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Maharlika Highway cor. Cardenas St.

San Jose City, Nueva Eacija
Tel.No.:(044) 511-1609-Fax No.:940-3154

Teacher Education Program Department

Bachelor of Elementary Education

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English

Grade III

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to;

a. Identify and define fairytales.

b. recognize common elements of fairytales.
c. create a reflection about the story

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Fairy Tales

Materials: Powepoint, Picture, Video, Paper

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Students Activity
A. Preparatory Activity

1. Greetings

Good Afternoon Class! Good Afternoon ma'am.

2. Prayers

Before we start, Kristine, will you

stand in the front and lead the
prayer? Angel of God, my guardian dear,to
whom God's love commits me
here,ever this day be at my side,to
light and guard, to rule and guide.
3. Checking of Attendance
Who is absent today?
(call a student) No one is absent today, ma’am.
Very Good!

B. Review
Class, before we move on to our next
lesson. Lets review first our past
What is our past lesson yesterday?

It’ about elements of narrative Ma’am.

Very good

Class, may you give me some

elements of narrative?

Very good!
Character , ma’am.
What else?

Setting, ma'am
Very good
C. Motivation

Class, do you know what is this?

(show the picture)
Very good! Dwarfs, ma’am.

What about this? Do you class know

It's Snowwhite, ma’am.

Vergood, would you like to watch the

story of snow white? “” Yes. Ma’am.

All you need to do is watch and listen

carefully okay? Okay, ma’am.

(The students will watch and listen)

‘Snow White and The Seven

Do you enjoy and understand the
story that we watched class?
Yes, ma’am.

What did the queen greatest wish? A beautiful daughter with skin as
Yes tonnet? white as snow, lips as red as rose,
and hairs as black as ebony

Very good!

How many dwarfs did snowwhite met 7 dwarfs, ma'am

when she left the castle? Yes Daniel

Very good! Why did the step mom of

snow white wants to kill her? Yes she wants to be a prettiest of all

Very good! What kind of fruit did the

old wicked woman gave to snow an apple ma'am
white? Yes Kristine

Very good! How did snow white woke By a kiss of a prince

Yes Catherine

Now, what will you say about the

story of snow white and the seven
dwarfs? Yes Maryjoy Vanity will not take you far, but
kindness will”

Very good,

D. Reading of Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the student
should be able to;
a. Identify and define fairytales.
b. recognize common elements of
c. create a reflection about the story
E. Presentation of the lesson

Do you class know them?

They are the Brothers Grimm, Jacob

and Wilhelm, were German No,ma’am.
academic, linguistics, cultural
researchers, lexicographers, and
authors who specialized in collecting
and publishing folklore in 19th
Grimm's Fairy Tales comprises some
200 stories

In the story earlier, what is the main

Prince/Princesses, ma’am.

Verygood class, our topic for today is

fairy tales .

Do you know what fairy tale is?
(student answers)

Fairy tales: are a sub-genre of

folktales involving magical, fantastic
or wonderful episodes, characters,
event or symbol.

Today, people generally think of fairy

tales as magical children's stories, but
there is more to an actual fairytale (student will be listen)
meaning than that.
Fairy tales develop in particular ways,
have certain types of characters, and
rely on specific plot tropes to tell their

So ‘ Snow White and the seven

dwarfs’ is example of fairy tales

Elements of Fairy Tales

will you please read?

 Special Word
" Once upon a time"
" A long, long time ago"
"They lived happily ever after"
usually fairytales begin and end with
these words. (students will read)
 Setting- The setting is where the
story takes place.
 Characters- The person/people
in the story. Usually there are
both good and evil characters.
 Involves Royalty - This is usually
means that the person is a King,
Queen, Princess or Prince. (student will read)
 Magic- is often an element of
fairy tales.
 Problem/Solution : One of the
most important elements in a fairy
tale is that they alwayd have a
problem that must be solved.

Ok class, what is the problem and

solution did you notice from the story
of the snow white and seven dwarfs ?
Yes, Angela .
Snow White followed by a man that
have an order to kill her but when she
saw the beauty of snowwhite he tell
her that her step mom order him to kill
her but he said he can't and don't
come back in the castle and cut her
hair just to show to the wicked queen
that the mission have been succeed.

Very good, what else?

Yes Alvilyn
Her stepmom transform into wicked
old woman and gave her an apple
which results that she just sleepinh
but the prince came and kiss her
snow white have come to life again

Verygood .

Can you give me more example of

fairy tales?
(student answer)

Verygood, what else? (student answer)

Very good, another?

(student answer)


G. Application
H. Generalization
Now class let see if you still
remember our lesson for today.
The Grimm Brothers , ma’am.
They are the one who wrote over 200
fairy tales?


What is a sub-genre of folktales Fairy tales, ma’am.

involving magical, fantastic or
wonderful episodes, characters, event
or symbol.

Very good!

It is one of the most important Problem /Solution , ma’am.

elements in a fairy tale is that they
alwayd have a problem that must be

Very good! Queen, King, Princess, Prince


What is the main characters in fairy


Very good! Magic, ma’am.

It is often an element of fairy tales.

Very good class!

Involves Royalty , ma’am.
It is usually means that the person is
a King, Queen, Princess or Prince.

Very good class!

You are a writer. You are assigned to do a reflection about the fairy tale story that
we watch and discussed. Explain what did you learn in the story and how will you
apply it in the real life situation. Your grade will base on tth criteria below.

Rubrics in making Reflection

Criteria Exemplary Proficient Needs Inadequate
Introduction Compelling Engaging Introduction Introduction is
opening that opening with lacks missing, unclear,
immediately clear engagement, or irrelevant to
captures identification fails to clearly the reflection.
attention, of the story, introduce the
includes clear but may lack story, or lacks
identification of some flair or creativity.
the story title immediate
and author. attention-
Reflection Thoughtful and Provides a Analysis is Little to no
Content insightful solid analysis superficial or analysis or
analysis of of themes lacks depth, reflection
themes, and offering provided;
characters, and characters, minimal content is vague
personal with some insight into or irrelevant.
connections, insights into the story's
demonstrating personal elements and
a deep connections. personal
understanding reflections.
of the story.
Writing Exceptional Clear and Writing Writing is riddled
Mechanics writing quality concise contains with errors,
with well- expression of noticeable hindering
structured ideas with errors comprehension.
paragraphs, mostly proper affecting
impeccable grammar, clarity,
grammar, punctuation, organization,
punctuation, and spelling. or overall
and spelling. readability.
Conclusion Offers a concise Summarizes Conclusion is Conclusion is
and impactful key points abrupt, lacks a absent, unclear,
summary of effectively, clear or irrelevant to
key points, with a summary, or the reflection.
concluding with satisfactory the closing
a strong closing closing thought is
thought that thought. weak.
leaves a lasting
Overall Well-organized Presentation Disorganized Reflection lacks
Presentation reflection with is generally presentation organization and
a logical flow, organized, makes it coherence;
making it easy with some difficult for reader struggles
for the reader lapses in the reader to to understand
to follow. clarity or follow the the content.
flow. reflection.

V- Assignment
In a 1/2 crosswise, write a summary of the story about Cinderella . Write two
paragraphs with least three to five sentences.

Princess Danica B. Quintero


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