Cody's Classroom Management Plan
Cody's Classroom Management Plan
Cody's Classroom Management Plan
Table of Contents
Philosophy statement for physical education.
(what is your ultimate goal for students in the end) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
The Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Consequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Establishing Rules
(what will you do to make these known and followed, in general?) ………….. 4
o I believe that each student that walks into my classroom has the mindset that they
will be getting better with at least one thing that day. The students would have to
be mentally prepared to come into my class as I will motivate them to get better,
and I want them to change their mindset on themselves. The number one thing I
want the students to learn is to have confidence in believing in themselves. If my
students learn how to believe in themselves, then they can do anything in the
world if they put their mind to it.
o “If you don't believe in yourself how will somebody else believe in you?”
Deion Sanders
No bullying There will be a zero-tolerance rule on
bullying in the physical education
Proper shoes Each student will need to have the proper
shoes on in the class, as it can be a safety
hazard if you don’t have the right shoes on
for the activities
Proper clothing For physical education, we will be doing a
lot of activities in the classroom, so each
student will need to have the proper
clothing on for class. If they don’t have the
proper clothing, they will be provided with
some from the physical education teacher.
Following what the teacher says The students will need to understand that
they are not the ones running the class. The
teacher is, also they are the ones making the
close calls as well and making each call.
Close calls The students shall not make the calls that
are too close to make without a replay
system. To prevent arguing, they will need
to play a game of rock, paper, scissors, to
determine who would win this close call.
o If there are students that are acting up in class, or becoming a distraction, the
students will follow the three-strike rule.
1st strike – I will let the entire class know that I need them to establish the
rules again, and not signal anybody out.
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2nd strike – I will start signaling that one student out by saying “Can you
please……” so that the student know that they are on their second strike.
3rd strike – I will firmly ask the student a need statement, by saying “I
Out - That student will be removed from the class and be sent to the office
if they act up once again.
Establishing Rules
o The rules that have been put in place will be followed every day in the classroom.
o These rules are going to be expected within our classroom, and there will be
consequences if not followed.
Students can ask for water breaks, only 3 times during the class period to
prevent this.
Bathroom use
o Students shall use the bathroom before class, in the locker room, only if needed.
o If students need to use the bathroom during class, they will be allowed but only
once during the period.
Unless I was talked to before the period.
Other routines
o After the class is done stretching, they will either run laps around the gym, or they
will be playing a game of ultimate tag.
The teacher will select either or, depending on the day, and will be written
on the whiteboard
o The class will come into class and look at the whiteboard to see what the plan is
for the day, as this will limit the questions that I will get throughout the day.
Getting off to a good start – Procedures for the start of the year
Describe and demonstrate
o At the beginning of each class, no matter if it is a new unit or not, I will describe
what the lesson is for the day, and we will understand what the task will be, and
what I am expecting.
o We will demonstrate what good behavior is at the start of the year, and the class
will continue to demonstrate what the classroom expectations are throughout the
o We will practice what a good classroom looks like every day, as this is what the
students will understand what my expectations are.
o The main reason why I am going to be very strict on having a good managed
classroom, is that it PRACTICES what their expectations will look like in the real
Jobs will not tolerate a poorly attitude worker, so I want to treat my
classroom like a job expectation, so they are good workers in the real
Providing Feedback
o I will provide feedback regularly and will make sure that each student gets the
appropriate feedback that will help them exceed in whatever they are learning.
I think it is very important to give feedback, as this is what helps the
student learn, because if you do not provide any type of feedback, how
will the class know if they are doing great or doing poorly.
Setting Performance Standards
o I will be making performance standards, to where the class will understand what I
am expecting them to do, as this will be talked about every day at the beginning
of class, so that I am making myself crystal clear.
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o The performance standards will be set at a point where the class is going to be
challenged and be asked to work hard in my classroom.
The reason for this is that I believe that if you are being pushed to do
better daily, then when a student gets out into the real world, they will be
pushing themselves through work or college.
Maintain Consistency
o We will practice these routines daily to where it makes a routine out of it, and
each student that walks into my classroom will understand what is needed of
o With having a whiteboard having “I can……” statements, and myself pushing
every student to get at least better at one thing a day, is going to create some
type of consistency to where the classroom will understand what my
expectations are.
o With the class understanding what my expectations are, this will make classroom
management a lot easier on me, as the class understands and do what I am
expecting them to do.