and healthy WHWTs
but not in BALF of healthy dogs of other breeds. The results suggest that microaspi-
ration due to gastroesophageal reflux could be a predisposing factor for CIPF in
Although a majority of human IPF cases are sporadic, several genetic mutations are
known to increase the risk for IPF; however, none of these has consistently been asso-
ciated with IPF.1,7 In dogs, accumulation of diseased individuals within one breed sug-
gests that CIPF is hereditary in WHWTs. Genetic relationship to another WHWT with
CIPF was associated with CIPF in the recent epidemiologic survey.9 Despite ongoing
studies, a unifying genetic factor has not yet been discovered and the strong breed
Canine Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis 435

predisposition of WHWTs to CIPF requires further research. One factor predisposing

WHWTs to CIPF could be an increase in serum TGF-ß concentration detected both in
diseased and healthy WHWTs.26 TGF-ß is a key mediator of fibrosis and is involved in
pathogenesis of CIPF.26,27
The diffuse mature, uniform fibrosis detected in the CIPF lung is characteristic of hu-
man NSIP. In addition to being an idiopathic disease in humans, NSIP occurs in
conjunction with other conditions, such as systemic connective tissue diseases.35
Such a disease, however, has not been reported in WHWTs to date.
It is likely that CIPF is the result of a complex puzzle of environmental insults, a spe-
cific genetic background, and other host factors contributing to the development of
the disease.


CIPF affects mainly WHWTs. Dogs of other breeds, mainly terriers, occasionally can
be affected; however, it is unclear whether the fibrotic ILD in these dogs is similar to
that of WHWTs. WHWTs tend to be middle-aged or old when they first display signs.
The median age at the time of clinical diagnosis varies between 8 years and 13 years in
different studies,3,11,14,16,17 although affected WHWTs as young as 3 years of age
have been reported.11,12 Human IPF typically manifests in the sixth and seventh de-
cades and diagnosis in patients less than 50 years is rare.1 IPF affects male humans
more often than female humans, but there is no sex predisposition in dogs.1,37
Commonly, dogs already suffer from advanced disease when they are presented to
the veterinarian. The clinical signs develop slowly and at first the affected dogs prob-
ably appear normal. The duration of clinical signs varies but usually is between
8 months and 13 months prior to diagnosis.37 The most common clinical sign is the
combination of cough and exercise intolerance, but not all the dogs cough. Other
described clinical signs are respiratory difficulty, cyanosis, tachypnea, orthopnea,
and collapse.37 Some dogs develop CIPF-related complications, such as PH. In
humans, an association exists between IPF and pulmonary carcinomas,7 and the au-
thors are aware of some cases of pulmonary carcinoma in WHWTs with CIPF.


Diagnosis of CIPF is based on signalment, anamnestic information, findings in clinical

examination, and HRCT as well as exclusion of other respiratory diseases. The typical
signalment of a middle-aged to older WHWT improves diagnostic confidence. A defin-
itive diagnosis is provided only by histopathologic examination of lung tissue, but lung
biopsies are seldom obtained due to the invasiveness of the procedure; therefore,
diagnosis often is confirmed at necropsy. Diagnosing a fibrotic ILD without histopa-
thology in a non-WHWT breed is challenging.
Dogs with CIPF usually are bright and alert due to adaptation to slowly developing
respiratory impairment. Some severely affected dogs can be cyanotic and in distress,
and an abdominal breathing pattern commonly is present. Lung auscultation reveals
bilateral, inspiratory Velcro crackles and sometimes also wheezes.37 A Velcro crackle
is a distinctive pathologic lung sound that mimics the sound heard when separating 2
strips of Velcro.38 Velcro crackles are hypothesized to result from sudden opening or
closing of distorted distal airspaces. In humans, Velcro crackles can be the first sign of
IPF.38 If a WHWT with CIPF is breathing very shallowly, Velcro crackles might not be
audible even in advanced CIPF, although in some dogs, crackles can be heard without
a stethoscope when the dog is breathing with an open mouth.14 The authors pay spe-
cial attention to lung auscultation in older WHWTs even if they do not have clinical
436 Laurila & Rajamäki

signs indicating respiratory disease to provide early detection of potential disease. A

soft right-sided murmur is heard in some dogs with tricuspid regurgitation due to PH.
CIPF does not cause weight loss.15
CIPF is not associated with changes in serum biochemistry or hematology, but
these analyses are performed to rule out other reasons for exercise intolerance.3,14
The lack of polycythemia in CIPF is interesting and, in humans, polycythemia is not
linked to IPF as it is to other chronic hypoxemic diseases. The reason for this is not
known.39 CIPF does not cause an elevation in serum C-reactive protein.40 Fecal exam-
inations, including the flotation and Baermann sedimentation methods, are performed
to rule out pulmonary parasites.


Arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis is used to estimate lung function objectively and to
determine the severity of CIPF. Repeated ABG analyses also are an easy tool for eval-
uating disease progression in dogs.15 Estimates of oxygenation obtained by pulse ox-
imetry can be misleading in unanesthetized WHWTs and, therefore, are not
recommended by the authors.15
Hypoxemia is a key clinical consequence of CIPF. An ABG analysis can reveal a
surprisingly low PaO2 and high alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient (PAO2 - Pao2) in a
WHWT with CIPF (Table 1). Despite this, most dogs are not in respiratory distress,
indicating adaptation to a chronic, slowly progressing disease. Elevation of PaCO2 is
not a feature of CIPF.14,16,18 ABG findings of CIPF are in line with those of human


A 6-minute walk test is a submaximal exercise test that measures the distance an
individual is capable of walking over 6 minutes. It is used to evaluate exercise ca-
pacity in human IPF and can be used in CIPF as well without any special equipment
or training.15,16 It is not a diagnostic tool, instead, repeated P(A-a)O2 measurements
of the distance walked in 6 minutes can be used to monitor the changes in
exercise tolerance of WHWTs with CIPF and, therefore, the progression of the dis-
ease. The median distance walked was significantly lower in WHWTs with CIPF
(398 m, range 273 m–519 m) compared with healthy aged WHWTs (492 m, range
420 m–568 m).15

Table 1
Arterial blood gas analysis in older West Highland white terriers with canine idiopathic
pulmonary fibrosis (40 dogs) and healthy West Highland white terriers (32 dogs, all >7 y)

West Highland White Terriers

with Canine Idiopathic Healthy West Highland White
Pulmonary Fibrosis Terriers
PaO2 60.1  10.2 (33.5–87.4) mm Hg 97.1  6.7 (86.1–113.0) mm Hg
(PAO2 - Pao2) 55.0  12.2 (28.0–84.7) mm Hg 18.7  5.3 (9.8–29.9) mm Hg
PaCO2 29.2  3.6 (21.2–35.7) mm Hg 29.2  4.3 (19.9–36.8) mm Hg

In CIPF dogs, ABG analysis was performed at the time of diagnosis. CIPF was confirmed by HRCT
and/or histopathology. Healthy WHWTs had no clinical signs or HRCT findings indicating respira-
tory disease. Dogs participated in research projects at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the Uni-
versity of Helsinki, Finland. Results are given as mean  SD and range.
Canine Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis 437


PH develops in many WHWTs with CIPF. Different studies have documented echocar-
diographic findings indicating PH in approximately 20% to 60% of diseased
WHWTs.12,14,16,17 Similarly, PH is estimated to affect 32% to 50% of human IPF pa-
tients and is related to increased mortality.42 The clinical signs of PH (exercise intoler-
ance and syncope) do not differ from the signs of CIPF.43 Therefore, Doppler
echocardiography is required to search for PH, especially if the dog has a soft right-
sided murmur or if thoracic radiographs raise suspicion of right-sided cardiac enlarge-
ment. PH is thought to result from an imbalance between pulmonary arterial vasocon-
striction and vasodilatation, vascular remodeling due to an advanced lung disease,
and chronic hypoxemia. Nevertheless, the pathogenesis of PH is likely much more
complex than this and is not yet thoroughly understood.42


Thoracic radiographs of WHWTs with CIPF commonly show a bronchointerstitial

pattern, which is already moderate to severe when the animal is presented to the
veterinarian.37 In addition to interstitial infiltrates, predominantly bronchial and patchy
alveolar patterns also are reported.9 Changes in thoracic radiographs are neither sen-
sitive nor specific for CIPF, and the main reason for taking them is to rule out other lung
diseases, such as neoplasia.37
Identifying early radiographic changes of CIPF is problematic, because healthy
older WHWTs also can have mild bronchial or bronchointerstitial patterns in thoracic
radiographs.14 Additionally, the thick skin typical for WHWTs can make the interpreta-
tion of subtle changes difficult. Thoracic radiography is not helpful in evaluating the
progression of CIPF, because the changes vary independently of clinical signs
(Fig. 2).15 Cardiac and pulmonary arterial enlargement can be present in thoracic ra-
diographs, caused mainly by PH.


HRCT provides superior evaluation of the lung compared with conventional radio-
graphs. If HRCT findings are characteristic, lung biopsy is not necessary to confirm
IPF in humans.1 HRCT also is useful in diagnosing CIPF. The HRCT features of
WHWTs with CIPF have been assessed by several studies.11,13,14,16–18 The most
frequent finding is ground-glass opacity (GGO) described as a hazy increased opacity
of the lungs, with preservation of bronchial and vascular margins. Mosaic attenuation
pattern also is frequently observed16,17 and may indicate a more advanced disease.17
Linear and reticular opacities are common, whereas traction bronchiectasis and hon-
eycombing are detected more rarely. Consolidation can occur, and, in some dogs,
bronchial wall thickening or nodules have been described (Fig. 3).
In humans, extensive GGO points toward an alternative diagnosis, such as NSIP,
whereas honeycombing, traction bronchiectasis, coarse reticulation, and architectural
distortion are characteristic of IPF.44 Therefore, the HRCT features of CIPF share char-
acteristics of both human IPF and NSIP.9
When lung tissue attenuation is evaluated quantitatively by measuring computed to-
mography values, values are significantly higher in WHWTs with CIPF than in healthy
To avoid the risks of general anesthesia, the authors use a modified VetMouseTrap
positioning device (Universal Medical Systems Inc., Solon, OH) (Fig. 4). It limits the
dog’s motion and enables HR CT imaging with no or only minimal sedation. The
438 Laurila & Rajamäki

Fig. 2. Thoracic radiography is not a sensitive tool to evaluate the severity of CIPF as demon-
strated by these images. Right lateral and ventrodorsal radiographs from a 12-year-old
WHWT with moderate CIPF (PaO2 82 mm Hg) (A, B) and from another 12-year-old WHWT
with more severe CIPF (PaO2 64 mm Hg) (C, D). The images show moderate (B) to severe
(A, C, D) generalized bronchointerstitial lung patterns and a large cardiac shadow. Extreme
skin folds increase the overall opacity of the lungs. ([A, B] From Laurila HP. Canine idiopathic
pulmonary fibrosis - clinical disease, biomarkers and histopathological features. [PhD]. Hel-
sinki, Finland: University of Helsinki; 2015: 3-76; with permission; and [C, D] Courtesy of Anu
K. Lappalainen, DVM, PhD, University of Helsinki, Finland.)

method was found feasible in discriminating healthy from diseased WHWTs.18 When
HR CT images obtained under sedation were compared with those obtained under
anesthesia, both underestimation and overestimation of GGO and mosaic attenuation
patterns were observed.16


Bronchoscopy and BALF provide useful information about the lung and airways, but
the findings are not specific for CIPF. Many dogs with CIPF have some degree of bron-
chial involvement (Fig. 5). It is not known whether this is an individual phenomenon,
related to underlying CIPF, or connected to cough. The presence of bronchoscopic
Canine Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis 439

Fig. 3. A transverse HRCT image at the level of caudal lung lobes in an 11-year-old WHWT
with CIPF and a PaO2 of 57 mm Hg. Areas of GGO (arrow) and traction bronchiectasis (arrow-
head) are seen dorsally. The images were obtained under general anesthesia. (Courtesy of
Anu K. Lappalainen, DVM, PhD, University of Helsinki, Finland.)

changes cannot be used to differentiate CIPF from CB. Bronchial changes, however,
such as hyperemia, mucus accumulation, and mucosal irregularities, usually are more
profound in CB than in CIPF.37 Bronchoscopy requires general anesthesia. The deci-
sion to perform bronchoscopy must be considered from the perspective of benefits
versus risks. Bronchoscopy should be pursued, especially when there is discrepancy
between clinical data and HRCT findings or suspicion of infection or other disease pro-
cess or if CIPF is suspected in a young WHWT or in a dog of a non-WHWT breed. The
general condition and the severity of hypoxemia determine whether a dog is fit for the
procedure. In the authors’ experience, careful planning of anesthesia with

Fig. 4. Photograph illustrating use of the modified VetMouseTrap (Universal Medical Sys-
tems Inc., Solon, OH.) The device is used without the lid, and padding is added inside the
device. (From Holopainen S, Rautala E, Lilja-Maula L, et al. Thoracic high resolution CT using
the modified VetMousetrap device is a feasible method for diagnosing canine idiopathic
pulmonary fibrosis in awake West Highland white terriers. Vet Radiol Ultrasound. 2019;
60(5):525-532; with permission.)
440 Laurila & Rajamäki

Fig. 5. Bronchoscopic images from WHWTs with CIPF. (A) Moderate bronchial mucosal irreg-
ularity in a 12-year-old WHWT with CIPF. (B) Grade II tracheal collapse viewed at the level of
carina in a 12-year-old WHWT with CIPF. (From Laurila HP. Canine idiopathic pulmonary
fibrosis - clinical disease, biomarkers and histopathological features. [PhD]. Helsinki, Finland:
University of Helsinki; 2015: 3-76; with permission.)

supplemental oxygen before, during, and after bronchoscopy make scoping possible
even in severely hypoxemic WHWTs with CIPF.
Bronchoscopic changes reported in CIPF are bronchial mucosal irregularity, mild to
moderate increases in bronchial mucus, bronchomalacia, dynamic airway collapse,
and bronchiectasis.3,14,16 Additionally, tracheal collapse, usually mild to moderate,
seems to be common in WHWTs with CIPF.3,14,16 The significance of this finding
and its possible relationship to the underlying ILD is unclear, and the authors have
also detected tracheal collapse in clinically healthy old WHWTs.14 Bronchial mucosal
irregularity can be explained at least partly by age-related changes.14,45
BALF analysis of WHWTs with CIPF usually shows an increase in the total cell count
due to increased numbers of macrophages, neutrophils, and mast cells. Bacterial
growth is uncommon.9,14 BALF analysis is not routinely recommended in the diag-
nostic evaluation of human IPF, but it can be useful in excluding other ILDs or evalu-
ating infection or malignancy.1 In human IPF, increased total cell count, BALF
neutrophilia, and mild to moderate eosinophilia are described. Lack of lymphocytosis
supports the IPF diagnosis. In NSIP, BALF lymphocytosis is typical.46,47


Reaching CIPF diagnosis can require HRCT, which is expensive and not always
applicable, or histologic investigation of lung tissue. The lack of CIPF-specific ther-
apy, however, questions the benefits of surgical lung biopsy. Therefore, identifica-
tion of a noninvasive fibrosis biomarker could be helpful. Both screening and
targeted investigational approaches have been used in the biomarker search with
promising results.9
 Biomarkers with the potential to discriminate WHWTs with CIPF from healthy
WHWTs are serum and BALF ET-1, serum and BALF chemokine (C-C) ligand
2, BALF interleukin-8, BALF PIIINP, and BALF MMP-9.19–21,29
 Biomarkers with the potential to differentiate WHWTs with CIPF from dogs with
chronic bronchitis (CB) are serum and BALF ET-1, BALF PIIINP, BALF MMP-9,
and BALF MMP-2.19–21
Canine Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis 441

 Biomarkers that might be related to the predisposition of WHWT breed for CIPF
are serum TGF-ß, serum interleukin-8, and possibly serum Krebs von den
Lungen-6. The concentrations of these markers were higher in serum of WHWTs
compared with other breeds.9,22,26
Further studies are necessary to confirm these findings, to find novel biomarkers,
and to investigate combinations of these that have the highest predictive values.
Ideally, a biomarker that differentiates WHWTs that will develop CIPF from those
that will not would be available to select WHWTs for breeding.


Currently, there are no effective treatments for CIPF. No treatment trials have been per-
formed on dogs with CIPF, and the studies published on CIPF have not been designed
to evaluate any treatment effect.37 Pharmacologic treatment options for human IPF are
scarce as well. No known treatment can stop the progression or reverse the fibrotic
changes. IPF is the leading indication for lung transplantation in humans worldwide.48
Knowledge about IPF pathogenesis has shifted treatment targets from inflammation
toward the aberrant wound healing process. What used to be a standard-of-care com-
bination therapy with prednisone, azathioprine, and N-acetylcysteine was revealed to
be harmful in human IPF. At present, human IPF-specific therapy is based on 2 novel
antifibrotics, pirfenidone and nintedanib. Both can slow the decline in lung function but
do not result in cure.49
Pirfenidone has well-established antifibrotic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory ef-
fects.49 It might be considered for treatment of CIPF. Although the pharmacokinetics
of pirfenidone have been studied in dogs, the safety is not known and there are no clin-
ical reports of its use in dogs.37 Currently, pirfenidone is expensive: treating a WHWT
would cost 12V to 17V ($13–$20) per day (July 2019) if the pirfenidone dose is extrap-
olated from humans.
Nintedanib is an intracellular inhibitor of multiple tyrosine kinases with potent antifi-
brotic and anti-inflammatory effects in animal models.49 A recent study suggested that
nintedanib extends life expectancy in human patients with IPF.50 Unfortunately, in
toxicology studies of nintedanib, dogs suffered from severe gastrointestinal adverse
effects even with low doses of the drug.51
In CIPF, treatment is used mainly to reduce clinical signs on an individual basis
and to alleviate complications.37 Many WHWTs with CIPF receive corticosteroids.
Corcoran and colleagues3 reported that some dogs with CIPF seem to respond
to corticosteroid treatment. Based on the authors’ experience, corticosteroids
reduce cough in many dogs; however, the authors have not observed any clear
long-term improvement in arterial oxygenation.15 In human IPF, corticosteroids
are not recommended as disease-modifying therapy due to adverse effects and
lack of efficacy.52 In NSIP, however, oral corticosteroids form the basis of the treat-
ment alone or in combination with other immunosuppressive agents. Human pa-
tients with a less common, cellular NSIP respond well whereas patients with a
more common, fibrosing NSIP do far worse but still survive longer than patients
with IPF.53 If corticosteroids are chosen as an empirical therapy for CIPF, it is up
to the veterinarian to decide whether to give it orally or via inhalation. No studies
exist to support either use. Given the potential benefit of corticosteroids in human
NSIP, an oral route might be elected. On the other hand, considering the lack of
efficacy in human IPF, concurrent bronchial changes could be targeted instead
of the interstation, and, therefore, inhaled steroids might be a better option, espe-
cially in old WHWTs with concomitant diseases.
442 Laurila & Rajamäki

Combination therapy with corticosteroids and theophylline has been recommended

for treatment of CIPF and is also the authors’ choice.3 Theophylline causes mild bron-
chodilatation, enhances mucociliary clearance, and increases contractibility of the
diaphragmatic muscle.54
WHWTs with CIPF might benefit from use of proton pump inhibitors or histamine H2
receptor blockers. This is supported by the finding of microaspiration in WHWTs with
CIPF.31 Gastroesophageal reflux with microaspiration is common in human IPF and
predisposes to lung injury. Antiacid therapy is recommended for the treatment of all
human patients with IPF1 because it could slow disease progression and reduce the
risk of acute worsening of IPF in humans.55 Because it is a low-cost treatment and un-
likely harmful, it can be used in WHWTs with CIPF as well.
Treatment of PH usually focuses first on management of the underlying disease;
however, because no effective treatment exists for CIPF, treatment of concurrent
PH is directly targeted to reduce pulmonary arterial pressure. A recent meta-
analysis in human medicine did not support the theoretic concern that hypoxemia
could worsen with PH treatment because of deterioration in ventilation-perfusion
mismatch.56 Data on the use of sildenafil in human IPF-related PH are conflicting
and the authors of the official management guidelines of human IPF do not take a
stand for or against its use.49 Although no study has evaluated the benefits and
adverse effects of sildenafil in CIPF-related PH, sildenafil therapy has been investi-
gated in dogs with PH in general and has been reported to improve clinical signs
and quality of life. The authors prescribe sildenafil to WHWTs with CIPF that have
echocardiographic measurements suggesting PH.
WHWTs with CIPF can experience acute worsening of respiratory function during
the disease course. The cause for such worsening, for example, a bacterial pneu-
monia, should be treated appropriately. If no cause is found, the dog could be
suffering from an acute exacerbation (AE) of CIPF, histopathologically characterized
by diffuse alveolar damage.15,28 The etiology of AE in human IPF is unknown, but it
is likely triggered by an acute insult, for example, microaspiration, infection, or stress
due to bronchoscopy or surgery, which then leads to severe acute lung injury. Despite
empirical treatment with a high dose of corticosteroids and broad-spectrum antibi-
otics, the short-term mortality of AE of IPF in humans is very high.57 Likewise, the ex-
pected outcome for a WHWT having AE of CIPF is poor.
Pulmonary rehabilitation and long-term oxygen therapy are recommended for
humans with IPF.1 The authors encourage the owners of WHWTs with CIPF to
continue routine daily walks with their dogs, unless the dog shows signs of exhaustion.
Long-term oxygen therapy is not feasible in dogs, although intermittent treatment
might be possible in some dogs.


Although diseased WHWTs usually are already old at the time of disease recognition,
CIPF has a negative impact on survival. Median survival was reported to be 32 months
(range 2–51 months) from the onset of clinical signs and 11 months (range 0–
40 months) from diagnosis (Fig. 6).15 In humans, the median survival after diagnosis
is 2 years to 3 years in IPF and 6 years to 13.5 years in fibrotic NSIP.1,53 Predicting
the disease course for an individual WHWT is difficult, because of the lack of prog-
nostic markers. Only high-serum chemokine (C-C) ligand 2 at the time of diagnosis
and the severity of CT findings were found to be negatively associated with survival.9
As in human IPF, CIPF in WHWTs can have either a slow or rapid disease progression.
When diseased WHWTs were followed over time, 5 of 15 WHWTs with CIPF needed to
Canine Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis 443

Fig. 6. Kaplan-Meier survival curves for all-cause survival (dashed line) and CIPF-specific sur-
vival (solid line) of WHWTs with CIPF from onset of clinical signs. Circles indicate censored
animals (all-cause survival: WHWTs alive at study endpoint; CIPF-specific survival: WHWTs
alive and those who died of non–CIPF-related causes). (From Lilja-Maula LIO, Laurila HP,
Syrjä P, et al. Long-term outcome and use of 6-minute walk test in West Highland white ter-
riers with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. J Vet Intern Med 2014;28:379-85; with permission.)

be euthanized because of AE.15 Further research into the etiopathogenesis and ge-
netics of CIPF is needed, along with searches for viable biomarkers for disease as
well as disease progression.


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The authors thank the funding sources: Orion-Farmos Research Foundation, Finnish
Veterinary Association, Finnish Veterinary Research Foundation, and the Finnish
West Highland White Terrier Breeding Club.


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