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Research Article
Quality of Life of End Stage Renal Disease Patients Undergoing
Dialysis in Southern Part of Kerala, India: Financial Stability
and Inter-dialysis Weight Gain as Key Determinants
Kasi Visweswaran1, Muhammed Shaffi2,3,*, , Philip Mathew4, Minu Abraham2, , Jinbert Lordson1,2,
Premini Rajeev5, Reena Thomas6, Rajeev Aravindakshan6, , Jayadevan G7, Kesavan Rajasekharan Nayar2,
Marthanda Pillai1,2
Department of Nephrology, Ananthapuri Hospitals and Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
Global Institute of Public Health, Ananthapuri Hospitals and Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
Directorate of Public Health, Ministry of Health, Al Taif, Makkah, Saudi Arabia
Department of Community Medicine, Pushpagiri Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Thiruvalla, Kerala, India
College of Nursing, Ananthapuri Hospitals and Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
Department of Nephrology, Pushpagiri Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Thiruvalla, Kerala, India
Department of Nephrology, Shankers Institute of Medical Sciences, Kollam, Kerala, India
1. INTRODUCTION years [14]. National Family Health Survey data shows that chronic
diseases account to a large proportion of morbidity and highest
End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) is the result of a progressive wors- utilization rates for both out- and in-patient, services in the state
ening of renal function over a period of months or years [1]. The compared to other states in the country [15].
global burden of ESRD grows at around 7% annually [2] and is a
Diabetes and its complications are draining the economy, impov-
leading cause of death especially in developing countries [3] with
erishing the affected population directly due to out of pocket
limited resources for renal replacement therapy. Over 1 million
expenses incurred and indirectly due to loss of productivity associ-
people die of ESRD annually in these countries [4–7]. Diabetes and
ated with the illness and treatment [16]. The chronic nature of the
hypertension are the leading causes of ESRD [8–11]. Since India
illness has serious impact on the Quality of Life (QoL) of patients
has a huge challenge with the rising burden of these two major
as well as the caretakers [17].
risk factors, it has become an important public health problem in
India [12,13]. The Indian state of Kerala is currently experiencing With the growing recognition of the importance of ‘life quality’
an epidemiological transition and has seen a huge jump in terms besides longevity, there are attempts to use various tools to measure
of per-capita out-of-pocket spending in health care in the recent QoL related to various health conditions and the factors determin-
ing them. However, there have been only about 24 Indian studies
Corresponding author. Present address: School of Public Health, Boston University,
on QoL among ESRD patients till now when a literature review was
Boston, MA USA, Email: [email protected]
Data availability statement: The authors confirm that the data supporting the findings of conducted, using appropriate key words- ‘renal dialysis’, ‘Peritoneal
this study are available within the article. dialysis’, ‘Hemodialysis’, ‘end stage renal disease’ ‘ESRD’ and ‘quality
K. Visweswaran et al. / Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health 10(4) 344–350 345
of life’. Among all these, there was only one study done in Kerala words used among six patients. Two independent experts reviewed
using the WHOQOL-BREF tool. the suggestions and incorporated into the translation. After this,
the tool was applied on another six patients to validate the clarity
This study was therefore undertaken, with the following objectives:
and appropriateness and then finalized.
1. To measure the overall QoL, Health-related Quality of Life
The questionnaire demonstrated good internal consistency with
(HRQoL) and domain specific QoL among ESRD patients.
Cronbach’s alpha of 0.84 and Guttmann’s split half reliability of
2. To understand the key socio-demographic factors, illness and 0.9. The internal consistencies in the four domains of WHOQOL-
treatment-related factors affecting the QoL. BREF were as follows: Physical = 0.73, psychological = 0.65,
social = 0.47 and environmental = 0.72.
2.2. Tools
2.5. Statistical Analysis
A pre-tested interview schedule was used to collect demographic and
Data was entered in Epidata version 3.1 (EpiData Association,
selected clinical parameters. The demographic parameters were age,
Denmark) [24]. Statistical analysis was performed using R Statistical
gender, education, occupation, monthly income and family history of
software version 3.2.4 (R Core team, Austria) [25]. Mean and stan-
end state renal diseases. We used the 2014 version of Kuppuswamy’s
dard deviation were calculated to summarize the QoL scores for each
scale [18] to assess the Socio-economic Status (SES) and grouped
domain, across the three centers. One-way ANOVA and Student’s
them to upper, middle and lower socio-economic groups. We gath-
t-test were used to assess the relationship of scores with categorical
ered the history and duration of diabetes, hypertension and dyslipid-
variables. A p-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant.
emia, and the duration since being diagnosed as renal failure.
Information on HRQoL was collected by interviewer administered
WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire [19–21], which is an abbreviated 3. RESULTS
version of the WHOQOL-100 tool. The tool was developed by the
WHO for QoL assessment. It consists of 26 questions covering 24 This paper reports the findings from 95 patients. The mean age of
facets and provides a profile of scores on four dimensions of QoL: the patients was 56.2 ± 13 years, 73.7% were males and 55.8% were
physical health, psychological, social relationships and the environ- un-employed (Table 1). Hypertension was reported by 85% patients,
ment. In addition, the tool has two global scores- one of overall QOL 62.1% had diabetes mellitus and 23.4% had dyslipidemia. The mean
and another one on the overall satisfaction with health (HRQoL). duration of hypertension was 9 years while that of diabetes was
The raw scores were transformed to a 0–100 scale to enable compari- 16.5 years, indicating that a good proportion of the patients might
sons to be made between domains composed of unequal numbers of have developed hypertension secondary to nephropathy. Around
items. Higher scores reflect better QoL of the individuals. 13% patients had a family history of ESRD that required dialysis.
We used the Malayalam translated version of the WHOQOL-BREF On an average, it has been 3 years since the patients in the study
[21]. We tested the appropriateness, understandability and clarity of were diagnosed to have nephropathy (range: 1–40 years) and 2 years
346 K. Visweswaran et al. / Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health 10(4) 344–350
to since they were classified as renal failure (range: 1–28 years). Table 3 | QoL scores across centres and domains
About 80% of the patients were on regular hemodialysis for more
than 6 months (median 16 months, range: 0.5–131 months). 74.7% Centre 1 Centre 2 Centre 3
Domains (n = 24) (n = 34) (n = 37) p
of patients reported that someone in the household had to accom-
pany them for dialysis. Out of pocket monthly expenses ranged Mean ± SD Mean ± SD Mean ± SD
from INR2000 to INR50000 (with a median value of US$296. Item
Physical 47.7 ± 16 39.4 ± 12 43.2 ± 8.7 0.041
wise break-up of expenses is given in Table 2. Please note that some
Psychological 53.4 ± 18.4 42 ± 13.6 43.6 ± 11.5 0.009
patients had out-of-pocket expenses only on medicines, since the Social 53.8 ± 24.9 43 ± 18.2 46.2 ± 12.5 0.087
cost of injectable, dialysis and transportation were covered under Environmental 63.3 ± 15.8 41.5 ± 10.9 48.5 ± 12 <0.001
the government-supported.
Out of 95 patients, 44 had two dialysis per week, 43 had three dial- were as follows: physical, 43 ± 12.4 (median 38, range 13–81); psy-
ysis per week while eight had one dialysis per week. Almost all chological, 45.5 ± 14.8 (median 44, range 19–81); social, 47 ± 18.6
(98.9%) patients had full compliance to the dialysis schedules and (median 50, range 0–94); and environmental, 49.7 ± 15.2 (median
82.5% had full compliance to IDWG target. The median IDWG was 50, range 19–88). Table 3 compares the values between the cen-
1600 g (range: 0–4500 g). ters. Except for Social domain, the three centers differed in terms
The mean converted scores for overall QoL was 42.37 ± 21.3 of mean values of QoL scores.
(median 50, range 0–100) and the mean converted scores for Occupation, income and SES influenced overall HRQoL signifi-
HRQoL was 43.3 ± 18.3 (median 50, range 0–100), both indicating cantly. Patients with better Income and higher SES had better
poor QoL. The mean converted scores for the individual domains scores in psychological and environmental domains. Males had
better scores in physical domain, while higher education groups
Table 1 | Socio-demographic profile of the patients (N = 95) had better scores in physical and environmental domains (Table 4).
Overall HRQoL was poor among patients who were not diabetic
Characteristics N (%) probably due to early onset of disease and prolonged duration
of dialysis. This is also reflected in poor scores with increase in
Male 70 (73.7) number of months on dialysis. Table 5 summarizes the scores on
Female 25 (26.3) all four domains and HRQoL with respect to various disease and
Type of family
dialysis-related factors. Inter-dialysis weight gain was found to
Nuclear 78 (83.9) significantly impact overall HRQoL and all the four domains.
Joint family 15 (16.1)
Just as people with better income had better scores, people who
Marital status were spending more money had better QoL across all the four
Married 88 (92.6) domains, but not overall HRQoL. People who were not dependent
Unmarried 5 (5.3)
on others to accompany them for dialysis had better scores, though
Widowed 2 (2.1)
the difference was not statistically significant.
7 years or less of formal schooling 16 (18)
8–12 years of formal schooling 43 (48.3)
Graduates and above 30 (33.7) 4. DISCUSSION
Unemployed 53 (55.8) Kidney disease is one of the growing causes of disability and death
Skilled/semi-skilled 29 (30.5) worldwide [26]. Increasing prevalence of diabetes and hypertension
Professionals 13 (13.7) account for the high incidence of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
Income per month (INR; US$ within brackets) [27]. Many of the cardiovascular death occur in the background of
≤5386 (<90) 29 (30.9) CKD [28]. ESRD is a recognized public health problem worldwide
5387–13,494 (90–225) 21 (22.3) [29] and the increasing prevalence of ESRD parallels the increasing
13,495–36,016 (225–600) 23 (24.5) prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension with total
≥36,017 (>600) 21 (22.3) number of people with diabetes projected to rise from 336 million
Socio-economic status in 2012 to 522 million in 2030 [30], with diabetic nephropathy
Upper socio-economic group 3 (3.4) emerging as the second highest cause of ESRD in South Asia [31].
Middle socio-economic group 44 (49.4)
Lower socio-economic group 42 (47.2) Although successful renal transplantation with a well-matched
kidney is the ideal solution, it is not easily attainable. The option
between hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis is biased toward hemo-
Table 2 | Reported expenses in the last month dialysis worldwide except in few pockets where chronic ambulatory
peritoneal dialysis is preferred over hemodialysis [32]. Initiation of
Variables Median (range) in INR hemodialysis at the optimal time and delivery of adequate dialysis
Oral medications 4000 (500–14400) and other supports offer a relatively good QoL [33]. In developing
Injectable 3800 (0–18000) economies, limited availability of insurance cover and other logis-
Dialysis 6600 (0–28800) tic supports result in poorer QoL in spite of adequate dialysis [34].
Transportation 1440 (0–9600) In this connection, compliance of the patients to dietary, fluid and
2018 rate, unadjusted for inflation. potassium restrictions are important [35]. Most patients/relatives
K. Visweswaran et al. / Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health 10(4) 344–350 347
fail to accept the concept of ‘opt out of dialysis’ when the condition We have found that patients with ESRD due to causes other than
has deteriorated beyond a stage of very poor QoL and dialysis helps diabetes are having poorer QoL than their counterparts with dia-
only to prolong the life and associated sufferings. betes. This can be explained by the earlier onset of non-diabetic
causes. The dialysis vintage in non-diabetic ESRD patients was
We undertook this study to access the overall QoL, HRQoL and
35.35 months where as in diabetics, it was 18.09 months. However,
scoring in individual domains on a scale of 0–100 using WHOQOL-
non-diabetic ESRD patients on maintenance hemodialysis had
BREF tool. Any score <50 is considered ‘poor’. Our findings are in
poor QoL scores compared to diabetic possibly because of the dif-
line with other studies highlighting SES, occupation and income as
ference in dialysis vintage. Patient compliance to diet, fluid and
key determinants of QoL [36,37]. Even though dialysis adequacy
potassium restrictions and associated ischemic heart disease are
is an important immediate factor which affects QoL, other factors
important determinants of QoL and occurrence of sudden death.
are also important. The overall QoL, HRQoL and scores in indi-
Fluid restriction is advised so as to restrict inter-dialysis weight
vidual domains were all below 50 on a scale of 0–100. SES, espe-
gain (IDWG) to <3 kg. Patient compliance to fluid restriction can
cially income and occupation were key determinants of QoL. Both
be assessed by IDWG. One of the important observations in our
sexes had the same quality in most domains studied. However, the
study was poorer QoL scores in patients with higher IDWG. This
males had better QoL in physical domains. These finding are in line
evidence opens up an opportunity for the health care worker to
with those reported in recent studies elsewhere including reviews
highlight the IDWG while counselling the patient.
[36,37]. Dialysis adequacy, even though an important immediate
factor which affects the QoL, is determined by many other factors In this study, the monthly median out of pocket expenditure for
as this study results show. hemodialysis in 2018 was US$ 296. This is much less compared
348 K. Visweswaran et al. / Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health 10(4) 344–350
to the expenses reported by Umesh Khanna in private hospitals RT, RA and JG data curation. JL and PR project administration.
across India in 2005 (US$ 358, at 2018 rate, after adjusted for infla- MP and KRN supervision of the project. All authors reviewed and
tion) [38]. Similarly, in a study, which compared the cost in various edited the manuscript.
Asian countries, Li and Chow [39] reported a higher figure of US$
331 for India (as of 2018, adjusted for inflation). A private tertiary
care teaching institution in central Kerala (2012) reported a higher FUNDING
cost of US$ 806 (2018 rate) per month [40], while a public sector
hospital (2017) reported an expenditure of US$ 544 (2018 rate) per The authors received no financial support for the research, author-
month [41]. ship, and/or publication of this article.
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