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Brahma :
Brahmsthanam: It is the central zone of nine
divisions to which the Deity of all deities
Brahmāresides.Its the beginning of the Vaastu
Purusha Mandala that happens by expansion of
the BrahmBindu ; which is the intersection point
of Yama Sutra and BrahmaSutra .It is most
powerful point whichexpands in triangles in the
Tantra and in squares in the Vaastushastra.In
the Tantra it exhibits itself inthe patterns of
energy e.g. in Sri Yantra , it is theassemblage
of 45 triangles where as in
Vaastushastraitexhibits itself as the deities as
the assemblage of 81 squares containing 45
deities .Creation-preservation-protection-
restoration are the main functions of
the Brahmsthanam. It acts as thetransformer of
the cosmic energy .Brahmsthanam contains all
typesof energies and a completeminiature of all
planets-Elements-deities ie seeds of all these
things .Ruby is placed in the Brahmsthanam to
activate and connect it to the macrocosm,
so continuously itprovides energy to entire
Vaastu Purusha Mandala.As all Elements lie in
the Brahmsthanam, VaastuNabhi Ritual is done
in the southwest node of the Brahmsthanam, to
establish it , as there lies highestimportance to
the earth element in the Vaastushastra.
2. Aaryama :
This deity lies on six divisions in the east zone ,
near to Brahmsthanam.Aryama is the ocean of
Pranathat provide positive energy to the
Vivasvan the Pitru Kosha of the Vaastu
Purusha Mandala.So toremove the Pitru
DoshaActivation Of the Aryama in the house
plays important role.Literal meaning of this word
is closed friend-play fellow-companion.Hindu
marriage oath is taken with the witness of
this Aryama , so to reduce the differences in
couple this section of the house needs to be
activated in thehome.In Vedas Aryama is
considered as the chief of Pitru Loka , where
our ancestors rest before takingrebirth .The
Activation of this division is done by placing the
red coral at the Centre under the flooring .Red
coral beingconnected to the Mars it adds the
vibrations of fire element that excite the ocean
of Prana of these six divisions. Due to the Ruby
( Manik-PadmParag) at the Brahmsthanam; it
gets acontinuous sun energy
from Brahmsthanam
This deity lies on six divisions of south zone ,
nearer to Brahmsthanam.Vivasvanais the first
man wholearnt the Yoga And was from
RaghuVansh.He is from 12 Adityas who
connects to Suryaloka andprotects from
Yama.The predominating deity of Sun
is Vivasvan.By Yogshastra Vivasvan is the
Livingand chief deity on the Sun.The Activation
Of this division is done by seeding the gem
related to theplanet Ketu , which cuts the
connectivity of desireie Bhav from the Jeeva
and transcends one to theSuryaloka ie abode of
Vivasvan .These six divisions act as the shield
between the present-soul-Brahmaand the
Yama-Death-Naraka-Past.It is the phase of the
Sun between the Aryama of the east and
theMitra of the west.One should sit in
Brahmsthanam, face south and perform
the ShraddhVidhi in theVivasvan division, so
the Pitras ascend to the Suryalokaof which the
predominating deity is Vivasvan.
4. Mitra :
This deity occupy six divisions of west zone ,
nearer to Brahmsthanam where Sun sets Mitra
andVaruna are always referred together as
twins in Vedas.These deities are beyond the
hierarchy of theSun-Planets-sky rather Mitra is
cosmic priest and Varuna is cosmic royal power
; so they dictate theorder of the whole
sky.When Agni is kindled before dawn that
gives strength to the Mitra ; that is how itproves
the interdependence of these cosmic
deities.Mitra is associated with sunrise
whereastheVaruna is associated with the
evening.Mitra is independently identified as the
force that regulate thecourse of Sun.Savitr is
complementary to the Mitra in deciding the
course of the Sun.Mitra is thesustainer of the
mankind and of all Gods ; that’sthe importance
of this deity.Order-stability-Observance.are the
three important virtues attributed to this
deity.Varuna and Mitra are Asuras and wield
their power through the secret knowledge which
empowers them to make the Sun to traverse in
the sky and to
obscure it with clouds.So in short Mitra and
Varuna are most powerful deities in the Vaastu
PurushaMandala.In the personal life if this zone
is disturbed then it leads to the disorder in the
relationship that divide theoneness of the Mitra
and Varuna.So the priest and king are not
together means that will totally disturbthe
grace of the life.
Bhudhar/Pruthvidhar :
This deity occupy six divisions of north zone ,
nearer to Brahmsthanam. Bhudhar means lord
Vishnu .Mythologicallord Vishnu represents
order anddiscipline of the life along with
the Gati ie speedsof thelife. Goddess Laxmi is
always at the feet of Lord Vishnu ; with this
simile it’s clear that this north zone isvery
much important for wealthmatters. Itsthe place
for safe-money-important papers-jewellery as
itsvery safewhere the Lord Vishnu lies.When
any fault travels up to this division from
periphery , meansit’s a severe fault
(Mahadosha).Aakash-Prakash-Urja are the
virtues of this zone as it accelerate theenergy
and forces energies to travel in
a mandalakarway. WhereasPruthviTatva-
Jadatva-Gurutva arethe severe faults of this
zone as it absorb the element of this zone ie
Waterelement. Thisdivisionrepresents
the protection-preservation-restoration as
the deity is LordVishnu. Symbolicallysilver
lotusand golden conch can be kept in these
divisions as a matter ofactivation. Thatwhich is
free from allbondages is Lord Vishnu , so this
division is supportive to make free to the
occupants from vices.Wealth-fortune-prosperity
both material and spiritual are attributesof
Goddess Laxmi , so if this divisionhas no fault
then it leads to ascension of every type.The
activation of this zone is done by placing Green
Emerald under theflooring.
6 A a p : a n d 7 Aapavatsa :
Aap-AapVatsa :This deity occupy four
divisions of northeast zone , nearer to
Brahmsthanam. Aapmeans water element. This
Water of northeast acts as the divine water of
Ganges as it is surroundedby all divine
deities.Diagonally there lies Isha-Shikhi which is
divine fire element, so this water iscontinuously
charged by divine fire.Next to that is Parjanya,
which means shower of grace andblessings
from sky , then there lies Jayant which is Indras
son ,so connectedto unlimited source of water
element; then there is Aryama which is ocean
of Prana ; diagonally down lies the holistic force
of Brahmsthanam,then there lies connectivity to
Bhudhar ie lord Vishnu , then there lies the
goddess Aditi-the mother of all celestial
bodies. Activation of this division is done by
seeding pearls in this zone.
8. Aditi:
Here the sector of northeast matrix of deities
begins.It is the most creative and productive
zone wherebirth-rebirth of many good things
happen, so should be used for research and
development.Themeaning of the word is
limitless, so this streaming of energy can show
limitless growth in the businessand
profession .She has borrowed the quality of
expansion from as this division represents
thefeminised form of the Brahma.In theVedanta
it is said as the Mulprakruti ie primal substance
so onewho wants ponder in self this division
is of great importance.She is mother of all
Adityas and thecelestial mother of all existing
forms and beings.She is celestial so is
associated with the space ie Akash
Tatva.Aditi is celestial mother of 12 Adityas-
11Rudras-8 Vasus ; so mother of 33
celestialbeings.This division if activated it
removes the hindrances-sins-sickness as Aditi
means freedom andcosmic order .Aditi is the
only goddess who rules sky and earth
both.Rooster symbolise the strength
and the honour Hence Aditi flies across the
boundless sky on a rooster.So Activation Of this
divisioncan be done by keeping a rooster of
silver metal . Bury Trishul and sword made
in silver and bury inthiszone to activate this
9. Diti:
Aditi and Diti are sisters but Diti is full of hate to
Aditi; as Aditi s sons killed diatyas-sons of
Diti.She isMaster in Black magic so all houses
suffering due to this problem, should deactivate
this division byburning ghee lamp on Aditi and
Shikhi Divisions.Activating the Aditi and Shikhi
automatically deactivatethe Diti division.Diti is
goddess of earth ,so all places where
PruthviTatva-Gurutva-Jadatva lies toNortheast
section may get targeted for black
magic .Where as vibrations of Energy-Ether-
light to theNortheast section automatically
removes the vibrations of Diti ; leading to grace-
divinity-bliss.StreamingOf Water Element with
sun rays in the zone , along with white marble
flooring-crystals-pearls activatethe divine grace
of all positive deities , leading to removing the
fear of blackmagic ie activation of the Diti
10. Shikhi :
The deity “Shikhi “ lies in the top corner of
NorthEast zone and represents the Shiva-
Chakra ;acts as theCorona or crown chakra of
the Vaastu Purusha . It’s form is like a flame a
Jyoti and acts as the purifier of the whole
Vaastu Purusha Mandala.Corona is more
charged than theheart of the Sun ; likewise
thisShikhi acts as the powerful source of cosmic
energy and more powerful than the
Brahmsthanam;as itacts as the passage for the
outerorbit of macrocosm to the inner orbit of the
45 deities .Basically itactivate the divinityin the
womb of Water element viz Aap-AapVatsa
Deities ;next to Shikhi.This Water due to
continuous perpetual sanskara of Divine Fire
enters in the divine orbit and becomes
the“Teertha” , that removes all The
negativities.In some systems this place is
assigned to Lord Shiva vizI s h a - d e i t y . One
more mythological meaning is connected to the
root word of the Shikhi ;which is Shikha.Shikha
isconsidered as the connecter of the cosmic
energy to the brain in the Hindu mythology.Its
called as the Adhipati-MarmSthan or
MastuLingam ,which controls the memory-
emotions-intelligence activitiesalong with the
unification of all the faculties of the
brain .Medically there lies the occipital lobe of
thebrain which is called as the
visual processing centre and in Yogshastra it is
the place of two powersVyapini and Yogini
which connect the being to the
ShivaChakra .Hence it is the place where
Ganga-Yamuna unite to emerge the forth
dimension of the Sarasvati . The forth
dimension is connected to theTime-KaalChakra
which gets controlled by connectivity to the
directions ; which is the purpose
of theVaastushastra. So Shikhi is the powerful
energy centre in the vaastuPurushMandala
which controls allo t h e r c e n t r e s .
11. Parjanya:
It is thesecond deity from the NorthEast Matrix
of deities.Parjanya connects the grace of sky to
earth byits showers of blessings.As regards
Vaastushastra, the Deity Nabha and the deity
Parjanya arecomplementary as one represents
Fire element in the matrix of deities of South
East and the other represents the Water
element being part of the matrix of deities of
Norrh East zone .When the divine firegets the
sacrifice of cooked food and the aroma of food
while cooking in the division of Nabha in
thesoutheast corner , the deities due to
fulfilment of their desires grace the showers of
blessings throughthe deity Parjanya.So one can
say that the key of the activation of the Deity
Parjanya lies in theactivation of the Nabha
Division of the Southeast corner.Hence inthe
traditional Vaastushastra it issuggested to keep
the Stove in the Nabha Division Of Southeast
corner , so that it gives automaticfulfilment of all
deities leading to showers of blessings from
Parjanya division.As it is mythological thefire is
termedas the mouth of all deities .In Atharva
Veda , it is said that the Parjanya and Pruthvi
are the father and the mother of all
beings. Along with Parjanya has two more
wives viz Bhumi and the sacred cow Vasa .
In Vaastushastra Vasacan be said as the
queenof the north zone , represents milk-
Rasa-Morher; the Bhumi is the queen of
the southwest zone which gives fertility to the
cosmic phenomena.The pruthvi as the queen of
thecentral zone , where the seeding of the
Ruby as the Sun is done ; to creat the
microcosm as the secondreflection of the
macrocosm.In Atharva the rains are considered
as the milk and blessings of theVasa.In some
Puranas , the Parjanya is considered as the
rain bull controlled by the Indra-Jay ; thedeity of
the southwest zone . Southwest fertility
depends on the activity of southeast Fire ;
so again onecan see that the fire element plays
very important role in all the cosmic activities.It
is said in hymns that “The cosmic bull Parjanya
roars and that sound lays the seeds of
germination inthe womb of Pruthvi, “that is how
here the importance of sound energy in
all activities is explainedhere.Parjanya is
considered as the enemy of the flesh eating fire
; so in the Vaastushastra; it is allowedto have
only vegetarian kitchens in the Northeast zone.
12. Jayant:
Mahendra / Indra :
It’s the forth deity on the east perimeter of the
Vaastu Purusha Mandala .Reference of this
deity lies inall related religions like Hinduism-
Jainism-Buddhism with similar reflection.He
is king of Svarga andDevas .He is god
of lightening-thunder-storms-rains-river
flows and the heaven. So it
represents thepositive form of fire that melts the
deep level snow and transforms the state of
water from earth toblissful Ganges. The
King Indra usesthe vajra to kill the monsters
who obstruct thehuman prosperityand
happiness so one who wants a protection from
evil powers should activate this division by
buryingSilver Vajra Symbol in the house .This
division if activated removes the ambiguity from
life by offering aright knowledge that melt
thedarkness.If this zone is disturbed in the
home , that will lead to addiction tothe drugs-
liquors-gambling-sex in males .A white elephant
Eiravat is the vehicle of the Indra ; so if properly
activated this division gives the blissful royal life
with sharpintelligence and longevity.Thisdivision
is considered as the most auspicious division
for the entry.
Surya / Ravi
It is the central position of the east side
perimeter; hence it has equal left and right
sides. This fact givesan independent power
centre to the deity; as it happens in cases of
Yama-Varuna-Soma in sequenceto the south-
west-north directions.Being the central in the
zone it contain the active vibrations of
theSushumna Nadi ; which is a direct
connection to the divine existence.Any direct
connectivityhas a force; which may lead to the
violence in the present momentum hence
activation of the central Stream isavoided as
regards the practical family life of the
individual.Hence the entry from the central zone
iedeity Ravi is avoided which activate
thePingala and sushumna both ; in the house-
Pingala due to itsnature as the fire and
sushumna due to its central position. The sutra
says “ Surye Tu AtiKrodhatvat”=This Surya-
Ravi Division entry leads to anger and
violence.So activation of this deity isallowed
only in a pradakshina marge ie clockwise.
15. Satya:
16. Bhrush:17. Savita: and18. Savitru:
These deities occupy four divisions of southeast
zone , nearer to Brahmsthanam.Savita is the
sourceof all energies; when we use it for
material purposes it is termed as Savitri and
when we use it for spiritual purpose it is termed
as Gayatri.It is the deity that gives energy to
this visible sun so this Savitacan give us infinite
more material comforts.The various forms of
energy that act in the interstellar spaces is the
activity ofSavita-Savitru. As said by Great
Dnyaneshvar as “ Naval Udela Chandashu “
isreferred to Savita-Savitru.Savita is connected
to the world and Savitru is connected to the
infiniteenergies.Savita sustains our bodies
where as the Savitru is the reflection of the vital
force that enablesall activities.As such both are
inseparable yet have independent existence.It
is the ocean of unknownand invisible
superenergy beyond the standard focus of all
sources of energy, hence is equated to
theSoul.So it’s foolish to say that instruments
like Lacher antenna-dowsers-energy meters-
aura scannersmap the Vaastu energies, its
fools paradise used by clever people to deceive
the people and torn their pockets.It’s the place
allotted for knowledge and strength so bedroom
of students is appropriate over
in thisdivision. Activation of this zone is done by
placing yellow Safire representing Jupiter ,
which represents bothknowledge-purity-power.
19. Nabha:20. Anil:
All corners in the matrix of deities contain the
contrast deity ;as in NE corner lies the
Shikhi So inSoutheast corner lies the Anil-
represents Wind element.The formation of the
cubit of any element is theassemblage and
contribution of all other elements; only it
contains maximity Of it’s own
class.For example in fire element compound ;
there are two modules of fire and one of
each other element.Sincethe fire and wind are
two complementaries toeach other ; Anil proves
to be of utmost importance;proving that the
content of Fire depends on the wind/air
element.The Smoke the form of fire element
isthe closed version of the wind element.Unless
the fire enters in the mode of fragrance-aroma
ie windelement;it can not satisfy the urge of
Pitaras and needs of deities.Hence the deity
Anil on the top corner of the AGNI-Kon has
immense meaning as regards the blessings and
showering of grace of deities.This Anil waves
the Nabha-Aroma to the Parjanya division ofthe
NE matrix and the Vaastu gains theblessings
and showers of grace of deities. That is how
one can understand the homogeneous
organiconeness of all deities and their
interdependence too.
21. Pusha:
The second deity on southern side of the SE
matrix of deities.Its on the chariot of goats and
son of themother Aditi .Pushan is held
responsible for marriages-journey-roadsand
feeding of cattle .This division showers richness
and wealth by blessings of the Pitru Kosha.This
deity acts as the Psychopomp ie conducting
souls to the other world on their further
journey.Itsresponsibility is to escort the newly
deceased souls to the afterlife.Feeding the
crows in this division islike offering the food to
the Pitras.He drives the sun on the solar path;
so when drive is missing in theoccupants of the
house ; they should give food to crows-dogs-
cows or should burn the magic mixtureinthis
division.In Vedas this deity is considered as the
guardian of the flocks and herds ; so in
house this can be bestplace for cattle-shade or
stocks .Pushan the name is derived from
Sanskrit verb Pusyati ; which meansto “to
cause to thrive “ ; so flourishing of the house is
related to this form of the Deity.So
offeringsfelicitated on the Nanda Tithi in this
division; will flourish the occupants by
completion of his will.
22. Vitatha:
This is the third deity on the south side from the
southeast matrix of deities.So it has common
qualitiesof southeast and south zones ; being
on the boundary of the both.In Bhagvat Purana
it is mentionedthat it is the illicit son of
Brihaspati.It is the another name of
Bharadwaj.The literal meaning of this wordis
extant .Means from this division onwards the
unreal wordbegins in the cycles of the Time and
On the vibrations of the Directions; which
continues up to the startof the vibrations of the
north zone.The unreal world of shadows and
darkness starts from this division inthe Vaastu
Kshetra ; Hence to damp all these vibrations of
unreal consciousnesses one needs to addthe
Pure-Powerful earth element up to west zones
of the Asura division
23. Gruhkhshat:
This is the forth division on the south side and
being forth is considered as the most
auspicious cut-entry zone .Kshat means cut
and gruh means home ; so gruhkshat means
place for the cut-door to thehouse.Being left of
the south matrix of deity ; it represents the
Shubh-Sanketdayi Chandra Nadistreaming ; so
this division is considered as the most
auspicious deity on the south side of
anyhouse.Though south zone ; this is the only
section that produces a positive energy;
probably even for Pitru Kosha in Vivasvan too
finds ascending path from this section.For every
group or matrix of deities ;left side being
Chandra nadi , represents relative positive
streaming.So on the south side Gruhkshat isthe
positive cut.
24. Yama:
Yama is the deity of death-underworld-South
and takes away the Prana .Its abode is Naraka-
yamaloka.He is the ruler of all the departed
souls and lord of Pitras.Activation of South by
Aakash-Prakash-Urja from south ; activate the
deity Yama ; which leads to premature death-
diseases-losses.Yama is dressed in red-yellow-
blue clothes indicative connectivity to fire-earth-
Saturn.Yama issurrounded by garlands of
flames indicative of earth element to
south.Yama controls the existence after death ,
hence if fault lies in this zone in any house-plot
will lead to shadows and dark images in
thehouse ; indicative of spirits and may lead to
abrupt losses of all kinds . As earth is the only
element inwhich all types of energies get
assimilated ; hence a powerful earth element is
the virtue for south zone.
25. Gandharva:
Gandharva: It is the sixth division on the
southside of Vaastu Purusha Mandala and third
in the southmatrix of deities. This phase and
division that contains the energy that lies in the
liminal state ie atransitional state between the
death and rebirth according to Zen Buddhist
theory.In one of the SuttaBuddha explains that
the “embryo develops in three prerequisites
“amongst that presence of Gandharvayoni is
necessary for that event of conception.That’s
why the master bed room is allotted in the
southzone , as it contains the deity
Gandharva .Thiszone is called as zone
of romance-“Shringar Shala “ ;obviously due to
the presence of this deity Gandharva who
encourages the act of love and romance
bydance and singing and creat the
surroundings of Venus and Moon .All the
houses with week earth tosouth creat the hyper
Excitation of all these yonis which are related to
the existence after death ; andattract the souls
to the death.
26. Bhringraj:
As connected to the deity Gandharva ; one can
say that this is a second entity similar as
regardsromance .Hence it addsspice to the
master bedroom.Being on the left side of the
southwest matrix of deity ; if fault lies in this
zone it may lead to all daughters in the house;
as fault means week earthelement.Even fault in
this zone may lead to abortions; due to week
earthelement. A powerful earthelement in this
zone supports the phenomenon of seeding-
germination-growth ie Beejankan-Prajanan-
Pariposhan.Entrance in this
zone needsstabilizingof earth element
to balance the cut and losses.
27. Indra: and28. Indrajay:
This deity occupy six divisions of west
zone , nearer to Brahmsthanam where Sun sets
Mitra andVaruna are always referred together
as twins in Vedas.These deities are beyond the
hierarchy of theSun-Planets-sky rather Mitra is
cosmic priest and Varuna is cosmic royal power
; so they dictate theorder of the whole
sky.When Agni is kindled before dawn that
gives strength to the Mitra ; that is how itproves
the interdependence of these cosmic
deities.Mitra is associated with sunrise whereas
theVaruna is associated with the evening.Mitra
is independently identified as the force that
regulate thecourse of Sun.Savitr is
complementary to the Mitra in deciding the
course of the Sun.Mitra is thesustainer of the
mankind and of all Gods ; that’s the importance
of this deity.Order-stability-Observanceare the
three important virtues attributed to this
deity.Varuna and Mitra are Asuras and wield
their power through the secret knowledge which
empowers them to make the Sun to traverse in
the sky and toobscure it with clouds.So in short
Mitra and Varuna are most powerful deities in
the Vaastu PurushaMandala.In the personal life
if this zone is disturbed then it leads to
thedisorder in the relationship that divide
theoneness of the Mitra and Varuna.So the
priest and king are not together means that will
totally disturbthe grace of the life.
29. Mriga:
This is the central deity on Southwest matrix of
deities. If fault lies here then it creat a doubtful
situationin the married life due to suspicion and
dislikes.It has similar qualities like the Mrigasira
Nakshatra,hence fault in this zone will disturb
the sensual seductive pleasures from the
married life.As the rulingplanet of this
Nakshatra and earth element is Mars ; faults in
this zone promote the violence in thelife.The
right foot of Vaastu Purusha lies in this zone;
and symbolically any new beginning and first
in anything is equated to this foot.Hence fault in
this zone may lead to loss of enthusiasm and
zeal to donew things.
30. Pitra:
This is the corner deity of southwest matrix of
deities.This division represents past tense
asBrahmsthanam represents the present
moment and Isha ofcrown of Northeastern
matrix represents thefuture momentum.So fault
in this division connects the occupants to the
pain and sorrow out of thePitru-Disha.The ruling
planet of this division is Rahu ; so fault in this
zone will lead to voids and totaldiscontent in the
life.Cuts-Extensions in this zone leads to Viprit
Antaral and its very difficult to solve
thesituation; if one has stayed for a long period
in such house.This fault can creat the genetical
faults in thechildren.The Mahadosha in the
zone disturb the psyche of the gruhsvami which
may lead to suicidaltendencies in him.
31. Douvarik:
Its meaning is guard on the door-Dvar-Pal.It is
on the west side of southwest matrix of deity ,
where if west contains fault then this division
gets activated badly.It is directly connected to
central deity Indra of southwest matrix of deities
; so it needs to be taken care of properly.Since
it is connected to Vibrationsof Rahu, being in
the southwest zone and because it is
connected to west zone too; effects of
RahuVibrations are more severe on this zone-
deity-division.Hence Prabal-Pavitra-
PruthviTatva is the need of this zone. So keep
three big river pebbles with golden yellow
colour and Lead plate with mark of GummBeej
on it ; will serve the purpose.Doors-terraces-
cuts lead to weak earth element and Viprit
Antaral , soare severe faults of this zone .Bury
2.5 kg hard turmeric, nine betel nuts, nine
Rudraksha along with theMantra Beej Plate.
Keelak sin the wallin lead metal will play
wonders in this zone
32. Sugriva:
Regaining the throne and reestablishing the self
is the main act associated with the epic
figureSugriva.It is third division on the west part
of Vaastu Purusha Mandala and allowed for the
mainentrance.This division as the entrance is
associated with Abundant Profit which
happened in the case of epic figure
Sugriva.Mythologically Sugriva is son of Sun-
Surya and had very intelligent-honest-
virtuouswife Tara . So entrance from this
division assures a good wife with some other
conditions applied.Theliteralmeaning of this
word is “ beautiful naked” which matches to the
zone as master bedroom.Soplacing one lead
helix with Yellow stone Lingam along with
black-white sesame, 7 betel nuts , 7 lotusseeds
with aromatic herbs will activate this positive
33. Pushpadant:
This is the most auspicious forth division entry
on the west side.As this enters in the zone of
Saturn inan auspicious way it leads to ending of
cycle of Karma, as it happened in the life of 9
th TirthankaraPushpdanta Of Jainism .As the
element of thiszone is Wind , which is
connected to the Buddhi-intelligence ; this entry
will give virtue of righteousness to the intellect.
As in the traditional Vaastu thequality assigned
to this entryis “Gun” ie virtue which matches to
this fact.Again in the mythology thisname is
connected to the Gandharva “ Pushpdanta” ,
which qualifies the name of this zone as
w h i c h i s r e l a humour.Again this
34. Varuna:
It is the central deity on thVedik deity is
associatedY a j u r v e d a . T h e l i t e r a l
m e a wind-sea-river due to theirh a v e
tendencies to
encircln o r t h b u t i n t u r n
g o t c a t e g court matters and
justice.s o c i e t y - l a w -
g o v e r n m e n t . B considered as
the Asurasin Vaastu there lies
weakd i s t u r b a n c e i n t h e l i f e . P
laW a t e r - P a n c h a m r u t -
c a m p worshiped by chanting “
35. Asur:
O n e t i m e s I n d r a - A g n i w e r by Varuna and
malevolent Adityas.T h e y a r e c
o n s i d e r e d a s p these
demigods match tod i f f e r e n c e s t h e n
i t w i l l a c t i occupants.To get
positiveS h a n k h ( S h e l l ) o n i t w i t h o
36. Shosh:
Its the deity of northwestWindelement.Hence
thiss o u n d
a n d t o r e d u c e t h e
n meaning is deep
thirst .Sul i e s i n t h e w e
s t h o r i z o n . S u s u b j e c
t . T h i s d e i t y i s s a n d d
ivisions .Its
controlling caS h a n k u . C h a n t i
n g O f S h r i
37. Rudra and
ed the the Kavya-Shastra-Vinod
ie fine arts Literature-Sci

s to the matrix of planets of thewest zone ie

Venus-Merc e west matrix of deities and
has immense importance in tith Sky-
Water-Justice-Truth ; hence marked as
Vishn i n g i s “ t h a t w h i c h “ s u r
i t s c o quality as surrounding-
c o v e r i n g - b i n d i n g i s a p p l i c a b l e . T h le
everything.Its abode is Jal-Loka ie Ocean
and initially wo r i s e d f o r t h e w e s t . H e
is the guardian of moral law so WS o
Vaastu if VarunaDivision is
disturbed one gets
p u n i asically Mitra-Varuna are
a l w a y s a s s o c i a t e d w i t h e a c h o t but
got transformed in to devas by the lord
Indra . The roearth element; they will act
as the demons ; otherwise thei n g
a Mangal Kalasha with nine
b e t e l n u t s - o n e h a r d t u r m or-7
lotus seeds-And 7 betel leaves
s u r r o u n d i n g t h e c o c o m Namo Bhagavate
Vasudevay “gives positivity of
weste m e n t i o n e d a s
Asuras .In Asuras there are
t w o t y p e s B e were under the rule of
Vritra .Some Reference says Asurwerful
superhuman demigods with good or bad
qualities.the elements of that zone then
it leads to happiness .If thea t e
the Vikshep Devta of that z
one leadingto pain
a n d s effect from this zone keep one circular
Bronze helix withne hanging blue glass Hundi
or one five metal bell
one , more on the west side ; so car
ries the qualities of wd i v i s i o n
n e e d s t o b e c o n t r o l
l e d t o p r o t e c t t h e
S v a r a - s y n c h oise from the
life.Shosh is effect of powerful nature of thech
thirst is the effectof impunities seeded by
vibrationc h t h i r s t i s c o n n e c t e
d t o t h e i n t e n s e p a i n d u e
t o t h e d i s a p iched between the Asura
and Paapyakshma , so it givesn b e d o n e
by placing circular bronze helix-
b l u e l i n g a m - c i r mmm with ujjayi
breath is Yogik remedy associated
w i t h t ientific search- ury-
Saturn. e mythology. This

in nnectivity to sky- se three things as classified
for the st is connected to shment from er and ar
e t meaning is that if y may creat ric-one coin-
3/4 the nut on top ; if o n e . evolent were r
uled as represent a If the qualities of re lie stro
ng rrows to the ne Dakshinavarti st ie storm
form of ronicity-
frequency of wind and its literal s of Rahu-
which pointment with the vices of these cular M
antra Beej is division.
This deity occupies four divisions of north west
zone , nearer to Brahmsthanam.This deity is
associatedwith storm-wind-hunt and literal
meaning of the word is “roarer”.Rudra is praised
as the mightiest of thenight.Other names
associated with Rudra are Aghora and
Abhayankara.Meaning of the word Rudra
is“eliminator of the evil and usherer of the
peace “.Rudra means one who can kill the
forces of darkness.Rudra is considered as
physicianof physicians and cures all types of
diseases and hasthousands of medicines,
specially can be said as a paediatricians who
cures the children. Overall theexpression of the
deity Rudra is related to the “protective shield”
and particularly in the present period.So the
bedroom of unmarried daughter is assigned in
this zone to get the natural
cosmicprotection.Rudra sukt narrates that he is
the inner self of the Gods.The name Rudra is
used for Shivaand as well for the Marutas .The
deities related in this zone are Rog-Nag-
Paapyakshma-Shosh in thenorthwest matrix of
deities are fully controlled by the deity Rudra-
Rudrajay being a physician and beinga great
fighter too.
39. Papyakshma:
Paap means sin and Yakshma means
tuberculosis. Hence if this division gets
activated by virus it leadsto tuberculosis; means
there should not be open water face to
west ; which leads to carrying the virus tohome
along with the breeze from northwest...could be
one physical phenomenal meaning.Since
theVaruna deity of west is related to moral
values ; any faults in characters will get
punished by thisdivision; which on the
clockwise travel from west to north.Any faults in
this division will activate theeffect of Rahu ;
which may lead to cosmic pollution in turn will
terminate the occupant in
thetuberculosis.According to one theory it is the
placement of yaksha which governs the life
events as per his characters and Karma in the
life ; hence the name PaapYakshma.As from
south to southwest towest to northwest entire
divisions are connected to the Gandharva yoni
e.g. Gandharva-Bhringraj-Pushpdanta-Asur and
Paapyakshma here.In Tradition language If
door over here will lead to “PandurogiBhavet
Narah”means leads to tuberculosis.Hence
Activation of this division is not the healthy
40. Roga:
41. Nag:
It is a mystique deity in Tantra-Purana-Yoga.
It’s movement is connected to the Time and its
helicalascending form represents streaming of
positive energy.Its the northwest zone from
which themovement of positive energy begins
and end of loops and time of negative
energy happens. The NagSutra encircles the
Yama-Brahma-Karna-Sula Sutra And as such
the mouth of this nagsutra lies in thisdivision.So
this deity encircles the entire Vaastu
PurushaMandala ; which represents Time and
theVaastu Purusha Mandala represents
Energy. And both are woven together by the
vibrations of thedeities-directions-elements.So
when this deity uncoils , the time moves forward
and creation takesplace.When he coils back the
universe ceases to exist ; is the explicit
phenomenon related to the deity.This deity is
the seat of Lord Vishnu Hence symbolically the
entire organisational set up has this base
of Time-Energy-directions. Symbolically as the
southeast acts as the Prathameshtika of
construction,northwest acts as the
Prathameshtika of the formation of the positive
energy of which the mouth lies inthe deity Naag
of northwest zone.
42. Mukhya:
It is the deity where the confluence of
Northwest and north ie of wind and water ie
fengshui happens.If door lies in this division
then it is said as “Apar Dvaram” ie this cut
gives quick attainment of spiritual
goal . It’s the Tai-Chi ie Tat-Sat position
happens due to the positive confluence of wind
and water both.This movement of ascending
helical energy can be seen at one place “
Prabhas Patan” whereLord Krishna left his
physical body . A peepal tree from west zone
behind the place where Sri Krishnaleft the body
has grown helical and ascends high and enters
the outer sky from Mukhya-Bhallat-
Som;indicating the divine journey. The strength
of the wind and the prosperity of Water and
spreading-surrounding virtue of both ie name-
fame are blessed when the main entry lies in
this division.
43. Bhallat:
This the forth division and is most auspicious
Chandra nadi streaming zone . Basically the
north zone isassigned for the Chandra-Ida nadi
streaming and above that this relative left
division can be said as theessence of the
Chandra Nadi . Basically thisnorth zone is
equated to the wish pond that satisfies
thedesires-ambitions-wishes due to the
abode of Kanyakumari deity. So it
contains the Ichha-Shakti that has a
profound divine powerthat cleanses the mind
and chitta .In a way where Kanyakumari stays
thatabode has the door that takes you
to heaven ie “SvargDvar”.The svarga-heaven is
the mysterious placewhere one gets the chance
to enjoy the fruits of his Karma . So in the travel
of the life this energysource gives the happy
fruits of their past deeds.Mind of mind lies in
this zone so this division is relatedto the inner
happiness of the occupants.As said in the
traditional Sutra that this entry gives
somethingthat which lies beyond the orbit and
expectations of the person.
44. Som :
It’s the central division of the north sector with
four positive divisions of Wind element are to
left and four positive divisions of Water element
are to the right .Soma is the deity where the
divine nectar of immortality resides, hence this
division has immense importance inthe
Vaastushastra ; as this Shastras prime motive
is to avoid the premature deaths( Akal-Mrityu).
As this deity lies to other end of theYama
Sutra , this the zone denotethe future tense,
Brahmsthanam denote the present tense
andreverse counting becomes near and beyond
the Yama deity ie south zone ie end of the
yamaSutra.Moon ie Soma division acts like as if
moon is with his favourite wife Rohini or as the
moonhappens to be most graceful and fully
blossomed in full moon night .This soma
division hasmany layersof virtues due to the
connectivity of the deity soma to Indra , soma to
Shiva and Soma to Pruthvidhara ielord Vishnu.
As it is the beginning of the Kaal-Yama
Sutra , this energy is like a virgin source of
cosmicenergy .Uttar-Som-Jagar is the ideal
ritual to give a quick and big start to this divine
cosmic streaming.
45. Charak

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