Ectopic pregnancy occurs when fertilized egg implants itself outside of the womb. On a usual occurrence, ectopic
pregnancies happen in one of the fallopian tubes, to which (fallopian tubes) connects the ovaries to the womb. This
complication (ectopic pregnancy) deprives fertilized egg of its development into a baby and risks the pregnant mother of health
Ectopic pregnancy usually, is not detected on early stages of manifestations of fertility however, may be detected
during a routine pregnancy scan. Symptoms of manifestation develops between 4th and 12th week of pregnancy. Symptoms
include missed period and signs of pregnancy, abdominal pain on one side of the lower quadrant, vaginal bleeding as well as
brown watery discharge, pain on the tip of the shoulder, discomfort during defecation and urination. However, having few of
these symptoms such as discomfort during defecation are not, invariably, indicative of ectopic pregnancy, these could also be an
indication of other health problems.
Ectopic pregnancy are addressed with main treatments. Expectant management which are monitored carefully, and if
instances that fertilized egg are not dissolve by itself are treated. Treatment can be by medication via injections, patient is
injected with methotrexate stopping further development and growth of the fertilized egg. Another is by laparoscopy, to which
the patient undergoes anesthetics to remove the fertilized egg and usually along with the fallopian tube. These procedures
however, may affect and reduce the mother’s ability to be able to conceive.
Factors causing ectopic pregnancy includes, pelvic inflammatory disease inflammation of the female reproductive
system, usually caused by a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Previous case of ectopic pregnancy the risk of having another
ectopic pregnancy is around 10%, surgery on your fallopian tubes. In addition, women who had a previous case of ectopic
pregnancy has a 15% chance of experiencing it again. Furthermore, fertility treatment such as in vitro fertilization (IVF),
conception while using intrauterine device (IUD) or intrauterine system (IUS), and women who conceives at the age of 35 to 40
are at risk of experiencing ectopic pregnancy. For women who smokes the risk of acquiring ectopic pregnancy is 4 to 20 times
higher than those who doesn’t.
Name : Patient X
Age/Sex : 33/F
Ward : OB ward
Occupation : Housewife
Marital status : Single
Religion : Roman Catholic
Date of admission : October 23, 2023
Admitting diagnosis : Threatened abortion, G1P0
Respiratory Status
Date Time RR SPO2
October 23, 2023 7:00 AM 19 95%
10:00 AM 18 96%
2:00 PM 18 96%
Circulatory Status
A. Drugs
GENERIC: Tramadol and its active metabolite INDICATIONs: Respiratory: a. Observe 10 rights in drug administration to
(M1) binds to μ-opiate receptors in avoid medication errors.
TRAMADOL the CNS causing inhibition of Relief of moderate to Bronchitis, cough, nasal congestion, b. Check for allergies.
moderately severe pain. nasopharyngitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, c. Monitor vital signs.
ascending pain pathways, altering
rhinorrhea, sinus congestion, sinusitis, d. Be aware that tramadol shouldn’t be given to
the perception of and response to patients with a history of anaphylactoid
pain; also inhibits the reuptake of sneezing, upper respiratory tract infection
BRAND: reactions to codeine or other opioids.
norepinephrine and serotonin, which CONTRAINDICATION: e. Know that chronic maternal use of tramadol
ULTRAM, are neurotransmitters involved in the during pregnancy can result in neonatal opioid
CONZIP descending inhibitory pain pathway Suicidal patients, acute GI pain, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, withdrawal syndrome (NOWS), which may be
responsible for pain relief. alcoholism; head injuries; life-threatening if not recognized and treated
raised intracranial appropriately. NOWS occurs when a newborn
has been exposed to tramadol for a prolonged
pressure; severe renal CNS:
CLASS: period while in utero.
impairment; lactation. f. Use tramadol cautiously in patients who are
Anxiety, apathy, ataxia, chills,
THERAPEUTIC taking tranquilizers or antidepressant drugs and
confusion, depersonalization, depression, in patients who use alcohol in excess or who
ANALGESIC falling, feeling hot, hypoesthesia, suffer from emotional disturbance or
lethargy, nervousness, pain, paresthesia, depression.
restlessness, rigors, agitation, euphoria, g. Know that if patient has respiratory depression,
hypertonia, malaise, sleep disorder, respiratory status must be assessed often;
PHARMACOLOGI expect to give a non opioid analgesic—not
withdrawal syndrome, insomnia, seizures
C tramadol.
dizziness, headache, somnolence
neutropenia, leukopenia, decreased Hgb
or Hct, bone marrow depression
Diaphoresis, dermatitis, skin rash,
50mg. q 8hrs. pruritus
GENERIC: The mechanism of action of INDICATIONs: CNS: a. Check brand and label to know that appropriate
CELEBREX is believed to be due dose to be given.
Celecoxib to inhibition of prostaglandin Osteoarthritis (OA). Dizziness, headache, insomnia b. Assess range of motion, degree of swelling, and
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). pain in affected joints.
synthesis, primarily via inhibition
BRAND: Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis CV: c. Assess patient for allergy to sulfonamides,
of COX-2. aspirin, or NSAIDs.
(JRA). Ankylosing Spondylitis
Celebrex edema d. Check client history before administering drug.
Prostaglandins are mediators of (AS). Acute Pain. Primary e. Assess for hepatic impairment
CLASS: inflammation. Celecoxib is an Dysmenorrhea. GI: f. Check history of GI bleeding or peptic ulcer
inhibitor of prostaglandin disease
antirheumatics, synthesis, its mode of action may GI BLEEDING, abdominal pain,
nonsteroidal anti- be due to a decrease of diarrhea, dyspepsia, flatulence, nausea.
inflammatory agents prostaglandins in peripheral
tissues. Known hypersensitivity (e.g.,
anaphylactic reactions and Exfoliative Dermatitis, Stevens-
COX-2 inhibitors serious skin reactions) to Johnson Syndrome, Toxic Epidermal
celecoxib, any components of Necrolysis, rash.
DOSAGE: the drug product.
50mg, 100mg, 200mg, History of asthma, urticaria, or
400mg other allergic-type reactions hyperkalemia.
after taking aspirin or other
In the setting of CABG
GENERIC: Stimulates peristalsis. Alters fluid INDICATIONs: GI: abdominal cramps, BEFORE:
and electrolyte trans- port, nausea, diarrhea, rectal
Bisacodyl producing fluid accumulation in Treatment of constipation. burning. Dx:
the colon.
CONTRAINDICATION: MS: hypokalemia (with a. Assess the patient for hypersensitivity or any signs of abdominal
pain, nausea and vomiting that is contraindicated to drug therapy.
chronic use)
BRAND: Hypersensitivity; Tx:
SOURCE: Davis’s Drug Guide Abdominal pain; MISC: protein losing
Bisacolax Obstruction; Nausea or a. Perform an abdominal examination to check for abdominal
for Nurses: Sixteenth Edition enteropathy, tetany distensions, presence of bowel sounds and usual pattern of bowel
vomiting (especially with (with chronic use). function.
fever or other signs of an EDx:
CLASS: acute abdomen).
a. Explain the drug therapy to the patient to increase compliance.
PHARMACOLOGIC: A. Antacids, histamine
Stimulant laxatives H2-receptor Dx:
antagonists, and
DOSAGE: 10mg gastric acid–pump a. Do not confuse the drug with similar brand names but different
inhibitors may generic name.
ROUTE: Rectal remove enteric b. Make sure that the site of administration is cleaned prior to placing
coating of tablets the drug.
resulting in gastric c. Lubricate suppositories with water or water soluble lubricant before
irritation/dyspepsi insertion.
a. Tx:
B. May lower the
absorption of other a. Administer at bedtime for morning results.
orally b. Suppository or enema can be given at the time a bowel movement
administered drugs is desired.
because of high EDx:
motility and low
transit time. a. Encourage patient to retain the suppository or enema 15 – 30 min
before expelling.
a. Assess the patient for abdominal pain, fever, nausea and vomiting
that comes with constipation and encourage client not to take the
a. Advise the client not to prolong drug therapy which may cause drug
dependence and electrolyte imbalance.
b. Encourage the patient to use other forms of bowel regulation.
(increasing bulk in the diet, increasing fluid intake, or increasing
GENERIC: Antagonizes the inhibitory INDICATIONs: CNS: a. Use metoclopramide cautiously in patients with hypertension
effect of dopamine on GI smooth because it may increase catecholamine levels.
METOCLOPRAMI muscle. This causes gastric Prevention of Drowsiness, extrapyramidal b. Monitor patient with NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase
DE chemotherapy-induced reactions, restlessness, deficiency because metoclopramide increases risk of
contraction, which promotes gastric
emesis. Treatment of NEUROLEPTIC MALIGNANT methemoglobinemia and sulfhemoglobinemia, and patient
emptying and peristalsis, thus can’t receive methylene blue.
reducing gastroesophageal reflux. postsurgical and diabetic SYNDROME, anxiety,
c. Assess patient for signs of intestinal obstruction, such as
Metoclopramide also blocks gastric stasis. Facilitation depression, irritability, tardive abnormal bowel sounds, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting,
dopaminergic receptors in the of small bowel intubation dyskinesia. before administering metoclopramide. Notify prescriber if
METOZOLV, chemoreceptor trigger zone, in radiographic procedures. you detect them.
Management of esophageal CV: d. For I.V. use, you need not dilute doses of 10 mg or less.
REGLAN preventing nausea and vomiting.
reflux. Treatment and Give drug over 1 to 2 minutes. For doses larger than 10 mg,
arrhythmias (supraventricular dilute in 50 ml normal saline solution, half-normal (0.45)
prevention of postoperative
tachycardia, bradycardia), saline solution, D5W, or lactated Ringer’s solution and
SOURCE: nausea and vomiting when
CLASS: hypertension, hypotension. infuse over at least 15 minutes.
nasogastric suctioning is e. Assess for drug allergies
Jones & Bartlett, (2018). Nurse’s
f. Assess drug history that may cause interactions with
drug handbook, seventh edition, p.
THERAPEUTIC 705. ISBN: 978-1-284-12134-6 undesirable. Migraine. GI: metoclopramide
g. Assess bp and compare to normal values
ANTIENEMIC, constipation, diarrhea, dry
upper GI stimulant mouth, nausea.
DOPAMINE GI hemorrhage, Gynecomastia b. Store in a closed container in a cool place out of the reach of
RECEPTOR mechanical obstruction and children.
ANTAGONISTS perforation; HEMAT: a.
DOSAGE: methemoglobinemia,
history of seizures
neutropenia, leukopenia,
10mg. q 6hrs agranulocytosis.
B. IV Fluids
Name Classification Component/s Use & Effects Nursing Responsibilities
Dextrose 5% in Hypertonic Electrolytes 1000ml Use: Do not administer unless solution is clear and container is
Lactated Ringers Nonpyrogenic Sodium 130 mmol Lactated Ringers in 5% Dextrose is a prescription medicine undamaged.
Solution (D5LRS) Parenteral fluid Potassium 4 mmol used to treat the symptoms of [conditions]. Lactated Ringers in Caution must be exercised in the administration of parenteral
Electrolyte Calcium 1.4 mmol 5% Dextrose may be used alone or with other medications. fluids, especially those containing sodium ions to patients
Nutrient Chloride 109 mmol receiving corticosteroids or corticotrophin.
replenisher Lactate 28 mmol Effects: Solution containing acetate should be used with caution as
Osmolality 406 mOsm abdominal pain, swelling of the face, arms, hands, lower legs, excess administration may result in metabolic alkalosis.
or feet, blurry vision, body aches, chills, confusion, cough, Solution containing dextrose should be used with caution in
little or no urination, dizziness, lightheadedness, dry mouth, patients with known subclinical or overt diabetes mellitus.
ear pain, fever, headache, increased thirst or urination, Discard unused portion.
irregular or rapid heartbeats, loss of appetite, loss of voice, In very low birth weight infants, excessive or rapid
muscle pain or cramps, nausea, vomiting, nervousness, tingling administration of dextrose injection may result in increased
and numbness in the hands, feet, or lips, pale skin, pounding in serum osmolality and possible intracerebral hemorrhage.
the ears, rapid weight gain, runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, sore Properly label the IV Fluid
throat, sweating, difficulty breathing, unusual bleeding or
Observe aseptic technique when changing IV fluid
bruising, tiredness, weakness, weight gain or loss, chest pain,
flushed or dry skin, fruity breath odor, increased hunger, and
unexplained weight loss.
Nursing Care Plans
c) Provided proper
positioning (side
lying) with pillow to To relieve pressure on the incision
support head. site and to relax the patient.
d) Tramadol, Celecoxib,
Ketorolac, and To provide pharmacologic pain
Mefenamic given as management.
b) Advised to report
promptly any
untoward feelings and
concerns. Verbalizing untoward feelings and
concerns helps to improve patient’s
condition as soon as possible.
c) Encouraged the use of
relaxation technique
(such as deep
breathing and Relaxation technique may decrease
imagery) and the pain perception by interrupting
diversional acts (such the conduction of nerve pain
as listening to music impulse.
and talking to a family
d) Instructed to report if
pain persist. To change pain intervention.
To promote interest in
d) Emphasized importance
drinking and reduce
of oral hygiene.
discomfort of dry mucous
Subjective: The patient had STO: Dx: STO:
undergone left
“Nanghihina ako tapos salpingectomy. The After 30 minutes to 1 a) Assessed site of impaired Redness, swelling, pain, (Goal met)
ang sakit ng na- hour of effective nursing tissue integrity and its burning, and itching are
operahan sa akin” incision can result in an interventions, the patient condition. indications of After 30 minutes to 1 hour of
infection, since sutures will be able to understand inflammation and the effective nursing
introduce foreign the signs and symptoms body’s immune system interventions, the patient
materials into the body of infection. response to localized understood the signs and
and create additional tissue trauma or symptoms of infection.
Neutrophils: 79%
wounds by puncturing the impaired tissue
skin repeatedly, by that integrity.
patient is susceptible to
Nursing Diagnosis: infection. Bacteria are the LTO:
cause of infected stitches LTO:
Risk for Infection Systematic inspection
because broken skin After 8 hours of nursing
related to impaired b) Monitored site of impaired can identify impending
cannot protect the body interventions, the patient (Goal met)
skin & tissue integrity tissue integrity for color problems early.
from germs as well as will be able to
secondary to left changes, odor of secretions, After 8 hours of nursing
intact skin can. demonstrate
salpingectomy as redness, swelling, warmth, interventions, the patient was
understanding of plan to
manifested by an pain, or other signs of able to demonstrate
heal tissue and prevent
increased in infection. understanding of plan to heal
neutrophils - 79% Fever is a systemic tissue and prevent injury.
(neutrophilia). c) Monitored temperature. manifestation of
inflammation and may
indicate the presence of
To avoid circulation of
microorganisms that can
d) Provided clean, well- access entry in the site
ventilated environment of surgery.
(turning off central air-
conditioning and opening
window for good ventilation;
room with negative air
pressure, etc.).
Provide a positive
nitrogen balance, which
Edx: aids in healing and
contributes to general
a) Educated patient about good health.
proper nutrition (e.g., Malnutrition weakens
controlled glucose intake) the immune system;
and hydration. elevated serum glucose
levels provide growth
media for pathogens.