DLL - English 6 - Q2 - W1
DLL - English 6 - Q2 - W1
DLL - English 6 - Q2 - W1
A. Content Standards The learner listens critically; communicates feelings and ideas orally and in writing with a high level of proficiency
Reads various
B. Performance Standards
text types materials to serve learning needs in meeting a wide range of life’s purposes.
C. Learning Competencies /
Identify the various types of informational /factual texts.
Objectives EN6RC-IIIa-3.2.8
Write the LC code for each
B. Establishing a purpose It is important to read and write informational text. It enables you to learn about the natural and social world because it is written to present facts, various
concepts, and contents that can be read. When you are exposed to reading informational texts, you can make
for the lesson
connections between your own life and what you are reading. This lesson will help us understand the informational text and it provides
you with a world view of subjects, topics, and content that adds knowledge.
Directions: Look at the Continue past lesson. Look at the picture below. Are Continue past lesson. Continue past lesson.
you familiar with Mount
images. Put a checkmark Mayon? It is
if it provides factual considered as one of the most
texts or active volcanoes in the country.
How will you
informational texts. describe the picturesque view
of this volcano in Albay?
C. Presenting examples/
instances of the new
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment
G. Finding practical applications It’s your first day in school. Your teacher asked you to fill out the information
of concepts and skills in daily sheet she prepared for you. Fill it out in print with accurate information about yourself.
H. Making generalizations What are the six types of factual or Directions: Read the texts Directions: Read the texts Read and analyze the texts below. Complete
informational text?
and abstractions about the Give some examples of each type and fill the gaps. Choose the and fill the gaps. Choose the table by
lesson of factual or informational text. answer from the words the answer from the words identifying the types of texts, their purposes
inside inside and the signal words used. Do
the box. the box. this in your notebook.
Directions: Read the questions and encircle the Food online selling is popular these days.
I. Evaluating learning Directions: Read the letter of the best answer. Many have engaged in this kind of
news article and answer 1. Which of the following reading texts can you business. Selling all kinds of food, be it fresh, Directions: Read the text and
find a procedural text? packed, or cooked. During this identify the appropriate type of
the questions below. A. Recipe of chicken adobo C. Evolution of the pandemic, the demand for cooked foods is factual text. Shade your
Philippine Flag high as it allows the seller to do business
B. Poster of COVID 2019 D. News article about anytime online. Now, think of a certain recipe answer.
Israel donates learning equipment to support PHILHEALTH which you think is popular among
Filipino students amid COVID-19
2. An advertisement about the school’s opening netizens nowadays. Write the ingredients,
The Department of Education (DepEd) received and admission. equipment, and procedure in cooking.
learning equipment donation A. Factual Recount C. Discussion text
from Israel’s Agency for International B. Non-chronological report D. Persuasion text
Development Cooperation – MASHAV to help 3. A text of how the metamorphosis of butterfly
with the Department’s efforts in coping up with
takes place is ___________.
the pandemic and in providing distance
learning to Filipino students. A. Explanatory text C. Discussion text
Chargé d’Affaires -Spivakov led the turnover B. Non-chronological report D. Persuasion text
ceremony of the learning 4. An opinion section about whether online
equipment comprised of heavy-duty copiers, games be banned in the Philippines is an
laptops and office printers. example of what factual text?
“COVID-19 pandemic has put a stop to our
A. Discussion text C. Procedural text
regular way of transmitting
education which is largely face-to-face. Amidst the B. Non-chronological report D. Persuasion text
pandemic, we have turned to 5. Which of the following is an example of a
blended learning without the face-to-face factual recount?
component,” Sec. Briones said. A. Autobiography C. Excuse letter to the teacher
We are aware of the challenges that DepEd is B. DepEd Memorandum D. News article
facing in terms of the blended
6. Which of these pupils identify the correct type
learning approach due to COVID-19. That’s why
we decided to give support to the of informational or factual text?
Filipino youth, teachers, and the DepEd,” Ms. A. Martha uses procedural text in making her
Rachinsky-Spivakov said. DIY or Do it Yourself bracelet.
During the event, CDA Ms. Yulia Rachinsky- B. Carla explains the phases of the moon as a
Spivakov, mentioned President sample for discussion text.
Manuel Quezon who saved Jewish refugees during
C. The Road not Taken was memorized by
the Holocaust.
“Israel will forever be grateful to the Philippines Ramon as a sample for an
for that. This is one of our explanation text.
humble ways to pay back,” Ms. Rachinsky- D. Lito is writing his diary daily as a sample for
Spivakov said. persuasive text.
The turnover ceremony took place at the Embassy 7. Which example is NOT a type of factual
of Israel in Manila on 13
August 2020. ( Source: Department of Education)
A. Different kinds of whales C. Diary of Jane M.
1. What is the news article mainly about? B. Biography of Jose Rizal D. COVID 2019
A. Israel donated learning equipment to death toll news article
DepEd to help in distance learning 8. What should be
B. A report about COVID 2019’s death toll remembered when you are
and recoveries reading a non-
C. The report about Israel’s mission to help chronological report?
the pandemic victims A. It is ordered by time C.
D. A ceremony of friendship between two It is arranged by date
countries was held B. It is ordered by topics D.
It is arranged by phrases
9. What type of informational text is provided by
2. The speaker in the passage above the poster on the right?
is_________? A. Factual Recount C. Discussion text
A. recalling about the past C. persuading B. Non-chronological report D. Persuasion text
Filipinos to become Jewish 10. What factual text tells the reader how to do or
B. discussing the plans D. explaining about make
Manuel L. Quezon something?
3. What does a news article give us? A. Discussion text C. Procedural text
A. literary piece C. entertaining words B. Non-chronological report D. Persuasion text
B. facts D. poetry
J. Additional activities for Pupils will gather data by
application or remediation watching news in the
A.No. of learners who
earned80%onthe formative
B. No.of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D.No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G.What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?