VIII Political
VIII Political
VIII Political
1. Develop an understanding of the rules of law and our involvement with the law.
Gist of the Specific Instructional Teacher’s Activity ICT Additional Suggested Projects/Student’s Activity
lesson Objective Resources
1.A 1.Explaining what is the 1.Engange students in Power 1.Videos on making 1.Memorise and write Preamble on chart-paper..
democratic meaning of constitution. the topic & identify point of Indian 2.Comparing the Preamble of Indian constitution
country needs 2.Written Constitution objective of the lesson. present constitution. with Preamble of constitution of worid.
a constitution which tells about the 2. Find out what ation 2.Apart from the 3.In groups they will write main features of Indian
which obtain rights and duties of the students already know on- text-books use of Constitution.
the people. about it &motivate 1.Makin Question 4.Investigatory Projects
fundamental 3.Constitution describes them to g of Banks/Videos 1.Students create a classroom constitution for the
principles on the fundamental nature learn.3.Assigning Indian available in years after brainstorming the rules they will need
which the of the society and the students an constitu different Websites. to maintain order and fairness in the classroom.
govt. of that type of Govt. in a country. authentic,active task tion. 2.Create a “working”classroom constitution that
country is 4.How it protect the that they can do in a 2.Videos governs the classroom and supports school
based. people against arbitrary small group or in a on tution_of_India ruies,policies and procedures.
2.Main and absolute exercise of pairs. 4.Teaching of this speeche 3.Develop a maximum of six positively stated rules
features of power by the state. chapter can be broken s of for classroom.
constitution 5.What is the provision into three lesson.1.The member 4.Help,edit and revise the final draft of the
are of Directive principles of people who made of tSSN6ZLzXQ classroom constitution.
federalism, state policy which aim is constitution.2.The constitu
parliamentary to creat a welfare state culture of the ent
form of not a political state. time.3.Events assembl
govt.separatio 6.Understand the surroundings the y
n of importance of having making of constitution. https://
power,funda rules to maintain order at 5.Timeline showing www.yo
mental rights, home,at school,in their events before and after utube.c
secularism. community and in their the constitutional om/wat
3.There are six country. convention may be ch?v=gG
fundamental 7.Comparision of Indian shown on a screen or W4ggH5
rights have constitution with other given out in paper form. Jvs
been provided constitution of the world. Additional information
by the Indian or historical events may
Constitutrion. be given to students.
4.There is Sample LAT’s and
provision of Worksheets at the end
Directive of the lesson keeping in
Principles of mind both high and low
State policy is achievers.
to create a
welfare state
not a political
Text Book Exam Oriented Question Bank Questions from Blue Print LAT Questions Difficult Areas of
based Asssesment
Bank Q1.Define the term Q 1 Define the term
Exercise cbse-class-8-civics-worksheet-indian-constitution-3- dy/cbse/class-/civics/multiple-choice- Constitution?
Questions And 216747.html questions/the-indian- „Fundamental Rights‟. Q 2 Why does a
Try These constitution/b101c7s22e23ch7030 Q 2. What are the objectives for democratic country
from NCERT implementing the fundamental need a constitution?
Text Book social-science-the-indian-constitution/117/24911 Q 3 In a democracy,
Chapter one solutions/ncert-solutions-class-8- rights according to Dr B.R. there is always the
social-science-social-and-political-life- Ambedkar? possibility that the chapter-1 Q 3. Which provisions of the leaders might misuse
indian-constitution-q.html their authority and the
constitution was given an Constitution provides immediate effect on the safeguards against their
/documents/VIII-Social-Science- decisions? Explain with
C.B.S.E.-Practice-Paper.pdf commencement of the Indian an example?
Constitution? Q 4 Why do people of
Q 4. What is the significance of Nepal want a new
the Preamble in the Indian Q 5 Discuss the role of
Constitution? the members of the
Q 5. Why do we need a Indian Constituent
Assembly in forming
Constitution? the Constitution of
Q 6. Write a short note on the India?
Q 6 How many
Parliamentary form of
members were in the
Government. Constituent Assembly
Q 7. What are the federal of India? When did they
frame the Constitution
features of the Constitution of
of India?
India? Q 7 List the key
Q8. Was the term secular features of the Indian
always part of Indian Preamble?
Q 8 What is meant by
What do you understand by federal form of
„Secular State‟? government? How
many levels of
Q9. List the Fundamental Rights
government exist in
provided by the Constitution of India?
India. Q 9 Who was the
father of the Indian
Constitution? Which
Q10. The Constitution prevents caste
tyranny of majority in a
democratic society. Discuss it
NCERT Exemplary
with a suitable example. SOCIAL SCIENCE
Q 11.What is the purpose of the Text Book for Class VIII
Q 12.Define the term
„Directive Principles of the State
The definition of secularism,Why is it important for Separate Religion from the state,What is Indian Secularism,Respect all religions of India,Govt. will not discriminate
anyone on the ground of caste and religion.
1.Develop an understanding of the rules of law and our involvement with the law.
5. Promoting Secularism
4. The State does not enforce any particular religion nor take away the religious freedom of individuals.
Gist of the Specific Instructional Teacher’s Activity ICT Additional Suggested Projects/Student’s Activity
lesson Objective Resources
1.It is 1.Explaining the meaning 1Explaining about What Power point 1.Videos on 1.Students will design their own poster on religious
important of Secularism. is Secularism. . 2.In this presentation working tolerance for their peers . 2. One poster is given on
separate 2.Separation between the process Students will on- procedure of page no.27 NCERT Text book(civics).Poster
religion from power of religion and the identify key steps in a 1.Secular Judiciary’ highlights the need for peace.It says “Peace is a
the state..2. power of state. texts description of a India. 2.Apart from never ending process…It cannot ignor our
The State 3.Different religious process related to this 2.How the text-books differences”.Write in your own words what
does not beliefs are equal before topic-Coercion,Freedom people are use of students think the above sentences are trying to
enforce any the law. 4. No to interpret,intervene. enjoying Question convey? 3.Acted by students to convey the
particular discrimination with 3. To make them their Banks/Videos message of secularism to all.
religion nor anyone against on the understand why it is freedom of available in 4.Investigatory Projects
take away the grounds of religion and important to separate religion. different 1.Students will collect information about Sabrimala
religious caste. 5. Freedom of religion from the state. 3.Animations Websites. incident and will critically analyse it in their report.
freedom of doing religious activity by 4.Teacher will show /videos on 2.Prepare a report on- entanglement are the
individuals. citizens. 6.Government Videos related to following travails of Kankadurga who was one of the two
3.Indian does not promote any practices of secularism links may be women to visit the Ayyapa temple under police
Constitution religion. 7. Indian in India. use to enrich protection after the ban on women aged between
intervened in Constitution lies great 5.Students will watch a the teaching 10 and 50 years was declared illegal by the
Hindu importance to secularism video lesson outlining 1. Supreme court.
religious and tolerance. the impact and
practices in harmony for each
order to other.Engange m/watch?v=
abolish effectively in a range of OhaNbyqt6zc
untouchabilit. collaborative 2.
4.Fundamenta discussion(one-0ne,in
l Rights are groups.
based on 6. Teacher will teach m/watch?v=r
secular students the ins and 6diQIvdHv4
principles. outs of
secularism.students will
watch an enganging
video,lesson defining &
explaining the positive
effect in India in
comparison to the real
Sample LAT’s and
Worksheets at the end
of the lesson keeping in
mind both high and low
Text Book Exam Oriented Question Bank Questions from Blue Print LAT Questions Difficult Areas of
based Asssesment
Q 1 In February 2004, which Q 1. Which concept of
Exercise country has prohibited the secularism is followed
Questions And wearing of conspicuous religious by the U.S. A.?
Try These social-science-understanding-secularism/118/24931 heet-environmental-studies-cbse-
from NCERT class-8-evs-worksheet- or political signs by the Q 2. There is difference
Text Book understanding-secularism- students? in the principle of
Chapter one solutions/cbse-class-8-civics/understanding- 213060.html Q 2 From where did Secularism followed by
secularism immigrants come to France in India and U.S.A. Do you 1960's? agree.
rstanding-secularism-class-8-notes- Q 3 Do you think that Indian Q 3. How can you
political-science/ secularism is anti religious? Ma differentiate Indian
Q 4 What is the purpose of Secularism from the
secularism? rest of the world? Q 5 The official recognition by Q 4. How does Indian
answer/what-is-a-secular-state- State to a particular religion State make positive
5b82e125e4b0a50233a8af7c hurts social harmony. Discuss intervention in religious
with examples. matters?
Q 6 Which Constitutional Q 5. Several students
amendment prohibits the U.S in France have been
legislature from making the laws expelled from the
in respect of religion? school after 2004.
Q 7 Disuss the American Why?
concept of Secularism. Q 6. What was the
Q 8 What is „Pledge of reason behind abolition
Allegiance‟? of the evil practice of
Q 9 Do you agree, that France‟s untouchability?
law of banning the students Q 7. What is the status
from wearing any conspicuous of U.S legislature in the
religious symbols shows the matters of the religion.
failure of the French Republic's Q8.What is secularism?
integration policy? Why is it important to
Q 10 Suppose, secular country keep religion distant
like India wants to adopt the from the state?
state religion then, what would 9.Questionsfrom
be the consequences? NCERT Exemplary
Q 11 Which was the most SOCIAL SCIENCE
controversial law passed by the Text Book for Class VIII
government of France in 2004?
Parliament a supreme legislative body of country, Parliament comprises of the President and the two houses of Lok sabha and Rajya sabha,highest law making body in the
country,Strength of Lok sabha members is 545 and Rajya sabha has 245 members.Bill are of three kinds-Ordinary bill,Money bill and Constitution amendment bills.
3.Enganges analytically on local issues and feel connected people’s struggle for justice, equality and dignity.
4. Discuss examples of parliamentary government and other groups respond to such issues.
4. How ruling and opposition members discuss and debate on any issue.
6. Parliament enables citizens of India to participate in decision making & control the Government.
Gist of the Specific Instructional Teacher’s Activity ICT Additional Suggested Projects/Student’s Activity
lesson Objective Resources
1Parliament 1.Explaining about the 1.Engange effectively in Power point 1.Videos on 1.Quiz,discussions & fun activity are included. 2.
is the functions of Parliament. a range of collaborative presentation working Act play by students on Procedure adopted for
supreme law 2.bicameral legislature discussions(one-on- on- procedure of passing the bill 3.Acted by students of following
making body 3.Explaining about the one),in group and 1.Parliament Judiciary’ procedures-Question hour, zero period etc.
of a total membership of both teacher-led with diverse and their 2.Apart from 4.Investigatory Projects
country.2. the houses. partners regarding sessions. the text-books 1.Mock Parliament session in class by students
Union 4.The role of Speaker- working procedure of 2.It’s working use of under the guidance of teacher.
Parliament is presiding officer of the Lok Parliament. 2.In this procedure Question 2.Students will collect the information regarding
a bicameral Sabha and is responsible process Students will 3.Animations Banks/Videos the names and portfolios of ministers.
legislature. for the efficient business identify key steps in a /videos on available in 3.Prepare a report on recent laws passed by the
3.A in the Lok Sabha. 5.Make texts description of a following different parliament which has got good impact on society.
democratic them understand what is process related to this links may be Websites.
country is Zero hour,the time after topic-how a bill use to enrich
run with the question hour. 6.What is becomes a law,how the teaching
consent,appr Budget-estimate of the interest rates are 1.
oval and Govt.’s income and lowered or raised.
participation expenditure. 3.How Money bill and
of the 7. Who comprises the Ordinary bill presented m/watch?v=s
citizens. Executive in India- and passed in xWqOx81reg
4.The President, Prime Minister Parliament. 4.Teacher 2.
President is and the Council of will show Videos related
the Ministers. to recorded sessions of
constitutiona Parliament. m/watch?v=
l head of the 5.Students will watch a U1oahj_rNjU
state . video lesson outlining
the process and every
steps for each
effectively in a range of
6. Teacher will teach
students the ins and
outs of a parliamentary
Govt.Students will
watch an enganging
video,lesson defining &
parliamentary Govt. and
giving examples in the
real world.
Sample LAT’s and
Worksheets at the end
of the lesson keeping in
mind both high and low
Text Book Exam Oriented Question Bank Questions from Blue Print LAT Questions Difficult Areas of
based Asssesment
Q 1 Define Bill. Mark (1) 1. What role does
Exercise Q 2 Which Indian woman the opposition
Questions And cbse-class-8-civics-worksheet-why-do-we-need- heet-civics-cbse-class-8-civics- became the first Speaker of plays in the
Try These parliament-1-216750.html worksheet-why-do-we-need- Indian Lok Sabha? Mark (1) Parliament?
from NCERT parliament-2-216751.html Q 3 How many members of Lok
2. How do people
Text Book Sabha are nominated by
form and
Chapter one President? Mark (1)
control a
chapter-3-civics-why-do-we.html 5/04/why-do-we-need-parliament- Q 4 What is a coalition
government in
ncert-notes.html government? Mark (1)
Q 5 What is the take off point the for a democracy? Mark (1) democracy?
ubts-solutions/cbse-class-8- Q 6 What is EVM ? Mark (1) 3. How
civics/why-do-we-need-a-parliamen Q 7 Who all are nominated by Parliament
the President of India for Rajya selects the Sabha? Mark (1) national
/documents/VIII-Social-Science- Q 8 Who presides the meetings government?
C.B.S.E.-Practice-Paper.pdf of the Lok Sabha? Mark (1)
4. The Central
Q 9 What is the full form of
NCPCR? Mark (1)
consit of two
Q 10 What are the functions of
blocks. Name
election in the democratic
the offices
representative system? Marks 3
situated in
Q 11 What are starred and
these two
unstarred questions that is been
asked in the question hour of
Lok Sabha? 5. Who are the
Q12.How Parliament controls presiding
the Executive? (3) officers of Lok
Q 19 What role does the Sabha and
opposition plays in the Rajya Sabha?
Parliament? (3)
Q20. Describe any two 6.Questionsfrom
advantages and two NCERT Exemplary
disadvantages of „coalition‟ SOCIAL SCIENCE
government in India.(3) Text Book for Class VIII
Understanding laws
Key concepts-
rule of law how do new law come about unpopular and controversial law
Gist Specific introductional Teacher activities ICT Additional resources Suggested projects /students
of object activity
1. Explain all person in 1. Group discussion on how do law 1. PowerPoint 1 videos on unpopular and 1. Identify and write a short
Rule independent India are apply to all presentation on some control virtual Lord opposite note on domestic violence in
of equal before the law important laws. by the people. our society.
2. Flowchart through understanding
2. Describe how do law differentiate between Union listed 2 some chapter related 2 apart from the textbook 2. Collect the some new law
2. new laws come about subject ,State listed subject video will be presented in use of question bank / passed by the Parliament last
Case concurrent listed subject videos available in different
of website.
the 3. What role do citizens 3. Explaining about the following class room( you tube and session from news paper and
violat play in the evolution of laws:- different website) .com/yhs/search;_ylt=AwrW TV channels.
ion of a new law mjxiprhctUkAxQwPxQt.;_ylu
a. Sanitation act of 1870. 1.
law =X3oDMTByNWU4cGh1BGN
4. What is unpopular
b.Maternity benefit act,1961 vbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0
3. and controversial laws m/watch?v=GqyaXaPj50E
Work 2.
c. The Civil rights act 1964 ?p=understanding+laws+cla
of m/blog/understanding-
the d. Hindu Succession Amendment Act laws-class-8-notes-
Parlia 2005 political-science/
e. The protection of women from p=yhs-adk_sbnt
domestic violence act 2005
4. Understanding new law making
process in Parliament.
ze of
law 5. Chapter will be correlated to Local
setting and daily life
Text book Examination oriented Questions from blueprint LAT Questions Difficult areas of assessment
based question bank
RW based
Understanding of of procedure of judicial system,fixedeprocedure for trial in court,integrated judicial system in India, Independent judiciary,connectivity
between different levels of court.
Text Book Exam Oriented Question Bank Questions from Blue Print LAT Questions Difficult Areas of
based Asssesment
• • 1. When someone violate the 1.List two reasons why
Exercise social-and-political-life-ch-5-the-judiciary- /01/judiciary-class-8th-ncert- an independent
Questions And extra-questions/ solutions.html law, we immediately inform :- judiciary is essential to
Try These • • a. Neighbours democracy?
from NCERT • m/solution/ncert-solutions- b. Relative 2. What is structure of
Text Book class-8-notes-political-science/ class-8-social-science-civics- courts in India?
Chapter one • judiciary-234744.html c. Judge 3. What are the
• d. Police different branches of
8-social-and-political-life-the-judiciary/ solutions-for-class-8-social-and- 2. Police generally do :- the Legal system (
• political-life-the-judiciary Criminal law and civil
• a. File report law )?
t-solutions-class-8-social-science-civics- b. Arrest a person 4. Does everyone has
judiciary-234744.html access to the courts?
c. Both (a) & (b)
d. None of these 5.Questionsfrom
3. An accused person is decided NCERT Exemplary
by :-
Text Book for Class VIII
a. Police
b. Court
c. Person himself
d. All of these
4. Every person has a
fundamental Right to be
defended by a lawyer under the
act ___________.
a. Act 42
b. Act 67
c. Act 45
d. Act 22
5. Constitution places a duty on
the state to provide a lawyer to
any citizen who is unable to
engage one due to poverty or
other disability.
a. Act 39
b. Act 22
c. Act 43
d. Act 67
(6) Fill in the blanks:
(1) In matters of appointment to
the judiciary, the Supreme Court
and the ____________ of
Ministers play an important
2.: The differences that emerged
between the ____________ and
the judiciary over right to
property and the ____________
power to amend the
3Judicial activism has forced
executive ____________.
4.: The Supreme Court is the
highest court of ____________.
5.: Neither the ____________
Courts nor the lower courts can
deal with legal disputes.
6.: High Court can hear appeals
from ____________ courts.
7.The court said that right to
____________ was not part of
the basic structure and
therefore could be suitably
8.____________ has
overburdened the courts.
9.Supreme Court has
established the ____________
of collegiality in making
recommendations for
10.Judicial activism has had
manifold impact on the
(7) Answer the following
(a) Mention the importance of
the court of law in our legal
(b) Why is F.I.R. important?
(c) Define “bail”?
(d) What is the role of the
(e) State the main objectives of
criminal justice system?