English Project
English Project
English Project
Is social media an important tool for quickand convenient communication, or is it just asophisticated means for stalking people?
Name : Aastha VijayClass : 12th ESchool : SNBP International School, MorewadiDate : 17/03/2023
simply a means of stalking people would imply that we are castinga blind eye altogether on its advantages
Let's discuss about the adverse effects of social media first.
Cyber stalking
The term ‘Social-Networking’ is now almost synonymousto ‘Cyber stalking’. The harassment through online becomes worsewhen it includes obsession, unhealthy
flirting, and revenge. Cyber s t a l k i n g c a n i n c l u d e h a r a s s i n g , t h r e a t e n i n g , i n t i m i d a t i n g , a n d impersonating profiles.
Stalking has been often glorified even byc e l e b r i t i e s . C h e c k i n g s o m e b o d y e l s e ’ s p r o f i l e g o e s o u t o f h a n d with hate or
obsession Cyber stalking victims encounter psychological and behavioraleffects such as depression, isolation, anxiety, and being extremelycareful of their
surroundings. We cannot live without social media but we can take steps to prevent such things from happening andreport them rather than being afraid of them.