Newsletter On Urban Flood MGT
Newsletter On Urban Flood MGT
Newsletter On Urban Flood MGT
Flood Management
Associated Programme on Flood Management - Newsletter No.27
Seminar on Integrated Urban Flood Management - Challenges and Approaches in the
Developing World, in Stockholm
Special Session - APFM 10th Year Anniversary “Celebrating a Decade of Integrated Flood
Management” in Tokyo
Workshop on Integrated Flood Management in Paraguay
Training of Trainers’ Course - Integrated Urban Flood Management in Brazil
Workshop on Development of National Strategy on Integrated Flood Management for
Seminar on Integrated Urban Flood Management - Challenges and Approaches in the Developing World, in Stockholm
The Seminar on Integrated Urban Flood Management was organized by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) through the
Associated Programme on Flood Management (APFM) on 21 August 2011, the first day of the World Water Week in Stockholm,
Sweden. The seminar aimed to cover different aspects of integrated urban flood management, including current trends, challenges,
good practices, as well as outreach strategies to the affected population. Presentations followed by a panel discussion were intended
to develop a concept for sustainable urban flood management by using a cross-sectoral approach, which could be further developed
into concrete guidance materials and proposals for relevant flood management projects. The presentations on best practices around
the world were made by representatives from the Asian Disaster
Preparedness Centre (Thailand), the United Nations International Strategy
for Disaster Reduction, the Polytechnic School of the University of São
Paulo, the Capacity Building for Integrated Water Resources Management
(South Africa), the Ministry of Public Works (Indonesia), and WMO. In
conclusion, the Seminar participants emphasized the necessity for further
development of less cost-intensive measures, source control with green
technology, capacity building for flood managers and the locals, as well as
active media involvement.
For more information about the seminar, please visit:
Special Session - APFM 10th Year Anniversary “Celebrating a Decade of Integrated Flood Management” in Tokyo, Japan
Established jointly by WMO and the Global Water Partnership (GWP) in 2001, APFM is the world’s premier comprehensive
knowledge base for the worldwide development and implementation of best practices in Integrated Flood Management (IFM).
Commemorating the 10th year anniversary of APFM, a special session was organized by APFM on 28 September 2011 on the
occasion of the 5th International Conference on Flood Management in Tokyo, Japan. The session was supported by the International
Association of Hydrological Sciences, German Weather Service, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (Japan),
the Water Resources Management Authority (Kenya), the Japan International Cooperation Agency, DHI Group, as well as WMO and
Training of Trainers’ Course - Integrated Urban Flood Management in Porto Alegre, Brazil
APFM contributed to the following guide that embodies the state-of-the art on integrated urban
flood risk management, published by World Bank, Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and
Recovery (GFDRR):
Jha, A.K. et al. (2012): Cities and Flooding – A Guide to Integrated Urban Flood Risk
management for the 21st Century. World Bank, GFDRR.
Niranjan Tamrakar, national of Nepal holds a ME in Water Jan Moritz Krüger has a MSc degree in geography
Engineering and Management from Asian Institute of focusing on environmental hydrology. During his studies
Technology Thailand. He has experiences of working in in Germany and Iceland and later as an independent
disaster risk reduction for UNDP, disaster preparedness researcher and lecturer at Free University of Berlin, he
and response for UNOCHA, and water resources gained experience in integrated water resource
development in the Department of Irrigation & Agriculture management, hydrological modeling and geographic
in Nepal. In the APFM as the new Project Officer, he is information systems (GIS). In the APFM, he is involved
responsible for the overall development of the publications in the development of the IFM tool series, capacity
series, international workshops, national and regional building activities, operation of the HelpDesk and
support activities and networking with the Support Base implementation of the APFM communication strategy.