ASTM D4959-07 Standard Test Method For Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil by Direct Heating

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Designation: D4959 − 07

StandardTest Method for

Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil By Direct
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D4959; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope* priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
1.1 This test method covers procedures for determining the bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
water (moisture) content of soils by drying with direct heat, 2. Referenced Documents
such as using a hotplate, stove, blowtorch, etc.
2.1 ASTM Standards:2
1.2 This test method can be used as a substitute for Test D653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained
Methods D2216 when more rapid results are desired to Fluids
expedite other phases of testing and slightly less accurate D2216 Test Methods for Laboratory Determination of Water
results are acceptable. (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass
1.3 When questions of accuracy between this test method D3740 Practice for Minimum Requirements for Agencies
and Test Methods D2216 arise, Test Methods D2216 shall be Engaged in Testing and/or Inspection of Soil and Rock as
the referee method. Used in Engineering Design and Construction
iTeh Standards
1.4 This test method is applicable for most soil types. For
some soils, such as those containing significant amounts of
D4753 Guide for Evaluating, Selecting, and Specifying Bal-
ances and Standard Masses for Use in Soil, Rock, and

halloysite, mica, montmorillonite, gypsum, or other hydrated Construction Materials Testing
materials, highly organic soils or soils that contain dissolved D6026 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Geotechnical
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solids, (such as salt in the case of marine deposits), this test
method may not yield reliable water content values. 3. Terminology
1.5 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as 3.1 Definitions—All definitions are in accordance with Ter-
ASTM D4959-07minology D653.
1.6 Refer to Practice D6026 for guidance concerning the use
of significant figures. This is important if the water content will
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
3.2.1 direct heating—a process by which the soil is dried by
be used to calculate other relationships such as moist mass to conductive heating from the direct application of heat in excess
dry mass or vice versa, wet unit weight to dry unit weight or of 110°C to the specimen container, such as provided by a hot
vice versa, and total density to dry density or vice versa. For plate, gas stove or burner, heatlamps, or other heat sources.
example, if four significant digits are required in any of the Direct application of heat by flame to the specimen is not
above calculations, then the water content has to be recorded to appropriate.
the nearest 0.1%. This occurs since 1 plus the water content
3.2.2 water (moisture) content—the ratio, expressed as a
(not in percent) will have four significant digits, While, if three
percentage, of the mass of water in a given mass of soil to the
significant digits are acceptable, then the water content can be
mass of the solid particles.
recorded to the nearest 1%
1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of the 4. Summary of Test Method
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the 4.1 A moist soil specimen is placed in a suitable container
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- and its mass is determined. It is then subjected to drying by the
application of direct heat until dry by appearance, removed
from the heat source, and its new mass is determined. This
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D18 on Soil and
Rock and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D18.08 on Special and
Construction Control Tests. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Current edition approved Feb. 1, 2007. Published March 2007. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 1989. Last previous edition approved in 2000 as D4959 – 00 DOI: Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
10.1520/D4959-07. the ASTM website.

*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

D4959 − 07
procedure is repeated until the mass becomes nearly constant criteria of Practice D3740 are generally considered capable of competent
within specified limits. and objective testing/sampling/inspection. Users of this test method are
cautioned that compliance with Practice D3740 does not in itself ensure
4.2 The difference between the masses of the moist speci- reliable results . Reliable results depend on many factors; Practice D3740
men and the dried specimen is used as the mass of water provides a means of evaluating some of those factors.
contained in the specimen. The water content (expressed as a
percentage) is determined by dividing the mass of water by the 6. Interferences
dry mass of soil, multiplied by 100. For a given soil type and 6.1 When testing sand and gravel size particles, additional
specimen size, the time to achieve a constant dry mass can be care must be taken to avoid the possibility of particle shatter-
noted and used to estimate drying time for subsequent tests of ing.
the same soil type using the same size specimen and drying
apparatus. 6.2 Due to the localized high temperatures in the soil during
testing, the physical characteristics of the soil may be altered.
5. Significance and Use Degradation of individual particles may occur, along with
vaporization, chemical transition, or loss of organics.
5.1 The water content of a soil is used throughout geotech- Therefore, specimens used in this test method should not be
nical engineering practice both in the laboratory and in the used for other tests subsequent to drying.
field. The use of Test Methods D2216 for water content
determination can be time consuming and there are occasions 7. Apparatus
when a more expedient method is desirable. Drying by direct
heating is one such method. Results of this test method have 7.1 Direct Heat Source—Any source or heat that can be
been demonstrated to be of satisfactory accuracy for use in directed to the soil specimen to raise the specimen temperature
field control work, such as in the determination of water to or above 110°C. Commonly used sources include electric,
content, and in the determination of in-place dry unit weight of gas, butane or oil-fired stoves, and hotplates, blowtorches, heat
soils. lamps, hair driers, space heaters, etc. Heat sources that directly
apply open flame to the specimen may cause extreme degra-
5.2 The principal objection to the use of the direct heating
iTeh Standards
dation of the specimen along with oxidation of and depositing
for water content determination is the possibility of overheat- of soot in the specimen and should not be used.
ing the soil, thereby yielding a water content higher than would

7.2 Balances—A balance having a minimum capacity of 2
be determined by Test Methods D2216. While not eliminating
Kg, and meeting the requirements of Guide D4753 for a
this possibility, the incremental drying procedure in this test
balance of 0.1-g readability.
method will minimize its effects. Some heat sources have
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settings or controls that can also be used to reduce overheating.
7.3 Specimen Containers—Suitable containers made of ma-
Loose fitting covers or enclosures can also be used to reduce
terial resistant to corrosion and a change in mass upon repeated
overheating while assisting in uniform heat distribution. heating, cooling, and cleaning. One container is needed for
5.3 The behavior of a soil when subjected to direct D4959-07
heating each water content determination.
is dependent on its mineralogical composition, and as a result, 7.4 Container Handling Apparatus—Gloves or suitable
no one procedure is applicable for all types of soils or heat holder for moving hot containers after drying.
sources. The general procedure of this test method applies to all
7.5 Miscellaneous (as needed)—Mixing tools such as
soils, but test details may need to be tailored to the soil being
spatulas, spoons, etc.; eye protection, such as safety glasses or
goggles; cigarette papers, and knives.
5.4 When this test method is to be used repeatedly on the
same or similar soil from a given site, a correction factor can 8. Hazards
usually be determined by making several comparisons between
the results of this test method and Test Methods D2216. A 8.1 Container holders or gloves are recommended for han-
correction factor is valid when the difference is consistent for dling hot containers. Some soil types can retain considerable
several comparisons, and is reconfirmed on a regular specified heat, and serious burns could result from improper handling.
basis. 8.2 Suitable eye protection such as safety glasses or goggles
5.5 This test method may not be appropriate when precise is recommended due to the possibility of particle shattering
results are required, or when minor variations in water content during heating, mixing, or mass determinations.
will affect the results of other test methods, such as borderline 8.3 Highly organic soils, and soils containing oil or other
situations where small variations in the measured water content contaminants may ignite during drying with direct heat
could affect acceptance or rejection. sources. Means for smothering flames to prevent operator
5.6 This test method is not appropriate for specimens known injury or equipment damage should be available during testing.
to contain flammable organics or contaminants, and other test Fumes given off from contaminated soils or wastes may be
methods should be utilized in these situations. toxic, and should be vented accordingly.

NOTE 1—The quality of the results produced by this test method is 8.4 Due to the possibility of steam explosions, or thermal
dependent on the competence of the personnel performing it and the stress shattering of porous or brittle aggregates, a vented
suitability of the equipment and facilities used. Agencies that meet the covering over the sample container may be appropriate to

D4959 − 07
prevent operator injury or equipment damage. This also pre- specimens in sealed containers. A correction factor can be
vents scattering of the test specimen during the drying cycle determined for use on subsequent water content determinations
while aiding in uniform heating of the specimen. on the same soil types from the same site when the difference
is relatively constant using several comparisons. Check the
9. Samples correction factor on a regular, specified basis. Recognize that
9.1 Perform the water content determination as soon as different technicians, heat sources, and such may result in
practical after sampling to prevent water loss and damage to different correction factors.
potentially corrodible containers.
11. Conditioning
9.2 Prior to testing, store samples in non-corrodible airtight
containers at a temperature between approximately 3 and 30°C 11.1 Prepare, process, and test all specimens as quickly as
and in an area that prevents direct exposure to sunlight. possible to minimize unrecorded moisture loss.
11.2 Cut or break up the soil into small size aggregations to
10. Test Specimens aid in obtaining more uniform drying of the specimen, taking
10.1 Select a representative portion of the total sample. If a care to avoid any loss of soil.
layered soil or more than one soil type is encountered, select an 11.3 If the specimens are not being tested immediately,
average portion or individual portions of each, and note which place the specimens in containers that can be closed and stored
portion(s) were tested in the report of the results. in an area not exposed to direct sunlight, to prevent loss of
10.1.1 For bulk samples, select the test specimen from the moisture prior to initial mass determinations.
material after it has been thoroughly mixed. The mass of moist
material selected shall be in accordance with Table 1. 12. Procedure
10.1.2 For small samples, select a representative portion in 12.1 Determine the mass of a clean, dry container, and
accordance with the following procedure: record. For cohesionless soils, mix the material thoroughly,
and select a test specimen having a mass of moist material in 12.2 Place the soil specimen in the container, and immedi-

iTeh Standards
accordance with Table 1. ately determine and record the mass of the soil and container. For cohesive soils, remove about 3 mm of material
12.3 Apply heat to the soil specimen and container, taking
from the exposed periphery of the sample and slice the
care to avoid localized overheating. Continue heating while
remaining specimen in half (to check if the material is layered),
stirring the specimen to obtain even heat distribution. Continue
prior to selecting the test specimen. If the soil is layered, see
application of heat until the specimen first appears dry. A
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10.1. Breaking or cutting of cohesive samples to approximately
comparatively uniform color should result. Avoid localized
6 mm particles speeds drying and prevents crusting or over-
burnt or darkened appearance of any part of the soil by
heating the surface while drying the interior. intermittent mixing and stirring.
10.2 Using a test specimen smaller than the minimum mass 12.3.1 Experience with a particular soil type indicates when
ASTM D4959-07
shorter or longer initial drying periods can be used without
indicated in Table 1 requires discretion, though it may be
adequate for the purpose of the test. Note a specimen having a overheating.
mass less than the previously indicated value in the report of NOTE 3—A piece of dry, light-weight paper or tissue, such as cigarette
results. paper, placed on the surface of the apparently dry soil will curl or ripple
if the soil still contains significant water.
NOTE 2—When working with a small sample containing a relatively
large coarse-grained particle, it may be appropriate not to include this 12.4 After an initial heating period has been completed (soil
particle in the test specimen, depending on the use of test results. If this appears dry), remove the container and soil from the heat
is done, such exclusion should be noted in the report of the results. source and cool to allow handling and prevent damage to the
10.3 When the result of a water content determination by balance. Determine and record the mass of the soil and
the use of this test method is to be compared to the results of container.
another method, such as Test Methods D2216, obtain a second 12.5 Return the container and soil to the heat source for an
specimen during selection of the specimen for this comparison. additional application of heat.
Take precautions to obtain a specimen that represents the same
water content as closely as possible. Protect the comparison 12.6 With a small spatula or knife, carefully stir and mix the
specimens from water loss by transporting and storing the soil, taking care not to lose any soil.
12.7 Repeat 12.3 through 12.5 until the change between two
consecutive mass determinations would have an insignificant
TABLE 1 Test Specimen Masses effect on the calculated water content. A change of 0.1 % or
Sieve Size Retaining More Than Minimum Mass of less of the dry mass of the soil for the last two determinations
10 % of Sample, mm Moist Specimen, gA
should be acceptable for most specimens.
2.0 (No. 10) 200 to 300
4.75 (No. 4) 300 to 500 12.8 Use the final dry mass determination in calculating the
19.0 (No. 3⁄4 ) 500 to 1000 water content.
Larger specimens may be used and are encouraged. Generally, inherent test
inaccuracies are minimized by using specimens with as large a mass as practical. 12.9 When routine testing of similar soils is contemplated,
the drying times and number of cycles may be established and

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