(스승의날) 시뮬레이션 - 고1 - 22년 9월 모의고사 - 파이널 (정답포함)
(스승의날) 시뮬레이션 - 고1 - 22년 9월 모의고사 - 파이널 (정답포함)
(스승의날) 시뮬레이션 - 고1 - 22년 9월 모의고사 - 파이널 (정답포함)
2022년_고1_9월_인천광역시 교육청_학력평가_21번 2022년_고1_9월_인천광역시 교육청_학력평가_20번
1. 다음 글의 괄호 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현을 고르시오. (3점) 3. 다음 글의 괄호 안에서 문맥에 맞는 어휘를 고르시오. (3점)
Is the customer always right? When customers Experts on writing say, “Get rid of as many words
return a broken product to a famous company, 1)[ as possible.” Each word must do something 18)[
which / that / what ] makes kitchen and bathroom trivial / significant ]. If it doesn’t, 19)[
reserve /
fixtures, the company nearly always offers a eliminate ] it. Well, this doesn’t work for speaking.
replacement to maintain good customer relations. It takes more words to introduce, express, and
Still, “there are times you’ve got to say ‘no,’” adequately elaborate an idea in speech than it takes
explains the warranty expert of the company, such in writing. Why is this so? While the reader can
as when a product is undamaged or has 2)[ abused reread, the listener cannot rehear. Speakers do not
/ been abused ]. Entrepreneur Lauren Thorp, who come furnished with a replay button. Because
owns an e-commerce company, says, “While the listeners are easily 20)[ focused / diverted ], they will
customer is ‘always’ right, sometimes you just have 21)[ catch / overlook ] many pieces of what a
to fire a customer.” When Thorp has 3)[ tried / speaker says. If they miss the crucial sentence, they
been tried ] everything 4)[ resolving / to resolve ] a may never catch up. This makes it 22)[ secondary /
complaint and realizes 5)[ which / what / that ] the vital ] for speakers to talk longer about their points,
customer will be 6)[ dissatisfying / dissatisfied ] no using more words on them than would be used to
matter what, she returns her attention to the rest express the same idea in writing.
of her customers, who she says 7)[ is / are / do /
does ] “the reason for my success.”
It is widely believed that certain herbs somehow We worry that the robots are taking our jobs, but
magically improve the work of certain organs, and just as 23)[ rare / usual ] a problem is that the
“cure” specific diseases as a result. Such statements robots are taking our judgment. In the large
are unscientific and groundless. Sometimes herbs 8)[ warehouses so common behind the scenes of
appear / are appeared ] to work, 9)[ due to / today’s economy, human ‘pickers’ hurry around
because of / since ] they tend to increase your grabbing products off shelves and moving them to
blood circulation in an aggressive attempt by your where they can be packed and dispatched. In their
body to eliminate them from your system. That can ears are headpieces: the voice of ‘Jennifer’, a piece
create a temporary feeling of a high, 10)[ what / of software, tells them where to go and what to
that / which ] makes it seem as if your health do, controlling the smallest details of their
condition has improved. Also, herbs can have a movements. Jennifer breaks down instructions into
placebo effect, just like any other method, thus 11)[ tiny chunks, to minimise error and maximise
helping / helped ] you feel better. Whatever the productivity — for example, rather than picking
case, it is your body 12)[ that / which / what ] 13)[
eighteen copies of a book off a shelf, the human
have / has ] the intelligence to regain health, and worker would be politely instructed to pick five.
not the herbs. How can herbs have the intelligence Then another five. Then yet another five. Then
needed to direct your body into getting healthier? another three. Working in such conditions 24)[
That is impossible. Try to imagine how herbs might extends / confines ] people to machines made of
14)[ come / be come ] into your body and
flesh. Rather than asking us to think or adapt, the
intelligently fix your problems. If you try to do that, Jennifer unit takes over the thought process and
you will see how 15)[ it seems impossible / treats workers as a 25)[ costly / cheap ] source of
impossible it seems ]. Otherwise, it would mean some visual processing and a pair of opposable
that herbs are more intelligent than the human thumbs.
body, 16)[ which / what / that ] is truly hard to 17)[
*dispatch: 발송하다 **chunk: 덩어리
believe / believing ].
*placebo effect: 위약 효과
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고1 시뮬레이션 파이널
2022년_고1_9월_인천광역시 교육청_학력평가_26번 2022년_고1_9월_인천광역시 교육청_학력평가_38번
5. 다음 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기 7. 주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한
에 가장 적절한 곳은?26) (3점) 것은?28) (3점)
Smith studied further and became a tax accountant, Television is the number one leisure activity in the
but he finally turned back to his love of writing. United States and Europe, consuming more than
half of our free time. We generally think of
television as a way to relax, tune out, and escape
Wilbur Smith was a South African novelist from our troubles for a bit each day.
specialising in historical fiction. ( ① ) Smith wanted
to become a journalist, writing about social (A) Unfortunately, it is also likely to “crowd out”
conditions in South Africa, but his father was never other activities that produce more sustainable social
supportive of his writing and forced him to get a contributions to our social well-being. The more
real job. ( ② ) He wrote his first novel, The Gods television we watch, the less likely we are to
First Make Mad, and had received 20 rejections by volunteer our time or to spend time with people in
1962. ( ③ ) In 1964, Smith published another our social networks.
novel, When the Lion Feeds, and it went on to be
successful, selling around the world. ( ④ ) A (B) While this is true, there is increasing evidence
famous actor and film producer bought the film that we are more motivated to tune in to our
rights for When the Lion Feeds, although no movie favorite shows and characters when we are feeling
resulted. ( ⑤ ) By the time of his death in 2021 lonely or have a greater need for social connection.
he had published 49 novels, selling more than 140 Television watching does satisfy these social needs
million copies worldwide. to some extent, at least in the short run.
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고1 시뮬레이션 파이널
2022년_고1_9월_인천광역시 교육청_학력평가_41~42번 2022년_고1_9월_인천광역시 교육청_학력평가_23번
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고1 시뮬레이션 파이널
2022년_고1_9월_인천광역시 교육청_학력평가_34번
최종정리 TOP 5
10. 위 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한
것은?31) (3점) 29번
In the studies of Colin Cherry at the Massachusetts The human brain, it turns out, 32)[ was / has ] 33)[
Institute for Technology back in the 1950s, his expanded / contracted ] in mass by about 10
participants listened to voices in one ear at a time percent since it peaked in size 15,000-30,000 years
and then through both ears in an effort to ago. One possible reason is 34)[ what / that ] many
determine whether we can listen to two people talk thousands of years ago humans lived in a world of
at the same time. One ear always contained a 35)[ mild / fierce ] predators 36)[ which / where ]
message that the listener had to repeat back (called they had to have their wits about 37)[ themselves /
“shadowing”) while the other ear included people them ] at all times to avoid 38)[
to be / being ]
speaking. The trick was to see if you could totally killed. Today, we have effectively 39)domesticated
focus on the main message and (A)On the hand ourselves and many of the tasks of survival — from
hear someone talking in your other ear. Cleverly, avoiding immediate death to 40)[ build / building ]
Cherry found it was impossible for his participants shelters to 41)[ obtain / obtaining ] food — 42)[ has
/ have ] 43)[ been outsourced / outsourced ] to the
to know whether the message in the other ear was
spoken by a man or woman, in English or another wider society. We are 44)[ bigger / smaller ] than
language, or was even comprised of real words at our ancestors too, and it is a characteristic of
domestic animals 45)[ which / that ] they are
all! (B) S o , people could not process
generally 46)[
bigger / smaller ] than their wild
two pieces of information at the same time.
cousins. None of this may mean we are 47)[
intelligent / unintelligent ] — brain size is not
necessarily an 48)indicator of human intelligence —
(A) (B) but it may mean that our brains today are wired up
differently, and perhaps more efficiently, than 49)[
① however In other words
② however For example that / those ] of our ancestors.
③ also In other words
④ hence On the other hand
⑤ in fact On the other hand 30번
It is widely believed 50)[ what / that ] certain herbs
somehow magically 51)[ weaken / enhance ] the work of
certain organs, and “cure” specific diseases as a result.
Such statements are unscientific and 52)[ logical / illogical
]. Sometimes herbs 53)[ are appeared / appear ] to work,
since they tend to 54)[ diminish / boost ] your blood
circulation in an aggressive attempt by your body to 55)
eliminate them from your system. 56)[ what / That ] can
create a 57)[ permanent / momentary ] feeling of a high,
which 58)[ make / makes ] it seem as if your health
condition has 59)[ undermined / enhanced ]. 60)(연결사)Al
so, herbs can have a placebo effect, just like 61)[ any
other / all the other ] method, thus 62)[ help / helping ]
you 63)[ feeling / feel ] better. 64)[ However / Whatever ]
the case, it is your body 65)[ what / that ] has the
intelligence to 66)regain health, and not the herbs. How
can herbs have the intelligence 67)[ needing / needed ] to
direct your body into getting healthier? That is 68)[ possible
/ implausible ]. Try to imagine how herbs might come into
your body and intelligently 69)[ fixing / fix ] your problems.
If you try to do that, you will see how 70)[ impossibly /
impossible ] it seems. 71)(연결사)Ot herwse, it would
mean that herbs are 72)[ less / more ] intelligent than the
human body, which 73)[ are / is ] truly 74)[ hard / easy ] to
*placebo effect: 위약 효과
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고1 시뮬레이션 파이널
31번 33번
We worry 75)[ what / that ] the robots are taking our The demand for 103)[ familiarity / novelty ] can have
jobs, but just as 76)[ rare / usual ] a problem is 77)[ what hidden 104)environmental costs. While freshness is now
/ that ] the robots are taking our 78)judgment. In the being 105)[ using / used ] as a term in food marketing as
large warehouses so 79)[ commonly / common ] behind part of a return to nature, the demand for year-round
the scenes of today’s economy, human ‘pickers’ 80)[ supplies of fresh produce such as soft fruit and exotic
hurrying / hurry ] around grabbing products off shelves vegetables 106)[ have / has ] led to the 107)[ specific /
and moving them to 81)[ what / where ] they can be extensive ] use of hot houses in cold climates and 108)[
packed and dispatched. In their ears 82)[ is / are ] decreasing / increasing ] reliance on total quality control —
headpieces: the voice of ‘Jennifer’, a piece of software, 83)[ management by temperature control, use of pesticides and
telling / tells ] them where to go and what to do, computer/satellite-based logistics. The demand for freshness
controlling the smallest details of their movements. Jennifer 109)[ has been / has ] also contributed to concerns about
breaks down instructions into tiny chunks, to minimise food wastage. Use of ‘best before’, ‘sell by’ and ‘eat by’
error and maximise productivity — 84)(연결사)for example, labels has legally 110)[ banned / permitted ] institutional
rather than picking eighteen copies of a book off a shelf, waste. Campaigners have 111)[ revealed / concealed ] the
the human worker would be politely instructed to pick scandal of overproduction and waste. Tristram Stuart, one
five. Then another five. Then yet another five. Then of the global band of anti-waste 112)[ campaigner /
another three. Working in such conditions 85)[ extends / campaigners ], 113)[ arguing / argues ] 114)[ what / that, ]
confines ] people to machines made of flesh. Rather than with 115)[ fresh / freshly ] made sandwiches, over-ordering
86)[ ask / asking ] us to think or adapt, the Jennifer unit is standard practice across the retail sector to avoid the
takes over the thought process and 87)[ treating / treats ] 116)appearance of empty shelf space, 117)[ leads / lead /
workers as a 88)[ costly / cheap ] source of some visual leading ] to high volumes of waste when supply regularly
processing and a pair of opposable thumbs. 118)exceeds demand.
32번 34번
The prevailing view among developmental scientists In the studies of Colin Cherry at the Massachusetts
89)[ are / is ] that people are 90)[ passive / Institute for Technology back in the 1950s, his
aggressive ] contributors to their own development. participants 119)[ was listened / listened ] to voices
People 91)[ are influenced / influence ] by the in one ear at a time and then through both ears in
physical and social contexts 92)[ in which / which ] an effort to determine whether we can listen to
they live, but they also play a role in influencing two people talk 120)[ simultaneously / individually ].
their development by interacting with, and 93)[ One ear always contained a message 121)[ what /
maintaining / modifying ], those contexts. Even that ] the listener had to repeat back (called
infants 94)influence the world around them and “shadowing”) while 122)[ the other / another ] ear
construct their own development through their included people speaking. The trick was to see 123)[
interactions. 95)[ Considering / Consider ] an infant that / if ] you could totally focus on the main
who smiles at each adult he sees; he influences his message and also hear someone 124)[ to talk /
world 96)[ although / because ] adults are 97)[ talking ] in your other ear. Cleverly, Cherry found
unlikely / likely ] to smile, use “baby talk,” and 98)[ 125)[ that / it ] was 126)[ possible / impossible ] for
playing / play ] with him in response. The infant his participants to know whether the message in
brings adults into close contact, 99)[ makes / making 127)[ the other / another ] ear was spoken by a
] one-on-one interactions and creating opportunities man or woman, in English or another language, or
for learning. By engaging the world around them, was even comprised of real words at all!
thinking, 100)[ be / being ] curious, and interacting 128)(연결사)In people could not process two
with people, objects, and the world around them, pieces of information at the same time.
individuals of all ages 101)[
is / are ] “102)
manufacturers of their own development.”
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고1 시뮬레이션 파이널
31) ③
32) has
1) which
33) contracted
2) been abused
34) that
3) tried
35) fierce
4) to resolve
36) where
5) that
37) them
6) dissatisfied
38) being
7) are
39) domesticated
40) building
2번 41) obtaining
8) appear 42) have
9) since 43) been outsourced
10) which 44) smaller
11) helping 45) that
12) that 46) smaller
13) has 47) unintelligent
14) come 48) indicator
15) impossible it seems 49) those
16) which
17) believe 30번
50) that
3번 51) enhance
18) significant 52) illogical
19) eliminate 53) appear
20) diverted 54) boost
21) overlook 55) eliminate
22) vital 56) That
57) momentary
58) makes
59) enhanced
23) usual 60) Also(Moreover, Furthermore, What’s more,
24) confines Besides)
25) cheap 61) any other
62) helping
5번 63) feel
64) Whatever
26) ②
65) that
66) regain
6번 67) needed
27) ⑤ 68) implausible
69) fix
7번 70) impossible
71) Otherwise,
28) ② (B) - (A) - (C)
72) more
73) is
8번 74) hard
29) ④ (C) - (A) - (B)
9번 75) that
30) ④ 76) usual
77) that
78) judgment
79) common
80) hurry
81) where
10번 82) are
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고1 시뮬레이션 파이널
83) tells
84) for example(for instance)
85) confines
86) asking
87) treats
88) cheap
89) is
90) aggressive
91) are influenced
92) in which
93) modifying
94) influence
95) Consider
96) because
97) likely
98) play
99) making
100) being
101) are
102) manufacturer
103) novelty
104) environmental
105) used
106) has
107) extensive
108) increasing
109) has
110) permitted
111) revealed
112) campaigners
113) argues
114) that,
115) freshly
116) appearance
117) leading
118) exceed
119) listened
120) simultaneously
121) that
122) the other
123) if
124) talking
125) it
126) impossible
127) the other
128) In other words(That is, namely)
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