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1 author:
Dalowar Hossan
Universiti Putra Malaysia
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Extrinsic Motivational Factors and Workers Engagement at the Readymade Garments Industry in Bangladesh with Transactional Leadership as Mediator
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All content following this page was uploaded by Dalowar Hossan on 02 February 2022.
Dalowar Hossan; BBA, MSc
PhD student, University Putra Malaysia, [email protected]
Research Title
The Effect of Leadership Style on Work Engagement: Mediating Role of Employee
Motivation and Moderating Effect of Gender
Leadership Style
Leadership Style
Laissez-faire Work
Leadership Style Engagement
1. What is the effect of 1. To investigate the effect H1: There is a significant effect of transformational
leadership style on work of leadership style on work leadership style on work engagement.
engagement? engagement. H2: There is a significant effect of transactional
leadership style on work engagement.
H3: There is a significant effect of laissez-faire
leadership style on work engagement.
2. What is the effect of 2. To examine the effect H4: There is a significant effect of transformational
leadership style on of leadership style on leadership style on employee motivation.
employee motivation? employee motivation? H5: There is a significant effect of transactional leadership
style on employee motivation.
H6: There is a significant effect of laissez-faire leadership
style on employee motivation.
3. What is the effect of 3. To assess the effect of H7: There is a significant effect of employee
employee motivation on employee motivation on motivation on work engagement.
work engagement? work engagement? [email protected]
4. What is the 4. To explore the H8: There is mediating effect of employee motivation in the
mediating effect of mediating effect of relationship between transformational leadership style and
employee motivation employee motivation work engagement.
in the relationship in the relationship H9: There is mediating effect of employee motivation in the
between leadership between leadership relationship between transactional leadership style and work
style and work style and work engagement.
engagement? engagement. H10: There is mediating effect of employee motivation in the
relationship between laissez-faire leadership style and work
5. What is the 5. To identify the H11: There is moderating effect of gender on the
moderating effect of moderating effect of gender relationship between transformational leadership
gender on relationship on relationship between style and work engagement.
between leadership leadership style and work H12: There is moderating effect of gender on the
style and work engagement. relationship between transactional leadership style
engagement? and work engagement.
H13: There is moderating effect of gender on the
relationship between laissez-faire leadership style
and work engagement.
Test of Univariate Data Normality
Test of Univariate Data Normality
Test of Univariate Outliers
[email protected]
AMOS: 3 Levels (Continued…)
AMOS: 3 Levels (Continued…)
AMOS: 3 Levels (Continued…)
AMOS: Requirement
[email protected]
Path Diagram
Analysis Results
Observed for:
Fit indices
Standardized Factor Loadings
Make sure these two criteria are fulfilled.
[email protected]
Type of Goodness fit indices
[email protected]
CFA for Transactional Leadership Style (TAL)
Delete indicator TAL4 (λ= -.04)
[email protected]
CFA for Transactional Leadership Style (TAL)
Path Diagram
Analysis Results
Observed for:
Fit indices
Standardized Factor Loadings
Observed for:
Fit indices are not fully met
However all Factor Loadings >0.5
Refer to modification indices (MI) to
identify indicator for possible
deletion/correlate the two
corresponding measurement errors.
CFA for Transformational Leadership Style (TFL)
Modification Indices
Modification Indices
Modification Indices
Final Results
Path Diagram
Analysis Results
Path Diagram
Analysis Results
Results Observation
Results Observation
Modification Indices
Delete e4 (EM4)
CFA for Employee Motivation (EM)
Path Diagram
Results Observation
Results Observation
Modification Indices
[email protected]
Observe for pair of indicators
associated with height MI
Indicators (e3 & e4) show the
height MI 4.84
Correlate the above two
measurement errors (e3 & e4)
CFA for Work Engagement (WE)
Data Set for Measurement Model
Work Engagement five (5) indicators
WE1, WE3, WE4, WE5, WE6
2. Discriminant validity
Square root of √ AVE > r
3. Normality
Skewness -2 to +2 (Tabchnick & Fidell, 2007)
Kurtosis -7 to +7 (Byren, 2010)
2. Run Analysis
Discriminant validity refers to the extent in which a construct is truly distinct from other
Discriminant validity involves relationship between a particular latent construct and other
constructs of a similar nature.
Construct that is truly distinct from other constructs (Hair et al. (2010).
[email protected]
Test for Data Normality
Represent the theory with a set of structural equations and is usually depicted with a visual diagram.
Structural model represents set of one or more dependence relationship linking the hypothesized
model’s constructs.
This model is most useful in representing the relationships between exogenous and endogenous
The focus here is NOT to test the construct validity of the latent variables as in CFA and measurement
model but to examine and test relationship between exogenous and endogenous constructs.
Results extraction
Mediation Analysis (Bootstrap Test)
1. Open the existing structural model (save as and rename the structural model as Bootstrap
Mediation test)
2. Assign path labels
3. Create models
4. Set analysis properties
5. Run analysis
6. Extract analysis results
7. Decision & interpretation
Mediation Analysis (Bootstrap Test)
1. Mediation Test
3. Create Models
4. Analysis Properties
5. Run Analysis
6. Results Extraction
Direct model Beta & P - Find beta value from standardized regression weight and p-value from regression
weight but ensure that you have selected Direct Model.
Mediation model Beta & P – Find beta value from standardized regression weight and p-value from
regression weight but ensure that you have selected mediation model is selected.
Mediation Model – SIE & P – Select Mediation model and go to estimates then matrix and select
standardized indirect effect for taking Beta value. After that go to Two tailed significant BC at Estimates /
Bootstrap for p-value.
Mediation Model – 95% BC CI – Go to Lower Bound BC and collect LB value and then go to upper bound BC
and collect UB value from there.
Put those values to the result presentation file in excel (for result explanation go to thesis AMOS)
Mediation Analysis (Bootstrap Test)
Mediating effect of EM between LFL and WE
95% Bootstrap
Beta P
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Direct WE <--- LFL 0.253 0.00
Indirect WE <--- LFL 0.175 0.005
Std indirect effect 0.078 0.00 0.037 0.143
6. Decision Criterion
If in direct model is significant and standardized indirect effect is also significant and the UB and LB both either
positive or negative which means “0” not in between then there is mediation effect.
If the direct model, mediation model and standardized indirect effect all are significant and the UB and LB both are
either positive or negative which means “0” not in between then there is partial mediation.
If the direct model, the standardized indirect effect is significant and the UB and LB both are either positive or negative
which means “0” not in between but the mediation model not significant then full mediation.
If the direct model is not significant and the UB positive and LB negative which means “0” is in between then there is
no mediation.
If the direct model is significant and mediation model is significant but the standardized indirect effect not significant
and the UB positive and LB negative which means “0” is in between then there is no mediation.
Mediation Analysis
Mediating effect of EM between LFL and WE
95% Bootstrap
Beta P Decision
Lower Bound Upper Bound
Direct WE <--- LFL 0.253 0.00
Indirect WE <--- LFL 0.175 0.005
Std indirect effect 0.078 0.00 0.037 0.143
Continuous Moderator
Compensation Productivity
1. Open the SPSS data file and save the variables compensation, culture and productivity as
standardized values.
2. Create a new variable as Interaction and save it
3. Create the model of continuous moderation
4. Set the analysis properties
5. Run the model and observe the result from view text
Steps in Moderation Analysis
1. Open the SPSS data file and save the variables compensation, culture and productivity as standardized values.
Decision: This means Culture does not play a significant moderating role in the relationship between
compensation and productivity
Steps in Multi-Group Analysis
1. Open the existing structural model and rename as MGA Moderating Test
2. Create Groups as Male and Female
3. Select data file, grouping variable and group value
4. Create models
5. Set analysis properties and run analysis
6. Test the overall model
7. Test for individual paths
Steps in Multi-Group Analysis
2. Create Groups
[email protected]
5. Run the Analysis
Refer to both
unstandardized and
estimates for both
groups (male &
female) and compare
Steps in Multi-Group Analysis
Results Presentation of Moderation Test
Gender Path coefficient b Beta C.R. P Decision
Male EM <--- LFL 0.367 0.331 3.245 0.001
Does not moderate
Female EM <--- LFL 0.275 0.26 2.98 0.003
Male EM <--- TFL 0.247 0.226 2.469 0.014
Does not moderate
Female EM <--- TFL 0.415 0.423 4.587 0.00
Male EM <--- TAL 0.271 0.312 3.665 0.00
Does not moderate
Female EM <--- TAL 0.213 0.239 3.131 0.002
Male WE <--- LFL 0.12 0.111 1.233 0.218
Female WE <--- LFL 0.305 0.23 2.718 0.007
Male WE <--- TFL 0.466 0.437 4.772 0.00
Does not moderate
Female WE <--- TFL 0.585 0.475 4.972 0.00
Male WE <--- TAL 0.144 0.17 2.246 0.025
Female WE <--- TAL 0.101 0.09 1.26 0.208
Male WE <--- EM 0.315 0.323 3.386 0.00
Female WE <--- EM 0.21 0.167 1.711 0.087