PM4000 10 5 0 English
PM4000 10 5 0 English
PM4000 10 5 0 English
PowerMACS 4000
Atlas Copco Tools and Assembly Systems
9836 3521 01
Edition 10.5.0
1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 15
1.1 Introduction - Overview ....................................................................................................................... 15
1.1.1 ToolsTalk PowerMACS, the friendly user interface ................................................................. 16
1.1.2 Intelligent tightening controllers, TCs ....................................................................................... 16
1.2 Tightening and Gauging ....................................................................................................................... 18
1.2.1 Gauging Functions .................................................................................................................... 18
1.2.2 Gauging Applications ................................................................................................................ 18 Torque To Turn Gauging Application ....................................................................... 19 Valve Lash Gauging Application .............................................................................. 20
1.3 Installing ToolsTalk PowerMACS ....................................................................................................... 21
1.3.1 Settings needed when running on Windows 7........................................................................... 22
2 System Architecture .......................................................................................................................... 25
2.1 System Architecture - Overview .......................................................................................................... 25
2.2 System Structure ................................................................................................................................... 26
2.3 Hardware Structure ............................................................................................................................... 28
2.3.1 Tightening Controller ................................................................................................................ 29 PTC Description ........................................................................................................ 32 TC Description .......................................................................................................... 34 The TC HMI Menu System ....................................................................................... 36
2.3.2 Version conflict message........................................................................................................... 40
2.3.3 Console Computer (CC) ............................................................................................................ 40
2.3.4 Ethernet ..................................................................................................................................... 41
2.3.5 Peripheral Devices..................................................................................................................... 42
2.4 Automatic update of TC, Servo and Spindle ........................................................................................ 43
2.4.1 Automatic update Overview ...................................................................................................... 43
2.4.2 General function ........................................................................................................................ 43
2.4.3 Replacement of the System TC and Backup TC ....................................................................... 45
2.4.4 Replacement of TC3 – TCn....................................................................................................... 45
2.4.5 Updating a system with new software ....................................................................................... 45
2.4.6 Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................ 45
2.4.7 Automatic Update of Servo software ........................................................................................ 46
2.4.8 Automatic Update of Spindle software ..................................................................................... 47
3 Basic Functions .................................................................................................................................. 49
3.1 Basic Functions - Overview ................................................................................................................. 49
3.2 Windows ............................................................................................................................................... 50
3.3 Help ...................................................................................................................................................... 53
3.4 The File menu ....................................................................................................................................... 54
3.5 How to Start up ..................................................................................................................................... 56
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3.6 Viewing ................................................................................................................................................ 59
3.6.1 Assembly Overview .................................................................................................................. 59 Station Views ............................................................................................................. 62
3.6.2 System Map ............................................................................................................................... 63
3.6.3 View Cycle Data ....................................................................................................................... 66
3.6.4 View Statistics ........................................................................................................................... 68
3.6.5 View Trace ................................................................................................................................ 70 Select which trace to display ..................................................................................... 71 View of trace curves .................................................................................................. 74 Select Trace ............................................................................................................... 81
3.6.6 View Tightening Path................................................................................................................ 82
3.6.7 View Event Log ........................................................................................................................ 83
3.6.8 View I/O signals ........................................................................................................................ 86
3.7 Reporter ................................................................................................................................................ 87
3.7.1 Predefined reporter settings ....................................................................................................... 87
3.7.2 New reporter.............................................................................................................................. 88
3.7.3 Remove reporter ........................................................................................................................ 91
3.7.4 Edit reporter .............................................................................................................................. 92 Adding Cycle Data Variables .................................................................................... 94 Layout of Cycle Data ................................................................................................. 96 Cycle Data layout example ........................................................................................ 99 Reporter Preview ..................................................................................................... 104 Advanced Event settings ......................................................................................... 105 Advanced CD settings ............................................................................................. 105
3.8 Security ............................................................................................................................................... 107
3.8.1 Registering groups................................................................................................................... 107
3.8.2 Registering users ..................................................................................................................... 108
3.8.3 Login and Logout .................................................................................................................... 109
3.9 Printing ............................................................................................................................................... 111
4 Set Up and Maintenance ................................................................................................................. 113
4.1 Set Up and Maintenance - Overview .................................................................................................. 113
4.2 Setups and How to handle them ......................................................................................................... 114
4.2.1 Backwards compatibility ......................................................................................................... 115 PLC conversion ....................................................................................................... 116 Compatibility between PM4000 Tightening and Gauging ...................................... 117 Upgrade of PLC environment .................................................................................. 117
4.3 Set up of a new system ....................................................................................................................... 118
4.3.1 Creating a new system using the Set Up Wizard ..................................................................... 118
4.4 System Map ........................................................................................................................................ 126
4.4.1 Logical view ............................................................................................................................ 127 System node............................................................................................................. 128
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Contents Station node ............................................................................................................. 128 Bolt node ................................................................................................................. 130 Programs node ......................................................................................................... 130 Reporters node ......................................................................................................... 131
4.4.2 Hardware node ........................................................................................................................ 132 TC node ................................................................................................................... 133 Spindle node ............................................................................................................ 135 Other device nodes .................................................................................................. 136
4.5 Station Set Up ..................................................................................................................................... 137
4.5.1 Advanced Station Settings....................................................................................................... 139 Work piece identifier ............................................................................................... 140 Multiple identifiers .................................................................................................. 140 PLC Event handling................................................................................................. 144 Conversion table ...................................................................................................... 144
4.6 Spindle Set Up .................................................................................................................................... 147
4.6.1 General page ............................................................................................................................ 147
4.6.2 Calibration page ...................................................................................................................... 148
4.6.3 Application page ..................................................................................................................... 149
4.6.4 Application External Equipment ............................................................................................. 150
4.6.5 Angle Channels page ............................................................................................................... 151 Angle Double Transducer Check ............................................................................. 151
4.6.6 Torque Channels page ............................................................................................................. 153 Torque Double Transducer Check .......................................................................... 153
4.6.7 Diagnostic page ....................................................................................................................... 155 Static Zero Offset..................................................................................................... 155 Dynamic Zero Offset and Angle Count ................................................................... 156 Flying Zero Offset ................................................................................................... 156 Order of execution ................................................................................................... 157
4.6.8 Motortune page ....................................................................................................................... 158
4.6.9 Automatic transducer protections ............................................................................................ 159
4.7 I/O....................................................................................................................................................... 160
4.7.1 Local I/O ................................................................................................................................. 163
4.8 ID device Set Up ................................................................................................................................ 164
4.9 Assembly Overview Set Up ............................................................................................................... 165
4.10 PLC Parameters Set Up ...................................................................................................................... 169
4.11 SRAM ................................................................................................................................................. 170
4.12 Options ............................................................................................................................................... 171
4.12.1 Set Customer step names ......................................................................................................... 173
4.12.2 Set Customer error codes ........................................................................................................ 174
4.13 Setup Problems ................................................................................................................................... 176
4.14 Table Export and Import..................................................................................................................... 177
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4.15 Table Copy ......................................................................................................................................... 179
4.16 Handling of the setup in the target system .......................................................................................... 180
4.16.1 Backup of the setup ................................................................................................................. 180
4.16.2 Replacement of TCs ................................................................................................................ 182
4.17 Maintenance ....................................................................................................................................... 183
4.17.1 Select Target System ............................................................................................................... 184
4.17.2 Test Bolts ................................................................................................................................ 186
4.17.3 Calibration procedures in PowerMACS .................................................................................. 190 General .................................................................................................................. 190 Torque ................................................................................................................... 192 Angle ..................................................................................................................... 194 Wind Up Coefficient ............................................................................................. 195 Current (torque) ..................................................................................................... 197
4.17.4 Event Statistics ........................................................................................................................ 198
4.17.5 Service Log ............................................................................................................................. 199
4.17.6 Replace ID String .................................................................................................................... 200
4.17.7 Configure Target System......................................................................................................... 201 Advanced mode ..................................................................................................... 202 Restart of TC’s after download .............................................................................. 203 Information fields .................................................................................................. 203 Prepare TC for download of software .................................................................... 207 Change Net Data .................................................................................................... 209
4.17.8 Clear data ................................................................................................................................ 210
4.17.9 Compare programs .................................................................................................................. 211
4.17.10 Check for System Conflicts ............................................................................................... 213
4.17.11 TC Crash Log..................................................................................................................... 214
4.17.12 Maintain Spindle Parameters ............................................................................................. 214
5 PLC ................................................................................................................................................... 217
5.1 PLC - Overview .................................................................................................................................. 217
5.2 General ............................................................................................................................................... 218
5.3 System Globals ................................................................................................................................... 220
5.3.1 Station variables ...................................................................................................................... 220 Loosening cycles ..................................................................................................... 227
5.3.2 Bolt variables .......................................................................................................................... 233
5.3.3 ID device variables .................................................................................................................. 237
5.3.4 Multiple identifier variables .................................................................................................... 238
5.3.5 GM DeviceNet variables ......................................................................................................... 240
5.3.6 DC PLUS variables ................................................................................................................. 242
5.3.7 Globals .................................................................................................................................... 245
5.3.8 Bolt specific commands .......................................................................................................... 246
5.3.9 Device commands ................................................................................................................... 249
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5.4 Programming the PLC ........................................................................................................................ 251
5.5 PLC Console ....................................................................................................................................... 256
5.6 PLC Parameters .................................................................................................................................. 258
5.7 Display PLC Status ............................................................................................................................. 259
6 Tightening......................................................................................................................................... 260
6.1 Tightening - Overview........................................................................................................................ 260
6.2 Create a new Tightening Program ...................................................................................................... 261
6.3 The Tightening Program form ............................................................................................................ 262
6.3.1 Tightening Program step operations ........................................................................................ 264
6.4 The Mode Table form ......................................................................................................................... 266
6.5 Tightening Program ............................................................................................................................ 268
6.5.1 Program Properties .................................................................................................................. 270 Program Common properties ................................................................................... 270 Program User variables ........................................................................................... 270 Program Settings...................................................................................................... 272
6.5.2 Step – Control ......................................................................................................................... 275 DT - Run until Dyna-TorkTM ................................................................................... 276 DT2 - Run until Dyna-TorkTM, method 2 ................................................................ 278 DT3 - Run until Dyna-TorkTM, method 3 ................................................................ 279 T - Run until Torque ................................................................................................ 280 TC - Run until Torque with Current Control ........................................................... 281 AO - Run until Angle with overshoot compensation ............................................... 282 A - Run until Angle ................................................................................................. 284 Y1 - Run until Yield point, method 1 ...................................................................... 285 Y2 - Run until Yield point, method 2 ...................................................................... 286 LT - Loosen until torque ........................................................................................ 287 RA - Release angle ................................................................................................ 289 PA - Run until Projected angle .............................................................................. 291 TD - Run until Torque has decreased .................................................................... 292 TI - Run until Time ................................................................................................ 293 E1 - Run Engage method 1 .................................................................................... 293 E2 - Run Engage method 2 .................................................................................... 293 NS - Run until next step ........................................................................................ 293 GS - Run Gear Shift............................................................................................... 294 PLC - Run PLC step .............................................................................................. 294 JOG - Run until digital input goes high / low ........................................................ 295 W - Wait ................................................................................................................ 295 TA – Run Torque-Angle with no stop ................................................................... 296 SR – Socket Release .............................................................................................. 302 ADT-Angle Delta Torque ...................................................................................... 303 SG - Snug Gradient................................................................................................ 305
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Contents D - Diagnostic Step................................................................................................ 306 BCT – Backlash correction (only available for Gauging) ..................................... 307 POS - Run to Position (only available for Gauging) ............................................. 307 MS4 – Measurement step method 4 (only available for Gauging) ........................ 309 AD2 – Adjust step method 2 (only available for Gauging) ................................... 310
6.5.3 Step – Restriction .................................................................................................................... 312 Fail Safe Torque ...................................................................................................... 313 Fail Safe Time ......................................................................................................... 314 Fail Safe Angle ........................................................................................................ 315 Min Torque Restriction ........................................................................................... 316 Gradient ................................................................................................................... 318 Cross Thread and Gradient ...................................................................................... 320 Torque Profile .......................................................................................................... 321 Angle Difference ..................................................................................................... 323 Torque Difference.................................................................................................... 324
6.5.4 Step – Check ........................................................................................................................... 325 Result values from checks ....................................................................................... 326 Check peak torque ................................................................................................... 327 Check torque in angle window ................................................................................ 329 Check torque in time window .................................................................................. 330 Check mean torque .................................................................................................. 331 Check angle ............................................................................................................. 333 Check Post view Torque .......................................................................................... 335 Check T/T3 (Current as Torque) ............................................................................. 337 Check shut off torque .............................................................................................. 338 Check torque rate ................................................................................................... 339 Check Zero Crossing (only available for Gauging) ............................................... 342 Check time ............................................................................................................. 344 Check Yield Point Angle ....................................................................................... 344 Check Stick Slip .................................................................................................... 346 Delta T (only available for Gauging) ..................................................................... 348 Low Spot Torque (only available for Gauging) ..................................................... 349 Check Position (only available for Gauging)......................................................... 349 Check Backlash angle (only available for Gauging) ............................................. 350 Check external input (only available for Gauging) ................................................ 350
6.5.5 Step – Rejects .......................................................................................................................... 351 Checking the bolt status ........................................................................................... 352 Deciding what to do ................................................................................................. 353 Configuring Reject Management ............................................................................. 356 Advanced RM Actions ............................................................................................ 358 Cycle RM................................................................................................................. 359
8 9836 3521 01
Contents Reject management states ........................................................................................ 361 Reject management examples .................................................................................. 367
6.5.6 Step – Ramps & Other ............................................................................................................ 369 Ramps & Other – Ramps ......................................................................................... 370 Ramps & Other – Other ........................................................................................... 371 Ramps & Other – Store Position (only available for Gauging) ............................... 372 Ramps & Other – Signals at step start and end (only available for Gauging) ......... 373
6.5.7 Zones (only available for Gauging) ......................................................................................... 374
6.6 Bolt Monitoring .................................................................................................................................. 375
6.6.1 Monitoring Check – Final Peak Torque .................................................................................. 378
6.6.2 Monitoring Check – Angle ...................................................................................................... 379
6.6.3 Monitoring Check – Torque Rate ............................................................................................ 382
6.6.4 Monitoring Check – Monitoring Yield point torque and angle ............................................... 385
6.6.5 Monitoring Check – Follow the Curve .................................................................................... 388
6.7 Result variables .................................................................................................................................. 391
6.7.1 Statuses .................................................................................................................................... 391
6.7.2 Station level result variables.................................................................................................... 392
6.7.3 Bolt level result variables ........................................................................................................ 394 Errors ....................................................................................................................... 399 Warnings.................................................................................................................. 404
6.7.4 Step level result variables ........................................................................................................ 405
6.8 Servo and spindle protections ............................................................................................................. 410
6.8.1 Stall protection ........................................................................................................................ 410
6.8.2 How to avoid the problems ..................................................................................................... 410
7 SPC and Statistics ............................................................................................................................ 412
7.1 SPC - Overview .................................................................................................................................. 412
7.2 SPC, Statistical Process Control ......................................................................................................... 413
7.2.1 Data Collection ........................................................................................................................ 413
7.2.2 Calculations for subgroups ...................................................................................................... 414
7.2.3 Calculations and checks .......................................................................................................... 414
7.2.4 SPC constants .......................................................................................................................... 418
7.3 SPC set up .......................................................................................................................................... 419
7.4 Shift Reports and Shift Set Up............................................................................................................ 421
7.4.1 Shift Set Up ............................................................................................................................. 422
8 Peripheral Devices ........................................................................................................................... 425
8.1 Peripheral Devices - Overview ........................................................................................................... 425
8.2 Add a device ....................................................................................................................................... 427
8.3 Status of a device ................................................................................................................................ 429
8.4 Standard Accessory Devices............................................................................................................... 430
8.4.1 Stacklight................................................................................................................................. 430
8.4.2 Indicator Box ........................................................................................................................... 431
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8.4.3 Operator Panel ......................................................................................................................... 433
8.5 I/O Device .......................................................................................................................................... 435
8.6 Printer on TC ...................................................................................................................................... 436
8.7 Printer or File on CC .......................................................................................................................... 436
8.8 PLC ..................................................................................................................................................... 437
8.9 ID device ............................................................................................................................................ 441
8.9.1 Type specific parameters ......................................................................................................... 442 Barcode scanner ....................................................................................................... 442 Pepperl + Fuchs escort memory .............................................................................. 443 Allen Bradley escort memory .................................................................................. 444 Omron escort memory ............................................................................................. 445 Euchner card reader ................................................................................................. 447
8.10 ToolsNet ............................................................................................................................................. 448
8.11 Ethernet Protocols .............................................................................................................................. 451
8.11.1 Open Protocol.......................................................................................................................... 454 Automatic/manual mode ........................................................................................ 455 Supported message types ....................................................................................... 457 TC Status Record Formats ..................................................................................... 460 TC Result Record Formats .................................................................................... 461
8.11.2 DaimlerChrysler PFCS ............................................................................................................ 463 Supported message types ....................................................................................... 464 PFD Result Record Formats .................................................................................. 464
8.11.3 FSH ......................................................................................................................................... 465 Supported message types ....................................................................................... 466 TC Result Record Formats .................................................................................... 467
8.11.4 DC PLUS ................................................................................................................................ 468 Parameters for PDT ............................................................................................... 469 Parameters for PQD ............................................................................................... 471 Handling of PN, KN and LI, in protocol version PDT .......................................... 473 Handling of QO and FP ......................................................................................... 474 SAW / WIS ............................................................................................................ 475 SPS ........................................................................................................................ 477 VBA....................................................................................................................... 478 SSE ........................................................................................................................ 479 TC Result Formats for PDT ................................................................................... 480 TC Result Format for PQD .................................................................................. 482 Selecting the data to report .................................................................................. 484 Selecting the data to report .................................................................................. 484
8.11.5 I-P.M. ...................................................................................................................................... 485 Mapping of data ..................................................................................................... 485 Value sent as Maintenance Sequence (AFO-number) ........................................... 487
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Contents Possible error codes ............................................................................................... 488 Characteristic Identifications ................................................................................. 489 Parameter Identifications ....................................................................................... 489
8.11.6 Audi XML ............................................................................................................................... 490
8.12 Fieldbus Interface ............................................................................................................................... 492
8.12.1 Access to PLC data ................................................................................................................. 497 PLC Areas ............................................................................................................. 499 Complex data types ............................................................................................... 500 Set up shared variables .......................................................................................... 503 Fieldbus form......................................................................................................... 507
8.12.2 Access to Process data............................................................................................................. 510 Using the extended format ..................................................................................... 516
8.12.3 Fieldbus specific Information .................................................................................................. 518 DeviceNet .............................................................................................................. 518 Profibus DP and DP-V1 ........................................................................................ 522 ProfiNet IO ............................................................................................................ 526 Modbus TCP .......................................................................................................... 530 Ethernet/IP ............................................................................................................. 535 CC-Link ................................................................................................................. 538
8.13 Serial Communication ........................................................................................................................ 541
8.13.1 Accesses from External communication device ...................................................................... 542
8.13.2 Access to PLC data ................................................................................................................. 544
8.13.3 Access to Process data............................................................................................................. 546
8.13.4 Serial Communication Protocol Information .......................................................................... 546 JBUS ...................................................................................................................... 548 Siemens 3964R ...................................................................................................... 549 Telemechanique UNI-TE....................................................................................... 550 SATT Comli .......................................................................................................... 552 Allen-Bradley Data Highway (Plus) ...................................................................... 553
8.14 API, Application Programmers Interface ........................................................................................... 554
8.14.1 Subscriptions ........................................................................................................................... 558
8.14.2 Object model ........................................................................................................................... 559
8.14.3 Enumerators exported by the API ........................................................................................... 560
8.14.4 Api object ................................................................................................................................ 563 Properties ............................................................................................................... 563 GetPLCBoolEx ...................................................................................................... 564 SetPLCBoolEx ...................................................................................................... 564 GetPLCByteEx ...................................................................................................... 565 SetPLCByteEx ....................................................................................................... 565 GetPLCIntEx ......................................................................................................... 566 SetPLCIntEx .......................................................................................................... 566
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Contents GetPLCRealEx ...................................................................................................... 567 SetPLCRealEx ....................................................................................................... 567 GetPLCStringEx .................................................................................................. 568 SetPLCStringEx................................................................................................... 568 GetPLCBool ........................................................................................................ 569 SetPLCBool ......................................................................................................... 569 GetPLCByte ........................................................................................................ 570 SetPLCByte ......................................................................................................... 570 GetPLCInt............................................................................................................ 571 SetPLCInt ............................................................................................................ 571 GetPLCReal ......................................................................................................... 572 SetPLCReal ......................................................................................................... 572 GetPLCString ...................................................................................................... 573 SetPLCString ....................................................................................................... 573 GetCycleData....................................................................................................... 574 GetCycleDataBin ................................................................................................. 574 GetLastCycleData ................................................................................................ 575 GetLastCycleDataBin .......................................................................................... 575 GetCycleDataById ............................................................................................... 575 SubscribeCD ........................................................................................................ 576 RecNewCD .......................................................................................................... 576 FlushCDQueue .................................................................................................... 576 RewindCDQueue ................................................................................................. 576 GetEvent .............................................................................................................. 577 GetEventEx .......................................................................................................... 578 GetEventObj ........................................................................................................ 578 SubscribeEvent .................................................................................................... 579 RecNewEvent ...................................................................................................... 579 FlushEventQueue................................................................................................. 579 RewindEventQueue ............................................................................................. 579 GetTrace .............................................................................................................. 580 GetTraceEx and GetTraceEx_v2 ......................................................................... 580 GetLastTrace and GetLastTrace_v2 .................................................................... 580 SubscribeTrace .................................................................................................... 581 RecNewTrace ...................................................................................................... 581 FlushTraceQueue ................................................................................................. 581 RewindTraceQueue ............................................................................................. 582 SubscribeStStatus ................................................................................................ 582 RecNewStStatus .................................................................................................. 582 GetSetup .............................................................................................................. 583 SetSetup ............................................................................................................... 583
12 9836 3521 01
Contents GetSetupItem ....................................................................................................... 584 SetSetupItem........................................................................................................ 584 GetSystemDesc .................................................................................................... 585 GetStationDesc .................................................................................................... 585 GetDateAndTime................................................................................................. 586 SetDateAndTime ................................................................................................. 586 GetTime ............................................................................................................... 587 SetTime................................................................................................................ 587
8.14.5 System object .......................................................................................................................... 588 Properties ............................................................................................................... 588
8.14.6 Stations object (collection) ...................................................................................................... 589 Properties ............................................................................................................... 589 Item ........................................................................................................................ 589 Exists ..................................................................................................................... 590
8.14.7 Station object ........................................................................................................................... 591 Properties ............................................................................................................... 591
8.14.8 Bolts object (collection) .......................................................................................................... 592 Properties ............................................................................................................... 592 Item ........................................................................................................................ 592 Exists ..................................................................................................................... 593
8.14.9 Bolt object ............................................................................................................................... 594 Properties ............................................................................................................... 594
8.14.10 TraceData object ................................................................................................................ 595 Properties ............................................................................................................. 595 Press traces .......................................................................................................... 596
8.14.11 Channels object (collection) .............................................................................................. 596 Properties ............................................................................................................. 596 Item ...................................................................................................................... 596 Exists ................................................................................................................... 597
8.14.12 Channel object ................................................................................................................... 598 Properties ............................................................................................................. 598 GetSampleValueNo ............................................................................................. 598 GetSampleValueTime.......................................................................................... 598 GetSampleValues ................................................................................................ 599
8.14.13 StepBounds object (collection) .......................................................................................... 600 Properties ............................................................................................................. 600 Item ...................................................................................................................... 600 Exists ................................................................................................................... 601
8.14.14 StepBound object ............................................................................................................... 602 Properties ............................................................................................................. 602
8.14.15 EventData object ................................................................................................................ 603
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Contents Properties ............................................................................................................. 603
8.14.16 How to use the API ............................................................................................................ 604
8.15 GM DeviceNet .................................................................................................................................... 609
8.15.1 Interface definition input ......................................................................................................... 611
8.15.2 Interface definition output ....................................................................................................... 613 Indication schema .................................................................................................. 614
8.16 ACTA 3000 ........................................................................................................................................ 617
8.17 Process data ........................................................................................................................................ 619
8.17.1 Data types ................................................................................................................................ 621
8.17.2 Layout of Cycle data in Process data ...................................................................................... 621
8.17.3 Layout of Events in Process data ............................................................................................ 622
8.17.4 Layout of Traces in Process data ............................................................................................. 623
8.17.5 Layout of Setup Item Descriptions .......................................................................................... 624 Bolt ........................................................................................................................ 625 Spindle, Parameters ............................................................................................... 626 Spindle, Channel data ............................................................................................ 627 Program, General data ........................................................................................... 628 Program, Trace data ............................................................................................... 629 Program, Monitoring data ...................................................................................... 630 Sequence and Program, Step, Control data ............................................................ 631 Sequence and Program, Step, Speed data .............................................................. 631 Sequence and Program, Step, Speed, Ramp down data ......................................... 632 Sequence and Program, Step, Other data ............................................................. 633 Sequence and Program, Step, Surveillance data .................................................. 634
8.17.6 Layout of Setups...................................................................................................................... 634
9 Specification ..................................................................................................................................... 636
9.1 Specification ....................................................................................................................................... 636
9.2 Requirements ToolsTalk PC ............................................................................................................... 637
10 Appendix........................................................................................................................................... 638
10.1 List of events ...................................................................................................................................... 638
10.2 ToolsTalk PowerMACS command line .............................................................................................. 669
10.3 Cycle Data Storage ............................................................................................................................. 670
10.3.1 Store 5000 Cycle Data ............................................................................................................. 670 Storing and retrieving cycle data ........................................................................... 671
10.4 Configuration of the Conversion Box ................................................................................................. 673
10.5 Fatal Software Errors .......................................................................................................................... 676
11 References......................................................................................................................................... 679
11.1 References to external documents ...................................................................................................... 679
12 Glossary of Terms ............................................................................................................................ 681
12.1 Glossary .............................................................................................................................................. 681
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1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction - Overview
The PowerMACS 4000 system is the seventh generation of tightening systems from Atlas Copco Tools
and Assembly Systems. It is the perfect solution for all tightening applications in your assembly plant,
however complex.
Building on the successful PowerMACS concept the PowerMACS 4000 delivers even more performance
and benefits to customers by increased intelligence in tightening controllers and simplified configuration
through the new ToolsTalk PowerMACS software.
PowerMACS 4000 supports all known tightening and process monitoring methods and builds further on
the proven PowerMACS concept to deliver even more performance using the new intelligent QST
PowerMACS 4000 is not only the most productive, cost-effective and user-friendly tightening system on
the market today, it also offers an impressive new level of installation flexibility.
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1.1.1 ToolsTalk PowerMACS, the friendly user interface
The new improved ToolsTalk PowerMACS (TTPM) builds on the experiences from the earlier WinTC and
with increased simplicity and flexibility make the user experience more rewarding without loosing any
Simplicity has been greatly increased by the introduction of the Basic and Advanced concepts into
ToolsTalk PowerMACS, most functionality is hidden for inexperienced users but available at a mouse-click
for more those who feel they need the extra functionality.
Increased user friendliness by drag & drop functionality.
Full reporting ToolsTalk PowerMACS offers full reporting of tightening results, set values and limits. An
easily adapted annunciator shows the tightening results in read-at-a-glance graphics. The combined
SystemMap shows the tightening status of the bolts and the status of all equipped hardware. The system
provides reports for any chosen parameters, trace curves, and advanced SPC and log files.
User guides Accessible via Hyperlinks, the software includes SetUp Wizards, Tutorials, Tightening
Templates which guide you through the most common tightening sequences, Spare Parts Lists with
drawings and article numbers, service, fault-finding and FAQ functions, and a complete on-line manual.
If you need to configure the system for Ethernet or Fieldbus communication, the PowerMACS 4000 Set
Up Wizards make the task simple.
API for easy access ToolsTalk PowerMACS includes the popular Application Program Interface (API)
enabling the engineer to access data from the Tightening Controller. For example: read and write PLC,
cycle and trace data and store cycle data to media. All internal and external communications are via
Ethernet TCP/IP thin wire 100 Mbit/s.
PowerMACS 4000 can be tailored to any assembly process. A built-in PLC (IEC 61131-3), fully
programmable using the ToolsTalk interface, supports various in-station control requirements.
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Full interchangeability means fewer spare parts are required, maintenance time is reduced and availability
is increased.
All common interfaces All PTC's are designed to interface with Ethernet, the most common Fieldbuses,
and industrial PLCs. The Application Program Interface (API) ensures easy external access to the system.
Peripherals simply added A wide range of peripherals can be connected to the PowerMACS 4000 TC
including printers, bar code readers, operator table, operator annunciators, etc.
Flexible installation The plug-and-play modular design of the TC means maximum installation flexibility.
Series communication in line control and data collection enables the PowerMACS TC's to be discreetly
integrated into the production line by the connection of two cables. The appropriate reporting system and
suitable operator interface can be mounted next to the work area.
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PM4000 Tightening
PM4000 Gauging
PM4000 Tightening contains all functions needed for normal tightening of bolts. It can read and write
Tightening setups on disk or a TC. It cannot read or write a Gauging setup.
PM4000 Gauging has all the functions of PM4000 Tightening but also additional functions for gauging
applications. It can read a Tightening setup from file and convert it to a Gauging setup but not vice versa.
Step BCT
Check Delta T
Check Pos
Store positions
Backlash compensation
Torque To Turn
Valve lash
18 9836 3521 01
Hub nuts
The curve present torque vs. time. There are two critical points.
1. Break-Away
2. Low Torque Rotation Test
To check break-away the torque is gently increased without rotation. If the torque reaches a preset limit
before any rotation starts the test stops immediately, preventing any damage.
If the break-away torque is within limits the rotation starts and the torque is monitored for the full rotation at
slow speed. Any friction out of limit indicates mechanical problems that should be corrected.
The combination of the two tests will show up any mechanical problems at a very early stage, before the
motor has been built into e.g. a vehicle. This eliminates the risk that the motor later experience expensive
service warranties.
9836 3521 01 19
Introduction Valve Lash Gauging Application
In a Valve Lash application a bolt and a nut should be rotated and locked to each other to achieve a
specific valve lash. This can be done with a special coaxial spindle, e.g. QMX 42-2RT.
It is easy to create a program that operates the two spindles in a controlled way to make up perfectly
adjusted valve lash.
20 9836 3521 01
To register, press a Register button to invoke the below form, and follow the instructions.
9836 3521 01 21
When registering please note that there are three types of products:
PM4000 Tightening
PM4000 Gauging
PM4000 Press
The license only covers one of the products. For more information on differences between the two first
products see Tightening and Gauging.
Until registered ToolsTalk PowerMACS will display an extra status bar at the bottom of the main window
showing you the number of days left of the evaluation period. When this time expires the application will
no longer be possible to start and is automatically shut down if it is running.
If downloading of TC software from PowerMACS ToolsTalk doesn‟t work do the following according to the
pictures below.
Click System and Security from Control Panel.
22 9836 3521 01
9836 3521 01 23
Check all check boxes for PowerMACS4000 or PowerMACS4000G (for Gauging) or PowerMACS4000P
(for Press) program and click OK.
24 9836 3521 01
System Architecture
2 System Architecture
2.1 System Architecture - Overview
This section describes the architecture of the PowerMACS 4000 system. It includes the descriptions of the
hardware components, including computers and devices, the structures of the system, station and
9836 3521 01 25
System Architecture
B o lt B o lt B o lt B o lt
S p in d le S p in d le S p in d le S p in d le
A system comprises one or more Tightening Controllers linked together. A system works autonomously,
performing the programmed tightening task(s).
ToolsTalk PowerMACS can only connect to one PowerMACS system at the time. This means that the
user cannot edit or display data from two or more systems simultaneously while using one ToolsTalk. If
you need to display data from two or more stations at the same time you must design them in one system.
Multiple PowerMACS systems may be networked together in a single facility but are limited by the number
of available IP addresses. There is no limitation when networking is not used.
One system can contain up to 50 Tightening Controllers and up to 50 Spindles.
Within a system you can have up to 15 stations and 100 Bolts totally. One station can control up to 50
bolts but there must be no more than 100 Bolts in a system. The Station has a PLC to control the
tightening cycles and interface with automation controllers. Cycle data is generated for each Station
consisting of the result of all bolts controlled by the Station.
A Bolt is the object that will be tightened by the system. A spindle does the actual tightening.
26 9836 3521 01
System Architecture
A Spindle performs the actual tightening task. One Spindle can be used to tighten several Bolts and it
normally comprises of:
Intelligent CPU with complete measuring system
One or more torque sensors
One or more angle sensors
ToolsTalk PowerMACS is a Windows application used to set up a PowerMACS 4000 system. It is not
needed for automatic running, but it can optionally be used to monitor the system and to collect and
display various data.
ToolsTalk PowerMACS can be used for multiple systems, if they are hooked up on the same computer
network, but only one system at a time can be accessed.
9836 3521 01 27
System Architecture
Console with ToolsTalk
Peripheral Hub
Serial bus
Field bus
I/O bus
28 9836 3521 01
System Architecture
2.3.1 Tightening Controller
A Tightening Controller (TC) takes care of various tasks around tightening: driving and controlling a
spindle, measuring and storing angle and torque, running PLC, etc. Each TC contains all functions
necessary to monitor and control one (1) spindle.
Two different Tightening Controllers exist; the PTC is intended to run as a System TC and Station TC. The
PTC has more external interfaces (sockets) than the standard TC.
The System TC is the TC that communicates directly with ToolsTalk PowerMACS. It is on this TC that the
setup, downloaded from ToolsTalk PowerMACS, is stored and is responsible for starting the system when
powered on, or after downloading a new setup.
A single TC belongs to one system only. The System TC, and the setup downloaded to it, defines the
system. When the System TC starts up, either at power on or after receiving a new setup, it will try to
attach to the Spindle TCs it needs. It will assume that IP-address of the Spindle TCs are consecutive to its
own IP-address. That is, if the System TC has address TC 2 should have, TC 3, and so on.
A Spindle TC will only accept the request of the first System TC that attach to it after a cold start. It will
then remember the IP-address of the System TC and refuse requests from a System TC having another
IP-address until cold started again. See chapter: Configure Target System for more information on how to
configure a TC as a System TC and set its IP-address. Chapter: Configure Target System describes a tool
for detecting overlapping systems, that is, several System TCs trying to use the same Spindle TC.
Spindle TCs can be replaced while the system is operational, without requiring the setup to be
downloaded to the new TC before starting it again. They will fetch their part of the setup from the System
unit when activated.
For security and redundancy a back up copy of the setup is maintained on the second TC in a
PowerMACS 4000 system. This means that the System TC in a system can be replaced without requiring
the setup to be downloaded to the new System TC before starting the system again. See chapter:
Handling of the setup in the target system for details.
Should both the System TC and TC 2 be found nonfunctional and must be replaced then the setup must
be downloaded from a backup media using ToolsTalk PowerMACS. You should therefore always keep
backups of your setups in a safe place.
Note! After replacing the System TC you are strongly recommended to cold start the complete
All TCs in a system, System TCs as well as Spindle TCs, must use the same TC System Software
version in order to function properly. There are several methods to verify that this is the case for all TCs in
a system. The TCs themselves checks for version conflicts at start up and indicates this using the display
on the their front (see chapter: Version conflict message) and ToolsTalk PowerMACS has several forms
that can be used for the same purpose (see chapter: Configure Target System and Check for System
9836 3521 01 29
System Architecture
The TC board has the following layout:
S T b us
E th e rn e t
L o ca l I/O
E m e rg . S to p
F la sh -P R O M
S e ria l
B a tte ry RTC
30 9836 3521 01
System Architecture
Ethernet Ethernet interfaces For communication with other TCs. In System TC:s the
second Ethernet interface is used for communication
with the Consol Computer (ToolsTalk PowerMACS),
100 MBits
CPU Central Processing Unit PowerPC 880, 120 MHz
RAM Random Access Memory For storage of program and data when executing, 32
Flash-PROM Programmable Read Only For storage of boot and application software.
Memory of Flash type
SRAM Static RAM with battery For storage of set-ups, traces, cycle data etc.
2 MB
ST bus St bus (2 ch) ST bus 1 is for communication with the drive and the
spindle, located in the tool connector. ST bus 2 is for
communication with ST based accessories.
Emerg. stop Emergency Stop Class 3 Emergency Stop, breaks the gate drive
Local DI Digital input Opto Isolated Digital Input
Local DO Digital Output Relay Outputs
Serial Serial interface Interface to serial devices, 3 channels RS232, 1
channel RS422, 2 channels RS485
MACS I/O CAN bus interface Opto Isolated interface to MACS I/O and other
AnyBus FieldBus interfaces Interface to superior devices
Battery RAM-backup Expected life length >10 years
RTC Real Time Clock Battery backed Real Time Clock
9836 3521 01 31
System Architecture
HMI Display
Soft buttons
Reset emergency stop
The following LED indicators can be found on top of the PTC and are common with the LEDs found on
regular TCs.
OK is lit green when last cycle (tightening) performed by the PTC was OK.
NOK is lit red when last cycle (tightening) performed by the PTC was NOK.
ALARM is lit red when a servo or spindle hardware or system error has been detected on the PTC.
To acknowledge the alarm the PLC variable RESET can be used, an attempt to acknowledge the
alarm is also performed automatically at each cycle start.
The second row of LED indicators can only be found on the PTC.
ALL OK is PTC specific and indicates that the cycle (tightening) for all bolts for the station was OK.
PRIM. Indicates that the PTC is also the System TC for a system.
E-STOP is lit when the station controlled by the PTC is emergency stopped.
32 9836 3521 01
System Architecture
The Reset emergency stop button acknowledges an emergency stop for a station.
E m S to p In : 1 2 p ole E m S to p O u t: 1 2
D ig In : 1 0 p ole P h oen ix p o le P h oen ix
P h oen ix . 4 E m erg en c y sto p in E m erg en c y sto p
D igital in p u ts an d M A C S I/O ou t
D ip sw itc h for
R S 4 8 5 an d M A C S I/O
S erial 1 : 9 p ole
T erm in ation
D -su b
R S 2 3 2 /R S 4 8 5
S erial 2 : 1 5 p ole
D -su b H D
R S 2 3 2 /R S 4 2 2 Q S T S p in d le
C o n n ector
E x t E th : R J4 5
E x tern al E th ern et R ela y O u t 1 2 p ole
P h oen ix
In t E th : R J4 5 4 R ela y O u tp u ts
In tern al E th ern et
2 4 V in p u t: 2 p ole
E S : 2 p ole JS T O p tion al A n yb u s
P h oen ix
P ow er S u p p ly fo r C C m o d u le
2 4 V in p u t
E th ern et S w itch on ly
9836 3521 01 33
System Architecture TC Description
All indicators are located on the front of the TC.
H M I D is p la y
S o ft b u tto n s
The following LED indicators can be found on top of the TC and are common with the LEDs found on
OK is lit green when last cycle (tightening) performed by the TC was OK.
NOK is lit red when last cycle (tightening) performed by the TC was NOK.
ALARM is lit red when a servo or spindle hardware or system error has been detected on the TC.
To acknowledge the alarm the PLC variable RESET can be used, an attempt to acknowledge the
alarm is also performed automatically at each cycle start.
34 9836 3521 01
System Architecture
Sockets on the TC
The following picture shows the input and output sockets on the TC.
E m S top In : 1 2 pole
P h oen ix
E m erg en cy stop in
E m S top O u t: 1 2 pole
P h oen ix
E m erg en cy stop ou t
P ow er C on n ector
Q S T S pind le C on n ector
2 4 V In pu t 2 pole
In t E th : R J45
P h oen ix . 24 V in pu t
In tern al E th ern et
E S : 2 pole JS T
P ow er S u pply for
E th ern et S w itch on ly
9836 3521 01 35
System Architecture
Default Menu
The default menu contains two view items, you can select which view by pressing the up/down buttons
(the two middle soft buttons). Press the Setup button to go to the Setup menu and the Info button to go to
the information menu.
Default view
TC 01
Shows TC Number (Last
Setup Info digits of internal IP address)
The torque and angle values shown are collected from the monitoring buffer – select the monitoring buffer
to use by adjusting the properties on the TC in the System Map, see chapter:
36 9836 3521 01
System Architecture
TC node. The selected default menu is remembered between TC restarts.
Setup Menu
The setup menu is divided into two groups Basic Setup and IP Setup. Press the Select button to enter a
settings group or press the Back button to return to the Default menu.
Basic Setup
Basic Setup
Basic settings for a TC
Select Back
Menu Description
System TC If a PTC is the System TC (option only available on PTC)
TC Number The TCs number (equivalent to the TCs last digit in the internal
Clear Setup Clear the setup stored in the TC
Restart TC Option to restart the TC
9836 3521 01 37
System Architecture
Setup Menu – IP Setup
The IP Setup is used to configure the IP addresses of the TC. PTC:s are equipped with two interfaces
(internal and external) whereas regular TC:s only have one interface (internal).
The following options can be set in IP Setup.
Menu Description
IF 1 IP Address IP Address for interface 1
IF 1 Net Mask Net Mask for interface 1
IF 1 Gateway Default gateway for interface 1
IF 2 IP Address IP Address for interface 2 (PTC only)
IF 2 Net Mask Net Mask for interface 2 (PTC only)
IF 2 Gateway Default gateway for interface 2 (PTC only)
It is possible to lock the display from the system node in the system map in ToolsTalk PowerMACS. If the
display is locked it is not possible to use the display to make any changes. Instead of the text Change in
the Setup menus it will say Locked. It is still possible to look at all the information, but nothing can be
changed. To unlock the display you must connect with ToolsTalk PowerMACS change the setting in the
system map.
Info Menu
The Info menu contains information about the TC, press the Select button to go to either events or system
Events Menu
Events: 1
Lists system events
Select Back
38 9836 3521 01
System Architecture
The events menu contains all hardware and critical system errors that have occurred on the TC since the
last reset. When the ALARM led is lit on a TC the error message can be found in the events menu.
Show Event
Ev# 5094
DC Bus Low The event code and a short
10:36 Back
description is shown. The
time of the event is shown in
the lower left part of the
Servo Info
Software Ver Servo Software Version
Boot Ver Servo Boot Version
Serial No Servo Serial Number
HW Ver Servo hardware version
Spindle Info
Software Ver Spindle Software Version
Boot Ver Spindle Boot Version
9836 3521 01 39
System Architecture
HW Serial No Spindle Hardware Serial Number
HW Ver Spindle Hardware Version
Serial No Spindle Serial Number
Type Spindle Type
This message is only for information and shows the software version of the System TC, by using the up
and down arrows the TC panel could be used as usual.
Note: This message could also appear with Automatic download function as described in the chapter
Replacement of System TC and Backup TC.
40 9836 3521 01
System Architecture
2.3.4 Ethernet
Communication between the Console Computer and the Tightening Controllers or between two Tightening
Controllers is done with use of an Ethernet network. This runs with 100 Mbit/s and uses TCP/IP as
protocol. Physical media is 10Base-TX, i.e. twisted pair, max length 100 m. By use of commercially
available products it is possible to build a network with optically isolated components.
Via a router other computers in the factory can access the Console Computer. To isolate the PowerMACS
system from the rest of the factory (and vice versa) communication is done through an internal separated
network, only PTCs provides a second ethernet interface to be used for communication with external
9836 3521 01 41
System Architecture
42 9836 3521 01
System Architecture
9836 3521 01 43
System Architecture
Fig 1.
Yes No
Press Yes if this is
replacement TC. Press No if
If the operator presses No, no software update is made and the TC panel shows the normal version
conflict text. (If the operator by mistake has answer No to the above questions the TC has to be restarted
(power on/off) in order for the questions to appear again.)
If the operator presses Yes, the following control text appears on the TC panel:
Fig 2.
If the operator presses No, no software update is made and the TC panel shows the text in Fig 1.
If the operator presses Yes, the software downloads starts and the TC panel shows the normal download
information text. If by any reason the download process to any TC is interrupted by loss of power or
network error etc. then a TTPM must be used to update these TC since the Automatic Download function
would not be a part of the boot loader.
44 9836 3521 01
System Architecture
2.4.3 Replacement of the System TC and Backup TC
If the System TC detects a conflict compared with the backup TC then this situation must first be resolved
before updating any other TC in the system. If the System TC detects that a backup TC with different
software version exists in the system then there is no possibility to automatically detect which TC that has
been replaced.
The solution to this is to show the above described text on both the System TC and the backup TC and let
an operator decide which TC to update.
Any other TC in the system will show the normal version conflict message as long as there is a conflict
between the System TC and the backup TC.
Note: It is not possible to download new software to the backup TC from a System TC that has no valid
Note: Since the System TC only initiates the download of new software any number of Spindle TCs could
download new software simultaneous without any interference from the System TC.
Note: For this to be possible the System TC must have a valid setup loaded.
2.4.6 Troubleshooting
If by any reason the download software process to any TC is interrupted by loss of power or network error
etc. then a TTPM must be used to update these TC since the Automatic Download function would not be a
part of the boot loader.
9836 3521 01 45
System Architecture
2.4.7 Automatic Update of Servo software
When the TC is powered up a control is made to verify if the software that is running in the servo is
different than the servo software stored in the TC flash memory. If it is found to be different and older that
the software stored in the TC the servo is automatically updated with the newer version.
During the update of the servo software the following message is shown on the TC panel:
Updating Updating
Servo software
Indicates that the TC is
updating the servo
It is also possible to downgrade a servo with software that is older than the version running in the TC. This
could be done by using the Configure Target function described in this release note.
Note: During the start and end of the servo updating the servo switches the power to the TC off and on.
46 9836 3521 01
System Architecture
Updating Updating
Spindle software
Indicates that the TC is
updating the spindle
It is also possible to downgrade a spindle with software that is older than the version running in the TC.
This could be done by using the Configure Target function described in this release note.
Note: If the updating of the spindle software should fail due to that the power is switched off or the spindle
is disconnected before the download has been completed, then the spindle needs to be updated manually
by using the Configure Target function.
9836 3521 01 47
System Architecture
48 9836 3521 01
Basic Functions
3 Basic Functions
3.1 Basic Functions - Overview
This part covers the basic functions, like how to handle windows and screen, security, help, etc.
9836 3521 01 49
Basic Functions
3.2 Windows
This chapter gives a general presentation of the parts of ToolsTalk PowerMACS and how to operate them.
Title bar
On top of the screen there is a title bar. In this you can see the name and version of the application
(ToolsTalk PowerMACS 7.3.0) and the name and version of the setup that you currently are working with.
If no specific setup is active <no name> is displayed instead of the system name.
Menu bar
On top of the screen, just below the title bar, there is a menu bar.
When selecting one of the menus it drops down and you can see a set of menu items or menu choices.
Tool bar
Below the menu bar you have a tool bar. This contains buttons to reach the most frequently used
functions of the system. You can move the toolbar to a different location by dragging the toolbar using the
grip-handle on the left side.
Status bar
On the bottom of the screen you have a status bar.
50 9836 3521 01
Basic Functions
Commonly used Windows controls
The following Windows controls are commonly referred to in this document:
Textbox – Holds text that you can either enter or change
Check box – Represents parameters of Boolean type, that is that either are True or False
Radio button – Represents multiple choices from which you can choose only one
Combo box – Another way to represent multiple choices from which you can choose only one
9836 3521 01 51
Basic Functions
Handling of windows
With the menu View you can select which dockable windows you want to show and also if the toolbar
and/or the status bar should be displayed.
It is also possible to restore the factory default view from here and save your own view configuration..
If you have a number of windows on the screen at the same time you can get these rearranged in a
structured way. Use the menu choices Window-Cascade etc. Note that these options will not scale the
dockable windows.
The layouts of most windows are saved when ToolsTalk PowerMACS is closed and will be restored when
ToolsTalk PowerMACS is started again.
52 9836 3521 01
Basic Functions
3.3 Help
Function key F1
When running the ToolsTalk PowerMACS application you can get all information you need, by a press of a
Whenever in trouble, press the function key F1
F1 activates the help system and displays information relevant the topic you are just using. This is called
context sensitive help.
Help menu
It is also possible to get help by use of the Help menu. Contents bring up a list of topics with hyper links.
Site Specific Help presents information that is specific for the current site.
9836 3521 01 53
Basic Functions
The items New, Open, Close, Save, and Save as are for handling setups. Convert is used to convert an
old setup to a newer version. Import and Export are also used in connection with setups. Handling setups
are described in chapter: Set Up and Maintenance.
Page setup and Print is used for printing of setups. See chapter: Printing.
Security, Login, and Logout is described in detail in chapter: Security.
Connect, Disconnect indicates if ToolsTalk PowerMACS is in contact with a running system. If you want
to work off-line, even though you have a connection, select this item to switch it off. See also chapter: How
to Start up.
54 9836 3521 01
Basic Functions
An MRU list (Most Recently Used) shows previous setups that have been opened recently. Select one of
these to get an instant opening of it, instead of using the Open item.
Use Exit to shut down the ToolsTalk PowerMACS application. If you have modified the current setup you
will be asked to save it first.
9836 3521 01 55
Basic Functions
From this window it is possible to select Create a new setup to begin working on a new setup in
disconnected mode, select Open an existing setup to open an already saved setup from disk. The option
Select a target system allows you to select the target system to connect to, to connect to the target
system most recently used select Connect to current target system. You can also select one of the
most recently used setups to open in disconnected mode.
If you do not want the welcome screen to be shown when ToolsTalk PowerMACS is started check the Do
not show this again checkbox before closing the window. The welcome screen can be enabled again in
the Setup -- Options.. menu.
56 9836 3521 01
Basic Functions
To edit a setup when Disconnected
This is how you start up when you want to check or edit a setup, without connecting to a running system:
1. From the File menu select Open, or from the welcome screen, select Open an existing setup
2. In presented file list, select an existing setup
If you want to create a completely new setup, select New from the File menu or Create a new setup from
the welcome screen.
If you want to download a setup to the target fist make sure it is loaded in ToolsTalk PowerMACS, either
by reading it from disk (menu: File – Open) or by Creating a new system using the Set Up Wizard (menu:
File – New).
Connecting to a system
When ToolsTalk PowerMACS connects to a system over the network the following can occur:
9836 3521 01 57
Basic Functions
If the setup version and the TC software version differ, you will be notified and if there is a solution to the
version conflict a solution will be suggested.
If there is no setup loaded in ToolsTalk PowerMACS the setup will automatically be fetched from the
System TC and ToolsTalk will connect normally.
If a setup is present in ToolsTalk PowerMACS and it is equal compared to the setup in the System TC
ToolsTalk will connect normally.
If a setup is loaded in ToolsTalk PowerMACS and it is different from the setup stored on the TC the
following dialog is displayed:
Select Write to TC to transfer the setup currently loaded in ToolsTalk PowerMACS to the target system.
The target will wait for any ongoing cycles to be completed before the setup is loaded. Should the cycle
not finish within time the download is canceled and you are informed.
Note! Selecting Write to TC will restart the target system. This may disturb any eventually ongoing
communication that the target has with other systems, for example over a fieldbus.
Select Read from TC to transfer the setup in the target system to ToolsTalk PowerMACS. Please note
that this will replace the setup currently stored in ToolsTalk PowerMACS.
Select Compare programs to compare the programs in the target system setup to the programs in the
ToolsTalk setup before deciding which setup to use.
58 9836 3521 01
Basic Functions
3.6 Viewing
If you have your console PC connected to the tightening controllers (connected), you can view several
items in the system. You can start View displays by use of the menu View or by pressing one of the
corresponding buttons on the tool bar.
9836 3521 01 59
Basic Functions
The color of the items indicates the current status of the item.
Color Status
Green OK - Idle after OK cycle
Red NOK – Idle after NOK cycle
Orange NOKRM - Idle NOK only due to reject management after a cycle. For bolts only
Yellow Running cycle
Blue Bolt is disconnected. This color is only used if the checkbox Display disconnected bolts with blue
color in the Options form is checked.
If not checked then disconnected OK bolts will be green and disconnected NOK bolts will be red.
For bolts only
If you want more information on the stations or bolts, expand the box by clicking on the box of interest.
The information that is displayed in the different boxes and the size and position of them is set up using
the Assembly Overview Set Up form.
If you have several stations in your PowerMACS system they can all be displayed in expanded mode over
a common system background picture.
When a cycle is started, the station box and bolt boxes (for running bolts) are cleared of its result
information and the background is set to yellow. For bolt boxes of bolts that are not started the previous
60 9836 3521 01
Basic Functions
result information and background color remains. When the cycle is finished, the background color and
result information is updated.
In the case that the cycle is ended without any cycle data being produced (for example a sub cycle is
ended in a stitching cycle using PLC station output variable DATAHOLD); the bolt boxes background
color is updated to show the status of the finished cycle.
Note! The station box is still yellow to indicate that the complete tightening cycle is not yet finished and
that there is no result information in the bolt boxes. The reason for this is that the cycle data is not yet
produced by the system and therefore it is not possible to show any result information either. When the
complete cycle is finished and the cycle data is received, the station and bolt boxes are updated with
status and result information.
9836 3521 01 61
Basic Functions
62 9836 3521 01
Basic Functions
3.6.2 System Map
The System Map gives an overview of all functional parts in the system. It can be used both as an
indicator of current status for all parts, but also as a navigation tool within the system. The default location
for the System Map is on the left side of ToolsTalk PowerMACS but it can be placed anywhere on the
When first started the System Map displays a page with the system shown in a tree structure. You can
expand and collapse the tree structure by pressing the small squares with + or -, or clicking on items.
9836 3521 01 63
Basic Functions
When connected to a system the Station and Bolt nodes will display certain colors depending on the last
Color Status
Green OK - Idle after OK cycle
Red NOK - Idle after NOK cycle
Orange NOKRM - Idle NOK only due to reject management after a cycle. For bolts only
Yellow Running cycle
Blue Bolt is disconnected. This color is only used if the checkbox Display disconnected bolts with blue
color in the Options form is checked.
If not checked then disconnected OK bolts will be green and disconnected NOK bolts will be red.
For bolts only
Below the actual tree are the particular Details for the currently selected item listed. Use the Details
window to edit data for an item. By default the Details window is placed below the actual system tree but it
can be placed anywhere on the screen by drag & drop.
64 9836 3521 01
Basic Functions
Problems with equipment (hardware or devices) are indicated with a red cross over the icon. For certain
devices Online info is shown below the Details window.
9836 3521 01 65
Basic Functions
3.6.3 View Cycle Data
The Cycle Data window is used to display data from the tightening cycles.
The display shows the last cycle. When new cycles are added older cycles are scrolled upwards. By use
of the vertical scrollbar you can go back to earlier cycles. If the text is wider than the window, a horizontal
scrollbar appears.
If you press Hold the display is temporarily stopped. Cycle data are still recorded and when you release
the Hold by pressing the Hold button again the presentation will continue. Press Clear to clear the list.
Press Refresh to clear the list and retrieve all cycle data stored on the System TC.
If the Advanced button is pressed you can specify the format settings by pressing the Layout button, if
you want to present just specific cycles press the Settings button, the following frame will then appear
below the cycle data window:
Here you can specify if you want to present OK and/or NOK cycles, for specific stations and/or tightening
programs, or cycles with specific errors.
In the ID field write as many characters you like. All cycles that have an ID that contains the string of
characters will be displayed.
You can also present cycles between certain times, e.g. 99-12-31, 23:59..00-01-01, 00:01. Enter date and
time in the format your computer is set up for. Use “..” as separator between start and stop times. If you do
not enter any date, today is assumed. If you do not enter any time, start time is assumed to be 00:00 and
stop time 23:59.
66 9836 3521 01
Basic Functions
Note! To be able to filter out the results for a specific program you must have included the bolt level result
variable “Program” in the reporter named “Screen”. The result will include all cycles where at least
one bolt has executed the selected program.
Cycle data can be saved to file when pressing the “Get cycledata” button. Select a file to save the data to
or type a new file name. The data will be saved into this file with the extension .csv
The picture below shows the result when the file is opened with Excel. Please note that the file can have
different columns depending of the settings in the screen reporter.
9836 3521 01 67
Basic Functions
With the cursor you can mark a specific part of the trace to zoom in. Place the mouse pointer on the upper
left corner of the area you want to enlarge. Press the left mouse button and drag the mouse pointer to the
lower right corner of the area to zoom in and release the mouse button. This will cause the graph to be
redrawn displaying only the selected area. Click on the right mouse button to zoom out.
When the mouse pointer is located over the graph area a box under it will display the value of the x and y
coordinates pointed at.
If you select All Bolts or All spindles the SPC diagram will show you SPC statistics based on data from
all bolts or spindles in a station weighed together to a measure of the station as a whole. Only variables
already set up for collection from this station are used when calculating the resulting values.
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If there is a subgroup, which has possible corrupt data, you can delete it. Click in the diagram on the
subgroup you want to delete. Press Delete Subgroup. This is possible only when the selection SPC and
TDA is active.
To the left current capability values are displayed. The window is automatically updated whenever a new
cycle is completed. Values displayed are calculated over same data as shown in the curve, for subgroups
or for short-term trend.
If Cp or Cpk is not presently within limits, a warning message is presented.
If you select Histogram you will be presented the following view:
This form displays the frequency distribution of the selected variable. The X-axis, displayed in the unit of
the variable, is divided in 20 classes scaled so that 25% of the screen is left of LTL, and 25% is right of
The boundaries of each class are marked using dashed vertical lines where green indicates classes in
between LTL and UTL.
On Y-axis is shown the count of values with in each of the classes.
If you want to have the current view on paper, press Print.
The viewed statistics is updated cyclically when online.
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For each individual bolt's tightening cycle a trace can be generated and recorded. The maximum length of
a trace is 20 seconds. If a trace is recorded for longer time than 20 seconds the oldest values will be
overwritten with new samples.
The conditions for when a trace is started are configured under the general settings for each program.
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Select cycle
Select the bolt you are interested in by use of the Station and Bolt fields. Select the spindle used to
tighten the bolt by use of the Spindle field. “All” means that the trace for selected Bolt is viewed
regardless of which spindle was used to tighten the bolt.
To view traces for a particular spindle, regardless of which bolt the spindle tightened, select “All” in the
Bolt field and then select the spindle in the Spindle field.
Select which quantities you want to display for the trace by use of the three menus on the upper right side
of the trace viewing window (Bottom axis, Left axis and Right axis). You can study one or two different
quantities of the trace against a third quantity.
For the two vertical axis, the following quantities can be selected:
Angle - Views the recorded angle values.
Current - Views the recorded current values.
Current as T - Views the recorded current values scaled as torque using the values of the spindle
setup parameters Gear Ratio and T/C factor from when the cycle was executed.
Torque - Views the recorded torque values.
Gradient - Views the recorded gradient values.
Pos. Angle - Views the recorded angle values filtered so that all angle movements are positive, i.e.
the angle of the cycle is always increasing, even if the bolt was moving backwards.
Pos. Torque - Views the absolute values of the recorded torque values.
If Advanced view is enabled it is also possible to select the following for the second angle and torque
Angle 2 - Views the recorded angle values for the second angle channel.
Torque 2 - Views the recorded torque values for the second torque channel.
Pos. Angle 2 - Views the recorded angle values for the second angle channel filtered so that all
angle movements are positive, i.e. the angle of the cycle is always increasing, even if the bolt was
moving backwards.
Pos. Torque 2 - Views the absolute values of the recorded torque values for the second torque
For the horizontal axis, the following quantities can be selected:
Time - Displays values over sample time.
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Basic Functions
Angle - Displays values over recorded angle.
Pos. Angle - Displays values over positive angle. All angle movements are positive, i.e. the angle
of the cycle is always increasing, even if the bolt was moving backwards.
If Advanced view is enabled it is also possible to select the following for the second angle channel:
Angle 2 - Displays values over recorded second angle channel.
Pos. Angle 2 - Displays values over positive second angle channel. All angle movements are
positive, i.e. the angle of the cycle is always increasing, even if the bolt was moving backwards.
For all quantities except angle and time, there may be gaps in the recorded values. For example when
spindle functional test is performed, torque values are not recorded. When the torque curve is displayed
on the graph, a small gap in the curve is shown when the spindle functional test was performed. Another
example is Gradient values which are only recorded when the restriction Gradient is active.
If Torque (or Pos. Torque) is selected, the torque unit displayed is the one used when the trace was
recorded. If many traces are displayed with different torque units, the torque unit for each trace can be
found in the identity list. This list is displayed by clicking on the button Identity>>.
The second torque and angle channels are only available when the following conditions are true:
Equipped on spindle and marked as enabled in the spindle setup.
Selected as included in the general program settings.
Note! The actual second Angle and Torque channel used is the channel that is not configured as
Monitoring channel (regular Angle and Torque channels).
Note! Collection of Secondary Torque and Angle channels in the trace must be enabled for each program,
this is described in chapter Program Settings.
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If you see a trace that is interesting in some respect you can choose to save it, either in the TC or to a disk
file on your PC.
To save it in the TC, select the Save at TC from the Trace menu. This will cause the currently
displayed trace to be tagged for save which protects it.
To save it as a disk file select the Save to file option from the Trace menu. This will display a Save
As dialogue where you specify the name and the format of your file. Chose extension *.trc ("Trace
Files"), to save it in PowerMACS internal format, or extension *.txt ("Text Files"), to save the trace
as a text file. A trace saved in PowerMACS internal format includes all data of the trace and can
later be opened using the Trace|Open file alternative. A trace file stored as text only includes the
curves, the step boundaries (as a curve) and the cycle data printed as text. The curves are written
as columns, separated by a tab character, with each sample on an own row. This makes the text
file easy to import to, for example, Excel.
Reference trace
It is possible to save any displayed trace as a reference trace. The reference trace is stored by selecting
Trace | Save as reference from the menu. There can only be one reference trace on ToolsTalk
If a reference trace is stored it can be displayed in the background of all other traces by checking the View
| Reference trace option. The reference trace is displayed with more transparent colors than normal.
Show Program
It is possible to see which program that was used to run a trace stored on TCs or as a disk file on your PC.
The used program can be seen by selecting Trace | Show Program from the menu. The program is
shown in the form: Show Program from Trace.
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With the cursor you can mark a specific part of the trace to zoom in. Place the mouse pointer on the
corner of the area you want to enlarge. Press the left mouse button and drag the mouse pointer to the
opposite corner of the area to zoom in and release the mouse button. This will cause the graph to be
redrawn displaying only the selected area.
Click on the right mouse button to zoom out.
When the graph is zoomed in, you can scroll the graph to be able to follow a curve. Place the mouse
pointer on the graph. Press the right mouse button and drag the mouse pointer while holding down the
right button. The graph is redrawn continuously while the mouse is moved.
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Under the heading Selected Trace, information about the currently selected trace is displayed. When
several traces are displayed (using the Select option to open traces from TC) you can use the buttons
and to browse through all traces. Note that two curves can be displayed for each trace.
In the identity list (displayed by clicking on the button Identity>>) more information can be found for the
Under the heading Selected Sample, information about the currently selected sample is displayed. To
select a sample, click with the mouse on the graph. The point on a curve that is nearest to the mouse
pointer is selected and marked with a black dot.
The information that belongs to the actual curve is displayed with black text. Other information about the
selected sample is displayed with gray text.
Use the buttons to fine tune which sample that is selected. The buttons and moves the point 10
samples backwards or forwards in the buffer. The buttons and moves the point only 1 sample
backwards or forwards. Use the button to toggle between the two quantities curves for the trace. In
the picture above, clicking on this button would move the selected point from the Angle over Time curve
to the Torque over time curve.
Use the checkbox Highlight if you want to study one specific trace among all the others.
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The curves of the selected trace are highlighted compared to the other traces. This makes it easy to study
a specific trace while still having several others displayed. Change the selected trace to highlight another
trace. This makes it possible to browse through all traces viewing them one by one.
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Basic Functions
Show Single Step
It is possible to view only one step at the time. Select Extras | Show from the View menu to bring forward
the Show Single Step frame.
Mark the checkbox "Show Single Step" and select which step number to show in the combo box.
If quantity Angle is used on either a vertical axis or the horizontal axis, you can select to show the step
angle instead of the cycle angle with the checkbox "Show Step Angle". The step angle starts at zero
degrees at the beginning of each step.
Note! The step is considered to begin at the step start time. The step angle is counted from this point also.
This may not be the same position as other parts of the system use for the start of the step. The positions
of limit curves may differ from what is expected.
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Match curves
When displaying several traces at the same time there are many reasons for the traces to differ on the
horizontal axis. Since this makes them difficult to compare it is possible to match the traces to each other.
Select View | Extras | Match conditions to display a frame where you can set up the match conditions.
If you select Torque, matching will be done where the traces have reached the same level of torque. The
level is specified in % in the field next to the alternative. If you e.g. specify 50% the traces will be matched
to where the individual traces have reached 50% of their maximum torque (for the first time).
For Time and Angle it is probably more interesting to set 100%, i.e. where they have reached their final
angle or time.
The scale of the horizontal axis will be set for the latest trace.
Use the sliders for minor positioning sideways.
With the buttons next to the sliders you can change color of the traces. Note that when two quantities on
the vertical axis are displayed, it is not possible to change the colors. You have to select one of the axis to
be Nothing.
By placing the mouse pointer over the button or the slider, a tool tip text is shown with identity information
about the trace. You can change the color by clicking on the color identifiers next to each slider.
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Identity of traces
Select View | Extras | Identify from the menu to display a list with identity information about each trace.
It is possible to change color of one or many traces at the same time. To change color of one trace, simply
click on the colored button to the left in the list. A color dialog is displayed where a new color can be
selected for the trace. To change color of many traces at the same time, hold down the CTRL key and
click on the traces to select them. Then click on one of the selected traces colored button to the left.
Note! It is only possible to change the color when only one curve is displayed for each trace, i.e. only one
quantity on the vertical axis is selected. If two quantities are selected, all curves for the quantity on
the left vertical axis will be displayed in red and all curves for the quantity on the right vertical axis
will be displayed in blue.
Select Trace | Print from the menu to print the trace currently displayed.
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The list shows traces stored. By use of the Show traces for… frame you can select which traces to show.
In the ID field write as many characters you like. All traces that have an ID that contains the string of
characters will be displayed.
Hold down the CTRL key and select with the mouse the traces you are interested in. When you return to
the view window all the traces are presented in the same diagram, with different colors.
Normally traces are from the most recent cycles. Traces, which are tagged for save, will be saved
indefinitely. The save tag can be switched on and off by use of the Save/Unsave buttons for any trace.
Saved traces are marked by an S in the Save column on the left side of the window.
Due to the fact that traces consume quite a lot of memory only a limited number of traces can be saved.
When trace memory is full and new traces are produced the system will strive to keep the number of
stored OK and NOK according to the SRAM configuration (see chapter SRAM). This means that a new
OK trace will overwrite the oldest OK trace not marked for save, and vice versa for NOK traces.
Note! All traces, also the ones marked for “Save”, are deleted if the battery backed up memory is cleared,
for example when new System Software is loaded.
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To display the tightening path for a cycle, either select a cycle data by pressing the Select Cycle Data
button or select one or more traces to compare.
In order to have the step type written for each step in the graph the Step Type cycle data variable must be
present in the Trace reporter.
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All events are also classified by their Severity. Severity is one of the following:
Num. Id. above is the numerical identity of the respective Event Type. This value is used when events are
reported to binary devices. See Layout of Events for a complete description of the binary format of events.
All events are stored in an Event Log, which can be viewed using ToolsTalk PowerMACS.
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For each event the following information can be displayed (from left to right):
If the event is observed or not (a check mark if observed)
The severity of the event
The date and time when the event occurred
Number of the TC that generated the event (Optional)
The number of the station to which the event belongs (zero (0) if not connected to a particular
station) (Optional)
The number of the bolt (the user specified bolt number) to which the event belongs zero (0) if not
connected to a particular bolt) (Optional)
The Angle Channel if relevant (for restriction, check and monitoring events). Possible values are:
M Monitoring
C Control
1,2 Channel number
The Torque Channel if relevant (for restrictions, check and monitoring events). Possible values are:
M Monitoring
C Control
1,2,3 Channel Number (1-2 is torque transducers, 3 is Current As Torque)
The name of the program to which the event belongs (blank if not connected to a particular
The type of the event
The event code of the event (Optional)
A textual description of the event
By default the Event Log window is docked on the bottom right half of the ToolsTalk PowerMACS main
window but can be placed freely.
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Events that have been dealt with can be marked as “Observed”. Select one or more events in the list and
press the Observed button. A single event can be marked by just double clicking it. An observed event
shows a red check mark in the leftmost column.
If you press the Setup button the Event Log Setup window is opened where you can specify which event
types and/or Severities to display. You can also include just events connected to a certain station, bolt, or
Events may also be viewed and marked as observed per event type from PowerMACS PLC. See the
description of PLC Event handling in chapter: Advanced Station Settings for how this is enabled.
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3.6.8 View I/O signals
When ToolsTalk PowerMACS is connected you can display the current status of all digital inputs and
output connected to a particular TC. Use menu choice View-IO to open the IO Map form. (You can also
open it from the Hardware on the System Map form. Select the IO device for a TC and press
86 9836 3521 01
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3.7 Reporter
The reporter is a very flexible and powerful tool that is used to configure which data to display and output
from a PowerMACS system. Reporters can be added, edited and removed from either the Reporter menu
item or the system map.
It can be seen as a function that helps you select various data from the system. It controls what data to
send to a particular device and how this data is formatted. The reporter itself is not able to output any
data; the device that the reporter is connected to does this.
Some devices, such as the ToolsTalk PowerMACS Screen, the ToolsTalk PowerMACS Printer, the
ToolsTalk PowerMACS File, and the Trace are considered to be logical devices that always exist,
meaning that you do not need to create reporters for these.
To output data via any other type of device, the device must first be added to the PowerMACS system.
See Add a device for how to do this. When the device exists you may create a new reporter, connect it to
the device and finally use the reporter to set up what data to report.
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3.7.2 New reporter
To create a new reporter use menu item Reporter-New… or right click on the Reporters section of the
System Map and select Add Reporter. This will display a wizard that guides you through the creation of
the reporter.
From the list select which type of reporter you want to create:
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You cannot create (or delete) reporters for the Screen, that is the ToolsTalk PowerMACS Cycle Data
window, or the Trace, that is the cycle data display in the Trace window. On the other hand, these
reporters are always available in the system.
If wanted, specify an additional name of the reporter. If you create a reporter of type Printer and you add
the name HP6P you can later find a menu item Reporter - Printer HP6P that corresponds to this reporter.
The additional name specified for a File or Excel File reporter is used as the name of the result file. For
each File reporter two files are created. The first have the character “1” appended to its name and the
second, which is created when the first file is full, the character “2”. When the second file is full then the
first will be overwritten. All files are created in the directory Log located in the directory where you to install
ToolsTalk PowerMACS.
The Excel File reporter can only be used if Microsoft Excel is installed on the PC that ToolsTalk
PowerMACS is running on. If Excel cannot be started the data is written to a text file with extension *.txt
instead. This text file is formatted in a format suitable for Excel. To import the text file from Excel follow do
as follows:
From inside Excel choose File/Open.
In the Open dialogue box select "Text files (*prn; *.txt; *.csv)" as "Files of types". Then select your
file and press Open.
In the Text Import Wizard - Step 1: Select "Delimited" in the frame marked "Original dat type" and
press Next.
In the Text Import Wizard - Step 2: Check "Tab" in the frame "Delimiters" and press "Finish".
Please note that if the destination Excel file is locked by another user ToolsTalk PowerMACS will fail to
write data to it. In these cases ToolsTalk PowerMACS will create a new file named
where "Name" is the original name assigned to file and "YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS" is the current date and
time (example: "Excel1_DataWhenFileWasLocked_20020514-125932.xls"). The temporary file will be
used until the next time you go off-line.
When ready with the first page then press Next >> to display the next page of the wizard. If needed,
depending on the type of reporter, you will be asked for some additional information. For an API reporter it
looks like this:
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For most of the types you must select which device this reporter should connected to. The Device list box
displays all devices, of the relevant type, existing in the system. See Add a device for how to add new
devices if you need to that.
If predefined reporter settings files exists in the directory for the currently selected reporter type (see
Predefined reporter settings), you have the option to select predefined settings for the new reporter. If
you do not want this, leave the selection blank, which will create the reporter without any settings.
When ready, press Finish. A new window is displayed as if you had used the menu item Reporter-
Open… In this specify what data to collect and the layout.
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3.7.3 Remove reporter
You can remove a reporter by menu item Reporter-Remove…
9836 3521 01 91
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Specify in the Station field, which specific station you want data from, or All stations if data generated by
all stations should go to the device. Use the Binary/Printable combo box to select if the data should be
formatted as binary or printable output.
The controls grouped under Collected data are used to configure what type of Process Data that should
be accessible for the device. Use them as follows:
Select if OK Cycles should be reported and for certain reporters the color to print them.
Select if NOK Cycles should be reported and for certain reporters the color to print them.
Select if Events should be included and optionally the color used for printing. More specific
filtering may be defined using the Reporter Preview
For binary reporters it is possible to preview how the generated data will be formatted.
92 9836 3521 01
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It is possible to adjust the preview according to a station and mode number. It is possible to hover with the
mouse above the individual fields in the address map to view the actual variable.
Advanced Event settings form.
Check OK Traces to include all traces with bolt status OK (only reporters capable of traces)
Check NOK Traces to include all traces with bolt status NOK (only reporters capable of traces)
Check Disconnected bolt included if you want such bolts to be included in the output.
For presentation on devices that can handle colors (the Screen and ToolsTalk Printer), you can also
specify the color you want the data to have. You may for example have events and NOK cycles shown in
red. (Traces can only be output in binary form therefore color is not relevant.)
For reporters of type File or Excel File the size, in Kbyte, of the resulting file is configured with the
parameter File Size.
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Basic Functions
For the Screen, ToolsTalk Printer and Trace reporters you can specify which font to use. Please keep in
mind that you must use a font with fix width to make the variables be printed in columns (for example
when printing cycle data as table as described in chapter: Adding Cycle Data Variables.
Select Variables on the left side of the Reporter window to show the variables to include in the cycle data.
It is possible to select a predefined reporter by clicking the Load predefined settings… located under
Actions on the left side of the reporter window. The list with predefined reporters of the same type as the
currently configured reporter is displayed (see Predefined reporter settings), but it is also possible to
browse freely for any predefined reporter settings. If the chosen predefined reporter settings contain
parameters that are not available or configurable for the currently configured reporter the parameters are
omitted and fix parameters remain unchanged. An example is the trace reporter, which can never contain
station status. If predefined settings containing station status are applied station status will still not be
configured for the trace reporter.
Three list boxes with Station, Bolt and Step variables are presented here. To add a variable simply right
click on any of the list boxes and select Add variable from the menu – a list with possible variables will be
presented. It is possible to hold Ctrl and select more variables at the same time.
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Use the check boxes in the top of the form to select variables to present in the list. If e.g. the SPC
checkbox is marked the list will include SPC variables, otherwise not.
It is also possible to drag & drop variables from the Dynamic Tool to the three variable list boxes.
The Settings property grid shows the settings for the currently selected variable.
Setting Usage
Text Check this checkbox to include the variable name as a leading, or prompter, text. When using
table layout (Header text frequency > 0) then the variable name is always used as column header
regardless of the selection in this column.
No Of Specifies the number of decimals to print. Only valid for variables of numerical type and when
Decimals format is Printable (Data/Printable selected).
Width Defines the width of the field, in number of characters, in which the value of the variable is
printed. (left adjusted).
When using table layout (Header text frequency > 0) then the width must be big enough to cover
the variable name since it is used as column header.
When format is binary (Data/Binary selected) then Width normally should be left blank for all
numerical values variables. This will cause the selection in the Type column to control the width of
the field. However, specifying a value that is larger than the number of bytes implicated by the
Type selection will make the variable occupy the specified number of bytes. Data is then left
adjusted (the field is padded with NULL (0) characters).
9836 3521 01 95
Basic Functions
Type Controls the data type of the variable when printed. Valid only when format is binary (Data/Binary
selected). Takes the following values
I1 - Value is formatted as a one-byte integer. Any fractional part is truncated.
I2 - Data is formatted as a two-byte integer. Any fractional part is truncated.
I4 - Data is formatted as a four-byte integer. Any fractional part is truncated.
I8 and I12 - Data is formatted as 8 or 12-byte error/warning information. Only valid for the
bolt level result variables "Error", "RM Error" and "Warning". See also chapter: Errors and
F - Data is formatted as a four-byte Float (either as IEEE754, Fixed 2I2D, SPECIAL 1 or
Str - Data is formatted as a string. The setting of Width controls the number of bytes
Step Specifies for which steps a variable will be printed. Only valid and visible for Step data variables.
Numbers Enter the step number of the step(s) for which the variables should be included. Leaving the value
blank will print the variable for all steps.
Note! Selecting a variable in the reporter will cause the variable to be included in the result. However, this
does not automatically mean that the variable will be measured. Most of the variables correspond to
values measured by bolt monitoring and step checks. Whether these checks are performed or not is
controlled by the Tightening program being executed. See Bolt Monitoring and Step – Check for
how to set up these.
Variables that do not have a valid value, for example due to that the check that produces the value is not
executed or data from disconnected bolts, are said to have the value NOT_DEFINED. These are printed
96 9836 3521 01
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as “blank” (all spaces) when Data is set to Printable. With Data set to Binary all undefined numerical
variables are set to the value –32768 while text variables are set to an empty string, that is “”.
For a description of all variables see chapter: Result variables.
The parameter Type of layout controls how the printed result is formatted. Select one of the following
Standard. This generates a layout where the variables are formatted exactly as specified on the
Variables view (see Adding Cycle Data Variables).
Table. Formats the result as a table, that is, the variables are printed in columns with their
respective prompter texts as column headers.
Standard + Table. This layout is a mix of the previous ones where the station header is formatted
using the "Standard" layout, while bolt and step level result are formatted using the "Table" layout.
Fixed Positions This option gives you the possibility to have each of the variables at a fix position
in the result data. The output is similar to the Standard option with the following exceptions.
First the bolt level result variables are primarily ordered as defined in the variable view and then in
bolt number order. That is, the first bolt level result variable is printed for all bolts, then the second
bolt variable for all bolts.
Note that the bolts are ordered using the internal, ordinal, bolt number and not using the user
defined bolt number. A particular variable is always printed at the same position for a given bolt
regardless if the cycle result contains data for all bolts or only a few. Unused positions are filled
with zeros (0) if binary output selected and spaces if printable output is chosen. Should a cycle
result contain several data for the same bolt the most recently produced data is used.
Secondly, all step level result variables are disabled and cannot be included in the report.
Station level result variables are printed just as for the Standard option and all format options can
be used.
Since several stations in a system can use the same reporter the number of bolts per cycle data
can vary also if all bolts in the station are run. It is therefore possible to configure how many bolts,
or actually bolt positions, that should be used when the bolt result variables are laid out. The
Fixed pos. Layout parameter Report bolts on Advanced CD settings controls this.
This option is only available for the TC based reporters Fieldbus, Printer, API, ID device, Ext.
Comm., and PLC.
Static Offset. This format is similar to the “Standard” format but allows for offset specification of
where bolt and step data should begin. Configurations of offsets are displayed below Cycle Data
Layout when Static Offset is selected.
This format type makes it possible to divide a cycle data result into several blocks with areas
between where no data is written. Note that the offsets specified are relative to the start address
9836 3521 01 97
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of the targeted device output area.
It is possible to select where bolt data should start after the station data and how much each bolt
should occupy. Within each bolt it is possible to specify the same details for step data.
See Cycle Data layout example for examples of the different formats.
The parameter Header frequency controls when a header row is printed when the Layout option Table
or Std. + Table is used. The value 10 of Header frequency will generate a header for every 10 cycle data
Enter in the Additional new lines field the number of empty lines to print after that all cycle data has been
Using the Torque unit field you can specify the unit in which all torque results are to be presented. The
system will recalculate values before presentation. Set Standard if you want to keep the basic torque unit
set using the Options form invoked from the Set Up menu.
Using the Date format and Time format parameters you control how date/time variables should be
formatted when printed. Select "Standard" if you want to keep the format specified on the Options form.
For the ToolsTalk PowerMACS based reporters Screen, Trace, File, ExcelFile and ToolsTalk Printer, the
alternative "Reg. Settings" is available. Chose it if you want to use the date/time format configured using
Regional Options on your PC.
The effect of the selected date and time formats is displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the
Reporter form.
For reporters configured to format the result binary (Data/Binary selected) you can also:
Control byte order of all numerical variables. Set Byte Order to Normal to have the most
significant byte printed first, or at the lowest address. This is also known as Big Endian or Motorola
format. Select Intel to have the least significant byte printed first (Little Endian).
Control how real values are formatted. Set Float format to IEEE754 to print them as standard 32
bit floating point values according to IEEE 754.
Choose I2D2 to have them printed as a fixed-point value where the two most significant bytes
contains the integer part and the two least significant bytes the decimal part multiplied with 10000.
For the alternatives SPECIAL 1 and SPECIAL 2 the real value is first multiplied with 10 and then
rounded to an integral number before it is written. SPECIAL 1 prints the resulting value as a
Mitsubishi BCD value consisting of four consecutive bytes where the value 27.3 is written as 0x03,
0x07, 0x02, 0x00 with the first byte (0x03) at the lowest address. SPECIAL 2 prints the resulting
value as four ASCII decimal digits, that is, the value 27.3 is written as four bytes having the values
0x30, 0x32, 0x37, 0x33 ("0273") with the first byte (0x30) at the lowest address. Please note that
the value NOT_DEFINED is reported as the real value 999.9.
Control how the Station and Bolt level Status variables are reported using Status format. Choose
NORMAL to have them reported with values according to chapter: Statuses.
98 9836 3521 01
Basic Functions
Choose 1/0 (OK=1) to have an OK result, that is, OK and OKR, reported with value 1 (one) and a
NOK result, that is, NOK, NOKRM, and TERMNOK, reported with value 0 (zero).
Choose 0/1 ASCII (OK=0) to have the status using ASCII digits. An OK result is then reported as
the digit "0" (0x30) while a NOK result is reported as the digit "1" (0x31).
For all TC based devices you can control the order in which the step results are printed. This is done using
the Order steps by combo box on the Step data tab. Select Execution order to print the steps in the
order that they are executed and Step number to have them ordered in ascending step number order.
Standard layout
Configuring a reporter of type Printer with Type of layout set to "Standard", Additional new lines to 1
and the following result variables:
Station variables:
Bolt variables:
Step variables:
9836 3521 01 99
Basic Functions
Will produce the following print out:
Station: Stn 01 Time: 011030 09:40:58 Status: OK
Bolt No: 1 Bolt T: 15.1 Bolt A: 435 Status: OK
Step No: 1 Peak T: 2.4 A: 125
Step No: 2 Peak T: 15.2 A: 310
Bolt No: 2 Bolt T: 2.5 Bolt A: 436 Status: OK
Step No: 1 Peak T: 2.5 A: 124
Step No: 2 Peak T: 15.2 A: 312
Bolt variables:
Gives the following print out for a four-bolt station where only bolt 1, 2, and bolt 4 is executed when
printable format is selected:
Station: Stn 01 Time: 011030 09:40:58 Status: OK
Bolt No: 1
Bolt No: 2
Bolt No: 4
Bolt T: 15.1
Bolt T: 15.2
Bolt T: 15.4
Bolt A: 431
Bolt A: 432
Bolt A: 434
It is possible to adjust the preview according to a station and mode number. It is possible to hover with the
mouse above the individual fields in the address map to view the actual variable.
Events can be filtered on their type and their severity. In the Event types included frame, check the event
types you want to pass to the device controlled by this reporter. In the Severity included frame, check the
severities you want to pass to the device controlled by this reporter. See View Event Log for a description
of event types and severity.
In the Data included for event when printed binary frame, check the fields you want to include for each
event reported. See Layout of Events for a complete description of the binary format of events.
Include system events controls if events that do not belong to specific station should be reported or not.
Enter the text to be printed at the top of the document in the field Header on top of page/Text. For the
ToolsTalk Printer you may also use the Bitmap combo box to select a bitmap to be displayed as header.
Enter the text to be printed at the bottom of the document in the field Footer at bottom of page/Text. For
the ToolsTalk Printer you may also use the Bitmap combo box to select a bitmap to be displayed as
To be able to include your own bitmap you must first place the bitmap in the directory named Bmp located
in the directory where you to install ToolsTalk PowerMACS.
Using the fields Characters to be sent to the Reporter BEFORE the main data and Characters to be
sent to the Reporter AFTER the main data you can specify character strings that will surround each
cycle data result printed.
Here you may also include non-printable characters. Typing their ASCII code in hexadecimal format
enclosed by a "<" and a ">" does this. Example: To frame each cycle data with a start-of-text character
(STX), before the data, and an end-of-text character (ETX), after the cycle data then enter:
"<02>" in Characters to be sent to the Reporter BEFORE the main data
"<03>" in Characters to be sent to the Reporter AFTER the main data
Settings for Fixed pos. layout are only shown when the Layout option is set to Fixed pos. The
parameter Report Bolts controls how many bolts, or actually bolt positions, to use when the bolt result
variables are laid out when formatting the bolt variables. Leaving it empty will cause the number of bolts of
the station producing the result to be used instead.
3.8 Security
PowerMACS contains a security system that prevents unauthorized access. All personnel must then be
registered as users with password and access level.
The access level makes it possible to allow personnel as a group or individuals to have access at these
No access at all
Read access
Read and write access
By default every setup contains one Administrators group that can not be modified or deleted. Users in
this group have read and write access to all ToolsTalk PowerMACS forms.
To remove a group, select the group in the list and press the Remove button. To change group data or
create a new group, press the New... or Change.. button. The following dialog box is opened
Enter the Group Name, use the controls located in the Set Access On All frame to set the access of all
forms to No Access, Read or Write. It is then possible to select access level for each ToolsTalk
PowerMACS window by selecting the access level in the Form Access list.
Enter Name, Password, and select Group. Press OK to register the user.
To change data for an existing user, select the name from the list and press Change…. The same dialog
box appears as for a new user. Change the data and press OK.
Recommendation: when security is used the group for user “Anonymous” must be changed from
Administrators to a group with lower access, preferable the group “No Access” should be used.
When a new user is about to start to work with the system he should log in. This can be done in either of
the following ways:
Pressing button on the toolbar (if shown)
Using the menu item File-Login
At log in the following dialog box is displayed:
If the name and password is correct the user will be let in. The name of current user is presented on the
status bar, down to the right.
When the user is finished with his work he should log out to prevent other users from making any
unwanted changes. This can be done in the same way as for log in.
3.9 Printing
Use the menu item File-Print… to print the different tables in the setup.
First select the type of table you want to print in the combo labeled Table. This will display all tables of the
selected type in the Source frame.
Select one table by clicking on it.
If you want to print several consecutive tables, point on the first one, press left mouse button and hold
down. Drag the cursor over the table you want to print, and release the mouse button when on the last
You can select several non-consecutive tables by clicking on these while holding down the CTRL key on
the keyboard.
Press Select all to select all tables of the selected type. Press Select changed to print all tables that have
been changed since last time they were printed.
When more than one table is printed each table is formatted and printed on a separate page.
Press Page Setup… to enter a dialog box where you can set up which printer to use, number of copies
When printing programs, you can also get a print preview or save the program as PDF.
Note! You can only print tables on a printer that is accessible from the console computer. Either directly
connected or via the network. It is not possible to reach a printer that is connected directly to the
tightening controllers in the PowerMACS system.
Use the New item to create a completely new setup. This is described in chapter: Set up of a new
With the Open item you open an existing setup, to alter or just to check. When you are ready with a setup
you can use Close to close the setup.
If you have opened a setup and made modifications to it you can save these to disk by selecting Save.
You can also rename it by using Save as. Then the original setup will be kept. This is also a fast way of
creating new setups by starting from a similar one.
When running an old setup, ToolsTalk will emulate a ToolsTalk with the same version as the setup.
Functionality added after that version will be hidden and functionality removed after that version will be
shown. The versions of ToolsTalk and the setup are visible on the ToolsTalk title bar and in the About
form. It looks like the following images when a setup version 7.1.0 is opened with ToolsTalk 7.3.0.
ToolsTalk is only able to emulate versions from 10.0.0 to the ToolsTalk version. Setups older than this
must be converted or an older version of ToolsTalk must be used.
A wizard is a set of dialog boxes that will lead you through the creation process. If you change your mind
you can always go back with use of the Previous button.
Enter a name for the system, the number of stations you will have in it, and for which version you want to
create it. You should choose the same version as the software in the TC you are going to send the setup
Press Next >>. A new dialog box is presented.
Enter the number of bolts and spindles you want to have in the first station using the fields No. of Bolts in
the Station and No. of Spindles in the Station.
Enter in Default Spindle type that you have in your system. If you have more than one type, select the
alternative you have most of. You can later individually change these values.
Press Next >>. This will display the following dialog:
Here you may also change the type of the spindle and the TC corresponding to it.
Press Next >>. If you specified fewer spindles than bolts in the second wizard dialog you will be displayed
the following dialog:
Use the combo boxes in the Spindle column to select the spindle to be used to control each of the bolts.
Press Next >> to display the next wizard dialog.
Enter the number of modes you want to have in the Mode table for the station (max is 50) and press
Next >>. This will present the following dialog:
Specify programs for the number of modes selected. You can select predefined programs located in the
installation directory for ToolsTalk PowerMACS under the subdirectory Programs.
Checking the Generate SPC Setup check box will configure the SPC function to calculate SPC data for
the variables Bolt T and Bolt A.
When done press Next >>. This will cause this dialog to be repeated once for each mode you specified in
the previous wizard dialog.
Devices must be set up to work properly. When you press OK a form is presented where you can set up
various parameters.
A Reporter is used to format the output of cycle data. Mark the Include checkbox if you want a Reporter to
be automatically created for this device. Also specify if you want reporter data for just This station or for
All stations.
If predefined reporter settings files exists in the directory for the currently selected reporter type (see
Predefined reporter settings), you have the option to select predefined settings for the new reporter. If
you do not want this, leave the selection blank, which will create the reporter without any settings.
When you have specified all data for all stations included in your system, press Next >> to display the
next wizard dialog.
If you have more than one predefined reporter settings file for the Screen or Trace reporter (see
Predefined reporter settings), the following dialog will be displayed:
Here you can select which predefined reporter settings that will be used for the Screen and Trace reporter.
Note that it is not possible to leave these selections blank.
Note that this dialog is only displayed if you have placed more than one file in the special directory for the
reporter in question. By default, this dialog is not displayed.
Press Next >> to display the last wizard dialog:
Mark boxes if you want a Checklist on printer or Checklist on file. In the latter case you can specify a
filename. The checklist will contain a list of activities that you should perform after that the initial setup is
Pressing Finish will make the wizard create the new setup based on the information you have specified.
The following items will be included in the setup created:
You can expand or collapse the tree structure by clicking on an item or clicking in the small squares with +
and -.
When you select an item in the tree the Details window is updated with relevant data for the selected
item, for more complicated items an Open... button is displayed that will open an item specific dialog. You
drag and resize/place the Details window as you feel most comfortable.
Data in fields with white background can be changed. Press Apply to save changes into the setup.
Note! If you are on-line the changes will affect the running system.
The items that make up a system are divided into two parts, the logical structure and the hardware
structure. The logical structure is displayed directly under the root node (System node), the hardware
structure is located under the Hardware item.
The System is displayed in a tree structure with the System node as the root element. The next level
contains all the Stations as well as the Program and Reporters folders.
Each Station contains the Mode table and all Bolts controlled by the Station.
The Programs and Reporters folders contain all programs and reporters that are defined in the setup,
these are available to all Stations within the system.
Use the Name field to change the name of the System. It identifies the system, and setup, and may be up
to 20 characters long. The name will be displayed when you scan for System TCs on a PowerMACS
network (see Select Target System).
When Unlock TC panel is checked it is possible to use the TC panel to make settings and changes,
otherwise the panel is locked and it is only possible to view information.
If Backlight auto off is checked the backlight of the TC display will go off after one minute of inactivity,
otherwise the light will always be on. If a button is pressed or if the information on the display changes the
light will always switch on.
The setting of Enable display settings and Backlight auto off effects all TCs in the system.
Use the Name field to change the name of the Bolt. This name will identify the Bolt in cycle data reports,
etc. and may be up to 20 characters long.
The number entered in the Bolt number field may be used as a more compact identifier of bolt (in
addition to its name). This number may be included in the reports as the variable "Bolt No" (see Bolt level
result variables). The number must be unique within the station and within the range [1..9999].
With Bolt Status combo box you can control whether or not the bolt is connected, i.e. used by the system,
or disconnected. In the latter case you can also chose if it should be reported as OK or NOK.
Bolt type is a free text that identifies the type of the bolt. This information is used for the result variables
Total Type, Total Type OK and Total Type NOK, see chapter: Bolt level result variables.
Use the Spindle combo box to select the default spindle to use to tighten the bolt. Note that this is only
the default selection. A bolt may use different spindles in different modes. See chapter: The Mode Table
form for how to configure this.
Specify to which reject management group, or groups, the bolt belongs using the RM Group field. Enter
comma separated numbers (1, 3, 5), or intervals (1-5). See "Group" in chapter: Glossary for a definition
and Step – Rejects for how it is used.
A program can be opened in The Tightening Program form by double clicking it or right clicking and
selecting Open Program, to remove a program right click and select Remove Program.
A reporter can be opened in the Reporter form by double clicking a reporter or right clicking and select
Open Reporter. To delete a reporter right click and select Remove Reporter.
The tree level below Hardware contains a list of all TCs in the system.
For each TC it is possible to change name and select which monitoring buffer to use for the TC HMI:s
Torque and Angle values.
By default the internal and external Ethernet ports are configured from the TC front panel. If Configure
external eth is checked the external Ethernet port will be configured based upon the IP Address, Net
mask and Gateway provided here.
Note 1: A setup with Configure external eth checked can only be downloaded to one specific TC in a
network. If downloaded to several TC‟s all will get the same external IP address, which will lead to an
address conflict in the network.
Note 2: There can only be one gateway specified in a TC. If a correct Gateway is specified (not
the internal Ethernet gateway will be disabled (set to
Under each TC all devices connected to it are displayed as leafs. Normally all TCs have a Spindle device.
To the right of each TC it says which station the TC is running under and whether it is a Station TC
(indicated by an asterix as prefix to the station name).
In addition to the spindle device you might add devices as you need them. The PowerMACS system
supports numerous types of devices. To add a device to TC first select the TC to which you want to add a
Most devices that should handle result data require a Reporter to function properly. The Reporter controls
what data that is reported over the device, and how it is formatted.
For devices that must have a Reporter, a Reporter is added automatically. For devices that can have a
Reporter you will be asked if one should be added. In both cases, if a predefined Reporter exists for the
device type added, you will be offered to choose one of them (see Predefined reporter settings for how to
add your own). If a reporter is added it must also be configured. See chapter: Edit reporter for how to do
When ToolsTalk PowerMACS is online the TC popup menu contains a Manage Software alternative.
When this alternative is selected the Software Versions form is opened.
This form lists the running software versions for the Servo and Spindle and also the software versions
stored in the TC:s flash memory. The servo and spindle software is not automatically upgraded – you
should always verify with the release notes if it is necessary to upgrade the servo or spindle software.
Use the Name field to change the name of the Spindle. This name will identify the Spindle in cycle data
reports, etc. and may be up to 20 characters long.
Use the Spindle type combo box to change the type of the used spindle.
Note! Changing spindle type will reset all spindle parameters to their default values. Any changes done
compared to the previous types default values are lost.
Press the Open… button or double click on the spindle node to access the Spindle Set Up form that
enables full access to all the spindle parameters.
For most devices all parameters are displayed in the Details window.
Devices that have many parameters make use of a specific form to access these. For such devices an
Open… button is displayed. Press this button to open the device specific form.
The basics of these devices are described in the Peripheral Devices chapter.
The name entered in the Name field defines the name of the Station. It will identify the Station in cycle
data reports, etc. The name may be up to 20 characters long.
The Advanced Reject Management if… settings are described in the functional description for
Tightening, see chapter: Advanced RM Actions.
Normally the Hold Torque step stop condition (see Tightening Program chapter: Ramps & Other – Other)
is automatically disabled for all bolts when a step fail on any of the bolts involved. This is done to avoid
overheating the motors. If it is absolutely necessary the torque may be maintained also during the reject
management phase. Check the Allow hold torque also during RM checkbox to do this.
Use the Device combo box to select the ID device this station should use as source for the Wp ID
function. The combo box lists only the devices that already exist in the system. See chapter: Add a device
for how to add a new one.
The identifier string read from the selected device is also available in the PowerMACS PLC as the input
By adding a Conversion table... you may have the identifier string automatically translated to a numerical
value, or code. This code is then available to the PLC as the input IDCODE and can, for example, be used
for selection of which mode to run. See chapter: ID device variables for a description of the respective
PLC variables.
Note! The work piece identifier can not be used if the station has an AudiXML device attached.
The Multiple identifier function can be monitored and controlled from the PowerMACS PLC using its
Multiple identifier variables.
Multiple identifiers are defined in two steps using Identifier types and Result variables.
Identifier types
An Identifier type is a string supplied by an identifier Source, that is, a device that supplies the identifier
data, and fulfills an optional match condition.
Any of the systems ID devices but the one configured for the Work piece identifier function can be used as
Source. In addition to the ID devices, the six PLC outputs PLCx_IDTYPE_STR (see chapter: Multiple
identifier variables) can be used. These make it possible to supply identification data from other device
types, for example fieldbus, API, etc.
It is not possible to use an id device or the six PLC outputs PLCx_IDTYPE_STR together with an
AudiXML device. If the station has an AudiXML device attached, possible input sources for the identifier
types will instead consist of AudiXML identifier tags TNR, PRT, PI1, PI2, STC and WID.
The match condition is specified using the Length parameter and the combination of the Significant
position and Significant string parameters. For a string to match it must fulfill all the following rules:
If a Length is specified then the incoming string must have exactly Length characters to pass.
Leave empty to accept strings of any length.
If Significant position and Significant string are non-empty then the specified character position
are first picked out from the incoming string. These must then match the regular expression
specified by the significant string (see chapter: Conversion table for a description of regular
expressions). Leave empty to accept all strings regardless of their content.
Work Order
A Work Order is useful when PowerMACS should receive the Identifiers in a given order and/or to resolve
in which order the received strings are assigned to the Types if they are ambiguously defined.
The Identifier types included in the Work Order must be received in the order that they are listed to be
If there is at least one Type in the Work Order list the Multiple identifier function will always try to match
this Type before testing any type outside the Work Order.
The Work Order is said to be passive until its first Type is accepted. When this takes place the Work Order
becomes active.
While the Work Order is active then only an input string that matches the next, not already accepted, Type
in the Work Order list is accepted. All other strings are neglected even if they would have matched another
Identifier type.
When the last Type of the Work Order list is accepted the Work Order sequence is completed. This will
put the Work Order in passive mode, waiting for the first Type again.
Types that are not included in the Work Order may be received, and are accepted, in any order as long as
the Work Order is passive.
Types that are not uniquely defined, meaning that they use the same source and have match conditions
that does not ensure that only one of them match a given input string, should be included in the Work
Order. The Work Order then controls in which order received input strings are assigned to the respective
Result variables
To include the data of an Identifier Type string in the result data it must be mapped to one of the six
Result variables. Each of these result variables is represented in the cycle data by one of the for Station
level result variables "ID Res 1" to "ID Res 6" (all 40 character strings):
This is done by selecting the wanted Identifier Type as source for a particular result variable in the Result
variables frame. One Identifier Type can be used as source for more than one result variable.
Use the optional Significant position filter to select which character positions of the Identifier Type string
to transfer to the result variable.
The values of the result variables are sampled when the cycle is started from the PLC.
From inside the PLC it is possible to see for which event types there exist unobserved events in the Event
Log. This information is available via the inputs xxxEVENT (SPCEVENT, ACCESSEVENT, etc.).
See View Event Log for a description of the different Event types and the PLC chapter: Station variables
for a description of the PLC inputs and outputs.
The conversion table function starts by running the input string through the Significant position filter
resulting in a string consisting only of the characters at the specified positions of the input string.
A Conversion table with Significant positions set to 1-10, 24 and the following Significant string / Code
Use the Spindle Article No combo box to select the type of spindle to use. It will list the type name of all
spindle type files (extension .ttt) located in the directory SpindleType (a sub directory to the directory
where ToolsTalk PowerMACS is installed). It is necessary to have the same article number specified in
the setup as the actual hardware used.
The parameter Torque 1 Scale Factor and Gain controls the measuring on Torque Channel 1. Normally
a spindle with a 50Nm transducer should have a scalefactor of 50 at Gain 1.0. If the spindle has a second
torque channel equipped it is possible to calibrate that channel as well.
Note that if you change the Gain it is recommended to recalibrate the scale factor.
For the respective angle channel you may use the Wind Up to compensate for the torsion in the gears
and the shaft caused by the applied torque. They are expressed in the unit [degrees at maximum spindle
torque]. Please note that it is the torque transducer used for control that is used as input for the
compensation. See chapter Wind Up Coefficient in Calibration procedures in PowerMACS for how the
Wind Up value can be calculated.
Use the Direction field to select the basic direction for the spindle, normally Forward (clockwise). If the
spindle should use the inverse direction select Backward (counter clockwise). You can also control the
direction from the station PLC by selecting one of the items PLC P1 to PLC P5 which corresponds to the
PLCs Station variables output GENOUT_1 to GENOUT_5 respectively. If the selected PLC output is set to
1 then the spindle will run forward (clockwise), otherwise backwards (counter clockwise).
Zero Speed specifies how fast the spindle can rotate, in revolutions per minute, and still be considered
having zero speed.
If you run a JOG - Run until digital input goes high / low step, the spindle runs until a specified input goes
high or low. Specify in Dig input for JOG steps which digital input to supervise. Enter as
Use the checkbox Equipment Inverses Direction if the connected equipment inverses the spindle
direction. A new Max Torque, Max Speed must be entered together with the External Gear Ratio.
The Torque Loss Factor is used to compensate from the torque measurement loss induced by the
external equipment.
It is also recommended to supply a new total Wind Up Angle that is valid for the complete construction
(spindle inclusive the external equipment). For instructions how to calculate this value see chapter Wind
Up Coefficient in Calibration procedures in PowerMACS.
This page shows basic properties for each equipped angle channel, it is possible to Disable the
secondary Angle channel (if equipped).
It is possible to select if the limits for the test should be read from the spindle (default provided) or if you
want to specify your own limits. The Spindle defined limits are only displayed when ToolsTalk
PowerMACS is connected to a system.
This page shows basic properties for each equipped torque channel (including the Current channel), it is
possible to disable any channel here by unchecking the Enabled checkbox.
Filter, Hz is the cut-off frequency of the low pass filter used to filter the torque and current inputs. Normally
this should be set to No Filter but can be specified if a certain application requires it.
Only the equipped channels are visible. It is also possible to specify if a cycle should continue to run after
a failed flying zero offset test.
In the Spindle Functional Test Limits frame it is possible to set the limits used in the spindle functional
test. These limits are stored in the physical spindle. To make a change enter wanted values and press
Store to spindle.
Press Start Motortune to begin the motortune operation, note that the spindle will run at a very high
speed so it is absolutely critical it is running free. Motortune status can be observed through events.
4.7 I/O
The I/O form is invoked using menu item Setup – I/O…. or by double clicking an I/O device in the System
An I/O device is used to communicate with hardware modules for digital input and output signals. This can
be connected to all PTCs that run a station. The PTC communicates with the I/O using a local fieldbus (of
DeviceNet type) over its CAN channel.
S ta tio n P T C
The maximum configuration on the local I/O bus is six nodes. Each node can have a maximum of 64
inputs and 64 outputs. However, the total amount of I/O points must not exceed 192 inputs and 192
outputs per TC.
Currently the following I/O types are supported:
VIPA DeviceNet slave IM253DN
Allen-Bradley CompactBlock I/O Modules Series B (1791D)
Beckhoff BK5210
Wago DeviceNet I/O modules 750-346
An I/O device can be added to each PTC that has a PLC, i.e. the first PTC in each station.
You can add an I/O device to a station TC using the System Map. If you have used the Set up of a new
system it is automatically added.
Press Add to add a new node. A new node is added with header but with no inputs or outputs. Press
Remove to remove the last node. Press Apply to make to the change immediately without leaving the
form. With the horizontal slider you can select which node you want to present.
Specify for each node how many inputs and outputs you have. Normally nodes are built with I/O blocks,
each having eight inputs or outputs. If you have one block, specify 1-8 signals. If you have two blocks
specify 9-16 signals, and so on.
Beside every input or output signal there is a combo box. With this you can select to which PLC signal you
want to connect the input or output. The I/O device, as well as Stacklight, Indicator Box, and Operator
Panel, can map all boolean signals located in the I/O area and in the shared area. Boolean outsignals
starting with “SO_” in the fieldbus area can also be mapped by these devices since they belong to the
shared signals. See I/O Device for more details on how to set up and program these signals.
Note: The PLC signals presented in the combo box lists are those that existed when the form was
opened. If you open the PLC and change these names at the same time as an IO Setup or IO Map
form is open, the change will not be displayed until an IO form is opened the next time. The best
way is therefore to first create all names in the PLC, then configure the IO.
As default, I/O node 1 is part of the I/O device. For users only needing the Local I/O, pressing the Remove
button will remove I/O node 1 from the setup.
Select the ID device to view or configure using the ID device combo box.
ID devices are equipment that can read identification information from, and write result data to, the work
If the device is connected to a PowerMACS Station the information read from an ID device may be added
to the tightening data, as the station level result variable "Wp ID", or the Multiple identifier result variables
"ID Res x". See description of Work piece identifier and Multiple identifiers in chapter: Advanced Station
Settings for how to configure this.
The data read from an ID device is also available to the PowerMACS PLC making it possible to process it
as wished.
Note! To create a new ID device or to change the communication settings for a device you must use the
System Map.
Depending on the type of the ID device the frame Type specific parameters displays different controls.
For a detailed description of these see chapter: ID device.
When selecting the Set Up - Assembly Overview… item two forms are displayed. First the Assembly
Overview Set Up form and secondly the Assembly Overview form, now running in Set Up mode.
The first form is used to configure the basic settings for the Assembly Overview, which data and pictures
to display in the Assembly Overview window.
The second form is used to define the position and size of the different station and bolt boxes.
All of these settings are used to change the Assembly Overview behavior in different aspects.
Note! It is not recommended to enable these settings. Do so only if you have problems to get an existing
set up to work as you want.
Enabling "Use Station View 1 for unmapped Mode numbers (including Mode number 0)" will cause Station
View 1 to be displayed when a Mode number that does not map to a station view is selected or Mode
number is set to zero. The default behavior is to keep the currently displayed Station View.
Enabling "Clear all data when changing station views" will cause all station and bolt boxes to be cleared of
its result information and the background color set to grey when the station view is changed. The default
behavior is to keep all result information and background color and use PLC station output variable
RESETSTATUS to clear the data.
Enabling "Do not show intermediate status when running stitching cycles" will cause all bolt boxes to
remain yellow until the complete tightening cycle is finished and the cycle data is produced. Default
behavior is that the bolt boxes background color is updated with the status of the sub cycle but no result
information is shown until the complete tightening cycle is finished.
This form is used to define the position and size of the different station and bolt boxes. The layout is
modified directly in the displayed picture by using the mouse.
To change the positions of a box move the mouse pointer to the upper left corner of the box. When the
mouse pointer changes to a vertical arrow pointing upwards, press the left mouse button and reposition
the box.
To change the sizes of a box move the mouse pointer to the lower right corner of the box. When the
mouse pointer changes to a diagonal arrow, press the left mouse button and resize the box.
All boxes of a given type will have the same size and display the same variables.
When you are satisfied with the settings press the Apply button in the Assembly Overview Set Up form to
save the settings of the current Station View.
The PLC Parameters Set Up form is used to define parameters that are available from inside the
PowerMACS PLC (see PLC - Overview).
Defining parameters for the PLC here is an alternative to defining them as a part of the PLC application
directly (using the Multiprog editor). This is useful if it is likely that the end user will need to adjust them
after delivery, or where one wants to make a PLC application that is generic to some extent.
The end user may change the value of the parameters defined here using the PLC Parameters form.
The form contains 190 rows on which either a parameter or label can be defined. Labels are used only to
make the layout of the form easier to read, they are not accessible from the PLC.
For each row you must define the following:
A Prompter: Used to describe the parameter. Max 20 characters long.
Data Type of the PLC variable: One of the following INT (16 bit signed integer), REAL (32 bit
floating point value), STRING40 (max 40 character long strings), Label, or blank.
Value. The default value of the parameters. Not valid if Type is blank or Label.
Min and Max: The min and max value of the parameter. Valid only if Type is INT or REAL.
PLC Variable: Defines to which variable in the PowerMACS PLC this parameter is connected. See
also chapter: Station variables).
The maximum numbers of parameters that can be used are:
130 of Type INT
20 of Type REAL
10 of Type STRING40
30 Labels.
4.11 SRAM
This form is invoked using the menu item Set Up - SRAM.
Change the size used for cycle data storage by dragging the slider Cycle data percentage. The digits
shown to the right of each slider is a guess of the minimum amount that can be stored given the selected
The checkbox Use only TC1 for CycleData Storage is used for backward compatibility, and disables the
distributed storage if checked.
Press the Default button to reset the settings to their default values.
It is also possible to configure the distribution of OK/NOK traces to store. The example below saves 70 %
of the memory for NOK traces and 30% for OK traces.
Please see chapter Cycle Data Storage for examples on the number of cycle data that can be stored on
each TC.
4.12 Options
In the Options choice of the Set Up menu you can set up your main preferences.
Choose Language for presentation on screen. Change will take place when windows are closed and
Note 1: All texts displayed by ToolsTalk PowerMACS are defined in a so-called Language file. To add
support for a new language you just have to copy a file supporting the language in the same
directory as your ToolsTalk PowerMACS is installed in. The file should have a name expressing
the language it supports and the extension “.LNG”, for example “English.LNG”.
Use the Torque unit combo box to select the unit you want all torque values expressed in. Possible
choices are Nm, kNm, FtLbs and InchLbs. This setting can be overridden for a particular device using its
In this window up to five different customers specific step names can be defined. In the tightening
program, under Ramps & Other – Other it is possible to select the customer step name to use for that
step. The selected customer specific step name is also used to select the customer error code to use for
that step, see also Set Customer error codes
The customer error code is a four (4) character string that can be included in the bolt level result data. Five
different series with customer error codes can be used. The name for each series is specified in the
window Set Customer step names.
The series to use is specified in each tightening step on the other tab. It is the series specified in the step
pointed to by the result variable Failing Step number that is used for the conversion. Only the errors that
occurred during that step are used, not any additional errors that happened during e.g. the termination
sequence. It is only the errors that happened during the last execution of the step that is used, each time a
step is started all errors for that step is cleared.
Each error code has a unique priority. If several error bits are set it is only the customer error code with
highest priority among these that is reported. Even if the customer error code being reported has been left
blank it will be reported as it is. The table can be sorted on each column to make it easier to edit.
The list contains different categories. For each category a number of messages are displayed. Every
message is a classified as either an error or a warning.
If Show only errors is checked, only the messages classified as errors are displayed.
Note that the window is displayed even if the test succeeds. If so the text "No errors or warnings found" is
You can configure the tests to be executed automatically when the setup is modified and/or when
connecting. This is controlled from the Set Up Options form.
If the checkbox Perform Setup problem detection when setup changes on the Set Up Options form is
not checked then setup problems will change appearance whenever the setup is changed to indicate that
the last test is no longer valid.
First select which type of table to export using the Table combo.
Depending on Table type you specify exactly which instance to export using the displayed controls
(Station, Program, Spindle etc.) in the Source frame.
First select the type of table to import using the Table combo.
Use the Source frame to specify which table file to import.
Specify in the Destination frame exactly to which instance you want to import the data. For some table
types you may also create a new instance using the imported data. In these cases the New field is
Finally press the Import >> button.
Repeat this for all tables you want to import.
Use the Table combo box to select which type of table to copy. Depending on type of table you can then
in the Source frame specify which table you want to copy.
Use the fields in the Destination frame to specify where to copy the table data. For most table types you
may select multiple destinations (if displayed in the list). To do this, hold down the CTRL key and then
click on all items you want, or if they are contiguous, mark the first one, press the SHIFT key, and then
mark the last one
The form shows the system name and date and time for the last update of the individual setups and let
you choose which one to use. If the setup on ToolsTalk PowerMACS is selected then it will be
downloaded to the System TC and the backup will be updated to correspond to it.
4.17 Maintenance
The Maintenance menu contains functions for maintenance, like checking the status of the system:
Test Bolts… opens a form from where you can run test passes for one or more bolts of a station. This is
an alternative to the PowerMACS PLC when it comes to start tightening cycles. It is also useful for
calibration of the torque, current, and angle measuring, see Calibration.
Event Statistics… gives you an overview of the most frequent alarms.
Service Log… opens a logbook. Use it to log all your service actions.
Replace ID String… displays a form from which you manually can enter ID strings. Useful if your ID
device does not work or just for testing.
Use Select Target System… to choose which PowerMACS system to connect to.
Configure Target System… opens a form from where you can configure the TCs of your PowerMACS
system. This involves function for upgrading the System Software, changing IP-address settings, etc.
Clear data… is used for clearing data stored in the non volatile RAM of the TCs.
Chose Compare programs… to compare the programs in your currently loaded setup with the
corresponding items in a setup stored on disk.
Check for Check for System Conflicts… to get an overview of TC set up errors, like mixed versions of
TC system software, missing TCs, etc.
TC Crash Log... opens a form that can be used to retrieve debug information from one or more TCs that
crashed due to internal, unrecoverable, software errors.
Maintain Spindle Parameters… opens a form that can be used to read/store all parameters from/to a
connected spindle. Spindle type files can also be opened and examined in this form.
Click Browse... to select the PowerMACS Network Configuration file that best describes the network to
connect to.
A PowerMACS Network Configuration file describes the expected layout of a PowerMACS Network in the
sense that it lists a number of PowerMACS system nodes (System TCs), that for some reason are
logically grouped together. Each PowerMACS system in the network is identified with the IP-address of its
System TC and free textual description. The main purpose of this file is to document a configuration where
several PowerMACS systems are used, for example a complete assembly line.
The selected file will be opened automatically the next time you open this form, even between ToolsTalk
PowerMACS sessions. If no file has been selected, a default configuration is displayed.
How to create a Network Configuration file is described later in this chapter.
The network can also be scanned in order to automatically find all PowerMACS systems physically
connected to it. Click the Scan button to bring up a list of all System TCs on the network.
All System TCs found during scan are compared to the contents of the currently selected Network
Configuration file. Depending on the differences the rows in the list is marked with a color.
Not scanned (Blue) – The TC in the list was not found on the net. When a network configuration
file is opened, all rows are marked blue.
New (Green) – A TC that was not in the list was found on the net.
Changed (Red) – The attributes of the found TC are different compared to the previously known.
Note that the Description field is not compared since it is not present in the TC it self.
Not changed (Black) – The attributes of the found TC is the same as the previously known.
Select the PowerMACS system to connect to by clicking one of the radio buttons in the Select column.
ToolsTalk PowerMACS does only communicate with the System TC (first TC in a system) so therefore
only one selection need to be made.
Choose TC-Simulator if you do not have a real target system to connect to but still want to demonstrate
the on-line functions of ToolsTalk PowerMACS.
TCs that are not possible to connect to due to network settings are indicated with a red exclamation mark.
The type of problem is not displayed in detail in this window. It is however possible to select such a TC in
this list but before ToolsTalk PowerMACS can connect to the system; the problem must be corrected.
Correcting such a problem can be done by using the “Configure Target Systems” window.
To create, or edit, a PowerMACS Network Configuration file use the Add..., Edit... and Remove buttons
to insert, change and remove entries in the list. When done editing, save the current configuration to file
using the Save button. Since the file name is used to identify the network you should give the file a
descriptive name. Editing the file can be done without being connected to the network.
First chose which station to test using the Station combo box in the toolbar.
Depending on the status of the selected station the Test Bolt form may be disabled. The form is disabled
for this reason if:
The hardware Emergency input is inactive for the TC that executes the station (PLC station input
The selected stations PLC output DISABLE_TESTBOLT is set True. See also the description of
the Station variables in the PLC section.
In either case an explanation of why the Test Bolt form is disabled is displayed at the top of the form.
With the Bolt combo box you may select a single bolt or All Bolts within the station. Note that if All Bolts
is chosen and some bolts use the same spindle only the first occurring bolt for that spindle will be run and
an error message will be generated.
Program mode
In Program mode you run the bolts by using one of the existing tightening programs.
Here you can specify how many cycles you want to run, or for how long. If you want to run more than one
cycle you will probably need to specify a program to use for loosening (Program 2). How to create a new
program is described in chapter: Create a new Tightening Program.
Press the Start button to start executing the cycle, Program 1 will be used first and then if No. of cycles is
> 1 it will continue to alternate cycles between Program 1 and Program 2. Press Stop to stop any on-
going execution.
Running a program produces Cycle Data and Statistics just as if the bolts where executed by the
PowerMACS PLC. This means that data is reported over the normal channels, SPC is calculated, and so
on. However, none of the variables that depend on outputs from the PowerMACS PLC are updated. This
includes the following variables:
This means that which bolts that will run and which programs they will execute is decided by the current
Mode Table (see The Mode Table form).
Use the Mode 1 and Mode 2 combo boxes to select which Modes to run. If specifying more than once
cycle the station will alter between Mode 1 and Mode 2, starting with the first. Please note that the two
combo boxes are filled with the modes that are relevant with respect to the currently selected Bolt. If All is
selected they will include all modes, without Program from PLC, of the station. If a specific bolt is
selected they will only include the modes for which the bolt has a program.
Note! It is not possible to use Test Bolts to run modes that use dynamic program selection from PLC. This
means that for the selected mode no program may be Program from PLC for any bolt in the mode
table. Program from PLC requires BOLTCONTROL from PLC, which is overridden by Test Bolts.
Only modes without Program from PLC are selectable in Test Bolt.
All other functions are the same as for the Program mode. General
It is strongly recommended to perform a calibration of the spindles after the system has been installed at
the production site. It is also recommended to make a new calibration periodically (for example one time a
year, every 6 months etc.) and this is normally specified in the customer quality control system.
There are at least four alternative ways to perform a calibration:
1. Run on the actual joint.
2. Using a test joint where the test joint should have similar characteristics as the actual one.
3. Using a dummy joint that always is pre-tightened.
4. The manual method.
Method 1: is recommended and is normally giving the most accurate results. One of the other methods
can be used, as it is not always possible to use method 1 due to mechanical or similar reasons.
Method 3: The joint is not a real screw joint. It could be a mechanical part with a welded bolt head or
Method 4.1: Program a torque x Nm and the speed 0 (zero) rpm.
Apply a torque wrench to the inline transducer on the spindle square drive.
Start the test.
Turn the torque wrench until the spindle shuts off (spindle torque is released).
Register the torque value.
Method 4.2: The same as for method 4.1 except that you don‟t use an inline transducer but only a torque
wrench. This method is NOT acceptable.
The easiest way to perform a calibration is to use the Test Bolts function. To be able to run spindles from
the "Test Bolts" the PLC output “DISABLE_TESTBOLT” must be set False. (In a system running in
production this output is normally True for safety reasons).
When running a spindle from the “Test Bolts” menu most PowerMACS PLC functions are not active.
There are three alternative ways to run a spindle from the Test Bolts menu:
Single run
These are described in the following chapters.
Note! You should only run one bolt (spindle) at a time when calibrating.
When you use this function, you will automatically get some statistics directly on the screen. Do the
Select a station.
Select a spindle.
Select a speed. The same speed as you have in the final tightening step in the normally used
program is a good choice.
Select the parameter you want to calibrate (Torque/Angle/Current) and a target value.
Reset the statistics.
Click on the Start button.
If you use the Stop function, the spindle will stop and a Machine Stop will be generated in the Event Log.
Note! When you use the “single run” function, there is no “zero-offset check and compensation” made.
This must be done manually by first running a tightening set that has a D - Diagnostic Step as a
first step. The “zero-offset” measured by it will automatically be stored and used until you either
run a new Diagnostic step, make a change in the Spindle Set Up form, or power off/on the TC.
Use the run “Program” alternative to do this.
You can either use an existing program or you can create a special tightening program called
“Calibration”. The tightening program shall have the following structure:
Step 1: “Diagnostic” step with spindle functional test enabled and Spindle Only selected as zero
offset compensation.
Step 2: Tightening step, e.g. torque xx Nm; speed yy rpm
Step 3: CE
It is practical to also create a loosening program to be used to loosen the tightened joint.
In the picture below is it defined one tightening and one loosening program.
With number of cycles set to the value 2, a loosening will first be done followed by a tightening.
Using the Mode option is similar to the Program one. The difference is that in the Mode option it is
possible to run different tightening programs for different spindles. As we normally recommend that you
shall only run one spindle at a time when you make a calibration is the mode alternative probably not a
real option. Torque
All Atlas Copco torque transducers are factory calibrated to sensitivity within +/-0.3% of the nominal
torque. Due to component tolerances in the TC electronics a fine tune of the torque sensor is
recommended. Exchange of a torque transducer to an identical unit does not require a new calibration, but
for quality control reasons it is anyway normally done.
An inline slip-ring torque transducer and a peak hold monitoring amplifier shall be used for the torque
measurement, e.g. Atlas Copco IRTT transducer with ACTA.
Adjust the spindle parameter Scale factor for channel Torque 1 (Ts) (see Spindle Set Up,
Calibration) with the calculated value. Increase the Scale factor in order to decrease the true torque
and vice verse. Angle
The angle measurement is performed with the resolver signal and is normally not necessary to calibrate
(see “wind up” below) as all this is hardware.
The most reliable results are achieved with an inline Torque/Angle transducer and a Torque/Angle
amplifier with trace capability, for example an Atlas Copco IRTT transducer with ACTA.
There are two methods of checking the angle measuring.
1. Rotating the spindle in the air. Program a set angle value in the “Test Bolts”-“Single run” menu.
Connect your inline transducer and run. Compare the inline transducer angle result with the
PowerMACS one.
2. Running on a joint. With this method, a check of the tightening angle is difficult but not impossible
to make in a controlled way. Make a tightening on a joint and compare the trace curves, Torque vs.
angle, from the two systems.
Results from tests made with an external Torque/Angle recording unit where the angle from a torque level
to final torque is presented and then compared with the from PowerMACS reported value are normally not
giving an acceptable result.
The main reasons for the discrepancy in measured angles are:
The start point (torque level) does not occur simultaneously in the control and the monitoring
The stop point is not defined in the same way in the control and the monitoring systems.
3.5 Deg
45 Nm
Program the new Wind Up Coefficient in the spindle interface and Apply.
Run a new tightening and look at the trace again. Now, the curve should look something like the
example shown below. As you can see now is there a lash in the socket of about 0.8 deg and then
the torque increases to 45 Nm without moving the bolt and this is the goal.
Note! When external equipment is connected on the spindle WindUp is likely to be calculated - but the
values should be entered using the External Equipment parameters, see Application External
Equipment on the Spindle Set Up form.
One bar is displayed for each event code of which there is at least one error. For a list of possible event
codes see chapter: List of events.
The event statistics are stored in the system in accumulators. You can reset these by pressing the Reset
button. The last time this was done is shown to the right of this button.
Press the Reload button to first clear the accumulators and then reloaded them with all events currently
stored in the Event Log (see View Event Log).
To study only certain event types press the Selection button to expand the Event Types frame. Check
each event type you want to include in the display.
Basically it functions as a notepad where you easily can write small notes. Use it to describe all the
changes you do to the system, and perhaps more importantly, why you have done them.
The log can contain up to approximately 10 messages and is a part of your setup and will therefore be
stored both on disk and in the target system.
When you open the Service Log the titles of all existing logs are listed in the top list box labeled Title while
the text box labeled Message displays contents of the currently selected title.
To create a new log entry press New. To change an existing message select its title and then press Edit.
In both cases a form is displayed in which you can enter a proper title and message texts.
To remove a log entry: select its title and press Remove.
If you have made changes to the system you will automatically be asked to enter a message in the
Service Log when you log out, closes the current setup, or exit ToolsTalk PowerMACS.
Press the Scan button to bring up a list of all available Tightening Controllers connected to the same
physically network as ToolsTalk PowerMACS. The scanning procedure uses network broadcast since this
gives the best possibility to find all connected TCs regardless of their IP-address and net mask settings.
The scan takes approximately 10 seconds and results in a list of TCs that where reached by ToolsTalk
PowerMACS. For each TC the following information is always displayed:
The current IP address on both interfaces
The current Status of the TC boot loader. Can be one of the following:
- No application – Means that the boot loader (the very first code executed by a TC when it
is powered on) did not find a valid TC System Software when it started. This indicates that
the System Software is either missing or is corrupt. To correct this try to download System
Software to the TC.
- Application Running – Means that the boot loader did find a valid System Software which
it started. It does not indicate that the TC has a setup loaded.
- Waiting for download – Means that the TC is set up to start download of new System
Software when it is restarted.
- Downloading: nn % – Indicates that download of System Software is progress.
Advanced mode is reached by clicking the Advanced button on the toolbar. Advanced mode makes the
following available:
Restart button
Changes Load TC SW from a button to a button with a menu. The menu contains what was
earlier the Manage software function, to load spindle and servo SW.
View menu, where much more information to show can be chosen.
Context menu when right-clicking on either column headers or on a TC in the list.
Possibility to turn on/off telnet.
System TC
Servo SW
Sp. SW
Sp. model
Sp. art. no
Spindle SW
Sp. model
Sp. SW
Sp. SW in TC
Sp. boot
Servo SW
Servo SW in TC
Servo boot
Servo HW ver
Servo serial no
TC boot
IP addresses
Internal net mask
Internal MAC
External net mask
External MAC
Com status
If the TC is configured as a System TC. The System TC is the TC that controls all other TCs included in a
PowerMACS system. It is it that ToolsTalk PowerMACS is connected to and that holds the setup of the
TC boot is the version of the TC Boot loader. "(B1)" or "(B2)" indicates which of the dual boot loaders,
"Boot 1" or "Boot 2" that where active during start up. See chapter: Prepare TC for download of software
for a description of the dual boot loaders.
For a System TC, more data may be displayed if clicking Additional Info in the View menu. This
additional data includes the name of the System, the number of stations, the total number of bolts, and the
number of TCs used by the system. It is always the actually used values of the parameters that are
displayed in the list, this is important to understand when changing net data parameters.
Note! Since the scan procedure uses broadcasts it will detect all TCs that are connected to your network
regardless of their IP address configuration.
However, this does not mean that you can connect to, or send all configuration commands, to all
TCs displayed in the list. The reason for this is that the normal communication between ToolsTalk
PowerMACS and a TC is done using TCP and UDP which requires the communicating nodes to be
on the same IP network, or that a route between the networks is known. Therefore whether or not
you can connect to a TC depends on its IP-address, net mask, and default gateway.
To help you detect this situation an UDP message is sent to each TC found after the scan
procedure. If the TC does not bounce this message back the node is marked as erroneous and the
cause is displayed in the field under list, or in the Com status field.
Changing IP-address configuration, preparation of System Software download and changing service data
settings may be done to multiple TCs at the same time. Select the TCs of interest by marking them in the
list. To select a range click on the first row, hold down the Shift key and click on the last. To select multiple
single items, hold down the Control key and click on the wanted items.
To modify the network settings press the Set Int Eth or Set Ext Eth button. This will open the
This command requires that the Console Computer is on the same network as the target system(s)
to modify, or there must exist a route between them.
For new net data, or a download to be effective, the TC must be restarted. Turning the power off and on
again is the normal way to do this. But if at least one TC accepts the request you will be offered the
possibility to restart those TCs remotely. You should only restart the TCs remotely if you are absolutely
sure that it is safe for the system to do so.
To overwrite spindle software with spindle software stored in TC flash, click Load spindle SW from TC.
This is only needed when wanting to downgrade the software in the spindle. TC automatically upgrades
the spindle upon start of communication if the spindle software in TC is newer than the software in the
To overwrite servo software with servo software stored in TC flash, click Load servo SW from TC. This is
only needed when wanting to downgrade the software in the servo. TC automatically upgrades the servo
upon start of TC if the servo software in TC is newer than the software in the servo.
To reduce the risk for non-repairable errors caused by failures during software download the application is
divided in two parts, the boot loader and the application.
The boot loader contains only the functions needed for starting and upgrading the application part while
the application contains the tightening functionality etc. Normally you need only to update the application.
Therefore the TC Software module is always delivered in two files, named as follows:
BOOT_x_y_z.MX: This file contains the boot loader image
APP_x_y_z.MX: This file contains the application image
x_y_z above is the version number of the respective file. Example: "APP_7_0_0.MX", BOOT_2_1_7.MX",
The boot loader is duplicated to increase the safety when updating the boot loader part. This gives each
TC dual boot loaders, named "Boot 1" and "Boot 2". At start up Boot 1 is responsible for checking that
Boot 2 is OK and if so start Boot 2. Boot 2 then performs the "everyday" work of the boot loader, that is,
starts the application, download new code etc. Should Boot 2 be found incorrect Boot 1 would instead
handle the work of the boot loader.
The boot loader file BOOT_x_y_z.MX contains both Boot 1 and Boot 2. If Boot 1 exists in the TC it is not
replaced when such a file is loaded since it is used only as a backup in case Boot 2 would be found
Note1 You should never downgrade the boot loader software. The latest boot loader version is
compatible with ALL applications.
Follow these steps to download new software:
1. Press Browse… to locate the file to load.
If boot must be downloaded, click on the Advanced >> button and check the Enable
downloading boot software check box that is displayed. Select the file named BOOT_x_y_z.MX.
Please note the warning.
2. Click OK to prepare the selected TCs to download the specified file. This will cause a "Prepare TC
for download" command to be sent to the TCs. The success or failure of this command is displayed
in the Configure Target System dialog.
3. To start the actual download, you must restart the TCs. When restarted, each TC will request the
new file from ToolsTalk PowerMACS.
4. During download, TCs will indicate that they are downloading by flashing a text on the display.
5. When the download is finished the result of the download is displayed both by the TCs and
ToolsTalk PowerMACS. If successful the TC displays “Download OK” and if it failed “Download
Failed”. See chapter: Configure Target System for how ToolsTalk PowerMACS indicates the
Note! It is important that you do not interrupt the download process when started. If that happens by
accident while downloading boot software you should not restart the TC. Restarting it may cause
the boot code to be erased, which will prohibit any further download. Instead try to download the
software again.
Restart the TCs after download to make the new software effective.
If you experience problems with spontaneously aborted download, it could be your network card that
has a cable hold off timeout set. For Windows 2000, look in Device Manager (open Control Panel, select
System, select tab Hardware and click on Device Manager). Find your network card under the heading
Network adapters and double click on it to view Properties. Select the tab Advanced and look for the
Property "Cable hold off timer" or similar. If this property has a value greater than zero, you could
experience the problem mentioned above. Set this property to zero. Note! Not all network cards have this
The Clear Data form is accessible only when on-line and is used to clear process data stored in the non
volatile memory on the TCs. This includes the following:
SPC data, on all TCs or on an individual TC. The SPC data for a bolt is stored on the TC that
controls the spindle used to tighten the bolt.
Trace data, on all TCs or on an individual TC. The Trace data for a given bolt is stored on the TC
that controls the spindle used to tighten the bolt.
The Cycle data of the system. Only stored on the System TC, that is, the first TC in the system.
The Event log of the system. Only stored on the System TC.
To clear any of the above listen items first select the wanted TC, or TCs, and then press the Clear button.
Select two setups to compare, and then press the Compare button.
When the two setup files are read all programs that have the same name in the respective setups are
compared to each other. Programs that have different names are not compared to each other.
The differences are displayed using different colors and text style as follows (with item can be a step, a
check, or a parameter of these):
An item that exists in Setup 1 but not in Setup 2 is marked with blue underlined text, like this: Setup
1: Current.
An item that exists in the Setup 2 but not in Setup 1 is marked with green strikethrough text, like
this: Setup 2: File.
A changed item is marked with red text. The changed value of a parameter is indicated by having
the value from Setup 2 marked with green strikethrough text and the value Setup 1 is marked with
blue underlined text, like this: 5.00 s 4.00 s.
The frame Configuration conflicts lists all Spindle TCs that the System TC cannot connect properly to.
The list contains the Spindle TCs number with in the system (TC 1 is the System TC) and the reason for
the problem. This information is useful when trying to locate overlapping system layouts, that is, several
System TCs trying to use the same Spindle TC. The same information can also be found in the System
The data in the Configuration conflicts frame covers only the system that ToolsTalk PowerMACS is
currently connected to, and only when connected.
ToolsTalk PowerMACS continuously listens for telegrams (multicast) sent from a TC, System TC or
Spindle TC, that has detected a version conflict, that is, a System TC and a Spindle TC that does not use
the same version of the System Software. All errors of this type are presented in the Version conflicts
frame. This function is active also when ToolsTalk PowerMACS is not connected to any target system.
However, when on-line against a particular system the information received directly from it is used to
update the form with less delay.
Check the Include version errors from all systems to show version problems reported also for TCs
belonging to other systems then the currently selected target system.
Please note that the TCs do broadcasts the version conflict information with rather low frequency. This
leads to that the information in the Version conflicts frame may display an error even though it just has
been corrected. The information shown can be up to 30 seconds old.
Use the Fetch log from TC combo box to select which TC to upload data from. Choosing the All
alternative will make all TCs be polled for data.
The operator can read any Spindle type file to the form by clicking the Open file button and select wanted
file of type *.ttt from the shown dialog box.
To read parameters from a connected spindle, the operator first selects wanted spindle from the combo
box in the upper left of the form. After that the operator clicks the Read from Spindle button. The Spindle
type is shown in the title of the form.
The operator can first open a Spindle type file and then read the parameters from a wanted spindle. Any
differences in parameter values will then be colored red.
When the operator wants to store parameters, the Store to Spindle button is clicked and the system will
check that the values seem reasonable. If not, the operator will be guided to the faulty value and given a
message of valid values to enter.
The operator can start all over again by clicking the Clear data button.
To access this form, the operator is urged to enter a password. Get in contact with Atlas Copco Tools
support in this matter.
5.1 PLC - Overview
In every PowerMACS station there is a PLC (Programmable Logical Controller), called PowerMACS PLC.
This is programmed in a standardized, graphical, way according to the standard IEC 61131-3.
This part describes how to set up and use the PLC. A general description of the PLCs role in, and
interface to, the PowerMACS system is given in the next two chapters: General and System Globals.
The basics on how to write a program are given in the Programming the PLC chapter while a small, but
still powerful, user interface for the PLC is described in the PLC Console chapter.
Thorough information on how to use the Multiprog wt environment for editing PLC programs is given in
"The PowerMACS PLC Manual [2].
How to access parameters inside the PLC using the ToolsTalk PowerMACS is described in chapter: PLC
5.2 General
PowerMACS PLC has a primary assignment to interface customer control system and peripheral devices
through different communication interfaces. It is used as ”glue” between various functions within the
system, as for example:
Start of tightening from digital inputs
Output of status to digital outputs
Controlling flow of data
Analyzing ID codes
The PLC has interfaces to several other units in the PowerMACS system.
The System Globals are inputs that represent the state of, and outputs that are used to control the
tightening process within PowerMACS. All these signals are described in chapter: System Globals.
The PLC Console interface is a simple, but still powerful, interface between the PLC program and the
ToolsTalk PowerMACS application running on the Console Computer. See chapter: PLC Console for a
detailed description of it.
From Digital I/O the PLC can read digital inputs (push buttons, switches etc.) and write digital outputs
(lamps, relays etc.) that have been configured in PowerMACS using an I/O device. See chapter: I/O
Device for how this is done.
The Fieldbus interface makes it possible to access signals in the PowerMACS PLC from a fieldbus
master. From the master it is then possible to write and read data in order to control the system and check
its status. See chapter: Fieldbus Interface for a description of this interfaces and how it is configured.
The API and external serial communication interface makes it possible to access signals in PLC from
external application from an external PC program or via some serial communication protocols. This is
handled much in the same way as the fieldbus interface. See chapter: API, Application Programmers
Interface and Serial Communication for a description of these interfaces and how they are configured.
Note! For the respective ACKxxxEVENT outputs to function they must first be enabled using the
Advanced Station Settings form. See chapter: PLC Event handling).
In the mode table ensure that Mode 50 contains the loosening program that is to be run.
Activate the digital I/O signal DI_Loosening by setting it high.
Start the cycle using the digital I/O signal DI_Start.
Deactivate the digital I/O signal DI_Loosening by setting low.
The following shared memory variable can be used for handling of process data:
A shared memory variable can be written to from the PowerMACS system as well as from the
FB_PROCDATA_STORED may be used in many different ways depending on type of application. For
example: In a system where cycle data is generated after each cycle (also at emergency stop) and this
data is automatically loaded to the fieldbus device one way of using it is as follows:
1. Have the PowerMACS PLC write FALSE to the variable FB_PROCDATA_STORED just before or
simultaneously with, the start signal.
2. Wait for the PowerMACS system to write TRUE to the variable FB_PROCDATA_STORED before
indicating that the cycle is finished to the fieldbus master.
The outputs BOLTCONTROL and DATAHOLD are useful when running a stitching application, i.e. when a
single spindle is used to tighten more than one bolt. To generate one cycle data result, including only one
station header, even though several starts are done follow the below scheme:
1. Set DATAHOLD = True
2. Set BOLTCONTROL = 0 or BOLTCONTROL = 100 + Pgm. No for all bolts to run in this cycle and
BOLTCONTROL = 3 for all bolts that should not.
3. Generate a START. This will start only the selected bolts.
4. Wait for the cycle to end (monitor for example STATIONSTATUS)
5. If not all bolts are tightened yet go to step 2
6. Set DATAHOLD = False to release the cycle data, complete with one record for the station and
one for each bolt tightened
The station will only use an ID string once. When it starts a cycle it will clear its internal ID string, and
therefore also CURRIDSTRING, and then set the value of IDCODE to –32768.
Depending on which type of ID device that is used a read operation may take differently long time. For a
barcode reader the last string scanned by the operator is stored internally by PowerMACS system so
completing a read is done within less a few milliseconds. However, for devices of Escort memory, where
the external data tag is read using a communication protocol, a read operation may take much longer
time. You should therefore always check the input IDSTATUS to make sure that a read string is available
to the station before you issue a start order.
Note! This input is always read, regardless of the value of the device
parameter Through discrete I/O (see chapter: GM DeviceNet).
5.3.7 Globals
These variables are used to transfer information from one station PLC to another station PLC. All stations
can reach these global variables.
The variables are declared as a shared memory and can therefore both be read and written to both by the
PowerMACS System and the PowerMACS PLC.
You should see to that only one station write to a given variable but any number of stations can read it.
Illegal commands, errors and successful drops are logged using events.
Note! New command codes may be added in future versions. To avoid unexpected behavior when
upgrading you should not make use of any other codes then the above listed and zero (0).
Using the BOLTCTRL2 variables in combination with the output DATAHOLD it is possible run reject
management from the PowerMACS PLC, or an external PLC, and still report one complete cycle data for
the tightening using PowerMACS standard reporting facilities.
Example: This example shows how reject management can be handled by the PowerMACS PLC for a
station having four bolts named "B1", "B2", "B3" and "B4". The scenario is that all four bolts starts by
running program "Tighten" (mode 1), bolt "B1" and "B2" fails and are loosened by program "Loosen"
(mode 2) and then retightened OK by running program "Tighten".
1. Set PLC output DATAHOLD to TRUE.
2. Set MODE to 1 and start a cycle. Wait for it to be completed. Say that bolt "B1" and "B2" finished
3. To drop the NOK result of the failing bolts "B1" and "B2" do the following: First set up
while the same operations without using the BOLTCTRL2 bolt data drop function would be:
Time: 2003-07-08 13:00:00
Status: NOK
Bolt: B1 Program: Tighten Status: NOK (the result from the first tightening)
Bolt: B2 Program: Tighten Status: NOK (the result from the first tightening)
Bolt: B3 Program: Tighten Status: OK
Bolt: B4 Program: Tighten Status: OK
Bolt: B1 Program: Loosen Status: OK (the result from the loosening)
Bolt: B2 Program: Loosen Status: OK (the result from the loosening)
Bolt: B1 Program: Tighten Status: OK (the result from the retightening)
Bolt: B2 Program: Tighten Status: OK (the result from the retightening)
Currently only devices of type "Printer" are supported. For it the following command is available:
Illegal device types as targets and/or command codes are logged using events.
Note! Support for other device types and command codes may be added in future versions. To avoid
unexpected behavior when upgrading you should not make use of any other codes then the above
listed and zero (0).
Each station in the system is represented in the PLC project as a Resource. A Resource corresponds to a
physical unit that can execute a PLC program; in our case this is a station TC. They are named Stn01 for
the first station in the system, Stn02 for the second, and so on.
Shared_Variables: - This group contains variables that are shared between the optional fieldbus
interface and the digital I/O interface. See chapter: Fieldbus Interface for how this is done. See
I/O Device for a detailed description.
After editing the program you must compile it before it can be downloaded. This is done using the item
Make in the menu Build. If your program contains any errors you will be informed about them.
When the program is successfully compiled it is possible to download to the target system. This is
normally done as follows:
1. First close the PowerMACS PLC.
2. If the WinTC already is on-line download the PLC project by selecting the menu item PLC –
Synchronize. During synchronization a status form is shown se Display PLC Status.
3. If the WinTC is not on-line then just go on-line
Each of the controls in the frames PLC In and PLC Out are mapped to specific inputs and outputs in the
PLC as described in the tables below. See also the Station variables chapter.
The outputs will be displayed automatically for the selected station (given by the Station combo box).
The parameters that are accessible using this form must first have been defined using the PLC
Parameters Set Up form.
To change the value of a parameter just enter the new value in the Value column and press the Apply
The frame PLC status lists all PLC runtime kernels in the system. The list contains the name of the
station and the state of the PLC runtime kernel.
Possible state for the PLC is:
Synchronizing new PLC program (Blue), synchronization has begun and the PLC is in an
undefined state.
PLC is running (Green), the PLC is in state running.
PLC is stopped (Red), the PLC is stopped and waiting to start.
When the form is invoked by the PLC – Synchronize command it is only possible to close the form when
the state of all PLC:s is PLC is running. During synchronization a progress bar is shown.
6 Tightening
6.1 Tightening - Overview
Most functions needed for to create and edit tightening programs are found in the Tightening menu
Start by entering a proper name for the new program in the Program name field. If you want to create a
new program based on another program check the Build a new tightening program by combining
existing programs checkbox.
When you are ready, press OK to create the program. This adds the program to the System Map tree.
You can edit more than one program simultaneously by opening more programs using the System Map, it
is also possible to drag & drop steps between programs.
Programs are displayed on the left side of the Tightening Program form, to the right are the Settings for
the currently selected item shown (this can be general program settings or details for a selected step).
Programs are made up of steps which you insert and remove by right clicking on a program or by dragging
items from the dynamic tool.
Maximize/Minimize Program
Close Program
Number of Number of
Restrictions Checks in
in step step
Number of Monitoring
checks in CE Step
It is also possible to hold the Ctrl button while dragging an existing step from the same (or another)
program to a new location – this will create an identical copy of the step. A copy operation is indicated by
a small “plus sign” when the mouse is over the drop location.
When you right click on a step a popup menu is opened, here it is possible to Cut, Copy or Delete the
Select Add checks to add checks to the step and Add restrictions to add restrictions to the step. Note
that it is also possible to drag & drop checks and restrictions to a step from the dynamic tool.
The Settings window displays parameters for the currently selected item (step or program). The default
location is on the right side in the Tightening Program window but it can be placed freely.
The information for programs is divided in the following groups. To show program properties click on the
topmost rectangle in the program.
Group Use
Common Basic properties for the program
User Variables Definition of program user variables and values.
Settings Trace, monitoring and report limit settings for the program.
The information for steps is divided in the following groups. To show step properties click on a step in the
Group Use
Control What task the step performs. See Step – Control.
Restrictions What restriction to run during the step. See Step – Restriction.
Checks What checks to execute after the step. See Step – Check.
Rejects Reject management in case anything goes wrong. See Step – Rejects.
Ramps & Other Other configuration parameters for the step. See Step – Ramps & Other.
Each station has its own Mode Table. Use the Station combo box to select the station for which the mode
table should be edited.
The Mode Table has one column for each mode (up to 50) and a row for each bolt in the station. On the
top row, labeled Name, you can specify a symbolic name for each mode. This name may be included in
the cycle data as the station level result variable Mode.
The remaining rows are labeled with the names of the respective bolts. On these you should specify the
tightening program to use for each mode. You may also specify which spindle to use to tighten the bolt in
each mode. If no spindle is specified, the default spindle for the bolt is used (default spindle is defined in
Bolt Setup).
The list labeled Tightening Program to the right lists all programs available in the system. In addition to
these it also include the following entries which have special meaning:
“Disconnected OK”
“Disconnected NOK”
“” (empty)
“Program from PLC”
You can choose if the execution of the steps should be synchronized between different spindles or not.
When a station starts a tightening cycle the individual bolts may run freely as long as the steps are not
synchronized. When the spindle encounters a synchronized step it will wait for all other spindles to reach
their synchronization steps. Spindles may run different number of steps between the synchronization
This function is best used in in-homogenous stations with spindles that do individual jobs, e.g. a marriage
point in a car assembly.
It is possible to compare how programs will run in relation to each other by having two or more programs
open in the Tightening Program form and clicking the Match Sync. lines toolbar button.
Then we add a Peak Torque to the CE monitoring and enter the high and low limits using the
TargetTorque user variable.
In order to create or second program with target torque 75 Nm we copy the Tighten program and change
the TargetTorque variable value to 75 Nm. The advantage with user variables is that each program
needs only to expose a set of variables that are sufficient to change to adapt the program to other
Note! Complex expressions are not supported for user variables, one operation (+, -, *, /) and one
parameter is allowed. Examples:
TargetTorque * 1,3
Target1 + 3
The highest measured torque is defined as the highest value of the two result variables “Bolt
Max T” and “Bolt Min T”. If “Bolt Min T” is negative the absolute value of “Bolt Min T” is used
instead, that is,. the warning bit is set if Report threshold torque limit > MAX (ABS (Max T),
ABS (Min T)).
If none of the bolts executed for a cycle (disconnected bolts excluded) exceeded the value of
the Report threshold torque limit parameter then the corresponding cycle data will be
automatically dropped.
Normally this parameter is used to avoid reporting tightening made "in the air". Leave the
parameter empty to disable the function.
Remove fastener torque limit: This is a "program global" restriction, that is, a restriction that
is checked over all steps executed in the cycle. When the measured torque exceeds the
entered value the current step is immediately stopped.
The settings available for the Control part depend on the selected step. It is possible to change step by the
parameter Step type.
The checkbox Synchronize is used to select if the step should synchronize or not.
The check box Start/restart monitoring can be used in conjunction with the monitoring settings for the
program (Program Settings) in order to start or restart the recording into the monitor buffer. If restarted
everything recorded before this step is erased. See also the description of Bolt Monitoring.
Most step that run the spindle have a Speed parameter and a step Direction that can be set, note that the
direction is relative to the desired spindle direction.
It is also possible to select the torque and angle channel to use for step control with the Torque channel
and Angle channel properties. The default value is Auto which is the first channel (Torque 1 or Angle 1) if
not disabled on the Spindle Set Up form.
Below the common properties follows the step specific properties, the following sub chapters list all
available step types and describe the parameters.
DT = T * PERC / 100
The torque DT is then retained during the next TI1 + TI2 seconds using current control.
The PERC parameter makes it is possible to Dyna-Tork at a lower level than the target.
Before the step is started both torques, T and DT, are converted to corresponding motor
currents using the spindle parameters T/C Factor, T/C Correction Factor and Gear ratio.
When the step starts the current that corresponds to T is set as current reference to the
motor servo. When the servo reaches this current the step immediately switches the current
reference to the current that corresponds to DT which then is maintained for TI1 + TI2
Note: To avoid overheating of the spindle it is strongly recommended to never run Dyna-
Tork to more than 40% of the maximum torque of the spindle.
DT (PERC = 100%)
T DT (PERC = 80%)
TI2 Time
"DT T" is the torque measured when the torque set point is switched to DT.
"DT Mean T" is the mean torque measured during the second time interval (TI2).
"Relax A" (relaxation angle) is the angle that the bolt moves during the time interval
TI1 + TI2.
Trace: Torque T is shown as a horizontal line from step start to step stop in trace when Torque vs.
Time is selected. Control parameters must be enabled in the trace form (see View of
trace curves).
The current is then retained during the next TI1 + TI2 seconds using current control.
The PERC parameter makes it is possible to Dyna-Tork at a lower level than the target.
Note: To avoid overheating of the spindle it is strongly recommended to never run Dyna-
Tork to more than 40% of the maximum torque of the spindle.
Result var.: This step produces the step level result variables “DT T”, "DT Mean T" and "Relax A".
"DT T" is the torque measured when the torque set point is switched to DT.
"DT Mean T" is the mean torque measured during the second time interval (TI2).
"Relax A" (relaxation angle) is the angle that the bolt moves during the time interval
TI1 + TI2
Trace: Torque T is shown as a horizontal line from step start to step stop in trace when Torque vs.
Time is selected. Control parameters must be enabled in the trace form (see View of
trace curves).
DT = T * PERC / 100
The torque DT is then retained during the next TI1 + TI2 seconds using current control.
The PERC parameter makes it is possible to Dyna-Tork at a lower level than the target.
Before the step starts the torque DT is converted to a corresponding motor current using the
spindle parameters T/C Factor, T/C Correction Factor and Gear ratio. The first part of the
step runs using transducer control. When the torque measured on the torque transducer
used for control reaches T the step switches to current control using the current that
corresponds to DT as set point for the motor servo. This current is then maintained for TI1 +
TI2 seconds.
Note: To avoid overheating of the spindle it is strongly recommended to never run Dyna-
Tork to more than 40% of the maximum torque of the spindle.
Result var.: This step produces the step level result variables “DT T”, "DT Mean T" and "Relax A".
"DT T" is the torque measured when the torque set point is switched to DT.
"DT Mean T" is the mean torque measured during the second time interval (TI2).
"Relax A" (relaxation angle) is the angle that the bolt moves during the time interval
TI1 + TI2.
Trace: Torque T is shown as a horizontal line from step start to step stop in trace when Torque vs.
Time is selected. Control parameters must be enabled in the trace form (see View of
trace curves).
Step Angle
T Target Torque
Trace: Torque T is shown as a horizontal line from step start to step stop in trace when Torque vs.
Time is selected. Control parameters must be enabled in the trace form (see View of
trace curves).
The target torque T is converted to a corresponding motor current using the spindle
parameters T/C Factor, T/C Correction Factor and Gear ratio. This current is then set as
reference to the motor servo. The step is stopped when the servo reaches its set point.
Step Angle
T Target Torque
Trace: Torque T is shown as a horizontal line from step start to step stop in trace when Torque vs.
Time is selected. Control parameters must be enabled in the trace form (see View of
trace curves).
Any overshoot will be included in this step. If the overshoot is larger than A the step will be
signaled ready immediately. Overshoot is defined as the angle measured between shut off
point in the previous step and the current angle when this step starts.
Diagram 1:
A Angle
AStop A2
Step x-1 Step x
A Angle
AStop A2
Step x-1 Step x
Trace: Angle A is shown as a horizontal line from step start to step stop in trace when Angle vs.
Time is selected. Control parameters must be enabled in the trace form (see View of
trace curves).
Diagram :
A Angle
A Angle
Trace: Angle A is shown as a horizontal line from step start to step stop in trace when Angle vs.
Time is selected. Control parameters must be enabled in the trace form (see View of
trace curves).
Torque 1
1 NOS 1: INC
NOS Angle
Trace: Torque TC is shown as a horizontal line from step start to step stop in trace when Torque
vs. Time is selected. Control parameters must be enabled in the trace form (see View of
trace curves).
1 1
Reference slope
1: NOS
1 1
Trace: Torque TC is shown as a horizontal line from step start to step stop in trace when Torque
vs. Time is selected. Control parameters must be enabled in the trace form (see View of
trace curves).
First run for Mask1 seconds in the DIR direction, then measure the torque. Should the
measured torque be less than T the step is stopped with status OK.
Continue to run for Mask2 seconds in the DIR direction. During this time the step is not shut
off regardless of the measured torque.
From this point continue to run in the DIR direction until the measured torque is less than, or
equal to, the parameter T.
The Release angle can be reported from this step. It is measured from the point where the
torque reaches its highest value to the point where the projected torque vs. angle curve
should have crossed the angle axis if not shut off. Please note that the peak torque is not
checked for during Mask1.
Peak T
Trace: Torque T is shown as a horizontal line from step start to step stop in trace when Torque vs.
Time is selected. Control parameters must be enabled in the trace form (see View of
trace curves).
First run for Mask1 seconds in the DIR direction then measure the torque. Should the
measured torque be less than T the step is stopped with status OK.
Start monitoring of peak torque and continue to run for Mask2 seconds in the DIR direction.
During this time the step is not shut off regardless of the measured torque.
From this point continue to run in the DIR direction until the measured torque is less than
0.3 * the peak torque (measured from that the timer Mask2 was started).
The Release angle can be reported from this step. It is measured from the point where the
torque reaches its highest value to the point where the projected torque vs. angle curve
should have crossed the angle axis if not shut off. Please note that the peak torque is not
checked for during Mask1.
Peak T
Peak T * 0.3
Mask1 Angle
(time) Mask2 Release Angle
T Torque Peak T
Mask1 Time 1 Peak T * 0.3 Shut off point
Mask2 Time 2
Trace: Torque T is shown as a horizontal line from step start to step stop in trace when Torque vs.
Time is selected. Control parameters must be enabled in the trace form (see View of
trace curves).
A Angle
Trace: Torque TC is shown as a horizontal line from step start to step stop in trace when Torque
vs. Time is selected. Control parameters must be enabled in the trace form (see View of
trace curves).
A Angle
A Angle
T Torque
Trace: Torque T is shown as a horizontal line from step start to step stop in trace when Torque vs.
Time is selected. Control parameters must be enabled in the trace form (see View of
trace curves).
When changing speed from high to low (normal tightening), the spindle will first run reverse
for TI1 seconds, then wait for TI2 seconds before the gear is changed.
When changing speed from low to high the spindle will first run forward for TI1 seconds, and
then wait for TI2 seconds before the gear is changed.
Trace: There are no control parameters for this step type in trace.
STEPVAL should be set to a target value of corresponding type, that is, a torque, an angle,
or a time.
Trace: There are no control parameters for this step type in trace. W - Wait
Step type Id: 20
Parameters: Type (Time, PLC, Digital Input, Continue)
Time, Digital Input, Stop Condition, Hold Position
Trace: Not available
If the check box Hold Position is checked, the spindle tries to hold the position of the bolt
during the wait. The position will be held until the next step starts, if there are any delays
between the steps due to synchronization the position will still be kept.
The TA program is considered to be one step, as there is no step change where the
spindles can be synchronized. The Angle parameter may be reported using an angle check.
The two parts can be programmed with different speeds and if so the speed will be changed
on the fly without stopping.
A Angle
TC Torque TC
A Target angle
A Angle
TC Torque TC
A Target angle
T and A
Run spindle, in DIR direction, until torque has been larger than Torque TC and the angle
has been larger than Angle. Parameter A start cond. controls from where Angle is
measured. See description on following page for possible values.
A Angle
TC Torque TC
A Target angle
T or A
Run spindle, in DIR direction, until the first of either Torque TC or Angle is reached.
Parameter A start cond. controls from where Angle is measured. See description on
following page for possible values.
Step A
TC Torque TC
A Target Angle
A plus T
Run spindle, in DIR direction, until the Angle is reached. Measured from this point, continue
to run spindle until Torque TC is reached. The switch from angle to torque control is done
"On-The-Fly", that is, without stopping in-between. Parameter A start cond. controls from
where Angle is measured. See description on following page for possible values.
A Angle
TC Torque TC
A Target angle
Parameters A start cond. and Angle torque start controls from which point the angle
Angle is measured. Possible values are:
Trace: Torque TC is shown as a horizontal line from step start to step stop in trace when Torque
vs. Time is selected. Angle A is shown as a horizontal line from step start to step stop in
trace when Angle vs. Time is selected. Control parameters must be enabled in the trace
form (see View of trace curves).
This step performs the same function as an “A - Run until Angle” step with Start condition
set to AS1 except from that nothing that this step does is recorded by the Bolt Monitoring
A Angle
A Target Angle
Trace: Angle A is shown as a horizontal line from step start to step stop in trace when Angle vs.
Time is selected. Control parameters must be enabled in the trace form (see View of
trace curves).
The same speed and speed ramps are used both when running in the backward and the
forward directions.
If Check angle is used it will report the total angle without compensation of the lash.
The step is intended to be used in an injector pump setting application and the proposed
tightening sequence is:
Delta T
A Angle
Step x-1
Step x
Trace: Torque T is shown as a horizontal line from step start to step stop in trace when Torque vs.
Time is selected. Control parameters must be enabled in the trace form (see View of
trace curves).
ASG Angle
Result var.: After the step has finished the angle from the Snug-point to the end of the step can be
checked using the normal angle check (see Check angle) if using the special start condition
"SGP" (Snug Point). If so, the result is reported as the step level result variable "A".
Trace: Angle when ASG has been run from the detected Snug-point is shown as a horizontal line
from step start to step stop in trace when Angle vs. Time is selected. Control parameters
must be enabled in the trace form (see View of trace curves).
Normally the diagnostic step is the first step in a program but it can be a later step in the
program (e.g. when Flying Zero Offset is used).
The diagnostic step can also be performed in a special program, which can be run between
normal cycle programs. The normal programs will hence be faster.
The limits for PowerMACS zero offset compensation are configured using the Spindle Set
Up form.
Select if you want a Spindle Functional Test to be performed. This test verifies the spindle
is working correctly and adjusts the spindle‟s measuring system. This test is performed
automatically at startup but it is recommended to run a Diagnostic step with the spindle
functional test as the first step in every tightening program to compensate torque
The spindle takes care of zero offset compensation, if this is not sufficient you can select to
let PowerMACS also compensate for zero offsets using the Static, Dynamic or Flying
Check Angle count test to execute a test of the angle measurement channels. Chapter:
Dynamic Zero Offset and Angle Count describes how this is done.
Errors detected in a diagnostic step are reported as Fatal errors except for one case. If the
Flying Zero Offset parameter Continue to run after failed check is checked (see Spindle
Set Up), a flying zero offset error is reported as a warning instead of as an error.
Note! The double torque transducer test is not executed while the spindle functional test is
performed or zero offset is being measured. The double angle encoder test is not executed
while the spindle functional test is performed.
Trace: There are no control parameters for this step type in trace.
The measurement is done on the angle channel specified as angle channel for Backlash
correction in Program Settings.
Depending on the current position and the calculated target the spindle may run forward or
reverse to reach the target position.
Function, type 2:
Run spindle in direction of previous step. The step calculates the necessary movement to
If the total movement is less than Min Angle another 360 or 720 degrees are added to the
target position.
Slow down at step end:
When the spindle has reached an angle of Slow down position before the target position,
the speed is reduced to Low speed, using the speed ramp programmed as “Speed ramp
up” on the “Ramps & Other” tab.
If Automatic slow down is used the slow down angle is automatically calculated so the
speed reaches 1 rpm just before the target position.
Trace: There are no control parameters for this step type in trace.
Example, type 2:
Reference position = Null position
Adjust to = 720 deg
Position correction = -100 deg
Min Angle = 50 deg
The total movement in the step is thus 944 – 843 = 101 deg. If this had been less than Min
Angle (50 deg) another 720 deg had been added to the target.
The step starts to rotate the spindle in the selected direction. The rotation will continue for
the whole step, also when the Adjust step, AD, is running. The time needed to accelerate to
the target speed is calculated and as soon as the target speed is reached the timer Delay 1
starts to count.
When Delay 1 have passed the first measurement is started, the mean torque and the peak
torque are measured for MeasZ degrees. The results are stored as CW Mean T and CW
Peak T
When the measurement is finished the result variables will be calculated as:
Mean Load = CW Mean T
CW Mean T = The measured mean torque in CW direction
CW Peak T = The measured peak torque in CW direction
If the step is run in the CCW direction the result variables CCW Mean T and CCW Peak T
will be used instead.
The measured Mean Load is compared with the limits MeasH and MeasL. If the value is
between the limits, the step is finished, with status OK. If the value is over MeasH the step
end with status NOK
If the value is below the limit MeasL the value is sent to the AD step. The MS continues the
rotation while the AD step is executed. When the AD step is finished, the MS step waits for
the time set in Delay 2, to pass and then makes another measurement and compares the
new Mean Load with the limits.
This is repeated until the Mean Load is inside the limits or the Max Adjust tries has been
Check: First Mean Load High and First Mean Load Low
It checks that the first measured Mean Load in the MS step is between the limits Mean Load
High and Mean Load Low. For a description of the measurement and the Mean Load value,
see the description of the respective MS steps.
Alarms: Mean Load outside limits (MEAS_LOAD), MS or AD step failed and aborted (MEAS_ADJ),
First Mean Load high alarm (FMLH), First Mean Load Low alarm (FMLL)
Trace: Torque vs. Time (start and stop for one try zone, maximum the last 5 tries).
Angle vs. Time
Result var: This step produces the step level result variables shown below:
First Mean Load
Mean Load 1, …, Mean Load 5
CW Mean T 1, …, CW Mean T 5
CW Peak T 1, …, CW Peak T 5
Function: The Adjust step, AD, is always run together with a Measurement step, MS. The AD step
configures the master TC (TC number 1 to 5) for the control and this TC must run a MS
step. The MS and AD step of different types may be combined freely.
The AD waits while the MS step makes the first measurement. If the step make hold
position or not is controlled by the settings in the previous step. When the MS step is
The calculated value is not used for the first adjustment. Instead, the angle InitialOffset is
used as Angle Target. If InitialOffset is positive the direction is CW, otherwise it is CCW.
When the target and direction has been calculated, the step run to the torque TC in that
Measured from the point there the torque passes TC the spindle runs another Angle Target
degrees in the same direction.
After this, the AD step waits again, while the MS step makes another measurement. If the
step make hold position or not is controlled by the settings in this step.
The total movement during the step is measured and reported in the result variable Adj
Total Movement. It is the sum of all the measured angles during the adjustments made.
Trace: Not available.
Result var: This step produces the step level result variables shown below:
The absolute value of the measured torque must be lower than the fail-safe torque limit
during the entire step, including the post step check time. Note! The torque restriction is
supervised also during the Torque Spike Elimination phase.
FsAngle Angle
Time measurement starts at step start (after start delay for step) and end when the step has
ended and post step check time has elapsed. The measured time must be less than the fail-
safe time limit.
Diagram: See Fail Safe Torque
Alarms: Time restriction (TIR)
Trace: Fail safe limits parameters must be enabled in the trace form (see View of trace curves).
The angle is measured either from the current position where the step is started (AS1) or
from the point where the configured Torque start level has been reached. The measured
angle must be less than the fail-safe angle limit. No check is made until the selected start
condition has been achieved.
Diagram: See Fail Safe Torque
Alarms: Angle restriction (AR)
Trace: Angle is shown as a horizontal line from step start to step stop in trace when Angle vs. Time
is selected. Fail safe limits parameters must be enabled in the trace form (see View of
trace curves).
Note that the restriction is not active during the torque spike elimination phase in the
beginning of the step. The search for TStart starts then the torque spike elimination is
Diagram 1:
Alarms: Min Torque Restriction (MTR) if the torque drops below MinT
Trace: MinT is showed in trace as a horizontal line from TStart to step stop when Torque vs. Angle
is selected. Restriction limits must be enabled in the trace form (see View of trace
curves). Gradient
Parameters: Threshold Torque, Angle distance, No degrees, Gradient Low, Gradient High
Function: Calculates and checks the gradient of the torque curve, that is, the ratio of torque vs. angle.
The gradient is calculated as the difference in torque Angle distance apart divided by the
Angle distance. The first gradient is calculated Angle distance after Threshold torque has
been reached. A new gradient is calculated every time a new torque and angle sample is
available, that is, normally once every millisecond.
The calculated gradient is compared against the limits and stored in trace as a gradient
curve. One or both of the gradient limits can be left empty. If both are empty no restriction
check is active, but the calculated gradient is still stored in the trace.
The torque samples used for the gradient calculation are filtered using a sliding window
average filter. The No degrees parameter defines the sliding window angle over which
mean values are calculated.
In case the step runs backwards compared to the step direction the restriction ends the step
if limit is specified. If no limit is configured the gradient calculation is restarted and there is a
gap in the trace curve until the first new gradient can be calculated.
Reported Grad value
A dist Torque
A dist
Result var.: This restriction produces the step level result variable "Grad” which is the lowest gradient
measured during the restriction or the gradient that violated the high limit of the restriction.
Alarms: Gradient high restriction (GHR) and Gradient low restriction (GLR).
Trace: Gradient High and Gradient Low are shown in trace as horizontal lines from the point where
the first gradient was calculated to shut off when Gradient vs. Angle is selected. Restriction
limits must be enabled in the trace form (see View of trace curves).
Min angle or Max angle can be left empty meaning that the respective test is disabled. Note
that at least one of them must be configured.
T1 Torque Level T1 Amin Angle min
T2 Torque Level T2 Amax Angle max
A Measured angle from T1 to T2
Result var.: This restriction produces the step level result variable "Cross thr. A” which is the measured
angle from T1 to T2.
Alarms: Cross thread restriction (CROSSTR) if A > Max angle. Cross gradient too high restriction
(CROSSGR) if A < Min angle.
Trace: Two lines are shown in Torque vs. Angle view. The horizontal line represents the T2 level
and it starts when T1 is passed and ends after Amin degrees. The vertical line represents
the point where Amax degrees are passed after T1. The step fails if any of the lines is
crossed. Restriction limits must be enabled in the trace form (see View of trace curves).
TnStart, AnStart and/or AnStop may be left empty. Leaving AnStart empty corresponds to
the beginning of the step while an empty AnStop corresponds to the end of the step.
TnHigh and/or TnLow may be left empty. Leaving them empty disables the test against the
limit in question. Note that if none of the torque limits is specified then TnStart, AnStart and
AnStop must also be empty and the restriction is not used.
Diagram 1:
Result var.: This restriction produces the step level result variables "Tp1 Peak T", "Tp2 Peak T" and
"Tp3 Peak T" which is the highest torque measured in the respective interval.
Alarms: Torque in window n too high (TnHR) and/or Torque in window n too low (TnLR).
Trace: TnHigh and TnLow are shown in trace as horizontal lines from AnStart to AnStop when
Torque vs. Angle is selected. The step fails if any of the lines is crossed. Restriction limits
must be enabled in the trace form (see View of trace curves).
Select if you want to use the spindle‟s stored limits or configure your own limits (Max
difference – Maximum difference in degrees, Number of samples – For how many
samples (milliseconds) Max difference is allowed).
If an angle double transducer protection is configured on the spindle this restriction will
replace that during the step, see Angle Double Transducer Check.
Diagram: None
Alarms: Double Angle Transducer Error (ADIFF)
Trace: -
If a torque double transducer protection is configured on the spindle this restriction will
replace that during the step, see Torque Double Transducer Check.
Diagram: None
Alarms: Double Torque Transducer Error (TDIFF)
Trace: -
Note: It is only possible to use the same variable once in each step. For example, with two Peak Torque
checks on the same step with channel selection Torque 1, only one can use the specialized variable Peak
T1, the other one must use one of the general variables (or not reported). Setup problems will detect any
errors and generate warnings if needed.
Both limits are optional. Leaving them blank disables the check but the result value is still
calculated and reported.
If the check operates on step it starts at step start. It ends when the step ends, including
overshoot time. If the check operates on zone the check starts when the selected zone
starts and ends when the zone ends.
If Set null position or Set peak position is set the peak position, that is the angle where
the peak torque was found, is stored in the corresponding position register. It is possible to
return to this position later with the step POS - Run to Position (only available for Gauging).
This check requires that at least one sample is collected after the torque spike elimination
phase. If not, and at least one limit is specified, the steps status is set to Fatal and the error
bit of the respective limit is set.
Result var.: Peak T, Peak T1, Peak T2, Peak T3 (Peak torque).
Alarms: Step peak torque high (PTH) and step peak torque low (PTL).
Trace: TH and TL are shown in trace as horizontal lines from step start to step stop when post step
check time has elapsed. The lines are only shown when Torque vs. Time is selected.
Both limits are optional. Leaving them blank disables the check but the result values are still
calculated and reported.
This check requires that at least one sample is collected after the torque spike elimination
phase and that angle Astop is reached. If not, and at least one limit is specified, the steps
status is set to Fatal and the error bit of respective limit is set.
A Win Hi T
A Win Lo T
AStart AStop
Result var.: "A Win Hi T" (angle window high torque) and "A Win Lo T" (angle window low torque).
Alarms: Step torque high in angle window (THAWIN) and step torque low in angle window
Trace: TH and TL are shown in trace as horizontal lines from AStart to AStop. The lines are only
shown when Torque vs. Angle is selected and Check limits are enabled in the trace form
(see View of trace curves).
Both limits are optional. Leaving them blank disables the check but the result value is still
calculated and reported.
This check requires that at least one sample is collected after the torque spike elimination
phase and that time Stop time is reached. If not, and at least one limit is specified, the steps
status is set to Fatal and the error bit of the respective limit is set.
Ti Win Hi T
Ti Win Lo T
Start time Stop time
Result var.: "Ti Win Hi T" (time window high torque) and "Ti Win Lo T" (time window low torque).
Alarms: Step torque high in time window (THTIWIN) and step torque low in time window (TLTIWIN).
Trace: TH and TL are shown in trace as horizontal lines from Start time to Stop time. The lines are
only shown when Torque vs. Time is selected and Check limits are enabled in the trace
form (see View of trace curves).
Both limits are optional. Leaving them blank disables the check but the result value is still
calculated and reported.
Depending on the Start condition the measurement starts at different points during the step:
The parameters Start condition, Tstart and Astart are only available for Gauging. In
Tightening the start condition Time is always used.
Diagram 1 (Start condition Time):
Shut-off point
Mean Torque
Mean Torque
Mean Torque
Note! The "Overshoot time" (which is measured from that the step is shut off, see chapter:
Step – Check) has to be programmed long enough to monitor the requested end condition.
Both limits are optional. Leaving them blank disables the check but the result value is still
calculated and reported.
The check is only evaluated if both the Start condition and the Stop condition are met. If
not, and at least one limit is specified, the steps status is set to Fatal and the error bit of the
respective limit is set.
Shut-off point
Previous step
AS3 P AH Angle
AS1 A_Snug AL F
A_Tstart SO A_Tstop
Step x-1 Step x
TStart Torque Start A_Tstart Start cond. - Angle at Tstart F Stop cond. - Final angle
TStop Torque Stop AS1 Start cond. - Angle at step start SO Stop cond. - Shut-off angle
AL Angle Low AS2 Start cond. - Angle at prev. shut off P Stop cond. - Peak angle
AH Angle High AS3 Start cond. - Peak angle prev. SOP Stop cond. - Shut-off angle prev.
A_Snug Start cond. - Snug point A_Tstop Stop cond. - Angle at Tstop
Angle window AwinL is located AdistL before the point where the torque reaches level TC
and AwinH is located AdistH before the torque reaches level TC. The torque level is allowed
to reach level TC several times during a step. The angle windows are measured from the
last point where the torque reached TC.
The torque values used in the check are filtered using a sliding window average algorithm.
The mean torque value is calculated over NOSL for the TL check and over NOSH for the
TH check. The filter can be disabled by leaving the respective number of samples
parameter empty.
The filter starts after the torque spike elimination phase and runs throughout the check. The
check does not start until the filter is full. The filtered torque value is recalculated on every
new sample; that is, normally every millisecond.
The angle used for crossings over the limits is the filter‟s median angle value (angle at
sample NOSL/2 or NOSH/2 in the filter).
This check requires that torque TC is reached after the torque spike elimination phase and
that the angle MAX(AwinL + AdistL; AwinH + AdistH) has been reached at that point. If not,
the steps status is set to Fatal and the error bit of the respective limit is set.
AwinL AdistL
AwinH AdistH
Both limits are optional. Leaving them blank disables the check but the result value is still
calculated and reported.
This check requires that at least one sample is collected after the torque spike elimination
phase. If not, and at least one limit is specified, the steps status is set to Fatal and the error
bit of the respective limit is set.
Shut-off point
Torque /
Both limits are optional. Leaving them blank disables the check but the result value is still
calculated and reported.
This check requires that at least one sample is collected after the torque spike elimination
phase. If not, and at least one limit is specified, the steps status is set to Fatal and the error
bit of the respective limit is set.
Shut-off point
Measuring is started when the angle Astart has elapsed from that torque reached the value
Torque Start. If Falling Edge is checked the measurement of Astart is started when the
torque falls below Torque Start. This is point (A1, T1).
Point (A2, T2) is the point where measuring is stopped, that is, when any of the following
conditions first is met:
- when the torque reaches the value Torque Stop
- when the angle measured from Torque Start reaches Astop
- when the torque reaches final torque, that is, the end of the step. This point is used only if
both Torque Stop and Astop are empty.
Torque Start, Torque Stop, Astart, and Astop are all optional. If Torque Start is left
empty, then Astart is measured from the start of the step. Leaving Astart empty is equal to
setting Astart to zero. Leaving Torque Stop and/or Astop empty deactivates the
respective check as stop conditions.
Depending on the setting of Type, different methods are used to calculate the Torque Rate:
This function also checks that the torque does not deviate more than Dev from a straight
line between the points (A1, T1) and (A2, T2). The Deviation in sample k, DEV(k), is
calculated as:
The highest found deviation is reported in the result variable TorqueRate Dev.
This check requires that the start condition and, if specified, the stop condition are met. In
addition, the angle measured between these two points must be larger than the angle
corresponding to one (1) encoder increment. If not, and at least one limit is specified, the
steps status is set to Fatal and the error bit of the respective limit is set.
The parameters Falling Edge, Type is only available for Gauging. In Tightening rising edge
and type „Two point‟ is always used.
Diagram 1:
T2 = Tstop
A1 A2
Result var.: "TR" (step torque rate) and "TR Dev" (step torque rate deviation).
Alarms: Torque rate too low (TRL), Torque rate too high (TRH) and Too big deviation (DEV)
Trace: The calculated torque rate line and the Dev lines are shown as in the diagram above. The
lines are only shown when Torque vs. Angle is selected and Check limits are enabled in the
trace form (see View of trace curves).
The Zero crossing check use the calculated torque rate line in the torque rate check (T = TR
* A + m) to calculate the zero crossing point, i.e. the angle there the toque is zero.
The angle used is the cycle angle, so the result will be angle from cycle start and not angle
from step start. The check will use the angle channel selected in the torque rate check.
The calculated ZC is compared with the limits Zero Crossing High and Zero Crossing
Low. If Set Null position is checked this position will also be stored to make it possible to
return to that point with the step Run to Position
Step x-1 Step x
Result var.: "Zero Cr. A", "Zero Cr. A1", "Zero Cr. A2 " (measured zero crossing)
Alarms: Zero Crossing high (ZCH), Zero crossing low (ZCL)
Trace: ZCH and ZCL are shown in trace as vertical lines. The calculated line is shown as a straight
line, from the end of the step and down to the torque axis. The lines are only shown when
Torque vs. Angle is selected.
Both limits are optional. Leaving them blank disables the check but the result value is still
calculated and reported.
Shut-off point
TIL Time
Step time TIH
The search for the yield point starts then the torque has reached the level Torque start.
From this point the gradient, i.e. the ratio of torque vs. angle, is calculated. During the step
the maximum gradient value is stored. The yield point is found then the calculated gradient
is less than DIFF * Maximum gradient. The DIFF value is specified as a percentage of the
maximum gradient.
The angle to use as end angle is controlled by the parameter Stop condition. There are
three different angles that can be used. Final angle, F, is the last measured angle in the
step. Shut off angle, SO, is the angle at the shut off point and Peak angle, P, is the highest
angle reached during the step. For more details see Check Angle.
The gradient calculation is done in the same way as in the Gradient Restriction. The check
compares the filtered torque values Angle distance apart to find the gradient. The torque is
filtered with a sliding average over the angle No degrees. See also the Gradient Restriction
for more details.
Yield point
A dist
T Start
A dist YAL YAH
YP Angle
Result var.: "YP Angle" (Yield Point Angle), the angle between the Yield point and the end angle.
Alarms: Yield Point Angle High (YAH) and Yield Point Angle Low (YAL)
Trace: No limits are shown in trace.
The check operates in two different modes, Dynamic or Fix. The difference between the
modes is the way TTrig is calculated.
Dynamic mode: TTrig is dynamically calculated as percentage of the current max torque
that has been reached so far during the step. The user specifies the percentage to use. The
check is started as soon as the torque passes the threshold torque level.
Fixed Mode: TTrig is a fixed torque level specified by the user. In this mode the Threshold
torque is not needed.
To prevent false detections of stick slip the counter of the drops below TTrig is reset if a too
long angle has been run since the last drop. The counter is reset if the angle since the latest
drop is larger than the angle between the first and latest drop, i.e. if
a – ai > ai – a1; a = current angle, a1 = angle at first drop, ai = angle at last drop
Note 1: Since this is a check the step will continue to run to the final target even after a
stick-slip has been detected.
Note 2: Since the sample frequency of the torque transducer normally is 1 kHz the check
can have problems to detect a stick slip with a frequency higher than 500 Hz.
TTrig 4
1 3
Step Angle
If the check operates on step it starts at step start. It ends when the step end, the last
sample is taken at the shut off point of the step. If the check operates on zone the check
start when the selected zone starts and ends when the zone ends.
The measurement ends then the step or zone ends. If it is running on step level the last
sample is taken at the shut off point of the step.
If Set null position or Set low position is set the low position, that is the angle where the
low spot torque was found, is stored in the corresponding position register. It is possible to
return to this position later with the step Run to Position.
Result var: Low Spot T
Alarms: Low spot torque high (LTH) and Low spot torque low (LTL).
Trace: Torque vs. Angle
The distance is calculated as Distance = Reference Position – Current Position, the result
can be both negative and positive.
Result var: Position A
Alarms: Position high (PH) and Position low (PL).
Trace: No limits are shown in trace.
Result var: "BCT A", "BCT A1", "BCT A2" (Backlash angle)
Alarms: Backlash angle high (BAH) and Backlash angle low (BAL).
Trace: No limits are shown in trace.
Bolt Categories
All bolts executing are divided into one of three groups
Reject bolts: All Bolts that have other status than Acceptable, that is have failed them self
(Repairable or Fatal).
Reject group: All Bolts that have status Acceptable but belong to a group in which at least one
bolt is not Acceptable.
Others: All Bolts that have status Acceptable and do not belong to a group where one or more
bolts are not Acceptable.
Possible RM Actions
There are four different RM Actions to choose between:
Terminate: The bolts should execute their Terminate sequence.
Continue: The bolts should continue with the next step. The bolt will first wait for any Terminate
and Repair sequences to finish.
Retry: The bolts should execute their Retry action(s). The bolt will first wait for any Terminate
sequences to finish.
Wait: The bolts should wait at the step they currently are at while other bolts are being terminated
or repaired.
Selecting RM Action
You can specify different action for each bolt category depending on what kind of error that is at hand, and
when it occurred. This is configured using the First Failure, Failure during repair and Fatal failure
settings specified for the steps.
The First failure alternatives are used when the station is in its Running Normal state and for cycle
RM. It offers the following alternatives and combinations:
Please note that the Retry alternative is not available for the steps located in the repair part of the
program. The steps in the repair part of the program are only intended for preparation of a repair.
CE steps do not have Failure during repair since all CE steps finish the cycle (and thereby ends
any on-going repair).
The Failure during repair action only affects bolts that are active running repair. Bolts that are
waiting, or have finished their repair, are not affected. The following Failure during repair
alternatives is available in the main program:
Note! No Retry is allowed as Failure during repair action when steps in the repair part are run.
The Fatal failure alternatives are used when a fatal error occurs for the bolt. It offers the following
The Fatal failure action affects all bolts that are not already terminated. That is, also the bolts that are
waiting while other bolts are being repaired may be ordered to Terminate.
Since the First failure, Failure during repair and Fatal failure settings are defined per bolt the station can
meet contradictory actions. Should this happen the ambiguity is resolved by choosing the action in the
following order: Terminate, Retry, Wait, and Continue.
When the station has decided what action each bolt should take it will order the bolts to either run the
Terminate sequence, the Retry sequence, to continue with next step, or do nothing (wait).
The Retry and Terminate sequences are defined individually for each step and bolt. This means that if a
bolt is ordered to execute a Retry action while at step 5, it is the Retry settings (see Configuring Reject
Management) on step 5 that controls at which step the repair will start.
Note 1 If no Repair action is configured for a reject bolt the bolt will get status NOK instead of OKR after
the repair. All other bolts will get status OKR as best after repair, independent of if any repair
action was done or not.
Synchronization marks
The usage of synchronization marks is very important for the execution of reject management. The station
will only make decision on reject management action when all bolts have stopped either due to that they
have failed executing a step or that they have reached a synchronization mark. They are also important
with respect to when a bolt is considered done with any repair (see chapter: Reject management states).
In addition to the explicit synchronization marks there are also a number implicit ones, namely:
All Cycle End (CE) and Return from Repair (RE) steps.
The parameters grouped under Retry controls how this bolt should be repaired on the selected step when
ordered so by the station:
Loosen with step. The number of the step to jump to in order to prepare the repair action. Any
step in the repair part of the program (that is, any of the steps after the first CE step) is allowed as
target. Typically this sequence is used to loosen the bolt before the repair is started.
If initiate repair steps end with a Cycle End step the cycle ends and the retry is considered ready. If
left blank then no initial repair is done. That is, if a Cycle End step is reached while executing in the
repair part of a program the cycle is ended for the bolt. Monitoring and cycle reject management is
done according to the Cycle End step in the program.
Restart from step. Points to the step in the main part of the program or sequence where the repair
should be started when the optional initial repair is finished. Any step in the main part of the
program up to, and including, the current step is allowed. If left blank execution resumes at the next
step after the step where the Retry was ordered and repair is ready.
Terminate with step. The number of the step to jump to when ordered by the station to Terminate.
Any step in the repair part of the program is allowed as target.
If the sequence started with the Terminate with step end with a CE step then monitoring will be
performed as configured in this Cycle End step. If a RE step ends the sequence then monitoring is
performed according to the CE step that should have been reached if the execution had not been
transferred to the Terminate sequence.
Whether to use a RE or a CE step should be based on if you want to use different Monitoring
check settings for the Terminate sequence compared to the main sequence.
Max no. of retries. Defines how many times this step may be repaired when it has failed. When
this number is exceeded the error is considered Fatal. Max number of retries is 9.
If both Loosen with step and Restart from step are specified then Loosen with step sequence is
executed first. If none of them are specified when ordered to do a repair the reject bolt will get status
NOK instead of OKR as no repair has been done. All other bolts that are ordered to do a repair will get
status OKR as best.
Status before Result of Reject Management action Best possible status after
evaluation of Monitoring taken repair
Monitoring checks
OK Acceptable None OK
Repairable According to First failure settings OKR
Fatal According to Fatal failure settings NOK
OKR Acceptable None OKR
Repairable According to First failure settings OKR
Fatal According to Fatal failure settings NOK
Bolts that never reach a CE step, for example due to that it is terminated, will use the Monitoring checks
defined on the CE step it would have reached if the execution should have continued normally. As an
example of this see the program outlined below. If the bolt is ordered to terminate in step 2 the Monitoring
settings of the first CE step (step 8) will be used. If terminated at step 10 the settings of the second CE
step (step 12) is used.
F a ilin g
S yn ch syn ch ro n iza tio n S yn ch
M a rk in te rva l M a rk
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
-/-/- -/-/- 9 /-/- 1 3 /-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/-
State Description
Running Normal All bolts are running steps in the main part of their programs. No error has occurred.
When all bolts have stopped, either because they reached a synchronization mark or that
they failed, the station decides what reject action to take by evaluating the
Fatal failure settings for all bolts with Fatal errors
First failure settings for all bolts with Repairable errors
Should the settings lead to different actions for a given bolt the “hardest” action is taken
Running Repair Some bolts are running their repair sequence. When all bolts have stopped, either
because they reached a synchronization mark or that they failed, the station decides what
reject action to take by evaluating the following conditions for all bolts that are not yet
ready with their repair:
Fatal failure settings for all bolts with Fatal errors
Failure during repair settings for all bolts with Repairable errors
Note 1: Only the bolts that currently are running repair are affected by any Failure
during repair actions. Bolts that never entered the repair sequence, for example
due to that they had Wait or Continue as reject action, and bolts that are already
ready with the repair sequence are not involved.
Note 2: The Fatal failure action affects all bolts, that is, also the bolts not currently
Running Repair.
Should the settings lead to different actions for a given bolt the “hardest” action is taken
Repair Ready All bolts that once started their repair sequence have finished it. In this state the station
does not execute any steps; it only evaluates the outcome of the repair in order to decide
the next action.
The station evaluates the reject settings of all bolts that started repair and was not
terminated while executing it using the
Fatal failure settings for all bolts with Fatal errors
First failure settings for all bolts with Repairable errors
The action decided is taken for all bolts that are not terminated, this means that not only
the bolts that have done repair but also all bolts that had Wait or Continue as reject action
when the station entered the Running Repair state may have new actions ordered here.
Running Terminate One or more bolts are running their terminate action. Synchronization is maintained for
these bolts as long as the steps end OK. Should a step fail then the bolt is considered
ready with status TERMNOK (Terminated NOK) while the remaining bolts continue the
terminate sequences.
A ll b o lts
re a d y w ith E va lu a tio n of a ll b o lts
re p a ir u s in g F irs t a n d F ata l
fa ilu re g ive s th at th e re is
n o b o lt to te rm in a te b u t a t
le a s t o n e b o lt to re p a ir
E va lu a tio n of a ll b o lts us in g
F irs t a n d F ata l fa ilu re g ives R E P A IR E va lu a tio n of a ll b o lts us in g F irst
th a t n e xt ste p in th e m a in READY o r F a ta l fa ilu re g ives th a t th e re is
p ro g ra m s h o u ld b e sta rte d a t le as t o n e b o lt to te rm in ate
State Description
Idle The bolt is done with any previous cycle and is just waiting for a new cycle to start.
Running Normal The bolt is executing steps in the main part of its program. When it receives a “Start Step”
command from the station it executes all steps until the next synchronization mark or that
a step fails. “Start Step” with Retry or Terminate order causes a state switch if Retry or
Terminate steps are defined.
Running Repair The bolt is running its repair sequence. The bolt enters this state when it is ordered to
start repair.
It will then remember the synchronization interval from which it entered this state as the
"Failing synchronization interval" (see the picture of the below example). This information
is used when the bolt determines if it is ready with the repair
The bolt will stay in this state until it again stops in this interval, either due to that it failed
to execute one of the steps in the interval or due to that it reached the ending
synchronization mark of the interval.
Note! Reaching any CE step in a program will end the "Failing synchronization interval"
and thereby end the repair phase. This regardless if the execution has reached the
same CE step that the repair was started from or not.
Should the bolt be ordered to enter repair again while already in this state it will remain in
this state, without changing the "Failing synchronization interval".
Running Terminate The bolt is running steps in its terminate sequence.
T h e te rm in a te
T h e re is n o m o re to s e q u e n c e is
T h e c yc le is s ta rte d
e xe c u te a n d th e s ta tio n done
o rd e rs th e b o lt to fin is h
T h e b o lt is o rd e re d to
te rm in a te
T h e b o lt is o rd e re d to
s ta rt re p a ir T h e b o lt is re a d y w ith re p a ir
R E P A IR T h e b o lt is o rd e re d to
te rm in a te
All steps from Repair with step to the last step in the failing synchronization interval has been run.
The bolt failed running one of the steps in the failing synchronization interval. This causes an immediate
First try evaluation that affects all not terminated bolts in the station. If the evaluated reject action is Retry
the bolt reenters Running Repair.
If an initial repair ends with RE step and no repair step is configured cycle execution resumes at the step
where the Retry was ordered. Next step when running normal is the step after the step where Retry was
ordered. When another bolt fails in its Failing synchronization interval and the action determined by the
station is Retry or Terminate the steps run by the OK bolt is configured in the step where the retry was
F a ilin g
s yn c h ro n iz a tio n
S yn c h S yn c h
in te rv a l
M a rk M a rk
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
S yn ch S yn ch
M a rk M a rk
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
-/-/- -/-/- 9 /-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/-
1 B o lt tra n sfe r fro m sta te 3 B o lt 2 w a its fo r b o lt 1 to fin ish re p a ir. R u n N e xt 2 B o lt 2 w a its fo r b o lt 1 to fin ish re p a ir.
R U N N IN G N O R M A L to o rd e re d w h e n re p a ir re a d y. C h a n g e sta te fro m R e try o rd e re d w h e n re p a ir re a d y. R u n R e try
R U N N IN G R E P A IR R U N N IN G R E P A IR to R U N N IN G N O R M A L . a s co n fig u re d in ste p 3
When a bolt has reported that repair is ready, due to a CE step, the bolt will reenter state Running Normal
while waiting for the other bolts to finish. If any other bolt fails when running normal, reject management
will affect the bolt at CE. Retry and Terminate steps will be run as configured in the last step before the CE
See the following example with Bolt 1 and Bolt 2. Bolt 1 fails in step 3 and 7. In step 3 First failure action is
Retry for all bolts. In step 7 First try action is Terminate for all bolts:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Bolt 2 runs OK, but is ordered to Retry and Terminate when bolt 1 fails:
S yn c h S yn c h
M a rk M a rk
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
-/-/- -/-/- 9 /-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
-/-/- -/-/- 9 /1 /- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/-
When the bolt fails the first time in step 3 the station will use the First failure settings of this step when
computing the reject management action.
In this case a Loosen with step sequence is defined (step 9 to 11) so when the station orders the bolt to
start repair the bolt will
Enter the Running Repair state
And jump to step 9
It will continue to execute without interaction with the station until it reaches a synchronization mark. Here
the bolt will stop after step 11 since step 12 is a Return from Repair (which is an implicit synchronization
mark). This ends the Loosen with step sequence.
Since Restart from step is set to 1 for the step 3 the bolt will jump to step 1 when it receives the next start
order from the station. Since step 1 has a synchronization mark the bolt will stop here and wait for a new
order from the station.
When the station sends the next start order the bolt will run until step 5 is finished. Since the bolt now
have reached its "Failing synchronization interval" it transfers from state Running Repair to the Running
Normal. The station will not order the bolt to start the next step until all other bolts that also are running
repair are finished.
When the next start order is received from the station the bolt will run until it reaches step 7 and at this
point report to the station that has finished the program.
When all bolts have finished their cycles the station will order the bolt to do monitoring checks. Monitoring
checks will be performed as configured in step 8.
F a ilin g
s yn c h ro n iz a tio n
S yn c h S yn c h
in te rv a l
M a rk M a rk
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
-/-/- -/-/- 9 /-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/- -/-/-
Down ramp start point
Speed Down
ramp up ramp
Smoothened ramps
Straight ramps
Up to five speed changes can be made during a step. These are defined as Ramp data entries.
When to change speed can be triggered by one of the following conditions:
Angle reaches a specified value
Torque reaches a specified value
Current reaches a specified value
A specified time from step start
Chose type by selecting the wanted type in the Start column and specify the trig value in the Level
property. Enter the new target speed in Speed and the acceleration/deceleration to use in Ramp [rpm/s].
Only one of the start conditions is monitored at the time. The second condition will not be checked until the
first condition has been met, and so on. However, there is no check done that the speed has reached the
final value of the first condition before the second is activated.
Down ramp 3
Speed 3
When the next step starts the speed will be ramped to the target speed of that step with the ramp
programmed in this step. If the next step has a different direction compared to the previous step
the direction change will be made with a speed ramp. An event will also be generated to warn the
user that this has happened.
If the evaluation of any checks fails for a spindle that run Continue rotation the motor will be
switched off and the spindle will roll out to a stop. The same will also happen if another spindle fails
and starts to run reject management. However, if Allow hold torque also during RM is checked
in the Station Set Up the spindle will continue to rotate in both these cases. Ramps & Other – Store Position (only available for Gauging)
It is possible to store the current position at the end of each step and later return to this position with the
step Run to Position.
Set Null position is a combo box with following choices:
Half pos: The null position is set to the position half way through the step.
Full pos: The null position is set to the current position at the end of the step (after the over shoot
time has passed)
Set Half position is a checkbox. If checked the half position will be set to the position half way through
the step, otherwise the half position will not be changed. Default value is not checked.
Half position is defined as half the angle from step start (after backlash is done) to step stop (the angle
there the braking of the spindle begins).
In Program Settings-Settings there is a checkbox Reset Position. If checked all four position registers
(Null, Half, Peak and Low) will be cleared at cycle start, otherwise the positions stored in a previous cycle
will be kept.
Any movement between the programs will be measured and the distance to the position registers will be
updated accordingly.
The Monitoring function is used to examine the result of a whole tightening cycle.
This is done using a buffer, called the Monitoring buffer, in which each element represents a given angle
interval measured from when monitoring is started. The buffer has a fix length of 8192 elements but its
resolution, i.e. the length that each element represents, can be configured by editing the settings for a
Note! It is possible to use a second monitoring buffer. To enable the second monitoring buffer check the
Use 2 monitoring buffer check box located in general program settings, see chapter: Program
Settings. The second monitoring buffer is sampled on the secondary angle and torque channels if
Parameters: Fatal, Monitoring buffer, FTH (High level), FTL (Low level)
Function: This function checks that the Peak Torque is within limits FTH and FTL. The final torque is
the highest torque value found in the monitor buffer. The limits FTH and FTL are both
optional. Leaving them blank disables the check but the result value is still calculated and
Unless Fatal is checked a value outside the specified limits is considered to be a repairable
error. If a value cannot be calculated and at least one limit is specified the check is always
considered Fatal. This is for example the case if the buffer is empty when evaluating.
Monitoring buffer selects which monitoring buffer the check should use.
Bolt T
Parameters: Fatal, Monitoring buffer, AH (High level), AL (Low level), Tstart (Torque Level, Tstart),
Tstop (Torque Level, Tstop), Torque falling below Tstop.
Function: This function checks that the angle A is within the specified limits AH and AL. Angle A is
measured from the point where the torque has reached Tstart (Astart) until the point where
the torque reaches Tstop (Astop).
Depending on the configuration of Tstart, Tstop and Torque falling below Tstop one of
two basically different methods for data collection is used. If Tstart and Tstop both are left
empty, or Tstop is specified and Torque falling below Tstop is checked, then Astart and
Astop are continuously searched for during the cycle. This is the Runtime method. For all
other settings the buffer method is used, which means that Astart and Astop are searched
for in the buffer.
Astop is defined as the angle where torque decreases below Tstop (Astop2 in the picture)
during the overshoot time. When torque exceeds Tstop, Astop is always reset to an
undefined value and a new Astop has to be found for the check to evaluate correctly. An
AStop found is valid as long as the torque does not exceed Tstop later during the cycle.
Found positions are erased and reset if the buffer is cleared passed the found positions
(when a step is run in backward direction).
If both Tstart and Tstop are empty the angle will be measured from monitoring start to
monitoring end. That is, Astart is defined as the cycle angle when monitoring is started and
Astop is the last measured cycle angle while monitoring is running (Aend 2 in the picture).
Astop is measured during all steps except for the SR step.
Both limits, that is, AH and AL, are optional. Leaving them blank disables the check but the
result values are still calculated and reported.
If Fatal is not checked a value outside the specified limits is considered to be a repairable
error. If a value cannot be calculated and at least one limit is specified the check is always
considered Fatal. This is for example the case if Astart or Astop are not found or if the
buffer is empty.
Monitoring buffer selects which monitoring buffer the check should use.
Astop1 Angle
Astart Aend2 Aend1
Result var.: "Bolt A", “Bolt A2nd” (measured on the second monitoring buffer) and "Bolt A Thresh T" (the
programmed value of Tstart)
Alarms: Angle too high (AHM, AHM2), Angle too low (ALM, ALM2) and Threshold torque not
reached for angle monitoring (TTNOTRM). AHM2 and ALM2 are used for the second
monitoring buffer. TTNOTRM is generated if Tstart is specified but not reached during the
Trace: AH and AL are shown in trace as vertical infinite lines. The lines are only shown when
Torque vs. Angle is selected and Monitoring limits are enabled in the trace form (see
View of trace curves).
Parameters: Fatal, Monitoring buffer, T Start, T Stop, A Start, A Stop, TRL, TRH, Dev
Function: This function checks the Torque Rate (TR), i.e. the ratio of torque vs. angle.
Measuring is started when the angle A Start has elapsed from that torque reached the
value T Start. This is point (A1, T1).
Point (A2, T2) is the point where measuring is stopped, that is, when any of the following
conditions first is met:
T Start, T Stop, A Start, and A Stop are all optional. If T Start is left blank, then A Start is
measured from the start of the monitoring buffer. Leaving A Start empty is equal to setting
A Start to zero. Leaving T Stop and/or A Stop empty deactivates the respective check as
stop conditions.
where T1, T2, A1, and A2 are defined as in the diagrams below.
This function also checks that the torque does not deviate more than Dev from a straight
line between the points (A1, T1) and (A2, T2). The Deviation in sample k, DEV(k), is
m = T1 – TR * A1
All limits, that is, TRH, TRL and Dev, are optional. Leaving them blank disables the
respective check but the values are still calculated and reported.
If Fatal is not checked a value outside the specified limits is considered to be a repairable
error. If a value cannot be calculated and at least one limit is specified for the check in
question it is always considered Fatal. This is the case if T Start, A Start, T Stop or Astop
are not found or if the buffer is empty.
Diagram 1:
A1 A2
Result var.: "Bolt TR 1", "Bolt TR 2", "Bolt TR Dev 1", and "Bolt TR Dev2".
Alarms: Torque rate in interval 1 too high (TR1HM),
Torque rate in interval 1 too low (TR1LM)
Torque rate in interval 2 too high (TR2HM)
Torque rate in interval 2 too low (TR2LM)
Too big deviation in interval 1 (DEV1M)
Too big deviation in interval 2 (DEV2M)
Trace: TRH and TRL are shown in trace as lines originating from T1 showing the selected torque
rate. The TRH and TRL lines end where either T2 or A2 should have been reached using
the specified torque rates (see above diagrams). The deviation limit lines are drawn the
distance Dev from, and parallel to, the line between (A1, T1) and (A2, T2). The lines are
only shown when Torque vs. Angle is selected and Monitoring limits are enabled in the
trace form (see View of trace curves).
Parameters: TC, NOS, INC, DIFF, Fatal, YTH, YTL, YAH, YAL
Function: Search for Yield point starts when the torque value has reached the trig level TC. From this
point the average torque is measured over NOS degrees (TNOS). This procedure is repeated
after each INC degrees.
When three or more TNOS values have been measure (that is after 3 NOS + 2 INC) the
difference in average torque, TDIFF(k), is calculated as
This value corresponds to the current torque rate. Also, every time T DIFF is calculated its
maximum value, MaxTDIFF, is updated
The yield point is considered reached when T DIFF(k) < MaxTDIFF(k) * DIFF / 100
where TCycle End is the Cycle End Torque (as described by Bolt Monitoring).
The second variable, "Bolt YP A" represents how much the angle is increased from the yield
point to the cycle end. It is calculated as:
The function checks that "Bolt YP T" is within the limits YTH and YTL and that "Bolt YP A" is
within the limits YAH and YAL. Note that YTH and YTL can be negative.
All limits, that is, YTH, YTL, YAH and YAL, are optional. Leaving them blank disables the
respective check but the values are still calculated and reported.
If Fatal is not checked a value outside the specified limits is considered to be a repairable
error. If a value cannot be calculated and at least one limit is specified for the check in
question it is always considered Fatal. This is for example the case if the yield points are
not found or if the buffer is empty.
Bolt YP T
NOS Angle
Parameters: Fatal, Monitoring buffer, Start torque, High curve limit (angle, torque) pairs, Low curve
limit (angle, torque) pairs
Function: This function checks that the torque values are within High and Low curve limits. A curve
limit consists of a series of (angle, torque) pairs. A valid curve limit must contain at least 2
(angle, torque) pairs (Ax, Tx) to make up a straight line. Maximum 10 (angle, torque) pairs
can be entered for a curve limit. The (angle, torque) pairs (A1, T1) (A2, T2) .. (Ax, Tx) are
connected with straight lines to resemble a curve. If any measured torque value is outside
the curve limits an event will be generated and an error code will be included in the cycle
If Fatal is not checked a value outside the specified limits is considered to be a repairable
error. Monitoring buffer selects which monitoring buffer the check should use. If no Start
torque is entered, the angle positions are measured from the beginning of the monitoring
buffer. If a Start torque value is entered, the stroke positions are measured from the point
where the force passes the level ST, see Diagram. To enter (angle, torque) pairs, mark
High curve limit or Low curve limit and push the expand button to open its input form, see
User Interface above.
(A5, T5)
(A4, T4)
High curve limit
(A5, T5)
(A4, T4)
(A3, T3)
(A2, T2)
(A1, T1)
(A1, T1)
ST = 0
(A5, T5)
(A4, T4)
A1 Angle
6.7.1 Statuses
Stations and bolts have a variable named "Status" that indicates their resulting status.
The Station Status variable can take one of the following values:
Common data
The Common data consists of the following variables:
Monitoring data
The Monitoring data contains variables that correspond to the result of the Bolt Monitoring functions.
In addition to the variables listed below the high and low limit set up for it, as well as the Cp, Cpk, and
Cam SPC values calculated for them, are also available as result variables.
When including the limits of a variable both the high and the low limit will be included in the report. If you
choose to include the SPC values all three values are reported together.
All monitoring data variables are defined once for each monitoring buffer. The variable referring to the
second monitoring buffer is appended with “2nd Errors
The Bolt result variables Errors and RM Errors can hold the errors listed below.
When reported in binary format the respective error variable occupies 16 bytes (128 bits) where each bit
represent an error. The bits are numbered 0 to 127 and are laid out as below:
Byte Offset 0 1 2 3
Error bit no. 31 24 23 16 15 8 7 0
Byte Offset 4 5 6 7
Error bit no 63 56 55 48 47 40 39 32
Byte Offset 8 9 10 11
Error bit no. 95 88 87 80 79 72 71 64
Byte Offset 12 13 14 15
Error bit no 127 120 119 112 111 104 103 96
Note! If Type is set to "I8" then only first 8 bytes are included, that is errors 0 to 63.
Possible errors:
Mnemonic Bit Description
ANGDIAG 0 Angle count test failed during a diagnostic step
SPFUNCTEST 1 Spindle functional test failed during a diagnostic step
STZODIAG 2 Static zero offset failed during a diagnostic step
DYNZODIAG 3 Dynamic zero offset failed during a diagnostic step
FLYZODIAG 4 Flying zero offset failed during a diagnostic step
TR 5 Fail safe Torque restriction exceeded
AR 6 Fail safe Angle restriction exceeded
TIR 7 Fail safe Time restriction exceeded
TCR 8 Torque – Current restriction exceeded
CROSSTR 9 Cross thread restriction exceeded
CROSSGR 10 Cross gradient restriction exceeded
T1HR 11 Torque in window 1 too high from check
T2HR 12 Torque in window 2 too high from check Warnings
The warning codes displayed in the bolt data table are listed and explained below:
The Bolt result variables Warnings can hold the warnings listed below.
When reported in binary format the respective error variable occupies 8 bytes (64 bits) where each bit
represent a warning. The bits are numbered 0 to 63 and are laid out as below:
Byte Offset 0 1 2 3
Error bit no. 31 24 23 16 15 8 7 0
Byte Offset 4 5 6 7
Error bit no 63 56 55 48 47 40 39 32
Possible warnings:
Warning Bit no. Description
NZS 0 Not zero speed
FLYZODIAG 1 Flying zero offset failed during a diagnostic step
BUFOVFLM 2 Monitoring: Overflow in recording buffer. See description of parameter "Allow
monitoring buffer overrun" in Program Settings.
REPLIMIT 3 Report limit not reached. Monitoring torque (Bolt T) is less than the value specified by
the parameter Report threshold torque limit (see chapter: Program ).
BUFOVFLM2 4 Monitoring: Overflow in second recording buffer. See description of parameter "Allow
monitoring buffer overrun" in Program Settings.
SPSERV 5 Time to service spindle
- 5 - 63 Reserved.
Common data
This section lists all variables that are available for all steps without any specific configuration.
Check data
The check data consists of the variables that are produced as a result of running a check, a restriction or
produced by the steps control function.
In addition to the variables listed below the high and how limit set up for it, as well as the Cp, Cpk, and
Cam SPC values calculated for them, are also available as result variables.
Each check data variable is defined once for each possible choice for check channel. The first variable is
reported when the default check channel is used (Monitoring).
When including the limits of a variable both the high and the low limit will be included in the report. If you
choose to include the SPC values all three values are reported together.
SPC Set Up… opens the SPC set up form with which the SPC is configured.
Shift Set Up… opens Shift Set Up form. Use it to configure shifts.
The other alternatives on the SPC menu are used for printing so-called shift reports. See Shift Reports
and Shift Set Up for a description of these.
A verage X ;i 1.. n
( Xi X )
S tan dard devia tion S ;i 1.. n
n 1
( Xi )
X i
S is a p p ro xim a ted w ith ;i 1.. n
n 1
X i
X ;i 1.. m
R ;i 1.. m
S ;i 1.. m
Calculation of Control levels (if enabled):
UCL X X A2 * R
LCL X X A2 * R
UCL X X A3 * S
LCL X X A3 * S
Check and alarm (if enabled) if following happens with Average or Range or Standard deviation:
one value outside control levels (One out)
points consecutively increasing (Seven up)
7 points consecutively decreasing (Seven down)
7 points consecutively above average (Seven above)
7 points consecutively below average (Seven below)
>90% in mid third (Mid gather)
<40 in mid third (End gather)
d 5*
0 ,864
d 5* d5 1, 645
' R
s ;i 1 .. m ( d 2 : see table )
' S
s ;i 1 .. m ( c 4 : see table )
Cp '
su sl * s
Cpk min '
, '
su * s sl * s
su sl * i
for a normal distribution su = sl = 3
d5 = 2.326 for subgroup size = 5
k = no of subgroups to calculate
Cam is only calculated for subgroup size = 5, and requires range to be collected. Cam is not applicable to
standard deviation.
An error event is generated if the value of Cam, Cp or Cpk is out of limit.
When SPC is wanted for a station, not for its individual bolts, the calculations are made on those variables
that happen to be set up for data collection on that station.
Station, Program, Step and Variable are still defined, so only variables matching those criteria are used.
It is not possible to specify alarm limits or control limits for SPC calculated on a station. The weighing
together of values for the separate bolts are done for each subgroup according to the following rules:
X ij
i 1
XStn j
VarStn j
X ij XStn j Var ij
i 1
StdDevStn j
VarStn j
Specify Subgroup size and if you want to use Range or Standard Deviation.
In the SPC and TDA frame, set up values for normal SPC and Trend Deviation Alarms.
Do the same for the Short Term Trend frame. These values will be used for calculations of all variables
you choose to calculate on. See chapter: Data Collection for a description of the parameters.
In the Variables to collect frame, add those variables you want to check. Select Station, Bolt and/or
Spindle, Program, Variable and Step. For Bolt and/or Spindle you may specify All, this will add the
variable for all bolts in the station. Press . The variable shows up in the list box.
If more than one spindle can be used to tighten a bolt (defined in the Mode Table) you must define which
spindle for the bolt to collect data for.
A PowerMACS system may contain up to 200 SPC variables and max 20 per TC/spindle.
To remove a variable from the list, select it and press the remove button .
If you have marked Auto recalculation of limits on the first page, the UCLX, LCLX, UCLR/S and LCLR/S,
fields will show current value of the control limits. If you disable automatic recalculation you can manually
enter control limits in these fields.
Cam limit is only applicable if cam can be calculated.
Check one or more of the check boxes in the Trend Deviation Alarms frame to have the SPC and TDA
data monitored for any of the following deviations:
One out: One point outside control levels
Seven up: Seven points consecutively increasing
Seven down: Seven points consecutively decreasing
Seven above: Seven points consecutively above average
Seven below: Seven points consecutively below average
Mid gather: More than 90% of the points in mid third
End gather: Less than 40% of the points in mid third
If a deviation is detected an event of type SPC is generated and stored in the Event Log (see also View
Event Log).
Up to 21 shift periods can be defined. Each row in the above form represents a shift. Enter the day and
time for when the shift starts and when it stops.
The days are expressed as numbers where 1 corresponds to Monday and 7 to Sunday. A shift may have
different start and stop days.
The start and stop times must be entered using 24 h notation, i.e. as 00:00 to 23:59.
Check Automatic clear at shift start to have all shift statistics variables erased when a new shift starts.
Clearing the shift statistics will reset the following:
All counters (No. of cycles, No. of OK cycles, No. of NOK cycles) for each combination of station
and mode used for the Shift Report.
The Station level result variables "Total", "Total OK", and "Total NOK"
The Bolt level result variables "Total", "Total OK", "Total NOK", "Total Type", "Total Type OK", and
"Total Type NOK"
Check Automatic printout at shift end to automatically have the shift report printed when the shift ends.
See chapter: Shift Reports and Shift Set Up for an example on a typical shift report.
8 Peripheral Devices
8.1 Peripheral Devices - Overview
Peripheral devices are used to get information in and out of a PowerMACS system. The devices can be
both of simple type, like printers, and of more complex type like a fieldbus, a serial communication
protocol and the PowerMACS API interface.
C C P rin te r
C C , C o n so le C o m p u te r A p p lic a tio n
F ie ld b u s M a s te r API
E th e rn e t
T C , T ig h te n in g C o n tro lle r
E x t. C o m .
D e vic e
D ig ita l in p u ts a n d
o u tp u ts
The following chapters will describe how these devices are added and used.
You will be asked to give the new device a name. This name will later be referred to when you create a
Reporter, which will be used to select and format the data sent to the device.
When you have added a device you should configure it. Which parameters that is available depends on
the type of device.
For it you must specify Type, which is one of Barcode, Escort P&F and Escort AB.
Select a suitable port. There are several ports on a Tightening Controller that can be used for in and
output of data.
For the selected port you must also specify its characteristics: Baud Rate (300-115 200), Parity (None,
Even or Odd) and Data Bits (7 or 8). Number of Stop Bits is always 1.
Note! Due to technical reasons you can only use two different baud rates on each TC.
8.4.1 Stacklight
To access the stacklight configuration window, add a stacklight device and double-click on it in the system
Select the correct MAC Id for the Stacklight. When a new Stacklight device is added a simple default
configuration is provided.
Configure the Stacklight by selecting the component you wish to edit (lamp, buzzer or button) in the
property grid on the right side or by clicking on the actual component in the Stacklight image (this will
cause the correct property to be selected).
Select the correct MAC Id for the Indicator Box. Select the correct Indicator box software version.
Software versions up to 0.12 have a configuration in the Indicator box which specifies ten lamps to be
Select the correct MAC Id for the Operator Panel. When a new Operator Panel device is added a simple
default configuration is provided.
Configure the Operator Panel by selecting the component you wish to edit (lamp, buzzer or button) in the
property grid on the right side or by clicking on the component in the operator panel image.
Once a component is selected configure the digital IO signal to connect to the component and additional
properties (flashing, duration etc.).
A special integer Mode signal is provided to use with LED displays to show the actual mode number
selected. Use the DI_Manual signal to override other devices mode selection.
8.6 Printer on TC
A Printer device connected to a TC can be used to print cycle data and events via a serial port.
Most printers will work as long as they are made for printout of normal ASCII characters. There is no
handshake protocol or modem signaling needed.
Add a Printer device as described in previous chapter. Set up which port to use and the port
Now you have added a printer device. To get data on it you must also create a Printer Reporter. How to
do this, and connect it to your Printer device, is described in the New reporter chapter. How to make the
Reporter format the result as you wish is described in chapter: Edit reporter
8.8 PLC
Using the PLC device it is possible to read cycle data from inside the PowerMACS PLC (see chapter:
To enable this function you must first add a PLC device, as described in chapter: Add a device, to TC that
runs the PLC, i.e. the first TC in a station. Note that the PLC device is only a logical device, it requires no
additional hardware to be connected to the system.
Secondly you must create New reporter and connect it to the PLC device.
Use the reporter to select what result variables to include in the cycle data, see Edit reporter for how to do
Finally you must declare variables within the PLC that corresponds to the layout of the Reporter.
Configuring a reporter with Type of layout set to "Standard", Additional new lines to 0 (or empty), Byte
order and Status format to "Normal", Float format to IEEE754, and the following result variables:
Bolt variables:
You must also enable and configure the drivers used for accessing the PLC data. This is done using the
IO_Configuration worksheet for station in question.
The above setup (for a station containing one bolt) corresponds to the declaration of the following PLC
variables in the CycleData_Var section of the Global_Variables worksheet for the station in question:
You must also configure the PLC drivers used for accessing the PLC data. This is done using the I/O
Configuration dialogue which is invoked by double-clicking on the icon for IO_Configuration worksheet of
station in question in the Project Tree.
In the /O Configuration dialogue select the I/O Group CYCLE_in located on the tab marked INPUT and
press the Properties button.
Change the value of Logical addresses – Length so that it corresponds to the size of your cycle data, in
this case 22.
The Start and End addresses shown (here 4000 and 4021) are logical, meaning that a PLC variable later
mapped to the logical address 4000 will correspond to the first byte of the cycle data.
8.9 ID device
ID devices come in two forms: input only and both input and output. An input device could be used to get
identification of a work piece. The read data could include information on how the tightening should be
performed. The identification could also be used to identify the result data.
An ID device, which can be written, can be used to store crucial data (status, final torque etc.) along with
the work piece. This can then later be read in, for example, a repair station.
See chapter: Add a device for how to add an ID device.
Use Type to specify the type of ID device to use. Currently the following ID device types are supported:
Barcode - Barcode scanner, any brand that uses a serial input.
Escort P+F - Escort memory of type Pepperl+Fuchs, MVI-D2-2HRX
Escort AB - Escort memory of type Allen Bradley, Intelligent Antenna 2750-ASP* together with
code tag 2750-TAU40
Omron - Escort memory of type Omron V600 RFID system (V600-CA1A-V and V600-CA2A-V)
Euchner - Euchner Electronic-Key-System reader of type EKS-A-ASX
A Barcode scanner is an input only device. It can be used to read bar codes attached to a work piece. An
Escort Memory is an ID device that can be used both for input and output.
For an ID device of type Escort P&F, that is, a Pepperl+Fuchs escort memory, you must specify where in
the data tag to read the ID string from and where to write cycle data to.
Use the two pairs of Start address and Stop address to do this. The first address in the tag has address
zero (0). For reading you can specify up to 40 cells and for writing up to 500.
The ID device type Escort AB corresponds to Allen Bradley's Intelligent Antenna 2750-ASP* together with
code tag 2750-TAU40.
For the Allen Bradley Intelligent Antenna escort memory, you must specify where in the data tag to read
the ID string from and where to write cycle data to. Use the two pairs of Start address and Stop address
to do this. The first address in the tag has address zero (0)
RF field strength controls the power of the signal transmitted by the antenna and may need to be
adjusted depending on the distance between the antenna and data tags.
The parameters Delay before resp, Delay between char and Sensor timeout should normally be kept
at their default values.
For more information on these parameters see Allen Bradley's User Manual for the Intelligent Antenna.
The ID device type Omron corresponds to Omron V600 RFID system. Currently the two models
V600-CA1A-V (RS-232C interface) and V600-CA2A-V (RS-422 interface) are supported.
Note! V600-CA2A-V (RS-422) can only be connected to port X104 since it is the only port that supports
RS-422. For other ports an external converter must be used.
For an Omron ID device you must specify where in the data tag to read the ID string from and where to
write cycle data. See Reading an ID string and Writing result data below for how to do this.
Parameter Antenna controls which of the two antennas supported by the V600 serial interface controller
to use. Currently only 1 (one) is supported.
Reading an ID string:
For Omron devices the ID String may consist of two different parts, the main part and an optional number
Parameters Start address and Stop address defines the address area on the tag where the main part is
located. The main part must be an ASCII string. The first address in the tag has address zero (0) and up
to 40 bytes can be read.
Parameters Start address 2 and Stop address 2 defines the address area on the tag where the optional
number part is located. The parameter ID string conversion controls how this data is converted to a
numerical value and it takes one of the following values:
Mitsubishi: The optional number part is interpreted as a four byte integer having a special
Mitsubishi BCD format where the decimal value 1234 is formatted as four consecutive bytes having
the values 0x04, 0x03, 0x02, 0x01 with the first byte (0x04) is located at lowest address.
A V600 controller cannot be shared between different ID devices. Every TC that should write to a tag must
have a separate V600 controller.
Only one of the V600 controllers' antennas can be used. Which antenna to use is configurable.
The system configuration for 1 to N connections (available only for V600-CA2A) is not supported.
The command used for reading and writing data in the EM is Read (RD) and Write (WT), which means
that there is no support for Auto Read (AR), Auto Write (AW), Polling Auto Read (PR) or Polling Auto
Write (PW).
Since auto reading is not supported an external signal has to be used to inform the PLC that the tag is in
place for reading or writing.
An ID device of type Euchner, that is, a Euchner Electronic-Key-System reader of type EKS-A-ASX, is
equipped with a 24V output signal (data carrier active) that is used by PowerMACS to know when the
reader has a card. When a card is inserted in the reader, the 24V signal goes high. This triggers
PowerMACS to start communicating with the card reader and fetch the data from the card. Whenever the
signal is set low PowerMACS clears the read data.
Use DI for Euchner card reader to specify which PowerMACS I/O input that the "data carrier active"
signal is connected to.
Note! The Euchner device must be configured to use Baud Rate 9600, Parity = Odd and Data Bits = 8.
8.10 ToolsNet
Using a ToolsNet device you may report cycle data and/or traces to an Atlas Copco ToolsNet server over
the Ethernet.
To enable this function you must first add a ToolsNet device, as described in chapter: Add a device.
Use Name to specify the name of the device. This name should be referred to when you create a reporter
for the new ToolsNet device using the New reporter form.
Server IP-address should be set to IP-address of the computer on which the ToolsNet server is installed.
The value of Server Port No depends on the configuration of ToolsNet and should only be changed after
consultation with your network manager. Default values for the port number are suggested by the system
when the protocol version is changed.
Trace – no of samples controls how many samples of a PowerMACS trace that are sent to the ToolsNet
server. It can be set to a value in the range [100…2000] and the default value is 752.
Use Select Protocol to select which version to use: Auto detect or specific version.
When ToolsNet is used together with DC PLUS it is possible to have the "PN" or "KN" prefix of the
"Wp. Id" result variable removed when it is sent to the ToolsNet server. This filter is activated by checking
the Filter PN/KN checkbox (displayed only if the system contains a DC Plus device).
The ToolsNet device does not require any additional hardware to be connected to the TC since it uses the
TCs standard Ethernet connector. However, you must make sure that the network between your
PowerMACS system and the ToolsNet server is correctly configured. See PowerMACS Ethernet Manual
[3] for how to do this.
Add the device to a TC that has a PLC, i.e. the first TC in a station.
With the exception of DC PLUS and Audi XML it is possible to set up multiple Ethernet devices on any TC
in the system. The Audi XML device is limited to one per system and must be on the System TC. For DC
PLUS there can be one device per station and they must be located on the respective station TC.
However, Ethernet devices of other types can coexist on the same TC as the Audi XML and DC PLUS
Use Name to specify the name of the device. This name should be referred to when you create a reporter
for the new ToolsNet device using the New reporter form.
Set up which Ethernet Type of protocol to use, and which IP-address the server has.
A new Reporter is created automatically for the Ethernet protocol device. The reporter is different from
other reporters in that sense that what variables to include are predefined and cannot be changed.
In chapters below is described how to configure the different Ethernet protocol devices. The protocols are
standard protocols, which are defined by major car manufacturers. It is also described what functions are
included and how they are mapped on PowerMACS functions.
The Ethernet protocol device does not require any additional hardware to be connected to the TC since it
uses the TCs standard Ethernet connector. However, you must make sure that the network between your
PowerMACS system and the Ethernet server is correctly configured. See PowerMACS Ethernet Manual
[3] for how to do this.
Port No specifies the port on which PowerMACS listens for incoming requests for Open Protocol.
Retries specifies how many retries should be done in case a telegram has not been able to send. Retry
Timeout specifies the timeout between retries.
Keep Alive Timeout is the timeout used to detect the absence of a client. If no telegram has been
received within the timeout period, the TC closes the connection.
OKs to disable station specifies the number of cycles with status OK or OKR that may be run while in
Automatic mode before the station is automatically disabled. NOK cycles are not counted. If OKs to
disable station is greater than zero then the station is disabled at power up and whenever a connection
to Open Protocol is established. If left empty, or zero, then the station is only disabled if explicitly ordered
so by Open Protocol. All tightening made during a batch will have the same VIN number, sampled at the
Date/time of 14 19 Time stamp for the last change in the current program or time for latest
last change complete download. The time stamp is 19 byte long and is specified by 19
in Pset ASCII characters (YYYY-MM-DD:HH:MM:SS).
Field Implementation
VIN Last 6 characters of the ID string
Track Seq No Always 000000
Spindle Number Bolt number
Bolt Count Bolt number
Torque High Limit Torque high limit from the Monitor function
Torque Low Limit Torque low limit from the Monitor function
Torque Reading Torque value the Monitor function
Angle High Limit Angle high limit from the Monitor function
Angle Low Limit Angle low limit from the Monitor function
Angle Reading Angle value the Monitor function
8.11.3 FSH
FSH is a protocol specified by General Motors used to communicate between the PowerMACS and the
Fastening System Host (FSH)
Specify in IP address the TCP/IP address of the Fastening system Host (FSH).
Specify in Port No which port to use in the FSH. (default is 4242)
The Station No is the identification of the TC in the FSH, this is sent in all telegrams and identifies the
source of all telegrams.
In the following text the server is described as FSH (Fastening system Host) and the PowerMACS as TC
(Torque controller),
The protocol is implemented according to the General Motors document "GAE Electric Nutrunner
Controller Design Criteria", GAEc-03 6-9-03Revision.doc.
Please see chapter Cycle Data Storage for more information about saving cycle data.
Field Implementation
Network Id IP address of TC.
Station Number Configurable via ToolsTalk PowerMACS.
Cycle Number Data Number.
Number of Spindles Reports number of bolts in the cycle data.
Parameter Set Mode number
Supplier Code "ACS".
Vehicle ID code. (PVI No) ID device string converted to a number.
Spindle Ordinal bolt number within the station.
Torque Bolt Torque from the Monitor function.
Torque Low Limit Bolt Torque, Min limit, from the Monitor function.
Torque High Limit Bolt Torque, Max limit, from the Monitor function.
Angle Bolt Angle from the Monitor function.
Angle Low Limit Bolt Angle, Min limit, from the Monitor function.
Angle High Limit Bolt Angle, Max limit, from the Monitor function.
Status Bits Completion, Torque Status, Torque Spec, Angle Status, and Angle Spec
are set in accordance to the corresponding bits in the Bolt level result
variables "Compact Errors".
The Time Status and Time Spec bits are set according to the status of the
bits TIR, TIL, TIH in the Bolt level result variables "Errors". The following
rules are used::
If neither TIR, TIL nor TIH are set then Time Status and Time
Spec are set to 0.
If at least one of TIR, TIL or TIH is set then Time Status is set to 1.
If TIL is set then Time Spec is set to 0 (regardless if TIR and/or TIH
are set as well). If only TIR and/or TIH are set then Time Spec is set to
Tool Serial Number The value of the Spindle Set Up/General parameter "Spindle Serial
Number" for the spindle that was used to tighten the bolt in
8.11.4 DC PLUS
The PLC variables used to control this device are described in chapter DC PLUS variables.
PowerMACS supports two different versions of the DC PLUS, PDT and PQD
The PLC variables used to control this device are described in chapter DC PLUS variables.
Press the Open... button on the Details form to open the Advanced DC PLUS settings form.
The different parameters and their function are described below.
Protocol Version – There are two different versions of the protocol, PDT and PQD. The parameters
needed for the device vary a little depending on the selected version.
Station Type - There are four different station types, SAW/WIS, SPS, VBA and SSE. Controls the
behavior of the device. See the description of the different types below.
Barcode scanned - Possible choices are LI, PN and KN. Specifies the type of the scanned barcode.
VIN number type -Possible choices are PN or KN. Controls how "Wp ID" shall be treated when sending
cycle data to PLUS. Only possible to select if “Barcode scanned” is LI, otherwise the value is the same as
“Barcode scanned”.
Station ET -Possible choices are E and G. The value selected here is used as “Einzelergennis Typ Kz”
when sending tightening results to PLUS.
Station AB -The value to use as AB “Anlagen betreiber” for all bolts when sending cycle data to PLUS.
Will also be included in the cycle data as the result variable Station AB.
Use QO from PLC -Controls which value to use as QO when sending requests for TMU. If checked the
value is taken from the PLC, otherwise the value “QO for request of TMU” will be used.
QO for request of TMU -The value to use as QO when sending a request for a TMU to the PLUS server.
Only enabled if “Use QO from PLC” is unchecked and “Station Type” is SAW/WIS.
Listen Port -The port that PM listen to for PLUS connections. Valid port numbers are 20 000 – 32 767
PLUS IP Address -The IP address of the PLUS server to communicate with.
PLUS Port -The port in the PLUS server that PowerMACS connects to. Valid port numbers are 0 –
32 767.
Station Type - There are four different station types, SAW/WIS, SPS, VBA and SSE. Controls the
behavior of the device. See the description of the different types below.
Barcode scanned - Specifies the type of the scanned barcode.
VIN number type - Controls how "Wp ID" shall be treated when sending cycle data to PLUS. Only
possible to select if “Station Type” is SAW/WIS, otherwise the value is the same as “Barcode scanned”.
Station ET -Possible choices are E and G. Controls how OK bolts in cycles that are NOK shall be
reported to PLUS. With the selection E all bolts keep there original status, the NOK bolts are reported as
NOK and the OK bolts as OK. With the selection G ALL bolts are reported as NOK, even the bolts that
were really OK. For the originally OK bolts the string specified in Group NOK error code will be used in
the field FE, “Fehlercode Anlage”, to indicate that the bolt status was changed.
Use FP from PLC -Controls which value to use as FP when sending requests for TMU. If checked the
value is taken from the PLC, otherwise the value “FP for request of TMU” will be used.
FP for request of TMU -The value to use as FP when sending a request for a TMU to the PLUS server.
Only enabled if “Use FP from PLC” is unchecked and “Station Type” is SAW/WIS.
Listen Port -The port that PM listen to for PLUS connections. Valid port numbers are 4950 – 5050 and
20 000 – 32 767
Send cycle data automatically -Controls the sending of cycle data. If checked the result from a
tightening will be sent to PLUS immediately after the cycle has finished.
If no string is entered the result variable Id Res 4 is used. If Id Res 4 is also empty eight zeros are sent
(i.e. 00000000)
Test PLUS - When this button is pressed the connection to the PLUS server is tested. The result of the
test will be indicated as OK or NOK. The test button is only available if the advanced form is opened
connected to the target system.
Sending results
When PowerMACS sends result data to the PLUS server the value to use for PN or KN is sampled from
the Wp ID field in the result. VIN number type controls if Wp ID shall be treated as PN or KN, see also the
table below.
The Wp ID shall always begin with the letters “PN” or “KN” if everything is correct. These letters are
removed before the result is sent to PLUS.
Before the cycle data is sent Wp ID is checked for consistency. If it begins with “PN” and “VIN number
type” is KN or vice versa an event is generated. The same will also happen if the letters “PN” or “KN” is
completely missing or if the length of Wp ID is not correct. If the layout of Wp ID is wrong no data will be
sent to PLUS.
Sending results
When PowerMACS send tightening results to PLUS the value to use as QO is taken from result variable
Station QO stored in the cycle data.
The value to store in Station QO is determined by the mode number, according to the QO/SA table. The
first mode that was started will decide the QO. In the case of stitching different modes can be used for one
tightening, but the value will always be from the first mode.
5) Cycle data
3) PN or KN
and TMU
2) PN, KN
or LI
1 2 3
1) PN, KN or LI
1. The PN, KN or LI number is read by the barcode scanner, or automatic scanner, and sent to the
2. The TC sends a request for TMU to PLUS with the PN, KN or LI that was scanned.
3. PLUS sends the TMU and PN or KN to use for the tightening to the TC.
4. The TC converts the TMU to a mode number and makes the tightening.
5. When the tightening is finished the cycle data is sent to PLUS.
PLC program
The PowerMACS PLC must handle the string read from the barcode and request a TMU from PLUS.
1. The barcode is scanned and the value is put in CURRIDSTRING in the PowerMACS PLC.
2. The PowerMACS PLC copies the value in CURRIDSTRING to PLUS_BARCODE and sends a
positive edge to PLUS_GETTMU.
3. When the PLUS server has sent an answer PLUS_GETTMU_OK will be set to TRUE.
PLUS_MODE contains the mode number to use for the tightening. The received TMU is converted
to the mode number using the conversion table for the device. CURRIDSTRING contain the PN or
KN sent by PLUS with the letters “PN” or “KN” added as prefix.
4. PLUS_MODE is copied to MODE by the PowerMACS PLC. This mode is started and
CURRIDSTRING will be included as Wp. Id in the cycle data. SPS
In this station type, an external PLC controls the station. The TC gets the VIN number and mode number
from the external PLC over a field bus connection.
3) Cycle data
1 2 3
1) PN or KN
and Mode
Line PLC
1. The external PLC sends a PN or KN and a mode number over the field bus.
2. The TC makes the tightening with the selected mode.
3. When the tightening is finished the cycle data is sent to PLUS.
PLC program
The PowerMACS PLC program will be very similar to the program used in the SAW station.
1. The line PLC sends mode number and PN or KN to PowerMACS PLC through a field bus
2. The PowerMACS PLC copies the value of PN or KN to PLUS_BARCODE and sends a positive
edge to PLUS_GETTMU.
3. Since Station type is SPS nothing is sent to PLUS. Instead the value written in PLUS_BARCODE
is directly copied to CURRIDSTRING with a “PN” or “KN” added as prefix.
4. The mode number received from the line PLC is copied to MODE, by the PowerMACS PLC. This
mode is started and CURRIDSTRING will be included as Wp. Id in the cycle data.
3) Cycle data
1) PN or KN
1 2 3
1. PLUS sends PN or KN and a TMU to the TC.
2. The TC converts the TMU to a mode number and makes the tightening.
3. When the tightening is finished the cycle data is sent to PLUS.
PLC program
Normal workflow:
1. PLUS sends a PN or KN and a TMU to the TC. The PN or KN is automatically copied to
CURRIDSTRING with a “PN” or “KN” added as prefix. The TMU is automatically converted to a
mode number and the result is placed in PLUS_MODE.
2. PLUS_MODE is copied to MODE by the PowerMACS PLC. This mode is started and
CURRIDSTRING will be included as Wp. Id in the cycle data.
If PLUS sends the telegram NSCR it means that no tightening shall be made for the PN or KN and
TMU that was just received. This is indicated to the PLC by clearing the CURRIDSTRING and
PLUS_MODE. If this happens the PLC program must recognize this and not start a tightening.
Automatic and Manual mode:
The VBA station can operate in Automatic or Manual mode. Automatic mode is the normal case and is
the one that is describe in the picture above. In manual mode no connection to PLUS is needed, the
PLC receives the mode number from some other device and no cycle data shall be sent to PLUS. The
PowerMACS PLC must inform the TC that the station is running in manual mode with the PLC variable
PLUS_MANUALMODE to make sure no data is sent.
Ethernet Switch
3) Cycle data
1 2 3
1) PN or KN
1. The PN or KN number is read by the barcode scanner and sent to the TC.
2. The TC converts the PN or KN to a mode number and makes the tightening.
3. When the tightening is finished the cycle data is sent to PLUS.
PLC program
The PowerMACS PLC program will be very similar to the program used in the SAW station.
1. The barcode is scanned and the value is put in CURRIDSTRING in the PowerMACS PLC.
2. The PowerMACS PLC copies the value in CURRIDSTRING to PLUS_BARCODE and sends a
positive edge to PLUS_GETTMU.
3. Since Station type is SSE nothing is sent to PLUS. Instead the value written in PLUS_BARCODE
is directly copied to CURRIDSTRING with a “PN” or “KN” added as prefix.
The string in PLUS_BARCODE is also sent to the conversion table for the device and the result is
placed in PLUS_MODE.
4. PLUS_MODE is copied to MODE by the PowerMACS PLC. This mode is started and
CURRIDSTRING will be included as Wp. Id in the cycle data.
Field Implementation
QUALITÄTSAUSSAGE-ORTS-NR QO Station QO in the cycle data.
JOB-NR JN Mode number for the tightening.
GESAMT-Q-AUSSAGE GQ Station status of a tightening.
1 = OK is sent for status OK and OKR (OK after repair)
0 = NOK is sent for status NOK and TERMNOK (failed
during termination).
Bolt data:
Field Implementation
EINZELERGEBNIS-NR EN Bolt number from ToolsTalk PowerMACS setup.
EINZELERGEBNIS-IDENT EI Bolt name from ToolsTalk PowerMACS setup. The bolt
number will be added at the end of the bolt name to reach 24
EINZELERGEBNIS-Q-AUSSAGE EQ Bolt status for this tightening
1 = OK is sent for status OK and OKR (OK after repair)
0 = NOK is sent for status NOK, TERMNOK (failed during
termination) and NOKRM (not successful due to reject
EINZELERGEBNIS-QA-DETAIL ED Customer Error Code in the cycle data.
ANLAGEN-ORTS-NR AO Will always be the same as QO for all bolts.
ANLAGEN-BETREIBER AB Station AB in the cycle data, always the same for all bolts.
USER-ID US Id Res 4 in the cycle data, always the same for all bolts.
Result data:
Bolt level data
This table describes the data sent to PLUS if Bolt level data is reported
Field Implementation
Fertigungspunkt FP Station QO in the cycle data
Id-Typ IT The string specified as VIN number type
Id-Wert IW Wp. Id. In the cycle data
Bolt data:
Field Implementation
Q-AUSSAGE-IDENT QI Bolt Id from WinTC setup
Q-AUSSAGE QA Bolt status for this tightening
IO = OK is sent for status OK and OKR (OK after repair)
NIO = NOK is sent for status NOK, TERMNOK (failed during
termination) and NOKRM (not successful due to reject
FEHLERCODE-ANLAGE FE Customer Error Code in the cycle data
USER-ID US Id Res 4 in the cycle data, always the same for all bolts.
Result data:
The following data is possible to report to DC PLUS. By default only the Torque, Angle, Redundancy
Torque and the Step number is included. The other data can be selected in the reporter if wanted.
Bolt level data
This table describes the data sent to PLUS if the Bolt level data is reported
Telegram Header
Field Bytes Value sent
“AC.0001 “, the number is the station, number selected in the device in
Source 8
WinTC, numbers between 1 and 9999 are possible to use
“IPM.0001”, the number is the IPM number selected in the device in
Destination 8
WinTC, numbers between 1 and 9999 are possible to use
Identification 8 “IPM-DATA”
Characteristic Data
Field Bytes Value sent
Identification 5 See table below for possible values
Unit 10
Length 1
Factor 2
Algebraic Sign 1
Increment 8
Start Value 8
Actual Value 8 The result variable
Step 2 Always 1
Number of Parameters 2
For every Id 6 See table below for possible values
parameter Value 8 The value
Using a fieldbus device you can access the following PowerMACS functions:
Read and write PLC signals
Read cycle data
Read events
Read traces
Read and write complete setups
From PowerMACS point of view most fieldbus types looks the same.
To access the PowerMACS system via a fieldbus you first have to add a fieldbus device, as described in
chapter: Add a device, to TC that has a PLC, i.e. the first TC in a station.
A PowerMACS PLC can only access a fieldbus interface that is mounted on the same TC as the PLC is
running on.
Note! The DeviceNet GM is a special case in the sense that its input and output maps are predefined and
fixed. The inputs and outputs of the interface is not accessible from the PowerMACS PLC but are
handled by the PowerMACS station controller it self. This means that the contents of the following
chapters: Access to PLC data and Access to Process data are not valid for the DeviceNet GM
Regardless of which type of fieldbus interface you use the following model describes how it is interfaced
with the PowerMACS system.
Note! In PLC programs generated with the setup wizard from version 7.2.0 the PLC In area starts at
address 30000 instead of 3300 and the PLC Out area starts at address 30000 instead of 3000.
On the fieldbus interface there is a memory area that is accessible from the fieldbus master as well as the
Profibus DP-V1
ProfiNet IO
a c d
Max. Cyclic Data (Read + Write) 512 152(400) 504 512 512
Min. Cyclic Data (Read + Write) 0 1 0 0 0
a c d
Max. Write Cyclic Data 256 152(244) 256 256 256
Min. Write Cyclic Data 0 0 0 0 0
a c d
Max. Read Cyclic Data 256 152(244) 256 256 256
Min. Read Cyclic Data 0 0 0 0 0
Max. Acyclic Data (Read + Write) 7680 8192 8192 8192 8192
Min. Acyclic Data (Read + Write) 0 0 0 0 0
Max. Write Acyclic Data 7680 8192 8192 8192 8192
Min. Write Acyclic Data 0 0 0 0 0
Max. Read Acyclic Data 7680 8192 8192 8192 8192
Min. Read Acyclic Data 0 0 0 0 0
a. The numbers in parenthesis are valid if the checkbox “Extended Mode” is checked.
b. Only available for DP-V1 protocol.
c. This has to be a multiple of 2 bytes.
d. This has to be a multiple of 8 bytes.
Filedbus side
0 Data byte In 1 8 Filedbus side 8 : :
1 Data byte In 2 9 9 PLC byte AT 3309 9
2 Data byte In 3 10 0 Data byte Out 1 10
: : : 1 Data byte Out 2 11
Used as Process 2 Data byte Out 3 12
Data input, e.g. Used as Process : : :
to request next Data output, e.g.
cycle data. the requested
cycle data.
Size =
Data bytes In Size =
Data bytes Out
: : : : : :
29 Data byte In 30 37 99 Data byte Out 100 109
Note! You should not configure the respective input and output areas bigger then what really needed. The
reason for this is that all bytes you set up here will be transferred over the fieldbus, regardless if
they are used by the application or not.
If you want to transfer Process data over the fieldbus then you must create a Fieldbus-Reporter. How to
do this, and connect it to your fieldbus device, is described in the New reporter chapter. How to make the
Reporter format the result as you wish is described in chapter: Edit reporter.
Press the button View for 30 sec to start updating the LED's. These will then show the same information
as the LED's mounted on the AnyBus board.
The function of the respective LED is specific to the fieldbus type being used. See chapter: Fieldbus
specific Information for a description.
Both a complex data type and each element in the complex data type can be declared in the
Global_Variables sheet. PM4000 calculates the size of the complex type to find out how much of the area
is occupied by that variable.
When converting a setup older than version 7.5.0, the PLC will not have the same signals defined. Access
to the PLC part of the fieldbus data area from the PowerMACS PLC is configured in two steps. First you
must configure how the respective area should be used by defining variables. Secondly must configure
Set up address, length and driver parameter the same way as for the input driver. For both input and
output driver, the address should be 30000, driver name should be SHARED. The length can differ based
on how much data is needed for input and output variables.
Mapping of signals
When not connected to a TC, PLC signals is added either by dragging them from the dynamic tool, which
will have one list of the available insignals and one list of the available outsignals, or by right-clicking one
of the listviews.
By right-clicking a signal in any of the lists, the user can choose to edit the offset, delete signal, clear all
signals in that list, or add new signals. The alternative Pack signals in the context menu will fill holes in the
map by moving all signals towards offset 0. Signals can also be dragged and dropped if the user wants to
change the order of the signals.
The "data" part of the grids will show nothing during the mapping phase.
When connected to a TC, fieldbus data is monitored in the form. A snapshot of the fieldbus data is taken
once a second and sent to TTPM from the TC. The monitored values of the PLC signals are based on the
fieldbus data and not taken directly from the PLC. This means that if the user connects to a TC without
having pressed Apply in the fieldbus form, the signal values in the fieldbus form might not be the same as
in the PLC.
Values for signals and variables will be shown in the listview. The "value" column in the listview is empty
when not connected.
Since the refreshing of values in this form is slower than then PLC, very quick data changes in the PLC
can occur without being noticed in this form.
The force list can be reset from the command bar. Values can only be forced when connected to a TC and
when the fieldbus form is open. On disconnection from the TC, the TC will reset the force list
Only the PLC bytes can be forced.
P ro c e s s d a ta P ro c e s s d a ta
B yte B yte
IN a re a O U T a re a
0 C M D (M o st S ig n ific a n t B yte ) 0 S T S (M o st S ig n ifica n t B yte )
1 C M D (L e a st S ig n ific a n t B yte ) 1 S T S (L e a st S ig n ific a n t B yte )
2 2
3 D a ta : D a ta
P o w e rM A C S P o w e rM A C S
: :
D a ta b yte s In – 1 D a ta b yte s O u t – 1
The first word in the IN area is used as Command (CMD). The fieldbus master writes commands in this to
request PowerMACS perform a task.
The first word in the OUT area is used as Status (STS) in which PowerMACS writes information to
indicate the result of the command issued.
Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Name R W F S X d2 d1 d0 - - - - - - - -
Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Name R W F S X d2 d1 d0 s7 s6 s5 s4 s3 s2 s1 s0
0 T a rg e t A d d r (M S B )
1 T a rg e t A d d r (L S B )
3 M essage
D a ta
: (m b yte s )
m + 1
The layout of Message Data depends on whether the targeted data is of type "Process Data" (i.e. Cycle
Data, Event Data, Trace Data and Setup Data) or "PLC Data".
M e s s a g e D a ta M e s s a g e D a ta a s
to /fro m th e P L C P ro c e s s D a ta
0 L E N (M S B ) 0 S E Q (M S B )
1 L E N (L S B ) 1 S E Q (L S B )
2 D a ta b yte 1 2 L E N (M S B )
3 D a ta b yte 2 3 L E N (L S B )
: 4 D a ta b yte 1
n + 1 D a ta b yte n 5 D a ta b yte 2
n + 3 D a ta b yte n
The format of Process Data is the very same as used the External communication devices, but the format
of PLC Data is slightly different. For the fieldbus device the first word of the Message Data specifies the
length of data to be read or written. If writing, this is then followed with as many bytes of PLC data that is
Also, note that if the extended format is used for the command then the target address of the command
will be included in the response as well.
0 0 x4 8 C M D (M S B )
1 0 x0 0 C M D (L S B )
2 0 x0 0 T a rg e t A d d r. (M S B )
3 0 x0 A T a rg e t A d d r. (L S B )
4 0 x0 0 L E N (M S B )
5 0 x0 A L E N (L S B )
6 0 x4 1 A
7 0 x4 2 B
8 0 x4 3 C
9 0 x4 4 D
10 0 x4 5 E
11 0 x4 6 F
12 0 x4 7 G
13 0 x4 8 H
14 0 x4 9 I
15 0 x4 A J DeviceNet
The Anybus-CC DeviceNet communication module provides instant DeviceNet Real Time connectivity via
the host interface and supports the following features:
DeviceNet communication, with baud rates 125, 250 and 500kbps
Up to 256 bytes of Real Time I/O
Up to 7060 bytes of acyclic data such as cycle data, trace etc.
Generic EDS-file.
Use Name to specify the name of the device. This name should be
referred to when you create a reporter for the fieldbus using the New
reporter form.
Fieldbus Type should be set to DeviceNet.
Use Node addr. field to set the node address. Node address can be
set to [0..63]. Use the Baud Rate to set the baud rate to 125, 250 or
500 Kbit/s.
See chapter: Fieldbus Interface for a description on PLC bytes In,
PLC bytes Out, Data bytes In, and Data bytes Out.
The parameter Fast bytes In defines the size (in bytes) of the input
data that is transferred as cyclic, or real time, IO data on the DeviceNet
network. Max value is PLC bytes In + Data bytes In. Leaving the
parameter "blank" will make all input data transferred as IO data.
Fast bytes Out defines the size (in bytes) of the output data that is
transferred as cyclic IO data on the DeviceNet network. Max value is
PLC bytes Out + Data bytes Out. Leaving the parameter “blank" will
make all output data transferred as IO data.
Note: The max size of Fast byte In/ Out is depended on the fieldbus
type and could be found in the table in chapter Fieldbus Interface.
The "fast" areas always start at offset zero (0) of the respective input or
output area. The remaining part of the respective areas is transferred
as acyclic data.
The input as well as the output area of the DeviceNet module is divided
in data blocks. The maximum size of each block is 64 bytes. For
example, if 400 bytes output is configured it will be available as seven
Outputs from PowerMACS (that is, the AnyBus IN area) are mapped as follows:
Outputs from PowerMACS (that is, the AnyBus IN area) are mapped as follows:
Command Acyclic block No (bytes) Slot No Index
DP-V1 / read services 1 (0 .. 63) 8 7
2 (64 .. 127) 8 8
3 (128 .. 191) 8 9
: : : :
126 (8000 .. 8063) 8 132
127 (8064 .. 8127) 8 133
128 (8128 .. 8191) 8 134
Fast bytes In = 16 ProfiNet IO
The Anybus-CC PROFINET IO communication module provides instant PROFINET Real Time
connectivity via the host interface and supports the following features:
ProfiNet IO communication, up to 100Mbps full duplex
Up to 256 bytes of Real Time I/O
Up to 8192 bytes of acyclic data such as cycle data, trace etc.
Generic GSD-file.
Use Name to specify the name of the device. This name should
be referred to when you create a reporter for the fieldbus using
the New reporter form.
Fieldbus Type should be set to ProfiNet IO.
Specify with IP address the address the AnyBus-CC module
initially should have on the network. Also specify the Subnet
mask and the IP address of an optional Gateway. These data can
be changed by the ProfiNet IO Master when connected.
Alignment defines the size (in bytes) of the individual input and
output modules that are used when the I/O area is configured on
the ProfiNet master. The size of the used modules must be equal
to the value of Alignment. Since max 64 modules can be used
Alignment also controls the maximum size of data that can be
transferred as cyclic IO data, see table below.
See chapter: Fieldbus Interface for a description on PLC bytes
In, PLC bytes Out, Data bytes In, and Data bytes Out.
The parameter Fast bytes In defines the size (in bytes) of the
input data that is transferred as cyclic, or real time, IO data on the
ProfiNet IO network. Max value is PLC bytes In + Data bytes In.
Leaving the parameter "blank" will make all input data transferred
as cyclic IO data.
Fast bytes Out defines the size of the output data that is
transferred as cyclic IO data on the ProfiNet IO network. Max
value is PLC bytes Out + Data bytes Out. Leaving the parameter
“blank" will make all output data transferred as cyclic IO data.
The "fast" areas always start at offset zero (0) of the respective
input or output area. The remaining part of the areas are
transferred as acyclic data on the ProfiNet IO network.
The input as well as the output area of the Profinet IO module is divided in data blocks. The maximum size
of each block is 64 bytes. For example, if 600 bytes output is configured it will be available as ten blocks,
the first nine contains 64 * 9 = 576 bytes and the tenth 24 bytes.
Note: When the cyclic IO data is configured on the ProfiNet IO master side it must be done in the following
1. All data sent from the master to PowerMACS
2. All data sent from PowerMACS to the master
Acyclic data Inputs to PowerMACS are sent with “Write record” commands and acyclic data Outputs from
PowerMACS are sent with “Read record” commands and are mapped to parameter data as follows:
API Slot Subslot Parameter block address
Input Output
0 0 1 1024 2048 0 – 63
0 0 1 1025 2049 63 – 127
0 0 1 1026 2050 128 – 191
0 0 1 1027 2051 192 – 255
0 0 1 1028 2052 256 – 319
0 0 1 1029 2053 320 – 383
0 0 1 1030 2054 384 – 447
: : : : :
0 0 1 1145 2169 7744 – 7807
0 0 1 1146 2170 7808 – 7871
0 0 1 1147 2171 7872 – 7935
0 0 1 1148 2172 7936 – 7999
0 0 1 1149 2173 8000 – 8063
0 0 1 1150 2174 8064 – 8127
0 0 1 1151 2175 8128 – 8191
Use Name to specify the name of the device. This name should
be referred to when you create a reporter for the fieldbus using
the New reporter form.
Fieldbus Type should be set to Modbus TCP.
Note 1: IN/OUT here refer to the client side. That is, IN is input to the client (output from PowerMACS)
and OUT is output from the client (input to the PowerMACS).
The Modbus TCP IN and OUT areas can be configured to a maximum size of 8192 bytes. The input and
output areas of the PowerMACS fieldbus device are available from the Modbus TCP network side as
registers. Each register represents a word of data on the fieldbus device.
The Fast bytes IN area (output from PowerMACS) using 04: Input Register:
The Fast bytes OUT area (input to PowerMACS) using 03: Holding Register:
The Acyclic IN area (output from PowerMACS) using 03: Holding Register:
The Acyclic OUT area (input to PowerMACS) using 03: Holding Register: Ethernet/IP
The System Map looks as below for an Ethernet/IP fieldbus device.
The AnyBus-CC Ethernet/IP module acts as a server and
supports the Assembly Object (class id = 0x04) for I/O data input
and output.
Use Name to specify the name of the device. This name should
be referred to when you create a reporter for the fieldbus using
the New Reporter form.
Fieldbus Type should be set to EtherNet/IP.
Specify with IP address the address the AnyBus-CC board
should have on the network, seen from a client. Also specify the
Subnet mask and the IP address of an optional Gateway.
See chapter: Fieldbus Interface for a description on PLC bytes
In, PLC bytes Out, Data bytes In, and Data bytes Out.
The AnyBus-CC IN and OUT areas can be configured to a
maximum size of 256 bytes each.
Inputs to PowerMACS (that is, the AnyBus OUT area) are
mapped as follows:
The AnyBus-CC module (from version 2.05) has instances for Input only and Listen only. There are two
versions for both: normal and extended. The numbering of these instances can be changed by marking
Use extended instances.
Input Only 3 6
Listen Only 4 7
This way it is possible to switch between normal and extended mode without having to change instance
numbering in other equipment.
The version of the AnyBus board is presented in the System Map. If the extended numbering is wanted,
and the version is 2.03 or older, please contact Atlas Copco to get a description on how to upgrade the
AnyBus board firmware to a newer version.
Three LED‟s on the AnyBus-CC board indicate the status of the EtherNet/IP and the AnyBus card. These
LED:s can also be displayed from the System Map form, see Indication of the fieldbus node's status in
the manual for how to do this.
The function of the respective LED is as follows:
The interface for CC-Link provides data areas for PLC Data only. It is not possible to read or write Process
Data directly. Reporting result data via CC-Link can be accomplished by adding a PLC device that makes
the data available in the PLC. This data can then be forwarded to the CC-Link master as normal PLC
Use Name to specify the name of the device.
Fieldbus Type should be set to CC-Link.
The PLC bytes In and PLC bytes Out are read only and calculated
automatically depending on the specified configuration. See chapter:
Fieldbus Interface for a description on PLC bytes In and PLC bytes
Use the Baud Rate to set the baud rate to 156 Kbit/S, 625 Kbit/S, 2.5
Mbit/S, 5 Mbit/S or 10 Mbit/S
Station No defines the number that identifies this station on the CC-
Link network. The highest number depends on the number of stations
that this node occupies.
No. of stations controls how many CC-Link stations that this node
occupies on the CC-Link net. The sum of Station No and No. of
stations can not exceed 65.
No. of extension cycles is available for CC-Link version 2.0 and
enables the use of extended data.
VersionNo is used to set the desired CC-Link version.
PLC bytes
PLC bytes
PLC bytes
No. of
When using this configuration the PLC bytes In and PLC bytes Out are limited to 256 each.
The PLC bytes In and Out data areas is mapped so that all data bits (bit points) are placed first (beginning
at offset zero) then followed by the data words (word points). See chapter: Fieldbus Interface for more
information on how the input and outputs are accessed by the PLC.
Since this fieldbus type does not handle Process Data directly it is not possible to connect a Reporter to it.
With parameters set as in the above example the input and output areas is mapped as below:
P o w e rM A C S C C -L in k m a s te r P o w e rM A C S C C -L in k m a s te r
b yte In p u t a re a O u tp u t b yte O u tp u t a re a In p u t
0 P L C b o o l A T 30 0 0 .0 Y 0 (b it 0 ) 0 P L C b o o l A T 33 0 0 .0 X 0 (b it 0 )
: P L C b o o l A T 30 0 0 .1 Y 1 (b it 1 ) : P L C b o o l A T 33 0 0 .1 X 1 (b it 1 )
: : Y : : : X :
0 P L C b o o l A T 30 0 0 .7 Y 7 (b it 7 ) 0 P L C b o o l A T 33 0 0 .7 X 7 (b it 7 )
D a ta D a ta
1 P L C b o o l A T 30 0 1 .0 b its Y 8 (b it 8 ) 1 P L C b o o l A T 33 0 1 .0 b its X 8 (b it 8 )
: : : : : :
7 P L C b o o l A T 30 0 7 .7 Y 6 3 (b it 6 3 ) 7 P L C b o o l A T 33 0 7 .7 X 6 3 (b it 6 3 )
10+11 P L C w o rd A T 30 1 0 W o rd 2 10+11 P L C w o rd A T 33 1 0 W o rd 2
D a ta D a ta
: : w o rd : : : w o rd :
Two LED‟s on the AnyBus module indicate the status of the CC-Link. These LED:s can also be displayed
from the System Map form, see Indication of the fieldbus node’s for how to do this.
The function of the respective LED is as follows:
W rite R ead
IN E xt. co m m . d e vice
0 -4 9 9 6 0 0 0 -9 9 9 9 (1 0 0 0 -4 0 0 0 ) 5 0 0 -9 9 9 6 0 0 0 -9 9 9 9 (1 0 0 0 -4 0 0 0 )
PLC P ro ce ss D a ta
R e p o rte r
Q ueues
C yc le
T ig h te n in g C o n tro lle r d a ta E ve n ts T ra ce s S e tu p
Value Action
-2 Skips reading of the current data item in the data queue. Next read will return next data item (or the
first part of it) in the queue.
-1 Flush the data queue. All items in the specified process data queue are deleted. However, the data
item currently being read will not be deleted. It can safely be read also after that this command has
been issued. To remove the current data item you have to issue a skip command.
0 Rewind the data queue to the oldest value data item available in the central SRAM storage.
1..32767 Here value is interpreted as an earlier received device specific sequence number (DataNo) to which
the queue should be re-winded.
When the queue is read the next time the item that corresponds to DataNo = Value + 1 will be
returned, if it exists in the queue.
If it no longer exists in the queue then the item returned will have DataNo set to Value + 2 to indicate
For Event and Trace the DataNo is always included in the item read. For Cycle data you must
include it manual using the reporter for this.
Note! If the external communication device is added to a TC that also has an API device then the PLC
data area will be shared with corresponding area used by the API, Application Programmers
Interface. If you use these simultaneously you must co-ordinate the use of the cells to avoid
unwanted collisions.
The input and output areas of the fieldbus are mapped to PLC variables by declaring them in the
ExtCom_API_Var section of the Global_Variables worksheet for the station that the device is connected
The addresses above are logical, meaning that a PLC variable declared at the logical address 2000 will
correspond to address 0, that is, the first byte in the PLC input area of the external communication device.
In the I/O Configuration dialogue first select the INPUT tab, mark the I/O Group EXTCOM_in or
EXTCO2_in and press the Properties button.
Change the value of Logical addresses – Length so that it corresponds to your needs. See How to map
input and outputs below for a description of the possible choices.
Then configure the copying of output data by selecting the EXTCOM_out or EXTCO2_out I/O Group on
the OUTPUT tab of the I/O Configuration dialogue and pressing the Properties button.
How much of the respective areas to use for inputs and/or outputs is set up using the drivers as explained
below. Please note that if an area is used for both inputs and outputs the outputs must be located directly
after the inputs.
Correct Erroneous
Inputs 8000..8999 8000..8999
Outputs 9000..9999 10000..10999
Note! All numerical values are written and read as Big Endian values (commonly referred to as Motorola
format). JBUS
Two types of commands are used:
Word read (function 3) to read data from PowerMACS
Multiple word write (function 16) to write data in PowerMACS
Checksum is calculated as CRC-16 for all bytes from the first byte (slave no) up until the checksum.
PowerMACS will respond to all telegrams independent of Slave no from XD.
R e a d in g 5 in te g e rs a t a d d re s s 5 0 0 W ritin g 5 in te g e rs a t a d d re s s 0
0 x0 0 * S la ve n o 0 x0 0 * S la ve n o
0 x0 3 R e a d co m m a n d 0 x1 0 W rite co m m a n d
0 x0 1 A d d re ss, M S B 0 x0 0 A d d re ss, M S B
0 xF 4 A d d re ss, L S B 0 x0 0 A d d re ss, L S B
0 x0 0 S ize in w o rd s, M S B 0 x0 0 S ize in w o rd s, M S B
0 x0 5 S ize in w o rd s, L S B 0 x0 5 S ize in w o rd s, L S B
0 x1 6 C h e cks u m , M S B xx D a ta
: 5 x (M S B -L S B )
0 x0 0 S la ve n o xx C h e cks u m , L S B
0 x0 3 R e a d co m m a n d xx C h e cks u m , M S B
0 x0 A N u m b e r o f b yte s
xx D a ta 0 x0 0 S la ve n o
: 5 x (M S B -L S B ) 0 x1 0 W rite co m m a n d
xx C h e cks u m , L S B 0 x0 0 A d d re ss, M S B
xx C h e cks u m , M S B 0 x0 0 A d d re ss, L S B
0 x0 0 S ize in w o rd s, M S B
0 x0 5 S ize in w o rd s, L S B
0 x0 1 C h e cks u m , L S B
0 xD B C h e cks u m , M S B
R e a d in g 5 in te g e rs a t a d d re s s 5 0 0 W ritin g 5 in te g e rs a t a d d re s s 0
0 x0 2 STX 0 x0 2 STX
0 x1 0 DLE 0 x1 0 DLE
0 x0 0 * 0 x0 0 *
0 x0 0 * 0 x0 0 *
0 x4 5 „E ‟ 0 x4 1 „A ‟
0 x4 4 „D ‟ 0 x4 4 „D ‟
0 x0 1 A d d re ss, M S B 0 x0 0 A d d re s s, M S B
0 xF 4 A d d re ss, L S B 0 x0 0 A d d re ss, L S B
0 x0 0 S ize in w o rd s, M S B 0 x0 0 S ize in w o rd s, M S B
0 x0 5 S ize in w o rd s, L S B 0 x0 5 S ize in w o rd s, L S B
0 x0 0 * 0 x0 0 *
0 x0 0 * 0 x0 0 *
0 x1 0 DLE xx D a ta ,
0 x0 3 ETX : 5 x (M S B + L S B )
0 xE 2 C h e cks u m 0 x1 0 DLE
0 x1 0 DLE 0 x0 3 ETX
xx C h e cks u m
0 x0 2 STX 0 x1 0 DLE
0 x1 0 DLE
0 x0 0 0 x0 2 STX
0 x0 0 0 x1 0 DLE
0 x0 0 0 x0 0
0 x0 0 E rro r n u m b e r 0 x0 0
xx D a ta 0 x0 0
: 5 x (M S B -L S B ) 0 x0 0 E rro r n u m b e r
0 x1 0 DLE 0 x1 0 DLE
0 x0 3 ETX 0 x0 3 ETX
xx C h e cks u m 0 x1 3 C h e cks u m
0 x1 0 DLE 0 x1 0 DLE
R e a d in g 5 in te g e rs a t a d d re s s 5 0 0 W ritin g 5 in te g e rs a t a d d re s s 0
0 x0 2 STX 0 x0 2 STX
0 x3 1 S ta m p , „1 ‟ 0 x3 1 S ta m p , „1 ‟
0 x3 2 R e a d co m m a n d , „2 ‟ 0 x3 0 W rite co m m a n d , „0 ‟
0 x3 0 A d d re ss, d ig it 1 , „0 ‟ 0 x3 0 A d d re ss, d ig it 1 , „0 ‟
0 x3 1 A d d re ss, d ig it 2 , „1 ‟ 0 x3 0 A d d re ss, d ig it 2 , „0 ‟
0 x4 6 A d d re ss, d ig it 3 , „F ‟ 0 x3 0 A d d re ss, d ig it 3 , „0 ‟
0 x3 4 A d d re ss, d ig it 4 , „4 ‟ 0 x3 0 A d d re ss, d ig it 4 , „0 ‟
0 x3 0 S ize , d ig it 1 , „0 ‟ 0 x3 0 S ize , d ig it 1 , „0 ‟
0 x4 1 S ize , d ig it 2 , „A ‟ 0 x4 1 S ize , d ig it 2 , „A ‟
0 x0 3 ETX xx D a ta ,
0 x0 3 C h e cks u m : 5 x (M S B + L S B )
0 x0 3 ETX
0 x0 2 STX xx C h e cks u m
0 x3 0 D e stin a tio n , M S B , „0 ‟
0 x3 1 S ta m p , „1 ‟ 0 x3 0 D e stin a tio n , M S B , „0 ‟
0 x3 0 A d d re ss, d ig it 1 , „0 ‟ 0 x3 1 S ta m p , „1 ‟
0 x4 6 A d d re ss, d ig it 3 , „F ‟ 0 x0 6 ACK
0 x3 4 A d d re ss, d ig it 4 , „4 ‟ 0 x0 3 ETX
0 x3 0 S ize , d ig it 1 , „0 ‟ 0 x0 6 C h e cks u m
0 x4 1 S ize , d ig it 2 , „A ‟
xx D a ta ,
: 5 x (M S B + L S B )
0 x0 3 ETX
xx C h e cks u m
R e a d in g 5 in te g e rs a t a d d re s s 5 0 0 W ritin g 5 in te g e rs a t a d d re s s 0
XD PM C om m ent XD PM C om m ent
0 x1 0 D LE 0 x1 0 D LE
0 x0 2 STX 0 x0 2 STX
0 x0 2 * DST 0 x0 2 * DST
0 x0 1 * SRC 0 x0 1 * SRC
0 x0 1 CMD 0 x0 8 CMD
0 x0 0 * STS 0 x0 0 * STS
0 x0 5 * TN S, LSB 0 x0 5 * TN S, LSB
0 xF 4 A d d re ss, L S B 0 x0 0 A d d re ss, L S B
0 x0 1 A d d re ss, M S B 0 x0 0 A d d re ss, M S B
0 x1 0 D LE xx D a ta ,
0 x0 3 ETX : 5 x (L S B + M S B )
0 xF 8 C h e cks u m 0 x1 0 D LE
0 x1 0 D LE 0 x0 3 ETX
0 x0 6 ACK xx C h e cks u m
0 x1 0 D LE
0 x1 0 D LE 0 x0 6 ACK
0 x0 2 STX
0 x0 1 DST 0 x1 0 D LE
0 x0 2 SRC 0 x0 2 STX
0 x4 1 CMD 0 x0 1 DST
0 x0 0 STS 0 x0 2 SRC
0 x0 5 TN S, LSB 0 x4 8 CMD
xx D a ta , 0 x0 5 TN S, LSB
: 5 x (L S B + M S B ) 0 x0 0 TNS, MSB
0 x1 0 D LE 0 x1 0 D LE
0 x0 3 ETX 0 x0 3 ETX
xx C h e cks u m 0 xB 0 C h e cks u m
0 x1 0 D LE 0 x1 0 D LE
0 x0 6 ACK 0 x0 6 ACK
Any PC
C u s to m A p p lic a tio n
p o w e rM A C S O ra c le D a ta b a s e
G e tC yc le D a ta
G e tE v e n t
E xc e l
G e tT ra c e
M S A ccess
S ta c k
E th e rn e t
An API device can be located on the TCs running a station controller. Each of these TCs may have up to
two API devices making it possible for two clients to access the same cycle data, traces, etc. If more than
one device is configured on a particular TC the value of the parameter Port No must be used by the client
software to distinguish between them. This is done using the property DeviceInstance of the Api object.
Before being able to access signals in one of the PowerMACS station PLCs via the API you must enable
the input and output areas in the PLC. How this is done is described in the chapter: Access to PLC data.
Note! The PLC input and output data areas are shared with the areas used by the external
communication devices. This means that if an external communication device is located on TC 1
then the PLC data areas that this device accesses is the same as the area accessed via the API
interface. If you use these simultaneously you must co-ordinate the use of the cells to avoid
unwanted collisions.
If you want to fetch Process data, that is cycle data, events, traces, etc., then you must also add a
Reporter that refers to the API device. Use the Reporter to configure if you want cycle data, events and/or
traces to be accessible from the API. Also, define how cycle data should be formatted, if data is sent in
readable format, i.e. as characters, or in binary format. It is important to understand that it is the
configuration of this reporter that controls the layout and format of the cycle data returned by the API
methods GetCycleData and GetCycleDataBin.
Note! When your client application first instantiate an Api object it can take some time for the
PowerMACS API ActiveX server to start up. If you are experience any problems accessing a
property/method of the newly created Api instance you should make your application wait some
time for the server to be started.
C o n s o l C o m p u te r
E xte rn a l
P a cka g e
R e m o te C lie n t
S to rin g
A p p lica tio n
IF d a ta
E th e rn e t
A P I d e v ic e (s e rv e r)
0 499 (1 0 0 0 -4 0 0 0 ) 500 999 (1 0 0 0 -4 0 0 0 )
PLC P ro c e ss PLC P ro c e ss
a re a d a ta a re a d a ta
2000 2499 2500 2999
PLC P ro ce ss D a ta
R e p o rte r
Q ueues
C yc le E ve n ts T ra ce s S e tu p
T ig h te n in g C o n tro lle r d a ta
8.14.1 Subscriptions
This function requires API version 10.1.0 or later and TC software version 7.2.3 or later.
Process data can be fetched by cyclically calling read functions. It is also possible to set up subscriptions
that will automatically call application functions when new data has arrived. This will make the response
fast without increasing the load.
To handle subscriptions the application should define specific ActiveX event functions. When new data
arrives the API will raise an ActiveX event which calls these functions. Inside these functions the
application can take care of the received data.
The parameters of the ActiveX event functions vary depending on type of subscribed data.
S yste m
S ta tio n s S ta tio n
T ra ce D a ta B o lts B o lt
C h a n n e ls C hannel
S te p B o u n d s S te p B o u n d
This enumerator lists the codes being returned by the functions of the API
Constant Description
eRetOk = 0 Function executed OK
eRetCmdNotAllowed = -20 Command not allowed
eRetNotOk = -51 Function did not execute OK for reasons other then listed below
eRetTimeout = -52 No answer was received from the TC within 4 seconds
eRetBufferToSmall = -53 The buffer supplied is not big enough for the returned data
eRetIpAddress = -54 IP–address is invalid
eRetConnectError = -55 A TCP/IP connection cannot be established to the specified IP-address
eRetWrongPlcAddress = -56 Incorrect PLC address (check parameters Address and/or Bit)
eRetNoData = -57 The data requested (Cycle data, Event, Trace or Setup) is not available.
eRetNotSupported = -58 Command not supported by the current version of TC SW
eRetWrongDataType = -59 Supplied data type not supported
eRetBufferToBig = -60 Write buffer is too big
eKeyNecessary = -61 Necessary USB key not found
This enumerator lists the possible Severities of an event (see View Event Log for a description of
Constant Description
eSevInfo = 0 The event is classified as information only.
eSevWarning = 1 The event is classified as a warning.
eSevError = 2 The event is classified as an error.
Constant Description
eDevPrimary = 0 Communicate with target TC's primary API device
eDevSecondary = 1 Communicate with target TC's secondary API device
This enumerator is used to indicate status of Cycle Data or Trace.
Constant Description
eStatusNOK = 0 Not OK
eStatusOK = 1 OK
eStatusOKRepaired = 2 OK but Repaired
eStatusStopTerminateNOK = 3 Stop and Terminate, not OK
eStatusNOKRM = 4 Not OK by Reject Management
This enumerator is used to indicate the status for a station or bolt when it is running
Constant Description
eRunNoStatus = 0 No status
eRunWorking = 1 Working
eRunIdleOK = 2 Idle and OK
eRunIdleNOK = 3 Idle and not OK
eRunOutOfOrder = 4 Out of order
eRunIdleNOKRM = 5 Idle and not OK by Reject Management
eRunDisconOK = 6 Disconnected and OK
eRunDisconNOK = 7 Disconnected and not OK
Constant Description
eTorqUnitNone = 0 No unit
eTorqUnitNm = 1 Nm
eTorqUnitKNm = 2 kNm
eTorqUnitFTLBS = 3 Ft. Lbs
eTorqUnitINCHLBS = 4 Inch Lbs
eTorqUnitMNm = 5 MNm
This enumerator is used to indicate the force unit used in trace data
Constant Description
eForcUnitNone = 0 No unit
eForcUnitN = 1 N
eForcUnitKN = 2 kN
eForcUnitMN = 3 MN
eForcUnitLBS = 4 Lbf
This enumerator is used to indicate the stroke unit used in trace data
Constant Description
eStrokeUnitNone = 0 No unit
eStrokeUnitMM = 1 mm
eStrokeUnitINCH = 2 Inch
eStrokeUnitM = 3 m Properties
The following table lists all properties on the Api object:
The syntax for accessing the properties of the Api object is as follows:
where object is an expression that evaluates to an object of type Api. GetPLCBoolEx
Description: This method reads a Boolean value from the PLC output data area for ExtCom_API.
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.GetPLCBoolEx(Station, Address, Bit, Value) SetPLCBoolEx
Description: This method writes a Boolean value to the PLC input data area for ExtCom_API.
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.SetPLCBoolEx (Address, Bit, Value) GetPLCByteEx
Description: This method reads a BYTE value from the PLC output data area for ExtCom_API.
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.GetPLCByteEx(Station, Address, Value) SetPLCByteEx
Description: This method writes a BYTE value to the PLC input data area for ExtCom_API.
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.SetPLCByteEx(Station, Address, Value) GetPLCIntEx
Description: This method reads an Integer value from the PLC output data area for ExtCom_API.
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.GetPLCIntEx(Station, Address, Value) SetPLCIntEx
Description: This method writes an Integer value to the PLC input data area for ExtCom_API.
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.SetPLCIntEx(Station, Address, Value) GetPLCRealEx
Description: This method reads a Real value from the PLC output data area for ExtCom_API.
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.GetPLCRealEx(Station, Address, Value) SetPLCRealEx
Description: This method writes a Real value to the PLC input data area for ExtCom_API.
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.SetPLCRealEx(Station, Address, Value) GetPLCStringEx
Description: This method reads 40 consecutive bytes from the PLC output data area for ExtCom_API.
The read data is returned as an ASCII string.
Note! Variables declared as STRING in the PLC are prefixed by two Short integers (four
bytes) where the first short specifies max possible length of the string calculated as Max
length – 80. The second short defines the strings current length. That is, the first character
of the string is located at offset 4 (fourth byte). All PLC strings are also terminated with a
NULL (0) character. This method does not handle the four leading bytes. SetPLCStringEx
Description: This method writes the specified string to the PLC input data area for ExtCom_API as 40
consecutive bytes. Each byte will be set to the ASCII value of the respective character. See
also the note for SetPLCString.
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.SetPLCStringEx(Station, Address, Value) GetPLCBool
Description: This method is replaced with the GetPLCBoolEx method and should not be used in new
applications. It is here only for backward compatibility reasons.
This method reads a Boolean value from the PLC output data area for ExtCom_API (see
Access to PLC data).
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.GetPLCBool(Address, Bit, Value) SetPLCBool
Description: This method is replaced with the SetPLCBoolEx method and should not be used in new
applications. It is here only for backward compatibility reasons.
This method writes a Boolean value to the PLC input data area for ExtCom_API (see
Access to PLC data).
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.SetPLCBool(Address, Bit, Value) GetPLCByte
Description: This method is replaced with the GetPLCByteEx method and should not be used in new
applications. It is here only for backward compatibility reasons.
This method reads a BYTE value from the PLC output data area for ExtCom_API (see
Access to PLC data).
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.GetPLCByte(Address, Value) SetPLCByte
Description: This method is replaced with the SetPLCByteEx method and should not be used in new
applications. It is here only for backward compatibility reasons.
This method writes a BYTE value to the PLC input data area for ExtCom_API (see Access
to PLC data).
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.SetPLCByte(Address, Value) GetPLCInt
Description: This method is replaced with the GetPLCIntEx method and should not be used in new
applications. It is here only for backward compatibility reasons.
This method reads an Integer value from the PLC output data area for ExtCom_API (see
Access to PLC data).
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.GetPLCInt(Address, Value) SetPLCInt
Description: This method is replaced with the SetPLCIntEx method and should not be used in new
applications. It is here only for backward compatibility reasons.
This method writes an Integer value to the PLC input data area for ExtCom_API (see
Access to PLC data).
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.SetPLCInt(Address, Value) GetPLCReal
Description: This method is replaced with the GetPLCRealEx method and should not be used in new
applications. It is here only for backward compatibility reasons.
This method reads a Real value from the PLC output data area for ExtCom_API (see
Access to PLC data).
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.GetPLCReal(Address, Value) SetPLCReal
Description: This method is replaced with the SetPLCRealEx method and should not be used in new
applications. It is here only for backward compatibility reasons.
This method writes a Real value to the PLC input data area for ExtCom_API (see Access to
PLC data).
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.SetPLCReal(Address, Value) GetPLCString
Description: This method is replaced with the GetPLCStringEx method and should not be used in new
applications. It is here only for backward compatibility reasons.
This method reads 40 consecutive bytes from the PLC output data area for ExtCom_API
(see Access to PLC data). The read data is returned as an ASCII string.
See note in the description of GetPLCStringEx for limitations and an example on how to
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.GetPLCString(Address, Value) SetPLCString
Description: This method is replaced with the SetPLCStringEx method and should not be used in new
applications. It is here only for backward compatibility reasons.
This method writes the specified string to the PLC input data area for ExtCom_API (see
Access to PLC data) as 40 consecutive bytes. Each byte will be set to the ASCII value of
the respective character. See also the note for SetPLCString.
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.SetPLCString(Address, Value) GetCycleData
Description: Call this method to read the next Cycle data from the FIFO queue for the API device. The
data returned is interpreted as a string. Therefore this method should be used together with
a Reporter configured to format data Printable.
Note 1: The prompter text, or variable name, included for a variable by checking the "Text"
column in the Reporter is language dependent.
Note 2: The reporter executes on the TC and that it can only be configured using ToolsTalk
The FIFO queue can hold max 500 cycle data. If overflowed then the oldest data is
overwritten. Once a cycle data has been read by a call to this method it cannot be read
again. If the queue is empty when called then Buf is set to an empty string and eRetNoData
is returned. If Buf is too small to receive the read cycle data then Size is set to 0 and
eRetBufferToSmall is returned.
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.GetCycleData(Buf, Size) GetCycleDataBin
Description: GetCycleDataBin performs the same function as GetCycleData with the difference that the
data returned is the raw binary data received from the TC. It is not interpreted in any way.
Therefore this method should be used together with a Reporter configured to format data
Binary. See chapter: GetCycleData for details.
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.GetCycleDataBin(Buf, Size) GetLastCycleDataBin
Description: Get last cycle data in the queue in raw binary format in the same way as GetCycleDataBin
but data is returned even if it has already been read.
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.GetLastCycleDataBin(Buf, Size) GetCycleDataById
Description: Get a specific cycle data in the queue in similar way as GetCycleData.
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.GetCycleDataById(Buf, Size, Id) RecNewCD
Description: Format for ActiveX event function that will be called when new cycle data arrives and
subscription is switched on.
Return type: -.
Syntax: Event RecNewCD(Station, Id) FlushCDQueue
Description: Flush the Cycle Data queue.
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.FlushCDQueue() RewindCDQueue
Description: Rewind the Cycle Data queue.
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.RewindCDQueue()
GetEvent performs the same function as GetEventEx with the difference that it does not
return the Severity of the event.
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.GetEvent(DataNo, SeqNo, Ts, Code, Typ, Stn, Blt, Pgm, Str) GetEventEx
Description: Call this method to read the next Event from the FIFO queue for the API device.
The FIFO queue can hold max 200 events. If overflowed then the oldest event is
overwritten. Once an event has been read by a call to this method it cannot be read again.
If the queue is empty when called then eRetNoData is returned.
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.GetEvent(DataNo, SeqNo, Ts, Code, Typ, Stn, Blt, Pgm, Str) GetEventObj
Description: This method is similar to GetEventEx but returns data packed in an object.
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.GetEventObj(EventObj) RecNewEvent
Description: Format for ActiveX event function that will be called when TC Event arrives and subscription
is switched on..
Return type: -.
Syntax: Event RecNewEvent(EventObj) FlushEventQueue
Description: Flush the Event queue.
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.FlushEventQueue() RewindEventQueue
Description: Rewind the Event queue.
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.RewindEventQueue() GetTrace
Description: Call this method to read the next Trace from the FIFO queue for the API device. See
chapter: Layout of Traces for the returned data is formatted.
The FIFO queue can hold max 100 traces. If overflowed then the oldest trace is overwritten.
Once a trace has been read by a call to this method it cannot be read again. If the queue is
empty when called then eRetNoData is returned.
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.GetTrace(Buf, Size)
The FIFO queue can hold max 100 traces. If overflowed then the oldest trace is overwritten.
Once a trace has been read by a call to this method it cannot be read again. If the queue is
empty when called then eRetNoData is returned.
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.GetTraceEx(TraceData) or object.GetTraceEx_v2(TraceData) SubscribeTrace
Description: Subscribe for Trace. When new Trace arrives an ActiveX event is raised. Any registered
functions of type RecNewTrace will be called.
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.SubscribeTrace(OnOff) RecNewTrace
Description: Format for ActiveX event function that will be called when Trace arrives and subscription is
switched on..
Return type: -.
Syntax: Event RecNewTrace(Station, Bolt, Spindle, Id, Status) FlushTraceQueue
Description: Flush the Trace queue.
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.FlushTraceQueue() SubscribeStStatus
Description: Subscribe for Station Status. When there is a change in Station Stauts an ActiveX event is
raised. Any registered functions of type RecNewStStatus will be called.
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.SubscribeStStatus(OnOff) RecNewStStatus
Description: Format for ActiveX event function that will be called when new Station Status arrives and
subscription is switched on..
Return type: -.
Syntax: Event RecNewStStatus(Station, StnStatus, ModeNo, WpId, NoBolt, BoltStatus) GetSetup
Description: This method uploads the setup from the PowerMACS system in binary form. Such a setup
can be used by the SetSetup method. If there is no setup to read when called then
eRetNoData is returned. If not connected to a System TC then eRetCmdNotAllowed is
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.GetSetup(Buf, Size) SetSetup
Description: This method downloads a setup in binary form to the PowerMACS system. The setup must
have been created by an earlier call to GetSetup. The setup must have been uploaded from
a system with the same version as the one it is downloaded to. If not connected to a System
TC then eRetCmdNotAllowed is returned.
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.SetSetup(Buf, Size) GetSetupItem
Description: This method returns the value of the setup item specified by the Item string. The Item string
uses a specific syntax (see Layout of Setup Item Descriptions for a description) to point out
which parameter to read the value of. The value is always returned as a floating-point
number. Boolean parameters are converted to a Single such that zero (0) represents False
and one (1) represents True. If not connected to a System TC then eRetCmdNotAllowed is
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value, or if in the interval [-101..-260] syntax errors in the Item string. In
case of syntax error then ABS(return value) - 100 is equal to the position in the string of the
first error. Example: Return value -120 corresponds to a syntax error near character 20.
Syntax: object.GetSetupItem(Item, Value) SetSetupItem
Description: This method sets the value of the setup item specified by the Item string. The Item string
uses a specific syntax (see Layout of Setup Item Descriptions for a description) to point out
which parameter to write to. The value must be a floating-point number. For Boolean
parameters - set zero (0) if False and one (1) if True. If not connected to a System TC then
eRetCmdNotAllowed is returned.
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value, or if in the interval [-101..-260] syntax errors in the Item string. In
case of syntax error then ABS(return value) - 100 is equal to the position in the string of the
first error. Example: Return value -120 corresponds to a syntax error near character 20.
Syntax: object.SetSetupItem(Item, Value) GetSystemDesc
Description: This method returns a System object that describes the PowerMACS system currently
connected to.
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.GetSystemDesc(SysDesc) GetStationDesc
Description: This method returns a Station object that describes the PowerMACS station currently
connected to.
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value.
Syntax: object.GetStationDesc(StnDesc) GetDateAndTime
Description: This method returns the current date and time of the target system. (Not compatible with
VisualStudio .NET)
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value. If an unsupported data type is used for the DateAndTime argument
then eRetWrongDataType is returned. If the method is not supported by the connected
target eRetNotSupported is returned. If not connected to a System TC then
eRetCmdNotAllowed is returned.
Syntax: object.GetDatyAndTime(DateAndTime) SetDateAndTime
Description: This method sets the current date and time of the target system. (Not compatible with
VisualStudio .NET)
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value. If an unsupported data type is used for the DateAndTime argument
then eRetWrongDataType is returned. If the method is not supported by the connected
target eRetNotSupported is returned. If not connected to a System TC, or if the API device
is not configured as Time Server, then eRetCmdNotAllowed is returned.
Syntax: object.GetDatyAndTime(DateAndTime) GetTime
Description: This method returns the current date and time of the target system as a long integer.
(Compatible with VisualStudio .NET)
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value. If not connected to a System TC then eRetCmdNotAllowed is
Syntax: object.GetTime(Time) SetTime
Description: This method sets the current date and time of the target system. (Compatible with
VisualStudio .NET)
Return type: A RetCodeEnum value. If the method is not supported by the connected target
eRetNotSupported is returned. If not connected to a System TC, or if the API device is not
configured as Time Server, then eRetCmdNotAllowed is returned.
Syntax: object.SetTime(Time) Properties
The following table lists all properties on the System object:
The syntax for accessing the properties of the System object is as follows:
where object is an expression that evaluates to an object of type System. Properties
The following table lists all properties on the Stations object:
The syntax for accessing the properties of the Stations object is as follows:
object.PropertyName Item
Description: Returns a specific Station object in the collection either by position or by the Name property
of the Station object. If the value provided as IndexKey does not match any existing
member of the collection, then Nothing (null) is returned.
Return type: A Station object.
Syntax: object.Item(IndexKey) Exists
Description: Checks if a specific Station object exists in the collection either by position or by the Name
property of a Station object.
Return type: A Boolean value. True if the object exists, else False.
Syntax: object.Exists(IndexKey) Properties
The following table lists all properties on the Station object:
The syntax for accessing the properties of the Station object is as follows:
where object is an expression that evaluates to an object of type Station. Properties
The following table lists all properties on the Bolts object:
The syntax for accessing the properties of the Bolts object is as follows:
where object is an expression that evaluates to an object of type Bolts. Item
Description: Returns a specific Bolt object in the collection either by position or by the Name property of
the Station object. If the value provided as IndexKey does not match any existing member
of the collection, then Nothing (null) is returned.
Return type: A Bolt object.
Syntax: object.Item(IndexKey) Exists
Description: Checks if a specific Bolt object exists in the collection either by position or by the Name
property of a Bolt object.
Return type: A Boolean value. True if the object exists, else False.
Syntax: object.Exists(IndexKey) Properties
The following table lists all properties on the Bolt object:
The syntax for accessing the properties of the Bolt object is as follows:
where object is an expression that evaluates to an object of type Bolt. Properties
The following table lists all properties on the TraceData object:
If one of the calls GetTraceEx_v2 or GetLastTrace_v2 was used to retrieve the trace it will contain some
additional properties as well:
The syntax for accessing the properties of the TraceData object is as follows:
where object is an expression that evaluates to an object of type TraceData. Properties
The following table lists all properties on the Channels object:
The syntax for accessing the properties of the Channels object is as follows:
object.PropertyName Item
Description: Returns a specific Channel object in the collection either by position or by the Name
property of the Channel object. If the value provided as IndexKey does not match any
existing member of the collection, then Nothing (null) is returned.
Return type: A Channel object.
Syntax: object.Item(IndexKey) Exists
Description: Checks if a specific Channel object exists in the collection either by position or by the Name
property of a Channel object.
Return type: A Boolean value. True if the object exists, else False.
Syntax: object.Exists(IndexKey) Properties
The following table lists all properties on the Channel object:
The syntax for accessing the properties of the Channel object is as follows:
where object is an expression that evaluates to an object of type Channel. GetSampleValueNo
Description: Give sample time as parameter and get sample number as reply.
Return type: A Long value. Sample number possible values are 1 to 6000.
Syntax: object.GetSampleValueNo(SampleValueTime) GetSampleValueTime
Description: Give sample number as parameter and get sample time as reply.
Return type: A Single value. Time from Ts to when current sample was taken.
Syntax: object.GetSampleValueTime(SampleValueNo) Properties
The following table lists all properties on the StepBounds object:
The syntax for accessing the properties of the StepBounds object is as follows:
object.PropertyName Item
Description: Returns a specific StepBound object in the collection by position. If the value provided as
IndexKey does not match any existing member of the collection, then Nothing (null) is
Return type: A StepBound object.
Syntax: object.Item(IndexKey) Exists
Description: Checks if a specific StepBound object exists in the collection by position.
Return type: A Boolean value. True if the object exists, else False.
Syntax: object.Exists(IndexKey) Properties
The following table lists all properties on the StepBound object:
The syntax for accessing the properties of the StepBond object is as follows:
where object is an expression that evaluates to an object of type StepBound. Properties
The following table lists all properties on the EventData object:
The syntax for accessing the properties of the EventData object is as follows:
where object is an expression that evaluates to an object of type EventData.
Set up your Visual Basic environment according to the following
PowerMACSAPI must be installed on the computer
PowerMACSAPI must be checked in the project references dialog.
Do not create more than instance of the PowerMACSAPI.Api object in your application.
Size = 10000
Ret = mPowApi.GetCycleData(Buf, Size)
If Ret = eRetOk Then
lblResult = Buf
ElseIf Ret <> eRetNoData Then
MsgBox "GetCycleData returned: " & Ret
End if
Exit Sub
libCleanTerminate "cmdGetCd_Click"
End Sub
Size = 10000
Ret = mPowApi.GetCycleDatabyId(Buf, Size, Id)
If Ret = eRetOk Then
lblResult = Buf ' Take care of cycle data
ElseIf Ret <> eRetNoData Then
MsgBox "GetCycleData returned: " & Ret ' Something wrong
End if
Exit Sub
libCleanTerminate "mPowApi_RecNewCd"
End SubEnd Sub
Address = CInt(txtAddress)
Value = CBool(txtValue)
If Err.Number = 13 Then
MsgBox "Value must be a valid boolean"
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox err.description
exit sub
End Sub
Address = CInt(txtAddress)
Ret = mPowApi.GetPLCInt(Address, Value)
if Ret <> eRetOk Then
msgBox "GetPLCInt returned: " & Ret
txtValue = CStr(Value)
end if
Exit Sub
MsgBox err.description
exit sub
End Sub
8.15 GM DeviceNet
This device type is used to interface a PowerMACS station to an overriding control system according to
GM's specification the General Motors document "GAE Electric Nutrunner Controller Design Criteria",
GAEc-03 6-9-03Revision.doc. Using it the control system start and stop the tightening cycles and receive
The device offers the following two interfaces:
A special configuration of the standard DeviceNet fieldbus (the input and output maps are
predefined and fixed).
A discrete I/O using digital signals.
By default the discrete I/O interface is mapped to PowerMACS local I/O system (see chapter: I/O) but is
also available in the PowerMACS PLC and can therefore be mapped to other kind of interfaces if so
wanted. See chapter: GM DeviceNet variables for a description of the PLC interface.
The device is configured using the following form:
It is also possible to disable all DeviceNet inputs except for the PVI number using the PLC output
GM_IN.DISABLEDNETINP (normally mapped to the digital input DI_GM_DisableDNetInp). This
signal is read by the GM Device regardless of the value of the Through discrete I/O. See also
chapter: GM DeviceNet variables.
Note 2: When using this device type you must ensure that the ANYBUS_in and ANYBUS_out drivers of
the PowerMACS PLC are disabled. This is done using the I/O Configuration dialogue opened by
double-clicking on the IO_Configuration worksheet of the Station that has the fieldbus interface
mounted. See chapter: Access to PLC data for details.
Also, since the interface layout is fixed it is not possible to create a reporter for a device of this
For more information on the DeviceNet fieldbus, for example the meaning of the status indication LED's,
see chapter: Fieldbus Interface.
The inputs are used as follows (all signals have positive logic where active is 1 and passive is 0):
Green Light: This signal is just passed through to PowerMACS discrete I/O interface (local I/O).
Yellow Light: This signal is just passed through to PowerMACS discrete I/O interface (local I/O).
Red Light: This signal is just passed through to PowerMACS discrete I/O interface (local I/O).
Alarm Horn: This signal is just passed through to PowerMACS discrete I/O interface (local I/O).
Spindle – Mode Set Code: Used to choose the mode that should be run when Start Cycle goes high
(could be 0 to 7 witch will correspond to Mode 1 to 8 in the stations Mode Table). This
signal is sampled continuously as long as no cycle is running and is echoed to the output
signal Spindle – Mode Set Code.
Reverse: When this signal is 1 it will override the value of Mode Set Code and force mode to the
value 9 for a reverse program. This signal is sampled continuously as long as no cycle is
Start Cycle: Starts the tightening cycle if the Error Proofing Ready signal has switch from 0 to 1 since
the last cycle and Spindle - Stop/Disable is low. The cycle is started using the current
value of Spindle – Mode Set Code or Reverse. Immediately when starting the cycle all
green, yellow and read indication lamps are turned off (for the DeviceNet and as well as the
I/O interface).
Note! This input is always read, regardless of the value of the device parameter Through
discrete I/O (see chapter: GM DeviceNet).
Note! The above shows the output for a system with up to 5 spindles. For a system with up to 16
spindles just continue the table with spindle 6, and so on.
Note! All Outputs have a 500-millisec transition from ON/OFF states to enable sufficient dwell time for
PLC‟s to scan/read the change of state of all Inputs and Outputs.
Depending on the outcome of the Monitoring result and the Control strategy of the used program the result
for each bolt is indicated according to the following schemas:
If a REHIT is detected (see below for how) then the Yellow + Red outputs are set.
Angle Control strategy:
< ZDR Low OK High > Remove limit
If a REHIT is detected (see below for how) then the Yellow + Red outputs are set.
If several of the above errors occur during a cycle they are prioritised so that the worse, or most "red",
error wins. That is, the priority order is (most significant error has lowest number):
1. The Red lamp only
2. The Yellow + Red lamps
3. The Yellow lamp
4. The Green lamp.
Note! If a bolt ends with status NOK and none of the errors listed above are at hand, or the control
strategy is undefined, then none of the lamps will be switched on.
This situation can occur if the monitoring checks and restrictions listed above are not used, or if the
program does not include any step defining a control strategy.
The monitoring checks must always be evaluated, thus Ignore monitoring errors when step ends
NOK cannot be checked.
Controlled by ACTA
If the calibration is controlled by the ACTA the cycles are started from the ACTA unit. In the ACTA unit you
have to specify the spindle and the mode number that shall be used. It is only this spindle that will run.
If mode 0 is selected a special program adapted to the QRTT equipment is used for the calibration. With
this program both the torque and angles can be verified and calibrated.
Controlled by TC
If the calibration is controlled by the TC the cycles are started from the TC as all normal tightenings. The
start can come from a digital I/O, a fieldbus or some other external equipment. It is still possible to select
the mode number from the ACTA if wanted. The PLC system global ACTAMODE will reflect the mode
selected from the ACTA and it is possible to connect this to the output MODE.
2 L E N (M o s t S ig n ifica n t B yte )
3 L E N (L e a s t S ig n ifica n t B yte )
4 D a ta b yte 1
5 D a ta b yte 2
: :
N + 4 D a ta b yte N
First in the package there is a sequence number named SEQ and a length field named LEN. Both are
Short Integers, which means that they occupy two bytes each (see Data types).
SEQ is the sequence number of the package within a particular data item (e.g. a cycle data). The first
package has SEQ = 1, the second has SEQ = 2, and so on. To indicate the last package of a data item
SEQ is negated. This means that a data item that is divided in three packages will have the following
values of SEQ: 1, 2, -3.
A C y c le d a ta P a c k a g e re tu rn e d b y th e firs t re a d re q u e s t
0 0 x4 1 („A ‟) 0 0 x0 0
SEQ = 1
1 0 x4 2 („B ‟) 1 0 x0 1
2 0 x4 3 („C ‟) 2 0 x0 0
LEN = 8
3 0 x4 4 („D ‟) 3 0 x0 8
8 0 x4 9 („I‟)
9 0 x5 0 („J‟)
P a c k a g e re tu rn e d b y th e s e c o n d re a d re q u e s t
0 0 x0 0
SEQ = 2
1 0 x0 2
2 0 x0 0
LEN = 8
3 0 x0 8
P a c k a g e re tu rn e d b y th e th ird re a d re q u e s t
0 0 xF F
S E Q = --3
1 0 xF D
2 0 x0 0
LEN = 6
3 0 x0 6
E m p ty p a c k a g e re tu rn e d s in c e q u e u e is e m p ty
0 0 xF F
S E Q = --1
1 0 xF F
2 0 x0 0
LEN = 4
3 0 x0 4
4 xx n o t se t
5 xx n o t se t
6 xx n o t se t
7 xx n o t se t
For data occupying more than one byte the order is that most significant byte comes first, at the lowest
address. This is also known as Big Endian or Motorola format.
Par1 to Par5 represents values that should replace the parameter placeholders in the event strings
defined for each event code (%d, %x, %f, and %c). See List of events for a listing of all events with their
place holders. Par1 represents the leftmost placeholder, Par2 the second leftmost, and so on. The
respective placeholder has the following meaning:
Placeholder Meaning
%d Interpret the four bytes of ParX as a long and display it as a decimal integer
%x Interpret the four bytes of ParX as a long and display it as a hexadecimal integer
%f Interpret the four bytes of ParX as a float and display it as a float with two (2) decimals
Interpret the four bytes of ParX as ASCII values of four single characters and display them as
Which items that is included for an event when it is read by a particular device is controlled by the
Reporter connected to the device.
The trace will only contain the samples that are recorded. This means that only data for used channels are
recorded. The number of samples included for each channel is given by the variable NoTsamples,
NoAsamples, NoCsamples and NoGsamples respectively. Bolt
Syntax: Bolt[<station no>,<bolt no>].<parameter>
Example: Bolt[1,1].OpMode
Example: Spindle[1].Direction
Example: Spindle[1].Chan[1].Filter
Example: Program[Pgm01].General.StopMonAtNokStep
Example: Program[Pgm01].General.StopMonAtNokStep
Example: Program[Pgm01].Mon.MonStart
Example: Program[Pgm01].Step[1].Control.Sync
Example: Program[Pgm01].Step[1].Speed.Speed
Example: Program[Pgm01].Step[1].Speed.RampDown[1].Start
Example: Program[Pgm01].Step[1].Other.StartDelay
Example: Program[Pgm01].Step[1].Surveillance[1].Par[1]
9 Specification
9.1 Specification
This part is the specification of the system. It describes general performances of a complete system:
Topic Performance
Max. time from start signal until all spindles are running 50 msec.
Max. time from last spindle stops a step until all are running in the next step: 50 msec. + monitoring
Max. time from last spindle stops last step until OK/NOK status on digital output, per 0.1 sec. + monitoring
spindle and total: time.
Max. time between cycles 0.5 sec at limited data
Position accuracy 0.5 degrees.
Sampling frequency 1000 Hz
Stations per system. 1 – 15
Spindles per system 1 – 50
Delays in set values to servo 2 x sampling time
Maximum time for a loop in the PLC program 5
Maximum number of cycle data stored in the system Depends on number of
bolts and variables
Traces per spindle. Each trace with 2000 values for angle, torque and current. Up to 300 (depends on
length of trace and curve
Max time to change a device 3 min
The Performance values can be seen as a realistic estimate of performance for the finalized system, but
the design of the system is focused on reaching the Target values.
Traces will be stored in two circular buffers with equal size, one for OK cycles, the other for NOK cycles. A
new trace will overwrite the oldest stored trace, independent of tightening program.
Windows XP or Windows 7
Memory min 1 GB
10 Appendix
10.1 List of events
The below table lists the Code, Compact code, Type, Severity and Event string for most events that can
be generated by the system. The compact event code is only used when events are reported from an
Ethernet Open Protocol device.
Code Type Severity Event string
1 1 Ext. com Error Unexpected signal: %d %d %d
2 2 System Error DB Get error %d, Proc %d, Case %d
3 3 Hardware Error Spurious interrupt %d, %d, %d
4 4 System Error Internal error on line %d in class base no %d, ret %d
6 40 Access Info Operator login
7 41 Access Info Operator logout
8 43 Access Info Illegal login
101 9 Power up Info Power on
102 10 Hardware Error System: Lost connection to TC %d
103 11 Hardware Info System: Established connection to TC %d
104 12 Hardware Error System: TC %d is of wrong type
105 13 Hardware Error System: Spindle TC %d is configured as system TC
106 442 Hardware Error System: TC %d is of wrong version
107 443 Hardware Error System: TC %d participates in another system
108 444 Hardware Error System: TC %d needs coldstart
201 14 Setup Error Easy View parameter %d fails in pos %d
202 15 System Error Error when reading/writing ODB image (err=%d)
203 16 System Error Error when reading ODB image (ODB seq.=%d, my seq.=%d)
204 431 System Error Error when receiving (type=%d, d1=%d, d2=%d)
205 432 System Error PLC ZIP file access error (access=%d, info=%d)
207 625 Setup Info New setup loaded
208 626 Setup Info Program changed
Code Type Severity Event string
501 901 System Error Trying to read event that no longer exists (missing %d)
601 18 System Warning Start is impossible since there are no active spindles
603 20 System Error Bolt %d is connected to invalid spindle %d
604 21 System Error Bolt %d is connected to invalid spindle %d
605 22 System Error ST: signal from undefined spindle
606 23 System Error ST: signal from undefined bolt
607 24 System Error ST: Data structures inconsistent
608 25 System Error ST: Telegram %d received in wrong state %d from proc %d
609 26 System Error Start is impossible since station has no contact with spindle %d
610 27 System Error Start is impossible since station has no contact with PLC
611 28 System Error Start is impossible since station has no contact with Test Bolts
612 29 System Error Unexpected Cycle End when running RM
613 30 System Error Invalid Bolt number from spindle
614 31 System Error ST: DB read error %d for bolt %d
615 32 Emergency stop Warning ST: emergency stopped
616 33 Emergency stop Warning ST: machine stopped
617 34 System Error Start is impossible since stations has no contact with syinit
618 35 Setup Error Cycle data too big, bolt %d not stored
619 419 General Info Cycle start disabled
620 425 Setup Error Start is impossible since bolt %d and %d both uses TC %d
621 434 System Error Station failed to reach TC. Bolt is disconnected (OK)
622 435 System Error Station failed to reach TC. Bolt is disconnected (NOK)
623 436 System Error Station starts the cycle even though %d spindles could not be
624 437 System Error Station failed to init servo. Bolt is disconnected (OK)
625 438 System Error Station failed to init servo. Bolt is disconnected (NOK)
626 439 System Error Station failed to read which cycle data that is wanted
627 445 System Error Start is impossible since there are conflicting TCs in the station
628 477 Setup Info Cycle data dropped since no bolt reached report threshold torque
629 544 Setup Error ST: BoltControl from PLC has bad value (%d) in mode %d
Code Type Severity Event string
630 545 Setup Error ST: Found no program for mode %d in mode table to run for the
631 552 System Error Start is impossible since station has no contact with Station
632 560 General Warning PLC BOLTCTRL2 cmd %d ignored since no bolts are selected
633 561 General Error PLC BOLTCTRL2 cmd %d ignored since station is not idle
634 562 General Error PLC BOLTCTRL2 cmd %d ignored since there is no cycle data
635 563 General Error PLC BOLTCTRL2 cmd %d ignored since bolt (ordinal no %d) has
no cycle data
636 564 General Info PLC BOLTCTRL2 cmd %d is ignored since command code is
637 565 General Info Cycle data with status %d dropped for bolt (ordinal no %d)
638 566 System Error Cycle data does not contain any bolt records
639 889 General Info Cycle start is only allowed from Audi XML device
640 19 General Info Cycle start is not allowed while FILTER_SPINDLEEV signal in
PLC is high.
700 36 System Error SP: DB read error %d, object %d
701 37 Setup Error No current channel configured
703 39 System Error SP: Internal error line %d, file %d (%d)
706 42 Setup Error Incorrect Sampling frequency
708 44 System Error Spindle initialization failed
709 45 System Error SP: Hunt for ipc process %d failed
711 47 Setup Error Incorrect Direction
712 48 Setup Error Step %d, Incorrect Torque spike elimination setup
713 49 Setup Error Step %d, Incorrect Pre step time
714 50 Setup Error Step %d, Incorrect Post step time
720 56 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring: Final torque. %f > %f
721 57 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring: Threshold angle. %f > %f
722 58 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring: Torque rate in interval 1. %.4f > %.4f
723 59 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring: Torque rate in interval 1. %.4f < %.4f
724 60 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring: Deviation in interval 1. %.4f > %.4f
725 61 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring: Yield point torque diff. %f > %f
Code Type Severity Event string
726 62 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring: Yield point angle diff. %f > %f
727 63 Setup Error Monitoring: Incorrect configuration
728 64 Setup Error Step %d, Monitoring: Incorrect Final torque
729 65 Setup Error Step %d, Monitoring: Incorrect Threshold angle
730 66 Setup Error Step %d, Monitoring: Incorrect Torque rate deviation (interval %d)
731 67 Setup Error Step %d, Monitoring: Incorrect Yield point torque
732 68 Setup Error Step %d, Monitoring: Incorrect Yield point angle
733 69 Setup Error Trace: Incorrect configuration
734 70 Setup Error Step %d, Control: Incorrect Torque
735 71 Setup Error Step %d, Control: Incorrect Angle
736 72 Setup Error Step %d, Control: Incorrect Time
737 73 Setup Error Step %d, Control: Incorrect Current
739 75 Setup Error Step %d, Control: Incorrect Percent
740 76 Setup Error Step %d, Control: Incorrect No degrees
741 77 Setup Error Step %d, Control: Incorrect No of points (NNOS or RNOS)
742 78 Setup Error Step %d, Control: Incorrect Increment
743 79 Setup Error Step %d, Control: Incorrect Direction
744 80 Setup Error Step %d, Control: Incorrect Stop Condition
745 81 Setup Error Step %d, Control: Incorrect Digital Input
746 82 Setup Error Step %d, Control: Incorrect Digital Output
747 83 Setup Error Step %d, Control: Incorrect Step type from PLC
748 84 Setup Error Step %d, Restriction: Incorrect FS Angle
749 85 Setup Error Step %d, Restriction: Incorrect FS Torque
750 86 Setup Error Step %d, Restriction: Incorrect FS Time
752 88 Setup Error Step %d, Restriction: Incorrect Cross thread and gradient
753 89 Setup Error Step %d, Restriction: Incorrect Torque profile
754 90 Check Error Step %d, Check: Peak torque. %f > %f
755 91 Check Error Step %d, Check: Torque in angle window. %f > %f
756 92 Check Error Step %d, Check: Torque in time window. %f > %f
757 93 Check Error Step %d, Check: Mean torque. %f > %f
Code Type Severity Event string
758 94 Check Error Step %d, Check: Angle. %f > %f
759 95 Check Error Step %d, Check: Time. %f > %f
760 96 Check Error Step %d, Check: Current as Torque. %f > %f
762 98 Check Error Step %d, Check: T/T3. %f > %f
763 99 Check Error Step %d, Check: Post view torque high.
764 100 Check Error Step %d, Check: Post view torque low.
765 101 Check Error Step %d, Diagnostic: Static Zero Offset high on T1. abs(%f) > %f
766 102 Check Error Step %d, Diagnostic: Dynamic Zero Offset high on T1. abs(%f) >
767 103 Check Error Step %d, Diagnostic: Flying Zero Offset high on T1. abs(%f) > %f
768 104 Check Warning Step %d, Diagnostic: Flying Zero Offset high warning on T1.
abs(%f) > %f
769 105 Check Error Step %d, Diagnostic: Angle count high on A1. %f > %f
770 106 Check Error Step %d, Diagnostic: Calib. failed on T1. Meas. %f, expected %f
771 107 Setup Error Step %d, Diagnostic: Incorrect configuration
772 108 Setup Error Step %d, Check: Incorrect Peak torque
773 109 Setup Error Step %d, Check: Incorrect Torque in angle window
774 110 Check Error Step %d, Check: Torque in angle window failed
775 111 Setup Error Step %d, Check: Incorrect Torque in time window
776 112 Check Error Step %d, Check: Torque in time window failed
777 113 Setup Error Step %d, Check: Incorrect Mean torque
778 114 Check Error Step %d, Check: Mean torque failed
779 115 Setup Error Step %d, Check: Incorrect T/T3
780 116 Check Error Step %d, Check: T/T3 failed
781 117 Setup Error Step %d, Check: Incorrect Angle
782 118 Check Error Step %d, Check: Angle failed
783 119 Setup Error Step %d, Check: Incorrect Current
784 120 Setup Error Step %d, Check: Incorrect Clamp Load
785 121 Setup Error Step %d, Check: Incorrect Time
786 122 Setup Error Step %d, Check: Incorrect Post view
787 123 Check Error Step %d, Check: Post view Torque failed
Code Type Severity Event string
788 504 Check Error Step %d, Check: Post view Torque failed (Buffer overflow)
793 128 General Warning Spindle %d: Time for service. %d cycles since service (%d to
794 129 Setup Error Spindle: No program for mode %d
795 130 Setup Error Cycle data too big, step %d not stored
796 131 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring: Final torque could not be evaluated
797 132 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring: Threshold angle could not be evaluated
798 133 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring: Torque rate could not be evaluated (interval
799 134 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring: Yield point torque could not be evaluated
800 135 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring: Yield point angle could not be evaluated
801 136 Check Error Step %d, Check: Peak torque. %f < %f
802 137 Check Error Step %d, Check: Torque in angle window. %f < %f
803 138 Check Error Step %d, Check: Torque in time window. %f < %f
804 139 Check Error Step %d, Check: Mean torque. %f < %f
805 140 Check Error Step %d, Check: Angle. %f < %f
806 141 Check Error Step %d, Check: Time. %f < %f
807 142 Check Error Step %d, Check: Current as Torque. %f < %f
809 144 Check Error Step %d, Check: T/T3. %f < %f
810 145 Check Error Step %d, Diagnostic: Angle count low on A1. %f < %f
811 146 Check Error Step %d, Diagnostic: Angle count high on A2. %f > %f
812 147 Check Error Step %d, Diagnostic: Angle count low on A2. %f < %f
813 148 Setup Error Step %d, Speed is not defined
814 149 Setup Error Step %d, Control: Slope has bad configuration
815 150 Setup Error Step %d, Check: Wrong step type for Check
816 151 Check Error Step %d, Check: Angle at the corner failed
817 152 Check Error Step %d, Check: Angle at the corner %f < %f
818 153 Check Error Step %d, Check: Angle at the corner %f > %f
819 154 Setup Error Step %d, Check: Torque has bad configuration
820 155 Check Error Step %d, Check: Torque at the corner failed
821 156 Check Error Step %d, Check: Torque at the corner %f < %f
Code Type Severity Event string
822 157 Check Error Step %d, Check: Torque at the corner %f > %f
829 164 Setup Error Step %d, Check: Shut Off Torque has bad configuration
830 165 Check Error Step %d, Check: Shut Off Torque %f < %f
831 166 Check Error Step %d, Check: Shut Off Torque %f > %f
832 167 Check Error Step %d, Check: Shut Off Torque failed
833 168 Setup Error Step %d, Restriction: Torque-Current has bad configuration
834 169 System Error Step %d, Received unexpected SP_RUN_STEPS from station.
835 170 General Error Step %d, Run reverse before retry failed (max time was
836 171 General Error Step %d, Run reverse before retry failed (max torque was
837 172 General Error Step %d, Run reverse before retry failed
838 173 Setup Error Step %d, Spindle %d has incorrect Gear ratio
839 174 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring: Final torque. %f < %f
840 175 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring: Threshold angle. %f < %f
841 176 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring: Torque rate in interval 2. %.4f > %.4f
842 177 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring: Torque rate in interval 2. %.4f < %.4f
843 178 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring: Deviation in interval 2. %.4f > %.4f
844 179 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring: Yield point torque diff. %f < %f
845 180 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring: Yield point angle diff. %f < %f
846 181 Check Error Step %d, Check: Torque rate %.4f > %.4f
847 182 Check Error Step %d, Check: Torque rate %.4f < %.4f
848 183 Check Error Step %d, Check: Deviation %f > %f
849 184 Check Error Step %d, Check: Torque Rate calculation failed
850 185 Check Error Step %d, Check: Overflow in Torque Rate recording buffer
851 186 Setup Error Step %d, Check: Torque rate/deviation has bad configuration
852 423 Setup Info Step %d, Retry is ordered but this step has no retry step
853 426 Check Error Step %d, Check: Angle failed because Torque stop was never
854 427 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring: Torque level stop for Threshold angle was
never reached
Code Type Severity Event string
863 460 Setup Error Step %d, Control: Start cond. "Sync Pulse" requires Angle 2 as
control channel
864 424 Setup Error Step %d, Control: Maximum Position has bad configuration
871 446 Check Error Step %d, Abs. Pos. not referenced. Speed ramp down abs. pos.
mode not possible.
872 447 Check Error Step %d, Speed ramp down has bad configuration
873 448 Check Error Step %d, Check: Absolute Position failed because position is not
874 449 Check Error Step %d, Digital Output for control of the brake is not configured
875 478 System Error Step %d, Received illegal Retry order in SP_RUN_STEPS from
station. (Spindle running %d.)
876 479 Check Error Step %d, Check: Peak torque failed.
878 481 Check Error Step %d, Diagnostic: Static Zero Offset high on T2. abs(%f) > %f
879 482 Check Error Step %d, Diagnostic: Dynamic Zero Offset high on T2. abs(%f) >
880 483 Check Error Step %d, Diagnostic: Flying Zero Offset high on T2. abs(%f) > %f
881 484 Check Warning Step %d, Diagnostic: Flying Zero Offset high warning on T2.
abs(%f) > %f
883 531 Setup Error Step %d, Control: Torque-Angle step has bad configuration
884 532 Setup Error Step %d, Restriction: Start torque for FS Angle has bad
885 533 Setup Error Step %d, Restriction: Start condition for FS Angle has bad
887 535 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring 2nd: Final torque could not be evaluated
888 536 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring 2nd: Threshold angle could not be evaluated
889 537 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring 2nd: Final torque. %f > %f
890 538 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring 2nd: Threshold angle. %f > %f
891 539 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring 2nd: Final torque. %f < %f
892 540 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring 2nd: Threshold angle. %f < %f
893 541 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring 2nd: Torque level stop for Threshold angle
was never reached
894 542 Setup Info Monitoring 2nd buffer: No second channels. 2nd buffer used in
check %d, step %d.
895 549 Setup Error Step %d, Restriction: Incorrect FS Min torque configuration
Code Type Severity Event string
897 555 Setup Error Step %d, Restriction: Incorrect Gradient restriction configuration
898 683 Setup Error Step %d, Check: Incorrect Yield Point Check configuration
899 690 Check Error Step %d, Diagnostic: Spindle shunt test failed on channel %d
901 187 Check Error Step %d, Restriction: Fail-safe torque
902 188 Check Error Step %d, Restriction: Fail-safe angle
903 189 Check Error Step %d, Restriction: Fail-safe time
905 191 Check Error Step %d, Restriction: Cross thread and gradient
906 192 Check Error Step %d, Restriction: Torque profile
907 193 Check Error Double transducer: torque diff high
908 194 Check Error Double transducer: angle diff high
909 195 System Error Monitoring: Overflow in recording buffer %d
910 196 Hardware Error Step %d, Servo hardware failure, Id %d
911 197 Setup Error Incorrect Servo configuration
917 203 System Error No Snug point was found
918 440 Check Error Step %d, Restriction: Remove fastener torque limit
920 455 Check Error Step %d, Spindle protection: Maximum backward load exceeded
921 414 Check Error Step %d, Maximum forward position exceeded
922 415 Check Error Step %d, Maximum backward position exceeded
923 529 Check Error Spindle protection: Max allowed torque for spindle exceeded
924 550 Check Error Step %d, Restriction: Min Torque
925 556 Check Error Step %d, Restriction: Gradient too high
926 557 Check Error Step %d, Restriction: Gradient too low
927 558 Check Error Step %d, Restriction: Gradient error as angle decreased
929 684 Check Warning Step %d, Check YP: Gradient calculation restarted as angle
930 934 Check Error Step %d, Fatal continue rotation error, was not handled by reject
931 935 Check Error Step %d, Restriction error during continue rotation
932 936 Setup Warning Step %d, Continue rotation is not allowed at step start, spindle
was stopped
933 937 Setup Warning Step %d, Direction changed during Continue rotation
Code Type Severity Event string
939 461 Setup Error Step %d, Control ADJ step, no contact with TC running MEAS
946 462 Check Error Step %d, Max number of retries exceeded
947 463 Check Error Step %d, Control MEAS step, no contact with TC running ADJ
948 464 Check Error Step %d, Control ADJ step, no contact with TC running MEAS
949 465 Check Error Step %d, Control MEAS or ADJ step was aborted
950 466 Setup Error Step %d, Control: MEAS step has bad configuration
951 467 Setup Error Step %d, Control: ADJ step has bad configuration
952 468 Check Error Step %d, Check: First Mean Load measurement failed.
953 469 Check Error Step %d, Check: First Mean Load measurement. %f > %f
954 470 Check Error Step %d, Check: First Mean Load measurement. %f < %f
955 471 Setup Error Step %d, Check: Bad First Mean Load measurement
956 472 Setup Error Step %d, Control: Not possible to get value for Baseline/Preload
957 472 Check Error Step %d, Meas step failed, measured Mean Load outside limits
958 474 Check Error Step %d, Set direction in ADJ3 step failed. T Err. = %f, A Target =
959 475 Check Error Step %d, Control ADJ step was aborted
960 480 Check Info Step %d, Signal between MEAS and ADJ step was droped and
not executed
961 959 Check Warning TC %d, Inertia brake was not allowed. Ramp down current was
used instead
1001 553 System Error Trace: Unable to store new trace on TC %d, too many saved
1102 205 Hardware Error Low battery voltage on TC %d
1106 209 System Error System TC on addr 0x%x received setup from other system TC
with addr 0x%x
1107 210 System Error TC %d received setup from 2 system TCs: 0x%x and 0x%x
1108 890 System Error TC %d Device type %d uses a serial channel, this is only allowed
on PTC
1150 441 System Error TC %d restarted due to fatal SW error (code: %s, sub code: 0x%x)
Code Type Severity Event string
1401 211 General Warning Printer on TC %d (port %d) does not support Device Command =
1500 212 Ext. com Error ID write error %d on TC %d, port %d
1501 213 Ext. com Error ID read error %d on TC %d, port %d
1502 214 Ext. com Error ID read error on TC %d, port %d. Invalid start char. ASCII = 0x%x
1503 215 Ext. com Error ID read error on TC %d, port %d. Unable to read tag, Data = %d
1504 216 Ext. com Error ID write error on TC %d, port %d. Unable to write tag, Data = %d
1506 530 Ext. com Error ID device on TC %d, failed to write process data
1507 886 Ext. com Error ID read error on TC %d, port %d. Tot. length of string was more
than %d chars
1508 887 Ext. com Error ID read error TC %d, port %d. Start char was never received,
must be ASCII=0x%x
1601 218 System Error Device init. error (TC %d, device %d, info %d)
1602 219 Ext. com Error Illegal link message received (TC %d, device %d, info %d)
1603 220 Ext. com Error Device is not on a PLC TC (TC %d, device %d)
1604 221 Ext. com Error Missing sequence number (TC %d, device %d, expected seq. no
1605 222 Ext. com Error Received setup is too big (TC %d, device %d)
1606 891 Ext. com Error Device is not on the System TC (TC %d, device %d)
1701 223 System Error Fieldbus on TC %d has no contact with PLC
1702 224 System Error Fieldbus on TC %d can not read process data (err %d)
1703 225 System Error Fieldbus on TC %d can not write process data (err %d)
1704 226 Ext. com Error Fieldbus on TC %d can not read from board (err %d)
1705 227 Ext. com Error Fieldbus on TC %d can not write to board (err %d)
1706 228 Ext. com Error Fieldbus on TC %d rec. a req. (0x%x) that requires Data bytes In
>= %d
1707 229 Ext. com Error Fieldbus on TC %d rec. a req. (0x%x) that requires Data bytes Out
>= %d
1708 230 Setup Error Fieldbus on TC %d requires Data bytes Out > %d to auto load
cycle data
1709 231 Ext. com Error Fieldbus on TC %d rec. a Flush/Skip req. (0x%x) for an invalid
address %d
Code Type Severity Event string
1710 232 Ext. com Error Fieldbus on TC %d rec. an ambig. req. (0x%x) (>1 of R, W, F & S
are set)
1711 233 Ext. com Error Fieldbus on TC %d rec. a req. (0x%x) having an invalid extended
1712 234 Ext. com Error Fieldbus on TC %d rec. a req. (0x%x) having an invalid address
1713 235 System Error Fieldbus on TC %d is not licensed
1901 237 System Error API on TC %d rec. an illegal message (err %d, info %d)
1902 238 System Error API on TC %d rec. a Read Setup req. Only allowed on TC 1
1903 239 System Error API on TC %d rec. a Write Setup req. Only allowed on TC 1
1904 240 System Error API on TC %d rec. a Read Setup Item req. Only allowed on TC 1
1905 241 System Error API on TC %d rec. a Write Setup Item req. Only allowed on TC 1
1906 242 System Info API on TC %d failed to send answer (cmd=%d, ret=%d)
2001 243 System Error CCH: Error when receiving (type=%d, d1=%d, d2=%d)
2005 247 System Error CCH: Unable to delete trace (first failing TC=%d)
2006 248 System Error CCH: Unable to delete events (first failing TC=%d)
2007 249 System Error CCH: Unable to delete cycle data (first failing TC=%d)
2008 250 System Error CCH: Unable to delete SPC data (first failing TC=%d)
2009 251 System Error CCH: Link message is too big (sock=%d, size=%d)
2010 252 System Error CCH: Link message has no header (sock=%d)
2011 892 General Error CCH: Function GetSetupObject() used
2100 253 System Error REP: Calculated size wrong (value=%f, width=%d, ndec=%d)
2101 433 Setup Error REP: Invalid date/time format selected
2201 254 System Error IO: two units with same address
2202 255 System Error IO: Illegal channel
2203 256 System Error IO: No CAN driver found
2204 257 Hardware Error IO: TC %d, chan %d. Subscriber not found
2205 258 Ext. com Error IO: Error communicating with I/O device (TC %d, identity %d)
2206 893 Ext. com Error IO: Error when configurating I/O signal (TC %d, MacId %d, Err
2207 902 Hardware Error IO: Node %d, Sig %d, referring address %d on fieldbus
Code Type Severity Event string
2400 260 System Error Zip expand failed. Error %d, size in %d, size out: %d
2401 261 System Error Zip compress failed. Error %d, size in %d, size out: %d
2701 681 Hardware Error No angle channel found
2702 682 Hardware Error No torque channel found
2802 345 System Error Invalid communication port %d for device
2900 347 System Error Unexpected signal
3100 348 System Error Hunt for station failed
3101 349 System Error TestBolt: DB read error, code %d
3102 350 Setup Error TestBolt: No station defined in the setup
3103 351 General Error TestBolt: Disabled by PLC for station %d
3201 352 System Error PLC: Run time system error (code 0x%x, info 0x%x)
3202 353 System Error PLC: Bootfile access error (error %d)
3203 354 System Error PLC: Only one input and one output 'EXTCOM' driver allowed
(now %d and %d)
3204 355 System Error PLC: 'EXTCOM' area (input %d + output %d) is too big (max %d
3205 356 Setup Error PLC: 'ANYBUS' variables defined but no Fieldbus device exists
3206 357 Setup Error PLC: Only one 'ANYBUS' input/output driver is allowed (now %d
and %d)
3208 359 General Error PLC: User event %d generated
3210 567 General Error PLC: The target device for DEVCMD does not exist
3211 568 General Error PLC: Device %d on TC %d is not allowed as target for DEVCMD
(wrong type %d)
3212 569 General Error PLC: Failed to send DEVCMD %d to device %d on TC %d
3215 896 Setup Error PLC: LIO driver will not be used. Use I/O device instead.
3216 958 System Error PLC: Illegal channel no %d.
3303 364 Setup Error Fieldbus on TC %d: Config. error. Max output size=%d, max input
3305 366 Setup Error Fieldbus on TC %d: Board type mismatch, type connected=%d,
type configured=%d
3307 368 Setup Error Fieldbus on TC %d: Configured Node addr.(%d) is out of range
3308 369 Setup Error Fieldbus on TC %d: Setting Node addr. by SW is not supported
Code Type Severity Event string
3309 370 Setup Error Fieldbus on TC %d: Setting Baude Rate by SW is not supported
3310 371 Setup Error Fieldbus on TC %d: Configured Baude Rate (%d) is not supported
3311 372 Setup Error Fieldbus on TC %d: Configured Source Node addr. (%d) is out of
3312 373 Setup Error Fieldbus on TC %d: Source no. of words (%d) is > Fast bytes In /
2 (%d)
3313 374 Setup Error Fieldbus on TC %d: Source Offset + Source no. of words (=%d)
must be <= 32
3314 375 Setup Error Fieldbus on TC %d: Unsupported param used (Modbus specific)
3315 543 Setup Error Fieldbus on TC %d: Configured Number of Stations (%d) is not
3316 897 Setup Error Fieldbus on TC %d: Config error. PLC bytes in/out must be over 0.
3317 898 Ext. com Error Fieldbus on TC %d: Error! Fieldbus could not be initialized!
3318 910 Setup Error Fieldbus on TC %d: Configuration error. (%d)!
3402 377 System Error ToolsNet: Illegal message received (error type %d, info %d)
3403 378 Ext. com Info Toolsnet: Connection to server established using protocol ver. %f
3404 379 Ext. com Error Toolsnet: Connection to server lost
3405 380 Setup Error ToolsNet: Bad Data IP address (%X)
3406 381 Setup Error ToolsNet: Bad Status IP address (%d)
3407 428 Ext. com Info ToolsNet: Wrong TgmId received for Ack, Exp.=%d, Rec.=%d
3408 429 Ext. Com Info ToolsNet: Wrong SeqNo received for Ack, Exp.=%d, Rec.=%d
3409 430 Ext. com Error ToolsNet: Timeout when waiting for Acknowledge
3410 456 Ext. com Error ToolsNet: Wrong message ver., TgmId: %d, TgmVer: %d (exp.),
%d (rec.)
3411 457 Ext. com Error ToolsNet: ToolsNet rejected protocol version %f
3412 458 Ext. com Warning ToolsNet: Telegram Id %d is not supported in protocol version %f
3413 459 Setup Error ToolsNet: Entered protocol version %f is not supported in
3414 622 Ext. com Error ToolsNet: Link closed by server (state %d)
3415 623 Ext. com Error ToolsNet: Link closed due to error %d (state %d)
3416 624 Ext. com Error ToolsNet: Link closed due to send congestion (error %d, state %d)
3450 601 System Error ToolsNet: Station number is missing in Cycle data
Code Type Severity Event string
3451 602 System Error ToolsNet: Start time is missing in Cycle data
3452 603 System Error ToolsNet: Station status is missing in Cycle data
3453 604 System Error ToolsNet: Bolt number is missing in Cycle data
3454 605 System Error ToolsNet: Bolt status is missing in Cycle data
3455 606 System Error ToolsNet: Bolt data for bolt no: %d is missing in Cycle data
3456 607 System Error ToolsNet: Operation mode for bolt no: %d is missing in Cycle data
3457 608 System Error ToolsNet: Wrong format for torque and/or angle factors
3458 609 System Error ToolsNet: Reported data for %d of %d optional variables for Bolt:
3459 610 System Error ToolsNet: Reported data for %d of %d Bolts
3460 611 System Error ToolsNet: Cycle data is corrupt, not possible to send, Info = %d
3500 382 System Error SPC: DB read error (%d)
3501 383 System Error SPC: Out of memory
3503 384 System Error SPC: Variable does not exist (Bolt: %d, StepNo: %d, Var: %d)
3504 385 SPC Error SPC: One out check failed
3505 386 SPC Error SPC: End gather check failed
3506 387 SPC Error SPC: Mid gather check failed
3507 388 SPC Error SPC: Seven above check failed
3508 389 SPC Error SPC: Seven below check failed
3509 390 SPC Error SPC: Seven up check failed
3510 391 SPC Error SPC: Seven down check failed
3511 392 SPC Error SPC: Cp limit check failed
3512 393 SPC Error SPC: Cpk limit check failed
3513 394 SPC Error SPC: Cam limit check failed
3514 395 System Error SPC: Sub group size must be > 0 (NoSttSgSave=%d Sgsize=%d
3515 396 System Error SPC: Ref. to free area is corrupt (FreeMem=%d SubgrpBase=%d
3516 397 SPC Error SPC: SPC data structure corrupt, pos %d, idx: %d, %d
3517 398 Setup Error SPC: Too many variables for spindle %d
3601 399 Ext. com Error Illegal link message rec. (device %d, type %d, info %d)
Code Type Severity Event string
3700 400 Ext. com Error Send failed. Not possible to correct with retransm. (port %d, info
3701 401 Ext. com Error Received failed (port %d, info %d)
3702 402 Ext. com Error State machine error for send (port %d, state %d)
3703 403 Ext. com Error State machine error for receive (port %d, state %d)
3704 404 Ext. com Error Status from sio not OK (port %d, retcode %d)
3705 405 Ext. com Error Unknown protocol selected (port %d, protocol type %d)
3706 406 Ext. com Error Bad checksum received (port %d, checksum in tgm %d, calc.
checksum %d)
3707 407 Ext. Com Error Read telegram failed (TELWAY protocol, info %d)
3801 408 System Error Error when receiving (type=%d, d1=%d, d2=%d)
3802 409 System Error Error when sending (type=%d, d1=%d, d2=%d)
3811 420 Ext. Com Info Device %d, Connection established
3812 421 Ext. com Error Device %d, Connection lost
3813 422 Setup Error Bad Data IP address, %d
3814 505 Ext. com Error Bad configuration of Barcode and VIN number
3815 506 Ext. com Error Station QO has not correct value: %d
3816 546 Ext. com Error Bad length of received TMU, (actual = %d, expected = %d)
3817 508 Ext. com Error No response from PLUS server
3818 509 Ext. com Error Send data failed, Wp ID must be 10 char and start with PN or KN
(len. = %d)
3819 510 Ext. Com Info Device %d, Connection to PLUS established as server
3820 511 Ext. Com Info Device %d, Connection to PLUS established as client
3821 519 Ext. com Error No TMU received from PLUS, NNEG received
3822 520 Ext. Com Info No TMU received from PLUS, No tightening shall be made for
sent barcode
3823 521 Ext. com Warning No TMU received from PLUS, Barcode already used
3824 522 Ext. com Error No TMU received from PLUS, telegram sent from TC inconsistent
3825 523 Ext. com Warning Problem in PLUS server, NNEG received in state Idle
3826 524 Ext. com Warning No matching mode number for received TMU
3827 525 Ext. com Error No SA found for mode number: %d
Code Type Severity Event string
3828 526 Ext. com Error SA has not correct value: %d
3829 529 Ext. com Warning No TMU received from PLUS, Double tightening not allowed
3830 530 Ext. com Error No TMU received from PLUS, Id No unknown in PLUS server
3831 547 Ext. com Error No TMU received from PLUS, Bad layout of telegram
3832 548 Ext. com Error No TMU received, no connection to PLUS
3833 507 Ext. com Error Request of TMU failed, barcode has bad length (actual = %d,
expected = %d)
3834 570 Ext. com Error Data could not be sent, NACK received from I-P.M.
3835 571 Ext. com Error Data could not be sent, no answer from I-P.M.
3836 572 System Info Received TMU from PLUS not accepted, device already busy
3837 573 System Info Received TMU from PLUS not accepted, device busy sending
3838 574 System Error A non VBA station received a TMU without a request from the TC
3839 589 Ext. com Warning No program number defined, used PgmNo = 0 when sending data
to I-P.M.
3840 590 Ext. com Warning The AFO no was too long, %d chars, only %d sent to I-P.M.
3841 614 Ext. com Error No TMU received from PLUS, wrong IT type in received telegram
3842 559 Ext. com Error EPH: OpenProtocol, revision %d of MID%d is not supported
3843 616 Ext. com Info Total length of IT and IW is %d chars. Truncated after %d chars
3845 618 Ext. com Error Send data failed, Wp ID must start with specified VIN number type
3846 619 Ext. com Error Send data failed, not possible to store data in PLUS (TC received
3847 620 Ext. com Error Unknown or corrupt tgm received from PLUS (Error=%d, tgm
id=%d, state=%d)
3848 621 Ext. com Error Error when sending telegram to PLUS (Error=%d, tgm id=%d,
3849 591 System Error Device %d. No ACK (MID %d) received from Integrator, closing
3850 719 System Error No connection to station %d
3851 720 System Error Group %d cannot be selected/deselected since it does not exist
3852 721 System Error Chan. %d cannot be selected since it does not exist
3853 722 System Error Group %d cannot be deselected since it is not selected
3854 723 System Error Group %d is not valid for the operation
Code Type Severity Event string
3855 724 System Error TAP/TNR cannot be added to chan. %d since it is not part of
group %d
3856 725 System Error Cannot enable group %d since it is not selected (no GRS.GRP
3857 726 System Error Cannot enable chan. %d since it is not selected (no PRS received)
3858 727 General Info Start failed since no groups or channels are specified
3859 728 Ext. com Error Too large XML message
3860 729 System Warning Master PC PNR %d not supported. PNR of Audi XML device is
3861 730 System Error Cannot disable group %d since it is not enabled
3862 731 System Error Cannot disable chan. %d since it is not enabled
3863 732 System Error Cannot disable chan. %d of group %d since it is not part of the
3864 733 System Error Group %d cannot be started since it is not enabled
3865 734 System Error Channel %d cannot be started since it is not enabled
3866 735 System Error Start failed since group %d is already running
3867 736 System Error Start failed since chan. %d is already running
3868 737 System Error Start failed since station %d used by group %d already is
3869 738 System Error Start failed since station %d used by chan. %d already is occupied
3871 739 System Error Start failed since groups does not have the same batch
3872 740 System Error Start failed since chan. %d of group %d already is occupied
3873 741 System Error Start failed since chan. %d already is occupied
3874 742 System Error Start/stop of station %d failed due to connection problem
3875 743 System Error Group %d cannot be selected since it does not have ny channels
3876 744 System Info Manual start ignored since device is not configured for manual
3877 745 System Info Manual loosen ignored since it is not enabled by the Master PC
3878 746 System Error Chan. %d cannot be selected since there is no program with no.
3879 747 System Error %s without KNR is not supported
3880 748 System Error %s without GRS and KNR is not supported
Code Type Severity Event string
3881 749 System Error %s with both GRS and KNR is not supported
3882 750 System Error Start of station %d failed. Machine stopping all stations
3883 911 System Error VW Variant not allowed on systems with more then one TC
3901 416 Setup Error GMH: DeviceNet: Input area (%d) is wrong size. Fieldbus declares
only (%d) bytes
3902 417 Setup Error GMH: DeviceNet: Output area (%d) is wrong size. Fieldbus
declares only (%d) bytes
3903 418 System Error GMH: Hunt for station failed
4002 575 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring: Follow the Curve could not be evaluated for
buffer %d
4004 593 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring: Absolute Position high. %f > %f
4005 594 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring: Absolute Position low. %f < %f
4006 551 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring: Abs Pos not referenced. Pos check could
not be evaluated
4007 358 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring: Pre End Torque could not be evaluated
4008 360 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring: Pre End Torque high limit failed. %f > %f
4009 361 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring: Pre End Torque low limit failed. %f < %f
4010 362 Setup Error Step %d, Monitoring: Absolute Position has bad configuration
4011 363 Setup Error Step %d, Monitoring: Pre End Torque has bad configuration
4012 376 Setup Error Step %d, Speed ramp down has to high value %f > %f
4013 685 Check Error Step %d, Check: Yield Point check failed, no yield point found
4015 686 Check Error Step %d, Check: Yield Point Angle high, %f > %f
4016 687 Check Error Step %d, Check: Yield Point Angle low, %f < %f
4017 688 Setup Error Step %d, Check: Stick-Slip has bad configuration
4018 689 Check Error Step %d, Check: Stick Slip Error
4020 262 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring: FtC, Start torque was never reached
4021 263 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring: Abs Pos not referenced. FtC check could not
be evaluated
4022 264 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring: FtC, high limit, Start angle is not in buffer
4023 265 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring: FtC, low limit, Start angle is not in buffer
4024 266 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring: Follow the Curve High limit failed, (interval
Code Type Severity Event string
4025 267 Check Error Step %d, Monitoring: Follow the Curve Low limit failed, (interval
4101 476 Ext. com Info ACTA: Batch result received. (torque flags=%d, angle flags=%d,
pulses flags=%d)
4103 595 Ext. com Warning ACTA: Set Torq SF failed for sp %d, too high diff (old = %f, new =
4104 596 Ext. com Error ACTA: Set Torq Scale Factor failed for sp %d
4105 597 Ext. com Info ACTA: Torq SF changed for T1 on spindle %d, old = %f, new = %f
4106 598 Ext. com Info ACTA: DATAHOLD or DATADROP used, no cycle data will be
avaliable for ACTA
4107 599 Ext. com Warning ACTA: Set Torq SF failed for spindle %d, it is used more than
once in the cycle
4108 600 Ext. com Info ACTA: Not possible to start tightening, spindle %d is not used in
mode %d
4201 650 Ext. com Error DASP: TC %d: Message receiving error (0x%x)
4203 651 Ext. com Error DASP: TC %d: Received wrong DLP task (task=%d), (key=%d)
4206 654 Ext. com Error DASP: Servo on TC:%d has wrong LLP version (0x%x)
4207 655 Ext. com Error DASP: Spindle on TC:%d has wrong LLP version (0x%x)
4208 656 Ext. com Error DASP: TC %d: No servo connected
4209 657 Ext. com Error TC %d: No spindle detected, check cable and connections
4210 658 Ext. com Error DASP: TC %d: Stream %d resend max time
4211 659 Ext. com Info DASP: TC %d: New software has been downloaded to the servo
4212 660 Ext. com Info DASP: TC %d: New software has been downloaded to the spindle
4213 661 System Error DASP: TC %d: Update EEPROM in servo, command has already
been sent
4214 662 System Error DASP: TC %d: Bank select failed
4215 663 System Error DASP: TC %d: Failed to read from device boot
4216 664 System Error DASP: TC %d: Application do not match this device (Model %d,
App %d)
4217 665 System Error DASP: TC %d: Device HW version too low (Variant %d, LowLim
4218 666 System Error DASP: TC %d: Device HW version too high (Variant %d, HighLim
Code Type Severity Event string
4219 667 Ext. com Error DASP: TC %d: Servo ALP version too high (Servo %d, Supported
up to %d)
4220 668 Ext. com Error DASP: TC %d: Spindle ALP version too high (Spindle %d,
Supported up to %d)
4223 671 Ext. com Error DASP: TC %d: Update EEPROM in spindle, command has
already been sent
4224 648 Ext. com Info DASP: TC %d: Restarting servo and TC.
4225 649 Ext. com Info DASP: TC %d: Restarting spindle.
4227 677 General Error TC %d: Incorrect spindle article number
4228 678 General Warning TC %d: Any Spindle article number in use
4229 679 General Error TC %d: Simulated Spindle and Servo in use
4230 680 System Info TC %d, Replaced ramp down with i. brake (too short time between
4231 903 General Info Conv. Box: TC %d, New box detected
4232 904 General Error Conv. Box: TC %d, Failed to program box with reference values
from setup
4233 905 General Error Conv. Box: TC %d, Motortune is required and calibration is
4234 906 General Info Conv. Box: TC %d, Box programmed successfully
4235 907 General Warning Conv. Box: TC %d, Checksum faults detected. Verify spindle
calibration values
4401 554 General Warning Multiple ID: Bypassed Work Order position %d, which uses
Identifier Type %d
4501 703 Ext. com Error ANYBUS: TC %d: Unable to initialize the serial channel
4502 704 Ext. com Error ANYBUS: TC %d: Unable to configure the serial channel
4503 705 Ext. com Error ANYBUS: TC %d: Driver Error! Severity (%d) Code (%d)
4504 706 Ext. com Warning ANYBUS: TC %d: Connection to ABCC Recovered.
4505 707 Ext. com Info ANYBUS: TC %d: Connection to ABCC lost!
4507 708 Ext. com Error ANYBUS: TC %d: Error! No module connected!
4508 709 Ext. com Error ANYBUS: TC %d: Error! Module not supported!
4509 710 Ext. com Error ANYBUS: TC %d: Error! Wrong anybus network module mounted!
4510 711 Ext. com Error ANYBUS: TC %d: Error! Attached module is not an AnyBusCC
Code Type Severity Event string
4511 712 Ext. com Error ANYBUS: TC %d: Error! Exception (%d) in AnyBus module!
4512 713 Ext. com Error ANYBUS: TC %d: Error! Read request offset (%d) is out of range!
4513 714 Ext. com Error ANYBUS: TC %d: Error! Write request offset (%d) is out of range!
4514 715 Ext. com Error ANYBUS: TC %d: Error! Failed to set up read map!
4515 716 Ext. com Error ANYBUS: TC %d: Error! Failed to set up write map!
4516 717 Ext. com Error ANYBUS: TC %d: Setup done!
4517 718 Ext. com Error ANYBUS: TC %d: Error! Module version (%x) does not support
Extended Mode!
5001 751 Hardware Error TC %d, Servo Overtemp: Power Stage %f deg
5002 752 Hardware Error TC %d, Servo EEPROM Version Error
5003 753 Hardware Error TC %d, Servo Motor parameters invalid
5004 754 Hardware Error TC %d, Servo Motortune parameters invalid
5005 755 Hardware Error TC %d, Servo software error Id %d Code %d
5006 756 Hardware Error TC %d, Servo software warning Id %d Code %d
5007 757 Hardware Error TC %d, Servo Ref21 Error 0x%x
5020 758 Hardware Error TC %d, Spindle Overtemp: Motor %f deg, Chip %f deg
5021 759 Hardware Error TC %d, Spindle 5V Digital Torque Off
5022 760 Hardware Error TC %d, T1 Voltage Off
5023 761 Hardware Error TC %d, Spindle EEPROM Error. New spindle parameters needed.
5024 762 Hardware Error TC %d, Torque 1 Low. Torque Value outside transducer range
(transducer failure)
5025 763 Hardware Error TC %d, Torque 1 High. Torque Value outside transducer range
(transducer failure)
5026 764 Hardware Error TC %d, Torque 2 Low. Torque Value outside transducer range
(transducer failure)
5027 765 Hardware Error TC %d, Torque 2 High. Torque Value outside transducer range
(transducer failure)
5028 766 Hardware Error TC %d, Torque 2 Voltage Off
5029 767 Hardware Error TC %d, Spindle Chassis ground error
5030 768 Hardware Error TC %d, Spindle Ref21 Error 0x%x
5040 769 System Error TC %d, Could not read ref %d from spindle
5041 770 System Error TC %d, Could not read ref %d from servo
Code Type Severity Event string
5042 771 Hardware Error Step %d, Diagnostic: Shunt values T1 Offset %d, Gain %d
5043 772 Hardware Error Step %d, Diagnostic: Shunt values T2 Offset %d, Gain %d
5044 773 System Error TC %d, Could not write ref %d to spindle, bytes %d
5045 774 System Error TC %d, Could not write ref %d to servo, bytes %d
5046 775 System Error TC %d, Failed to update checksum group %d on spindle
5047 776 System Error TC %d, Failed to update checksum group %d on servo
5048 777 System Error TC %d, Channel %d Hardware Error %x
5049 778 General Info TC %d, Motortune Started
5050 779 General Info TC %d, Motortune Complete
5051 780 General Info TC %d, Motortune Aborted
5052 781 General Info TC %d, Motortune Failed, Progress %x, Status %x
5053 782 Hardware Error TC %d, Drive parameters invalid
5054 783 System Error TC %d, Channel error %x
5055 784 Check Error Diagnostic: Torque/Current calibration finished due to time
5056 785 System Error Servo Communication Error (WD %d)
5057 615 General Info TC %d, Not possible to start motortune, cycle running or TC is
emergency stopped
5070 786 Hardware Error TC %d, Spindle Software Warning
5071 787 Hardware Error TC %d, Spindle Software Error
5080 788 Hardware Error TC %d, Servo Current Control Error
5081 789 Hardware Error TC %d, Servo Driver Stalled
5082 790 Hardware Error TC %d, Servo Missed angle
5083 791 Power up Error TC %d, Gate Driver Voltage Low
5090 792 Hardware Error TC %d, Servo Current High
5091 793 Hardware Error TC %d, Servo Offset Error
5092 794 Hardware Error TC %d, Servo HW Trip
5093 795 Hardware Error TC %d, Servo I2R Integrator High
5094 796 Hardware Error TC %d, Servo DC Bus Low
5095 797 Hardware Error TC %d, Servo DC Bus High
5096 798 Setup Warning Negative spindle windup.
Code Type Severity Event string
5101 799 System Error TC %d, Spindle Functional Test Required (Diagnostic Step)
5102 800 System Info TC %d, FPGA ERROR Isr & Imr 0x%x Usr 0x%x
5103 801 System Info TC %d, FPGA OVERFLOW Count %d Usr 0x%x
5104 802 Hardware Error TC %d, Sensor Error on Angle Channel %d
5105 803 Hardware Error TC %d, Sensor Error on Torque Channel %d
5201 804 System Error TC %d, Error writing serial number to spindle. Ref %d, Status %d
5202 805 System Error TC %d, Error reading serial number from spindle. Ref %d, Status
5203 806 System Error TC %d, Error writing model to spindle. Ref %d, Status %d
5204 807 System Error TC %d, Error reading model from spindle. Ref %d, Status %d
5205 808 System Error TC %d, Error writing type to spindle. Ref %d, Status %d
5206 809 System Error TC %d, Error reading type from spindle. Ref %d, Status %d
5207 810 System Error TC %d, Error writing max torque to spindle. Ref %d, Status %d
5208 811 System Error TC %d, Error reading max torque from spindle. Ref %d, Status %d
5209 812 System Error TC %d, Error writing gear ratio to spindle. Ref %d, Status %d
5210 813 System Error TC %d, Error reading gear ratio from spindle. Ref %d, Status %d
5211 814 System Error TC %d, Error writing motor temp to spindle. Ref %d, Status %d
5212 815 System Error TC %d, Error reading motor temp from spindle. Ref %d, Status %d
5213 816 System Error TC %d, Error writing electronics temp to spindle. Ref %d, Status
5214 817 System Error TC %d, Error reading electronics temp from spindle. Ref %d,
Status %d
5215 818 System Error TC %d, Error writing units per lap to spindle. Ref %d, Status %d
5216 819 System Error TC %d, Error reading units per lap from spindle. Ref %d, Status
5217 820 System Error TC %d, Error writing torque transducer config to spindle. Ref %d,
Status %d
5218 821 System Error TC %d, Error writing angle transducer config to spindle. Ref %d,
Status %d
5219 822 System Error TC %d, Error reading torque transducer config from spindle. Ref
%d, Status %d
5220 823 System Error TC %d, Error reading angle transducer config from spindle. Ref
%d, Status %d
Code Type Severity Event string
5221 824 System Error TC %d, Error writing angle diff config to spindle. Ref %d, Status
5222 825 System Error TC %d, Error reading angle diff config from spindle. Ref %d,
Status %d
5223 826 System Error TC %d, Error writing torque diff config to spindle. Ref %d, Status
5224 827 System Error TC %d, Error reading torque diff config from spindle. Ref %d,
Status %d
5225 828 System Error TC %d, Error writing t/c factor to spindle. Ref %d, Status %d
5226 829 System Error TC %d, Error reading t/c factor from spindle. Ref %d, Status %d
5227 830 System Error TC %d, Error writing torque amplification to spindle. Ref %d,
Status %d
5228 831 System Error TC %d, Error reading torque amplification from spindle. Ref %d,
Status %d
5229 832 System Error TC %d, Error writing calibration value to spindle. Ref %d, Status
5230 833 System Error TC %d, Error reading calibration value from spindle. Ref %d,
Status %d
5231 834 System Error TC %d, Error writing calibration date to spindle. Ref %d, Status
5232 835 System Error TC %d, Error reading calibration date from spindle. Ref %d, Status
5233 836 System Error TC %d, Error writing motortune params to spindle. Ref %d, Status
5234 837 System Error TC %d, Error reading motortune params from spindle. Ref %d,
Status %d
5235 838 System Error TC %d, Error writing motor params to spindle. Ref %d, Status %d
5236 839 System Error TC %d, Error reading motor params from spindle. Ref %d, Status
5237 840 System Error TC %d, Error writing commutation offset to spindle. Ref %d,
Status %d
5238 841 System Error TC %d, Error reading commutation offset from spindle. Ref %d,
Status %d
5239 842 System Error TC %d, Error writing date and time to spindle. Ref %d, Status %d
5240 843 System Error TC %d, Error reading date and time from spindle. Ref %d, Status
Code Type Severity Event string
5241 844 System Error TC %d, Error writing service date to spindle. Ref %d, Status %d
5242 845 System Error TC %d, Error reading service date from spindle. Ref %d, Status
5243 846 System Error TC %d, Error writing service interval to spindle. Ref %d, Status %d
5244 847 System Error TC %d, Error reading service interval from spindle. Ref %d, Status
5245 848 System Error TC %d, Error writing cycles since service to spindle. Ref %d,
Status %d
5246 849 System Error TC %d, Error reading cycles since service from spindle. Ref %d,
Status %d
5247 850 System Error TC %d, Error writing cycle counter to spindle. Ref %d, Status %d
5248 851 System Error TC %d, Error reading cycle counter from spindle. Ref %d, Status
5249 852 System Error TC %d, Error writing last shunt calibration to spindle. Ref %d,
Status %d
5250 853 System Error TC %d, Error reading last shunt calibration from spindle. Ref %d,
Status %d
5251 854 System Error TC %d, Error writing wind up to spindle. Ref %d, Status %d
5252 855 System Error TC %d, Error reading wind up from spindle. Ref %d, Status %d
5253 856 System Error TC %d, Error writing hardware revision to spindle. Ref %d, Status
5254 857 System Error TC %d, Error reading hardware revision from spindle. Ref %d,
Status %d
5255 858 System Error TC %d, Error writing bootloader to spindle. Ref %d, Status %d
5256 859 System Error TC %d, Error reading bootloader from spindle. Ref %d, Status %d
5257 860 System Error TC %d, Error writing application to spindle. Ref %d, Status %d
5258 861 System Error TC %d, Error reading application from spindle. Ref %d, Status %d
5259 862 System Error TC %d, Error writing chip serial no to spindle. Ref %d, Status %d
5260 863 System Error TC %d, Error reading chip serial no from spindle. Ref %d, Status
5261 908 System Error TC %d, Error writing reference to spindle. Ref %d, Status %d
5262 909 System Error TC %d, Error reading reference from spindle. Ref %d, Status %d
5301 864 System Error TC %d, Error writing power stage temperature to servo. Ref %d,
Status %d
Code Type Severity Event string
5302 865 System Error TC %d, Error reading power stage temperature from servo. Ref
%d, Status %d
5303 866 System Error TC %d, Error writing torque constant to servo. Ref %d, Status %d
5304 867 System Error TC %d, Error reading torque constant from servo. Ref %d, Status
5305 868 System Error TC %d, Error writing conversion constants to servo. Ref %d,
Status %d
5306 869 System Error TC %d, Error reading conversion constants from servo. Ref %d,
Status %d
5307 870 System Error TC %d, Error writing motortune parameters to servo. Ref %d,
Status %d
5308 871 System Error TC %d, Error reading motortune parameters from servo. Ref %d,
Status %d
5309 872 System Error TC %d, Error writing motortune status to servo. Ref %d, Status
5310 873 System Error TC %d, Error reading motortune status from servo. Ref %d, Status
5311 874 System Error TC %d, Error writing motor parameters to servo. Ref %d, Status
5312 875 System Error TC %d, Error reading motor parameters from servo. Ref %d,
Status %d
5313 876 System Error TC %d, Error writing date and time to servo. Ref %d, Status %d
5314 877 System Error TC %d, Error reading date and time from servo. Ref %d, Status
5315 878 System Error TC %d, Error writing hardware revision to servo. Ref %d, Status
5316 879 System Error TC %d, Error reading hardware revision from servo. Ref %d,
Status %d
5317 880 System Error TC %d, Error writing bootloader to servo. Ref %d, Status %d
5318 881 System Error TC %d, Error reading bootloader from servo. Ref %d, Status %d
5319 882 System Error TC %d, Error writing application to servo. Ref %d, Status %d
5320 883 System Error TC %d, Error reading application from servo. Ref %d, Status %d
5321 884 System Error TC %d, Error writing serial number to servo. Ref %d, Status %d
5322 885 System Error TC %d, Error reading serial number from servo. Ref %d, Status
Code Type Severity Event string
5700 691 Setup Error Step %d, Angle channel for check (%d) has bad configuration
5701 692 Setup Error Step %d, Channel Angle %d for check (%d) does not exists in
5702 693 Setup Error Step %d, Torque channel for check (%d) has bad configuration
5703 694 Setup Error Step %d, Channel Torque %d for check (%d) does not exists in
5704 695 Setup Error Step %d, Angle channel for restriction (%d) has bad configuration
5705 696 Setup Error Step %d, Channel Angle %d for restriction (%d) does not exists in
5706 697 Setup Error Step %d, Torque channel for restriction (%d) has bad
configuration (%d)
5707 698 Setup Error Step %d, Channel Torque %d for restriction (%d) does not exists
in spindle
5708 699 Setup Error Step %d, Angle channel for steptype (%d) has bad configuration
5709 700 Setup Error Step %d, Channel Angle %d for steptype (%d) does not exists in
5710 701 Setup Error Step %d, Torque channel for steptype (%d) has bad configuration
5711 702 Setup Error Step %d, Channel Torque %d for steptype (%d) does not exists in
5712 592 Setup Error Cust. error series bad config. Step %d, Series %d, BoltStatus %d.
Series 1 used
5713 612 Setup Error Customer Error: No step errors found for step %d, used the bolt
errors instead
5714 613 Setup Error No step failed, used customer step name in first CE step (step
%d) instead
5715 888 Setup Error Step %d, Control: Local DI %d cannot be used since TC type is
not 'PTC'
5716 912 Check Error Step %d, BCT measutement failed, old values are cleared
5717 913 Setup Info Backlash Angle Chan %d differ from stored chan %d, backlash
values are cleared
5718 914 Setup Error Step %d, Control: Speed or speed ramp has bad configuration
5719 915 Setup Error Step %d, Control: The selected position target has no stored value
Code Type Severity Event string
5720 916 Setup Error Step %d, Control: No prev. step direction stored, not possibel to
run POS step
5721 918 Setup Error Step %d, Zone has bad configuration
5722 919 Check Error Step %d, Check: Peak torque failed, Zone %d was never started
5723 920 Check Error Step %d, Check: Torque in angle window failed, Zone %d was
never started
5724 921 Check Error Step %d, Check: Torque in time window failed, Zone %d was
never started
5725 922 Check Error Step %d, Check: Mean torque failed, Zone %d was was not
5726 923 Check Error Step %d, Check: Angle failed, Zone %d was was not finished
5727 924 Check Error Step %d, Check: Time failed, Zone %d was never started
5728 925 Check Error Step %d, Check: T/T3 failed, Zone %d was was not finished
5729 926 Check Error Step %d, Check: Torque Rate calculation failed, Zone %d was
never started
5730 927 Setup Error Step %d, Res var have bad configuration. %d is not a valid cycle
data variable
5731 928 Setup Error Step %d, Check with identity %d has bad configuration
5732 929 Check Error Step %d, Check: Delta torque failed, Zone %d was never started
5733 930 Check Error Step %d, Check: Delta torque failed
5734 931 Check Error Step %d, Check: Delta torque. %f > %f
5735 932 Check Error Step %d, Check: Delta torque. %f < %f
5736 933 Setup Error Step %d has bad configuration, one or more paramters are faulty,
Step Type = %d
5737 938 Setup Warning Step %d, The step is syncronized since Wait for PLC to continue
is checked.
5738 939 Check Error Step %d, PosValid %d, Stored External Postion = %f
5739 940 Check Error Actual Internal position = %d, Actual External position = %f
5740 941 Setup Error Step %d, Store of position register not possible, Angle channel
does not exist
5741 942 Emergency stop Error The e-stop chain is broken somewhere between TC %d and the
primary TC (TC %d)
5742 943 Emergency stop Error E-stop is faulty. TC %d (station TC) is e-stopped, some other TCs
Code Type Severity Event string
5743 944 Check Error Step %d, Check: Shut Off Torque failed, Zone %d was was not
5744 945 Check Error Step %d, T1 Shunt Cal NOK. Shunt drift from last cal too high, %f
> %f
5745 946 Check Error Step %d, T2 Shunt Cal NOK. Shunt drift from last cal too high, %f
> %f
5746 947 Check Error Step %d, T1 Zero Offset comp NOK. Drift from last cal too high %f
> %f
5747 948 Check Error Step %d, T2 Zero Offset comp NOK. Drift from last cal too high %f
> %f
5748 949 Check Error Step %d, T1 Shunt Calibration NOK. Measured Shunt too low %f
< %f
5749 950 Check Error Step %d, T2 Shunt Calibration NOK. Measured Shunt too low %f
< %f
5750 951 Check Error Step %d, T1 Shunt Calibration NOK. Measured Shunt too high %f
> %f
5751 952 Check Error Step %d, T2 Shunt Calibration NOK. Measured Shunt too high %f
> %f
5752 953 Check Error Step %d, T1 Zero Offset compensation NOK. Measured offset too
low %f < %f
5753 954 Check Error Step %d, T2 Zero Offset compensation NOK. Measured offset too
low %f < %f
5754 955 Check Error Step %d, T1 Zero Offset compensation NOK. Measured offset too
high %f > %f
5755 956 Check Error Step %d, T2 Zero Offset compensation NOK. Measured offset too
high %f > %f
5756 957 Setup Error Step %d, RampsAndOther: Digital signals for step start or step
end has bad configuration
5757 917 Check Error Step %d, Check Position: The selected position target has no
stored value
5758 894 Check Error Step %d, Check: Distance to abs position high. %f > %f
5759 895 Check Error Step %d, Check: Distance to abs position low. %f < %f
5760 410 Check Error Step %d, Check: Low spot torque failed, Zone %d was never
5761 411 Check Error Step %d, Check: Low spot torque failed, start angle was never
5762 412 Check Error Step %d, Check: Low Spot Torque High %f > %f
Code Type Severity Event string
5763 413 Check Error Step %d, Check: Low Spot Torque Low %f < %f
5764 198 Check Error Step %d, Zero Crossing failed. Not possible to find Torque Rate
check with id %d
5765 199 Check Error Step %d, Zero Crossing failed. Torque Rate check %d didn't
produced any data
5766 200 Check Error Step %d, Zero Crossing failed. Not possible to calculate the zero
crossing value
5767 201 Check Error Step %d, Check: Zero Crossing Angle high, %f > %f
5768 202 Check Error Step %d, Check: Zero Crossing Angle low, %f < %f
5769 206 Check Error Step %d, Backlash check failed. No backlash value was found
5770 207 Check Error Step %d, Check: Backlash angle High %f > %f
5771 208 Check Error Step %d, Check: Backlash angle Low %f < %f
5772 244 Check Error Step %d, External input check failed. Not possible to read input
5773 245 Check Error Step %d, Check: External input high, actual value High, Target
value Low
5774 246 Check Error Step %d, Check: External input low, actual value Low, Target
value High
5775 217 Hardware Warning Step %d, Check: The speed is too high(%d). Speed = %d is used
5776 617 Setup Error The settings for Brake control are not correct(Loc DO = %d Delay
time = %f)
5777 365 Setup Error Brake control not possible since TC type is not 'PTC'
5778 367 Setup Error Brake signal (Local DO %d) is also used as output in the
tightening program
8001 899 General Info TFTP: Software update of TC %d, failed
Argument Usage
<setup> Specifies the setup to open.
<setup> may include a path. The directory of the PowerMACS application is
used as default directory.
If the file pointed out by <setup> cannot be located or read ToolsTalk
PowerMACS will stop and display an error message.
/t=<ip_address> Sets <ip_address> as the IP-address of the selected target system for
ToolsTalk PowerMACS in the system register.
If not specified the IP-address of the system most recently connected to is
/g=online Specifies if ToolsTalk PowerMACS should connect or not against the target
/g=offline system known by ToolsTalk PowerMACS.
If not specified the same on-line state as ToolsTalk PowerMACS had when it
was last closed is assumed.
If ToolsTalk PowerMACS should go on-line but fails to connect to the target it
will stop and display an error message.
/o=backoff Specifies how to handle the situation that another ToolsTalk PowerMACS
/o=override already is connected to the target system when going on-line.
Only used if ToolsTalk PowerMACS is configured to go on-line.
/c=target Specifies how to handle conflicting setups, that is, the case when the setup
/c=file read from file is different compared to the one in the target system.
It is only used if ToolsTalk PowerMACS is configured to go on-line.
Choose "target" to ToolsTalk PowerMACS fetch the setup from the target
Choose "file" to ToolsTalk PowerMACS to overwrite the setup read from
file to the target system.
If not specified "target" is assumed.
Amount of SRAM used System with 2 bolts System with 8 bolts System with 16 bolts
for Cycle Data
It is possible to store more than 5000 cycle data by distribute the storage to all TCs included in a system.
The cycle data for each bolt is stored locally on the TC the bolt was run on. To be able to store more than
5000 cycle data the size of the cycle data storage has to be increased on the expense of trace data
storage (there will still be room for more than 20+ trace).
Please see chapter SRAMfor more information.
To minimize the need for fetching bolt cycle data from each TC when a device is requesting it a complete
cycle data is stored in a volatile memory cache on TC1. This cache is filled with cycle data when a cycle is
run or when a requested cycle data has been retrieved from each TC. After a power up the cache is empty
an all requested cycle data has to be retrieved from each bolt.
It is possible to change TCs within a system and still be able to retrieve cycle data from them.
If however any TC should be missing or disconnected when a cycle data is fetched the data for the bolt
that belong to that TC is reconstructed using status information that is saved in the cycle data header for
each bolt in the cycle data. Since this data is saved together with station data and data for bolt 1 on TC1 it
is kept to a minimum, the data saved for each bolt is:
A new bolt variable “Data missing” has been added to make it possible to detect if data was missing for a
particular bolt. This variable is 1 if data is missing and 0 if not.
The TC indicates that it has programmed the Conversion Box by issuing one of the following events
depending on the outcome:
4234, Conv. Box: TC n, Box programmed successfully
4232, Conv. Box: TC n, Failed to program box with reference values from setup
Whenever the Box is programmed by the TC, or the TC detects that the Box has been replaced, it
requires that a Motortune is run for the spindle before it allows a cycle to be started. This is indicated by
the following events:
4231, Conv. Box: TC n, New box detected
4233, Conv. Box: TC n, Motortune is required and calibration is recommended
If Motortune is required the TC will remember that also if the power supply is cycled.
The only exception to this is the first time a TC connected to a correctly programmed Box is updated to
version 7.4.2. If all important parameters have the same values as stated by the latest spindle type
definition files, then Motortune is not required.
If the Box has been calibrated using an earlier TTPM version its checksum is most likely incorrect even
though all values are correct. This problem is also checked for and corrected the first time the TC is
upgraded to version 7.4.2 if a Box is connected at that time. When corrected the following warning event is
4235, Conv. Box: TC n, Checksum faults detected. Verify spindle calibration values
Please note that even if the checksum is automatically corrected you should verify that the calibration
values are correct.
Should a Box calibrated with an old TTPM version be connected to an upgraded TC at a later time then
the following events will be issued:
5262, TC 1, Error reading reference from spindle. Ref 1, Status 50
5262, TC 1, Error reading reference from spindle. Ref 1, Status 50
5262, TC 1, Error reading reference from spindle. Ref 2, Status 50
The value of these parameters can be set, at any time, using the new "Service Data" page of the TTPM
Spindle Set Up form when on-line to a spindle of Conversion Box type.
The configuration parameters for a spindle are defined in the spindle type file accompanying the spindle.
From version 7.5.0 PowerMACS uses the same version of these files as ToolsTalk Service does
(extension .TTT, instead of .TTS).
These latest version of these files are installed in the folder "SpindleType" which is located in the folder
that TTPM was installed to (normally "C:\ PM4000 7.4.2"). By default this folder only contains files for QST
spindles. The files corresponding to QMR and QMX spindles are located in subfolders named "QMR" and
"QMX" respectively and must be copied to the "SpindleType" folder before they can be seen and used by
TTPM will refuse to convert an old setup to version 7.4.2 unless it can find the spindle type files of all used
spindles of QMR and QMX type.
11 References
11.1 References to external documents
1. “Functional and Technical Description PowerMACS 4000 TCs”
2. "Calibration with ACTA", Atlas Copco Tools document No. 9836 2086 00
3. “Specification Open Protocol” , Atlas Copco Tools document No. 9836 4415 01
12 Glossary of Terms
12.1 Glossary
This part describes some basic concepts that are used throughout the complete document and have very
specific meanings.
A system comprises one or more Tightening Controllers linked together. A system works autonomously,
performing a tightening task.
Within a system there are one or more stations. A station controls the tightening of one or more bolts. It
has a PLC to control the tightening cycles.
A bolt is the object that will be tightened by the system.
A spindle performs the actual tightening of a bolt. It normally comprises:
Torque sensor
Angle sensor
Often one bolt is tightened with one spindle, but it is possible to configure the system so several bolts are
tightened with one spindle.
When a tightening cycle is started, the choice of tightening program is done using the Mode signal in the
PLC. With use of a mode table it is defined which tightening program that should be used for each of the
specific bolts in each mode. Each station in a system has its own unique Mode table.
Reject Management
Reject management is an alternative sequence to be followed, in the event of a NOK situation with the
purpose to achieve an OK condition by doing a second try.
A shift is a time period. It is programmable when shifts starts and stops during a day (weekends may be
different). Some results/reports are related to shifts.
Console Computer
The console or console computer is the PC computer used to set up a PowerMACS system. It is not
needed for automatic running, but it can optionally be used to monitor the system and to collect and
present various data using ToolsTalk PowerMACS.
One console computer can be used for several systems, if these are hooked up on the same computer
network, but only one system at a time.
ToolsTalk PowerMACS
ToolsTalk PowerMACS is the graphical user interface of the PowerMACS 4000 system. It is a Windows
based program that executes on the console computer (or any PC). It is used to set up a PowerMACS
4000 system and can be used to monitor the system and to collect and present various data.
In every PowerMACS station there is a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller). The PLC is used as ”glue”
between various functions within the system like:
In many cases, when there is a problem with one bolt, reject actions must be performed not only on this
bolt but with others within the station. In PowerMACS it is therefore possible to put bolts together in
A group is a set of bolts, which are run completely separate from each other, but have some form of
relationship. In case of reject management, they are considered to belong to the same group, and special
actions can be specified for bolts within the group.
The bolts in a station can be divided into groups of bolts as in following figure:
s ta tio n g ro u p s
St 1
Gr 1 Gr 2 Gr 3
B o lt 1 B o lt 3 B o lt 5
b o lt
B o lt 2 B o lt 4 B o lt 6
All bolts belong to the station St 1. Bolts 1 and 2 belongs to group Gr 1, bolt 3 and 4 to group Gr 2, bolt 5
and 6 to group Gr 3. A special case is bolt 3 and 5, which both belongs to two groups at the same time.