SG Space Ecosystem

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August 2022


06 Introduction To OSTIn:
Singapore’s National Space Office

08 The Singapore Space Ecosystem

09 Key Figures

10 Singapore’s Space Journey

12 Why Singapore?

18 Addvalue
20 Aliena
22 Amplus Communication
24 Bifrost
26 Chipsafer
28 DSO National Laboratories
30 Equatorial Space Systems
Payload qualification activities for DSO National Laboratories’ NeuSAR satellite at
32 Infinite Orbits
ST Engineering Satellite Systems’ thermal vacuum facility.
34 Kacific Broadband Satellites
36 LightHaus
38 NEO Aeronautics
40 NTU Earth Observatory of Singapore – Remote Sensing Lab (EOS)
42 NTU Satellite Research Centre (SaRC)
44 NUS Centre for Remote Imaging, Sensing and Processing (CRISP)
46 NUS Satellite Technology and Research Centre (STAR)
48 NuSpace
50 Qosmosys
52 Singapore Space & Technology Ltd
54 Singtel Satellite
56 Skymap Global
58 SpaceChain
60 Space Faculty
62 SpeQtral
64 ST Engineering iDirect
66 ST Engineering Geo-Insights
68 ST Engineering Satellite Systems
Cover photo: Image of Marina Bay in Singapore taken by TeLEOS-1, Singapore’s first
70 Transcelestial
commercial earth observation satellite developed by ST Engineering Satellite Systems.
72 Zero-Error Systems
“” The space sector has untold potential and
possibilities. Many space technologies have
found applications here on earth, like the
GPS in our smartphones and cars.
Singapore may not be a space-faring nation,
but we are doing R&D in space-related
capabilities to support key pillars of
our economy such as aviation and maritime.
I hope future breakthroughs will one day
help us solve pressing challenges like
climate change, and improve lives.
Mr Lee Hsien Loong
Prime Minister

“” Here in Singapore, the space sector

continues to stay vibrant, with more than
50 companies employing more than 1,800
professionals. These companies are critical
enablers for other sectors – from aviation
to maritime… Central to this ecosystem
are Singapore’s strong capabilities in
research and technology, as well as our
Launch of the SpooQy-1 satellite from the International Space Station. position as a trusted business hub for
capital, talent, and intellectual property.

Mr Gan Kim Yong

Minister for Trade and Industry

04 • 05
OSTIn’s OSTIn’s S$150M flagship Space Technology Development Programme
SPACE (STDP) seeks to develop space capabilities to support domains such as
TECHNOLOGY aviation, maritime and sustainability, which are critical to Singapore and
DEVELOPMENT many other countries, as well as disruptive space technologies that can
PROGRAMME improve the country’s space industry’s competitiveness.

Projects supported by the STDP include:

• Very low Earth orbit (VLEO) satellite technologies that would

allow satellites to operate in orbits closer to Earth and deliver
differentiated capabilities.
• Quantum key distribution (QKD) satellite solutions that would
enable quantum-safe transmission of secure information.
OSTIn To capture economic opportunities in the space sector, the Singapore • Use of satellite data for applications such as carbon
Economic Development Board (EDB) established the Office for Space measurement, reporting and verification (MRV), agriculture,
Technology & Industry (OSTIn) in 2013. pollution monitoring.

In its early years, OSTIn focused on growing a globally competitive space In addition, OSTIn is exploring new opportunities emerging in the space
industry in Singapore, collaborating closely with local and international economy, such as on-orbit servicing, in-space manufacturing and space
space industry players to realise their business and innovation life sciences, including whether Singapore’s strengths in domains like AI,
initiatives as well as with partners within and beyond Singapore’s space robotics, materials science and life sciences can be pivoted to support
ecosystem to build up local research capabilities. space applications.

In April 2020, OSTIn took on the mandate of Singapore’s national space

office. While still hosted within the EDB, it is now an autonomous office OSTIn’s Central to OSTIn’s work are its partnerships with other space agencies
under the purview of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, reporting to its PARTNERSHIPS as well as its efforts to contribute to global space governance.
own governing board. Today, OSTIn focuses on five workstreams to ACROSS
build up Singapore’s space ecosystem and advance the country’s THE WORLD OSTIn has partnership agreements with counterparts such as the
space interests: Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (France’s space agency), European
Space Agency and United Arab Emirates Space Agency, to grow
• Nurturing the development of local space technology capabilities collaboration in space R&D, human capital development, and space
through investments in R&D; policy and law.
• Growing a globally competitive local space industry;
• Developing policies and regulations to support Singapore’s OSTIn represents Singapore at forums such as the United Nations
space activities; Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) and
• Expanding bilateral and multilateral partnerships, and contributing to Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum (APRSAF), and is a
strengthening the global governance regime for space activities; and member of the Space for Climate Observatory (SCO) and International
• Supporting the development of talent for Singapore’s space sector Astronautical Federation (IAF). Singapore is also a signatory of the
and future workforce. Artemis Accords.

06 • 07

More than 15 SATELLITES built

and launched since 2011

The undulating terrain of a synthetic Martian environment developed by Bifrost.

Singapore has a nascent but fast-growing space ecosystem that

builds on the country’s strengths in areas like microelectronics and
advanced manufacturing.
Today, there are more than 50 companies in the local space industry launched in 2015
engaged in a wide range of activities across the value chain, from
designing and manufacturing space components to providing
satellite-based services. These companies comprise both local
startups and SMEs, as well as international leaders such as Inmarsat,
Planet and Thales.

Singapore’s space research ecosystem is also growing. There are

satellite engineering research centres as well as centres for remote
sensing research at both the National University of Singapore OVER 2,000 professionals
and Nanyang Technological University. The Agency for Science, across engineering, research
Technology and Research also has a satellite cluster within its Institute
for Infocomm Research, which focuses on research in satellite
and business roles within
communications, tracking and data analytics, while DSO National the sector
Laboratories works closely with institutes of higher learning and other
entities within the ecosystem, contributing their strong engineering
expertise to develop space technologies for commercial and
whole-of-government applications.

The country’s space scene is now buzzing, with the Global Space and
Technology Convention typically held in February each year and a
number of other space-related events, such as Asia Satellite Business
Week and SatelliteAsia, held annually. There are also space-focused OVER 50 local and
accelerator and venture building programmes, such as the Singapore international companies
Space & Technology Ltd’s Space Accelerator Programme.

More information on local space players can be found in the Annex.

08 • 09
Singapore’s 2011 – Now Ongoing Programmes

Commercial /
Satellite with
AOBA VELOX-IV low-light vision EO imaging satellite
Demonstrator satellite imaging payload
for propulsion and
low-light camera DS-SAR
Demonstrator satellite ARCADE VLEO remote EO imaging satellite
Commercial / sensing satellite
with electric propulsion Space environment
NEUSAR Goverment SAR demonstrator
technology measurement
Singapore’s first satellite
KENT-RIDGE 1 satellite
Hyperspectral SAR satellite
KACIFIC 1 imaging microsatellite
Commercial Ka-band
Photon correlation KACIFIC 2 LUMELITE-1/2/3 VDES for maritime Small satellite
verification Commercial Formation flying communications demonstrator
demonstrator SPATIUM Software-defined satellites
Space-precision Ka-band HTS
SCOOB-I atomic-clock timing
3U student cubesat utility mission
POPSAT-HIP 1 with solar spectral
Micropropulsion sensor
system nanosatellite SCOOB-II SPEQTRAL-1
NULION ORB-12 STRIDER Cubesat to test QKD satellite
NUX-1 Nanosatellite Hall-effect thruster commercial demonstrator
IoT satellite VELOX-II demonstrator to enable demonstrator satellite processor
LEO-GEO intersatellite IoT applications in
communications rural areas
TELEOS-1 Nanosatellite with demonstrator satellite
Commercial / tele-optics imaging
Goverment EO
SPOOQY-1 imaging satellite
Photon entangled VELOX-AM ZEUS ZEUSX
source demonstrator TELEOS-2 Additive Platform for science Space system for
satellite XSAT Commercial / Manufacturing and commercial Moon infrastructure
Singapore’s first Goverment SAR demonstrator satellite applications deployment
VELOX-PIII indigenously satellite
iPhone-sized developed
VELOX P-II picosatellite microsatellite
VELOX-CI Technology
Tropical climate demonstrator
satellite demonstrating picosatellite
radio occultation >15 Satellites built and launched since 2011

10 • 11 Images used are for illustrative purposes only >15 Satellite projects in the pipeline

This is what Singapore has to offer to top tech firms to power their work.

• Top tech innovation hub after Silicon Valley.01 Geographical
• 2nd in digital competitiveness in Asia,
ahead of South Korea, Japan, and China.02 • In 2018, Changi Airport served >100
• 1st in Global Smart City Index, ahead of airlines flying to 400 cities in 100 countries
London and New York.03 and was named Asia’s most connected
international airport.12
• >1,000 flights daily connect more than
65 million passengers annually.13


• 2nd in digital connectivity globally.14

BUSINESS • 3rd most desirable location for data
centres globally, with more than 60 per
• 2nd for ease of doing business in Asia, cent of Asia Pacific’s data centre supply.15
the only Southeast Asian nation in the top • Top global submarine cable hub,16 with 24
10 for Asia, and 18th globally.04 submarine internet cables linking to key
• Most innovative economy in Asia.05 locations worldwide.17
• 1st for IP protection in Asia and • Established progressive Digital Economy
2nd globally.06, 07 Agreements (DEAs) with key trade
partners, such as Australia and Chile,
to ensure digital connectivity and data
protection regime interoperability.18


TALENT • Access to 26 Free Trade Agreements

(FTAs) that benefit Singapore-based
• 1st in developing, attracting and enabling exporters and investors.14
talent in Asia and 3rd globally.08
• 2nd most attractive destination in Asia for
global talent.09
• More than five in 10 workers in high-skilled
• 74.3% of resident population literate in two
or more languages.11

12 • 13


technology and
research centre






satellites SYSTEMS


Observatory of research centre Remote Imaging, SYSTEMS
Singapore Remote- (SARC) Sensing and
Sensing Lab (EOS) Processing (CRISP)

14 • 15

COMPANY OVERVIEW oceanic airspace and remote areas. A joint

collaboration involving A*STAR, OSTIn, the
The Agency for Science, Technology and Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS)
Research (A*STAR) is Singapore’s lead and local industry partners is exploring key
public sector research and development issues such as mitigation of ionospheric
(R&D) agency. Through open innovation, scintillation effects of VHF signals and novel
it collaborates with its partners in both the antenna design.
public and private sectors to benefit the
economy and society. As a science and Small satellites with novel payloads
technology organisation, A*STAR bridges Leveraging current capabilities in millimetre
the gap between academia and industry and wave technologies, A*STAR is developing
plays a key role in nurturing scientific talent a cost-effective inter-satellite relay for high
and leaders for the wider research community bandwidth data communications at millimetre
and industry. A*STAR’s R&D activities span wave, meeting stringent requirements in size,
biomedical sciences to physical sciences and weight and power. A key component is the
engineering, with research entities primarily lightweight phased array antenna technology
located at Biopolis and Fusionopolis. for very high-resolution electronics beam
steering and pointing.

CAPABILITIES, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Another effort is the development of flat I2R researchers performing tests on the Ka-band antenna array for inter-satellite link.
optics hyperspectral imaging camera,
Robust and affordable communication for leveraging A*STAR’s expertise in flat optics
maritime applications technologies. This has the potential to
A Very High Frequency (VHF) Data Exchange substantially reduce the size of the satellite
System was developed to provide a robust and lower the cost of manufacturing and LET’S CONNECT
communication system between ship-to-ship launch. Spaceborne hyperspectral imaging
and ship-to-shore. A joint effort with ST allows for transboundary monitoring and
Engineering Electronics, the project won the tracking of greenhouse gas emissions and ASTARSG
“Outstanding Maritime R&D and Technology other environment pollutants. A*STAR is also [email protected]
Award” at the International Maritime developing key technologies, including the
Awards 2019. additive manufacturing of complex satellite
parts, advanced packaging of RF electronics
Effective air navigation services for aviation and continual satellite imageries learning,
VHF voice is the primary form of communications analysis and reasoning, to enable high
in aviation to enable effective air navigation performance in small satellites. I2R researchers testing VHF voice
services. Space-based VHF communication communication.
enables the relay of voice and data signal via
satellites to enable air navigation services in

16 • 17

COMPANY OVERVIEW The company has deep technical

competencies in radio frequency (RF) and
Addvalue Technologies Ltd, a Singapore embedded re-configurable system design for
Exchange Mainboard-listed firm, is a leading software-defined radio and edge-computing
satellite-based communication company that applications. It also has a proven track record
provides state-of-the-art digital connectivity of developing complete communication
solutions to applications at sea, on land, in terminals and takes a holistic approach
flight and even in space. to ensure customers can achieve their full
business potential. Its comprehensive and
proven capabilities in high-quality product
CAPABILITIES, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES development and depth of technical know
how in sophisticated engineering projects are
Addvalue has revolutionised the space highly regarded by leading organisations in the
communications used in the low Earth commercial, defence and space industries.
orbit (LEO) satellite industry. Through its
collaboration with Inmarsat, the company
has developed and commercialised the
Inter-Satellite Data Relay System (IDRS) –
the world’s first commercial “always-on”, full
duplex IP based data communications for RF Anechoic Chamber built within a screened room to create a proper environment
LEO satellite operators to monitor, control for antenna radiation tests and electromagnetic compatibility evaluation.
and conduct satellite missions in real-time
and on-demand, without the rigid reliance
on a ground station network.
Besides providing connectivity solutions to
the space industry, the company also offers
connectivity solutions tailored to support Addvalue Innovation
sustainability management and various [email protected]
industrial Internet of Things (IoT) applications
across industries spanning fisheries to
environmental surveillance, agriculture, energy, A vacuum chamber is used to
mining and any industrial digital transformation simulate the space environment to
programme that requires both satellite stress-test the electronics design
communication and terrestrial communication. of the IDRS terminal.

18 • 19

COMPANY OVERVIEW Its main product line includes the MUSIC

(Multi-Stage Ignition Compact) thruster,
Aliena is a Singapore-based space-tech which relies on a novel and innovative
company on a mission to sharpen the edge design based on the mature Hall effect
of small satellite capabilities for sustainability thruster technology. Aliena’s instant-ignition
from Earth to space. The company’s suite miniaturised Hall thruster was deployed in
of robust plasma propulsion systems space on a 3U nanosatellite in January 2022.
facilitates low-cost access to any orbit of Operating at below 10 watts, the engine was
interest, enhancing the value of customers’ the first Hall thruster to ever be used on such
missions. Aliena aims to unleash new in-space a small spacecraft.
capabilities for small satellites with its unique
plasma propulsion systems, from flying closer Aliena aims to be a reliable global provider
to the Earth on very low Earth orbit (VLEO) to of propulsion systems to constellation
increase the quality of collected data sets, to operators and satellite manufacturers. The
empowering frontier space operations such company has plans to grow into a prominent
as debris removal and in-space manufacturing. earth observation data business by flying
Aliena was named the most promising space its own fleet of microsatellites in VLEO to
propulsion start-up at the Space Propulsion provide affordable and powerful datasets
Conference 2022. to terrestrial businesses and governments Co-founders CTO Dr George-Cristian Potrivitu (left) and CEO Dr Lim Jian Wei Mark
for a more sustainable future. Aliena’s next (right) at Aliena’s Jet Propulsion Test Facility with a MUSIC engine firing in one of
mission in 2023 will see in-space deployment their space environment simulators.
CAPABILITIES, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES of the MUSIC thruster operating with a highly
efficient hollow cathode.
Aliena’s oversubscribed S$1.5 million seed
funding round in late 2019 allowed for rapid LET’S CONNECT
business growth with the commissioning of
a jet propulsion test facility, extensive R&D
of its plasma propulsion systems and in-orbit Aliena Pte Ltd
deployment of an instant-ignition thruster. [email protected]
+65 6977 7800
The company has spent the past three
years perfecting its low-power Hall thruster
technology at its jet propulsion test facility. Aliena’s MUSIC system, shown
Today, Aliena develops turnkey plasma onboard a microsatellite, is modular
propulsion solutions in the range of tens to and scalable, making it suitable for
hundreds of watts, providing thrust capabilities all small satellite platforms.
from micro to milli-Newtons for small satellites.

20 • 21

COMPANY OVERVIEW The company is also a leading designing

and manufacturing house for phased-locked
Amplus Communication is a Singapore-based dielectric resonator oscillators and optical
global radio frequency, microwave and component testers of up to 400GBS.
millimetre-wave service company that offers
leading-edge technologies to the wireless Amplus’ family of patented satellite
communication, optical communication, transceiver products are some of the most
medical instruments and electronics industries. sophisticated in the industry, including a
Founded in 1999 by a group of engineers complete family of C-band block upconverters
from the satellite communication industry, the (BUC) and transceivers of up to 800 watts,
company employs about 140 staff with 21 Ku-band BUCs and transceivers of up to 400
design engineers, including some of the most watts, and Ka-band BUCs and transceivers
experienced practising microwave product of up to 40 watts. All are equipped for digital
designers in Singapore. and remote control, and are redundancy-
ready. The company supplies its products to
Amplus Communication products and services satellite communication providers, system
are exported to more than 55 countries in integrators and end users, and they are
the Americas, Europe, Middle East and Asia. widely used in private data networks, rural
The company’s main product design and telecommunication networks, emergency
manufacturing is carried out in Singapore, services, broadcasting and oil and gas 150W C-Band BUC.
while its sales and support offices are located industries. Amplus Communication satellite
in Bangalore, Bangkok, Beijing, Jakarta and BUCs and transceivers are designed to
New Delhi. operate in some of the harshest environments
on Earth, and are currently operating in
diverse places such as near the North Pole, in LET’S CONNECT
CAPABILITIES, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES the punishing heat of the sub-Saharan African
desert, and in the salty and humid environment
Amplus Communication has five patents of the Indonesian and Indian coasts. [email protected]
under its belt, with advanced manufacturing +65 6483 6089
capabilities in areas from wire bonding and
chip blazing, to chip packaging, final product
assembly, performance testing and product
environmental qualification testing. Amplus
Communication offers full OEM/ODM
product design and manufacturing services, 100W Ku-Band BUC.
system integration of communication systems,
and has developed a complete family of
satellite transceiver products.

22 • 23

COMPANY OVERVIEW take years and cost millions of dollars.

About 80% of development time is spent on
Bifrost generates high-fidelity 3D worlds tedious data collection, curation and labelling.
at scale and robust synthetic datasets for Bifrost’s software-as-a-service (SaaS)
artificial intelligence (AI) development. platform enables AI teams to generate diverse,
customisable and rare datasets in virtual
Bifrost was founded in 2019 by CEO Charles worlds that real data cannot provide. Bifrost
Wong, who previously worked on self-driving provides higher accuracy model training in
cars at Nutonomy, and CTO Aravind Kandiah, minutes, instead of months or years, thereby
an AI hacker and computer vision expert disrupting the incumbent workflow and
whose algorithms at Medios outperformed economics of AI development.
Google in clinical trials. Freshman-year friends
turned founders, the pair, who are laser Bifrost’s platform is designed intuitively and
focused on building a world-class team and doesn’t require 3D expertise, enabling its high
revolutionising 3D worlds for AI, have steered school intern to beat state-of-the-art synthetic
Bifrost through the Techstars Starburst data in five days, and users to increase model
Space Accelerator, won Slingshot Singapore accuracy from 50% to 98%.
2019, Techblazer 2019 and were winners
and finalists at numerous competitions and Bifrost’s technology is prized by the private
hackathons globally. and public sectors for landing spacecrafts Aerial view of a synthetic city port developed by Bifrost.
on Mars and multiple other use cases. For
The company is backed by Sequoia Capital, example, Bifrost’s research collaboration
Lux Capital, Wavemaker Partners, Cap Vista, with the National Aeronautics and Space
Hustle Fund, Champion Hill Ventures and Administration’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory
other prominent investors. Its seven-figure (NASA-JPL) showcased the use of synthetic LET’S CONNECT
revenue and headcount are doubling year-on- Martian terrain to train NASA’s next-generation
year, through strong market pull and efficient Mars Science Helicopter Mission Concept on
unit economics. how to land safely on the harsh landscapes
of Mars. Bifrost has also unlocked new bifrost-ai
performance levels for object detection and
CAPABILITIES, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES image recognition for class-leading geospatial
analytics companies, who use Bifrost’s
In applications like defence, space, gaming, synthetic data to augment their state-of-the-art
metaverse, mobility and robotics, AI teams computer vision models. Founders of Bifrost, CTO Aravind
must train models to detect and recognise Kandiah (left) and CEO Charles
other objects, thereby requiring millions of Wong (right).
images and datasets. Traditionally, such
images and datasets are labour-intensive,

24 • 25


Chipsafer was founded in 2012 in Uruguay, Chipsafer strives to improve the safety and
a small country in South America with over security of livestock herds and to enable
3 million heads of cattle, after founder and sustainable farming globally by ensuring
CEO Victoria Alonsoperez witnessed the traceability across an animal’s lifecycle.
devastating effects Foot and Mouth Disease Chipsafer’s platform offers real-time
had on the agricultural sector a decade earlier. animal tracking and captures current and
historic health, behaviour and transaction
Chipsafer expanded to Brazil in 2016, and in information. Chipsafer empowers farmers
2020 moved its headquarters to Singapore to by using space technology to increase the
pursue market access opportunities through efficiency and sustainability of operations,
a deep-tech space accelerator programme. improve animal health monitoring, reduce
Through Singapore’s connections, Chipsafer operational costs and make better use
was introduced to partners that helped of natural resources. Beyond livestock,
accelerate the innovation process of its Smart Chipsafer is also looking to diversify into
Tracker collar from prototype to final product. tracking wildlife interaction for environmental
research and anti-poaching causes.

Chipsafer’s data also generates value for Livestock wearing the Chipsafer Smart Tracker at a farm in Uruguay.
other stakeholders in the meat supply chain.
Whilst farmers benefit directly from knowing
the location of their herd and tracking health
outcomes in real time, this traceability data
can also be correlated with other data such LET’S CONNECT
as satellite imagery, to achieve transformative
transparency across the supply chain –
verifiable and transparent data from farm to Chipsafer
fork. This approach builds confidence and [email protected]
integrity, and reinforces value and customer @chipsaferofficial
loyalty across the supply chain. @chipsafer

Chipsafer Smart Tracker provides

real time geolocation and
behaviour data of livestock.

26 • 27

DSO National Laboratories (DSO) is Harnessing its advanced systems engineering

Singapore’s largest defence research and expertise from the successful development
development organisation. It aims to develop of X-SAT, Singapore’s first experimental
technological solutions to sharpen the microsatellite in 2011; and TeLEOS-1, the
cutting edge of Singapore’s national security. nation’s first near-equatorial commercial
Established in 1972, DSO has grown from a electro-optical mini-satellite in 2015, DSO has
three-man team to more than 1,600 research continued to push the boundaries in space
scientists and engineers working across land, engineering by developing high-performance
sea, air, space and cyberspace domains. small satellites with superior remote sensing
and geospatial solutions.
DSO is proud to be able to contribute to the
growth of Singapore’s space ecosystem, With the recent successful development
drawing technologists and aspiring engineers of NeuSAR by DSO, Singapore is one of
to further push the boundaries in this game- the first few countries in the world with the
changing field. capability to develop such small and capable
SAR satellites. NeuSAR is able to perform
imaging through clouds and smoke, making
it a 24-hour, all-weather remote sensing DSO researchers working on the integration of NeuSAR sub-systems.
technology. The success of NeuSAR opens
up the possibility of a small satellite
constellation to enable high revisit imaging
for commercial purposes.
DSO National Laboratories
[email protected]

NeuSAR satellite assembly carried

out by DSO researchers.

28 • 29

Equatorial Space Systems is a propulsion and Equatorial Space differentiates itself with
launcher company that builds non-explosive, its high-performance solid fuel composition
low-cost and eco-friendly rocket systems. that eliminates the historic limitations of
Outside its headquarters in Singapore, hybrid rocket propulsion – a safe and simple
the company has a presence in the United combination of liquid oxidiser and solid fuel that
States, Australia and Thailand as well as an has been long proposed as a transformative
engineering team in Argentina. architecture for space launch applications.

The company was incubated at The Hangar by Equatorial Space plans to use this technology
the National University of Singapore Enterprise to provide suborbital and orbital launch
(NUS Enterprise) and is a member of the services, as well as custom rocket propulsion
Singapore Space & Technology Ltd Space products for third-party buyers, with its longer-
Accelerator and the Q Station Accelerator in term aspiration being affordable and green
Albuquerque, New Mexico. It was also selected human spaceflight.
for the prestigious Techstars accelerator in Los
Angeles in 2022. The company’s core technology has been
demonstrated in flight conditions at a test
launch of its Low Altitude Demonstrator rocket, An Equatorial Space launch vehicle, which can provide access to space at low cost,
which became the first commercially built while eliminating key risks of rocket propulsion.
prototype rocket test flight in Southeast Asia
in December 2020.

Equatorial Space
[email protected]

Equatorial Space’s proprietary

technology was previously proven
in the region’s first commercial
rocket launch.

30 • 31


Infinite Orbits (IO) is a NewSpace company OrbitGuard, IO’s first-generation servicer, is

with a vision to provide reliable, turnkey in-orbit a small-sat with the capacity to autonomously
services to global satellite operators, including perform both far-range and near-range
satellite life extension. IO designs, develops, rendezvous, offering space situational
owns, and operates in-orbit servicing vehicles awareness and inspection services.
known as Servicers to offer autonomous,
flexible, and commercially viable services OrbitGuard is powered by IO’s proprietary
to satellite operators worldwide. state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms,
making it capable of detecting targets up
Founded in 2017 by telecommunication to several hundred kilometres away, and
entrepreneurs and aerospace engineers performing pose estimation with robustness
following a National Aeronautics and against extreme lighting conditions. OrbitGuard
Space Administration (NASA) challenge at 1&2 are scheduled to be launched by Q4
Columbia University, Infinite Orbits currently 2022 and will provide services from 2023. IO’s patented Autonomous
has offices in Singapore and France. The Vision-based Navigation system
company is prepared to offer next-generation IO’s life extension servicer, Endurance, aids IO in developing a simplified
NewSpace technologies to address all satellite performs autonomous rendezvous and docks hardware suite offering sustainable
maintenance requirements. to the end-of-life client satellite, taking over the and commercially viable in-orbit
AOCS (Attitude and Orbit Control System) servicing solutions.
control for the next five years. Life extension
services will be available from 2025.

Infinite Orbits
[email protected]

Advanced artificial intelligence and

machine learning algorithms help
the IO servicer perform autonomous
rendezvous, pose estimation, and
docking to the client satellite for
life-extension services.

32 • 33
COMPANY OVERVIEW Awards 2021), Best Digital Inclusion (Pacific
ICT Awards, 2019), CEO of the Year for
Kacific Broadband Satellites (Kacific) is a Wholesale & Capacity (Operator): Christian
next-generation broadband satellite operator. Patouraux (Telecom Review, 2021), Satellite
We are committed to providing universal, Executive of the Year: Christian Patouraux
fast, high-quality broadband access at an (APSCC, 2019) and Better World Satellite
affordable cost using robust technologies Award (SSPI, 2018).
and an agile business model. Founded by
Christian Patouraux, and developed in 2013
by a core team of senior satellite professionals, CAPABILITIES, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES
Kacific is backed by a group of investors with
experience in global telecommunications Kacific’s first Ka-band high throughput
and infrastructure. satellite, Kacific1, was launched in 2019 to
stream high-speed, low-cost, ultra-reliable
Kacific’s services foster greater internet broadband, using the latest multi-beam space
adoption, fuel economic growth and drive communications and ground technology, to
positive social outcomes across covered rural and suburban areas of the Pacific and
regions. Kacific partners with local Southeast Asia.
telecommunications operators, internet
service providers and governments to Covered nations include: Twenty-five regions in the Asia-Pacific are covered by the Kacific1 satellite.
distribute its range of satellite-based services
for economic and social development. Pacific American Samoa, Cook Islands, Fiji,
French Polynesia, Guam, Kiribati,
Kacific aims to make a rapid and lasting Micronesia, New Zealand, Niue,
impact across Southeast Asia and the Northern Mariana, Papua New LET’S CONNECT
Pacific by providing high-quality, low-cost Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands,
satellite broadband accessible from a small, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu.
easy-to-install and affordable antenna. The [email protected]
company believes that with reliable broadband Asia Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, @kacific
connectivity, critical government services can Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Kacific Broadband Satellites Group
reach the heart of otherwise vulnerable rural Philippines, Timor-Leste. Kacific Broadband Satellites Group
communities, allowing them to thrive both Kacific Broadband Satellites Group
economically and socially.

Kacific has been recognised with multiple The launch of Kacific1 from Cape
industry accolades, including Outstanding Canaveral, Florida.
Satellite Company (PTC Awards, 2022),
Project of the Year – Satellite (Global Carrier

34 • 35


LightHaus Photonics is a high-tech company True to its original passion, the company
founded in 2011. Its core business is has successfully transited its proprietary
transforming technologies through research US-patented inventions into cutting-edge
and development (R&D) by engineering products. One such invention is frinGOe,
specialists in optics/photonics, imaging, an optical add-on attachment that transforms
electronics, and system integration. Optical a camera into a spectrometer that measures
inventions from LightHaus are state-of-the-art, the spectral power distribution of light. This
rugged, and highly cost-effective. invention captured the attention of those in the
photonics technology field and was profiled
The company is excited to contribute to by Laser Focus World, a global resource
Singapore’s efforts in discovering the next for coverage of photonics technologies,
frontier in space. In 2022, LightHaus crossed applications, and markets. The frinGOe
another milestone when it participated in a spectrometer is extremely rugged and well-
Singapore consortium to create a remote- suited for space environments with applications
sensing satellite. LightHaus will be the first such as monitoring of a satellite’s on-board
local technology small-medium enterprise optical calibration system.
to design and build a space camera with
advanced imaging capabilities, enhancing LightHaus also has capabilities in the design Electro-optical infra red imaging capabilities from a LightHaus optical
local capabilities in developing next- and production of optical payloads for imaging payload.
generation optical imaging payloads for satellites such as high-resolution cameras,
commercial satellites. deployable optical telescopes and push broom
mid-wave infrared hyperspectral cameras.
It provides bespoke optical systems for LET’S CONNECT
clients, which include government agencies,
institutions, statutory boards as well as
multinational corporations. LightHaus Photonics Pte Ltd
[email protected]

One of many spectral imaging

payloads developed in-house by

36 • 37


Founded by Dr Neo Kok Beng in 2018, NEO Aeronautics has developed two Crimson
NEO Aeronautics focuses on designing S8 (a PAV) prototypes as proof-of-concepts.
and producing a manned personal aerial At present, the company is developing a
vehicle (PAV) that is safe, reliable, and certified version for flight trials.
affordable, and to build urban aerial
mobility communities globally. Besides its aerospace industry involvement,
NEO Aeronautics also engages and inspires
students in STEM (Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics) fields, and
incubates commercialisation ideas. ASPIRE
Incubation Labs is a collaboration with
Science Centre Singapore and Singapore
Institute of Technology. It engages youth in
STEM seminars, workshops and hackathons.
The company has a multi-year partnership
centred around the aeronautical and
astronautical sciences, along with developing
curricula, workshops, competitions and Dr. Neo Kok Beng (left) and NASA Astronaut Jeff Williams (right) with the
hackathons to ignite the youth’s interest in Crimson S8.
space science. The company also partners
with astronauts to work with researchers
and start-ups to incubate their technologies
for space applications such as 3D medicine LET’S CONNECT
printing in space.
NEO Aeronautics PTE. LTD.
[email protected]
@NEO Aeronautics

Crimson S8 Version 2.

38 • 39

The Earth Observatory of Singapore – Remote EOS-RS currently focuses on the use of
Sensing Lab (EOS-RS) was created in 2021 Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellite data
by Nanyang Technological University (NTU), for hazards monitoring and disaster response.
with Dr. Sang-Ho Yun as the founding director SAR data are considerably more complicated
of the lab. to process than optical satellite data but have
the strong benefit of being able to image both
Assoc Prof Yun is responsible for leading a through clouds and day-and-night.
diverse team of research staff and students,
who work to achieve two primary goals: first, Over the past few years, EOS-RS has
to support decision-makers across Southeast provided critical information for response and
Asia (and beyond) by monitoring and recovery efforts following 50 major disasters.
mapping regional hazards, natural disasters, This information has been in the form of
environmental crises, sea-level rise and climate maps that show flood extent and damage
change using cutting-edge technology; caused by earthquakes, tropical cyclones,
second, to drive scientific innovation and wildfires, volcanic eruptions, landslides, and
improved understanding of hazards through anthropogenic events.
development of new algorithms and systems
for mapping hazards and disasters, and EOS-RS is continuing to produce impacts in Disaster events for which EOS-RS has provided decision-support information.
through symbiotic collaboration with NTU, Southeast Asia and globally. Collaboration
Singapore government agencies, and industry. with EOS-RS can have a very wide scope
from automated rapid disaster response,
The EOS-RS team works closely with observation-based risk assessment for
Singapore government ministries and disaster events, as well as calculation of the LET’S CONNECT
agencies, international space agencies, global impacts of climate change. EOS-RS
regional disaster-response agencies, and is currently creating a robust framework to
international NGOs and IGOs. EOS-RS is translate satellite radar observations into research/centres-labs/eos-rs
a member of the Sentinel Asia consortium, human the field and participate [email protected]
working with space agencies and in a team-based multi-disciplinary programme Earth Observatory of Singapore, 50
governmental disaster response agencies with realistic engineering challenges. Nanyang Ave, Singapore 639798
across Asia to assist in regional disaster @EOS_RS
response. EOS-RS also has extensive Urban flood extent map of Jan 2020 Sang Ho Yun
academic collaborations internationally. flash floods in Jakarta, Indonesia,
used by the ASEAN Humanitarian
Assistance Centre, among others.

40 • 41

Nanyang Technological University’s (NTU) SaRC is the birthplace of the first Singapore-
first foray into space began more than designed satellite, XSAT (April 2011). The
20 years ago, in 1999. The university’s centre works with local and international
Satellite Research Centre (SaRC) has industry players and academics on various
since developed, built, tested, and operated R&D collaboration programmes, pushing for
10 satellites successfully. Ranging from new science and technology breakthroughs.
nanosatellites to microsatellites (<150 kg), SaRC also runs undergraduate and
these satellites are operated with SaRC’s 24/7 postgraduate training programmes in parallel,
automated mission room via the UHF/VHF and which provide students with relevant exposure
6.1m S & X band ground dish system. to the practical aspects of satellite design
and space-related requirements. Its R&D
areas encompass weather/climate, satellite
technology, materials, integrated chips,
deployers, synthetic aperture radar, artificial
intelligence, 3D printing and more.

The SaRC team is currently working on

building a very low Earth orbit (VLEO) remote Students preparing the nanosatellite for a final check of its Attitude Determination
sensing platform with its partners, with an & Control System in a Helmholtz cage.
expected launch in 2025 to demonstrate a
series of technologies at VLEO.

NTU Satellite Research
Centre (SaRC)
[email protected]

6.1m S & X band ground antenna

dish operating 24/7 in full
automation, controlled from the
SaRC Mission Room.

42 • 43
COMPANY OVERVIEW possible number of contact windows and
the best chance of mission success.
The Centre for Remote Imaging, Sensing and
Processing (CRISP) is a research centre of CRISP’s research focuses on the processing
the National University of Singapore (NUS). and applications of very high spatial
Established in 1992, CRISP’s mission is to resolution imagery, hyperspectral data and
develop an advanced capability in remote synthetic aperture radar. CRISP’s scientists
sensing to meet the scientific, operational have expertise in developing customised
and business requirements of Singapore and solutions, utilising both science-based
the region. CRISP has been at the forefront modelling and machine learning, to meet
of all of Singapore’s flagship satellites, specific client requirements. Application
contributing in areas such as in-house areas include various aspects of terrestrial,
development of satellite payload processing aquatic and atmospheric remote sensing.
systems, calibration and validation campaigns,
launch and early operations support and CRISP has built up its niche in environmental
satellite ground station operations. CRISP monitoring, from satellite-based collection of
has diverse and ongoing collaborations with evidence for the illegal discharge of marine
international space agencies such as NASA, fuel, to monitoring land clearing activities
ESA, JAXA, GISTDA, BRIN and MYSA. that generate smoke haze pollution. CRISP
has many years of in-depth and widespread 13m diameter tracking antenna with X- and S-band downlink and S-band uplink.
practical experience in providing authorities
CAPABILITIES, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES and interested parties with products that
can be used in courts of law, and in pursuing
CRISP operates a world-class high-tech international environmental agendas.
satellite ground station which tracks, receives LET’S CONNECT
and processes data from remote sensing
satellites for research and distribution to
users. The CRISP ground station currently [email protected]
has four high-performance tracking 10 Lower Kent Ridge Road
antennas. CRISP has deep experience in all Blk S17, Level 2
aspects of the operation and maintenance Singapore 119076
of high-quality tracking antennas. This +65 6516 6396
knowledge serves as a springboard for the CRISP.NUS
development of an integrated antenna farm Road extraction results using
to connect and control all the antennas as U-Net++ with EfficientNetB2 over
an integrated system, providing all satellite Ang Mo Kio, Singapore.
missions in their charge with the highest

44 • 45
COMPANY OVERVIEW Through its satellite programme, STAR has
developed small satellites of various scales
Established in 2018, STAR at NUS (National (e.g. 12U-125U) for different applications
University of Singapore) is a world-class and which are suitable for mass production.
satellite centre that aims to be a leader in STAR is presently completing the flight
advanced distributed small satellite systems, models of several satellites that will be ready
with a focus on flying multiple small satellites for launch in 2023. The small satellites are
in formation or constellation. The centre aims designed such that they can be equipped
to contribute to the development of new with other instruments for remote sensing,
applications such as collaborative sensing for Internet of Things, aviation applications and
the environment and more timely and scalable more. Three of these satellites – Lumelite-1,
communication services. 2 and 3 – will be flying with a separation
distance of 50–200 km. These satellites
The founding director of STAR, Professor have inter-satellite communication capability,
Low Kay Soon, is a pioneer in satellite precise clock synchronisation, and accurate
development. He has been the principal relative ranging technology. Lumelite-4 is
investigator of several successful small another programme demonstrating VHF Data
satellite programmes in Singapore since Exchange System application for maritime
2003. STAR employs more than 20 full-time safety and communication. Lumelite-1 to 4 are
research engineers from different engineering 12U, while Lumelite-5 is a 50-kg satellite with Full scale satellite model built by STAR@NUS.
disciplines and a majority of them have a dimension of approximately 50 x 50 x 50 cm.
postgraduate degrees. It is designed to demonstrate small satellites’
capabilities in supporting advanced payloads.

CAPABILITIES, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES In addition to the satellite programme, STAR LET’S CONNECT
has an undergraduate programme on CubeSat
STAR has a state-of-the-art clean room facility with a focus on student-centric satellite
for satellite testing and assembly works, development. This programme allows NUS research-centers/star
electrostatic discharge controlled laboratories Engineering students to take up coursework STAR@NUS
for research and student projects, as well as in the field and participate in a team-based [email protected]
environmental testing facilities such as thermal multi-disciplinary programme with realistic
chamber, thermal vacuum chamber and shock engineering challenges.
test machine. The centre has also developed
several hardware-in-the-loop testing facilities
for GPS experiments, electrical power system Testing of Lumelite-1 satellite in the
validation, and ADCS calibration for satellites. clean room of STAR@NUS.

46 • 47

COMPANY OVERVIEW Satellite IoT connectivity

NuSpace is developing a constellation
NuSpace was founded in 2018, when its of IoT nanosatellites based on LoRaWAN
co-founders realised that there were few connectivity. The network provides coverage
companies in Asia that knew how to design to areas along the equatorial belt, addressing
satellite missions. NuSpace specialises in markets that have high potential for benefits.
building small satellites. Its vision is to be Industries of interest include carbon
the go-to small satellite service provider in sequestration where the growth of trees is
the Asia-Pacific region. NuSpace provides monitored to estimate the amount of carbon
two main services: Satellite-as-a-Service captured, agriculture, and personal safety.
(SatAAS) and satellite-based Internet of These industries require IoT connectivity in
Things (IoT) connectivity. areas where conventional communication
infrastructure is lacking and the application
is delay-tolerant.
Any sensor device can be connected to
Satellite-as-a-Service (SatAAS) NuSpace’s satellite IoT network as it follows
NuSpace’s SatAAS product allows customers the LoRa standard. If the sensor device has
wanting to access space to do so. Services a LoRa modem and follows LoRa modulation,
provided by NuSpace include satellite mission NuSpace’s satellite IoT network would be able Assembly of small satellites in a controlled, clean environment.
design and analysis, building satellites and to receive and relay the data packets. This
payload ridesharing. NuSpace focuses on lowers the adoption barrier for IoT solution
integrating commercially available subsystems developers as no modifications need to be
instead of developing its own. This gives made to their devices.
customers the flexibility to mix and match LET’S CONNECT
services and allows NuSpace to deliver
to customers highly optimised satellites.
If needed, NuSpace also has the ability to NuSpace Pte Ltd
develop customised satellite subsystems. [email protected]

NuSpace has also worked with contract

manufacturers to explore how satellites can
be mass-manufactured, to leverage on cost The Space LoRa Gateway, which
efficiencies and supply chain capabilities was developed in-house and
of contract manufacturers. This is especially enables affordable IoT connectivity
beneficial for building satellite constellations in remote areas.
and achieving high reliability in a cost-
effective manner.

48 • 49

COMPANY OVERVIEW • Zeus family is a nano/micro-satellite

platform design dedicated to various
Qosmosys is a private company with its main scientific or commercial missions mostly
office in Singapore. With its own designed for LEO applications, ideal for testing
spacecraft, Qosmosys aims at contributing technologies or various business models,
to space exploration by human kind.
• ZeusX family is a large/heavy spacecraft
Qosmosys was founded in 2020 with the design, today composed of the assembly
ambition to manufacture families of space of a service module (QSM), a Moon lander
vehicles with robotic extensions that will serve (QML) and a versatile extension of robotic
the development of infrastructures in space, solutions dedicated to unmanned missions
on the Moon and beyond. onto our natural satellite

Moreover, Qosmosys is the only company Zeus spacecraft constitutes the best
that endeavors to organise properly gigantic pathway for customers expecting a fast-track
amount of data produced collectively by World programme, demonstrator, or a lean, high-
citizens who want to take part into the biggest reliability constellation. Zeus offers reentry
challenge of our times. capabilities on specific demand, with safety
area return to Earth. All kind of orbits can be
offered, from 400km to 1,200km altitude with Equipped Primary Structure Central Tube of the Qosmosys Moon Lander (QML).
CAPABILITIES, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES various inclinations. Pointing accuracies are
exceptional and adapted to the mission.
Qosmosys offers on-demand services to
public or private organisations that desire to ZeusX has that incredible ambition to offer
operate in outer space (OSAM), on the Moon on-demand services for multiple civilian LET’S CONNECT
and beyond in three sectors: science & tech, applications on the Moon or other celestial
transportation and robotic, representing a bodies, including robotic mining solutions,
cumulated market of $200bn+ over the next scientific experiment deployments or Qosmosys
fifteen years. organizing remote supply chains or telecom [email protected]
networks. ZeusX does not rely on human
Our strategy is to set the relevant organisation intervention in space to successfully complete
to design each client’s mission relying on our its missions.
Zeus or ZeusX, and leveraging their business
growth with our space vehicles.
Qosmosys Moon Lander (QML)
rib concept structure.

50 • 51
COMPANY OVERVIEW SSTL also works with the World Bank and
Changi Regional HADR Coordination Centre
Founded in 2007, Singapore Space & to leverage space technologies to find new
Technology Ltd (SSTL) is Asia’s leading space innovations for disaster management and relief.
organisation that connects players in the
region’s growing space industry to government Industry champion and connector
agencies, deep-tech companies and non- SSTL launched the annual Global Space and
government agencies so that space-related Technology Convention (GSTC )in 2008,
technologies and innovations can be applied the region’s go-to marketplace for insights,
in other areas that have an impact to the commercial opportunities, public-private
man-on-the-street. partnerships and funding. GSTC is one of
the fastest-growing deep tech conventions in
Asia, drawing close to 1,000 delegates from
CAPABILITIES, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES 350 companies across over 50 countries each
year, underscoring its global impact.
Connecting and commercialising the
space sector for enterprises, NGOs and Accelerator programmes critical for
government partners growth in Asia
SSTL works with government organisations, SSTL’s Space Accelerator Programme,
enterprises, startups and NGOs, developing started in 2020 and supported by Enterprise Mr Teo Chee Hean, Singapore’s Senior Minister and Coordinating Minister for
proofs of concept to market research and Singapore (ESG), has a strong portfolio of 40 National Security with international participants at GSTC 2020.
business development. Its international companies from 18 countries including Japan,
partners include Hungary’s Ministry of Foreign India, Singapore, the US and Europe, across
Affairs and Trade, Indonesia’s Space and 5G connectivity, remote sensing technologies,
Aeronautics Association, the Federation of cybersecurity for critical infrastructure and LET’S CONNECT
Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry, semi-autonomous space robots. The combined
Singapore Land Authority, JTC (Jurong Town valuation of the companies is close to
Corporation) and tech venture capital HAX. US$850million, with a CAGR of over 60 per Singapore Space & Technology Ltd
cent. A testament to the quality of the startups, [email protected]
In recent collaborations, SSTL inked a over 40 per cent of the portfolio already 318 Tanglin Road (Phoenix Park)
memorandum of understanding with the UK receives institutional investment. #01-39, Singapore 247979
Science and Technology Facilities Council in SSTL signed a Memorandum of +65 6735 7995
2022 on a two-way deal flow of investment Understanding with the Ministry
and trade between Singapore and UK-based of Foreign Affairs and Trade of
space tech startups, encompassing market Hungary to promote commercial
access, test-bedding, market validation of partnerships and space activities.
opportunities, potential investment, research
and capability-building.

52 • 53

COMPANY OVERVIEW submarine cables in the event of connectivity

disruptions. As security remains an utmost
Singtel Satellite is Asia’s leading provider of concern for enterprises, the teleports provide
managed satellite solutions. The company the maximum level of security as they are
delivers award-winning innovations to meet designed with double-fenced compound,
voice and digital challenges in fixed and fence intrusion detection system and 24x7
mobile satellite segments on both land and manned CCTV. In addition, the teleports are
at sea. With more than 35 years of collective secured with armed security guards and the
experience in fixed and mobile satellite restricted area is safeguarded by a security
services, it offers customised solutions to meet card key access system, with access only for
the varied business needs of industries such authorised personnel.
as oil and gas, broadcast, energy, maritime,
telecommunications, banking and finance, As part of Singtel Satellite’s commitment
transportation and logistics, government to deliver the highest service availability to
agencies and non-governmental organisations. customers, its Earth stations are the only
Singtel Satellite’s success in the satellite teleports in Southeast Asia to have attained
industry is evidenced by its global coverage the World Teleport Association’s highest
stretching from Asia, Middle East and Africa, Tier 4 certification, providing customers with
and versatility across platforms from satellite the highest quality of security, infrastructure
to fiber to IP. and operational standards to meet their Singtel Satellite’s teleports are the only ones in Southeast Asia with the World
communications needs. Teleport Association’s highest Tier 4 certification.


Backed by three teleports with more than 30 LET’S CONNECT

antennas pointing at the satellites from 36°E
to 180°E, Singtel Satellite’s teleports allow
enterprises to access high-performance, Singtel Satellite
reliable and secure global connectivity [email protected]
through its state-of-the art teleport
infrastructure to meet the specialised needs
of market niches in remote areas.

To ensure the availability of power at all

times, the teleports are equipped with onsite Singtel Satellite’s footprint covers
generators and an Uninterruptible Power Asia, the Middle East and Africa.
Supply system, and are connected to an
extensive terrestrial network and international

54 • 55

COMPANY OVERVIEW’s features include inbuilt pre-

processing toolkits, download and/or upload
SkyMap Global (SkyMap) is an earth of data from various sources, reinforcement
observation (EO) based data analytics learning by linking and aggregating various
company providing operational solutions to data flows across networks, a library of
both commercial and government organisations AI-based models (building footprint extraction,
worldwide. Headquartered in Singapore, it ship and car detection, tree detection, etc.),
partners with global data partners to provide user-upload/creation of custom algorithms
artificial intelligence (AI) based monitoring on platform Software as a Service (SaaS)
applications on its platform architecture, API-based subscription for
to a diverse range of markets including seamless integration into clients’ existing
infrastructure, forestry, agriculture, insurance applications, and custom world class
and environment with an emphasis on climate dashboards with Insight Studio.
change, relayed on daily or weekly based
monitoring applications. can be adopted under different
business models depending on the client’s
needs, such as cloud-based pay-as-you-go
CAPABILITIES, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES for data and analytics, on-premise enterprise
products, subscription-based monthly
Everyday satellites and drones capture dashboards, and original equipment Building footprint change detection for rapid decision making during disaster or
terabytes of EO data of our changing planet. manufacturer (OEM) partnerships. It also insurance related applications.
However, despite technological advancements allows revenue-sharing with data producers
in data collection, over 90 per cent of the data and community builders of dashboards
is neither visualised nor analysed, primarily and AI models. SkyMap has also launched
due to lack of access to the data and outdated various products powered by the backend LET’S CONNECT
mapping and image analysis techniques. of the EOfactory platform. For example, the
company uses the EOFstudio platform to
SkyMap transforms the user experience for deliver projects on change detection for green (Analytics Platform)
the 21st century EO user. Its cover, mining, carbon stock and other use EOfactory
platform leverages imagery data, cutting-edge cases. EOFmonitor and EOFsurvey also allow [email protected]
AI and the power of cloud to provide analytics for easy and efficient crop monitoring for the
and intelligence that help organisations make agriculture sector. Together with the farm
better revenue and operational decisions, boundaries of almost the entire world, the
delivering data and analytics solutions as company delivers an all-in-one solution
Data as a Service (DaaS) and Analytics as for agriculture companies. Processing high-resolution imagery
a Service (AaaS). for vegetation management.

56 • 57

COMPANY OVERVIEW One of the private keys is generated after

the space node is launched into orbit.
As the leading integrator of space technology
and blockchain, SpaceChain helps enterprises In addition, the measurement, control and
harness the ultra-security and immutability data transmission of the space node use the
of space-grade infrastructure to protect their aerospace-specific code encryption protocol
digital assets from hackers and cybercriminals. and communication band, making the data
The company’s vision is to build a collaborative, hard to decrypt.
accessible, and blockchain-integrated satellite
infrastructure for the global community. Decentralised Satellite Infrastructure (DSI)
SpaceChain is building the world’s first
Founded in late 2017, SpaceChain has open-source DSI – a mesh node constellation
launched six blockchain-enabled satellite of low Earth orbit micro-satellites that will
payloads into orbit. The company executed serve as a decentralised infrastructure for
the first bitcoin multisignature blockchain the blockchain industry. The open-source
transaction in space in 2019 and the blockchain-based satellite platform provides
first Ethereum multisignature blockchain a private network in space to carry out
transaction in space in 2021. Both payloads transactions using virtually any cryptocurrency.
were launched into orbit via the SpaceX Once completed, the result is then broadcast
Falcon 9 rocket and installed at the back to Earth. This process eliminates 99% of The DSI enables a shared and collaborative environment for space.
International Space Station, in collaboration hacking opportunities.
with Nanoracks and its Space Act agreement
with the National Aeronautics and Space Decentralised Satellite Applications (DSA)
Administration (NASA). The DSA is a digital interface for users to
directly acquire satellite data or images and LET’S CONNECT
apply analysis tools with zero knowledge
CAPABILITIES, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES requirement. The platform is supported by
blockchain infrastructure, where distributed SpaceChain
Space-based multisignature wallet and transparent ledgers take record of system [email protected]
technology operations. Transactions and communications @SpaceChain
SpaceChain has developed the world’s first of information are encapsulated in an envelope
space-based multisignature authentication where the cryptographic algorithm is applied.
service that allows users to validate their Through the platform, users can establish SpaceChain co-founder Zee
transactions through the satellite. Its flagship direct connections with aerospace companies. Zheng says blockchain nodes are
application uses a space node as one of the transforming the way satellites are
parties to approve a multisignature transaction. used in space.

58 • 59

COMPANY OVERVIEW an advanced nanosatellite by the Centre

of Quantum Technologies at the National
Space Faculty is Asia’s pioneer in creating University of Singapore. This was a world’s-
opportunities for experimentation, learning first to use nanosatellite technology to
and leadership through space. study quantum entanglement, for practical
applications in coding and cryptography.
A spin-off of Singapore Space & Technology
Pte Ltd, Space Faculty creates a learning Bespoke programmes
pathway for companies and individuals in Space Faculty’s long-term programme for the
space and STEM-related industries for young Singapore Land Authority (SLA) advances
learners, youths and professionals. innovation in GNSS (Global Navigation
Satellite System), leveraging on SLA’s SiReNT
Backed by SSTL’s connections, the global technology to accelerate innovation and build
faculty from renowned space agencies, deep- the talent pipeline for the space and deep
tech organisations and NGOs gives students tech sector.
unrivalled access to the best minds and latest
thinking across STEM, artificial intelligence, Space Faculty partners government agencies
machine learning, sustainable development and private enterprises to develop professional
and data security, among other disciplines. learning programmes and bring space
innovations into satellite communications, Students making an antenna out of PVC pipes and measuring tape at the Youth
defence and disaster relief sectors. Space Camp.
Bridging the international community
Strategic Cross-Border Partnerships The International Space Challenge, an SSTL
Space Faculty is Singapore’s exclusive signature programme led by Space Faculty, LET’S CONNECT
distributor of the J-SSOD (JEM Small Satellite connects young minds internationally with
Orbit Deployer) service on board the Japanese industry experts to develop creative solutions
Kibo Module in the ISS (International Space for space and leveraging space tech for Space Faculty
Station), and a Singapore facilitator for other broader applications. Since 2007, the [email protected]
commercial services provided on the Kibo Challenge has become a global platform 318 Tanglin Road (Phoenix Park)
module. It also provides opportunities for bringing together over 2,000 youths from over #01-38, Singapore 247979
partners in the region to conduct experiments 20 countries. +65 9789 7318 / +65 6735 7995
on board the Kibo module to fast-track
research and development in space. Young space cadets with their
solar-powered rovers at the Junior
Under this banner, Space Faculty partnered Space Camp.
with the Japan Aerospace Exploration
Agency (JAXA) to launch SpooQy-1 in 2019,

60 • 61


SpeQtral was established in 2018 with a Leveraging its deep roots in quantum
mission to secure the world’s networks for technologies, SpeQtral kicked off a new
the fast-approaching quantum revolution. quantum satellite mission in 2022. The
Comprising world-class, multidisciplinary SpeQtral-1 satellite, to be launched in 2024, is
quantum scientists, cryptographers and primed to be one of the first few QKD satellite
engineers from around the world, the rapidly missions to be launched by a commercial entity.
growing startup is a spin-off from the Centre During the mission, SpeQtral-1 is also expected
for Quantum Technologies at the National to perform commercial demonstrations that
University of Singapore (NUS). This group provide QKD services to users across different
is known for being the first and only team continents. SpeQtral-1 is also expected to
in the world that has demonstrated a serve as the backbone for a global quantum SpeQtral partnered QEP to trial
miniaturised source of entangled photons network, providing interconnection between quantum-safe communication
in space. The quantum entangled signals various metropolitan quantum networks, which technologies in Singapore via the
made by the nanosatellite, dubbed SpooQy-1, are currently being set up. country’s new National Quantum-
form the foundation to enable future secure Safe Network.
quantum communication. SpeQtral provides two types of QKD solutions
that can be customised across a variety
SpeQtral places a strong emphasis on of client requirements for quantum-secure
collaboration and cross-disciplinary work communications. Its fibre-based QKD solution,
practices. The company is accelerating in collaboration with Toshiba, covers local
its business and technology strategies distances of about 10-100 kilometres, and
globally through forging strategic alliances is ideal for dense metropolitan areas.
with leaders and innovators in the industry. Its satellite-based, or space-based, QKD LET’S CONNECT
In 2021, SpeQtral partnered with Toshiba solution connects these metropolitan areas
Digital Solutions Corporation (Toshiba) to to create an integrated global quantum secure
bring fibre-based quantum key distribution communications network. SpeQtral also SpeQtral
(QKD) solutions to Singapore and markets provides bespoke satellite QKD missions to SpeQtral co-founder and CEO [email protected]
in Southeast Asia. It has also established customers, primarily in the government and Chune Yang Lum holding the @speqtral_space
collaborations with the European Space defence sectors, and telecommunications CubeSat SpooQy-1, which was the SpeQtral
Agency through Singapore’s Office for Space services providers. first to demonstrate a miniaturised @speqtral
Technology & Industry (OSTIn), US-based source of entangled photons in space.
space startup Antaris, and NUS’ Quantum
Engineering Programme (QEP) to develop,
validate and advance quantum-secure
communication technologies from Singapore
to the world.

62 • 63

ST Engineering iDirect is a strategic The company’s business model is fully focused

technology partner to the world’s top on technology and service innovation, with
satellite operators and service providers. a portfolio that represents the industry’s
It delivers advanced satellite ground de-facto standard in performance, efficiency
capabilities that enable customers to and reliability to support the profitable growth
accelerate business growth. and success of the world’s leading satellite
operators, service providers, mobile operators,
Throughout its 40+ year history, system integrators and equipment makers.
ST Engineering iDirect has been a driving
force in unlocking the promise of satellite ST Engineering iDirect is pioneering a
communications. The company played a key cloud-based satellite ground infrastructure
role in the development of the first Digital platform that enables multi-orbit, multi-access
Video Broadcasting standards in the 1980s, technology services in a converged telco
and was later behind the first enterprise environment driven by the best business cases
class service platform that enabled the and market strategy. Its model for ground
transition to High Throughput Satellite infrastructure is fully digitised and virtualised,
architectures, becoming the technology based on open standards, and orchestrates
partner for major satellite operators such as dynamically configured space resources with The world's leading service providers and operators rely on ST Engineering iDirect's
Inmarsat, Telenor, Intelsat, SES and Yahsat, real-time demand on the ground. It advances technology to power their satcom services.
as well as leading service providers such as key aspects of a satellite network from more
Speedcast and Marlink. powerful waveforms and more intelligent
bandwidth allocation to more capable remotes.
Today, ST Engineering iDirect is a global It transforms satellite service delivery to LET’S CONNECT
ground segment market share leader in be perfectly seamless, significantly more
mobility, government and broadcast markets, economical, infinitely scalable, and can deliver
with centres of excellence in the U.S., Europe the required data rate and functionality for any ST Engineering iDirect
and Asia. possible application that satellite connectivity [email protected]
can support.

ST Engineering iDirect is leading the

industry adoption of the 5G mobile standard, ST Engineering iDirect is a global
achieving major testing milestones in the organisation with centres of
integration of satellite within the end-to-end excellence in the U.S., Europe
converged network. and Asia.

64 • 65


ST Engineering Geo-Insights (GI) is a High Re-visit and High Resolution

joint venture company formed between Satellite Constellation
DSO National Laboratories (DSO) and World’s first commercial constellation
ST Engineering. GI develops geospatial operating in Near Equatorial orbit that
analytics solutions to transform data into is capable of producing 50 centimetres
insights to support informed decision making resolution multispectral satellite imagery and
for customers in the maritime, agriculture, quad-polarization Synthetic Aperture Radar
energy and infrastructure sectors. GI also imagery up to 1 metre resolution.
taps on emerging new space technologies
to pursue growth opportunities in small Maritime Domain Awareness
satellite constellation design, development, The KnOcean platform monitors suspicious
manufacturing & operations. vessel activities in near real time – Dark
vessels, vessels broadcasting inconsistent AIS
information, vessels anchored alongside and
loitering vessels.

Fire Hotspot Monitoring

The Fire Hotspot Monitoring dashboard GI’s satellite imagery and geospatial analytics business continues to grow its solution
provides daily detection and tracking of forest portfolio, while maintaining its focus on R&D to deepen domain capabilities.
fire incidents including automated reporting
of location, duration of fire incident as well as
the burned area extent and type of vegetation
cover burned. LET’S CONNECT

NPK Health Monitoring

GI’s NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium) ST Engineering Geo-Insights
Health Monitoring solution enables targeted [email protected]
and optimised crop fertilisation regime, thereby
increasing yield, reducing over fertilisation and
GHG emissions. GI’s macronutrient analysis is a
proven solution that empowers
farmers to implement sustainable
operational practices to combat
climate change and its impacts.

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COMPANY OVERVIEW Providing Space Avionics
SatSys develops different types of space
ST Engineering Satellite Systems (SatSys) components to meet its development needs,
is a joint venture company formed between as well as design needs of other space
ST Engineering, DSO National Laboratories solution providers. This is made possible
and Nanyang Technological University (NTU). with its in-house designed, manufactured,
SatSys pioneered the design, development, and tested space avionics, which are cost-
build, test and operation of Singapore’s effective and flight proven solutions. Its space
first commercial earth observation satellite avionics include:
TeLEOS-1. SatSys has also obtained AS9100
Certification since 2016, which is a standard • On-board computers
that is often required for effective participation • On-board recorders
in the aviation, space and defense businesses. • On-board network node
• Electrical power system
Today, SatSys continues to offer high • Payload data transmitter
performance, high assurance small/medium
satellite systems with unique solutions for Engineering services
its customers. SatSys also provides customers with Space
Solution operation and maintenance services,
as well as concept and feasibility study as a TeLEOS-2, a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) earth observation satellite, is set to
CAPABILITIES, PRODUCTS AND SERVICES service for those who are looking for possible launch in 2023.
space solutions that give them an edge over
Creating space solutions their competitors.
SatSys provides its customers with
innovative solutions that meet their stringent LET’S CONNECT
requirements. The company’s technical team
works closely with partners and customers
to deliver complete space solutions through [email protected]
system engineering, design, development
and manufacturing of space avionics, system
integration and testing. Its space solutions also
encompass flight, mission control, and payload
mission planning software suite, making the
company a one-stop space solutions provider. TeLEOS-1 has successfully passed
its 5-year mark in 2020 and is still
capturing imagery.

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Transcelestial is a technology company The continued use of physical fibre cable

that leverages its proprietary wireless networks is not only costly and slow to
laser communication technology to deliver implement, but remains the main hindrance
superfast internet and alleviate last-mile to ubiquitous internet across cities, otherwise
connectivity challenges around the world. known as last-mile connectivity.
Founded in December 2016, the Transcelestial
team is located in Singapore and is backed Transcelestial’s proprietary wireless laser
by major investors such as Wavemaker communication technology beams fibre-grade
Partners, EDBI, Airbus Ventures, Kickstart internet between any two dedicated points
Ventures and Cap Vista, among others. without the need for wires. The dedicated
units, known as CENTAURIs, can be easily
With about 3 billion of today’s global installed on buildings, cell towers, street-
population still without internet connectivity, level poles and other physical infrastructure
despite many living within 10 km of the with a much quicker set-up time, lower set up
nearest fiber optic cable, Transcelestial is and operating cost and minimal upgrading
committed to improving the connectivity downtime compared to traditional fibre cables.
experience for 1 billion users globally.
Benefits of Transcelestial’s laser Preparing Transcelestial laser communication terminals for spaceflight.
communications technology:

• Quick half-day to deploy

• Cost-effective
• No right of way required LET’S CONNECT
• Not impacted by spectrum congestion
• No regulatory approvals
• Highly secure Transcelestial
• Extensive future capacity sales@Transcelestial
• Line rate thoughput Transcelestial
In the longer term, Transcelestial aims to
develop a constellation of small satellites CENTAURI mounted on a standard
positioned in low Earth orbit, allowing their telecom pole to connect the
laser network to not only beam across cities last-mile quickly and easily, as it
but to eventually connect continents as well. requires no spectrum licensing.

70 • 71


Zero-Error Systems (ZES) is a spin-off ZES addresses the power reliability and
from Singapore’s Nanyang Technological data integrity issues of space electronics by
University. It was founded in 2019 by a protecting commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)
group of researchers and semiconductor semiconductor devices from malfunctioning
industry veterans with more than 30 years with its patented Radiation Hardened by
of industry experience. The team caters to Design (RHBD) technology.
growing demands for larger constellation
and smarter low Earth orbit satellites to ZES offers RHBD semiconductor devices
provide communication, data access, earth that protect COTS-integrated circuits against
observation, surveillance, and reconnaissance. radiation-induced Single Event Latchup and
Cost, reliability, and performance remain a Single Event Upset occurrences. Intellectual
constant challenge for satellite subsystem property licensing options are available for
and space electronics manufacturers that companies that intend to build radiation
are under constant pressure by their end hardened integrated circuits with ZES-
customers (e.g. service providers) to keep patented technologies. ZES also invented
the system delivery price down despite the a high power efficient (>90%) direct
increased sophistication in functionality and current-direct current converter with built-in
processing capability. redundancy that applies to both satellites and NTU Prof Joseph Chang (centre) holding the new ZES smart chip, with
any battery-powered device. ZES provides CTO Dr Shu Wei (right) and co-founder Dr Chong Kwen Siong (left).
laser test characterisation and integrated
circuit design advisory services to satellite
manufacturers to identify the radiation
vulnerability of their components and systems LET’S CONNECT
so that they can take the right steps to mitigate
the issue and strengthen their systems.
Zero-Error Systems (ZES) Pte Ltd
The company’s RHBD workshops impart [email protected]
radiation knowledge to customers that are new +65 6428 6070
to space so that they are aware of the impact
of radiation on their electronics systems, key
power reliability and data integrity issues, as
well as reliability tests to qualify their systems
for space missions. ZES’ RHBD integrated circuit

72 • 73

01 KPMG. “Singapore Tops 2021 Ranking for Leading Technology Innovation

Hubs”, 16 July 2021.
02 IMD Business School. “World Digital Competitiveness Rankings” (IMD Business
School, 2021).
03 IMD Business School. “Singapore, Helsinki and Zurich Triumph in Global Smart
City Index”, 17 September 2020.
04 World Bank Group. “Doing Business 2020” (World Bank Group, 2020).
05 World Intellectual Property Organization. “Global Innovation Index 2021: Which
Are the Most Innovative Countries?” 2021.
06 Ibid.
07 EDB Singapore. “Invest in Singapore: Create What’s Next” (EDB, 2021).
08 Lanvin, Bruno & Monteiro, Felipe (eds.). The Global Talent Competitiveness Index
2020 (INSEAD, Adecco Group & Google, 2020).
09 Kovács-Ondrejkovic, Orsolya, et al. “Decoding Global Talent, Onsite and Virtual”
(BCG Global, 4 March 2021).
10 World Economic Forum. Global Human Capital Report 2017 (World Economic
Forum, 2017).
11 Ong, Justin. “English Most Spoken at Home for Nearly Half of S'pore Residents:
Population Census”. The Straits Times, 16 June 2021.
12 Kaur, Karamjit. “Changi is Asia’s Most Connected Airport”. The Straits Times, 20
September 2018.
13 Ibid.
14 Huawei. “Global Connectivity Index. Country Profile: Singapore” (web).
15 Chitakasem, Parita, et al. “The Future of Data Centres in the Face of Climate
Change” (Eco-Business, 2020).
16 World Intellectual Property Organization. “Global Innovation Index 2021”.
17 Chitakasem, Parita, et al. “The Future of Data Centres”.
18 Ministry of Trade and Industry. “Digital Economy Agreements” (web).

Image Credits
Cover photo: ST Engineering Geo-Insights
Photo on page 2: DSO National Laboratories
Photo on page 4: National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Photo on page 8: Bifrost

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