Iso TR 12231 2 2022

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REPORT 12231-2

First edition

Photography — Electronic still picture

imaging terminology —
Part 2:
Other defined terms
Photographie — Terminologie de l'imagerie de prises de vue
électroniques —
Partie 2: Autres termes définis
ISO/TR 12231-2:2022

Reference number
ISO/TR 12231-2:2022(E)

© ISO 2022
ISO/TR 12231-2:2022(E)


ISO/TR 12231-2:2022


© ISO 2022
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Published in Switzerland

ii  © ISO 2022 – All rights reserved

ISO/TR 12231-2:2022(E)

Contents Page

Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Terms defined in other ISO/TC 42 International Standards, Technical Specifications
and Technical Reports.................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14


ISO/TR 12231-2:2022

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ISO/TR 12231-2:2022(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to
the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 42, Photography.
This first edition of ISO/TR 12231-2 together ISO/TR 12231-2:2022
with ISO 12231-1:2020 cancels and replaces
ISO 12231:2012, which has been technically revised. The main changes are as follows:
All terms defined in publications maintained by ISO/TC 42 WG 18, WG 20, WG 23 and WG 25 are listed
in this document, with the publication containing the definition indicated. Terms that are not defined in
other WG 18, WG 20 WG 23, and WG 25 publications are defined in ISO 12231-1:2020.
A list of all parts in the ISO 12231 series can be found on the ISO website.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at

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ISO/TR 12231-2:2022(E)

Electronic still picture imaging concepts are drawn from traditional photography, electronics, video,
and information technology. In some cases, the concepts are redefined to apply to electronic still
picture imaging. For example, unlike traditional photography, measurements cannot be defined in
terms of “film” or “sensitised material”, since images acquired by digital image capture devices are
stored electronically and are not immediately exposed on film. The meaning of shutter and exposure
time is also different for digital image capture devices, because an electronic imaging sensor typically
has image acquisition characteristics that are different from those of film.


ISO/TR 12231-2:2022

© ISO 2022 – All rights reserved  v

ISO/TR 12231-2:2022

Photography — Electronic still picture imaging

terminology —
Part 2:
Other defined terms

1 Scope
This document provides a list of terms defined in other ISO/TC 42 International Standards, Technical
Specifications and Technical Reports relevant to electronic still picture imaging.
This document is intended to be used in conjunction with the definition sources listed.

2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.


3 Terms and definitions
No terms and definitions are(
listed in this document.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available 12231-2:2022
https://​w ww​.iso​.org/​obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at https://​
w ww​.electropedia​.org/​

4 Terms defined in other ISO/TC 42 International Standards, Technical

Specifications and Technical Reports
Table 1 gives a list of terms defined in other ISO/TC 42 International Standards, Technical Specifications
and Technical Reports, and their sources.

Table 1 — List of terms and sources

Term Source of definition
35 mm film equivalent focal length ISO 19093:2018, 3.3
ISO 20954-1:2019, 3.7
absolute colorimetric coordinates ISO/TR 17321-2:2012, 2.1
ISO 22028-1:2016, 3.1
actual image height ISO 17850:2015, 3.2.2
adapted white ISO/TR 17321-2:2012, 2.2
ISO 22028-1:2016, 3.2
ISO 22028-2:2013, 3.1
ISO/TS 22028-3:2012, 3.1
ISO/TS 22028-4:2012, 3.1

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ISO/TR 12231-2:2022(E)

Table 1 (continued)
Term Source of definition
additive RGB colour space ISO 22028-1:2016, 3.3
ISO 22028-2:2013, 3.2
ISO/TS 22028-3:2012, 3.2
ISO/TS 22028-4:2012, 3.2
addressable photoelements ISO 12233:2017, 3.1
ISO 16067-1:2003, 3.1
ISO 16067-2:2004, 3.1
ISO 21550:2004, 3.1
adopted white ISO 17321-1:2012, 3.1
ISO/TR 17321-2:2012, 2.3
ISO 22028-1:2016, 3.4
ISO/TS 22028-3:2012, 3.3
album ISO 15740:2013, 3.1
aliasing ISO 12233:2017, 3.2
ISO 16067-1:2003, 3.2

aliasing ratio iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW

ISO 16067-2:2004, 3.2
ISO 12231:2020, 3.1
artefactual attribute
ISO 12231:2020, 3.2
ISO 20462-1:2005, 3.1
ISO 20462-3:2012, 3.1
ISO/TR 12231-2:2022
ISO 15740:2013, 3.2
ISO 20462-1:2005, 3.2
ISO 20462-3:2012, 3.2
attribute just noticeable difference ISO 20462-1:2005, 3.3
attribute JND
average vibration angle ISO 20954-1:2019, 3.6
bi-tonal pattern/bitonal patterns ISO 12233:2017, 3.27.1
ISO 16067-2:2004, 3.21.1
ISO 21550:2004, 3.26.1
camera opto-electronic conversion function ISO 14524:2009, 3.1
camera OECF
ISO 15739:2017, 3.1
capture point ISO 15781:2019, 3.8
categorical sort method ISO 20462-1:2005, 3.4
ISO 20462-2:2005, 2.5
chromatic displacement ISO 19084:2015, 2.1
clipping value ISO 15739:2017, 3.2
colorimetric colour space ISO 22028-1:2016, 3.5
ISO 22028-2:2013, 3.3
ISO/TS 22028-3:2012, 3.4
ISO/TS 22028-4:2012, 3.3

2  © ISO 2022 – All rights reserved

ISO/TR 12231-2:2022(E)

Table 1 (continued)
Term Source of definition
colour component transfer function ISO/TR 17321-2:2012, 2.5
ISO 22028-1:2016, 3.6
ISO 22028-2:2013, 3.4
ISO/TS 22028-3:2012, 3.5
ISO/TS 22028-4:2012, 3.4
colour-difference-sensitive wavelength ISO/TR 17321-5:2021, 3.1
colour encoding ISO 22028-1:2016, 3.7
ISO 22028-2:2013, 3.5
ISO/TS 22028-3:2012, 3.6
ISO/TS 22028-4:2012, 3.5
colour gamut ISO/TR 17321-2:2012, 2.6
ISO 22028-1:2016, 3.8
ISO 22028-2:2013, 3.6
ISO/TS 22028-3:2012, 3.7
ISO/TS 22028-4:2012, 3.6

colour image encoding
22028-1:2016, 3.9
ISO 22028-2:2013, 3.7

ISO/TS 22028-3:2012, 3.8
ISO/TS 22028-4:2012, 3.7
colour matching functions ISO/TR 17321-2:2012, 2.7
ISO/TR 12231-2:2022
ISO/TS 17321-4:2016, 3.1
12231-2-2022 ISO/TR 17321-5:2021, 3.2
ISO 22028-1:2016, 3.10
colour pixel reconstruction ISO/TR 17321-2:2012, 2.8
colour rendering ISO/TR 17321-2:2012, 2.9
ISO 22028-1:2016, 3.11
ISO 22028-2:2013, 3.8
ISO/TS 22028-3:2012, 3.9
ISO/TS 22028-4:2012, 3.8
colour rendering index ISO 3664:2009, 3.2
ISO/TS 17321-4:2016, 3.2
colour re-rendering ISO 22028-1:2016, 3.12
colour sequential exposure ISO 12231-1,2020, 3.3
colour shading ISO 17957:2015, 3.2
colour non-uniformity
colour space ISO/TR 17321-2:2012, 2.10
ISO 22028-1:2016, 3.13
ISO 22028-2:2013, 3.9
ISO/TS 22028-3:2012, 3.10
ISO/TS 22028-4:2012, 3.9

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ISO/TR 12231-2:2022(E)

Table 1 (continued)
Term Source of definition
colour space encoding ISO 22028-1:2016, 3.14
ISO 22028-2:2013, 3.10
ISO/TS 22028-3:2012, 3.11
ISO/TS 22028-4:2012, 3.10
colour space white point ISO 22028-1:2016, 3.15
ISO 22028-2:2013, 3.11
ISO/TS 22028-3:2012, 3.14
ISO/TS 22028-4:2012, 3.11
connection ISO 15740:2013, 3.3
continuous colour space values ISO 22028-1:2016, 3.16
ISO 22028-2:2013, 3.12
corresponding colorimetry ISO/TR 17321-2:2012, 2.11
cycles per millimetre ISO 12233:2017, 3.3
data object ISO 15740:2013, 3.5
datacode ISO 15740:2013, 3.4
design rule for camera filesystem
ISO 15740:2013, 3.6
ISO 15740:2013, 3.7
device discovery
ISO 15740:2013, 3.8
device-dependent colour space ISO 22028-1:2016, 3.17
digital imaging system ISO/TR 12231-2:2022
ISO 22028-1:2016, 3.18
digital output level ISO 14524:2009, 3.2
digital code value 12231-2-2022
ISO 16067-1:2003, 3.3
ISO 16067-2:2004, 3.3
ISO 21550:2004, 3.3
digital print order format ISO 15740:2013, 3.10
digital reference stimuli ISO 20462-3:2012, 3.3
digital still camera ISO 12232:2019, 3.1
ISO 15739:2017, 3.3
ISO 15781:2019, 3.1
ISO 17321-1:2012, 3.2
ISO/TR 17321-2:2012, 2.12
ISO/TS 17321-4:2016, 3.3
ISO/TR 17321-5:2021, 3.3
digital still photography device ISO 15740:2013, 3.9
DSC dynamic range ISO 15739:2017, 3.8
DSC image signal ISO 12232:2019, 3.2

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ISO/TR 12231-2:2022(E)

Table 1 (continued)
Term Source of definition
edge spread function ISO 12233:2017, 3.4
ISO 16067-1:2003, 3.4
ISO 16067-2:2004, 3.4
ISO 21550:2004, 3.4
edge-based spatial frequency response ISO 12233:2017, 3.24.1
effective time ISO 516:2019, 3.3
effectively spectrally neutral ISO 12233:2017, 3.5
ISO 16067-1:2003, 3.5
ISO 16067-2:2004, 3.5
ISO 21550:2004, 3.5
electromechanical shutter ISO 14524:2009, 3.3
electronic scanner for photographic films ISO 16067-2:2004, 3.6
ISO 21550:2004, 3.6
electronic scanner for photographic prints ISO 16067-1:2003, 3.6
electronic still-picture camera ISO 12233:2017, 3.6

14524:2009, 3.4
ISO 15740:2013, 3.11
Exif (
ISO 12234-3:2016, 3.1
Exif/JPEG ISO 15740:2013, 3.12
exposure index ISO 12232:2019, 3.3
ISO/TR 12231-2:2022
exposure process ISO 12231-1:2020, 3.4
exposure saturation ISO 12232:2019, 3.4
exposure series ISO 12232:2019, 3.5
exposure time ISO 516:2019, 3.4
ISO 15739:2017, 3.12
extended gamut ISO 22028-1:2016, 3.19
ISO 22028-2:2013, 3.13
ISO/TS 22028-4:2012, 3.12
factory shipping conditions ISO 18383:2015, 3.1
factory shipping settings
factory shipping values
factory shipping mode
fast scan direction ISO 16067-1:2003, 3.7
ISO 16067-2:2004, 3.7
ISO 21550:2004, 3.7
file system ISO 12234-1:2012, 3.1
filing system
ISO 12234-2:2001, 3.1
film rendering transform ISO 22028-1:2016, 3.20
film unrendering transform ISO 22028-1:2016, 3.21
fixed pattern noise ISO 15739:2017, 3.9.2
flare ISO 12231-1:2020, 3.5
FlashPix ISO 15740:2013, 3.14

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