A Hierarquia Coral Examinada A Presença de
A Hierarquia Coral Examinada A Presença de
A Hierarquia Coral Examinada A Presença de
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Estes, Lauren Elizabeth, "The Choral Hierarchy Examined: The Presence of Repertoire for Women's Choirs in Monographs on Choral
Literature and Choral History" (2013). Theses - ALL. Paper 14.
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Women’s choirs have been perceived as less prestigious than and inferior to
mixed choirs above other choir types. Most frequently, the delineation of the choral
hierarchy places women’s choirs at the bottom. Books about choral literature and choral
history are influential media for those selecting repertoire for choirs. In this study, the
American Choral Directors Association were surveyed to ascertain the quantity and kind
of repertoire included for women’s choirs as compared to the quantity and kind of
repertoire included for other types of choirs in order to determine if the monographs
reflected the choral hierarchy. Mixed choirs were found to have the highest percentage of
works for each of the three monographs surveyed, followed by men’s, treble, women’s
and children’s, and “other type” choirs. Arrangements for women’s choirs and
compositions for women’s choir and at least one other choir type comprised very little of
the women’s choir repertoire included. Commentary in the monographs regarding choir
make-up was inconsistent across texts, and all failed to mention institutions significant in
the development of the modern women’s choir, such as the Venetian ospedali, German
Frauenchor, and school and club choirs in the twentieth century. The research
demonstrates a preference for mixed choirs in the monographs surveyed, both with regard
to the percentage of repertoire mentioned and the history of choral music relayed. The
research parallels the choral hierarchy in terms of the percent of repertoire included. The
author, in agreement with previous scholarly suggestion, concludes that the choral
hierarchy is detrimental to the choral art, and that a dual model consisting of
supplementing with additional resources when studying choral literature and history and
assimilating such information into new editions of standard literature would ameliorate
Lauren Elizabeth Estes
B.A. in Music, The College of William and Mary, 2009
B.A. in Psychology, The College of William and Mary, 2009
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music in
Choral Conducting in the Setnor School of Music in the College of Visual and
Performing Arts and the Graduate School of Syracuse University
December 2013
Copyright 2013 Lauren Elizabeth Estes
I am indebted to Dr. Patrick Jones, who selflessly and enthusiastically guided the
other members of my thesis committee: Dr. John Coggiola, Dr. Barbara Tagg, and Dr.
John Warren.
of women’s choirs and the choral hierarchy; the resultant examination of my opinions
Table of Contents
Purpose .............................................................................................................................5
Summary ........................................................................................................................11
Purpose ...........................................................................................................................12
Techniques .....................................................................................................................14
Monographs ....................................................................................................................16
Procedures ......................................................................................................................24
Limitations .....................................................................................................................25
Table 5. Works Requiring One Type of Choir vs. Multiple Types of Choir .................44
Table 6. Visual Representation of Repertoire per Choir Type in an Average Text (of
Texts Surveyed)..............................................................................................................45
Appendix B ....................................................................................................................... 46
Bibliography ....................................................................................................................... 1
List of Tables
Table 5. Works Requiring One Type of Choir vs. Multiple Types of Choir…………….44
Table 6. Visual Representation of Repertoire per Choir Type in an Average Text (of
Texts Surveyed)………………………………………………………………………….45
Women’s choirs have been perceived as less prestigious than and inferior to
mixed choirs.1 This view has been reinforced by a continuing reliance on the system
currently in place in most academic choral programs: a hierarchy that preferences mixed
choirs above all other types by making them the most selective.2 Often in this situation, a
women’s choir in the same program as a mixed choir is composed of the women who
were unable to audition successfully for the mixed ensemble.3 A larger number of women
than men are interested in choral singing.4 Auditions for a given mixed choir are thus, by
circumstance, more competitive for women than they are for men.5 Because the pool of
men who audition is smaller, the requirements are less stringent than they are for women,
Sophie Drinker, Music and Women: The Story of Women in Their Relation to Music
(Washington, D.C.: Zenger Publishing Co. Inc., 1948), 259.; Lisa Fredenburgh, “Repertoire & Standards:
Women’s Choirs: Status and Competition: Perception of Women’s Choirs,” Choral Journal 48, no. 2
(2007): 38, ProQuest document ID: 1034068.; Dee Gauthier, “I’m Only in Women’s Chorus: A Need for
Posititve [Sic] Image Building,” Choral Journal 46, no. 2 (2005): 43, 46, ProQuest document ID:
1033301.; Naomi Stephan, “Is it just (,) You Girls? A Plea for Women's Choral Music,” IAWM Journal 11,
no. 2 (2005): 1, ProQuest Document ID: 908215521.; Jill Marie Wilson, “Practices of and Attitudes
Toward High School Treble Clef Choral Ensembles,” (PhD diss., Boston University, 2010), vii.
Hilary Apfelstadt, “Practices of Successful Women’s Choir Conductors,” Choral Journal 39, no.
5 (1998): 35, ProQuest document ID: 1030780.; Fredenburgh, “Status and Competition,” 38.; Mary Lycan,
“Literature Forum: Repertoire for Women’s Choirs,” Choral Journal 40, no. 9 (2000): 33, ProQuest
document ID: 1030706.; Debra Spurgeon, “A Paradigmatic Change for Women’s Choirs,” Choral Journal
52, no. 9 (2012): 62, ProQuest document ID: 1039857274.
Apfelstadt, “Practices,” 38.; Fredenburgh, “Status and Competition,” 38.; Gauthier, “Only in
Women’s Chorus,” 43, 45.; Patricia O’Toole, “A Missing Chapter from Choral Methods Books: How
Choirs Neglect Girls,” Choral Journal 39, no. 5 (12, 1998): 15, ProQuest document ID: 1031239.;
Spurgeon, “Paradigmatic Change,” 62.; Wilson, “Treble Clef Choral Ensembles,” 1, 17.
WomensENews, Global Information Network, May 14, 2004, ProQuest document ID: 457564180.; Eric
Kelderman, “For Advocate of Women's Choirs, Fostering Student Engagement is a Song,” The Chronicle
of Higher Education (Jul 18, 2010), ProQuest document ID: 734265042.; O’Toole, “Missing Chapter,” 24.;
Wilson, “Treble Clef Choral Ensembles,” v.
Fredenburgh, “Status and Competition,” 38.; Gauthier, “Only in Women’s Chorus,” 44.
women’s choirs as second class is reinforced by the result.6 Even when considering single
gender choirs, it has been suggested that women’s choirs are less desirable than men’s
choirs, from both singer and audience perspectives.7 Choristers have also identified that
one of the factors in preferring to sing in a mixed choir over a women’s choir is a
perception that the repertoire for mixed choirs is more challenging and of higher quality.8
repertoire for mixed choirs.9 In typical histories of western choral music, the genre
originates in the Catholic Church of the Renaissance. Beginning in the fifth century,
women were prohibited from singing in public churches and congregations, and were
limited to singing in convents.10 Composers, primarily under the patronage of the Church,
wrote for the public choirs of men and boys available to them. Today, this repertoire is
performed by mixed choirs or men’s choirs with men singing falsetto. The roots of the
current choral hierarchy may be traced to this historical basis, however, most general
In her book Gender and the Musical Canon, Marcia J. Citron defines a “canon” as
a set of “standard” works that reflect the values of the past and establish an outline for the
Fredenburgh, “Status and Competition,” 38.
Apfelstadt, “Practices,” 38.; Gauthier, “Only in Women’s Chorus,” 45.; Drinker, Music and
Women, 251.
Gauthier, “Only in Women’s Chorus,” 46.; O’Toole, “Missing Chapter,” 16.
O’Toole, “Missing Chapter,” 16.
André de Quadros, The Cambridge Companion to Choral Music (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2012), 22.; Drinker, Music and Women, 179, 180, 188, 191.; Arthur Jacobs, ed., Choral
Music: A Symposium (Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1963), 68.; Victoria Meredith, “The Pivotal Role of
Brahms and Schubert in the Development of the Women's Choir,” Choral Journal 37, no. 7 (Feb 01, 1997):
7, ProQuest document ID: 1306221223.
Sophie Drinker, Music and Women, 257.; Lycan, “Literature Forum,” 35.
future.12 Citron asserts that the formation of the canon of Western art music, of which
choral music forms a part, excluded women’s music since it was “outside of the
paradigms and assumptions” essential to it.13 Citron argues that canons promote that
which is considered worthy by those who define them, and omit or ignore that which is
not.14 Citron identifies the enormous influence textbooks and anthologies have on
determining and perpetuating the canon of music.15 Though Citron’s writing centers on
the exclusion of women composers from the musical canon, her observations, based on
the repertoire discussed in university level music classes, can be extrapolated to apply to
an understanding of the state of repertoire for women’s choirs.16 The most applicable
observation may be the perceived assumption that if a work is not well-known and/or not
Patricia O’Toole identified mixed choirs’ access to a historical and diverse literature as
Americas, serves as a major resource to its members. ACDA has defined the following
fourteen varieties of choir for its “Repertoire and Standards” areas: Boychoirs, Children’s
Marcia J. Citron, Gender and the Musical Canon (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
1993), 1.
Ibid., 4, 231.
Citron, Gender and the Musical Canon, 9.
Ibid., 25.
Ibid., 5-6, 199.
Ibid., 202.
O’Toole, “Missing Chapter,” 24.
“About Us,” accessed June 1, 2013, http://acda.org/page.asp?page=aboutuspage.
and Community Youth, College and University Choirs, Community Choirs, Ethnic and
Worship, Senior High School Choirs, Show Choirs, Two-Year College Choirs, Vocal
Jazz, Women’s Choirs, and Youth and Student Activities.20 The divisions are made
between genre, venue, and choir make-up and classify each choir variety as distinctive
enough to be identified. There is not an ACDA Repertoire and Standards Chair for mixed
choirs. Repertoire for mixed choirs can be grouped with all but four of the fourteen
divisions – those that specify choir type. Thus, women’s choirs, men’s choirs, children’s
choirs, and “boychoirs” are identified as being “specialty” ensembles, considered outside
the realm of the norm, endorsing mixed choirs as that norm. This illustrates an explicit
hierarchy condoned by ACDA that preferences mixed choirs above all other types. This
hierarchy is reified through practice and reproduced throughout the education and
Choral professionals who conduct and work with women’s choirs call for a
distinct and worthy selection of repertoire for women’s choirs.21 It has been noted by
several that there has been an increase in the quality and availability of repertoire for
women’s choirs in the past twenty-five years.22 Such advances include a progression
from the less serious women’s choir repertoire of the past, which choral educator Derrick
“Repertoire and Standards Committees,” accessed March 23, 2013,
Gauthier, “Only in Women’s Chorus,” 46.; Paul Laprade, “Some Suggested Repertoire for Two-
Year College Women’s Choirs,” Choral Journal 51, no. 5 (2010): 59, ProQuest document ID: 845776012.;
Lycan, “Literature Forum,” 33.; Catherine Roma, “Women's Choral Literature: Finding Depth,” Choral
Journal 44, no. 10 (05, 2004): 29, ProQuest document ID: 1032286.
Lycan, “Literature Forum,” 33.; Sandra Peter, “Response to Change: Women’s Choirs–A
Checklist for Change,” Choral Journal 38, no. 8 (1998): 52.; Roma, “Finding Depth,” 29.; Spurgeon,
“Paradigmatic Change.”
Brookins described as, “frou-frou literature” with themes of ‘running through the daisies,
[and fantasizing about] unicorns, and rainbows,’” and composer Joan Szymko described
as “‘fluff’ repertoire”23 Conductor and choral scholar Mary Lycan concluded that, “the
best repertoire for women’s choirs is music that has been or is being composed for
women: choir nuns in convents, girl orphans, and their teachers in the Venetian ospedali,
colleges, and adult women in music clubs who performed music written by their teachers,
peers, and alumnae.”24 In order to select worthy repertoire for women’s choirs, the
elements that may contribute to this hierarchy of choir types is a matter of repertoire,
which exists in relation to the musical canon. Choral conductors, the people typically
responsible for selecting repertoire, are apt to choose repertoire from their previous
choral experiences and works that are considered worthy by professional authorities such
as the American Choral Directors Association.25 It is safe to assume that male conductors
would never have sung in a women’s choir and, therefore, lack both exposure to and
direct experience with the repertoire and choir type. Many female choral conductors may
Gauthier, “Only in Women’s Chorus,” 46.; Spurgeon, “Paradigmatic Change.”; Shelbie L.
Wahl, “Women’s Choirs: Model Repertoire – Repertoire as Model,” Choral Journal 51, no. 11 (2011): 55,
ProQuest document ID: 881981356.
Lycan, “Literature Forum,” 33.
Monica Hubbard, “Repertoire & Standards Committee Reports: Women’s Choirs,” Choral
Journal 42, no. 2 (2001): 42, ProQuest document ID: 1030925.; Monica Hubbard, “Repertoire & Standards
Committee Report: Women’s Choirs: Repertoire, Standards, and Chestnuts,” Choral Journal 39, no. 5
(1998): 59, ProQuest document ID: 1030001.; G. Roberts Kolb, “Effective Choral Programming.” In Up
Front! Becoming the Complete Choral Conductor, ed. Guy B. Webb, (Boston: E. C. Schirmer Music
Company Inc., 1993), 265.; Georgia Peeples and Jennifer Holz, “Where are we Now? The Inclusion of
Women, 1750-1900, in Music History Textbooks,” Women & Music 7, no. 3 (Jun 30, 2001): 33, ProQuest
document ID: 223664236.
also have had little if any experience in women’s choirs. This may be because the best
female singers are typically placed in the top choir, which is usually a mixed voice choir.
In addition to direct experience with repertoire and choir types, choral conductors
may learn of previously unknown repertoire by attending concerts and conferences, going
from colleagues, and by reading articles and books on choral repertoire.26 Books on
One of the most influential media may be texts on choral repertoire that
conductors used in their coursework as students or may read while in the profession.
Georgia Peeples and Jennifer Holz depict the influence of musicological texts on the
for they often provide the only framework for understanding the canon
that college students, who become the music educators of the next
necessity, lag slightly behind the findings of new research, they do seek to
Kolb, “Effective Choral Programming,” 275.
Citron, Gender and the Musical Canon, 5.
Peeples and Holz, “Where are we Now?”, 33.
Therefore, the purpose of this study is to document the extent to which repertoire for
women’s choir is included in selected books recommended by ACDA for study of choral
literature; the types of pieces for women’s choir that are included; how repertoire for
Research Questions
choral literature?
2. What types of works for women’s choir are included in selected monographs on
choral literature?
their repertoire?
Definition of Terms
Choir – For the purposes of this study, a choir is defined as a group of singers
Choir type – “Choir type” and “choir make-up” are interchangeable phrases,
which, for the purposes of this study, refer to the kind of singers that constitute an
works or octavos. \
mature voices. This is differentiated from a children’s choir, which, while also made up
of treble voices, is less mature vocally and may be made up of both female and male
singers. “Treble choir” is used in this study to identify repertoire that is not specific as to
whether its original intent was for women’s choirs, children’s choirs, or either. A men’s
choir is defined as a group of male singers with changed voices. A mixed choir is defined
as a group made up of both treble and bass clef singers. This definition is not based solely
on gender or maturity in order to account for the music written during the Renaissance
and Baroque periods for ensembles of men and boys, which now is sung more typically
by choirs made up of both men and women or a men’s choir with members singing
Several sources make mention of the need for higher quality repertoire written
specifically for women’s voices – and more of it.29 Others identify the limited amount of
high quality repertoire for women’s choirs as a factor in the resulting hierarchy.30
However, an examination of related literature has not revealed extant published studies
literature. Consequently, there are no extant studies regarding the inclusion of repertoire
for women’s choirs within such texts. The remaining relevant literature may be divided
into studies of the inclusion of women in monographs on Western art music and studies
A 2001 study by Georgia Peeples and Jennifer Holz, “Where Are We Now? The
female musicians in choral history books over time.31 Peeples and Holz ascertained that a
small group of female musicians have been assimilated gradually into standard music
history texts and music appreciation books, suggesting that it is more than an expansion
in page counts in said texts that accounts for the increased representation, and could be
attributed to a desire to present readers with a more complete picture of musical culture.32
In a 1994 study, Julia Eklund Koza surveyed a large number of choral methods
textbooks published between 1982 and 1992 for references to gender, specifically males
Gauthier, “Only in Women’s Chorus,” 46.; Laprade, “Suggested Repertoire,” 59.; Lycan,
“Literature Forum,” 35.; Roma, “Finding Depth,” 29.
Drinker, Music and Women, 259.
Peeples and Holz, “Where are we Now?”, 33.
Ibid., 33.
or females as a group, and to masculinity and femininity.33 Though Koza found that only
half of the texts she surveyed had references relevant to her study, the other half were
concerned consistently with the encouragement and retention of male singers.34 Koza
noted that the gender-related information available in the books surveyed was strikingly
In Gender and the Musical Canon, Marcia J. Citron analyzed the practices and
attitudes that led to the exclusion of women composers from the canon of Western art
music. Citron’s analysis has a broad scope and attempted to identify all potential sources
of canonic exclusion. Citron acknowledged that a major factor perpetuating the musical
anthologies, Citron found few works by women composers; however, she found that
at the national conventions of the American Choral Directors Association in the twenty-
first century.38 All performing choirs at ACDA conventions are chosen by anonymous
recorded audition. Spurgeon found that 86% of the repertoire performed by women’s
choirs at the conventions came from the late 20th and early 21st centuries, which reflects
the expectations of repertoire performed regardless of choir type. Paul Laprade’s survey
Julia Eklund Koza, “Big Boys Don’t Cry (Or Sing): Gender, Misogyny, and Homophobia in
College Choral Methods Texts,” The Quarterly, Nos. 4-5 (5-1, 1994), 48.
Ibid., 48.
Ibid., 48.
Citron, Gender and the Musical Canon, 24-6, 41-2.
Ibid., 42.
Debra Spurgeon, “Repertoire & Standards: Women’s Choirs – Women’s Choir Repertoire
Performed at ACDA National Conventions in the Twenty-First Century,” Choral Journal 50, no. 3 (2009):
60-61, ProQuest document ID: 1034995.
of leading women’s choir conductors found that most repertoire suggested by those
surveyed was from the 20th and 21st centuries, which he attributed to the general growth
in quality and quantity of repertoire for women’s choirs during that time period.39 In her
study, Spurgeon also found that most repertoire performed by women’s choirs at the
ACDA conventions was composed specifically for women’s voices and avoided re-
voicings of repertoire for mixed or other choir types. Additionally, Spurgeon found that
Though much of the literature suggests that there is a lack of access to and there
exists a dearth of repertoire for women’s choirs, a review of existing literature suggest
that data-based studies have yet to be published with regard to the quantity and quality
that is available. Several sources recommend that increased availability of high quality
literature written specifically for women’s voices improves the perception of women’s
choirs.40 Hilary Apfelstadt identifies past themes of contemporary women’s choral music
as having to do with “butterflies and rainbows,” lacking depth and gravity, both
musically and textually.41 Apfelstadt also suggests that although the successful children’s
choir movement has expanded the repertoire for treble voices, some of it is inappropriate
for women’s choirs due to the differences in tessitura between children’s and women’s
voices and also some of the texts are better suited to being sung by children.42 These
Laprade, “Suggested Repertoire,” 59.
Apfelstadt, “Practices,” 35.; Fredenburgh, “Status and Competition,” 38.
Apfelstadt, “Practices,” 35.
Ibid., 36, 37.
Catherine Roma, “Women’s Choral Communities: Singing for our Lives,” Hot Wire 8, no. 1
(1992): 36, ProQuest document ID: 220877756.
Chapter 3: Procedures
elements that may contribute to this hierarchy of choir types is a matter of repertoire,
which exists in relation to the musical canon. Choral conductors, the people typically
responsible for selecting repertoire, are apt to choose repertoire from their previous
choral experiences and works that are considered worthy by professional authorities such
as the American Choral Directors Association.44 It is safe to assume that male conductors
would never have sung in a women’s choir and, therefore, lack both exposure to and
direct experience with the repertoire and choir type. Many female choral conductors may
also have had little if any experience in women’s choirs. This may be because the best
female singers are typically placed in the top choir, which is usually a mixed voice choir.
In addition to direct experience with repertoire and choir types, choral conductors
may learn of previously unknown repertoire by attending concerts and conferences, going
from colleagues, and by reading articles and books on choral repertoire.45 Books on
One of the most influential media may be texts on choral repertoire that
conductors used in their coursework as students or may read while in the profession.
Hubbard, “Committee Reports,” 42.; Hubbard, “Repertoire, Standards, and Chestnuts,” 59.;
Kolb, “Effective Choral Programming,” 265.; Peeples and Holz, “Where are we Now?”, 33.
Kolb, “Effective Choral Programming,” 275.
Citron, Gender and the Musical Canon, 5.
Georgia Peeples and Jennifer Holz depict the influence of musicological texts on the
for they often provide the only framework for understanding the canon
that college students, who become the music educators of the next
necessity, lag slightly behind the findings of new research, they do seek to
Therefore, the purpose of this study is to document the extent to which repertoire for
women’s choir is included in selected books recommended by ACDA for study of choral
literature; the types of pieces for women’s choir that are included; how repertoire for
Research Questions
1. To what extent is repertoire for women’s choir included in selected books on choral
2. What types of works for women’s choir are included in selected monographs on choral
Peeples and Holz, “Where are we Now?”, 33.
3. How is repertoire for women’s choir presented within selected monographs on choral
selected books on choral literature reflective of a hierarchy of choir types and/or their
The research began with a search of ChoralNet, a professional networking site for
the online choral community, operated by the American Choral Directors Association and
texts.48 Underneath the site’s “Resources” tab was a listing for “Reference and Research,”
under which was a heading for “Books on Choral Music and Conducting,” and a bullet,
“Choral literature texts.”49 The entry contained a compiled list of suggestions for choral
literature texts solicited from the choral professionals using the site, and included the
About ChoralNet,” accessed March 23, 2013, http://www.choralnet.org/aboutchoralnet.
“Books on Choral Music and Conducting,” accessed March 23, 2013,
• Garretson, Robert. Conducting Choral Music. 2nd ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon,
• Paine, Gordon, ed. Five Centuries of Choral Music: Essays in Honor of Howard
• Robinson, Ray, ed. Choral Music: A Norton Historical Anthology. New York: W.
• Strimple, Nick. Choral Music in the Nineteenth Century. New York: Amadeus
Press, 2008.
These texts were selected because they are recommended to the profession by one of its
leading organizations and by those belonging to it. The researcher also chose to survey
the books underneath a second section under the “Reference and Research” heading for
post was compiled by an unknown author and contained the following choral-based,
Books, 1963.
“Choral Music history textbooks,” accessed March 23, 2013,
• Young, Percy M. The Choral Tradition: An Historical and Analytical Survey from
the Sixteenth Century to the Present Day. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1962.
Jovanovich, 1973.
• Garretson, Robert. Conducting Choral Music. 2nd ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon,
• Robinson, Ray, ed. Choral Music: A Norton Historical Anthology. New York: W.
Similar to the previous post, these texts were chosen because they are recommended by
and for the professionals in the choral music field. Some of the texts that were
recommended were excluded for the following reasons: suggestions that were not
focused on music exclusively, such as William Fleming’s Arts and Ideas; texts that were
limited to one type of choral music, including Friedrich Blume’s Protestant Church
Music, Elwyn A. Wienandt’s Choral Music of the Church, and Alfred Einstein’s The
Italian Madrigal; texts with scopes beyond choral music, such as David Poultney’s
Studying Music History; and suggestions that were vague suggestions, such as
on a different choir type and level. The third volume of the Teaching Music Through
Performance in Choir series was included since both of the previous books in the series
were recommended and the ChoralNet posts were last updated prior to the volume’s
Young, Percy M. The Choral Tradition: An Historical and Analytical Survey from the
Sixteenth Century to the Present Day. New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1962.
The Choral Tradition: An Historical and Analytical Survey from the Sixteenth
Century to the Present Day, written by conductor and author Percy M. Young, is
intended as a general book on choral music, primarily for the listener but with addenda
for conductors and singers. The book’s chapters are organized chronologically by time
period starting with the sixteenth century. Young states that the “greater works” are
discussed in detail and placed within historical context, but less familiar works are not
included.51 An Appendix of Works and an Index of works mentioned in the text are
Books, 1963.
Choral Music: A Symposium, edited by music critic and historian Arthur Jacobs is
intended as a guide for choral music for listeners, performers, conductors, and composers.
The book’s chapters are organized chronologically by musical era and region. Jacobs
extends the definition of choral music to vocal chamber music, meaning madrigals and
partsongs, that is part of the repertoire of contemporary choral groups, but notes that the
monograph’s focus is works for larger forces, especially when it comes to later musical
periods.52 Jacobs states that all works referred to are for mixed voices unless otherwise
Young, Percy M. Choral Music of the World. New York: Abelard-Schuman, 1969.
Percy M. Young, The Choral Tradition: An Historical and Analytical Survey from the Sixteenth
Century to the Present Day (New York: W. W. Norton & Co., 1962), 12.
Jacobs, Choral Music, 11.
Ibid., 11-12.
Choral Music of the World, written by conductor and author Percy M. Young,
explores choral music as a medium through which society can be viewed. The intent is to
increase interest in choral music in readers. Chapters are organized by musical time
period and region and include musical examples for the reader to sing and play on the
piano in order to gain a greater appreciation for and inspire a curiosity about choral
Garretson, Robert. Conducting Choral Music. 2nd ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon,
Conducting Choral Music was written by conductor Robert Garretson with the
intention of filling in gaps in the educations of new choral conductors, whether they
conduct choirs of the church, community, or school variety. It is also intended as a guide
for improving singers’ understanding of choral music and for administrators who wish to
understand the challenges faced by choral conductors. Garretson wrote the book based on
personal experience with school, church, and university choirs. Chapters are on topics
regarding choral rehearsal techniques and managing a choral program. The book contains
several appendices, including lists of choral octavo publications and of extended choral
works. The repertoire in the octavo publications list is organized by voicing with
recommendations for type of choir: mixed SATB for high school, college, university,
church, and/or community choirs, mixed SAB for junior high choirs, and SSA/Treble
Voices and TTBB/Male Voices for high school and college glee clubs, and Two-Part SA
or TB. Garretson notes that the list for SATB mixed voices is extensive and thus is
broken into several different categories for ease of programming.54 The categories are:
Robert Garretson, Conducting Choral Music, 2nd ed. (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1970), 241.
“Christmas,” “Easter and Lent,” “Folk Songs and Spirituals,” “Humorous, Encores and
Novelties,” “Popular and Musical Comedy,” “Special Occasions,” and “General: Sacred
and Secular.” The other voicings, SAB, SSA, TTBB, and two-part are organized under
three categories: “Sacred,” “Secular,” and “Folk Songs and Spirituals.” The Extended
Ulrich, Homer. A Survey of Choral Music. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich,
as a fairly brief historical account of choral music with a focus on the historical and
stylistic evolution of the genre. Chapters are organized by region and/or chronologically,
from medieval times to the present, and separated into subsections of choral genre. Ulrich
notes that no single book could possibly account for all choral music, and, as a survey, he
has had to be highly selective and emphasized works that have historical or stylistic
Robinson, Ray, ed. Choral Music: A Norton Historical Anthology. New York: W. W.
for use as a textbook in choral literature, conducting, music history, and/or music theory
classes. The anthology’s focus is on the evolution of musical style, illustration of choral
genres, and the creation of a small library of works by composers deemed important. The
book includes full performance scores listed chronologically by time period segments and
genre as well as sacred or secular categories. The definition of choral music includes
Homer Ulrich, A Survey of Choral Music (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1973), v.
music for more than one voice part intended for an ensemble of voices with more than
one singer on a part, excluding solo motets from the Middle Ages and choral-symphonic
have been limited to those for mixed voices and preference was given to lesser known
Paine, Gordon, ed. Five Centuries of Choral Music: Essays in Honor of Howard
collection of essays by various music professionals whose lives and careers were
influenced by choral conductor Howard Swan. Each essay comprises a chapter of the
book; topics range from research on specific pieces to choral arranging, from
authority on choral music performance practice for conductors of school, church, and
collegiate choirs as well as a text for choral literature and conducting classes. Chapters
are organized chronologically and include societal context and developments during the
time period discussed, well-known choral composers of the era, and the make-up of
choirs at the time. In the appendices for Choral Octavo Publications and Extended Choral
Ray Robinson, ed., Choral Music: A Norton Historical Anthology (New York: W. W. Norton &
Co., 1978), xiv.
Works, Garretson limited the repertoire he listed to those deemed appropriate for school,
Strimple, Nick. Choral Music in the Twentieth Century. Portland, Oregon: Amadeus
Press, 2002.
Choral Music in the Twentieth Century, written by composer and conductor Nick
Chapters are divided by region and organized chronologically within. The works list is
divided by voicing: mixed voices, boys’ or children’s chorus, female or treble chorus, and
male chorus. The list for each choir type is divided further by accompaniment type:
Heather J. Buchanan and Matthew W. Mehaffey, is written for high school choral
directors, intended as a resource for learning more about popular repertoire, for getting
exposure for new repertoire, and to encourage directors when rehearsals feel stale. Each
“Repertoire Resource Guide,” a detailed list of repertoire appropriate for high school
choirs, comprises the majority of the book. Buchanan and Mehaffey “…polled a wide
range of highly respected and recognized music educators and choral musicians…” in
order to come up with approximately one hundred titles for the “Repertoire Research
Robert Garretson, Choral Music: History, Style, and Performance Practice (Englewood Cliffs,
NJ: Prentice Hall, 1993), 190.
Guide,” which is divided into sections for common difficulty, then voicing within those
notes that the “Guide” does not contain works by every well-known choral composer, but
resources for selecting and teaching choral repertoire. Though written for high school
choral directors, Buchanan and Mehaffey acknowledge that the first volume was well-
received by directors of community and collegiate choirs as well as those studying choral
composer. The “Repertoire Resource Guide,” a detailed list of repertoire appropriate for
high school choirs, comprises the majority of the book. Buchanan and Mehaffey,
“…polled dozens of music educators from across the globe…” in order to come up with
approximately one hundred titles for the “Repertoire Research Guide,” which is divided
into sections for common difficulty, then voicing within those sections.60 Each work is
annotated and described by individual contributors. Mehaffey notes that the “Guide” does
not contain works by every well-known choral composer, but does include a wide
Heather J. Buchanan and Matthew W. Mehaffey, eds., Teaching Music through Performance in
Choir, Vol. 1. (Chicago: GIA Publications, 2005), 83.
Ibid., 83.
Heather J. Buchanan and Matthew W. Mehaffey, eds., Teaching Music through Performance in
Choir, Vol. 2. (Chicago: GIA Publications, 2007), 135.
Ibid., 135.
Strimple, Nick. Choral Music in the Nineteenth Century. New York: Amadeus Press,
Choral Music in the Nineteenth Century, the sequel to Choral Music in the
account of Western choral music in the nineteenth century. Chapters are divided by
region and organized chronologically within. The works list is divided by voicing: mixed
voices, boys’ or children’s chorus, female or treble chorus, and male chorus. The list for
each choir type is divided further by accompaniment type: unaccompanied, piano, organ,
other instruments, wind orchestra or band, chamber orchestra, and full orchestra.
reference guides or resources for selecting and teaching choral repertoire. Though written
for high school choral directors, Buchanan and Mehaffey acknowledge that the first two
volumes were well-received by directors of community and collegiate choirs and those
studying choral methods. Each chapter is an essay on a different topic written by a choral
appropriate for high school choirs, comprises the majority of the book. Buchanan and
Mehaffey, “…polled dozens of music educators from across the globe…” in order to
come up with approximately one hundred titles for the “Repertoire Research Guide,”
which is divided into sections for common difficulty, then voicing within those
notes that the “Guide” does not contain works by every well-known choral composer, but
As I read each text, I entered the first explicit mention of each choral work into a
title(s), choir type, era and/or genre, and page number on which the work was mentioned.
When possible, titles are included in their original languages with parenthetical common
English translations, if applicable. I chose to include only compositions meant for choirs
in a concert setting, excluding mentions of opera, but including those of oratorios. Pieces
drawn from larger choral works were included as a mention of the whole; for example, a
reference to Felix Mendelssohn’s “Die Nachtigall,” No. 4 from Opus 59, Sechs Lieder im
Freien zu singen was entered as a mention of Opus 59. However, compositions found in
collections that were not composed as part of a set were listed individually; for example,
Heinrich Schütz’s “Selig sind die Toten” is found in a collection of the composer’s
music, Geistliche Chormusik. However, the motet was not meant to be sung with the
After surveying the thirteen monographs, many titles were left without
information pertinent to the study. I searched several databases to find the missing
Heather J. Buchanan and Matthew W. Mehaffey, eds., Teaching Music through Performance in
Choir, Vol. 3. (Chicago: GIA Publications, 2011), 72.
Ibid., 72.
information, including the Musica International Project, Oxford Music Online, WorldCat,
Upon completing the spreadsheet and editing it, the data was analyzed according
to choir make-up, including the highest and lowest percentage of choir type per book and
the highest and lowest percentage representations of each choir type between books.
Works designated as being for boys’, girls’, and children’s choirs were combined under
the heading of children’s choir. Since there were comparatively few, works for unknown
choir type, any, equal, unison, and various voices were combined under the heading of
“Other choir.” Works that required the use of multiple choir types were counted once for
each type of choir. For example, Leonard Bernstein’s Mass requires both a mixed choir
and a boys’ choir, so it was counted once for mixed choirs and once for children’s choirs.
Other data collected included the identification of works appearing most frequently
also limited to the study of choral repertoire that was intended for concert performances,
not staged performance, so operatic works where choir is featured were excluded. In
addition, when a music history monograph did not specify a voicing, the researcher chose
to identify the work as being for the original voicing, regardless of potential later
Repertoire Inclusion64
included in all of the monographs. The average overall percentage of mixed choir
repertoire for a given book surveyed was 78% and ranged from 97% in Percy M.
Young’s Choral Music of the World to 70% in Teaching Music through Performance in
Repertoire for men’s choirs comprised an average overall percentage per book of
10%, ranging from 29% in Arthur Jacobs’ Choral Music: A Symposium to 1% in Choral
Buchanan and Mehaffey, to 1% in both Young’s Choral Music of the World and Robert
Conducting Choral Music and Teaching Music through Performance in Choir, Volume 3,
Repertoire for treble choirs – that is, repertoire composed for treble voices
See Table 1. Works Per Choir Type Per Monograph, 41.; See Table 6. Visual Representation of
Repertoire per Choir Type in an Average Text (of Texts Surveyed), 44.
Percentages in this study have been rounded to the nearest whole percent.
by Robinson.
Repertoire for other types of choirs – that is, repertoire for unknown choir type,
any voices, equal voices, unison voices, or various voices – comprised an average overall
Tradition and Choral Music of the World, Garretson’s Conducting Choral Music, and
The works referenced most commonly in this study, both in all thirteen
Elias, Op. 70, both for mixed choir. The most commonly referenced work for children’s
choir was Benjamin Britten’s War Requiem, appearing in nine of the monographs. War
Requiem calls for both a mixed and a children’s choir. The work for children’s choir
alone that appeared most commonly was Friday Afternoons, Op. 7, also by Britten,
referenced in five of the monographs. The work for men’s choir referenced most
commonly in the study was Johannes Brahms’ Rhapsodie, Op. 53, referenced in eight of
the monographs. Britten’s A Ceremony of Carols, Op. 28, for women’s choir, was
referenced in ten of the monographs, making it the most commonly mentioned women’s
choir work. The work for treble choir referenced most commonly was Giovanni Battista
Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater, appearing in six of the monographs. The work for “other choir”
See Table 3. Most Commonly Referenced Works, Table 3. Most Commonly Referenced Works.
referenced most commonly was Giuseppe Verdi’s Quatro pezzi sacri, a set of four pieces
Arranged Works67
Of the 5,817 works mentioned in at least one of the monographs, 678, or 12%, are
identified as having been arranged. 5% of the works in this study for children’s choir
were identified as having been arranged, 26% of men’s choir works, 9% of mixed choir
works, 41% of treble choir works, and 1% of works for women’s choir.
Of the 5,817 works mentioned in at least one of the monographs, 83, or 1%, were
composed for performance with more than one type of choir. 43% of the works for
children’s choir require at least one other type of choir, 3% of works for men’s choir, 2%
of works for mixed choir, 2% of works for treble choir, and 4% of works for women’s
choir. In this study, works under the heading of “other choir” did not require multiple
The Choral Tradition: An Historical and Analytical Survey from the Sixteenth Century to
In The Choral Tradition: An Historical and Analytical Survey from the Sixteenth
Century to the Present Day, conductor and author Percy M. Young, depicts the evolution
which are for mixed voice choirs. Little time is given to describing the make-up of choirs.
However, Young does reference the male sopranos and altos who sang Handel’s
See Table 4. Arranged Works, 43.
See Table 5. Works Requiring One Type of Choir vs. Multiple Types of Choir, 43
Works for different choir types are included throughout music critic Arthur
and the composers who played important roles in the evolution of choral music. In
Choral Music, Jacobs consistently describes the make-up of choirs in the introduction to
each era. Jacobs references the Renaissance church choirs of men and boys, mentioning
the rule, “mulier taceat in ecclesia,” which required that women not sing in church.70
Jacobs also describes choirs comprised of men and boys that originally sang Handel’s
works.71 Jacobs mentions that female singers began to replace boy sopranos in the
eighteenth century, but that male altos persisted until the nineteenth century.72 Jacobs also
references the emergence of music for children’s choir written by leading composers
during the period of Slavonic Nationalism.73 He acknowledges the mixed voice choirs of
the church, amateur mixed voice choirs of the nineteenth century, and the amateur all-
In Choral Music of the World, author Percy M. Young refers to the church choirs
made up of men and boys and mentions the exclusion of female singers from such
groups. Young mentions that church choirs from such traditions began including female
Young, The Choral Tradition, 13, 241.
Jacobs, Choral Music, 53, 68.
Ibid., 147.
Ibid., 183.
Ibid., 299.
Ibid., 391.
singers in the twentieth century, noting the distinct timbre difference between a mixed
choir including boys’ voices versus one with female voices.75 Young expands further on
the history of women singing choral music, citing the inclusion of female choral singers
Young references the Handel and Haydn Society, a Boston-based choir in the eighteenth
century founded with five women out of ninety singers that grew to include twenty
women out of one hundred and fifty singers, as an example of the burgeoning amateur
choir movement.77 The author mentions the popularity of both compositions for children
and the male-voice choir in the 1800s.78 Young acknowledges that, at the time of writing
choir, as there are so many dimensions and specialties one must consider, predicting that
in the future, there will be no “standard” choir, as the mixed-voice choir is considered to
Garretson’s Conducting Choral Music, the author notes that he has included a
comparatively larger number of compositions for mixed choir and thus the octavos for
the choir type are separated into several more categories.80 In the “Extended Choral
Works Appendix,” of Conducting Choral Music, choir types are identified if the works
are written for treble or men’s choir, which are sporadic entries. However, in this
Percy M. Young, Choral Music of the World (New York: Abelard-Schuman, 1969), 27.
Ibid., 102.
Ibid., 156.
Young, Choral Music of the World, 174.
Ibid., 187, 198.
Garretson, Conducting Choral Music, 241.
appendix, works for mixed and children’s choirs, which comprise the majority, are not
labeled according to choir type. In chapter six, “Programs and Concerts,” Garretson
describes ideal choir standing arrangements for various instrumentations and acoustics,
including sketches of the arrangements; the only one labeled with voice parts is for a
mixed choir.81
choral music “has been written for choirs of women’s, boys’, and men’s voices, and for
choirs of mixed voices.”82 Throughout the text, Ulrich consistently identifies works as
being for a given number of voices or for “chorus” without specifying the choir type.
These works were identified as being for mixed choirs, though other works mentioned
throughout the monograph were specifically identified as being for mixed choir.
All of the full scores in Choral Music: A Norton Historical Anthology, edited by
music professor Ray Robinson, are for mixed or unison voices. According to Robinson,
the decision to include works only for mixed choir was made “Somewhat arbitrarily,” but
argues that this improves the equality of the collection in terms of potential comparisons
between the scores.83 Works that were mentioned but not included in full score, including
some for choir types other than mixed, are mentioned in the appendices: “Biographical
Ibid., 216.
Ulrich, A Survey of Choral Music, 1.
Robinson, Choral Music, xiv.
unique in this list, as it neither includes a list of repertoire deemed worthy of study nor
does it offer a history of choral music, as each of the other twelve monographs does. The
to SA, SSA, SSAA, SAB, TB, TBB, and TTBB arrangements for obvious
reasons. Some years ago, there was a dearth of compositions for women’s
women’s and men’s voices. Many catalogs still retain these arrangements
although, in the past thirty years, most publishers have added music
written (in the past and present) for women’s and men’s choruses.84
rearranged the work, originally for men’s voices, for women’s voices at the
insistence of friends who had requested he set the poem.85 Five Centuries of
Choral Music also includes a chapter on maturing adolescent male voices, written
by John M. Cooksey. The other chapters do not touch upon issues of choir make-
Lloyd Pfautsch, “The Art and Craft of Choral Arranging,” in Five Centuries of Choral Music:
Essays in Honor of Howard Swan, ed. Gordon Paine (Stuyvesant, New York: Pendragon Press, 1988), 67.
Pfautsch, “Choral Arranging,” 68.
Choral Music
In Choral Music, Robert Garretson references the boy sopranos who sang with
choirs composed of men for the original performances of Handel’s oratorios.86 Similar to
Conducting Choral Music, Garretson’s other monograph in this study, the “Extended
Choral Works” appendix of Choral Music notes which works are composed for men’s or
treble choirs, while works for mixed or children’s choirs are not identified as being for
the Twentieth Century frequently notes that works are composed for a given number of
voices without identifying the choir type. The only reference to choir make-up and
compositions for them occurs when Strimple identifies an increase in the quantity of
compositions for children’s choir due to the creation of the Choristers Guild in 1949.87
separated into sections of increasing difficulty, which are organized by choir type
according to voicing. None of the chapters contributed by individuals are concerned with
choir types.
Garretson, Choral Music, 45.
Nick Strimple, Choral Music in the Twentieth Century (Portland, OR: Amadeus Press, 2002),
Like its predecessor, the “Repertoire Resource Guide” of Teaching Music through
is separated into sections of increasing difficulty, which are organized by choir type
according to voicing. In two of the essays in the volume, contributors James Jordan and
Ann Howard Jones describe ideal seating arrangements for choirs. Both authors describe
choral practices in the nineteenth century established female singers in worship services
and the creation of amateur mixed voice singing societies.89 However, some choirs
persisted in using boys’ voices for the treble parts of SATB choral music.90 Strimple also
references the popularity of amateur men’s choirs and the increased compositional output
of music for such groups.91 Similar to its predecessor, Choral Music in the Nineteenth
Century references several works for a given number of voices without noting for which
choir type they were written. These were found to be for various choir types and were not
“Repertoire Resource Guide” divided into sections according to difficulty, each of which
Buchanan and Mehaffey, Vol. 2, 46, 81.
Nick Strimple, Choral Music in the Nineteenth Century (New York: Amadeus Press, 2008), 1,
Ibid., 4.
Ibid., 2.
is organized by choir type according to voicing. The third volume of the series, however,
also includes an essay chapter, “Male Choirs and Male Singers,” contributed by Frank
performance opportunities. None of the essay chapters in the series deal with those issues
for female singers. In the “Repertoire Resource Guide,” Rollo Dilworth offers
justification for arranging “Jordan’s Angels” for an SSA choir, citing the fact that early
choral gospel music was often written for and performed by female choirs.92 Similarly,
Emilie Amrein acknowledges that often, folk music is arranged for choirs of a single
gender owing to the gender-segregated history of singing forums from which folk
Buchanan and Mehaffey, Vol. 3, 210.
Buchanan and Mehaffey, Vol. 3, 464.
Chapter 5: Discussion
Repertoire for women’s choirs comprised 3% of the total repertoire in the study, a
lower percentage than that for mixed, men’s, and treble choirs, but higher than children’s
or other choirs.94 On average, repertoire for women’s choirs held the third or fourth
highest percentage per monograph among the six choir types concerned in this study,
behind mixed and men’s choirs and commonly, though not always, before treble,
women’s choir identified in this study, lower than all other choir types excepting “other
The percentage of works for women’s choir that included another type of choir in
this study was found to be 4%, which is three percentage points higher than the average
for the study.97 All other choir types also fell above the average for the study. Works for
“other choir type” did not include any for multiple choir types, so this category was not
applicable. Children’s choir repertoire had the highest percentage of works for multiple
choir types, most frequently mixed, at 43%, which is 39 percentage points above any
See Table 1. Works Per Choir Type Per Monograph, 41.
See Table 2. Ranked Percentage of Repertoire per Choir Type, 42.
See Table 4. Arranged Works, 43.
See Table 5. Works Requiring One Type of Choir vs. Multiple Types of Choir, 43.
beginning with the Catholic church of the Renaissance. Several mention the ecclesiastical
exclusion of female singing voices during services, but neglect to include the all-female
choirs of the same time. Similarly, the monographs do not include other developments in
the evolution of women’s choirs, such as the Venetian ospedali, German Frauenchor,
and twentieth century school- and club- based women’s choirs. The fact that few – if any
– choral history texts mention these institutions critical to the development of the modern
women’s choir means that readers suffer from an impoverished knowledge of choral
history and repertoire for women’s choirs. The exclusion of these choral developments
results in an incomplete view of the choral landscape and supports a continued ignorance
literature. This is consistent with the choral hierarchy, which preferences mixed choirs
above other choir types. The hierarchy, as outlined by Patricia O’Toole and reaffirmed by
Naomi Stephan, deems men’s choirs the second most desirable choir type, which
children’s choirs are the third most preferred choir, whereas this study found that music
for treble choirs had the third highest average.99 In this study, repertoire identified as
being for treble choirs was not specified as being for children’s choirs, women’s choirs,
or either, so it could still be reflective, but further research would be required. In O’Toole
O’Toole, “Missing Chapter,” 15.; Stephan, “Is it just,” 6.
O’Toole, “Missing Chapter,” 15.
and Stephan’s hierarchies, women’s choirs are identified as the least preferred choir
type.100 It is worth nothing that Catherine Roma contradicts O’Toole and Stephan’s
models, asserting that women’s choirs no longer occupy the bottom rung of the choral
hierarchy; however, Roma neglects to suggest which choir type, if any, does.101 In this
study, women’s choirs and children’s choirs had the same average percentage of
repertoire inclusion, which is lowest except for “other choir” type. Though there are
aberrations, the data in this study reflects the outline of the choral hierarchy.
this study range from harmonized folk melodies to works re-voiced for a different choir
type. Compositions are frequently written for a mixed choir, then re-voiced for other
women’s choir, at 1%, is lower than the average for the entire study and contradicts the
assertion that works for women’s choirs are frequently re-voiced versions of repertoire
originally for other choir types. Additionally, the percentage of arrangements for
women’s choir was far lower than the percentage for men’s choir, at 26%, which was
more than double the average for the study. It is worth noting that the percentage of
arranged works for treble choir, at 41%, was the highest for the study. Without being able
to determine the intended choir type, whether women’s, children’s, or either, this should
also be taken into account when considering these statistics in the context of the choral
Works for multiple choir types as compared to works for only one choir type
reflect the representation of choir types on their own merits. For example, 43% of works
Ibid., 15.
Roma, “Finding Depth,” 30.
for children’s choirs required an additional choir type, which may indicate that works for
children’s choir are valued if in combination with another choir type. Works for women’s
choir with another choir type, at 2% of the total repertoire for women’s choir in this
study, may indicate that works for women’s choirs are valued when the choir type is
alone, that there are fewer works for women’s choir in conjunction with another choir
type that are available, known, or deemed worthy, or that there are fewer works for
In a reflection on her book Gender and the Musical Canon, Marcia J. Citron
identifies the issue of “separate versus assimilated repertories” with respect to women’s
music.102 Citron recommends that the musicological constructs embrace a dual model,
with women’s music being both separate and assimilated in texts on music and in
teaching music history.103 In the introduction to Women & Music: A History, editor Karin
mainstream and typical topics with outside sources having to do with women and
music.104 Lisa Fredenburgh also suggests that the perception of women’s choirs would be
improved through the publication of research on the history of women’s choirs, which, if
American Choral Directors Association for the study of choral repertoire perpetuate the
choral hierarchy to the disadvantage of choirs that are not of the mixed variety due to the
Citron, Gender and the Musical Canon, 13.; Marcia J. Citron, “Women and the Western
Canon: Where are we Now?” Notes – Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association 64, no. 2 (2007):
115, ProQuest document ID: 1112153.
Citron, “Women and the Western Canon,” 211.
Karin Pendle, ed., Women & Music: A History, 2nd ed. (Bloomington, IL: Indiana University
Press, 2001), vii.
Fredenburgh, “Status and Competition,” 38.
inequality of repertoire represented. Repertoire for choir types other than mixed is
subsequently not promoted or as well-known, preserving the hierarchy and thus the
second-class status of women’s choirs. For now, when studying choral music, a
supplementary approach may ameliorate the negative effects of the choral hierarchy. In
Future Study
In the future, the author intends to survey choral conductors who belong to the
the choir types they conduct, and their views on the choral hierarchy, in order to compare
The dataset created for this study can be utilized and analyzed in a variety of
ways. Future studies involving the dataset may include the representation of choral
composers, musical eras, and different works in these monographs. The dataset also can
be expanded by surveying other books in order to fulfill other aims and/or to expand
The researcher acknowledges a biased belief that women’s choirs are as capable
as any other choir type. All attempts were made to allow the data, and not the bias of the
Appendix A: Tables
Table 5. Works Requiring One Type of Choir vs. Multiple Types of Choir…………….44
Table 6. Visual Representation of Repertoire per Choir Type in an Average Text (of
Texts Surveyed)………………………………………………………………………….45
• Shortened versions of monograph titles are used for the sake of saving space.
Paine, Five 78 2 3 4 5 70 90 2 3 2 3 0 0
Centuries of
Choral Music
Garretson, 1275 21 2 54 4 1178 92 9 1 26 2 10 1
Choral Music
678 12 3 5 143 26 408 9 112 41 2 1 n/a n/a
Table 5. Works Requiring One Type of Choir vs. Multiple Types of Choir
War Requiem requires both mixed and children’s choirs. The work for children’s choir alone appearing
most commonly in this study is Friday Afternoons, Op. 7, also by Benjamin Britten, appearing in five
Table 6. Visual Representation of Repertoire per Choir Type in an Average Text (of
Texts Surveyed)
Children's, 3% Treble, 5%
Women's, 3%
Men's, 10%
Appendix B
the case of multiple works by the same author(s), an abbreviation of the title.
Reference Monograph
Young – CT Young, Percy M. The Choral Tradition: An Historical and
Analytical Survey from the Sixteenth Century to the Present Day.
Jacobs Jacobs, Arthur, ed. Choral Music: A Symposium.
Young – CMotW Young, Percy M. Choral Music of the World.
Garretson – CCM Garretson, Robert. Conducting Choral Music.
Ulrich Ulrich, Homer. A Survey of Choral Music.
Robinson Robinson, Ray, ed. Choral Music: A Norton Historical
Paine Paine, Gordon, ed. Five Centuries of Choral Music: Essays in
Honor of Howard Swan.
Garretson – CM Garretson, Robert. Choral Music: History, Style, and
Performance Practice.
Strimple - CMotTC Strimple, Nick. Choral Music in the Twentieth Century.
Buchanan – Vol. 1 Buchanan, Heather J. and Matthew W. Mehaffey, eds. Teaching
Music through Performance in Choir, Vol. 1.
Buchanan – Vol. 2 Buchanan, Heather J. and Matthew W. Mehaffey, eds. Teaching
Music through Performance in Choir, Vol. 2.
Strimple - CMotNC Strimple, Nick. Choral Music in the Nineteenth Century.
Buchanan – Vol. 3 Buchanan, Heather J. and Matthew W. Mehaffey, eds. Teaching
Music through Performance in Choir, Vol. 3.
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Abeille, Ludwig Aschermittwoch Lied X x
Abejo, Rosalina Advent X x
Abejo, Rosalina Conversion of King Humabon, The X x
Abejo, Rosalina Redemption Oratorio X x
Absil, Jean Three Choruses, Op. 14 X x
Absil, Jean Three Choruses, Op. 15 C x
Absil, Jean Three Choruses, Op. 18 C x
Absil, Jean Three Choruses, Op. 24 W x
Absil, Jean Three Choruses, Op. 6 W x
Aceves, Rafael Stabat mater X x
Achron, Joseph Sabbath Evening Service X x
Achron, Joseph Salome's Dance X x
Adam, Adolphe Agnès Sorel X x
Adam, Adolphe Ariane à Naxos X x
Adam, Adolphe Cantata X x
Adam, Adolphe Domine salvum X x
Adam, Adolphe La fête des arts X x
Adam, Adolphe La garde mobile M x
Adam, Adolphe La marche républicaine M x
Adam, Adolphe La muette M x
Adam, Adolphe Les enfants de Paris M x
Adam, Adolphe Les métiers M x
Adam, Adolphe Les nations X x
Adam, Adolphe Messe de Ste. Cecile X x
Adam, Adolphe Messe solennelle X x
Adam, Adolphe Victoire X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Adam, Adolphe Buck, Dudley Cantique de Noël (Christmas Hymn, O Holy X x
Adams, A. Emmett Lucas, Clarence Bells of St. Mary's X x
Adams, A. Emmett Stickles, William Bells of St. Mary's X x
Adams, Byron Missa brevis M x
Adams, John El niño X x
Adams, John Harmonium X x
Adelburg, August Messe X x
Adelburg, August Te Deum X x
Adès, Thomas America: A Prophecy X x
Adler, Samuel Autumn Rain X x
Adler, Samuel From out of Bondage X x
Adler, Samuel Strings in the Earth X x
Adler, Samuel Vision of Isaiah, The X x
Adler, Samuel We Believe X x
Adler, Samuel Whole Bunch of Fun, A X x
Adler, Samuel Parker, Alice and Robert What Shall We Do with the Drunken Sailor? M x
Afanas'yev, Nikolai Yakovlevich Pier Petra Velikova (The Feast of Peter the X x
Aggházy, Károly Rákoczí X x
Aguiar, Ernani Cantata de Natal (Christmas Cantata) X x
Aguiar, Ernani Missa Brevis IV X x
Aguiar, Ernani Salmo 150 W x
Aguiar, Ernani Salmo 150 X x x
Ahle, Johann Rudolph Furchtet euch nicht (Be Not Afraid) X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Aiblinger, Johann Kaspar Ad Te levavi X x
Akerberg, Erik Der barde M x
Akerberg, Erik Prinsessan och Svennen (The Princess and the X x
Alain, Jehan Missa brevis X x
Alain, Jehan Requiem X x
Albert, Steven Bacchae X x
Alberti, Domenico O Jesu, Salvator X x
Albrechtsberger, Johann Georg De profundis X x
Alcedo, José Bernardo Hymno Ave maris stella X x
Alcedo, José Bernardo Missa solemnes in D major X x
Alcedo, José Bernardo Missa solemnes in E-flat minor X x
Alcedo, José Bernardo Missa solemnes in F major X x
Alcedo, José Bernardo Tantum ergo X x
Alcock, Gilbert Voix Celestes (humming chorus) X x x
Alcorta, Amancio La Agonía (Canto de viernes Santo) M x
Alcorta, Amancio Lamentaciones X x
Aleksandrov, Alexander Vasilyevich Po dolinam (Through the Valleys) M x
Alexander, Leni From Death to Morning C x
Alexander, Leni From Death to Morning W x
Alfvén, Hugo Aftonen X x
Alfvén, Hugo Sveriges flagga X x
Alkan, Charles-Valentin Etz chajjim hi X x
Alkan, Charles-Valentin Halelouyoh X x
Alkan, Charles-Valentin Marcia funebre sulla morte d'un papagallo X x
Alkan, Charles-Valentin Stances de Millevoye T x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Allegri, Gregorio Miserere X x x
Allende-Blin, gustavo Open Air and Water Music X x
Aloni, Aminadav Ahavat Olam X x
Aloni, Aminadav Hallelujah X x
Aloni, Aminadav S'fatai Tiftach (Open Thou My Lips) X x
Aloni, Aminadav Torah Service X x
Aloni, Aminadav Uv'chein Tein Kavod X x
Althouse, Jay Jubilate Deo X x
Altnikol, Johann Christoph Frank, Marcel G. (ed.) To Him Who Never Faileth (Befiehl du deine X x
Ambros, August Wilhelm Missa solemnis X x
Ames, Jeffery In Remembrance X x
Ames, Roger In Memoriam Warsaw 1943 X x
Ames, Roger Requiem for Unbelievers (Requiem for Our X x
Ames, Roger Wife of Martin Guerre, The X x
Amon, Johannes Andreas Messe de Requiem X x
Amram, David Rejoice in the Lord X x
Anacker, August Ferdinand Der Bergmannsgruss (Gedicht von Moritz X x
Döring), Op. 17
Anckermann, Carlos Gran Misa (Misa de los Asturianos) X x
Anderson, Leroy Sleigh Ride X x x
Anderson, Thomas Jefferson Jonestown C x
Anderson, Thomas Jefferson Personals X x
Anderson, Thomas Jefferson Spirituals CX x
Anderson, Thomas Jefferson Suit, The X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Anderson, Thomas Jefferson This House M x
Anderson, Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson's Minstrels M x
Anderson, William Henry In the Morning X x
Andre, Johann Anton 24 Maurergesänge M x
Andre, Johann Anton Liederkranz, Op. 57 M x
Andre, Johann Anton Liederkranz, Op. 61 M x
Andre, Johann Anton Missa solemnis, Op. 43 X x
Andre, Johann Anton Te Deum, Op. 60 X x
Andre, Johann Anton Vater unser, Op. 50 X x
Andrevi, Francesco Mass X x
Andrevi, Francesco Requiem X x
Andrevi, Francesco Te Deum X x
Andriessen, Hendrik Carmen saeculare X x
Andriessen, Hendrik Missa Christus Rex X x
Andriessen, Hendrik Missa diatonica X x
Andriessen, Hendrik Missa in honorem Ss cordis X x
Andriessen, Hendrik Omaggio a Marenzio X x
Andriessen, Hendrik Sonnet de Pierre de Ronsard X x
Anerio, Felice Young, Percy M. (ed.) Alleluia! Christus surrexit X x
Anerio, Giovanni Francesco Requiem Mass X x
Anerio/Palestrina, Giovanni da Stabat mater X x
Anonymous Byt svetem vladla U x
Anonymous Dadme albricias, hjos d'Eva X x
Anonymous Fit porta Christi X x
Anonymous Haec dies, quam fecit Dominus (chant) U x
Anonymous Hodie Christus natus est (chant) U x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Anonymous In te Domine Speravi X x
Anonymous Magnificat anima mea (chant) U x
Anonymous Schläfst du noch X x
Anonymous Summer is i-cumen in M x
Anonymous 18th Century Viva Tutti M x
Antes, John Christ the Lord, the Lord Most Glorious X x
Antes, John Kroeger, Karl Our Soul Doth Wait Upon the Lord (Unser Seele X x
wartet auf den Herrn)
Antheil, George Cabeza de Vaca X x x x
Antheil, George Eight Fragments from Shelley X x
Antill, John Black Opal X x
Antill, John Cantate Domino X x
Antill, John Song of Hagar X x
Antoniou, Theodore Die weisse Rose CX x
Antoniou, Theodore Greichische Volkslieder X x
Antoniou, Theodore Kontakion X x
Antoniou, Theodore Three Choruses X x
Apell, David August von Magnificat X x
Apell, David August von Mass (1817) X x
Apell, David August von Missa pontificale X x
Apell, David August von Te Deum X x
Aprahamian, Maia From the Beginning X x
Aprahamian, Maia Prayers from the Ark X x
Aprahamian, Maia Prologue to "John" X x
Araújo, Damião Barbosa de Memento baiana para côro e urquestra X x
Arcadelt, Jacob Ave Maria T x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Arcadelt, Jacob Il bianco e dolce cigno X x x
Arcadelt, Jacob Occhi miei lassi X x
Arcadelt, Jacob Voi ve n'andat' al cielo X x
Arcadelt, Jacob Greyson, Norman Ave Maria (Give Ear Unto my Prayer) M x
Archer, Violet Apocalypse X x
Archer, Violet Choruses from "The Bacchae" W x
Archer, Violet Paul Bunyan X x
Ardévol, José Burla de Don Pedro a Caballo X x
Ardévol, José Forma-Ballet X x
Ardévol, José Tres romances antiguos X x
Arensky, Anton Stepanovich Anchar, Op. 14 X x
Arensky, Anton Stepanovich Fountain of Bakhchisaray, The, Op. 46 X x
Arensky, Anton Stepanovich Four Sacred Choruses from the Liturgy of St. X x
John Chryostom, Op. 40
Arensky, Anton Stepanovich Tsvetnik, Op. 69 (The Bed of Flowers) W x
Arensky, Anton Stepanovich Two Choruses, Op. 31 M x
Argento, Dominick I Hate and I Love X x
Argento, Dominick Jonah and the Whale X x x
Argento, Dominick Masque of Angels X x
Argento, Dominick Party of Lovers at Tea, A X x
Argento, Dominick Te Deum (Verba Domini cum verbis populi) X x
Arkhangelsky, Alexander Incline Thine Ear, Oh Lord X x x
Arkhangelsky, Alexander Bement, Gwynn S. O Light Divine M x
Arkhangelsky, Alexander Gnotov, Eugene We Have No Other Help X x x
Arkhangelsky, Alexander Krone, Max T. Incline Thine Ear, O Lord T x
Arkhangelsky, Alexander Wilhousky, Peter J. Lend Thine Ear to My Prayer X x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Arne, Thomas Alfred X x
Arne, Thomas Comus X x
Arne, Thomas Death of Abel, The (lost) X x
Arne, Thomas Judith X x x
Arnold, Samuel Abimelech X x
Arnold, Samuel Cure of Saul, The X x
Arnold, Samuel Elisha X x
Arnold, Samuel Prodigal Son, The X x
Arnold, Samuel Resurrection, The X x
Arnold, Samuel Sennacherib X x
Arrigo, Girolamo Due epigrami X x
Arrigo, Girolamo La cantata Hurbinek X x
Arrigo, Girolamo Tre madrigali X x
Arutyunian, Alexander Cantata on the Homeland X x x
Arutyunian, Alexander Hymn to the Brotherhood X x
Arutyunian, Alexander Ode to Lenin X x
Arutyunian, Alexander Tale of the Armenian People, The X x
Arvelo, Julio Quevedo Salve pastoral X x
Asola, Giovanni Requiem M x
Atehortúa, Blas Emelio Cántico delle creature X x
Attwood, Thomas I Was Glad X x
Attwood, Thomas O Lord, Grant the King a Long Life X x
Attwood, Thomas Ode for the Coronation of Queen Victoria ? x
Attwood, Thomas Turn thy face from my sins X x
Attwood, Thomas Young, Percy M. (ed.) O Lord, We Beseech Thee X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Augustinas, Vaclovas Gloria X x
Augustinas, Vaclovas Hymn to Saint Martin X x
Auric, Georges Cinq Chansons Francaises (Five French Songs X x
for four mixed voices)
Auric, Georges Quatre chansons françaises X x
Avidom, Menahem Jerusalem Songs C x
Avidom, Menahem Psalm Cantata C x
Avni, Tzvi City Plays Hide and Seek, The T x
Avni, Tzvi Deep Calleth unto Deep X x
Avni, Tzvi Destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, The X x
Avni, Tzvi Heavenly Jerusalem, The X x
Avni, Tzvi On Mercy X x
Avni, Tzvi Song of Degrees X x
Avni, Tzvi Three Madrigals X x
Avshalomov, Jacob I Saw a Stranger Yestre'en X x
Avshalomov, Jacob Songs of the Goliards X x
Avshalomov, Jacob Tom O'Bedlam X x
Azguime, Miguel Yuan Zhi Yuan X x
Baca, Luis Ave María X x
Bacewicz, Grażyna Acropolis X x
Bacewicz, Grażyna De profundis X x
Bacewicz, Grażyna Fugue for Double Chorus X x
Bacewicz, Grażyna Olympic Cantata X x
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel Die Israeliten in der Wüste, H. 775 X x
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel Heilig ist Gott (Holy is God) X x x
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel Magnificat X x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel Sanctus, H 828 X x
Bach, Carl Phillip Emanuel With Sorrow Shaken X x
Bach, Carl Phillip Emanuel Ehret, Walter Humility before Thee X x
Bach, Johann Christian Joash, King of Judah X x
Bach, Johann Christian Te Deum X x
Bach, Johann Christoph Die Kindheit Jesu (The Childhood of Christ) X x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Ach Gott, wie manches Herzeleid, BWV 3 X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Ach Herr, mich armen Sünder, BWV 135 X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Alleluia X x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Aus der Tiefen rufe ich, Herr, zu dir, BWV 131 X x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir, BWV 38 X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Bist du bei mir X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Chorale: King of Glory X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Christ lag in Todes Banden, BWV 4 (Christ Lay X x x x x
in Death's Dark Prison)
Bach, Johann Sebastian Christen, ätzet diesen Tag, BWV 63 X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Christus, der ist mein Leben, BWV 95 X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Come Thou, O Saviour X x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Darzu ist erschienen der Sohn Gottes, BWV 40 X x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Das neugeborne Kindelein, BWV 122 (The X x
Newborn Child)
Bach, Johann Sebastian Dem Gerechten muß das Licht, BWV 195 X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Denn du wirst meine Seele nicht in der Hölle X x
lassen, BWV 15
Bach, Johann Sebastian Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf X x x x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Der Herr denket an uns, BWV 196 X x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Bach, Johann Sebastian Der Himmel lacht! Die Erde jubilieret, BWV 31 X x x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes, BWV 76 X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Du Hirte Israel, höre, BWV 104 X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Du wahrer Gott und Davids Sohn, BWV 23 X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott, BWV 80 X x x x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Erschallet, ihr Lieder, erklinget, ihr Saiten! BWV X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Es erhub sich ein Streit, BWV 19 X x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Fürchte dich nicht X x x x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Geschwinde, ihr wirbelnden Winde, BWV 201 X x x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Gleichwie der Regen und Schnee vom Himmel X x x x
fällt, BWV 18
Bach, Johann Sebastian Gloria in excelsis Deo, BWV 191 X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Glory and Honor are Before Him X x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Gott der Herr ist Sonn und Schild, BWV 79 X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Gott ist mein König, BWV 71 X x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit, BWV 106 X x x x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Gottlob! nun geht das Jahr zu Ende, BWV 28 X x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Herr Jesu Christ, wahr' Mensch und Gott, BWV X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Herr, gehe nicht ins Gericht mit deinem Knecht, X x
BWV 105
Bach, Johann Sebastian Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, BWV 147 X x x x x
(Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring)
Bach, Johann Sebastian Himmelskönig, sei willkommen, BWV 182 X x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Ich habe meine Zuversicht, BWV 188 X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Bach, Johann Sebastian Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis, BWV 21 X x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Ich will den Kreuzstab gerne tragen, BWV 56 X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian In dir ist Freude, BWV 615 (In Thee is Joy) X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Jesu, der du meine Seele, BWV 78 X x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Jesu, meine Freude T x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Jesu, meine Freude X x x x x x x x x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Jesus schläft, was soll ich hoffen? BWV 81 X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Komm, du süße Todesstunde, BWV 161 X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Komm, Jesu, Komm X x x x x x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Komm, süßer Tod (Come, Blessed Rest, Come, X x x
Soothing Death)
Bach, Johann Sebastian Kommt, eilet und laufet, BWV 249 (Come, X x x x
hasten and run, Easter Oratorio, Oster-
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Bach, Johann Sebastian Mass - A major X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Mass - F major X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Mass - G major X x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Mass - G minor X x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Mass in B Minor X x x x x x x x x x x x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Meine Seel erhebt den Herren, BWV 10 X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Mer hahn en neue Oberkeet, BWV 212 X x x x x
(Cantata en burlesque, Peasant Cantata)
Bach, Johann Sebastian Nach dir, Herr, verlanget mich, BWV 150 X x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Nun danket alle Gott, BWV 192 X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Nun ist das Heil und die Kraft, BWV 50 X x x x
(Michaelmas Cantata)
Bach, Johann Sebastian Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, BWV 61 X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian O ewiges Feuer, o Ursprung der Liebe, BWV 34 X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian O Ewigkeit, du Donnerwort, BWV 60 X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian O Jesu Christ, mein Lebens Licht, BWV 118 X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian O Jesu Christ, meins Lebens Licht, BWV 118 X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Preise dei Glücke, gesegnetes Sachsen X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Schauet doch und sehet, ob irgend ein Schmerz X x
sei, BWV 46
Bach, Johann Sebastian Schleicht, spielende Wellen, BWV 206 X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Schmücke dich, o liebe Seele, BWV 180 X x
(Beautify Thyself, My Spirit)
Bach, Johann Sebastian Schweigt stille, plaudert nicht, BWV 211 X x x
(Coffee Cantata)
Bach, Johann Sebastian Sei Lob und Preis mit Ehren, BWV 231 X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Bach, Johann Sebastian Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied (Sing Ye to the X x x x x x x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Song of Repentance (after "First French suite: X x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian St. John Passion X x x x x x x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian St. Luke Passion (disputed) X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian St. Mark Passion (lost) ? x
Bach, Johann Sebastian St. Matthew Passion X x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Tönet, ihr Pauken! Erschallet, Trompeten! BWV X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Uns ist ein Kind geboren, BWV 142 X x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Vereinigte Zwietracht der wechselnden Saiten, X x
BWV 207
Bach, Johann Sebastian Von Himmel hoch (From Highest Heav'n) X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 140 X x x x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Wachet! betet! betet! wachet! BWV 70 X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Was mir behagt, ist nur die muntre Jagd, BWV X x x
208 (Hunting Cantata)
Bach, Johann Sebastian Weihnachts-Oratorium, BWV 248 (Christmas X x x x x x x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen, BWV 12 X x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Wer nur den lieben Gott läßt walten, BWV 93 X x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern, BWV 1 X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Wir danken dir, Gott, wir danken dir, BWV 29 X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Wir müssen durch viel Trübsal, BWV 146 X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Bach, Johann Sebastian Zerreißet, zersprenget, zertrümmert die Gruft, X x
BWV 205
Bach, Johann Sebastian Dryburgh, Margaret Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, BWV 147 W x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Duey, Philip Good Fellows Be Merry M x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Klein, Gary Glory and Honor X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Lundquist, Matthew My Saviour Dear, What Woe of Soul X x x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Reed, Alfred Komm', süsser Tod (Come, Sweet Death) M x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Scott, Tom Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, BWV 147 M x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Steele, Paul Praise Him X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Treharne, Bryceson Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, BWV 147 T x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Treharne, Bryceson Let All Give Thanks to Thee M x
Bach, Johann Sebastian Wilson, Harry R. (ed.) Glory to God X x
Bach, Johann Sebastian, and Charles Gounod Tolmadge Ave Maria X x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Badings, Henk Missa Antiphonica X x
Badings, Henk Missa brevis X x
Badings, Henk Psalm 147 CX x
Badings, Henk Six Christmas Songs W x
Badings, Henk Trois chansons bretonnes X x
Badings, Henk Whitman Cantate X x
Baguer, Carlos El regreso á Brcelona su patria de dr. Josef X x
Baguer, Carlos El regreso del hijo pródigo X x
Baguer, Carlos El santo Job X x
Baguer, Carlos La adoration del niño Dios por los ángeles y X x
Baguer, Carlos La muerte de Abel X x
Baguer, Carlos La partida del hijo pródigo X x
Baguer, Carlos La resurrección de Lázaro X x
Baird, Tadeusz Egzorta X x
Baird, Tadeusz Etiuda X x
Bairstow, Edward I Sat Down under His Shadow X x
Baker, David N. Images Shadows and Dreams X x
Balakirev, Mily Alekseyivich Cantata for the Unveiling of the Glinka X x
Memorial in Saint Petersburg
Balakirev, Mily Alekseyivich Da molchit fsiakaya plot (Let All Mortal Flesh X x
Keep Silence)
Balatka, Hans Power of Song, The M x
Baldi, João José Christmas responsory matins X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Baldi, João José Conde de Borba Mass (1803) (Count de Borba X x
Baldi, João José Immaculate Conception responsory matins X x
Baldi, João José Sacred Heart responsory matins X x
Baldi, João José St. Michael responsory matins X x
Baldwin, Ralph L. Watson, F. Campbell Offering, An T x
Balfe, Michael William Mazeppa X x
Balfe, Michael William Nelly Gray X x
Balfe, Michael William Save Me, O God X x
Ballif, Claude Chapelet X x
Ballif, Claude Prières X x
Ballif, Claude Requiem X x
Balsys, Eduardas Don't Touch the Blue Globe C x
Banks, Don Findings, Keepings X x
Banks, Don Walkabout C x
Bantock, Granville Atalanta in Corydon X x x
Bantock, Granville Pageant of Human Life, A X x
Bantock, Granville Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam X x x
Bantock, Granville Vanity of Vanities X x
Bantock, Granville O'Shea, John A. Silent Strings T x
Barber, Samuel 2 Songs for Chorus, Op. 8 V x x x x
Barber, Samuel Four Songs, Op. 13 M x x x
Barber, Samuel Four Songs, Op. 13 W x x x
Barber, Samuel Four Songs, Op. 13 X x x x
Barber, Samuel Lamb of God (Agnus Dei) X x x
Barber, Samuel Lovers, The X x x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Barber, Samuel Opus 42 X x x
Barber, Samuel Prayers of Kierkegaard X x x x x x x x
Barber, Samuel Reincarnations X x x x x
Barber, Samuel Stopwatch and an Ordnance Map, A M x x
Barber, Samuel Barber, Samuel Hermit Songs, Op. 29 X x
Bárdos, Lajos A nyúl éneke (Song of the Rabbit) X x
Bárdos, Lajos Cantemus! X x
Bárdos, Lajos Twenty Choruses T x
Barisons, Pēteris Blue Dream-Hill X x
Barisons, Pēteris Harbinger of Spring X x
Bark, Jan Light Music X x
Bark, Jan Nota X x
Bark, Jan, Folke Rabe Air-Power Supply for Voices and Trombones X x
Bark, Jan, Folke Rabe Disturbances in the Atmosphere X x
Barkauskas, Vytautas Pathetic Thoughts X x
Barkauskas, Vytautas Prelude and Fugue X x
Barnby, Joseph Laudes Domini (When Morning Gilds the Skies) X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Barnett, John Francis (nephew of John Paradise and the Peri X x
Barnett, John Francis (nephew of John Raising of Lazarus, The X x
Barnett, Maughan Ode X x
Barnwell, Ysaye M. Wanting Memories X x
Barraud, Henri Mystery of the Holy Innocents, The CX x
Bartók, Béla Cantata Profana (Secular Cantata, The Giant X x x x x x x
Bartók, Béla Five Slovak Folksongs M x
Bartók, Béla Four Old Hungarian Folksongs M x x
Bartók, Béla Four Slovak Folk Songs X x x x
Bartók, Béla From the Past (From Olden Times) X x x
Bartók, Béla Melodien der rumänischen Colinde X x
Bartók, Béla Mocking of Youth T x
Bartók, Béla Six Székely Folksongs M x
Bartók, Béla Three Village Scenes W x x
Bartók, Béla Twenty-Seven Choruses T x x
Bartók, Béla Two Rumanian Folksongs W x
Bartulis, Vidmantas Missa brevis X x
Bassani, Giovanni Battista Messa per li defonti concertata, Op. 20 X x
(Requiem Mass)
Bassett, Karolyn Wells Riegger, Wallingford Take Joy Home T x
Bassett, Leslie Collect X x
Bassols, Xavier Montsalvatge Egloga del Tajo (Eclogue of the River Tagus) X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Bassols, Xavier Montsalvatge Tres canciones negras X x
Baszny, Józef La foi messe M x
Baszny, Józef Requiem X x
Bateson, Thomas Your Shining Eyes X x
Batten, Adrian O Sing Joyfully X x
Battishill, Jonathan Call to Remembrance X x
Battishill, Jonathan O Lord, Look Down from Heaven X x
Baumanis, Kārlis Dievs, svētī Latviju (God Bless Latvia) X x
Baumanis, Kārlis How the Daugava Moans M x
Baumgartner, Wilhelm Opus 11 M x
Bautista, Julián Cantar del Mío Cid X x
Bautista, Julián Romance del Rey Rodrigo X x
Bax, Arnold Mater ora filium X x
Bax, Arnold Of a rose I sing a song X x
Bazzini, Antonio Sennacheribbo X x
Beach, Amy Canticle of the Sun, The, Op. 123 X x
Beach, Amy Chambered Nautilis, The X x
Beach, Amy Grand Mass in E-flat, Op. 5 X x x
Beach, Amy Service in A, Op. 63 X x
Beaulieau, Marie Désiré Requiem X x
Beber, Ambrosius Markus-Passion (Das Leiden unsers Herren Jesu X x
Christi, St. Mark Passion)
Beck, John Ness Osanna X x
Beck, John Ness Song of Exultation X x
Beck, John Ness Upon This Rock X x
Beer-Walbrunn, Anton Mahomets Gesang X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Beery, Lon I Believe M x
Beethoven, Ludwig van 25 Schottische Lieder, Op. 108 X x
Beethoven, Ludwig van Adelaide T x
Beethoven, Ludwig van Bundeslied, Op. 122 W x
Beethoven, Ludwig van Cantata campestre X x
Beethoven, Ludwig van Cantata on the Ascension of Emperor Leopold, X x x
WoO 88
Beethoven, Ludwig van Cantata on the Death of Emperor Joseph, WoO X x x x x
Beethoven, Ludwig van Choral Fantasy, Op. 80 X x x x x x x
Beethoven, Ludwig van Christus am Oelberge, Op. 85 (Christ on the X x x x x x x
Mount of Olives)
Beethoven, Ludwig van Der glorreiche Augenblick, Op. 136 (The CX x x
Glorious Moment, 1814)
Beethoven, Ludwig van Die Ruinen von Athen, Op. 113 (The Ruin of X x
Beethoven, Ludwig van Elegischer Gesang, Op. 118 (Elegiac Song, 1814) X x
Beethoven, Ludwig van König Stephan, Op. 117 X x
Beethoven, Ludwig van Mass in C major, Op. 86 X x x x x x x x x x x
Beethoven, Ludwig van Mass in D major, Op. 123 (Missa solemnis) X x x x x x x x x x x x
Beethoven, Ludwig van Meeresstille und glückliche Fahrt, Op. 112 X x x
(Calm Sea and Prosperous Voyage, 1815)
Beethoven, Ludwig van Ninth Symphony, Op. 125 (Choral Symphony) X x x x x x x x x x x x x
Beethoven, Ludwig van Opferlied, Op. 121 X x
Beethoven, Ludwig van Sanft wie du lebtest X x
Beethoven, Ludwig van Six Lieder, Op. 48 M x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Beethoven, Ludwig van Six Lieder, Op. 48 X x x
Beethoven, Ludwig van Wo sich die Pulse from Die Weihe des Hauses, X x
WoO 98
Beethoven, Ludwig van Aslanoff, Alexander Come to Me T x
Beethoven, Ludwig van Beery, Lon My Peace I Leave With You (Piano Sonata No. X x
8, "Pathétique")
Beglarian, Grant And All the Hills Echoed X x
Bekku, Sadao Ō-otoko no niwa (Giant's Garden) X x
Bell, Leslie and Robert Shaw Sleep, Baby, Sleep X x
Bella, Ján Levoslav Drei ernste Gesänge M x
Bella, Ján Levoslav Haec dies M x
Bella, Ján Levoslav Tu es Petrus M x
Bella, Ján Levoslav Vier heitere Gesänge M x
Bellini, Vincenzo Mighty Jehovah X x
Bello Montera, Atanasio Pange lingua X x
Bello Montera, Atanasio Vigil and Mass for the Dead X x
Bendix, Victor Psalm 33, Op. 7 X x
Bendl, Karel Four Songs W x
Bendl, Karel Pochod Táborů (March of the Taborites) M x
Bendl, Karel Smrt Prokopa Velikého (The Death of Proko the X x
Bendl, Karel Štědrý den (Christmas Eve) X x
Bendl, Karel Švanda dudák (Švanda the Bagpiper) X x
Bendl, Karel Umírající husita (The Dying Hussite) X x
Benedict, Julius Richard Coeur de Lion X x
Benevoli, Orazio Mass X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Bengtson, Peter Songs to Lilith X x
Ben-Haim, Paul Book of Verses: Three Choral Studies from the X x
Rubayiat of Omar Khayyam, A
Ben-Haim, Paul Drei motteten X x
Ben-Haim, Paul Hymn from the Desert X x
Ben-Haim, Paul Joram X x
Ben-Haim, Paul Liturgical Cantata X x
Ben-Haim, Paul Six Sephardic Folk Songs X x
Ben-Haim, Paul Three Psalms X x
Ben-Haim, Paul Vision of a Prophet, The MX x
Ben-Haim, Paul Zwei Lieder M x
Bennett, David Spirit of Music X x
Bennett, Richard Rodney Aviary, The C x
Bennett, Richard Rodney Epithalamion X x
Bennett, Richard Rodney Four Devotions X x
Bennett, Richard Rodney Insect World, The C x
Bennett, Richard Rodney Spells X x
Bennett, William Sterndale May Queen, The X x x
Bennett, William Sterndale Woman of Samaria, The, Op. 44 X x
Benoit, Camille Eleison X x
Benoit, François Mass X x
Benoit, Peter Aan Antwerpen M x
Benoit, Peter De Maaiers M x
Benoit, Peter De Rhijn X x
Benoit, Peter Lucifer X x
Benoit, Peter Mass M x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Benoit, Peter Prometheus X x
Benoit, Peter Quadrilogie religieuse (Messe solennelle, X x
Cantate de Noel, Te Deum, Requiem)
Berg, Alban An das Frankfurter Opernhaus X x
Berg, Alban Die Nachtigall X x
Bergamo, Petar Farewell and Sailors of Podgora X x
Bergamo, Petar Nameless, The X x
Berger, Jean Braziliian Psalm X x
Berger, Jean Cherry Tree Carol X x
Berger, Jean Eyes of All Wait upon Thee, The X x
Berger, Jean Fiery Furnace, The X x
Berger, Jean If I Flew to the Point of Sunrise X x
Berger, Jean It Is Good to be Merry X x x
Berger, Jean Magnificat X x
Berger, Jean Psalm 57 X x
Berger, Jean Psalmo brasileiro (Brazilian Psalm) X x x
Berger, Jean Three Choral Pieces T x
Berger, Jean Twilight X x
Berger, Jean Vision of Peace X x
Berger, Wilhelm Meine Göttin, Op. 72 M x
Bergman, Erik Aton X x
Bergman, Erik Birds, The M x
Bergman, Erik Missa in honorem Sancti Henrici X x
Bergman, Erik Noah X x
Bergman, Erik Vier Galgenlider X x
Bergsma, William Confrontation, from the Book of Job X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Bergsma, William Sun, the Soaring Eagle, the Turquoise Prince, X x
the God, The
Berio, Luciano Coro X x
Berio, Luciano Magnificat X x x
Berio, Luciano Questo vuol dire che X x
Berio, Luciano Sinfonia X x
Beristáin, Joaquín Mass X x
Berkeley, Lennox Domini est terra, Op. 10 X x
Berkeley, Lennox Jonah X x
Berkeley, Lennox Magnificat, Op. 71 X x
Berkeley, Lennox Mass, Op. 64 X x
Berkeley, Lennox Stabat Mater X x
Berkey, Jackson Arma Lucis X x
Berlijn, Anton Die Matrosen am Ufer X x
Berlijn, Anton Moses auf Nebo X x
Berlin, Irving Ades, Hawley There's No Business Like Show Business X x
Berlin, Irving Emerson, Roger Blue Skies X x
Berlin, Irving Ringwald, Roy Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor X x x
Berlin, Irving Ringwald, Roy God Bless America X x
Berlin, Irving Shaw, Kirby What'll I Do? T x
Berlin, Irving Simeone, Harry Alexander's Ragtime band X x
Berlin, Irving Simeone, Harry Let's Take an Old-Fashioned Walk X x
Berlioz, Hector Chanson à boire M x
Berlioz, Hector Chant guerrier M x
Berlioz, Hector Grande Messe des Morts, Op. 5 (Requiem X x x x x x x x x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Berlioz, Hector Grande symphonie funèbre et triomphale, Op. X x x x
Berlioz, Hector La Damnation de Faust, Op. 24 CX x x x x x x
Berlioz, Hector La mort de Sardanapale M x
Berlioz, Hector Le ballet des ombres, Op. 2 X x x
Berlioz, Hector Lélio, ou Le retour à la vie, Op. 14b (Leilo, or X x x
the Return to Life)
Berlioz, Hector L'Enfance du Christ, Op. 25 (The Childhood of CXW x x x x x x x x
Berlioz, Hector Messe solennelle X x
Berlioz, Hector Prière du matin C x
Berlioz, Hector Roméo et Juliette, Op. 17 MX x x x x x
Berlioz, Hector Sara la baigneuse (Sarah the Bather), Op. 11 MXT x
Berlioz, Hector Tantum ergo T x
Berlioz, Hector Te Deum, Op. 22 CX x x x x x x x
Berlioz, Hector Tristia, Op. 18 V x x
Berlioz, Hector Veni creator T x
Bernard, Felix Winter Wonderland X x
Berneker, Constanz Judith X x
Bernier, René Incantations X x
Bernier, René Liturgies X x
Bernier, René Sortilèges ingénus T x
Bernstein, Leonard Chichester Psalms X x x x
Bernstein, Leonard Hashkivenu X x
Bernstein, Leonard Lark, The (incidental music) X x
Bernstein, Leonard Little Norton Lecture, A M x
Bernstein, Leonard Mass CX x x x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Bernstein, Leonard Missa brevis X x
Bernstein, Leonard Olympic Hymn X x
Bernstein, Leonard Songfest: A Cycle of American Poems for Six X x
Singers and Orchestra
Bernstein, Leonard Symphony No. 3, Kaddish CX x x
Bernstein, Leonard Two Harvard Choruses M x
Bernstein, Leonard Warm-Up X x
Bernstein, Leonard Yigdal X x
Bernstein, Leonard Stickles, William West Side Story (Choral Selections) X x
Berton, Henri-Montan Cantata for the Marriage of Napoleon and X x
Berwald, Franz Apoteus M x
Berwald, Franz Chorale (1867) X x
Berwald, Franz Gustav Adolph the Great's Victory and Death at X x
Berwald, Franz Larghetto, Allegro con Spirito X x
Berwald, Franz Nordiska fantasibilder M x
Besozzi, Louis-Désiré La chapelle du convent W x
Betinis, Abbie Jerusalem Luminosa T x
Bexfield, William Richard Israel Restored X x
Bialas, Günter Eichendorf-Liederbuch X x
Bialas, Günter Hugenotten-Psalm X x
Bialas, Günter Im Anfang X x
Bialas, Günter Indianische Kantate X x
Bialas, Günter Lobet den Herrn X x
Bialas, Günter Veni Creator Spiritus X x
Bibalo, Antonio Elegia per un'era spaziale X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Bibalo, Antonio Serenata M x
Biebl, Franz Ave Maria (Angelus Domini) M x
Biebl, Franz Ave Maria (Angelus Domini) X x
Bierey, Gottlieb Benedikt Wie an dem stillen Abend X x
Biggs, John Japanese Fables X x
Biggs, John Mass for Our Time X x
Biggs, John Web of Life CX x
Billings, William Chester X x
Billings, William David's Lamentation X x
Billings, William Europe X x
Billings, William I Am Come into My Garden X x
Billings, William Modern Music X x
Binder, A. W. Praise and Dance X x
Binder, A. W. Yiskor X x
Bingham, Seth Perfect through Suffering X x
Bingham, Seth Wilderness Stone X x
Binički, Stanislav Marš na Drinu (March on the Drina) X x
Binički, Stanislav Memorial Service X x
Binički, Stanislav Serbian Orthodox Liturgy X x
Birtwistle, Harrison Fields of Sorrow, The X x
Birtwistle, Harrison Mark of the Goat, The X x
Birtwistle, Harrison Music for Sleep X x
Bishop, Henry R. Home, Sweet Home X x
Bissell, Keith Dark Hills, The X x
Bissell, Keith O Holy Spirit X x
Bissell, Keith Passion According to Saint Luke, The CX x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Bissell, Keith Requiem T x
Bissell, Keith Theme, Variation and Epilogue X x
Bizet, Georges Clovis et Clothilde X x
Bizet, Georges David X x
Bizet, Georges Te Deum X x
Bizet, Georges Deis, Carl Agnus Dei X x
Blacher, Boris Der Grossinquisitor X x
Blacher, Boris Die Gesänge des Seeräubers O'Rourke und X x
seiner Geliebten Sally Brown
Blacher, Boris Requiem X x
Blacher, Boris Romeo and Julia X x
Blacher, Boris Vier Chöre X x
Blacher, Borise et al. (Collaboration) Jüdische Chronik X x
Bliss, Arthur Morning Heroes X x x
Bliss, Arthur Pastoral X x
Bliss, Arthur Song of Welcome, A X x
Blitzstein, Marc Airborne Symphony, The M x x x
Blitzstein, Marc Cantatina (unfinished) W x x
Blitzstein, Marc This is a Garden X x
Bloch, Ernest America X x
Bloch, Ernest Avodath Hakodesh (Sacred Service) X x x x x x x x
Blockx, Jan Antwerpen's schutsgeest X x
Blockx, Jan De Heide M x
Blockx, Jan De kleine bronnen T x
Blockx, Jan Een droom van't paradijs X x
Blockx, Jan Feeste in den Lande C x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Blockx, Jan Gloriae patriae C x
Blockx, Jan Klokke Roeland X x
Blockx, Jan Licht M x
Blockx, Jan Vredzang W x
Blow, John Begin the song (Ode for St. Cecilia's Day) X x x
Blow, John God is our hope and strength X x
Blow, John God spake sometime in visions X x
Blow, John Salvator mundi X x
Blum, Robert Two Meditations W x
Blumner, Martin Abraham, Op. 8 X x
Blumner, Martin Der Fall Jerusalems, Op. 30 X x
Boccherini, Luigi Ambrose, Paul While the Birds Are Singing T x
Bohm, Carl Cain, Noble Calm as the Night T x
Bomtempo, João Domingos A paz da Europa (O annuncio da paz) X x
Bomtempo, João Domingos Hymno lusitano (1811) X x
Bomtempo, João Domingos La virtù trionfante X x
Bomtempo, João Domingos Libera me X x
Bomtempo, João Domingos Requiem X x
Bonds, Margaret Ballad of the Brown King, The X x
Bonds, Margaret Credo X x
Bonds, Margaret Fields of Wonder M x
Bonds, Margaret Mass in D Minor X x
Bonet, Narciso Canco de bressol de la Verge X x
Bonet, Narciso Missa in Epiphanie Domini X x
Borkowski, Bohdan Hymn for the Feast of the annunciation of the X x
Blessed Virgin Mary (Hymn ne dzień
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Zwiastowania Najświętszej Marii Panny)
Borkowski, Bohdan Natarcie jazdy (A Cavalry Charge) X x
Bornefeld, Helmut Das Chorwerk X x
Borodin, Alexander Requiem M x
Borodin, Alexander Song of the Dark Forest M x
Borodin, Alexander weihegyuss M x
Bortniansky, Dmitri Stepanovich Da ispravitsia molitva moia (Let My Prayer M x
Arise, No. 2)
Bortniansky, Dmitri Stepanovich Da ispravitsia molitva moia (Let My Prayer T x
Arise, No. 2)
Bortniansky, Dmitri Stepanovich Glory to God in the Highest X x x x
Bortniansky, Dmitri Stepanovich Let God Arise X x
Bortniansky, Dmitri Stepanovich Liturgy M x
Bortniansky, Dmitri Stepanovich Lord, Make Me to Know My End X x
Bortniansky, Dmitri Stepanovich This is the Day which the Lord Hath Made X x x
Bortniansky, Dmitri Stepanovich Davis, Katherine K. Lo, A Voice to Heaven Sounding T x
Bortniansky, Dmitri Stepanovich Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'ych Cherubim Song No. 7 X x x x
Bottesini, Giovanni Garden of Olivet, The X x
Bottesini, Giovanni Requiem X x
Boulanger, Lili Du fond de l'abîme X x
Boulanger, Lili Soir sur la plaine X x
Boulanger, Lili Vieille prière bouddhique X x
Boulez, Pierre e. e. cummings ist der Dichter (work in X x
Boulez, Pierre Séquence X x
Bourgault-Ducoudray, Louis Stabat Mater X x
Bourgeois, Louis Old Hundredth X x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Bourland, Roger Rosarium X x
Boutmy, Laurent-François Le naufrage X x
Bovy-Lysberg, Charles Samuel Le Alpes M x
Boyce, William By the Waters of Babylon X x
Boyce, William David's Lamentation over Saul and Jonathan X x
Boyce, William I have surely built Thee an house X x
Boyce, William O Give Thanks X x
Boyce, William O, Where Shall Wisdom Be Found? X x
Bradbury, William Batchelder He Leadeth me X x
Bradbury, William Batchelder Jesus Loves Me X x
Bradbury, William Batchelder Just as I Am X x
Bradbury, William Batchelder Sweet Hour of Prayer X x
Brahe, May H. Samuelson, Arvid Bless This House X x
Brahms, Johannes 11 Chorale Preludes, Op. 122 X x
Brahms, Johannes 13th Psalm, Op. 27 (Psalm XIII) W x x x
Brahms, Johannes 26 German Folk Songs (no opus #) X x
Brahms, Johannes 5 Gedichte, Op. 19 T x
Brahms, Johannes Ave Maria, Op. 12 W x x x x
Brahms, Johannes Begräbnisgesang, Op. 13 X x
Brahms, Johannes Begräbnisgesang, Op.13 (Funeral Hymn) X x
Brahms, Johannes Deutsche Fest-und Gedenksprüche, Op. 109 X x x
Brahms, Johannes Drei Quartette, Op. 31 X x
Brahms, Johannes Ein deutsches Requiem, Op. 45 X x x x x x x x x x x x x
Brahms, Johannes Five Soldatenlieder, Op. 41 M x x x
Brahms, Johannes Four Quartets, Op. 92 (1877-84) X x x x
Brahms, Johannes Fünf Gesänge, Op. 104 X x x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Brahms, Johannes Geistliches Lied, Op. 30 (Spiritual Song) X x x x x
Brahms, Johannes Gesang der Parzen, Op. 89 (Song of the Fates) X x x x x
Brahms, Johannes Kleine Hochzeitskantate X x
Brahms, Johannes Liebeslieder Walzer, Op. 52 X x x x
Brahms, Johannes Marienlieder, Op. 22 X x x x x
Brahms, Johannes Missa canonica, WoO 18 X x
Brahms, Johannes Nänie, Op. 82 (Elegy, Dirge) X x x x x x x
Brahms, Johannes Neue Liebeslieder, Op. 65 X x x
Brahms, Johannes Opus 110 X x x x
Brahms, Johannes Opus 113 W x x
Brahms, Johannes Opus 37 W x x x
Brahms, Johannes Opus 42 X x x
Brahms, Johannes Opus 44 W x x
Brahms, Johannes Rhapsodie, Op. 53 (Alto Rhapsody) M x x x x x x x x
Brahms, Johannes Rinaldo, Op. 50 M x x x x x
Brahms, Johannes Schicksalslied, Op. 54 (Song of Destiny) X x x x x x x x
Brahms, Johannes Seven Lieder, Op. 48 X x x
Brahms, Johannes Sieben Lieder, Op. 62 X x x
Brahms, Johannes Six Love Songs X x
Brahms, Johannes Six Quartets, Op. 112 (1888) X x x
Brahms, Johannes Six Songs and Romances for Choir, Op. 93a X x x
Brahms, Johannes Tafellied, Op. 93b X x x
Brahms, Johannes Three Quartets, Op. 64 (1862-74) X x x
Brahms, Johannes Triumphlied, Op. 55 (Song of Triumph) X x x x x x x
Brahms, Johannes Two Motets for mixed chorus, Op. 29 X x x x x x
Brahms, Johannes Two Motets, for mixed chorus, Op. 74 X x x x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Brahms, Johannes Vier Gesänge für Frauenchor, Op. 17 (Four W x x x x
Songs for Women's Choir)
Brahms, Johannes Vier Gesänge, Op. 43 (Four Songs) X x
Brahms, Johannes WoO 33, Deutsche Volkslieder X x x
Brahms, Johannes Zigeunerlieder, Op. 103 (Gypsy Songs) M x
Brahms, Johannes Zigeunerlieder, Op. 103 (Gypsy Songs) T x
Brahms, Johannes Zigeunerlieder, Op. 103 (Gypsy Songs) X x x x
Brahms, Johannes Christy, Van Opus 113 X x
Brahms, Johannes Gibb, Robert W. Love Song T x
Brahms, Johannes Gibb, Robert W. Within My Heart Breathes Music T x
Brahms, Johannes Grant, Louise O Lovely Spring T x
Brahms, Johannes Suchoff, Benjamin 5 Lieder, Op. 105 X x x
Brahms, Johannes Tolmadge Hymn of Freedom X x x
Brahms, Johannes Wilson, Harry R. Love Song X x
Brant, Henry December X x
Braun, Wilhelm Theodor Johannes Mass (c. 1830) X x
Brendler, Eduard Edmund och Clara X x
Brendler, Eduard I de höjda toner skaller (in the Heights the X x
Tone Resounds, 1830)
Brendler, Eduard Spastaras död X x
Bretón, Tomás El apocalipsis X x
Bréville, Pierre de Chant des divinités de la forêt W x
Bréville, Pierre de Hymne à Venus W x
Bréville, Pierre de La tête de Kenwarc'h X x
Bréville, Pierre de Laudate Dominum X x
Bréville, Pierre de Mass X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Bréville, Pierre de Médeia W x
Brian, Havergal Second Symphony (Gothic Symphony) CX x x
Bright, Houston Fall, Leaves, Fall X x
Bright, Houston Hodie nobis coelorum Rex X x x
Bright, Houston I Hear a Voice A-Prayin' X x
Bright, Houston Sing a Song of Sixpence X x
Bright, Houston Sunrise Alleluia X x
Bright, Houston When I Am Dead, Dearest X x
Bristow, George Frederick Daniel, Op. 42 X x
Bristow, George Frederick Niagara Symphony, Op. 63 X x
Bristow, George Frederick Pioneer, The, Op. 49 X x
Bristow, George Frederick Praise to God, Op. 33 X x
Britain, Radie Brothers in the Clouds M x
Britain, Radie Brothers in the Clouds X x
Britain, Radie Nisan W x
Britain, Radie Nisan X x
Britten, Benjamin A.M.D.G. (Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam) X x
Britten, Benjamin Advance Democracy X x
Britten, Benjamin Ballad of Heroes, Op. 14 X x x x
Britten, Benjamin Ballad of Little Barnard and Lady Musgrave, M x
Britten, Benjamin Birds, The U x
Britten, Benjamin Boy Was Born, A CXW x x x
Britten, Benjamin Cantata Accademica X x x
Britten, Benjamin Cantata Misericordium, Op. 69 X x x
Britten, Benjamin Ceremony of Carols, A, Op. 28 C x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Britten, Benjamin Ceremony of Carols, A, Op. 28 W x x x x x x x x x x
Britten, Benjamin Company of Heaven, The X x x
Britten, Benjamin Festival Te Deum X x x x x x x
Britten, Benjamin Five Flower Songs, Op. 47 X x x x x
Britten, Benjamin Friday Afternoons, Op. 7 C x x x x x
Britten, Benjamin Friday Afternoons, Op. 7 X x x
Britten, Benjamin Hymn to Saint Peter X x x
Britten, Benjamin Hymn to St. Cecilia, Op. 27 X x x x x x x x x x
Britten, Benjamin Hymn to the Virgin, A X x x x
Britten, Benjamin Jubilate Deo X x x x
Britten, Benjamin Missa brevis in D X x
Britten, Benjamin Rejoice in the Lamb, Op. 30 X x x x x x x
Britten, Benjamin Sacred and Profane, Op. 91 (Eight Medieval X x x
Britten, Benjamin Spring Symphony, Op. 44 CX x x x x x x
Britten, Benjamin St. Nicolas, Op. 42 X x x x x x x
Britten, Benjamin Te Deum in C X x x
Britten, Benjamin Voices for Today, Op. 75 CX x
Britten, Benjamin War Requiem CX x x x x x x x x x
Britten, Benjamin Wedding Anthem, A, Op. 46 (Amo Ergo Sum) X x
Britten, Benjamin Welcome Ode C x
Britten, Benjamin World of the Spirit, The X x
Britten, Benjamin Harrison, Julius Ceremony of Carols, A, Op. 28 X x
Brockway, Howard Cantate domino, Op. 6 X x
Brockway, Howard Two Choruses, Op. 24 X x
Broqua, Alfonso Tabaré X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Broqua, Alfonso Tres cantos Uruguayos X x
Browda, Morris Viglid T x
Browda, Morris Viglid U x
Brown, Earle Small Pieces for Large Chorus X x
Brubeck, Dave Gates of Justice, The X x
Brubeck, Dave La fiesta de la posada CX x
Brubeck, Dave Light in the Wilderness, The X x
Brubeck, Dave Pange Lingua Variations X x
Brubeck, Dave To Hope! A Celebration (Mass) X x
Brubeck, Dave Voice of the Holy Spirit X x
Bruch, Max Achilleus, Op. 50 X x
Bruch, Max Damajanti, Op. 78 X x
Bruch, Max Das Feuerkreuz, Op. 52 X x
Bruch, Max Das Lied von der Glocke, Op. 45 X x
Bruch, Max Die Flucht nach Ägypten, Op. 31 W x
Bruch, Max Frithjof: Szenen aus der Frithjof-Sage, Op. 23 M x
Bruch, Max Hebräische Gesänge (no opus #) X x
Bruch, Max In der Nacht, Op. 72 M x
Bruch, Max Morgenstunde W x
Bruch, Max Moses: ein biblisches Oratorium, Op. 67 X x x
Bruch, Max Nine Lieder, Op 60 X x
Bruch, Max Odysseus, Op. 41 X x
Bruch, Max Österkantate, Op. 81 X x
Bruch, Max Sechs Christkindlieder, Op. 92 W x
Bruch, Max Sechs Lieder, Op. 86 X x
Bruch, Max Trauerfeier für Mignon, Op. 93 X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Bruckner, Anton Abendzauber M x
Bruckner, Anton Auf, Brüder! Auf, zur frohen Feier X x
Bruckner, Anton Auf, Brüder, auf, und die Saiten zur Hand MX x
Bruckner, Anton Ave Maria X x x x x
Bruckner, Anton Christus factus est X x x x
Bruckner, Anton Das deutsche Lied M x
Bruckner, Anton Ecce sacerdos magnus X x
Bruckner, Anton Germanenzug M x
Bruckner, Anton Helgoland M x
Bruckner, Anton Locus iste X x x x
Bruckner, Anton Magnificat X x
Bruckner, Anton Mass No. 1 in D minor X x x x x x x
Bruckner, Anton Mass No. 2 in E minor X x x x x x
Bruckner, Anton Mass No. 3 in F minor ("Great") X x x x x x x
Bruckner, Anton Missa Solemnis in B flat Major X x x
Bruckner, Anton Os Justi X x x x x
Bruckner, Anton Pange lingua et Tantum ergo (1868) X x x
Bruckner, Anton Psalm CL (150) X x x x x x
Bruckner, Anton Requiem, WAB 39 X x
Bruckner, Anton Tantum ergo (1854) X x
Bruckner, Anton Te Deum X x x x x x x x
Bruckner, Anton Träumen und Wachen M x
Bruckner, Anton Trösterin Musik (Music the Comforter) X x
Bruckner, Anton Vergissmeinnicht X x
Bruckner, Anton Virga Jesse floruit M x
Brumby, Colin Celebrations and Lamentations X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Brumby, Colin Charlie Bubbles' Book of Hours X x
Brumby, Colin Gilgamesh X x
Brumel, Antoine Laudate Dominum de caelis (Psalm CLXVIII, X x
Bruneau, Alfred Requiem CX x x
Brunner, David Yo Le Canto Todo El Dia X x
Bryan, Charles F. Charlottown T x
Bryan, Charles F. Charlottown X x
Bucci, Mark Wondrous Kingdom, The X x
Buck, Dudley Centennial Meditation of Columbia, The X x
Buck, Dudley Festival Te Deum No. 7 in E-flat X x
Buck, Dudley Forty-sixth Psalm, The X x
Buck, Dudley Legend of Don Munio, The X x x
Buck, Dudley Light of Asia X x
Buck, Dudley Nun of Nidaros, The M x
Buck, Dudley Scenes from Longfellow's "Golden Legend" X x x
Buck, Dudley Voyage of Columbus, The M x x
Bullard, Frederick Field Winter Song M x
Bungert, August Warum? Woher? Wohin?, Op. 60 X x
Burghersh, John Fane Grand Mass X x
Burgk, Joachim à Johannespassion (St. John Passion) X x
Burian, Emil Requiem X x
Burkhard, Willy Cantate Domino X x
Burkhard, Willy Das Gesicht Jesajas (The Vision of Isaiah) X x x
Burkhard, Willy Das Jahr (The Four Seasons) M x x
Burkhard, Willy Das Jahr (The Four Seasons) X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Burkhard, Willy Frühlingsglaube M x
Burkhard, Willy Frühlingsglaube X x
Burkhard, Willy Genug ist genug, Op. 53 X x x
Burkhard, Willy Kleinger Psalter, Op. 82 (6 Psalm-Motetten) X x
Burkhard, Willy Mass X x
Burkhard, Willy Nine Folk Songs W x
Burkhard, Willy Nine Folk Songs X x
Burkhard, Willy Psalm 93 U x
Burleigh, Henry T. My Lord, What a Mornin' X x
Bury, Edward Saint Francis of Assisi X x
Busoni, Ferruccio Il sabato del villagio X x
Busoni, Ferruccio Piano Concerto M x
Busoni, Ferruccio Piano Concerto, Op. 39 M x
Busoni, Ferruccio Primavera, estate, autumno, inverno, Op. 40 M x
Busto, Javier Ave Maria X x x
Buxtehude, Dietrich Alleluia, Alleluia X x
Buxtehude, Dietrich Alles was ihr tut (Every thing you do) X x x
Buxtehude, Dietrich Aperite mihi portas justitiae (Open to Me Gates X x x
of Justice)
Buxtehude, Dietrich Benedicam Dominum X x
Buxtehude, Dietrich Cantate Domino canticum novum X x x
Buxtehude, Dietrich Das neugeborne Kindlein, BuxWV 13 X x
Buxtehude, Dietrich Erfreue dich, Erde! Du Himmel erschall! X x
(Rejoice, Earth and Heaven)
Buxtehude, Dietrich Ihr lieben Christen, freut euch nun (Good X x
Christian men, with joy draw near)
Buxtehude, Dietrich In dulci jubilo X x x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Buxtehude, Dietrich Jesu, meine Freude X x x x x
Buxtehude, Dietrich Lauda Sion Salvatorem X x
Buxtehude, Dietrich Magnificat in D X x x x x
Buxtehude, Dietrich Missa brevis (Kyrie & Gloria) X x x x x
Buxtehude, Dietrich O jesu mi dulcissime X x
Buxtehude, Dietrich Surrexit Christus hodie X x
Buxtehude, Dietrich Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BuxWV 100 X x
Buxtehude, Dietrich Was frag' ich nach der Welt X x
Buya, Ludwig Felix Brandts Avondrood M x
Buya, Ludwig Felix Brandts Zegepraal M x
Byrd, William Arise, O Lord X x
Byrd, William Ave verum corpus X x x x x x
Byrd, William Christ Rising Again X x
Byrd, William Civitas sancti tui X x
Byrd, William Diliges Dominum X x
Byrd, William earthly tree, An X x
Byrd, William Ego sum panis vivus X x
Byrd, William From Virgin's womb C x
Byrd, William Great Service X x
Byrd, William Haec dies X x
Byrd, William Iustorum Animae X x x
Byrd, William La Virginella X x
Byrd, William Laudibus in Sanctis X x
Byrd, William Lullaby, my sweet little baby X x
Byrd, William Magnificat and Nunc dimittis X x
Byrd, William Mass for 3 voices X x x x x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Byrd, William Mass for 4 voices X x x x x x x
Byrd, William Mass for 5 voices X x x x x x x
Byrd, William Ne irascaris X x
Byrd, William O quam suavis X x
Byrd, William Senex puerum portabat X x
Byrd, William Sing Joyfully X x
Byrd, William Teach Me, O Lord Psalm CXVII (118) X x
Byrd, William Vide, Domine, afflictionem nostram (Behold, O X x
Byrd, William While the Bright Sun X x
Byrd, William Ehret, Walter O God Who Reigns in Heav'n Above X x
Byttering Nesciens mater virgo X x
Caccini, Giulio Taylor, Deems Amarilli, Mia Bella T x
Cahen, Albert Jean le Precurseur X x
Cain, Noble Eagle, The M x
Cain, Noble Homeland X x
Cain, Noble Night Has a Thousand Eyes, The T x
Cain, Noble Night Has a Thousand Eyes, The X x
Cain, Noble O Sing Your Songs X x
Cain, Noble Ode to America T x
Cain, Noble Ode to America X x
Cain, Noble Year's at the Spring, The T x
Caldara, Antonio Credo X x
Caldara, Antonio Magnificat X x
Caldara, Antonio Morte e sepoltura di Cristo (The Death and X x
Burial of Christ)
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Caldara, Antonio Sanctum Domini Dei nomen est (Lord, God, We X x
Praise Thy Holy Name)
Caldara, Antonio Si consistant adversum me (Lord, from Thee X x
Comes Our Strength)
Caldara, Antonio Ehret, Walter (ed.) Praise Him, Praise Ye the Lord X x
Caldara, Antonio Suchoff, Benjamin (ed.) Serve the Lord with Gladness X x
Callcott, John Wall To All you Ladies Now on Land M x
Calvisius, Seth Joseph, Tender Joseph Mine (Joseph Dear, Oh X x x
Joseph Mild)
Campenhout, François van Requiem X x
Campos-Parsi, Héctor Ave Maria X x
Campra, Andre Castle, Conan Jennings In omnem terram (In Every Land) X x
Caplet, André Le miroir de Jésus (Mirror of Jesus) W x
Capocci, Gaetano Assalone X x
Capocci, Gaetano Battista X x
Capocci, Gaetano Responses for Holy Week X x
Carafa, Michele Ave verum X x
Cardoso, Lindembergue Caleidoscopio X x
Cardoso, Lindembergue Chromaphonetikos X x
Cardoso, Lindembergue Minimalisticamixolidicosaxvox X x
Cardoso, Lindembergue Procissão das carpideiras X x
Carissimi, Giacomo Abraham and Isaac X x
Carissimi, Giacomo Balthazar X x x
Carissimi, Giacomo David and Jonathan X x
Carissimi, Giacomo Historia di Ezechia (Story of Hezekiah) X x
Carissimi, Giacomo Jephte (Jephtha) X x x x x x x x
Carissimi, Giacomo Job X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Carissimi, Giacomo Jonas X x x x x
Carissimi, Giacomo Judicium Salomonis (Judgment of Solomon) X x x x x
Carissimi, Giacomo Magnificat X x
Carlson, Mark Mass: Christ in Majesty X x
Carmel, Dov Festival Cantata X x
Carmichael, Hoagy Cassey, Chuck Stardust X x
Carmichael, Hoagy Puerling, Gene Georgia on My Mind X x
Carmichael, Hoagy Ringwald, Roy Stardust X x
Carmichael, Hoagy Shaw, Kirby Georgia on My Mind X x
Carnevali, Vito Missa "Rosa Mystica" M x
Carnevali, Vito Missa "Rosa Mystica" T x
Carnevali, Vito Missa "Rosa Mystica" X x
Carneyro, Claudio Ave Maria W x
Carneyro, Claudio Musa popular W x
Carneyro, Claudio Oracoes populares W x
Carneyro, Claudio Quatro romances populares W x
Carneyro, Claudio Três poemas de Fernando Pessoa X x
Carnicer, Ramón Missa solemnis X x
Carnicer, Ramón Requiem (1829) X x
Carnicer, Ramón Tantum ergo X x
Carnicer, Ramón Tota pulchra X x
Caron, Leslie Francis Victor (Leon) Australian National Cantata X x
Caron, Leslie Francis Victor (Leon) Victoria X x
Carpenter, John Alden Song of Faith X x
Carr, Edwin Blake Cantata C x
Carter, Elliott Defense of Corinth, The M x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Carter, Elliott Emblems M x
Carter, Elliott Harmony of Morning, The W x x
Carter, Elliott Heart Not So Heavy As Mine X x
Carter, Elliott Musicians Wrestle Everywhere X x x
Carter, Elliott To Music X x
Caruso, Luigi Mass in C X x
Caruso, Luigi Requiem X x
Casals, Pablo El pessebre X x x
Casals, Pablo Eucaristica T x
Casals, Pablo Eucaristica X x
Casals, Pablo Hymn to the United Nations X x
Casals, Pablo Nigra sum M x
Casals, Pablo Nigra sum T x x
Casals, Pablo O vos Omnes X x x
Casals, Pablo Tota pulchra es X x
Casella, Alfredo Missa solemnis X x
Castellanos, Evencio El tirano Aguirre X x
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario Esther X x
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario Fiery Furnace, The C x
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario Jonah X x
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario Kol nidre X x
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario Naomi and Ruth W x
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario Queen of Sheba, The W x
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario Romancero gitano X x
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario Ruth X x
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario Sacred Service X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Castillon, Alexis Mass (incomplete) ? x
Castillon, Alexis Paraphrase du psaume 84 X x
Caturla, García Yamba-ó X x
Cavalieri, Emilio de' La rappresentazione di anima e di corpo X x x x
Cavalli, Francesco Il Guidizio Universale (oratorio) X x
Cellier, Alfred Grey's Elegy X x
Cerha, Friedrich Zehn Rubaijat des Omar Khajjam X x x
Chadwick, George Whitefield Dedication Ode X x
Chadwick, George Whitefield Ecce iam noctis M x
Chadwick, George Whitefield Lovely Rosabelle X x
Chadwick, George Whitefield Noël X x x x
Chadwick, George Whitefield Phoenix expirans X x x
Chadwick, George Whitefield Viking's Last Voyage, The X x
Chajes, Julius El Yivneh Hagalil (The Lord Will Build Galilee, X x x
Song of Galilee)
Chajes, Julius Harken To My Pray'r X x
Chajes, Julius Mi Y'Mallel (Hanukkah Song) X x
Charles, Ernest Deis, Carl Clouds T x
Charpentier, Gabriel Permutation 1234 X x
Charpentier, Gustave La vie due poète X x
Charpentier, Gustave Le chant d'apothéose X x
Charpentier, Gustave Sérénade à Watteau X x
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine Filius prodigus X x
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine Historia Esther X x
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine In nativitatem Domini Nostri Jesu Christi X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine Judicium Salomonis X x x
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine La Reniement de St. Pierre X x
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine Laudate Dominum X x
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine Magnificat M x
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine Messe de Minuit pour Noel (Midnight Mass for X x x x
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine Pour le saint sacrement au reposoir (Oculi X x
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine Psalm L (51) Miserere me, Domine T x
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine Te Deum X x x
Charpentier, Marc-Antoine Venite ad me (O come ye unto me) X x
Chatman, Stephen Due North X x
Chatman, Stephen Elizabethan Spring, An X x
Chatman, Stephen Greater Love X x
Chatman, Stephen There Is Sweet Music Here X x
Chatman, Stephen You Have Ravished My Heart X x
Chausson, Ernest Jeanne d'Arc W x
Chausson, Ernest Three Motets, Op. 12 X x
Chávez, Carlos Ah, Freedom! X x
Chávez, Carlos El sol X x
Chávez, Carlos La paloma azul X x
Chávez, Carlos Llamadas X x
Chávez, Carlos Prometheus Bound X x
Chávez, Carlos Three Nocturnes X x x x
Chávez, Carlos Tree of Sorrow X x x
Chávez, Carlos Woman is a Worthy Thing, A X x x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Chen Yi Chinese Folk Songs X x
Chen Yi Chinese Myths Cantata M x
Chen Yi Three Poems from the Song Dynasty X x
Chen Yi Written on a Rainy Night X x
Cherubini, Luigi Jesus, Now to Thee I Turn Me X x x
Cherubini, Luigi Magnificat (lost) X x
Cherubini, Luigi Mass in F major X x x
Cherubini, Luigi Missa solemnis in C X x x x x
Cherubini, Luigi Missa solemnis in D Minor X x x x
Cherubini, Luigi Petite messe de la Sainte Trinité in D minor X x
Cherubini, Luigi Petrus apostolus X x
Cherubini, Luigi Requiem Aeternum M x
Cherubini, Luigi Requiem in C minor X x x x x x x
Cherubini, Luigi Requiem in D minor M x x x x
Cherubini, Luigi Te Deum X x
Cherubini, Luigi Veni Jesu X x x
Cherubini, Luigi De Pietto, C. V. Lacrymosa X x
Chesnokov, Pavel Nebo i zemlja (Heaven and Earth) X x
Chesnokov, Pavel Opus 11 X x
Chesnokov, Pavel Panikhida M x
Chesnokov, Pavel Prayers in Time of War X x
Chesnokov, Pavel Cain, Noble Let Thy Holy Presence X x x
Chesnokov, Pavel Cookson, Frank B. May Thy Blessed Spirit M x
Chesnokov, Pavel Ehret, Walter Let Thy Holy Presence M x
Chesnokov, Pavel Norden, N. Lindsay Salvation is Created X x x
Chihara, Paul Ave Maria--Scarborough Fair M x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Chihara, Paul Magnificat W x
Chihara, Paul Minidoka [Reveries of…] X x
Chihara, Paul Missa Carminum X x
Chihara, Paul Psalm 90 X x
Chilcott, Bob I Am the Song X x
Chilcott, Bob Making of the Drum, The X x
Chilcott, Bob Making Waves T x
Childs, David Weep No More W x
Chimakadze, Archil Serdtse Kartli (The Heart of Kartli) X x
Chopin, Frédéric Dryburgh, Margaret Prelude No. 15 W x
Chopin, Frédéric Dryburgh, Margaret Prelude No. 20 W x
Chopin, Frédéric Falla, Manuel de Balada de Mallorca (Ballade in F Major) X x
Chou Wen-Chung Poems of White Stone X x
Christiansen, F. Melius Beautiful Savior (Silesian folk tune) X x x
Christiansen, F. Melius From Grief to Glory X x x
Christiansen, F. Melius Hosanna X x x
Christiansen, F. Melius Lamb of God (Chorale 1540) X x x
Christiansen, F. Melius Lost in the Night X x x
Christiansen, F. Melius Lullaby on Christmas Eve T x
Christiansen, F. Melius Today There is Ringing T x
Christiansen, Olaf C. Light Everlasting X x
Christiansen, Paul As a Flower of the Field X x
Christou, Jani Mysterion X x
Christy, Van A. Early One Morning X x
Chung, Boo Ki Resentment Five Hundred Years X x
Cikker, Ján Cantus filiorum, Op. 17 X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Čiurlionis, Mikolajus De profundis X x x
Čiurlionis, Mikolajus Kyrie, Gloria, and Sanctus X x
Clari, Giovanni Carlo Maria Kyrie X x
Clark, Sondra Crystal Palace X x
Clark, Sondra Feline W x
Clark, Sondra Requiem for Lost Children CX x
Clausen, René New Creation, A X x
Clausen, René Three Whitman Settings X x
Clemens non Papa, Jacob Vox in Rama audita est X x x
Clokey, Joseph W. Bird Flew, A T x
Clokey, Joseph W. Musical Trust, The X x
Clokey, Joseph W. Pretense T x
Clokey, Joseph W. Pretense X x
Clokey, Joseph W. When the Christ Child Came X x
Clokey, Joseph W. Cain, Noble Music When Soft Voices Die T x
Clough-Leighter, Henry Fireflies X x
Clutsam, George H. Ma Curley-Headed Babby T x
Coelho, Ruy Fátima X x
Coelho, Ruy Missa a Santa Terezinha X x
Coelho, Ruy Oratória da paz X x
Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel Song of Hiawatha, The, Op. 30 X x x x x
Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel Buchtel, Forrest Lawrence Lift Up Your Heads X x
Coleridge-Taylor, Samuel Tortolano, William (ed.) Lift Up Your Heads X x
Collins, Don L. Choral fantasy on Huckleberry Finn, A X x
Comes, Juan Bautista Beatus vir X x
Comes, Juan Bautista Lamentación X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Comes, Juan Bautista Magnificat X x
Constantinescu, Paul Birth of Our Lord, The X x
Constantinescu, Paul Four Madrigals X x
Constantinescu, Paul Liturghia în stil psaltic X x
Constantinescu, Paul Passion and Resurrection of Our Lord, The X x
Constantinescu, Paul Seven Songs from Our Street X x
Converse, Frederick Flight of the Eagle X x
Conyngham, Barry Farben X x
Conyngham, Barry Imaginary Letters X x
Conyngham, Barry Voss X x
Copland, Aaron Canticle of Freedom X x x x
Copland, Aaron Four Motets, Op. 20 X x x
Copland, Aaron Immortality, An T x
Copland, Aaron In the Beginning X x x x x
Copland, Aaron Lark X x x
Copland, Aaron Las Agachadas X x x x
Copland, Aaron Simple Gifts (Shaker Song) M x
Copland, Aaron Song of the Guerrillas M x
Copland, Aaron What Do We Plant? T x
Copland, Aaron Younger Generation, The X x x x
Copland, Aaron Swift, Frederic Fay Younger Generation T x
Corder, Frederick Bridal of Triermain, The X x
Corder, Frederick Cyclops, The X x
Cordero, Roque Cantata para la paz (Cantata for Peace) X x
Corigliano, John Fern Hill X x
Corigliano, John What I Expected Was X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Cornelius, Peter Beethoven-lied, Op. 10 X x
Cornelius, Peter Lord of Love, to Thee I Flee X x
Cornelius, Peter Requiem (Hebbel) X x
Cornysh, William Blow thy horn, hunter X x
Correa de Araujo, Francisco O vos omnes X x
Corsi, Jacopo (or Giuseppe) Greyson, Norman Adoramus Te X x x
Costa, Michael Dixit Dominus X x
Costa, Michael Eli X x x
Costa, Michael La Passione X x
Costa, Michael naaman X x x
Costantini, Alessandro Coggin, Elwood Praise the Lord in Song X x
Costeley, Guillaume Allons, gay, gay X x
Coulthard, Jean Choral Symphony X x
Coulthard, Jean Hymn of Creation X x
Coulthard, Jean This Land X x
Couperin, François Motet a sainte Suzanne: Veni sponsa Christi X x
Couperin, François Quatre Versets d'un motet composé de l'ordre W x
du Roy
Courtney, Craig Thine, O Lord X x
Couture, Guillaume Jean le Précurseur X x
Couture, Guillaume Requiem X x
Cowell, Henry …if He please X x
Cowell, Henry American Muse W x
Cowell, Henry Creator, The X x
Cowell, Henry Do, Do, Do, Is C, C, C C x
Cowell, Henry Fire and Ice M x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Cowell, Henry Lilting Fancy (Nickelty Nockelty) X x
Cowell, Henry Lines from the Dead Sea Scrolls M x
Cowell, Henry Morning Cometh, The X x
Cowell, Henry To a White Birch X x
Cowell, Henry With Choirs Divine T x
Cowell, Henry Zapados sonidos X x
Cowen, Frederic H. Ruth X x
Cowen, Frederic H. Sleeping Beauty, The X x
Crawford, Robert U.S. Air Force Song, The X x
Crécquillon, Thomas Pour un plaisir X x
Creston, Paul Calamus M x
Creston, Paul Celestial Vision, The, Op. 60 M x
Creston, Paul Here Is Thy Footstool X x x
Creston, Paul Isaiah's Prophecy, Op. 80 (Isaiah's Vision) X x x x
Creston, Paul Missa "Adoro te" W x
Creston, Paul Missa "Adoro te" X x
Creston, Paul Missa "Cum jubilo" X x
Creston, Paul Missa Solemnis, Op. 44 M x x
Creston, Paul Missa Solemnis, Op. 44 X x x
Creston, Paul Requiem M x
Creston, Paul Three Chorales from Tagore X x
Croft, William God is gone up with a merry noise X x
Croft, William Hear my prayer, O Lord X x
Croft, William O rebuke me not X x
Croft, William Put me not to rebuke X x
Croft, William Rejoice in the Lord X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Croft, William St. Anne (hymn tune) X x
Crotch, William Captivity of Judah, The (1834) X x
Crotch, William Captivity of Judah, The (c. 1789) X x
Crotch, William Lo! Star-led chiefs (Palestine) X x
Cruger, Johann Holst, Gustav Now Thank We All Our God X x x
Cruger, Johann Mendelssohn, Felix Now Thank We All Our God M x
Crusell, Bernhard Henrik Den lilla slavinnan (The Little Slave Girl) X x
Cuclin, Dimitrie David and Goliath X x
Cuclin, Dimitrie Symphony No. 10 X x
Cuclin, Dimitrie Symphony No. 12 X x
Cuclin, Dimitrie Symphony No. 5 X x
Cucu, Gheorghe I Cannot Understand, Curata X x
Cui, César Five Choruses, Op. 46 X x
Cui, César Les oiseaux d'Argenteau C x
Cui, César Mystic Chorus, Op. 28 W x
Cui, César Two Choruses, Op. 58 M x
Culloton, Matthew Japanese Garden T x
Cundick, Robert American Tribute, An X x
Custer, Gerald Balulalow X x
Custer, Gerald Elegy X x
Custer, Gerald Innisfree X x
Custer, Gerald Richard Crashaw's Carol X x
Custer, Gerald Winter's Cold X x
Cutler, David Chestnut Branches in the Court: A Cycle of the X x
Dadap, Jerry Amper Lam-Ang Epic X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Dadap, Jerry Amper Redemption, The X x
Dallapiccola, Luigi Canti di liberazione (Songs of Liberation) X x
Dallapiccola, Luigi Canti di Prigionìa (Songs of Imprisonment) X x x x
Dallapiccola, Luigi Job X x
Dallapiccola, Luigi Sei cori di Michelangelo Buonarroti V x
d'Antoni, Antonio Il genio di Trieste X x
d'Antoni, Antonio Mass for St. Cecilia's Day X x
David, Félicien Le désert M x
David, Félicien Moïse au Sinai X x
David, Johann Nepomuk Evangelienmotteten (1958) X x
David, Johann Nepomuk Evangelienmotteten (1971) X x
David, Johann Nepomuk Komm, Heiliger Geist X x
David, Johann Nepomuk Mass X x
David, Johann Nepomuk Victimae pascali laudes X x
David, Samuel Le génie de la terre M x
Davidovsky, Mario Synchronisms No. 4 X x
Davids, Brent Michael Night Chant X x
Davidson, Charles I Never Saw Another Butterfly C x
Davies, Henry Walford Everyman, Op. 17 X x x
Davies, Henry Walford Had we but hearkened to Thy words (Solemn X x
Davies, Henry Walford Temple, The, Op. 14 X x
Davies, Peter Maxwell Ecce manus tradentis X x
Davies, Peter Maxwell Five Carols X x
Davies, Peter Maxwell Job X x
Davies, Peter Maxwell O magnum mysterium X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Davies, Peter Maxwell Shepherd's Calendar, The X x
Davies, Peter Maxwell Veni Sancte Spiritus X x
Davis, Katherine K. Carol of the Drum (The Little Drummer Boy) X x
Davison, Archibald T. Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones X x
Dawson, William L. King Jesus is a-Listenin' X x
Dawson, William L. Mary Had a Baby X x x
De Fesch, Willem Judith X x
De Koven, Reginald Recessional (Memorial Day) X x x
De Koven, Reginald Stickles, William Recessional (Memorial Day) M x
de Rore, Cipriano Anchor' che col partire X x
Debussy, Claude Invocation M x
Debussy, Claude La Demoiselle élue (The Blessed Damoiselle) W x x x x
Debussy, Claude Le martyre de Saint-Sébastien X x
Debussy, Claude L'Enfant prodigue (cantata) X x x x x
Debussy, Claude Noël X x
Debussy, Claude Ode à la France X x x
Debussy, Claude Petite cantate X x
Debussy, Claude Printemps W x
Debussy, Claude Trois Chansons de Charles d'Orléans X x x x x
Debussy, Claude Trois Nocturnes W x x x
DeCormier, Robert Four Sonnets to Orpheus X x
DeCormier, Robert Jolly Beggars, The X x
DeCormier, Robert Legacy X x
DeCormier, Robert Shout for Joy X x
DeCormier, Robert Under the Greenwood Tree T x
Del Riego, Teresa Stickles, William Homing X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Del Tredici, David Four Heartfelt Anthems T x
Del Tredici, David Pop-pourri X x
Delalande, Michel Richard De profundis X x
Delaney, Alfred Dirge X x
Delius, Frederick Appalachia X x x x x
Delius, Frederick Eventyr M x
Delius, Frederick Lieder des Abschieds (Songs of farewell) X x x x
Delius, Frederick Mass of Life, A X x x x x x
Delius, Frederick Midsummer Song, The X x
Delius, Frederick On Craig Dhu X x
Delius, Frederick Requiem X x x
Delius, Frederick Sea-Drift X x x x x x
Delius, Frederick Song of the High Hills, A X x x x
Delius, Frederick Songs of Sunset X x
Delius, Frederick Splendour Falls, The X x
Delius, Frederick To Be Sung of a Summer Night on the Water X x x
Delius, Frederick Wanderer's Song, The M x
Dello Joio, Norman Adieu, Mignonne, When You Are Gone T x
Dello Joio, Norman As of a Dream X x x
Dello Joio, Norman Come to Me My Love X x
Dello Joio, Norman Fable, A X x
Dello Joio, Norman Four Songs of Walt Whitman X x
Dello Joio, Norman Hymns Without Words X x
Dello Joio, Norman Jubilant Song, A W x
Dello Joio, Norman Jubilant Song, A X x x x
Dello Joio, Norman Love Songs at Parting X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Dello Joio, Norman Mass (1969) X x
Dello Joio, Norman Mass in Honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary X x x
Dello Joio, Norman Mass in honor of the Eucharist X x x
Dello Joio, Norman Mystic Trumpeter, The X x x x x
Dello Joio, Norman Prayers of Cardinal Newman X x
Dello Joio, Norman Proud Music of the Storm X x x
Dello Joio, Norman Psalm of David, A X x x x x x x
Dello Joio, Norman Psalm of Peace X x x
Dello Joio, Norman Psalmist's Meditation, The X x
Dello Joio, Norman Song of Affirmation X x x
Dello Joio, Norman Song of the Open Road X x x
Dello Joio, Norman To Saint Cecilia X x
Dello Joio, Norman Vigil Strange X x
Dello Joio, Norman Years of the Modern X x x
Demantius, Christoph St. John Passion X x x
Dering, Richard Cries of London, The X x
DeRose, Peter I Heard a Forest Praying X x
Desprez, Josquin Absalon, fili mi M x
Desprez, Josquin Ave Christe, immolate X x
Desprez, Josquin Ave Maria, gratia plena X x
Desprez, Josquin Ave maris stella X x
Desprez, Josquin El Grillo X x
Desprez, Josquin Missa Hercules Dux Ferrariae X x
Desprez, Josquin Tu solus qui facis mirabilia X x
Desprez, Josquin Erb, James (ed.) Nunc dimittis X x
Dessau, Paul Deutsches Miserere C x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Dessau, Paul Grabschrift für Gorki M x
Dessau, Paul Grabschrift für Rosa Luxemburg X x
Dessau, Paul Haggada C x
Dessau, Paul Hawel Hawalim X x
Dessau, Paul Psalm 13, Op. 24 X x
Dessau, Paul Psalm 15 X x
Dessau, Paul Requiem für Lumumba X x
Dett, Robert Nathaniel Ave Maria X x x
Dett, Robert Nathaniel Chariot Jubilee X x
Dett, Robert Nathaniel Don't Be Weary, Traveler X x
Dett, Robert Nathaniel Listen to the Lambs X x x
Dett, Robert Nathaniel Ordering of Moses, The X x x
Diabelli, Antonio Pastoralmess in F major, Op. 147 X x
Diamond, David Mizmor L'David X x
Diamond, David Prayer for Peace X x
Diamond, David Secular Cantata, A X x
Diamond, David Song for Shabuoth, A C x
Diamond, David This Sacred Ground CX x x
Diamond, David To Music X x
Diamond, David Two Anthems X x
Diamond, David Warning X x
Dickau, David Dresden Canticles X x
Dickau, David If Music Be the Food of Love X x
Dickau, David Of Life and Love X x
Dickau, David Stars I Shall Find X x
Dickau, David View from the Air X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Dickinson, Clarence Shepherd's Story, The X x
Diemer, Emma Lou Fragments of the Mass W x
Diemer, Emma Lou Madrigals Three X x
Diemer, Emma Lou Sing a Glory X x
Diemer, Emma Lou Three Madrigals X x x
Diemer, Emma Lou Verses from the Rubaiyat X x
Diemer, Emma Lou Wild Nights! Wild Nights! X x
Diepenbrock, Alphons Carmen saeculare X x
Diepenbrock, Alphons Hymne aan Rembrandt X x
Diepenbrock, Alphons Hymnus de Sanctu Spiritu X x
Diepenbrock, Alphons Les elfes W x
Diepenbrock, Alphons Missa in die festo M x
Diepenbrock, Alphons Missa in die festo X x
Diepenbrock, Alphons Stabat Mater M x
Dilworth, Rollo A. Jordan's Angels T x
Dimas, Blas Galindo Dos corazones X x
Distler, Hugo Choral-Passion X x x
Distler, Hugo Die Weihnachtsgeschichte, Op. 10 X x x
Distler, Hugo Eine deutsche Choralmesse (German Mass) X x
Distler, Hugo Geistliche Chormusik, Op. 12 X x x
Distler, Hugo Mörike-Chorliederbuch, Op. 19 X x x
Dohnányi, Ernst von Missa in Dedicatione Ecclesiae X x
Dohnányi, Ernst von Stabat mater T x
Domažlicky, František Czech Songs T x
Domažlicky, František May Song M x
Donato, Baldassari Glaser, Victoria (ed.) Three Italian Partsongs X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Doniach, Shula Rhymes from Carmel T x
Donizetti, Gaetano Ave Maria X x
Donizetti, Gaetano Le siete chiesa X x
Donizetti, Gaetano Messa di Gloria e Credo (1837) X x
Donizetti, Gaetano Oratorio sacra X x
Donizetti, Gaetano Requiem (1835, Bellini) X x
Donner, Henrik Otto XC X x
Doppelbauer, Josef Friedrich Cantate Domino canticum novum X x
Dor, Moshe and Josef Hadar Erev Shel Shoshanim X x
Dorati, Antal Missa Brevis X x
Doubravsky, František Missa pastoralis X x
Doubravsky, František Missa solemnis in D Major X x
Doubravsky, František Requiem in E-flat Major X x
Doubravsky, František Stabat Mater X x
Doubravsky, František Te Deum in C Major X x
Dowland, John Come away, sweet love X x
Dowland, John Now, O now I needs must depart X x
Draghi, Giovanni Battista From harmony, from heav'nly harmony: Ode X x
on St. Cecilia's Day
Drechsler, Joseph Psalm 150 X x
Dreyfus, George Homage to Stravinsky X x
Dreyfus, George Reflections in a Glass-House: An Image of C x
Captain James Cook
Dreyfus, George Under the Gumtrees at Sunrise X x
Dryburgh, Margaret Captive's Hymn, The W x
Dubois, Théodore Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross, The X x x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Dubra, Rihards Ave Maria X x
Dufay, Guillaume Alma redemptoris mater X x
Dufay, Guillaume Ave regina coelorum X x x
Dufay, Guillaume Gloria ad modum tubae T x
Dufay, Guillaume Missa Caput X x
Dufay, Guillaume Missa L'homme armé X x
Dufay, Guillaume Missa Se la face ay pale X x x
Dumitrescu, Gheorghe Tudor Vladimirescu X x
Dunayevsky, Isaak Molodëzhnaia (The Happy Children) M x
Dunayevsky, Isaak Song of Our Country from the film "The Circus" X x
Dunstable, John Durez ne puis X x
Dunstable, John Missa Da gaudiorum praemia (Credo, Sanctus) X x
Dunstable, John Missa Jesu Christi Fili Dei (Gloria, Credo) X x
Dunstable, John O Rosa bella X x x
Dunstable, John Puisque m'amour X x
Dunstable, John Quam Pulchra Es X x
Dunstable, John Veni Sancte Spiritus X x x
Dunstable, John/Leonal Power Missa Rex saeculorum X x x
Durante, Francesco Kyrie eleison X x
Durante, Francesco Protexisti me Deus X x
Durante, Francesco Requiem Mass X x
Durante, Francesco Taylor, Deems Danza, Danza T x
Durey, Louis Dix choeurs de métiers X x
Durey, Louis Eloges X x
Duruflé, Maurice Messe cum Jubilo (Missa cum Jubilo) M x x x
Duruflé, Maurice Notre Père, Op. 4 M x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Duruflé, Maurice Notre Père, Op. 4 X x
Duruflé, Maurice Quatre Motets sur des Thèmes Grégoriennes V x x
(Four Motets on Gregorian Themes)
Duruflé, Maurice Requiem, Op. 9 X x x x x
Dvarionas, Balis Raigardo Saltinelis X x
Dvarionas, Balis Salute to Moscow X x
Dvořák, Antonin American Flag, The, Op. 102 X x x x
Dvořák, Antonin Amid Nature (Vpřirodě), Op. 63 X x x x x
Dvořák, Antonin Four Part-songs, Op. 29 X x
Dvořák, Antonin Hymna českého rolnictva, Op. 143 (Hymn of X x
the Czech Peasants, Hymn in Praise of Czech
Dvořák, Antonin Hymnus: Dědicové Bílé Hory, Op. 30 (The Heirs X x x
of the White Mountain)
Dvořák, Antonin Kytice národních písní slovanských, Op. 43 M x
(From a Bouquet of Slavonic Folk Songs, Three
Slavic Folk Songs)
Dvořák, Antonin Mass in D major, Op. 86 X x
Dvořák, Antonin Moravian Duets W x
Dvořák, Antonin Moravian Duets, Op. 32 T x
Dvořák, Antonin Moravian Duets, Op. 38 T x
Dvořák, Antonin New World Symphony, Op. 95 (Largo, "Behold X x x
Our God")
Dvořák, Antonin Old Folks at Home, The X x
Dvořák, Antonin Requiem, Op. 89 X x x x x x
Dvořák, Antonin Sophomoric Philosophy M x
Dvořák, Antonin Stabat Mater, Op. 58 X x x x x x x x
Dvořák, Antonin Svatá Ludmila, Op. 71 (St. Ludmila) X x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Dvořák, Antonin Svatební košile, Op. 69 (The Specter's Bride) X x x x
Dvořák, Antonin Te Deum, Op. 103 X x x x
Dvořák, Antonin Z kytice národních písní slovanských (From a M x x
Bouquet of Slavonic Folksongs, Four Slovak
Part-songs), 1877
Dvořák, Antonin Cain, Noble Songs My Mother Taught Me T x
Dvořák, Antonin Dryburgh, Margaret New World Symphony, Op. 95 (Largo, "Behold W x
Our God")
Dvoretsky, I. S. Svéte tíhiy (Gladsome Light) X x
Dykema, Peter Somewhere a Child Is Singing T x
Dykes, John Leidzén Erik W. G. Holy, holy, holy X x
Dyson, George Blacksmiths, The (Die Waffenschmiede) X x
Dyson, George Canterbury Pilgrims, The X x x x
Dyson, George In Honour of the City of London X x
Dyson, George Nebuchadnezzar X x
Dyson, George Quo Vadis? X x
Dyson, George St. Paul's Voyage to Melita X x
East, Michael Follow Me, Sweet Love X x
Eben, Petr Apologia Sokrates X x
Eben, Petr Bitter Earth, The X x
Eben, Petr Lover's Magic Spell, The X x
Eben, Petr Missa adventus et quadrasisimae, D minor M x
Eben, Petr Missa cum Populo X x
Eben, Petr Pragensia X x
Eben, Petr Prague Te Deum X x
Eben, Petr Sacred Symbols X x
Eben, Petr Suita liturgica U x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Eben, Petr Trouvere Mass U x
Eben, Petr Ubi caritas et amor X x
Eccard, Johannes Christ lag in Todesbanden X x
Eddleman, David Clap Your Hands X x
Edlund, Lars Beatitudes, The CX x
Edlund, Lars Elegy X x
Edlund, Lars Gloria X x
Edlund, Lars Maria X x
Edlund, Lars Mea culpa X x
Edlund, Lars Triad X x
Eespere, René Glorificatio X x
Eespere, René Two Jubilations X x
Effinger, Cecil Christmas Story According to Saint Luke, The X x x
Effinger, Cecil Four Pastorales X x x
Effinger, Cecil Invisible Fire, The X x x
Effinger, Cecil Paul of Tarsus: Three Episodes in the Life of X x
Paul the Apostle
Effinger, Cecil Set of Three X x
Egge, Klaus Lyric Suite, Op. 8 M x
Egge, Klaus Noreg-songer, Op. 16 X x
Eggen, Arne Ave maris stella X x
Eggen, Arne King Olav X x
Egk, Werner Drei Chansons X x
Egk, Werner Fürchtlösigkeit und Wohlwollen X x
Einem, Gottfried von An die Nachgeborenen X x
Einem, Gottfried von Das Stundenlied X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Einem, Gottfried von Die traumenden Knaben X x
Einem, Gottfried von Hymnus X x
Einem, Gottfried von Missa Claravallensis, Op. 83 X x x
Einem, Gottfried von Ünterwegs X x
Einfelde, Maija Ave Maria T x
Einfelde, Maija Peo persona T x
Eisler, Hanns Deutsche Sinfonie X x
Eisler, Hanns Die Massnahme MX x
Eisler, Hanns Die Mutter X x
Elgar, Edward 48th Psalm, "Great is the Lord," Op. 67 X x
Elgar, Edward Apostles, The, Op. 49 X x x x x x
Elgar, Edward Banner of St. George, The, Op. 33 X x
Elgar, Edward Black Knight, The, Op. 25 X x x x
Elgar, Edward Caractacus, Op. 35 X x x x
Elgar, Edward Christmas Greeting, Op. 52 M x
Elgar, Edward Coronation Ode, Op. 44 X x
Elgar, Edward Death on the Hills, Op. 72 X x
Elgar, Edward Dream of Gerontius, The, Op. 38 X x x x x x x x x x
Elgar, Edward Five Partsongs, Op. 45 M x
Elgar, Edward Four Partsongs, Op. 53 X x
Elgar, Edward Go, Song of Mine, Op. 57 X x
Elgar, Edward Kingdom, The, Op. 51 X x x x x x
Elgar, Edward Land of Hope and Glory T x
Elgar, Edward Land of Hope and Glory X x x
Elgar, Edward Lux Christi, Op. 29 (Light of Christ) X x x x
Elgar, Edward Music Makers, The, Op. 69 X x x x x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Elgar, Edward Pomp and Circumstance X x
Elgar, Edward Psalm 29, "Give unto the Lord," Op. 74 X x
Elgar, Edward Scenes from the Bavarian Highlands, Op. 27 X x
Elgar, Edward Scenes from the Saga of King Olaf, Op. 30 X x x x x
Elgar, Edward Spirit of England, The, Op. 80 X x x x
Elgar, Edward Star of the Summer Night, Op. 23 X x
Elgar, Edward Te Deum and Benedictus, Op. 34 X x
Elgar, Edward Three Motets, Op. 2 X x
Elgar, Edward Three Part-Songs, Op. 18 X x x
Elgar, Edward Two Choral Songs, Op. 71 X x
Elgar, Edward Two Choral Songs, Op. 73 X x
Elgar, Edward Two Partsongs, Op. 26 W x x
Elgar, Edward Two Partsongs, Op. 26 X x
Elgar, Edward Schaefer, Willis Hail, Glorious Day (Theme from Pomp and X x x
circumstance, No. 4)
Ellington, Duke Sacred Concert: in the Beginning God X x
Ellington, Duke Parker, Alice Come Sunday (from "Black, Brown and Beige") X x
Ellington, Duke Rutherford, Paris It Don't Mean a Thing (If It Ain't Got That X x
Ellington, Duke Rutherford, Paris Mood Indigo X x
Ellington, Duke Rutherford, Paris Solitude X x
Ellington, Duke Simeone, Harry Mood Indigo X x
Emerson, Roger Flanders Fields M x
Emmett, Daniel Luboff, Norman Dixie X x
Encinar, José Ramon Canción W x
Encinar, José Ramon Por gracia y galania X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Enescu, George Silence E x
Enescu, George Vox maris X x
Englund, Einar Chaconne X x
Englund, Einar Symphony No. 6 (Aphorisms) X x
Ephros, Gershon Biblical Suite X x
Erb, Donald God Love You Now X x
Erb, Donald Kyrie X x
Erbse, Heimo Drei Chöre X x
Erbse, Heimo Eine Kleine Heine-Kantate X x
Eröd, Ivan Drei Gedichte aus Goethes "West-Oestlicher X x
Escher, Rudolf Ciel, air et vents X x
Escher, Rudolf Le vrai visage de la paix X x
Escher, Rudolf Songs of Love and Eternity X x
Escher, Rudolf Three Poems by W. H. Auden X x
Escobar, Aylton Alle Psallite cum luya X x
Escobar, Aylton Missa Breve on Brazilian Folk Rhythms X x
Estévez, Antonio Florentino, el que cantó con el diablo X x
Etler, Alvin Ode to Pothos X x
Evangelista, José Coros tejiendo, voces alternando X x
Evangelista, José O quam suavis X x
Eybler, Joseph Requiem in C Minor X x
Fabini, Eduardo Patria vieja X x
Fain, Sammy Ades, Hawley Dear Hearts and Gentle People X x
Falla, Manuel de Balada de Mallorca X x
Falla, Manuel de, Ernesto Halffter Atlántida X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Fanshawe, David African Sanctus X x
Farkas, Ferenc Fountain of Saint John X x
Farquhar, David Bells in Their Seasons X x
Farrant, Richard Greyson, Norman Call to Remembrance X x x
Fauré, Gabriel 2 Offertories (Ave verum and Tantum ergo), W x x
Op. 65
Fauré, Gabriel Ave Maria, Op. 93 X x
Fauré, Gabriel Cantique de Jean Racine, Op. 11 X x x x x x x
Fauré, Gabriel Messe basse (Low Mass) W x x x
Fauré, Gabriel Pavane, Op. 50 X x
Fauré, Gabriel Requiem Mass, Op. 48 X x x x x x x x x x x x
Fauré, Gabriel Tantum ergo X x x
Fauré, Gabriel Tantum ergo, Op. 55 X x
Fauré, Gabriel Hopson, Hal H. Comfort All Ye My People X x
Fauré, Gabriel Howorth, Wayne Les Rameaux (The Palms) X x x
Favero, Alberto Te Quiero X x
Federizon, Ruben R. Gabaq-An X x
Felciano, Richard Double Alleluia for Pentecost M x
Felciano, Richard Double Alleluia for Pentecost X x
Felciano, Richard Hymn of the Universe X x x
Felciano, Richard Out of Sight X x
Felciano, Richard Pentecost Sunday M x
Felciano, Richard Pshelley's Psalm X x
Felciano, Richard Sic transit X x
Felciano, Richard Signs X x
Felciano, Richard Susani X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Felciano, Richard Three-in-One-in-Three X x
Felciano, Richard Two Public Pieces U x
Felciano, Richard Words of St. Peter X x
Feld, Jindřich Nonsense Rhymes X x
Feld, Jindřich Three Inventions X x
Feldman, Morton Chorus and Instruments I X x
Feldman, Morton Chorus and Instruments II X x
Feldman, Morton Chorus and Orchestra I X x
Feldman, Morton Rothko Chapel X x
Fenner, Beatrice Nordman, Chester When Children Pray T x
Ferko, Frank Hildegard Motets X x
Ferko, Frank Stabat mater X x
Ferrabosco,Domenico Io mi son giovinetta X x
Fetler, Paul Now This Is the Story T x
Fetler, Paul Te Deum X x
Fibich, Zdeněk Bride of the Wind, The (Meluzina) X x
Filzer, Albert von Moore, Donald Take Me Out to the Ball Game X x
Finck, Heinrich O quam santus panis iste X x
Fine, Irving Choral New Yorker, The V x
Fine, Irving Hour-Glass, The X x x
Fine, Irving Three Choruses from Alice in Wonderland V x
Fine, Irving Three Choruses from Alice in Wonderland W x x
Fine, Vivian Oda a las ranas W x
Fine, Vivian Passionate Shepherd to His Love and Her W x
Reply, The
Fine, Vivian Psalm 13 T x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Fine, Vivian Sounds of the Nightingale W x
Finney, Ross Lee Earthrise X x
Finney, Ross Lee Earthrise: A Trilogy Concerned with the Human X x
Dilemma: Still Are New Worlds
Finney, Ross Lee Edge of Shadow X x
Finney, Ross Lee Martyr's Elegy, The X x
Finney, Ross Lee Pilgrim Psalms X x
Finney, Ross Lee Spherical Madrigals X x
Finnissy, Michael Seven Sacred Motets X x
Finzi, Gerald All This Night, Op. 33 X x x
Finzi, Gerald For St. Cecilia X x x
Finzi, Gerald God Is Gone Up X x
Finzi, Gerald Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, Op. 35 M x
Finzi, Gerald Magnificat X x x
Finzi, Gerald Muses and Graces, Op. 34 U x
Finzi, Gerald Seven Poems of Robert Bridges, Op. 17 (Seven X x
Part Songs for chorus)
Finzi, Gerald Three Anthems, Op. 27 X x
Fišer, Luboš Requiem X x
Fišer, Luboš Sonata for Chorus, Piano, and Orchestra X x
Fissinger, Edwin In Paradisum (Into Paradise) X x
Fissinger, Edwin No Man Is an Island X x
Flagg, Josiah Hallelujah X x
Flanagan, William Billy in the Darbies X x
Fleischer, Tsippi Girl Dreamed, A U x
Fleischer, Tsippi Lamentations W x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Foerster, Joseph May, Op. 159 X x
Foerster, Joseph Missa Bohemica M x
Foerster, Joseph Missa Bohemica T x
Foerster, Joseph Missa Bohemica X x
Foerster, Joseph Mortuis fratribus (To Dead Brothers), Op. 108 X x x
Foerster, Joseph Saint Wenceslaus, Op. 140 X x
Foote, Arthur Farewell of Hiawatha, The M x
Foote, Arthur Lygeia W x
Foote, Arthur Skeleton in Armor, The X x
Foote, Arthur Wreck of the Hesperus, The X x x
Ford, Thomas Greyson, Norman Almighty God Who Hast Me Brought X x x
Fortner, Wolfgang An die Nachgeborenen X x
Fortner, Wolfgang Eine deutsche Liedmesse X x
Fortner, Wolfgang Gladbacher Te Deum X x
Fortner, Wolfgang Petarca-Sonette X x
Foss, Lukas Adon olom X x
Foss, Lukas American Cantata X x
Foss, Lukas Behold I Build an House X x
Foss, Lukas De profundis X x
Foss, Lukas Fragments of Archilochos X x
Foss, Lukas Märchen vom Tod (A Parable of Death) X x x x x x
Foss, Lukas Prairie, The X x x x x x x
Foss, Lukas Psalms X x x x
Foster, Stephen Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming X x x
Foster, Stephen Frangkiser, Carl Beautiful Dreamer M x
Foster, Stephen Frangkiser, Carl Beautiful Dreamer X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Foster, Stephen Frangkiser, Carl Old Black Joe M x
Foster, Stephen Frangkiser, Carl Old Black Joe X x
Foster, Stephen Moore, Donald Hard Times Come Again No More M x
Foster, Stephen Moore, Donald My Old Kentucky Home X x
Françaix, Jean Five Chansons C x
Françaix, Jean L'apocalypse selon Saint Jean (Apocalypse, The) X x x
Françaix, Jean Three Epigrammes X x
Françaix, Jean Two Motets U x
Franck, César La Tour de Babel X x
Franck, César Les Béatitudes (The Beatitudes) X x x x x
Franck, César Lobet den Herren, Alle Heiden (Let Every X x
Nation His Praises Sing)
Franck, César Messe a' 3 voix, Op. 12 (Mass in A, Communion X x
Service in A major)
Franck, César Panis angelicus (O Lord Most Holy, A Prayer for M x
Peace, The Nation's Prayer)
Franck, César Panis angelicus (O Lord Most Holy, A Prayer for T x
Peace, The Nation's Prayer)
Franck, César Panis angelicus (O Lord Most Holy, A Prayer for X x x
Peace, The Nation's Prayer)
Franck, César Psalm 150 (Psalm CL, Praise Ye The Lord) X x x x
Franck, César Psyché X x x
Franck, César Rédemption X x
Franck, César Ruth X x
Franck, César Trois offertoires X x
Franck, César Borucchia, Nino Ave Maria X x x
Franz, Robert Dedication X x x
Freed, Arnold Dance Alleluia X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Freitas Branco, Frederico de Don João e as sombras W x
Freitas Branco, Frederico de Missa "Regina mundi" W x
Freitas Branco, Frederico de Missa solene X x
Freitas Branco, Frederico de Stabat mater W x
Fricker, Peter Racine Rollant et Oliver X x
Fricker, Peter Racine Vision of Judgment, The X x
Friml, Rudolf and Herbert Stothart MacLean, Douglas and Rose Marie (choral selections) X x
William C. Schoenfeld
Froidebise, Pierre La navigation d'Ulysse X x
Fromm, Herbert Psalm 23 T x
Fromm, Herbert Six Madrigals X x
Fromm, Herbert Song of Miriam, The W x
Frumerie, Gunnar de Fader vår (Lord's Prayer) X x
Frumerie, Gunnar de Psalm 23 X x
Fux, Johann Joseph Missa canonica X x
Gabrieli, Andrea Missa "Pater Peccari" X x
Gabrieli, Giovanni Angelus ad pastores ait. X x
Gabrieli, Giovanni Beata es Virgo X x
Gabrieli, Giovanni Benedixisti (Thou hast been gracious, Lord) X x x
Gabrieli, Giovanni Exaudi Deus M x
Gabrieli, Giovanni Hodie completi sunt X x
Gabrieli, Giovanni In Ecclesiis X x
Gabrieli, Giovanni Jubilate Deo from Sacrae Symphoniae X x
Gabrieli, Giovanni Magnificat X x x
Gabrieli, Giovanni O magnum mysterium X x
Gabrieli, Giovanni Timor et tremor X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Gade, Niels Choruses, Op. 26 M x
Gade, Niels Crusaders, The X x
Gade, Niels Den Bergatagne, Op. 52 (The Mountain Thrall, M x
Gade, Niels Der Strom, Op. 64 X x
Gade, Niels Elverskud, Op. 30 (The Elf-king's Daughter) X x x
Gade, Niels Five Songs, Op. 33 M x
Gaher, Jozef Death of Saul, The X x
Gaines, Samuel Richards Salutation (a choral prologue) X x
Galuppi, Baldassare Kyrie X x
Garcia, José Maurício Nunes Laudate Dominum omnes gentes (Psalm 117) X x
Garcia, José Maurício Nunes Laudate pueri Dominum (Psalm 113) X x
Garcia, José Maurício Nunes Missa de Santa Cecilia X x
Garcia, José Maurício Nunes Requiem Mass X x
García, Juan Alfonso Campanos para Federico X x
García, Juan Alfonso Paraíso cerrado X x
Gardner, John Herrick Cantata X x
Gardner, John Mass in D X x
Garūta, Lūcija God, Your Earth Is Burning X x
Gasparini, Francesco Adoramus Te X x
Gastoldi, Giovanni Gicaomo Balletti a cinque voci (Six Balletti) X x x
Gastoldi, Giovanni Gicaomo Il bell' umore X x
Gastoldi, Giovanni Gicaomo Greyson, Norman Come, Let Your Hearts Be Singing X x x
Gastoldi, Giovanni Gicaomo Guentner, Francis J. (ed.) Look Upon Me, My Beloved X x
Gastoldi, Giovanni Gicaomo Klammer, Edward W. In Dir ist Freude (In You Is Gladness) X x
Gaul, Alfred Robert Holy City, The, Op. 36 X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Gawthrop, Daniel Sing Me to Heaven X x
Gawthrop, Daniel E. There Is Sweet Music Here T x
Geibel, Adam Churchill, Stuart Kentucky Babe M x
Geibel, Adam Churchill, Stuart Kentucky Babe T x
Geibel, Adam Stickles, William Kentucky Babe X x
Gemrot, Jiří Psalm 146 X x
George, Graham Apocalypse of Saint John, The X x
George, Graham Ride on! Ride on in Majesty! X x
Gerhard, Roberto Plague, The X x
Gerschefski, Edwin Border Raid X x
Gerschefski, Edwin Letter from BMI X x
Gershwin, George Jolly Tar and the Milkmaid, The X x
Gershwin, George Sing of Spring X x x x
Gershwin, George Huff, Mac Gershwin Portrait, A X x
Gershwin, George Kerr, Anita Let's Call the Whole Thing Off X x
Gershwin, George Shaw, Kirby Summertime X x
Gershwin, George Warnick, Clay Rhapsody in Blue (choral finale) X x x
Gershwin, George Zegree, Steve Embraceable You X x
Gershwin, George Zegree, Steve Love Walked In X x x
Gesseney-Rappo, Dominique Aujourd'hier Aujoird'hui X x
Gesseney-Rappo, Dominique Benedic anima mea X x
Gesseney-Rappo, Dominique Dei populus liberatus X x
Gesseney-Rappo, Dominique Le Rondo de Cupidon X x
Gesseney-Rappo, Dominique Missa brevior X x
Gesseney-Rappo, Dominique Tibi Gloria Domine X x
Gesualdo, Carlo Moro lasso X x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Gesualdo, Carlo Non t'amo, o voce ingrata X x
Gesualdo, Carlo Tres sacrae cantiones X x x
Gevaert, François-Joseph Requiem M x
Gevaert, François-Joseph Slumber Song of the Infant Jesus X x x
Gevaert, François-Joseph Davis, Katherine K. Slumber of the Infant Jesus T x
Gevaert, François-Joseph Grayson, Charles Noel, Noel M x
Giannini, Vittorio Canticle of Christmas, A X x
Gibbons, Orlando Almighty and Everlasting God X x x
Gibbons, Orlando Behold thou hast made my days X x
Gibbons, Orlando Cries of London, The X x
Gibbons, Orlando Hosanna to the Son of David X x
Gibbons, Orlando O Lord Increase My Faith X x
Gibbons, Orlando Silver Swan, The X x x x
Gibbons, Orlando This is the record of John X x x x x x
Gibbons, Orlando What is our life? X x
Gilchrist, William Wallace Uplifted Gates, The X x
Gilkyson, Eliza Johnson, Craig Hella Requiem X x
Ginastera, Alberto Lamentaciones del Profeta Jermías, Op. 14 X x
(Lamentations of Jeremiah)
Ginastera, Alberto Lamentations of Jeremiah X x
Ginastera, Alberto Salmo CL, Op. 5 (Psalm 150) CX x
Ginastera, Alberto Turbae ad passionem gregorianam X x
Glanville-Hicks, Peggy Choral Suite W x
Glass, Philip Itaipu X x
Glass, Philip Symphony No. 5 (Requiem, Bardo, and CX x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Gleason, Frederick Grant Culprit Fay, The, Op. 15 X x
Glick, Srul Irving Hour Has Come, The X x
Glick, Srul Irving Sheeru Ladonye sheer chadash (Sing unto the X x
Lord a New Song)
Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich Cherubic Hymn (1837) (Cherubim Song) X x x
Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich Come di gloria al nome X x
Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich Great Litany M x
Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich Let My Prayer Arise X x
Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich Molitva (Prayer) X x
Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich Pleurons, pleurons sur la Russie (Prologue on X x
the Death of Alexander I and the Accession of
Nicholas I)
Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich Velik nas Bog (Our God is Great) X x
Goehr, Alexander Sutter's Gold X x
Goehr, Alexander Two Choruses, Op. 14 X x
Goetze, Mary Fire C x
Goldman, Maurice O Mighty Hand (Dot Nifia) X x
Goldmark, Carl Frühlingsnetz, Op. 15 M x
Goldmark, Carl Meerestille und glückliche Fahrt, Op. 16 M x
Goldschmidt, Adalbert von Die sieben Todsünden X x
Goldsmith, Jerry Christus Apollo X x
Goleminov, Marin Five Christmas Songs W x
Golijov, Osvaldo La pasión según San Marco X x
Gombert, Nicolas Super flumina X x x
Gomes, Antônio Carlos Colombo X x
Gorczycki, Grzegorz G. Bausano, William (ed.) In Virtute Tua X x
Gordon, Mack and Harry Revel Stickles, William Stay as Sweet as You Are M x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Górecki, Henryk Amen X x
Górecki, Henryk Broad Waters X x
Górecki, Henryk Euntes ibant et flebant X x
Górecki, Henryk Miserere X x
Górecki, Henryk Symphony No. 2 (Copernicus) X x
Górecki, Henryk Totus tuus X x
Gore-Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Hagar X x
Gore-Ouseley, Frederick Arthur Martyrdom of St. Polycarp, The X x
Gossec, François Joseph Hymne à l'être Suprême (Hymn to the Supreme X x x
Gossec, François Joseph Requiem (Grande messe des morts) X x x
Gossec, François Joseph Te Deum X x x
Gotovac, Jakov Koleda X x
Gotovac, Jakov Songs of Eternal Sorrow X x
Gotovac, Jakov Songs of Inspiration X x
Gotovac, Jakov Three Choruses for Young Men M x
Gotovac, Jakov Two Songs of Laughter and Wonder X x
Goudimel, Claude Ainsi qu'on oit le cerf bruire X x
Goudimel, Claude Messe Audi filia X x
Goudimel, Claude Psalm XXII (23) - 1 X x
Goudimel, Claude Psalm XXII (23) - 2 X x
Gould, Morton Quotations X x
Gounod, Charles Gallia X x x
Gounod, Charles Hosanna in excelsis X x
Gounod, Charles Je serais enchanté (I Would Be Overjoyed) X x
Gounod, Charles La rédemption X x x x x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Gounod, Charles Mass in C M x
Gounod, Charles Messe chorale (Missa Choralis) X x
Gounod, Charles Messe solennelle de Sainte-Cécile (St. Caecilia X x x x
Gounod, Charles Mors et vita X x x
Gounod, Charles Praise Ye the Father X x
Gounod, Charles Tobias X x
Gounod, Charles Troisième Messe solennelle : de Pâques (Missa X x
Paschalis (Third Solemn Mass, Easter Mass)
Gounod, Charles Cain, Noble O Divine Redeemer X x x
Gounod, Charles Mueller, Carl F. Send Out Thy Light X x
Grabovsky, Leonid Four Ukrainian Songs X x
Graham, Peter Ave regina X x
Graham, Peter Stabat mater X x
Grainger, Percy Sea-Wife, The X x
Grainger, Percy Tiger, Tiger M x
Granados, Enrique Harris, Victor 12 Spanish Dances, Op. 5 T x
Grandi, Alessandro Ave regina coelorum W x
Grandi, Alessandro Plorabo die ac nocti X x
Grau, Alberto Stabat mater X x
Graun, Karl Heinrich Der Tod Jesu X x x
Graun, Karl Heinrich Herr, ich habe lieb die Stätte (Lord, we love the X x
Graun, Karl Heinrich Te Deum X x
Greene, Maurice Lord, let me know mine end X x
Greene, Maurice Song of Deborah and Barak, The X x
Grell, Eduard Die Israeliten in der Wüste X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Grell, Eduard Mass (c. 1861) X x
Grell, Eduard Te Deum laudamus, Op. 38 X x
Gretchaninov, Alexander All-Night Vigil X x
Gretchaninov, Alexander Hail, Thou Gladdening Light X x x
Gretchaninov, Alexander Liturgia domestica X x
Gretchaninov, Alexander Liturgy No. 2 X x
Gretchaninov, Alexander Liturgy No. 4 X x
Gretchaninov, Alexander Missa oecumenica X x
Gretchaninov, Alexander Os Justi X x
Gretchaninov, Alexander Our Father X x
Gretchaninov, Alexander Simeon's Song X x
Gretchaninov, Alexander Strastnaya sedmitsa (Passion Week) X x
Gretchaninov, Alexander Vouchsafe, O Lord X x x
Gretchaninov, Alexander Cain, Noble Cherubim Song, Op. 29 (Cherubic Hymn) X x x
Gretchaninov, Alexander Cain, Noble O Glorious One X x x
Gretchaninov, Alexander Cain, Noble We Praise Thee X x x
Gretchaninov, Alexander Hopson, Hal H. Lord, How Lovely Is Your Dwelling Place X x
Gretchaninov, Alexander Tellep, Leo Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 79 X x x
Grieg, Edvard At a Southern Convent's Gate, Op. 20 W x
Grieg, Edvard Ave maris stella X x
Grieg, Edvard Incidental Music to "Peer Gynt" X x x
Grieg, Edvard Landerkennung, Op. 31 (Landsighting) M x x x
Grieg, Edvard Landerkennung, Op. 31 (Landsighting) X x
Grieg, Edvard Two songs from "Sigurd Jorsalfar," Op. 22 M x
Grieg, Edvard Vier Psalmen, Op. 74 (Four Psalms) X x x
Grieg, Edvard Dryburgh, Margaret Peer Gynt Suite W x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Grieg, Edvard McKinney, Howard D. Sangerhilsen (Brothers, Sing On!, A Greeting to M x x
the Singers)
Grieg, Edvard Pitcher, Gladys Ave, Maris Stella (Hail, O Star; Christmas) M x
Grimm, Julius Otto An die Musik, Op. 12 (The Soul's Aspiration) X x
Gross, Walter Simeone, Harry Tenderly X x
Gruber, Edmund L. Caissons Go Rolling Along, The X x
Gruber, Franz Silent Night C x
Gruber, Franz Conte, David Silent Night X x
Gruber, Franz Puerling, Gene Silent Night X x
Gruenberg, Louis Song of Faith, A X x
Guarnieri, Camargo Ave Maria X x
Guarnieri, Camargo Cantata trágica X x
Guarnieri, Camargo Misa diligite X x
Guarnieri, Camargo Perpetua X x
Guarnieri, Camargo Roda Morena X x
Guarnieri, Camargo Sêca X x
Guarnieri, Camargo Sinfonia No. 5 X x
Guarnieri, Camargo Tim-Tim X x
Guarnieri, Camargo Voce diz que vai embora X x
Gubaidulina, Sofia Allelujah CX x
Gubaidulina, Sofia Aus dem Stundenbuch M x
Gubaidulina, Sofia Aus dem Stundenbuch X x
Gubaidulina, Sofia Jetzt immer Schnee X x
Gubaidulina, Sofia Johannes Passion X x
Guerra, Gratilio Mass in C major X x
Guerra, Gratilio Mass in D major X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Haas, Pavel Al S'fod M x
Haas, Pavel Psalm 29 X x
Haazen, Father Guido Missa Luba X x
Hába, Alois Children's Choruses, Op. 42 C x
Hába, Alois Children's Choruses, Op. 43 C x
Hába, Alois Constitution of 9 May, Op. 64 M x
Hába, Alois For Peace, Op. 68 M x
Hába, Alois Meditation, Op. 66 M x
Hába, Alois Peace, Op. 67 M x
Hába, Alois Three Male Choruses, Op. 65 M x
Hadley, Henry Admiral of the Seas X x
Hadley, Henry Musical Trust, The M x
Hagen, Daron Aric Taliesin: Choruses from the Shining Brow X x
Hahn, Carl Green Cathedral, The T x x
Hahn, Carl Montrose, Geoffrey Green Cathedral X x
Hairston, Jester Elijah Rock X x
Halévy, Jacques-François-Fromental Agnus Dei M x
Halévy, Jacques-François-Fromental Ave verum X x
Halévy, Jacques-François-Fromental Prométhée enchaîné X x
Halévy, Jacques-François-Fromental Sanctus M x
Halffter, Cristóbal Antifona pascual a la virgen "Regina coeli" X x
Halffter, Cristóbal Gaudium et spes X x
Halffter, Cristóbal Misa ducal X x
Halffter, Cristóbal Oración a Platero CX x
Halffter, Cristóbal Two Motets X x
Halffter, Ernesto Canticum in memoriam P. P. Johannem XXIII X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Halffter, Ernesto Gozos de Nuestra Señora X x
Halffter, Rodolfo La nuez C x
Halffter, Rodolfo Pregón para una Pascua pobre X x
Halffter, Rodolfo Tres epitafios (Three Epitaphs) X x
Halldórsson, Skúli Pourquoi pas? M x
Halldórsson, Skúli Pourquoi pas? X x
Hamilton, David Te Deum X x
Hamilton, Iain Cantata X x
Hamilton, Iain Epitaph for This World and Time X x
Hamlisch, Marvin Kerr, Anita One (from A Chorus Line) X x
Hamlisch, Marvin Lojeski, Ed They're Playing Our Song (choral medley) X x
Hamm, Fred, Dave Bennett, Bert Lown, and Simeone, Harry Bye Bye Blues X x
Chauncey Gray
Hammer, Janice On Paper Bridges X x
Hammerschmidt, Andreas Der Tod ist verschlungen (Now Death is X x
Hammerschmidt, Andreas Heilig ist der Herr (Holy Is the Lord) X x
Hammerschmidt, Andreas Woher nehmen wir Brot? (How Then Shall We X x
Find Bread?)
Hammerstein II, Oscar, and Ben Oakland Ringwald, Roy I'll Take Romance X x
Hampton, Keith Praise His Holy Name! X x
Handel, George Frideric Acis and Galatea X x x x x
Handel, George Frideric Alexander Balus X x x x
Handel, George Frideric Alexander's Feast X x x x
Handel, George Frideric Athalia X x x x
Handel, George Frideric Belshazzar X x x x x x
Handel, George Frideric Birthday Ode for Queen Anne X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Handel, George Frideric Blessed are they that considereth the poor X x
(Foundling Hospital Anthem)
Handel, George Frideric Brockes' Passion X x x
Handel, George Frideric Chandos Anthems X x x x x x
Handel, George Frideric Chandos Te Deum, HWV 281 X x
Handel, George Frideric Choice of Hercules, The X x x
Handel, George Frideric Coronation Anthems X x x x x x
Handel, George Frideric Deborah X x x x x
Handel, George Frideric Dettingen Te Deum X x x x x x
Handel, George Frideric Dixit Dominus X x
Handel, George Frideric Esther X x x x x x
Handel, George Frideric Funeral Anthem for Queen Caroline X x x x x
Handel, George Frideric Hercules X x x
Handel, George Frideric Israel in Egypt X x x x x x x x x x
Handel, George Frideric Jephtha X x x x x x
Handel, George Frideric Joseph and His Brethren X x x x
Handel, George Frideric Joshua X x x x x x
Handel, George Frideric Joy to the World X x
Handel, George Frideric La Resurrezione X x x
Handel, George Frideric L'Allegro, ikl pensiero, ed il moderato X x x x x x x
Handel, George Frideric Laudate pueri (Psalm 112) X x
Handel, George Frideric May We Ever Praise the Father X x
Handel, George Frideric Messiah X x x x x x x x x x x x x
Handel, George Frideric O Sing unto the Lord a New Song, HWV 249 a X x
(Psalm 96)
Handel, George Frideric Occasional Oratorio X x x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Handel, George Frideric Ode for St. Cecilia's Day X x x
Handel, George Frideric Rejoice, the Lord is King (On the Resurrection) X x
Handel, George Frideric Samson X x x x x x x x
Handel, George Frideric Saul X x x x x x x x x
Handel, George Frideric Semele X x x x x
Handel, George Frideric Solomon X x x x x x x
Handel, George Frideric St. John Passion X x x
Handel, George Frideric Susannah X x x x x
Handel, George Frideric Te Deum in D (Queen Caroline Te Deum, A X x x x
Canticle of Praise)
Handel, George Frideric Te Deum in A major X x
Handel, George Frideric Theodora X x x x x
Handel, George Frideric Triumph of Time and Truth, The X x x x
Handel, George Frideric Utrecht Te Deum and Jubilate X x x x x x
Handel, George Frideric Wedding Anthem X x
Handel, George Frideric Davison, Archibald T. Judas Maccabeus M x x
Handel, George Frideric Dawe, Charles Deborah M x
Handel, George Frideric Goldsbrough, Arnold Autumn Day, An T x
Handel, George Frideric Helfman, Max Judas Maccabeus X x x x x x x x x
Handel, George Frideric Hopson, Hal H. Jesus, the Christ, Is Risen Today X x
Handel, George Frideric Lefebvre, Channing Dank sei dir, Herr (Thanks Be to Thee) M x
Handl, Jacob Adoramus te, Jesu Christe X x
Handl, Jacob Alleluia. Cantate Domino X x
Handl, Jacob Confirma hoc, Deus M x
Handl, Jacob Dies sanctificatus (Behold, a hallowed day) X x
Handl, Jacob Ecce, quomodo moritur justus X x x x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Handl, Jacob Moralia X x
Handl, Jacob Orietur stella X x
Handl, Jacob Subsannatores, subsannabit Deus X x
Handl, Jacob Aslanian, Vahe O magnum mysterium X x
Handl, Jacob Egbert, Lee (ed.) Three Christmas Motets X x
Handl, Jacob Pinkham, Daniel (ed.) Alleluia X x
Handl, Jacob Walker, Rod (ed.) Kyrie X x
Hanson, Howard Cherubic Hymn, The, Op. 37 X x x x
Hanson, Howard Heroic Elegy, Op. 28 X x
Hanson, Howard How Excellent Thy Name W x
Hanson, Howard How Excellent Thy Name X x
Hanson, Howard Lament for Beowulf, The X x x x x
Hanson, Howard Mystic Trumpeter, The X x
Hanson, Howard Sea Symphony, A X x
Hanson, Howard Song of Democracy, Op. 44 X x x x
Hanson, Howard Song of Human Rights, Op. 49 X x x
Hanson, Howard Three Songs from Drum Taps X x x x x
Hanuš, Jan Earth Is Speaking, The, Op. 8 X x
Hanuš, Jan Ecce homo, Op. 97 X x
Hanuš, Jan Flos florum, Op. 118 X x
Hanuš, Jan Mše Hlaholska, Op. 106 (Glagolitic Mass) X x
Hanuš, Jan Opus spirituale pro juventute, Op. 65 C x
Hanuš, Jan Requiem, Op. 121 X x
Hanuš, Jan Song of Hope (on the Threshold of Tomorrow), X x
Op. 21
Hanuš, Jan Symphony No. 7, Op. 116 (The Keys of the X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Harbison, John Five Songs of Experience X x
Harbison, John Flight into Egypt, The X x
Harlap, Aharon Cain and Abel X x
Harlap, Aharon Fire and the Mountains, The CX x
Harlap, Aharon For Dust You Are, and to Dust You Shall Return X x
Harlap, Aharon My Friend Tintan C x
Harlap, Aharon Shiru Ladonai (O Sing unto the Lord) X x
Harlap, Aharon Still Remembering Names T x
Harlap, Aharon Three Songs X x
Harris, Matthew Shakespeare Songs X x
Harris, Ron Choir Invisible, The X x
Harris, Ross Kia mau te rongo (Live in Peace) X x
Harris, Roy Alleluia X x
Harris, Roy Folk Fantasy for Festivals MXW x
Harris, Roy Freedom's Land M x
Harris, Roy Freedom's Land W x
Harris, Roy Freedom's Land X x
Harris, Roy In This Very Room X x
Harris, Roy Mass in C (for Male Voices and Organ) M x x
Harris, Roy Mi Chomocho X x
Harris, Roy One Small Step X x
Harris, Roy Psalm 150 X x
Harris, Roy Symphony for Voices X x x
Harris, Roy Symphony No. 10 (Abraham Lincoln Symphony) X x
Harris, Roy Symphony No. 4 (Folk song Symphony) X x x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Harris, Roy Three Songs of Democracy X x
Harris, Roy Whitman Triptych, A W x
Harrison, Julius Mass in C X x
Harrison, Julius Requiem Mass X x
Harrison, Lou Easter Cantata X x
Harrison, Lou Four Strict Songs M x x
Harrison, Lou Joyous Procession and a Solemn Procession, A X x
Harrison, Lou La koro sutro X x
Harrison, Lou Mass to Saint Anthony U x
Harrison, Lou Nova odo M x
Hartzell, Eugene Psalm 23 X x
Hasse, Johann Adolph La Conversione di Sant'Agostino X x
Hasse, Johann Adolph Requiem Mass X x
Hasse, Johann Adolph Banner, Martin (ed.) Confitebor Tibi X x
Hassler, Hans Leo Ach, lieb, ich tu dir klagen (Ah, love, to you I'm X x
Hassler, Hans Leo Angelus ad Pastores X x
Hassler, Hans Leo Ave maris stella X x x x
Hassler, Hans Leo Blessed Savior, our Lord Jesus X x x
Hassler, Hans Leo Cantate Domino Canticum Novum (O Sing Unto X x x
the Lord)
Hassler, Hans Leo Christ is Arisen X x
Hassler, Hans Leo Come, Let Us Start a Joyful Song T x
Hassler, Hans Leo Come, Let Us Start a Joyful Song X x
Hassler, Hans Leo Herzlieb zu Dir allein (O, Dearest Love of Mine) X x
Hassler, Hans Leo Komm, Heiliger Geist X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Hassler, Hans Leo Lamb of God X x
Hassler, Hans Leo Laudate Dominum X x x
Hassler, Hans Leo Mass I (Super: Dixit Maria) X x
Hassler, Hans Leo Mass II X x
Hassler, Hans Leo Mass V (Super: Ecce quam bonum) X x
Hassler, Hans Leo Mein G'müth ist mir verwirret (O Haupt voll X x x
Blut und Wunden)
Hassler, Hans Leo Nun fanget an X x
Hassler, Hans Leo O Haupt voll Blut und Wunden X x
Hassler, Hans Leo Quia vidisti me X x
Hassler, Hans Leo Verbum caro factum est X x
Hassler, Hans Leo Hopson, Hal H. Good News Is In the Air X x
Hatfield, Stephen Ka Hia Manu X x
Hatfield, Stephen Las Amarillas T x
Hatfield, Stephen Vus vet zayn T x
Hatton, John Liphot Robin Hood X x
Hawley, William Alleluia, Dies santificatus X x
Hawley, William Two Motets X x
Hawley, William Vita de la mia vita X x
Hayashi, Hikaru Beggar's Song X x
Haydn, Franz Joseph 16th Mass X x
Haydn, Franz Joseph Applausus Cantata X x x
Haydn, Franz Joseph Blest Be the Lord X x x
Haydn, Franz Joseph Der Greis (The Old Man) X x
Haydn, Franz Joseph Die Beredsamkeit (Eloquence) X x
Haydn, Franz Joseph Die Harmonie in der Ehe (O wunderbare X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Harmonie, O Wondrous Harmony)
Haydn, Franz Joseph Die Jahreszeiten (The Seasons) X x x x x x x x x
Haydn, Franz Joseph Die Schöpfung (The Creation) X x x x x x x x x x x x
Haydn, Franz Joseph Die sieben letzten Worte unseres Erlösers am X x x x x
Haydn, Franz Joseph Great and Glorious X x
Haydn, Franz Joseph Holy, Holy, Holy (Sanctus and Hosanna) X x
Haydn, Franz Joseph Il Riotorno di Tobia (The return of Tobias) X x x x x x x
Haydn, Franz Joseph Lord God, in Power and Glory X x x
Haydn, Franz Joseph Madrigal der Sturm (Madrigal: The Tempest) X x
Haydn, Franz Joseph Mare clausum X x
Haydn, Franz Joseph Mass no. 10, Missa in tempore belli (Mass in X x x x x x
Wartime, Paukenmesse)
Haydn, Franz Joseph Mass no. 11, Missa in Anguistiis in D minor, No. X x x x x x x x
9 (Mass in Time of Peril, Nelson Mass, Imperial
Haydn, Franz Joseph Mass No. 12, Mass in B-flat, Theresienmesse, X x x x x
Theresa Mass
Haydn, Franz Joseph Mass No. 13, Mass in B-flat, Schöpfungsmesse, X x x x x x
Creation Mass
Haydn, Franz Joseph Mass No. 14, Mass in B-flat, Wind-band Mass, X x x x x x x
Haydn, Franz Joseph Mass No. 2, Missa Brevis in F major X x x x x x
Haydn, Franz Joseph Mass No. 3, Mass in C major, (Missa Cellensis in X x x x
honorem Beatissimae Virginis Mariae,
Cäcilienmesse, St. Cecilia Mass, Missa Sanctae
Haydn, Franz Joseph Mass No. 5, Mass in C major, (Missa In X x x
honorem Beatissimae Virginis Mariae, Great
Organ Mass)
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Haydn, Franz Joseph Mass No. 6, Mass in G major (St. Nicholas X x x x x
Mass, Missa Sancti Nicolai)
Haydn, Franz Joseph Mass No. 7, Mass in B flat major (Kleine X x x x x
Orgelmesse, Little Organ Mass, Missa Sancti
Joannis de Deo)
Haydn, Franz Joseph Mass No. 8, Mass in C major (Mariazeller X x x x x
Messe, Missa Cellensis)
Haydn, Franz Joseph Mass no. 9, Mass in B-flat, Heiligmesse, Missa X x x x x x x
sancti Bernardi von Offida
Haydn, Franz Joseph Salve Regina in C minor X x x
Haydn, Franz Joseph Sing to the Lord (Gloria in excelsis Deo) X x
Haydn, Franz Joseph Stabat mater X x x
Haydn, Franz Joseph Te Deum in C (1800) X x x x
Haydn, Franz Joseph Thou Art Worthy of Praise X x
Haydn, Franz Joseph Ehret, Walter Kyrie eleison X x
Haydn, Franz Joseph Pindar, Peter Der Sturm (La tempesta, arr. Of Symphony No. X x
Haydn, Franz Joseph Schultz Serenade M x
Haydn, Franz Joseph Vancil, Gregory Aus des Ramlers Lyrischer Blumenlese M x
Haydn, Franz Joseph and Johannes Brahms Tolmadge Chorale: St. Antoni X x
Haydn, Johann Michael Timete Dominum (Sing a New Song) X x
Haydn, Johann Michael Veni Creator Spiritus X x
Haydn, Michael Laudate populi X x
Haydn, Michael Missa brevis X x
Haydn, Michael Missa Sancti Hieronymi (Mass of St. Jerome) X x
Haydn, Michael Requiem Mass X x
Haydn, Michael Sleep in Peace, O Heavenly Child X x
Haydn, Michael Te Deum in D X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Haydn, Michael Timete Dominum (O Fear the Lord) X x
Heiller, Anton Adventmusik T x
Heiller, Anton Drei kleine geistliche Chöre X x
Heiller, Anton Kleine Messe über Zwölftonmodelle X x
Heiller, Anton Missa in nocte T x
Heiller, Anton Missa super "Erhalt uns Herr" T x
Heiller, Anton Mixolydian Mass X x
Heiller, Anton Passionmusik T x
Heiller, Anton Stabat mater X x
Heiller, Anton Tentatio Jesu X x
Heininen, Paavo Autumns, The X x
Helfman, Max Aron ha-qodesh (The Holy Ark) X x
Helfman, Max Di Naye Hagode X x
Helfman, Max Mi Yemalel (Who Can Retell?) X x
Helfman, Max Sh'ma Koleinu X x
Hemberg, Eskil Eighteen Movements X x
Hemberg, Eskil Love X x
Hemberg, Eskil Messa d'oggi X x
Hemberg, Eskil Signposts X x
Henderson, Ruth Watson Missa brevis X x
Hennagin, Michael Family of Man, The X x
Hennagin, Michael Walking on the Green Grass X x
Henry, Roy Gloria In Excelsis M x
Henry, Roy Sanctus M x
Henson, Blake R. My Flight for Heaven X x
Henze, Hans Werner Chor gefangener Trojer X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Henze, Hans Werner Das Floss der "Medusa" CX x
Henze, Hans Werner Fünf Madrigäle X x
Henze, Hans Werner Jephte X x
Henze, Hans Werner Moralities X x
Henze, Hans Werner Muses of Sicily, The X x
Henze, Hans Werner Orpheus Behind the Wire X x
Henze, Hans Werner Symphony No. 9 X x
Heppener, Robert Canti carnascialeschi X x
Herbert, Victor Toyland X x
Herbert, Victor MacLean, Douglas Victor Herbert Favorites M x
Herbert, Victor MacLean, Douglas Victor Herbert Favorites T x
Herbert, Victor MacLean, Douglas Victor Herbert Favorites X x
Hermann, Bernard Moby Dick M x
Herzogenberg, Heinrich von Vier Notturnos, Op. 22 X x
Heyman, Adward and Victor Young Azelton, Phil When I Fall in Love X x
Hill, Alfred Hinemoa X x
Hill, Alfred Mass X x
Hill, Alfred Tawhaki X x
Hill, Jackson Love Is Life X x
Hillborg, Anders mua:aa:yiy::oum X x
Hiller, Ferdinand Die Zerstörungs Jerusalems X x
Hiller, Ferdinand Ich erhebe mein Gemute (Unto Thee I Lift My X x
Hiller, Ferdinand Saul X x
Hilsley, William Missa brevis in festo Nativitatis M x
Hilsley, William Seasons X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Hilsley, William Vervehendes und Bleibendes (Sounds Fading X x
and Sounds Lingering)
Hindemith, Paul (five songs on old texts, for mixed voices 1943) X x
Hindemith, Paul Admonition to Youth to Apply Itself to Music C x
(Advice to Youth)
Hindemith, Paul Apparebit Repentina Dies X x x x
Hindemith, Paul Das Unaufhörliche (The One Perpetual) X x x
Hindemith, Paul Demon of the Gibbet, The M x
Hindemith, Paul Five Choruses for Male Voices M x
Hindemith, Paul Four Songs by German Poets, Op. 43, No. 2 X x
Hindemith, Paul Frau Musica (In Praise of Music) X x
Hindemith, Paul Ite, angeli veloces (Cantique de l'espérance, X x x
Chant de triomphe du roi David, Custos quid de
Hindemith, Paul Messe (Mass) X x x
Hindemith, Paul Six Chansons on poems by Rilke for chorus (six X x x x x
chansons for mixed voices, 1939)
Hindemith, Paul Twelve German Madrigals X x
Hindemith, Paul When Lilacs Last in the Door-Yard Bloom'd: A X x x x x x
Requiem for Those We Love
Hoddinott, Alun Dives and Lazarus X x
Hoddinott, Alun Puer natus X x
Hoddinott, Alun Sinfonia fidei X x
Høffding, Finn Das Eisenbahngleiichnis X x
Hoffman, Stanley Haneirot Halalu X x
Hoffman, Stanley Psalm 117 M x
Hogan, Moses I Am His Child T x
Hoiby, Lee Galileo Galilei, Op. 29 X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Hoiby, Lee Hymn of the Nativity, A X x
Hoiby, Lee Magnificat and Nunc dimittis X x
Hoiby, Lee Where the Music Comes From X x
Holden, Oliver Coronation (hymn tune) X x
Holliger, Heinz Scardanelli Zyklus (Scardanelli Cycle) X x
Holmboe, Vagn Benedic Domino X x
Holmboe, Vagn Dedique cor meum X x
Holmboe, Vagn Expectavimus pacem X x
Holmboe, Vagn Hominis dies X x
Holmboe, Vagn Laudate Dominum X x
Holmboe, Vagn Liber canticorum X x
Holmboe, Vagn Psalm 62 C x
Holmboe, Vagn Requiem C x
Holst, Gustav Ave Maria W x
Holst, Gustav Choral Fantasia X x
Holst, Gustav Choral Hymns from the Rig Veda V x x x x
Holst, Gustav Choral Symphony X x x x
Holst, Gustav Christmas Day X x x x
Holst, Gustav Coming of Christ, The X x x
Holst, Gustav Five Partsongs X x
Holst, Gustav Hymn of Jesus, The, Op. 37 X x x x x x x
Holst, Gustav Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence X x x
Holst, Gustav Nunc dimittis X x
Holst, Gustav Planets, The W x x x x x x
Holst, Gustav Six Choral Folk Songs X x
Holst, Gustav Turn Back, O Man X x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Holst, Gustav Two Psalms X x x x
Holst, Gustav Duey, Philip Heart Worships, The M x
Holst, Gustav Schmidt, Arthur P. Three Old English Carols X x
Homilius, Gottfried August Frohlocket und singet (Be Joyful, Be Joyful) X x
Honegger, Arthur Cantique des cantiques, H. 123 X x
Honegger, Arthur Chant de Libération X x x
Honegger, Arthur Christophe Colomb X x
Honegger, Arthur Hamlet X x
Honegger, Arthur Jeanne d'Arc au bûcher, H. 99 X x x x x x x
Honegger, Arthur Judith, H. 57 A X x x x
Honegger, Arthur La Danse des morts, H. 131 (The Dance of the X x x x x x
Honegger, Arthur Le Roi David, H. 37 A (King David) X x x x x x x x
Honegger, Arthur Les battements du monde X x
Honegger, Arthur Les Cris du monde, H. 77 X x x
Honegger, Arthur Les mille et une nuits X x
Honegger, Arthur Nicolas de Flue, H. 135 CX x
Honegger, Arthur Saint François d'Assise X x
Honegger, Arthur Une Cantate de Noël, H. 202 (A Christmas CX x x x x
Hopkins, James Five American Folk Hymns X x
Hopkins, James From the Realm of the Sea X x
Hopkins, James Rossetti Songs, The X x
Hopkins, James Songs of Eternity X x
Hopkins, Sarah Childers Shining X x
Hopkins, Sarah Honour the Earth as Your Mother T x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Hopkins, Sarah Honour the Earth as Your Mother X x
Hopkins, Sarah Past Life Melodies X x
Hopkins, Sarah Return to Joy W x
Hopkins, Sarah Return to Joy X x
Hopkins, Sarah Two Kyries from the Winds of Heaven W x
Horner, Wilson G. National Consecration Chant X x
Hovhaness, Alan And God Created Great Whales X x x
Hovhaness, Alan Glory to God X x
Hovhaness, Alan In the Beginning Was the Word X x
Hovhaness, Alan Look toward the Sea X x
Hovhaness, Alan Magnificat X x x x
Hovhaness, Alan Make a Joyful Noise X x
Hovhaness, Alan Missa brevis X x
Hovhaness, Alan Psalm 61 X x x
Hovhaness, Alan Simple Mass, A X x
Hovhaness, Alan Thirtieth Ode of Solomon X x x
Hovhaness, Alan Way of Jesus, The X x
Hovhaness, Alan Wind Drum U x
Hovhanesyan, Edgar Sergeyi Antuni X x
Hovhanesyan, Edgar Sergeyi Erebuni X x
Hovhanesyan, Edgar Sergeyi Erku ap' X x
Hovland, Egil Missa vigilate, Op. 59 X x
Hovland, Egil Saul X x
Howells, Herbert Hymnus Paradisi X x x x
Howells, Herbert Kent Yeoman's Wooing Song, A X x
Howells, Herbert Missa Sabrinensis (Severn Mass) X x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Howells, Herbert My Eyes for Beauty Pine X x
Howells, Herbert Sing Lullaby X x
Howells, Herbert Sir Patrick Spens X x
Howells, Herbert Spotless Rose, A X x x x
Howells, Herbert Stabat mater X x
Hristić, Stevan Dubrovaki Rekvijem X x
Hristić, Stevan Jesen (Autumn) X x
Hristić, Stevan Opello X x
Hristić, Stevan Resurrection X x
Hsien Hsin-hai Yellow River Cantata X x
Hsu, Tsang-houei Chu-kuo sung, Op. 11 C x
Hsu, Tsang-houei Ping chi hsing, Op. 8 X x
Hsu, Tsang-houei Tsang hua yin, Op. 13 (Burial Flowers) X x
Huber, Klaus Job 14 X x
Hughes, Robert J. Ain'-a That Good News! X x
Humfrey, Pelham Hear, O Heavens X x
Hummel, Johann Nepomuk Have M x
Hummel, Johann Nepomuk Herauf Gesang X x
Hummel, Johann Nepomuk Kehrt der frohe Tag X x
Hummel, Johann Nepomuk Mass in E Major X x
Hummel, Johann Nepomuk Oh ihr Geliebten T x
Hummel, Johann Nepomuk Te Deum X x
Hummel, Johann Nepomuk Think On Your Friend X x
Hummel, Johann Nepomuk Wir steigen fröhlich X x
Husa, Karel American Te Deum, An X x
Husa, Karel Apotheosis of This Earth X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Husa, Karel Every Day X x
Husa, Karel Three Moravian Songs X x
Ichiyanagi, Toshi Extended Voices X x
Ichiyanagi, Toshi Music for Living Space X x
Ichiyanagi, Toshi Voice Act X x
Idelsohn, Abraham Zevi Jephtah X x
Ifukube, Akira Okhotsk X x
Iglesias Villoud, Hector Concierto universitario X x
Iglesias Villoud, Hector Estampas corales X x
Ikebe, Shin-Ichiro Five Chansons by García Lorca M x
Ikebe, Shin-Ichiro Kusabi W x
Ikenouchi, Tomojirō Koi no omoni (Burden of Love) X x
Iliev, Konstantin Chudnoto choro (The Miraculous Dance) C x
Iliev, Konstantin Septemvri 1923 X x
Indy, Vincent d' La légende de Saint Christophe, Op. 67 (Legend M x
of St. Christopher)
Indy, Vincent d' La vengeance du mari, Op. 105 X x
Indy, Vincent d' Le bouquet du printemps, Op. 93 W x
Indy, Vincent d' Le chant de la cloche, Op. 18 (Song of the Bell) X x
Indy, Vincent d' Le forgeron, Op. 104 X x
Indy, Vincent d' Les trois fileuses, Op. 97 E x
Indy, Vincent d' Pentecosten, Op. 75 U x
Ingalls, Jeremiah New Jerusalem X x
Ingalls, Jeremiah Northfield X x
Ingegneri, Marc'Antonio Decker, Harold A. (ed.) Tenebrae factae sunt X x
Ippolitov-Ivanov, Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich All-Night Vigil X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Ippolitov-Ivanov, Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich Hymn of the Pythagoreans to the Rising Sun X x
Ippolitov-Ivanov, Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich Liturgy X x
Ippolitov-Ivanov, Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich Richardson, Allen L. All-Night Vigil X x
Ippolitov-Ivanov, Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich Wilhousky, Peter J. Bless Ye the Lord T x
Ippolitov-Ivanov, Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich Wilhousky, Peter J. In Solemn Silence X x x
Ireland, John No Greater Love X x
Ireland, John These things shall be X x
Irino, Yoshirō Fuji san (Mount Fuji) M x
Irino, Yoshirō Iwa (Rock) M x
Irino, Yoshirō Oni no yomesan (Devil's Bride) X x
Irino, Yoshirō Three Pieces M x
Irino, Yoshirō Three Pieces W x
Isaac, Heinrich Innsbruck, ich muss dich lassen (O World, I X x
Now Must Leave Thee)
Isaac, Heinrich Missa Carminum X x
Isaac, Heinrich Hopson, Hal H. (ed.) O Bread of Life from Heaven X x
Isaacson, Michael Aspects of a Great Miracle X x
Isaacson, Michael Avinu Malkeinu X x
Isaacson, Michael Hegyon libi X x
Isaacson, Michael Light the Legend (A Song for Chanukah) X x
Isaacson, Michael L'Maaseih V'reisheet--to Recreate the World X x
Isaacson, Michael Nishmat Chayim X x
Isaacson, Michael One More Spring X x
Isaacson, Michael Shir Ari X x
Isaacson, Michael Sim Shalom X x
Ishii, Kan Kareki to taiyō no uta (Song of the Withered X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Tree and the Sun)
Ishii, Kan Ōinaru Akita (Great Akita) X x
Ishii, Kan Otokonoko ga umareta (A Boy Is Born) X x
Ísólfsson, Páll Althing Festival Cantata X x
Ivanoff, Pavlovich McKinney, Howard D. Praise the Name of the Lord M x
Ives, Charles Celestial Country, The X x x x
Ives, Charles Circus Band, The X x x x
Ives, Charles General William Booth Enters into Heaven X x
Ives, Charles Holidays Symphony X x
Ives, Charles Psalm 67 X x x x x
Ives, Charles Psalm 90 X x x
Ives, Charles Serenity X x
Ives, Charles Symphony No. 4 X x
Ives, Charles Three Harvest Home Chorales X x x x x
Jacob, Gordon Brother James' Air (Marosa) X x x
Jacobs, Al Scott, Tom This Is My Country X x
Jacobson, Joshua R. Mi Zeh Y'maleil X x
James, Will Almighty God of Our Fathers X x
James, Will Downing, Kenneth Hear My Prayer T x
Janáček, Leoš 70.000 (Sedmdesát tisíc, Seventy-thousand) M x x
Janáček, Leoš Amarus X x x
Janáček, Leoš Ave Maria (1883) M x
Janáček, Leoš Choral Elegy M x
Janáček, Leoš Elegie na smrt dcery Olgy (Elegy on the Death X x
of Daughter Olga)
Janáček, Leoš Festival Chorus M x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Janáček, Leoš Glagolská mše (Festliche Messe, Glagolitic X x x x
Janáček, Leoš Hospodine pomiluj ny (Lord, Have Mercy) X x x
Janáček, Leoš Hradčanské písničky (Songs of Hradčany) W x
Janáček, Leoš Kantor Halfar M x x
Janáček, Leoš Kašpar Rucký W x
Janáček, Leoš Lord's Prayer, The X x
Janáček, Leoš Maryčka Magdónova M x x
Janáček, Leoš Na Soláni čarták M x
Janáček, Leoš Na Soláni čarták X x
Janáček, Leoš Nursery Rhymes T x
Janáček, Leoš Nursery Rhymes (second version) X x
Janáček, Leoš Potulný šílenec (The Wandering Madman) M x
Janáček, Leoš Říkadla [1] W x
Janáček, Leoš Říkadla [2] X x
Janáček, Leoš Songs of Hradčany T x
Janáček, Leoš Three Male-voice Choruses M x
Janáček, Leoš Věčné Evangelium (Eternal Gospel) X x x
Janáček, Leoš Vlčí stopa (Wolf's Track, The) W x
Janáček, Leoš Zápisník zmizelého (The Diary of One Who W x
Janáček, Leoš Zdrávas Maria (Ave Maria) X x
Janequin, Clément La Chasse (The Chase) X x
Janequin, Clément La Guerre (La Bataille, The War) X x x
Janequin, Clément Le chant de l'alouette X x
Janequin, Clément Le Chant des Oiseaux (Song of the Birds) X x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Janequin, Clément Le cris de Paris (Cries of Paris) X x x
Janequin, Clément Messe La Bataille X x
Janequin, Clément Réveillez vous, Boulongnois X x
Janequin, Clément Hall, William D. Je ne fus jamais si aise X x
Janowsky, Max Avodath Hakodesh X x
Janson, Alfred Nocturne X x
Janson, Alfred Tema X x
Janson, Alfred Voices in a Human Landscape X x
Jansson, Lars Eriksson, Gunnar To the Mothers of Brazil: Salve Regina X x
Jeffers, Ron This We Know X x
Jeney, Zoltán Absolve Domine X x
Jennings, Joseph Mater dolorosa X x
Jeppesen, Knud Four Shakespeare Songs X x
Jergenson, Dale Gloria X x
Jergenson, Dale Lament of Job, The X x
Jermaks, Romualds Missa solemnis X x
Joel, Billy Lojeski, Ed Just the Way You Are X x
Johansson, Bengt Cantata humana X x
Johansson, Bengt Missa sacra X x
Johansson, Bengt Requiem X x
Johansson, Bengt Stabat mater X x
Johansson, Bengt Tomb at Akr Çaar, The X x
Jolivet, André Mass X x
Jomelli, Niccolo Requiem Mass X x
Jongen, Joseph Mass X x
Joplin, Scott Lojeski, Ed Entertainer, The X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Josephson, Jacob Axel Islossningen X x
Josephson, Jacob Axel Quando corpus X x
Josephson, Jacob Axel Sjung, sjung, du underbara sång M x
Josephson, Jacob Axel Stjänklart M x
Josquin Desprez Ave Christe immolate X x
Josquin Desprez Ave Maria, gratia plena X x x
Josquin Desprez De profundis (Psalm CXXIX (30)) X x
Josquin Desprez En non saichant X x
Josquin Desprez In nomine Jesu X x
Josquin Desprez Magnificat quarti toni X x
Josquin Desprez Missa da Beata Virgine X x
Josquin Desprez Missa et ecce terrae motus X x
Josquin Desprez Missa L'Homme armé X x x x
Josquin Desprez Missa Pange lingua X x x
Josquin Desprez Psalm XCII (93) Dominus regnavit (The Lord is X x
Josquin Desprez Stabat mater X x
Joubert, John Choir Invisible, The X x
Joubert, John Four Stations on the Road to Freedom X x
Joubert, John Martyrdom of Saint Alban, The X x
Joubert, John O Lorde, the Maker of Al Thing X x
Joubert, John Pro Pace X x
Joubert, John Raising of Lazarus, The X x
Júnior, Joaquim Casimiro Sansāo, ou A destruciāo dos Philisteus X x
Kabalevsky, Dmitri Narodnye mstiteli, Op. 36 (The People's X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Kabalevsky, Dmitri Requiem for those who died in the war against CX x x
Kadosa, Pál De amore fatali, Op. 31 X x
Kadosa, Pál Opus 24 V x
Kagel, Mauricio Anagrama X x
Kagel, Mauricio Die Frauen W x
Kagel, Mauricio Hallelujah X x
Kagel, Mauricio Palimsestos X x
Kagel, Mauricio Sankt-Bach-Passion X x
Kalinnikov, Vasily Nunc Dimittis X x
Kalinnikov, Vasily Cain, Noble Let All Creatures of God His Praises Sing X x x
Kalinnikov, Vasily Ehret, Walter O Lamb of God X x x
Kalinnikov, Viktor Beatitudes X x
Kalinnikov, Viktor Cherubic Hymn X x
Kalinnikov, Viktor Hymn to the Mother of God X x
Kalniņš, Jānis Shiny Sea, The X x
Kalniņš, Jānis Story of Pikamice, The X x
Kalomiris, Manolis Symphony No. 1 (Of Manliness) X x
Kam, Dennis Two Moves and the Slow Scat X x
Kaminski, Heinrich Drei geistliche Lieder X x
Kaminski, Heinrich Introit and Hymnus X x
Kaminski, Heinrich Magnificat X x x
Kaminski, Heinrich Messe deutsch X x
Kaminski, Heinrich Passion X x
Kaminski, Heinrich Psalm 130 X x
Kaminski, Heinrich Psalm LXIX CX x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Kancheli, Giya Light Sorrow X x
Kantor, Joseph Three Psalms X x
Karayev, Kara Osen (Autumn) X x
Karlen, Robert Dialogue X x
Karlen, Robert Psalm 27 X x
Karmon, Michael Reflections X x
Kasilag, Lucrecia Dularawan X x
Kasilag, Lucrecia Filisiana X x
Kastalsky, Alexander Dmitriyevich Glory! X x
Kastalsky, Alexander Dmitriyevich Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom T x
Kastalsky, Alexander Dmitriyevich Our Father (Otche Nash) W x
Kastalsky, Alexander Dmitriyevich Railway Train, The X x
Kastalsky, Alexander Dmitriyevich Requiem to the Fallen Heroes X x
Kastalsky, Alexander Dmitriyevich Songs to the Motherland X x
Kastalsky, Alexander Dmitriyevich To Lenin: At His Graveside X x x
Kastalsky, Alexander Dmitriyevich To the Proletariat X x
Kastalsky, Alexander Dmitriyevich Year 1905, The X x x
Katscher, Robert When Day Is Done X x
Kayser, Leif Three Songs for Male Chorus M x
Kellam, Ian Now Well May We Mirthës Make X x
Kelterborn, Rudolf Die Flut X x
Kelterborn, Rudolf Kleine Psalmenkantate X x
Kelterborn, Rudolf Tres cantiones sacrae X x
Kern, Jerome Smoke Gets in Your Eyes X x
Kern, Jerome Ringwald, Roy All the Things You Are T x
Kern, Jerome Shaw, Kirby All the Things You Are X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Kern, Jerome Stickles, William Last Time I Saw Paris, The M x
Kern, Jerome Stickles, William Ol' Man River X x
Kern, Jerome Stickles, William Smoke Gets in Your Eyes T x
Kern, Jerome, and Oscar Hammerstein II Warnick, Clay Showboat Medley X x
Kernis, Aaron Jay Garden of Light CX x
Khachaturian, Aram Song of Stalin X x
Khachaturian, Karen Moment in History, A X x
Khaïrat, Abu-Bakr Lamma bada X x
Kim, Byong-kon i am a little church X x
Kim, Byong-kon My Heart is Steadfast T x
Kim, Byong-kon Sunday Hymn, A X x
Kingsley, Gershon Sabbath for Today X x
Kirchhoff, Gottfried How short is our time (New Year cantata) X x
Klein, Gideon Bachuri L'an Tisa T x
Klein, Gideon First Sin, The M x
Klemm, Gustav Forest Hymn T x
Klerk, Albert de Missa Mater Sanctae laetitiae T x
Knab, Armin Löwenzahn (Dandelion) T x
Knecht, Kurt Deus noster refugium T x
Knecht, Kurt Manly Men M x
Knecht, Kurt Michelangelo's On Beauty X x
Knecht, Kurt Rocka My Soul X x
Knussen, Oliver Frammenti da "Chiara" W x
Kocher, Conrad Davis, Katherine K. For the Beauty of the Earth X x
Kodály, Zoltán Bicinia Hungarica C x
Kodály, Zoltán Budavári Te Deum X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Kodály, Zoltán Esti Dal (Evening Song) X x x
Kodály, Zoltán Hymn of Zrinyi X x
Kodály, Zoltán Jesus and the Traders X x
Kodály, Zoltán Kallo X x
Kodály, Zoltán Laudes organi X x
Kodály, Zoltán Magyar mise U x
Kodály, Zoltán Missa brevis X x x x x x
Kodály, Zoltán Pange lingua X x
Kodály, Zoltán Psalmus Hungaricus X x x x x x x x
Kodály, Zoltán Straw Guy, The C x
Kodály, Zoltán Te Deum X x x x x
Kodály, Zoltán Túrót eszik a cigány (See the Gipsies) C x
Kodály, Zoltán Túrót eszik a cigány (See the Gipsies) X x
Koechlin, Charles 3 Poèmes, Op. 18 (Jungle Book cycle) V x
Koechlin, Charles Chant funèbre à la mémoire des jeunes X x
femmes défuntes (Funeral Song in Memory of
Young Women, Requiem), Op. 37
Koechlin, Charles L'Abbaye, Op. 16 (The Abbey) X x
Koechlin, Charles Quinze motets de style archaïque X x
Koechlin, Charles Ten Sacred Choruses in Modal Style X x
Koepke, Alan Dance on My Heart T x
Kohn, Karl Also the Sons X x
Kohn, Karl Madrigal X x
Kohn, Karl Three Descants from Ecclesiastes X x
Kohn, Karl Three Golliard Songs M x
Kohn, Karl What Heaven Confers X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Kokkonen, Joonas Laudatio Domini X x
Kokkonen, Joonas Missa a cappella X x
Kokkonen, Joonas Requiem X x
Komitas Chants of the Sacred Liturgy M x
Komitas Tagher and Alleluias X x
Kompanelsky, Nikolai Divine Liturgy X x
Kopelent, Marek De passione Saint Adalberti Martyris X x
Kopelent, Marek Syllabes mouvementées X x
Kopylov, Alexander Hear My Prayer X x x
Kopylov, Alexander Hymn to the Trinity X x x
Kopylov, Alexander Wilhousky, Peter J. Heavenly Light M x
Kopylov, Alexander Wilhousky, Peter J. Heavenly Light X x
Korngold, Erich Wolfgang Passover Psalm X x
Koshetz, Alexander Violin is Singing in the Street, A T x
Koszewski, Andrzej La espero X x
Koszewski, Andrzej Muzyka fa-re-mi-do-si X x
Kountz, Richard Hasten Swiftly, Hasten Softly X x
Kountz, Richard Sleigh, The X x
Kountz, Richard Baldwin, Ralph L. Sleigh, The T x
Kountz, Richard Campbell-Watson, Frank Song of Man, The (Cantata) X x
Koval, Marian Ėmelian Pugachėv X x
Kox, Hans Chansons cruelles X x
Kox, Hans De kantate van Sint Juttemis M x
Kox, Hans In Those Days X x
Kox, Hans Litania W x
Kox, Hans Requiem for Europe X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Kozlovsky, Alexey Two Suites X x
Kratochwil, Heinz Heimliches Vergnugen X x
Kreek, Cyrillus Estonian Requiem X x
Krein, Alexander U.S.S.R. -- Shock Brigade of the World, The, Op. X x
Krein, Alyexandr Kaddish X x
Kremser, Eduard Biedermann, Edward O Lovely, Holy Night (Christmas) M x
Krenek, Ernst Cantata for Wartime W x
Krenek, Ernst Five Prayers of John Donne W x
Krenek, Ernst Lamentations of Jeremiah the Prophet, The, X x
Op. 93
Krenek, Ernst O Holy Ghost X x
Krenek, Ernst Opus sine nomine, Op. 238 X x
Krenek, Ernst Psalmverse zur Kommunion X x
Krenek, Ernst Santa Fe Time Table, The, Op. 102 X x x
Krenek, Ernst Three Madrigals and Three Motets, Op. 174 C x
Krenek, Ernst Two settings of poems by William Blake, Op. X x
Křížkovský, Pavel Dar za lásku (The Love-gift) M x
Křížkovský, Pavel Hvězdy dvě se z východu (Two Stars from the M x
Křížkovský, Pavel Modlitba Sv. Cyrilla na sotnach (Prayer of Saint M x
Cyril on His Deathbed)
Křížkovský, Pavel Odpadlý od srdca (Divka, Fallen Away from the M x
Heart, Lassie)
Křížkovský, Pavel Odvedeného prosba (The Recruit's Prayer) M x
Křížkovský, Pavel Requiem E x
Křížkovský, Pavel Utonulá (The Drowned Maiden) M x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Křížkovský, Pavel Vyprask (Threshing) M x
Křížkovský, Pavel Zaloba (The Plaint) M x
Křížkovský, Pavel Zatoč ze M x
Kronsteiner, Hermann Kleine Stille Nacht Messe T x
Kronsteiner, Hermann Stille Nacht Messe X x
Kubik, Gail Christmas Set, A X x
Kubik, Gail In Praise of Johnny Appleseed X x
Kubik, Gail Litany and Prayer M x x
Kubik, Gail Magic, Magic, Magic! X x
Kubik, Gail Record of Our Time, A X x x
Kurtág, György Beads X x
Kurtág, György Dance Song C x
Kurtág, György Eight Choruses to Poems by Dezso Tandori, Op. X x
Kurtág, György Korean Cantata X x
Kurtág, György Omaggio a Luigi Nono, Op. 16 X x
Kurtág, György Songs of Despair and Sorrow, Op. 18 X x
Kverno, Trond Corpus Christi Carol X x
Kwiatkowski, Ryszard Prayer of a Blind Somnambulist M x
Kyr, Robert Inner Dawning, The X x
Kyr, Robert Magnificat X x x
Kyr, Robert On the Nature of Creation X x
Kyr, Robert Passion According to Four Evangelists, The X x
Kyr, Robert Symphony No. 9 (The Spirit of Time) X x
Kyr, Robert Three Italian Motets X x
Kyr, Robert Unseen Rain X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Kyr, Robert Watersongs X x
La Montaine, John Lessons of Advent, The X x
La Montaine, John Marshes of Glynn, The X x
La Montaine, John Mass of Nature X x
La Montaine, John Nine Lessons of Christmas, The X x
Laburda, Jiří Glagolitica X x
Laburda, Jiří Metamorphoses X x
Lajtha, László Four Madrigals on Poems of Charles d'Orléans, X x
Op. 29
Lajtha, László Magnificat, Op. 60 W x
Lajtha, László Missa in tono phrygio (Missa in diebus X x
Lajtha, László Missa, Op. 54 X x
Lajtha, László Two Choruses on Poems of Charles d'Orléans, X x
Op. 23
Lalande, Michel Richard de Psalm CIX (110) Dixit Dominus X x x
Lamas, José Angel Populus meus X x
Lamb, Gordon H. Aleatory Psalm X x
Lambert, Constant Rio Grande, The X x x x x x
Lambert, Constant Summer's Last Will and Testament X x x
Landowski, Marcel Cinq chants d'innocence W x
Landowski, Marcel Notes de nuit C x
Landré, Guillaume Piae memoriae pro patria mortuorum X x
Landré, Willem Requiem in memoriam uxoris X x
Lang, Philip J. Yuletide overture: A Fantasy of Christmas X x
Lange, Samuel de Mozes X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Langlais, Jean Mass in Ancient Style X x
Langlais, Jean Messe Solennelle M x
Langlais, Jean Psalm 117 X x
Larsen, Libby Alleluia X x
Larsen, Libby Eleanor Roosevelt X x
Larsen, Libby I Find My Feet Have Further Goals X x
Larsen, Libby Missa Gaia: Mass for the Earth XT x
Larsen, Libby Pluck the Fruit and Taste the Pleasure X x
Larsen, Libby Settling Years, The X x x x
Larsen, Libby Seven Ghosts X x
Larsen, Libby Shepherds All Are Waking, The X x
Larsen, Libby So Blessedly It Sprung X x
Larsen, Libby Song-Dances to the Light C x
Larsen, Libby Three Summer Scenes XW x
Larsson, Lars-Eric Disguised God, The, Op. 24 X x
Larsson, Lars-Eric Missa brevis X x
Lasso, Orlando di Adoramus Te X x x x
Lasso, Orlando di Ave regina coelorum X x x
Lasso, Orlando di Beatus vir (Blest is the man) T x
Lasso, Orlando di Beau le cristal (Fair is the crystal) X x
Lasso, Orlando di Bon jour, mon coeur X x
Lasso, Orlando di Chanson on Dessus le Marche d'Arras X x
Lasso, Orlando di Christe Dei Soboles (Lord Christ, Son of God) X x x
Lasso, Orlando di Christus resurgens X x
Lasso, Orlando di Dessus le marché d'Arras X x
Lasso, Orlando di Domine, exaudi orationem meam (Hear, O X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Lord, Hear My Prayer)
Lasso, Orlando di Exspectans exspectavi X x
Lasso, Orlando di Factus est Dominus X x
Lasso, Orlando di Fuyons tous d'amour le jou X x
Lasso, Orlando di Illumina Ocules Meos X x
Lasso, Orlando di In hora ultima X x x
Lasso, Orlando di Je suis quasi prêt d'enrager X x
Lasso, Orlando di Jubilate Deo X x x
Lasso, Orlando di Magnificat X x x
Lasso, Orlando di Matona mia cara (Matona, Lovely Maiden) X x x
Lasso, Orlando di Missa Puisque j'ay perdu X x x
Lasso, Orlando di O faible esprit X x
Lasso, Orlando di O Occhi, manza mia X x x
Lasso, Orlando di Psalm No. V, Motet 14 X x
Lasso, Orlando di Psalmi Davidis poenitentiales X x
Lasso, Orlando di Quant mon mary vient de dehors (Oh, When X x
My Husband Comes Back Home)
Lasso, Orlando di Quo properas à 10 X x
Lasso, Orlando di Resonet in laudibus (Let Praise Sound from X x
Heav'n on High)
Lasso, Orlando di Salve Regina X x x x
Lasso, Orlando di Scio enim quod Redemptor X x
Lasso, Orlando di Septem psalmi poenitentiales (Psalmen Davidis X x x x
Lasso, Orlando di St. Matthew Passion X x
Lasso, Orlando di Surgens Jesus X x
Lasso, Orlando di Surrexit Pastor Bonus (The Shepherd Has X x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Lasso, Orlando di Te Deum X x
Lasso, Orlando di Tristis est anima mea X x
Lasso, Orlando di Hines, Robert S. Agnus Dei X x
Lasso, Orlando di Lundquist, Matthew Exaudi Deus orationem meam (Hear, O Lord, X x
Hear My Prayer)
Lauber, Anne Jesus Christus X x
Lauber, Anne Requiem X x
Lauridsen, Morten Ave dulcissima Maria M x
Lauridsen, Morten Ave Maria X x x
Lauridsen, Morten Les Chansons des roses X x x x x
Lauridsen, Morten Lux aeterna X x x x x
Lauridsen, Morten Madrigali: Six "Firesongs" on Italian X x x x x
Renaissance Poems
Lauridsen, Morten Mid-Winter Songs X x x x x
Lauridsen, Morten Nocturnes X x
Lauridsen, Morten O magnum mysterium X x x x x
Lauridsen, Morten Ubi caritas et amor X x x
Lavalle, Paul Land of Our Fathers (ode to America) X x
Lazarof, Henri Cantata X x
Lazarof, Henri Canti X x
Lazarof, Henri First Day, The X x
Le Jeune, Claude Dodecacorde (12 Psalms) X x
Le Jeune, Claude D'une coline m'y proumenant X x
Le Jeune, Claude O rôze reyne des fleurs X x
Le Jeune, Claude Revecy venir du printans X x x x x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Leach, Jane Ariadne's Lament T x
Leach, Jane Call of the Dance T x
Leach, Jane O Magna Vasti Creta T x
Leach, Jane Tricky Pan T x
Leach, Jane Windjammer T x
Leavitt, John Ose Shalom (The One Who Makes Peace) X x
Lechner, Leonhard Deutschen Sprüche von Leben und Tod X x
Lechner, Leonhard Historia der Passion und Leidens unsers einigen X x
Erlösers und Seligmachers Jesu Christi
Lee, Dai-Keong Canticle of the Pacific (Pacific Prayer) X x
Lee, Dai-Keong Mele olili (Joyful Songs) X x
Lee, Peggy, and Dave Barbour Ades, Hawley It's a Good Day X x
Leek, Stephen Black Children T x
Leek, Stephen Breakers X x
Leek, Stephen Golai-yali T x
Leek, Stephen Kondalilla X x
Leek, Stephen Kumbargung C x
Leek, Stephen Ngana X x
Leek, Stephen Ngayulyul X x
Leek, Stephen Riawanna A x
Leek, Stephen Tintinara T x
Leek, Stephen Tungaree X x
Leeuw, Tom de Cloudy Forms M x
Leeuw, Tom de Job X x
Leeuw, Tom de Magic of Music, The X x
Leeuw, Tom de Psalm 68 X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Legrant, Guillaume Gloria and Credo X x
Leibowitz, René Grip of the Given, The X x
Leibowitz, René Renegade, The X x
Leighton, Kenneth Columba mea X x
Leighton, Kenneth Hymn of the Nativity, A X x
Leighton, Kenneth Mass X x
Leighton, Kenneth Symphony No. 2 (Sinfonia mistica) X x
Leisring, Volckmar Row, Richard D. O Filii et Filiae XT x
Lendvay, Kamilló Orogensis X x
Lendvay, Kamilló Pro libertate X x
Lendvay, Kamilló Three Male Choruses M x
Lendvay, Kamilló Winter Morning X x
Lenel, Hugo Ludwig Christ Is Arisen X x
Leo, Leonardo Sant'Elena al Calvario (St. Helen at Calvary) X x
León, Argeliers Creador del hombre nuevo X x
Leon, Bayani Mendoza de Legend of the Land X x
Leon, Bayani Mendoza de Los penitentes X x
Leon, Bayani Mendoza de Sisa X x
León, Tania De-Orishas X x
León, Tania Heart of Ours M x
Leonard, Joseph Hayom T'amtzenu X x
Leonard, Joseph May the Words of My Mouth X x
Leoncavallo, Ruggero Inno alla Croce rossa X x
Leoni, Franco Golgotha X x
Leontovich, Mykola Wilhousky, Peter J. Carol of the Bells X x x
Leontovich, Mykola Wilhousky, Peter J. Carol of the Bells (Christmas) T x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Leontovich, Mykola Wilhousky, Peter J. Carol of the Bells (Ukrainian carol; Christmas) M x
Leopoldi, Hermann and Fritz Löhner-Beda Buchenwaldlied M x
Leroux, Philippe Anima Christi X x
Lesemann, Frederick Garden of Proserpine, The X x
Lesemann, Frederick Two Motets X x
Lesemann, Frederick Water in the Boat X x
Leslie, Henry David Daughter of the Isles, The X x
Leslie, Henry David Holyrood X x
Leslie, Henry David Immanuel X x
Leslie, Henry David Jubilate in D X x
Leslie, Henry David Judith X x
Leslie, Henry David Let God Arise X x
Leslie, Henry David Te Deum X x
Letelier-Llona, Alfonso Vitrales de la anunciación T x
Leviev, Milcho Green House, The X x
Levitch, Leon Song of Dreams X x
Levy, Marvin David For the Time Being X x x
Levy, Marvin David Masada X x
Levy, Marvin David Sacred Service X x
Lewandowski, Lewis Deutsche Kedushah X x
Lewandowski, Lewis Psalm 150 (Hallelujah, Praise Ye the Lord) X x
Lewandowski, Lewis Todah W'Simrah (collection includes X x x
Lewkovitch, Bernhard 5 danske mandrigaler, Op. 12 (Five Danish X x
Lewkovitch, Bernhard Apollo's Art X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Lewkovitch, Bernhard Apollo's Art (four English madrigals) X x
Lewkovitch, Bernhard De Lamentatione Jeremiae Prophetae X x
Lewkovitch, Bernhard Five Danish Madrigals, Op. 12 X x
Lewkovitch, Bernhard Improperia X x
Lewkovitch, Bernhard Mass, Op. 10 X x
Lewkovitch, Bernhard Mass, Op. 15 X x
Lewkovitch, Bernhard Stabat mater X x
Lewkovitch, Bernhard Three Motets, Op. 11 X x
Lewkovitch, Bernhard Three Psalms, Op. 9 X x
Lewkovitch, Bernhard Three Songs for Male Chorus M x
Liadov, Anatol Slava, Op. 47 W x
Liadov, Anatol Songs, Op. 50 W x
Lidholm, Ingvar …a riveder le stelle X x
Lidholm, Ingvar Laudi X x
Ligeti, György Aventures X x
Ligeti, György Drei Phantasien nach F. Hölderlin (Three X x
Fantasies after Friedrich Hölderlin)
Ligeti, György Lux aeterna X x
Ligeti, György Morning X x
Ligeti, György Night X x
Ligeti, György Nuovelles Aventures X x
Ligeti, György Requiem X x
Lightfoot, Mary Lynn There Is Sweet Music Here W x
Lilburn, Douglas Song of the Antipodes X x
Lindberg, Nils Requiem X x
Lindberg, Oskar Requiem X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Lindberg, Oskar Skansenkantat X x
Lindberg, Oskar Sommar jag in med blicken fast W x
Lindberg, Oskar Stjarntandning X x
Lipkis, Larry Giunse alfin il momento X x
Lipkis, Larry Prophesies X x
Lipkis, Larry Rise up My Love X x
Lipkis, Larry Seeker, The X x
Lipkis, Larry Songs from a Cookbook X x
Lippman, Sidney Simeone, Harry My Sugar is So Refined X x
Lisicky, Paul Break Out Shouting Joy (Psalm 100) X x
Liszt, Franz An den heiligen Franziskus M x
Liszt, Franz An die Künstler M x
Liszt, Franz Ave maria M x
Liszt, Franz Ave verum corpus X x
Liszt, Franz Chor der Engel (Chorus of Angels from X x
Goethe's Faust)
Liszt, Franz Christus X x x x x x
Liszt, Franz Christus ist geboren M x
Liszt, Franz Christus ist geboren X x
Liszt, Franz Die Glocken des Strassburger Münsters M x
Liszt, Franz Die heilige Cäcile M x
Liszt, Franz Die Legende von der heiligen Elisabeth (The X x x x x x
Legend of St. Elizabeth)
Liszt, Franz Die Seligkeiten X x
Liszt, Franz Faust Symphony M x x
Liszt, Franz Faust, Gretchen, Mephistopheles M x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Liszt, Franz Festalbum X x
Liszt, Franz Festchor zur Enthüllung des Herder-Dankmals M x
in Weimar
Liszt, Franz Granerfestmesse (Gran Festival Mass) X x x x
Liszt, Franz Hungaria X x
Liszt, Franz Inno a Maria Vergine (Hymn to the Virgin X x
Liszt, Franz Krönungsmesse (Hungarian Coronation Mass) X x x x x
Liszt, Franz Les Morts M x
Liszt, Franz Mass of 1848 (Szekszárd Mass) M x x x
Liszt, Franz Missa choralis X x x x x
Liszt, Franz Ossa arida M x
Liszt, Franz Pater noster M x x
Liszt, Franz Psalm 116 M x
Liszt, Franz Psalm 116 X x
Liszt, Franz Psalm 13 X x x
Liszt, Franz Psalm 18 M x
Liszt, Franz Requiem M x x x
Liszt, Franz Stanislaus (unfinished) X x
Liszt, Franz Symphony to Dante's Divina Commedia T x x x
Liszt, Franz Ungarisches Königslied: "Magyar Kiraly-dal" C x
Liszt, Franz Ungarisches Königslied: "Magyar Kiraly-dal" M x
Liszt, Franz Ungarisches Königslied: "Magyar Kiraly-dal" M x
Liszt, Franz Ungarisches Königslied: "Magyar Kiraly-dal" X x
Liszt, Franz Ungarisches Königslied: "Magyar Kiraly-dal" X x
Liszt, Franz Via crucis X x x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Liszt, Franz Zur Säcular-Feier Beethovens X x
Liszt, Franz Reibold, Bruno Preludes to Eternity X x
Livingston, Jay Silver Bells X x
Llaque, Bonifacio Cantada a la Virgen (Pastorala) X x
Lloyd Webber, Andrew Requiem X x
Lloyd, George Symphonic Mass, A X x
Lobo, Elias Álvares Missa de São Paulo de Alcántara X x
Lockwood, Normand Ballad of the North and South, A X x
Lockwood, Normand Birth of Moses, The T x
Lockwood, Normand Carol Fantasy X x x
Lockwood, Normand Child's Christmas in Wales, A C x
Lockwood, Normand Choreographic Cantata X x
Lockwood, Normand Closing Doxology, The X x
Lockwood, Normand Dirge for Two Veterans X x
Lockwood, Normand Donne's Last Sermon X x
Lockwood, Normand Holy Birth, The X x x
Lockwood, Normand Mass for Children and Orchestra C x
Lockwood, Normand Monotone X x x
Lockwood, Normand Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking X x
Lockwood, Normand Prairie X x
Lockwood, Normand Thought of Him I Love C x
Loeffler, Charles Martin Poème mystique CX x
Loeffler, Charles Martin Psalm 137 W x
Loesser, Frank Ades, Hawley Once In Love With Amy X x
Loesser, Frank Hayward, Lou Spring Will Be a Little Late This Year X x
Loesser, Frank and Burton Lane Lapin, Larry I Hear Music X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Lomakin, Gavriil Yakimovich All-Night Vigil X x
Loomer, Diane Ave, maris stella M x
Lorentzen, Bent Two Choral Songs to Ensenberger X x
Lotti, Antonio Adoramus Te (We Adore Thee) X x
Lotti, Antonio Credo in F X x x
Lotti, Antonio Mass VII X x x
Lotti, Antonio Miserere Mei X x x
Lotti, Antonio Missa Brevis in D Minor X x
Lotti, Antonio Requiem Mass X x
Lotti, Antonio Vere Languores Nostros T x
Lotti, Antonio Davison, Archibald T. Credo in F M x
Loudová, Ivana Little Christmas Cantata C x
Loudová, Ivana Little Christmas Cantata X x
Loudová, Ivana Vocal Symphony X x
Lowry, Robert Ellingboe, Bradley How Can I Keep from Singing M x
Lu, Chuan-Sheng Train, The T x
Luboff, Norman Capital Ship, A X x
Luboff, Norman Still, Still, Still X x x
Luboff, Norman When the Saints Go Marching In (spiritual) X x
Lukáš, Zdeněk Requiem X x
Lully, Jean-Baptiste Dies Irae X x
Lully, Jean-Baptiste Miserere X x x
Lully, Jean-Baptiste Plaudate, laetare X x
Lully, Jean-Baptiste Te Deum X x x
Lully, Jean-Baptiste Stone Au clair de la lune X x
Lully, Jean-Baptiste Taylor, Deems Bois Epais (Lonely wood) T x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Luna, Margarita Alleluya X x
Luna, Margarita Amor secreta X x
Luna, Margarita Misa quisqueyana X x
Luna, Margarita Vigilia eterna MX x
Lundquist, Matthew Once in Royal David's City (Finnish folk melody) T x
Luther, Martin Deutsche Messe X x
Luther, Martin Ein' feste Burg X x x x x x
Luther, Martin Caillet, Lucien Ein' feste Burg (A Mighty Fortress Is Our God A) M x
Luther, Martin Caillet, Lucien Ein' feste Burg (A Mighty Fortress Is Our God A) X x
Lutkin, Peter Lord Bless You and Keep You, The X x x x
Lutoslawski, Witold Trè poèmes d'Henri Michaux X x
Lutoslawski, Witold Twenty Polish Christmas Carols T x
Lutyens, Elisabeth Essence of Our Happiness X x
Luvaas, Morten J. Pines of Home X x
Luvaas, Morten J. Pines of Home, The T x
Luzuriaga, Diego El Niño de los Andes (The Child of the Andes) X x
Luzuriaga, Diego Un Nacimiento (A Nativity Scene) X x
Lvov, Aleksei Fyodorovich Hospodi Pomilui (Lord Have Mercy) X x x
Lvov, Aleksei Fyodorovich It is Truly Fitting, No. 3 X x
Lvov, Aleksei Fyodorovich Of the Mystical Supper X x
Lvov, Aleksei Fyodorovich Standing Before the Cross X x
Mabellini, Teodulo Eudosia e Paolo X x
Mabellini, Teodulo ultimo giorno di Gerusalemme X x
MacDowell, Edward College Songs for Male Voices M x
MacDowell, Edward Drei Lieder für vierstimmen Männerchor, Op. M x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
MacDowell, Edward Summer Wind W x x
MacDowell, Edward Three Choruses, Op. 52 M x
MacDowell, Edward Two College Songs W x
MacDowell, Edward Two Northern Songs, Op. 43 X x x
MacDowell, Edward Two Songs from the Thirteenth Century M x
MacDowell, Edward Two Songs, Op. 41 M x
MacDowell, Edward War Song, Op. 6 M x
MacDowell, Edward Witch, The, Op. 5 M x
Maceda, José Ugma-ugma (Structures) X x
Macfarren, George Alexander Christmas X x
Macfarren, George Alexander Introits for the Holy Days and Seasons of the X x
English Church
Macfarren, George Alexander Joseph X x
Macfarren, George Alexander Lady of the Lake, The X x
Macfarren, George Alexander Leonora X x
Macfarren, George Alexander May Day X x
Macfarren, George Alexander Resurrection, The X x
Macfarren, George Alexander Shakespeare Songs for Four Voices X x
Macfarren, George Alexander St. John the Baptist X x
MacGillivray, Allister Calvert, Stuart Song for the Mira T x
Machaut, Guillaume de Messe de Notre Dame (Notre-Dame Mass) X x x x x
Machavariani, Alexei Day of My Motherland, The (My Country's Day) X x x x
MacKenzie, Alexander Campbell Jubilee Ode, A Op. 36 X x
MacKenzie, Alexander Campbell Rose of Sharon, Op. 30 X x x
MacKenzie, Alexander Campbell Seven Partsongs, Op. 8 X x
MacKenzie, Alexander Campbell Story of Sayid, The, Op. 34 X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
MacKenzie, Alexander Campbell Two Toasts for Male Voices M x
MacKenzie, Alexander Campbell Veni creator spiritus, Op. 46 X x
MacMillan, James Quickening CX x x
MacMillan, James Seven Last Words from the Cross X x
MacMillan, James St. John Passion X x
MacMillan, James Strathclyde Motets, The X x
Maconchy, Dame Elizabeth And Death Shall have No Dominion X x
Maddy, Joseph Festival Finale X x x
Maderna, Bruno All the World's a Stage X x
Maderna, Bruno Requiem X x
Maderna, Bruno Three Greek Lyrics X x
Mägi, Ester Kalevipoeg's Journey into Finland X x
Mahler, Gustav Das klagende Lied X x x
Mahler, Gustav Eighth Symphony, Symphony of a Thousand CX x x x x x x
Mahler, Gustav Second Symphony, Resurrection Symphony X x x x x x x
Mahler, Gustav Third Symphony CW x x x x
Maiguashca, Mesías Mouth-Piece, A X x
Makalakiewicz, Jan Adam Symphony No. 2 (O Holy Lord) X x
Makarov, P. Angel vopiyáshe (The Angel Cried Out) X x
Malawski, Artur Gorgon's Island X x
Malawski, Artur Little Choral Suite X x
Malec, Ivo Dodecameron X x
Malengreau, Paul Legend of Saint Augustine, The X x
Malin, Don As Joseph Was a Walking X x
Malipiero, Gian Francesco Missa pro mortuis X x
Malipiero, Riccardo Cantata sacra X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Malotte, Albert Hay Deis, Carl Lord's Prayer, The T x
Malotte, Albert Hay Downing, Kurt Lord's Prayer, The X x
Mamiya, Michio 15 June 1960 X x
Mandel, Johnny Puerling, Gene Shadow of Your Smile, The X x
Mann, Paul and Stephan Weiss Woodchuck Song, The X x
Mantovano, Rossino Lirum bililirum X x
Mäntyjärvi, Jaakko Agnus Dei in combinationibus X x
Mäntyjärvi, Jaakko Alleluia delle pietre dure X x
Mäntyjärvi, Jaakko Ave Maria X x
Mäntyjärvi, Jaakko Canticum Calamitatis Maritimae X x
Mäntyjärvi, Jaakko Deux ballades de François Villon X x
Mäntyjärvi, Jaakko El Hambo X x
Mäntyjärvi, Jaakko Four Shakespeare Songs X x
Mäntyjärvi, Jaakko Kouta X x
Mäntyjärvi, Jaakko More Shakespeare Songs X x
Mäntyjärvi, Jaakko Pseudo-Yoik M x
Mäntyjärvi, Jaakko Pseudo-Yoik T x
Mäntyjärvi, Jaakko Pseudo-Yoik X x
Marbé, Myriam Ritual for the Thirst of the Land X x
Marenzio, Luca Cantantibus Organis X x x
Marenzio, Luca Crudele acerba X x
Marenzio, Luca Dum aurora finem daret (See How Aurora X x
Comes with Brow All Glowing)
Marenzio, Luca Madonna mia gentil X x
Marenzio, Luca Mentre qual viva pietra (While as a stone, yet X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Marenzio, Luca O voi che sospirate a migliore note X x
Marenzio, Luca Scaldava il sol (Warm Was the Sun) X x
Marenzio, Luca S'io parto I' moro X x
Marenzio, Luca Tribus miraculis X x x
Marenzio, Luca Weihnachts Motette X x
Marić, Ljubica Pesme prostora (Songs of Space) X x
Markopoulos, Yannis Liturgy of Orpheus, The X x
Martin, Frank Cantate pour le 1er août X x
Martin, Frank Cantate sur la Nativité X x
Martin, Frank Chansons (1931) W x
Martin, Frank Chansons (1944, 1945) M x
Martin, Frank Five Songs of Ariel X x
Martin, Frank Golgotha X x x x
Martin, Frank In terra pax X x
Martin, Frank Le vin herbé X x
Martin, Frank Les dithyrambes CX x
Martin, Frank Mass X x
Martin, Frank Musique pour le fêtes du Rhône X x
Martin, Frank Mystère de la Natavité (The Mystery of the MX x
Martin, Frank Ode à la musique X x
Martin, Frank Psaumes de Genève CX x
Martin, Frank Requiem X x
Martini, Giovanni Battista Credo M x
Martini, Giovanni Battista Domine, ad adjuvandum me festina X x x
Martini, Giovanni Battista Tickling Trio, The (Vadasi Via di Qua) X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Martinů, Bohuslav Česká Rapsodie (Czech Rhapsody), H. 118 X x
Martinů, Bohuslav Epic of Gilgamesh, The X x
Martinů, Bohuslav Five Czech Madrigals X x
Martinů, Bohuslav Miracles of Mary, The X x
Martinů, Bohuslav Polni Mše (Field Mass) M x x
Martinů, Bohuslav Polni Mše (Field Mass) X x
Martinů, Bohuslav Primrose, The T x
Martinů, Bohuslav Prophecy of Isaiah, The M x
Martinů, Bohuslav Songs of Mary W x
Martinů, Bohuslav Songs of the Uplands V x
Martinů, Bohuslav Špalíček X x
Martinů, Bohuslav Svatební košile (The Spectre's Bride), H. 214 X x
Martinů, Bohuslav Tschechische Madrigale (Madrigals for Six X x
Voices, Czech folk legends)
Martirano, Salvatore O O O O That Shakespearian Rag X x
Marx, Karl Drei gemischten Chöre, Op. 1 X x
Marx, Karl Und endet doch alles mit Frieden X x
Marx, Karl Versöhnender X x
Mason, Lowell Bethany (Nearer My God to Thee) X x
Mason, Lowell From Greenland's Icy Mountains X x
Mason, Lowell Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts X x
Mason, Lowell My Faith looks Up to Thee X x
Mason, Lowell Nearer, My God to Thee X x
Mason, Lowell Olivet X x
Mason, Lowell Rao, Doreen O Music C x
Massenet, Jules La terre promise (The Promised Land) X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Massenet, Jules Marie Magdeleine X x
Mathias, William Ave Rex, Op. 45 X x
Mathias, William Let the People Praise Thee X x
Mathias, William Let the People Praise Thee, O God X x
Mathias, William Lux aeterna X x
Mathias, William Make a Joyful Noise X x
Mathias, William O aula nobilis T x
Mathias, William This Worlde's Joie X x
Matsumora, Teizo Apsaras W x
Matsumora, Teizo Flute of Evil Passions M x
Matsumora, Teizo Hymn to Aurora X x
Matsumora, Teizo Totem Ritual X x
Matthews, David Bones X x
Matthews, David Green X x
Matthews, David Sky X x
Matthews, David Vespers X x
Matthews, Peter Missa Brevis X x
Maw, Nicholas Hymnus X x
Mayr, Johann Simon La Passione X x
McCartney, Paul Liverpool Oratorio X x
McCartney, Paul Standing Stone X x
McCray, James Child Said, A X x
McCray, James Love Is a Blue Star X x
McCray, James Praise Ye the Lord X x
McCray, James Songs of Love X x
McCray, James Sweet Day X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
McDonald, Harl Pioneers, O Pioneers X x
McDonald, Harl Songs of Conquest X x
McElleran, Brock Etude and Pattern X x
McElleran, Brock Etude and Scherzo X x
McEwen, John Scene from "Hellas" W x
McGlynn, Michael Dúlamán M x
McKay, George Frederick Choral Rhapsody X x x
McKay, George Frederick Hymn to America X x
McKay, George Frederick Sing, Heigh Ho! X x
McKinley, William Thomas Deliverance, Amen X x
Mechem, Kirke Barter T x
Mechem, Kirke Choral Variations on American Folk Songs, Op. X x
Mechem, Kirke Island in Space X x
Mechem, Kirke Make a Joyful Noise unto the Lord X x
Mechem, Kirke Seven Joys of Christmas, The X x
Mechem, Kirke Songs of the Slave X x x
Měchura, Leopold Eugen Stedry den (Christmas Eve, The Generous Day) W x
Mediņš, Jānis To Our Lady of Aglona X x
Mellnäs, Arne Aglepta C x
Melngailis, Emīlis Doomsday X x
Melngailis, Emīlis Gently, Slowly X x
Melngailis, Emīlis Midsummer Eve X x
Melngailis, Emīlis Move Gently and Quietly X x
Melngailis, Emīlis Nature and the Soul X x
Melngailis, Emīlis Skylark's Wedding X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Melngailis, Emīlis Sun Is Setting, The X x
Meltzer, Michael Porke Yorash (Why Do You Weep, Girl?) T x
Mendelsohn, Alfred 1907 X x
Mendelssohn, Arnold Deutsche Messe X x
Mendelssohn, Arnold Geistliche Chormusik X x
Mendelssohn, Felix 3 Psalms, Op. 78 X x x x
Mendelssohn, Felix 6 Lieder, Op. 59 X x x x
Mendelssohn, Felix An die Künstler, Op. 68 M x x
Mendelssohn, Felix Athalie, Op. 74 X x
Mendelssohn, Felix Christus, Op. 97 (unfinished) X x x x x
Mendelssohn, Felix Der erste Frühlingstag, Op. 48 X x
Mendelssohn, Felix Die erste Walpurgisnacht, Op. 60 X x x x
Mendelssohn, Felix Drei Moteen für Chor und Solosmmen ohne X x
Begleitung, Op. 69 (Three Motets for Choir)
Mendelssohn, Felix Ehre sei Gott in der Höhe, WoO 26 X x
Mendelssohn, Felix Elias, Op. 70 (Elijah) X x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Mendelssohn, Felix Festgesänge M x x x
Mendelssohn, Felix Heilig, WoO 27 X x x
Mendelssohn, Felix Hör mein Bitten (Hear My Prayer), WoO 15 X x x x
Mendelssohn, Felix Hymne, Op. 96 (Hymn) X x
Mendelssohn, Felix Kirchenmusik, Op. 23 X x
Mendelssohn, Felix Kyrie eleison, WoO 24 X x
Mendelssohn, Felix Lauda Sion, Op. 73 X x x x x
Mendelssohn, Felix Lobgesang, Op. 52 (Hymn of Praise, Symphony X x x x x x x x
No. 2)
Mendelssohn, Felix Loreley, Op. 98 X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Mendelssohn, Felix Opus 39 W x x
Mendelssohn, Felix Opus 50 M x
Mendelssohn, Felix Paulus, Op. 36 (St. Paul) X x x x x x x x x x
Mendelssohn, Felix Psalm 100: Jauchzet dem Herrn, alle Welt, X x x x
WoO 28
Mendelssohn, Felix Psalm 114, Op. 51 M x x
Mendelssohn, Felix Psalm 115, Op. 31 (Non nobis, Domine) X x x
Mendelssohn, Felix Psalm 42, Op. 42 X x x x x
Mendelssohn, Felix Psalm 5, Lord hear the voice M x
Mendelssohn, Felix Psalm 95, Op. 46 X x x x
Mendelssohn, Felix Psalm 98, Op. 91 M x x
Mendelssohn, Felix Responsorium et Hymnus, Op. 121 (Prayer and X x x
Mendelssohn, Felix Sechs zweistimmige Lieder, Op. 63 T x
Mendelssohn, Felix Sechs zweistimmige Lieder, Op. 63 X x
Mendelssohn, Felix Six Anthems, Op. 79 X x x x
Mendelssohn, Felix Six Part-songs, Op. 41 X x x
Mendelssohn, Felix Te Deum, WoO 29 X x
Mendelssohn, Felix Trauer-Gesang: Sahst du ihn X x
herniederschweben in der Morgen, Op. 116
(Funeral Song)
Mendelssohn, Felix Tu es Petrus, Op. 111 X x
Mendelssohn, Felix Two Sacred Choruses for male choir, Op. 115 M x
Mendelssohn, Felix Verleih' uns Frieden X x x
Mendelssohn, Felix Zur Säcularfeier der Buchdruckerkunst M x
(Gutenberg cantata)
Mendelssohn, Felix Treharne, Bryceson Nocturne M x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Mendelssohn, Felix Wilson, Harry R. and Ernest E. Festival Song of Praise X x x
Mendelssohn-Hensel, Fanny Einleitung zu lebenden Bilder X x
Mendelssohn-Hensel, Fanny Gartenlieder, Op. 3 X x
Mendelssohn-Hensel, Fanny Hiob (Job, 1831) X x
Mendelssohn-Hensel, Fanny Lobgesang X x
Mendelssohn-Hensel, Fanny Oratorium nach den Bildern der Bibel X x
Mendelssohn-Hensel, Fanny Zum Fest der heiligen Cäcilia X x
Mendes, Gilberto Beba Coca-Cola X x
Mennin, Peter Cantata de virtute ("The Pied Piper of CX x
Mennin, Peter Christmas Story, The X x x
Mennin, Peter Cycle, The (Symphony No. 4) X x x
Mennin, Peter In the Quiet Night X x x
Mennin, Peter Reflections of Emily C x
Menotti, Gian Carlo Death of the Bishop of Brindisi, The CX x x x
Menotti, Gian Carlo For the Death of Orpheus X x
Menotti, Gian Carlo Jacob's Prayer X x
Menotti, Gian Carlo Landscapes and Remembrances X x
Menotti, Gian Carlo Llama de amor viva X x
Menotti, Gian Carlo Mass for the Contemporary English Liturgy X x
Menotti, Gian Carlo Miracles C x
Menotti, Gian Carlo Missa O Pulchritudo in honorem Sacratissimi X x
Cordis Jesus
Menotti, Gian Carlo Moans, Groans, Cries and Sighs X x
Menotti, Gian Carlo Muero porque no muero X x
Menotti, Gian Carlo My Christmas M x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Menotti, Gian Carlo Song of Hope, A X x
Menotti, Gian Carlo Trial of the Gypsy, The C x
Menotti, Gian Carlo Unicorn, the Gorgon, and the Manticore X x
Mercadente, Saverio Le sette parole di nostre Signore X x
Meserón, Juan Francisco Miserere X x
Messiaen, Olivier Choeurs pour une Jeanne d'Arc X x
Messiaen, Olivier Cinq rechants X x x
Messiaen, Olivier La Transfiguration de Notre Seigneur Jésus- X x
Messiaen, Olivier Mass (unpublished) W x
Messiaen, Olivier O sacrum convivium! X x
Messiaen, Olivier Trois petites liturgies de la Présence Divine T x x
Meyer, Joseph and Roger Wolfe Kahn Bretton, Ellis Crazy Rhythm T x
Meyerbeer, Giacomo Gott und die Natur X x
Meyerbeer, Giacomo Pater Noster X x
Meyerbeer, Giacomo Psalm 51 X x
Meyerbeer, Giacomo seven Geistliche Oden von Klopstock X x
Meyerbeer, Giacomo Stabat Mater (unpublished) X x
Meyerbeer, Giacomo Te Deum X x
Mignone, Francisco Cantiga de ninar T x
Mignone, Francisco Cataretê X x
Migot, Georges Cantate de la vie meilleure X x
Migot, Georges De Christo X x
Migot, Georges Du ciel et de mer X x
Migot, Georges La Mise au Tombeau (The Entombment) X x x
Migot, Georges La Nativité de Notre Seigneur (The Nativity of X x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Our Lord)
Migot, Georges La Passion (The Passion) X x x
Migot, Georges La Résurrection (The Resurrection) X x
Migot, Georges La sulamite X x
Migot, Georges L'Annonciation (Annunciation) X x x
Migot, Georges Le petit évangéliaire (The Little Gospel) X x
Migot, Georges Le sermon sur la montagne X x
Migot, Georges Le sermon sur la montagne (The Sermon on the X x
Migot, Georges Psaume 118 X x
Migot, Georges Requiem X x x
Migot, Georges Saint Germain d'Auxerre X x
Miles, Captain A. h. and Charles A. Anchors Aweigh X x
Milhaud, Darius 3 Psaumes de David, Op. 339 (Three Psalms of X x
Milhaud, Darius Ani maamin X x
Milhaud, Darius Cantate de la guerre (War Cantata) X x x
Milhaud, Darius Cantate de la paix X x
Milhaud, Darius Cantate pour louer le Seigneur (In Praise of the CX x x x
Milhaud, Darius Cantique du Rhône X x x
Milhaud, Darius Château du Feu, Le X x
Milhaud, Darius Les Amours de Ronsard X x x
Milhaud, Darius Les Choéphores (The Libation Bearers) X x x
Milhaud, Darius Les Deux Cités X x x
Milhaud, Darius Les miracles de la foi, Op. 314 (Miracles of X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Milhaud, Darius Les momies d'Égypte X x
Milhaud, Darius Naissance de Vénus (The Birth of Venus) X x x x
Milhaud, Darius Pacem in terris X x
Milhaud, Darius Pan et Syrinx, Op. 130 X x x x
Milhaud, Darius Service Sacrée X x x
Milhaud, Darius Symphony No. 3 (Te Deum) X x
Millard, Harrison New National Ode: The Flag of the Free X x
Milner, Anthony City of Desolation, The X x
Milner, Anthony St. Francis, Op. 8 X x
Milojević, Miloje Pir iluzije (The Feast of Illusion) X x
Mindel, Meir Maya Prophecy, A X x
Miskinis, Vytautas Pater noster X x
Moe, Daniel Glory of This Day, The X x
Moeran, E. J. Nocturne X x
Moeran, E. J. Phyllida and Corydon X x
Moeran, E. J. Songs of Springtime X x
Moevs, Robert Brief Mass, A X x
Mokranjac, Stevan Divine Liturgy of Saint John Crysostom X x
Mokranjac, Stevan Glorification of Saint Sava, The X x
Mokranjac, Stevan Glorification of Saint Sava, The (1893 version) M x
Mokranjac, Stevan Ivkova slava X x
Mokranjac, Stevan Rukoveti (Folk Melodies) X x
Möller, Freidrich W. Swift, Frederic Fay Cuckoo Cries, The M x
Möller, Freidrich W. Swift, Frederic Fay Cuckoo Cries, The T x
Mollicone, Henry Christmas Celebration, A X x
Mollicone, Henry Send Forth, O God, Thy Light and Truth X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Mollicone, Henry When the Stars Are Gone X x
Montani, Nicola A. Ave Maria M x
Montani, Nicola A. Ave Maria T x
Montani, Nicola A. Lovely Babe X x
Montero, José Angel Oficios de difuntos X x
Monteverdi, Claudio A un giro sol X x
Monteverdi, Claudio Anima mia perdona X x
Monteverdi, Claudio As from the Earth a Flower Grows T x
Monteverdi, Claudio Beatus vir (Psalm 112) X x
Monteverdi, Claudio Chiome d'oro T x
Monteverdi, Claudio Ecco Mormorar l'Onde (2nd book of madrigals) X x x
Monteverdi, Claudio Hor che'l ciel e la terra X x
Monteverdi, Claudio If I Should Part from You X x
Monteverdi, Claudio Il Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda X x
Monteverdi, Claudio Laetatus sum X x x x
Monteverdi, Claudio Lamento d'Arianna (Lasciate mi morire) X x x x
Monteverdi, Claudio Lamento della Ninfa X x
Monteverdi, Claudio Lasciatemi morire X x
Monteverdi, Claudio Mass (1610) (In illo tempore) X x x x
Monteverdi, Claudio Mass (1641) (in Selva morale e spirituale) X x x
Monteverdi, Claudio Mass (1651) (G minor) X x x
Monteverdi, Claudio Non si levava ancor X x
Monteverdi, Claudio Ohime' se tanto amate X x
Monteverdi, Claudio Sestina: Lagrime d'amante al sepolcro X x x
Monteverdi, Claudio Sfogava con le stele X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Monteverdi, Claudio Vespro della Beata Vergine (1610 Vespers) X x x x x x x x x
Moore, Douglas Prayer for United Nations X x
Morales, Cristóbal de Emendemus in melius X x x
Morales, Cristóbal de Salva Nos, Stella Maris (Save Us, Star of the X x
Morales, Melesio Misa de gloria X x
Moreno, Segundo Ave Maria X x
Moreno, Segundo Cuatro marchas triunfales X x
Moreno, Segundo La empancipación X x
Moreno, Segundo Stabat mater X x
Morley, Thomas April is in my Mistress' Face X x x x
Morley, Thomas Fire, Fire X x
Morley, Thomas My Bonny Lass She Smileth X x x
Morley, Thomas Now Is the Month of Maying X x x x
Morley, Thomas Out of the Deep X x
Morley, Thomas Sing We and Chaunt It X x x x
Morley, Thomas Tis the Time of Yuletide Glee X x
Morley, Thomas Greyson, Norman Agnus Dei X x x
Mortensen, Otto Det var en lordag uften X x
Mortensen, Otto Seven Choir Songs X x
Morton, Graeme Spotless Rose, A X x
Mouton, Jean Ave Maria X x x
Moyzes, Alexander Instead of a Wreath X x
Moyzes, Alexander Santa Helena X x
Moyzes, Alexander Whose Organ Is Playing, Op. 37 X x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Adoramus te X x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Ave verum corpus, K. 618 X x x x x x x x x x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Benedictus sit Deus, K. 117 X x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus C minor Mass, K. 427 (417 a) of 1782-83 X x x x x x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Coronation Mass, K. 317 1779 X x x x x x x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Credo Mass, K. 257 (Mass in C) X x x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Davidde penitente, K. 469 X x x x x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Die Zufriedenheit (Contentment) X x x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Dixit et Magnificat, K. 193 X x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Farmer's wife lost her cat, K. Anh. 188 X x x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Freut euch. Freut euch (O Be Joyful!) X x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus God is Our Refuge, K. 20 X x x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Graduale--Sancta Maria, KV 273 X x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Jubilate Deo X x x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Justum deduxit Dominus (Lord, God Has Led X x
the Righteous Man)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Kyrie, K. 341 X x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Litaniae de Venerabili Altaris Sacramento in E X x x x
flat, K. 243
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Litaniae Lauretanae in D, K. 195 X x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Litaniae, K. 109 X x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Litaniae, K. 125 X x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mass "Organ-solo", K. 259 X x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mass in C minor, K. 139 X x x x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Misericordias offertorium de tempore X x x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Missa Brevis in B-flat, K. 275 X x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Missa Brevis in C, K. 220 (Spatzenmesse, X x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Sparrow Mass)
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Missa brevis in D, K. 194 X x x x x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Missa brevis K. 192 X x x x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Missa brevis K. 49 X x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Missa brevis K. 65 X x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Nascoso è il mio sol (canon) E x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Office of Vespers, K. 321 of 1779 (Vesperae de X x x x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Office of Vespers, K. 339 of 1780 (Vesperae de X x x x x x x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Pater Dominicus Mass in C major, K. 66 of 1769 X x x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Regina coeli, K. 276 X x x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Requiem Mass, K. 626 X x x x x x x x x x x x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Spaur Mass, K. 258 X x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Trinitatis Mass in C major, K. 167 of 1773 X x x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Veni Sancte Spiritus, K. 47 X x x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Wiegenlied (Lullaby) X x x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Ehret, Walter Requiem X x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Gold, Ernest Männer suchen stets zu naschen (A Warning) X x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Heinrich Today with Loud Rejoicing M x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Heinrich Today with Loud Rejoicing T x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Hilton, Arthur Bless the Lord for Ever and Ever X x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Landon, H. C. Robbins Kyrie, K. 341 X x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Riegger, Wallingford Exsultate, jubilate, K. 165 X x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Rosenberg, Earl Exsultate, jubilate, K. 165 X x x
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Tolmadge Te Deum (Hymn of Praise) X x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Mueller, Carl F. Create in Me X x
Mul, Jan Pater noster X x
Mulder, Ernest Willem Requiem X x
Mulder, Ernest Willem Stabat mater X x
Mulholland, James Four Robert Burns Ballads X x
Mulholland, James Heart We Will Forget Him T x
Mulholland, James Songs of Naiveté T x
Müller, Wenzel "Mozart's" Twelfth Mass X x
Mundy, John Heigh ho! 'chill go to plough no more X x
Musgrave, Thea Five Ages of Man, The X x x
Musgrave, Thea Four Madrigals X x
Musgrave, Thea Memento creatoris X x
Musgrave, Thea Phoenix and the Turtle, The X x
Musgrave, Thea Rorate coeli X x x
Mussorgsky, Modest Destruction of Sennacherib, The X x x x
Mussorgsky, Modest Five Russian Folk Songs M x x
Mussorgsky, Modest Jesus Nevin (Joshua) X x x x
Mussorgsky, Modest Shamil's March M x
Mussorgsky, Modest Three Vocalises W x
Myaskovsky, Nikolai Kirov is With Us, Op. 61 X x
Myddleton, William H. High, Freeman Down South X x
Nanino, Giovanni Maria Hodie nobis coelorum rex X x
Nanino, Giovanni Maria Scoprirò l'ardor mio X x
Nares, James Young, Percy M. (ed.) Call to Remembrance X x
Naujalis, Juozas Mass in C Minor X x
Naumbourg, Samuel Zemriot Israel X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Naylor, Bernard Annunciation According to Saint Luke, The X x
Naylor, Bernard Nine Motets X x
Naylor, Bernard Stabat mater X x
Naylor, Bernard Three Sacred Pieces X x
Nees, Vic Five Sacred Motets X x
Nees, Vic Stabat mater X x
Negrea, Marţian Album for Children's Choir, Op. 11 C x
Negrea, Marţian Album for mixed, Op. 10 X x
Negrea, Marţian Requiem, Op. 25 X x
Nelhybel, Václav Estampie natalis X x
Nelson, Ron Christmas Story, The X x
Nelson, Ron God Bring Thy Sword X x
Nelson, Ron, Samuel Miller What Is Man? X x
Nepomuceno, Alberto As Uyaras W x
Nepomuceno, Alberto As Uyaras X x x
Nepomuceno, Alberto Maria mater gratiae X x
Nepomuceno, Alberto Mass X x
Nepomuceno, Alberto Nonetto X x
Nepomuceno, Alberto O salutaris hostia X x
Nielsen, Carl Aladdin X x
Nielsen, Carl Cantata for the Fiftieth Anniversary of the X x
Danish Cremation Union
Nielsen, Carl Hymnus amoris, Op. 12 X x
Nielsen, Carl Saul and David X x
Nielsen, Carl Sleep, Op. 18 X x
Nielsen, Carl Springtime in Funen, Op. 42 X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Nielsen, Carl Three Motets, Op. 55 X x
Nietzsche, Friedrich Hymne an das Leben X x
Nietzsche, Friedrich Hymne an die Freundschaft X x
Nietzsche, Friedrich Weihnachts Oratorium X x
Nikolsky, Alexander Gnotov, Eugene Clear and Calm Was the Holy Night X x
Niles, John Jacob Gambler's Lament, The M x
Niles, John Jacob Horton, Lewis Henry I Wonder As I wander X x
Niles, John Jacob Ross, Hugh Go 'Way from My Window T x
Niles, John Jacob Warrell, Arthur Jesus, Jesus, Rest Your Head X x
Nilsson, Bo Ayiasma X x
Nilsson, Bo Nazm X x
Nilsson, Bo Vi Kommer att Traffas I Morgan X x
Nin-Culmell, Joaquín Dedication Mass X x
Nin-Culmell, Joaquín Three Traditional Cuban Songs X x
Noble, Ramón La Misa en Méxiico X x
Noble, Thomas Tertius Go to Dark Gethsemane X x
Nobutoki, Kiyoshi Kaidō tōsei (Along the Coast, Conquer the East) X x
Nobutoki, Kiyoshi Kora, o omou uta (Songs Recalling Children) X x
Nobutoki, Kiyoshi Nyonin waka renkyoku (Waka Poems by X x
Women Poets)
Nobutoki, Kiyoshi Omoide (Remembrances) X x
Nolte, Ewald Y. Mary's Lullaby X x
Nono, Luigi Cori di Didone X x
Nono, Luigi Epitaffio per Federico Lorca X x
Nono, Luigi Il Canto sospeso (The Suspended Song) X x x
Nono, Luigi La terra e la compagna X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Nono, Luigi Prometeo, tragedia dell'ascolto X x
Nono, Luigi Y entonces comprendió X x
Nordgren, Pehr Henrik Agnus Dei X x
Nordheim, Arne Éco CX x
Nordheim, Arne Wirkliches Wald X x
Nordraak, Rikard Ja, vi elsker dette landet M x
Nørgård, Per Babel X x
Nørgård, Per Dommen (The Judgment) X x
Nørgård, Per It Happened in Those Days C x
Nørgård, Per It Happened in Those Days X x
Nørgård, Per Og der skal ikke mere gives tid (And Time Shall X x
Be No More)
Nørgård, Per Three Motets X x
Nørgård, Per Wie ein Kind X x
Nørholm, Ib Kenotafium, Op. 23 X x
Nørholm, Ib Light and Praise, Op. 55 X x
Nørholm, Ib Songs, Op. 59 E x
Novák, Vitězslav Spectre's Bride, The, Op. 48 X x
Novák, Vitězslav Storm, The, Op. 42 X x
Nowakowsky, David Adonai Z'charanu X x
Nowakowsky, David Closing Service for Yom Kippur (Ne'ilah) X x
Nowakowsky, David Preliminary Service and Evening Prayer for X x
Sabbath Eve
Nowakowsky, David Psalm 115 X x
Nunes, Emanuel Minnesang X x
Nunes, Emanuel Voyage du corps X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Nuñez, Francisco J. What Grandpa Told the Children U x
Nygard, Carl J. May You Be Led by the Highest Star X x
Nystedt, Knut All the Ways of a Man X x
Nystedt, Knut Burnt Sacrifice, The, Op. 36 X x
Nystedt, Knut De profundis, Op. 54 X x
Nystedt, Knut If You Receive My Words X x
Nystedt, Knut Lucis Creator optime, Op. 58 X x
Nystedt, Knut Path of the Just, The X x
Nystedt, Knut Praise to God X x
Nystedt, Knut Suoni, Op. 62 W x
Obradović, Aleksandar Little Choral Suite X x
Obrecht, Jacob Missa Rosa playsant X x
Obrecht, Jacob Missa Sub tuum praesidium X x
Obrecht, Jacob Missa super Maria zart X x
Obrecht, Jacob Passion Domini nostri Iesu Christi: secundum X x
Matthaeum (Passion)
Obrecht, Jacob Pater noster X x
Ockeghem, Johannes Deo gratis X x
Ockeghem, Johannes Missa Mi-mi X x x
Ockeghem, Johannes Missa pro defunctis X x
Ockeghem, Johannes Missa prolationum X x
Ohana, Maurice Avoaha X x
Ohana, Maurice Cantigas X x
Ohana, Maurice Dies solis X x
Ohana, Maurice Lux noctis X x
Ohana, Maurice Lys de Madrigaux W x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Ohana, Maurice Swan Song X x
O'Hara, Geoffrey One World T x
O'Hara, Geoffrey Wilson, Harry R. One World M x
O'Hara, Geoffrey Wilson, Harry R. One World X x
Okelo, Anthony Missa Maleng X x
Okelo, Anthony Missa Mayot X x
Okelo, Anthony Samuel X x
Ōki, Masao Ningen o kaese (Restore Humanity) X x
Ōki, Masao Shinano ji (Shinano Way) X x
Olah, Tiberiu Galaxy of Man, The X x
Oliveros, Pauline In Memoriam Mr. Whitney X x
Olson, Robert Alleluia, Glorious is Thy Name X x
Olsson, Otto Six Latin Hymns, Op. 40 X x
Olsson, Otto Te Deum, Op. 26 X x
Orbán, György Daemon irrepit callidus X x x
Orbón, Julián Crucifixus X x
Orbón, Julián Liturgia de tres días X x
Orff, Carl Carmina Burana (Songs of Beuern) CX x x x x x x x x
Orff, Carl Catulli Carmina (Songs of Catullus) X x x x x x
Orff, Carl Die Sänger der Vorwelt X x
Orff, Carl Nänie und Dithyrambe X x
Orff, Carl Stücke X x
Orff, Carl Trionfo di Afrodite (The Triumph of Aphrodite) X x x x x x
Orrego-Salas, Juan Days of God, The X x
Orrego-Salas, Juan Missa in tempore discordiae X x
Osborne, Charles D. Sephardic Havdallah X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Pablo, Luis de Yo lo vi X x
Pachelbel, Johann Der Herr ist König (The Lord God Reigneth) X x x
Pachelbel, Johann Deus in adjutorium X x
Pachelbel, Johann Jauchzet dem Herrn (Sing Ye to the Lord) X x x
Pachelbel, Johann Magnificat in C X x x
Pacius, Frederik Vårt land X x
Paine, John Knowles Centennial Hymn X x x
Paine, John Knowles Columbus March and Hymn X x
Paine, John Knowles Hymn of the West X x
Paine, John Knowles Mass in D, Op. 10 X x x
Paine, John Knowles Nativity, The, Op. 38/rev Op. 39 X x
Paine, John Knowles Oedipus tyrannus incidental music, Op. 35 M x x
Paine, John Knowles Phoebus, Arise M x
Paine, John Knowles Realm of Fancy, The X x
Paine, John Knowles St. Peter, Op. 20 X x
Pajaro, Eliseo Himig pilipino X x
Palacios, Rafael Mass X x
Palacios, Rafael Stabat mater X x
Palestrina, Giovanni da Adjuro vos X x
Palestrina, Giovanni da Adoramus te Christi X x x x
Palestrina, Giovanni da Alma Redemptoris X x x
Palestrina, Giovanni da Assumpta est Maria X x
Palestrina, Giovanni da Ave Maria, gratia plena X x
Palestrina, Giovanni da Corporis Mysterium (Sacrament of Priceless X x x
Palestrina, Giovanni da Dies sanctificatus X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Palestrina, Giovanni da Dum complerentur dies pentecostes X x
Palestrina, Giovanni da Dunque divin Spiracolo (Come, Then, O Holy X x
Breath of God)
Palestrina, Giovanni da Exaltabo Te, Domine X x x
Palestrina, Giovanni da Exultate Deo (Sing and Praise Jehovah) X x x
Palestrina, Giovanni da Gloria Patri (Glory to God) X x x
Palestrina, Giovanni da Magnificat X x
Palestrina, Giovanni da Missa Aeterna Christi munera X x x
Palestrina, Giovanni da Missa Assumpta est Maria X x
Palestrina, Giovanni da Missa Brevis X x x x x
Palestrina, Giovanni da Missa Ecce Sacerdos magna X x
Palestrina, Giovanni da Missa Iste Confessor X x
Palestrina, Giovanni da Missa L'Homme armé X x x
Palestrina, Giovanni da Missa Papae Marcelli X x x x x x x x
Palestrina, Giovanni da Missa Tu es Petrus X x x
Palestrina, Giovanni da Missa Ut re mi X x x
Palestrina, Giovanni da Missa Veni Creator X x
Palestrina, Giovanni da Missa Veni Sponsa Christe X x x
Palestrina, Giovanni da O Bone Jesu M x
Palestrina, Giovanni da O Bone Jesu (O Blesses Jesus) X x x
Palestrina, Giovanni da O magnum mysterium X x
Palestrina, Giovanni da Pater Noster X x
Palestrina, Giovanni da Sicut cervus (Like as the hart, Like as a deer) X x x x x
Palestrina, Giovanni da Sicut cervus desiderat (prima pars), Sitivit X x
anima mea (secunda pars)
Palestrina, Giovanni da Stabat mater X x x x x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Palestrina, Giovanni da Surge illuminare X x
Palestrina, Giovanni da These are My Heartfelt Tears (Madrigal) X x x
Palestrina, Giovanni da Tu es petrus X x x
Palestrina, Giovanni da Veni sponsa Christi X x
Palestrina, Giovanni da Greyson, Norman Adoramus Te M x
Palestrina, Giovanni da Lundquist, Matthew Praise be to Thee X x
Paliashvili, Zakhary Festival Cantata X x
Pallavicino, Benedetto Misero te X x
Palmer, Robert Abraham Lincoln Walks at Midnight X x
Panchenko, Semyon Liturgy X x
Panchenko, Semyon Liturgy of Pre-Sanctified Gifts X x
Panchenko, Semyon Panikhida (Funeral Service) X x
Panchenko, Semyon Vigil X x
Panchenko, Semyon Wedding Service X x
Paniagua, Raul Misa X x
Panufnik, Roxanna Westminster Mass X x
Papaioannou, Yannis Daphnis and Chloe X x
Papaioannou, Yannis Funeral of Sarpedon, The X x
Papaioannou, Yannis Songs of the Night W x
Papaioannou, Yannis Trihelikton X x
Papandopulo, Boris Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ, The M x
Park, Jung-sun Inchon Mass X x
Parker, Horatio Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind, Op. 14 M x
Parker, Horatio Dream of Mary, The X x
Parker, Horatio Hora novissima, Op. 30 (The latest hour) X x x x x x
Parker, Horatio Hymnos Andron X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Parker, Horatio King Gorm the Grim X x
Parker, Horatio Legend of St. Christopher, The X x
Parker, Horatio Morven and the Grail X x x
Parker, Horatio School Songs X x
Parker, Horatio Seven Greek Pastoral Scenes, Op. 74 W x x
Parker, Horatio Two Part-songs, Op. 27 T x
Parker, Horatio Wanderer's Psalm, Op. 50 (Cantus Peregrinus) X x
Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings Hear My Words, Ye People X x
Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings I Was Glad X x x
Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings Jerusalem C x x
Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings Job X x
Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings Judith X x x
Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings Ode at a Solemn Music: "Blest Pair of Sirens" X x x x
Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings Ode to Music X x
Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings Ode to the Nativity, An X x x
Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings Scenes from Shelley's "Prometheus Unbound" X x x
Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings Songs of Farewell X x x x
Parsch, Arnošt Welcoming the Spring X x
Parsch, Arnošt, Miloš Štědroň Red Sun Rose Once X x
Pärt, Arvo And One of the Pharisees X x
Pärt, Arvo Berliner Messe X x
Pärt, Arvo Bogoróditse Djévo X x
Pärt, Arvo Credo X x
Pärt, Arvo De profundis M x
Pärt, Arvo De profundis X x
Pärt, Arvo I Am the True Vine X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Pärt, Arvo Magnificat X x
Pärt, Arvo Saint John Passion X x
Pärt, Arvo Solfeggio X x
Pärt, Arvo Te Deum X x
Pärt, Arvo Tribute to Caesar X x
Pärt, Arvo Woman with the Alabaster Box, The X x
Partos, Oedoen Cantata X x
Partos, Oedoen Rabat tsraruni (Many Times They Have X x
Afflicted Me)
Partos, Oedoen Six Songs X x
Pasatieri, Thomas Mass X x
Pasatieri, Thomas Permit Me Voyage X x
Pascanu, Alexandru Chindia X x
Passerau, Pierre Il est bel et bon X x
Patriquin, Donald Innoria (Huron Dance Song) X x
Patriquin, Donald Six Songs of Early Canada V x
Patterson, Paul Kyrie X x
Patterson, Paul Mass of the Sea X x
Paulus, Stephen Hallelu! A x
Paulus, Stephen Meditations of Li Po, The X x
Paulus, Stephen Pilgrim's Hymn X x
Paulus, Stephen Shall I Compare Thee M x
Paulus, Stephen Voices X x
Payne, Maggie Desertscapes W x
Pearsall, Robert Great God of Love X x
Pearsall, Robert Lay a Garland X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Pearsall, Robert O Ye Roses X x
Pearsall, Robert Requiem X x
Pearsall, Robert Shepherd,W. Gunn When Allen-A-Dale Went A-Hunting M x
Peeters, Flor Intrada festiva U x
Peeters, Flor Jubilate Deo X x
Peeters, Flor Jubilee Mass X x
Penderecki, Krzysztof Agnus Dei X x
Penderecki, Krzysztof Benedicamus, Domino M x
Penderecki, Krzysztof Canticum canticorum Salomonis X x x
Penderecki, Krzysztof Credo CX x
Penderecki, Krzysztof Dies Irae X x x x
Penderecki, Krzysztof Dimensionen der Zeit und der Stille X x
Penderecki, Krzysztof Dimensionen der Zeit und der Stille X x
Penderecki, Krzysztof Ecloga M x
Penderecki, Krzysztof Izhe zeruvimy (Song of Cherubim) X x
Penderecki, Krzysztof Kosmogonia X x x
Penderecki, Krzysztof Lacrymosa X x
Penderecki, Krzysztof Magnificat X x x
Penderecki, Krzysztof Passio et mors Domini Nostri Jesu Christi CX x x x x x x x
secundum Lukam (St. Luke Passion)
Penderecki, Krzysztof Polish Requiem X x
Penderecki, Krzysztof Psalmy Dawida (Psalms of David) X x x
Penderecki, Krzysztof Seven Gates of Jerusalem X x
Penderecki, Krzysztof Stabat mater X x x
Penderecki, Krzysztof Te Deum X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Penderecki, Krzysztof Utrenja (Utrenia) X x x x x
Pepping, Ernst Das Jahr X x
Pepping, Ernst Deutsche Choralmesse X x
Pepping, Ernst Deutsche Messe "Kyrie Gott Vater in Ewigkeit" X x
Pepping, Ernst Drei Evangelien-Motetten X x
Pepping, Ernst Missa dona nobis pacem X x
Pepping, Ernst Passonbericht des Matthäus (St. Matthew X x x
Pepping, Ernst Te Deum X x
Pergament, Moses Den judiska sången (The Jewish Song) X x
Pergolesi, Giovanni Agnus Dei X x x
Pergolesi, Giovanni Glory to God in the Highest X x x
Pergolesi, Giovanni La Conversione di S. Guglielmo d'Aquitania X x
Pergolesi, Giovanni La morte di S. Giuseppe (La fenice sul rogo) X x
Pergolesi, Giovanni Magnificat, The X x x
Pergolesi, Giovanni Mass X x
Pergolesi, Giovanni Miserere Mei X x x
Pergolesi, Giovanni Sanctus and Hosanna X x
Pergolesi, Giovanni Sing unto the Lord Most High X x
Pergolesi, Giovanni Stabat Mater T x x x x x x
Pergolesi, Giovanni McCray, James (ed.) Requiem aeternam X x
Pergolesi, Giovanni Riegger, Wallingford Glory to God in the Highest! T x
Perosi, Lorenzo La Passione di Cristo secondo San Marco: X x
trilogia sacra
Pérotin Mors M x
Pérotin Sederunt omnes M x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Pérotin Viderunt omnes M x
Perry, Fred Old Man Noah M x
Persichetti, Vincent Celebrations X x x x
Persichetti, Vincent Creation, The X x
Persichetti, Vincent Flower Songs, Op. 157 (Cantata No. 6) X x x
Persichetti, Vincent Four Cummings Choruses, Op. 98 M x x
Persichetti, Vincent Four Cummings Choruses, Op. 98 T x x
Persichetti, Vincent Four Cummings Choruses, Op. 98 X x x
Persichetti, Vincent Glad and Very (Five Cummings Choruses), Op. C x
Persichetti, Vincent Glad and Very (Five Cummings Choruses), Op. M x
Persichetti, Vincent Glad and Very (Five Cummings Choruses), Op. W x
Persichetti, Vincent Hymns and Responses for the Church Year X x
Persichetti, Vincent Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, Op. 8 X x
Persichetti, Vincent Mass, Op. 84 X x x x
Persichetti, Vincent Song of Peace M x
Persichetti, Vincent Spring Cantata T x
Persichetti, Vincent Stabat mater, Op. 92 X x x
Persichetti, Vincent Te Deum X x x
Persichetti, Vincent Two Cummings Choruses T x
Persichetti, Vincent Two Cummings Choruses, Op. 33 M x
Persichetti, Vincent Two Cummings Choruses, Op. 33 M x
Persichetti, Vincent Two Cummings Choruses, Op. 33 W x
Persichetti, Vincent Two Cummings Choruses, Op. 33 X x
Persichetti, Vincent Winter Cantata T x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Peter, Johann Friedrich Kroeger, Karl I Will Clothe Thy Priests with Salvation X x
Peterson, John W. Hallelujah! What a Savior T x
Peterson, John W. Hallelujah! What a Savior X x
Peterson, John W. Night of Miracles X x
Petrassi, Goffredo Coro di morti M x
Petrassi, Goffredo Magnificat X x
Petrassi, Goffredo Motetti per la Passione X x
Petrassi, Goffredo Noche oscura X x
Petrassi, Goffredo Nonsense X x
Petrassi, Goffredo Orationes Christi X x
Petrassi, Goffredo Psalm IX X x
Petridis, Petros La belle dame sans merci X x
Petridis, Petros Requiem for the last Emperor of Byzantium X x
Petridis, Petros Saint Paul X x
Pevernage, Andreas Osculetur me X x
Pfautsch, Lloyd i thank you God X x
Pfautsch, Lloyd Love Came Down at Christmas X x
Pfautsch, Lloyd Musicks Empire X x
Pfautsch, Lloyd Prayer X x
Pfautsch, Lloyd Reconciliation X x
Pfautsch, Lloyd Songs Mein Grossmama Sang X x
Pfitzner, Hans Von deutscher Seele X x
Philips, Peter O virum mirabilem X x
Phillips, Joel Come, Soft Slumber X x
Phillips, L. Z. Gibbs, Robert Marines Hymn, The X x
Phillips, T. K. E. Samuel X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Piazzolla, Astor Zadoff, Néstor La Muerte del Angel X x
Pierné, Gabriel Children at Bethlehem, The C x x
Pierné, Gabriel La Croisade des enfants (The Children's CX x x
Pierné, Gabriel St. Francis of Assisi CMW x
Pierson, Henry Hugo Hezekiah (unfinished) X x
Pijper, Willem Heer Halewijn X x
Pijper, Willem Réveillez-vous, Piccars M x
Pijper, Willem Two Ballades of Paul Fort W x
Pilkington, Francis Rest, Sweet Nymphs X x
Pilkington, Francis Kingsbury, John (ed.) Look, Mistress Mine X x
Pineda-Duque, Roberto Cristo en el seno de Abraham X x
Pineda-Duque, Roberto Piecitos X x
Pinkham, Daniel Alleluia, Acclamation and Carol X x
Pinkham, Daniel Amens X x
Pinkham, Daniel And Peace Attend Thee X x
Pinkham, Daniel Ascension Cantata X x
Pinkham, Daniel Call of Isaiah, The X x
Pinkham, Daniel Canticle of Praise X x
Pinkham, Daniel Christmas Cantata (Sinfonia Sacra) M x x
Pinkham, Daniel Christmas Cantata (Sinfonia Sacra) X x x
Pinkham, Daniel Daniel in the Lions' Den X x x
Pinkham, Daniel Easter Cantata X x x
Pinkham, Daniel Emily Dickinson Mosaic, An T x
Pinkham, Daniel Evergreen U x
Pinkham, Daniel Fanfares X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Pinkham, Daniel Festival Magnificat and Nunc dimittis X x
Pinkham, Daniel Four Elegies X x
Pinkham, Daniel I Saw an Angel X x
Pinkham, Daniel In the Beginning of Creation X x x
Pinkham, Daniel Jonah X x
Pinkham, Daniel Jubilate Deo X x
Pinkham, Daniel Lamentations of Job X x
Pinkham, Daniel Mass of the Word of God X x
Pinkham, Daniel Requiem X x x x
Pinkham, Daniel St. Mark Passion X x x x
Pinkham, Daniel Stabat mater X x
Pinkham, Daniel Three Lenten Poems of Richard Crashaw X x
Pinkham, Daniel Three Motets T x
Pinkham, Daniel Wedding Cantata X x x
Pinzón, Jesús Toccata X x
Pipkov, Lyubomir Oratorio for Our Time X x
Pipkov, Lyubomir Soldier's Cantata X x
Pipkov, Lyubomir Wedding X x
Pipkov, Panayot Go, Enlightened People X x
Piston, Walter Carnival Song M x
Piston, Walter O Sing Unto the Lord a new Song X x
Piston, Walter Psalm and a Prayer of David, A X x
Pitoni, Giuseppe Cantate Domino X x x
Pitoni, Giuseppe Laudate Dominum (Praise Ye the Lord with X x
Pitoni, Giuseppe Kingsbury, John Tarry Here and Watch X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Pizzetti, Ildebrando Attollite portas X x
Pizzetti, Ildebrando Epithalamium X x
Pizzetti, Ildebrando Filiae Jerusalem, adjuro vos W x
Pizzetti, Ildebrando Messa di Requiem X x x
Pizzetti, Ildebrando Vanitas vanitatum M x
Plakidis, Pēteris Destiny X x
Plaza, Juan Bautista Campanas de Pascua X x
Plaza, Juan Bautista Nocturno X x
Plaza, Juan Bautista Soneto X x
Ponce de León, José María Requiem Mass X x
Ponce, Manuel Six Motets X x
Poot, Marcel Chanson bachique M x
Poot, Marcel Icare X x
Pop, Adrian Song of Peace X x
Popov, Gavriil Heroic Intermezzo X x
Popov, Todor Bright Festival X x
Popov, Todor Song for the Great Day CX x
Porpora, Nicola Magnificat in A minor W x
Porter, Cole Cable, Howard Another Op'nin', Another Show X x
Porter, Cole Emerson, Roger Just One of Those Things X x
Porter, Cole Howorth, Wayne Begin the Beguine X x
Porter, Cole Leyden, Norman Friendship X x
Porter, Cole Mattson, Phil I've Got You Under My Skin X x
Porter, Cole Ringwald, Roy Blow, Gabriel, Blow X x
Posada-Amador, Carlos Cantata al miedo X x
Pote, Allen Break Forth into Song X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Potter, A. J. Missa brevis X x
Potter, A. J. Saint Patrick's Breastplate M x
Potter, A. J. Stabat mater X x
Poulenc, Francis Ave verum corpus W x x
Poulenc, Francis Chansons françaises X x x
Poulenc, Francis Exultate Deo X x x
Poulenc, Francis Gloria X x x x
Poulenc, Francis La Figure Humaine (The Human Face) X x x x
Poulenc, Francis Laudes de Saint Antoine de Padoue M x
Poulenc, Francis Litanies à la vierge noire (Litanies to the Black T x
Poulenc, Francis Litanies à la vierge noire (Litanies to the Black X x x x x
Poulenc, Francis Messe En Sol Majeur (Mass in G major) X x x x x x x
Poulenc, Francis Petite voix T x
Poulenc, Francis Quatre motets pour le temps de Noël X x
Poulenc, Francis Quatre motets pour un temps de pénitence X x x
Poulenc, Francis Quatre petites prières de Saint François M x
Poulenc, Francis Salve Regina X x x
Poulenc, Francis Sécheresses (Drought) X x x
Poulenc, Francis Sept chansons (Seven Songs) X x x
Poulenc, Francis Sept répons des ténèbres CM x x x
Poulenc, Francis Stabat Mater X x x x x x
Poulenc, Francis Un Soir de neige X x x
Poulton, George Hunter, Ralph, Alice Parker, Aura Lee M x
and Robert Shaw
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Pousseur, Henri Invitation a l'utopie X x
Pousseur, Henri Midi-minuit CX x
Powell, Robert J. All They from Saba Shall Come X x
Powell, Rosephanye Ascribe to the Lord X x
Powell, Rosephanye I Want to Be Ready X x
Powell, Rosephanye Wait on the Lord X x
Powell, Rosephanye Word Was God, The X x x
Power, Leonal Beata progenies X x
Power, Leonel Missa Alma redemptoris X x
Prado, Alcides Misa de requem X x
Praetorius, Christoph Rise Up, Oh Flame X x
Praetorius, Christoph Harley, Frances and Walter Rise Up, Oh Flame X x
Praetorius, Hieronymus Sing dem Herrn X x
Praetorius, Michael Canticum trium puerorum X x x
Praetorius, Michael Lo, How A Rose E'er Blooming X x x
Praetorius, Michael Nun komm der Heiden Heiland (O come, thou X x
Saviour of the Gentiles)
Praetorius, Michael Psallite X x x x x
Praetorius, Michael Puer natus in Bethlehem X x
Praetorius, Michael Sing We All Now with One Accord X x x
Prévost, André Ahimsa X x
Prévost, André Missa pro defunctis X x
Prévost, André Psalm 148 X x
Prévost, André Soleils couchants X x
Prévost, André Terre des hommes X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Price, Florence Moon Bridge T x
Price, Florence Song for Snow X x
Priesing, Dorothy Now is the Caroling Season X x
Pro, Serafín Las siete doncellas X x
Profeta, Laurenţiu Adventures in the Garden C x
Profeta, Laurenţiu Six Pieces C x
Prokofiev, Sergei Alexander Nevsky X x x x x x
Prokofiev, Sergei Ballad of a Boy Who Remained Unknown, Op. X x x
Prokofiev, Sergei Cantata for the Twentieth Anniversary of the X x
October Revolution
Prokofiev, Sergei Flourish, Powerful Land X x
Prokofiev, Sergei Ivan the Terrible X x
Prokofiev, Sergei On Guard for Peace, Op. 124 CX x x x
Prokofiev, Sergei Seven, They are Seven, Op. 30 X x x
Prokofiev, Sergei Two Poems W x
Prokofiev, Sergei Winter Bonfire C x
Prokoll Collaboration Put' Oktiabria (The October Path) X x
Puccini, Giacomo Messa di Gloria X x x x
Puccini, Giacomo Requiem X x
Purcell, Henry Beati omnes X x
Purcell, Henry Birthday Ode for Queen Mary X x
Purcell, Henry Blessed is he that considereth the poor X x
Purcell, Henry Blow up the trumpet in Sion X x
Purcell, Henry Come Ye Sons of Art, Z.323 (Ode for Queen X x x
Mary's birthday)
Purcell, Henry Fairy Queen, The X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Purcell, Henry Funeral Music for Queen Mary X x
Purcell, Henry Glory and Worship X x x
Purcell, Henry Hail, Bright Cecilia X x x x
Purcell, Henry Hear My Prayer (unfinished) X x x x
Purcell, Henry In These Delightful Pleasant Groves T x
Purcell, Henry In These Delightful Pleasant Groves X x x
Purcell, Henry Jehovah quam multi sunt hostes X x
Purcell, Henry Let My Prayer Come Up (Offertorium) X x x
Purcell, Henry Lord, How Long X x
Purcell, Henry Magnificat (English) X x x
Purcell, Henry My heart is inditing X x
Purcell, Henry Now does the glorious day appear X x
Purcell, Henry Nunc Dimittis X x x
Purcell, Henry O Be Joyful Ye Lands X x
Purcell, Henry O Sing Unto the Lord X x x x
Purcell, Henry Rejoice in the Lord ('Bell' anthem) X x x x
Purcell, Henry Te Deum and Jubilate X x x x x
Purcell, Henry Trumpet Voluntary X x
Purcell, Henry Welcome Song (1687) T x
Purcell, Henry Parker, Alice and Robert Passing By M x
Quintón, José Ignacio Luzid fragrante Rosa X x
Quintón, José Ignacio Misa de requem X x
Rääts, Jaan Karl Marx X x
Rääts, Jaan School Cantata X x
Rabe, Folke Joe's Harp X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Rabe, Folke Piece X x
Rabe, Folke Rondes M x
Rabe, Folke Rondes X x
Rachmaninov, Sergei All-Night Vigil (Vespers), Op. 37 X x x x x x
Rachmaninov, Sergei Bells, The, Op. 35 X x x x
Rachmaninov, Sergei Concerto for Chorus X x
Rachmaninov, Sergei Deus meus X x
Rachmaninov, Sergei Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom X x x x
Rachmaninov, Sergei Six Songs for Children's Voices C x
Rachmaninov, Sergei Springtide X x x x
Rachmaninov, Sergei Remick, Lester Message of the Bells (Prelude in C# Minor) X x
Račiūnas, Antanas Tarybu Lietuva X x
Radić, Dušan Symphonic Picture No. 2 W x
Raffelin, Antonio Mass X x
Raimondi, Pietro Giacobbe X x
Raimondi, Pietro Giuseppe X x
Raimondi, Pietro Putifar X x
Rameau, Jean-Philippe Laboravi clamans X x
Raminsh, Imant Psalm 121 C x
Raminsh, Imant Rise Up, My Love, My Fair One T x
Ramírez, Ariel Los reyes magos (The Three Kings) X x
Ramírez, Ariel Misa criolla X x x
Ramírez, Ariel Navidad nuestra X x x
Ramírez, Ariel Zamba for You X x
Raphael, Günter Eine deutsche Totenmesse X x
Raphael, Günter Judica Kantate X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Raphael, Günter Requiem X x
Rasiuk, Moshe Five Children's Songs X x
Rasiuk, Moshe In Gratitude X x
Rasiuk, Moshe Market Street, The X x
Rasiuk, Moshe Sodom Square X x
Rasmussen, Karl Aage Mass X x
Rasmussen, Karl Aage Parade M x
Rauch, Maurice Oib Nit Noch Hecher X x
Rautavaara, Einojuhani Canticum Mariae Virginis X x
Rautavaara, Einojuhani Missa Duo decanonica X x
Rautavaara, Einojuhani Suite de Lorca X x
Rautavaara, Einojuhani True and False Unicorn, The X x
Rautavaara, Einojuhani Two Preludes X x
Ravel, Maurice Daphhnis et Chloë X x x x
Ravel, Maurice Pavane pour une Infante défunte X x
Ravel, Maurice Trois Chansons X x x x
Ravel, Maurice Douty, Nicholas Slumber, Beloved One T x
Rawsthorne, Alan Carmen vitale X x
Rawsthorne, Alan Rose for Lidice, A X x
Ray, Robert Gospel Magnificat X x
Reale, Paul Two Madrigals X x
Rebikov, Vladimir Divine Liturgy X x
Rebikov, Vladimir Vigil X x
Rebikov, Vladimir Sammond, Herbert Stavely In the Mill T x
Reda, Siegfried Chormusik für das Jahr Kirche X x
Reda, Siegfried Die Ostergeschichte (Easter "History") X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Reda, Siegfried Die Weihnachtsgeschichte (Christmas "History" X x
Reda, Siegfried Ecce homo aus dem 22. Psalm X x
Reda, Siegfried Requiem X x
Reda, Siegfried Te Deum X x
Reger, Max Acht geistliche Gesänge, Op. 138 X x
Reger, Max Die Nonnen, Op. 112 X x
Reger, Max Die Weihe der Nacht, Op. 119 M x
Reger, Max Four Chorale Cantatas X x
Reger, Max Geistliche Gesänge, Op. 110 X x
Reger, Max Palm-Sunday morning X x
Reger, Max Psalm XCIX (100) X x
Reger, Max Weihegesang X x
Reger, Max Zwei Gesänge, Op. 144 X x
Reich, Steve Desert Music X x
Reiner, Karel Flowered Horse, The C x
Reiner, Karel Peace Madrigal X x
Reiner, Karel They Were a Thousand Years Old X x
Reizenstein, Franz Voices of Night, Op. 27 X x x
Rejcha, Antonín Der neue Psalm X x
Rejcha, Antonín Requiem X x
Rejcha, Antonín Te Deum X x
Respighi, Ottorino Laud to the Nativity X x x
Reulx, Anselmo S'io credesse X x
Reutter, Georg von Young, Percy M. (ed.) Veni virgo sacrata X x
Reynolds, Roger Emperor of Ice Cream, The X x
Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel Das Töchterlein des Jairus (daughter of Jairus), C x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Op. 32
Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel Der Stern von Bethlehem, Op. 164 (Star of X x
Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel Drei geistlich Gesänge (Morgenlied, Dein sind X x
die Himmel, Abendlied)
Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel Drei geistliche Gesänge, Op. 69 X x
Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel Mass in A, Op. 126 W x
Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel Mass in E-flat Major, Op. 109 X x
Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel Mass in F Major, Op. 190 M x x
Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel Mass in F Minor, Op. 159 X x
Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel Mass, Op. 169 X x
Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel Mass, Op. 172 M x x
Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel May Day, Op. 64 T x
Rheinberger, Josef Gabriel Missa Sanctissimae Trinitatis, Op. 117 X x
Ridout, Godfrey Esther X x
Ridout, Godfrey Pange lingua X x
Riegger, Wallingford Shakespeare Sonnet, A X x
Riegger, Wallingford Who Can Revoke? X x
Riese, Mark Choral Fantasy, A (God Rest Ye Merry, X x
Riese, Mark I Saw Three Ships X x
Riestra, José María Ave Maria T x
Riestra, José María O salutaris T x
Rihm, Wolfgang Deus Passus (Passion after Saint Luke) X x
Rihm, Wolfgang Dies X x
Rihm, Wolfgang Nietzche-fragmente X x
Rimmer, John Visions I X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai Four 3-part Choruses, Op. 23 M x
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai Glory X x x
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai Our Father (The Lord's Prayer) X x
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai Page from Homer, A, Op. 60 W x
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai Russian Folk-songs Arranged in Folk Harmony, MXW x
Op. 19
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai Song of the Prophet Oleg, The M x
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai Svitezyanka, Op. 44 X x
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai Two Choruses for Children's Voices C x
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai Verses about Alexei the Godly Man, Op. 20 X x
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai We Praise Thee, O God X x
Rinck, Johann Christian Heinrich Todten-feyer X x
Rincón, José Antonio Bullerengue X x
Roberton, Sir Hugh Chilly Waters X x
Roberton, Sir Hugh Eriskay Love Lilt, An X x
Robertson, Leroy Oratorio from the Book of Mormon X x
Robinovitch, Sid Psalms of Experience CX x
Robinovitch, Sid Talmud Suite X x
Rodgers, Richard Emerson, Roger My Funny Valentine (from Babes in Arms) X x
Rodgers, Richard Kerr, Anita King and I Medley, The X x
Rodgers, Richard Puerling, Gene Getting to Know You (from The King and I) X x
Rodgers, Richard Puerling, Gene Johnny One Note X x
Rodgers, Richard Ringwald, Roy Lover X x
Rodgers, Richard Shaw, Kirby If I Loved You (from Carousel) X x
Rodgers, Richard Shaw, Kirby It Might as Well Be Spring (from State Fair) X x
Rodgers, Richard and Oscar Hammerstein II Ringwald, Roy You'll Never Walk Alone (from Carousel) M x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Rodgers, Richard and Oscar Hammerstein II Stickles, William There is Nothin' Like a Dame (from South M x
Rodrigo, Valencian Joaquín Musica para un Codice Salmantino sobre letra X x
de Miguel de Unamuno
Rodrigo, Valencian Joaquín Triste estaba el Rey David X x
Rodríguez, Robert Xavier Lyrics for Autumn X x
Rodríguez, Robert Xavier Tranfigurationis mysteria CX x
Roff, Joseph Propers of Sundays and Major Feasts C x
Roff, Joseph Propers of Sundays and Major Feasts M x
Roff, Joseph Propers of Sundays and Major Feasts T x
Roff, Joseph Propers of Sundays and Major Feasts U x
Roff, Joseph Propers of Sundays and Major Feasts X x
Roff, Joseph Shepherd of Eager Youth X x
Roger-Ducasse, Jean Au jardín de Marguerite X x
Roger-Ducasse, Jean Sarabande X x
Roger-Ducasse, Jean Ulysse et les sirènes X x
Rogers, Bernard Exodus, The X x
Rogers, Bernard Letter from Pete, A X x
Rogers, Bernard Passion, The X x
Rogers, Bernard Prophet Isaiah, The X x
Rogers, Bernard Raising of Lazarus, The X x
Rogers, James H. Baldwin, Ralph L. Star, The T x
Roland-Manuel, Alexis Jeanne d'Arc (Joan of Arc) X x
Roldán, Almadeo Curujey X x
Romberg, Sigmund Scotson, Walter Stouthearted Men M x
Ropek, Jiří Christmas Fantasy X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Ropek, Jiří Missa brevis X x
Ropek, Jiří Pange lingua (1944) X x
Ropek, Jiří Pange lingua (1956) X x
Ropek, Jiří Pange lingua (1965) X x
Rorem, Ned American Oratorio, An X x
Rorem, Ned From an Unknown Past X x x x
Rorem, Ned He Shall Rule from Sea to Sea X x
Rorem, Ned O magnum mysterium X x
Rorem, Ned Proper for the Votive Mass of the Holy Spirit U x
Rorem, Ned Sermon on Miracles, A U x
Rorem, Ned Truth in the Night Season X x
Rorem, Ned Two Psalms and a Proverb X x
Rosenberg, Hilding Den Heliga natten X x
Rosenberg, Hilding Symphony No. 4 (The Revelation of Saint John) X x
Rosenberg, Hilding Symphony No. 5 (The Keeper of the Garden) X x
Rosenthal, Manuel St. Francois d'Assise (St. Francis of Assisi) X x
Rossi, Salamone Jacobson, Joshua R. (ed.) Al naharot Bavel M x
Rossini, Carlo Proper of the Mass for the Entire Ecclesiastical X x
Rossini, Gioachino Egle ed Irene T x
Rossini, Gioachino I Pastori X x
Rossini, Gioachino Igea X x
Rossini, Gioachino Il Bardo X x
Rossini, Gioachino Il Pianto d'armonia per la morte (Cantata) M x
Rossini, Gioachino Il Pianto della muse in morte di Lord Byron X x
Rossini, Gioachino Il Serto votivo X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Rossini, Gioachino Il vero omaggio X x
Rossini, Gioachino Inno agli Italiani X x
Rossini, Gioachino Inno alla pace M x
Rossini, Gioachino Inno nazionale X x
Rossini, Gioachino Inno poplare X x
Rossini, Gioachino La Morte di Didone M x
Rossini, Gioachino La Riconoscenza X x
Rossini, Gioachino La santa alleanza X x
Rossini, Gioachino L'Augurio felice X x
Rossini, Gioachino Le Nozze di Teli e Peleo X x
Rossini, Gioachino Messa di Gloria X x
Rossini, Gioachino Omaggio pastorale W x
Rossini, Gioachino Partenope X x
Rossini, Gioachino Petite Messe sollennelle X x x x x x
Rossini, Gioachino Stabat mater (1842) X x x x x x x
Rossini, Gioachino Trois choeurs religieux T x
Rossini, Gioachino Ferguson (ed.) Sanctus X x
Rossini, Gioachino Roth, Robert N. Sanctus and Benedictus X x
Roussel, Albert Aeneas X x
Roussel, Albert Evocations, Op. 15 X x x
Roussel, Albert Le bardit des francs X x
Roussel, Albert Madrigal aux muses, Op. 25 X x
Roussel, Albert Psalm 80, Op. 37 X x
Rowley, Alec Italian Salad X x
Rowley, Alec Jig for Voices X x x
Rózsa, Miklós Psalm 23 X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Rózsa, Miklós To Everything There Is a Season X x x x
Rózsa, Miklós Vanities of Life, The X x
Rubbra, Edmund Dark Night of the Soul, The X x
Rubbra, Edmund Five Motets, Op. 37 X x
Rubbra, Edmund Missa Cantuariensis X x x
Rubbra, Edmund Morning Watch, The, Op. 55 X x
Rubinstein, Anton Christus, Op. 117 X x
Rubinstein, Anton Maccabees, The X x
Rubinstein, Anton Moses, Op. 112 X x
Rubinstein, Anton Paradise Lost, Op. 54 X x
Rubinstein, Anton Six Part-songs, Op. 62 X x
Rubinstein, Anton Three Part-songs, Op. 61 M x
Rubinstein, Anton Tower of Babel, The, Op. 80 X x
Rubinstein, Anton Water-sprite, The, Op. 63 W x
Rubinstein, Anton Caillet, Lucien Voice of Freedom M x
Rubinstein, Anton Caillet, Lucien Voice of Freedom X x x
Rue, Pierre de la Requiem Mass X x
Rutter, John Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind X x
Rutter, John Falcon, The X x
Rutter, John Gaelic Blessing, A X x
Rutter, John Gloria X x x
Rutter, John Magnificat X x
Rutter, John O Be Joyful in the Lord X x
Rutter, John Requiem X x x
Ruyneman, Daniel De roep X x
Ruyneman, Daniel Sonata X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Rydman, Kari Dona nobis pacem X x
Rydman, Kari Sancta Maria ora pro nobis X x
Saar, Mart Men's Choruses M x
Sadler, Katheryn LAWA T x
Sáenz, Antonio Misa solemne X x
Sáenz, Antonio Te Deum X x
Saint-Saëns, Camille Chorale from Organ Symphony No. 3 X x
Saint-Saëns, Camille Deux choeurs, Op. 68 X x
Saint-Saëns, Camille Hail, California X x
Saint-Saëns, Camille La Lyre et la Harpe X x
Saint-Saëns, Camille Le déluge, Op. 45 (The Deluge) X x x
Saint-Saëns, Camille Les noces de Prométhée, Op. 19 X x
Saint-Saëns, Camille Mass, Op. 4 (Messe Solennelle) X x x x
Saint-Saëns, Camille Messe de Requiem, Op. 54 (Requiem Mass) X x x x
Saint-Saëns, Camille O salutaris X x
Saint-Saëns, Camille Oratorio de Noël, Op. 12 (Christmas Oratorio) X x x x x x
Saint-Saëns, Camille Promised Land, The X x x
Saint-Saëns, Camille Psaume CL "Laudate Dominum" X x
Saint-Saëns, Camille Trois choeurs, Op. 151 W x
Saint-Saëns, Camille Veni Creator M x
Saint-Saëns, Camille Boyce Swan, The (Le Cygne from Le Carnaval des M x
Saint-Saëns, Camille Lorenz, Ellen Jane Danse Macabre X x
Sakač, Branimir Omaggio--canto della commedia X x
Sakač, Branimir Seven Movements X x
Sakač, Branimir Umbrana X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Salzman, Peter Birth of Soul X x
Sametz, Steven I Have Had Singing X x
Sametz, Steven Noel! M x
Sandberg, Rhonda Americana Medley X x
Sandström, Jan Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming (Es ist ein Ros X x
Santa Cruz Wilson, Domingo Alabanzas de adviento, Op. 30 C x
Santa Cruz Wilson, Domingo Cantata de los rios de Chile, Op. 19 X x
Santa Cruz Wilson, Domingo Te Deum, Op. 4 X x
Santamaria, Nick Nowak, Jerry Baby Come Back to Me X x
Santórsola, Guido Concerto for Chorus without Words X x
Sargent, Malcolm Three Far-Eastern Carols X x x
Sateren, Leland B. This Is the Night X x
Satie, Erik Messe des pauvres (Mass for the Poor) X x
Saygun, Adnan Yunus Emre X x
Scandello, Antonio Die Auferstehungs-Historie (Resurrection X x x
History/Easter Oratorio
Scarlatti, Alessandro Exultate Deo X x x
Scarlatti, Alessandro Johannespassion (St. John Passion) X x x
Scarlatti, Alessandro Missa Clementina X x
Scarlatti, Alessandro Motetto da Requiem X x x
Scarlatti, Alessandro Salve Regina T x
Scarlatti, Alessandro Te Deum laudamus X x
Scarlatti, Alessandro Trionfo della grazia (La Maddalena pentita, La T x
conversione di S. Maria Maddalena, The
Repentant Magdalene)
Scarlatti, Alessandro Ehret, Walter Amen X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Scelsi, Giacinto La naissance du Verbe X x
Scelsi, Giacinto Litanie W x
Scelsi, Giacinto Tkrdg M x
Scelsi, Giacinto Tre canti sacri X x
Scelsi, Giacinto Yliam W x
Schachner, Joseph Rudolph Israel's Return from Babylon, Op. 34 X x
Schafer, R. Murray Apocalypsis Part One: John's Vision X x
Schafer, R. Murray Apocalypsis Part Two: Credo X x
Schafer, R. Murray Epitaph for Moonlight X x
Schafer, R. Murray Gita X x
Schafer, R. Murray Threnody X x
Schalit, Heinrich Freitagabend Liturgie (Sabbath Eve Liturgy) X x
Schalit, Heinrich Psalm 23 X x
Schalk, Carl Now X x
Scheidt, Samuel Walker, Rod Puer natus in Bethlehem X x
Schein, Johann Herman Nun lob mein Seel T x
Schein, Johann Hermann Christ lag in Todesbanden, No. 7 from Opella X x
nova I
Schein, Johann Hermann Die mit Tränen säen (Who With Grieving X x x x
Schein, Johann Hermann Nun komm der Heiden Heiland (O come, thou X x
Saviour of the Gentiles)
Schein, Johann Hermann Von Himmel hoch X x
Schein, Johann Hermann Nelson, Ronald A. To Realms of Glory X x
Schelle, Johann Actus musicus auf Weihnachten (Christmas X x
Schidlowsky, Leon Missa dona nobis pacem X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Schidlowsky, Leon Missa in nomine Bach X x
Schidlowsky, Leon Three Pieces X x
Schifrin, Lalo Cantionas Argentinas X x
Schifrin, Lalo Cantos Aztecas X x
Schifrin, Lalo Jazz Suite on Mass Texts X x
Schifrin, Lalo Madrigals for the Space Age X x
Schifrin, Lalo Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, The X x
Schifrin, Lalo Rock Requiem X x
Schmidt, Franz Das Buch mit sieben Siegeln X x
Schmidt, Gustavo Becerra La araucana X x
Schmitt, Florent Fête de la Lumière X x
Schmitt, Florent Par le tempête X x
Schmitt, Florent Psalm 47 X x x
Schnittke, Alfred Nagasaki X x
Schnittke, Alfred Requiem X x
Schnittke, Alfred Seid nüchtern und wachet X x
Schnittke, Alfred Symphony No. 2 (Saint Florian) X x
Schnittke, Alfred Symphony No. 4 X x
Schoeck, Othmar Dithyrambe X x
Schoeck, Othmar Eichendorff Cantata M x
Schoenberg, Arnold De Profundis, Op. 50b (Out of the Depths, X x x x
Psalm 130)
Schoenberg, Arnold Die Jacobsleiter (unfinished) X x x x x
Schoenberg, Arnold Drei Satiren, Op. 28 (Three Satires ) X x x x x
Schoenberg, Arnold Dreimal tausend Jahre, Op. 50a (Thrice a X x x x
Thousand Years)
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Schoenberg, Arnold Freide auf Erden, Op. 13 (Peace on Earth) X x x x
Schoenberg, Arnold Gurrelieder (Songs of Gurre) MX x x x x x x
Schoenberg, Arnold Kol Nidre, Op. 39 X x x x x x
Schoenberg, Arnold Moderner Psalm (Modern Psalms), Op. 50 C X x x
(1950) - unfinished
Schoenberg, Arnold Opus 35 M x x
Schoenberg, Arnold Psalm 130 X x
Schoenberg, Arnold Survivor from Warsaw, A, Op. 46 M x x x x x x x
Schoenberg, Arnold Three Folk Songs, Op. 49 X x
Schoenberg, Arnold Three German Folksongs X x x
Schoenberg, Arnold Vier Stücke, Op. 27 (Four Partsongs) X x x x x
Schoenfield, Paul Four Motets X x
Schöggl, Franz Trout As You Like It (Variations on Schubert's X x
Schubert, Franz An die Frühling M x
Schubert, Franz Christ ist erstanden (Christ is Arisen) X x x x
Schubert, Franz Das grosse Halleluja W x
Schubert, Franz Der Tanz X x
Schubert, Franz Des Tages Weihe X x
Schubert, Franz Deutsche Messe X x x x x
Schubert, Franz Deutsche Trauermesse (German Requiem, X x x
Schubert, Franz Die Nacht M x
Schubert, Franz Ewige Liebe M x
Schubert, Franz Gesang der Geister über den Wassern (Song of M x x x
the Spirits over the Water)
Schubert, Franz Glaube, Hoffnung und Liebe X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Schubert, Franz Gott in Natur T x
Schubert, Franz Holy Is the Lord X x x
Schubert, Franz Intende voci X x
Schubert, Franz Lazarus X x x
Schubert, Franz Lebenslust (originally "Die Geselligkeit") (Joy of X x x x
Schubert, Franz Magnificat X x
Schubert, Franz Mass No. 1 in F major X x x x x x
Schubert, Franz Mass No. 2 in G Major X x x x x x x
Schubert, Franz Mass No. 3 in B-flat major X x x x x
Schubert, Franz Mass No. 4 in C major X x x x
Schubert, Franz Mass No. 5 in A flat X x x x x x
Schubert, Franz Mass no. 6 in E flat X x x x x
Schubert, Franz Mirjams Siegesang, Op. 136 (Miriam's Song of X x x x x x
Schubert, Franz Nachtelle D. 892 M x
Schubert, Franz Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt (Mignon's Song) M x
Schubert, Franz O Jesus, Crucified for Man X x
Schubert, Franz O Seligkeit (Happiness) X x
Schubert, Franz Omnipotence, The M x
Schubert, Franz Omnipotence, The T x
Schubert, Franz Omnipotence, The X x x
Schubert, Franz Osterlied (Easter Song) X x x
Schubert, Franz Psalm XCII (92) X x x
Schubert, Franz Rosamunde X x x
Schubert, Franz Sehnsucht M x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Schubert, Franz Sei Mutter der Barmherzigkeit (Salve Regina, O X x
hear me when I call on thee)
Schubert, Franz Serenade M x
Schubert, Franz Serenade W x
Schubert, Franz Stabat Mater X x x
Schubert, Franz Ständchen M x x
Schubert, Franz Ständchen W x
Schubert, Franz Tantum ergo X x
Schubert, Franz Trinklied (4 versions) M x
Schubert, Franz Who Is Sylvia T x
Schubert, Franz Widerspruch, D. 865 M x
Schubert, Franz Bantock, Sir Granville Am Meer (By the Sea) M x
Schubert, Franz Bliss, Paul Hark! Hark! The Lark T x
Schubert, Franz Deis, Carl They Sang that Night in Bethlehem M x
Schubert, Franz Frank Seligkeit (Happiness) T x
Schubert, Franz Larson, Earl Roland Die Sterne (The Stars) M x
Schubert, Franz Nygard, Carl J. Dona nobis pacem (adapted from Op. 90, No. X x
3, Impromptu)
Schubert, Franz Rider, Wendell 3 Harfenspieler-lieder, Op. 12 M x
Schubert, Franz Ringwald, Roy At Sunset M x
Schubert, Franz Watson Lord is My Shepherd, The (Psalm 23) W x x
Schubert, Franz Wilson, Harry R. An die Musik (To Music) T x
Schubert, Franz Wilson, Harry R. An die Musik (To Music) X x x
Schuetky, Josef Emitte Spiritum Tuum (Send Out Thy Light) X x x
Schuetky, Josef Treharne, Bryceson May Now Thy Spirit M x
Schul, Zikmund Cantata Judaica M x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Schul, Zikmund Ki tavo al-ha' Arez (When You Go to the Land) C x
Schul, Zikmund Mogen Awaus (Shield to Our Fathers) X x
Schulhoff, Ervín Communist Manifesto X x
Schulhoff, Ervín HMS Royal Oak X x
Schulhoff, Ervín Symphony No. 6 X x
Schuller, Gunther O Lamb of God X x
Schuller, Gunther O Spirit of the Living God X x
Schuller, Gunther Poems of Time and Eternity X x
Schuller, Gunther Power within Us, The X x
Schuller, Gunther Sacred Cantata X x
Schultz, Svend S. Four Latin Madrigals X x
Schultz, Svend S. Quattuor fragmenta ex Ovidii "Ars amandi" X x
Schultz, Svend S. Three Pastorales X x
Schuman, William Howard Cantata No. 2, A Free Song X x
Schuman, William Howard Carols of Death X x x x
Schuman, William Howard Casey at the Bat X x
Schuman, William Howard Choral Etude X x x
Schuman, William Howard Concerto on Old English Rounds W x
Schuman, William Howard Five Rounds on Famous Words X x x
Schuman, William Howard Four Canonic Choruses X x
Schuman, William Howard Free Song, A X x x x
Schuman, William Howard Holiday Song M x
Schuman, William Howard Holiday Song W x
Schuman, William Howard Holiday Song X x x
Schuman, William Howard Lord Has a Child, The W x
Schuman, William Howard Lord Has a Child, The X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Schuman, William Howard Lord Has a Child, The (hymn) W x
Schuman, William Howard Mail Order Madrigals X x
Schuman, William Howard On Freedom's Ground X x
Schuman, William Howard Perceptions X x
Schuman, William Howard Pioneers X x x
Schuman, William Howard Prelude W x x x
Schuman, William Howard Prelude X x x x x
Schuman, William Howard Prologue X x x
Schuman, William Howard Requiescat W x x
Schuman, William Howard Requiescat X x x x
Schuman, William Howard Te Deum X x x
Schuman, William Howard This is Our Time X x x x x
Schuman, William Howard Truth Shall Deliver M x
Schumann, Georg Drei Motetten, Op. 52 X x
Schumann, Georg Ruth, Op. 50 X x
Schumann, Georg Three Chorale Motets, Op. 75 X x
Schumann, Georg Christiansen, Paul (ed.) How Great Are Thy Wonders X x
Schumann, Robert 4 Gesänge, Op. 59 X x
Schumann, Robert 6 Lieder, Op. 33 M x
Schumann, Robert Adventslied, Op. 71 W x x
Schumann, Robert Beim Abschied zu singen, Op. 84 X x x
Schumann, Robert Das Glück von Edenhall, Op. 143 M x x
Schumann, Robert Das paradies und die Peri, Op. 50 X x x x x x
Schumann, Robert Der Königssohn, Op. 116 X x
Schumann, Robert Der Rose Pilgerfarht, Op. 112 X x x
Schumann, Robert Des Sängers Fluch, Op. 139 X x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Schumann, Robert Drei Gedichte, Op. 29 X x x x x
Schumann, Robert Gedichte aus 'Liebesfrühling,' Op. 37 X x
Schumann, Robert Jagdlieder, Op. 137 (Hunting Songs) M x
Schumann, Robert Manfred, Op. 115 X x
Schumann, Robert Missa sacra, Op. 147 X x x
Schumann, Robert Nachtlied, Op. 108 X x
Schumann, Robert Requiem für Mignon, Op. 98b X x x
Schumann, Robert Requiem, Op. 148 X x x
Schumann, Robert Rheinweinlied, Op. 123 (Fest-Ouverture) X x
Schumann, Robert Romanzen und Balladen, Op. 146 X x x
Schumann, Robert Romanzen, Op. 69 W x
Schumann, Robert Romanzen, Op. 91 W x
Schumann, Robert Szenen aus Goethe's "Faust" (Scenes from X x x x x
Goethe's Faust)
Schumann, Robert Verzweifle nicht im Schmerzenstal, Op. 93 M x
Schumann, Robert Vom Pagen und der Konigstochter, Op. 140 X x x
Schumann, Robert Erickson, Frank Drunken Sailor, The X x
Schumann, Robert Goldman, Maurice O Lord, Hear Thou My Prayer X x
Schumann, Robert Lundquist, Matthew O God, I Thank Thee X x x
Schumann, Robert Robinson, Clarence C. Marienwürmehen (My Lady Bird) T x
Schütz, Heinrich Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt (For God so X x x
loved the world)
Schütz, Heinrich Annunciation According to St. Luke, The X x x
Schütz, Heinrich Cantate Domino Canticum Novum X x x
Schütz, Heinrich Christmas Oratorio (Die X x x x x x x
Schütz, Heinrich Die Auferstehung unsres Herren Jesu Christi X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Schütz, Heinrich Die Mit Tränen säen (He Who with Weeping X x x x
Soweth) SWV 378
Schütz, Heinrich Die sieben Worte unsers…Jesu Christi X x x x
Schütz, Heinrich Ehre sei dir, Christe (Christ, be Thine the X x x
Schütz, Heinrich Historia der Auferstehung Jesu Christi X x
(Resurrection Oratorio)
Schütz, Heinrich Ich Bin Eine Rufendestimme in Der Wusten (Lo, X x x
I Am the Voice of One Crying in the Wilderness)
Schütz, Heinrich Ihr Heiligen, lobsinget dem Herren T x
Schütz, Heinrich In te Domine speravi (In Thee, O Lord, Do I Put X x
My Trust)
Schütz, Heinrich Jauchzet dem Herren, alle Welt, SWV 493 X x
(Psalm 100)
Schütz, Heinrich Kleine geistliche Concerte X x x
Schütz, Heinrich Mein Sohn, warum hast du uns das getan? X x
Schütz, Heinrich Meine Seele erhebt den Herren (Deutsches X x x
Schütz, Heinrich Musicalische Exequien (Requiem) X x
Schütz, Heinrich Musikalische Exequiem X x x
Schütz, Heinrich Nun komm der Heiden Heiland (O come, thou X x
Saviour of the Gentiles)
Schütz, Heinrich Psalms of David (Psalmen Davids sampt X x x x x x x x x
etlichen Moteten und Concerten)
Schütz, Heinrich Saul, as verfolgst du mich? X x x
Schütz, Heinrich Selig sind die Toten (Blessed are the faithful) X x x x
Schütz, Heinrich Sicut Moses Serpentem X x x
Schütz, Heinrich Sieben Letzte Wortte X x
Schütz, Heinrich St. John Passion X x x x x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Schütz, Heinrich St. Luke Passion X x x x x x
Schütz, Heinrich St. Matthew Passion X x x x x x x
Schütz, Heinrich Symphonia Sacrae No. 3 X x
Schütz, Heinrich Tröstet, tröstet mein Volk (Psalm 78, Comfort X x
Ye My People)
Schütz, Heinrich Was betrübst du dich, meine Seele T x
Schütz, Heinrich Was betrübst du dich, meine Seele X x
Schütz, Heinrich Wie sehr lieblich und schöne sind doch die X x
Wohnung dein (84th Psalm)
Schvedov, Konstantin Divine Liturgy (1913) X x
Schvedov, Konstantin Divine Liturgy (1935) M x
Schvedov, Konstantin Cain, Noble Come, Let Us Sing to the Lord X x
Schvedov, Konstantin Wilson, Harry R. O Lord, Our God X x
Schwartz, Jean Simeone, Harry Rock-a-Bye Your Baby With a Dixie Melody X x
Schwartz, Stephen Cacavas, John Corner of the Sky (from Pippin) X x
Schwartz, Stephen Leyden, Norman Day By Day (from Godspell) X x
Schwartz, Stephen Lojeski, Ed Beautiful City (from Godspell) X x
Scott, K. Lee Gracious Spirit Dwell in Me X x
Scott, K. Lee Hilariter X x
Scriabin, Alexander First Symphony X x
Sculthorpe, Peter Night Piece X x
Sculthorpe, Peter Sea Chant X x
Sculthorpe, Peter Sun Music for Voices X x
Seeger, Ruth Crawford Three Chants V x
Senfl, Ludwig Ave Maria, gratia plena X x
Senfl, Ludwig Ich stund an einem Morgen X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Serebrier, José Partita X x
Serebrier, José Vocalise X x
Sermisy, Claude de J'ay fait pour vous cent mille pas X x
Serov, Alexander Nikolayevich Stabat Mater X x
Serov, Alexander Nikolayevich Sulamith X x
Serov, Alexander Nikolayevich Tower of Babel, The X x
Sessions, Roger Mass (1955) U x
Sessions, Roger Three Choruses on Biblical Texts X x
Sessions, Roger Turn, O Libertad X x x
Sessions, Roger When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd X x
Seter, Mordecai Dithyramb X x
Seter, Mordecai Jerusalem X x
Seter, Mordecai Mo'adim X x
Seter, Mordecai Motets X x
Seter, Mordecai Sabbath Cantata X x
Shank, Joshua Divine Image, The X x
Shank, Joshua Musica animam tangens X x
Shaporin, Yuri On the Field of Kulikow (On the Field of X x x
Shaporin, Yuri Story of the Battle for the Russian Land X x x
Sharett, Yehuda Kumu to'ei midbar (Rise Ye, Who Err in the X x
Sharlin, William Shabbat Service X x
Shaw, Martin Fanfare for Christmas Day X x x x
Shaw, Martin With a Voice of Singing M x
Shaw, Martin With a Voice of Singing X x x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Shchedrin, Rodion Lenin Lives in the People's Heart X x
Shchedrin, Rodion Prayer X x
Shchedrin, Rodion Sealed Angel, The X x
Shearing, George Leyden, Norman Lullaby of Birdland X x
Shemer, Naomi Aldema, Gil Jerusalem of Gold X x
Sheng, Bright Two Folk Songs from Chinhai X x
Shibata, Minao Kadensho X x
Shibata, Minao Magnificat and Nunc dimittis X x
Shibata, Minao Oiwake-bushi kō X x
Shilkret, Nathaniel et al. (Collaboration) Genesis Suite X x x
Shimizu, Osamu Bara no sansaku (Promenade in the Roses) M x
Shimizu, Osamu Nagaki sō no hanashi (Priest with a Long Nose) X x
Shimizu, Osamu Shi no fuchi yori X x
Shimizu, Osamu Yama ni inoru (Prayer to the Mountains) M x
Shostakovich, Dmitri Execution of Stepan Razin, The X x
Shostakovich, Dmitri Faithfulness M x
Shostakovich, Dmitri Over Our Native Land Shines the Sun (The Sun C x x
Shines on Our Motherland)
Shostakovich, Dmitri Poėmy na slova revoliustsionnykh X x x x x
poėtov, Op. 88 (Ten Songs, Songs on poems of
19th Century Revolutionary Poets)
Shostakovich, Dmitri Song of the Forests (cantata) X x x x x
Shostakovich, Dmitri Symphony No. 13 (Babi Yar) M x
Shostakovich, Dmitri Symphony No. 13 (Babi Yar) X x
Shostakovich, Dmitri Symphony No. 2 (To October) X x
Shostakovich, Dmitri Symphony No. 3 (The First of May) X x
Sibelius, Jean 3 Songs for Chorus, Op. 31 M x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Sibelius, Jean Bridge Guard, The M x
Sibelius, Jean Hymn of the Earth X x
Sibelius, Jean Karelia's Fate M x
Sibelius, Jean Kullervo X x
Sibelius, Jean Kullervo, Op. 7 M x x
Sibelius, Jean Origin of Fire, The M x
Sibelius, Jean Our Native Land X x
Sibelius, Jean Rakastava, Op. 14 (The Lover) M x
Sibelius, Jean Song of the Earth X x
Sibelius, Jean Songs from Kalevala, Op. 18 M x
Sibelius, Jean Three Songs for American Schools X x
Sibelius, Jean Two Italian Songs X x
Sibelius, Jean Lefebvre, Channing Onward, Ye Peoples! M x
Sibelius, Jean Lefebvre, Channing Onward, Ye Peoples! T x
Sibelius, Jean Lefebvre, Channing Onward, Ye Peoples! X x x
Sicilianos, Yorgos Episodia II X x
Sicilianos, Yorgos Epitaphion: in memoriam Nikos CX x
Sicilianos, Yorgos Parable X x
Siegmeister, Elie Abraham Lincoln Walks at Midnight X x
Siegmeister, Elie Cantata for FDR X x
Siegmeister, Elie I Have a Dream X x
Siegmeister, Elie In Our Time X x
Sierra, Roberto Idilio X x
Sigurbjörnsson, Thorkell Missa miniscule W x
Sigurbjörnsson, Thorkell Ode M x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Silva, Francisco Manuel da Requiem X x
Silva, Prescilliano Crux fedeles X x
Silvey, Philip E. Morning Moon T x
Šimkus, Stasys Farewell to Motherland X x
Singer, Louis C. and Livingston Gearhart What Makes a Good American? X x
Singer, Malcolm Two Psalms X x
Singh, Vijay Medieval Gloria X x
Sirett, Mark Les étoiles W x
Sisask, Urmas Agnus Dei (found in Gloria Patri - a collection of X x
Sisask, Urmas Alleluia (found in Gloria Patri - a collection of X x
Sisask, Urmas Ave Maria (found in Gloria Patri - a collection of X x
Sisask, Urmas Confitemini (found in Gloria Patri - a collection X x
of motets)
Sisask, Urmas Deo gratias (found in Gloria Patri - a collection X x
of motets)
Sisask, Urmas Estonian Mass X x
Sisask, Urmas Oremus (found in Gloria Patri - a collection of X x
Sisask, Urmas Pater noster (found in Gloria Patri - a collection X x
of motets)
Smart, Henry Thomas Bride of Dunkerron, The X x
Smart, Henry Thomas Fishermaidens, The W x
Smart, Henry Thomas Jacob X x
Smart, Henry Thomas King Rene's Daughter W x
Smart, Henry Thomas Lancashire X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Smart, Henry Thomas Regent Square X x
Smetana, Bedřich Česka piseň (Czech song) MXW x x
Smetana, Bedřich Heilig, heilig, ist der Herr Zabaoth X x
Smetana, Bedřich Ich hoffe auf den Herrn X x
Smetana, Bedřich Jesu, meine Freude X x
Smetana, Bedřich Lobet den Herrn X x
Smetana, Bedřich Meditabitu in mandatis tuis X x
Smetana, Bedřich Modlitba (Prayer) M x
Smetana, Bedřich Naše piseň (Our Song) M x
Smetana, Bedřich Orodilec (The Renegade) M x
Smetana, Bedřich Piseň na moři (Sea Song) M x
Smetana, Bedřich Rolnická (The Peasant) M x
Smetana, Bedřich Scapulis suis X x
Smetana, Bedřich Slavnostni sbor (Festive Chorus) M x
Smetana, Bedřich Three Choruses for Women's Voices W x
Smetana, Bedřich Tři jezdci (Three Horsemen) M x
Smetana, Bedřich Veňo (The Dower) M x
Smith Moore, Undine Choral Prayers in Folk Style X x
Smith Moore, Undine Scenes from the Life of a Martyr X x
Smith Moore, Undine Sir Olaf and the Erl King's Daughter T x
Smith, Byron J. Worthy to Be Praised X x
Smith, Hale Comes Tomorrow X x x
Smith, Hale I'm Coming Home X x x
Smith, Hale In Memoriam -- Beryl Rubinstein X x x
Smith, Hale Toussaint l'ouverture 1803 X x x
Smith, Hale Two Kids X x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Smith, John Stafford Star-spangled Banner, The X x x
Smith, Joseph of Dublin St. Kevin, or the Gate of Kathleen X x
Smith, Raymond and Walter Aschenbrenner I Won't Kiss Katy X x
Smith, Raymond and Walter Aschenbrenner Peasant and his Oxen X x
Smyth, Ethel Mass in D Major X x x x
Smyth, Ethel Prison, The X x x
Smyth, Ethel Songs of Sunrise T x
Smyth, Ethyl Spring Canticle, A X x
Solman, Alfred Wilson, Harry R. Bells of the Sea X x
Sommer, Vladimír Vocal Symphony X x
Sommerfeldt, Øistein Three Blake Songs, Op. 13 X x
Sondheim, Stephen Page, Robert Not While I'm Around M x
Soproni, József Symphony No. 3 (Sinfonia da Requiem) X x
Sowerby, Leo Ark of the Covenant, The X x
Sowerby, Leo Canticle of the Sun, The X x x x
Sowerby, Leo Christ Reborn X x x
Sowerby, Leo Forsaken of Man X x x
Sowerby, Leo Great Is the Lord X x
Sowerby, Leo Solomon's Garden X x
Sowerby, Leo Throne of God, The X x
Spencer, Williametta At the Round Earth's Imagined Corners X x
Spencer, Williametta Four Madrigals on Texts by James Joyce X x
Spencer, Williametta Missa brevis X x
Sperry, Ethan Ramkali M x
Spicker, Max, William Sparger Sabbath Evening and Morning Service X x
Spies, Claudio In paradisum X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Spies, Claudio Proverbs on Wisdom M x
Spies, Claudio Verses from the Book of Ruth W x
Spitta, Heinrich Thanksgiving Cantata X x
Spohr, Louis Calvary (Des Heilands letzte Stunden) X x x
Spohr, Louis Das jüngste Gericht X x
Spohr, Louis Der Fall Babylons, WoO 63 (The Fall of Babylon) X x
Spohr, Louis Last Judgment, The X x x
Spohr, Louis Mass, Op. 54 X x x x
Spohr, Louis Psalm Eighty-four, Op. 134 X x
Spohr, Louis Six Part-songs, Op. 151 X x
Spohr, Louis Six Part-songs, Op. 44 M x
Spohr, Louis Six Part-songs, Op. 90 M x
Srebotnjak, Alojz Mother, The X x
Staar, René Kyrie I "Durham Cathedral" M x
Staar, René Kyrie II "Cathedrale de Lausanne" W x
Staar, René Kyrie III "Notre Dame de Paris" X x
Stainer, John Crucifixion, The X x x x x
Stainer, John Daughter of Jairus, The X x x
Stainer, John God So Loved the World X x x
Stainer, John I Am Alpha and Omega X x
Stainer, John McKelvy, James (ed.) Grieve Not the Holy Spirit of God X x
Stainer, John Swift, Frederic Fay God So Loved the World T x
Stanford, Charles Villiers Blue Bird, The X x x x
Stanford, Charles Villiers Eden X x
Stanford, Charles Villiers Nine Songs for Children, Op. 30 T x
Stanford, Charles Villiers Partsongs, Op. 110 X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Stanford, Charles Villiers Partsongs, Op. 119 X x
Stanford, Charles Villiers Partsongs, Op. 127 X x
Stanford, Charles Villiers Requiem, Op. 63 X x x
Stanford, Charles Villiers Revenge, The X x x x
Stanford, Charles Villiers Songs of the Sea X x
Stanford, Charles Villiers Stabat mater, Op. 96 X x x
Stanford, Charles Villiers Three Cavalier Songs, Op. 17 M x
Stanford, Charles Villiers Three Latin Motets, Op. 51 X x
Stanford, Charles Villiers Three Motets, Op. 51 X x
Stanford, Charles Villiers Welcome Song for the Opening of the Franco- X x
British Exhibition
Starer, Robert Ariel, Visions of Isaiah X x
Starer, Robert Images of Man X x
Starer, Robert Joseph and His Brothers X x
Starer, Robert On the Nature of Things X x
Starer, Robert Sabbath Evening Service X x
Starer, Robert Two Songs from Honey and Salt X x
Starorussky, Vasily Ot yúnosti moyeyá (From My youth) X x
Steffe, William Ringwald, Roy Battle Hymn of the Republic M x
Steffe, William Ringwald, Roy Battle Hymn of the Republic X x x
Steffe, William Wilhousky, Peter J. Battle Hymn of the Republic X x x x
Stenhammar, Wilhelm I rosengård X x
Stenhammar, Wilhelm Three Choral Ballads X x x
Stenhammer, Wilhelm Song, The X x
Sternberg, Erich Walter Praise Ye X x
Stevens, Halsey Ballad of William Sycamore, The X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Stevens, Halsey Campion Suite X x
Stevens, Halsey Epitaph for Sara and Roland Cotton, An X x
Stevens, Halsey Four Carols M x
Stevens, Halsey Go, Lovely Rose X x
Stevens, Halsey In te, Domine, speravi X x
Stevens, Halsey Lady As Thy Fair Swan X x
Stevens, Halsey Like As the Culver on the Bared Bough X x x
Stevens, Halsey Magnificat X x x
Stevens, Halsey Songs from the Paiute X x
Stevens, Halsey Testament of Life, A X x
Stevens, Halsey Way of Jehovah, The X x
Stibilj, Milan Apokatastasis (Slovene Requiem) X x
Still, William Grant And They Lynched Him on a Tree X x x
Still, William Grant From a Lost Continent X x
Still, William Grant Plain Chant for America X x
Still, William Grant Song of a City X x
Stokes, Eric What Eve Sang X x
Strassburg, Robert Leaves of Grass X x
Strategier, Herman Don Ramiro X x
Strategier, Herman Rembrandt Cantata X x
Strategier, Herman Shadow out of Time, The X x
Straume, Jānis Pie Baltijas jūras X x
Straus, Christoph Missa pro defunctis X x
Strauss II, Johann Kaiser-Walzer, Op. 437 (Emperor Waltz) X x
Strauss II, Johann Sängerlust-Polka X x
Strauss II, Johann Gibb, Robert W. Rosen aus dem Süden (Roses from the South) X x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Strauss, Richard An den Baum Daphne CX x
Strauss, Richard Cantata M x
Strauss, Richard Deutsche Motette X x
Strauss, Richard Die Göttin im Putzzimmer (The Goddess in the M x
Strauss, Richard Die Tageszeiten M x
Strauss, Richard Eine deutsche Motette, Op. 62 X x
Strauss, Richard Six Folk Songs M x
Strauss, Richard Taillefer X x
Strauss, Richard Wanderers Sturmlied (Wen du nicht verlässest, X x
Stravinsky, Igor Anthem ("The dove descending") X x x x
Stravinsky, Igor Ave maria (Bogoroditse Devo) X x x x x x x
Stravinsky, Igor Cantata (1904) X x
Stravinsky, Igor Cantata (1952) W x x x x x x x
Stravinsky, Igor Canticum sacrum ad honorem Sancti Marci X x x x x x x
nominis (Sacred Song)
Stravinsky, Igor Chorale Variations on "Vom Himmel hoch" by J. X x
S. Bach
Stravinsky, Igor Credo (Simvol Veri) X x x x
Stravinsky, Igor Flood, The X x x
Stravinsky, Igor Introitus M x
Stravinsky, Igor King of the Stars (Star-Faced One) M x
Stravinsky, Igor Les Noces (The Wedding) X x x x x x x
Stravinsky, Igor Mass X x x x x x x x x
Stravinsky, Igor Oedipus Rex M x x x x x
Stravinsky, Igor Oedipus Rex X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Stravinsky, Igor Pater noster (Otche nash) X x x x x x x x
Stravinsky, Igor Perséphone (ballet with chorus) CX x x x
Stravinsky, Igor Requiem Canticles X x x
Stravinsky, Igor Saucer, The (Four Russian Peasant Songs for W x x x
women's chorus)
Stravinsky, Igor Saucer, The (Four Russian Peasant Songs) E x
Stravinsky, Igor Sermon, a Narrative, and a Prayer, A X x x x
Stravinsky, Igor Star-Spangled Banner X x
Stravinsky, Igor Symphonie de Psaumes (Symphony of Psalms) X x x x x x x x x x x x
Stravinsky, Igor Threni, id est Lamentationes Jerimae X x x x x
prophetae (Dirges, that is, Lamentations of the
Prophet Jeremiah)
Stravinsky, Igor Tres sacrae cantiones X x
Stravinsky, Igor Zvezdoliki M x
Strickland, Lily Mah Lindy Lou T x
Strommen, Carl Homeward Bound X x
Stroope, Z. Randall American Rhapsody/American Christmas X x
Stroope, Z. Randall American Te Deum, An T x
Stroope, Z. Randall Amor de Mi Alma (Love of My Soul) X x
Stroope, Z. Randall Cantate Domino X x
Stroope, Z. Randall Cantus Natalis XT x
Stroope, Z. Randall Where the Earth Meets the Sky X x
Strouse, Charles Emerson, Roger Choral Highlights from Annie X x
Strouse, Charles Metis, Frank You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile X x
(from Annie)
Stucky, Steven Ah, Holy Jesus X x
Stucky, Steven Cradle Songs X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Stucky, Steven Drop, Drop Slow Tears X x
Stucky, Steven Spring and Fall X x
Suchoň, Eugen Aka si mi krasna (How Beautiful You Are) X x
Suchoň, Eugen Of Man X x
Suchoň, Eugen Psalm of the Carpathians, Op. 12 X x
Suchoň, Eugen Slovak Mass, The U x
Suesse, Dana Ringwald, Roy Night is Young, The M x
Suk, Josef Epilogue X x
Sullivan, Arthur Seymour Golden Legend, The X x x
Sullivan, Arthur Seymour Light of the World, The X x x
Sullivan, Arthur Seymour Martyr of Antioch, The X x
Sullivan, Arthur Seymour On Shore and Sea X x
Sullivan, Arthur Seymour Onward Christian Soldiers X x
Sullivan, Arthur Seymour Prodigal Son, The X x x x
Sullivan, Arthur Seymour Simeone, Harry Onward, Christian Soldiers M x
Sullivan, Arthur Seymour Simeone, Harry Onward, Christian Soldiers X x
Sullivan, Arthur Seymour Swift, Frederic Fay Onward, Christian Soldiers T x
Sulzer, Salomon Duda'im U x
Sulzer, Salomon Shir Zion X x
Surinach, Carlos Cantata de San Juan (Cantata of St. John) X x x
Surinach, Carlos Missions of San Antonio M x
Surinach, Carlos Songs of the Soul X x
Surinach, Carlos Via crucis X x
Susa, Conrad Carols and Lullabies (Christmas in the M x
Susa, Conrad Carols and Lullabies (Christmas in the X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Susa, Conrad Christmas Garland, A X x
Susa, Conrad Magnificat and Nunc dimittis X x
Suter, Hermann Le laudi di S Francesco d'Assisi CX x
Suter, Robert Ballade von des Cortez Leuten X x
Sutherland, Margaret Company of Carols, A X x
Sutherland, Margaret Passing, The X x
Sveinbjörnsson, Sveinbjörn Royal Cantata X x
Svendsen, Johan Two Part-songs for Men's voices, Op. 2 M x
Svilainis, Giedrius O quam tristis X x
Sviridov, Georgi Kursk Songs X x
Sviridov, Georgi Land of the Fathers X x
Sviridov, Georgi My Father the Peasant X x
Sviridov, Georgi Oratorio pathétique (Pathetic Oratorio) X x x
Sviridov, Georgi Poema pamyati Sergeya Yesenina (Poem in X x x
Memory of Sergei Yesenin)
Sviridov, Georgi Spring Cantata X x
Swayne, Giles Silent Land, The X x
Sweelinck, Jan Pieter Chantez à Dieu chanson nouvelle X x
Sweelinck, Jan Pieter Hodie, Christus natus est X x x x
Sweelinck, Jan Pieter Laudate Dominum X x
Sweelinck, Jan Pieter O sacrum convivium X x
Sweelinck, Jan Pieter Psalm 150 X x
Sweelinck, Jan Pieter Psalm 96 X x
Sweelinck, Jan Pieter Venite, Exsultemus Domino (O Come Let Us X x x x
Sing, O Come Let Us Praise God)
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Sweelinck, Jan Pieter Sateren, Leland (ed.) Gaudate omnes (Sing with Gladness) X x
Swider, Jozef Cantate Domino X x
Szabó, Ferenc Ave Maria X x
Szabó, Ferenc Urchin Song C x
Szöllösy, András Fabula Phaedri M x
Szöllösy, András In Phariseos X x
Szöllösy, András Miserere M x
Szöllösy, András Planctus Mariae W x
Szönyi, Erzsébet Shivering King, The C x
Szönyi, Erzsébet Tinodi's Song about Eger C x
Szymanowski, Karol Agave W x
Szymanowski, Karol Demeter W x
Szymanowski, Karol Litany to the Virgin Mary W x
Szymanowski, Karol Stabat Mater X x x x
Szymanowski, Karol Symphony No. 3 (The Song of the Night) X x
Szymanowski, Karol Veni Creator X x
Szymko, Joan It Takes a Village X x
Tailleferre, Germaine Concerto for Two Pianos, Chorus, and X x
Tailleferre, Germaine La cantate du Narcisse W x
Tajčević, Marko Cetiri duhovna stiha (Four Spiritual Verses) X x
Tajčević, Marko Dvadeset srpskih narodnih pesama (Twenty X x
Serbian Folk Songs)
Tajčević, Marko Liturgija (Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom) X x
Tajčević, Marko Pesme od kola M x
Tajčević, Marko Three Madrigals X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Takach, Timothy C. Streets of Laredo M x
Takahashi, Yuji Michi-Yuki X x
Takata, Saburō Kisetsu to ashiato (Seasons and Footprints) M x
Takata, Saburō Musei dōkoku (Wordless Tears) X x
Takemitsu, Tōru Kaze no uma (Horse in the Wind) W x
Tal, Josef Death of Moses, The X x
Tal, Josef Mother Rejoices, A X x
Tallis, Thomas Audivi vocem U x
Tallis, Thomas Benedictus X x
Tallis, Thomas Heare the Voyce X x
Tallis, Thomas If Ye Love Me X x x x
Tallis, Thomas Lamentations (Parts I and II) X x
Tallis, Thomas Missa Salve intemerato X x
Tallis, Thomas Missa sine nomine M x
Tallis, Thomas Morning and Evening Service in Dorian mode X x
Tallis, Thomas O nata lux de lumine X x
Tallis, Thomas Spem in alium X x x
Talma, Louise Celebration W x
Talma, Louise Holy Sonnets X x
Talma, Louise In principio erat verbum X x
Talma, Louise Let's Touch the Sky X x x
Talma, Louise Time to Remember, A X x x
Tan Dun Symphony 1997 Heaven Earth Mankind C x
Tan Dun Water Passion after Saint Matthew X x
Tanev, Alexander Chronicle of Freedom X x
Tanev, Alexander Old Bulgarian Dances M x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Taneyev, Sergey Ivanovich At the Reading of a Psalm, Op. 36 X x x
Taneyev, Sergey Ivanovich Die Alpen X x
Taneyev, Sergey Ivanovich Hori (Choruses) X x
Taneyev, Sergey Ivanovich John of Damascus, Op. 1 X x
Taneyev, Sergey Ivanovich Sunrise, Op. 8 X x x
Tansman, Alexandre In Memoriam X x
Tansman, Alexandre Isaïe, le prophète (Isaiah, the Prophet) X x x
Tansman, Alexandre Prologue et cantate W x
Tansman, Alexandre Psaumes X x
Tavener, John Celtic Requiem X x
Tavener, John God Is with Us X x
Tavener, John Introit for March 27, the Feast of Saint John X x
Tavener, John Ma fin est mon commencement M x
Tavener, John Magnificat and Nunc dimittis Collegium Regale X x
Tavener, John Notre pere C x
Tavener, John Responsorium in Memory of Annon Lee Silver X x
Tavener, John Song for Athene X x x
Tavener, John Today the Virgin X x
Tavener, John Two Hymns to the Mother of God X x
Tavener, John Ultimos ritos (Coplas, Nomine Jesu) X x
Tavener, John Uncreated Eros, The X x
Tavener, John Voices X x
Tavener, John We Shall See Him as He Is X x
Tavener, John Whale, The X x
Taverner, John Missa O Michael X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Taverner, John Western Wynde (Mass), The X x x
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'ych All-night Vigil, Op. 52 X x x x x
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'ych Angel vopiiashe (The Angel Cried Out) X x
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'ych Cherubim Song X x x
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'ych Legend, A (1889) (From Op. 54, Songs for X x x x
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'ych Liturgy of St. John Chryostom, Op. 41 X x
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'ych Nine Sacred Pieces (1885) X x
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'ych Oh, Blest Are They X x x
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'ych Pater Noster (Our Father (1884-5)) X x x x
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'ych To Joy (1865) X x
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'ych Bell, Leslie Crown of Roses, The M x
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'ych Cain, Noble Hail, Thou Holy One X x x
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'ych Chesnokov, Pavel All-night Vigil, Op. 52 M x
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'ych Deis, Carl Legend, A (from Op. 54, Songs for Children) X x
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'ych Gillman, Wallace O Blessed Lord X x
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Il'ych Treharne, Bryceson Pilgrim's Song M x
Tcherepnin, Alexander Baptism Cantata X x
Tcherepnin, Alexander Le jeu de la Nativité X x
Tcherepnin, Alexander Mass W x
Tcherepnin, Alexander Pan kéou X x
Tcherepnin, Nikolai All-Night Vigil X x
Tcherepnin, Nikolai La descente de la Sainte Vierge à l'enfer X x
Telemann, George Philipp Das ist je gewißlich wahr (Bach's Cantata 141) X x
Telemann, George Philipp Der Gott, unsers Herrn, Jesus Christi (To God, X x
Our Lord and Saviour)
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Telemann, George Philipp Der Tag des Gerichts X x
Telemann, George Philipp Die Tageszeiten (Times of the Day) X x
Telemann, George Philipp Gott der Hoffnung erfülle euch (Bach's Cantata X x
Telemann, George Philipp Jesu, meine Freude (Jesu, Joyous Treasure) X x
Telemann, George Philipp Laudate Jehovam, omnes gentes X x
Telemann, George Philipp Matthäus-Passion (1722) (St. Matthew Passion) X x
Telemann, George Philipp Paßions-Musik nach dem Evangelisten Markus X x
(1767) (St. Mark Passion)
Telemann, George Philipp Psalm 117 X x
Telemann, George Philipp Siehe, es hat überwunden der Löwe (Bach's X x
Cantata 219)
Telfer, Nancy Missa Brevis T x
Tenel, Edgar Franciscus X x
Teschner, Melchior Cain, Noble All Glory, Laud and Honor X x x
Theodorakis, Mikis Requiem CX x
Thiman, Eric High Tide on the Coast of Lincolnshire, The X x
Thiman, Eric Last Supper, The X x
Thiman, Eric Parables, The X x
Thiman, Eric Path to the Moon, The U x
Thiman, Eric Temptations of Christ, The X x
Thomas, Ambroise Messe des morts X x
Thomas, Ambroise Messe solennelle X x
Thomas, Andre Goin' Up to Glory M x
Thomas, Andre Keep Your Lamps X x
Thomas, Andre Rockin' Jerusalem X x
Thomas, Arthur Goring Swan and the Skylark, The X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Thomas, Augusta Read Rub of Love, The X x
Thomas, Kurt Jerusalem, du hochgebaute Stadt X x
Thomas, Kurt Latin Mass in A X x
Thomas, Kurt Psalm 137 X x
Thompson, Randall Alleluia X x x x x x x x
Thompson, Randall Americana V x x x x x x
Thompson, Randall Best of Rooms, The X x x x
Thompson, Randall Concord Cantala, A X x
Thompson, Randall De Profundis (Out of the Deep) X x
Thompson, Randall Feast of Praise, A X x
Thompson, Randall Five Odes of Horace X x
Thompson, Randall Frostiana V x x x
Thompson, Randall Glory to God in the Highest X x
Thompson, Randall Lark in the Morn, The X x
Thompson, Randall Last Words of David, The M x
Thompson, Randall Last Words of David, The X x x x x x
Thompson, Randall Lord is My Shepherd, The X x
Thompson, Randall Mass of the Holy Spirit X x x x
Thompson, Randall Nativity According to St. Luke X x
Thompson, Randall Ode to the Virginian Voyage X x
Thompson, Randall Odes of Horace MX x
Thompson, Randall Passion According to Saint Luke, The X x x x
Thompson, Randall Peaceable Kingdom, The X x x x x x x
Thompson, Randall Place of the Blest, The T x x
Thompson, Randall Psalm of Thanksgiving, A X x
Thompson, Randall Pueri Hebraeorum W x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Thompson, Randall Requiem X x
Thompson, Randall Rosemary W x x
Thompson, Randall Tarantella M x x
Thompson, Randall Testament of Freedom, The M x x x x x x x
Thompson, Randall Testament of Freedom, The X x
Thompson, Randall Twelve Canticles X x
Thompson, Randall Two Worlds X x
Thompson, Van Denman Hymn to the Trinity X x
Thompson, Van Denman Ride on! Ride on! X x x
Thomson, Virgil De Profundis (Out of the Deep) X x x
Thomson, Virgil Four Southern Folk Hymns X x
Thomson, Virgil Mass (unison) U x
Thomson, Virgil Missa Brevis M x
Thomson, Virgil Missa Brevis W x
Thomson, Virgil Missa pro defunctis X x x
Thomson, Virgil Nativity As Sung by the Shepherds, The X x
Thomson, Virgil Three Antiphonal Psalms W x
Thomson, Virgil Tribulationes Civitatum X x x
Ticheli, Frank There Will Be Rest X x x
Tinel, Edgar Missa in honorem Beatae Mariae Virginis de X x
Lourdes, Op. 41
Tinel, Edgar Te Deum X x
Tippett, Michael Child of our Time, A X x x x x
Tippett, Michael Magnificat and Nunc dimittis X x x
Tippett, Michael Mask of Time, The X x
Tippett, Michael Plebs Angelica X x x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Tippett, Michael Song of Liberty, A X x x
Tippett, Michael Two Madrigals X x
Tippett, Michael Vision of St. Augustine, The X x x
Tippett, Michael Weeping Babe, The X x x
Titcomb, H. Everett O Love, How Deep X x
Titcomb, H. Everett Victory Te Deum X x
Tobias, Rudolf Des Jona Sendung X x
Tobias, Rudolf Johannes Damascenus X x x
Tobias, Rudolf Twelve German Motets X x
Toch, Ernst Cantata of the Bitter Herbs, Op. 65 X x
Toch, Ernst Geographical Fugue, The X x x
Toch, Ernst Valse (Waltz) X x x
Tomás, Guillermo M. Canto de guerra X x
Tomás, Guillermo M. La oración del creyente X x x
Tomkins, Thomas O Praise the Lord, all ye heathen X x
Tomkins, Thomas When David Heard (Absalom) X x x
Topel, Joseph Shuvu Adonay (Turn Again, Our Captivity, X x
Psalm 126)
Torke, Michael Four Seasons CX x
Torke, Michael Mass X x
Torme, Mel and Robert Wells Ehret, Walter Christmas Song, The (Chestnuts Roasting on an X x x
Open Fire)
Torme, Mel and Robert Wells Puerling, Gene Christmas Song, The (Chestnuts Roasting on an X x
Open Fire)
Tormis, Veljo Eesti kalendrilaulud (Estonian Calendar Songs) X x
Tormis, Veljo Kalevipoeg X x
Tormis, Veljo Meestelaulud (Men's Songs) M x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Tormis, Veljo Sun, Sea, Earth X x
Tormis, Veljo Varjele, Jumala, soasta (God, Protect Us from M x
Torres-Santos, Raymond Requiem X x
Tosar Errecart, Héctor A. Te Deum X x
Track, Gerhard Ex sion speoies (From Zion's beauty) XT x
Traditional Adeste Fidles X x
Traditional Christmas Hymn X x
Traditional God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen X x
Traditional Nobody Knows the Trouble I See, Lord U x
Traditional O Tannenbaum X x
Traditional Still, Still, Still X x
Traditional Swing low, sweet Chariot X x
Traditional Wondrous Love X x
Traditional Aldema, Gil Ai, di, di, di, dai X x
Traditional Aliferis, James Cherubic Hymn (Greek liturgy) X x
Traditional Ames, Roger Down by the Riverside X x
Traditional Ames, Roger Pick a Bale o' Cotton X x
Traditional Ames, Roger She Moved Through the Faire X x
Traditional Ames, Roger Shenandoah X x
Traditional Ames, Roger Three Appalachian Folk Songs X x
Traditional Andrews, Mark John Peel (old English Hunting Song) M x
Traditional Aschenbrenner, Walter Jesus on the Water Slide X x
Traditional Aschenbrenner, Walter Three Blind Mice X x
Traditional Bantock, Sir Granville Lincolnshire Poacher, The M x
Traditional Barker, Dale W. Night Herding Song X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Traditional Barthelson, Joyce Cindy (American Folk Song) M x
Traditional Barthelson, Joyce Cindy (American Folk Song) T x
Traditional Barthelson, Joyce Cindy (American Folk Song) X x
Traditional Barthelson, Joyce Elephant and the Flea, The (nonsense song) M x
Traditional Barthelson, Joyce Elephant and the Flea, The (nonsense song) T x
Traditional Barthelson, Joyce Go Tell it on the Mountain (Christmas Spiritual) M x
Traditional Barthelson, Joyce Go Tell it on the Mountain (Christmas Spiritual) T x
Traditional Barthelson, Joyce I Love Little Willie (Southern mountain song) M x
Traditional Barthelson, Joyce I Love Little Willie (Southern mountain song) T x
Traditional Barthelson, Joyce My Pretty Little Pink X x
Traditional Bartholomew, Marshall De Animals a-Comin' X x
Traditional Bartholomew, Marshall De Animals a-Comin' (Negro spiritual) M x
Traditional Bartholomew, Marshall I Got Shoes (Negro spiritual) M x
Traditional Bartholomew, Marshall Little Innocent Lamb M x
Traditional Bartholomew, Marshall What Shall We Do with a Drunken Sailor? M x
(traditional sea chantey)
Traditional Beery, Lon Fillimiooriay X x
Traditional Bell, Leslie Lollytoodum X x
Traditional Bell, Leslie Lollytoodum (American folk song) T x
Traditional Berg, Ken This Little Light of Mine U x
Traditional Bernstein, Leonard Reena X x
Traditional Bernstein, Leonard Simchu na X x
Traditional Braz, Michael Summer Is A-coming In T x
Traditional Bright, Houston I Ride an Old Paint X x
Traditional Burleigh, Harry T. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot (Spiritual) T x
Traditional Burleigh, Harry T. Two Negro Spirituals (Deep River and Dig My X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Traditional Burleigh, Henry T. Deep River X x
Traditional Burleigh, Henry T. Were You There X x x
Traditional Cain, Noble Carol of the Birds X x
Traditional Cain, Noble Ezekiel Saw De Wheel X x
Traditional Cain, Noble I Got Shoes X x
Traditional Cain, Noble I Got Shoes (Spiritual) T x
Traditional Cain, Noble Little David, Play on Your Harp X x
Traditional Cain, Noble Little David, Play on Your Harp (Spiritual) T x
Traditional Cain, Noble Old Chisholm Trail, The (Western folk song) M x
Traditional Caldwell, Paul and Sean Ivory Ain't No Grave Can Hold My Body Down W x
Traditional Caldwell, Paul and Sean Ivory Go Where I Send Thee W x
Traditional Caldwell, Paul and Sean Ivory Go Where I Send Thee X x
Traditional Caldwell, Paul and Sean Ivory John the Revelator X x
Traditional Cashmore, Donald Joseph Rocking X x
Traditional Chapman, Edward She's Like the Swallow X x
Traditional Charles, Ray Hi Ho, Nobody Home X x
Traditional Chilcott, Bob Buffalo Gals X x
Traditional Christiansen, F. Melius and Beautiful Savior (Silesian folk tune) M x
Elsa Christiansen Wycisk
Traditional Churchill, Stuart Black is the Color of My True Love's Hair X x x
Traditional Churchill, Stuart Jennie Jenkins (American Dialogue Song) X x
Traditional Churchill, Stuart Lolly Tu-Dum (American folk song) M x
Traditional Churchill, Stuart Lolly Tu-Dum (American folk song) T x
Traditional Churchill, Stuart Wanderin' X x
Traditional Clough-Leighter, Henry (ed.) Christ Is Born of Maiden Fair (ancient carol) M x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Traditional Collins, Drew Domaredansen (Judge's Dance) X x
Traditional Copland, Aaron and Irving Old American Songs X x x
Traditional Cunkle, Frank Behold That Star (Spiritual - Christmas) M x
Traditional Davis, Katherine K. Goin' to Boston (Kentucky folk song) T x
Traditional Davis, Katherine K. O Little Star in the Sky (Swedish folk tune) T x
Traditional Davis, Katherine K. Old Woman and the Pedlar, The T x
Traditional Davis, Katherine K. Pat-a-Pan (Burgundian carol; Christmas) T x
Traditional Davis, Katherine K. Silver Moon is Shining, The X x
Traditional Davison, Archibald T. Rantin' Rovin' Robin (Scottish folk song) M x
Traditional Davison, Archibald T. Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones (17th century M x
German melody)
Traditional Dawson, William L. Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit X x
Traditional Dawson, William L. Ezekiel Saw the Wheel X x
Traditional Dawson, William L. Soon-Ah Will Be Done C x
Traditional Dawson, William L. Soon-Ah Will Be Done M x x
Traditional Dawson, William L. Soon-Ah Will Be Done X x
Traditional Dawson, William L. There is a Balm in Gilead X x x x
Traditional De Cormier, Robert Ahrirang X x
Traditional De Vaux, Joseph Rock-a My Soul X x
Traditional De Vaux, Joseph Rock-a My Soul (Spiritual) T x
Traditional Deibler, Seán I'm Going Home on a Cloud U x
Traditional Deibler, Seán I'm Going Home on a Cloud X x
Traditional Dennard, Brazeal W. Steal Away M x
Traditional Dilworth, Rollo A. I've Been 'Buked, Children! X x
Traditional Dougherty, Celius Rio Grande (sea chantey) M x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Traditional Duey, Philip Lord Randall (British folk song) M x
Traditional Ehret, Walter I Ain't Gonna Grieve My Lord No More X x
Traditional Ehret, Walter Jesus' Christmas Lullaby X x
Traditional Ehret, Walter Rocking (Christmas carol) M x
Traditional Ehret, Walter Rocking (Christmas carol) T x
Traditional Ehret, Walter Rocking (Czech carol) X x
Traditional Ellis, Anita If I had a Ribbon Bow X x
Traditional Enders, Harvey Josh'a Fit de Battle X x
Traditional Enders, Harvey Russian Picnic X x
Traditional Erb, James Shenandoah X x
Traditional Fiske, Roger Ho-La-Hi X x
Traditional Fletcher, Percy E. Keel Row, The (Tyneside air) T x
Traditional Gaul, Harvey And the Trees do Moan (Carol of the Mountain X x
Traditional Gaul, Harvey Carol of the Russian Children X x
Traditional Gearhart, Livingston Dry Bones X x
Traditional Gearhart, Livingston God of Our Fathers X x
Traditional Gilbert, Nina Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child M x
Traditional Goetze, Mary Scarborough Fair T x
Traditional Gordon, Philip Jesus Christ Our Savior is Born (Lithuanian M x
Traditional Gordon, Philip Jesus Christ Our Savior is Born (Lithuanian T x
Traditional Gordon, Philip John Anderson, My Jo (Scottish folk song) X x
Traditional Gordon, Philip O Come, all Ye Children (German Christmas M x
Traditional Gordon, Philip O Come, all Ye Children (German Christmas T x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Traditional Gordon, Philip O Little Jesus (16th Century German carol) X x
Traditional Grainger, Percy Brigg Fair X x
Traditional Grainger, Percy Sir Eglamore X x
Traditional Grainger, Percy Three Ravens, The X x
Traditional Grainger, Percy Ye Banks and Braes o' Bonnie Doon X x
Traditional Grant, Guy Water Come-a-Me Eye X x
Traditional Grant, Louise Little Bird (Mexican folk song) T x
Traditional Haazen, Guido Missa luba (Mass in Congolese style) X x
Traditional Hairston, Jester Hold On X x
Traditional Hairston, Jester Poor Man Lazarus M x
Traditional Hall, Arthur Sourwood Mountain (Kentucky Mountain M x
Traditional Harley, Frances and Walter Ifca's Castle X x
Traditional Harley, Frances and Walter Ifca's Castle (Czechoslovakian folk song) T x
Traditional Harley, Frances and Walter Little Sandman, The (German folk song) T x
Traditional Hogan, Moses Battle of Jericho, The X x
Traditional Hogan, Moses Elijah Rock X x
Traditional Hogan, Moses Music Down in My Soul X x
Traditional Hogan, Moses My God Is So High X x
Traditional Hogan, Moses Wade in the Water X x
Traditional Hogan, Moses; Benjamin Old Time Religion X x
Harlan (ad.)
Traditional Hokanson, Margrethe Joyous Christmas Song, A (Norwegian carol) M x
Traditional Holst, Gustav Six Choral Folksongs, Op. 36b M x
Traditional Holst, Gustav Six Choral Folksongs, Op. 36b X x x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Traditional Holst, Gustav Three Old English Carols X x
Traditional Howorth, Wayne Come, All Ye Lads and Lassies (old Engllish M x
Traditional Howorth, Wayne Come, All Ye Lads and Lassies (old Engllish T x
Traditional Howorth, Wayne He's Goin' Away (American folk song) M x
Traditional Howorth, Wayne He's Goin' Away (American folk song) T x
Traditional Howorth, Wayne He's Got the Whole World in His Hands M x
Traditional Howorth, Wayne He's Got the Whole World in His Hands T x
Traditional Howorth, Wayne Let Us Cheer the Weary Traveller (Spiritual) M x
Traditional Howorth, Wayne Let Us Cheer the Weary Traveller (Spiritual) T x
Traditional Hunter, Ralph Didn't My Lord Deliver Daneil X x
Traditional Hunter, Ralph Moan to the moon X x
Traditional Hunter, Ralph, Alice Parker, Believe Me, if All Those Endearing Young M x
and Robert Shaw Charms (old Irish air)
Traditional Hunter, Ralph, Alice Parker, Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes (old English M x
and Robert Shaw air)
Traditional Jacob, Gordon Ash Grove, The X x
Traditional Jeffers, Ron Sea Shanties M x
Traditional Jungst, Hugo Scissors-Grinder, The (Flemish folk song) M x
Traditional Jungst, Hugo While by My Sheep X x
Traditional Jüngst, Hugo Christmas Hymn T x
Traditional Jüngst, Hugo Christmas Hymn (17th century) M x
Traditional Kanitz, Ernest Meadows, Grow Ye Greener (Austrian folk T x
Traditional Kinscella, Hazel Gertrude Old Woman and the Peddler, The X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Traditional Kirk, Theron W. Certainly, Lord X x
Traditional Kirk, Theron W. Loch Lomond (old Scotch air) M x
Traditional Kirk, Theron W. Loch Lomond (old Scotch air) T x
Traditional Kjelson, Lee Ah, Lovely Meadows M x
Traditional Kjelson, Lee Ah, Lovely Meadows T x
Traditional Kjelson, Lee At the Gates of Heaven (Basque folk song) M x
Traditional Kjelson, Lee At the Gates of Heaven (Basque folk song) T x
Traditional Kjelson, Lee Drill, Ye Tarriers, Drill (American ballad) M x
Traditional Kjelson, Lee Drill, Ye Tarriers, Drill (American ballad) T x
Traditional Kjelson, Lee Standin' in the Need of Prayer (Negro spiritual) M x
Traditional Kjelson, Lee Standin' in the Need of Prayer (Negro spiritual) T x
Traditional Klemm, Gustav While Shepherds Watch'd X x
Traditional Knecht, Kurt Go Tell it on the Mountain X x
Traditional Kodály, Zoltán Gólya-nóta (Swallow's Wooing, The) T x
(Hungarian Children's Song)
Traditional Kremser, Edward Prayer of Thanksgiving X x
Traditional Kremser, Edward Prayer of Thanksgiving (old Dutch melody) T x
Traditional Krone, Beatrice P. and Max T. God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen M x
Traditional Krone, Beatrice P. and Max T. We Wish You a Merry Christmas M x
Traditional Krone, Max T. Birds and the Christ Child, The X x
Traditional Krone, Max T. Cicirinella X x
Traditional Krone, Max T. Czecho-Slovakian Dance Song X x
Traditional Krone, Max T. Swiss Skiing song X x
Traditional Krone, Max T. We Wish you a Merry Christmas X x
Traditional Krone, Max T. We Wish You a Merry Christmas (English folk T x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Traditional Larson, Earl Roland Oh, Vreneli (Swiss folk song) X x
Traditional Leite, Marcos Três Cantos Nativos X x
Traditional Lekberg, Sven Weep, O Willow X x
Traditional Lester, David A. W. Vreneli (Swiss folk song) T x
Traditional Ling-Tam, Jing Jasmine Flower X x
Traditional Ling-Tam, Jing Magnificent Horses X x
Traditional Liszniewski, Karol Old Polish Christmas Carol X x
Traditional Lorenz, Ellen Jane Go Down, Moses X x
Traditional Lundquist, Matthew Each Little Flower X x
Traditional Lundquist, Matthew Gentle Mary and Her Child X x
Traditional Lundquist, Matthew Hide Not Thy Face, O My Savior (Finnish folk X x
Traditional Lundquist, Matthew Our Day of Joy is Here Again X x
Traditional Lundquist, Matthew Songs of Praise the Angels Sang X x
Traditional Luvaas, Morten J. Hi, Ho, Sing Gaily! (Swiss Folk Tune) X x
Traditional Luvaas, Morten J. Ho La Li (Bavarian melody) X x
Traditional Luvaas, Morten J. Memories (Irish folk tune) T x
Traditional Malin, Don All Glory be to God on High X x
Traditional Malin, Don All Glory Be to God on High (chorale melody of M x
Gregorian origin)
Traditional Manney, Charles Fonteyn Good Night X x
Traditional Manney, Charles Fonteyn Morning Now Beckons X x
Traditional Manton, Robert Babe, So Tender, A (old Flemish carol) M x
Traditional Marais, Joseph and Ruth Marching to Pretoria X x
Traditional Marlowe, Jeffrey Chiapanecas (Mexican dance song) T x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Traditional McDermid, J. Aaron Come Sing to me of Heaven M x
Traditional McKay, George Frederick Tune on a Reed, A X x
Traditional Mead, George Down in the Valley (Kentucky folk tune) M x
Traditional Mganga, Boniface Vamuvamba X x
Traditional Miranda, Ronaldo Suite Nordestina X x
Traditional Mueller, Carl F. Sing Hallelujah, Praise the Lord M x
Traditional Mueller, Carl F. Sing Hallelujah, Praise the Lord T x
Traditional Murray, Lyn Every Time I Feel de Spirit X x
Traditional Neaum, Michael I Once Loved a Lad W x
Traditional Nelson, Havelock Girl with the Buckles on Her shoes, The X x
Traditional Nelson, Ron Three Mountain Ballads T x
Traditional Niles, John Jacob and Lewis I Wonder As I Wander (Appalachian carol) M x
Traditional Nunn, Edward Cuthbert Bring a Torch, Jeannette, Isabella (old French T x
Traditional Ogura, Roh Nine Pieces on Children's Songs of Tohoku W x
Traditional Page, Nick Niska Banja T x
Traditional Parker, Alice Be Thou My Vision X x
Traditional Parker, Alice God Is Seen X x
Traditional Parker, Alice Hark, I Hear the Harps Eternal X x
Traditional Parker, Alice and Robert Blow the Man Down (English Sea Chantey) M x
Traditional Parker, Alice and Robert Boar's Head Carol, The (English secular carol) M x
Traditional Parker, Alice and Robert Fum, Fum, Fum X x
Traditional Parker, Alice and Robert Gantly, Johnyy, My Jingalo X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Traditional Parker, Alice and Robert Good Christian Men, Rejoice X x
Traditional Parker, Alice and Robert Holly and the Ivy, The X x
Traditional Parker, Alice and Robert How Unto Bethlehem X x
Traditional Parker, Alice and Robert I Know My Love X x
Traditional Parker, Alice and Robert I Saw Three Ships X x
Traditional Parker, Alice and Robert Johnny Has Gone for a Soldier X x
Traditional Parker, Alice and Robert Marianina (Italian folk song) M x
Traditional Parker, Alice and Robert Masters in this Hall X x
Traditional Parker, Alice and Robert My Bonnie M x
Traditional Parker, Alice and Robert O Sanctissima X x
Traditional Parker, Alice and Robert O Tannenbaum (traditional German) M x
Traditional Parker, Alice and Robert Red, Red Rose, A X x
Traditional Parker, Alice and Robert So Blest a Sight X x
Traditional Parker, Alice and Robert What Child is This? X x
Traditional Patriquin, Donald J'entends le moulin T x
Traditional Paulus, Stephen Water Is Wide, The X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Traditional Pfautsch, Lloyd Hello, Girls T x
Traditional Pinto Fonseca, Carlos Arthur Muié Rendêra X x
Traditional Pitcher, Gladys I'm Goin' Leave Old Texas Now (cowboy song) M x
Traditional Pitcher, Gladys I'm Goin' Leave Old Texas Now (cowboy song) T x
Traditional Pitcher, Gladys Water Boy (Negro work song) X x
Traditional Poelinitz, Josephine City Called Heaven X x
Traditional Powell, Rosephanye Sorida X x
Traditional Preus, Solveig D. Ola's Wedding X x
Traditional Rardin, Paul Back to Ethiopia M x
Traditional Rardin, Paul I'm A-Rollin' M x
Traditional Rhea, Raymond De Gospel Train and There's Music in the Air M x
Traditional Rhea, Raymond De Gospel Train and There's Music in the Air T x
Traditional Riegger, Wallingford Gay Fiesta X x
Traditional Ringwald, Roy All Through the Night M x
Traditional Ringwald, Roy All Through the Night (old Welsh song) M x
Traditional Roberton, Sir Hugh Green Grow the Rashes O! (Scottish folk song) M x
Traditional Roberton, Sir Hugh Prince Charlie's Farewell X x
Traditional Rubbra, Edmund Dance to Your Daddie X x
Traditional Ryg, Ole Let Our Gladness Know No End (Old Bohemian X x
Christmas Carol)
Traditional Sandler, Mitchell Byker Hill M x
Traditional Sargent, Malcolm Two Folk Carols (Star in the South and Zither X x x
Traditional Scott, Tom Early One Morning (Old English folk song) T x
Traditional Scott, Tom Erie Canal X x
Traditional Scott, Tom Gloucestershire Wassail X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Traditional Scott, Tom Gloustershire Wassail (traditional old English M x
yule song)
Traditional Scott, Tom Lullaby of the Christ Child M x
Traditional Scott, Tom Shenandoah C x
Traditional Shaw, Robert Set Down Servant X x
Traditional Shenenberger, Marilyn God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen X x
Traditional Sheppard, Joseph Stanley Rebel Soldier, The (American folk song) M x
Traditional Sheppard, Joseph Stanley Sippin' Cider (American folk song) M x
Traditional Siegmeister, Elie and Walter O Mary, Don't You Weep (Spiritual) T x
Traditional Silvey, Philip E. Nine Hundred Miles X x
Traditional Simeone, Harry Comin' Through the Rye X x
Traditional Simeone, Harry Dark Eyes X x
Traditional Simeone, Harry Ezekiel Saw the Wheel X x
Traditional Simeone, Harry Nursery Rhyme Suite X x
Traditional Smith, William Climbin' up the Mountain X x
Traditional Smith, William Climbin' up the Mountain (Negro spiritual) M x
Traditional Smith, William Ride the Chariot X x
Traditional Smith, William Ride the Chariot (Negro spiritual) M x
Traditional Spevacek, Linda Steen Turtle Dove, The X x
Traditional Stevens, Paul God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen X x
Traditional Stone, Peter On Top of Old Smoky (American folk song) M x
Traditional Sumner, William Still, Still (German carol) M x
Traditional Sumner, William Still, Still (German carol) T x
Traditional Swift, Frederic Fay Sweet Betsy From Pike (American folk song) M x
Traditional Swift, Frederic Fay Sweet Betsy From Pike (American folk song) T x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Traditional Takach, Timothy She Moved Through the Faire M x
Traditional Tate, Brian Gate, Gate T x
Traditional Taylor, Deems May Day Carol X x
Traditional Taylor, Deems May Day Carol (English folk song) T x
Traditional Taylor, Deems My Johnny Was a Shoemaker M x
Traditional Taylor, Deems Sag' mir, CsikoÌ s (Whither Going, Shepherd) T x
(Hungarian folk song)
Traditional Taylor, Deems Twenty Eighteen X x
Traditional Taylor, Deems Waters Ripple and Flow X x x
Traditional Taylor, Deems Waters Ripple and Flow (Czecho-Slovak folk T x
Traditional Taylor, Deems Well-Beloved, The X x x
Traditional Terri, Salli When Love Is Kind X x
Traditional Trinkaus, George J. When Love is Kind (traditional English or T x
Traditional Vance, Margaret Shelley There's a Little Wheel a-Turnin' (Negro M x
Traditional Vance, Margaret Shelley There's a Little Wheel a-Turnin' (Negro T x
Traditional Vaughan Williams, Ralph Turtle Dove, The M x
Traditional Wagner, Roger A-Roving (sea chantey) M x
Traditional Wagner, Roger Il est né (He Is Born) X x
Traditional Warrell, Arthur Keys of My Heart, The X x
Traditional Whitehead, Alfred Ernest Praise to the Lord (17th century German tune) T x
Traditional Wilhousky, Peter J. Meadowlands (Cavalry of the Steppes) X x
Traditional Wilson, Charles Mills Dona Nobis Pacem (old German canon) X x
Traditional Wilson, Harry R. Chiapanecas X x
Traditional Wilson, Harry R. Cindy (mountain dance song) X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Traditional Wilson, Harry R. Cowboy's Meditation, The X x
Traditional Wilson, Harry R. Jacob's Ladder X x
Traditional Wilson, Harry R. Jacob's Ladder (Spiritual) M x
Traditional Wilson, Harry R. Orchestra, The X x
Traditional Wilson, Harry R. Rock-a My Soul X x
Traditional Wilson, Harry R. Skip to My Lou X x
Traditional Wilson, Harry R. Sourwood Mountain X x
Traditional Wilson, Harry R. Stodola Pumpa (Czech folk song) X x
Traditional Wilson, Harry R. Viennese Lullaby (Viennese popular song) M x
Traditional Wilson, Harry R. Viennese Lullaby (Viennese popular song) T x
Traditional Wilson, Harry R. Were You There X x
Traditional Wood, Thomas Waltzing Matilda X x
Traditional Woodworth, G. Wallace Gute Nacht (German folk song) T x
Traditional Work, John W. Go Tell It on the Mountain X x
Traditional Yoder, Paul Joshua (a rhythmic novelty) X x
Traversari, Pedro Himno pentatónico de la raza indígena de la X x
América (Pentatonic Hymn of the Indian Race)
Tremain, Ronald Tenera juventa X x
Trythall, Gilbert In the Presence X x
Trythall, Gilbert Time to Every Purpose, A X x
Tsintsadze, Sulkhan F. Great Way, The X x
Tsintsadze, Sulkhan F. Immortality X x
Tsvetanov, Tsvetan Stalbata M x
Tučapsky, Antonín In honorem vitae X x
Tučapsky, Antonín Time of Christmas, The X x
Tučapsky, Antonín Year of Grace, The X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Tull, Fisher Missa Brevis X x
Turner, J.W. President's Hymn (Give Thanks All Ye People) X x
Tuur, Erkkisven Missa lumen et cantus X x
Tuur, Erkkisven Oratorio ante finem saeculi X x
Tuur, Erkkisven Symphony No. 2 X x
Tye, Christopher Acts of the Apostles X x
Tye, Christopher I Will Exalt Thee X x
Tye, Christopher Laudate Nomen Domini (All Earth, Sing Forth X x
Your Joyful Praise)
Tye, Christopher Westron Wynde Mass X x
Úbeda, Fray Manuel Misa para Día de difuntos X x
Urbanner, Erich Lateinisches Requiem X x
Urbanner, Erich Missa Benedicite Gentes X x
Urbanner, Erich Three Movements for Cello and Choir X x
Ussachevsky, Vladimir Creation (unfinished) X x
Vaet, Jacobus Te Deum X x
Valencia, Antonio María Misa de requiem X x
Van Heusen, Jimmy Ringwald, Roy Imagination X x
Van Heusen, Jimmy Simeone, Harry Country Style X x
Van, Jeffrey Procession Winding Around Me, A X x
Varèse, Edgard Ecuatorial M x
Varèse, Edgard Étude pour Espace X x
Varèse, Edgard Nocturnal M x
Vargas, Téofilo Niño Dios X x
Various Folk Songs of the New Palestine U x
Various La vérité de Jeanne (The Truth about Joan of X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Vasconcellos, Jorgé Croner de Erros meus X x
Vasconcellos, Jorgé Croner de Vilancico para a festa de Santa Cecilia X x
Vasiliauskaite, Kristina Missa brevis C x
Vasquez, Juan En la fuente de rosel X x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph All Hail the Power X x x x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Benedicite X x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Choral Flourish, A X x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Dona nobis pacem X x x x x x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Down Among the Dead Men M x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Epithalamion X x x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Fantasia on the Old 104th Psalm Tune X x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Fantasie on Christmas Carols X x x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Festival Te Deum X x x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Five English Folksongs X x x x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Five Mystical Songs X x x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Five Tudor Portraits X x x x x x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Flos campi X x x x x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Folk Songs for the Four Seasons W x x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Hodie (This Day) X x x x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph In Windsor Forest V x x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Magnificat W x x x x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Mass in G minor X x x x x x x x x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph O Clap Your Hands (Psalm 47) X x x x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph O Taste and See X x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph O vos omnes X x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Oxford Elegy, An X x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Pilgrim's Journey X x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Psalm 48: O Praise the Lord of Heaven X x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Sancta civitas CX x x x x x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Sea Symphony, A X x x x x x x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Serenade to Music X x x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Shepherds of the Delectable Mountains, The X x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Sinfonia Antartica T x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Song of Thanksgiving, A (Thanksgiving for X x x x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Sons of Light, The C x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Te Deum X x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph This Day (Hodie) CX x x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Three Elizabethan Part Songs X x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Three Shakespeare Songs X x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Toward the Unknown Region X x x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Valiant for Truth X x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Vision of Aeroplanes, A (Motet) X x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Volkslieder (Folksongs) X x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Willow Wood W x
Vaughan Williams, Ralph Salter, Sumner Linden Lea X x
Vecchi, Orazio Fa Una Canzona X x x x
Veit, Vaclav Jindřich Mass in D Major X x
Veit, Vaclav Jindřich Te Deum X x
Velásquez, José Francisco Es María norte y guia X x
Velásquez, José Francisco Misa en mi bemol X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Velázquez, Glauco Pater noster X x
Velázquez, José Guadalupe Ave maris stella X x
Verdi, Giuseppe Inno della Nazioni X x x
Verdi, Giuseppe Inno delle nazioni (Hymn of nations) X x
Verdi, Giuseppe Manzoni Requiem X x x x x x x x x x x x
Verdi, Giuseppe Pater Noster (Padre nostro) X x x
Verdi, Giuseppe Quattro pezzi sacri (Four Sacred Pieces) V x x x x x x x x
Veress, Sándor Sancti Augustini psalmus conta partem Donati X x
Viadana, Lodovico Exultate justi X x
Vianna da Motta, José Lusiads X x
Victoria, Tomás Luis de Agnus Dei X x x
Victoria, Tomás Luis de Ave Maria X x x x x
Victoria, Tomás Luis de Duo Seraphim C x
Victoria, Tomás Luis de Gaude Maria Virgo X x
Victoria, Tomás Luis de Gloria in excelsis Deo X x
Victoria, Tomás Luis de Jesu dulcis memoria X x x x
Victoria, Tomás Luis de Kyrie eleison X x
Victoria, Tomás Luis de Missa Dominicalis X x
Victoria, Tomás Luis de Missa O magnum mysterium X x x
Victoria, Tomás Luis de Missa O quam gloriosum X x x
Victoria, Tomás Luis de Missa pro Victoria X x
Victoria, Tomás Luis de Missa Quarti toni X x
Victoria, Tomás Luis de Missa Simile est Regnum coelorum X x
Victoria, Tomás Luis de O magnum mysterium X x x x x
Victoria, Tomás Luis de O quam gloriosum X x
Victoria, Tomás Luis de O vos omnes qui transitis per viam X x x x x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Victoria, Tomás Luis de Officium Defunctorum (Office of the Dead) X x
Victoria, Tomás Luis de Officium Hebdomadae Sanctae (Office for the X x
Sunday before Easter)
Victoria, Tomás Luis de Sancta Maria, succurre miseris (Holy Mother, X x
Succor the Wretched)
Victoria, Tomás Luis de Sanctus X x
Victoria, Tomás Luis de Tenebrae X x
Victoria, Tomás Luis de Vere languores (Surely, He bore our sorrows) X x x x
Victoria, Tomás Luis de Hines, Robert S. (ed.) Sanctus X x
Victory, Gerard Hymnus vespertinus X x
Victory, Gerard Kriegslieder X x
Victory, Gerard Quartetto X x
VIDA Culloton, Matthew Famine Song X x
Viderø, Finn Three Choral Songs X x
Vierne, Louis Messe solennelle (Solemn Mass) X x x
Vieru, Anatol Cantata anilor luminǎ (Cantata of the Luminous X x
Vieru, Anatol Mioriţa X x
Villa-Lobos, Heitor Chôro No. 10 X x
Villa-Lobos, Heitor Forest of the Amazon X x
Villa-Lobos, Heitor Missa São Sebastião (Mass of Saint Sebastian) W x
Villa-Lobos, Heitor Missa São Sebastião (Mass of Saint Sebastian) X x
Villa-Lobos, Heitor Suite No. 4 (Descobrimento do Brasil) X x
Villa-Lobos, Heitor Wilson, Harry R. Ave Maria No. 20 X x x
Villalpando, Fernando Mass X x
Villanueva, Felipe Cantata patriotica (El retrato de benemérito X x
cura Hidalgo)
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Vītols, Jāzeps Castle of Light, The X x
Vītols, Jāzeps David before Saul X x
Vitry, Philippe de O canenda/Rex quem X x
Vivaldi, Antonio Beatus vir X x x
Vivaldi, Antonio Chamber Mass X x
Vivaldi, Antonio Gloria X x x x x x x
Vivaldi, Antonio Juditha triumphans X x x x
Vivaldi, Antonio Kyrie X x
Vivaldi, Antonio Magnificat X x x
Vogel, Vladimir Rudolfovich Thyl Claes X x
Vogel, Vladimir Rudolfovich Wagadus Untergang durch die Eitelkeit X x x
(Wagadu's Descent into Vanity)
Von Tilzer, Harry and William Jerome Green Grass Grew All Around, The M x
Voříšek, Jan Hugo Mass in B-flat Major X x
Vujic, Aleksandar Ave Maria X x
Vulpius, Melchior Gelobt sei Gott (Now God Be Praised in Heav'n X x x
Vycpálek, Ladislav Blessed Is the Man X x
Vycpálek, Ladislav Czech Requiem X x
Vycpálek, Ladislav Of the Last Things of Man X x
Wade, Joseph Prophecy, The X x
Wagenaar, Johan Prière au printemps, Op. 18 W x
Wagenaar, Johan Three Double Canons, Op. 12 W x
Wagenseil, Georg Christoph Magnificat X x
Wagner, Richard An Webers Grabe M x x
Wagner, Richard Das Liebesmahl der Apostel M x x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Wagner, Richard Grüss seiner Treuen an Friedrich august den M x
Wagner, Richard La Descente de la Courtille X x
Wagner, Richard Neujahrskantate X x x
Wagner, Richard Volkshymme X x
Wagner, Richard Weihegyuss M x
Wagner, Richard Scherer Träume (Dreams) M x
Wagner, Richard Shelley, Harry Rowe Träume (Dreams) W x
Wagner-Régeny, Rudolf Cantica Davidi regis CM x
Wagner-Régeny, Rudolf Genesis X x
Wagner-Régeny, Rudolf Prometheus X x
Wagner-Régeny, Rudolf Schir haschirim (Song of Songs) W x
Walker, Gwyneth I Thank You God T x
Walker, Gwyneth Love--by the Water X x
Walker, Gwyneth Sounding Joy X x
Walker, William Wienhorst, Richard Amazing Grace X x
Walther, Johann Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott X x
Walther, Johann Passio secundum Matthaeum X x x
Walton, William All This Time X x
Walton, William Belshazzar's Feast X x x x x x x x x
Walton, William Coronation Te Deum (1953) X x x x x
Walton, William Gloria X x x x x
Walton, William In Honour of the City of London X x x x x
Walton, William Jubilate X x
Walton, William Litany, A X x
Walton, William Make We Joy Now in This Fest X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Walton, William Missa brevis X x x
Walton, William Set Me As a Seal upon Thine Heart X x
Walton, William Twelve, The X x
Walton, William What Cheer? X x
Walton, William Where Does the Uttered Music Go? X x
Ward, John Weep forth your tears X x
Ward, Samuel A. America the Beautiful X x x
Waring, Fred and Jerry Toti Mistletoe X x
Warlock, Peter Balulalow X x
Warlock, Peter Bethlehem Down X x
Warlock, Peter Full Heart, The X x
Warner, Richard Der Heiland ist geboren (The Saviour is Born) X x
Warren, Elinor Remick Harp Weaver, The W x
Waxman, Franz Song of Terezín X x
Webbe, Samuel Glorious Apollo M x
Webber, Andrew Lloyd Lojeski, Ed Phantom of the Opera (medley) X x
Webber, Andrew Lloyd Lojeski, Ed Phantom of the Opera (title song) X x
Weber, Carl Maria von Der erste Ton, Op. 14 X x
Weber, Carl Maria von Jubal-Cantata, Op. 58 X x
Weber, Carl Maria von Leyer und Schwert, Op. 42 M x
Weber, Carl Maria von Mass in E-flat, Op. 75a (1818) X x
Weber, Carl Maria von Mass in G major, Op. 76 (1818-1819) X x x x
Webern, Anton von Cantata No. 2 X x x
Webern, Anton von Das Augenlicht (The Light of the Eye), Op. 26 X x x x x
Webern, Anton von Entflieht aus leichten Kähnen, Op. 2 X x x
Webern, Anton von Kantate, Op. 29 (Cantata No. 1) X x x x x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Webern, Anton von Two Songs, Op. 19 X x
Weckerlin, Jean-Baptiste Mon coeur se recommande à vous X x
Weelkes, Thomas As Late in My Accounting X x
Weelkes, Thomas As Vesta was from Latmos hill descending X x x
Weelkes, Thomas Come Sirrah Jack Ho T x
Weelkes, Thomas Cries of London, The X x
Weelkes, Thomas Evening Service for Seven Voices X x
Weelkes, Thomas Hark All Ye Lovely Saints X x
Weelkes, Thomas Hosanna to the Son of David X x x
Weelkes, Thomas Lo! country sports X x
Weelkes, Thomas O Care, Thou Wilt Despatch Me X x
Weelkes, Thomas Tan ta ra cries Mars T x
Weelkes, Thomas Tan ta ra cries Mars X x
Weelkes, Thomas Thule, the period of Cosmography X x
Weelkes, Thomas When David Heard X x x
Weelkes, Thomas Leslie, Henry Nightingale, The T x
Weerbeke, Gaspar von Verbum Caro X x
Weigel, Eugene There will come soft rains X x
Weill, Kurt Das Berliner Requiem (Berlin Requiem) M x x
Weill, Kurt Das Berliner Requiem (Berlin Requiem) X x
Weill, Kurt Der Jasager X x
Weill, Kurt Der Lindberghflug X x
Weill, Kurt Die Burgschaft X x
Weill, Kurt Die Legende vom toten Soldaten X x
Weill, Kurt Die sieben Todsünden der Kleinbürger X x
Weill, Kurt Happy End X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Weill, Kurt Kiddush X x
Weill, Kurt Recordare, Op. 11 CX x
Weiner, Lazar Biblical Suite X x
Weiner, Lazar Golem, The X x
Weiner, Lazar Legend of Toil X x
Weiner, Lazar To Thee, America X x
Wellesz, Egon Fünf kleine Männerchöre M x
Wellesz, Egon Mass in F Minor X x
Wellesz, Egon Quant' è bella giovinessa W x
Wellesz, Egon To Sleep X x
Werle, Lars Johan Canzone 126 di Francesco Petrarca X x
Wert, Giaches de Donna Tu Sei Si Bella (Lady, So Fair Thou X x
Wesley, Samuel Confitebor tibi Domine X x
Wesley, Samuel De profundis clamavi M x
Wesley, Samuel Exultate Deo (Sing aloud with gladness) X x
Wesley, Samuel In exitu Israel X x x x
Wesley, Samuel Missa solemnis X x
Wesley, Samuel Morning and Evening Service in F major X x
Wesley, Samuel Omnia vanitas X x
Wesley, Samuel Tu es sacerdos X x
Wesley, Samuel Sebastian (son of Samuel Ascribe Unto the Lord X x
Wesley, Samuel Sebastian (son of Samuel Blessed Be the God and Father X x
Wesley, Samuel Sebastian (son of Samuel Cast Me Not Away X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Wesley, Samuel Sebastian (son of Samuel Church's One Foundation, The X x
Wesley, Samuel Sebastian (son of Samuel Lead Me, O Lord X x
Wesley, Samuel Sebastian (son of Samuel Let Us Lift Up Our Heart X x x
Wesley, Samuel Sebastian (son of Samuel O Lord Thou Art My God X x
Wesley, Samuel Sebastian (son of Samuel Wash Me Thoroughly from My Wickedness X x
Wesley, Samuel Sebastian (son of Samuel Wilderness, The X x x x
Westendorf, Omer Schiavone, John Sent Forth by God's Blessing (Welsh folk song) X x
Weston, Paul and Paul Mason Howard Simeone, Harry Gandy Dancer's Ball, The X x
Whitacre, Eric Boy and a Girl, A X x
Whitacre, Eric Five Hebrew Love Songs X x
Whitacre, Eric Water Night X x x x
Whitacre, Eric When David Heard X x
Whitbourn, James Annelies X x
Whitbourn, James Hodie X x
Whitbourn, James Mystery of Love, The X x
Whitbourn, James Son of God Mass X x
Whitehead, Alfred Almighty God, Whose Glory X x
Whitehead, Alfred Challenge to Free Men U x
Whitehead, Alfred Christ the Lord is Risen X x
Whitehead, Alfred Come Holy Ghost in Love X x
Whitehead, Gillian Babel X x
Whitehead, Gillian Missa brevis X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Whitney, Maurice C. Choral Prelude on Dundee X x
Whitney, Maurice C. Easter Story X x
Widmer, Ernst Ceremony after a Fire Raid X x
Widmer, Ernst Rumo Sol-Espirial (Direction to the Sun Spiral) X x
Widor, Charles Marie Mass MX x
Wilberg, Mack Tres Cantus Laudendi X x
Wilbye, John Adieu, Sweet Amarillis X x x
Wilbye, John Flora gave me fairest flowers X x
Wilbye, John Lady Oriana, The X x
Wilbye, John Sweet, honey-sucking bees X x
Wilbye, John Weep, O Mine Eyes T x
Wilbye, John Weep, O Mine Eyes X x
Wilenski, Moshe Uri Tsiyon X x
Willaert, Adrian Ave regina coelorum X x x
Willaert, Adrian Dessus le marché d'Arras X x
Willaert, Adrian Magnificat X x
Willaert, Adrian O gloriosa domina X x
Willaert, Adrian Victimae paschali laudes X x
Willan, Healey Apostrophe to the Heavenly Host X x
Willan, Healey Coronation Suite X x
Willan, Healey Liturgical Motets X x
Willan, Healey O quanta qualia X x
Willan, Healey Te Deum in B flat X x
Willan, Healey Three Kings, The X x x x
Williams, David McKinley In the Year That King Uzziah Died X x
Williams, E. America X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Williams, Frances Give Thanks M x
Williams, Frances Give Thanks X x
Williams, Ralph E. Born to Be Free X x
Williams, Ralph E. Farmer's Daughters, The X x
Williams, Ralph E. Nation's Creed, The X x
Williamson, Malcolm Brilliant and the Dark, The X x
Williamson, Malcolm Canticle of Fire X x
Williamson, Malcolm Icy Mirror, The X x
Williamson, Malcolm Mass of Christ the King X x
Williamson, Malcolm Ode to Music C x
Williamson, Malcolm Symphony for Voices X x
Willis, Richard Five Elizabethan Songs X x
Willis, Richard Give unto the Lord X x
Willis, Richard Parched Land, The X x
Willis, Richard This Day X x
Willis, Richard Two Madrigals X x
Willson, Meredith Ringwald, Roy You and I X x
Wilson, Charles M. Angels of the Earth, The X x
Wilson, Charles M. Image out of Season X x
Wilson, Charles M. Missa brevis X x
Wilson, Charles M. Nocturnal-Paudash X x
Wilson, Charles M. On the Morning of Christ's Nativity X x
Wilson, Charles M. Phrases from Orpheus X x
Wilson, Dana I Love My Love W x
Wilson, Harry R. Fanfare for Easter X x
Wilson, Harry R. He Never Said a Mumbalin' Word X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Wilson, Harry R. Lord's Prayer, The X x
Wilson, Harry R. Moon Shines Bright, The (Old English Carol) X x
Wilson, Harry R. Night Time X x
Wilson, Harry R. Res' My Shoes X x
Wilson, Harry R. She Walks in Beauty X x
Wilson, Harry R. Thing of Beauty, A X x
Wilson, Harry R. Twenty-Third Psalm, The X x x
Wilson, Harry R. Upon This Rock X x
Wilson, Olly Biography X x
Wilson, Olly Gloria X x
Wilson, Olly In Memoriam Martin Luther King, Jr. X x
Wilson, Olly Spirit Song X x
Winges, Mark Freed from Words X x
Winges, Mark Give Us W x
Winges, Mark Symphonia Spiritus X x
Witt, Franz Xaver Te Deum X x
Wolf, Hugo Aufblick X x
Wolf, Hugo Der Feuerreiter X x
Wolf, Hugo Die Stimme des Kindes M x
Wolf, Hugo Elfenlied W x
Wolf, Hugo Im stillen Friedhof X x
Wolf, Hugo Mailied M x
Wolf, Hugo Resignation X x
Wolfe, Jacques Riegger, Wallingford Shortnin' Bread X x
Wolf-Ferrari, Ermanno Talitha Kumi (La figlia di Giaro) X x
Wood, Abraham Elegy on the Death of General George X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Wood, Haydn Mannin Veen (Dear Isle of Man) M x
Wood, Haydn Mannin Veen (Dear Isle of Man) T x
Wood, Haydn Mannin Veen (Dear Isle of Man) X x
Wright, Robert, and George Forrest Stickles, William Stranger in Paradise (from Kismet) X x
Wyner, Yehudi Friday Evening Service X x
Wyner, Yehudi Liturgical Fragments for the High Holidays X x
Wyner, Yehudi Torah Service X x
Xavier, José Maria Matinas de Natal X x
Xenakis, Iannis Knephas X x
Xenakis, Iannis Medea (incidental music) M x
Xenakis, Iannis Nuits X x
Xenakis, Iannis Polla ta dhina (Hymn to Man) C x
Xenakis, Iannis Serment X x
Yamada, Kōsaku Ai no megami (Goddess of Love) W x
Yamada, Kōsaku Chikai no hoshi (Star of Promise) X x
Yamada, Kōsaku Funaji (Sea Route) W x
Yamada, Kōsaku Hikari motomete (Seeking Light) W x
Yamada, Kōsaku Kimigayo zensōkyoku (Prelude on the Japanese X x
National Anthem)
Yamada, Kōsaku Nairu-gawa no uta (Song of the Nile) W x
Yamada, Kōsaku Tenrikyō sanshōfu (Hymn for the Tenrikyō) X x
Yoder, Paul Christmas Story, The X x
Yon, Pietro A. Jesu Bambino X x
Youmans, Vincent Zegree, Steve More Than You Know X x
Young, Robert H. Christ-Child, The X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Young, Robert H. Of the Father's Love Begotten X x
Yuasa, Joji Projection on Basho's Poems X x
Yuasa, Joji Toi (Questions) X x
Yuasa, Joji Utterance X x
Yun, Isang An der Schwelle W x
Yun, Isang Der weise Mann X x
Yun, Isang Ein Schmetterlingstraum X x
Yun, Isang Om mani padme hum X x
Zachau, Friedrich Wilhelm Herr, wenn ich nur dich habe X x
Zachau, Friedrich Wilhelm Lobe den Herrn, meine Seele X x
Zachau, Friedrich Wilhelm Missa supra chorale: Christ lag in Todesbanden X x
Zachau, Friedrich Wilhelm Ruhe, Friede, Freude und Wonne X x
Zaimont, Judith Lang Chase, The X x
Zaimont, Judith Lang Meditations at the Time of the New Year X x
Zaimont, Judith Lang Parable: A Tale of Abram and Isaac X x
Zaimont, Judith Lang Sacred Service X x
Zaimont, Judith Lang Sunny Airs and Sober X x
Zaimont, Judith Lang Voices X x
Zamora, Alejandro Monestel Mass X x
Zamora, Alejandro Monestel Requiem X x
Zapiola, José Mass X x
Zeisl, Eric From the Book of Psalms M x
Zeisl, Eric Harlem Nightsong X x
Zeisl, Eric Requiem ebraico X x
Zeisl, Eric Spruchkantate (Cantata of Verses) X x
Zelter, Carl Friedrich Te Deum X x
Young - CT
Young - CMotW
Garretson - CCM
Garretson - CM
Strimple - CMotTC
Buchanan – Vol. 1
Buchanan – Vol. 2
Strimple - CMotNC
Buchanan – Vol. 3
Composer Arranger/Editor/Adapter Work Title Type
Zelter, Carl Friedrich Tenebrae factae sunt X x
Zemlinsky, Alexander Psalm 13, Op. 24 X x
Zemlinsky, Alexander Psalm 23 X x
Zemlinsky, Alexander Psalm 83 X x
Zenger, Max Zwei Konzertstücke X x
Zhukovsky, German Hail, My Fatherland X x
Zhukovsky, German Knieper Ripples, The X x
Zhukovsky, German Prayer of World Youth X x
Zimmerman, Bernd Alois Lob der Torheit X x
Zimmerman, Bernd Alois Requiem für einen jungen Dichter X x
Zimmerman, Bernd Alois Tantum ergo X x
Zimmerman, Heinz Werner Magnificat X x
Zimmerman, Heinz Werner Psalm 13, Op. 24 X x
Zimmerman, Heinz Werner Psalmkonzert CX x
Zimmerman, Heinz Werner Wachet auf! X x
Zingarelli, Niccolò Antonio Canticao d'Isaiah profeta X x
Zinter, Aaron Love Never Ending M x
Zipp, Friedrich Praise the Almighty, My Soul, Adore Him X x
Zipper, Herbert and Jura Soyfer Dachaulied M x
Zweers, Bernard Aan de schoonheid (To Beauty) X x
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Works to be Consulted
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Biographical Data
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