A Case Study of Citric Acid Production
A Case Study of Citric Acid Production
A Case Study of Citric Acid Production
DOI: 10.1002/elsc.201800198
Abbreviations: CA, citric acid; DSP, down-stream processing; EC, economic constrain; ESSA, early-stage sustainability assessment; GWP, global warming
potential; HTP, Human Toxicity Potential; PFD, process flow diagram; R&D, research and development.
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© 2019 The Authors. Engineering in Life Sciences published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
bioprocess design, citric acid, early-stage sustainability assessment, life-cycle assessment, Yarrowia lipoly-
1 I N T RO D U C T I O N
In light of the current bio-economy, sustainability assess- In this paper, an early-stage sustainability assess-
ment based on a life-cycle approach is indispensable to con- ment of a wide range of substrates of alternative cit-
temporary process development. In the past decade, many ric acid production with the yeast Yarrowia lipoly-
studies have incorporated both environmental and socioeco- tica was accomplished. The evaluation focused on
nomic issues in process development [1–3]. This development carbohydrates, alcohols, and triglycerides from pri-
was motivated by evidence revealing that neglecting environ- mary renewable, fossil, and waste-based resources.
mental and socioeconomic aspects [4] and ignoring signifi- Data for the evaluation were gained from comparable
cant phases of the life-cycle, such as raw material extraction, cultivations in lab-scale bioreactors. The evaluation
manufacturing, and end-of-life, can lead to a non-sustainable supported the selection of promising substrates con-
design [4,5]. sidering their environmental, social, and economic
In the early stage of process development, process ideas impacts.
are translated into a process design, and their functionality The sustainability assessment method was based on
is tested via basic process engineering calculations and lab- a standardized and widely accepted life-cycle assess-
oratory experiments. This phase is referred to as the creative ment approach using a minimal data set, i.e. data
stage and is one of the most important stages, given that it on the substrate, substrate-related yields, and flows
determines the overall process features. Important develop- for the core bioprocess. The results were determined
ment decisions are usually based on results from early process by the efficiency of the substrate-related yield of the
design [6]. Hence, this phase also represents a unique opportu- yeast-based CA production on the one hand, and by
nity for securing the sustainability of the final process [2,3,7]. the duration of cultivation on the other. The method
Liew et al. [8] differentiated three stages of early process provided an aggregated result for the three pillars of
design: research and development (R&D), preliminary engi- sustainability and ranked possible alternatives.
neering, and basic engineering. The R&D phase comprises
the chemical properties and main process characteristics of
several alternative process routes based on laboratory research The preliminary engineering phase focuses on how the
and available literature. During the preliminary engineering product or service specifications may met. It is the first
stage, a process flow diagram (PFD) is drafted for the process step towards a draft configuration of the process flow [8,9].
alternatives using preliminary process flow data. During the During this phase, the process flow is designed based on
basic engineering stage, piping and equipment are designed to laboratory experiments, such as shake flask and bench-top
implement the requirements defined in the PFD. As reported experiments. The PFD is the planning tool of the preliminary
in ref. 4, early process design consists of the following: con- planning phase and encompasses input and output materials,
version process selection and description, flow sheet prepa- as well as energy flows. The data gathered for the PFD can
ration, preliminary cost estimates, preliminary sustainability be transferred to a list of materials and used to perform
assessment, and identification of sustainability criteria when early-stage sustainability assessment (ESSA).
chemical processes are involved. The subsequent detailed Life-cycle sustainability assessment should be performed
engineering stage finalizes the overall process design [7,8]. in the early stage of process design, where it can serve as a
It is our understanding that early-stage process engineer- precautionary approach and provides a least-cost opportunity
ing spans from concept to preliminary engineering, with the for process optimization. This planning is plausible because
aim being to identify and to study novel production processes changes can be made before infrastructure and process details
and their bottlenecks. Concept engineering is based primarily are determined [2,5,10]. Once the process infrastructure is
on customer demand from market analysis. This engineering established, the long-term environmental effects are deter-
focuses on the necessary and measurable features of a product mined [11].
or service from the customer viewpoint. At this stage, labora- While the preliminary engineering stage is pivotal, the
tory experiments usually have not been considered. The block available data are notably limited. Usually, only the process
flow diagram is a planning tool used in concept engineering. flow is anticipated, and the substrate related yield is defined
16182863, 2020, 3-4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/elsc.201800198 by Jordan Hinari NPL, Wiley Online Library on [04/11/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
by data from the literature or laboratory tests. Thus, data short- steps of an adapted LCA: goal and scope definition, life-cycle
ages and gaps are clearly the primary challenges in performing inventory, life-cycle impact assessment, external normaliza-
a proper life-cycle sustainability assessment-based ESSA. tion with the Monte Carlo technique as an additional step as
Numerous methods have been developed in the fields of well as ranking and selection of processes [14]. Nonetheless,
chemical engineering [1,2,12], mechanical engineering [13], although this methodology is highly practical, it uses subjec-
and architecture [10] to assess sustainability in the early tive expert judgments, is confined to environmental assess-
stage of process design. However, only a small number ment, and neglects economic and social aspects. Finally, the
of approaches have been developed specifically for process method’s applicability is highly limited, since the applied con-
design in industrial biotechnology [14,15]. Heinzle et al. [15] versions are easily followed only by those with a strong back-
presented a complete sustainability assessment of economic, ground in higher mathematics.
environmental, and social aspects. These researchers’ method Due to the above-mentioned limitations in the sustain-
includes economic calculations comprising capital and oper- ability assessment methodology, we embark on developing
ating cost estimations from experience-based multipliers and a sustainability assessment (SA) method tailored to the early
profitability calculations in the early stage of process develop- stage of bioprocess engineering. In this regard, the developed
ment (basic R&D). Additionally, up-scaling equations based method has to consider both indirect (up-stream) and direct
on empirical calculations are provided. The purpose of the sustainability impacts. It has to assess all the three aspects
environmental assessment is to highlight hot spots to sup- of sustainability: environmental, social, and economic. Addi-
port sustainable process development [15]. Therefore, these tionally, it should be able to handle data gaps and be improved
researchers’ method does not evaluate actual environmental when the bioprocess is designed in more details. And last
impacts. The main shortcoming of this assessment method- but not least, the methodology has to be capable of support-
ology is that the input data comprise only direct inputs, up- ing decision making in process development by aggregat-
stream processes, i.e. indirect emissions are not considered. ing the results of the separate spheres of sustainability and
The environmental importance of inputs and outputs is deter- defining clear ranks of alternatives in the sense of relative
mined via the environmental factor, which is calculated using sustainability.
the ABC classification method. In this instance, the impor- In the following study, we elaborate on our method and
tance of one environmental impact is classified according to discuss the results of a comparative case study applying this
subjective thresholds. new ESSA method to assess alternative yeast-based citric acid
Social aspects are captured via indicators suggested by a (CA) production with eleven different substrates in different
survey such as health and safety, quality of working condi- process modes.
tions, impact on employment policy, education and advanced
training, knowledge management, innovation potential, con-
sumer acceptance, societal benefit, and societal dialogue. 2 M AT E R I A L S A N D M E T H O D S
For each of these aspects, two types of social indicators are
applied for a total of 64 indices. One group of indicators A literature review confirmed that CA is an important, bio-
assesses the technology development, while the other group logically produced bulk chemical with a broad range of appli-
evaluates aspects of technology application [15]. However, cations. With an annual production of 1.6 million tons, the
these social aspects were not applied in the case studies pre- industrial production of CA is currently exclusively realized in
sented in this literature. a bioprocess with the filamentous fungus, Aspergillus niger,
The early-stage environmental evaluation of bioprocesses using molasses, starch hydrolysates, and other carbohydrates
under uncertainty approach by Gargalo et al. [14] is based as substrates [16,17].
on standardized life-cycle assessment (LCA) methodology. Non-conventional yeasts, such as Yarrowia lipolytica, are
This approach refers to the cradle-to-gate life-cycle and can also able to produce CA with high product concentrations and
analyze possible production routes with the same product or formation rates. This yeast species can utilize a wider range
feedstock in the conceptual or early stage of process devel- of substrates than A. niger. In addition to glucose, other car-
opment. The calculation is adjusted for handling inventory bon sources, such as ethanol, glycerol, vegetable oils, paraf-
and parameter uncertainty and data gaps using mass and fin, by-products, and wastes (e.g. waste frying oil and raw
energy balances and a Monte Carlo simulation technique to glycerol), can be utilized by Y. lipolytica [18–20]. However,
fill those gaps and to define the ranges of possible results [14]. the yeast-based CA production process is in an early devel-
Since LCA datasets seldom provide statistics on validity, an opment stage, since industrial scale applications are not yet
expert review method is used to assess uncertainty and to established. Thus, this process offers a great case for ESSA.
add certain subjectivity to the calculation. The ultimate goal The goal of our assessment approach (ESSA) is to sup-
of the methodology is to rank alternative bioprocess devel- port decision making toward sustainability [21] from the very
opment routes according to their sustainability following the beginning of technology development. However, decisions
16182863, 2020, 3-4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/elsc.201800198 by Jordan Hinari NPL, Wiley Online Library on [04/11/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
at the early stage are burdened with the conflict that room and correlates strongly with other environmental impacts,
for decisions being able to largely influence further devel- such as eutrophication and acidification potential. The impact
opments is tremendous while information on process param- was calculated as the Global Warming Potential for 100 years,
eters is very limited. This conflict makes ESSA in biopro- excluding biogenic carbon, using the CML2001–January
cess engineering particularly challenging and requires com- 2016 characterization model. This calculation was made using
promises in detailed data. Thus, our early-stage sustainability the LCA software, GaBi8© with GaBi Professional, GaBi
assessment approach balances between data scarcity and sem- Construction Materials, GaBi Food and Feed, and Ecoinvent
inal decisions and introduces a rather gradual approach that databases.
should accompany technology development from the early to It is notably difficult to assess the social effects of an entire
the final polishing stages. life-cycle in general and even more so in early stages. An
The early stage comprises the conceptual and preliminary important factor to consider, however, is the emission of toxic
engineering phases, during which the PFD is drafted and con- materials directly affecting human health, since health and
tinuously extended and detailed. Our ESSA methodology is safety are important issues both for consumers and workers
characterized by the following premises: in the social LCA methodology suggested by UNEP [25]. For
our model, this factor is captured by Human Toxicity Potential
(i) ESSA is based on a minimal data set, i.e. data on the sub- (HTP), which was calculated using the same characterization
strate, substrate-related yields, and flows (e.g. nutrients) model of CML2001–January 2016.
for the core bioprocess. The economics of the process can be calculated as an eco-
nomic constraint (EC) via the ratio of substrate value to prod-
(ii) ESSA is based on the hypothesis that assessing the core
uct value because neither the investment nor the operation
bioprocess provides the most relevant outcome for the
and maintenance costs are available at this point. The calcula-
overall sustainability of the final bio-production. The
tion is based on ref. 16 and was modified with the substrate-
impact of the substrate on overall sustainability is a gen-
specific yield to maintain proportionality and to calculate the
eral feature of industrial bioprocesses for bulk chemicals
amount of substrate necessary to produce the functional unit.
such as CA [22].
The calculation follows the function below:
(iii) ESSA does not render later assessments obsolete, but
marks the first and essential step to securing overall bio- 𝑆𝑢𝑏𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝐶𝑆 ⋅ 𝑒𝑆
process sustainability. Not performing an ESSA means 𝐸𝐶 = = ,
𝑃 𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑝𝑃
that an efficient opportunity for adaptation towards a sus-
tainable bioprocess is unutilized.
where CS is the cost of the substrate given in $/kg, eS rep-
(iv) ESSA offers a holistic approach to sustainability, includ- resents the substrate efficiency calculated in kg substrate/kg
ing economic, social, and ecological factors of biopro- product (i.e. the inverse of substrate related yield), and pP is
cess sustainability. the cost of the product in $/kg, which is determined by the unit
price of the product.
This ESSA methodology is based on LCA, a well- If the EC is less than 1, the financial scope still accounts
established and accepted sustainability assessment tool for the process costs. If the EC is equal to or greater than 1,
following the ISO 14040:2006 standard [14,23,24]. This the value of the possible substrate cost equals or exceeds the
approach applies a cradle-to-gate LCA approach to capture revenue, indicating that the scope is not sufficient to finance
the input material and energy flows from the PFD and sum- the process.
mary table. The product was determined to be the functional As the final step in the method, the environmental, social,
unit, and all necessary inputs and wastes are referenced to it. and economic results are aggregated. Since the indicators fall
In the case of co-products, the induced environmental effects into different categories, their aggregation is only possible
were allocated among the products along selected allocation when they are converted to the same dimension. In our case,
rules (e.g. the weight of the products) or were substituted. we used a ratio scale approach: the simple internal normaliza-
ESSA data were collected by experiments conducted in tion method where the highest number of categories was used
bench-top reactors on the one hand, and from the literature on as the normalization factor [2,21].
the other, where process parameters, such as input materials With the internal normalization method, the relative sus-
and yield, were collected. To decrease uncertainty and to fill tainability gains of each sustainability aspect are accounted
input data gaps, a mass balance, in the form of an input-output for in all process alternatives. With this type of internal nor-
table, was produced that served as a calculation inventory. malization, each alternative receives a normalized value for
For early-stage assessment, we chose Global Warming its sustainability, including GWP, HTP, and economic con-
Potential as the only environmental impact because it is the straints. Then, the normalized value of the three sustainabil-
one most applied in LCA, has the greatest political relevance, ity dimensions is totaled and the alternatives ranked according
16182863, 2020, 3-4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/elsc.201800198 by Jordan Hinari NPL, Wiley Online Library on [04/11/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
FIGURE 1 CA production alternatives. Key: B – batch process, FB – fed-batch process, RB – repeated batch process
to their overall value. The alternative with the lowest overall Concerning the constraints, ESSA results can be used
value is the most sustainable one relative to the other options. merely to compare the process alternatives with the same
This ESSA method allows for a simple, holistic, and robust scope of assessment determined by the substrates and other
sustainability assessment and fulfills a number of require- core bioprocess constituents. Therefore, our results do not
ments: enable a comparison between developed technologies or a
fine-tuning of process variables, such as construction mate-
(i) The method is based on standardized and widely
rials or alternatives for mixing and aeration.
accepted LCA approach.
(ii) The calculation is based on commercially available and
regularly updated databases that comprise both direct
and indirect environmental impacts. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
(iii) The method provides an aggregated result for the
In our comparative example application of our ESSA method,
three pillars of sustainability and so supports decision-
we gathered and analyzed the early-stage data of sixteen alter-
making. However, it also allows for disaggregation and
native yeast-based CA production processes with Y. lipolytica.
weak-point analysis, and so it facilitates a more compre-
The data were collected from our own experiments and from
hensive understanding of the bioprocess and substrate
the literature of comparable bench top experiments. These
yeast-based processes are summarized in Figure 1 that also
(iv) When more data are available for calculation, the model provides the boundaries of our calculation. In the figure, sub-
can be developed in tandem with the process and can strates, nutrients, a neutralizer for pH stabilization and energy
later be transformed from the early-stage assessment to inputs both for cultivation and for a simplified down-stream
a complete life-cycle sustainability assessment. processing (DSP) producing crystallized CA are considered.
(v) A broad range of different environmental impacts can be The DSP was structured as a practicable process line com-
assessed with the help of the characterization models in prising micro- and ultrafiltration, electrodialysis with bipolar
the LCA software. membranes, and crystallization/drying for the Na–citrate
16182863, 2020, 3-4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/elsc.201800198 by Jordan Hinari NPL, Wiley Online Library on [04/11/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
containing fermentation broth. The possible substrates, value was gained also as an average of two results, the one
microorganisms, evaluated process modes of CA production with 0.13 kWh/m3 when the membrane was clean, and the
and the cultivation times of previous early-stage, benchtop other with 0.21 kWh/m3 when the membrane was fouled [31].
lab tests are summarized in Table 1. In the following step, the solution was electrodialysed in a
To determine the correct amounts of material and energy two-chamber system with cation exchange and bipolar mem-
flows, a model was built representing a standardized ini- branes to remove Na− ions. The energy requirement of elec-
tial and final composition. To this end, the volumetric size trodialysis was set to 0.102 kWh/L gained from own experi-
was set to 1 m3 , and the model contained a fixed amount ments [32]. In the final step, the CA solution is condensed,
of substrate, macronutrients, and micronutrients, with water crystallized, and the crystals are dried. Again, due to data
filling the remainder of the reference volume, that is 1 m3 . shortages in the literature about this step of the DSP, the
The water content for substrates, nutrients, and neutralization energy demand was calculated by using the heat capacity of
compounds was considered using data from the literature [26]. water, 4.179 kJ/kgK [33], to heat up the liquid from 293.15
In fed-batch and repeated fed-batch processes, the corre- to 373.15 K, and the heat of vaporization at 373.15 K and
sponding amounts of substrate and water added by the sub- normal pressure, 2257 kJ/kgK [34], to evaporate the amount
strate were taken into consideration for the end composition. of water from the solution. The amount of water was taken
The necessary amount of the neutralizer NaOH was calculated from Table 2 where it was calculated based on the mass bal-
using the temperature-dependent ion fractionation [27]. ance of the fermentation process. From this amount of water
In the final compound of the fermentation process, the sub- the weight of biomass was subtracted (see Table 3) and the
strate and nutrients are converted to the product, and the nec- remaining water was heated up and evaporated. This gives the
essary amount of neutralizer was added to the solution. As a heat demand of DSP. In this step no heat losses were consid-
result, the final volumetric amount was greater than that of the ered. The total electricity demand was gained by adding the
starting compound by the amount of neutralizer added. The energy demand of microfiltration, ultrafiltration, and electro-
product of cultivation was the fermentation broth containing dialysis.
CA and the neutralizer. This was used as an input for the DSP. The environmental assessment was completed with the
To adjust these data to the functional unit of our calculations, LCA software, GaBi8© . The production of 1 kg CA was
they were divided by the amount of product CA produced. defined as the functional unit. The alternatives were calcu-
These data are summarized in Table 2. lated with a parameterized scenario table integrated into the
The specific energy demand for mixing and aerating the software using the data from Tables 2 and 3. This process
reactors in the cultivation was set to 12 kW/m3 , which is an enabled high flexibility in scenario development and sensitiv-
average of bench top laboratory reactors [28]. The volume of ity analysis in the model. The quantified results are presented
fermentation broth for 1 kg CA (Table 3) was multiplied with in Tables 4 and 5.
this specific energy demand and with the duration of the cul- The repeated batch raw glycerol-based bioprocess alterna-
tivation process given in Table 1. tive showed the best environmental performance based on
In order to model the DSP, data was obtained from the GWP which achieved a high CA concentration of 154 g/L
literature. Our DSP model starts with the definition of the and a relative short cultivation time of 147 h. Although the
volume of the broth after fermentation containing 1 kg CA. sunflower oil-base fed-batch process reached much higher
The volume was calculated from Table 1 using the given CA concentrations (198.5 g/L), due to its long cultivation
CA concentration. In the next step, the biomass separation time (360 h) it ranked only fourth. This fact underlines the
by microfiltration was modelled. Since energy demand of importance of time-effective cultivation and the potential of
microfiltering Y. lipolytica on a volume bases was not avail- optimizing the high cultivation energy demand of lab-scale
able, data on specific energy demand of filtering microalgae reactors. The second-best option was the fed-batch refined
with 2.125 kWh/m3 was considered. This value was gained glycerol-based process and the third-best alternative turned
as an average of the available results of two experiments, one out to be the fed-batch raw glycerol processes. The least sus-
with Chlorella (1.74 kWh/m3 ) and one with Scenedesmus tainable processes of GWP were those using molasses, chem-
(2.51 kWh/m3 ) [29]. The volume of the broth calculated in ically produced ethanol, fed-batch sunflower oil, and sucrose.
Table 3 was multiplied with this specific value. The vol- Human toxicity, the measured social indicator in the early
ume of the separated biomass was calculated by multiply- stage, was also calculated with the aforementioned LCA soft-
ing the total volume of broth and the biomass concentra- ware for the same functional unit. In this study, the waste
tion in Table 1. This amount was subtracted from the broth oil-based CA production was only the third best alternative,
considering a maximal separation of 100% and 1.085 kg/L and the batch paraffin oil process ranked second. First-best
density of biomass [30]. Next, proteins were separated with was the sunflower oil-based batch process with moderate CA
ultrafiltration where the specific energy demand was taken concentration but with a competitive cultivation time. The
from river water ultrafiltration, that is, 0.17 kWh/L [31]. This soybean oil-based process was the least sustainable process
Glycerol raw Repeated AWG7 5.5 197 154 0.78 16.5 147 [40]
Plant oils Sunflower seed oil Batch H181b 5.0 70 94.8 1.36 14.1 94 [32]
Sunflower seed oil Fed-batch H181b 5.0 170 198.5 1.17 20.5 360 [32,41]
Rapeseed oil Batch H181b 5.0 70 98.0 1.40 13.5 98 [32]
Soybean oil Batch H181b 5.0 70 95.9 1.37 13 95 [32]
Plant oil Waste frying oil Batch H181b 5.0 110 145.0 1.31 16.8 189 [42]
waste product
Crude oil-based Paraffin Batch H181b 5.0 89 160.0 1.80 7 200 [36]
Crude oil-based Ethanol chemically Repeated VKM Y-2373b 4.5 119.4 105.4 0.883 11.72 144 [18]
producedc fed-batch
Ethanol chemically Fed-batch VKM Y-2373b 4.5 138.2 116.8 0.845 11.68 145 [18]
Yeast genotype.
a Genetically modified strain with expression of invertase encoding ScSUC2 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
b Mutant strain.
For calculating two types of industrial ethanol production defined by the authors.
16182863, 2020, 3-4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/elsc.201800198 by Jordan Hinari NPL, Wiley Online Library on [04/11/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
TABLE 2 Material and energy flows of different citric acid production processes with Y. lipolytica
Beet Sunflower Sunflower
molasses Sucrose Glucose oil oil Rapeseed Soy Waste Paraffin Ethanol Ethanol Glycerine Glycerine Glycerine
[37] [35] [36] [32] [32,41] oil [41] oil [41] oil [42] [36] bio/ch. [18] bio/ch [18] refined [38] raw [39] raw [40]
Energy of sterilization, MJ 17.8249 6.5321 3.7504 4.1257 1.9704 3.9886 4.0780 2.7145 2.3688 2.8244 3.1434 2.5268
MgSO4 , g 1.2214 1.2214 1.8038 0.8615 1.7449 1.7831 1.1875 1.0687 3.2447 2.9280 3.5149 3.8775 3.1725
FeSO4 , g 0.0137 0.0137 0.0202 0.0096 0.0195 0.0199 0.0133 0.0120 0.0013 0.0012 0.0010 0.0011 0.0009
(NH4 )2 SO4 , g 0.0000 0.0000 39.1086 18.6776 37.8316 38.6601 25.7465 23.1719 28.4630 25.6849 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
KH2 PO4 , g 5.0000 5.0000 7.3840 3.5264 7.1429 7.2993 4.8611 4.3750 9.9620 8.9897 1.4388 1.5873 1.2987
Ca(NO3 )2 , g 3.7951 3.4247
Boric acid, g 0.2036 0.2036 0.3006 0.1436 0.2908 0.2972 0.1979 0.1781 0.0054 0.0049 0.0041 0.0045 0.0037
CuSO4 , g 0.0913 0.0913 0.1349 0.0644 0.1305 0.1333 0.0888 0.0799 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002
MnSO4 , g 0.0895 0.0895 0.1322 0.0631 0.1279 0.1307 0.0870 0.0783 0.0003 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002 0.0002
Water in hydrates, g 1.5085 1.5085 2.2277 1.0639 2.1550 2.2022 1.4666 1.3199 3.3966 3.0651 3.6794 4.0590 3.3210
Water, kg 17.5052 7.1191 7.4150 9.7287 4.6462 9.4055 9.6162 6.4010 5.5857 9.4709 8.5465 6.6601 7.4123 5.9583
NaOH [45], kg 0.4137 0.5728 0.3517 0.3517 0.3517 0.3517 0.3517 0.3517 0.3517 0.2812 0.2812 0.4137 0.4137 0.4137
Citric acid, kg 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000
Fermentation broth, kg 20.5430 7.2125 7.8733 9.5185 4.5272 9.1695 9.3970 6.1987 5.1724 9.6570 8.7783 7.1436 8.0408 6.2806
Calculations were made with whey protein because protease-peptone was not available in the GaBi database.
16182863, 2020, 3-4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/elsc.201800198 by Jordan Hinari NPL, Wiley Online Library on [04/11/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Glucose, FB 7.143 61.714 0.050 0.015 7.097 140.909 0.001 0.725 2.666 7.472 19.361
Molasses, B 19.920 124.781 0.319 0.042 19.627 50.951 0.003 2.006 7.375 19.811 51.336
Ethanol from maize, RFB 9.488 59.021 0.111 0.020 9.385 106.551 0.002 0.959 3.526 9.265 24.008
Ethanol from maize, FB 8.562 53.630 0.100 0.018 8.469 118.071 0.001 0.866 3.182 8.397 21.760
Glycerol refined, FB 7.194 37.295 0.137 0.015 7.068 141.477 0.001 0.723 2.656 6.593 17.085
Glycerol raw, FB 7.937 41.143 0.159 0.017 7.790 128.366 0.001 0.796 2.928 7.468 19.353
Glycerol raw, RB 6.494 41.143 0.107 0.014 6.395 156.378 0.001 0.654 2.403 5.760 14.925
Sunflower seed oil, B 10.549 42.835 0.149 0.022 10.411 96.048 0.002 1.064 3.912 9.018 23.369
Sunflower seed oil, FB 5.038 78.348 0.103 0.011 4.943 202.323 0.001 0.505 1.857 4.072 10.552
Rapeseed oil, B 10.204 43.200 0.138 0.022 10.077 99.235 0.002 1.030 3.786 8.680 22.493
Soybean oil, B 10.428 42.795 0.136 0.022 10.303 97.063 0.002 1.053 3.871 8.910 23.088
Waste frying oil, B 6.897 56.309 0.116 0.015 6.790 147.280 0.001 0.694 2.551 5.731 14.851
Paraffin, B 6.250 54.000 0.044 0.013 6.210 161.039 0.001 0.635 2.333 4.777 12.379
Ethanol chemically 9.488 59.021 0.111 0.020 9.385 106.551 0.002 0.959 3.526 9.265 24.008
produced, RFB
Ethanol chemically 8.562 53.630 0.100 0.018 8.469 118.071 0.001 0.866 3.182 8.397 21.760
produced, FB
B, batch; FB, fed-batch; RB, repeated batch; RFB, repeated fed-batch.
16182863, 2020, 3-4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/elsc.201800198 by Jordan Hinari NPL, Wiley Online Library on [04/11/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
16182863, 2020, 3-4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/elsc.201800198 by Jordan Hinari NPL, Wiley Online Library on [04/11/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
followed by that of the molasses and rapeseed oil. Concern- is approximately two–four times that of the other substrates.
ing social sustainability, substrates, such as sunflower seed oil, The main source of the impact was the application of substrate
ethanol and glucose, are better options than rapeseed- and soy- via emissions, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, ben-
bean oil-based processes, in which the human toxicity impact zene, and heavy metals. The application of CuSO4 and NaOH
16182863, 2020, 3-4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/elsc.201800198 by Jordan Hinari NPL, Wiley Online Library on [04/11/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
In general, process optimization with the aim of lowering Such ex-ante evaluation enables early identification of future
the required pH value for CA production led to a consider- sustainability burdens based on scarce information and assists
able decrease in NaOH requirements or other pH-adjusting in process development toward sustainability by ranking
reagents, thereby reducing the GWP. CA extraction without available process alternatives according to their environmen-
pH adjustment can be achieved through the use of direct cap- tal and socioeconomic performance.
turing methods, such as adsorption or electrodialysis inside This paper described a simple but robust early-stage
the bioprocess, rendering pH-regulating chemicals obsolete. assessment method for bioprocesses based on the standard-
Additionally, sterilization through high energy consumption ized life-cycle assessment method, which is widely accepted
has a significant GWP. Consequently, an immanent decrease and for which software and databases are commercially avail-
in energy consumption can be achieved through a non-sterile able. With this method, the available material and energy
yeast-based bioprocess. However, the biggest potential for streams were evaluated, the primary weak points could
increasing sustainability has the reduction of energy demand be identified, and possible alternatives were ranked. This
of cultivation and DSP. method was demonstrated through a comparison of yeast-
A direct comparison of our results with the literature was based CA production alternatives. The results showed that
not possible, since no other early-stage calculations were using waste-based substrates provide the ultimate advantage
made for CA production yet. However, the suitability of pro- over processes using non-waste substrates. In addition, the
duced results can be compared. The only study that com- minimization of fossil-based energy and chemical additive
pared more bioprocess alternatives and also produced a robust usage disproportionately improves both the environmental
ranking of them was made by Gargalo et al. [14]. We are and socioeconomic performance.
concerned that this type of presentation of results has an In this ESSA exercise, only very limited data on possible
added value to support decision making among the possi- process alternatives were available. The data primarily
ble alternative bioprocess routes. Nevertheless, the improve- consisted of substrates, the most important additives, and
ment of bioprocesses needs disaggregation of results that the estimated energy requirements of the main process steps.
is able to highlight hot spots. A well-designed assessment Material flows for the equipment, specific energy needs, and
tool should be able to produce disaggregated results and the environmental impact of the use and end of life phases
to develop sensitivity analysis that was not demonstrated in were not considered during this stage. As a result, ESSA
ref. 14. is not applicable for comparing complete technologies, and
it can examine only technology alternatives at the same
early-stage development level with the same functional
unit. However, the assessment model can be incrementally
4 CONC LU D I NG R E M A R K S improved with the development of this process as more
data become available. Thus, despite the aforementioned
Owing to the specificities of bioprocess development, early- limitations, this method provides instructive and useful
stage sustainability assessment is strongly recommended. results for developing sustainable bioprocesses.
16182863, 2020, 3-4, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/elsc.201800198 by Jordan Hinari NPL, Wiley Online Library on [04/11/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
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