Unseen Poetry TEST
Unseen Poetry TEST
Unseen Poetry TEST
o Highlight the key words from the question, then read the title and the poem
carefully thinking about words and phrases that are relevant to the question
o Make sure that you establish what the poem is about and DON’T PANIC! Before
you begin to think about planning an answer to the question
Finally, now you are a master of planning: complete the response! There should be at least three sides to give the
examiner as much opportunity to give you as many marks as possible.
Finally, complete a ‘WWW’ and ‘EBI’ for your response. Or, if you are revising in pairs, use it to peer assess. If you
feel confident with the mark scheme, give yourself a mark. Remember, your teacher will be more than happy to read
your essays/plans, however, it is always best for you to have a read through and judge your own ability first – it’ll
really help you in the exam!
If you are still struggling to undertand the poems. Here are some helpful guides:
Mood (purpose)
First ideas Is the poem meant to be: Quotation
Reading What do you think funny Find a quotation that
Read the poem through three the poem is about? scary shows the mood of the
serious poem:
or something else …?
Words / language
Which are used in your poem? Words
Pick out an
interesting word or
command phrase Structure Opinion
simile How many verses are there?
metaphor How does the poem change? What do you like/dislike
alliteration about the poem?
Why is this a good
word or phrase to
Give an example of one use?
language feature you ticked.
AQA Literature 8702 Paper 2: Section C: Question 2: Comparison
Hungry for more? If you want to practise the final question of the Paper 2 exam for Literature, which is worth 8
marks, go through the extensive collection of poetry attached and compare the poet’s attitudes, ideas and methods
for presenting their themes. Start with the poems which consider the same themes.
One Art
Elizabeth Bishop
2 7 . 1 In ‘One Art,’ how does the speaker convey their feelings about the subject of loss?
[24 marks]
The Wild Swans at Coole*
W. B. Yeats
2 7 . 1 In ‘The Wild Swans at Coole,’ how does the poet present his feelings about the swans in this
[24 marks]
The Rear-Guard
(Hindenburg Line, April 1917)
2 7 . 1 In ‘The Rear-Guard,’ how does the poet present his ideas about the soldier’s journey?
[24 marks]
In Mrs Tilscher's class
2 7 . 1 In ‘In Mrs Tilscher’s Class,’ how does the poet present ideas about childhood memories?
[24 marks]
Fantasy of an African Boy
James Berry
2 7 . 1 In ‘Fantasy of an African Boy,’ how does the poet present ideas about the significance of money?
[24 marks]
The Road Not Taken
Robert Frost
2 7 . 1 In ‘The Road Not Taken,’ how does the poet present ideas about the importance of making
[24 marks]
Island Man
and island man wakes up
to the sound of blue surf
in his head
the steady breaking and wombing
wild seabirds
and fishermen pushing out to sea
the sun surfacing defiantly
from the east
of his small emerald island
he always comes back groggily groggily
muffling muffling
his crumpled pillow waves
island man heaves himself
Grace Nichols
2 7 . 1 In ‘Island Man,’ how does the poet present ideas about place?
[24 marks]
An Old Woman
Arun Kolatkar
2 7 . 1 In ‘An Old Woman,’ how does the poet create sympathy for the old woman?
[24 marks]
Imtiaz Dharker
2 7 . 1 In ‘Blessing,’ how does the poet present ideas about poverty and wealth?
[24 marks]
For Heidi with Blue Hair
Fleur Adcock
2 7 . 1 In ‘Heidi with Blue Hair,’ how does the poet present ideas about individuality?
[24 marks]
Still I Rise
Maya Angelou
2 7 . 1 In ‘Still I Rise,’ how does the poet present ideas about determination and injustice?
[24 marks]
O Captain! My Captain!
My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still,
My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will,
The ship is anchor’d safe and sound, its voyage closed and done,
From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won;
Exult O shores, and ring O bells!
But I with mournful tread,
Walk the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.
Walt Whitman
2 7 . 1 In ‘O Captain! My Captain!’ how does the poet present ideas about loyalty?
[24 marks]
2 7 . 1 In ‘Invictus,’ how does the poet present ideas about fate and determination?
[24 marks]
Alpine Letter
Ros Barber
2 7 . 1 In ‘Alpine Letter,’ how does the poet present ideas about love?
[24 marks]
D. H. Lawrence
2 7 . 1 In ‘Piano,’ how does the speaker present ideas about the significance of memories?
[24 marks]
Telephone Conversation
Wole Soyinka
2 7 . 1 In ‘Telephone Conversation,’ how does the poet present ideas about attitudes towards race?
[24 marks]
Once Upon a Time
Gabriel Okara
2 7 . 1 In ‘Once Upon a Time,’ how does the speaker present their feelings about the effects of age?
[24 marks]
A Mother in a Refugee Camp
Chinua Achebe
2 7 . 1 In ‘A Mother in a Refugee Camp,’ how does the poet present ideas about loss?
[24 marks]
Do not go gentle into that good night
Dylan Thomas
2 7 . 1 In ‘Do not go gentle into that goodnight,’ how does the poet present ideas about Death?
[24 marks]
First they came…
2 7 . 1 In ‘First they came,’ how does the poet present their ideas about speaking out against injustice?
[24 marks]
Not My Business
Niyi Osundare
2 7 . 1 In ‘Not My Business,’ how does the poet present their ideas about speaking out against injustice?
[24 marks]