Authorization Letter
Authorization Letter
Authorization Letter
In this regard, the public is made aware that an “investment contract,” a kind of
security, exists when there is an investment or placement of money in a common
enterprise with a reasonable expectation of profits to be derived from the efforts of
others which is prominent in the scheme of MORGAN STANLEY INVESTMENT FIRM
As such, the Securities Regulation Code (SRC) requires that said offer and/or sale
of securities must be duly registered with the Commission and that the concerned entity
and/or its agents should have the appropriate registration and/or license to sell such
securities to the public.
Besides, the public should be aware that the use of “Philippine financial
department” and “Ministry of Finance” by MORGAN STANLEY INVESTMENT FIRM
ELINYAPP/ELINY-PH.COM/ELINY in its posts/marketing materials betrays the
unfamiliarity of persons behind this scam of the accurate names of the relevant
government agencies in the Philippines and could indicate that foreigners are behind
the scheme.
The offering and selling of securities in the form of investment contracts using
the “Ponzi Scheme” which is fraudulent and unsustainable, is NOT a registrable
security. The Commission will not issue a License to Sell Securities to the Public to
persons or entities that are engaged in this business or scheme.
Should you have any information regarding any investment solicitation by any
individual or group of individuals on behalf of MORGAN STANLEY INVESTMENT FIRM
ELINYAPP/ELINY-PH.COM/ELINY APP. vis-à-vis Mr. shades TV, please send your
report through email at [email protected].