Latihan Soal Lengkap SD Kelas 3
Latihan Soal Lengkap SD Kelas 3
Latihan Soal Lengkap SD Kelas 3
7. We wear. . . .in our eyes when we swim. 25. An animal that like honey is . . .
a. eye glasses b. swim goggles c. float a. dog b. cat c. bear
8. We eat breakfast in the . . . II. Translate the Words Below into English!
a. afternoon b. evening c. morning
26. dua puluh satu 31. sarapan
9. we eat dinner in the . . . 27. tangga 32. tangan
a. afternoon b. evening c. morning 28. Anak kucing 33. leher
29. bunga mawar 34. nanas
10. we eat luch in the . . 30. ruang makan 35. anggur
a. afternoon b. evening c. morning III. Fill in the Blanks below!
36. A lion . . . meat.
11. People breath with their . . . 37. My mother need . . . . and . . . to make a
a. nose b. ears c. lips soup. (kentang dan wortel)
38. Jari tangan. In English is . . .
12. Elbow. In Indonesia is . . . 39. A girl put her earring on the . . .
a. lutut b. siku c. leher 40. Lika . . . a letter for her aunt.
b. Sunday
c. Friday
16. d. Saturday
21. Month – is – this – October 5. When do Julia and Sofia study together ?
The correc order is .... Answer : ........................................................
a. This is mont October .......
b. This month is October
c. This October is month II. Choose the correct answer by crossing
d. Month this is October a, b, c, or d !
22. Sigit : “Today is sunday. What day after 1. We use our legs for ....
today?” a. seeing
Ayuk : “After today is ....” b. speaking
The word to complete the sentences is .... c. eating
a. Tuesday d. walking
b. Monday
c. Friday 2. Silfia has pointed ....
d. Wednesday a. nose
b. stomach
23. Monday, tuesday , ...... , thusrday. c. neck
a. Wednesday d. chess
English Language Center
Is this a window ?
a. Yes, it does
b. No, it does not
c. Yes, it is What does Mr. Hasan do ?
d. No, it is not a. She reads book
b. She brings an eraser
10. My sister is watering the .... c. She draws a picture
a. flowers d. She teaches a lesson
b. roof
c. car 17. We have .... in the afternoon.
d. window a. lunch
b. dinner
English Language Center
c. breakfast c. drink
d. eating d. clean
18. I can see some fish at the .... 27. Riska .... the floor because it is very
a. floor dirty.
b. aquarium a. washes
c. dutsbin b. sweeps
d. vase c. sits
d. draws
19. A : “Can you make paper flower?”
B : “Yes, .... .” 28. We get a plane in the ....
a. I do a. highway
b. I can b. station
c. I am c. harbour
d. I can’t d. airport
20. Too much .... is not good for our teeth. 29. We can see many animals in the ....
a. rice a. zoo
b. fish b. market
c. fruit c. field
d. candy d. park
21. Mother usually keeps the fresh fish at 30. Mr. Krisna is a sailor. He works in
the .... the ....
a. cupboard a. market
b. refrigerator b. school
c. oven c. sea
d. kitchen sink d. field
22. I put the .... on the floor to sit. III. Fill the blank with suitable word !
a. curtain
b. picture 1. The children are playing football in
c. carpet the ..................................................................
d. napkin ..........................
2. A cat
23. Mother wants to make cookies. She has .................................................................
needs .... ............................................................... legs
a. wheat flour 3. Doni takes a bath in
b. meet the ..................................................................
c. vegetables ............................................
d. rice 4. The students are playing marble in
the ..................................................................
24. Rendy goes to .... at 6.30 a.m ...........................
a. school 5. I sit on
b. bed the ..................................................................
c. library ..................................................................
d. class 6. Romi
is ....................................................................
25. The students usually have a flag ........................................... book in the
ceremony on .... library
a. Sunday 7. Mother is cooking in
b. Monday the ..................................................................
c. Wednesday ................................................
d. Saturday 8. The teacher works in
the ..................................................................
9. I keep the books in
the ..................................................................
26. Rizal wants to .... fried rice. 10. Father puts the car in
a. eat the ..................................................................
b. wash ...........................................