Splitlab TheUserGuide

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Table of Contents:
1 Requirements.......................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 License: ....................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Bug report: .................................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Suggestions: ................................................................................................................................ 2

2 Installation.............................................................................................................................. 3

3 Running SplitLab................................................................................................................... 3

4 The Project Configuration Window..................................................................................... 4

4.1 The "General" panel.................................................................................................................... 4
4.2 The "Station" window: ............................................................................................................... 5
4.3 The "Event" window:.................................................................................................................. 6
4.4 The "Request" window:............................................................................................................... 7
4.5 The "Phases" window: ................................................................................................................ 8
4.6 The "Find Files" window ............................................................................................................ 9
4.7 The “Save Preferences” button.................................................................................................. 12
4.8 The “?” button........................................................................................................................... 12
4.9 The "Load Project" button......................................................................................................... 12
4.10 The "Save Project As" button.................................................................................................. 12
4.11 The "View Seismograms" button............................................................................................ 12
4.12 The "View Database" button................................................................................................... 12

5 The "Database Viewer” window ....................................................................................... 13

6 The "SeismoViewer" window............................................................................................. 14

6.1 Performing shear wave splitting measurements through SplitLab............................................ 16

7 The “Result Viewer” window..............................................................................................18

7.1 The “Options”............................................................................................................................ 18
7.2 The “Backazimuth distribution”................................................................................................ 18
7.3 The “Stereoplots”...................................................................................................................... 18

8 Trouble shooting.................................................................................................................. 19
8.1 Installation problems................................................................................................................. 19
8.2 Preferences problems................................................................................................................ 19
8.3 Create your own filename format.............................................................................................. 20
1 Requirements
SplitLab should run on every computer system (MS Windows, MAC, Linux, SUN) with
Matlab7.0 or higher and the Mapping toolbox and for full functionality the Signal
Processing toolbox.
For information on MatLab please visit the homepage:

1.1 License:
SplitLab is PostCard ware! If you like it, please send a Postcard of the place you live to:

Andreas Wüstefeld
Laboratoire Tectonophysique
Place Eugene Bataillon
34095 Montpellier, France

A selection of the best Postcards will be places on the SplitLab homepage SplitLab is free
software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General
Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
SplitLab is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
more details.

1.2 Bug report:

If you think you found a bug, don't hesitate and write an email to [email protected].
Please include the project file and the 3 SAC files in your email. This simplifies the search
for the bug. Please also copy and paste the complete error message in the email, i.e.
everything, that Matlab outputs in red...
In general, any comments are welcome, especially positive ones:-)

1.3 Suggestions:
Please report wishes for additional features or any changes in the source codes to
[email protected]. This helps every user and allows for the maximum functionality for
every user.

2 Installation
After unzipping the SplitLab package, put the SplitLab directory at your favorite place
- Start Matlab
- In Matlab, go in the SplitLab directory
- The installation of SplitLab is made by running the macro named "install_SplitLab.m".
Type "install_SplitLab" inside Matlab. This macro makes several things
i. it installs the matTaup package as a Matlab toolbox in the Matlab directories.
matTaup is a Java program that allows the calculation of the travel times, of the
hodochrons, and of the ray path through the Earth.
ii. it also installs in the SplitLab directory the event catalog files, such as the NEIC
epicenter locations and the Harvard Centroid Moment Tensor (CMT). Either file
is used in the following processes for the event selection and to create the virtual
link between the seismograms and the events.
iii. Restart Matlab
- Perhaps Troubleshooting helps case of problems

3 Running SplitLab
- In the Matlab environment, type the command "SplitLab". It opens the "Configure
SplitLab" window that will allow you to prepare your project, i.e. your data selection,
your data request, and to build your seismic database that will allow you to manage
easily data and results in the processes of shear wave splitting measurements.
- What is a SplitLab project? A project can be defined as a set of seismic data associated
to a set of events derived from a given selection. Any given project concerns a single
station since the selection of data is performed from station-events epicentral distances.
A project is generally related to a directory where data are stored. A given project may
concern only part of seismic data in the directory and alternatively, several projects may
coexist in a given directory where data are stored: a first project may be focused on SKS
splitting measurements, a second on P-wave analyses, etc.
- In order to have the project OK and operational, one has to follow the six steps
presented on the left end side of the "configure" window: general -> station -> Event ->
request -> phases -> find files.

4 The Project Configuration Window
4.1 The "General" panel

- The upper window allows you to define your project name and the directories where the
data are and where the output data will be stored. This allows the user to have the data
ready in a directory and to store the results in another place, without affecting the data
- The lower part of the window allows you to store various comments related to this

4.2 The "Station" window:

- This window summarizes the information related to the station. The station latitude and
longitude are absolutely necessary since they are used to select the event from the
epicentral distance and to calculate the various phases travel times.
- If the station has a known misorientation, the angle can be input in this window. This
allow the user to work on true N, E and Z components and therefore, on the true radial
and transverse components. Note that this operation is performed in Matlab and does
thus not affect in any case your raw data.
- Problems of component signs or polarities may be corrected in this window and may be
combined together with the component misorientation value.
- Several buttons of the right of the window provide direct Internet access to station
query tools (such as IRIS) or to station books (such as NEIC). This may be useful when
preparing a request, to look for instance for a stations in a given area or running during
a given period.

4.3 The "Event" window:

- This window allows to prepare your event selection within the earthquake catalog file
(NEIC or Harvard CMT) combining the start and end dates, the event magnitude (Mw),
the epicentral distance and the event depth. Click on the "Search" button when the
parameters are OK. It results (if selected) in the "statistic plot" that displays:
i. the event location on a map preserving the true backazimuths,
ii. the histogram of the backazimuthal distribution, for 360º in green and for 180º in
iii. a rose diagram presenting the same backazimuthal distribution.
- The SplitLab package is provided with the earthquake catalog covering the period 1976
to 2006 and it may be necessary for the user to keep the local CMT or the NEIC files
updated in order to search through an updated event catalog. The "update" button
provides a way to automatically update the CMT files (in the case of the Harvard CMT
format) or the information necessary to request to NEIC the data in the right format (in
the case of the NEIC data format selection). Note that the NEIC catalog does not allow
the calculation of the phase energy.

4.4 The "Request" window:

- The information that you enter here will allow to prepare, format and send the request to
your selected request site. In the case where you already have the data with you (for
instance after a temporary deployment or coming back on old data that you already
worked on), you do not have to worry about this window. If you do not have the data
with you, and if you wish to request them, you have to fill the full window:
i. In the upper part of the window, you have to provide the information generally
requested by the automatic request systems: your name, your institute, your
address. Your email is absolutely necessary since you will be contacted by mail
on the status of your request, and on the availability of the data.
ii. In the lower part of the window, you have to choose between the various request
types (NetDC, BreqFast, AutoDRM or ASCII table) and to the request server
where the request will be sent to. You have to define the component you desire,
the "start time" relative to the event time (0 corresponds to event time) and the
length of the seismogram in seconds (Figure 1a). There is no way is the present
version of SplitLab to prepare request relative to a phase, such as a starting time
60 seconds before a P-wave arrival… Perhaps in a future version! click "Send

request mail" button and wait for delivery, few minutes, few hours or few days
depending on the size of the request and on the activity of the servers. Multiple
short requests (less than 200 events) are generally handled faster than one big.

4.5 The "Phases" window:

- This window allows you to select the phases for which you wish to see the arrival times
on your seismograms. These theoretical arrival times are calculated by using the PREM
or the IASPEI91 Earth models. The "view travel time" button allows you to see
i. the travel time of the selected phases as a function of the epicentral distance
ii. the travel paths through the Earth

4.6 The "Find Files" window

- It is the final and important step that will allow you to make the link between the event
list and the seismogram list that you actually have, and therefore to built a coherent and
effective seismic database. In the present state of the SplitLab package, the filename
format is either
• RDSEED (see homepage)
• SEISAN (see homepage)
• YYYY.MM.DD-hh.mm.ss.stn.sac.e,
• YYYY.JJJ.hh.mm.ss.stn.sac.e.
• *.e; *.n; *.z
See “Create your own Format” for more information
Note: A Java version of rdseed for Windows platforms a currently (Sep. 2006) under
development by the IRIS consortium

i. choose the filename format corresponding to your data. This is absolutely
necessary to identify the seismogram components. If you selected
*.e; *.n; *.z
the last letter of the filename is used to determine the component of each file and
the file start times are extracted for the SAC header. Allowed component
descriptors are e,n,z or E,N,Z
ii. find the best file search string that may help the program to go through the
whole set of data in the directory where your data are. As well the * as the ?
wildcard is possible. Be aware that files other than the expected seismic data
may complicate the task. For instance, the presence of *.sac.r or *.sac.t
for radial or transverse component of SAC files will not allow a right linking of
events and seismograms. The safest way to make this step successful is to have
the directory full of only the sac.e, n and z components.
iii. The "offset" is the time duration between the event time and the starting time of
your seismograms. Ideally, this offset should be identical to the "request start
time" defined in the previous window but the data management center may have
sent you data beginning later than requested. The offset value represents this
difference (Figure 1b).
iv. The "Tolerance" value in seconds will define the time window within which the
program will try to associate a seismic file to an event file, by using either its
name or the information contained in the header. It is up to the user to find the
best compromise: a value too small will let orphans and a value too large will
bring confusion since several files could be associated to a seismic event (Figure
v. If the name of the sac file is (roughly) the beginning time of the seismogram,
then use the "extract time from filenames" button else use the "extract times
from SAC headers". This second way is slower since it has to physically open
each file to read the header in order to find the begin time that will be used to
connect to a given seismic event.
vi. In the best case, the event-to-seismogram link will be created automatically by
pushing the "Automatically associate SAC files" button. Otherwise, you can do
this association manually via the "Manually associate SAC file" button. Anyway,
at the end of the automatic association, the system may provide a list of orphan

events and of seismic files that it did not succeeded to link together. This will
happen when a wide event selection has been done and will be associated to a
rather short existing seismic database. In that case, numerous events will not be
associated to seismic files, but that is normal. Orphans may also happen when
two or more events occur in a short time window, smaller than the "tolerance
window". In that case the user may terminate manually the association. At the
end of this linking process, the seismic "Database" is ready for use. Do not
forget to save it ("Save Project" button). This database can then be viewed by
using the "View Database" button that provides the list of the events together
with the global map. This database will be the starting point of the following
processes such as the shear wave splitting measurements.
vii. The "Cut and save as SAC" can be used when the e, n and z components start
and end at different times and therefore have different names. This button will
cut the beginning of the triplet at the latest start time and the ending time at the
earliest ending time of the triplet. The triplets are then saved under new names.
This provides a way to export data with coherent lengths and names for other
purposes than splitting measurements (Figure 2).

Figure 1 : (a) Definition of request start and stop time and (b) their correspondence to the file-search offset and

Figure 2 : The “Cut and save” button searches for the three SAC file components (East, North, Z) for their
maximum common time window (here marked as gray area). Each seismogram is then cut to this time window
and written to new SAC files.

4.7 The “Save Preferences” button

- the current configuration is saved as default Project entries for future sessions of

4.8 The “?” button

- It provides some help and information that may be useful for the user

4.9 The "Load Project" button

- Allows to load a project that has been already saved.

4.10 The "Save Project As" button

- Allows to save a project. It is important to save a project after having successfully
finished the association between the seismograms and the events ("Find Files"

4.11 The "View Seismograms" button

- Starts the Seismogram Viewer at the beginning of the database for a newly created
database. If you loaded the project, the last used database entry will be displayed.

4.12 The "View Database" button

- It provides a way to select and visualize each of the seismogram from the database. The

Database is defined as the set of seismograms that have been successfully linked to the
selected events. In other words, the database is closely related to a project and a given
data selection and might not contain all the SAC files the data directory.
- Clicking the "View Database" button opens the "Database Viewer window".

5 The "Database Viewer” window

- This window lists the events present in the database and the "World viewer"
geographically presents the events form the database.

- By clicking on one or several events from the list, you can visualize them as stars on the
map. The user can zoom in and out on the map.

- The events are sorted by date as default but you can choose your sorting criteria by
clicking at the top of the column, the event distance, depth or magnitude may be useful
in the process of shear wave splitting measurements.

- The lower part of the window displays the shear wave splitting result(s) that have been
saved for a given event. It also present some button:
i. The button "view" allows opening the "preview" window to see the 3
components of the selected seismogram.
ii. The "Cleanup" button allows removing from the database the events on which
no splitting measurements are made. After such an operation, it may be a good
idea to save the project under a new name (button "Save Project As"), in order to
keep the possibility to come back on data that did not provide splitting
iii. The "Export" button allows to save the table as an Excel file.
iv. The "statistics" button displays:
- the event location on a map preserving the true backazimuths,
- the histogram of the backazimuthal distribution,
- a rose diagram presenting the same backazimuthal distribution.
v. The "Presentation" button allows to visualize the graphical results of a splitting
measurement. Indeed, when the user saves a result, a copy of the graph is also
saved in the output directory.
vi. The "Remove" button allows the user to remove the result of a splitting
measurement from the list.
vii. The "Edit" button allows visualizing the numerical values associated to the
splitting measurements obtained on a seismic event.

6 The "SeismoViewer" window

- By clicking on the "Preview" button in the "Database Viewer", one accesses to the
"Preview" window, which displays the 3 components of the selected event, together
with the predicted arrival times (calculated at the "Find Files" stage). The data can be
easily filtered through a set of prepared filters accessible through the keyboard. The list
of the available filters are summarized together with their shortcuts appear by clicking
on the "?" button at the top of the window.
- The basic operations and setups are accessible by a set of buttons aligned at the top of
the window:

Figure 3 : the SeismoViewer button bar offers manifold options…

i. The "SAC" button save the seismograms visible at the screen as SAC files
(“SAC screenshot”). Note that only the length of the window is exported.
ii. The "Database" button allows to select a seismic event through the database
iii. The "Print" button allows to print the window
iv. The "Toggle" button puts and removes grids on the seismogram. By default,
each seismogram is vertically scaled to the maximum value of the component.
v. The "Lock" button allows to present the 3 component at the same vertical scale
vi. The "System" button allows to switch between the E-N-Z reference frame to the
L-T-Q reference frame.
vii. The "Time table" button allows to plot the arrival times and the travel paths of
one of several seismic phases selected by the user for event present on the
viii. The "Zoom In" button allows to zoom into a time window defined by the user by
dragging the mouse along the seismogram.
ix. The "Zoom Out" button remove the zoom.
x. The "Home" button allows to zoom directly onto a selected seismic phase, that is
selected on the rolling menu at the bottom left of the window. It can be accessed
also by typing on the "home" key (for the PC) or on the "esc" key for the
xi. The "Left Green Arrow" allows to visualize the previous seismic event of the
xii. The "Particle Motion" button presents the particle motion diagram of the 2
horizontal component (EN or QT) for the selected time window.
xiii. The "Options" button allows the user to select the type of shear wave splitting
measurement: either by calculating the minimum energy on the transverse
component or by using one of the various methods that allows to determine the
minimum eigenvalues. Furthermore, the maximum delay time for the splitting
measurement can be set.
xiv. The "Right Green Arrow" allows to visualize the next seismic event in the
xv. The "Trash" button removes the current event from the database.
xvi. The "Speaker" button plays the selected time window as sounds.

xvii. The "Camera" button saves the actual seismogram as a graphic file.
xviii. The "?" button provides help on shortkeys some useful things…

6.1 Performing shear wave splitting measurements through SplitLab

- In the "Database Viewer", select your seismic event and click on the "View" button; It is
loaded in the "preview" window
- Visualize your event in the geographic and seismic reference frame, use different kinds
of filters and zooming options to evaluate the quality of the data and to locate the core
shear phase on which you wish to make your measurement.
- Select the phase-of-interest. The Phase selector can be found in the lower left corner of
the SeismoViewer.

- Select the time window on which you want to make the splitting measurement. The
active time window will appear in gray whereas the old selection, if any, appears in
- Press the "ENTER" key to start the measurement. When the measurement is finished,
then appear the "Diagnostic Viewer" window that summarizes the results obtained by
the different methods:
i. At the top of the window is presented the radial (in blue solid) and transverse (in
red dashed) components at the same vertical scale, filtered in an extended
section of the previously chosen window without any correction.
ii. The upper horizontal panel presents a set of diagrams obtained by using the
rotation-correlation method. From left to right:
a) The fast (blue solid) and slow (red dashed) split components corrected
from the delay time. This diagram allows checking the correlation of the
b) The radial (blue) and transverse (red) components corrected from the
anisotropy. This allows to see if the signal on the transverse component
has been well removed after correction for the best phi and dt pair.
c) The particle motion diagram, before (in blue) and after (in red) the

anisotropy correction. In case of a good measurement, the elliptical
particle motion is well linearized after the anisotropy (phi and dt)
d) The map of the correlation coefficients showing the quality of the
correlation between the fast and slow split waves for phi varying from
-90 to 90° and for dt varying from 0 to 4 s (or any other maximum delay
time chosen in the SeismoViewer options Menu). Note that the program
calculates the correlation for steps of 1° in phi and each sample.

ii. The lower horizontal panel presents a set of diagrams obtained by using the
minimum energy (or Silver and Chan) method. From left to right:
a) The fast and slow split component corrected for the best delay time.
b) The radial and transverse component corrected from the anisotropy.
c) The particle motion diagram, before (in blue) and after (in red) the
anisotropy correction.
d) The map of the Energy on Transverse components or of Eigenvalue (as
chosen in the Option Menu of the SeismoViewer). Here, the grid-search
parameters are 2º in phi and 2 samples in time. For a 20 Hz acquisition
(delta of 0.05 s between two samples), the time steps will be of

iii. The results are summarized in the upper part of the window, as numerical values
and the error bars for the different methods and as a polar diagram on which the
fast direction is plotted with the actual backazimuth and inclination.
- If you do not like the measurement, go in the "Results" menu and choose "Discard" to
reprocess another time window, another phase or to test another filter. If you wish to
keep this measurement, you have to choose a quality in the "Quality" menu, to indicate
whether it is a null or not in the "IsNull" menu and to save it in the "Save" menu. Note
that the quality and null information are just comments and have no role in the
subsequent process. In that case, the figure is saved in the format selected in the
"configuration" panel and the numerical results are also summarized in the "Database
Viewer", linked to the right event.

7 The “Result Viewer” window
7.1 The “Options”
- The “ResultViewer Options” window allows to select which part of the result database
you want to see:
i. In the “Phases” panel select the phases of which you want to see the results
ii. Select, if you want the “Manual Quality” of the “Automatic Quality ”. The
former uses the Quality assigned to each measurement in the “Diagnostic plot”
The latter determines the quality of each measurement based on the difference
between th RC and SC results. See Wüstefeld & Bokelmann, (BSSA 2007) for
iii. Select the Qualities you want to see: good, fair, poor
iv. Select if you want to see the Nulls or non-Nulls (or both)
v. Automatically determined Quality includes “Weak” splitting (both RC and SC
delay times are small). Select the “Weak” option to include these events in the
plots and to add the delay time thresholds to detect weak as gray area in the plot.
vi. Select “Show Null grid” to display grid-lines in the fast axes plots. The solid
grid-lines indicate where backazimuth and fast-axes coincide. The dashed grid-
lines indicate a 45° difference between backazimuth and fast axes.
- The “Fit to Model” panel allows to calculate the theoretical backazimuthal variation of
the fast axes and delay times (Savage & Silver, 1994). Set the delay time slider of
second layer to “0” to see the lines for a single layer model.

7.2 The “Backazimuth distribution”

- The results corresponding to the selected options are displayed for each technique (RC,
SC, EV). The fast axis estimates make up the first row, the delay time estimates the
second row.

7.3 The “Stereoplots”

- In the third row of the result plot, stereoplots of the non-Null results are displayed. The
lengths of the markers scale with the delay time, the centre of the lines correspond to
backazimuth and the inclination of the wave at surface.

8 Trouble shooting
8.1 Installation problems
In case of problems please check:
- The file classpath.txt You can view the file by typing in Matlab:
This file contains the path to JAVA classes in Matlab.
- At the end of the file should be the proper path to the file "matTaup.jar" located by
default in $MATLABROOT/toolbox/matTaup/lib/matTaup.jar
- After editing classpath.txt you have to restart Matlab
The Matlab search path should contain the following folders:
- The path to the SacLab Utility
- The path pointing to matTaup (usually at the end of the path)
- For editing the path use the command: pathtool or edit/create your local
startup.m file. See the Matlab documentation for startup options

8.2 Preferences problems

1) During installation, SplitLab preferences are added to the Matlab environment
(See the prefdir documentation for further details on preferences). The
SplitLab Preferences contain the fields CONFIGURATION (default SplitLab
project configuration), ASSOCIATIONS (figure export file types and, on non-
PCs, the system command line to open the file type) and HISTORY (recently used
SplitLab Projects). These preferences are only valid for the user, who installed
SplitLab. However, if a new user runs SplitLab, new default preferences are
automatically created for that user. In multi-user case be sure that all users have
permission to the SplitLab, SacLab and matTaup path and the paths are set
correctly for each user.

8.3 Create your own filename format
The association of a SAC seismogram to an event in the Database is is done in tow steps:
1) The finding of appropriate file start times corresponding (within a tolerance and
eventually an offset) to the hypocentral time (Figure 1). This is done in the Matlab
function /Tools/getFileAndEQseconds.m
2) The ordering of three matching files by component: East, North, Vertical. This ensures
that in the database variable eq.seisfile of your project the first entry
corresponds always to the East component, the second entry to the North component
and the third to te Vertical. This is done in the Matlab function

Two variables of your project configuration determine your choices:

config.FileNameConvention is a string corresponding to your selection in the File-
Format Menu (eg 'RDSEED')
config.UseHeaderTimes is a logical value: 1 mean you wish to use SAC header
times, and 0 means you would like to use the filename to determine the start time of the

Knowing all this, adding a new Filename format should now be straightforward:
1) edit /Tools/getFileAndEQseconds.m
2) go to the line which states
switch config.FileNameConvention
3) after this line add a new case statement:
case 'MyFormat'
4) state the positon of year, julian_day, hour, minute and second in the filename. If not
all these informations are given, make sure you set the search-tolerance and search
offset appropriately! Please use the existing formats as templates to your format. If
your format uses day and month instead of julian_day, you have to use the
«dayofyear» function, as in the 'YYYY.MM.DD-hh.mm.ss.stn.sac.e' format.
5) The given values have to be transformed to seconds after Jan, 1st of the corresponding
year. Add something like the following:
FIsec = FISS + FIMM*60 + FIHH*3600 + (FIddd)*86400;
Note, that this approach omits any event close to «midnight, new year».

6) Save /Tools/getFileAndEQseconds.m

7) edit /Tools/sort_components.m
8) go to the line which states
switch config.FileNameConvention
9) after this line add a new case statement:
case 'MyFormat'
10) Define then a variable pos whose value corresponts to the position of the Letter in
the filename which determine the Component name. For expample, if the Component
corresponds to the 18th letter, use:
pos = 18;
Please use the existing formats as templates.
11) Save /Tools/sort_components.m

Finally add your format to the file format menu

12) edit /private/configpanelFINDFILE.m
13) find the line where the menu entries of the uicontrol are defined:
str = {'RDSEED' 'SEISAN', 'YYYY.JJJ.hh.mm.ss.stn.sac.e'
14) add your format to this cell array:
str = {'RDSEED' 'SEISAN', 'YYYY.JJJ.hh.mm.ss.stn.sac.e'
'YYYY.MM.DD-hh.mm.ss.stn.sac.e' 'MyFormat'};
All entries should be in a single line! Furthermore, this entry name should be exactly
the same as used before since it determines the value of the variable

15) save /private/configpanelFINDFILE.m

16) restart SplitLab


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