An Enhanced Surrogate-Assisted Differential Evolut
An Enhanced Surrogate-Assisted Differential Evolut
An Enhanced Surrogate-Assisted Differential Evolut
Research Article
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The application of Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) to complex engineering
optimization problems may present difficulties as they require many evaluations of
the objective functions by computationally expensive simulation procedures. To deal
with this issue, surrogate models have been employed to replace those expensive
simulations. In this work, a surrogate-assisted evolutionary optimization procedure is
proposed. The procedure combines the Differential Evolution method with a 𝑘-
nearest neighbors (𝑘–NN) similarity-based surrogate model. In this approach, the
database that stores the solutions evaluated by the exact model, which are used to
approximate new solutions, is managed according to a merit scheme. Constraints are
handled by a rank-based technique that builds multiple separate queues based on the
values of the objective function and the violation of each constraint. Also, to avoid
premature convergence of the method, a strategy that triggers a random
reinitialization of the population is considered. The performance of the proposed
method is assessed by numerical experiments using 24 constrained benchmark
functions and 5 mechanical engineering problems. The results show that the method
achieves optimal solutions with a remarkably reduction in the number of function
evaluations compared to the literature.
1 Introduction
EAs have become appealing to solve complex real-world engineering optimization
problems, for which classical mathematical methods may no longer be effective. This includes,
for instance, the design of offshore oil & gas production systems such as floating platforms,
risers, mooring systems and submarine pipelines [1-3]: those problems are characterized by
many design variables, defined on high-dimensional spaces, with objectives and constraints that
are generally non-linear functions. However, the use of EAs for such problems can become
impractical due to excessive computational costs: many evaluations of candidate solutions may
be needed until a satisfactory solution is found, and each evaluation requires computationally
expensive numerical simulations.
Those issues can be handled by building cheaper approximation models (usually referred
as surrogate or metamodels) [4] to partially or totally replace the numerical simulation
procedures, emulating or mimicking the behavior of the actual model as closely as possible by
capturing the relationship between a given set of inputs and outputs. The goal is to significantly
reduce computational costs, while presenting accurate results. In this sense, several surrogate
models have been proposed. They may comprise polynomial approximation models [5,6]; radial
basis functions [7-10]; response surface models [11]; artificial neural networks [12]; Gaussian
process [13,14]; Kriging [15]; Support Vector Machines [16], and similarity-based models such
as the nearest-neighbor algorithms [17-19]. Particularly, the 𝒌-NN model presents many
advantages in terms of good performance and ease of implementation, as reported in [19-21].
Many applications of surrogate models with EAs have been presented in the literature. In
[22] a polynomial model was used to approximate the objective function. In [23] a kriging
metamodel, trained using few samples evaluated by the actual objective function, has been
successfully used to reduce the number of function evaluations. The goal of reducing
computational costs was also sought in [24] where the fitness function has been approximated by
an online multi-layer neural network, and in [25] that presented a surrogate-assisted PSO
algorithm. Surrogate models have also been employed to initialize the population of candidate
solutions in evolutionary operators such as mutation and crossover [26,27], and to calculate
approximations for the sum of violation terms [21]. The IEEE Congress on Evolutionary
Computation (CEC) competitions have presented many articles that solve computationally
expensive functions by employing metamodels with EAs. Regarding particularly the application
to offshore oil & gas production systems mentioned above, surrogate models based on neural
networks were used in [28,29] to avoid expensive nonlinear dynamic Finite Element analyses.
Among evolutionary algorithms, the Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm [30] has been
widely used due to its outstanding performance. The association of DE with approximation
models has been studied in some works, including neural networks [31] and neural networks of
radial basis functions [32]. In [33] a simple kriging metamodel was proposed to comprise a
surrogate model-based differential evolution (ESMDE). The proposed strategy was based on the
population members of the current generation, to assist the DE to generate competitive offspring
by using an appropriate parameter set along the different stages of the evolution.
A surrogate model for DE consisting of multiple local surrogate models was presented in
[34], built from the feedback of the evolutionary process in diverse overlapped local regions of
the search space. In [35] a multi-fidelity surrogate-model-based DE optimization strategy was
developed, coupled to a data mining technique to handle the discrepancy between the low and
high fidelity simulation models. A surrogate-model to assist the DE algorithm in generating
competitive solutions along the evolutionary process was proposed in [36], using an adaptation
scheme to adapt parameters of a Kriging model. Recently, a two-layer adaptive surrogate-
assisted DE has been proposed in [37], where three different search strategies are adapted during
the evolutionary process according to the feedback information, to measure the status of the
algorithm approaching the optimal value. Local similarity-based surrogate models based on an r-
nearest neighbors have been employed in [17] and [18] to solve complex structural optimization
problems; the results indicated that the performance of DE has been significantly improved. In
this context, in [38] we had presented preliminary studies leading to the optimization procedure
called SADE-kNN (Surrogate-Assisted Differential Evolution with the 𝑘-NN surrogate model).
Now, this work presents and evaluates an improved surrogate-assisted evolutionary
method, which will be referred to as SADE-kNN-MCR, intended to comprise a more efficient
optimization tool to solve complex real-world engineering problems. This method introduces
enhanced techniques, beginning with the Multiple Constraint Ranking (MCR) constraint-
handling technique (CHT) [39]. The MCR comprises a rank-based approach that builds multiple
separate queues, corresponding to the values of the objective function and the violation of each
constraint. It has been devised to deal with complex engineering problems characterized by a
large number of constraints that may present different units and/or different orders of magnitude,
where the possible range of minimum and maximum violation values may not be known a-priori
(thus standard normalization procedures cannot be applied).
The proposed SADE-kNN-MCR method also incorporates a merit-based scheme to
manage the database used by the 𝒌-NN surrogate model to store the solutions evaluated by the
exact model, privileging solutions able to better approximate new candidate solutions. Moreover,
results of preliminary studies indicated that the previous SADE- 𝒌NN method presented by the
authors in [38] is susceptible to premature convergence and/or stagnation around local optima.
This is a known issue related to DE algorithms, as acknowledged in the literature [40,41]. To
circumvent this issue, a strategy that triggers a random reinitialization of the population
whenever it stagnates on local optima has been incorporated in the proposed method, comprising
the variant called SADE-kNN-MCR+.
2 Related Works
2.1 Differential Evolution
The DE algorithm, proposed by Storn and Price in the nineties [30], has been shown to be
a very effective algorithm to solve complex real-world optimization problems such as system
design [43] and robot manipulator design [44]. One of the main characteristics of the DE is its
simplicity and ease of implementation. A detailed review of its basic concepts is provided by
[45,46], along with a survey describing its major variants, covering several aspects related to its
application to multiobjective, constrained, large scale and uncertain engineering optimization
where 𝐹 is the scale factor of the algorithm, and 𝑟1, 𝑟2 and 𝑟3 are randomly selected individuals.
A crossover operator CR is also defined, to combine the information of the solutions in the
current population and the solutions generated by Equation 2.1.
As mentioned in the Introduction, due to this simplicity and good performance, the 𝑘-NN
approximation method has been selected in this work to comprise a surrogate model coupled to
the DE algorithm. In general, the 𝑘-NN method evaluates a solution by calculating the average
of the objective function of the 𝑘-nearest solutions weighted by its distances. This technique can
be classified in two categories:
• 𝑘-nearest neighbors (𝑘-NN) proposed in [49], where the 𝑘 nearest candidate solutions are
able to be selected; and
• 𝑟-nearest neighbors (𝑟-NN) proposed in [50], for a given neighborhood controlled by 𝑟
defines the candidate solutions able for selection.
In this paper, the k-NN similarity-based metamodel is adopted. The solutions (𝑥, 𝑓(𝑥))
evaluated by the exact function are stored in a database as an ordered set 𝐷. Any solution 𝑥ℎ
generated during the evolution is evaluated by the following weighed average:
∑𝑘𝑗=1 𝑑(𝑥ℎ , 𝑥𝑗 ) 𝑓(𝑥𝑗 ) (2.2)
𝑓(𝑥ℎ ) = 𝑢
∑𝑘𝑗=1 𝑑(𝑥ℎ , 𝑥𝑗 )
where 𝑑(𝑥ℎ , 𝑥𝑗 ) is the Euclidean distance between 𝑥ℎ and 𝑥𝑗 , 𝑘 is the number of neighbor
solutions, and 𝑢 = 2.
The number of neighbors k and the size of the database D significantly impact the
computational costs of the algorithm, since they determine the number of operations to perform
the similarity comparisons and to calculate the approximations. Section 3.2 will present some
considerations regarding the database management.
𝑙𝑘 ≤ 𝑥𝑘 ≤ 𝑢𝑘 , 𝑘 = 1, … , 𝑞
where 𝒙 = (𝑥1 , 𝑥2 , 𝑥3 , … , 𝑥𝑞 ) is a vector of design variables whose components 𝑥𝑖 present lower
and upper bounds [𝑙𝑘 , 𝑢𝑘 ]. The goal is to minimize the objective function 𝑓(𝒙), considering
inequality and equality constraints (respectively 𝑔𝑖 (𝒙) ≤ 0 and ℎ𝑗 (𝒙) = 0) that define the
feasible region.
Many classical CHTs transform this constrained problem into an unconstrained one. For
this purpose, whenever any given constraint is violated a penalty functions 𝑝(𝒙) is added to the
objective function 𝑓(𝒙); thus, the objective function and constraints are combined into a single
value. Another approach is to maintain those values apart along the evolution. Deb [51] proposed
a binary tournament selection method that ranks the solutions according to the values of the
objective function and constraint violation. That method comprises a pairwise comparison where
a feasible solution is always preferred over an infeasible one; if both solutions are feasible, the
one having the best objective function value is preferred; and if both solutions are infeasible, the
one having the lowest constraint violation value is preferred. Later, other methods have followed
this approach, such as the Stochastic Ranking (SR) method [52], the GCR (Global Competitive
Ranking) method [53], and the Ho and Shimizu ranking method (HSR) [54].
The SADE-kNN method presented in [38] employed the binary tournament selection
technique proposed by Deb [51]. Other methods recently presented in the literature also
employed the DE algorithm associated with some of the CHTs described above, including for
instance SA-DECV [21] and SA-DECV_SR [56]. These works presented methods that couple
DE with the k-NN surrogate model to approximate both the values of the objective function and
the sum of constraint violations. The former also employs Deb’s feasibility rules of [51]; the
latter work [56], after comparing different CHTs associated to the same surrogate model,
concludes that the best performance is provided by the Stochastic Ranking (SR) method [52].
Recently, [57] presented the e-DE method following two different approaches for the
crossover of solutions (with the goal of balancing population diversity and fast convergence).
This method employs seven comparison criteria for feasible and unfeasible solutions, comprising
an extension of Deb’s feasibility rules.
➢ The Multiple Constraint Ranking (MCR) technique, comprising a specialized CHT to deal
with the large number of complex constraints that may be found in real-world engineering
➢ A merit-based strategy to manage the database that stores the exact solutions employed by
the surrogate model;
𝑅𝑁𝑣𝑖 + ∑ 𝑅𝜙𝑖 , if only infeasible solutions
𝐹(𝑥𝑖 ) = 𝑚
𝑗 (3.1)
𝑅𝑓𝑖 + 𝑅𝑁𝑣𝑖 + ∑ 𝑅𝜙𝑖 , otherwise
{ 𝑗=1
where rank Rf sorts the value of the objective function f, and RNv sorts the number of constraints
violated. MCR extends the rank-based approach described in Section 2.3: while previous
ranking methods such as the HSR [54] employ only one rank R associated to all violation
values (built as a single summation of the values for functions 𝑣𝑗 (𝑥) of all constraints), here
MCR splits R into several ranks 𝑅𝜙 , one for each constraint 𝑗 = 1, … , 𝑚, building multiple
queues considering the objective function and the violation of each constraint. Algorithm 1
presents the pseudocode of the MCR.
The HSR and other previous rank-based techniques may face difficulties in complex
problems characterized by several constraints with different units and/or different orders of
magnitude; in those cases, the single rank of constraint violation values could be dominated by a
given constraint with higher violation values. Of course, this would not be an issue for simpler
cases where one knows a-priori the ranges of minimum and maximum violation values, and
usual normalization procedures could be applied. However, for many real-world engineering
applications such information is not available and cannot be estimated in advance [58,59,1,2,60].
With MCR, all types of constraints are given the same priority and importance in the evaluation
of each solution, irrespective of the range of their violation values.
The MCR presents other advantages: it does not require any user-defined parameter; also,
when there are no feasible solutions in the population, F depends only on the ranks associated to
the constraints ( RNv and Rj ) , thus the computational costs associated to evaluations of the
objective function f is avoided.
A difficult and nontrivial task associated to the k-NN metamodel described in section 2.2 is
the definition of an adequate database size to store the exact solutions. Extensive databases may
slow down the evolution; many similar individuals can be generated, compromising the
population diversity. On the other hand, small databases may not efficiently approximate the
different solutions scattered through the search space. This requires an efficient database
management considering the strategies for insertion, maintenance, and replacement of the
solutions to keep the database size constant.
Usually, an insertion step choses the best solution of the population for evaluation by the
exact model [61-63]. In this work, a merit-based database management strategy is employed to
define how the solutions are replaced according to their contribution to the approximation,
following some guidelines that have been suggested in [64]. Initially, a predetermined number of
solutions are generated and evaluated by the exact function to compose the database D. Those
with the best objective function values also compose the initial population (here it is assumed
that the number of solutions in the population is less or equal than the number of solutions in the
database). Evolution occurs considering the current population evaluated by the surrogate model,
and the database solutions used in the approximation process are scored as indicated in
Algorithm 2 (that shows the general structure of the metamodel including this merit-based
strategy). After each generation, a percentage of solutions of the current population is randomly
chosen; they are evaluated by the exact function and introduced into the database, replacing the
lower scored solutions.
The success rate (SuccRate) of the algorithm is 0.84; that is, it finds the optimal solution -
15.0000 in 21 out of the 25 runs. In those 21 successful runs, the algorithm performs an average
of 3,783 evaluations of the objective function (succ_nfe). This value corresponds to
approximately 0.76% of the maximum number of evaluations (500,000) that defines the stopping
criterion of the algorithm. In the other 4 runs, the algorithm remains stagnated in the local
optimum -12.0000 until it reaches the termination criterion of 500,000 evaluations. This way, the
average number of evaluations considering all 25 runs (nfe) increases to 83,177.22. This does not
accurately represent the performance of the algorithm: although it was able to reach the optimum
with a small number of evaluations in most of the runs (21), the stagnation in the other 4 runs
drastically increases the value of this metric (nfe).
There are several strategies to avoid this problem; one of them consists in restarting the
population along the evolution, generating new candidate solutions whenever the population
converges to a local optimum. The strategy employed in this work maintains in the database the
population from the previous generation, and triggers the reinitialization (or “rebirth”) of the
population after a given number of generations in which stagnation of the best solution is
observed. In the context of the SADE-kNN-MCR algorithm, this strategy may be particularly
suited to avoid the frequent premature convergence behavior due to the following reasons: The
new population may visit new regions of the search space, counteracting the tendency of being
stuck in regions where it previously stagnated; and there is no additional computational cost,
since the objective function of the new individuals from the restarted population are
approximated by the k-NN metamodel using the values from the solutions stored in the k-NN
database, and thus there is no need for costly extra evaluations of the objective function.
To summarize, the method proposed in this work (that combines the DE algorithm with a
k-NN surrogate model and the MCR constraint-handling technique) is referred to as SADE-
kNN-MCR. Its variation that includes the population reinitialization described in this section is
called SADE-kNN-MCR+.
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4 Numerical experiments
The performance of the proposed methods is compared with the other methods recently
presented in the literature that have been mentioned in Section 2.4: ASRES, SADE-kNN, SA-
DECV, SA-DECV_SR and e-DE. For this purpose, two sets of benchmark numerical
experiments are executed: the twenty-four G-Suite benchmark functions proposed for the IEEE-
CEC 2006 competition on real parameter constrained optimization [42]; and a suite of five
benchmark mechanical engineering problems [65]: Pressure vessel [66], Welded beam [67],
Cantilever beam [68], Speed reducer and Spring design [65]. The main parameters related to
these latter problems are presented in Table 2, where 𝑛 is the number of decision variables, LI is
the number of linear inequality constraints, NI is the number of nonlinear inequality constraints.
LE and NE are the number of linear and nonlinear equality constraints, respectively. The
complete formulation and mathematical definition of these benchmark problems are already well
documented in those references; thus, they will not be reproduced here.
Table 3. Lower and upper bounds for the constraints with different magnitudes
G10 G21
-0.95 ≤ 𝑔1 ≤ 4 -1,000 ≤ 𝑔1 ≤ 640.227
-3.45 ≤ 𝑔2 ≤ 3.975 -48,250 ≤ ℎ1 ≤ 52,500
-10.9 ≤ 𝑔3 ≤ 8.9 -47,625 ≤ ℎ2 ≤ 39,448
-10,065,000 ≤ 𝑔4 ≤ 1,748,999.187 -0.303071 ≤ ℎ3 ≤ 0.384611
-11,227,500 ≤ 𝑔5 ≤ 11,227,500 -0.4085 ≤ ℎ4 ≤ 0.497
-11,240,000 ≤ 𝑔6 ≤ 11,215,000 -1.6449 ≤ ℎ5 ≤ 1.7146
Pressure Vessel Welded Beam (Orders of magnitude)
-3.85375 ≤ 𝑔1 ≤ 4.9807 −104 ≤ 𝑔1 ≤ 104
-1.90175 ≤ 𝑔2 ≤ 4.9046 −10 ≤ 𝑔2 ≤ 106
-1,288,673.3 ≤ 𝑔3 ≤ 57,317,600 −10 ≤ 𝑔3 ≤ 10
40 ≤ 𝑔4 ≤ 230 −10 ≤ 𝑔4 ≤ 102
−10 ≤ 𝑔5 ≤ 10−1
−10 ≤ 𝑔6 ≤ 104
−10 ≤ 𝑔7 ≤ 103
− 11 −
The remainder of this section will present the main parameters considered for the
execution of the methods for those benchmark problems and will describe the approaches for the
assessment of their performance.
Numerical experiments have been conducted to set the value for the parameter that control
the reinitialization of the population, i.e. the number of iterations in which stagnation is observed
(as described in section 3.2). The results indicated that an appropriate value would be 1,000
iterations. Similar experiments have also indicated that an appropriate value for the percentage of
solutions selected in the current population at each generation, for the evaluation of their
objective function and introduction in the database (as described in section 3.2), is twenty-two
percent. Table 4 presents the values for the remaining parameters employed for the SADE-kNN
algorithm, and also the parameters that have been used by the other algorithms being compared.
of runs (succRate); average of the number of function evaluations (nfe) (when succRate = 1, then
succ_nfe = nfe); ratio of runs where the algorithm finds a feasible solution (feasRate).
Thus, the PPs are curves [ s ( ) ,], nondecreasing, piecewise constant functions,
continuous from the right at each discontinuity point. A detailed explanation including an
illustrative example of the assembly of a PP may be found in [39].
Table 5 presents the direct comparisons between the methods, in terms of the performance
measures defined in Section 4.2.1, statistically evaluated from the results of the 25 independent
runs. Those measures are: best, average and worst solution; succ_nfe: average number of
function evaluations considering only the successful runs; succRate: ratio between successful
and total runs; nfe: average number of evaluations considering all 25 runs; feasRate: ratio of
feasible runs and total runs. Results for functions G20 and G22, for which no algorithm has
currently found a feasible solution, are not presented. Values in bold indicate the results in which
SADE-kNN-MCR+ finds better or equal solutions than the other algorithms. For problems in
which all three methods reached at least one successful run, the cells corresponding to succ_nfe
shows in parenthesis the percentage values corresponding to the reduction/increase of the
succ_nfe values provided by SADE-kNN-MCR+ in relation to the smaller value observed for
the other methods.
Table 5. Results obtained by the SADE-kNN algorithms for the G-Suite problems
It can be seen in Table 5 that the SADE-kNN-MCR+ method was able to find the optimal
solution for 21 out of the 22 functions. Although it had not reached the known optimum for
problem G19, the error is relatively small. Also, the fact that the best and worst solutions are
very close (that is, the results found in the twenty-five runs present a small variation) indicate the
robustness of the method. Considering these 21 functions for which the SADE-kNN-MCR+ was
able to reach the optimal solution, it frequently (except for function G17) obtained the highest
success rate (succRate), indicating its best performance in terms of the greater number of runs in
which it can find the optimum.
The other methods were able to reach the global optimum for only 15 out of these 21
functions (failing in functions G2, G3, G7, G10, G19 and G21). Considering those 15 functions
for which all methods found the optimal solution, the highest succRate (always equal to 1) is
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again obtained by the SADE-kNN-MCR+. The feasibility rate (feasRate) obtained by the
SADE-kNN-MCR+ is again always equal to 1.
Considering the 6 problems for which only SADE-kNN-MCR+ was able to find the
optimal solution, in three of them (G7, G9 and G10), it obtained a success rate of 1 (that is, all
runs reached the optimal solution).
Regarding the G10 and G21 problems that present constraints with different units and/or
different orders of magnitude, shown in Table 3: for function G10, the enhanced performance of
the SADE-kNN-MCR method can be measured by the better average and worst metrics
compared with the original SADE-kNN; then, the association of the “rebirth” strategy makes the
SADE-kNN-MCR+ obtain the optimal solution in all runs. For function G21, the enhanced
performance of the SADE-kNN-MCR and SADE-kNN-MCR+ methods is reflected by their
higher number of feasible runs (FeasRate).
Besides the increased performance in finding optimal solutions as commented above, the
SADE-kNN-MCR+ also reduces the average number of function evaluations to find a feasible
solution (succ_nfe). To assess this behavior, in the cells corresponding to succ_nfe for SADE-
kNN-MCR+ and considering only the 15 test problems for which all three methods reached at
least one successful run, Table 5 shows percentage values in parenthesis that correspond to the
ratio between the succ_nfe values provided by SADE-kNN-MCR+, and the smaller succ_nfe
value observed for the other methods. The number of evaluations is reduced for 13 out of those
15 problems. For the other two problems (G13 and G17), although requiring a higher number of
evaluations, SADE-kNN-MCR+ presents better success rates; for the G13 function, for instance,
it finds the optimal solution in 100% of the runs, while SADE-kNN succeeds in only 28%.
Problem SADE-kNN-MCR+
1 G1 0.84 0.84 1
2 G4 1 1 1
3 G5 0.88 0.96 1
4 G6 1 1 1
5 G8 1 1 1
6 G11 0.12 0.56 1
7 G12 1 1 1
8 G13 0.28 0.48 1
9 G14 0.88 0.56 1
10 G15 0.92 1 1
11 G16 1 0.96 1
12 G17 0.76 0.40 0.68
13 G18 0.40 0.92 1
14 G23 0.04 0.24 1
15 G24 1 1 1
SADE-kNN-MCR+ Wins (+) 8 9
SADE-kNN-MCR+ Losses (-) 1 0
p-values 0.019531 0.001953
The SuccRate values presented in Table 6 were also used as the metric for the generation
of the performance profiles, according to the procedure described in Section 4.2.3 . The PPs
shown in Figure 1 again indicate that SADE-kNN-MCR+ is the best performer, since its curve
reaches 𝜌(𝜏) = 1 with the lowest 𝜏 value. A global indication of the performance of the methods
may also be observed in Figure 2 that contains a bar chart where the y axis indicates the areas
under the PP curves, again confirming the better accuracy and robustness of SADE-kNN-
Table 7 compares the results of the methods for the suite of five benchmark mechanical
engineering problems shown in Table 2. All algorithms provided feasible solutions in all runs.
Values in boldface indicate the best results amongst the algorithms.
Regarding the “best” solutions, both SADE-kNN-MCR+ and SADE-kNN-MCR are the
best performers, except for the Speed Reducer problem where all of them achieved the same
solution. It is important to stress that, for the Pressure Vessel and Welded Beam problems that
present constraints with different units and/or different orders of magnitude, the better
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performance of the MCR-based methods compared with the SADE-kNN algorithm may be due
to the increased efficiency of the MCR constraint-handling method in dealing with this type of
problems, as indicated in [39]. The increased robustness of the SADE-kNN-MCR+ compared
with the other methods is demonstrated by the average and worst results, since it presents the
best performance for all problems except the Tension/Compression Spring.
Here, since the number of examples (only five benchmark problems) is low, statistical
performance assessment methods such as the sign test cannot be adequately employed. Even so,
it may be illustrative to compare the performance profiles for the methods. Since SADE-kNN-
MCR+ and SADE-kNN-MCR found the same best values for all problems, the average was
employed as the comparison metric to be evaluated by the performance profiles. Figure 3 shows
that SADE-kNN-MCR+ finds best values for 80% of the problems with 𝜌(1) = 0.8. Altogether,
SADE-kNN-MCR+ is the best overall performer, as also indicated by Figure 4.
Table 8 compares the results of the methods, in terms of the available main statistical
parameters that characterize their performance: the best solution found amongst the runs; the
average number of function evaluations considering the successful runs succ_nfe; and the ratio
between successful and total runs SuccRate. The cells corresponding to succ_nfe shows also, in
parenthesis, the percentage values corresponding to the reduction/increase of the succ_nfe values
provided by SADE-kNN-MCR+ in relation to the smaller value observed for the other methods.
MCR+ [21] [55] [57]
Best -15 -15 -15 -15 -15
G1 2,528.5
succ_nfe 7,972 15,730.00 35,406 64,274
[-15.0000] (-68%)
SuccRate 1 0.83 0.84 1 1
Best -0.8036 -0.713 -0.6252 -0.739 − 0.8036
G2 28,632.7
succ _nfe - - - 192,297
[-0.8036] (-85%)
SuccRate 0.16 0 0 0 0.92
Best -1.0005 -0.333 -0.3127 -0.998 − 1.0005
G3 169,089.4
succ _nfe - - - 33,066
[-1.0005] (+80%)
SuccRate 0,24 0 0 0 1
Best -30,665.5386 -30,665.539 -30,665.5387 -30,665.539 − 30,665.5386
G4 1,208.2
succ _nfe 5,113 7,175 15,104 43,942
[-30,665.5386] (-76%)
SuccRate 1 1 0,8 1 1
Best 5,126.49 5,126.49 5,126.49 5,126.49 5,126.49
G5 14,612.6
succ _nfe 69,418 21,960 19,281 152,110
[5,126.49] (-24%)
SuccRate 1 1 0.96 1 1
G6 Best -6,961.8138 -6,961.814 -6,961.8138 -6,961.814 − 6,961.8138
[-6,961.8138] succ _nfe 655.5 7,335 5,734 9,603 42,098
− 22 −
MCR+ [21] [55] [57]
SuccRate 1 1 1 1 1
Best 24.3062 24.409 24.3062 24.306 24.3062
G7 64,067.2
succ _nfe - 29,440 77,674 99,614
[24.3062] (+54%)
SuccRate 1 0 0.04 0.08 1
Best -0.09582 -0.096 -0.09582 -0.096 − 0.09582
G8 182.8
succ _nfe 676 539.3 1,027 6,254
[-0.09582] (-66%)
SuccRate 1 1 0.96 1 1
Best 680.630 680.630 680.630 680.63 680.630
G9 38,226.8
succ _nfe 9,831 7,994 30,618 29,446
[680.630] (+79%)
SuccRate 1 0.2 0.84 1 1
Best 7,049.2480 7,260.041 7,049.2480 7,049.408 7,049.2480
G10 20,198.4
succ _nfe - 45,560 - 135,934
[7,049.2480] (-56%)
SuccRate 1 0 0.04 0 1
Best 0.7499 0.75000 0.7499 0.75 0.7499
succ _nfe 1,334.2 10,478 10,580 2,792 24,566
SuccRate 1 1 0.8 1 1
Best -1 -1 -1 -1 -1
G12 211.5
succ _nfe 1,139 660.6 2,996 1,354
[-1.0000] (-68%)
SuccRate 1 1 0.64 1 1
Best 0.05394 0.453 0.337683 0.054 0.05394
G13 48,682.1
succ _nfe - - 11,292 303,741
[0.05394] (+77%)
SuccRate 1 0 0 0.84 0.44
Best -47.76 -47.24 -47.48 -47.76 − 47.76
G14 54,356.1
succ _nfe - - 92,820 92,730
[-47.76] (-41%)
SuccRate 1 0 0 0.08 1
Best 961.715 961.715 961.715 961.715 961.715
G15 5,412.4
succ _nfe 46,105 12,430 8,519 95,022
[961.7150] (-36%)
SuccRate 1 0.63 0.64 1 1
Best -1.905 -1.905 -1.905 -1.905 − 1.905
G16 1,447.8
succ _nfe 10,149 9,384 16,179 24,410
[-1.9051] (-85%)
SuccRate 1 1 1 1 1
Best 8,853.53 8,872.62 8,857.65 8,853.54 8,853.53
G17 258,603.71
succ _nfe - - 21,490 264,232
[8,853.53] (+92%)
SuccRate 0.68 0 0 0.76 0.44
Best -0.8660 -0.8660 -0.8660 -0.8660 − 0.8660
G18 5,855.1
succ _nfe 32,751 29,830 40,840 140,458
[-0.8660] (-80%)
SuccRate 1 0.03 0.76 0.92 1
− 23 −
MCR+ [21] [55] [57]
Best 32.6569 35.404 32.6556 32.665 32.6555
succ _nfe - - 53,740 - 207,286
SuccRate 0 0 0.04 0 1
Best 193.7245 193.732 193.7267 - 193.7245
G21 122,454
succ _nfe - - - 84,500
[193.7245] (+31%)
SuccRate 0.6 0 0 0 0.72
Best -400.055 -308.803 -365.2985 -348.816 -400.055
G23 51,922.6
succ _nfe - - - 46,922
[-400.055] (+10%)
SuccRate 1 0 0 0 1
Best -5.508 -5.508 -5.508 -5.508 − 5.508
succ _nfe 370 (-88%) 3,444 3,015 3,638 19,678
SuccRate 1 1 1 1 1
In Table 8, it is interesting to compare the performance between the SA-DECV and the
SA-DECV-SR methods. The latter is a variation that uses a rank-based constraint handling
technique, instead of simple feasibility rules; thus, unlike the SA-DECV, the SA-DECV-SR
provides optimal solutions to problems G7, G10 and G19. It also improves the solution found by
SA-DECV in problem G21. SA-DECV-SR also produced a slight improvement in the number
of optimal executions.
However, the performance of these algorithms is still inferior to those presented by SADE-
kNN-MCR+ and e-DE: SA-DECV methods failed in functions G13, G14, G17 and G23, while
SADE-kNN-MCR+ and e-DE found optimal solution for most problems. Moreover, they found
good solutions in most executions, as indicated by their SuccRate.
Considering the problems that present constraints with different orders of magnitude, such
as G10 and G21 problems, SADE-kNN-MCR+ presents an enhanced performance. For function
G10, besides finding the optimal solution in all runs, it also requires the smaller number of
function evaluations.
Table 9 summarizes the main results of Table 8, collecting the number of functions for
which each method was able to find the optimal solutions in at least one run, and required the
lower number of function evaluations to find the optimal solution.
Regarding the success rate (succRate), both SADE-kNN-MCR+ and e-DE reach 100% of
optimal executions in 16 problems. e-DE gets more optimal runs in 4 out of the remaining 6.
However, this leads to a p-value of 0.3437, not small enough to indicate that there is a
statistically significant difference between these two methods regarding this particular metric.
The succ_nfe values were also used as the metric for the generation of the performance
profiles shown in Figure 5, according to the procedure described in Section 4.2.3 . A global
indication of the performance of the methods may also be observed in the bar chart of Figure 6
where the y axis indicates the areas under the PP curves.
Finally, this section compares the results for some of the benchmark engineering problems
shown in Table 2. Here the proposed SADE-kNN-MCR+ method is compared only with SA-
DECV-SR, since results for the other methods could not be found in the literature. Anyway, this
is a useful comparison since both methods share the following characteristics: 1) DE is used as
the search algorithm; 2) Some of the solutions are approximated by a similarity-based surrogate
model; and 3) Rank-based constraint handling techniques are employed.
For these comparisons, the maximum number of function evaluations is set to 30,000
function evaluations for the Welded Beam problem; 20,000 for the Pressure Vessel; and 5,000
for the Tension/Compression Spring problem.
Table 11 compares the statistical analysis of the results for the three benchmark problems
considering 25 runs: the best, average and worst solutions amongst all runs; and the average
number of function evaluations considering the successful runs. Unlike section 5.2, where
optimal reference values were not used as a stopping criterion, the results presented in
parentheses were considered as optimal in order to compare the average number of function
evaluations that each algorithm required to reach it.
− 26 −
For the Welded Beam problem, SADE-kNN-MCR+ provided the better solution as
indicated in the “best” column of Table 11. It also obtained this optimal solution in all runs, as
indicated by the worst value, which is equal to the best one. Also, its average number of function
evaluations (3,983.0) is nearly half of the value required by the SA-DECV-SR.
Table 12 presents the values of the variables corresponding to the optimal solutions
provided by SADE-kNN-MCR+ . Again, the number of problems is low, thus the sign test
cannot be adequately employed. However, it may be illustrative to compare the performance
profiles for the SADE-kNN-MCR+ and SA-DECV_SR algorithms. Figures 8 and 9 show
respectively the individual and global performance using as metric the succ_nfe values presented
in Table 11. Those results show that SADE-kNN-MCR+ is the best performer, since not only it
gives better results for two problems (𝜌(1) = 0.666), but still finds optimal executions in all of
them (there is 𝜏 such that 𝜌(𝜏) = 1).
Those goals of accuracy and computational cost savings are pursued by the following
approaches: a) employing the Multiple Constraint Ranking (MCR) technique to deal with the
large number of constraints with different orders of magnitude and/or different units that are
common in the aforementioned complex engineering problems; b) devising an enhanced
approximation model based on the 𝑘-nearest-neighbor (𝒌-NN) algorithm associated to a merit-
based database management procedure; and c) implementing a strategy that triggers a random
reinitialization of the population whenever it stagnates on local optima. These approaches have
the potential to present significant cost savings by reducing the number of objective function
evaluations: the MCR does not require evaluations when there is no feasible solution in the
population, and the merit scheme of the k-NN model evaluates only part of the population.
This method may be particularly suited for real-life engineering problems such as, for
instance, the design of offshore systems that have been addressed in [58,59,1-3]. Those are
− 28 −
complex engineering problems defined on high-dimensional spaces, with many design variables,
nonlinear objective and constraint functions (the latter comprised by constraints with different
orders of magnitude and/or different units), and requiring evaluations by expensive Finite
Element nonlinear dynamic analyses; thus, reducing the number of evaluations is a critical issue.
The potential of the SADE-kNN-MCR+ method to solve such practical engineering problems is
indicated by its performance in the Welded Beam and Pressure Vessel problems, which are also
characterized by severely nonlinear constraint functions with diverse magnitudes. Thus,
extensions of this work will incorporate this method into optimal design procedures for mooring
systems, submarine pipelines and risers that have been considered in [1,3,60]. It is expected that
the resulting procedures will lead to increased efficiency in terms of accuracy, computational
costs, and more importantly to better engineering design solutions.
The authors acknowledge the support of the Brazilian funding agencies CNPq (grant
numbers 306069/2016, 306186-2017, 308873/2017-3); FAPERJ (grant numbers E-
26/200.314/2016, E-26/202.767/2017); and CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de
Pessoal de Nível Superior), finance code 001.
Conflicts of interests
The authors contributed to each part of this paper equally. The authors read and approved the
final manuscript.
Ethical approval
This paper does not contain any studies with human participants or animals performed by any of
the authors.
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