Language Arts Sept 16, 2020
Language Arts Sept 16, 2020
Language Arts Sept 16, 2020
(2) The number of vowel sounds in a word equals the number of syllables.
1. merrily
2. widow
3. creature
4. privacy
5. hospitality
6. gallant
7. slender
8. entertain
Punctuation Marks
Full Stop or Period
The full stop or period is used in the following ways:
• At the end of a Declarative sentence (A telling sentence)
Examples: The teacher wrote on the chalkboard.
The astronaut landed on the moon.
• After initials of names and abbreviations.
Examples: Mr. A. N. Robinson
Dr. S. Singh
P. T. A
Question Mark
A question mark is used after an Interrogative Sentence
(a sentence that asks a question ).