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Language Arts Sept 16, 2020

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Literacy Studies


Syllabication is the separation/division of words into syllables whether written or spoken.

Rules: (1) Every syllable has one vowel sound.

(2) The number of vowel sounds in a word equals the number of syllables.

Examples: (1) imitate - im/ i/ tate

(2) musical - mu/ si/ cal

(3) affrighted - af/ fright/ ed

Divide the following words into syllables:

1. merrily
2. widow
3. creature
4. privacy
5. hospitality
6. gallant
7. slender
8. entertain
Punctuation Marks
Full Stop or Period
The full stop or period is used in the following ways:
• At the end of a Declarative sentence (A telling sentence)
Examples: The teacher wrote on the chalkboard.
The astronaut landed on the moon.
• After initials of names and abbreviations.
Examples: Mr. A. N. Robinson
Dr. S. Singh
P. T. A
Question Mark
A question mark is used after an Interrogative Sentence
(a sentence that asks a question ).

Examples: Where are you going?

How many 6's are there in thirty six?
Capital Letter
Capital letters are used in the following instances:
• Proper names of people and animals
Examples: Rover is the name of our dog.
Lisa celebrated her birthday yesterday.

• Days of the week and months of the year.

Examples: We went to the library on Saturday.
Early July, we visited our grandparents.

• Names of countries, towns and cities.

Examples: Toco is a fishing village.
England was once a mighty empire.

• The first letter of every sentence, and line of poetry.

Example: The factory was destroyed by fire.
• The pronoun I.
Example: He and I went to the cinema.
• Organizations and Institutions
Example: My nephew attended the University of Guyana.
• Titles of persons
Example: We met General Adams in the canteen.
• Nouns and adjectives of nationalities, race or language.
Example: They tasted some French wine.
• Brand or trade names of products
Example: We bought a Toyota motor car.
• The first word of a sentence in a direct quotation.
Example: Mary's mother said, "We will meet you in Port of
Spain tomorrow."
Rewrite the following passage putting in capital letters and full stops wherever

the doctor saw the patient and immediately sent him to

the hospital the sick infant was admitted to st. john's
hospital for sick kids there many tests were done
fortunately they all proved negative and ronald was
discharged mr. and mrs. laraby, ronald's parents were
Rewrite the following putting in capital letters, full stops and question marks
wherever necessary.
1. my birthday is in December
2. how many pears did you get
3. he enjoy swimming also
4. my father is a member of the p t a
5. i am going to the bank
6. is that the man you saw
7. my brother said, "this is what i have always wanted.“

8. did you enjoy the show

9. light travels faster than sound
10. mommy prefers lux soap
Narrative Writing
A narrative tells an imaginative story. The common features of a
story are:
Setting: when or where the action takes place.

Action: what the character is doing.

Characterization: people or animals in the story.

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