ASTM D6528-17 Standard Test Method For Consolidated Undrained Direct Simple Shear Testing of Fine Grain Soils
ASTM D6528-17 Standard Test Method For Consolidated Undrained Direct Simple Shear Testing of Fine Grain Soils
ASTM D6528-17 Standard Test Method For Consolidated Undrained Direct Simple Shear Testing of Fine Grain Soils
for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: D6528 − 17
1.3 This test method is applicable to testing intact, labora- increase or reduce significant digits of reported data to be
tory reconstituted, and compacted soils, however, it does not commensurate with these considerations. It is beyond the scope
include specific guidance for reconstituting or compacting test of this test standard to consider significant digits used in
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1.4 It shall be the responsibility of the agency requesting
analysis methods for engineering design.
1.6.2 Measurements made to more significant digits or
this test to specify the magnitude of the vertical consolidation better sensitivity than specified in this standard shall not be
ASTM D6528-17
stress prior to constant volume shear and, when appropriate, regarded a nonconformance with this standard.
the maximum vertical consolidation stress, which will result in
1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of the
an overconsolidated specimen. safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
1.5 Units—The values stated in SI units are to be regarded responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
as the standard. No other units of measurement are included in priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter-
this standard. Reporting of test results in units other than SI mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
shall not be regarded as nonconformance with this test method. 1.8 This international standard was developed in accor-
1.5.1 In the engineering profession it is customary practice dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-
to use, interchangeably, units representing both mass and force, ization established in the Decision on Principles for the
unless dynamic calculations (F=Ma) are involved. This implic- Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom-
itly combines two separate systems of units, that is, the mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical
absolute system and the gravimetric system. It is scientifically Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
undesirable to combine two separate systems within a single
standard. This test method has been written using SI units; 2. Referenced Documents
however, inch-pound conversions are given in the gravimetric 2.1 ASTM Standards:2
D653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and Contained
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D18 on Soil and
Rock and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D18.05 on Strength and
Compressibility of Soils. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Current edition approved Aug. 1, 2017. Published September 2017. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 2000. Last previous edition approved in 2007 as D6528 – 07, which was Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
withdrawn January 2016 and reinstated in August 2017. DOI: 10.1520/D6528-17. the ASTM website.
D6528 − 17
D854 Test Methods for Specific Gravity of Soil Solids by one cycle of secondary compression or one day longer than the
Water Pycnometer end of excess pore water pressure dissipation.
D1587 Practice for Thin-Walled Tube Sampling of Fine-
4.3 The specimen is sheared by displacing one platen
Grained Soils for Geotechnical Purposes
tangentially relative to the other at a constant rate of displace-
D2216 Test Methods for Laboratory Determination of Water
ment and measuring the resulting shear force. The platens are
(Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass
constrained against rotation and vertical movement throughout
D2435 Test Methods for One-Dimensional Consolidation
Properties of Soils Using Incremental Loading shear.
D2487 Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering 4.4 The specimen volume is held constant during shear to
Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System) simulate undrained conditions. Constant volume is achieved by
D2488 Practice for Description and Identification of Soils changing the vertical load applied to the specimen to maintain
(Visual-Manual Procedures) constant specimen height. Since the pore pressure is zero
D3550 Practice for Thick Wall, Ring-Lined, Split Barrel, through shear, the change in vertical stress is equal to the
Drive Sampling of Soils change in effective stress and assumed to be equal to the
D3740 Practice for Minimum Requirements for Agencies change in pore water pressure that would occur in a sealed
Engaged in Testing and/or Inspection of Soil and Rock as specimen confined by a constant vertical total stress.
Used in Engineering Design and Construction
D4220 Practices for Preserving and Transporting Soil NOTE 1—The quality of the result produced by this test standard is
dependent on the competence of the personnel performing it, and the
suitability of the equipment and facilities. Agencies that meet the criteria
D4318 Test Methods for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and of Practice D3740 generally are considered capable of competent and
Plasticity Index of Soils objective testing/sampling/inspection/etc. Users of this test standard are
D4452 Practice for X-Ray Radiography of Soil Samples cautioned that compliance with Practice D3740 does not in itself assure
D6026 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Geotechnical reliable results. Reliable results depend on many factors; Practice D3740
provides a means of evaluating some of those factors.
D6913 Test Methods for Particle-Size Distribution (Grada-
iTeh Standards
tion) of Soils Using Sieve Analysis 5. Significance and Use
D7928 Test Method for Particle-Size Distribution (Grada-
5.1 The shear strength of a specimen depends on the method
3. Terminology
3.1 Definitions:
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5.2 In this test, the shear strength is measured under
constant volume conditions that are equivalent to undrained
conditions for a saturated specimen; hence, the test is appli-
3.1.1 For definitions of common technical terms used in this cable to field conditions wherein soils have fully consolidated
standard, refer to Terminology D653. ASTM D6528-17under one set of stresses, and then are subjected to changes in
3.2 shear modulus, n—a measure of a material’s resistance stress without time for further drainage to take place.
to shear stress, equal to the ratio of the increment in the shear
stress to the resultant increment in angle of deformation 5.3 The constant volume (undrained) strength is a function
expressed in radians; also known as the modulus of rigidity. of stress conditions. In this test method, the strength is
measured under plane strain conditions and the principle
3.3 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: stresses continuously rotate due to the application of shear
3.3.1 active height control, n—a method of keeping the stress. This simple shear stress condition occurs in many field
height of the specimen constant during the shearing process in situations including zones below a long embankment and
which the displacement control mechanism is physically ad- around axially loaded piles.
justed in response to the vertical displacement measurement.
3.3.2 passive height control, n—a method of keeping the 5.4 The state of stress within the simple shear specimen is
height of the specimen constant during the shearing process in not sufficiently defined nor uniform enough to allow rigorous
which the specimen and force measuring device are clamped interpretation of the results. Expressing the data in terms of the
by a mechanism that is much stiffer than the specimen. shear stress and vertical effective stress on the horizontal plane
is useful for engineering purposes, but should not be confused
4. Summary of Test Method with the effective stress parameters derived from other shear
tests having better defined states of stress.
4.1 In this test method a specimen of cohesive soil is
constrained vertically between two parallel, rigid platens and 5.5 The values of the secant shear modulus can be used to
laterally, such that the cross sectional area remains constant. estimate the initial settlements of embankments built on
saturated cohesive soils due to undrained shear deformations.
4.2 The specimen is loaded vertically and allowed to con-
solidate one-dimensionally. Each vertical load increment is 5.6 The data and the rate of consolidation from the consoli-
maintained until excess pore water pressures are essentially dation portion of this test are comparable to results obtained
dissipated as interpreted from the vertical displacement rate. using Test Methods D2435 provided that the more rigorous
The maximum vertical load is maintained until completion of consolidation procedure of Test Methods D2435 is followed.
D6528 − 17
5.6.1 When using wire reinforced membranes the vertical using passive height control, the compressibility of the vertical
displacements measured from Test Methods D2435 are some- transducer plus compressibility of slide table must satisfy the
what smaller than for the direct simple shear test because the deflection requirement of 6.9.
direct simple shear (DSS) specimen’s lateral confinement is
6.5 Vertical Loading Ram—A suitable device that must hold
less rigid.
one platen parallel to the other while allowing vertical dis-
5.6.2 The estimated preconsolidation pressure is compa-
placement of the specimen. If the piston resists the shear force,
rable provided the specimen is loaded sufficiently into the
it must do so with negligible rotation of the platen.
normally consolidated range.
6.6 Shear Slide Table—A suitable device that must hold the
6. Apparatus platens parallel to each other and allow shear displacement of
6.1 Fig. 1 presents a schematic diagram of the necessary the specimen. When using passive height control device the
components for the apparatus. slide table’s compressibility plus the compressibility of vertical
transducer must satisfy the deflection requirement of 6.9. The
6.2 Vertical Loading Device—A suitable device for applying
slide table shall allow a sufficient displacement to provide a
vertical force to the specimen that must be capable of main-
minimum of 30 % shear strain.
taining constant force during the consolidation phase of a test,
permit quick application of force for consolidation increments, 6.7 Lateral Confinement Device—The specimen shall be
and allow continuous adjustment of force when using active constrained laterally such that the cross-sectional area at any
height control or be rigidly locked in place when using passive location does not change by more than 0.1 % during shear. In
height control. addition, the confinement must allow uniform shear deforma-
6.3 Shear Loading Device—A suitable device for applying tion. Circular specimens are generally confined by a wire
shear force to the specimen with sufficient capacity and control reinforced membrane or stacked rigid rings. Square specimens
to deform the specimen at the required displacement rate. generally are confined by stacked hollow plates or hinged solid
Displacement should be smooth and continuous. At a plates. The thickness of the individual stacked rings or plates
minimum, the displacement rate should be within 615 % of must be less than 1⁄10 of the specimen thickness in order to
iTeh Standards
the average calculated rate (12.3.7) from 50 % of the peak allow relatively uniform shear deformation. When the confin-
shear force to the end of the test. Vibration due to operation of ing device is within a water bath, it shall be constructed of
this device should be sufficiently small so as not to cause corrosion resistant material.
visible ripples in a glass of water placed on the loading
6.7.1 Specimen Size Requirements: The minimum specimen diameter (or lateral dimen-
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6.4 Force Transducer—Two suitable transducers: one for
measuring vertical force and one for measuring shear force.
sion) shall be 45 mm. The minimum specimen height shall be 12 mm.
Each transducer shall have the necessary capacity, be accurate The height to diameter, or minimum lateral
dimension, ratio shall not exceed 0.4.
to 61 % of the applied maximum force for a given ASTM D6528-17
test and
have a readability of at least 4 significant digits of the applied The specimen height shall not be less than ten times
maximum force for a given test. The transducers shall be the maximum particle diameter (see 9.4).
insensitive to eccentric loading or installed in a fashion to 6.7.2 Platens—The top and bottom platens of the apparatus
eliminate eccentric loading. The compressibility of the shear shall be constructed of corrosion resistant material and have a
measuring transducer shall not cause the deviation in shear circular, rectangular or square cross-section to match the
displacement rate to exceed6 15 % of the average rate. When specimen. The platens shall be designed to securely hold the
D6528 − 17
porous disks and provide drainage from the specimen to the frame must allow the trimmed specimen to be transferred from
water bath and transfer shear to the specimen without horizon- the trimming device to the confinement device with a minimum
tal slippage. of disturbance.
6.7.3 Porous Disks—The porous disks shall be brass, silicon 6.12 Water Access System—A method to provide the speci-
carbide, aluminum oxide, or similar rigid corrosion resistant men with free access to water at atmospheric pressure and
material. The disks shall be flat, fine enough to prevent prevent specimen drying due to evaporation. The entire speci-
intrusion of the soil into the pores, and rough enough to men and confinement device may be submerged in a water bath
transfer the shear stress. The disks must be at least ten times or the end platens may be connected to a standpipe by flexible
more permeable than the soil. Disks must cover at least 90 % tubing. In either case, water must be available to both ends of
of the specimen surface and when smaller than the specimen, the specimen by means of the porous disks.
must be recessed into the platen such that the surface in contact 6.13 Miscellaneous Equipment—Including timing device
with the soil is flush with the platen. with one second readability, caliper, distilled or demineralized
NOTE 2—It is sometimes necessary to increase the surface roughness of water, spatulas, knives, trimming blade and wire saws.
the porous disks in order to prevent interface slippage. Short metallic pins 6.14 Balances, in accordance with Test Methods D2216.
cemented into the disks, knife edges and ridges have been used success-
fully but may introduce uncertainty in test results. 6.15 Drying Oven, in accordance with Test Methods D2216.
6.8 Displacement Indicators—Two suitable devices: one to 6.16 Water Content Container, in accordance with Test
measure the change in specimen height and one for measuring Methods D2216.
the shear deformation (vertical and lateral movement of top 6.17 Environment—Tests shall be performed in an environ-
platen relative to bottom platen). These devices shall have a ment where temperature fluctuations are less than 62°C during
range of at least 50 % of the initial height of the specimen and shear, and there is no direct exposure to sunlight.
shall have an accuracy of 0.25 %, or better of full range and a
6.18 Trimming Environment—Trim the specimen in a glove
readability of at least 4 significant digits of the initial specimen
box or room that has a high enough relative humidity to
iTeh Standards
prevent changes in the water content of the soil.
6.9 Volume Control Equipment—One of the two following 6.19 Specimen Height Measurement Devices—A dial com-
methods may be used to achieve constant volume during shear.
parator or another suitable device shall be used to measure the
With either method, the specimen is free to drain and the height to four significant digits and shall be constructed so that
measured change in vertical stress during shear is assumed to its use will not indent or penetrate into the specimen.
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be equal to the pore pressure which would develop in a sealed
specimen confined by a constant vertical total stress. In either 7. Sampling
case, the device shall not allow the specimen change in height
to exceed 0.05 % including the equipment deformation deter- 7.1 Intact Samples:
mined in 10.1. ASTM D6528-17
7.1.1 Intact samples having satisfactory quality for testing
6.9.1 Vertical Force Adjustment Device—Active height con-
by this method may be obtained using procedures and appara-
tus described by Practices D1587 and D3550. Specimens also
trol requires a mechanism to continuously adjust the vertical may be trimmed from large intact block samples obtained and
force to prevent changes in the specimen height during shear. sealed in the field.
NOTE 3—A variety of devices are used including manual adjustment of 7.1.2 Intact samples to be tested by this method shall be
a worm gear, computer control of a worm gear, and computer control of preserved, handled and transported in accordance with the
a pneumatic cylinder. practices for Groups C and D samples in Practice D4220.
6.9.2 Vertical Displacement Clamp—Passive height control 7.1.3 Intact samples shall be sealed and stored such that no
requires a mechanism to lock the vertical loading ram in place moisture is lost or gained between sampling and testing.
during shear. The vertical force transducer must be moment Storage time and temperature fluctuations should be reduced.
insensitive and located between the specimen and the clamp or 7.1.4 The quality of simple shear test results diminish
the specimen and the slide base. greatly with sample disturbance. No sampling procedure can
produce completely undisturbed samples; therefore, careful
6.10 Specimen Trimming Device (Optional)—A trimming evaluation of the sample and selection of the highest quality
turntable or a cylindrical cutting ring may be used for cutting material for testing is recommended for reliable testing.
the cylindrical specimens to the proper diameter. A wire saw
NOTE 4—Evaluation for sample disturbance, stones or other inclusions,
and miter box or cutting shoe may be used for rectangular and selection of specimen location is greatly facilitated by x-ray radiog-
specimens. The top and bottom of the specimen may be rough raphy of the samples as described in Methods D4452.
trimmed with a wire saw. The flat surfaces must be finish
7.2 Laboratory Reconstituted and Compacted Specimens:
trimmed with a sharpened straight edge and shall have a
7.2.1 Laboratory reconstituted and compacted specimens
tolerance of 60.05 mm.
may be prepared from bulk homogeneous material.
6.11 Specimen Setup Frame—A rigid frame to hold in 7.2.2 Bulk material should be handled and transported in
alignment the bottom platen, the specimen in the trimming accordance with the practices for Group B samples of Practices
device, and expander containing the confinement device. The D4220.
D6528 − 17 The material required for the specimen shall be 8.4.3 When soil is compacted into an oversize preparation
batched by thoroughly mixing soil with sufficient water to mold, compact using more than three layers and then trim the
produce the desired conditions. After batching, store the specimen using the intact preparation procedures.
material in a covered container for at least 16 hours prior to
8.5 Trim the top and bottom surfaces of the specimen to be
specimen preparation.
flat and perpendicular to the specimen sides. This trimming
8. Specimen Preparation may be accomplished using the rims of the cutting shoe or an
8.1 Reasonable precautions should be taken to reduce the additional alignment device. For soft to medium soils, a wire
potential for disturbance of the soil caused by vibration, saw should be used to rough cut the surface. For stiff soils, and
distortion, and compression. the final surfaces, a straightedge with a sharpened cutting
surface should be used to make sure the surfaces are flat.
8.2 Test specimens and soil processing should be performed
in an environment that prevents moisture change. 8.6 If a small rock particle is encountered in the surfaces
8.3 Intact Specimens—Trim the sample to the lateral dimen- being trimmed, it should be removed and the resulting void
sion of the lateral confinement device to obtain the specimen. filled with soil from the trimmings.
8.3.1 Intact soil collected using sample tubes shall be at 8.7 Obtain two or three initial water content determinations
least 2.5 mm larger in each dimension than the specimen of the soil in accordance with Test Methods D2216 from
dimension except as specified in 8.3.2 and 8.3.3. Trim away the material trimmed adjacent to the test specimen if sufficient
additional material using one of the following methods. material is available or from the excess batched material.
NOTE 5—The degree of sample disturbance is known to increase 8.8 Determine the initial moist mass of the specimen (Mto)
towards the perimeter of the tube sample, and therefore, it is better to use to the nearest 0.01 g by direct measurement or when in the
larger diameter samples where possible.
cutting shoe by measuring the mass of the shoe with specimen When using a trimming turntable and cylindrical and subtracting the tare mass of the shoe.
specimens, make a complete perimeter cut, the width of the
blade, to reduce the soil diameter to that of the confinement 8.9 Determine the initial height ( Ho) of the specimen to the
iTeh Standards
ring. Gradually advance the specimen into the ring by the nearest 0.025 mm by taking the average of at least four evenly
width of the blade. Repeat until the specimen protrudes from spaced measurements using a dial comparator or other suitable
the bottom of the ring. measuring device.
( When using a cutting shoe, trim the soil to a gentle
taper in front of the cutting surface with a knife or spatula.
8.10 Use the specimen setup frame to insert the fully
trimmed specimen into the confinement device.
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After the taper is formed, advance the cutter a small distance to
shave off the remaining soil and form the final diameter. Repeat 8.11 Determine and record the diameter to the nearest 0.025
mm, such that the cross-sectional area (A) of the specimen may
the process until the specimen protrudes from the top of the
cutter. be calculated. The diameter and subsequent cross-section area, When using a miter box and parallelepiped ASTM D6528-17
of the specimen may be taken as that of the confinement device
specimens, trim each side of soft to medium stiff soil with a or the cutting shoe.
wire saw. Finish each surface with a sharpened straight edge. 8.12 When index properties are specified by the requesting
Stiff soil is best trimmed with a sharpened straight edge. The agency, store the remaining trimmings taken from around the
specimen shall have orthogonal surfaces. specimen and judged to be similar material in a sealed
8.3.2 Fibrous soils, such as peats, and those soils that are container for determination as described in Section 9.
damaged easily by trimming, may be transferred directly from
the sampling tube to the confinement device, provided that the 9. Soil Index Property Determination
device has the same dimensions as the sampling tube.
8.3.3 Specimens obtained using a ring-lined sampler may be 9.1 Determination of index properties is an important ad-
used without prior trimming, provided they comply with the junct to, but not a requirement of, this test method. These
requirements of Practice D3550 and this test method. determinations when specified by the requesting agency should
be made on the most representative material possible. When
8.4 Laboratory Reconstituted and Compacted Specimens—
testing uniform materials, the index tests may be performed on
The method of preparation and specifications, such as water
adjacent trimmings collected in 8.12. When samples are
content, density, and compactive effort shall be stipulated by
heterogeneous or trimmings are in short supply, index tests
the agency requesting the test; however, the specimen must be
should be performed on material from the test specimen as
fabricated using the guidelines specified in 8.4.1 – 8.4.3.
obtained in, plus representative trimmings collected in
8.4.1 Compact batched material in layers using a pressing or
8.12. There will not be sufficient soil, however, from the test
kneading action into a preparation mold or directly into the
specimen to meet the minimum sample requirements of the
cutting shoe. The top of each layer shall be scarified prior to
following index tests.
addition of material for the next layer.
8.4.2 When soil is to be compacted directly into the cutting 9.2 Specific Gravity—The specific gravity (Gs) shall be
shoe, the specimen must be fabricated in at least three layers determined in accordance with Test Methods D854 on material
and the compacted material should be thicker than the final as specified in 9.1. The specific gravity determined from
trimmed specimen. another sample judged to be similar to that of the test specimen
D6528 − 17
may be used for calculation in 12.1.5 whenever an approximate 10.3.4 Measure and record the shear force to four significant
void ratio is acceptable. digits while displacing the shear piston in the loading direction,
9.3 Atterberg Limits—The liquid limit, plastic limit and and then again while displacing the piston in the unloading
plasticity index shall be determined in accordance with Test direction.
Methods D4318 using material from the sample as specified in 10.3.5 Compute and record the shear force piston friction
9.1. Determination of the Atterberg Limits are necessary for (Spf) as one half the difference between these two values to four
proper material classification and evaluation of test results. significant digits.
Atterberg Limits shall be determined on undried soil. NOTE 6—It is often convenient to include the shear piston friction in the
calibration of the resistance of the lateral confinement device as measured
9.4 Particle Size Distribution—The particle size distribution
in 10.2.
shall be determined in accordance with the Test Method D6913
the minimum sample size requirement may not be met by the 10.3.6 Measure and record the mass of the top platen (Mtp)
portion of the test specimen as obtained in Particle to the nearest 0.01 g.
size may be helpful when visual observation indicates that the
specimen contains a substantial fraction of coarse grained 11. Procedure
material. 11.1 Assembling the Equipment:
11.1.1 The apparatus must be assembled in such a manner
10. Calibration as to prevent a change in water content of the specimen. Dry
10.1 The measured vertical displacements during consoli- porous disks must be used with dry, expansive soils, and may
dation must be corrected for apparatus compressibility. be used for other types of soils. Damp disks may be used with
10.1.1 Assemble the apparatus with a copper or steel disk of soils having low swell potential. Saturated disks may only be
approximately the same size as the specimen. used with saturated soils that have a low affinity for water.
10.1.2 Measure the vertical displacement (Dc) to the nearest 11.1.2 Arrange the loading devices, such that no force is
0.001 mm as the vertical force (Vc) is increased from the being applied. Measure and record the vertical force (Vo) and
seating value to its maximum value and then returned to the shear force (So) zero readings to four significant digits.
seating value.
iTeh Standards
10.1.3 Graph or tabulate these displacements as a function
11.1.3 Place the specimen assembly in the loading device,
clamp it in place and apply a small vertical seating stress of