Crowd Funding - Transforming
Crowd Funding - Transforming
Crowd Funding - Transforming
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To cite this document:
Andrea Ordanini, Lucia Miceli, Marta Pizzetti, A. Parasuraman, (2011),"Crowd-funding: transforming customers into investors
through innovative service platforms", Journal of Service Management, Vol. 22 Iss: 4 pp. 443 - 470
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Crowd-funding: transforming customers into
customers into investors through investors
innovative service platforms
Andrea Ordanini, Lucia Miceli and Marta Pizzetti
Department of Marketing, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy, and Received August 2010
A. Parasuraman Revised December 2010
Accepted March 2011
Department of Marketing, University of Miami School of Business,
Coral Gables, Florida, USA
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to analyze the emerging crowd-funding phenomenon, that is
a collective effort by consumers who network and pool their money together, usually via the internet,
in order to invest in and support efforts initiated by other people or organizations. Successful service
businesses that organize crowd-funding and act as intermediaries are emerging, attesting to the
viability of this means of attracting investment.
Design/methodology/approach – The research employs a “grounded theory” approach,
performing an in-depth qualitative analysis of three cases involving crowd-funding initiatives:
SellaBand in the music business, Trampoline in financial services, and Kapipal in non-profit services.
These cases were selected to represent a diverse set of crowd-funding operations that vary in terms of
risk/return for the investor and the type of payoff associated to the investment.
Findings – The research addresses two research questions: how and why do consumers turn into
crowd-funding participants? and how and why do service providers set up a crowd-funding initiative?
Concerning the first research question, the authors’ findings reveal purposes, characteristics, roles and
tasks, and investment size of crowd-funding activity from the consumer’s point of view. Regarding the
second research question, the authors’ analysis reveals purposes, service roles, and network effects of
crowd-funding activity investigated from the point of view of the service organization that set up the
Practical implications – The findings also have implications for service managers interested in
launching and/or managing crowd-funding initiatives.
Originality/value – The paper addresses an emerging phenomenon and contributes to service
theory in terms of extending the consumer’s role from co-production and co-creation to investment.
Keywords Crowd-funding, Service innovation, Investments, Customer-investors, Customers
Paper type Research paper
While consumers have always had a special place in the marketing literature, the role
assigned to them has changed over time, concurrently with developments in marketing
The research received financial support from the “Customer and Service Science Lab” at
Bocconi University. The authors gratefully acknowledge the participants of the 2009 “Frontiers
Journal of Service Management
in Service Conference” for their feedback and suggestions during the presentation of an early Vol. 22 No. 4, 2011
version of this paper. The presentation was finalist for the Best Practitioner Presentation Award. pp. 443-470
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited
The authors also thank guest editors Lia Patricio and Ray Fisk, and three anonymous reviewers, 1757-5818
for their constructive comments and suggestions. DOI 10.1108/09564231111155079
JOSM theory and the evolution of markets. A mere target for the “functional school” of the
22,4 1970s (Barksdale and Darden, 1971), consumers become key information sources in the
“market orientation” literature (Kohli and Jaworski, 1990), co-producers according to
the “service marketing” literature (Fisk et al., 1993), partners for innovative purposes in
the “lead user” theory (von Hippel, 1986), and, finally, key resources and co-creators of
value in the “service-dominant logic (SDL)” perspective (Vargo and Lusch, 2004). Over
444 the years, this trend has revealed an enrichment and empowerment of the role assigned
to consumers (Lusch et al., 2007).
In line with this tendency, the consumer’s role has recently expanded to include
investment support. This phenomenon, called crowd-funding, is a collective effort by
people who network and pool their money together, usually via the internet, in order to
invest in and support efforts initiated by other people or organizations (Ordanini, 2009).
The idea that some people may decide to pay for producing and promoting a product
(instead of buying it), and bear the risk associated with that decision, represents a further
step in the evolution of consumers’ roles, that involves a mix of entrepreneurship and
social network participation. The selection of the initiatives to be supported, the monetary
investment from consumers, the outsourcing of entrepreneurial risk by the organization
that sets up the crowd-funding activity, and the blurring boundaries between marketing
and finance are only some of the new issues involved with crowd-funding initiatives.
Being new phenomena, crowd-funding initiatives and their consequences for firms
and consumers are not fully understood. For instance: what drives the engagement of
consumers as investors? What functions do crowd-funding service providers play?
Which roles do consumers play when they participate in crowd-funding platforms?
To address these issues, we employ a “grounded theory” approach (Eisenhardt,
1989) and perform an in-depth qualitative analysis of three representative cases
involving service innovations associated with crowd-funding initiatives: SellaBand in
the music business; Trampoline in financial services, and Kapipal in the context of
personal and social services. These businesses were selected because they represent a
diverse set of relevant crowd-funding operations that vary in terms of risk/return for
the consumer/investor and the type of consumer involvement.
Our analysis offers important insights into investor behavior in crowd-funding service
models, potential determinants of such behavior, and variations in behavior and
determinants across different service models. The contribution of the research is twofold.
First, we contribute to the marketing literature by improving our understanding of a new
role potentially played by the consumer, that of an investor. Our research derives a first set of
conditions that explain when and how potential consumers may consider taking on the role
of an investor and which activities they perform. Second, we offer insights for service
managers interested in launching and/or managing crowd-funding initiatives. Our findings
shed light on the purposes and activities pertaining to crowd-funding models, and the latter’s
influence of service-value networks.
The first five steps of the methodology are described in this section. Findings and
discussion are presented in subsequent sections.
The first part of the analysis addresses RQ1, dealing with consumer involvement in
crowd-funding initiatives. Specifically, it aims to shed light on the characteristics of the
participating individuals, the motivations that drive them to participate, the activities
they perform in crowd-funding, and the process through which the target investment is
The second part of the analysis shifts the perspective to firms that organize the
crowd-funding initiative, and addresses RQ2. Its objectives are to identify the firms’
motivations for setting up a business model based on crowd-funding, the different roles
they play, and the structural effects of crowd-funding on service-supply chains.
Case selection
We selected cases using the “theoretical replication logic” to produce contrasting
results in a cross-case fashion (Yin, 2003b). Based on this principle, and in order to find
a balance between consistency and variation, we chose cases that had in common
certain crowd-funding features, but also included sufficient contextual and structural
diversity (Corbin and Strauss, 1990; Flick, 2006). During the case-selection process,
we endeavored to ensure that the selected cases covered all theoretically relevant
categories of the phenomenon under investigation.
A novel and defining characteristic of crowd-funding is that it involves consumers
who act as investors, providing monetary support to others’ proposals and expecting
some payoffs (either monetary or non-monetary). As such, our sample selection was
guided by insights from the theory of the investment behavior of individuals (Copeland
and Weston, 1988; Hansen and Schrader, 1997; McLachlan and Gardner, 2004),
together with extensive information we gathered from secondary sources (e.g. press
reports about crowd-funding and information available at crowd-funding web sites).
In particular, our case selection was based on two primary criteria related to
investment behavior (Iyer and Kashyap, 2009):
(1) the risk/return ratio associated with the monetary investment, which is a proxy
for the depth of investment requested of individuals; and
(2) the type of payoff expected by the consumer/investor (i.e. purely monetary rewards
or those involving non-monetary elements such symbolic or social value).
Figure 1 shows the three most prominent types of crowd-funding initiatives, along
with a list of service firms whose current operations fall under each type. 451
Within each type, we selected one case whose current structure and activities
we considered to be most robust and relevant for our study (the three selected
cases are emphasized in Figure 1): SellaBand (, Trampoline
(, and Kapipal ( These three start-ups
have developed diverse crowd-funding service platforms with varying degrees of
sophistication, and have garnered favorable reactions from consumers.
SellaBand applies the crowd-funding model to the music market. The mission of this
Bocholt (Germany)-based company is “to unite Artists and Fans in an independent
movement that aims to level the playing field in the global music industry.” It was
one of the first crowd-funding initiatives to appear on the market (active since August
2006), and one of the most cited by the press. Since its launch, SellaBand has realized
recording sessions for almost 40 artists whose albums were funded by their fans. Over
$3,000,000 has been invested in artists via Currently, there are almost
3,000 artists to support and more than 60,000 potential believers registered on the web site.
Through the online platform, artists can raise the money from the SellaBand
community in order to record a professional album. Artists upload their music and
profile, and music lovers can select artists they like and believe in. Anyone can invest
in a SellaBand artist. Once an artist reaches the investment target, the album is
recorded and all those who have invested receive a free limited edition copy of the CD
and a share of the revenues generated by the artists. The investment target is decided
by the artists, who have the freedom to choose not only the target budget but also the
incentives for the “believers” (label used for consumer-investors) and the percentage of
revenues shared with them. Initially, established for unsigned artists trying to promote
Grow vc
High my bar
trampoline Bandstocks
slicethepie Artemis eternal
Low move one-actblue
my football club
spot us
Figure 1.
Crowd-funding models
Material Emotional
according to risk/return
Type of payoff intensity and type of
Note: Sample selection criteria
JOSM their first album, recently SellaBand has opened up to established artists, and has
22,4 introduced more opportunities for revenue sharing and for accommodating different
types of music projects such as music tours and live concerts.
Trampoline is a more recent case, launched in Spring 2009, and represents the first
example of crowd-funding in the financial sector. The Trampoline crowd-funding
platform is associated with a London (UK)-based technology company. This firm sells
452 a software program, called SONAR, which is able to understand each employee’s
expertise and map relationships inside a corporation, analyzing e-mail, blogs, and other
data in order to enhance employees’ skills. Trampoline aims to financially support the
commercial application of this software using a crowd-funding model, instead of using
the conventional model of raising money from venture capitalists.
Trampoline is the first technology-based firm to use the crowd-funding process.
Its goal is to raise one million pounds from investors, with a minimum investment
of e10,000. Trampoline has worked closely with legal advisors in order to ensure its
crowd-funding process complies with the UK Financial Services Authority (FSA)
regulations. People who wanted to invest in the Trampoline project need to be certified
as high net worth individuals or sophisticated investors in order to meet FSA
qualifications. Within about two months from the launch of the crowd-funding project,
Trampoline was close to completing the first stage of fund raising, having collected
about half a million pounds.
Kapipal, launched in 2009, is a web site that allows people to collect money for any
purpose, from a group purchase to charity, from a personal project to a birthday or
wedding present. Kapipal is a start-up of Tailmedia, an Italian company specializing
in Web 2.0. A Kapipalist (a person who wants to collect money on Kapipal) can create a
web page and manage the money collection by setting the target amount, the duration
of collection and the reason why she/he is asking for money. Once the page is created,
the URL address is shared with friends and anyone else who might contribute. The
Kapipalist can decide to create a public or private fundraising page. If private, the page is
not visible to search engines, and is only navigable by those who know the URL address.
If instead the page is public, Google and other search engines may access it and include it
in their search results.
Whoever decides to donate money through Kapipal is called a contributor.
Contributors visit the page and decide how much money to send. Every contribution is
a donation, and usually there is no material return for the contributor, although one
may be proposed. Kapipal does not charge a fee. It merely acts as a connector between
Kapipalists and contributors. Since its launch, Kapipal has raised more than
$300,000, mainly for personal fundraising, for everything from birthday gifts,
to wedding lists, to medical treatment.
Data collection
We organized our qualitative data collection from a variety of data sources, following
Yin (2003a). Using multiple data sources is a fundamental aspect of the analysis
because it ensures the variety of perspectives required by the constructivist principles
on which qualitative analyses are based.
The data analyzed include both primary data, gathered through in-depth interviews,
as well as secondary data taken from internal company records, company web sites,
press reports and other published sources. The extensive desk research we conducted
to collect secondary data resulted in 35 pages of internal documentation that our Transforming
research team studied to gain a good understanding of the crowd-funding phenomenon customers into
in general as well as the main features of the three crowd-funding initiatives under
investigation. The documentation from the secondary research was also helpful in investors
designing the interview protocols we used in our primary data collection, and in
providing context for interpreting the data gathered from our interviews.
Detailed semi-structured interviews with key informants in the three selected 453
firms constituted a significant portion of our data collection effort. We performed
seven in-depth interviews with the founders and other managers of SellaBand
(three interviews in total), Trampoline (two interviews), and Kapipal (two interviews).
The interviewees were selected on the basis of their high involvement with and
knowledge about the crowd-funding initiatives. The total number of respondents was
sufficient to achieve saturation, in that the emergent categories and relationships
tended to converge and were thus “saturated” (Glaser and Strauss, 1967).
Interview procedure
The interview protocol we used is detailed in the Appendix. Consistent with
recommendations in the literature (Yin, 2003a), we designed the protocol to cover the
main topics pertaining to the research questions, but at the same time leaving room to
both the respondent and the researcher to extend the discussion to other unexpected
issues. We also ensured that the respondents were free to interpret each question from
their own perspectives as required in this type of research (Yin, 2003a).
Since qualitative inquiry is necessarily an iterative process, the question wording
changed slightly over the course of the interviews and evolved over time. Moreover,
some of the questions were added to capture additional issues that surfaced during
discussions in the early interviews. Because the interviews were only semi-structured,
and in order to accommodate interconnections among topics that might emerge
naturally during the interviews (Fontana and Frey, 2000), in some instances deviations
from the ordering of questions shown in the Appendix occurred.
Each interview lasted approximately two hours, with at least two members of the
research team present. Interviews were conducted both personally (five) and by
telephone (via Skype) (two) from July 2009 to November 2010. The interviews were
tape recorded to minimize data loss. The recordings were immediately transcribed for
subsequent analysis and shared with other members of the research team in both full
and excerpted form. Overall, the research team developed 86 pages of interview
transcripts. Informal follow-up questions were sent to some respondents to clarify and
refine issues that emerged during the transcription, often through e-mail exchange.
To enhance the reliability of the information derived from the interviews and to
strengthen support for the constructs and relationships emerging from our analysis,
we triangulated the interview information with the previously described secondary
data, as recommended by Eisenhardt (1989). We also continuously monitored the firms’
web sites, to keep abreast of available projects and their investment flows, as well as
consumer participation and web site improvements. Throughout the project we also
kept track of news published about crowd-funding in general and about the particular
web sites analyzed.
Consistent with the recommendations of Eisenhardt (1989), the research team spent
considerable time as a group sharing impressions and interpretations in order to achieve
JOSM a consensus view of the consumer’s role as investor (RQ1) and the organizational
22,4 structure of crowd-funding initiatives (RQ2). Discussion sessions consisted of
face-to-face meetings, conference calls, e-mails, and interpretative documents such as
PowerPoint plots sent as attachments. The impression- and interpretation-sharing
period lasted over three months, from the last interview to the attainment of consensus
concerning the study’s basic findings.
Data analysis
Consistent with grounded theory, we employed two key data analysis processes:
coding and categorizing (Glaser and Strauss, 1967). In coding we broke down the
interview data into interpretable units and compared them, while in categorizing we
organized the units into meaningful categories to facilitate conceptual development.
Our coding, again consistent with grounded theory, was an iterative, inductive process
from which we constructed descriptive summaries of the basic facts in order to “gain
familiarity with data and preliminary theory investigation” and “to look beyond initial
impressions and see evidence through multiple lenses” (Eisenhardt, 1989, p. 533).
We used the coded and categorized data to perform a thematic content analysis
through an inductive process in which we progressed from categorization to
abstraction, comparison, and integration as recommended by Spiggle (1994).
Specifically, all authors participated in categorizing the case-study data (interview
transcripts and secondary data) into content themes related to crowd-funding, followed
by abstracting higher order conceptual constructs from the content-theme categories.
This iterative, inductive process ultimately resulted in seven categories nested into two
higher order dimensions broadly related to the two research questions (Table I,
column 1). We used the resulting broad categorization to compare and contrast the
three crowd-funding cases, and to identify and summarize the similarities/differences
among them (Table I, columns 2-4). Finally, we moved to conceptual integration, which
involved lengthy discussions about the different emerging themes and led to the
implications stemming from our analysis. Because some authors had developed a close
Crowd-funding participants
Purposes Patronage Investment Social participation
Characteristics Innovative orientation Innovative orientation Innovative
Identification (dominant) Identification Identification
Exploitation Exploitation (dominant)
Roles and tasks Agent: selection and Shareholder: growth and Donor: help
promotion development
Investment size Small, but potentially Large Small
Crowd-funding firm
Purposes Empower artist and fans Raise alternative venture capitalFund social
projects online
Table I. Service roles Relational mediator Engine of growth Social gatekeeper
Main findings from Network effects Substitute an existing Disintermediate from an existing Add a new
the analysis intermediary intermediary intermediary
relationship with the three companies whereas other authors remained more distant, Transforming
there was some “interpretive tension,” which enriched and strengthened the integration customers into
process (Blazevic and Lievens, 2008).
Findings and discussion
The key findings from our analysis are summarized in Table I, which organizes the
findings according to our conceptual categories and research questions. 455
Crowd-funding participants
Purposes. Consumers participating in our crowd-funding cases seem to have different
motivations for their participation and decision to invest. In SellaBand, consumers’
desire to participate is motivated primarily by the opportunity to be actively involved
in making a recording possible through their financial support. According to a
SellaBand manager, by investing in an artist:
[. . .] you (the consumers) do not only buy music, you also buy the idea that you have made it
possible, you are the one that discovered the artist, so you are part of the whole thing.
Here, patronage – the support, encouragement, and financial help that an individual
bestows another – seems to emerge as key purpose of the crowd-funding participation.
In contrast, the main purpose that drives consumers’ engagement in crowd-funding
initiatives organized by Kapipal can be labeled as social participation. Kapipal’s
founder calls this element “participation spirit,” underlining a desire to be taking part
in something that helps a friend or someone else needing money for a social or a
personal cause. According to the founder:
Either in the case of social initiatives, where the charitable dimension dominates, or for more
personal initiatives, the Kapipalist feels a strong sense of belongingness to the initiative, and
gets satisfied because he senses the project is achieved, thanks to his contribution.
In Trampoline, people who participate in crowd-funding are instead motivated by the
idea of realizing a monetary return from their investment, and contribute a non-trivial
amount of money to a new way of funding an early-stage new venture. In this case, the
participants are attracted by the novelty of the crowd-funding model, but it is the
economic return that appears as the main reason for the investment, because they can
become shareholders of the company. According to Trampoline’s founder:
[. . .] [although] people (participants) are telling us that we’ve been an innovator in our way of
raising finance [. . .] [they are attracted] because there is a potential to make very good returns
on their investments.
Characteristics. Some characteristics of consumer-investors in crowd-funding surfaced
consistently in the three cases. All interview respondents agreed that consumers
participate in crowd-funding web sites because they like engaging in innovative
behavior. Although interested in the content of the crowd-funding initiative, these
participants are attracted by the novel way to use the underlying technology platform,
particularly in the context of social networking. They perceive the potential of the
crowd-funding business model, but they decide to invest because they want to be first,
and they like the idea of using highly interactive tools. A Trampoline manager
described these people as being “experience investors”; a SellaBand executive said that
“they are innovators in the way they use technology to interact”; and Kapipal’s founder
JOSM said that “while charity always existed, many people are attracted not only by to whom
they donate and for what reason, but also by how to do it.”
22,4 In contrast, the presence and prevalence of other participant characteristics varied
across the three cases. A significant proportion of crowd-funding participants in both
SellaBand and Kapipal shared a strong sense of identification with the proponents
and/or projects being funded. In these cases, crowd-funding is a way to contribute to a
456 cause in which participants believe, and typically people with the highest levels of
identification are the first ones to invest. A manager from SellaBand described them as
“real dedicated people, really connected with the artist; for them the return on investment
is not the main driver,” and the Kapipal founder said that “the idea of making it possible,
being part of it, having a connection with the project is what matters.”
Another participant characteristic emerging from our interviews is economic
exploitation, the inclination of those who decide to invest in crowd-funding mainly for
the monetary payoff. This characteristic did not surface in the Kapipal interviews,
since Kapipal projects rarely involve monetary returns. However, it was dominant in
the case of Trampoline and, to a lesser extent, in the SellaBand case. These investors do
not have any inherent interest in or attachment to the content of the crowd-funding
initiative, other than as a means for gaining a monetary payoff from their financial
support. For instance, according to one of our interviewees in Trampoline (wherein the
firm actually subjects potential participants to a screening and qualification phase):
Since our crowd-funding mechanism attracts people who are mainly interested in the
potential monetary reward, and, given the importance of the involved sum, only persons who
meet the UK Financial Security Authority qualification criteria as qualified investors are
eligible to participate.
Roles and tasks. Our findings reveal the existence of different roles played by
crowd-funding participants. In SellaBand, the “believers” basically act as agents of the
artists, selecting, and promoting offerings that merit patronage, and being rewarded
with a royalty on future sales. In contrast to traditional music –industry practice,
where “a small and select group of people in the music industry were deciding which
artists were allowed to record an album” and “more and more artists were not able to
record (their)album,” SellaBand creates the conditions for consumers to discover new
artist and to “hear the music they wanted [to hear].”
In Trampoline, the main activity is that of supporting the growth and development
of the initiative by contributing, as a shareholder and potential entrepreneur, to the
future decisions of the company. As the founder of Trampoline pointed out, the
investor gains ownership of the company and “will have ordinary shares with full
voting rights, [. . .] therefore they will have authority in the governance structure of the
company” and “we (Trampoline) welcome investors’ input into product strategy.”
In contrast to both SellaBand and Trampoline participants, the primary role played
by Kapipalists is that of helping in the realization of a small project, and the consumer
who contributes is mainly a donor because she/he gives money without necessarily
expecting or receiving any monetary reward. As Kapipal’s web site emphasizes,
“all money transfers are donations and there is no (economic) return for contributors.”
Investment size. Looking at the investment process, the analysis reveals differences
in the levels of monetary effort, i.e. investment size, required for crowd-funding
participation across our three cases. Kapipal does not have a minimum target for
individual investment and, given the social content of the projects, it largely attracts
participants aiming to contribute for a small amount of money. At the other extreme, Transforming
Trampoline initiatives require a minimum, relatively large, level of investment for customers into
participating. This, of course, reflects the venture-capital nature of this Trampoline
investments. SellaBand does ask for a low minimum investment in order to participate investors
($10); however, a one manager told us “there are situations in which, especially when
the target is going to be reached, people decide to invest more than $1000.”
Findings from our analysis also suggest that, regardless of the differences in the 457
required investment size per participant, the overall investment path, reflecting the
collective investment behavior of consumers’ over time, seems to follow a similar pattern
in all three cases. This common pattern is portrayed by Figure 2, which plots the typical
growth trajectory of the cumulative amount of investment ( y-axis) over time (x-axis).
As Figure 2 shows, the cumulative investment process has three distinct phases.
The first phase is characterized by a quick and significant flow of investment that
reaches approximately half of the target capital. This rapid accumulation is mainly due
to the investment decisions of persons who are directly connected to the project or
connected to the network of the project creator. Our informants depicted this as the
“friend-funding” phase. The emphasis in this phase is on the project’s novelty, and the
high involvement of people who are close to the proponent facilitates the accumulation
of investment. However, achieving the final target once the initial phase is over is a
more challenging task.
The second stage of the process is characterized by a slow-down in investment
growth. Sustaining the project at this stage calls for triggering a cascading process to
continue the funding, by motivating and involving other people through
word-of-mouth communications. We labeled this phase “getting the crowd” because,
as Trampoline’s CEO stated during our interview, in this phase:
[. . .] it is the social networks of people who are involved in the business and recommendations
made from person to person through the networks [. . .] can make the difference in this case.
Phase 3
race to be“in”
Phase 2
getting the crowd
Phase 1
friend funding
Figure 2.
Typical path of consumer
investment via
a crowd-funding platform
JOSM The project creator has to assume a great deal of responsibility in this stage. As the
22,4 Kapipal founder observed:
It depends on the Kapipalist’s skills; in other words project creators are the ones that have to
begin to post on Facebook, on Twitter and on other social networks in order to gain visibility
[. . .] and determine a donation peak.
458 This is the most delicate phase because, as our informant noted, many projects never
leave this stage and the primary reason for the failure of crowd-funding projects is the
inability to trigger the crowding process. Moreover, according to a SellaBand manager,
there is a vicious cycle that sets in as time goes by, because “a project that shows a long
stagnation in the accumulated investment looks less attractive in the eyes of potential
contributors,” due to their inferring that investing in the project will be very risky.
Only for a few projects is there the so-called “engagement moment,” which triggers a
chain reaction and facilitates rapid growth toward the investment target. According to
SellaBand’s founder, “artists who pass beyond $25,000 usually get pretty fast to $50,000”
(assuming that $50,000 the investment target). The investors in this last phase are
usually “people who did not have any original connection to the initiative, but they just
start talking to us because they read about the crowd-funding process and got
interested,” according to one of our Trampoline interviewees. After the engagement
moment, a “race to be in” stage begins, and people speed up their investment decisions
because, once the target is reached, the opportunity to invest will no longer exist. As one
SellaBand manager told us, “when people realize that ‘ok, these artists will get to their
goal pretty fast,’ the flow of investment dramatically increases because no one wants to
be excluded”[1]. While less important, this phase is also present in the case of Kapipal,
because “when you see that a charity project on which you are particularly interested in
is close to reaching the target for being funded, there is an extra incentive to participate
in order to not miss the opportunity to be part of it,” as one executive told us.
These roles and activities lend credence to theoretical arguments claiming that the
separation between production and consumption activities is becoming increasingly
blurred (Firat and Venkatesh, 1995; Xie et al., 2008), and that what consumers do is
much more important than what they purchase (Xie et al., 2008). Crowd-funding
participants do indeed engage in a variety of tasks: they act as agents of the offering,
selecting, and promoting the projects in which they believe (as in the case of
SellaBand); sometimes they play a donor role oriented towards providing help on social
projects (e.g. Kapipal); in some cases, consumers in effect become shareholders,
contributing to the development and growth of the offering (e.g. Trampoline).
With varying emphases depending on the type of crowd-funding initiative,
consumers screen and evaluate potential projects, then choose the ones to support
financially, and finally disseminate information about them in online communities to
generate further support for the projects. Consumers thus become integrators of talent
(of others), financial resources (their own), and promotional efforts (through social
networks) in their role as crowd-funding participants. Without their participation no
value can be created in the initiative – either for the suppliers (they cannot see their
projects/causes reaching fruition), or for other (non-participating) consumers (they cannot
find the product or service that was not crowd-funded), or for the firm organizing the
crowd-funding initiative (it cannot realize revenues from the initiative). In this sense,
crowd-funding initiatives constitute one of the first concrete applications and extensions
of SDL’s foundational principles pertaining to consumers’ roles as co-creators of value.
This paper develops a qualitative analysis of the emerging crowd-funding phenomenon,
for the purpose of understanding the (new) role of consumers as investors in these
crowd-funding models, and discusses the implications of crowd-funding for service
organizations. The inductive investigation of three cases of crowd-funding facilitates a
clearer, more comprehensive understanding of this phenomenon. Findings from the
investigation contribute some novel concepts and theoretical frameworks to the service
literature that can guide both managerial practice and future research pertaining to
Keeping in mind the limitations that characterize qualitative and exploratory
inquiries, we wish to conclude this paper by coming back to where we started:
the evolution and progressive accumulation of different roles by consumers as portrayed
in the literature.
As Figure 3 shows, over time, different theoretical perspectives have portrayed
consumers as “targets,” “information sources,” “co-producers,” and “value co-creators.”
Our investigation of the crowd-funding reveals a new potential role for consumers –
464 dominant
• Target
Service • information
logic source
marketing; • target
open • co-producer
Market • information • valueco-creator
innovation source
orientation • target • investor?
• target • co-producer
• information • valueco-creator
• information source
Functional source
school • co-producer
Figure 3. (4P’s)
The accumulation of roles • target
played by consumers 1990 2005
in marketing literature
Note: The emerging role of consumers as investors
namely, as investors – that extant literature has not yet fully captured or discussed.
Our research takes a first small step in this direction.
1. Given SellaBand’s revenue model, which links investor payoff to the sales realized by funded
projects, in this case there is another stage of the process that starts after the investment
phase has been completed. This phase directly involves the investors, who are called on to
promote the project they funded in order to gain larger revenues.
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JOSM Appendix. The interview protocol
22,4 (1) (SellaBand and Kapipal) In your opinion, which are the success factors of
SellaBand/Kapipal? On the other side, do you think are there some elements to be
(2) What are the aims?
(SellaBand and Kapipal) In a few words, can you describe the philosophy and mission
468 of SellaBand/Kapipal?
(Trampoline) Why did Trampoline Systems decide to adopt the crowdfunding
business model?
(3) (Trampoline and Kapipal) How does your crowdfunding process work?
(4) (Trampoline) In literature (and also in your web site), crowdfunding is described as the
collection of money through small donations from ordinary people. However,
Trampoline seems to dissociate itself from this definition, because you ask for a huge
amount of money and you select the investors. In your opinion, is Trampoline’s
crowdfunding model a different type of crowdfunding?
(5) From our point of view, crowdfunding web sites seem to act as “orchestrators”, in other
words firms that are focused on the network and work like guest conductors in an
orchestra, coordinating a highly skilled set of independent musicians:
(SellaBand and Kapipal) Do you think your firm acts as a pure network orchestrator?
Is your role only the coordination of artists/kapipalist and believers/contributors?
(Trampoline) In our opinion, this definition is appropriate for Trampoline. Do you
agree with us? How can you define your role?
(6) Can you describe your product/project?
(SellaBand) Why is music suitable for the crowdfunding business model?
(SellaBand) Do you think this business model can be successfully applied to other
type of products?
(7) (Kapipal) What are the main types of project created (charity, gifts, etc. . .)? Analyzing
the different possible features, we noted that fundraising can be public or private. Why
does a Kapipalist decide to create a private fund?
(8) (SellaBand and Kapipal) Do you have some criteria for the initial screening of the
(9) In the crowdfunding model, the economic risk is taken by investors:
(SellaBand and Trampoline) Does SellaBand/Trampoline take a risk too? If so, how?
(Kapipal) What is the profit for Kapipal?
(10) In the light of all these considerations, what might be the future development of the
crowdfunding phenomenon?
(11) Can you describe the main features of the typical investor?
. (SellaBand) From your point of view, what are the differences between a
believer/supporter and a music/fashion lover?
(Trampoline) Are they firms or individual investors?
(12) (Trampoline) Why did Trampoline decide to establish standards (FSA qualifications) for
the investors?
(13) Do you think your actual investor have a high innovative orientation in their behavior
(lead user)?
(14) (SellaBand and Kapipal) If yes, in your opinion, does SellaBand/Kapipal risk becoming a Transforming
niche phenomenon? Do you think that in the future crowdfunding web sites will be
supported by other kinds of consumers? customers into
(15) Why does an investor decide to put money in a web site as (web site name)? investors
(SellaBand) There are many web sites where new artists upload their songs, and
where a consumer can choose and rapidly receive the products selected. In your
opinion, why does a consumer prefer SellaBand, where he has to wait for product 469
production before receiving it?
(Kapipal) In your opinion, why does a consumer decide to put money in a web site
such as Kapipal? Why does he participate in these charity or personal projects?
(Trampoline) Why does an investor decide to put money in your innovative project,
instead of simply make a traditional investment?
(16) What are the main motivations of the investment?
(SellaBand and Trampoline) Do you think the economic return is the main determinant
of the investment? If there are any, what are the other psychological motivations?
(SellaBand) On your web site, the consumer actively participates by putting money in
in order to sustain artists. However, there are many other web sites where the
consumer has an active role, without funding, but voting on artists and then
contributing to their success. Why is a consumer interested in funding artists, instead
of simply supporting them by voting?
(Trampoline) What are the differences between crowdfunding and traditional
(SellaBand) Although little risk is taken on average, is it appropriate to consider the
believer an “entrepreneur”, in other words like someone who assumes accountability
for the risks and the outcome of a venture?
(17) (Trampoline and Kapipal) Can investors/contributors make suggestions or
improvements to the project funded?
(18) (SellaBand and Kapipal) In your opinion, how does a potential believer/contributor select
the project to fund among the wide choice of available projects?
(19) (Trampoline and Kapipal) Are there some protections or guarantees for the
(20) With the advent of Web 2.0, consumers have become more active, and some phenomena,
such as crowdsourcing or crowdfunding, have spread. According to you, could
crowdfunding exist without Web 2.0? If so, how could it be possible?
(21) Analyzing the crowdfunding phenomenon, we noted there are strong connections
between crowdfunding web sites and social networks. What is their role in
(web site name)?
(22) (Trampoline) If none, how does Trampoline create the investor network?
(23) Can you describe the investment flow? Are there stages/phases? Are there moments of
stagnation or speeding up?
(24) Are different consumers involved depending on the stage of the investment flow? Who
are the consumers who invest in the first phase/at the beginning? And in the last phase?
(25) What is the average investment? The minimum share or more?
(26) (SellaBand and Kapipal) Does a consumer usually invest in one project or more? What is
the average number of projects funded by a consumer?
JOSM (27) Achieving the target?
22,4 .
(SellaBand) Considering the artists who have reached their target, did you note
similar features among them? (if there are similar features) Why do you think
believers prefer to fund this kind of artist?
(Trampoline) When do you expect to achieve the target?
(Kapipal) How many fundraisings reached the target?
Corresponding author
Andrea Ordanini can be contacted at: [email protected]