A Simple Method For Detection of Anionic Detergents in Milk Usingunmodified Gold Nanoparticles
A Simple Method For Detection of Anionic Detergents in Milk Usingunmodified Gold Nanoparticles
A Simple Method For Detection of Anionic Detergents in Milk Usingunmodified Gold Nanoparticles
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Economically Motivated Adulteration (EMA) incidences of milk and infant milk formula by hazardous
Received 6 December 2015 chemicals like urea, detergent and melamine have increased recently. Since milk and milk products are
Received in revised form 28 March 2016 consumed by infants, adults and geriatric population alike, such adulterations need to be tackled on
Accepted 13 April 2016
priority. In the present study, we report a novel approach to detect anionic detergents (ADs) in milk by
Available online 14 April 2016
exploiting the optical and spectral properties of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs). The developed method is
specific for AD detection and is free from interference of other adulterants. The limit of detection for
ADs like sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate (SDBS) and commercial ADs in milk was 23 and 92 g/ml,
Economically motivated adulteration
Gold nanoparticles
Anionic detergent detection © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0925-4005/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
158 P. Kumar et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 233 (2016) 157–161
2.1. Materials and reagents To estimate the detection limit of AuNPs based sensor, 50 l of
processed milk samples spiked with increasing concentrations of
Chemicals such as Chloroauric acid (HAuCl4 ), Trisodium citrate detergent (0–600 g/ml and 0–2000 g/ml for SDBS and commer-
(Na3 C6 H5 O7 ), Sodium chloride (NaCl), Sodium hydroxide (NaOH), cial detergent) with 68 mM NaCl were added into AuNPs solution
Sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS), Sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3 ), (2.75 nM). UV–vis spectra of each sample were recorded in the
Sodium sulphate (Na2 SO4 ), Aspartic acid (C4 H7 NO4 ), Hydrogen range of 350–750 nm. The limit of detection (LOD) was calcu-
peroxide (H2 O2 ), Lactose, Potassium chloride (KCl), Sodium dode- lated by using the equation LOD = LOB + 1.645(SDLCS ) [27]. The
cylbenzenesulfonate (SDBS), Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide limit of blank (LOB) was calculated by measuring blank sam-
(CTAB) and Triton X-100 were purchased from Sigma Aldrich, USA. ple in three replicates and computing the values in the equation
Commercially available detergent powder and shampoo were pur- LOB = Mean + 1.645(SDLCS ), where SDLCS is the standard deviation
chased from local market. All the solvents were of analytical reagent of low concentration sample.
grade obtained from Merck, Germany.
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of unmodified AuNPs based method for the detection of anionic detergent.
Fig. 2. Colorimetric detection of AD in processed milk sample: (a) Processed milk sample (PMS) + AuNPs (Control 1), PMS + 68 mM NaCl + AuNPs (Control 2) and PMS + 68 mM
NaCl and 300 g/ml AD + AuNPs (Test), (b) corresponding TEM images and (c) UV–vis absorption spectra. (For interpretation of the references to colour in the text, the reader
is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fig. 4. Specificity and interference studies of AuNPs sensor. (a)Specificity: (I) Color changes in AuNPs system in presence of (1) PMS + AuNPs (2) PMS + AuNPs + NaCl,
(3) PMS + AuNPs + NaCl + 300 g/ml AD, (4) PMS + AuNPs + NaCl + 300 g/ml cationic detergent (CTAB), (5) PMS + AuNPs + NaCl + 300 g/ml non-ionic detergent (Triton X-
100), (6) PMS + AuNPs + NaCl + 300 g/ml aspartic acid and (7) PMS + AuNPs + NaCl + 300 g/ml sodium sulphate; (II) corresponding TEM images; (b) Interference: (I) Color
changes in AuNPs system in presence of (1) PMS + AuNPs, (2) PMS + AuNPs + NaCl, (3) PMS + AuNPs + NaCl + 300 g/ml AD + 1 mg/ml NaOH, (4) PMS + AuNPs + NaCl + 300 g/ml
AD + 1 mg/ml NaHCO3 , (5) PMS + AuNPs + NaCl + 300 g/ml AD + 60 mM urea, (6) PMS + AuNPs + NaCl + 300 g/ml AD + 1% sodium azide, (7) PMS + AuNPs + NaCl + 300 g/ml
AD + 100 ppm H2 O2 , (8) PMS + AuNPs + NaCl + 300 g/ml AD + 1.36 mg/ml potassium and (9) PMS + AuNPs + NaCl + 300 g/ml AD + 4.7% lactose; (II) corresponding TEM images.
added ADs, we also tested milk from different species such as buf- cient than that of organic dyes [33]. This is also reflected in higher
falo (4.63% protein), cow (2.82% protein) and goat (3.48% protein) dynamic detection range (for SDBS, 23–300 g/ml and for CAD,
for checking the effect of protein variation on the performance of 92–900 g/ml) of our method as compared to earlier reported
the sensor. In addition, we have also tested efficacy of the method methods. The limit of detection of method is 23 g/ml and 92 g/ml
with milk having different fat contents [whole milk (6% fat), toned for SDBS and commercial ADs, respectively. Our method relies on
(3% fat) and double toned milk (1.5% fat)]. The AuNPs system is able prevention of salt induced aggregation of AuNPs in the presence of
to differentiate ADs adulterated milk with non-adulterated natural ADs, where ADs protect the AuNPs and cause a red shift in surface
milk samples (Fig. S4). plasmon resonance absorption. The proposed method has advan-
The method was tested for its performance in the presence of tage of being environment friendly and replaces use of carcinogenic
excipients, intrinsic molecules of natural milk and common com- chemicals like chloroform. The sensing method does not require
ponents of synthetic milk (hydrogen peroxide, lactose, potassium, specialized costly instrumentation and is thus easily adaptable at
sodium hydroxide, sodium bicarbonate, sodium azide and urea). small scale dairies and milk collection centres.
No color change (aggregation) was observed upon addition of dif-
ferent interfering agents with AD in the milk samples (Figs. 4 b I,II Acknowledgements
and S3b). Taken together, above results show that the developed
method is specific towards AD and is free from interference from This research was supported by National Agricultural Innova-
other components of synthetic milk and common adulterants. tion Project (NAIP) Grant no. C4-30032 of the Indian Council of
Agricultural Research (ICAR) funded by Government of India to
3.4. Validation of the method NKN. Pardeep Kumar and Piyush Kumar are thankful to Ministry
of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India
The recovery assay was performed to test the validation of the for financial support.
proposed method for determination of AD in milk samples. For this,
milk samples were spiked with different concentrations (for SDBS, Appendix A. Supplementary data
75, 150 and 250 g/ml; for commercial anionic detergent, 200, 400
and 600 g/ml) of detergent and recovery of added detergent was Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
quantified using the standard curve for AD. The mean recoveries the online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2016.04.066.
of ADs in milk samples ranged from 97.5 ± 1.05% to 101.1 ± 1.85%
(Table S2), indicating the reliability and practicality of the method. References
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