1 Ijmtst0705003
1 Ijmtst0705003
1 Ijmtst0705003
Article in International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology · June 2021
DOI: 10.46501/IJMTST0705001
8 15,420
6 authors, including:
Vikas Sharma
Agriculture Victoria Research Centre Melbourne Australia
All content following this page was uploaded by Vikas Sharma on 27 July 2021.
Article Info
Received on 27-March-2021, Revised on 20-April-2021, Accepted on 24-April-2021, Published on 29-April-2021.
In today's generation, most people are using technology for leading their lives and fulfilling their daily
needs. In this generation most of us using E-commerce websites for shopping for clothes, groceries, and
electronics [1]. We have developed one E-commerce web application by using MERNstack technology as it
contains MongoDB, Express.JS framework, React.JS library, Node.JS platform. This application is fully
functional with different views for user and admin and it also has integrated with payment gateway for
checkout. By using this website we can buy different types of t-shirts and we can choose different styles of
t-shirts based upon customer interests. In this project, we can add different products and can delete them
also. We have developed administrative functions for the website such as create a product, create categories,
Admin dashboard, Manage products, Manage categories. For customersrs, they can quickly add their items
to the cart. Based on the items in the cart then the bill gets generate and the customer can pay by using stripe
KEYWORDS: JavaScript, Software Stack, Framework, Library, Performance Analysis, React.js, MongoDB,
Node.js, Express.js
III. E-COMMERCE If you order any product in e-commerce you will get
Definition: the details of where the product is shipping and
E-commerce is also known as electronic commerce, when it will reach you, you can cancel the product
it is the process of buying and selling products also if you don't like that product after order.
through the internet, and also the transfer of
money and the data to complete the process of 4. LESS PRICE:
buying or selling a product [4]. In E-commerce websites, we can compare the
In the early days, e-commerce was not that famous prices of products from one website to another
but after increasing the use of mobile phones website. In that way, we can easily know that
everyone was choosing the interest in buying where we will get the product for a lesser price and
things online so, it became popular. we will get the basic idea that how much money we
Types of E-commerce: can spend to buy a particular product.
There are mainly four types of E-commerce
business models 5. MORE CHANCES TO “SELL”:
1. B2C (Business to consumer). In the physical stores' merchant can not give the
It is a business based upon the internet, By using full information about the product, but in the
this model we can sell products to the end-user. E-commerce store customer can get full
2. B2B(Business to business) information about that product and he can see the
It is a business that will happen between large reviews of another customer who bought that
companies, organizations, and businesses, these product previously. In this way, if the product is
days most of e-commerce falls in this category. good it will get more chances to get that product [6].
3. C2B(Consumer to Business)
This type of E-commerce allows that the DISADVANTAGES:
individuals can sell their goods to Companies 1. SECURITY:
In this type of E-commerce, individuals will assign Even though E-commerce providing more benefits
work to complete in the given time through to customers. People are having fear about giving
their data to website owners, so it will give security
Home Page:
The home page of the web Application mainly
contains a list of the t-shirts which are saved in the
database. And there some options that will be in
the menu bar if the user does not sign in/login in
yet then "Sign in" and "Sign up" options will be
there. The home page will show you all types of
T-shirts and they will be displayed to customers,
for example, this homepage has types of T-shirts
such as Doggy T-shirt, Coffe T-shirt, friend T-shirt,
If we want to add another type of T-shirts we can
simply add a wide range of T-shirts, we can give
different prices for different t-shirts based upon Dashboard:
their quality, customers have the facility to add the This page will be different for the user. Admin
product to the cart which they like, the customer Dashboard will have a chance to create some
will have another facility to contact the admin if he categories and can add products to those
has any issues regarding products, prices, and any categories, as well as admin can delete products
other issues all these things have appeared preview and he can change prices also.
image is mentioned below:
Sign in and Sign up Here we define the structure of the data that
should in the database. By using some models
These two-option redirect to the page where the which help to store the data in the database like
user can find a form to fill either to create an mongoose, it is one of the famous libraries in
account or to sign in to an account. NodeJS.
Creating the schemas by mongoose with can
Cart mentions the names and type of the data.
After selecting any product users can see their
product on this page and here the payment will be Routers:
carried on. Stripe Payment is included for the cart All the work related to the routing of the pages was
which was a third-party tool that helps users to done here. ExpressJS is a popular library form
done payment by some debit cards, credit cards, routing. CURD operations and routing-related code
UPI's. are saved in this folder.
Data that is entered by the users will be stored in
the database. There are so many databases are
been used nowadays. In this project, we have
MongoDB as a database.
Using the mongoose library, we can connect to
MongoDB. There are so many methods in this
library to create schema and also to save the data
in the database.
The main them is to build an e-commerce t-shirt
selling web application with all three i.e., Front
end, back end, and database. This web application
is a fully pledged working web application right
from the login authentication, admin
authorization, add items to cart, using payment
gateway. It can be used by any textile industry on
either a small scale or a larger scale. The web
application is easy for them to access and without
any effort categories can be created and products
can be added by them. It will be very attractive for
the customer to see the products by sitting at home
or office. It will be very helpful for the small-scale
industries without selling to wholesales, large
retails mediators they can directly sell to the
customer by saving money for both.
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