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Implementation of The Merdeka Curriculum in Improve Education at Gondangrejo 3 Private Vocational School

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Implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum

in Improve Education at Gondangrejo 3 Private

Vocational School

Tiara Anggun Safitri and Markamah(B)

Indonesian Language and Literature Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Surakarta, Indonesia
[email protected]

Abstract. The purpose of The curriculum is the “spirit” of education which must
be innovative, dynamic, and periodic in accordance with the times and science and
technology and the competencies needed by the community and graduate users.
This research uses qualitative research to collect data. In this study, there are 3
aspects in implementing the curriculum merdeka, namely planning the imple-
mentation of the Merdeka curriculum, implementing the independent curriculum
and evaluating the learning of the independent curriculum. Planning for the inde-
pendent curriculum at SMP N 3 Godangrejo is carried out by analyzing learning
outcomes (CP) to formulate learning goals and objectives, planning diagnostic
assessments, and developing learning modules that adapt learning to the stages of
achievement and student characteristics.

Keywords: Independent curriculum · education quality

1 Introduction
The curriculum is the “spirit” of education which must be evaluated productively, running
and periodically according to the time series and science and technology, the capacity
needed by the community and the application of graduates. Curriculum change is a neces-
sity. Moreover, the rapid development of science and technology no longer requires the
world of education to linger with the prevailing “comfort zone” curriculum. Curriculum is
seen as goals, situations and styles in learning with programs to improve learning materi-
als, social interactions and learning techniques systematically in educational institutions
According to, curriculum is a method of accelerating teaching and learning under the
direction and responsibility of schools or educational institutions and their teachers [2].
In addition, Nasution explained that many curriculum theorists argue that the curriculum
includes not only all planned activities but also events that occur. Education is one of
the most important factors affecting the quality of human resources and the progress
of a nation. In the dynamics of time, the educational process can generate creative and
innovative ideas. Curriculum development is one tool to improve the quality of edu-
cation. Adequate educational policies are realized through the implementation of the

© The Author(s) 2023

M. H. Hikmat et al. (Eds.): ICOLAE 2022, ASSEHR 757, pp. 2216–2222, 2023.
Implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum in Improve Education 2217

implemented curriculum, because “curriculum is the heart of education” which deter-

mines the continuity of education (Munandar, 2017). According to Law no. 20 (2003),
“the curriculum is a set of learning plans according to objectives, content, materials and
teaching methods, which are used as guidelines for implementing learning and are used
to achieve national education goals”.
In Indonesia the implementation of the program has undergone many modifications
and improvements, including 1947, 1964, 1968, 1973, 1975, 1984, 1994, 1997 (revised
curriculum 1994), 2004 (competence-based curriculum) and the 2006 program (Educa-
tion). Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP), and in 2013 the government through the Ministry
of National Education returned it to become the 2013 Curriculum (Kurtilas) and in 2018
there was a revision to become the Revision Kurtilas” [3]. At that time a new program was
born which was an independent program. Where the independent program is understood
as a learning design that provides duration for students to study in a calm, comfortable,
fun, stress-free and pressure-free way to show their natural talents. Merdeka learning
focuses on freedom and creative thinking. One of the programs launched by the Ministry
of Education and Culture to start independent learning is the launch of the driving school
program. This curriculum is designed to help each school create generations of lifelong
learners who have the personality of Pancasila students. To succeed all of this requires
the role of a teacher. This is in accordance with the view (Ainia, 2020) that “Teachers as
the main actors must be experts at being the driving force to carry out actions that bring
positive things to students”. The existence of an independent curriculum is a redesign of
the national education system in Indonesia which [4] “stated that this statement was made
in order to welcome change and progress of the nation so that it is able to adapt to the
changes that are occurring. Time”. In line with that, the Minister of Education Nadiem
Makarim argues that “educational reform cannot be achieved through an administrative
approach but must bring cultural transformation” [5]. Consistent with the view that “the
concept of independent learning can then be accepted taking into account the vision and
mission of Indonesian education in the future is to produce quality human beings who are
able to compete in various fields of study” [6]. With the independent program it is hoped
that students can develop their potential and abilities to the fullest, because with the
independent program they will gain knowledge critical, quality, interpretive, achievable,
applicable, diversified and advanced “In addition to the changes made to this new pro-
gram, strong, sincere, committed, and real implementation cooperation is required from
all parties so that the profile of Pancasila students integrates with mainstream students”
This, the role of the program is very important so that students can achieve their
educational goals methodically and continuously. In this sense, curriculum management
can be understood as management in the curriculum field so that the learning process runs
well and effectively, as well as feedback and linkages [8] Since Indonesia’s independence
on August 17, 1945, many changes have occurred, including changes to curriculum
policies. Currently, changes have been made to the curriculum from the 2006 Education
Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) to the 2013 curriculum (Wildan, 2017).
The 2013 syllabus used before the pandemic is the only one used by academic
institutions. During the 2020–2021 pandemic, the Ministry of Education and Culture
2218 T. A. Safitri and Markamah

implemented a policy to use the 2013 Curriculum and the Emergency Program (simpli-
fied Kur-2013) as curriculum references for teacher applications. During the 2021–2022
pandemic, the Ministry of Education and Culture issued a policy on using the 2013 cur-
riculum, an emergency curriculum and an independent curriculum for attractions (SP)
and SMK for Centers of Excellence (PK). Easier learning management with 2024 essen-
tial material will determine national program policies based on curriculum assessment
during the learning recovery period.
The independent curriculum was developed as a more flexible framework, as well as
focusing on essential material and developing the character and competence of students.
The main characteristics of this curriculum are that it supports the recovery of learning
with project-based learning for the development of soft skills and characters according
to the learning profile and focuses on essential material so that there is sufficient time for
in-depth study of basic competencies. Flexible for teachers to carry out differentiated
learning according to the abilities of students and make adjustments to the local content

2 Method
This research method uses qualitative research. Data collection is carried out by interview
and observation techniques. The collected data were then analyzed using interactive data
analysis techniques which included three interactive activities, namely data reduction,
data presentation, and drawing conclusions or verification [9]. Therefore, qualitative
research is carried out in natural conditions that are discovery so that research is a key
instrument. The research analyzes and constructs the object under study in relation to
the implementation of the independent curriculum to increase student achievement [10].

3 Result and Discussion

3.1 Independent Curriculum Learning Planning
Learning planning embodies the development of learning in the form of an integrated
system and consists of several elements that interact with each other [11]. In the interview
results revealed learning in the independent curriculum (Table 1).
SMP N 3 Godangrejo has shown that it has developed an independent program learn-
ing plan as a suitable learning tool with a combination of creating program independent
learning tools, namely analysis of learning outcomes to develop learning objectives and
learning objectives flow, development of learning modules that adapt learning according
to the stages of achievement and student characteristics and planning assessment and
summary processes, both of which serve to reflect on the learning strategies used and
provide feedback to academic staff.

3.2 Curriculum Implementation

Curriculum implementation is an action or curriculum implementation of a plan that has
been prepared in a mature and detailed manner [12]. Implementation of the independent
curriculum at SMP 3 Godangrejo (Table 2).
Implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum in Improve Education 2219

Table 1. Learning in the Independent Curriculum

No Learning in The Independent Curriculum

1 In the previous learning tools, KI (basic skills) and KD (basic skills) changed to CP
(learning outcomes). In CP planning, the organization of learning objectives and the flow
of learning objectives were analyzed.
2 from Syllabus to ATP (Learning Goal Flow), ATP is created and designed by the teacher
3 The lesson plans were changed to Teaching Modules and developed by the teacher
4 The difference between RPP and teaching modules is that later on RPP is made 1 sheet in
13 textbooks, now there are even more teaching modules, 1 module can be done in 1 week
and includes the test format, check the test summary. Summative tests and formats
planned and designed by the teacher
5 In the teaching module, at the beginning of learning there must be a diagnostic test
(divided into two cognitive tests to determine the student’s level and a non-cognitive test
to determine the student’s level), and a test to determine the student’s level. Personality of
the child (happy/dissatisfied) at the end of the apprenticeship. Assessment teacher
planning diagnostics
6 Submission of material can be thematic and subject, returned to the unit each other’s

Table 2. The Implementation of The Independent Curriculum

No the implementation of the independent curriculum

1 In 2023, there are still plans to run program 13, an emergency or independent pathway
program but in 2024 must create an independent pathway
2 Learners become the center of learning
3 More learning is carried out in groups
4 The implementation of the independent curriculum begins with the implementation of a
diagnostic assessment
5 Project based learning. Products are not always effective, but more biased and changes in
attitude/character (cooperation, critical thinking, independent, creative)

Before school, the day before the children are stimulated by giving videos or exercises
with books. When the learning videos are played, students don’t open them or open them
but don’t understand. When asked what they will study the next day, the students fall silent
in confusion. When asked, students were silent, but when asked to explore, they wanted
to speak to express what was asked of them. Thus, the learning center is the student, the
teacher only acts as a mediator of “anger” between the student and the learning material.
Own knowledge of the material. [13] Program Structure, Pancasila Student Profile (PPP)
is a benchmark for developing content standards, process standards and assessment
standards or program structure, learning outcomes (CP), learning principles and learning
assessment. In general, the new sample learning structure includes internal curriculum
2220 T. A. Safitri and Markamah

activities in the form of face-to-face teaching and project activities with teachers [14].
In addition, each school has the opportunity to develop additional work programs that
develop student skills and can be adapted to the school’s vision, mission and resources.
Projects are divided into two, there are short-term projects and long-term projects Short-
term projects lasting one month or until documents or chapters Long-term projects
Long-term projects are not in the form of products but to improve and refine students’
Pancasila records [15]. Preference will be given to assess improvements/changes in
student attitudes, the timeframe can be two months or three months. Long-term projects,
for example growing medicinal plants, starting from the initial cultivation process to
the production of ready-to-use drugs. Implementation of the project can take up to two
months, but every two weeks the homeroom teacher is told how the medicinal plants
grow in the garden. Once the tree is grown and can be harvested, students will make
products from the tree and sell it on school days [16]. Long term projects focus more on
Life Skills. In long-term projects, students collaborate with other students or with their
parents, so that the Pancasila student profile appears in the form of collaboration.

3.3 Assesment of Learning on the Implementation of the Independent


Assessment of learning is the process of collecting the necessary data and information and
determining the extent to which and how lessons have been completed so that necessary
assessments and improvements can be made to maximize results [17]. Disclose the
evaluation of implementation (Table 3).
SMP N 3 Godangrejo has shown that it has paid attention to the learning assessment
of the implementation of the independent curriculum, including carrying out diagnostic
assessments to identify student competencies or weaknesses, implementing and manag-
ing formative and summative assessments and reporting learning outcomes [19]. Cog-
nitive tests are called maximum performance tests, which means that they will respond
with the maximum ability they have in the process must be limited by time, in contrast
to non-cognitive texts, which never have a time limit. Schools also have the opportunity
to adopt cross-disciplinary collaborative learning and conduct interdisciplinary assess-
ments, such as summative or project-based assessments. Assessment of each subject

Table 3. Assesment of Independent Curriculum Implementation

NO Assessment of independent curriculum implementation

1 In the Teaching Module, at the beginning of learning there must be a diagnostic test
(divided into 2, namely a cognitive test to determine the student’s level and a
non-cognitive test to determine the student’s level), and a test to determine the child’s
behavior (happy/unhappy students) at the end of learning [18].
2 There are two reports in the learning evaluation of the implementation of the Merdeka
curriculum, an academic evaluation report and a project evaluation report.
3 Learning outcomes in the form of report cards will be reported and approved by the
school principal as well reported to parents/guardians of students.
Implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum in Improve Education 2221

includes knowledge competence, skills competence and attitude competence. Knowl-

edge and skills competencies use a scale of 1 to 4 (multiples of 0.33) which can be
converted into A to D predicates, while attitude competencies use a scale of Very Good
(SB), Good (B), Enough (C) and Less (K) [20] (Table 3).

4 Conclusion
Based on the results of this research analysis, Godangrejo N 3 Middle School has made
an independent curriculum learning plan in the form of learning tools in accordance with
the independent curriculum fabric, namely analyzing learning outcomes (CP) to develop
learning objectives and the flow of learning objectives, developing teaching modules
that adapt learning to the stages of student achievement. Implement an independent
curriculum that begins with carrying out diagnostic assessments, carrying out learning
according to teaching modules that are based on short-term projects and long-term
projects, learning in class according to the characteristics of students, and implementing
formative and summative assessments. Carrying out learning assessment or evaluation
of the implementation of the independent curriculum including carrying out diagnostic
assessments, processing formative and summative assessments and reporting learning

Acknowledgments. Praise and gratitude I pray to God Almighty, because of His blessings and
grace, I was able to complete this research. I realize that without his help and guidance, it would
be quite difficult for me to complete this research. Therefore I thank Prof. Dr. Markhamah, M.
Hum. 1 realize that there are still shortcomings in the writing of this paper, for that criticism and
suggestions are expected to be constructive as an effort to improve this paper. Finally, I thank you
and I hope this paper can be useful. For all those who need it.

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