How To Submit A Msca If Proposal
How To Submit A Msca If Proposal
How To Submit A Msca If Proposal
3. Enter your email address in the field provided, then click the Next
You will be prompted for your password.
4. Enter your password in the Password field.
5. Click the Sign in button.
Once logged in to the Funding & Tender Opportunities Portal, you will need to
select the MSCA-IF Call to start with the electronic proposal submission.
The system will confirm that you have created a draft. Click Continue
with this proposal to proceed to the next step. To postpone this action
for a later time and return to your list of proposals in the Participant
Portal, click Go to My Proposal.
You can now start working on the actual proposal preparation. Start with
Part A – Administrative details.
This part contains 5 sections. Click on Show to start entering data for
the individual sections. Remember to always save your changes!
Note: Make sure you choose the correct panel! Your proposal
will be evaluated in the panel which you confirm in this section!
The system will prompt you if the panel differs from the one you
previously selected.
Once you have submitted your proposal you can still make changes to it until the
Note that every new submission overwrites the previous one!
Some Hints:
Part B – Document 1
1. Excellence
Be precise about objectives. Explain the contribution that your
project is expected to make.
What is the applicant’s methodology?
Describe originality & innovative aspects of the applicant’s
research – Why is your project worth funding?
Explain how the high-quality, novel research is the most likely to
open up the best career possibilities for the applicant.
How will the project allow you to move towards research
Why are the host institution and supervisor ideal for the research
project you aim to conduct?
Describe how this project will contribute to your own research
career development. Clearly describe which new competencies
you will acquire through the fellowship.
What type of skills and knowledge will you transfer on the host
2. Impact
Impact of training on career development of the applicant and the
host institution (be precise)
List expected publications expected to result from the research
project (be precise i.e. concrete journal names)
What is your IPR strategy?
Be precise about your outreach activities
3. Implementation
Add a realistic GANTT Chart
Work packages, deliverables, milestones
Describe experimental risks and your contingency plan
Part B, Document 2
You may want to consider including the following information.
Research Experience
Fellowships, Awards, Prizes
Presentations (Invited seminars, Posters, etc.)
Public Outreach
Supervising and Mentoring Activities
Teaching Experience
Service and Leadership (ad hoc review activities,
committee members, etc.)
Capacity of the participating organisations
General Description: Describe the reputation and
expertise of your chosen host institution. Why is it the best
host for your postdoc in the research field you aim to
Role and Commitment of Supervisor
Your supervisor’s research and funding history
Key research facilities, infrastructure and equipment
Independent research premises?
Previous involvement in Research and Training
Programmes: Describe your host institution’s involvement
in national and international funding (e.g. EU Framework
Programme7 (2007 –2013), Horizon 2020 (2014 –2020)
Current involvement in Research and Training
Programmes: List the number of fellows at the host
institution who receive fellowships, e.g. MSCA-IF or ERC
Relevant Publications: List of relevant publications of your
General Tips
Guide for Applicants: Please make sure you carefully read the
latest guide for applicants available here.
Finding a Host Institution: check out some ways on how you
can find your host here.
National Contact Point Network: The network of National
Contact Points (NCPs) is the main structure to provide guidance,
practical information and assistance on all aspects of
participation in Horizon 2020, including MSCA.
LAC researchers can contact the MSCA NCPs in the country
where there would like to undertake their MSCA IF and in their
home country. Find their contacts here:
The NCPs offer the following services:
Advice on administrative procedures and contractual
Training and assistance on proposal writing
Distribution of documentation (forms, guidelines, manuals
Assistance in partner search
The EU-funded Net4Mobility+ project has a number of
resources that might assist applicants with their
candidacies. Check their website:
Facebook: Follow the MSCA on
FAQ: Here is a link to a FAQ-Blog: