2023-08-09-Greece 1941 Corinth Canal

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by Mark Piper




Operation 'Lustre' - Greece April 1941 ............................................................... 3
Scenario - Operation 'Hannibal' - Corinth Canal (26th April 1941) ................... 4

Key to Battle Map Symbols

Olive grove Building

Vineyard Stream

Acknowledgements: Many thanks to Colin Rumford, Richard Marsh, Alan McCoubrey, Scott Robertson
and the members of the online Rapid Fire community for their input to this 'passion' project that started
with the inspiration of Corinth Canal in the first edition of Rapid Fire. Original graphics provided by Colin
Rumford (modified and formatted by Mark Piper), cover photo from the collection of Scott Robertson and
all other photos from the collections of Scott Robertson, Mark Piper and Colin Rumford as indicated.


Operation 'Lustre' was a short campaign, that This PDF contains one scenario from Operation
involved the movement of British and other Allied 'Lustre'.
troops (Australian, New Zealand and Polish) from
Egypt to Greece in March and April 1941, in Airborne Assault on the Retreat
response to the failed Italian invasion and the The scenario is from the final days of the campaign
looming threat of German intervention in the and covers the only German airborne operation
Balkans. aimed at cutting off the retreating Allied forces, at
the Corinth Canal.
The Allies initially planned to deploy about 58,000
personnel and their equipment to Greece by 2nd Rapid Fire Reloaded Extra rules are used as
April 1941, including the 1st (UK) Armoured indicated (or RF2) but where not covered
Brigade, the 6th (Australian) and 2nd (New additional rules are provided for destroyed bridges,
Zealand) Infantry Divisions. While it was intended cratered roads and improvised river crossings, as
that these units would be followed by the 7th well as Vehicle and Gun charts for the opposing
(Australian) Infantry Division, it was not deployed sides.
before the defeat of the Allies on the Greek
mainland. While this PDF has been designed to be compatible
with other Rapid Fire publications I have at times
Available Allied forces were set up along the made some minor changes to vehicle and gun
'Aliákmon Line' (south-west of Salonica), before charts, (see 'Greece 1941 - Campaign Rules' PDF),
the Axis (German, Italian and Bulgarian) invasion that reflect my own interpretation of the relative
(Operation 'Marita'), on the 6th April 1941. capabilities of the weapons and equipment, used by
both sides, during this short but intriguing
The Greek Army did not retire to the 'Aliákmon campaign. Feel free to ignore if you want !
Line' as expected, for fear of being overrun by
more mobile German troops. Overall Allied forces The scenario has been expanded and designed to
had little effect on the German invasion and they play on a larger table but this can be easily adjusted
were evacuated on and after the 24th April 1941. to fit the available space for your game.

"Particularly it may be noted the the English soldier is a good fighter, and the Australian and New
Zealand soldiers fought an outstanding defensive battle in the craggy wooded country in which they had
to fight. Their choice of ground, use of ground, adaptation of the ground and construction of positions
were good and made things very hard for the attackers. The siting and use of the British artillery was
also very skillful. The shellfire was heavy and accurate. The British made great use of anti-tank
weapons, which were always sited in good, well-camouflaged positions. Anti-tank rifles were used a
great deal. The English made a lot of use of mines, choosing his minefields and blocks well. He had
large stocks of mines and explosives. His road and bridge demolitions hindered our advance greatly. The
British sensitivity to his flanks was again confirmed. The British soldier cannot stand up to determined
tank attacks supported by accurate fire from our artillery and other weapons"

German Army Documents on the Campaign in Greece (Notes on English Methods of Fighting).

Front cover : German Panzer II and III tanks from Panzer Regiment 33 (Scott Robertson)

What Really haPPened the gaMe
As British, Greek and Commonwealth forces This represents the attempt by Fallschirmjäger
retreated from Greece they were funneled into a Regiment 2 to capture the Corinth Canal
single crossing point over the Corinth Canal. The Bridge. The game is played on an
Germans considered that if the bridge could be approximately 8' x 6’ table. We suggest a
captured and held Allied evacuation plans would maximum of 12 moves.
be greatly frustrated.
geRMan aRRivals
A simple plan was devised. German
• Gliders land within 6" East and West of
Fallschirmjäger Assault Engineers would seize
the Corinth Canal bridge.
both ends of the bridge in a surprise glider assault.
• I Bataillon and Regt. Stabs. drop on DZ A
Both battalions, of the reinforced Fallschirmjäger
(East), at least 12" from the the bridge.
Regiment 2, were then to parachute to the East
• II Bataillon drops on DZ B (West), at least
and West of the bridge. All attempts to dislodge
12" from the bridge.
them would be resisted until relieved by ground
• Air support is available from move 1.
The dawn attack was a success with complete Artillery glider lands at LZ C (East) on move 6.
surprise achieved. Demolition charges were
located and disconnected (but left in the centre of ALLIED DEPLOYMENT
the bridge), just prior to the airborne assault.
• Both Bofors guns within 6" of the bridge.
Allied forces in the area reacted quickly and
• New Zealand Field Company at least 12"
counter attacked but were unable to repel the
from the eastern end of the bridge.
• 'Lee Force' and 'Isthmus Force' deploy
Both Fallschirmjäger battlegroups landed either East and West of the canal, at least 18"
side of the canal and set up a defensive perimeter. from the bridge except where indicated.
West of the bridge some Fallschirmjäger elements • C Squadron / 4th Hussars C Squadron /
moved on Corinth and after a brief skirmish were New Zealand Divisional Cavalry West of
able to negotiate the surrender of all Greek forces the canal, at least 24" from the bridge.
there. • Greek Battalion in Corinth.
• Allied troops start the game in buildings or
The scattered elements of the Allied 'Lee' and dug-in (hard cover).
'Isthmus' forces counter attacked where they could
but were finally broken up and dispersed.
allied ReinFoRCeMents
26th (Australian) Infantry Battalion enters at
A relief force based around two companies of the
A1 or A2 on move 5. Reinforcements may not
26th (New Zealand) Infantry Battalion was
move more than 12" on the move they arrive.
released to move to the the area of the canal but
was also forced to fall back. geRMan viCtoRy Conditions to
The German forces successfully cut off the only Capture and Hold both ends of the bridge
retreat path for Allied forces from the Greek OR eliminate all Allied forces.
mainland to the Peloponnese. In the next few
hours over 12,000 Allied prisoners were taken. allied viCtoRy Conditions to Win
Unfortunately the operation was not a complete Prevent German forces from achieving their
success for the Germans as the bridge objective.
mysteriously disappeared in a big explosion.

German Air Support
(Air OP available)
At the start of a German player turn,
throw a D6 for air support:
• 1-3 (no air support available this turn)
• 4 (a Stuka)
• 5 (a Bf 109) or
• 6 (a Bf 110)

Above: British Bofors deployed near bridge at the

Corinth Canal (Colin Rumford)

• High ground is a continuous obstacle for
troops & vehicles trying to cross (no penalty
for moving along) and provides soft cover.
• The Corinth Canal (6" wide) can only be
crossed at the bridge.
• Buildings start the game intact.
• Olive Groves provide soft cover, are a
continuous obstacle for movement and block
• Walls (36" to 48") provide hard cover to
elements behind (up to 48").
Right: British armour moves to counter-attack
the Germans (Colin Rumford - photo from 1st • The Railway does not affect the game.
Edition Rapid Fire Corinth Canal scenario)

Rifle Grenade Launchers Below: German glider and parachute troops land
Support weapon with crew of one. Minimum near the Corinth Canal (Mark Piper)
range = 3" and maximum range = 12”. Throw a
D6. 6 to hit a moving target; 5 or 6 to hit a
stationary target. Use table 8 Grenades for effect.

the Bridge
To simulate the possibility of the bridge being
destroyed throw a D6 at the end of each Allied

On a 5 or 6 followed by a second D6 throw of a

4, 5 or 6 the bridge is destroyed.

Any forces on the bridge at the time of the

explosion are lost and removed from play.

Corinth Canal Battle Map



Corinth Canal

Corinth Bridge


A1 A2

Move 1 - Drop Zone A (East)
German Forces at
I Bataillon / Fallschirmjäger Regiment 2
Corinth Canal Hauptmann Hans Kroh

Stabs Kompanie 1. Kompanie

The game begins after the bridge has been seized
CO + 5 figures, AT 10 figures,
by glider troops. Place gliders within 6" of both
rifle, 50mm mortar, weapons container
ends of the bridge. The German player decides the
rifle grenade
drop zones for both battalions (one either side of
launcher, weapons
the canal at least 12" from the bridge), prior to the
start of the game, and marks these on a map.

2. and 3. Kompanien
20 figures, 2 x weapons containers

I Bataillon Fallschirmjäger Regiment 2

(lands by parachute)

Move 1 - within 6" of Bridge

Glider Assault Force
Leutnant Häffner

Elements Fallschirmjäger Pionier Bataillon 7 4. Kompanie

CO + 7 figures, rifle grenade launcher, glider 9 figures, 2 x MMGs, 81mm mortar,
weapons container

Elements of 13. and 14. Kompanien 10

figures, 75mm recoilless gun,
Elements Fallschirmjäger Pionier Bataillon 37mm anti-tank gun, 2 x weapons containers
7 8 figures, flamethrower, glider

Move 1 - Drop Zone B (West) Move 1 - Drop Zone B (West)
II Bataillon / Fallschirmjäger Regiment 2 Fallschirmjäger Regiment 2 Stabs Kompanie
Hauptmann Erich Pietzonka Oberst Alfred Sturm

Higher order CO + 8 figures, weapons container

Stabs Kompanie 5. Kompanie
CO + 5 figures, AT 10 figures,
rifle, 50mm mortar, weapons container
rifle grenade
launcher, weapons

6. and 7. Kompanien
20 figures, 2 x weapons containers
II Bataillon and HQ / Fallschirmjäger Regiment 2
(lands by parachute)

Move 6 - Landing Zone C (East)

3. Kompanie /
Fallschirmjäger Artillery Abteilung 7

9 figures, 75mm mountain gun,

8. Kompanie observer team, glider
9 figures, 2 x MMGs, 81mm mortar,
weapons container

Below: German Fallschirmjäger assault engineers

Elements of 3. Kompanie / prepare to meet a counter-attack (Colin Rumford -
Fallschirmjäger AA MG Battalion 7 1st Edition Rapid Fire scenario)
and 14. Kompanie
10 figures, 20mm AA gun, 37mm AT gun,
2 x weapons containers

Deployed East of Canal
Allied Forces at
Corinth Canal 'Isthmus' Force HQ
Major Roland Gordon (19th NZ Inf Bn)

B Company /
Deployed West 19th (New Zealand) Infantry Battalion
CO + 8 figures
of Canal
'Lee' Force HQ
Lt Colonel Edward Lilingston (4th Hussars)

HQ 6th (New Zealand) 122nd (NZ)

CO + 6 figures, light truck Field Company Light AA Battery
8 figures 3 figures, Bofors AA gun

A Company
2/6th (Australian) Infantry Battalion
8 figures
Combined Carrier Platoons
22nd (New Zealand) and
28th (Maori) Infantry Battalions
Headquarter Company 6 figures, 2 x carrier *
2/6th (Australian) Infantry Battalion
6 figures, MMG, 3” mortar

Deployed West of Canal Deployed West of Canal

B Company 122nd (NZ)
2/6th (Australian) Infantry Battalion
Light AA Battery
8 figures
3 figures, Bofors
AA gun

C Squadron /
New Zealand Divisional Cavalry
3 figures, AT rifle, carrier *,
Deployed West Marmon-Herrington Mk II (ATR/MG)
of Canal
C Squadron
/ 4th Hussars
2 x Vickers Mk VIB

* If carrying passengers can use a VMG

Morale: CO + 34 figures (Regular) Morale: CO + 34 figures (Regular)
including 2 AFVs including an AFV

Deployed at Corinth Move 5 - Enter at A1

Greek Motorised Infantry Battalion 26th (New Zealand) Infantry Battalion

Colonel "Andrea Stavros" # Lt Colonel James Page

HQ and MG Company HQ Carrier Platoon

CO + 4 figures, 3 figures, AT rifle,
CO + 5 figures, MMG, lorry
light truck carrier *

1st Company
8 figures

B Company
2nd Company 8 figures
8 figures, lorry

D Company
3rd Company 8 figures, light truck
8 figures

# Fictional character from the novel 'Guns of

Navarone' by Alastair McLean ("A Colonel of
Greek motorised infantry in Greece") * If carrying passengers can use a VMG

Morale: CO + 29 figures (Poor) Morale: CO + 23 figures (Regular)

Allied forces had fought a series of rearguard Below: German paratroops assault New Zealand
actions since the Germans crossed the border AA Bofors position (Colin Rumford - 1st
from Yugoslavia into Greece on the 6th of April Edition Rapid Fire Corinth Canal scenario)
1941. Remnants of the Allied contingent in
Greece found themselves holding the vital
bridge across the Corinth Canal on the morning
of the 26th April.

Unfortunately the issue of command was

confusing with two officers, Lt Colonel Edward
Lilingston (4th Hussars) and Major Roland
Gordon (19th New Zealand Infantry Battalion),
believing they had sole command of the forces
around the bridge. Therefore the battle was
fought, from the Allied point of view, without
an overall commander to coordinate their

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