Newsletter On Urban Flood MGT

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Flood Management
Associated Programme on Flood Management - Newsletter No.27
 Seminar on Integrated Urban Flood Management - Challenges and Approaches in the
Developing World, in Stockholm
 Special Session - APFM 10th Year Anniversary “Celebrating a Decade of Integrated Flood
Management” in Tokyo
 Workshop on Integrated Flood Management in Paraguay
 Training of Trainers’ Course - Integrated Urban Flood Management in Brazil
 Workshop on Development of National Strategy on Integrated Flood Management for

Seminar on Integrated Urban Flood Management - Challenges and Approaches in the Developing World, in Stockholm

The Seminar on Integrated Urban Flood Management was organized by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) through the
Associated Programme on Flood Management (APFM) on 21 August 2011, the first day of the World Water Week in Stockholm,
Sweden. The seminar aimed to cover different aspects of integrated urban flood management, including current trends, challenges,
good practices, as well as outreach strategies to the affected population. Presentations followed by a panel discussion were intended
to develop a concept for sustainable urban flood management by using a cross-sectoral approach, which could be further developed
into concrete guidance materials and proposals for relevant flood management projects. The presentations on best practices around
the world were made by representatives from the Asian Disaster
Preparedness Centre (Thailand), the United Nations International Strategy
for Disaster Reduction, the Polytechnic School of the University of São
Paulo, the Capacity Building for Integrated Water Resources Management
(South Africa), the Ministry of Public Works (Indonesia), and WMO. In
conclusion, the Seminar participants emphasized the necessity for further
development of less cost-intensive measures, source control with green
technology, capacity building for flood managers and the locals, as well as
active media involvement.
For more information about the seminar, please visit:

Special Session - APFM 10th Year Anniversary “Celebrating a Decade of Integrated Flood Management” in Tokyo, Japan

Established jointly by WMO and the Global Water Partnership (GWP) in 2001, APFM is the world’s premier comprehensive
knowledge base for the worldwide development and implementation of best practices in Integrated Flood Management (IFM).
Commemorating the 10th year anniversary of APFM, a special session was organized by APFM on 28 September 2011 on the
occasion of the 5th International Conference on Flood Management in Tokyo, Japan. The session was supported by the International
Association of Hydrological Sciences, German Weather Service, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (Japan),
the Water Resources Management Authority (Kenya), the Japan International Cooperation Agency, DHI Group, as well as WMO and

APFM Newsletter – May 2012. No.27

GWP. Those organizations reviewed the achievements of APFM for the past 10
years, and the programme’s future orientation through the IFM HelpDesk was
discussed together with the audience.
During the Conference, WMO and ECO-TV, South Korean cable broadcasting
company that specializes in environmental news and documentary TV programs,
exchanged an agreement to jointly create a new APFM promotion video.
For more information about the event, please visit:
icharm/4_ICFM5_Special_Sessions.pdf (pages 10-11)

Workshop on Integrated Flood Management in Asuncion, Paraguay

At the request of Paraguay, funded by the Iberoamerican Cooperation Programme in

Meteorology and Hydrology, a workshop on Integrated Flood Management (IFM) was held in
Asuncion, Paraguay, from 11 to 14 October 2011. It was co-organized by the Dirección de
Meteorología e Hidrología de la DINAC (Paraguay’s National Hydrological and
Meteorological Service, NHMS), Universidad Católica “Nuestra Señora de la Asunción” and
WMO. The workshop was addressed to the Municipal Technical Officers of Asunción and
Encarnación and other authorities having a stake in the management of floods at the national
level (universities, NHMS, Ministry of Public Works, and institutions related to hydroelectric,
navigation, emergency management, environmental protection, and water resources). The
workshop was attended by over 40 professionals, who followed with interest and
participation the presentations on the IFM concept and proposed a series of actions to be
undertaken to achieve a rational flood management policy in Paraguay. In view of the
success of this first effort, it is planned to provide assistance and follow up to the proposed
actions identified during the training workshop, once these will be assembled and
coordinated through the DINAC.
For more information about the training, please visit: (in Spanish)

Training of Trainers’ Course - Integrated Urban Flood Management in Porto Alegre, Brazil

The five-day training course from 7 to 11

November 2011 in Porto Alegre, Brazil was
organized by the Capacity Building for
Integrated Water Resources Management
(Cap-Net/UNDP) in cooperation with APFM/
WMO and the Institute of Hydraulics
Research, Federal University of Rio Grande
do Sul. Twenty two trainees from nine
countries in both Latin America and Africa
participated in the training course in order to
develop an integrated and interdisciplinary
vision on urban flood management and to introduce the knowledge of long-term sustainable flood management to managers and
decision makers. As a text of the course, a newly published training manual “Integrated Urban Flood Management” developed by
Cap-Net and WMO was provided to the participants. The training was successfully completed with informative lectures and lively
discussions among participants. At the end of the course, participants prepared new draft proposals on national or regional spin-off

APFM Newsletter – May 2012. No.27

training courses. The trainees showed very much interest in the role-play session in conflicting flood management and expressed
overall satisfaction with the course programme.
The training manual “Integrated Urban Flood Management” (1.6MB) can be downloaded at:

Workshop on Development of National Strategy on Integrated Flood Management for Thailand

At the request of the Thai Meteorological Department (TMD), WMO through

APFM in association with TMD co-organized a workshop on “Development
of National Strategy for Integrated Flood Management (IFM) for Thailand”
from 19 to 23 March 2012 in Nakhon Pathom and Bangkok, Thailand.
Twenty participants representing 12 different Thai government
organizations, and working as policy makers, top- and mid-level managers
and professionals belong to sectors such as water resources management,
disaster management, meteorological and hydrological forecasting and land
use management. The objectives of the workshop were:
(I) Introduce IFM concepts and tools in the framework of Integrated
Water Resources Management (IWRM)
(II) Analyze the current flood management situation in Thailand
(institutions involved, existing management plans, stakeholders, lessons learned from the 2011 flood disaster)
(III) Develop an IFM concept in support of the Master Plan for Water Resources Management
The Workshop was organized in two parts: a) four days of extensive consultative and participatory interaction workshop, and
b) presentation of summary of workshop outputs to a wider audience on the World Met Day 23 March 2012. The main message of the
workshop was to support the establishment and operation of a Single Command Centre for flood management operations within
existing governmental structures.
Summary Outputs:
1. Integration of IFM into the Water Resources Management Master Plan.
2. The concept of IFM should be taken up as a policy issue by the National Committee for Water and Flood Policy.
3. Clearly identify responsibilities of all relevant agencies in regard to their role and mandate on flood management.
4. Clearly identify communication channels (Who informs whom, when, on what occasion) in a formalized manner following a
communications protocol)
5. Strive for better cooperation between different relevant agencies on issues related to flood management.
6. Enhance community participation in flood management issues especially with regard to flood preparedness.
7. Enhance cooperation at all levels with well established NGOs and institutes of higher learning.
The summary of the workshop outputs was presented on the World Met Day in the presence of the Minister of Information and
Communication Technology (ICT), H.E. Group Captain Mr Anudith Nakornthap. On the same occasion, WMO addressed its role and
support to member countries in building capacity in climate services including flood management. Dr (Ms) Somsri Huntrakul Acting
Director General, TMD welcomed the participants. On 1st May 2012, the Minister of ICT had invited TMD, National Disaster Warning
Centre and WMO for consultations to implement the recommendations from the workshop. This event was followed by a media
conference to give the consultation meeting a wide public coverage.

APFM Newsletter – May 2012. No.27

Further News and Information

APFM contributed to the following guide that embodies the state-of-the art on integrated urban
flood risk management, published by World Bank, Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and
Recovery (GFDRR):
Jha, A.K. et al. (2012): Cities and Flooding – A Guide to Integrated Urban Flood Risk
management for the 21st Century. World Bank, GFDRR.

New APFM Members

We, the Technical Support Unit of the APFM, are very happy to report that two new members joined the APFM Team in
February 2012.

Niranjan Tamrakar Jan Moritz Krüger

Project Officer Junior Professional Officer

Niranjan Tamrakar, national of Nepal holds a ME in Water Jan Moritz Krüger has a MSc degree in geography
Engineering and Management from Asian Institute of focusing on environmental hydrology. During his studies
Technology Thailand. He has experiences of working in in Germany and Iceland and later as an independent
disaster risk reduction for UNDP, disaster preparedness researcher and lecturer at Free University of Berlin, he
and response for UNOCHA, and water resources gained experience in integrated water resource
development in the Department of Irrigation & Agriculture management, hydrological modeling and geographic
in Nepal. In the APFM as the new Project Officer, he is information systems (GIS). In the APFM, he is involved
responsible for the overall development of the publications in the development of the IFM tool series, capacity
series, international workshops, national and regional building activities, operation of the HelpDesk and
support activities and networking with the Support Base implementation of the APFM communication strategy.

Topics in the upcoming APFM Newsletters

• 6th World Water Forum, Marseille, France
• Workshop on Development of National Strategy on Integrated Flood Management for Lao PDR
• Advisory Committee and Management Committee Meetings 2012
• Upcoming publications within the IFM Tool Series

The APFM Team

WMO, Geneva
APFM Website (
IFM HelpDesk Website (
To subscribe or unsubscribe the APFM Newsletter, please visit

APFM Newsletter – May 2012. No.27

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